Mini-bakery business plan with calculations - how to open a mini-bakery. Business plan for a mini bakery: analysis and detailed calculations Business plan for creating a mini bakery

The success of any business is largely due to the presence of high demand for the goods sold. The sphere of production of bakery products is one of the most demanded throughout the country. In order for your own production to be profitable, you need to make mini-bakeries with calculations. It will allow not only to estimate the amount of costs, but also to calculate the payback period, profitability and other important financial indicators.

Opening a mini-bakery franchise

If a person has never been in business, but wants to open his own bakery, he does not have to do this alone. Any business sector has its own characteristics and difficulties. If you don’t want to spend your own time and money on this, then you can turn to more experienced bakery owners and buy a franchise from them. This format of cooperation has its own characteristics:

  • the level of profitability will decrease due to the need to pay royalties, an initial fee to the franchisor;
  • a businessman receives a ready-made brand under which he can work, spending less money on advertising and promotion;
  • the availability of a ready-made production technology (it does not have to be certified, and the employees of the franchisor's company will help to implement it);
  • risks are reduced;
  • the franchisor accompanies its franchisees at all stages of cooperation.

Some franchises involve supplier relationships industrial equipment, raw materials. This allows you to save some money. The franchisor can assist in finding wholesale buyers or establishing retail trade.

The danger in opening a bakery franchise is more related to the success and integrity of the franchisor. It is not easy for a beginner to find a worthy partner.

If we are talking about opening a bakery, then it is worth considering first of all the following popular Russian franchises:

Tandoor bread Dobropek pretzel
Franchise launch year 2014 2013 2016
Entrance fee Missing 500 000 rubles 290 000 rubles
Royalty 15,000 rubles per month, starting from 4 months of work 5% of received revenue 10 000 rubles per month
Start-up capital 205,000 - 750,000 rubles 2,500,000 - 3,000,000 rubles 1,500,000 - 2,400,000 rubles
Possible areas of work Retail and wholesale, delivery of finished products Retail bakery shop

These franchises have become very popular in Russia due to the well-established business model, high profitability, the presence of a well-thought-out and ready-to-implement concept. But opening a bakery franchise has its drawbacks:

  • inability to develop trademark;
  • the presence of recipes and a range of products that cannot be changed;
  • restriction of actions of the entrepreneur;
  • additional costs (lump contributions for well-known franchises are especially noticeable, their cost can reach several million rubles).

For an entrepreneur, opening a mini-bakery franchise can be the first step in business. It will help him gain experience, learn all the processes from the inside. At the expiration of the franchise agreement, it will be possible to open your own bakery, but you will have to start from scratch.


The choice of a place to operate a bakery is important if an entrepreneur plans to carry out retail. Then the premises should be located in the city center. If the volumes are not very large, and the competition is small, then you can also settle in a residential area among apartment buildings. This will save on rent and increase the size of the final profit.

When opening a bakery for wholesale sales everything will be even easier - just find a suitable area in an industrial area. You only need to take into account the environmental situation, the availability of convenient access roads, remoteness from wholesale buyers (the closer they are, the more you can save on the delivery of products).

An entrepreneur can buy or rent industrial premises. Each of these options has its pros and cons:

If an entrepreneur plans to work and develop his bakery, in any case, he needs to think about buying a premises. This is a great option for investment with profit. If the capital is not enough, it is necessary to conclude an agreement long term lease to protect yourself from moving to a new place in the near future.

Requirements for the premises of a mini-bakery

When choosing a room for work, you need to evaluate the required production capacity. For the manufacture of 300 kg of finished products per day, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b50 m 2 will be required. And it should not be one room, but several:

  • workshop for the production of dough / finished products;
  • 2 warehouses for storage - one will contain raw materials, and the second - finished goods, they cannot be stored together;
  • bathroom with equipped sink and toilet;
  • locker room for staff;
  • loading room;
  • office.

People have always known a lot about food. A bakery is the production of bakery products, pies, etc. Bakeries have always been and always will be. This production can exist independently, maybe at some hyper and supermarket, mini-bakeries can be at various cafes and grocery stores.

When opening a mini-bakery, the business plan should include all costs associated with the implementation of the project: investment in the purchase of equipment, current expenses for production and rent. Also, the business plan of the bakery should contain a marketing strategy for business development: without this, it will be difficult to establish a stable sales of products.

The bakery business plan includes financial and organizational plan and tips for choosing marketing strategy business. Obvious Advantage food production is that bread is a product that will always be in demand, regardless of the political situation, fashion trends and income levels of the population: you just need to find a niche for your company.

How to open a mini bakery from scratch?

A bread bakery whose business plan includes financial calculations, stages of project implementation and recommendations for choosing a marketing strategy, will allow you to open a mini-bakery from scratch without any extra effort, bypass all the "pitfalls" and receive stable profits in the future.

Stage 1. Search for investments for the implementation of the bakery project

Significant costs for the purchase of equipment for a mini-bakery suggest the need to seek investment in the project. Attracting a bank loan will increase the payback period of the project due to the need to pay interest. Another option is to attract investment funds. In this case, you will have to give part of the profit from the project to the investor.

At the stage of searching for investments, you should pay attention to the possibility of buying a ready-made bakery business. This will avoid the cost of purchasing, installing and commissioning equipment, as well as the search for personnel employed in production. In addition, the operating mini-bakery has well-established ways to sell products, which means stable revenue.

Stage 2. Company registration

It is possible to register a company engaged in the manufacture of bakery products independently, or by contacting the services of a specialized law firm dealing with the registration of companies. The latter option will be more expensive than self-registration, but it will save time for more important matters related to setting up a business. If there is no desire to fill out an application for registration of a company and stand in lines at the Federal Tax Service, then it would be a reasonable step to entrust this work to specialists.

Another important point is the choice of legal form for the bakery. The most common options are individual entrepreneurs or companies with limited liability. In the first case, the business owner will be liable for the obligations of the company with all his property, in the second case, his liability will be limited to a contribution to authorized capital companies.

Stage 3. Registration of permits.

To be able to produce food products, it is necessary to match the products and production premises standards of Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological service and fire safety.
To start production, the following documents must be issued:

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for production;

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for products;

Certificate of conformity;

Conclusions from the fire inspectorate.

The costs associated with the execution of permits are included in our registration costs.

Stage 4. Search for a production facility

Bread bakery is a business, the premises for which must meet certain requirements. In accordance with the requirements of the legislation, the bakery cannot be located in the basement of the building or in the basement; all utilities are required: hot and cold water supply, sewerage and ventilation. In addition, the requirements relate to the interior decoration of the premises: the walls must be tiled, and the ceiling must be whitewashed.

The business plan of the bakery store involves finding premises in an accessible and “passable” place for buyers. To organize a bakery, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​at least 80 square meters, if in addition to the bakery you plan to sell products in a retail store, you will have to rent an additional 30-40 square meters.

Stage 5. Acquisition and installation of equipment

A mini bakery is a business in which a lot depends on the quality of baking equipment. What does it take to open a bakery? The business plan presented here assumes the purchase of only the most necessary equipment. A mini-bakery project cannot be implemented without a bread maker, a dough mixing device, a table for cutting and shaping dough, trolleys for finished products, and a flour sifter. A real business plan for a bakery involves the purchase of the most inexpensive domestic equipment. Foreign analogues are much more expensive, but they have better performance characteristics.

As a rule, those companies that sell equipment for baking bakery products also offer customers installation of this equipment. For this reason, installation difficulties should not arise. When choosing an equipment supplier, you should pay attention to the reviews of the company's customers who have already purchased and ordered the installation of equipment, as well as warranty obligations provided by the supplier.

If you need to save on the purchase of equipment, you can refuse to buy a dough kneader and a flour sifter, and buy ready-made dough instead of flour and other ingredients. Partial cycle production will save both on the purchase of equipment and on the wages of workers employed in production. The disadvantage is the impossibility of complete control of the technical process, and hence the quality of the product produced.

Step 6: Recruitment costs

Workers employed in food production, it is mandatory to have a sanitary book. In addition, the quality of products directly depends on the experience and qualifications of bakers. Therefore, the logical solution would be to hire employees with work experience. It is unreasonable to assume that an unskilled worker who claims at an interview that he bakes excellent rolls at home in his kitchen will cope with the equipment of a mini-bakery is unreasonable.

Contacting recruiting agency greatly simplifies the recruitment process. Yes, you will have to overpay for the services of the agency, but the owner will be confident in the qualifications and experience of his employees. As you know, time is money if the future business owner has no experience in interviewing, if he is not eager to check records in work book with the data presented in the resume of the applicant, it will be easiest to entrust the search for employees to the agency, and spend the free time more rationally.

Based on the current staffing table, we calculate tax deductions.

Cleaning woman



Bakery marketing plan

The specifics of the business requires you to occupy a certain niche. No matter how hard the owner of a mini-bakery tries to optimize his expenses, he will never be able to compete on the price of products with a bakery that produces hundreds of thousands of rolls a day. Therefore, when creating a mini-bakery, you need to pay attention to product quality. Without a marketing plan, a business is doomed to failure. Before the implementation of the project, the owner must answer the following questions: how can the product be of interest to the buyer? Why would he prefer my baked goods over cheaper mass-produced or competitive products? Based on this, you should create a marketing strategy and start implementing it.

bakery shop

If possible, part of the bakery premises should be equipped with a retail store. The incomparable smell of fresh baked goods will attract visitors better than any other advertisement. Relatively small costs for commercial equipment will quickly pay off due to retail sales. Another direction of marketing is the sale of products in small retail stores. As practice shows, initial stage it is useless to try to offer your products to large retail chains: An obscure bakery has little chance of placing its products on the shelves of large hypermarkets, so you should focus on working with small stores.

Product specifics

In our time, no one can surprise anyone with just delicious rolls. The mini-bakery business plan involves the development of a marketing strategy, taking into account the specifics of baking, which can interest the buyer. The business owner should pay attention to popular and relevant areas of baking that are in demand.

Yeast-free bread - the current trend

Bakery products made without the use of yeast are considered healthier. A mini bakery, the business plan of which provides for the production of such bread, has a better chance of being successfully implemented compared to a project for the production of yeast products. On the other hand, yeast-free products involve the use of a special technical process, as well as the appropriate qualifications of workers employed in production.

National cuisine is a great option for a bakery shop: a business plan

Another "highlight" may be the use of national recipes for baking. culinary habits different peoples of the world suggest peculiar, original and unique baking recipes: Armenian lavash, American flatbread, Indian chapatis - the list is endless. The national flavor of the bakery guarantees that it will have regular customers and therefore it will be a serious competitive advantage.

Costs, profits and payback of the project.

For calculations, we accept that we will register an individual entrepreneur for organizing a business, taxation is a simplified reporting system. Also, in organizational expenses, we will take into account the costs of certificates of conformity for products. The initial investment in the project will be:

Purchase of equipment

working capital

Organizational expenses

Total expenses

To simplify, we believe that in our calculations we consider only the production and sale of products in small batches to grocery stores, cafes, restaurants, etc. Additional investments may be required as working capital to start a business. Total investments for equipment and registration actions from 500 thousand rubles.

The main costs associated with production in a bakery.

  • Rent of the premises - 64 thousand rubles (the area of ​​the required premises is 80 m2, the rent is 800 rubles / m2);
  • Communal expenses- 16 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of raw materials for production - depending on the volume of products;
  • Staff salary - 90 thousand rubles (bakers - 4 people, cleaner - 1 person, accounting - outsourcing);
  • Other expenses (disinfection, deratization, garbage collection, maintenance of equipment and account) - 10 thousand rubles.

Let's summarize the main costs in the table.

fixed costs


Payroll taxes



Accountant services

Variable costs

Raw material cost

Communal expenses


Insurance IP

Other variable expenses

Total cost

Bakery income.

To calculate the revenue, you need to decide on the list of products. The profitability of bakeries that produce buns, various gingerbread is 30-40%, the profitability of bakeries that produce bread, loaves is 10-20%. In our calculations, we will consider the production of a French baguette.

A standard baguette is cylindrical and weighs 250 grams. Ingredients: flour, water, rye and salt. For 1 kg. flour will require 0.62-0.65 liters of water (it is recommended to replace the water with whey in whole or in part), the weight of the dough will be 1.62 kg. Salt and sugar 1% by volume, yeast 2% by volume.

The productivity and sales of our bakery is 15 kg/hour. The bakery's revenue with existing equipment can increase due to an increase in the volume and range of products.

Revenue from the sale of baguettes

Total revenue

Based on the costs and planned revenue, we will calculate the net profit.

Enterprise revenue

Production cost

Gross profit

Loan interest

Profit before tax

Net profit

Cumulative net profit

The final calculation will be the determination of the profitability and payback of the business.

Bread is the head of everything. And if it is also very tasty, then the success of your business is guaranteed. Today we looked at how to open your own mini-bakery, how much it will cost and what needs to be done for this, we hope the material presented was useful from a practical point of view.

Bakery products remain one of the most sought after food products on the market. Although over the past decades, for a number of reasons, the share of bakery products has slightly decreased. Nevertheless, bakeries will not disappear anywhere in the near future, and the demand for their products can be predicted to be stable.

Before you open a mini-bakery, it is advisable to pre-calculate and draw up a business plan. The choice of one or another concept depends on the specifics of the situation. Predominantly, the business is profitable, as it primarily refers to the consumables business. Consider the main features of the industry.


The existing features of this area are associated with a change in the product line, a change in the need for these products, directly with the production and distribution of products.

Product line

Recently, the range of grocery products has grown significantly. This could not but affect the decrease in the share of bakery products. In addition, there is a steady trend towards healthy lifestyle life, which also contributed to the reduction in bread consumption. According to statistics, the level of consumption of bakery products from 2011 to 2013 decreased by 5%.

Along with this, new products appear on the market: combined products, products with various additives. Because of this, the product line is expanding significantly.

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The share of large producers of bakery products in the market in such a situation will gradually decrease. Already at the moment, the capacities of large manufacturers are loaded by 30-50%.

There are several reasons for this:

  • less flexible technological process, designed for large volumes;
  • distribution of mini-bakeries, the cost of producing small batches in which is much lower;
  • organization of large grocery chains own production average power;
  • the emergence of by-products and home-made equipment.

All this leads to the fact that large manufacturers increase costs and the total cost of production increases. They are forced to apply various measures, one of them is additives to products in order to extend their shelf life. Such measures also do not contribute to the promotion of goods on the market. Positive feedback loop. Demand decreases - quality is forced to decrease - demand decreases.

Based on such an analysis, it can be assumed that in the future the competitiveness of mini-producers with greater flexibility will increase.


In connection with the above, it is necessary to initially work out the issue of competitiveness. A business plan for a bakery with calculations in almost any case will show the profitability of opening an enterprise. The whole task in the success of the enterprise is to find a sales niche. That's why before drawing up a business plan in this area, it is enough to work out points of sale. When such points are found, it makes sense to work out other aspects.

Competition in the market for the production of bakery products is traditionally high:

  • large manufacturers;
  • own production of trade shops;
  • mini-bakery;
  • semi-finished products are substitutes for finished products.

There are several ways to solve the problem of promotion in the market:

  1. Sales agreement. The easiest and most reliable way. When finding customers for a certain volume and set of products, the calculation of other indicators is quite simple;
  2. Finding a free niche. Those. By analyzing the product market, it is possible to detect its insufficient filling with certain types of products. There is a risk of error - the products may simply not be in demand in this market. Either marketing flaws;
  3. Marketing policy. Creation of conditions, products better than those of competitors. IN general case requires a sufficiently large financial airbag;
  4. Creating demand for products. The most difficult path. Requires an understanding of sociology and psychology, or the involvement of relevant specialists;
  5. Online store. A point of sale that is gaining more and more popularity. It needs to be calculated. As the delivery of simple bread, most likely, may be unprofitable, and different confectionery and additionally related food products are well worth considering.

Types of mini bakeries

Depending on the specialization, organization of production, the following mini-bakeries can be distinguished:

  • universal;
  • specialized (confectionery, bread from the oven, national bread, expensive bread boutique, etc.);
  • bakeries-shops (direct sale of products is carried out right there).

The organization of this or that type of bakery is somewhat different. Specialized ones require special equipment. For a bakery shop, the organization of a trading floor, or, as an option, the preparation of an order directly in front of the client. Universal bakeries are equipped with standard bakery equipment. This will also be reflected in business plans, for example, the business plan of a confectionery bakery will differ significantly from the business plan of a bakery store.


The location of the mini-bakery significantly affects only if it is a mini-bakery-shop. In this case, the requirements for its location are similar to the requirements for the location grocery stores taking into account the presence of competitors in the immediate environment: sleeping areas of cities, shopping centers, train stations, airports, crowded places, etc.

There are no special requirements for the location of other bakeries. General recommendations– decrease production costs. Those. finding the best option in terms of logistics costs and the cost of maintaining the premises.

Requirements for the bakery itself:

  • not allowed to be placed in basements and semi-basements;
  • waterproof floor;
  • walls up to 1.75 meters must be tiled or painted with light paint, the rest and the ceiling must be whitewashed;
  • availability of cold and hot water;
  • the presence of sewerage;
  • ventilation equipment;
  • separate rooms: warehouse, shower, wardrobe, sink, toilet.

Besides it is undesirable to place a bakery in a multi-storey residential building. Although there are no direct prohibitions on such placement. But in case of disturbance to other residents (noise, smells, etc.), serious problems can arise, up to a stop in production, or additional costs for equipment (noise insulation, smell absorbers, etc.).

In terms of area, it all depends on the chosen format and production volume. For the smallest industries, premises from 50 square meters are suitable, in some exceptional cases even less.


Equipment for a bakery also depends on the format, type, volume and range of products planned for release.

In general, you will need:

  • furnaces;
  • dough kneading equipment;
  • proofing cabinet;
  • flour sifter;
  • tables for working with dough;
  • fridge;
  • sheets and forms;
  • washing equipment.

In addition to the basic equipment, special equipment may be required for the preparation of specialized products. Also, the equipment may have to include freight transport.

Part of the equipment is quite used (tables, sheets, forms), part is convenient to purchase under leasing schemes. Also it makes sense to pay attention to the equipment Russian production . Even before the start of the crisis, the difference in cost reached 3 times, after the start of the crisis it only increased. Quality, service life and reliability at the same time do not differ at times. But the repair of domestic equipment will again be cheaper and faster.


The activity does not require licensing. But a number of regulatory documents are required:

  • certificate "sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for production";
  • certificate "sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for products";
  • permission from the fire department;
  • permission of ecological expertise;
  • certificate of conformity federal agency metrology and technical regulation.

The organizational and legal form is chosen according to convenience, the benefits of taxation, documentation and contractual activities. In the vast majority of cases, IP is sufficient.


  • a package of constituent documents (depending on the legal form);
  • certificates and permits;
  • a package of external documentation (lease, supply, sales, agency agreements, etc.);
  • a package of internal documentation (documents of analytical, synthetic accounting, accounting documents, personnel documents, etc.).


In the bakery business Chief Specialist is a technologist. This will be especially true if a specialized bakery is planned. Compliance with technology and the ability to produce high-quality, tasty products that meet customer needs are the second basis of this business after points of sale.

There are no special requirements for the rest of the staff. The number of employees is calculated based on the volume of production and the format of the enterprise.

May be required:

  • baker;
  • sellers;
  • loaders;
  • drivers;
  • cleaners.

Part of the work can be organized on a piece-work basis, or under outsourcing agreements (delivery of products, accounting services, etc.).


A ready-made mini-bakery business plan includes a standard marketing plan. There are no special marketing and advertising moves here. The business is mostly traditional and conservative, over-creativity is more likely to lead to negative consequences. It is unlikely that performance buns will find a wide response in an inert social environment. But, having earned a bad reputation on an unsuccessful performance, it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

  • advertising and hidden advertising (word of mouth methods “spreading rumors about a quality product”);
  • discounts and bonus systems for regular customers;
  • carrying out various actions and presentations at various national festivals.

Approximate costing

For an indicative example, consider the calculation of a small mini-bakery.

The room for placing the equipment is about 50 square meters. We produce 5-10 items of products. Personnel: technologist, baker, auxiliary worker.

The average price of products is 50 - 60 rubles / kg. The average daily sale is 100 - 200 kg. Those. revenue per day: 5 - 12 tr., which will give a month: 150 - 360 tr. Or net profit: 30 - 150 tr. Payback will be from 2 to 5 years. If the premises are rented, the payback period for the equipment will be somewhat lower: from 0.5 to 3 years.

How much does the equipment cost and how to choose it - analytics from the company "Khleb Oborudovanie"

In principle, starting a mini-bakery is possible even with a little over a hundred thousand rubles. This is a combination of the cheapest oven and a Russian-made dough mixer, but everything else will have to be done by hand. And, nevertheless, such “startups” are justified when it comes to the need to bake up to 200 kg per day. In the conditions of the market situation, such an enterprise can provide bread not only for small locality but also the work of two or three people. But the imperfection of technology in one bakery cannot guarantee a stable quality of baking. If we are talking about a larger number of products and a wide range, the amount of investment in such production increases significantly. One of the recent projects of Khleb Oborudovanie is a small bakery with a cafe in one of the major cities of Kazakhstan. The maximum desire of the owner is 1000 kg of products per day, but at the first stage. To launch the bakery, it took about 600,000 rubles of investment in equipment, which should provide the main assortment - pan bread, long loaves, baguette, bakery products and pies. At the second stage, the order of specialized equipment - dividers and equipment for puff pastry - will be ordered.

When choosing equipment, the “first price” factor has long been the main argument for mini-bakery customers. The cost of entering the market is extremely important, especially for "small chains". Often this equipment is of very low quality, with a low resource and high operating costs. Such bakeries, as a rule, are constantly transported from one rented premises to another, which reduces the already low resource of equipment. Mini-bakeries built on the principle of “one-man business” are formed in a completely different way. Equipment for such bakeries is selected according to the principle of strength-functionality-price. Such enterprises may need re-equipment in 15–20 years, while operating costs are fully covered by the benefit of equipment depreciation.

“The truth, as a rule, is somewhere in the middle,” Leonid Rabchuk comments on this idea. “If you imagine a bakery as a person, then, of course, the heart of the bakery is the oven, the skeleton is the dough mixer and the baker is the head.” As in the body, the resource of the heart guarantees it long life, so in the bakery, the design and reliability of the oven guarantee success. At the same time, not only the thickness of the metal or the “survivability” of electronics is important for success, but also the availability of service and spare parts for the entire life cycle ovens. Today, no more than 10-15 manufacturing companies can guarantee this. Among them are FINES from Slovenia, Cimav from Italy, Irtysh from Russia. High-quality dough science is also a fundamental condition for the production of excellent products, and here, alas, the domestic manufacturer has practically nothing to offer those who wish to open a mini-bakery. In the segment of dough mixers with a load of 2 to 40 kg of flour, Italian companies are the clear leaders, but their quality varies greatly. The price cannot be a marker of reliability either, there are examples of highly overvalued equipment. “We are able to supply almost any equipment for dough making,” Khleb Oborudovanie says, “but we give preference to several companies with which we have dealer agreements, these are Italian MacPan and Sunmix. Here we can offer the client not only very competitive prices, but also high-quality support and service. In the segment of small dough cutting equipment, the situation with inexpensive domestic technology becomes even sadder. Our industry still ignores this part of the market, this niche is occupied by European manufacturers. The catalog of the Perm company Khleb Oborudovanie includes several middle-class manufacturers - a large selection of Italian MacPan equipment: dividers, rounders, seamers, dispensers that provide excellent results for relatively little money. Those who wish to purchase more serious equipment can be offered equipment from the Dutch company DAUB. In its class, this equipment has practically no equal in quality, and even more so in price. Not without reason, many technological solutions of this company received major awards at major international exhibitions.”

“For more than 15 years we have been painstakingly forming our catalog, some companies are added, some leave the market, but the main set remains practically unchanged,” says Alexey Savitsky. – We know all the pros and cons of this technique and are able to extend its service life. The main difference between the companies we represent is the passion for the business they do, the passion for bread. This is in tune with us. We operate in the most competitive and yet most human market, because bread is the main food of mankind.”

More details about the turnkey mini-bakery projects can be found on the website //

Bread and pastries are products for which there is always a high demand. Of course, any business associated with such goods automatically becomes promising. That is why entrepreneurs tend to open their own bakeries - cozy and stylish places where everyone can buy delicious, crispy bread, fragrant buns or delicious croissants. However, a bakery can become truly profitable only if the owner pays due attention to the formation of the assortment and the display of goods.

How to form a bakery assortment?

The assortment of an enterprise such as a bakery can depend on many factors. First of all, an entrepreneur seeking to enter this business needs to decide on the location of the point, its format and identify his target client. Only after that you can start thinking about the list of items that will be presented in your assortment.

There are the following types of bakeries:

  1. Mini bakeries. Similar enterprises also differ in production cycles. So, you can open a full-cycle bakery - this means that all products sold will go through a full cooking cycle directly on the spot. An alternative is a part-time enterprise, which involves the storage of semi-finished products and their preparation.
  2. Bakery-pastry shop, also known as "boulangerie". This format is not widely used in Russia and the CIS countries, but it is gradually gaining popularity among consumers.
  3. Bakery-cafe. This option combines a bakery, pastry shop and cafe. This format requires the most investment and is often too risky for start-up entrepreneurs, but it also brings the highest profit.

Assortment of mini-bakery

If you are planning to open a mini-bakery, you need to carefully analyze its location. Remember, people will not go to the other end of the city even for very tasty bread, which means that you will have to focus on the tastes of the residents of the area where your business is located. The best option would be the formation of a universal assortment, in which the most popular positions will be present.

The range of mini-bakery may include:

  • Bread (wheat, rye, yeast-free, wheat-rye, hearth);
  • Baguettes and loaves (wheat, cereal, yeast-free, rye);
  • Pastries (croissant pies, rolls, sweet pies, muffins, cookies, buns).

Of course, the ratio of these groups and names will directly depend on your target audience, profile, production capabilities, etc. The only thing that all entrepreneurs need to consider is that the goods for which there is greatest demand(for example, bread and rolls) should occupy more than 50% of the total assortment.

Assortment of bakery-confectionery or "boulangerie"

French products are traditionally produced at such points: special bread, loaves, croissants, eclairs, profiteroles, etc. As a rule, the assortment of such a bakery is relatively small - in total it includes about thirty items. Of course, each owner of boulangerie adapts the assortment to his consumer or according to his tastes, but the concept remains the same. It even shows up in the traditional design of these bakeries, which look very European.

The assortment of a bakery-confectionery may include:

  • Bread (about ten types from different types of flour);
  • Croissants;
  • Tarts;
  • Kishi;
  • Sweet baskets with cream and berry filling;
  • Layered products.

Assortment of cafe-bakery

As it was said earlier, similar enterprises combine many formats. At such points, the visitor can purchase pastries of his own production, confectionery, drinks and enjoy it without leaving the premises, as in a regular cafe. This version of the bakery requires considerable investment and the breadth of the product range.

The range of cafe-bakery may include:

  • Bread (about 10 types);
  • Cakes;
  • Desserts: tarts, tiramisu, muffins, eclairs, macaroni;
  • Sweets: marmalade, chocolate, sweets, truffles, gingerbread;
  • Baking: pies, croissants, buns.
  • Drinks: tea, coffee, water, juices.

It should be emphasized that the breadth of the assortment of the cafe-bakery will depend only on the production and financial opportunities enterprises. Such points, in fact, are a bakery, a pastry shop, and a cafe, which means that absolutely any position can be present on the menu. So, the owners of some bakery cafes even add dumplings, salads, soups and ready-made breakfasts to the menu, hoping to attract more visitors. Whether to follow this path, or create a bakery-pastry shop in its purest form, is up to you.

Rules for displaying goods in a bakery

According to studies, about 30 percent of all purchases people make planned, 10 - alternative, and 60 - impulsive. Therefore, every entrepreneur who opens his own outlet it is necessary to make sure that the goods themselves provoke the visitor to purchase. This is possible only if all the rules of merchandising are observed. To increase sales in the bakery, the owner needs to follow a few simple but effective guidelines:

  1. Do not leave shelves empty or half empty. It is important for the buyer to see abundance in the store. That is why, if you do not plan to produce a large number of products, you should not buy large display cases and shelves, as the product will look unprofitable on them. If an empty space is nevertheless formed, you can fill it with the help of original decorative elements.
  2. You should also not lay out the goods randomly, create a feeling of overcrowding and disorder.
  3. Bread should be laid out in several rows (preferably no more than two), various bread products should be laid out in 1 row. Small products, for example, rolls, are placed in 1-2 rows, while products with decorative elements on top are laid out in 1 row. All of the above goods are laid out on the bottom crust, with the exception of bread, which can also be placed on the side crust.
  4. Piece products can be placed in special trays placed on the counter.
  5. Always keep clean. This is especially important in this business. There should be no crumbs, drops, etc. on showcases and racks. If your bakery has products that are presented on plates and coasters, they must be perfectly clean. Don't leave on commercial equipment gloves and wipes.
  6. All products should have large and readable price tags.
  7. If you have the opportunity to do shopping room brighter, it will be a great solution. Avoid monotony, try to dilute products with bright elements.
  8. Try to evaluate your trading floor regularly. To do this, just go to the bakery, ignore the fact that you see it every day and try to imagine yourself in the place of a guest. Which areas seem dead and unattractive to you? They need to be worked on.
  9. Arrange products by product groups and / or colors. Remember, there must be logic in the calculation.
  10. Lighting should highlight your products. Lighting would be ideal. If it is not possible to equip it, you can decorate the windows and shelves with pieces of gold foil - this will create a pleasant golden hue.
  11. The most popular products or goods that need to be sold as quickly as possible should be placed directly near the cash register or at eye level.

The question of what to sell is key for a bakery. How and where to find an unusual recipe? What principles of assortment formation should be observed in the Russian context? What price should be set? About all this - further.

The success of a mini-bakery is largely determined by the diversity, quality and exclusivity of its range. The consumer is increasingly moving away from the purchase of pastries for simple satiety and wants to buy a tasty, healthy and original product. Right choice product range based on a proven product formula is the basis of the entire business.

Bakery products have been the basis of the diet of almost all peoples of the world for thousands of years. During this time, mankind has accumulated many recipes based on the baking traditions of various peoples of the world. Each country has its own, favorite and most popular recipes for bakery products. However, new recipes, which have recently been easily transferred from one national cuisine to another, are in demand.

A mini-bakery in Russia needs to focus on an assortment that attracts attention with an unusual taste and look. The culture of acquiring traditional bakery products that are customary to cook at home is not common.

For the Russian consumer in our time, the most familiar product is ordinary rectangular bread or a loaf of wheat or rye flour. However, one should not forget about the traditional bread cooking of Russia - pancakes, bagels, pancakes, pies or pies. However, these are traditional dishes that are customary to cook at home; the culture of purchasing such ready-made bakery products, with the possible exception of kalachi, is not very common. Therefore, the mini-bakery needs to focus on a different, new assortment that attracts attention with an unusual taste and look. The Russian consumer is more accustomed to European cuisine, so in the mass segment one should focus on its recipe. Moreover, small bakeries are much more in demand in the European market, which has recently assimilated and unified the recipes of various Asian countries. The ready-made selection of recipes is huge.

Consider which European sources offer the most interesting and, at the same time, technologically advanced recipes. We present a number of sites on English language, since it is there that you can find unusual and interesting recipes for bakery products with which you can create and occupy a free niche on Russian market.
The translation of these sites is currently not a problem. You can, for example, use the service Yandex translate, simply by selecting the "Site" tab on the main page of this service and copying the name of the desired site into a special window at the top. After that, we will get a fairly high-quality and understandable translation of all recipes.
Pay attention not only to originality, but also to the simplicity and manufacturability of recipes.

  • First of all, we recommend you the site, that is " simple recipes for baking". This site will offer hundreds of fairly simple and original recipes that can become calling card your mini bakery. For example, imagine how original and attractive the name "Traditional New York Cheesecake", "Spiced Whole Grain Muffins" or "Southern Corn Bread" would be in your window display. Few people can resist not to try such a novelty. Pay attention to the simplicity of recipes and their health benefits. Despite the beauty and unusualness of the products, the recipes are made from completely ordinary, inexpensive and easily available ingredients on the Russian market.
  • On, you can see many recipes, some of which are quite unusual, as suggested by names like "Healthy Pumpkin Bread" and "Orange Poppy Seed Pie".
  • The next site you can visit for new recipes is, where you can check out the Lemon Butter Banana Bread recipe, as well as a number of other unusual and easy recipes.
  • Another good site that is interesting, in particular, for unusual recipes for croissants and original donuts.
You can easily find Russian sites with baking recipes that can be easily adapted for mass production of a mini-bakery in any search engine.

A few basic rules for the formation of the assortment of a mini-bakery

Here are some more tips that will allow you to form the right assortment of mini-bakery.
  • In terms of price, the assortment should preferably be in the economy or medium segment. In practice, this means that the price of the product should be from 40 to 100 rubles. Be sure to place low-quality products in the main display cases. price category, this will attract visitors who will see an inexpensive product and are more likely to familiarize themselves with the entire range.
  • Best of all, mini-bakery sales points sell pastries and pies with unsweetened fillings (meat, cheese, vegetables). Often, sales of these two categories account for about 80% of the total sales.
  • The optimal assortment depends on the presence of the closest competitors, and on the regional preferences of buyers. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to form the most profitable assortment the first time.
  • Periodically, you need to prepare and bring to the market new products that will attract new customers. When removing slow-moving or low-margin products, you must promptly launch new ones. The convenience of a mini-bakery business is that it is easy and cost-effective to produce test batches of products and monitor the demand for them among buyers. In this case Special attention sellers should be encouraged to offer regular customers new products and, if possible, get a response from them. Gradually, you form the optimal assortment that will show the greatest number of sales and profitability.


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