PPE standards for. Standards for issuing protective clothing. Order on providing workers with protective equipment


1. Flight crew performing flight work on class 1 and 2 passenger aircraft in a special climatic region are provided with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment free of charge in accordance with these Standards.

2. The commander of an aviation detachment and the deputy commander of an aviation detachment, the head of an aviation enterprise, the commander of an aviation detachment integrated with an airport, and their deputies in flight service, who occasionally perform aerochemical work on treating areas using pesticides, special clothing, special shoes and other equipment Personal protective equipment is issued with an increase in wear time by 30%.

3. The head and deputy head, chief specialist, leading specialist of the territorial department of the special authorized body in the field of civil aviation, who regularly performs control, inspection and training flights for aerial chemical work on processing areas using pesticides, special clothing, special shoes and other equipment Personal protective equipment is issued with an increase in wear time by 40%.

4. A half mask with replaceable cartridges is equipped with replaceable cartridges, the brand of which is determined based on the results of certification of the workplace for working conditions.

Notes to subsection 1 of section I:

1. Commanders of aviation detachments, commanders of aviation detachments united with the airport, heads of the airline and their deputies for flight service, flight command and flight inspection staff of territorial departments and central office special authorized body in the field of civil aviation, special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment are issued if there are valid certificates for the right to operate aircraft and their equipment and when they perform flight work to check piloting techniques and practical work airborne specialists:

on cargo turbojet, turboprop aircraft and on class 3 passenger aircraft - in accordance with these Standards with an increase in wear life by 30%;

on class 4 airplanes and helicopters - in accordance with these Standards with an increase in wear life by 40%.

2. When performing temporary flight work in various climatic regions, the flight and cabin crews are provided with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment according to the standards of the corresponding climatic region, regardless of their permanent location, for the duration of work.

The flight crew of passenger turboprop and turbojet aircraft when flying to a special climatic region is also provided with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment on duty according to the standards provided for in these Standards for a special climatic region.

At the end of temporary work, special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment must be returned.

3. The flight crew performing flight work on passenger aircraft of classes 1 and 2 in a special climatic region is provided with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment in accordance with these Standards.

4. Duration of wear special clothing and special shoes provided for the flight radio operator, senior flight mechanic and senior flight engineer of an aviation squad, navigator, navigator of an aviation squadron and senior navigator of an aviation squad, increases by 30%.

5. When performing aviation work over the waters of the seas and oceans, as well as when performing flights to offshore drilling rigs, each member of the flight and cabin crew is given an additional wetsuit, a set of cotton underwear, a set of insulated underwear with wearing periods, respectively:

- “until wear”;

1 set for 1 year;

1 set for 2 years.

For specialists personnel service you have to work with various regulations and constantly monitor their updates. Special attention is paid to the labor protection system, which is also regulated by certain regulations and standards.

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Workwear and safety footwear are intended for workers whose activities are carried out in hazardous and health-threatening conditions. According to regulations, workers in production and drivers must wear protective clothing public transport, catering workers, medical institutions, housing and communal services, etc.

Technological clothing is a type of workwear. It is used to protect tools. In addition to overalls and shoes, you also need to have additional protective equipment - individual ones.

Types of protective equipment:

  • protection from mechanical stress and heat, dirt, hazardous liquids, etc.;
  • protection of eyes and respiratory organs from hazardous factors;
  • hygiene supplies.

Who is entitled to it?

Working clothes, safety shoes, and protective equipment are issued only to those workers whose professions are included in the Classifier and provided for by regulations.

If the specialty is not included in the documentation, a person can purchase protective equipment for personal convenience at his own expense, in agreement with the manager - with partial payment.

All new employees are required to familiarize themselves with the procedure and rules for issuing workwear before employment.

If the organization for any reason has not issued protective equipment, you cannot begin work. In this case, the worker is paid idle time in the amount of about 65% of.

Legislative regulation

The rules for issuing special clothing to workers can be found in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 N 290n. According to this document, providing workers with protective equipment, clothing and footwear is an integral element of the system of occupational risks and worker health protection.

In article 221 Labor Code it states that when working in hazardous conditions, employees are provided with certified protective equipment in accordance with legal requirements.


The issuance of protective equipment is carried out taking into account the Standard Industry Standards for their free provision. The document contains a list of professions and positions that are subject to these rules.

Employers, in agreement with the state labor protection inspector, can replace some types of protective equipment with others, which also provide complete protection at work.

The standard standards were approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 63.

The standards for the free provision of workwear depend on a number of factors:

  • scope of the company;
  • working conditions;
  • hazard categories, etc.

Accepted standards

The provision of protective equipment is carried out in accordance with the standards of configuration and staffing table. Positions and specialties must be included in the Classifier of Specialties.

All clothing, shoes and additional equipment are subject to certification (Article 215 of the Labor Code).

Management may introduce additional standards for the provision of protective equipment in order to implement a program for protecting the health of workers in hazardous and dangerous work. Reducing the limit of protective equipment is not allowed.

The improvement in the standards for free provision of workwear is reflected in. After certification of workplaces and agreement with the labor safety inspector, issuance standards in excess of the established ones can be adopted.



In different areas economic activity are based on the annex to the Model Industry Standards adopted by the Ministry of Labor in 1997. These standards give different categories of workers the right to receive protective equipment, establish their names and quantities.


Cross-sectoral standards establish the procedure for the provision of protective clothing and footwear in various sectors of the economy.

Resolutions of the Ministries of Labor and Health have determined a list of specialties that are entitled to special protection. Intersectoral rules were adopted in accordance with Order No. 290-.

Part-time workers are provided with clothing and shoes in accordance with the standards for citizens combining professions. Students and trainees receive protective equipment during their internship.

By climatic zones

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 70 introduces uniform rules for issuing insulated protective equipment according to climatic conditions.

Terms of use (in months):

Climate zone Warm jacket Warm lavsan-viscose jacket Warm pants Warm lavsan-viscose trousers Felt boots
1 36 36 36 36 48
2 30 30 30 30 36
3 24 No 24 No 30
4 18 No 18 No 24
Special 18 No 18 No 24

Additional fur clothing for special belts:

  • mittens;
  • earflaps;
  • sheepskin coat

Requirements for workwear and safety footwear

Occupational safety requirements for workwear are different for each profession.


Increased demands are placed on protective clothing for construction workers, since they are worn by people working in extreme conditions.

Requirements for construction clothing:

  • compliance with the declared protective qualities;
  • comfortable microclimate regardless of weather conditions;
  • high wear resistance, resistance to mechanical damage;
  • high-quality sewing material;
  • convenience;
  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • aesthetics.

Main types of protective equipment:

  • costume;
  • vest;
  • jacket, trousers;
  • waterproof raincoat;
  • shirt;
  • a cap;
  • boots, rubber boots;
  • personal protective equipment for the head, eyes, hands, etc.

In order to minimize accidents, some employees are issued safety vests of the second class of protection.

The list of professions and specialties has recently been expanded: the number of free protective equipment has increased, the list of insulated equipment has been expanded winter clothes. Management is entitled to an expanded set of clothing and shoes.

The period of use depends on the climate zone, and not on the type of clothing.


The procedure for issuing special clothing to motor transport workers was updated in 2009. The standards for warm and summer clothing are separate.

Summer clothes:

  • cotton suit;
  • mixed material suit;
  • shoes or boots;
  • gloves.

Warm clothes:

  • warm suit;
  • warm boots or felt boots;
  • wool gloves.


In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health No. 777-n, upon employment, cooks are provided with uniforms and hygiene products free of charge.


  • cotton trousers;
  • jacket;
  • robe;
  • cap;
  • apron;
  • towel.


According to the appendix to Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 9, 2014 N 997n, loaders are provided with clothing and shoes depending on the specifics of the organization and working conditions.


  • warm trousers and jacket (in winter);
  • overalls with mittens (in summer).

Trade workers

List of clothing for trade workers in accordance with Appendix No. 7 to Industry Standards:

  • waterproof sleeves and apron;
  • robe;
  • insulated jacket and felt boots (for rooms not heated in winter).

Housing and communal services

Overalls for housing and communal services workers in accordance with Order N 997n:

  • overalls;
  • signal cloak or vest (or suit);
  • gloves;
  • boots;
  • warm jacket, trousers, boots and mittens (in winter).


Overalls for workers in the agricultural sector in accordance with the appendix to Order of the Ministry of Health No. 416-n:

  • costume;
  • mittens;
  • shoes or boots.

In winter, warm clothing is provided.


The set of clothing depends on the industry in which the employee is employed.

List of protective clothing in accordance with the appendices to the Model Standards:

  • waterproof suit;
  • waterproof raincoat;
  • shoes or boots;
  • warm trousers, boots and jacket (in winter).

Health workers

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health No. 777-, employees of medical institutions are issued:

  • robe;
  • shirts;
  • dress, trousers or skirt;
  • slippers;
  • cap.

Emergency medical personnel are provided with winter and summer kits. Additional protective equipment includes goggles, rubber aprons, masks, etc.

Russian Railways

The rules for providing Russian Railways employees with special clothing are established by the Regulations of JSC Russian Railways.

The workwear set includes:

  • costume;
  • shoes or boots;
  • jacket;
  • signal vest;
  • waterproof clothing;
  • gloves.

In winter, a coat, a fur jacket, felt boots, mittens, a hat and a helmet are provided.


According to Appendix No. 11 to the Model Standards, fabric for making clothing must be heat-resistant.

Set of clothes:

  • dielectric galoshes, gloves;
  • helmet with heat-resistant shield;
  • heat-resistant underwear;
  • winter heat-resistant set.

Procedure for issuance and replacement

A personal registration card is created for each worker, in which protective equipment, clothing, shoes and sizes are entered. After receiving the kit, the employee signs for it.

If there is no signature, it is considered that the clothing was not issued. In addition to the cards, a Personal Protective Equipment Logbook is kept.

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Duties of the parties

Employer Responsibilities:

  • purchasing work clothes and shoes with your own money;
  • ensuring cleaning, care and storage of workwear, equipment of locker rooms and cabinets;
  • disinfection and repair of workwear (if such capabilities are not available, an agreement is concluded with a specialized company);
  • replacement of worn-out uniforms on the basis of an act;
  • Conducting instructions by the labor safety inspector on the use of protective clothing, checking the integrity of the protective equipment entered in the Log;
  • Providing employees with hygiene and preventive means (in dirty industries).

Workwear is used in various organizations to help or streamline the execution of professional activity employees. Employees are provided with it through management, that is, the directors of the enterprise or specially appointed persons are responsible for this provision. The standards for issuing clothing are regulated by law.

Basic standards for issuing workwear

To begin with, let us clarify that by workwear we need to understand not only clothing itself, but also other means of protection - shoes, means to protect hands or face, hearing or vision, etc. That is, a protective mask will also be considered workwear. What are the features of issuing specialized clothing?

  1. Typically, workwear items are issued to employees for an annual period of use. After a year, they must be replaced with new ones.
  2. Items made from very strong and durable materials (for example, safety glasses) are issued in one copy until worn out.
  3. Items that are subject to significant external negative influence, but are made of durable materials, are issued in a single copy for a one-year period of use.
  4. Items consisting of low-strength materials, but used quite often (for example, rubber gloves), are issued in sets of 2-12 pairs per year.

The issuance standards are determined by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, and regulate, if necessary, the employee must be provided with an additional set of special clothing, unless otherwise prescribed by local legislative acts. Some employers sometimes use a trick: in situations where property is damaged, even due to circumstances beyond the employee’s control, they oblige him to purchase new protection attributes.

Standard standards for issuing workwear

Standard standards for issuing workwear were approved in 2014 by order of the Ministry social protection and labor of the Russian Federation. They are directly related to the name of the profession and the set of workwear to be issued, as well as the service life and number of elements in the set of workwear.

In total, the list of norms contains comments on 195 types of professions. Let's look further at some of the specialties that are most famous:

  1. dishwasher . A suit for protection against pollution (1 piece per year), an apron with a bib (2 pieces per year), rubber gloves (12 pairs per year), polymer sleeves (until worn out) are provided.
  2. Groom . Grooms receive a protective suit (1 piece per year), protective trousers and robe (1 set per year), rubber boots (1 pair per year), a polymer apron with a bib (1 piece per year), polymer gloves (4 pairs per year). year). Other workers with animals, including veterinarians, are also provided with a similar kit.
  3. Lifter . Lift operators are provided with a protective suit (1 piece per year) and polymer gloves (6 pairs per year).
  4. Farmer . For farming work, the specialist is provided with a protective suit (1 piece per year), as well as polymer gloves (12 pairs per year).
  5. Library employee . Equipped with a protective suit (1 piece per year), as well as a protective gown (1 piece per year).

Standard standards for other professions can be found in the tables:

In addition to the installed kit, employees are also provided with additional protective accessories if necessary. This could be a hard hat or helmet, special underwear or an insulated balaclava, etc. As a rule, such items have a service life “until wear out” and are issued only for use on the premises of the enterprise.

Order on approval of inter-industry standards for the issuance of workwear

The Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Social Development regulate intersectoral standards for the issuance of protective clothing. These standards provide a special procedure for issuing protective footwear and clothing, which is valid in all sectors of the economy. This list of standards was approved in 2009, replacing the 1998 resolution of the Ministry of Labor. The order can be found below:

Standards for issuing summer workwear

Summer workwear is seasonal and is not available at all enterprises. This is due to the fact that some professions require types of clothing that are used in both cold and warm periods of the year. Summer workwear includes:

  • cotton suit;
  • uninsulated boots or boots;
  • mixed fabric suit;
  • uninsulated mittens or gloves.

Almost all elements of workwear are issued in a single copy, with the exception of gloves, which can be issued in sets of 2-12 pairs.

Summer workwear can be issued to the employee either for the entire season, or only if necessary for the period of work. At the end summer season clothes are handed over to the company for storage.

Standards for issuing workwear according to climatic zones

The climate zone has a direct impact on the service life of workwear. There are 5 climatic zones in Russia - 1, 2, 3, 4 and special. There are also several types of workwear that are issued in these climatic zones. These include a warm jacket, trousers, felt boots, and boots. Let's look at the period for which they are given in different zones:

In the first climatic region, the average winter temperature is -1 degree, in the second - -10 degrees, in the third - -18 degrees, in the fourth - -41 degrees and in a special region -25 degrees.

Standards for writing off workwear

Most often, workwear is written off at the same time when the service life of the issued sets expires (that is, after 12 months). However, the write-off procedure has its own nuances:

  1. The cost of clothing, in order to reduce the labor intensity of accounting work, is written off at a time to the debit of suitable accounts for accounting for production costs at the time of transfer of this workwear directly to the employees of the organization.
  2. Workwear can be written off on a straight-line basis at the time it is put into use.
  3. When reflecting the write-off of the cost of workwear in tax accounting, you must be aware that the tax authority considers the cost of workwear to be economically justified only when the need for its purchase is suggested by the results of an inspection of working conditions or special equipment. assessments.
  4. Accountants are advised to consistently write off the cost of workwear, distributing it evenly over the period of expected use. For example, if one of the elements is an insulated vest costing 4,800 rubles, and its period of operation is 2 years, then 200 rubles will be written off monthly. Moreover, if the attribute is relatively cheap (for example, rubber gloves for 50 rubles), then the amount will be written off at a time.
  5. Any element of workwear cannot be taken into account as part of fixed assets.

When recording write-offs, the season of use should also be taken into account. For example, if a warm jacket is winter workwear, then in the summer you cannot write it off. In this case, the employee will need to hand over the attribute to seasonal storage within the enterprise.

IN personnel work It’s not uncommon for specialists to have to deal with all sorts of standards. This is especially true in the field of labor protection.

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Justification of the need

What are workwear and safety footwear?

Workwear and safety footwear – clothing, footwear used in production conditions (industrial), in transport for protection from hazardous and health-threatening conditions. As a component of workwear, sanitary equipment is used in healthcare and catering. One of its varieties is technological clothing, used to protect work items. In addition to clothing and shoes, additional protective equipment is used - personal protective equipment (PPE).

PPE classification:

  • protection from mechanical stress, pollution, aggressive liquids, excessive cold, heat and other factors - suits, gowns, overalls, headscarves, felt boots, boots, mittens (gloves), etc.;
  • protection of the organs of vision and breathing from harmful and dangerous factors - respirators, masks, gas masks, goggles;
  • personal hygiene items.

Who should?

Free issuance of protective equipment, workwear, and safety shoes is carried out only to employees of those specialties (professions) whose names are indicated in the Classifier and provided for by the relevant standards.

Other specialties can purchase protective items to provide themselves with comfortable conditions at their own expense, or, in agreement with management, on a shared basis.

When hiring a new employee, he must be introduced to the Standards and Rules for issuing workwear (standard) for a specific specialty before signing an employment contract.

If for some reason the employer does not provide the employee with protective equipment, then it is prohibited to begin performing duties. The employee is compensated for downtime in the amount of 2/3 of his salary.

Letter of the law

According to Art. 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the conditions for issuing workwear are determined by the list of works:

  • work carried out in special temperature conditions;
  • working with dangerous, harmful conditions;
  • work related to pollution.

When selling food products, in workplaces with the presence of microorganisms - biological factors, sanitary clothing and footwear, except for special ones, and accessories are issued to protect objects of labor while ensuring sanitary and hygienic standards.

Standards (limits) for all areas of business were adopted in 1997 by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. Intersectoral standard standards for all sectors of the economy approved in 2008 By order Ministry of Health and Social Development.

The supply of safety footwear and workwear occurs regardless of factors, provided that the name of the profession completely matches the standards of issuance and the staffing schedule. The list of professions must comply with the Classifier of Professions. All workwear is subject to mandatory certification (Article 215 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Issuance in excess of the norm or reduction of limits

Managers are given the right to establish improved standards for the issuance of protective clothing at the enterprise in order to implement a program of increased protection of workers in hazardous and harmful conditions labor. The right to replace certain types of protection with others in agreement with the trade union committee is also secured, if there is no deterioration in comparison with standard standards.

It is impossible to reduce the limit of PPE according to current standards.

Improved free issuance standards are included in collective agreement, the standard norms in relation to which changes have occurred are indicated. In cases of production specifics, issuance standards in excess of those established after certification of work places (workplaces) and in agreement with the occupational safety inspector and the trade union organization are accepted.

Types of standards


In various areas of production and service provision, they are guided by the annex to the standard industry standards approved in 1997 by a decree of the Ministry of Labor. They secure the rights of various categories of personnel to issue special clothing, stipulate its quantity and types.


Intersectoral standards determine the procedure for issuing safety footwear and workwear in all sectors of the economy. Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Social Development form a list of professions for the issuance of workwear. Intersectoral rules were approved by Order No. 290n, registered in 2009. Resolution No. 51 of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 1998, which was in force before the new rules, does not apply.

Overalls are issued only when performing work directly specified in the list. Part-time workers are issued safety footwear and work clothing according to the standards for part-time professions (type of work). Students, trainees undergoing practical training, and persons supervising the performance of work are issued such protective items for the period they are at the workplace, i.e., during work that requires their availability.

By climatic zones

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 70 of 1997 approved uniform standards for the issuance of insulated special clothing and footwear with (climate) belts.

Wearing period depending on the belt (climatic):

Climate zones Insulated jacket (in years) Insulated jacket made of lavsan-viscose fabric (in years) Insulated trousers (in years) Insulated trousers made of lavsan-viscose fabric (in years) Valenki (in years)
1 3 3 3 3 4
2 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 3
3 2 2 2,5
4 1,5 1,5 2
special 1,5 1,5 2

Additionally, fur clothing is issued in a special belt:

  • mittens (wearing period - 2 years);
  • short fur coat (wearing period - 4 years);
  • earflaps (wearing period - 3 years).

Standard standards for issuing workwear in 2020 by profession


For workers in the construction industry, the issuance standards changed in 2007.

List of main types of workwear:

  • costumes;
  • signal vests;
  • jackets and trousers;
  • signal waterproof raincoats (half raincoats);
  • hats;
  • shirts.

Additionally, insulated underwear may be provided.

List of safety shoes:

  • rubber boots;
  • felt boots;
  • boots.

Personal protective equipment:

  • eyes and faces;
  • hearing organs;
  • respiratory organs;
  • heads;

To reduce the level of accidents at work, many specialties are provided with signal vests - protection class 2; some are given signal overalls or suits with protection class 3.

Not long ago there was an addition to the list of positions and professions. The number of protective equipment that an employee can receive free of charge has also been increased.

Changes affected the nomenclature and terms of wearing winter insulated workwear and shoes. New types of such clothing have appeared. The wearing time depends on climate zones, and not on the type of clothing. Management staff and specialists received a much larger list of PPE.


For road transport workers, new standards were adopted in 2009, with separate standards for summer and warm workwear.

List of summer workwear:

  • cotton suit;
  • suit made of fabric (mixed);
  • boots (shoes);
  • mittens (gloves).

List of warm clothes:

  • insulated suit (at the waist);
  • insulated boots (felt boots with rubberized bottoms);
  • gloves with wool liner.


By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 777n of 2010, when applying for a job, special clothing and hygiene items are issued free of charge.

List of workwear:

  • jacket, trousers (skirt) cotton or robe;
  • headscarf (cap);
  • apron;
  • face towel.


According to the appendix to order No. 541n of 2008, the loader is provided with special clothing and safety shoes, depending on the place of work, working conditions and the profile of the employing enterprise.

List of workwear:

  • overalls and mittens - in summer;
  • jacket and trousers (insulated) - in winter.


According to Appendix No. 7 to the industry standard standards of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 1997 No. 68 (as amended in 2001).

Main types of workwear:

  • apron and sleeves (made of waterproof fabric);
  • robe;
  • mittens.

In winter, when working in rooms that are not heated, the following are additionally issued (by belt):

  • felt boots with galoshes;
  • insulated jacket.


According to the appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 416n, approved in 2008.

Main types of workwear:

  • costume;
  • gloves (mittens);
  • boots (low boots, shoes).

In winter, insulated workwear with belts is provided.

Housing and communal services

According to order 543n, adopted by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation in 2008.

Main types of workwear:

  • overalls (overalls);
  • boots;
  • mittens (gloves).

In winter, insulated ones are issued:

  • jacket and trousers;
  • mittens (gloves);
  • boots.


By application (depending on the industry where it operates specific specialist) to the industry standard standards of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 1997 No. 68 (as amended).

Main types of workwear and safety footwear:

  • water-repellent suit;
  • waterproof raincoat;
  • boots (shoes).

In winter, insulated ones are issued:

  • jacket and trousers;
  • boots (shoes).

For workers in cross-cutting professions

According to order 541n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of 2008, these are specialists who can apply their skills in several industries at once.

The main types of workwear for them:

  • overalls (overalls);
  • vest or suit or raincoat - signal;
  • boots;
  • mittens (gloves).

In winter, insulated ones are issued:

  • jacket and trousers;
  • mittens (gloves);
  • boots.

For health workers

By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 777n of 2010 in accordance with Appendix 2.

List of workwear:

  • robe or shirt, trousers (skirt) or dress;
  • slippers;
  • cap (kerchief).

Depending on the working conditions, for example, emergency workers are given summer and winter kits. Employees of others medical professions Depending on the place of work, additional protective equipment may be issued - goggles, rubberized aprons, etc.

Russian Railways

For railway employees, the procedure for issuing is defined in the Regulations of JSC Russian Railways, approved in 2006 and agreed with Rosprofzhel.

Main types of workwear:

  • costume;
  • ankle boots (boots, boots);
  • jacket;
  • signal vest;
  • waterproof clothing;
  • gloves.

Heat-protective clothing and footwear are issued in winter:

  • coat, short coat, jacket (with fur);
  • felt boots;
  • earflaps;
  • mittens;
  • helmet and balaclava.

For energy workers

According to Appendix 11 to the industry standard standards of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 1997 No. 68 (as amended in 2001).

Material for sewing workwear – with constant heat resistance. Gloves, galoshes - dielectric, heat-resistant. Helmet - with a protective screen with edging made of heat-resistant material. Underwear is heat-resistant. Thermal resistance requirements also apply to winter clothing.

The procedure for issuing equipment

For each employee at the enterprise, an accounting card (personal card) is created, which lists protective equipment, workwear, shoes and metric sizes.

After issuance, the employee puts a personal signature on the card. If there is no signature, the labor safety inspector considers that the special clothing has not been issued. In addition to the cards, a PPE Logbook is kept. The procedure for providing protective equipment in excess of the standard norms must be prescribed in the Collective Agreement.

Duties of the parties


The employer purchases protective equipment, workwear, safety shoes at the expense of own funds. On your own and at its own expense ensures the cleaning, care and storage of personal protective equipment by equipping changing rooms and storage lockers. Performs disinfection, degassing, dust removal, neutralization, drying, repair and replacement.

For this purpose, the employer is given the right to issue a double set of workwear. At the same time, the wear period also doubles.

If the employer does not have the (technical) capabilities to clean workwear, then he enters into an agreement with an organization specializing in services of this type. Responsibility for failure to provide personal protective equipment falls entirely on the employer.

The employer must replace PPE that has become unusable (through no fault of the employee). The replacement procedure takes place on the basis of an act. The safety inspector (another person responsible for safety) must provide instructions on compliance with the rules and use of PPE, as well as check the integrity and performance of all protective equipment registered in the Log Book.

When working with difficult-to-clean substances or in dirty production, the employer provides employees with additional personal hygiene products. If during the production process an employee’s skin is exposed to harmful substances, then he or she must be provided with preventative means.

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An employee should not remove work clothes from the territory of the enterprise or do their own washing, since this is a direct violation of the law.

Early write-off is carried out by the commission if no violations are detected on the part of the employee in their use. In the event of damage to safety shoes or workwear due to the fault of the employee, new ones are issued after retaining the residual value of the damaged items.

The use of PPE is mandatory and must be used correctly. To do this, the manager must initiate instruction.

Working clothes and safety shoes are the property of the employer, therefore, upon dismissal or transfer to another job that does not require the use of personal protective equipment, all items must be returned. It is the employee’s responsibility to promptly report to management about contamination or malfunction of the protective equipment issued to him.

Replaceable types of clothing

The possibility of choosing safety footwear and workwear is included directly in the Standard Standards. So, rubber boots can be replaced with boots or leather boots and vice versa. Instead of a canvas suit, it is allowed to use a signal suit with protection class three.

From the beginning of 2017, enterprises that pay to the Social Insurance Fund will be able to compensate for the costs of purchasing safety shoes, workwear and other personal protective equipment (PPE) through injury contributions.

Moreover, only the cost of workwear produced in Russia and from Russian materials is subject to reimbursement.

Legislative acts

Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 201n dated April 29, 2016

The order amends another order, No. 580n dated December 10, 2012, on financial support for measures to reduce injuries and occupational diseases. These documents, in addition to PPE, regulate the procedure for applying for funds for other similar purposes:

  • providing those employed with therapeutic and preventive nutrition (milk);
  • providing vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment for such employees;
  • carrying out;
  • purchase of first aid kits, and for transport enterprises - tachographs and breathalyzers;
  • training and retraining of specialists in;
  • assessment of working conditions and;
  • other similar events.

PPE is reimbursed only if the issue complies with standard standards and is provided free of charge to employees.

The policyholder will need to prove:

  • compliance of certified workplaces with working conditions and professions for which PPE is required;
  • PPE compliance with technical regulations Customs Union“On the safety of personal protective equipment” No. 878 dated December 9, 2011;
  • compliance of all personal protective equipment with issuance standards.
Standards for the provision of PPE, requirements for their acquisition, issuance, storage, and care are contained in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 290n dated June 1, 2009.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 290n dated June 1, 2009

The order contains general inter-industry rules that apply to all employers, as well as the definition of PPE - strictly personal protective equipment that is intended to:

  • for protection against contamination or temperature conditions;
  • to reduce the degree of exposure of workers to harmful factors.

The employer is obliged to provide appropriate PPE free of charge, in accordance with the personal characteristics of the employee and as often as required by the rules.

It is permissible to draw up a lease agreement for temporary use. Products must be certified. The employee must be notified of the standard applicable to his position.

Priority in provision, according to the order, belongs to industry standards for the type of activity of the enterprise, and for workers in cross-cutting professions that exist in many enterprises - according to standards for types of work.

Cross-cutting professions and general criteria for issuance

Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 997n dated December 9, 2014 established annual issuance standards for a list of 195 cross-cutting professions.

In addition to the list of professions, there is a list of production conditions under which all workers are subject to protection, and the service life of protective clothing depending on the climatic zone of operation.

For drivers trucks, tractors and truck cranes are laid:

For a gas welder, an electric gas welder, an electric welder, a welder of fittings and plastics:

  • a suit that protects against splashes of molten metal;
  • two pairs of leather boots that protect against sparks and elevated temperatures;
  • two pairs of leather boots that protect against sparks and elevated temperatures;
  • duty dielectric gloves, boots, mats;
  • 6 Pairs of Polymer Coated Gloves, 12 Pairs of Melt Splash Gloves, Spot Wear Gloves;
  • protective heat-resistant shield (welder mask) with a light filter or glasses with similar characteristics;
  • safety glasses, respirator - until worn out.

Storekeepers and sellers non-food products issued under normal conditions, without exposure to hazardous substances:

  • two aprons with a bib;
  • monthly - gloves.

Veterinarian, livestock breeder, groom are provided with:

  • a suit or robe with trousers to protect against contamination;
  • an apron with a bib;
  • a pair of rubber boots;
  • once a quarter - with gloves.

Janitors or area cleaners receive:

  • anti-pollution suit;
  • two aprons with a bib;
  • rubber boots;
  • once every two months - gloves.

In addition to cross-cutting professions, the standard standards provide for the provision to workers of all industries:

  1. climate-adapted workwear and footwear (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 70 of December 31, 1997);
  2. special reflective and signal clothing (Order of the Ministry of Social Development No. 297 of April 20, 2006).

In Russia, there are 4 classes of protection for outer clothing and safety footwear, depending on the natural and climatic characteristics of the region (belt).

Thus, clothing is designed for comfortable outdoor use during the winter months for two hours at average negative temperatures and average wind speed:

  • Protection class 4 is valid for the regions of the North and the Arctic (special zone), with a winter temperature of -25°C and a wind of 6.8 m/s;
  • class 3 (central Siberia, northern European part of the country, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands) with temperatures from -41°C;
  • 2nd class (south Far East, middle and southern Urals, southern Siberia, Udmurtia, Tatarstan, Karelia, Kirov region) temperature from -18°C, wind 3.6 m/s;
  • Class 1 (southern and central European parts of the Russian Federation) temperature from -9.7°C, wind 5.6 m/s.

For a special climate zone, for example, the following is issued:

  • protective suit with insulating lining (similar to protective suits against
  • acids, fire, sparks) - for one and a half years;
  • protective jacket with insulating lining, insulated trousers - for a year and a half;
  • short fur coat and hat with earflaps - for three years;
  • moisture-resistant felt boots and fur mittens - for two years;
  • boots and boots - for a year.

When dismissing employees, the employer must issue an order. You will find the form by which it is filled out.

Industry norms and regulations

Occupational safety specialists who know the specifics of production in each industry have developed a whole list of standards for providing PPE individual species activities and even holdings (“Gazprom”, “Surgutneftegaz”). All standards are approved by orders and resolutions of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. In total, about 70 such documents have been approved to date:

  • No. 416n dated August 12, 2008 - Agriculture, water management;
  • No. 68 of December 29, 1997 – fishing and forestry industry, pulp and paper production, microbiology, pharmaceuticals;
  • No. 341n dated 08/02/2013 - coal mines;
  • No. 61 dated December 8, 1997 - peat harvesting, woodworking;
  • No. 906n dated August 11, 2011 - chemical industry;
  • No. 652n dated November 1, 2013 - metallurgy;
  • No. 1104n dated December 14, 2010 - mechanical engineering
  • No. 357n dated June 22, 2009 - vehicles and road construction.
  • According to Order No. 1104 of December 14, 2010, PPE standards for machine operators were determined.

Turner, boring machine, grinder, milling machine:

  • anti-pollution suit;
  • leather boots with protective toe cap;
  • mittens or gloves (for working with a crane beam);
  • anti-aerosol respirator (when processing cast iron).

Order No. 357n dated June 22, 2009 defines PPE standards for road workers:

Asphalt concrete worker (except winter season):

  • signal suit or overalls;
  • leather boots or boots with protective toe caps;
  • safety glasses and helmet with liner;
  • canvas mittens or knitted gloves;
  • knee pads;
  • headphones or earplugs;
  • respirator.

In winter additionally:

  • signal suit with insulating lining;
  • waterproof signal raincoat;
  • insulated leather boots or felt boots.

During road works:

  • signal vest.

PPE issued to everyone specific employee, must correspond to his gender, height, size.


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