Growing forest as a business. Earnings on medicinal herbs. How to behave if you are faced with a collection agency

Today, metal-plastic windows and metal doors seem to have supplanted wooden ones, but still progress cannot replace the beauty and comfort that endowed wooden crafts. Wood is needed everywhere: floor, chair, table, interior doors, boxes, sofa, wardrobe and others. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that a tree is a sought-after commodity, and given that Mother Nature's reserves are not unlimited, forest cultivation is promising business.

This idea may seem reckless, but I am sure that after a deeper study of the issue, you will understand its profitability.

Growing valuable woody plants forest plantations outside their natural range that have not previously grown in the area are called forest introductions. Many countries already have a lot of positive experience with this process.

To grow a forest, you need a plot of land and seeds (or seedlings) of trees. It depends on the composition of the soil which species of trees can be planted on the site, it is known that, for example, pine grows well on sand, and oak prefers black soil. Thus, weighing the priorities, you first need to decide on the land, and then - with the tree species.

Land for planting a forest can be bought or taken in long term rental . Seeds can be bought or harvested from the forest. In nature, not all seeds manage to germinate, and of those that have germinated, most do not survive until the next year: they die from a lack of moisture and nutrients, and some will also die over the next years. Thus, out of a hundred thousand seeds that have fallen to the ground, only a dozen trees can sprout. In order to avoid such losses, it is advisable to use seedlings or seedlings that were grown in forestries (special nurseries) during artificial forest cultivation. Of course, the purchase of seedlings or seedlings will require additional cash costs than planting seeds, but it is difficult to achieve rapid growth of seedlings from seeds over the entire planting area. In this case, you need to choose: either a waste of time or money.

Also, you need to take into account the cost of wages to workers. Tree planting is a seasonal job that will involve: workers involved in the transport and preservation of seedlings, seedling planters, staff who will look after the planted trees, quality control inspectors, etc. In addition, the cost of equipment and tools: buckets, shovels for planting or landing swords, protective gloves.

Forest growing business ideas can be different: from obtaining wood to selling Christmas trees. Most people cannot imagine a New Year's celebration without a live Christmas tree, and everyone knows what prices for these "winter trees" in December. By simple mathematical addition, it is possible to find out the amount of profit of this business.

Saplings (to obtain wood) are planted at a distance of 1 m from each other, then the trees will grow taller. Pine to implement like Christmas trees, planted a little thicker. In a year, Scotch pine grows by 15-20 cm, in about 5-7 years standard Christmas trees will grow. If we assume that about 1,500 trees grow on one hectare, we take the approximate price for a Christmas tree of 250 rubles, multiplying these figures, we get an income of 375,000 rubles. Naturally, the figure is relative, but the essence is clear. If you grow trees for timber, then you can get more income, but you will have to wait 10-15 years. For example, an oak for 10 years in good conditions can grow 3-4 meters high. From one hectare during this time, it will turn out somewhere around 1000 cubic meters. m of wood, multiply this figure by the approximate price (27 US dollars per 1 cubic meter) and get an income of 27,000 US dollars. And you can wait another 5 years and the income will be even higher.

It should be understood that forest cultivation is a promising business with long-term investments, which, in the presence of starting monetary resources and patience will bring good income.

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The business of selling timber is considered a very profitable area, the demand for timber almost never decreases, and therefore the seller always has the opportunity to earn a lot of money. Wood is needed by a huge number of enterprises, the most simple examples- it construction organizations and furniture manufacturing companies. Of course, there may be seasonal fluctuations, but an entrepreneur whose business is developed and has regular customers is very rarely unprofitable.

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However, you need to understand that a considerable number of people want to engage in this direction, which means it can be difficult to get a piece of forest for use, and in fact the vast majority of forest plantations belong to the state, and only the authorities can decide who to give this or that piece of land for use. There are some other problems in this business, for example, there is a stereotype according to which this business is criminalized even in our time, which increases the risks of an entrepreneur.

Setting up a timber business

The first step is to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. However, only if the timber trade will take place not only on the territory of Russia, then you need to contact the Ministry of Industry and Trade, where a license will be issued for customs clearance of goods, which include lumber, wood and similar goods.

Generally international trade in this direction is a rather complicated direction, since a license is issued only for certain types of wood, for specific volumes, and also for a limited period, while you need to understand that it is not national legislation that applies here, but local legislation, so it makes sense right away seek help from a lawyer. However, when working only in Russia, there are also some conditions. Namely, at the moment, an entrepreneur does not have the right to acquire a forest plot as a property for exploitation as a source of timber, today all enterprises engaged in this area lease land from the state, however, the term of this lease can reach 49 years.

This is precisely the first and, perhaps, the main difficulty in organizing this business - in obtaining a site for work. True, it is worth noting that recently the government has been considering the possibility of selling forest plots to entrepreneurs for felling, but if such a law is adopted, it is still unknown under what conditions. On the other hand, even taking a plot for rent, you can count on a normal profit.

Registration of an enterprise for the sale of timber

Let's dwell on this in a little more detail. So, after registration, an entrepreneur has the right to participate in auctions, which, as a rule, are held by local departments for forest resources (for example, the Ministry of Forestry of the desired region). The entrepreneur himself can find a suitable place for him and apply for a plot, but it is far from certain that the authorities will be interested in his proposal; and even if the site is indeed ready to be leased, an auction will still be scheduled for it.

At the very first stage, the first difficulty arises - not only entrepreneurs who are going to cut the forest, but also those who are going to use it for other purposes, have the right to get part of the forest. For example, the authorities are especially favorable to those businessmen who are going to use the forest as a recreational area. Moreover, special requirements are imposed on bidders - the user is obliged not only to exploit the land provided to him, but also to take care and look after the forest. In our case, this is an obligation, after felling trees, to restore the integrity of the forest with new plantations, which, after they grow up, can also be used as a source of wood; a sort of unceasing circulation, and the authorities are interested in its being uninterrupted, and not in leaving a bare area after the entrepreneur.

Moreover, the entrepreneur still needs to choose a site depending on his own capabilities and simple convenience - for obvious reasons, those forest areas that are not in the forest are most valued. Also, an important factor in the choice is the presence of valuable species of wood, although, of course, there is a demand for almost all trees (for some - because of their qualities, for others - because of their cheapness).

The cost of a site just depends on all these factors, as well as on the density of plantings - for example, a sparse forest will cost several times cheaper than a dense one, which, in general, is natural. There are also local features here - in some region you may be lucky to get a plot for rent on relatively favorable terms, and somewhere you will have to pay a lot of money annually. Bureaucratic red tape is very serious here too - auctions are held state enterprises, can be processed and last a very long time, so you need to have a few months in reserve. Moreover, it is not always possible to immediately win this or that auction, there are always enough applicants, and the authorities themselves can make very serious demands - that is, they would rather refuse all participants in the auction than give permission to at least someone. In different regions, depending on the policy and climate, the price can vary several times, but most often it is determined not by the size of the plot, but by the density of plantings.

And tree species. But if we try to bring everything to average figures, we will get about 15-20 thousand rubles per hectare per year. We repeat - this is a very, very rough calculation, since it is quite possible to find offers for 5 thousand rubles, and for 50 thousand (and sometimes even more). In general, here every entrepreneur first assesses the potential of the leased area (checks the density of trees, their quality). There are proposals for relatively small plots (up to one hectare), and for plots of considerable size, on which you can work for a very long time (more than 10 hectares).

When a place is found and the entrepreneur has successfully won the auction, you can start organizing your enterprise. Within the framework of this article, only trade in wood will be considered, but not the production of sawn timber or other products; in other words, this business involves the felling of trees and the subsequent sale of the resulting materials, but not their processing. In order to be able to fully carry out the work process, the entrepreneur needs to have a territory for accommodating equipment and work complexes. Usually, on the plot that is rented, there is free space suitable for the construction of buildings.

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So, you will need an administrative building, not necessarily a capital one, as well as at least two warehouses for storing products. The cost of building a warehouse depends on many parameters, but in our case we do not need high-class premises, it is unprofitable to pay for any A+ category warehouse. You can get by with a simple covered room, in which the wood storage standards are simply met (in terms of humidity in the first place). In general, the cost of one square meter of the building being built will cost the entrepreneur in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand. The size of the warehouse is determined depending on the planned amount of timber to be obtained, but still it is rarely less than 500 square meters. The first warehouse is usually supplied with freshly felled timber, and the second warehouse is supplied with somewhat processed wood (that is, “clean” tree trunks, freed from branches).

Next you need to buy everything necessary equipment to work in an enterprise. Apart from simple devices such as chainsaws, you will also need to purchase machines for felling and transporting trees. These include the so-called skidders and trucks for transporting freshly cut wood. Although in cases where warehouses are equipped directly at the logging site, no additional transportation is required, because the tractor can immediately stack them in the warehouse. Additional equipment is purchased for the tractor - namely trailers, hydraulic manipulators, grabs, buckets and forks. Normal foreign equipment costs from 5 million rubles (meaning not only the tractor, but also all the devices for it in the aggregate). Freight car can be bought for an amount of 1 million rubles.

Features of the search for employees to sell the forest

The next moment of organizing a business is the search for employees to perform work. The entrepreneur himself can be a leader. At the same time, you need to understand that sometimes employees have to equip something like a village where they can stay permanently (and this is an additional considerable expense).

Ready-made ideas for your business

Here you will also need an amount of several hundred thousand rubles - depending on what conditions they provide. But still, it is worth first of all considering the possibility of attracting employees who can attend work close to home. Such workers receive a lot - their salary level starts from 30 thousand rubles, usually amounts to 40 thousand rubles, and can reach up to 50 thousand. I must say, the fellers receive the forest depending on the output, that is, they do not have to pay extra money. At least the same amount is received by the head (if he is engaged exclusively in monitoring activities) and transport drivers.

An average enterprise employs from 10 people, so the average amount that will need to be allocated for wages starts from 400 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, all other business processes that are not related to making a profit by the organization can be outsourced. Additionally, please contact insurance company, which will be able to insure the life and health of employees - the cost of annual insurance starts from 15 thousand rubles per person, tariffs vary depending on the conditions for paying out insurance.

Sales and marketing in a timber business

The next step in organizing your business is to find buyers for your forest. There are many sites on the Internet that allow you to post your commercial offers. Also, an entrepreneur can simply do what he will attend on his own. potential clients offering them your product. On the websites of many companies that constantly need wood, there are requests for purchase, and it is relatively easy to find partners and consumers.

Of course, you will have to work with companies throughout the country (and those who have received a license can work with foreign companies, Russian forest, by the way, is very much appreciated). But most buyers work on a system that involves self-pickup, that is, the entrepreneur does not have to organize delivery with his own transport. Only, of course, you need to understand that demand may vary depending on the type of wood, as well as on its quality, and if you are not lucky enough to get a site from which you can extract bad material, then it is quite likely that customers refuse wood. But hiring a specialist before renting a site should solve this problem.

    Registration of a legal entity - 20 thousand rubles.

    Rent of 10 hectares of forest - 200 thousand rubles.

    building storage facilities with an area of ​​500 m 2 - 3.75 million rubles.

    Purchase of skidders and trucks, equipment - 6 million rubles.

    Salary - 400 thousand rubles.

    Insurance - 150 thousand rubles.

    Fuel and Consumables- from 50 thousand rubles.

It turns out a little more than 10 and a half million rubles. Monthly expenses range from 450 thousand rubles. The cost of forest differs depending on the type (deciduous and coniferous - these are the species that almost all entrepreneurs in Russia are engaged in), but if you take some average, then one cubic meter costs about 2 thousand rubles.

There is, of course, cheap wood, which is sold for less than 1 thousand rubles for the same volume, and some good species can cost more than 5 thousand. If we take the volume of monthly sales equal to 300 cubic meters of wood at a price of 2 thousand per cubic meter, then we get 600 thousand rubles of income and 150 thousand operating profits. 127.5 thousand - net profit. But still, such a business is not very profitable (about 25%), because a significant part of the income goes to cover expenses, which include paying wages (usually the largest figure per month), purchasing consumables, paying rent, and the project itself is always designed for several years ahead.

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Producing and selling lumber is a very profitable business. Processing one "cube" of lumber, you can easily earn, so to speak, "dirty", from 750 to 1000 rubles. What net profit will be from such an enterprise as a sawmill, will be due to a number of additional conditions. The most ordinary and ordinary sawmill can make a fair assortment of products, for example, any pallets, all kinds of cable spools, lumber, "tare" board, block, "raw" board.

Lumber sale, sawmill business

When creating and developing your sawmill, you will need a production area. Such a site should accommodate: a shed, two warehouses, the first warehouse for warehousing finished products, the second - for storing logs, a hangar (total area of ​​about 600 sq m) and a platform for loading and unloading operations. For reliable and reliable operation of the sawmill, you need a dedicated energy capacity of 400 kW. At the moment, the rental price is approximately 75-80 thousand rubles per month. For successful work sawmills need to hire 12-15 people, pay by piecework.

Piecework wages are made at the rate of 300-400 rubles per cubic meter of finished products. It is also necessary to purchase several machines, including: a circular saw, a band sawmill and a multi-blade saw. The average price of such a set of machines will be approximately a little more than a million rubles. In total, you need to contribute about three million rubles to the opening of your sawmill. This amount includes the cost of all equipment, as well as the price of purchasing timber to fill the warehouse.

An enterprise such as a sawmill may have a project capacity of almost 4.5 thousand cubic meters of lumber, but in fact - approximately 2.1 thousand cubic meters of material. The annual turnover of the timber mill will be approximately 11.2 million rubles. Such an enterprise will generate net income in 1.5 years, and if the general construction market picks up the pre-crisis pace, perhaps in a year. The taxation system is normal.

Newcomers to construction business it is worth knowing that deforestation is prohibited in the Moscow region. It is more profitable to work in remote places, cheap connection to capacities and inexpensive rent.

To date, the purchase of timber is carried out at an average price of 1850 rubles for "raw" wood and 1250 rubles for one cubic meter of dried wood.

Buying your plot at an auction in the forestry, at best, you will get savings of about three hundred rubles per cubic meter. For a small sawmill, this is unprofitable. Only having your own specialized equipment, you will be able to get a tangible profit from a personal plot, and then, provided that a super-scale project is involved, a small private sawmill will not be able to handle such volumes.

To date, lumber is sold at a cost of five thousand rubles per cubic meter. This price also includes shipping, as well as related products, which include cable reels and pallets. Such products are made from waste and scraps. A worker makes about 30 pallets in one shift, he earns 25 rubles from each product. The real price of a pallet is 150 rubles for one.

Energy consumption, rent of production space, advertising, wage employees, taxes - all this is included in the cost of a sawmill. It follows from this that the sale of lumber will be the basis for making a profit from your enterprise - a sawmill.

"Total" by expenses

  • Registration of a legal entity - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of 10 hectares of forest - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Construction of storage facilities with an area of ​​500 m 2 - 3.75 million rubles.
  • Purchase of skidders and trucks, equipment - 6 million rubles.
  • Salary - 400 thousand rubles.
  • Insurance - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Fuel and consumables - from 50 thousand rubles.

It turns out a little more than 10 and a half million rubles. Monthly expenses range from 450 thousand rubles. The cost of timber differs depending on the type (deciduous and coniferous are the species that almost all entrepreneurs in Russia are engaged in), but if we take some average figure, then one cubic meter costs about 2 thousand rubles. There is, of course, cheap wood, which is sold for less than 1 thousand rubles for the same volume, and some good species can cost more than 5 thousand.

How to make money in winter? Ways winter earnings. How to make money in the forest in winter

❶ How to make money on the forest 🚩 Finance 🚩 Other

Income can be obtained with health benefits. For example, go to the forest for its rich resources, and then earn money by selling them. Eco-friendly products can be handed over at a special collection point or sold independently to the final buyer.

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Go to the forest to collect berries. Strawberries, raspberries, stone berries, lingonberries, blueberries grow in the forest area. If there is a specialized berry collection point near your place of residence, you can go to the forest during the season and hand over the collected berries to this point. In the absence of such a place, you can sell the berries yourself. With the first option, you will sell goodies faster, but with the second option, you will get a larger profit. Keep in mind that in order to trade on the market, you must register as individual entrepreneur otherwise your activity will be illegal. Knit brooms from birch, oak and even coniferous trees. You can start doing this in May, and finish in September. You can always sell brooms to lovers of the Russian bath. An oak broom will cost more than a broom made from birch branches. An amateur may fall for a fir broom. Take care of the place where you can hang the brooms to dry them. For these purposes, you can use, for example, a garage, as well as a large glazed loggia or balcony.

Collect mushrooms. This earning option is only suitable for those who are well versed in mushrooms. If you doubt your knowledge, it is better to leave this occupation to more experienced mushroom pickers. Remember that when picking mushrooms, you need to handle them carefully and cut the mushrooms with a special small knife. Mushrooms grow in the forest until late autumn. Most of all, they grow after heavy rain.

Pay attention to medicinal and beneficial herbs and fruits. These include, for example, rose hips, coltsfoot, chamomile, celandine. All these plants growing in the forest are ecologically much cleaner. Keep in mind that it is better not to collect grass in the urban area. They can do more harm than good.

Collect nuts. In the forest with walnut bushes, you can pick up a healthy delicacy - hazelnuts. Unfortunately, nuts are not available every year. Wait until the nuts turn from green and soft to brown, collect them in a bag and lay them out to dry on a horizontal surface. Nuts can be sold in the same way as berries, that is, both at reception points and independently.

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There are two ways to make money on the forest: to rent a forest plot and grow wood of species that are in demand on it, or to acquire a plot of property and then rent it out. In both cases, it will be quite costly, both in time and money. However, in the future, the forest can provide an opportunity for a stable and high income.


Whatever way you choose to make money on the forest, you have to purchase a forest plot for ownership or for rent. According to the Forest Code, this is done through an auction (with some exceptions). To participate in the auction, submit an application with documents about your company (if you are applying from a legal entity) and pay a deposit. Such auctions are conducted by the state or municipal authorities authorized to manage the forest in your region. Information about the auctions can be found on their websites or in the press. If you won the auction or if there were no applications other than yours, conclude a lease or sale agreement for a forest plot. It is prepared by the state or municipal body that conducted the auction, according to the state-approved form. Since the forest is real estate, the contract is registered with the Rosreestr. After registration, the ownership or lease of a forest plot passes to you. If you want to get into the harvesting of the most sought-after types of wood, purchase seeds or seedlings. The first is cheaper, but you will not see the result so quickly. Growing trees requires care for them, for which you need to hire a specialist. If the purpose of planting trees is to obtain wood, then seeds or seedlings must be placed according to the scheme one tree per square meter. For 10 years, oaks, for example, can grow 4 meters high. The acquired forest area can be leased to other persons. To do this, you need to conclude a lease agreement in writing. You can use the form approved by the state. It is important that the contract contains its essential condition - the subject of the contract. The forest area must be properly described, indicating its cadastral number, area, land category. Please also indicate the amount of the rent. After that, the contract is registered with the Rosreestr authorities, for which it is necessary to submit the contract itself, the documents of the parties (passports or documents of legal entities), documents for the forest plot. Remember also that the owner has an obligation to pay land tax.

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How to make money in the woods

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How to make money in winter? Ways of winter earnings.

Winter is always the most difficult period for earning money for almost every entrepreneur, since it is quite difficult to choose a reasonable, optimal option for successful implementation. How to make money in winter, so as not to spend all the remaining savings on materials, but on the contrary, replenish the budget for a couple of "0", after the main figure, you will definitely find out on Well and where. A business blog is ready to offer you a variety of options: from small to large, from “cheap” to “expensive”. Just a minute of attention and you will light up with new ideas.

And so, on what to earn money in the winter.

Business idea from NUiGDE No. 1. Sale of hot drinks.

Perhaps this is one of the most simple ideas to work in cold weather. Of course, it will not be possible to buy a car or square meters in the city from simple street sales of coffee and tea, but enough for bread with butter and sausage. If you want to earn more reliable money, then you will have to spend money.

In order to attract more consumers to your product, lure them with a wide assortment, beautiful presentation and creative packaging. Firstly: you need to make a beautiful sales center: a wooden carriage, a house, maybe a pumpkin or any other option, preferably mobile, so that at any time you can put your business in the most crowded place. Secondly: if you serve latte, cappuccino, glace, you will have a small cookie, marshmallow and decorate at least simple pattern made of chocolate, cinnamon on foam, it will be much more interesting for people to buy hot drinks in your kiosk, and not in the next one, even if your product costs 1-2 UAH. more expensive. Always and everywhere, first of all they evaluate the pitch, and then everything else. Thirdly: the aroma and taste must be really good. If you have a clean, tidy, polite seller, drinks are beautifully decorated and also have a delicious aroma and taste - your business is guaranteed success! Buy good grains, tea with pieces of dried fruit, brew fragrant mulled wine (expensive wine is not necessary) and there will be two rows of queues at your kiosk.

Business idea 2. Food preparation and delivery.

It is profitable to engage in the food business in any conditions, since people want to eat always and everywhere. It is part of the vitality of every person. If you can refuse coffee / tea when your pocket whistles, then you should always have a snack.

If the budget for a start is limited and you pay taxes, rent is expensive for you - cook food to order. Now a lot of organizations need such services. Ukraine goes to Europe, and abroad office workers lunch is paid. Make a menu and price list. Go through the firms with best practices, offer your services. If you don't want to go - post an ad, place your small start-up business on the Internet, for example here, on the free business platform NUiGDE?. You will be seen, interested and will definitely apply for services. Take advantage of old connections, tell your friends what you do, you know, word of mouth works well. True, there is a flaw in such a business: delivery is important, timely delivery of food. You need to carefully calculate the number of servings, purchase fresh products daily, but most importantly - hot delivery! All food that you bring to customers must be hot, people have paid money and should not receive a cold lunch. Moreover, not all offices are equipped with kitchen appliances, and if you bring a slightly warm snack, they will not be able to warm it up. It's not their problem, first of all, it's your reputation. Delivering cold food to keep the client will not succeed. Think about it.

Idea from NUiGDE? 3. Snow removal.

Given the weather forecasts in Ukraine, the amount of snow in recent years, it will not be possible to make money on such a business for a long time. This is not what seasonal business, it’s more like “a couple of weeks” or even “several days”. Of course, not all of Ukraine has little snow in winter, but alas, most residents see snow instead of 3 months, at most, a dozen days a year. There is no need to abandon this idea either, since there are quite a few such services and you will be able to earn. In order not to spend a lot of money on special equipment, purchase simple equipment. If you are young and full of energy - save on workers too, you can fulfill orders yourself or reduce the number employees.

Business idea from NUiGDE? No. 4. Wood cutting.

You need to engage in such a business from the fall, or even from the summer itself. There are many people who are unable to cope with this work: someone does not have time, someone does not have enough strength and health. Let's advertise in newspapers, stick on poles in rural areas. People often need help, so the chance to earn money is not small.

Idea for winter business No. 5. Sale of warm goods.

In summer, you need to sell cold, and in winter, heat, but more. Sell ​​children's and adults' hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, warm socks. Just buy the item wholesale suppliers- as an option, not so interesting and attractive to the consumer, but economical in terms of both time and money. It is much more attractive if you, your grandmother or mother know how to knit. There are a lot of creative knitting lessons on the Internet, an excessive number of ideas, sketches of finished work, and so on. Create a page on the Internet, upload photos of possible works and knit to order. Lure customers with discounts, promotions. Handmade- it is always expensive to sell and buy, so do not bury talents, do not waste time on meaningless things, but do what you love, which will bring seasonal income.

Dear novice businessmen and Entrepreneurs with experience, remember: everything that people do not need in summer is in demand in winter. The world is full of new ideas and the business environment is no exception. Give free rein to fantasies, believe in yourself and your creations will bear fruit!

How to earn $50,000 per hectare of forest

Since today one cannot rely on the support of the state, one has to rely first of all on oneself, on one's family or on like-minded people. The time has come when I need to think about space heating, and I remembered an idea that, in my opinion, is easily feasible. My idea is to buy a piece of land and plant it with trees different breeds, which are used in construction, furniture manufacturing and other wood production. Planting can be done with seeds that can be collected in any forest area.

Costs for this:

1) purchase of a piece of land. In Moldova, a hectare of land can be purchased for about 300 dollars. Well, plus about $20 land use tax. (In Ukraine, I heard that you can get 2 hectares of land for free).

2) a trip to the forest for seeds and the subsequent planting of seeds or nuts in the ground. (Of course, for a faster return, you can buy ready-made seedlings from forestries, but this requires additional costs. And since the majority of the population does not have that kind of money, planting seeds is a less expensive and more preferable action).

Since the purpose of such planting is to obtain wood, seeds or nuts are sown according to the scheme of one tree per square meter. So the trees grow tall and straight. Take oak for example. This tree reaches a height of 30-40 meters in good conditions, and sometimes 55 meters and a diameter of 1-1.5 meters.

In 10 years, in good conditions, oaks can grow to a height of 4 meters. I took the minimum, taking the width of the oak even as 30 cm, and received at least 1 cubic meter of firewood from one tree.

If we take into account that 1000 oak trees grow per hectare, then this is 1000 cubic meters of firewood in 10 years. Now a cubic meter of firewood costs about $57. A thousand cubic meters is 57,000 dollars.

And if the tree gives more wood, then this is more profit. My calculation was that the trees would be used for firewood, but if you make a board out of these trees, then the board will cost much more. I believe that the income will far exceed the expenses.

How to rent a forest fund plot?

In principle, any Russian citizen can do this, because the right to rest, according to current legislation, the same for everyone. In accordance with Art. 34 of the RF LC, forest fund plots are leased on the basis of a decision of the authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation, accepted on the proposal of territorial authorities, or on the basis of the results of forest competitions.

According to Semen Levin, lawyer of the out-of-town real estate department of MIEL-Nedvizhimost, “it is much better to rent forest fund plots for a long period - up to 49 years. This right is also spelled out in the RF LC. According to Art. 31 of the RF LC, under a lease agreement for a forest fund plot, the forestry federal body forestry management (lessor) undertakes to provide the forest user (tenant) with a forest fund plot for a fee for a period of one to 49 years. After signing the lease agreement, the site becomes your property for the period specified in the agreement.

Note that, in accordance with the amendments made to Art. 35 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, forest fund plots can now be leased both based on the results of forest competitions, and without special competitions.

In the first case, a commission is created, which includes a chairman - a representative of a state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, his deputy - a representative of a territorial authority federal government forestry, as well as representatives of other interested organizations. According to the results of the competition, the winner and the organizer sign a protocol, on the basis of which a lease agreement for a forest fund plot is concluded.

Provision of forest plots without holding a special tender is possible in exceptional cases, indicated in Art. 34 (3) RF LC. To do this, an individual sends a written application to the territorial leshoz indicating his passport data. Organizations need to provide details, including the address and account number. The application must indicate the location of the forest fund site, as well as the types and purposes of its use.

The following is the chain. The landlord reviews your application within a month and then, with its conclusion, sends it to territorial authority federal forestry management in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. There, within a month, the application is considered and the presentation prepared on it is submitted to the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which makes a positive or negative decision on the lease of a forest plot. After the expiration of the lease period, the plots do not become the property of the tenant, since the ban on their acquisition remains in force.

Renting a forest can be a lucrative business

Speaking about how lawful it is to build a house on a forest plot, the lawyer of the suburban real estate department of the MIEL-Nedvizhimost company, Semyon Levin, explained that in matters of building leased forest plots, the administration of the Moscow Region is guided by the still valid resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of December 12, 1984 No. 505 "On the procedure for issuing permits for the placement in forests and on lands of the state forest fund that are not covered with forests, tourist camps, recreation centers and other similar facilities with the construction of non-capital type buildings and on the procedure for using forests for cultural and recreational purposes." According to this document, the forests of green areas around cities and settlements and all other forests can actually be used only for cultural and recreational purposes. However, theoretically, it does not prohibit the construction of a residential building on the leased territory, which can be used for personal purposes. But what happens to him after the 49-year lease expires? If the authorities are satisfied with the way you treated the forest land entrusted to you, the lease will be extended. In this case, the tenant will have a pre-emptive right to conclude a lease agreement for a new term. Lawyers note that in recent years, federal and regional legislation has been expanding the rights of owners and the authorities are meeting them halfway when resolving contentious issues.

Based on the materials of the articles "Business magazine online" and "Land of the Tver region"

For mushrooms, for berries: how to make money in forestry?

“Forest is not only wood. Mushrooms, berries, nuts and other gifts of the forest play a significant role in the bioeconomy - important for the inhabitants of many forest regions. What contribution can science make?

Finnish Karelia has a rich harvest of mushrooms and berries this year. Scientists working on a European research project are collecting data: they have developed a crop forecasting system that is used by half of the Finnish population.

“I hope our Information system will be beneficial,” says an expert from the Finnish Forestry Institute. “People want to know when to go to the forest for mushrooms and berries, to use them for home harvesting or to sell them to a processing company, which is tax-exempt in Finland.”

Money, of course, does not grow on trees, but the potential value of wild berries, mushrooms, nuts and herbs on the European market exceeds 2.5 billion euros. To increase these incomes is the task of scientists.

The forestry specialist explains:

“We are trying to understand the relationship between forest type and yields, which will enable us to make recommendations on how to monitor the forest so that it produces more mushrooms and berries.”

What about the next links in the bioeconomic chain?

For more than half a century, this family business in Joensuu has been buying mushrooms and berries from the local population. A kilogram of porcini mushrooms costs from 4 euros and more, depending on the year:

"For me it additional income. In a good season, I can earn up to 5,000 euros on mushrooms if I have time. It’s not at all extra money that, consider growing in the forest, so why not?”

The company is collaborating with researchers who are exploring opportunities to diversify the business, making it less dependent on unpredictable weather conditions.

“The harvest of mushrooms and berries depends on the rains, on the temperature, so no matter how you prepare in advance, you never know what will happen,” the owner of the enterprise admits.

Scientists are working to optimize the entire chain from forest to end consumer. Across Europe, they are gathering ideas to help forest owners, harvesters, businesses and consumers get more value from the gifts of the forest.

“There are many examples of successful solutions in Europe. We are trying to study them and implement them where we work. Of course, we face cultural and social differences whereby what works well here in Finland may not work in Southern Spain or Serbia. We're just trying to show what the possibilities are,” says the project coordinator.

A good way to increase the value of forest products is to process them right on the spot. This company grinds the berries into a powder that can be added to yogurt or other dishes. The researchers believe that improving product labeling rules would help the enterprise grow:

“The current certification system does not allow forest products to be labeled as ‘bio products’, so there is room for improvement here.”

People have used the gifts of nature since time immemorial. Learning about forests brings us one step closer to a greener economy and a healthier environment.

How to make money in autumn?

Autumn is a great time to make money. The summer has passed, you have had a rest and it is time to establish and build up financial well-being. We answer your questions.

How to make money in the village in autumn?

Become the organizer of trips to the most mushroom places. Write an ad in the local newspaper, gather a small group of amateur mushroom pickers, hire a minibus. Your every trip promises to be unforgettable, as you will earn good money and do a good deed to people.

Open a stall selling various school supplies. Order them, for example, in China. Get it in the mail - sell a little more. Place orders in advance so that they have time to come by the end of July.

Sell ​​pork, chicken. After a few months, you will have personal buyers. Don't let them down with the quality of the product!

How to make money in the fall in the city?

Go into business related to stretch ceilings. A stretch ceiling is a vinyl film that is stretched with a special hair dryer onto a plastic or aluminum baguette. The procedure for installing stretch ceilings lasts no more than four hours.

Lay tiles in the apartment and laminate the floors. Many specialists spend almost a day at their work, but return home in a great mood. Gratitude from customers and decent pay for work prove once again that you can forget about fatigue.

Buy coffee machines. Put them in the most crowded places so that this idea does not turn out to be unprofitable.

Open a small amusement park. Your venture will pay off in four years.

Let's play lessons on musical instruments if you are completely confident in your musical ear and in your abilities.

Autumn earnings in the village in autumn

Breeding bees is quite profitable business, as you can earn very big money by selling fresh honey and dead bees. However, you will have to spend a lot of money on inventory, on the construction of a omshannik and on the purchase of bee colonies. Do not despair! During the honey season (from autumn to winter), all the money spent will definitely come back to you.

Graduate from veterinary school. In rural areas, the profession of a veterinarian will always be in demand, since almost all villagers have livestock.

If you want to make money in dairy production, then you can do it! Buy ten cows, a milk transporter, several huge refrigerators, and special milk processing equipment. There is nothing complicated, in fact, in dairy production. Moreover, excellent earnings will serve as a huge incentive to overcome any difficulties.

Grow purebred cats and dogs. The minimum price for one thoroughbred puppy is three hundred dollars. Both cats and dogs are best sold in big cities. Grow them, train them in commands and take them to the nearest metropolis for sale.

Breeding turkeys is not easy, but profitable. For this reason, it would be worth trying to do it. The meat of these birds is very tasty and lean. Keep turkeys indoors as they are sensitive to cold and extreme temperature changes.

In a private house in the fall you can make good money

Smoke meat, lard, fish. For legal conduct this business you will need a license. And you can find places to sell your products in as soon as possible.

Make a small extension to the house and rent it out to guests for good money. The annex can be used as a club room. It remains to find a professional DJ!

The most spacious room can become a relaxation room. People will come to you from all around. Therefore, equip the room as it should. Swipe internet and phone.

Make jewelry and pictures from beads. Men, judging by the polls, also like to do this when they have time. To a greater extent, they are doing this business for themselves, and not for the sake of financial gain.

Engage in the production of flour. This product is popular due to the presence of proteins, carbohydrates and vital trace elements in it.


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