Requirements for the tour operator of inbound tourism. Inbound tourism. Domestic inbound tourism, development of inbound tourism in Russia. Step-by-step instructions for opening a travel agency


Your question is very broad, and frankly, it is asked too briefly.

First you need to understand - you will be a tour agent or a tour operator.

If you will just sell the tour. products, look for clients - you are a tour agent and this activity is not difficult, special conditions does not require other than compliance with the law on tourism and consumer protection.

If you yourself create a tour product, that is, form it from and to, then you are a tour operator and there are already many nuances and problems.

Firstly, the tour operator is only a legal entity (a tour agent can be an individual entrepreneur, for example)

at the same time, the tour operator must be included in the register of tour operators, pay contributions to the special fund

These are the first and most important points.

Federal Law "On the basics of tourism activities in Russian Federation» dated 11/24/1996 N 132-FZ (last edition)

tourist product - a set of transportation and accommodation services provided for a total price (regardless of the inclusion in the total price of the cost of excursion services and (or) other services) under a sales agreement tourism product; tour operator activities - activities for the formation, promotion and implementation of the tourist product carried out by a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the tour operator);
travel agency activity - activities to promote and implement a tourist product, about carried out by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as a travel agent);

Article 11.4. Reserve fund for the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism

(as amended by Federal Law No. 49-FZ of March 2, 2016)

(introduced by Federal Law No. 47-FZ of May 3, 2012)

To finance the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists, the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism forms a reserve fund in accordance with the requirements of this federal law.
(Part one as amended by Federal Law No. 49-FZ of March 2, 2016)

(see text in previous edition)

The reserve fund is a separate property owned by the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism on the basis of ownership. The reserve fund is formed at the expense of contributions from tour operators operating in the field of outbound tourism. These contributions are transferred in cash in the following amounts:
50 thousand rubles - for tour operators whose indicator of the number of tourists in the field of outbound tourism for the year amounted to no more than 10 thousand tourists inclusive, and the total price of the tourist product in the field of outbound tourism for the previous year amounted to no more than 40 million rubles;
100 thousand rubles - for tour operators whose indicator of the number of tourists in the field of outbound tourism for the year is not more than 100 thousand tourists inclusive, with the exception of the tour operators indicated in paragraph two of this part;
300 thousand rubles - for tour operators whose indicator of the number of tourists in the field of outbound tourism per year is more than 100 thousand tourists, but not more than 500 thousand tourists inclusive;
500 thousand rubles - for tour operators whose indicator of the number of tourists in the field of outbound tourism per year is more than 500 thousand tourists.

Secondly, the question of taxes depends on the decision who you are and how you will work - for example, sleep is an option.

Third - as I indicated above - compliance with 2 laws, including the law on consumer protection - you need a simple but well-thought-out contract for the provision of services.

Well, a separate moment - non-compliance with the legislation specifically on tourism about Article 14.51 of the Code of Administrative Offenses - but this is precisely for tour operators

1. The implementation of tour operator activities by a person, information about which is not available in a single federal register tour operators - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of six months to one year; for legal entities - from five million to ten million rubles.

on consumer protection - art. 14.8 coap - not providing information

Inbound tourism

As practice shows, it is international tourism, focused on the reception of foreign guests (inbound tourism), that gives maximum profits to the treasury of the state and region. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the specifics inbound tourism and its theoretical foundations, which will clearly show the relevance of the topic.

In its historical development, Russian inbound tourism has gone through a number of stages, characterized both by differences in the goals of foreign arrivals, and by the peculiarities of the organization of the national tourist service. It is conditionally possible to distinguish spontaneous (pre-industrial), industrial, Soviet, post-Soviet and modern stages. We, in turn, consider the last two stages in the development of inbound tourism.

Post-Soviet stage:

Perestroika and subsequent cardinal changes living conditions of Soviet citizens affected both the pace and the structure of the entry international tourism in the country. Liquidation of the "Iron Curtain", legalization of foreign exchange transactions and private entrepreneurial activity, political bankruptcy, collapse and liquidation of the Communist Party Soviet Union, the further collapse of the USSR and the course of democratic reforms proclaimed by the Russian authorities aroused great interest in the country on the part of the victorious countries in the long-term cold war. The mass media of the capitalist countries endlessly sang the reforms being carried out in Russia. They revealed the most optimistic forecasts regarding the infusion of our country into the global capitalist processes.

On the other hand, the rapid pace of inflation and the impoverishment of Russians, the rampant crime and the weakness of the new democratic government, the threat of the collapse of Russia, and local conflicts throughout the post-Soviet space (Karabakh, Tajikistan, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Chechnya), the collapse of the national industry and Agriculture formed an unfavorable tourist image of Russia as a corrupt and mafia state with proclaimed democratic and capitalist values.

Interest in Russia was shown only by Western entrepreneurs who wanted to quickly and practically for nothing capture as a share of a capacious domestic Russian market, and a share of the former state property. Frequent business trips of the wealthy foreign citizens to Russia (especially Moscow) stimulated the construction of the first world-class hotels in the capital. In the 90s in Moscow, the Moscow region and other major business centers of the country, hotel enterprises were built that were part of well-known hotel chains or operated on a franchise, fully focused on serving the wealthy foreign public. Rapid dominance of demand over supply of hotel rooms high category leads to higher prices for services hotel companies(already in 1993, Moscow business hotels were recognized as one of the most expensive in the world), as well as to the emergence of the first incoming tour operators (domestic or foreign), professionally involved in organizing inbound tourism to Russia.

The growth of the private sector in incoming in the period from 1991 to 1998 significantly stimulated inbound tourism, expanded the geography and range of inbound tours, and created a steady inbound tourist flow in certain regions of the country. However, the youth of the private sector of inbound tourism, an acute shortage of capital, the unwillingness of financial and industrial structures Investing in tourism infrastructure led to a situation where the demand among foreign citizens for domestic tourism services far exceeded the supply in the tourism market.

The growth in the cost of tourism services, stimulated by a multiple excess of demand over supply, naturally led to an exaggerated increase in the cost of the Russian tourism product. According to the average daily expenses of tourists, Moscow and St. Petersburg overtook the most expensive tourist countries (Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris). This, in turn, required the concentration of inking on the production of the most demanded and popular tours, the use in the production of the most famous Russian tourist resources (Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Golden Ring, river cruises), the popularity of which can justify rising prices.

The financial crisis of 1998 brought down prices for the domestic tourist product for a short time, but the growth in demand for trips to Russia (primarily for Europeans) caused by a short-term price reduction quickly returned the cost of travel packages to the pre-crisis level. And since 2001, prices have risen by 12-20% compared to pre-crisis levels.

Modern stage development of inbound tourism:

The current situation in the market of inbound international tourism in Russia is characterized by a steady increase in the number of arrivals of foreign citizens. Although, given the global tourism dynamics, such growth is likely to be short-lived. The point is not in the fall of Russia's popularity, but in a clear discrepancy between the price and quality of the tourist product, which is unacceptable in a tough competition on the world market. The number of repeated visits to Russia is one of the lowest in Europe, and foreign citizens develop an attitude towards our country as a place of prohibitively expensive vacation, which can be afforded only once in a lifetime. The high level of prices for tourist services, the unstable criminal situation in cities, the low degree of development of tourist infrastructure, the strict and time-consuming border regime for issuing a visa scare away young people, couples with children from Russia, positioning our country as a vacation spot only for pensioners who are more loyal to the underdevelopment of the entertainment sector.

Registered by the Ministry of Justice on March 17, 2017 under registration No. 45999 Order Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2016 No. 2750 “On Approval of the Requirements for Reporting of a Tour Operator Operating in the Field of Outbound Tourism, Its Composition and Form” (hereinafter referred to as the Order).

Order adopted in accordance with Art. 17.7. Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation" and establishes composition, shape and timing submission to the Federal Tourism Agency of the reporting of a tour operator operating in the field of international outbound tourism.

In this regard, federal agency tourism reminds everyone tour operators operating in the field of outbound tourism, it is necessary on time, no later than April 15, 2017 submit to Rostourism the following reports on approved by order forms:

1. Report on the activities of the tour operator in the implementation of a tourist product in the field of outbound tourism in 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the Report).

2. Information on compliance by the tour operator with the regulatory ratio own funds(capital) and assumed liabilities in 2016 (hereinafter - Information).

Please note that the Report and Information must contain all the indicators provided for in them. In the absence of indicator values ​​in the corresponding column (line) of the reporting form, it is necessary to put down the “-” symbol.

If the Report contains only zero values ​​of indicators, the tour operator submits reports with zero values ​​of indicators to the Federal Tourism Agency.

In accordance with by order the actual size of the solvency margin of the tour operator is a calculated value determined as the sum of authorized capital, additional capital, reserve capital, retained earnings of the reporting year and previous years, reduced by uncovered losses of the reporting year and previous years, according to accounting. It was also established that the standard size of the solvency margin of the tour operator is 7 percent of the total price of the tourist product for the previous calendar year.

We remind you that the tour operator operating in the field of outbound tourism is obliged to comply with the requirements financial stability and solvency, the normative ratio of own funds (capital) and obligations assumed, as well as other requirements, including regulatory legal acts of the authorized federal executive body (Ministry of Culture of Russia, Rostourism).

We also note that, in accordance with Art. 4.2. Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation" failure to submit the above-mentioned reporting within the prescribed period entails:

With regard to a tour operator operating only in the field of outbound tourism, exclusion from the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators (hereinafter also referred to as the Register of Tour Operators) of all information about the tour operator;

With respect to a tour operator carrying out tour operator activities in several areas of tourism (outbound and domestic tourism, outbound and inbound tourism, outbound, inbound and domestic tourism), exclusion from the Register of Tour Operators of information about the field of outbound tourism and other information about the tour operator related to the implementation of its activities in the field of outbound tourism.

In addition, according to Art. 4.1. Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation", in the event that information about a tour operator operating in the field of outbound tourism is excluded from the Register of Tour Operators due to failure to submit reports specified in Art. 17.7. Federal Law "On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation", executive such a tour operator(head of the tour operator, his deputy, Chief Accountant or other official responsible for the accounting of the tour operator) deemed non-compliant established by the third part of Article 4.1. of this federal law.

Thus, the tour operator, information about which is excluded from the Register of Tour Operators, including in connection with the failure to submit reports specified in Art. 17.7. Federal Law "On the Basics of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation", if you reapply to Rostourism with an application for entering information into the Register of Tour Operators within 12 months from the date of exclusion of information from the specified register, this will be denied due to the inconsistency of the official tour operator to the requirements defined part three of article 4.1 specified federal law.

Please note that the reporting of the tour operator, specified in Art. 17.7. Federal Law "On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation", include:

Report on the activities of the tour operator in the implementation of a tourist product in the field of outbound tourism in the reporting year;

Information on the tour operator's compliance with the normative ratio of own funds (capital) and the obligations assumed in the reporting year.

All tour operators (regardless of the scope of tour operator activities), in respect of which the legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for the mandatory publication of accounting (financial) statements at the end of the reporting year, submit to Rostourism a copy of the annual accounting (financial) statements of the tour operator. At the same time, tour operators operating in the field of outbound tourism, together with a copy of the specified annual accounting (financial) statements of the tour operator, also send an audit report to Rostourism (in cases where the total price of a tourist product in the field of outbound tourism for the previous year amounted to more than 400 million rubles).

For the submission of the above reporting to Rostourism, a general deadline is set - no later than April 15 of the year following the reporting year.

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In Europe and America, people have long abandoned the services of large agencies and companies in favor of independent consultants. Similar trends are observed in our country.

Becoming a tour operator is an opportunity to create an excellent launching pad for the further development of your own business.

What attracts people to this job? High salaries, constant travel ... For many, the life of a travel agent seems like a real fairy tale. But at the same time, almost no one dares to take any decisive steps towards the fulfillment of their dreams. Do you want to be among them? Then this article is for you!

Step 1. Training

Interested in how to become a tour operator, you first need to figure out where and how you will be trained.

There are two options here: regular colleges and universities, as well as special operator training schools.

The first option is attractive because you will study in depth all the disciplines related to tourism and hospitality, get a huge base of theoretical knowledge. However, it will take several years to complete the entire course of study. The alternative is distance learning. Actually, in the very educational institution you will appear 2-3 times a year, and the rest of the time you can use to prepare the ground for further work.

If you want to get the maximum of useful practical information and get to work as soon as possible, it would be more logical to enroll in a special operator training school. Here you will learn how to become a tour operator, get an overview of travel destinations, sales and booking systems, marketing, etc.

Step 2. Obtain certification

Work as a tour operator is impossible without obtaining certification. For your future clients, this will be proof of your competence and deep knowledge of the specifics of your business. Therefore, you will be much more trustworthy.

As a rule, the corresponding certificates can be obtained at the place of study. But some people turn to the International Association CLIA, which offers certification programs that are well-known and respected in the tourism industry.

Step 3. Obtaining a license

If you want to have your own travel agency, it is better to register a business on entity(CJSC, LLC, etc.). But for those who want to become a travel agent (that is, an intermediary between a travel agency and its clients), it will be enough to register as individual entrepreneur- PBOYUL. To obtain a license, you will need to pay a state fee of 1300 rubles.

You should be aware that the license to sell and pre-book air travel is issued separately. Certification conditions are dictated by the Federal Aviation Rules. At the same time, certain requirements are imposed on the premises, staff, security and reservation systems. If you intend to sell not only tours, but also air tickets, you will need to conclude an agreement with the airline and obtain this certificate.

When deciding to become a travel agent, it is very important to choose the right OKVED codes. The most commonly used code is 63.30 - “Activity travel agencies". In addition, it is advisable to apply for inclusion in the All-Russian Register of Travel Agencies.

Step 4. Choosing a tour operator company

Perhaps this is the most important step. The travel agent can independently choose which of the many operators to cooperate with. When choosing, you should take into account the amount of remuneration, the reputation of the company in the market and the convenience of work.

An important question that is faced by almost everyone who is interested in how to become a travel agent: "Where can I find these same operators?" The easiest way to do this is by visiting specialized tourism fairs, exhibitions, etc. It is best to “catch your luck” in Moscow, where such events are held annually (MITT, MITF, Intourmarket, Otdykh). Hundreds of people gather here various companies and organizations. As they say, there are plenty to choose from. In addition, you can visit similar regional exhibitions.

A variety of conferences and fairs are also held in the workshop format by professional travel publications (Tourism Business, Banco, Turinfo, the Travel Expert consulting group, etc.). The atmosphere at the workshop, as a rule, is more relaxed and businesslike than at exhibitions. There are more opportunities to meet partners, discuss important issues and tune in to work.

Step 5. Conclusion of the contract

And now we got to the most important thing. How to become a travel agent? After you have decided on the choice of a tour operator, you will need to sign an agency agreement. Under the terms of such a document, you will receive a reward for each tour sold. The amount of remuneration may vary, but on average it is about 10-15% of the cost of the tour itself. If in the future you will prove yourself well in the eyes of the tour operator and will successfully sell tours, the percentage that you receive from each transaction may increase.

In addition, partners of travel agencies that are members of the agency Networks (for example, or the Last minute network of stores) receive an increased commission. Due to strong corporate support, agencies that are members of such networks (which, by the way, are not so easy to get into) have the opportunity to deduct a fairly large percentage of their income.

Step 6 Advertise

Suppose you have already found a suitable company and signed an agreement. Done: now you are a tour operator in Italy, France, Greece or Russia. It would seem that everything is going well, but ... But no, for some reason you managed to sell only a few tickets in a few weeks. And then to your friends. This is where the lack of advertising for your services comes into play.

First of all, we would recommend that you pay attention to the numerous publications, catalogs and applications that publish travel advertisements. Of course, it is not easy to stand out among hundreds and thousands of other offers. Therefore, first of all, you need to decide on your target audience.


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