Chief pharmacist. The profession of "pharmacist". History of the pharmacist profession

A pharmacy worker (pharmacist, pharmacist) is a specialist who is well versed in medicines. He not only distinguishes them, but also, if necessary, can select analogs or make, on demand, a dosage form (powder, mixture or ointment) on his own.

The named profession, which will be devoted to, implies a deep knowledge of the components of each medication, its interaction with other drugs, side effects and contraindications of drugs.

Pharmacist and pharmacist: training

Speaking about the profession of a pharmacist, it should be clearly understood that there are differences between it and the profession of a pharmacist. And the main one is that these specialists are trained in different educational institutions.

To become a pharmacist, you need to graduate from a higher educational institution, having studied there for 5 years in the full-time department or 5.5 in the correspondence department. After that, the graduate will have the right to independent work - manufacturing, testing and licensing of drugs, conducting research work or running a pharmacy. That is, he will become a highly qualified specialist.

A future pharmacist training can take place in 3 years and 10 months on the basis of nine classes, or in 2 years and 10 months on the basis of eleven classes in a specialized college or school. Having thus received an education, he will be able to work in a pharmacy, dispense medicines and make them, while acting as an assistant pharmacist.

Although by the Order of the Ministry of Health (2011), a pharmacist with five years of work experience was declared a person who has the right to apply for the position of head of a pharmacy.

Duties of the pharmacist and pharmacist

In Russia, traditionally, it so happened that in a pharmacy network, the profession of a pharmacist imposes on a specialist practically the same duties as on a pharmacist (and it should be noted that there are many of them).

This usually includes:

  • checking prescriptions written by doctors (you must admit, this is quite difficult, given their traditionally illegible handwriting);
  • prevention in dosage and compatibility of the ingredients of the prescribed medication;
  • dispensing of medicines;
  • advising buyers on the rules for taking certain drugs;
  • rendering if necessary;
  • keeping records of prescriptions and coordinating the number of goods ordered for sale (a pharmacist is the person who is financially responsible for the safety of money and medicines available in the pharmacy).

In addition, a pharmacist, like a pharmacist, must know the technology and rules for their storage. Both of these specialists study Latin.

Pharmacist - a multifaceted profession

Despite the fact that the profession of a pharmacist assumes only it allows a specialist to work not only in a pharmacy, but also in a pharmaceutical factory, at pharmacy warehouse, in a pharmaceutical company and in research institutes.

In a laboratory, as a rule, his duties include the development of new drugs, the improvement of existing drugs and the development of new technologies for their manufacture.

As you can see, this specialty allows you to show versatile personality traits - after all, a pharmacist can work with people, and, if desired, remain in the laboratory, alone with a microscope.

Qualities necessary for success in the profession

The profession of a pharmacist implies that its applicant has certain human qualities that will allow him to further become successful in his field and make a career.

For this, a specialist must have not only excellent knowledge in the field of chemistry, biology, psychology, Latin and computer technology but also have endurance and goodwill. Since most often his place of work is a pharmacy, the pharmacist is forced to communicate with a large number of people. Many of them are of advanced age and come not only for medicines, but also for sympathy, and sensitivity and attentiveness instill in the client the confidence that the purchased remedy will definitely help.

It is very important for a pharmacy worker to maintain a cordial tone and not lose optimism, even if a client allows himself to be irritable or rude.

Requirements for the health status of a pharmacist

Of course, speaking about this profession, one cannot but emphasize the fact that, unfortunately, not everyone who loves chemistry and biology will be able to work in this specialty.

A pharmacist, a pharmacist is, first of all, people who stand at the counter of a pharmacy all day, which means that it is contraindicated for those who suffer from diseases of the legs. In addition, for those who have allergies, diseases of the skin, bronchi and cardiovascular system, the described profession can be simply dangerous.

Pharmacist: salary

And now we come to the most burning problem. How much does a person earn if he has so many responsibilities and is seriously responsible for the health, and sometimes for the lives of people on a par with doctors?

The average pharmacy worker, whose work experience is 2 years, can have from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles. In large cities, as well as depending on the work schedule, a specialist's income is about 40,000 rubles. monthly. Private pharmacies practice surcharges, which sometimes add to the amount of money a pharmacist receives. His salary in such cases can rise to 50,000 rubles.

Is it easy to find a job and make a career for a pharmacist

The pharmaceutical business is developing rapidly, so specialists in this field are becoming more and more in demand. As practice shows, getting a job in a pharmacy network is not at all difficult for everyone who has a pharmacist certificate.

Some network pharmacies even offer flexible schedules for senior students, offering them a variety of continuing education and vocational training programs.

Many pharmaceutical companies provide an opportunity for those seeking administrative activity to work in their sales departments, marketing research or logistics.

If desired, the pharmacist can improve his qualifications, thus reaching a higher level of payment and, as mentioned above, getting the opportunity to occupy managerial positions.

Personal qualities necessary for the profession

The profession of a pharmacist combines the spheres of pharmacy, medicine and commerce, which forces the applicant to show not only a high level of special knowledge, but also excellent moral qualities of a person.

This is primarily:

  • composure, attentiveness and accuracy;
  • ability to concentrate;
  • self-control;
  • high degree of efficiency;
  • excellent memory;
  • tolerance, sociability and responsiveness.

Despite the fact that a pharmacist is more of a performer, his work still requires the ability to make independent decisions and organize his work.

An advanced pharmacist with excellent communication skills is a godsend for a pharmacy of any level. Indeed, in the conditions of tough competition in the pharmacy chain, the client will go first of all to the place where he was carefully listened to, given good advice, intelligibly explained the action of the drug and thus aroused confidence.

Pharmacist ... each of us met with representatives of this profession, who at least once in his life had the opportunity to get sick and - accordingly - to visit a pharmacy.

A pharmacist in our country is an assistant pharmacist, a graduate of a special college or pharmaceutical school, while a pharmacist is a specialist with higher education, but in the West everything is exactly the opposite: a specialist of the highest category is a pharmacist, and a pharmacist is his assistant, a laboratory assistant.

One way or another, both the pharmacist and the pharmacist have one specialty - and it is called pharmacy (from the Greek word meaning "medicine") - a branch of medicine dealing with everything related to drugs: search from sources in nature, creation, use, safety etc. This science is quite ancient: the first sources of information about medicines known to us are ancient Egyptian papyri, which are more than three and a half thousand years old!

Is it easy to be a pharmacist these days?

Let's face it - it's very difficult! The drug market is in constant flux, and this is due not only to the laws of the market as such, but also to the development of medical science and practice. For example, everyone knows how quickly antibiotics lose their effectiveness (not because bad drugs are invented - the use of an antibiotic causes an evolutionary response in the "world" of microorganisms), they are replaced by new ones. Any medicine has side effects, contraindications - and not always right away, often this happens in the course of many years of its use in medical practice, sometimes the medicine is even removed from production because of this ... And it is just that the old drugs are replaced by others - more effective ones. All this the pharmacist must know.

That is why one cannot “learn once and for all” to become a pharmacist: a representative of this profession must constantly learn, finding information about new drugs, new research in the field of pharmacology wherever possible: in reference books, the Internet, in materials of symposia and scientific congresses ... Here why, five years after graduation, a pharmacist is obliged to take refresher courses and receive a certificate for the right to practice pharmaceutical activities valid for five years (after five years, the procedure is repeated). Without such a certificate, it is not allowed to sell medicines even in a stall!

Thanks to such constant professional growth, pharmacists really know about the state of the drug market, if not everything, then a lot - sometimes even more doctors (for example, the author of the article had a chance to get into such a situation: a doctor prescribed a medicine - and only from a pharmacist in a pharmacy did she learn that this drug not produced for several years). This allows many people (especially young people) to neglect the doctor's advice and go straight to the pharmacy: "Give something for a headache (runny nose, skin rash, etc.)." Sometimes a pharmacist can really help solve a problem, but he will definitely ask: "For a child or for an adult?", "Dry or wet cough?" etc. - it is impossible to be treated with anything, and the pharmacist knows this better than anyone else. But if the pharmacist said: “Go to the doctor - let him prescribe the treatment,” there is no need to argue: it means that the situation is really such that one cannot do without individual consultation, tests or other examinations (let's not forget that a pharmacist of higher medical education is does not).

A pharmacist must be able not only to sell medicines, but also to make various ointments, drops, potions, etc. Nowadays there are not so many pharmacies where medicines are made, but they are - they are called prescription drugs, and only there you can buy, for example, such an effective remedy for the common cold as Markov drops.

As you can see, the work of pharmacists is not easy work, and most importantly, it is necessary: ​​after all, medicines are the second commodity after food, which they stop buying in the last turn, which cannot be done without.

How to become a pharmacist, and what basic knowledge do you need to master at school to get this profession? We invite you to talk about professional features pharmacists in more detail.

Often, young people, choosing a particular profession, have a vague idea of ​​it. For example, how can you find out what you are really doing pharmacist behind the pharmacy counter? By and large, a judgment about this profession arises on the basis of what he has seen, what "lies on the surface."

After all, most people do not have the opportunity to look into office space pharmacies, pharmaceutical laboratories or pharmacological factories. This is the "holy of holies" where access common people closed, since such institutions manufacture / sell drugs that not only save lives, but can also harm their health (naturally, if used improperly / excessively).

How to become a pharmacist, and what basic knowledge do you need to master at school to get this profession? We invite you to talk about the professional characteristics of pharmacists in more detail.

What is a pharmacist?

Throughout the history of civilization, mankind has sought a means to combat pain and disease. The first evidence of the existence of drugs is the ancient Egyptian papyri of the 17th century BC. The properties of natural medicines are known from scientific papers ancient healers: Hippocrates, Theophrastus, Dioscorides, Galen, Avicenna and other ancient scientists who found remedies in the natural environment, studying the composition and properties of plants / minerals.

Pharmacology, as a science, got its name from the ancient Greek φάρμακον "medicine, poison" and λόγος - "word, doctrine", which translates as "doctrine of poison". Since the thirteenth century, pharmacology has been separated into an independent section of the science of medicine: from that time, pharmacists began to deal with the manufacture and sale of drugs, and this happened in Italy. In Russia, the pharmaceutical business appeared only under Ivan the Terrible, and the development pharmaceutical industry, in fact, only started in the eighteenth century.

Modern pharmacology studies many different directions and is divided into the following disciplines:

  • Theoretical pharmacology;
  • Nanopharmacology;
  • Pharmacognosy;
  • Doseology;
  • Toxicology;
  • Pharmacogenetics and other sciences.

This division of directions is due to a significant amount of knowledge that has been accumulated by the centuries-old history of pharmacology and continues to grow today.

The duties of a pharmacist vary considerably depending on the place of work. So if it is pharmacy worker(pharmacist), then his duties will include:

  • consultation of buyers and dispensing of medicines;
  • storage and display of medicines;
  • the formation of demand for medicines;
  • control over the quality of drugs sold in the pharmacy.

If the pharmacist works in a research institute or pharmaceutical laboratory, then his duties will be to:

  • development of new medicines and improvement of already known medicines;
  • work on the technology for the manufacture of drugs;
  • manufacturing of medicines.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, officials pharmacist duties selection is not included medical supplies... He can only act as a consultant who will tell you about the pharmacological properties of medicines and can offer an analogue of the drug if the pharmacy does not have the medicine recommended by the doctor.

What personal qualities should a pharmacist have?

The profession of a pharmacist is similar to the profession of a doctor - a specialist's mistake can cost a person his life, because, as Paracelsus said, a medicine from a poison differs only in the dose. Therefore, a person who has chosen this profession must have such personal qualities as:

To make a dream come true and become a pharmacist, while studying at school, you need to pay great attention to chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics. In addition, you need to understand that this profession requires constant readiness to learn and improve knowledge.

Advantages of the profession of pharmacist

A huge advantage of this profession is the fact that pharmacists today do not have to worry about employment - the specialty of a pharmacist is one of the ten most demanded professions in the modern labor market. The country has a huge number of pharmacies, pharmaceutical products, laboratories, factories, research institutes different forms property engaged in the development, production and sale of medical products.

At the same time, despite the fact that the specialty pharmacist has a long history, this profession can be safely called profession of the future... And all because people were sick, are sick and, unfortunately, will be sick. This means that mankind will experience the need for the manufacture and sale of medicines for more than a dozen years.

Average level wages pharmacist fluctuates between 15-42 thousand rubles, depending on the region and the form of ownership of the enterprise. Although these numbers can be much higher, depending on the position held.

Disadvantages of the profession of pharmacist

When choosing a profession that helps people take good care of their health, you need to take into account your own health condition. For example, in the presence of allergic reactions to certain components of drugs, the pharmacist will not be able to manufacture them, as this can harm him.

Taking into account the work schedule of Russian pharmacies (half of which work around the clock), you need to be prepared for a tense work rhythm and irregular working week... It is especially difficult for pharmacists to work during epidemics. Not only does the flow of buyers at this time increase many times, but also the likelihood of contracting various infectious diseases during daily contact with them increases many times.

V pharmacies quite often sick and aggressive people come who can react negatively even to the most innocent remark of a specialist. And you need to have tremendous patience to politely smile and respond politely when you are provoked to be rude or forced to run from one rack to another in search of the cheapest analogue of this or that medicine.

Where can you get the profession of pharmacist?

The profession of a pharmacist can be mastered at a medical college, where there is a corresponding department, and continue studying at a university without interrupting work, if there is a desire to improve qualifications or do scientific activities in the field of research and development of medicines.

You can also, after graduating from school, immediately enroll in a specialized institute, where there are such areas of training as pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical technology and pharmacy.

Which medical school select? It all depends on the intentions and capabilities of the applicant. For example, if it is important to simply acquire professional skills and job prospects in hometown, then it is best to choose the educational institution closest to the place of residence.

If in the future you plan to conduct scientific activities or apply for leadership position v international company, then it is best to get an education in one of the leading specialized universities in Russia, which include:

Sources of images:,,,

Pharmacist is a specialist in the manufacture and research of medical products. He has the right to sell them on the pharmaceutical market and in pharmacies. To do this, he must be well versed in pills and potions and not only know what is from what, but also how the drugs will interact with each other.

What is the difference between a pharmacist and a pharmacist? The first specialty implies that a person received an average pharmaceutical education... A pharmacist is necessarily a university graduate, he can hold the position of head of a pharmacy.

What does a pharmacist do?

The main place of work of a pharmacist is a pharmacy, pharmacy or kiosk. He reports to the manager. Coming to this specialist, a person receives competent advice regarding the peculiarities of taking medications, their interaction with other drugs. So the pharmacist at the pharmacy does the following:

  • dispenses non-prescription drugs of finished medicines, hygiene and patient care items, medicinal herbs and other medical products;
  • dispenses drugs by prescription;
  • carries out pharmacological care over the patient;
  • fulfills cash transactions accepting money for the goods being sold, keeps records of their movement;
  • at the end of the working day submits cash reports;
  • owns the skills and knowledge of PC at the user level;
  • draws up a defective list, that is, an application for replenishment of goods;
  • accepts goods, sorting them into pharmacological groups in accordance with storage conditions;
  • participates in the inventory within a specified period of time;
  • monitors the temperature in the room and in the refrigerator, as well as the humidity of the air;
  • controls the shelf life of medicines;
  • applying the basics of merchandising, decorates the showcase;
  • watching his appearance: dressing gown should be neat, washed and ironed, hair well-groomed;
  • medical examinations are carried out at the appointed time;
  • takes courses to improve (confirm) qualifications;
  • provides pre-hospital medical assistance, if necessary.

If any pharmaceutical product is not available, the pharmacist has the right to replace it with a similar one from another manufacturer in the same form of release and with the same dosage. Let's say the patient was prescribed Lazolvan in pills. This is the trade name of the drug, and the active ingredient is ambroxol hydrochloride. Preparations Ambrobene, Flavamed, Ambrohexal, Abrol, etc. are similar in composition.

In view of the fact that more and more patients, instead of visiting doctors, turn to the pharmacy, such concepts as responsible self-medication and pharmaceutical care have appeared. We are not talking about life-threatening symptoms, but rather about situations in which they rarely see a doctor or are in no hurry to go to an appointment: colds, pain and sore throat, migraine-like pains, heartburn, constipation, etc.

Pharmaceutical care is a whole range of measures aimed at the interaction of a pharmacist and a patient, starting from the time when the paramedic dispenses the drug until the patient is fully recovered or the patient goes to the doctor. The task of the pharmacist:

  • find out for the treatment of which disease the patient needs a drug;
  • whether the patient has symptoms that suggest immediate medical attention;
  • after evaluating the described symptoms, choose an over-the-counter drug and select the appropriate dosage form;
  • tell about the method of using the medicine (before or after meals, drinking how much water, how it interacts with other tablets);
  • inform about possible side effects and contraindications;
  • explain that the drug helps to eliminate only a symptom of the disease; to identify the cause of the disease and complex treatment, you need to encourage the patient to see a doctor.

A pharmacist can also work as an analyst or technologist in a pharmaceutical plant, and make medicines in pharmacies where they are still being prepared.

A pharmacist is a specialist who manufactures, researches and sells medicines. More often this position is occupied by women. Such a professional should know:

  • how drugs work;
  • how to take them correctly;
  • what are the side effects and contraindications to their use;
  • how to make prescription drugs, etc.

Consumers are interested in who the pioneer is - this is the person who works at the pharmacy behind the checkout counter, advises buyers and sells medications.

History of the profession of pharmacist

Pharmacology is the science that studies the creation of medicines. The objective of the research is to calculate the dosage of the drug taking into account many factors (age, physiological characteristics, etc.) and launch its mass production. If you are interested in who a pharmacist is, it is a person who:

  • works with medicines;
  • knows the properties, the chemical composition of the funds;
  • can prepare a medication according to a doctor's prescription or independently (based on research chemical composition medicinal substances and their effects on the patient's body).

The beginning of pharmacology is considered to be used in the distant past medicinal herbs to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation. Treatment with medicinal plants was used in Ancient Greece, where various decoctions were used for this purpose. Since that time, people have studied the effects of herbs on the body and used the knowledge gained to fight disease.

In 1231 in Europe the pharmacy was first separated from the hospital and became an independent structure. Since that time, people began to conduct scientific research in order to study the healing properties of plants.

In the 18th century. people began to think about the mass production of medicines and medical supplies. This was the beginning of the rapid development of pharmacology as a science: many new drugs appeared, which were used to treat dangerous and common diseases of that time.

Pharmacology today, like all medicine, continues to develop and is looking for new ways to treat diseases. Therefore, specialists in this field are in demand in the labor market. They can find a place for themselves in a pharmacy, scientific and research centers, etc. own business and create your own network of pharmacies.

Who are pharmacists?

The profession of a pharmacist is one of the stable and demanded positions in Russia. Pharmacists are specialists with a higher or secondary pharmaceutical education who can engage in pharmaceutical activities (sell drugs, make them according to a doctor's prescription, etc.).

Most specialists are involved in the sale of medicines and work in pharmacies or hospitals as a pharmacist or pharmacist. The rest is employed in enterprises, analytical laboratories and research institutes for the manufacture of medicines, etc.

Areas of the profession of a pharmacist and their descriptions

Pharmacy is a science associated with the production and technological processes of manufacturing various medicines. In this way, specialists determine the required dosage (formula) of drugs (taken into account age category patients, mode of use and type of drug administration) and launch it into mass production.

After graduating from college, a person receives the profession of a pharmacist. The career ladder of a specialist in this field can be represented as follows:

  • pharmacologist;
  • pharmacist;
  • pharmacist.

The tasks of the pharmacist include:

  • knowledge of medicines (names, properties, effects on the body, methods of application, contraindications for use, etc.);
  • sale of medicines to customers (if necessary, the ability to choose an analogue of a medicine);
  • preparation of funds according to a doctor's prescription (this task is rare);
  • ensuring the correct storage conditions for medicines, etc.;
  • accounting of the arrival and consumption of medicines, preparation of working reports, etc.

A specialist in this profile should not advise patients and prescribe certain drugs to them. Therefore, buyers should not seek advice from a pharmacist: self-treatment and taking medicines that are not prescribed by a doctor can lead to unnecessary spending, in the worst case, to health problems.

Pharmacist is a person with higher education who can manage a pharmacy. Its tasks are to assess the quality of medicines, set a price for them, engage in their production, look for ways of wholesale supply of medicines (including from foreign countries), etc. Its mission is to provide people with a wide range of medicines. More often, pharmacists strive to work in the scientific field to develop new drugs, vaccines, etc. The pharmacist does not prescribe drugs (does not engage in medical activities), his goal is to prevent the misuse of the medication.

A pharmacologist (or a pharmacist) studies drugs, their properties and advantages, can prescribe drugs to patients: other doctors turn to him for advice on the advisability of taking a particular drug by patients (or looking for an alternative way of treatment). Such a person seeks to know everything about new drugs.

Advantages and disadvantages of the specialty

Any activity implies the presence of the pros and cons of the profession. This also applies to the position of a pharmacist. The advantages of the specialty include:

  • interesting work that allows you to reveal your potential (and engage in self-development), move up career ladder;
  • demand for the profession;
  • decent pay and working conditions;
  • stability;
  • seniority and age of the employee are a plus.

The pharmacist profession has the following disadvantages:

  • irregular working hours are possible (night shifts);
  • daily communication with a large number of different buyers (most often they are elderly people);
  • responsibility (a mistake in dispensing a prescription drug can cost the patient his life).

Specialists directly involved in the manufacture of medicines may have harmful conditions labor (work with substances that adversely affect human health), therefore, a system of reduced working hours has been developed for them and benefits are provided.

How difficult is the job of a pharmacist?

Pharmacology is a progressive science: every day new drugs appear, the names and actions of which a specialist needs to know. Pharmaceutical business implies the presence of a large amount of theoretical knowledge, the constant study of new information, the desire to study research activities etc.

The job of a pharmacist is not difficult: for normal activities he needs professional knowledge, attention and patience (when working with difficult customers), a desire for professional growth, etc. The pharmacy employee is responsible for the drugs sold. Therefore, the employee must clearly understand the properties of each medication, be able to select similar drugs, carefully dispense prescription drugs, be focused during the working day, etc.

Who is the pharmacist suitable for?

The characteristics of a pharmacist include the presence of a specialist with a good memory, object-oriented thinking, a high level of concentration of attention (during many hours of work), a propensity for scientific research activities, and developed communication skills.

The profession is suitable for people with a penchant for the exact sciences (especially biology, chemistry), capable of working with a large amount of information. Such specialists are accurate, pedantic and responsible.

What personal qualities should a pharmacist have?

To work with drugs, a person must have a special character. Personal qualities pharmacist include:

  • a responsibility;
  • punctuality;
  • accuracy;
  • patience and perseverance;
  • productivity;
  • working capacity;
  • good memory;
  • concentration of attention (including a long working day).

To become an employee of a pharmacy, you need to have a desire to help people. Medicines are a specific product that you need to know well. Taking contraindicated medications can be fatal.

Requirements for a pharmacy worker

Upon employment, the manager puts forward professional requirements for the future employee. The pharmacist must:

  • know the physical and chemical properties of medicines and the rules for their storage;
  • choose the right analogue for the desired drug;
  • know Latin;
  • be able to maintain clarity of thought during a long working day;
  • operate with a large amount of information;
  • tactfully communicate with different customers.

Young specialists often make concessions and willingly accept them with a diploma of secondary specialized education. New employees work under the strict guidance of the head of the pharmacy.

Duties of the pharmacist

If necessary, a specialist of this profile must be able to provide first aid and always observe medical confidentiality. Other duties of a pharmacist working in a pharmacy:

  • sale of medicines (including checking prescriptions of medicines that are not dispensed without a doctor's prescription);
  • communication with customers and selection of similar drugs;
  • keeping records of receipts and expenditures of funds;
  • preparation of certain types of medicines (with a doctor's prescription);
  • correct storage of drugs;
  • preparation of working reports.

Specialists associated with research activities and the production of drugs must have in-depth knowledge of the drug manufacturing process, look for effective ways to treat various diseases, etc.

How to become a pharmacist?

To think about future profession stands at the beginning of grade 9. This makes it possible to prepare for school leaving exams and entrance examinations in secondary and higher educational institutions. To become a pharmacist, one should have a clear vision of the future direction of activity, and in accordance with this, choose an educational institution.

Where to study to be a pharmacist or pharmacist and how much?

After the 9th grade, you can enter the appropriate medical college or school with a degree in pharmacy. The training will last about 3-4 years.

For a pharmacist in higher education educational institutions teach after grade 11 for 5-6 years. Choice passing the exam depends on the requirements of the chosen university. Most often, schoolchildren take exams in the Russian language, chemistry and biology. Some institutions require the passing of physics or social studies.

List of higher educational institutions offering training in the specialty "pharmacy":

  1. Moskovsky State University them. M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow State University).
  2. First Moscow State Medical University. I.M.Sechenova (Sechenov University).
  3. Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogova (RNIMU).
  4. Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (SPKhFU).
  5. Novosibirsk State Medical University (NSMU).

Career prospects

A pharmacist who has received secondary specialized education must constantly improve his qualifications in order to move up the career ladder. While working in a pharmacy, he can study at a higher educational institution by correspondence.

A specialist with a diploma from a higher educational institution can count on the position of a head of a pharmacy (pharmacist) or a manager at a medical warehouse. With ambition, desire and professional experience he can start his own business selling medicines and medical supplies.

Career development options

Professional growth pharmacists are quite limited. Many after graduation work in private or public pharmacies as salespeople. The more ambitious seek the position of head of the pharmacy or engage in scientific activities in laboratories or research institutes.

Where can pharmacists work?

If you are interested in where pharmacists work: in pharmacies, hospitals, analytical laboratories, research institutes, in pharmaceutical factories and enterprises engaged in the production of medicines, in state regulatory bodies, etc.

The demand for the profession

The demand for the profession of a pharmacist is quite high. This is due to the growth of the pharmacy business (which generates good income). On the other hand, this is due to constant development medicine, incessant research work, etc.

The work of a specialist in this profile is considered stable. Professional growth has limited opportunities.

How much do pharmacists earn in Russia?

In Russia, pharmacists are paid an average of 25-35 thousand rubles. In large cities, the salary can go up to 40 thousand rubles. and higher. To this should be added bonuses when fulfilling the sales plan, etc.


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