Drawing up a business plan for a bank. Business plan for getting a bank loan. Availability of collateral and guarantors

Getting a loan from a bank is much easier if you clearly know what exactly and how much you will have to spend to open a business. Almost all banks require from borrowers a business plan for the future enterprise when it comes to a loan from scratch. A well-written business plan is not a waste of time. It will help the head of the company to properly organize work processes, respond in a timely manner to the slightest market changes, effectively manage the business and gradually increase their own profits.

What is the importance of a business plan for an individual entrepreneur

The business plan clearly demonstrates the pros and cons of any firm, weak and strengths, prospects and controversial points. An entrepreneur can use a business plan to draw up strategic and tactical plans, adjust market behavior, and make correct and timely decisions.

In addition, this document is extremely important for attracting investors or obtaining a loan from financial institutions. Moreover, the less the company operates, the more carefully investors will evaluate this document. If you have an ongoing business that is already generating income, investors may want to consider the current concept of the venture. And to create a business from scratch, it is important to think over and take into account every little thing, the smallest details.

There are two types of business plan:

  • intended for personal use (for the owner of the enterprise or an external project implementer);
  • created for third-party readers (for investors, banks, partners).

How to write a business plan from scratch

You can get financing for business development not only in the bank. The Employment Center provides free subsidies to unemployed citizens to start their own business. How to get a business loan for free? To do this, you need to take a short course and defend your business plan. Thanks to this document the staff of the Center will decide whether to invest in your project.

The maximum amount that can be received at the Employment Center is 58,800 rubles (the amount of the largest unemployment benefit for the year). By the way, you can get the same amount again if you officially hire an unemployed person sent by the Employment Service. This scheme works only for individual entrepreneurs (re-financing is not provided for LLC). At the same time, the business must generate income.

The procedure for drawing up a business plan for the Center is not much different from the development of a standard document. Be sure to consider the following points:

  • whether the activity is subject to licensing;
  • which tax scheme is better to choose;
  • is there a supplier in the region where the company is located (if not, how much will it cost to deliver goods, raw materials, materials);
  • when the business starts to make a profit (define the payback period);
  • features of income distribution (if the project is implemented jointly with partners);
  • detailed description of production processes;
  • How do you plan to resolve business problems?
  • what risks do you note, how they can be minimized.

When drawing up a business plan for the Employment Center, the costs of registering an enterprise can be considered separately, since the organization also reimburses them (in addition to paying benefits for the year). It can be attributed here.

For any entrepreneur, going to the bank for a loan begins with the preparation of a business plan. It is no secret that the requirements of a financial institution for this "protocol" paper for many businessmen are quite strict. However, everything has its advantages - sometimes banking experts require to take into account such pitfalls, the existence of which a person did not suspect. Is it possible to initially draw up an “ideal” business plan that will be welcome in a financial institution? Probably not - the requirements of banks vary too much. But making sure that you have as few questions as possible when issuing a loan will not hurt.

Without preparation

“I received a loan to open my first store only in the third or fourth bank,” says the owner of several outlets format "at home" Andrey Kovalev. – When I was asked to provide some kind of business plan at the first entry, I did not quite understand what the bank needed. I sketched something similar on two pages at home in the evening, came back - naturally, they “wrapped” me. For a long time I wondered what was wrong. When they didn’t even look at me with these sheets in another bank, I had to turn to specialists who helped draw up an “adult” document. True, he also did not satisfy the financiers, but it was already something. For me then it was a big revelation that my business does not start with the actual business, but with some calculations, papers ... "

Indeed, many aspiring entrepreneurs encounter such a phenomenon as a business plan only when going to the bank. If a person initially has own funds to open a business, then profitability and so on are calculated literally “on the knee”, which often turns into bankruptcy.

Let us return, however, to loans. So, in order to get a loan from a bank (or a reasoned refusal), you need to know some of the requirements for such documentation that are common to all financial institutions, as well as what the entrepreneur will face during the negotiations on issuing a loan.

Backfill questions

Be initially prepared for the fact that in the bank your calculations will be checked by no means on the knee. Your future business in the process of considering documents, they will repeatedly try to "bankrupt" - of course, again on paper and solely for the purpose of testing strength.

“First of all, the business plan must be realistic. Loan officers, in turn, also perform a verification calculation of the provided plan, but this should not be feared, since the financial analysis of a business plan is not made with the aim of finding a reason to refuse financing to an entrepreneur - often experts even help the entrepreneur,” says Georgis Yagubov, manager of the operational office of NOMOS-BANK in Belgorod.

It is also worth noting that some banks prefer to give loans mainly for the development of existing businesses. However, the presence of an already working, even if quite successfully, business is not a 100% guarantee of receiving money. A business plan - and without it, you can't get anywhere here - should make it clear to the bank that you are able to service loan payments no matter what.

“Currently, our bank is considering the implementation investment projects only as part of the development of new areas of existing and financially sustainable business. The main criteria for operating business, is a minimum period of work of at least 12 months, as well as the presence of net profit sufficient to repay payments for the financing in question, - says Viktor Krivosheev, manager of the Belgorod office of VTB24. - The business plan should provide for the investment of the owners' funds in the amount of at least 20%, the payback within 4-5 years (for some projects, the payback period can be 7 years - for example, renting out real estate). The important point is the existence of a collateral base sufficient to secure the financing in question.”

Assessed Risks

When developing a business plan, it is worthwhile to calculate in advance the most pessimistic situation, they emphasize in banks. The more risk-resistant your investment project is, the more negative you have foreseen, the higher the probability of obtaining a loan.

“In the process of implementing a business plan, there is always the possibility of some third factors, unforeseen circumstances ... For example, the predicted consumer demand may not develop. The implementation of a business plan is always a risk, therefore, when drawing up it, you need to go, as financiers say, according to a pessimistic scenario for the development of events,” Georgis Yagubov believes.

In turn, as Viktor Krivosheev notes, there are a number of points that businessmen do not even consider as probable risks. And this, in turn, is fraught with additional costs, or an increase in payback periods. What can be discussed?

For example, about a promising market for a product or service. Moreover, get ready that banking experts will require you to already concluded agreements or agreements of intent. The same applies to likely suppliers of raw materials, as well as equipment suppliers. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the availability of all necessary permits and licenses for future activities. Finally, the manager of the Belgorod branch of VTB24 emphasizes, it is worth evaluating the personnel market and the average wages- not always the desires of applicants for vacancies coincide with the expectations of the employer.

Get ready to answer all these and many other unexpected questions. And, in general, when going for a loan, remember the folk wisdom: the bank will always give you money, but only if you can prove that you do not need it.

- Business plan for a bank loan

Business plan for a bank loan

A business plan for a bank aims to demonstrate to the lender the viability and profitability of the project, proves the possibility of generating a financial flow sufficient to keep the company afloat and cover loan obligations. High-quality business plans are an indicator of the competence of the loan applicant - banks evaluate them according to their compliance with financial criteria.

The development of a business plan involves the indication of starting and running costs of the project and the list of actions for its implementation, analysis of the sufficiency of the borrower's financial flows, calculation of the DSCR ratio, description of liquid assets, calculation of the amount of the total debt burden, calculation of the goods turnover period and other parameters. Ready Plan demonstrates the whole concept of the future enterprise on paper even before its implementation.

The business plan for a bank loan is necessary condition, according to it, the loan officer will determine whether your dream of opening your own company will come true. That is why business plans are given a lot of attention there.

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The main criteria for obtaining a loan

The main task of the bank, when it evaluates your business plan, is to protect itself from default by the borrower. The position of the banks is simple - they want to earn as much as possible on their creditors and return the bank's money on time or earlier. The bank is interested in your financial stability and the amount of planned profit - this is what the plan should demonstrate.

What criteria are under consideration by the bank:

  • stability of the planned cash flow;
  • inclusion in the plan of three scenarios for the development of the company - realistic, optimistic and pessimistic;
  • the presence of a guarantor, cash collateral or part of the funds for the implementation of projects;
  • no obligations on other loans of this bank or other credit organizations;
  • the amount of the average monthly turnover of the enterprise - if the project concerns development measures existing business;
  • profitability;
  • the accuracy of the data provided.

The bank evaluates the solvency of the client using the DSCR coefficient, which shows the ratio of the company's income to the cost of servicing the loan. In other words, the bank evaluates how much estimated income is able to cover loan payments.

Business plans sent to the bank for evaluation must necessarily have a forecast based on this indicator in their calculation part. It should be at an acceptable level, both for the bank and for the lender, and a comfortable payment schedule is used to balance it.

Stop factors

When developing a project, the applicant must take into account a number of stop factors that can scare off a potential investor and reduce the chance of accepting an application, if not completely eliminate it. What points you need to pay attention to to avoid getting into the stop list:

  • the realism of the business plan - all data must be truthful, accurate and not far-fetched, the compliance of the plan with the truth will be checked;
  • scenario analysis - a business plan for obtaining a loan should contain calculations for the most unfavorable scenario, this allows the bank to make sure that the applicant is reliable and his view of the project is realistic;
  • risk study - analysis of the maximum number of risks allows the bank to be sure that you have everything under control and you are ready for all possible failures;
  • the structure of the initial capital - the positions of the business plan should reflect the applicant's willingness to invest a certain amount from the project budget (about 20%), which ensures its reliability and interest in the result.

The main mistakes in the business plan

The business plan for the bank must be impeccable. Loan officers go through several business plans a day, so they have vast experience in valuation and many examples before their eyes. What planning mistakes should be avoided so that your proposal does not go to the basket:

  • Overly formal approach - the credibility of the business plan is a fundamental criterion, it should look like you were working on a specific unique project, and not on the market as a whole. In development, it is necessary to pay great attention to qualitative, quantitative, price parameters that are actually supposed to be used and that really work.
  • Low-quality financial part - business plans and financial calculations are inextricably linked, and it is the financial component that is very important for a bank as an investor. Statistical data, research results, calculations must be impeccable and convincing.
  • Contradictions between sections - marketing research, financial models, technical plan, sales forecasts for goods and services, taxation should overlap and make up a big general idea, and not misrepresent and devalue each other within the same project. This can be avoided by the development of a business plan by several specialists in their fields.
  • Unreasonable forecasts - the business plan must contain real conclusions that naturally follow from the described parameters. The only place where a discrepancy can be allowed is the payback period of the project: no matter how rosy the result appears in the plan, you need to add yourself a little time to overcome the inevitable difficulties in the project implementation process.
  • Lack of resources to implement a business plan in a particular region.
  • Wrong market analysis - dynamics and volume are taken from the ceiling.
  • Lack of transparency in the ownership structure.
  • Lack of management team relevant experience through these installations.

Banks seriously evaluate financial calculations, which should contain financial parameters, ratios, profitability and profitability indicators and other complex calculated values. Creating a project for the first time, the applicant makes a lot of mistakes, which inevitably demonstrate his complete incompetence and the impossibility of managing the organization in real life. Ordering a business plan from a professional company allows you to eliminate unnecessary worries.

Business plan from AkraftFinance

Project preparation becomes easier and clearer when you have a personal manager who is completely immersed in your task. AkraftFinance has extensive experience in different areas and projects and can help you to achieve your goal. A business plan for a bank is formed according to the specific requirements of the bank / credit institution to which it is planned to send an application, to ensure a 100% result.

The advantage of AkraftFinance lies in guaranteeing the effectiveness of cooperation due to its impressive experience in the development and implementation of business projects, knowledge of the characteristics of all credit departments and bank experts in the region, full competence in drawing up plans for banks.

Banking business is a profitable, but very difficult direction. And people with extensive experience are able to engage in this type of business, necessary knowledge and the opportunity to invest heavily. But if the desire to open a financial institution is great, but there are not enough opportunities, you can open credit organizations. It will take less money to open them.

Usually, experienced entrepreneurs go to open a bank. They need their own bank to service the parent company. There are many banks in Russia, including both large and small ones. Big competition. But on the other hand, more and more people use the services of banks, which means that you have the opportunity to establish a successful business. Opening a private bank in Russia is not easy. But if you have a well-written business plan, subject to all the rules and regulations, the business will become successful.

A business plan is essential. It will help not to miss a single trifle and nuance, so that nothing interferes with the work of the bank.

Private bank business plan

Both large and small banks conduct regular medium-term planning of their activities to strengthen their positions. It is for this purpose that a business plan is developed, which is based on analysis and planning.

Detailed planning will allow you to correctly choose the main strategy for your development, to gain advantages over competitors. For example, the experience of many banks shows that medium and small banks should work in a specific direction. Only a large bank can be universal. And this direction of work should be fixed in the business plan.

The development of a business plan should be based on a development analysis. Analytical developments are carried out in several directions. The legislative environment and the foreign market, sales and customer base, the position of the bank on financial market and evaluation of competitors. In this case, you can make a forecast for the next five years.

Planning the bank's development strategy will help expand the resource base, increase revenue growth, and help set the main development goals for the next five years. For example, to gain a positive reputation and constantly maintain it; expand the range of services; expand the customer base; attract new investments; create a flexible interest rate policy; etc.

Variety of banks

For a budding entrepreneur, you need to know existing varieties banks to choose the direction that best reflects his aspirations. Financial institutions are divided into five types:

  1. Retail. Their advantage is that they provide all types of financial services. Their difference is the diversification of assets.
  2. Credit. Bank funds are an asset, customer debt is a liability.
  3. Estimated. Working with individuals, offering all settlement services.
  4. Market. Investments in securities.
  5. Interbank structures. Interaction with financial institutions, resulting in profit.

But many banks choose a universal type in order to work in several directions at the same time. The license of the bank describes in detail what operations the bank is entitled to carry out. The license changes only after two years. There is an opportunity to choose the type of bank where some disadvantage is felt.

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How to open your own bank

Before such an important matter as opening your own bank, conduct a serious analysis of your capabilities and strengths. Both you and your founders must have the required amount, there must be no previous criminal records and bad credit history. Verification of bank documents will be accompanied by a total verification of all founders.

There is an important condition, there must be five million euros on the company's personal account. Otherwise registration will not be possible.

After that, all partners sign an agreement and choose the legal form of their organization. Usually commercial Bank open like joint-stock company. The law does not limit the choice open society or closed. For the activities of the bank is selected the code OKPD 2 64. These are financial services.

Next stage. Must be drawn up and signed memorandum of association. The Central Bank of Russia will tell you whether you have chosen the name of your organization correctly, whether there are any analogues in existing financial institutions.

Having received a certificate of registration, all the necessary information is sent to the Main Department for the region where you open a bank. It is impossible to obtain a license if there is no agreement with the GTU. All documents verified by the GTU are sent for the next verification to the Central Bank, where they may be needed additional information. And that's not all. The Banking Supervision Committee decides on the issue of registration. And if all questions received a positive decision, in tax office the new private bank is entered in the register of credit institutions.

Within thirty days, the founders must deposit authorized capital and collect the necessary papers. Here is the list:

  1. Founders statement.
  2. Constituent documents.
  3. Business plan.
  4. The meeting of founders must adopt the protocol.
  5. Receipt of payment of state duty.
  6. Documents on registration of founders and their notarized copies.
  7. Questionnaires of candidates for leading positions.
  8. Legal entities provide an auditor's report that their financial statements reliable. Individuals present documents that confirm the source of their funds that they will contribute.
  9. Documents on the basis of which a conclusion is being prepared that the credit institution complies with all requirements for conducting cash transactions.
  10. Certified consent of the federal antimonopoly authority to establish a financial institution.
  11. If a bank is registered as a joint stock company, their first issue of shares is registered.
  12. List of founders and their full details.

The task of collecting documents can be simplified. There are institutions that specialize in collecting the necessary documentation. You can contact them. But the cost of their services is quite high, and there is no guarantee that a license will be issued. There are many reasons for refusal to issue a license. There are many types of licenses, the main thing is to choose the right one.

You can contact specialists who can issue ready business plan bank or make it according to your requirements and capabilities. Some agencies can help correct design documents. They also have established links with regulators so you can get answers from them earlier. But everything else will have to be done by ourselves. Only decisive and self-confident people are capable of registering their own bank.

The purpose of preparing a business plan for a bank is to give the lender the opportunity to make sure that the idea is viable, profitable, and the project will be able to generate a financial flow to cover loan obligations. Employees of credit departments always carefully evaluate the quality of the submitted business plan for compliance with the financial criteria of the bank, since an unsuccessfully prepared document is evidence of insufficient competence of loan applicants.

  • Key requirements for business plans prepared for banks?

This document must be submitted to credit organizations in order to confirm the effectiveness of the idea presented in it. NOST Group offers the development of high-quality business plans for banks.

A well-designed project that describes all the stages of organizing a new business or developing an existing one, gives a clear idea of ​​how profitable an enterprise can become and how long it will be able to generate a flow of funds sufficient to cover loan obligations. Employees financial institutions carefully evaluate and determine how they meet the criteria of the bank.

At the same time, clients should understand that even a project that is ideal at first glance may not pass the assessment and not receive a “go-ahead” for issuing a loan. The fact is that each bank has its own requirements for the content of business plans. Therefore, already at the stage of project preparation, it is necessary to understand for what purpose it is being created and where it will be presented.

Key requirements for business plans prepared for banks

In most cases, the framework established for reviewing loan applications for new projects is designed to protect financial institutions from the risk of default by the borrower. That is why a client applying for cooperation is required to confirm financial stability, as well as the volume of planned profit.

When evaluating business plans for bank employees, the following criteria are of paramount importance:

  1. Availability of realistic financial model.
  2. Stability of the planned cash flow in the future.
  3. Scenario analysis of business development (optimistic, realistic, pessimistic).
  4. Presence of collateral or surety.
  5. The borrower has no obligations on other loans (if any, their volume).
  6. For an existing enterprise - the volume of the average monthly turnover.
  7. Project profitability.
  8. Absolute certainty.


Considering a business plan for a bank: a list of stop factors

When reviewing loan applications, the specialists of the relevant departments use a number of project evaluation parameters. Non-compliance with one or more of them is a serious stop factor that reduces the likelihood of an application being approved or practically reduces it to zero.

Among the main criteria:

  1. Realistic business plan for a bank. All calculations attached to the project will be carefully checked and detailed analysis. It is important that they are as truthful and accurate as possible.
  2. Scenario analysis. Even if the author of a business plan for a bank is completely confident in the success of his idea, it is necessary to perform calculations based on the most unfavorable scenario for the development of the situation. Negative factors, which the project initiator recognizes and takes into account, make it more reliable and justified.
  3. Careful study of risks. In the business plan for the bank, it is necessary to analyze the maximum number of risks. The more of them mentioned in the project, the more likely it is to receive funding.
  4. The structure of the initial capital. For many credit institutions, it is important that the project initiator be ready to invest in its implementation and own funds (from 20%). In addition, a big plus is the availability of a reliable collateral base.

Mistakes in preparing a business plan for a bank

  1. Overly formal approach. A business plan for a bank is not just one of the documents required for lending. This is the main, most important part of the application of a potential borrower, which must be reliable and justified. Approval of the application is possible only if one hundred percent compliance with the requirements of the credit institution, as well as absolute reliability.
  2. Poor quality of financial calculations. This part of the business plan for the bank is one of the most important. The commercial justification must be confirmed by statistical data, research results, calculations.
  3. Discrepancies and contradictions between sections. Such problems often arise when not a close-knit group, but one or two specialists is working on a project. Disbalance of partitions must not be allowed! It is important to achieve full consistency of all chapters: marketing research, technical plan, financial model, taxation, market analysis, sales and profit forecasts.
  4. Unfounded predictions. Representatives of credit institutions know how to evaluate the submitted documents, and they will definitely find that the available rosy conclusions do not correspond to the real state of affairs. When describing the chances of a project to succeed, one must be as truthful as possible. The only point of the business plan for the bank, where there may be an error, is the payback period of the project. Some experts even advise deliberately slightly overestimating it in order to gain additional time to overcome the inevitable difficulties during the implementation of the project.

Business plan for a bank from NOST Group: advantages

The company's specialists work on projects strictly within the framework of the requirements of the credit institution to which the client plans to apply. We have extensive experience in creating business plans for customers in accordance with the standards of the largest banks: Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB, Vnesheconombank, etc.

Through experience successful work in various sectors of the economy, as well as a large volume of business ideas already implemented according to our plans, we are able to guarantee the effectiveness of cooperation. By taking advantage of our offer, you will most likely receive credit funds.


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