Scenario of a humorous New Year's program for adults. Scenario for celebrating the new year for adults (with jokes, games and toasts). Sample script for a funny scene "How not to behave on New Year's Eve"


Good evening, dear friends! I am very pleased to welcome you to this wonderful holiday today. Everyone has already guessed for what reason we have gathered, of course, to celebrate the most favorite holiday - the New Year.

Today I want to say
Thank you for the outgoing year!
twelve months ago
We were really looking forward to it!

And let not everything come true for us,
We believed, and this is the main thing!
And may today every guest
Believe in what you want!

The current year is coming to an end and a new one is coming. What do you think it will be like? And you know, no matter what the coming year is, I want to wish one thing: many happy days, happiness and good luck!

Let's open the doors wide
To New Year believed
That we are waiting for him seriously,
Who do we need………..

Santa Claus:

Good evening to all guests!
I was in a hurry to get to you
Apparently I'm not late
Found you all at the table.
Happy holiday to all
I wish you happiness and joy!

Oh, Snow Maiden, look how the guys have grown up!

Snow Maiden: Yes, grandfather, you mixed everything up again, today you and I did not come to Kindergarten, and to the sauna "rest +", everyone has grown up here for a long time.

Santa Claus: Oh, it’s true, but anyway, even though everyone here is an adult, I won’t just give away my gifts!

Snow Maiden: For contests today in this hall,
We will reward our friends
Good prizes!

Competition No. 1 Cool riddles:

- Without wings, but flying,
Without roots, but growing. (snow)

- not a gem, but glows (ice)

What grandfather builds a house without an axe? (freezing)

- sits on everyone, is not afraid of anyone (snow)

- In the yard - a mountain, and in the room with water (ice)

- winter on the roofs is gray, throws seeds
grows white carrots, she is under the roofs. (icicles)

Who builds bridges over rivers without logs? (freezing)

- glass is broken in the round window during the day, inserted in the evening. (hole)

- who, even without hands, can draw (frost)

- does not burn in fire, but does not sink in water (ice)

- white - a white miller sat on the clouds, white flour poured through a sieve. (snow)

Adults and children know, What is sober, at a banquet, All that remains is a festive (Christmas tree)

- A glorious New Year's holiday, You won't be happy without it, And no matter how lazy the owner is,
They will force you to buy it, Otherwise, in the new year, No one will come to visit! (vodka)

Fun Contest #2: Crackers

Props: 2 locks, keys

Participants (2 people) of the competition are given a bunch of keys and a closed padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch as soon as possible and open the lock.

Contest #3: Fun Quiz

- In Japan, the arrival of the New Year is announced by 108 strokes of the bell, in Russia, the Kremlin chimes strike New Year's midnight, and in the UK? (London Clock Wig-Ben)
- Which city is declared the geographical homeland of the Russian Father Frost? (Great Ustyug)
- In which country does not a "brother" live, but a "sister" of the Russian Santa Claus, whose name sounds like his "shifter" - Baba Zhara? (in Cambodia)
- In which country is the local Santa Claus called Saint Nicholas, and his faithful servant is nicknamed Black Pete? (in the Netherlands)
- Elochkina homeland (forest)
- an old but not aging dance at the Christmas tree (round dance)
- Singer of songs for the Christmas tree (blizzard)
- A person running past the Christmas tree at a trot is gray in all respects. (Wolf)
- A Christmas tree decoration that causes significant damage to the household budget, not only on the day of purchase (electric garland)
- a man's anti-Christmas tool (axe)
- what quality of the New Year's queen makes her related to every real woman (desire to dress up)
Guess the proverb
- they don’t discuss the gift, they accept what they give (they don’t look a gift horse in the mouth)
- you need to study throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless (live and learn)
- trouble, trouble usually happens where something is unreliable, fragile. (Where it is thin, it breaks there)
- as you yourself treat another, so they will treat you (both aukn. and response.)
- do not take on unfamiliar cases (not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water)

Competition #4: Anglers

3 persons are required.

Fish are laid out on a chair or on the floor. The task of the blindfolded player is to attach as many fish as possible to the bait. Before starting fishing, scroll the player around him several times.

Contest #5: Rope

Need 2 players.

Two chairs are placed with their backs to each other. There is a rope under the chairs. Players sitting on chairs must, at the command of the leader, grab the end of the rope as quickly as possible and pull it towards them. Whoever wins first.

Contest #6: Get the candy

2 players are invited.

It's hilarious and cool contest! Sour cream is poured into the plate, candy is thrown into the plate. The player must, without the help of hands, get a candy from a plate.

Super Cool Contest #7: Take Out the Trash

2 players are called.

It is necessary to put things in order, shove the crumpled newspapers into champagne bottles, who is faster.

Fun Contest #8: Feed Your Neighbor

2 players are invited.

Props: 2 bananas

One holds a peeled banana in his teeth, the other must eat it. The hands are not involved.

Contest #9: Ball

Need 4 players.

Whoever inflates the largest balloon and it does not burst, he won.

Competition #10: In position

2 players participate.

2 players are invited with adhesive tape attached to large inflatable balls at the level of the abdomen. Half a box of matches is scattered in front of each player. The task is to collect as many matches from the floor as possible during the allotted time, not forgetting about your stomach. The process looks great!

Fun Contest #11: Drinkers

Call 4 players.

Each is given 1 bottle of beer and a glass. The task is to open the bottles as quickly as possible and, pouring beer into a glass, drink it. Whoever is faster wins.

Competition No. 12: Box

All participants write on pieces of paper what they think is in the box. The answers are then read.

Contests are over.

Santa Claus:

Friends Dear
The old year is leaving
I want to say
Many good words
wish you happiness
To make life easy for you
Next year
So that you forget Woe and trouble!
Happy new year friends! With new happiness!

Snow Maiden:

The clock is ticking.
The old year is leaving
His last pages rustle
What was good, let it not go away
And what is not good - will not happen again
Happy New Year!

Scenario new year holiday for adults: New Year agency

New Year's game entertainment program for adults

Motto:(written on the arch) “Snow is a pillar, the earth is shaking - this is the New Year rushing!”

Entrance to the stage through a door-arch in the form of a horseshoe. The founders of the agency: two - Optimist and Pessimist. They enter the stage each in their role, dressed accordingly, and greet the audience in the same way.

Optimist: Good evening, dear friends! Today we have one urgent issue on the agenda - New Year's Eve!

Pessimist: How to meet him, so that it is not painful!

optimist: How to celebrate this fantastic holiday!

Pessimist: I don’t understand why there is so much noise around the New Year? Just think for yourself - this means again running around the shops, multi-ton bags, salads, New Year's night eating, a mountain of dirty dishes, "the sleepiest day of the calendar" - January 1 ... Well, why does everyone love the New Year so much ?! So much trouble, but for what? We'll be watching TV all night anyway. They say it's the most romantic holiday of the year... And what's so romantic about it? Well, a Christmas tree, well, toys, well, candles ...

Optimist: New Year again! That means searching for gifts, rustling wrapping paper in snowflakes and Santa Clauses! A mountain of surprises under the Christmas tree! Festive table, salads, New Year's goose with apples! Holiday program on TV!.. After all, this is the New Year - the most romantic holiday of the year! By the way, astrologers recommend meeting him with an abundance of water, and even better in water! Can you imagine how romantic it is!

Pessimist: What is the water here?

Optimist: So it's the year of the Water Horse!

Pessimist: What about water horses? You will laugh!


optimist(picks up the phone): Yes, agency! Yes, whoa! It's me not you! Horses?! Yes, of course! .. (Turns to the Pessimist) Here they ask for some kind of horse ...

Pessimist(picks up the phone): What? Russian trotter?! Where are you calling? Call... Borki! In Borki, I say! (Hangs up the phone) Disgrace! They think we have a branch of a stud farm here! I said I should have thought of a different name! Not “But! Whoops!", and, for example, "Let's go!".

Optimist: Aha! Then they would call us at the cosmodrome ... By the way, it would be nice to deal with the horses so as not to get into a mess!

Pessimist: What do we know about horses? Let's look in the encyclopedic dictionary. “Horses are a genus of mammals, the horse family. The body length is 2.8 m, the height at the withers is up to 1.5 m, the tail length is 40-50 cm. Horses include zebras, a wild donkey, a Przhevalsky horse, a kulan ... ”etc. according to the dictionary. Well, what can we learn from this?! Do not arrange a race here?

Optimist: Why not! Great idea! And then, as for the horses! This is the real Klondike! How many songs about horses?! And my favorite! (Soundtrack "I'm a little horse")

They remember songs with the audience in which there is a horse or horses. You can invite a particularly brave person to perform one of the songs in public.

Optimist: Do you know what is most important in the Year of the Horse?

Pessimist: Certainly! The main thing is to stay in the saddle and not break your neck!

optimist: Ugh! The main thing is to bet on the favorite and win! It is important to determine the favorite correctly. For one, this is a home, family, for another, work, education, and so on ...

Pessimist: By the way, about education... Somewhere I had horse questions.

Optimist: Well, what a bore you are! Holiday, and you with some questions.

Pessimist: Well, you know! Do you have other suggestions?

optimist: Of course have! New Year's quiz for the smartest and most desirable viewers! New Year gifts and souvenirs only for you and only today in our New Year's agency!

Pessimist: Bravo!

Horse Quiz . Those who gave the correct answers go on stage.

For them the task : Rehearsing New Year's greetings. Say the phrase "Happy New Year!" with appropriate intonation. For example: we congratulate the boss, the conductor in the trolley bus, the traffic police inspector, the child, etc., add the proposed circumstances of the place and time and comment on what is happening.

Competition with New Year's masks- Mask! Do I know you! And you do not have!" (they take apart the masks from the bag without looking, put them on and congratulate the audience on behalf of the mask they put on. Phonogram)

Optimist: Almost a quote: "They say, on New Year's Eve, no matter what you guess, everything will always happen, everything will always come true!" Special service of our agency - New Year's promotion"New Year fortune-telling is absolutely free!".

The optimist distributes prizes to the participants. A basket, a gypsy shawl on the shoulders and an optimistic commentary, which is the most important thing. The participant himself pulls out the prize from the basket, and the Optimist says what it means.


optimist(picks up the phone): Hello! Yes! Do we have Santa Claus?! What stupid questions! Let's find! How?! Five?! Why do you need so many?! And ... Where to send ?! To keep for yourself? Well, I wrote it down ... (Hangs up the phone) Application! As many as five Santa Clauses!!!

Pessimist: And where to send them?!

optimist(understands the oversight): Ah ... ah ... and Santa Clauses will also come in handy for us. Now we will arrange such a Santa Claus show that everyone will envy!

Santa Claus casting. (5-6 men are chosen from the hall according to the principle - what should Santa Claus be like? For example: tall - choose the tallest; strong to carry a big bag - choose the strongest; gray-haired - the most gray-haired, etc.)

"Youth Dances" . (They master the technique and movements, since Santa Claus must be modern and in good physical shape. You can offer a set of movements under the general name “Youth Dances”, for example, one of the movements: we catch mosquitoes on the right and left, or here: we trample the asphalt with our left foot , right, left-left-left-right, etc., or we follow the Leninist course: one step forward, two steps back, and all this to rhythmic music, it turns out fun.)

"Create yourself a Snow Maiden." (Next test: create a Snow Maiden. Improvised means are taken from the surrounding space. The hosts offer something, you can get something yourself.)

"Father's Song". (Phonogram "minus" + texts. Any "winter" songs, and, of course, "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" for everyone in a verse - a joint performance.)

Happy New Year Wishes from the Fab Five . (They take out champagne and wine glasses, pour them out to the envy of those who are not on stage, and everyone, on behalf of Santa Claus, congratulates the audience or someone personally, there is complete freedom of creativity.)

Distribution of prizes to participants, within the framework of special promotion"New Year fortune-telling - absolutely free!" (From the magic basket with an optimistic commentary.)

Call. The phone is searched all over the stage, under the tables and so on, when they find it, it already stops ringing. Commentary leading in their images.

Pessimist: So, the application was!

Optimist: This is a plus!

Pessimist: What was in it, we do not know. This is a minus!

Optimist: But today we have so many visitors, this is a huge and final plus!

Pessimist: By the way, isn't it time for us to drive the horse? And then she was already completely stale ...

Optimist: Well, what a jargon! It's time! It's really high time! But not to drive, as you put it, a horse, but to hold a New Year's auction for the sale of a horse! Thoroughbred! Souvenir! And generally very cute!

Auction. (They sell a horse for correct answers. Questions like: what breed is it, what height, color, weight, etc. The last one who gives the correct answer gets it.)


optimist(picks up the phone): Yes, I'm listening to you! What?! (Hanging up the phone) They ask which horse is better to bet on?

Pessimist(picks up the phone): Listen, where are you calling?! Yes... Whom to fertilize?! Horse?! What?! Appease?! Lord, give her this... hay. Well, how do I know where to get hay in winter? ... (Hangs up the phone) I don’t understand, do we have a horse information desk?!

Optimist: Speaking of appeasing the horse, that was a good idea! Horse racing! That's what we need! Even children know that the best prize is money. And what to say about the jumps! So without money and rates in any way. We play lemon. And not alone.

Collect "herds" . They are selected according to the correct answers. Quiz in reverse. They make "bets", well, or who is rooting for whom from the audience - how many fans, such a bet.

Distribution of "horse breeds" to participants in the races and the development of types of movement (step, trot, gallop, gait, quarry). Very funny!

"Jumps". (“The Run” is held under the commentary of the presenter, as on TV. The host reads a funny text like: “Participant number 2 breaks forward half a length ... suddenly the favorite began to stumble, oh-she-she ... something happened, and a small gray horse number 5 passes it, number 3 goes into a gallop, etc., etc. The participants of the race just imitate all this. It’s also a lot of fun.)

Distribution of prizes to participants and lemons from a fortune-telling basket. (And a comment within the framework of the same New Year's promotion.)


Pessimist: Don't pick up the phone! There's something about horses again! I feel!

optimist: Is it possible to?! (Picks up the phone) Hello! Yes Yes Yes? ... Yes ... Yes ... (Changes different intonations, finally hangs up, to a dumb question - with a feeling of deep satisfaction) The songs have been ordered! New Year's! Real!

Pessimist(relieved): Well, that's no problem.

4-5 New Year's songs. (Phonograms "minus", performers use elements of costumes.)


Pessimist: Perhaps I won’t object, I said it very beautifully, and it seems like everything is simple ... Perhaps I’ll try that too ... suddenly it works out. Let's try together!

Together: With coming!

A cool script for celebrating, holding a New Year's party for adults, poems, a fun intellectual game, congratulations, a New Year's fortune teller, joke games and contests with humor "Christmas Bazaar", "Battle of the Choirs"

May your wishes come true!

Script Host:

- a holiday when everyone wants fun, joy, kindness and fulfillment of desires. And you know, if the desire is good, sincere, and not designed for the help of aliens or spider-man, then it is really feasible.

At this moment, we are all united by one desire: that this evening be truly festive and kind. And we can do it. Feel like a wizard! Let's pick up the filled glasses, say all together: "Happy New Year!" - and, here it is, a miracle: a good mood will not leave you now at least until tomorrow morning!

On the eve of the New Year, it is customary to remember the outgoing year with a kind word. Is there anyone who wants to say thank you to the old year? (allows those who wish to speak)

Seeing off the old year

Let everyone pour himself

As a reward, as much as you want,

But keep in mind that we

Magic hour ahead

Fulfillment of desires, by the way.

You can make wishes in different ways. Many believe that desires need to be supported by money. Let's check to what extent your wishes will be fulfilled in the coming year. In our New Year's fortune teller, as in life, everything depends on you. Everyone who wants to make an airplane from any banknote. We launch airplanes from the start line. Those who fly farther have more chances next year.

(prizes are awarded to the losers).

New Year's Party Host:

And I propose to the winner to play in the New Year intellectual game"Who wants to be Santa's best friend."

Attention, question 1. The homeland of the Russian Santa Claus is the city:

A) Great Luke.

B) Great Torment.

C) Great Iron.

D) Great Ustyug.

(Choose the correct answer)

Question 2. With whom does Santa Claus usually come to the holiday?

A) With guards.

B) With girlfriends.

C) With a lawyer.

D) With my granddaughter.

Question 3. How do they call Santa Claus in Russia?

A) By phone number 01.

Think it was a rehearsal. Now we are ready to meet Santa Claus. Moreover, with us best friend. (gives prize)

No matter how grown-up we seem to ourselves, everyone has faith in Santa Claus. And, surprisingly, the older and more significant we become, the easier it is to shout to him. That is, if in childhood we called him three times, now it is enough for us to ring, pay, whisper: “Santa Claus!”, And he is already here. Do you hear, trampling under the door? Well, what, whisper?

Santa Claus:

Ege-gay, honest people,

On the threshold of the New Year!

May he come to you with good

And with a smile in every home!

May health and success

New Year brings for everyone!

Snow Maiden:

And so that dreams come true in the New Year,

We need to have a big round dance!

(All guests become in a round dance around the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden:

Our Christmas tree is, of course, magical. And if you touch her thorns and make a wish, then it will certainly come true.

And my desire is to see all of you in good mood. Therefore, I propose to arrange a competition for adults "Christmas Bazaar" at our New Year's party. We all love to decorate the Christmas tree, and now I invite those sitting at the tables to become a design team for a while, who will decorate the Christmas tree using what is at hand. For the role of the Christmas tree, choose the most handsome man at your table.

(The results of the competition are summed up by the Snow Maiden).

Snow Maiden:

You dance - be healthy!

And who is ready for the battle of the choirs?

Let's check which table is the most singing. I propose to hold a competition "Battle of the Choirs". Topics - "Winter", "New Year". Companies take turns performing one verse and chorus of winter songs. (the best teams or all are awarded.)

Santa Claus:

In the New Year it is customary to give gifts. I have a present in this box. And the one who guesses what it is will get it.

(People ask questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer. For example: “Is it round?”, “Is it edible?” Etc. The guesser receives a gift.)

Santa Claus:

Not everyone received gifts today,

But everything is still ahead.

And every New Year's gift

You can find it under the tree!

Snow Maiden:

Your cherished desires

Let them be fulfilled in the New Year.

And your happiness without fail

Each of you will find.

Let difficult tasks

Decided by you soon

May luck smile on you

And in life everything will be okay!

There is not much time before the New Year. Let's spend it in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time!

In contact with


More scenarios:

  • Scenario game program by February 23…
  • The script for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at home for ...

New Year's performances for adults are usually held in restaurants. On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden congratulate guests, hold contests with gifts. It is very important that the script is rich and interesting. The host should not let the guests get bored in new Year's Eve. funny scenario for the new year for adults 2017 is provided as an example for inspiration.

Funny scenario for the new year

So, the action takes place on the stage of a restaurant or cafe.

  • Characters: Santa Claus, granddaughter of the Snow Maiden, presenter.


Well, dear guests, let's remember our youth, let's plunge into childhood. Remember how mom took us by the hand to kindergarten. In the group, we were met by a teacher, with high hair, high heels, in a pencil dress. This is the kind of teacher we will choose for our younger group.

  • The host selects a woman from the audience and invites her to the stage.


You can imagine a kindergarten without children. Of course not! We need boys and girls. Please on stage!

  • 4 volunteers, 2 women and 2 men, rise to the stage. They sit down on chairs. The task of the educator is to put tights and diapers on the boys, to tie bows and put on skirts for the girls.
  • The facilitator distributes the text of the song to the participants. The motif "a Christmas tree was born in the forest."

1 girl's words:

I am a beautiful girl
I came to kindergarten
And full panties
I brought home.

Words 2 girls:

And I wear diapers
After all, I'm still small!
Ooh, I would that boy
She gave a crack (points to the boy).

Text 1 boy:

And I do, because it's him! (points to the second boy)
Broke toys!
Put him in a corner
To be there all day long!

Text 2 boys:

Tamara Nikolaevna,
I'm out of business at all
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf
Join our group!

Tamara Nikolaevna:

So how is it, kids?
After all, this is a deficit
And how do we from the head
Hide this move?

All children together

Oh, not the manager
She will show everyone
And with full panties
We'll run home!


Kindergarten behind, school begins, it's time for first love, worries and anxieties. First call last call, high school graduation! Let's remember our graduation. What songs sounded on the most memorable evening in the life of every student. Your task is to guess the tunes that our DJ will play.

  • Intros from songs from the 70s and 80s sound:
  1. Uchkuduk - 3 wells;
  2. Summer was just leaving (Merry guys);
  3. The girl in the machine is crying (Osin);
  4. Granite pebble in the chest (Ladybug);
  5. For a week, until the second;
  6. It was, but passed (Rotaru);
  7. Farmer (Rotaru);
  8. Blue Frost (Gems);
  9. Snow is swirling (Flame).
  • The task of the guests is to guess the song familiar from their youth by the first notes. The winner goes on stage and sings their favorite song in karaoke. If the guest is embarrassed, the host helps along with the guests present.


Dear guests, what is the New Year without Santa Claus. He is already on the way, along the snow-covered road he is in a hurry to join us for the celebration. Let's invite our honored guest!

  • Guests with the host call Santa Claus. The main characters come out

Santa Claus:

I look, they are pouring here,
Didn't you wait for me?
How is that, I don't understand!
I'm cold - but I'm not drinking!
Hello guests,
I hurried to you
Walked, stumbled
A little lost!

But here I come
It's warm and cozy in here!
Just like in a palace
Or in the kingdom as if!
The lanterns are burning
And the garlands sparkle
On the tree - beauty,
The rain is falling!

Well, have you forgotten about your gifts?
Behave well? Did they deserve it?
Okay, let's give you gifts!
Although you don’t need it, everything is on the table!
Who cooked what, a poem, an anecdote?
What, they didn’t learn it - well, who will do!
I will not scold you as a parent,
Well, except that with a staff I can scare!

New Year's scenario for adults

A lyrical melody sounds, the presenter reads.

Vedas: Snow is spinning outside the window,
And the frost grows stronger
New Year is knocking on the house
The holiday is coming.

Or vice versa:
Rain, sea of ​​mud,
Anyway, we are waiting for a miracle
On New Year's holiday.

From childhood we remember the covenant,
What's under the needles of the Christmas tree
We will receive as a gift
Not cones and needles.

Someone asks for a Mercedes
Someone raise,
Everyone believes that Frost
It will help without a doubt.

Someone is waiting for a lot of money
Someone only health
Well, our heroine
She is waiting ... I will not get ahead of myself!

So, let's begin. Not in the distant kingdom,
And in our Russian state
Once upon a time there was a girl
According to passport data, she is still young,
But in life, beauty is far from data,
So they called her Baba Yaga.
However, what am I saying?
Yagusya, tell us your story!

(Baba Yaga comes out, sings a song to the tune “Enchanted, bewitched”)

B.-Ya.: Enchanted, bewitched,
Disfigured by evil spells.
Unlucky in my personal life is fatal to me
It looks like I'll be lonely for the rest of my life.

Vedas: Do not be sad, do not be sad,
sweet girl
Believe it's New Year's Eve
A miracle will happen!

B.-Ya.: Miracles will not help,
I don't believe in them!
I decided that I would go
To the clinic to Kashchei!

I'll lie under his knife
Let me get cut
Botox under the skin, And acrylic on the nails.

Vedas: Oh, my poor
Victim of TV!
The result of the Kashchei procedures
We have seen everything!

Better take my advice:
Don't lock yourself up
Believe in a miracle, look for friends,
Join the fun!

And then the first miracle happened!
Snow Maidens are coming to us! Where are the girls from?
They gathered to deliver greetings
From all corners of the inhabited planet.

Well, let's meet them in Russian,
With a word and a good look, we greet.

(Song "Four yards")

So, who's the first one out here?
We are waiting, meet her, gentlemen!
Here she is, our first guest -
Snow Maiden from the Land of the Rising Sun!

(music sounds, a Japanese woman comes out with a saucer of rice, pours rice, dancing, singing with a Japanese accent to the tune of the song "Girls from high society")

Japanese woman: I am thinned nature,
Came from Japan for a holiday.
New Year's Eve,
I want to wish you wisdom and happiness!

In the New Year, let you be together
Minutes of sadness, petyal, loneliness! - 2 times

(spoken) By your beautiful big tree
Mustache autumn prickly branches in needles.
In Japan, in order to avoid misery,
A beautiful tree is put on a seat.
And so that success sings to you like a bird,
Guests are served a rice dish.
Friends, I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart,
Stob you sent all the dresses in a kimono,

A stob of sun and rice was enough for you,
And there are more than a hundred good friends!

And I will advise you, oh, Yaga - San:
Mysterious ladies tut Musins ​​of all countries!

Forget those faceless models
And these surgical undertakings!
Yourself, Yaga - San, you will soon fall in love,
Find the zest in the image!

I ask you, and leaving,
I want to give you a dance, friends!

(Dance with fans, the Japanese leaves)

Vedas: Yes, the Japanese woman intrigued us.
Eastern woman knows a lot!
Well, what are you going to tell us now, Yagusya?

B.-Ya.: I need to think
I'm afraid to make a mistake!

Vedas: Think! Well, for now, like a bird,
The Snow Maiden is rushing to us from America!
In America, everyone says: "Time from money."
We paid her for the visit in rubles.
She values ​​money, she values ​​time
Therefore, her congratulations are brief.

(music sounds, American comes out,)

(spoken) Hello, hello, my friends!
I am sending you compliments from Mexico!
You are a strong and brave great people,
Today a whole wave is talking about you.
You are often shown on television,
But your face is always offended by something.
So laugh more, joke and sing
And don't stand still for more than a second!
Then maybe all of Mexico at once
Will come here to lissen tu you!

Well, now, I'll leave you, friends,
After all, the business can not be left for a long time.
And to increase the emotional background
I'm a cowboy. I give you for a laugh

(Dance of cowboys with horses)

Vedas: Yes, Americans are always ahead,
They firmly believe in themselves.
Don't put your finger in their mouth!
Yaga dear?
What do you say now?

B.-Ya.: I believe that the door to happiness will open!

Vedas: Well,
If so the plot of the fairy tale decided to spin,
I want to transform too!
New Year's whirlwind, spin us around quickly!
I want to be the Snow Maiden of gypsy blood!

(music sounds, Ved. runs behind the screen, comes out in a gypsy costume, sings to the tune of the song “Fashion changes daily)

(spoken) Romals! I beg your attention!
I want to give advice before the song.
Yaga, it makes no sense to live according to the schedule!
Let light illuminate your life, freedom, passion!

(to the audience) And I want to wish you good luck,
Let the pen turn golden every day,
Love to you, health and happiness in addition,
May whatever you wish come true!

(Song of the camp "Oh brook")

Viewers) Well, in the meantime, I predicted your fate,
From the tundra the Snow Maiden galloped to us
On frisky deer. She is an Eskimo
Sending warm greetings from the realm of frost!

(music sounds, Eskimo comes out, sings to the motive
songs "Eskimo and Papuan")

Eskimo: I am a shaman's wife,
Initiated into sorcery
And I want to wish you well!
And let the soul for a whole century
It will be pure like snow
And a blizzard will sweep happiness in life!

Eskimos, Eskimos! The cold doesn't scare us!
Eskimos, Eskimos! Grow in winter climates!
With Santa Claus in the neighborhood,
I live near my childhood
He told me in secret
What gifts await you all!

(to Baba Yaga) However, I sympathize with you very much.
My advice: don't shut yourself up.
So that in old age you are not left alone,
Be gentle with people, like spring!

(Dance "I'll take you to the tundra")

(to the audience) It's time for me to return to the tundra, however!
Live, work and be rich!
Catch good luck and happiness in addition!

(music sounds, Eskimo, leaves)

(to Baba Yaga) Tell me, finally, what did you decide?
Perhaps we can do without acrylic?

B.-Ya.: And you don’t need silicone with Botox!
I believe, for suffering, a reward awaits me!

Vedas: Great! But fortunately, you need to be prepared,
It is no coincidence that the proverb says:
They meet us in life by our clothes.
I will invite a stylist to help - the highest class!

(calling cell phone)

Hello, good evening! Please come!
Give professional advice urgently!
We are waiting for you! Yes! Yes!
Blonde? Brunette?
(whispers) Such "beauties" are rare.
See you! We are waiting!

(to Baba Yaga) She will be here soon.

B.-Ya.: Who?

(The screensaver "Fashionable sentence" sounds) Me! Vyacheslav Zaitsev.


I will emphasize the nuances, I will place the accents,
And dreams will come true, and you will meet the Prince! (

(takes Baba Yaga by the hand, leaves)

Vedas: It seems that I have no doubts
Our fairy tale plot is moving towards the denouement.
I believe the work of the master is afraid,
Stylist Vyacheslav Zaitsev
Help Baba Yaga transform!

And we, while the stylist creates manipulations,
Let's support the climax with a fun scene!

(The scene "how my mother wanted me")

(music sounds, the Snow Maiden comes out ( former Baba Yaga) and Stylist
Vedas: But what do I see! Is it the same Yaga!
Yes, you will slay anyone here for sure!

Snow Maiden: No, I can’t defeat anyone with beauty,
I have already met my destiny!
Everything turned out as you predicted to me:
He is handsome and fit!
And I suit him!
But what will happen next, how will the race last
I will tell you friends
Next year
(Everyone who spoke comes out, becomes a semicircle)

Vedas: Well, now,
Let's remember childhood
Let's call Santa Claus!

And the words are:
"Santa Claus, come quickly!
To make it more fun!"

(music sounds, Santa Claus comes out)

D.M.: Hello, dear guests!
I'm very glad to see you!
Well, let's not waste time
And let's continue our holiday!

Let the new one give us
Health, joy and happiness!

Anyone who is single, get married.
Everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,
Forget about insults.
Everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate.
To songs, to dances
Never shut up!
Happy New Year with a new happiness!
May you be in trouble!
(music sounds, all the heroes come out, sing New Year's


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