What can be rented profitably. However, by tradition, let's start with quite logical ideas for the rental business. For example. Calculation of potential profit, payback period and level of profitability

Dmitry Fokin - about what can be rented, and how the era of consumer activity is being replaced by the era of rental

IT tools used by Dmitry Fokin

  • Slack
  • Redmine
  • Skype

An entrepreneur from Omsk Dmitry Fokin believes that the current economic crisis will fundamentally change the consumer behavior of Russians: in his opinion, an increasing number of people will rent the necessary things, and not buy them and stand in queues. Dmitry and his partners launched Rentalist - a site for renting and renting almost any item. People can choose and rent a variety of good options, from toys to cars. The main advantage for the client is the cost of the service, and for the organization - fixed income and the goods are owned. Dmitry Fokin told the Biz360 portal about how much profit you can get, how to open a business, find premises and equipment.

Dmitry Fokin, entrepreneur, co-owner of the online rental service Rentalist.me... Was born in 1979 in Omsk. Graduated from Moscow State University of Civil Engineering and the Institute of Real Estate and construction business... He gained experience in various fields - consulting, economics, trade, jurisprudence, e-commerce, etc. Since 2015 - one of the founders and head of the Rentalist.me rental service.

Dmitry Fokin

Russians are wary of rental

This is not our first business. After the completion of the next project, they began to think about where to go next. By that time, the dollar began to jump.

At the same time, my partner and I came up with an idea - to make a rental service, to combine a large number of offers on one site. At that time, we believed that everyone desperately needed a service where they could rent something, and as soon as people found out that there was such a place, we would urgently have all the servers down.

In fact, people need a rental, but many do not think about it, they just do not admit the thought that you can just call other people and take it for half a day, for example, a saw or a bicycle for the weekend. There is a stereotype that if you need something, you can find it from friends, or go to buy, or take it from work for a while

After the New Year holidays in 2015, we composed everything, and in April we started. Quite quickly, we realized that people themselves are not yet ready to make money on those things that they have on their balconies. There are professional services that provide things for rent, some of the owners of these businesses willingly cooperate with us, but there are also those who say - why, we have our own website, why duplicate somewhere else.

Thickness gauge for rent

If we compare our project with something, then it can be compared with Avito - of course, in terms of structure, and not in terms of scale yet. At Avito and a car shop they can exhibit their own cars, and a common person"Zhiguli" sells. So it is here: there is an opportunity for the rental business to exhibit its assortment, and anyone can rent out their skates through us, which have been lying on the balcony for 20 years. Accordingly, you can rent anything - from mixers and board games to construction formwork, cranes, heavy equipment.

The assortment is wide enough, we have included almost the entire product range, have made catalogs - you can find everything from rakes to helicopters. For example, hookah rental per day - 300 rubles. Or here - a thickness gauge - to see a painted car or not, 300 rubles a day. Generator soap bubbles for events - 400 rubles per day. Go-pro camera - 500 rubles. From the original - a set of hex keys, 5 rubles per day. Books, board games, roller skates, photographic equipment, lenses, tripods, carnival costumes, Wedding accessories, historical uniforms, life size puppets, wigs, evening dresses, cocktail dresses, etc.

At the start, we devoted a lot of time to creating just a digestible catalog so that a person could find what he needs. We have divided all of this into 11 large sections, and they still have subsections that include more categories.

Marketing and promotion

As for promotion, here, perhaps, we have not invented anything, SEO promotion, content marketing, etc. The project is federal, we have implemented geolocation, that is, if a person is from Yekaterinburg, for example, he sees proposals for Yekaterinburg. While the programmers were completing the service, we were collecting a database of rental companies that do this as a business. We collected about 2 thousand companies around the country and made a mailing list. The result was this: website traffic increased, but the content filling at the very beginning did not meet our expectations. That is, the rental services decided that they probably didn't really need it now.

We went to the second round of promotion, sent out press releases to local and federal media. An Internet news platform responded, we recorded an interview. Then the local TV channel, then the Metro newspaper. The attendance increased twenty times.

The bulk of visitors are people who want to take something, because the demand is now leaning from purchases to consumption of things for rent. But rent out simple people do not want yet.

When we launched the project, we studied how things were with the rental, for example, in Soviet time... There was a system of rental points, many of whom had been using rental TVs for several years, this was due to a total shortage. In the 90s there was nothing at all, in the 2000s there was a surge in consumer activity, people simply forgot about the rental. Now, due to the situation in the economy, people will remember about him little by little.

When we launched, we realized that this culture should be developed - both for people who are consumers of rental and those who provide things for rent.

This is a forgotten story, but if you remember about it, then people will begin to use it. A couple of months ago I took part in a comparative interview, where the guys studied how things are with the rental in Russia and America. They said that in America they rent a lot of things, and this is very popular. When they receive their diplomas, these famous gowns with caps with tassels, for example, are also rented. There is a whole industry there, there are things that are needed once in a lifetime and it is pointless to buy them. This is an idea of ​​more than one year to somehow rock this topic.

"We need to go to high speed"

Now there are more than 1.5 thousand products on the site. The main cities are Omsk, Moscow, Krasnodar, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, St. Petersburg. At the same time, people from neighboring countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan - are joining us.

So far, there is only an investment in the service. This is a kind of contribution to the future, it will work someday. When a certain quantitative limit is passed, it will start to bring money.

The system of interaction between the tenant and the landlord works through our service, making settlements also through us so that people do not exchange money. Reservation of collateral on the site, signing lease agreements, providing some paid services, advertising. Commission percentage - 5-10%, the question is in turnover. Now the question is not about self-sufficiency, but about reaching some high turnover. We set terms - a year or two. Investments in the site were in the region of 100 thousand rubles.

Now we are developing a system for automatically adding products to the service in order to expand the range. I see that there are many requests for goods in cities where we are not represented. That is, people go to search engines, they see us, go further and do not find what they were looking for. It turns out that there is demand, but we cannot yet satisfy it. As soon as we satisfy him, the customer flow will grow, the recognition will expand. When people start renting, they can rent.

Rentalist project team.

Transferring property for paid use to third parties is a reliable and calm business. In most cases, a minimum of effort is required to generate income: periodically check the tenant's compliance with the terms of the use agreement, and issue invoices for payment. Therefore, if you are the owner of property that can be rented, then you have a good source of passive income.

We will tell you about what can be rented out as a business and where to look for tenants in this review.

How to become a landlord

Virtually anyone who owns or legal grounds uses things that do not lose their properties in the course of their use, can become a landlord and rent out these things. There are no restrictions on the range of objects and subjects in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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What to rent

It is allowed to register for temporary paid use such property as:

  • real estate (including land) and transport;
  • household items and household items;
  • shoes and clothes;
  • furniture, books, etc.

And this is not all that can be rented out and do business on it. Enterprising citizens rent out their discount cards for goods and services in retail outlets and, thus, even from such an obscure asset, they receive material benefits.

The forms of organization of the rental business directly depend on the object. So, for example, the owner of a residential property who plans to rent out all or part of the living space does not have to become an entrepreneur. It is enough to declare income to the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration.

There are also no special requirements for citizens who lease their car to third parties.

You also need to register with the Federal Tax Service and to work in the format of a rental point for household items, furniture, clothes and shoes, etc.

The rental business requires a more complex organization than the simple lease of personal property. Therefore, if there are plans to provide household rental services to the population, then it is necessary to prepare a full-fledged service point.

An exception is rental through the website or social networks... But this option of earning money on rent has one significant drawback: difficulties in ensuring the return of the things transferred for rent.

You can use local newspapers, free classifieds sites, social media, and your own blog to find potential tenants. It is also considered effective to post ads in the entrances of multi-storey buildings and in busy places of the city - markets, train stations, etc.

If there is no property

What if there is nothing suitable in the property, and the rental business seems attractive enough? You can lease other people's things and do business on sublease.

However, conditions for this type of earnings are more stringent. The subleaser has the right to transfer the thing taken from the owner for use on conditions that do not contradict the contract with the owner of the thing.

So, for example, if a sub-lessee has the right to use the object for five years, then he cannot transfer the leased property to sublease for a period exceeding the end date of the lease agreement.

The subleaser must comply with all restrictions on the use of the thing that have been established by the owner and which are defined in the agreement between the owner and the lessee.

Registration of contractual relations

The success of the entire business on lease payments almost entirely depends on how competently the lease / sublease agreement is drawn up. Read about which ones are needed.

The main points that a landlord must consider in order to protect their property:

  • replacement cost (how much the tenant will have to reimburse if the object is destroyed through his fault);
  • who bears the costs of maintaining and storing the rented property;
  • whether it is necessary to insure the object;
  • when and in what condition the tenant is obliged to return the leased item to the owner.

Important! When drawing up the agreement, all the features of the object must be taken into account, otherwise, upon completion of the lease, it will be difficult for the owner to return the thing in the form in which it was transferred to the tenant.

The financial side of business

If the transaction is executed correctly, then the lessor should not have any obligations for the maintenance of the thing transferred for rent. In fact, costs are reduced to zero.

However, if the item is in constant circulation for hire, then it must be serviceable, neat and attractive to customers. Here, the entrepreneur himself is already interested in spending money on the repair of items that are rented out through rental offices.

The mechanism for determining the cost of rent again depends on the specifics of the property.

If you are planning to make money by renting out someone else's property, consider an interesting option -. Find out how such businesses operate and how profitable they are.

You can read about how to register a real estate agency as an individual entrepreneur.

If the organizational form of a legal entity is chosen for a real estate agency, you can find out everything about the preparation of the relevant documents at this address:.

If commercial objects are rented (premises, transport, equipment, etc.), the amount of the rent depends on the earnings that the tenant received from the use of the object. For example, when it comes to renting premises for point of sale, the size of the fee is set as a percentage of the store's monthly revenue, but when renting an apartment, the fee is calculated based on market value such services around the city.

In any case, the legislator has not limited tenants and landlords in any way in establishing the cost of services, so they have the right to independently determine the rental price and find options that are beneficial to both parties.

Find out what else you can earn with minimal investment - .

Tips for those planning to rent out their own residential property in the next video.

In the last issue, among other things, we talked about unusual idea a Swiss farmer to rent cows to tourists - in this issue you will find out what else you can rent out for your own benefit, and believe me, some ideas will simply dazzle you.

However, by tradition, let's start with quite logical ideas for the rental business. For example, rental of textbooks.

The idea to create such a business came to Rhodes after completing his first year, when he managed to sell his textbooks, which cost $ 560 for only 18. Then Rhodes decided to come up with an alternative to buying expensive textbooks that are needed for only one course of study.

On his website MyBookBorrow.com, students can submit an application for any textbook and, if they are satisfied with the rental price, then rent it for a year.

But it is not only students and schoolchildren who quickly "grow" out of their textbooks. It turns out that educational games for toddlers can also be rented out.

Two former teachers have launched SmartyRents, a children's educational video game rental service. They have a huge number of games for children (starting from 9 months of age) that parents can order from online mode and receive it in an envelope by mail (after the expiration of the rental period, they are also obliged to return these games by mail).

But the next idea of ​​the rental business is more a PR move than a full-fledged business, which, however, does not detract from the originality of the solution. The manufacturer of professional guitars, in order to increase the sale of its far from cheap instruments, invited potential buyers to test the guitars before buying. Not free, of course.

Now any client can rent a guitar for up to 1 week, paying first a membership fee ($ 50), and then the cost of the rental itself ($ 75 per day or 300 per week). Moreover, not only samigitars are rented out, but also accessories for them (headphones, belts, cables, cases, etc.).

But, of course, most of the variations on the rental theme are associated with the rental of clothes. It turns out that it is profitable to specialize not only in the rental of wedding dresses and fancy dress, but also in designer clothes. As does New York-based Rent the Runway, which has the very latest collections from top fashion designers.

The technology of work is simple - customers choose suitable dress from the assortment presented on the site, they place an order, pay the rent, which is approximately 10% of the cost of the dress (ranging from $ 50 to $ 200), and receive their dress in a special case by the postal service.

At the end of the rental period, which ranges from 4 to 8 days, the client returns the dress again through the New York Post service.

The Transitional Sizes company followed the same path, although their services are aimed at women who are losing weight, which means they are not ready to buy new clothes until they finally lose weight (at least they naively believe in this).

Be that as it may, on this pseudo rationality of women who are keen on diets, the company makes good money, offering ladies to rent clothes of the right size for up to one month, paying only $ 3 to $ 25 for this, and at the end of the term, return it in a clean form and in good condition. ...

But this is not all the options associated with the rental of clothes. Until recently, the niche of pregnant women who wanted to look fashionable in an “interesting” position remained uncovered.

American housewife Marcel Costello, faced with this problem from her own experience, organized own company Rentmaternitywear rental dresses for pregnant women.

At the same time, Mrs. Costello not only donates dresses, but also sews them herself, which increases her profits by an order of magnitude.

The cost of renting maternity dresses varies from $ 35 to $ 70, depending on the length and quality of the dress. $ 35 is for renting a dress for a week, $ 50 for two weeks, $ 60 for renting a new dress for a month.

The selected dress is delivered to your home by a specific date courier service FedEx.

At the end of the rental period, the dress is returned to the Rentmaternitywear store, without preliminary washing, cleaning, etc.

Well, now is the time to talk about ideas whose rationality is less obvious.

So in the Japanese city of Yakohama, a Candy pet shop opened, which can be rented. Buyers are allowed to take pets on a short-term lease before they decide to buy one. First of all, we are talking about dogs of all stripes and sizes.

The trick of this business idea is that buyers, once taking a cute funny puppy home, are unlikely to want to give it back.

But if the owners of a Japanese rental store expect to find a permanent family for their pets in this way, then the FLEXPETS company specializes in rental, training dogs in such a way that the owners and tenants can be sure of their good behavior and obedience. The range includes dogs of all sizes, shapes, colors and characters.

In addition, the dog is brought to you with its food and favorite toy so that the animal does not feel discomfort. Without fail, the dog is equipped with a collar with a GPS sensor and a temperature sensor in order to provide it with a comfortable stay (temperature, safety). The entrepreneurs do not seem to care about the stress experienced by animals that have managed to become attached to their temporary owners.

And in conclusion - the apotheosis of the absurd.

Xu Lisha, an entrepreneur from China, opened a rental agency for ... bridesmaids.

The idea of ​​organizing such a strange rental, to put it mildly, came to Xu after she herself was offered to become a bridesmaid for a fee. Seeing in this idea the potential and promising niche for a business, she decided to take a risk and make this type of business the main source of income.

The Chinese entrepreneur is looking for her performers for the role of bridesmaids among university students.

Primary requirements: Beautiful face, good figure, well-groomed, stylish hairstyle and good manners.

But the Japanese set up a rental business for whole ... families.

The Hagemashi Tai company offers to "shoot" a variety of relatives from distant ones to the closest ones - spouses and parents. Distant relatives are played by actors for a reasonable fee. Most often, their role is to be present at funerals, weddings, and for an additional fee, they will also deliver a congratulatory or condolence speech there. By the way, you can also rent your spouse. Moreover, the services for renting a husband are offered in two versions - the first husband is rented for a single mother with children in order to do some housework, and the second is a trial marriage - for brides who want to experience the feelings and sensations of a wedding and marriage before a real marriage.

As you can see, the fantasy of entrepreneurs is truly limitless. And the most amazing thing is that even crazy, at first glance, ideas find their customers.

Therefore, if traditional types of business do not inspire you, then come up with own idea- as all entrepreneurs from our reviews did in their time.

And to whip up your imagination, use the authoring of our portal universal constructor of business ideas "Tarot 1000 ideas ". With this set, you will create more ideas in a month than your competitors will come up with in a year.

This set brings together almost everything effective techniques helping to go beyond templates and stereotypes. At the same time, the focus always remains applied task not the development of imagination "in general", but the search for new ones, original ideas and solutions applicable in business.

Now it is almost impossible to find such a person who has never thought about starting his own business. After all, working for yourself promises a high income, if everything is organized correctly.

The main problem is that you can start any business only when your thoughts have formed good idea and a competent plan was drawn up for its implementation.

One of the more popular ideas is to organize your own car rental. Many are trying to open a rental business, because it seems such a simple thing: to give a car for a while and in the end get money for it. And indeed, this view entrepreneurial activity is one of the most affordable, as most people in need of a car prefer to rent a car in order to use it as a taxi, or are looking for a lease.

But, like any other type of entrepreneurship, it has its own characteristics. Before you decide to transfer the car to someone else's use, you need to consider several very important nuances. Initially, it is necessary to correctly draw up an agreement and indicate the main terms of the transaction. This type of earnings carries certain risks and, as a result, you can lose very much in money.

To prevent this from happening, you need a properly drawn up business plan, in which you will enter all planned expenses and incomes, and also take into account possible mistakes... But how do you know exactly what costs you will have to incur, and what will be the profit? What do you need to remember in order not to create unnecessary problems for yourself? Let's try to figure it out.

Initial investment

Earlier we wrote that many consider this type of business to be one of the most profitable. Initially, only a small initial investment is assumed. This is partly true. But only partially.

There are several important buts. If a person is going to rent a car that has changed for more than a dozen years, he must be prepared for unpleasant consequences. When driving such a car, especially without technical training, a potential tenant is practically guaranteed a breakdown on the road. This, in turn, may entail demands for a refund and even compensation.

In order not to get into such a situation, you will need to carry out a full diagnosis and the necessary repair of the car, especially the old one. Identified malfunctions in a domestic car can cost an average of 20,000 rubles. Correction and bringing into proper technical condition an old foreign car can cost up to 50,000 rubles or more. The best option it will be, if you, understanding the auto equipment that you rent, can replace and fix everything you need yourself. This will save you a lot of money.

You will also have to spend money on acquiring the status of an individual entrepreneur or creating an organization. In theory, illegal entrepreneurial activity can also be engaged, but it is better not to risk it. The legislation has established a great responsibility for this.

Annual investment

And, of course, you should not create the illusion that to organize a business you will need to spend money only on a one-time technical training. Rented cars will inevitably require maintenance at least every year. Or more often. In this case, how lucky.

There are necessary costs without which a rental car would quickly turn into a pile of useless metal. There is hardly a client who wants to pay their money for a thundering and constantly breaking vehicle.

Also, over time, it is worth thinking about expanding the business and accumulating the necessary amount to conduct overhaul and the purchase of another car. And then more and more. Business should not "mark time", it is necessary to strive for continuous development and improvement.

Certain funds will have to be spent on advertising. For example, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, creation and maintenance of a website on the Internet, and in the long term - advertising on a local TV channel, otherwise clients will not be able to find out about the existing service.

In addition, every year you will have to renew the car insurance by purchasing an unlimited OSAGO policy. Without it, the car simply will not be able to move. In some cases, you will have to spend part of the money annually to organize a convenient parking.

Monthly investments

When organizing a lease, in addition to everything else, you will have to bear and running costs... The need for them will definitely arise every month. A certain amount will be needed both for routine repairs and for servicing your car. Do not forget about such "little things" as changing oil and other technical fluids.

The appearance of the car should also be as presentable as possible. After each use, it must be completely washed, or better yet, dry cleaning the interior.

Someday a successful tenant will save up for his own parking lot, but for some time the car will be forced to spend the night in “other people's” parking lots. And of course you will have to pay for protection for them.

If business "goes up the hill", then it will be necessary to use the services of accounting organizations. With their help, you can correctly calculate all taxes and fees from income-generating activities.

To find potential tenants, you may have to spend funds to gain access to various databases.

Organization of document flow will require the cost of various stationery and expendable materials: printer ink, paper, staplers, printing and much, much more.


So, how much can income from a good organized business for car rental? It depends on several factors.

  1. The class of the car being rented. For example, if a domestic car is rented, its rent will be no more than 1000 rubles per day. A foreign car will cost the renter more: from 1200-1500 rubles for a car of the HyandaiSolaris class and up to 2000 on average for a foreign car like FordFocus.
  2. The number of cars for rent. Several middle-class cars will allow you to receive at least 30-90 thousand rubles a month, and maybe even more. For a year, income from renting several cars can be up to 1-2 million rubles. The income for renting one car will be much more modest - approximately at the level of 300-400 thousand rubles a year.
  3. The type of area in which the landlord operates. There will be no strong demand in a small town. In this case, maintaining a large fleet of vehicles is completely unprofitable. 1-2 rental cars will bring about 200-300 thousand rubles of income per year. And, conversely, in the center of the megalopolis it will be necessary to try to increase the number of vehicles. High demand can provide you with a profit of up to 2 million rubles per year.
  4. The specifics of the lease. The rental car can be fitted with additional furnishings and luxury to participate in celebrations such as wedding and anniversary. Or rental cars are provided for travel and off-road conquest. The price for them may even be higher than for the representative models. In this connection, the income will be much higher.


Income level is a significant indicator. Only profit is more important than him. What is the difference between these two concepts? Income represents all financial resources that a company or citizen received from entrepreneurial activities. And profit is the amount that remains if taxes, fees, expenses and other costs arising in the work are subtracted from income.

What do you need to subtract from income to see a profit? First of all, these are VAT - 18% and personal income tax, which is 13%. Entity will pay tax on their income in the amount of 20%.

In addition to taxes, you need to take into account the costs of servicing and maintaining cars, paying for parking, buying insurance, etc. Only if you subtract all this, you can find out how much profit the lessor will receive in the end.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are intimidated by the burden of so many costs. As a result, they abandon the idea of ​​their business. This is extremely wrong, because there are many ways to save money and, in the end, make a decent profit. For example, you can switch to a simplified taxation system, according to which you can pay only 6% of the profit and not worry about anything else.

Also, in this case, there is no need to purchase cash register and special equipment.

As a last resort, you can save on the parking lot and just park your cars near your home or office. It is not so safe and somewhat risky, but such a risk is often fully justified.

Frequent mistakes when renting a car

So, according to statistics, when organizing a car rental, the following mistakes are most often made.

  1. Acquisition of a new car or a used car for rent at an unreasonably high price. It makes absolutely no sense to buy new car... It will simply pay for itself for a very long time. There will be many to ride it different people who are deeply indifferent to his condition. They obviously will not feel sorry for the car. Therefore, there is absolutely no point in overpaying. Instead, it's better to buy a few used cars with no extra options.
  2. The appearance and aesthetics of a used car are irrelevant. You shouldn't waste time choosing a car without a single scratch and with the perfect interior. The main thing is that the body is not rusty, especially the sills and the bottom, and the engine and main systems must work smoothly. Thus, the main priority is the optimal ratio of price and quality. The less a car costs, the better for business.
  3. Search for tenants. It must be remembered that the main goal is to make a profit. The personality of the tenant should be of little interest to you, the main thing is that he pays the money on time and provides a passport with a mark of registration of residence.

Commercial real estate includes non-residential premises that can be used for commercial purposes. Lawyers distinguish several groups of commercial real estate:

If a novice entrepreneur decides to take up, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the premises with high quality for operation by tenants. If necessary, make repairs to suit modern standards, connect the necessary communications, and much more.

How to register a case?

Such a step as registering a rental business (Federal Tax Service) is perhaps the most important one. Exact solutions for organizational form depend on the line of business itself. In other words, if a citizen rents out non-residential premises, he is obliged to pay income tax.

It is recommended to issue an individual entrepreneur status ( individual entrepreneur) , thanks to which a person will have the right to conduct business on a completely legal basis. Due to the fact that the profit from the delivery of commercial real estate will be small, according to the law, a citizen has the right to issue a simplified form of taxation. It provides for the payment of taxes in the amount of 6% of total income.

To register a business for the lease of commercial real estate, the following documents are required:

  • Copy of the founder's passport.
  • TIN (individual taxpayer number) of the founder.
  • Introduction authorized capital from 10,000 rubles When submitting the relevant application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, a bank statement is provided, where it is necessary to open an account.
  • Formation of the company's charter. According to this documentation, the distribution of parts between the owners (in the event that there are several of them) will be carried out, the official name of the company, its legal address.
  • Minutes of the meeting of the founder (in the event that there are several of them).
  • Decision on registration of LLC (society with disabilities).

The term for IP registration is from 3 to 5 working days. Registration and registration of LLC status will take no more than 14 days from the date of application.

We divide the rental area into parts

Not all clients are ready for office space: most need a certain part of it. So, for example, a bar-restaurant or a game club can be located in a hotel lobby. Moreover, both establishments are owned by different persons.

For several tenants, it is required to split the premises... Division - the termination of the existence of a single object and its division into several separate objects, each of which will receive a unique cadastral number and separate documents for the right to own. According to the legislation Russian Federation, such objects become newly created, as a result of which, according to Article 219 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner receives the rights to dispose of them only after official registration.

Article 219 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The emergence of ownership of newly created immovable property

Ownership of buildings, structures and other newly created immovable property subject to state registration, arises from the moment of such registration.

According to legislative regulations Russian Federation, the division of an immovable object is permissible if there is one of the grounds:

  • The consent of all owners of real estate to its section and assurance of writing at the notary.
  • Intervention of the courts.

Before competently dividing the existing commercial real estate into parts and renting them out, the copyright holder is obliged to organize technical and cadastral registration of the premises, as well as to officially register the right to manage it. After registering the necessary part of the object for himself and registering the contract with Rosreestr, he will be able to lease it.

To divide the existing commercial real estate into parts, the owners will need the following documents:

The owner will be able to acquire cadastral documents after contacting the authorized bodies and setting the object for cadastral registration. Since 2012 to install the premises for cadastral registration, you will need a detailed building plan, which can be compiled by a highly qualified engineer.

It is worth noting that when dividing commercial real estate, several technical plans must be provided. Registration of the document takes place within 18 days from the date of their submission. After this period, the customer must contact the cadastral center and receive documents (including the cadastral passport). In case of refusal to register, civil servants provide a reasoned confirmation in writing.

After receiving the cadastral documents, you must also obtain a certificate of ownership for each part of the premises. An important and only document confirming property rights is the cadastral passport... It contains detailed information about the property section and a technical plan drawn up in accordance with the updated data.

You can invest in real estate in different ways and scales: buy and resell apartments, rent out premises or open a real estate agency.

It is worth noting that not every average Russian citizen has access to this way of earning money - multimillion-dollar investments are required. Therefore, they have and invest such large financial resources. commercial companies... Their privilege is getting a loan for a project. Individual also can start a real estate business only with the necessary start-up capital.

Important! The purchase of housing during the growth period for it guarantees the investor a multiple payback when it is resold - by 10-15%. For the most part, this applies to those citizens who invested large material savings in this area in the 80-90s. XX century.

You shouldn't expect a rush effect until 2020 - Russian market real estate stagnated in a phase of decline.

Calculation of potential profit, payback period and level of profitability

Scheme for calculating the possible profit from the rental of real estate:

Assessing the attractiveness of the rental business is not a super task. For the correct calculation, it is enough to compare the rental income with the value of real estate - in the end, you will get the payback period of the business, which is the main criterion for business in this area. Typical payback periods for commercial real estate range from 9 to 12 years. It is difficult to find real estate objects with a payback period of 7-8 years.

The best investment option is buying real estate in new buildings. A less costly option would be to purchase premises at the excavation stage. Thus, the savings will be at least 30%.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of certain risks in the system of shared construction. Early on, the chances are huge. To bring down possible risks you should choose developers with excellent experience and a proven track record.

Where to get start-up capital?

Receive start-up capital every citizen can develop business. There are several ways to fund and find sponsors.

You can get start-up capital for starting a business at a bank... The method is effective and popular. However, there is a huge disadvantage - risk. If the business does not go in the right direction, then, in addition to a significant loss, the novice businessman will also receive a large monetary debt. It should be noted that Sberbank and Tinkoff provide loans for starting a business.

Reference! Government structures that support small businesses can become a source of start-up capital. Under the federal system of self-employment of the population, unemployed citizens can apply for a subsidy in the amount of 60,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Renting out is the only type of business that brings legal passive income.


  • It is important to understand that income depends directly on the activities of the tenants. Their activities should be monitored, to ensure that the premises remain in good condition.
  • According to the provisions of the Ministry of Finance, the lessor is obliged to pay taxes in the amount of 15 to 17% of the amount received from the rent.
  • Inconsistency of tenants. The termination of the agreement can occur even at the conclusion of an official one, as a result of which the income traffic will temporarily stop, and the landlord will have to.
  • The presence of responsible tenants, the business becomes a high-quality and demanded product that can be sold at any time and get a profitable financial condition.
  • Annual rent increases help businesses thrive and grow.

In the absence of experience in entrepreneurial business, it is recommended to acquire a working ready business ... The main advantage of this business is the conclusion of a contract with tenants interested in extending the contract with a new partner.


Thus, a real estate rental business is an excellent source of passive income. Nevertheless, this area has its own pitfalls: assessment of all kinds of risks, paperwork, start-up capital, etc. Correct organization business contributes to its active and favorable development.


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