Rates for the issue of PPE for a locksmith repairman. PPE: standard norms for the issuance of workwear. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

This occupational health and safety manual for the plumber is available for free viewing and download.

The instruction on labor protection for the plumber was prepared on the basis of SP 12-135-2003 “Labor safety in construction. Industry standard labor protection instructions ", containing the industry standard labor protection instructions - TI 130-2002, taking into account the requirements of the current legislative and regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory labor protection requirements specified in Appendix 1 and is intended for a plumber when performing them work according to the profession and qualifications.


1.1 To perform the duties of a plumber engaged in repair and maintenance of sewerage and water supply systems and structures, persons at least 18 years of age who have passed:
- induction training;
- fire safety briefing;
- initial instruction at the workplace;
- training in safe methods and techniques of work for at least a 10-hour program (for work with increased safety requirements - a 20-hour program);
- briefing on electrical safety in the workplace and checking the assimilation of its content.
1.2. The plumber must pass:
- repeated instruction on occupational safety at the workplace at least every three months;
- internship;
- unscheduled and targeted briefings: when changing technological process or rules on labor protection, replacement or modernization of production equipment, devices and tools, changes in working conditions and organization, in case of violations of labor protection instructions, interruptions in work by more than 60 calendar days(for works subject to increased safety requirements - 30 calendar days);
- dispensary medical examination.
1.3. The plumber is obliged to:
- follow the rules of the internal work schedule installed at the enterprise;
- comply with the requirements of this manual, instructions on fire safety measures, electrical safety instructions;
- comply with the requirements for the operation of equipment;
- use as intended and take good care of the issued personal protective equipment.
1.4. The plumber must:
- be able to provide first (pre-medical) aid to the victim in an accident;
- know the location of first aid supplies, primary fire extinguishing equipment, main and emergency exits, escape routes in case of an accident or fire;
- to carry out only the assigned work and not to transfer it to others without the permission of the foreman or the head of the shop;
- during work, be attentive, do not be distracted and do not distract others, do not allow workplace persons not related to work;
- keep the workplace clean and tidy.
1.5. The plumber must know and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, rest only in specially designated rooms and places. Drink water only from installations specially designed for this.
1.6. If equipment, fixtures, tools and other deficiencies or dangers are found in the workplace, immediately inform the foreman or shop manager, you can start work only with their permission after all the deficiencies have been eliminated.
1.7. On detection of fire or in case of fire:
- turn off the equipment;
- inform in fire brigade and administration;
- start extinguishing the fire with the primary fire extinguishing means available in the shop in accordance with the fire safety instructions.
If life is threatened, leave the premises.
1.8. In case of an accident, provide the victim with first (first aid) aid, immediately inform the foreman or the head of the workshop about the incident, take measures to preserve the situation of the incident (condition of the equipment), if this does not pose a danger to others.
1.9. For non-compliance with the safety requirements set out in this manual, the worker is responsible according to current legislation.
1.10. In accordance with the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of special clothing and special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers and employees, a plumber must use the following PPE in his work:
- canvas suit - wear period 18 months,
- rubber boots - 12 months,
- combined mittens - 2 months,
- rubber gloves - duty,
- hose gas mask - duty officer.
For outdoor work in winter, in addition:
- cotton jacket with insulating lining - 30 months,
- cotton trousers with insulating lining - 30 months.
Keep special clothing and shoes should be in closets, and warm overalls in the summer period of the year should be handed over to the warehouse for storage. All overalls and footwear should be dried in the prescribed manner and taken for washing and repair.
1.11. The main dangerous production factors under certain circumstances may be:
- faulty locksmith tools;
- ladders and brackets for lifting and lowering into the well;
- applied random items to open manhole covers;
- electric current in case of damage to power grids during excavation work to open the pipelines of the sewerage and water supply network;
- falling random objects, blanks of parts and tools;
- flammable and gas-air mixtures and toxic substances (methane, lighting gas, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, chlorine, etc.);
- malfunction of tools and equipment for the procurement of pipes, squeegees, couplings and other parts, the lack of safety and protective equipment at the locksmith, poor lighting and a cluttered workplace.


2.1. The plumber must know that the repair, inspection and prevention of sewer and water wells, pits, containers and structures are hazardous work, and therefore they must be carried out by a team of workers of at least 3 people after receiving instructions on labor protection and work permit for the production of work.
2.2. Before carrying out work in the wells, the locksmith must put on serviceable overalls and shoes, a protective helmet, and also receive safety belts with a rope, which in length should be 2 meters longer than the depth of the well, have knots along the entire length at a distance of 250-300 mm and checked for break with a load of 200 kg, get gas analyzers or gas indicators, a battery flashlight with a voltage of 12 volts, a hand fan, fences, posters of the established sample, hooks and crowbars for opening covers and hatches of wells, buckets, tools. All funds received for work must be checked for their serviceability.
2.3. Install the necessary fences, warning posters and road signs... In the dark, hang out lanterns with red lenses on the stands of signal signs.
2.4. Check the serviceability of the brackets or ladder in the well, 6-8 hours before starting work, open the hatch covers of two adjacent and working wells to ventilate them.
2.5. Take measures to turn off the pipelines leading to the sewerage devices and hang out posters at the disconnection points with the inscription: "Do not turn on - people are working!"
2.6. Using a gas analyzer or gas indicator, check and make sure that there are no gases at the bottom of the well (methane, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc. gases).
2.7. Prepare the tool, as well as the blanks for pipes, squeegees, couplings necessary for the work.
2.8. Check the tools and devices necessary for work and make sure they are in good working order:
2.9. The handles of hand tools must be smooth and oval in shape, files, rasps, etc. with a sharpened working end should be fixed in a flat, smoothly cleaned handle, tightened at both ends with metal banding rings, chisels, cross messels should not be damaged on the working part in the form of sharp edges in the places of hand gripping, cracks and burrs in the back of the head, used nut the wrenches must match the size of the bolts and nuts. It is not allowed to lengthen wrenches by attaching gas pipes or extending a second wrench, the bench vice must be with strictly parallel jaws and equipped with gaskets made of soft metal (copper, brass, etc.).


3.1. When working on a sharpening machine for the preparation and processing of pipes, bends, couplings, etc. make sure that the distance between the edge of the hand-hand and the working surface of the abrasive wheel is no more than 3 mm, the machine must be equipped with a protective screen.
3.2. Installation and maintenance of pipes and devices of sanitary systems at a height of more than 1.5 meters is allowed from scaffolding and scaffolds installed on a solid foundation. It is not permitted to place the scaffold on random supports (barrels, bricks, pipes, heaters, etc.). After installation and repair of the systems, check the tightness of the threaded and bolted connections.
3.3. When working together with an electric welder, the locksmith must wear protective equipment (dark glasses, gloves).
3.4. Blanks of pipes and other products should be laid so that they do not obstruct the passages and do not interfere with work.
3.5. Work in wells, pits should be carried out by a team of locksmiths of 3 people, one of whom is inside the well, the other on the surface, and the third must perform the work of observing the employee who is inside the well and, in case of poor condition, provide the necessary assistance. It is prohibited to engage the observer with any work before the worker who is in the well, container, structure comes to the surface.
3.6. Lower into the well and raise from it any objects, tools, Construction Materials follows in a bucket using a rope, cable. The worker, who is at this time in the well, should step aside. All tools and other items must be removed from the manholes of the well.
3.7. While working in a well or channel, the gas indicator, which determines the presence of gas, should be near the worker at the inlet pipe, and if gas enters the well, work should be stopped and the worker should rise to the surface.
3.8. Illumination of the place of work should be carried out with rechargeable flashlights or portable lamps with a voltage not exceeding 12 volts. The lamp must be protected with a metal mesh.
3.9. When working inside the sewer network, it is prohibited to use open fire, smoke, use matches, lighters, etc. All this can lead to an explosion.
3.10. In cases where it is necessary to carry out work, and the gas from the well for some reason cannot be completely removed or it is flowing in, the locksmith must work in the well in an insulating gas mask with a hose extending to the surface of the well (chamber). The duration of work in this case without interruption should not exceed more than 10 minutes.


4.1. In the event of emergencies and other situations (sudden appearance of gas in the well, heavy rain, signs of weakness in the worker, etc.), work in the well should be stopped, and the worker should be immediately raised to the surface, in case of loss of consciousness he should be provided with medical assistance ...


5.1. Tidy up the workplace, close the hatch of the sewer well, pits, remove fences and warning signs.
5.2. Move the tool and all accessories to the designated place.
5.3. Take off overalls and shoes, put them in the designated place.
5.4. Wash face and hands with soap and water or shower if necessary.

Thank Sergey for this instruction on labor protection 😉

Overalls for plumbers are an important attribute labor activity every employee whose work is connected with the repair of plumbing. In some cases, not only the quality of the work performed, but also the level of productivity and the safety of a specialist depends on the quality of the form.

What are the requirements for a plumber's overalls?

Professional activity plumbers are often fraught with difficulties. In addition, troubleshooting work is not always carried out in a house or apartment - often you have to work on the street. The scope of activity of plumbing includes the performance of a number of works: cleaning septic tanks in country houses, repair and cleaning of pipes, elimination of blockages, etc.

Such features work activities involves the use of overalls for plumbers, as well as providing workers with reliable and high-quality footwear. For example, it can be Euro polyurethane low shoes, leather with a reinforced toe cap. The presented footwear will provide protection for the worker in high humidity conditions, as well as in extreme conditions (for example, when the wires of the power line are broken).

The plumbing overalls must meet all the norms and standards of GOST, which regulate the provision on the provision of uniforms to the employees of the enterprise. Moreover, the uniform for this category of employees must be resistant to pollution, have a water-repellent coating and protect a person from the negative effects of environmental factors.

Overalls for plumbers can be of different designs

Form sewing can be carried out according to individually developed drawings. It is very convenient, especially for the staff. large companies providing plumbing services. For example, to carry out work on the street, the form can be equipped with additional elements, have many pockets, as well as fasteners for fixing tools. You can also use a full-fledged “Specialist” suit with semi-overalls or make a set taking into account professional features specialist.

In winter, as well as at night, workwear for plumbers is complemented by vests with reflective stripes. If the working conditions pose a potential hazard to the performer, he should definitely be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment.

The locksmith is often faced with the need to perform a number of work tasks. Throughout the entire time of work, the locksmith must be protected from a variety of threats - mechanical shock, excessive moisture, hypothermia and others. When choosing special clothing, the set itself can be very different and depends on the specific working conditions.

Locksmith workwear set

    A set of special clothes for a locksmith can consist of several basic elements at once:
  • Overalls;
  • Boots;
  • Jacket.

The composition of the kit may vary depending on the industry in which the locksmith is employed. The set can be supplemented with helmets, respirators, goggles and other elements. Depending on the area of ​​work, the requirements for the fabric also change. In particular, when working in a car service, the employee must be well insured against sparks, oil and various kinds of combustible substances. For plumbers, the main requirement for a set of clothing is protection from moisture and condensation.

A high-quality set of clothing must certainly be executed with their durable, easy-to-clean fabric. Overalls for locksmiths are sewn in such a way as to be as comfortable to wear as possible and not to restrict movement.

Quality special clothing from a trusted manufacturer

Our company offers its customers high-quality, strong and durable special clothing for locksmiths. Tailoring of workwear is carried out by professionals in their field with the choice of optimal fabrics, adapted specifically for workers in the chosen industry. The catalog is presented as

Traditionally, the customer side of electricity generation has not received much attention. Today's customers use solar power on the roof, wind power for residential buildings, fuel cells, microturbines, solar power for the public and many other energy sources.

Underwater network

Subsea power cables are located on the seabed for thousands of kilometers, so why not connect the electrical grid there as well? This idea comes up periodically over the years, when oil rigs, gas platforms and wind farms appeared on the shelf.

Too many solar power plants and wind farms increase the cost of the power system

If solar panels and wind turbines keep getting cheaper, why build anything else?
As the number increases solar panels and wind farms, their overall productivity is declining. The cost of a single solar panel is low, but when there are many, the cost of the entire system is quite high.

USA Switchgear Market

Since the global electricity market has adopted an AC system rather than a DC system for the transmission and distribution of electricity, switchgears serve as the backbone of electrical grids.

Renewable gas decarbonation

One of the ways to decarbonize the electrical network is to use renewable hydrogen, that is, hydrogen obtained from renewable energy sources. The process is the use of wind and solar energy during the period to create hydrogen through electrolysis, and then the combustion of renewable hydrogen in gas turbines when energy is required in the network.

DER platform supports energy storage at home

The integration of the enhanced Sunverge platform with LG's energy storage system will provide progressive consumer and network services for customers and utilities.

Network Management Flexibility: Batteries

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Utilities are accelerating their journey to the cloud

Improving customer experience was cited as a key driver of increased investment in the cloud.

What we don't hear from the media about global climate strikes

Since 1990, greenhouse gas emissions from the electricity and industrial sectors have decreased, while emissions from the transport and residential sectors have increased.

Hydrogen, an important step towards fossil fuel independence

With hydrogen produced from renewable sources such as wind power, much of today's carbon emissions from industry, transportation and heating can be avoided.

How energy can manage risk

Utility CEOs must devote time and resources to improving their digital risk management practices.

Switching and durability of low-voltage switches

The factors of durability of operation of low-voltage switches (how long will the contacts last) are considered in connection with shutdown operations.

Cross stitching effect

XLPE is the recognized abbreviation for XLPE. This one and others synthetic materials Cross-linking, of which the most notable example is ethylene propylene rubber (ERP), is increasingly being used to insulate cables over a wide voltage range.

When a consumer complains that equipment has been damaged due to voltage deviation

While voltage fluctuations and momentary power outages are the most common power quality problems, there are other causes of equipment failure and malfunction.

Electrical Maintenance Management 4

Based on an assessment of the various factors discussed earlier, and an assessment of other factors, if any, a decision is made to implement the condition monitoring service. How exactly this program can be practically implemented is discussed below.

The impact of any equipment maintenance initiatives, including condition monitoring, must be predictable and measurable, and related to the performance and reliability of the production unit. In addition, remember that monitoring systems, especially fully integrated technologies, are themselves susceptible to failure and failure and require maintenance.

Electrical Maintenance Management 2

A diagnostic maintenance management program is a maintenance program created for electrical equipment based on regular monitoring of its actual physical condition, operating parameters, operational efficiency and other indicators. Condition monitoring service management software consists of techniques that try to "predict" or diagnose problems in electrical equipment based on the analysis of the data received.

Electrical Maintenance Management 1

Over the past two decades, the concept of equipment maintenance has taken on different dimensions and has changed to a great extent, perhaps more than any other management discipline. Electrical equipment of a rather complex design requires new methods of maintenance, and a change in the views on the organization of maintenance and the responsibilities associated with it.

Considerations when choosing a site for a substation

At the stage of choosing a place for an electrical substation, it is necessary to determine the place that the future electrical power substation will occupy, including the location of its main equipment.

The role of medium voltage switchgear

Since different high voltage levels are used for the transmission of electricity and for its regional distribution, the term "medium voltage" has come to be used due to the wide variety of requirements and tasks of distribution equipment and substations.

Instruction No. ___

on labor protection
for plumber

1. General requirements for labor protection

1.1. The following workers are allowed to work independently as a plumber:

  • at least 18 years old;
  • passed a medical examination;
  • passed the introductory briefing;
  • those who have passed the initial briefing;
  • trained and trained at the workplace;
  • those who have passed the knowledge test of labor protection requirements;
  • having an electrical safety group of at least I and the corresponding qualifications in accordance with the tariff and qualification reference book.

1.2. The plumber must pass:

  • repeated instruction on labor safety at the workplace at least every three months;
  • internship;
  • unscheduled and targeted briefings: in case of a change in the technological process or labor protection rules, replacement or modernization of production equipment, devices and tools, changes in working conditions and organization of work, in case of violations of labor protection instructions, interruptions in work for more than 60 calendar days (for work with increased safety requirements - 30 calendar days);
  • dispensary medical examination.

1.3. The plumber is obliged to:

  • perform only the work that is defined working instructions;
  • comply with the internal labor regulations;
  • to use the means of individual and collective protection correctly;
  • comply with labor protection requirements;
  • immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about the deterioration of your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);
  • undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instruction on labor protection, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;
  • pass mandatory periodic (during employment) medical examinations(examinations), as well as undergo extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the direction of the employer in the cases provided for Labor Code and other federal laws;
  • be able to provide first aid to victims of electric current and other accidents;
  • be able to use primary fire extinguishing means;
  • know the location of first aid supplies, primary fire extinguishing equipment, main and emergency exits, escape routes in case of an accident or fire;
  • during work, be attentive, not be distracted or distract others, do not allow persons who are not related to work to enter the workplace;
  • keep the workplace clean and tidy.

1.4. The plumber must know and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, rest only in specially designated rooms and places. Drink water only from installations specially designed for this.

1.5. While working on a plumber, the following hazardous and harmful production factors can be affected:

  • moving machines and mechanisms;
  • moving parts of production equipment;
  • collapsing structures, falling objects;
  • insufficient illumination of the working area;
  • lack of natural light;
  • increased dustiness, gas contamination of the air in the working area;
  • increased surface temperature of equipment, materials; increased or decreased air temperature in the working area;
  • increased mobility, air humidity;
  • elevated level workplace noise;
  • sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of workpieces, tools and equipment;
  • increased voltage value in the electrical circuit.

1.6. The plumber must be provided with overalls, special footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the "Standard industry norms for the free distribution of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment" and the collective agreement:

  • canvas suit - wear period 18 months;
  • rubber boots - 12 months;
  • combined mittens - 2 months;
  • rubber gloves - duty;
  • hose gas mask - duty.

For outdoor work in winter, in addition:

  • cotton jacket with a warming lining - 30 months;
  • cotton trousers with a warming lining - 30 months.

Special clothing and footwear should be stored in closets, and warm overalls should be handed over to the warehouse for storage during the summer period of the year. All overalls and footwear should be dried in the prescribed manner and taken for washing and repair.

1.7. In cases of injury or discomfort, it is necessary to stop work, notify the work supervisor and contact a medical institution.

1.8. For failure to comply with this instruction, the perpetrators are held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. The plumber must know that repair, inspection and prevention of sewer and water wells, pits, containers and structures are high-risk jobs, so they must be carried out by a team of workers of at least 3 people after receiving instructions on labor protection and work order. admission to work.

2.2. Before carrying out work in the wells, the locksmith must wear serviceable overalls and footwear, a protective helmet, and also receive safety belts with a rope, which should be 2 meters longer than the depth of the well in length, have knots along the entire length at a distance of 250-300 mm and be checked for a break with a load of 200 kg, get gas analyzers or gas indicators, a 12 Volt battery flashlight, a hand fan, fences, standard posters, hooks and crowbars for opening covers and manholes of wells, buckets, tools. All funds received for work must be checked for their serviceability.

2.3. Install the necessary fences, warning posters and road signs at open wells and pits. In the dark, hang out lanterns with red lenses on the stands of signal signs.

2.4. Check the serviceability of the brackets or ladder in the well, 6-8 hours before starting work, open the hatch covers of two adjacent and working wells to ventilate them.

2.5. Take measures to turn off the pipelines leading to the sewerage devices and hang out posters at the disconnection points with the inscription: "Do not turn on - people are working!"

2.6. Using a gas analyzer or gas indicator, check and make sure that there are no gases at the bottom of the well (methane, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc. gases).

2.7. Prepare the tool, as well as the blanks for pipes, squeegees, couplings necessary for the work.

2.8. Check the tools and accessories necessary for the work and make sure they are in good working order.

2.9. Handles of hand tools should be smooth and have an oval shape, files, rasps, etc. with a sharpened working end should be fixed in a smooth, smoothly cleaned handle, tightened at both ends with metal band rings, chisels, crosscutters should not be damaged on the working parts in the form of sharp edges in the places of gripping by hand, cracks and burrs in the back of the head, the wrenches used must correspond to the size of the bolts and nuts. It is not allowed to lengthen wrenches by inserting gas pipes or extending a second wrench; the bench vice must be with strictly parallel jaws and equipped with soft metal gaskets (copper, brass, etc.).

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. The plumber is obliged to keep the workplace clean and tidy, not to clutter it up with materials, blanks, parts and foreign objects, to remove metal waste in a timely manner to the place designated for them.

3.2. Do not lift or carry weights in excess of the established norm (50 kg for men).

3.3. To avoid electric shock, do not touch open live parts of electrical equipment, do not open the doors of electrical distribution cabinets, do not remove the covers of starting devices, etc.

3.4. Position the tool at the workplace so that it cannot roll or fall. It is not allowed to lay the tool on the railing of fences or the unenclosed edge of the scaffolding platform, scaffolds.

3.5. Wear protective goggles when working with an impact tool to prevent solid particles from entering the eyes.

3.6. Choose a screwdriver according to the width of the working part (blade), depending on the size of the slot in the head of the screw or screw. When loosening screws or screws, especially rusted ones, firmly fix the part in a vice, do not hold it in your hands.

3.7. The dimensions of the jaw (grip) of the wrenches should not exceed the dimensions of the bolt heads (nut faces) by more than 0.3 mm. The use of spacers with a gap between the planes of the jaws of the keys and the heads of bolts or nuts is more than permissible.

3.8. When unscrewing nuts and bolts, it is not allowed to lengthen the wrenches with additional levers, second wrenches or pipes, except for "asterisk" wrenches. Use long-handled wrenches if necessary.

3.9. When manually cutting metals with a hacksaw, you must:

  • firmly fix the workpiece or workpiece in a vice;
  • correctly adjust the tension of the hacksaw blade, since if the tension is weak or excessive, the blade can burst;
  • at the end of the cut, release the pressure on the hacksaw and hold the cut-off part with your hand so that you do not get injured if it falls.

3.10. When cutting sheet metal using hand scissors, do not use auxiliary levers to lengthen the handles or cut with impacts on the blades or handles.

3.11. When cutting, straightening sheet metal, wear gloves to protect hands from injury from sharp edges of metal sheets.

3.12. Place the units and parts removed during the equipment repair in a stable manner and, if necessary, fix them.

3.13. When disassembling press connections, use special pullers (screw, hydraulic, etc.).

3.14. Parts should be washed with kerosene in a special container in a place designated for this purpose. Drain contaminated kerosene residues into a container with a tight-fitting lid.

3.15. When assembling units and mechanisms, check the alignment of holes in the parts to be connected using special mounting mandrels, in order to avoid injury, do not check the alignment with your fingers.

3.16. To avoid injury or electric shock when operating a power tool, do not:

  • pull, twist and bend the cable, put a load on it, and also allow it to intersect with ropes, cables and gas welding sleeves;
  • disassemble and independently repair the power tool, cable, plug connections and other parts;
  • work with a power tool from ladders;
  • remove chips or sawdust by hand while the tool is in operation (chips should be removed after a complete stop of the power tool with special hooks or brushes);
  • touching a rotating cutting tool with your hands;
  • handle icy and wet parts with a power tool;
  • work with a power tool in the presence of drops and splashes, as well as in open areas during snowfall or rain;
  • leave the power tool connected to the network unsupervised, as well as hand it over to persons who are not authorized to work with it;
  • operate a power tool that has expired the period for periodic inspection.

3.17. The power tool cable must be protected from accidental damage and contact with hot, damp and oily surfaces.

3.18. Install working part power tool into the chuck and remove it from the chuck, as well as adjust the tool only after disconnecting it from the mains with a plug and at a complete stop.

3.19. When working at a height (more than 1.3 m from the surface of the ground, slab, flooring, floor), observe the requirements of the labor protection instructions when performing work at height.

3.20. If it is necessary to perform work on a sharpening or drilling machine, observe the requirements of the labor protection instructions when working on these machines.

3.21. All repair work on existing pipelines, except for tightening the bolts of flange connections, oil seals, should be performed only after turning off the water supply to the repaired area.

3.22. When the pipeline (or its section) is disconnected for repair, on a closed valve or valve, hang a plate with an inscription prohibiting the supply of water to the area to be repaired, lock the flywheel of the valve (valve) with a lock, put plugs with shanks between the flanges.

3.23. Disassemble the pipeline connections gradually, drain the remaining water or condensate from the pipeline into a previously prepared container.

3.24. In the absence of devices that allow the disconnected section of the pipeline or any equipment to be preliminarily released from water, they should be emptied by loosening part of the bolts of the flange connection on the side opposite to where it is located.

3.25. When servicing cast iron fittings, tighten the bolts of flange connections at a coolant temperature of no higher than 90 degrees. C. If necessary, this can be done at a higher temperature, but the pressure in the pipeline should not exceed 0.3 MPa (3 atm.). It is allowed to tighten the oil seals at a pressure not exceeding 1.2 MPa (12 atm.).

3.26. To avoid injury, tighten the coupling fittings and nuts of instrumentation (to eliminate leaks through the thread) with wrenches of appropriate sizes. Do not use gas wrenches or extension arms for this purpose.

3.27. Filling sections of pipelines included in the existing network should be carried out through the return line. In order to avoid violation of the density of flange joints and damage to welded joints, increase the temperature in the heating network gradually and evenly, at a rate of no more than 30 degrees. C per hour. Do not fill the heating network with water with a temperature above 70 degrees. C.

3.28. Turning on the heat recovery units after the end renovation works produce only with the permission of the work supervisor.

3.29. When working at height, do not leave unsecured parts of the pipelines under repair, even with a short break in work.

3.30. During technical (deep) inspection and performance of work related to lowering into the well, observe the following safety requirements:

  • work in the well is carried out by a team of at least three workers, one of whom works in the well, the second on the surface, the third specially supervises the work and, if necessary, provides assistance to the worker in the well. It is forbidden to distract the observer to other work until the person working in the well rises to the surface. A person responsible for carrying out the work is allocated from the brigade;
  • open the cover of the well with a special hook and crowbar; do not open the cover with your hands. Install a fence and a warning sign at the open well;
  • before starting work in the well, make sure that there is no gas pollution in it, for which use a gas analyzer;
  • if gas contamination is detected, the well should be ventilated by natural ventilation or forced ventilation;
  • before descending into the well, make sure that the staples (ladder) are strong using a pole, put on a helmet and a safety belt (with shoulder straps) with a safety rope firmly attached to the outside. The length of the safety rope must be at least 2 m greater than the depth of the well. It is not allowed to work in a well without a safety belt and helmet;
  • if it is impossible to completely remove the gas from the well, go down into the well only in a PSh-1 or PSh-2 gas mask with a hose extending to the surface for at least 2 m.In this case, a foreman or work manager should watch the man working in the well. It is allowed to work in the well in a gas mask with a discharge hose without interruption for no more than 10 minutes;
  • to illuminate the workplace in the well, use a rechargeable flashlight with a voltage not exceeding 12 V;
  • in case of a sharp deterioration in health, immediately give a signal to the observer, stop working and go to the surface.

3.31. Observe the following safety precautions when performing maintenance or repair work on substations:

  • all shutdowns, switching and switching on of local systems made during start-up, shutdown or normal operation should be performed by acting alternately with valves on the supply and return lines of the heat pipe, while ensuring that the pressure in the system does not rise above the allowable value;
  • turn off the system by alternately closing the valves, starting from the supply line, and turning on the system, on the contrary, by opening the valve on the return line;
  • tighten the bolts of the flange connections and tighten the stuffing box seals of the valves evenly, along the contour, in order to avoid overvoltage in the cast iron parts and their damage.

3.32. At the end of the repair of pumps, other types of equipment, mechanisms, before energizing the electric motor, reinstall the removed protective covers, fences, covers, etc.

3.33. In the event of a malfunction in the operation of the equipment, a dangerous or emergency situation, stop work, turn off the equipment used and inform the immediate supervisor about it.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. The following situations can lead to an accident or accident:

  • performance of work in violation of the requirements of this manual;
  • malfunction of the equipment, tools, devices used in the work;
  • operation of equipment that does not meet labor safety requirements;
  • careless handling of fire.

4.2. If you feel at least a weak effect of the electric current while working with the power tool, as well as in the event of the following malfunctions, immediately disconnect it from the mains:

  • sudden stop (loss of voltage in the network, jamming of moving parts, etc.);
  • damage to the plug connection, cable or its protective tube;
  • damage to the brush holder cover;
  • leakage of grease from the gearbox or ventilation duct;
  • breakage or the appearance of cracks in the body part, handle, protective - damage to the working part of the tool.

4.3. Stop the pump immediately by pressing the "Stop" button and turn off the main switch in the following cases:

  • sudden stop of the pump (power outage, overload of the electric motor, etc.);
  • the appearance of smoke or smell characteristic of burning insulation;
  • sensation of the action of an electric current when touching the metal parts of the equipment;
  • the appearance of increased noise, knocking, vibration;
  • a situation that could lead to an accident or accident.

4.4. In case of accidents:

  • immediately arrange first aid to the victim and, if necessary, deliver him to medical organization;
  • take urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency or other emergency situation and the impact of traumatic factors on other persons;
  • to preserve the situation as it was at the time of the accident before the investigation of the accident begins, if this does not threaten the life and health of other persons and does not lead to a catastrophe, accident or other emergency, and if it is impossible to preserve it, to fix the current situation (draw up diagrams , hold other events).

4.5. In the event of a fire:

  • notify workers in production area and take measures to extinguish the fire. Burning parts of electrical installations and electrical wiring that are energized must be extinguished with a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher;
  • take measures to call the immediate supervisor or other officials to the place of the fire.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Tidy up the workplace. Tools, fixtures, parts, materials should be removed to the designated places.

5.2. At the end of work in the well, securely close it with a lid.

5.3. Take off personal protective equipment, overalls and put them in storage.

5.4. Wash your hands with soap and water, take a warm shower.

5.5. Inform the immediate supervisor about all faults noticed during work, and the measures taken to eliminate them.

The instruction was developed on the basis of "TI-130-2002. Typical instruction on labor protection for the plumber "(approved by the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation on November 21, 2002).


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