Management of employee turnover in the organization. Managing the process of staff turnover and methods of reducing its level. Employee career

Firing and replacing workers can be surprisingly costly for an organization, so turnover must be managed to an acceptable level.

The cost of employee turnover increases when workers are more highly specialized, when they are more difficult to find and require more training.

According to R. Bennett, the cost of employee turnover consists of the following components:

Lower level of production during the training period for beginners;

Lost production volume during employee replacement;

Payment overtime work other employees who are forced to perform work during the period of replacement of the employee;

Possible use of more qualified workers on a simpler job, awaiting replacement;

The cost of marriage and waste during the period of a newcomer mastering a job;

Cost of attraction, selection and medical examination;

Training costs;

Administrative costs associated with removing a resigned person from the payroll and adding a newcomer to it.

Employee turnover is damaging a company. Today, according to estimates of domestic and foreign experts, the cost of replacing a worker is 7-20% of his annual wages, specialist - 18-30%, manager - 70-100%.

According to I. Grigorieva's research, the costs are:

To replace workers 7-12% of their annual wages,

Specialists - 18-30%,

Managers - 20-100%.

The other side, which ultimately affects costs, is the waste of time. It takes up to 2 months and a month to find a suitable replacement for the one who left, and it takes a month to get a new employee to work, retrain and adapt.

Thus, with a high value of the turnover rate, the organization may incur significant costs, which are not always obvious at first glance.

Therefore, the basis of personnel movement management is the establishment of regularities in the personnel turnover process. Knowledge of these patterns makes it possible to determine the most effective management impacts.

The dependence of the rate of employee turnover on socio-demographic characteristics is so significant that it cannot be neglected.

Knowledge of the regularities of the influence of the personal characteristics of an employee on his propensity to move allows:

First, predict the number of layoffs,

Secondly, to find ways to mitigate the negative impact of these factors.

Known, for example, the experience of determining the future level of staff turnover depending on the time spent by employees at the enterprise.

A detailed study of staff turnover is carried out using special surveys in two directions:

1) to create a general portrait of those leaving (based on information about gender, age, marital status, the number of children, total and vocational education, experience, tariff rate, disability, wages earned over the past few months);

2) to study the reasons for leaving, which may be non-use in the specialty, dissatisfaction with work, working conditions and work regimes, earnings, inability to study, poor relations with the administration and with colleagues, the birth of a child, lack of places in childcare facilities, long trips. In large organizations, it is advisable to analyze turnover data by profession, division, position, reason, and age group of those who quit. An in-depth analysis can be performed once a year, and quantification by divisions - monthly. This allows you to clarify the reasons and provide timely measures for retention of personnel.

The gradual reduction of the turnover level to an acceptable value can be imagined, in particular, through the possibility of planning upcoming layoffs, linking the layoff processes with the hiring processes, and assistance to the dismissed employees. To resolve these and other issues, it is necessary to proceed from the specific situation at the enterprise.

The methodology discussed below assumes an orderly phased activity, the implementation of which should be entrusted directly to the personnel department of the enterprise.

All employee turnover management activities within general management personnel can be represented in the form of the following sequential stages, presented in Fig. 5:

Rice. 5. Stages of staff turnover management

STAGE 1. Determination of the level of staff turnover. At this stage, it is necessary to answer the main question - is the level of turnover so high that it leads to unreasonable economic losses, loss of profit by the enterprise.

STEP 2. Determination of the level of economic losses caused by staff turnover. This is a very important stage and at the same time one of the most time consuming, since it requires special data.

The fact is that with the beginning of economic reforms in the country, one of the first managerial aspects that enterprises began to neglect was labor rationing, which was originally designed to reveal the reserves of labor productivity. The enterprises, which keep records of the costs of working time, are developed, observed and regularly revised labor standards, at the moment we can name a few.

Spend economic assessment the turnover of the organization's personnel can be done using the following calculation formulas:

1. Losses caused by interruptions in work are determined as the product of three indicators: the average daily output per employee, the average duration of interruptions in work caused by turnover, and the number of employees who quit due to turnover:

P lane = B * T * Ch t, (12)

where: P lane - losses caused by interruptions in work;

B - average daily output per person;

T is the average duration of the break caused by the fluidity;

Ch t - the number of those retired due to turnover.

2. Losses due to the need to train and retrain new employees. Calculated as the product of training costs, the share of turnover in the total number of dropouts, divided by the coefficient of change in the number of employees in the reporting year compared to the base:

P o = (Z o * D tek) / K meas, (13)

where: P about - losses caused by the need for training and retraining of employees;

З about - the cost of training and retraining;

3. Losses caused by a decrease in labor productivity among workers before dismissal, i.e. the cost of not received production. It is defined as the product of the coefficient of decrease in labor productivity, its average daily level, the number of days before the dismissal of workers who left due to turnover:

P pr = C pw * K cn * Ch y, (14)

where: P pr - losses caused by a decrease in labor productivity among workers before dismissal, i.e. the cost of lost products;

С рв - average daily output;

K cn - coefficient of decrease in labor productivity before dismissal;

Ch y - the number of days before dismissal when a drop in labor productivity is observed.

4. Losses caused by the insufficient level of labor productivity of newly hired workers. It is defined as the product of the number of workers who left due to turnover, the sum of the products of the indicators of the average daily output of the worker in each month of the adaptation period, monthly coefficients of decrease in labor productivity and the number of days in the corresponding month:

P pr / new = C ditch * K m * H m, (15)

where: P pr / new - losses caused by an insufficient level of labor productivity of newly hired workers;

From the moat - the average daily output of the worker in each month of the adaptation period;

K m is the monthly coefficient of decrease in labor productivity during the adaptation period;

Hm is the number of days in the corresponding month.

5. Costs of recruiting as a result of turnover. It is defined as the product of recruitment costs and the share of turnover in the total number of those who quit, divided by the coefficient of change in the number of employees:

Z n / tek = (Z nab * D tek) / K meas, (16)

where: З n / tech - the cost of recruiting personnel as a result of turnover;

Z nab - total recruitment costs;

K change - the coefficient of change in the number of employees, equal to the ratio of the number at the end of the period to the number at the beginning of the period;

D tech - the share of excess turnover, turnover in the total volume of personnel movement.

6. Losses from rejects among newly recruited workers. It is defined as the product of the total amount of losses from marriage, the share of losses from marriage among persons who have worked for up to one year, the share of turnover in the composition of those who quit, divided by the coefficient of change in the number of employees:

P bn = (B total * D br / n * D tech) / K meas, (17)

where: P bn - losses from marriage for newcomers;

B total - total losses from marriage;

D br / n - the share of losses from marriage among persons who have worked for less than one year;

D tech - the share of excess turnover, turnover in the total volume of personnel movement;

K change - the coefficient of change in the number of employees, equal to the ratio of the number at the end of the period to the number at the beginning of the period.

The total amount of economic damage caused by staff turnover is equal to the sum of all private losses.

STAGE 3. Determination of the reasons for staff turnover. A high level of staff turnover can be caused by the specifics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise or by the imperfection of its management system. In the first case, there is no problem as such and no solutions are required. In the second, efforts should be made to find bottlenecks in the enterprise management system.

The reasons for the dismissal of workers from the enterprise can be analyzed in two aspects. The first will be based on a formal criterion dividing the grounds for dismissals by law - the grounds for termination labor relations listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the list of grounds will be exhaustive, since the corresponding norms of the Labor Code do not provide for fundamentally different grounds for terminating labor relations.

The absence or appearance of precedents of dismissals for one reason or another leads, respectively, to narrowing or expanding this list. Therefore, one of the studies can be the analysis of the personnel statistics of the enterprise. The obvious possibility of this analysis is its comparability - with similar data from other enterprises, the industry as a whole.

The second aspect is related to the definition of the motivational structure of staff retirement. It is based on real reasons prompting the employee to make the decision to leave the enterprise. In this case, the statistics of the personnel service, at best, can only partially answer the question - why the employee quit.

If we detail criteria such as “personal reasons” or “unacceptable mode of operation”, and then analyze the data obtained, then we can develop real and substantiated recommendations for improving various aspects of the enterprise. For example, layoffs for personal reasons can be caused by conflicts in the "boss - subordinate" link, and, therefore, it is possible to identify shortcomings in organizational structure enterprises, make a decision to change information flows, etc. On the reasons for dismissal by on their own The sex and age structure of the personnel can also indirectly indicate: men under 27 years old - because of leaving for the army, women - for childcare, elderly workers - due to retirement. Recommendations can also be made from this. Therefore, the second study can be a questionnaire survey of employees of the enterprise.

Finally, within this stage"Determining the reasons for staff turnover" it is possible to conduct a study of the position of management (not only the head of the enterprise, but also his deputies, the head of the personnel department, the personnel manager, foremen, foremen, etc.) will act as representatives of the administration. Research method - interview or questionnaire.

Thus, by one's own efforts, it is possible to carry out three types of research within this stage, which will provide factual material for further analysis.

STAGE 4. Determination of a system of measures aimed at normalizing the release process work force, improving the dismissal procedure, overcoming the excessive level of turnover.

For this, measures can be divided into three main groups:

Technical and economic (improvement of working conditions, improvement of the system material incentives, organization and management of production, etc.);

Organizational (improving the procedures for hiring and firing employees, the system of professional promotion of employees, etc.);

Socio-psychological (improving the styles and methods of leadership, relationships in the team, the system of moral encouragement, etc.).

STAGE 5 Determination of the effect of the implementation of the developed measures, improvement of the dismissal procedure, overcoming the excessive level of turnover.

Finally, when developing a program to eliminate excess turnover, it will also be necessary to carry out comparative analysis the costs of carrying out these activities and losses due to an excessive level of turnover. In this case, the management of the enterprise should do the same as with the financing of any other business idea - if the costs of solving the problem exceed economic effect from reducing turnover, it is possible to search for other, "cheaper" options for improving work with personnel.

Since in the overwhelming majority of enterprises, the problem is precisely the high level of turnover, and not complete absence the latter, in practice, the management of staff turnover is expressed in the implementation of measures aimed at reducing it.

Fighting fluidity itself is pointless. In order to reduce it, it is necessary to eliminate the reasons leading to its growth or contributing to its preservation at a high level. Therefore, the next task should be to develop a complex management decisions aimed at normalizing the level of fluidity, that is, bringing it to a level below the critical value.

In order to facilitate the development of such measures, it is necessary, in turn, to conduct factor analysis indicators of the level of turnover in various departments, officials and age categories... Carrying out detailed analysis hindered by a significant number of factors that affect the level of turnover. In such cases, statistics use the principal component method, which allows you to identify and study the factors that make the most tangible contribution to the overall result.

Obviously, a number of transformations are needed to manage turnover rates. The first stage involves the implementation of activities throughout the enterprise. Any transformation must begin with the analysis and optimization of the organizational structure. This is necessary in order for the follow-up to be as effective as possible.

Then it is necessary to analyze the existing system of remuneration and incentives, social security of employees. Moreover, the latter is of particular importance. If wages are essentially the same everywhere (expressed in monetary terms), then social security systems, the so-called “social package,” differ significantly in their content and provide organizations with a unique opportunity to stand out from competitors. Moreover, unlike wages, the most successful variant of the “social package” is not always and not necessarily the most costly.

Finally, an analysis of the existing corporate culture... Despite the fact that this is one of the most important elements of management of any enterprise, practice shows that in many Russian enterprises there is no clearly formalized corporate culture as such, or it exists only on paper. As part of measures to manage turnover, the necessary changes should be made to the corporate culture of the enterprise, as well as measures to popularize the latter among the employees of the enterprise should be developed.

At the second stage, subdivisions and teams are identified, the turnover of which was not adequately influenced by the activities carried out at the first stage. Each such collective must be studied; the psychological climate in this team, the relationship between employees, the distribution of job responsibilities should be analyzed.

It is important to note that the achievement of positive results in the course of a complex of such events is not at all a reason to forget about turnover and focus on other problems.

The monitoring of the turnover rate should be carried out on an ongoing basis, periodically returning to one or another element of the measures for the management of personnel turnover.

In the face of heightened competition and declining profitability, many organizations are looking for reserves to increase their own profitability. One of these reserves lies in managing the level of staff turnover, on which the efficiency of the enterprise depends to a large extent.

At first glance, staff turnover can and does only harm the organization. But is staff turnover always an extremely negative phenomenon that entails unnecessary costs and losses for the organization? In fact, this is not the case. Personnel turnover also carries certain "health-improving" functions.

Today, the tasks of personnel turnover management are no longer secondary in the organization. At the same time, forming a program for reducing staff turnover and retention in the organization, Special attention should be given specific target audience, i.e. form a motivation program in accordance with the goals of the organization to maintain the balance of its staff. It should be understood that only “stars” and employees “above average” cannot work in an organization.

The study of the theoretical foundations of the problem of staff turnover and ways to reduce it made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

1. Staff turnover is understood as a set of dismissals of employees of their own free will, as well as for absenteeism and other violations labor discipline.

2. The consequences of turnover depend both on its quantitative size and on the qualitative composition of the retired (dismissed) employees of the organization. This gives grounds to speak about the advisability of using in practice such concepts and characteristics as the quantitative rate of turnover and the qualitative composition of turnover, which can be used to assess the situation in a particular organization with the turnover of personnel. When conducting this type of assessment, it is important to understand that a complete lack of fluidity is an anomaly and a sign of an unhealthy atmosphere in the organization.

3. Fluidity close to zero does not at all speak about the effectiveness of the organization, such a picture can characterize a situation of stagnation. On the other hand, excessive fluidity is an even more negative situation than its absence.

4. When analyzing the state of affairs with staff turnover in relation to a particular organization, it is important to take into account not only the specifics of its business and the prevailing values ​​of the turnover rate in the market. The organization's development strategy should be taken into account. At the same time, for an organization at a particular point in time, the value of the turnover rate may be different from the generally accepted value, although the spread of values ​​in each separate area of ​​business should not be significant.

5. If the turnover in the organization does not go beyond the industry "norms", and its qualitative composition is determined by employees from the last two, least effective groups, and also, if after the dismissal of employees and hiring new ones in the company, the balance of the staff is maintained, then we can say that that the company has a normal, natural fluidity, which has certain positive consequences.

6. Therefore, the basis of the concept of reducing staff turnover should be not only ensuring an increase in the efficiency of the organization as a whole, but also the widespread development of its personnel potential in comparison with changes in the external environment.

7. When regulating the turnover of personnel, it is necessary to maintain certain proportions within the framework of various categories of personnel, striving to form a rational staffing of the organization.

Frame movement represents a change in the place and scope of employment, type of activity and production functions of workers. The movement of personnel is conventionally understood as: admission, promotion, transfer, dismissal of workers, provision of vacations, assignment to other enterprises, to study, referral for treatment, etc.

The movement of personnel can be internal (movement within the enterprise) and external (dismissal and recruitment).

The staff is in constant motion due to the hiring of some and the dismissal of others (external movement of personnel). The team renewal process is called interchangeability(turnover) cadres... Disposal can be due to objective and subjective reasons, among which are distinguished:

Biological (deteriorating health);

Manufacturing (staff reduction);

Social (the onset of retirement age);

Personal (family circumstances);

State (conscription).

In general, the increased turnover of personnel reduces the staffing of jobs with performers, distracts highly qualified specialists from their duties to help new employees, violates the moral and psychological climate in the team, and causes economic losses.

Numerous absolute and relative indicators of the turnover of staff recruitment and retirement are used in statistics. The absolute indicators of personnel movement are the turnover on admission and turnover on disposal.

Reception turnover represents the number of persons recruited after graduation from educational institutions, by organizational recruitment, by transfer from other organizations, by distribution, by the direction of employment agencies, at the invitation of the organization itself, and also undergoing industrial practice.

Disposal turnover characterized by the number of persons who left the organization for a given period, grouped for reasons of dismissal. Depending on these reasons, it is necessary and unnecessary.

Required turnover on disposal has objective reasons: legislative requirements (for example, on military service), natural moments (health, age), and therefore is inevitable. It can be predicted, predicted and accurately calculated (leaving for the army or retirement). The unfavorable consequences of such a turnover are weakened by the fact that people often do not break ties with the organization and provide it, whenever possible, help and assistance.

Excessive turnover on disposal(staff turnover) associated with subjective reasons (leaving of their own accord, dismissal for violations of labor discipline).

A high level of staff turnover almost always indicates serious shortcomings in personnel management and enterprise management in general, this is a kind of indicator of trouble, although in some cases the level of turnover is high due to the specifics of production (for example, a large volume of seasonal work).

Activities for staff turnover management within the framework of general personnel management can be represented as the following sequential stages:

Stage 1. Determination of the level of staff turnover. Professional mobility at a particular enterprise is formed under the influence of a combination of factors - industry affiliation, production technology, labor intensity of work, presence / absence of a seasonality factor in the production cycle, leadership style, level and principles of corporate culture. Therefore, when determining the indicative level, it is necessary to analyze the dynamics of the labor indicators of the enterprise for the longest possible period of time (recent years), to identify the presence and magnitude of seasonal fluctuations in turnover.

The turnover rate itself is neither good nor bad. It is checked for compliance with regulations. The turnover rate depends on the internal characteristics of enterprise management and external environmental factors. The indicator is important not so much in itself as in dynamics, i.e. it is necessary to monitor trends of change and sudden jumps.

The analysis of the turnover rate is carried out in two aspects:

Economic - the feasibility of personnel costs;

Qualitative - signals about possible problems in personnel management at a certain level of positions.

Stage 2. Determination of the level of economic losses caused by staff turnover. The amount of losses is made up of the following indicators:

Loss of working time - the time interval between the dismissal of an employee and the adoption of a new employee, during which the unfilled workplace does not manufacture products;

Losses caused by the termination procedure - payment of severance payments to leaving employees (if any). In case of downsizing and upon voluntary dismissal, the amount of payments will be different;

Employee's working time personnel service issuing a dismissal;

Losses associated with legal costs due to unlawful dismissals, subsequent restoration and payment of time for forced absence. This item of losses can be quite significant, since the chances of recovery in the previous workplace are very high;

Losses caused by the procedure for hiring workers for a vacant job - the cost of searching for candidates;

The costs of the selection of candidates (the cost of working time of the personnel department, carrying out the selection procedures and the financial costs of these procedures);

The costs caused by the registration of those hired (the cost of working time of the personnel department employees who carry out this registration, and the financial costs of this procedure);

Direct costs for the search, selection and registration of candidates in the form of payment for the services of recruiting agencies, organizations that recruit personnel;

The costs of training a hired employee - the costs of carrying out labor adaptation of the employee, training in the workplace (mentoring, self-training, help from colleagues at work, etc.);

Off-the-job training costs;

Decreased productivity of employees who decide to quit. Such information can be obtained not only in the course of developing a special sociological study based on a survey, interviewing, but also in the analysis of data from a high-quality certification of personnel;

The costs of forming stable labor collectives with a normal socio-psychological climate. At present, it is a very common practice when the management of an enterprise, in order to develop corporate culture, form a "team spirit", and unite the team, organizes joint visits to gyms, celebrations, etc. for its employees. The funds allocated by the management of the enterprise for such purposes will be included in this cost item.

Having estimated the amount of losses, it is necessary to compare them with the costs of eliminating the causes of excessive staff turnover. However, first it is necessary to find out what are the reasons for the current situation, why there is an outflow of labor.

Stage 3. Determination of the reasons for staff turnover. Analysis of the reasons for turnover is associated with the determination of the motivational structure of staff retirement. It is based on real reasons prompting the employee to make the decision to leave the enterprise. In this case, the statistics of the personnel service, at best, can only partially answer the question - why the employee quit. So, one basis "of their own free will" can be represented as:

Dissatisfaction with the level of wages;

Delays in payment of wages;

Personal reasons;

Heavy and dangerous working conditions;

Unacceptable mode of operation, etc.

Stage 4. Determination of a system of measures aimed at normalizing the process of releasing labor, improving the procedure for dismissal, overcoming the excessive level of turnover.

The necessary measures can be divided into three main groups:

Technical and economic (improvement of working conditions, improvement of the system of material incentives, organization and management of production, etc.);

Organizational (improving the procedures for hiring and firing employees, the system of professional promotion of employees, etc.);

Socio-psychological (improving the styles and methods of leadership, relationships in the team, the system of moral encouragement, etc.).

Stage 5. Determination of the effect of the implementation of the developed measures, improvement of the dismissal procedure, overcoming the excessive level of turnover. When developing a program for eliminating excessive turnover, it will also be necessary to carry out a comparative analysis of the costs of carrying out these activities and losses due to an excessive level of turnover.

However, some types of turnover are beneficial to the enterprise when the departure of a given employee does not feel like a loss. In particular, this is typical for those organizations that are focused on the highest possible level of sales (for example, the McDonald's food chain). As a rule, there is a huge turnover of lower-level employees, which, however, does not affect the level of sales. Therefore, when choosing a strategy to prevent turnover, it is important to consider the level and priorities of the organization.

There are also two types of staff turnover: physical and psychological (latent).

Physical staff turnover covers those employees who, for various reasons, leave and leave the organization.

Latent or psychological staff turnover occurs among those employees who do not outwardly leave the organization, but are actually excluded from organizational activities. Latent employee turnover is not reflected in the documentation, but can cause significant harm to labor productivity. Often, employees demonstrate passive resistance or covert sabotage: during the working day, they do only the most necessary or perform their duties poorly.

Businesses can reduce employee turnover through a variety of methods already at the hiring stage: by improving employee selection, motivation, training and rewards.

At the same enterprise, it is possible to implement different personnel management systems - with admissibly high turnover and with minimal turnover, with different budget for personnel costs.

In the case of an admissibly high turnover: fixed assets are spent on quick search and personnel training, jobs are made simple and clearly demarcated so that personnel adapt quickly, the payroll is saved due to low salaries and the lack of a motivation system for staff retention (bonuses, corporate events, social packages, etc.).

In the case of a normatively low turnover, the emphasis is on the formation of an extensive system of motivation (bonuses, social packages, options, intangible motivation, corporate training programs, etc.), but it saves on hiring costs and headcount reduction, because workers are responsible for large areas, have a larger area of ​​responsibility and require less cost for constant monitoring. Both HR strategies deserve to be.

Relative turnover staff includes the following indicators:

The intensity of the recruitment turnover is equal to the ratio of the number of recruits to the average headcount for the period;

The turnover to retirement rate is found as the ratio of employees retired for all reasons to average headcount personnel for the period;

Personnel constancy coefficient is the ratio of the number of employees on the lists of the organization to the average number of personnel for the period;

The coefficient of fixation is the ratio of the number of persons with a certain experience leaving the organization to the average number of personnel for the period.

The movement of personnel is reflected in the balance sheet, which contains data on the number of employees at the beginning and end of the period, the number of employees who entered and left for the period (quarter, year) by specialties, professions, categories, sources of arrival and reasons for leaving.

In-house movement of personnel there are several types:

1. Interdepartmental movement. It is based on technical shifts in production, organizational restructuring, the reshuffle of some workers as a result of the retirement of others from the enterprise, as well as dissatisfaction with the conditions and organization of work and life, relations with the administration or with the team, the desire to work in another department, etc.

2. Interprofessional mobility - the transition to a new profession. These movements are associated with both technical progress and the realization of personal interests.

3. Qualification movement - the transition from one category to another within the existing tariff system.

4. The transfer of workers to other categories (specialists, employees).

The movement is implemented within the framework of dividing the employees of the enterprise into accounting categories of personnel, reflecting the socio-economic differences in the position of these employees.

The total intra-firm turnover of employees is determined by the coefficient, which is calculated by the number of employees who took part in the intra-firm movement, regardless of the number of changed positions. Thus, the coefficient of intra-firm turnover by the number of employees is defined as the ratio of the number of workers who took part in the intra-firm movement, regardless of the number of changes made in their positions to the average headcount.

Scientific and technological progress leads to the evolution of the professional and qualification composition of the workforce. The main directions of the ongoing evolution consists in the transition from predominantly physical work, consisting in manual control of machines and units, to predominantly non-physical labor, expressed in the analysis and control of the production process. This leads to the emergence of new professions of workers and employees.

Personnel movement management- a set of management influences aimed at:

On the formation of employee satisfaction with the organization as a whole and with a specific workplace;

On the target organization and rational regulation of the intra-organizational movement of personnel.

Nikitina Ekaterina Evgenievna

and administration, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk

Starodymova Anastasia Vladimirovna

Master's student, International high school innovative business

and Administration, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk

E- mail: nastena[email protected] mail. ru

Olga Podverbnykh

scientific adviser, Doctor of Economics Professor, International Higher School of Innovative Business and Administration, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk

Staff turnover is one part of the overall movement labor resources in economics. This is a special, independent form of movement, consisting of unorganized dismissals of employees from organizations in connection with the termination employment contract on the initiative of the employee or employer, as well as on circumstances beyond the control of the parties.

Today staff turnover is one of the main problems of any business, as it entails a decrease in performance indicators, efficiency of work, and, as a result, considerable financial losses. According to expert estimates, an increased degree of staff turnover is an urgent problem for at least 70% of average and large companies Russia.

All staff turnover management activities within personnel policy enterprises can be represented in the form of the following stages:

Stage 1. Determination of the level of staff turnover.

At this stage, the main thing is to answer the question - is the level of turnover so high that it leads to unreasonable economic and social losses, loss of profit by the enterprise? When determining the level of turnover, it is necessary to take into account factors that can affect the level of turnover, among them may be: production technology, labor intensity of work, the presence / absence of a seasonality factor in production cycle, leadership style, level and principles of corporate culture. Industry affiliation also has a great influence on the turnover rate. According to research data, in Russia for the manufacturing sector, the level (coefficient) of staff turnover is considered normal, not exceeding 10-20% per year, in actively growing business, especially at the stage of mass recruitment, the turnover rate can be higher and amount to just over 20%. For IT companies, the turnover rate is 8-10%, in retail and insurance business 30% is considered the norm. In the hotel restaurant business the highest percentage of fluidity - 80% - and this is recognized by experts as a normal value. In the banking sector, the turnover rate is 7-10%. V pharmacy organizations fluidity ranges from 10 to 25%. The energy and mining sectors are the least likely to experience employee volatility.

It is advisable to analyze the dynamics of the labor indicators of the enterprise for the maximum possible period time, since the main task of this analysis is to identify the presence and magnitude of seasonal fluctuations in fluidity.

Stage 2. Determination of the level of economic losses caused by staff turnover. This is one of the most time consuming, but important stages of the analysis, associated with the processing of a large amount of internal company information.

If possible, it is necessary to at least approximately estimate the amount of losses, which mainly consists of the following indicators:

  • loss of working time - the period between the dismissal of an employee and the adoption of a new one, during which the workplace does not function;
  • losses caused by the dismissal procedure - payment of severance pay to leaving employees;
  • the expenditure of working time of an employee of the personnel service for registration of the dismissal of an employee;
  • possible losses associated with legal costs in illegal dismissal the employee and his subsequent recovery and payment for the time of the forced absence;
  • possible direct costs associated with attracting a recruiting agency to the search for candidates for a vacant position;
  • losses caused by carrying out the procedure for hiring workers for a vacant workplace on their own - the time spent by an employee of the personnel department to search for candidates;
  • costs for the selection of candidates - the cost of working time of a specialist in the personnel department carrying out the selection procedure;
  • costs of training a hired employee - costs associated with labor adaptation of an employee, with training at the workplace different ways(mentoring, self-training, help from work colleagues, etc.);
  • on-the-job training costs;
  • costs associated with "hidden turnover" - a decrease in the productivity of employees who decided to quit.
  • the costs of creating a socio-psychological climate in the team to build a stable workforce. Currently, the management of many companies pays great attention to team building - team-building trainings are held, joint corporate events are organized (holidays, visits to the gym). This cost item is the funds allocated by the management of the enterprise for such purposes.

Having estimated the amount of losses, they are compared with the costs of eliminating the causes of excessive staff turnover.

Stage 3. Determination of the reasons for staff turnover. The key reasons for the high level of employee turnover in the enterprise can be:

1) the specifics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise or industry specifics;

2) the presence of problems in the enterprise management system.

If the first reason is identified, then no decisions are required, since a high level of turnover will still remain, since it is subjective.

The second reason requires the search for "bottlenecks" in the enterprise management system.

The analysis of the reasons for the dismissal of employees can be based on two aspects:

The first is based on the separation of the grounds for dismissal according to the legislative principle - the grounds for termination of labor relations listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the grounds will correspond only to those listed in the Labor Code: at their own request, in connection with the transfer, temporary workers absenteeism without good reason (clause 4., article 33 of the Labor Code), childcare, for appearing at work in drunk(Clause 7., Art. 33 of the Labor Code), on reducing the number (Clause 1., Art. 33 of the Labor Code), retirement, due to death, some others.

An analysis of the personnel statistics of an enterprise can help to identify such reasons. The data obtained can be compared with similar data from other enterprises or with data for the industry as a whole.

The second aspect is related to the identification of the true motives for the dismissal of workers. It is necessary to identify the real reasons prompting the employee to make the decision to dismiss. HR statistics do not contain complete information on this issue, since only the basis “of their own free will” can imply a very wide range of reasons: dissatisfaction with the level of wages, personal reasons, delays in the payment of wages, difficult and / or dangerous working conditions, inconvenient work schedule, remoteness of the place of work.

Stage 4. Development of a system of measures to reduce unnecessary turnover and improve the procedure for hiring and firing employees.

These activities can be divided into three main groups:

  • technical and economic measures - improving working conditions, improving the system of material incentives, improving the organization and management of production, mechanization of individual labor processes, etc.);
  • organizational measures - improving the procedures for hiring and firing employees, creating a system career growth and professional development of employees both inside the company and outside, etc.);
  • socio-psychological events - including the improvement of methods and styles of leadership, work to improve relationships in the team, the formation of a system of moral encouragement, work to develop and strengthen the team spirit of the team, etc.

One of the possible areas of work may be the organization of assistance to dismissed employees. Such assistance can be psychological, consulting, informational and will be provided by employees of the personnel department of the enterprise.

The purpose of this work is to help the employee go through the dismissal procedure as "gently" as possible and short time find new job, as well as psychological support for the dismissed.

An employee of the personnel department of the enterprise, as a professional in this area, can provide a package of information, documents, consultation. He can help a prospective candidate write a resume and prepare for upcoming interviews. It can help to place the candidate's resume on the relevant Internet portals, in the register of the employment service, as well as to disseminate information about the candidate among the personnel officers of other enterprises with whom he personally communicates or to form a list of organizations that are currently looking for an employee with relevant knowledge and experience.

Such events do not require significant material costs, at the same time they can help:

  • reduce the possible number of lawsuits and payments on them from dismissed employees;
  • reduce the number compensation payments dismissed employees;
  • form the company's image as a positive employer;
  • stay in good relationship with the dismissed employee.

5. Determination of the effectiveness of the proposed measures. At the final stage, it is very important to compare the costs associated with the implementation of the developed measures with losses associated with a high level of staff turnover. The criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed project will be the same as when evaluating any other business project - if the costs of its implementation exceed the expected economic effect, then it is necessary to search for other, more economically viable and less costly options for improving work with personnel.


  1. Avchirenko L.K. Organization personnel management. - M .: INFRA-M; Novosibirsk: NGAEiU, 2010 .-- 482 p.
  2. Nikiforova L. Analyze the staff turnover and you will learn a lot about the company // Personnel business. 2011. - No. 2. - S. 48-59.
  3. Romanov V. Pros and cons of staff turnover // Kadrovik. HR management. - 2011. - No. 11. - P. 94-107.
  4. A. V. Skavitin Methodical approaches to the management of personnel turnover // Personnel, personnel. - 2010. - No. 6. - P. 54-61.

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The gradual reduction of the turnover level to an acceptable value can be represented, in particular, through the possibility of planning upcoming layoffs, linking the layoff processes with hiring processes, helping laid-off workers (outplacement) Skavitin A.V. Methodical approaches to managing staff turnover. - Administrative and management portal ( -.2000 .. The method under consideration assumes an orderly phased activity, the implementation of which should be entrusted directly to the personnel department of the enterprise. All activities related to personnel turnover management within the framework of general personnel management can be represented in the form of successive stages (Fig. 1).

Figure 2. Stages of employee turnover management

Let's consider the content of each of the stages in more detail.

The first step is to determine the level of employee turnover.

At this stage, it is necessary to answer the main question - is the level of turnover so high that it leads to unreasonable economic losses, loss of profit by the enterprise? The level of 3-5% should not be perceived as an indicator, since professional mobility at a particular enterprise is formed under the influence of a combination of factors - industry affiliation, production technology, labor intensity of work, presence / absence of a seasonal factor in the production cycle, leadership style, level and principles of corporate culture. Therefore, when determining the indicative level, it is necessary to analyze the dynamics of the labor indicators of the enterprise for the longest possible period of time (recent years), to identify the presence and magnitude of seasonal fluctuations in turnover.

The second stage is to determine the level of economic losses caused by staff turnover.

This is a very important stage and at the same time one of the most time consuming, since it requires special data. The fact is that with the beginning of economic reforms in the country, one of the first managerial aspects that enterprises began to neglect was labor rationing, which was originally designed to reveal the reserves of labor productivity. The enterprises, which keep records of the costs of working time, are developed, observed and regularly revised labor standards, at the moment we can name a few. However, the problem should be dealt with in any case, so it is necessary to at least roughly estimate the amount of losses.

The third stage is to determine the reasons for staff turnover.

A high level of staff turnover can be caused by the specifics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise or by the imperfection of its management system. In the first case, there is no problem as such, and no solutions are required. In the second, efforts should be made to find bottlenecks in the enterprise management system. The reasons for the dismissal of workers from the enterprise can be analyzed in two aspects. The first will be based on a formal criterion dividing the grounds for dismissals by law - the grounds for terminating labor relations listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the list of grounds will be exhaustive, since the corresponding norms of the Labor Code do not provide for fundamentally different grounds for terminating labor relations. The personnel statistics of enterprises on the issues of layoffs mainly consists of the following reasons: at their own request, in connection with the transfer, temporary workers, absenteeism without good reason, for caring for a child, for being drunk at work, for reducing the number, in connection with death, retirement, some others. The absence or appearance of precedents of dismissals for one reason or another leads, respectively, to narrowing or expanding this list. Therefore, one of the studies can be the analysis of the personnel statistics of the enterprise. The obvious possibility of this analysis is its comparability - with similar data from other enterprises, the industry as a whole.

The second aspect is related to the definition of the motivational structure of staff retirement. It is based on real reasons prompting the employee to make the decision to leave the enterprise. In this case, the statistics of the personnel service, at best, can only partially answer the question - why the employee quit. So, one basis "at will" can be represented as:

  • - dissatisfaction with the level of wages,
  • - delays in the payment of wages,
  • - personal reasons,
  • - difficult and dangerous working conditions,
  • - unacceptable mode of operation.

The form of outputting the survey results proposed below (Fig. 2), as time shows, does not bring any significant dynamics to the already existing gradation of dismissal motives, therefore it can be presented as typical:

However, it is necessary to make a single remark of a methodological nature. When developing sociological tools at a particular enterprise (questionnaire, questionnaire), the scale of answers should be more detailed. Thus, when analyzing the results obtained above, it is revealed that the share of answers for "other" motives (11%) correlates with the sum of shares for specifically designated reasons for leaving ("inconvenient schedule" - 6% and "inconvenient location" - 5%). The conclusion is obvious - it may be that the “other” contains some of the answers to the questions posed, that is, additional detailing of motives is required.

If we detail criteria such as "personal reasons" or "unacceptable mode of operation", and then analyze the data obtained, then it is possible to develop real and substantiated recommendations for improving various aspects of the enterprise. For example, layoffs for personal reasons can be caused by conflicts in the "boss - subordinate" link, and, therefore, it is possible to identify shortcomings in the organizational structure of an enterprise, make a decision to change information flows, etc. The reasons for dismissal of their own accord can be indirectly indicated by the age and sex structure of the personnel: men under 27 years old - because of leaving for the army, women - for childcare, elderly workers - due to retirement. Recommendations can also be made from this. Therefore, the second study can be a questionnaire survey of employees of the enterprise.

Finally, within the framework of this stage, "Determining the reasons for staff turnover", it is possible to conduct a study of the position of management (not only the head of the enterprise will act as representatives of the administration, but also his deputies, the head of OTIZ, HR department, HR manager, foremen, foremen, etc. .P.). Research method - interview or questionnaire.

Thus, by one's own efforts, it is possible to carry out three types of research within this stage, which will provide factual material for further analysis.

The fourth stage is the definition of a system of measures aimed at normalizing the process of releasing the labor force, improving the dismissal procedure, and overcoming the excessive level of turnover.

For this, measures can be divided into three main groups:

  • - technical and economic (improvement of working conditions, improvement of the system of material incentives, organization and management of production, etc.);
  • - organizational (improving the procedures for hiring and firing employees, the system of professional promotion of employees, etc.);
  • - socio-psychological (improving the styles and methods of leadership, relationships in the team, the system of moral encouragement, etc.).

It is also proposed to single out as an effective measure the introduction of outplacement principles in the work of personnel services of enterprises (i.e., assistance to dismissed employees - psychological, informational, consulting). Advantages are one of the few measures that do not require significant material costs (except in cases where it may be necessary to conduct special psychological trainings with the dismissed or seek help from recruitment agencies).

So, the dismissed employee can be provided with a package of information, documents, consultations. The employee can be provided with letters of recommendation; obligatory psychological counseling; training in job search methods; training to work with recruiting agencies; consultation on the procedure for applying to the labor exchange, providing the relevant documents, informing about the timing; consultation and a reminder on how to behave during an interview; a well-written resume; list of recruiting agencies; a list of territorial departments of the Labor and Employment Committee; posting an advertisement on the Internet for a job search for qualified employees; a list of firms where personnel are recruited. This will allow:

  • - to reduce the number of claims from those dismissed, including the number of lawsuits (payments on them);
  • - to reduce the number of compensation payments to dismissed employees;
  • - maintain a positive image of the company;
  • - stay on good terms with the dismissed employee.

The fifth stage is determining the effect of the implementation of the developed measures, improving the dismissal procedure, overcoming the excessive level of turnover. Finally, when developing a program to eliminate excessive turnover, it will also be necessary to carry out a comparative analysis of the costs of carrying out these activities and losses due to an excessive level of turnover. In this case, the management of the enterprise should do the same as with financing any other business idea - if the costs of solving the problem exceed the economic effect of reducing turnover, it is possible to look for other, "cheaper" options to improve work with personnel.

In conclusion, I would like to note that with the development of the segment of recruiting services in the labor market, for many enterprises, especially in large cities of Russia, it is possible to shift the solution of these issues to specialized recruiting agencies. However, it is important to show the following: the proposed procedure is primarily designed for the own resources of the personnel department of any enterprise and, with proper organization of personnel management, is able to effectively solve emerging problems.

Summarizing the first chapter, it can be concluded that staff turnover is one of the critical factors weakening of labor discipline at the enterprise, entailing economic losses. Losses of working time and funds for personnel training, a decrease in labor activity and labor productivity of an employee before making a decision to change a job, retirement of people for more or less long term from the labor process in connection with the transition to another job.


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