Preventing quality degradation is the goal. Improving quality management systems based on standards. Ongoing quality management

Head of the Center for the Development and Audit of Regulations of the Technological Audit Department of the Service of the Deputy General Director for Quality of the Concern "Tractor Plants"

Different people have different associations with the word “quality”. According to GOST, quality is compliance with requirements. And if, for example, a man in a hairdresser's hair was cut evenly and neatly, but they were naughty, or he did not like the way he began to look, because they did not listen to all his wishes. Will it be a quality service or not? .. It can be said that the consumer has become capricious. But in fact, he has the right to it - to be satisfied or unhappy. Moreover, now there is plenty to choose from. If there is only one hairdresser, the client will not go anywhere and will come here a second time. But if there are several salons with a similar price level, then the first hairdresser has every chance of losing a client forever.

Also with products, including tractor equipment. If the owner of the tractor is not satisfied with something, even if there is no air conditioner in the cab, and even more so if you have to stand idle due to machine failures and incur losses, then there is a risk that next time he will turn to another manufacturer. That is why it is important to find out the need and assess satisfaction according to all criteria. The machine must be reliable, easy to perform basic functions, including maintenance, allow the use of additional features, for example, the largest possible range of attachments. With all this, there must be an adequate price and decent service.

Natural selection has not been canceled - the fittest survives. Namely, an enterprise that will be able to satisfy any consumer's needs, and even anticipate them. In this case, quality stability is important. After all, there are car manufacturers who, when buying a car from a batch released, for example, in September, after an audit by a certification organization, have no complaints about the car. And there are more than enough complaints about the car of the same model, released in January, after the New Year holidays.

The Tractor Plants Concern is well aware that quality stability is an important factor in success. And the quality of products begins with the quality of management, because it is possible to manage competently only within the framework of a clearly built system. Therefore, the Concern's business units operate quality management systems (in some places already business management systems), ensuring the creation of the highest quality product in all respects. These systems include all processes of product creation - from determining what the consumer wants to get and working with suppliers to assessing customer satisfaction with the product. All important processes in the Concern are strictly regulated, and deviation from them entails measures to motivate employees.

Great importance is attached to preventive, preventive actions. This is a set of measures aimed at overcoming a problem that has not yet arisen, but there is a high probability of its occurrence, or it is in its infancy. Everyone understands the need for medical prevention: "It's too late to drink Borjomi when the kidneys have failed." So it is in production with product quality. If the marriage is gone to the consumer, the company's image will be significantly undermined, and the consumer will be irretrievably lost. And the economic damage is great. After all, the further the products go through the stages of manufacturing, the more expensive the marriage costs the enterprise. Losses in the subsequent stages of product manufacturing due to poor quality in the early stages increase exponentially. Stop the process at the first stage - the plant will lose, for example, one hundred rubles, and the manufacturer's image will not suffer. And if no one along the entire production chain stops the marriage, then the losses will amount to one hundred thousand rubles - a thousand times more! This is a colossal difference.

What can be done to prevent violations? Any competent manager will say: "It is necessary to eliminate the root cause." And there may be several reasons. According to the famous Ishikawa diagram, or "4M", the groups of reasons are as follows: man, machine, material, method. The first element is man. We often hear: "Nothing can be done, human factor." Everyone knows that where there is a person, there is a possibility of mistakes, violations of technology, which means there is a threat to quality.

How to eliminate or reduce the likelihood of errors? Concern "Tractor Plants" uses different methods, aimed at preventing violations of technology and maximum prevention of non-conformities.

In the production process, to minimize the human factor, i.e. To achieve high dimensional stability in the processing of critical products, modern programmed equipment and robotic equipment are used. So, at JSC Promtraktor, spars, pushing bars of industrial tractors, components for excavators are processed on the Japanese robotic welding complex Fanuc.

For example, to eliminate the influence of such reasons as forgetfulness, inattention of the performer or the desire to do faster, methods called "error protection" help. Devices or procedures that prevent errors, making it impossible or inconvenient to perform an incorrect operation, are called by the Japanese "poka-yoke". These methods are now successfully used by us.

For example, in the forging production of the Cheboksary Aggregate Plant, which is part of the Concern, automatic devices are used to reject heated workpieces that have a temperature deviating from that specified in the technology.

Or, for example, in OJSC SAREKS, OJSC Promtractor, in order to minimize errors in assembling tractor units, they optimized the placement of components - the tractor set consists of a set of reversible containers (cassettes) containing components for one tractor. This allows you to implement the principle "just in time", avoiding errors during assembly.

Where "error protection" is inapplicable, or not economically feasible, the system of technological audit, technical control and acceptance by inspectors of the management company remains effective. This system can be compared to a multi-stage filter. It, like a water filter, catches out the unnecessary - inconsistencies in the path of materials and parts to the finished product. "Quality filters" help to reduce the defectiveness of finished products by almost 50 times - to eliminate costs for hundreds of millions of rubles.

Several stages of control operate at the Concern's enterprises. The first - when conducting incoming control (for suppliers who have not yet proven themselves to be reliable) in laboratories performing analyzes of the chemical composition, structure and properties of materials. Critical components are tested to simulate operating loads. For example, at the Vladimir Motor-Tractor Plant, generators, starters, injectors, fuel pumps, filters, temperature sensors and other purchased products are tested.

There are similar stands in the Volgograd Machine-Building Company VGTZ, which test pneumatic boosters, hydraulic valves, hydraulic cylinders, voltage converters, etc. Pumps, hydraulic motors, control units and other units are tested at Promtraktor OJSC, and Promtraktor-Wagon CJSC test brake cylinders, autoregulators, connecting sleeves and other nomenclature. The same control procedures are in place at other enterprises of the Concern.

Further, in the production process, all products are controlled by the contractor. Individual products (at the request of the customer, as well as those identified as "problem" objects) are re-controlled by the technical control department, laboratories, independent of production. All critical parts have personal or team marks. Therefore, there is almost one hundred percent traceability of the performer.

Moreover, in some enterprises, control is carried out using high-precision measuring equipment... Testing machines allow you to check complex parts of various configurations, including in automatic control mode. For example, at Promtraktor-Promlit LLC, OTK specialists make measurements of products with complex shapes and large-sized ones using a “measuring arm” - the CimCore Infinite coordinate measuring manipulator. The device has a wide measuring range and has a mobile design that allows it to be installed on any flat metal surface. It allows you to combine a mathematical three-dimensional model of the product with the actual shape of the measured product and obtain data on the amount of deviation at any point on the surface.

Coordinate measuring machines, for example, ACCURA 10, have long been used at JSC Kurganmashzavod. Measurements of products of various complexity and shape are made here: crankcases, balancers, brackets, flanges, gear wheels, gears, cranks and many others.

Control and measuring machines are also used at Promtraktor, Cheboksary Aggregate Plant and other enterprises of the Concern.

The next stage of the multistage control is the final control. Before finished products goes to the consumer, it is tested. For example, the main components of the tractor - transmission, final drives, driving axles must be run in at stands. The finished equipment is also tested at the stand with monitoring of operating parameters and running in at specially created test sites.

Here is an example of checking finished equipment at JSC "SAREX":

step one - a visual inspection of the tractor (internal combustion engine, cab, transmission, pneumatic system, etc.) is carried out; step two - the brake system is tested; step three - parking brake is tested; steps four and five - FDA and rear axle differential lock are tested; sixth - there is a check for movement on a rough road; seventh - RLL (hydraulic hitch system) is being tested; eighth - the power take-off shaft is tested; the ninth - the load carts test is in progress and the tenth step ends on the test track. In this way, the so-called validation is carried out - confirmation that the technique can be used in real operating conditions.

Identifying flaws during testing is, of course, better than being discovered by the consumer during operation, but still not as effective as eliminating problems in the early stages of manufacturing.

Better to be proactive. Therefore, the Concern's enterprises effectively operate a system that motivates the voluntary presentation of defects at the earliest stages of manufacturing - the so-called “5HE” system. Its principles: "Do not create conditions for the emergence of marriage", "Do not accept marriage"; “Don't make marriage” (“Don't break the technology”); "Do not pass the marriage", "Do not repeat the mistakes." The system is easy to understand, implement, and the ability to involve workers in the quality system. Indeed, with the voluntary presentation of the manufactured marriage, the perpetrators do not deduct from the salary. In case of revealing a marriage that came from a previous operation, the bonus is reduced for the perpetrator-culprit and the worker who knowingly missed this marriage during intermediate operations. The bonus is awarded to the detector who has identified the defect. In addition, there is a bonus fund to reward employees who have no comments on the quality of work.

In reality, it is not profitable for the worker to violate, since every violation is recorded, and he can be removed from work, sent for retraining, re-certification. Lists of "scammers" are even posted on information boards. It is unlikely that anyone wants to sit without work, lose in salary and be on the lists of the worst workers. For example, "Anti-rating of a welder" is being conducted at Promtractor-Wagon, which is very motivating not to violate the technology.

And vice versa, “excellent students of quality” are encouraged in every possible way. The absence of violations of technological discipline is one of the main criteria for awarding the title "Best in Profession", laureate of the corporate award "Golden Personnel of the Concern" Tractor Plants ", etc.

There is another very effective method for preventing errors. To ensure the stability of product quality, some enterprises of the Concern resumed the use of statistical methods of assessment technological processes... For example, at the Vladimir Motor-Tractor Plant, on the basis of the problematic characteristics of especially important products, based on the results of the application of statistical measurements, the cause of the process instability is revealed. Then, the stabilization of technological operations is carried out to minimize the risks of the release of defects - setup cards are developed.

More and more methods are used at enterprises to motivate not to violate technological discipline. Nowadays, the elements of systems are being actively introduced to improve the level of product quality, productivity, and labor safety. For example, seemingly simple things like putting things in order in the workplace can significantly reduce the likelihood of errors. After all, disorder always contributes to the appearance of marriage. Therefore, compliance with the requirements of the technological code of the workplace, production culture within the framework of the regulations developed by the management company for production business units, reduces the risk of non-compliance.

For example, Kurganmashzavod takes such a serious approach to this issuethat there, like in a pharmacy, you can quickly and accurately find components, tools, accessories and everything else.

Speaking today about the prevention of marriage at the enterprises of the Tractor Plants Concern, I repeat that the main goal of preventive measures is not to respond to an emerging problem, but to prevent it. Preventive measures are a vaccine against marriage! In the presence of a quality management system, its competent use and the absence of formalism, the probability of errors is always lower.

And the results are obvious - for the majority of models of finished equipment and engines operated in Russia, an improvement in reliability and quality in the state of delivery has been achieved. Here are the main indicators (based on the results of nine months of 2015): the reliability of the equipment in relation to the previous year has been improved 1.4 times. The quality of the equipment as delivered, that is, the quality of the tractor released from the factory, has been improved 2.2 times. Of course, there is room for improvement and not everything is so smooth. The main thing is not to stop there under any circumstances. In any economic situation, knowing the methods of improving the efficiency of work in the field of quality, constantly introducing measures for improvement, the level of quality will invariably be higher and higher. This means that the consumer will be satisfied who will again buy the equipment produced by the enterprises of the Tractor Plants Concern and will remain an adherent of their products.

Quality management at the enterprise is carried out on the basis of enterprise standards regulating system-wide issues of information support, the procedure for the development, design, approval and implementation of enterprise standards, as well as the implementation of state and industry standards; holding "quality days"; the work of various commissions (on the culture of production, a permanent commission on quality and others). Special standards establish the quality characteristics of raw materials, materials, components, which increases the responsibility of suppliers. They fix the technical and operational parameters of manufactured products, determine test methods, rules for product acceptance. Enterprise standards define a quality management mechanism, which includes the following stages: collection, processing and analysis of information about product quality, as well as analysis of information about product quality, as well as about the progress and state of technical and other processes that affect product quality; comparison of the actual results of the activities of various departments of the enterprise in the field of product quality with the requirements of standards preparation and decision-making on quality improvement issues; organization of planned preventive measures.

The standards of the enterprise contain provisions on stimulating the quality of products, recommendations on the development of forms and methods of material and moral encouragement of the collective and individual employees of the enterprise. The indicators laid down in the standards make it possible to correctly assess the contribution of each contractor to the solution of the problem of improving the quality of products and thereby provide the basis for the correct remuneration of employees who deliver high quality products.

The company's standards oblige all employees of the company to constantly improve their skills, enable the company to use all material and labor resources with the greatest efficiency, in a timely manner to focus the attention of workers, engineers and technicians on the use of additional reserves of production. Enterprises are obliged to produce products in full compliance with the standards, the enterprise is responsible for the release of products with deviations from the standards.

Functional quality systems are the performance by management and all departments of their functions and tasks in order to ensure product quality. This is the meaningful side of the system's activity, that is, what it is intended for.

At the same time, practically all divisions of the enterprise participate in the implementation of the functions of the quality system to one degree or another, each of which solves its own problems.

In this regard, it becomes necessary to perform auxiliary tasks to maintain the quality system itself. These tasks include: conducting internal audits and completing the system, coordinating and methodological support of the work of departments in the quality system, organizing the activities of quality circles, as well as certification of products and quality systems.

The weight of the content activity in relation to the maintenance of the system itself shows how rationally the quality system is organized. Therefore, one should beware of the excessive proliferation of auxiliary activities. In sociology, this phenomenon is known as "the expression of bureaucracy", when a system becomes locked into self-service, to the detriment of performance technical functionsfor which it was created.

In accordance with the recommendations of ISO 9000 standards, a representative of the company's management should lead the quality system and be responsible for its effective functioning. As a rule, the quality service is directly subordinate to him and unites the quality management department, technical control departments, the metrological service, the central plant laboratory and the standardization service.

The responsibilities of the quality service include how to fulfill

other tasks, quality service:

Organization of work on quality - development and improvement of the quality system

Policy development and quality planning

Quality control of development, manufacture and testing of finished products

Metrological support of production

Carrying out work on standardization and control standards

Introduction of claim work

Preparation of measures and organizational and administrative documents in the field of quality, control and analysis of their implementation.

Functional quality system check

Organization of works on certification of products and quality system

Methodological guidance in training personnel on quality issues

Of course, the enterprise during production may experience quality problems - defects. This is sometimes unavoidable in some situations, but dedicated quality control departments are currently dealing with this problem quite successfully.

Of course, with an increase in the cost of quality management, the cost of marriage will decrease. However, this does not mean that the company should infinitely increase the cost of quality. It is necessary to constantly analyze the costs of quality management, the costs of marriage and the total costs of the enterprise, because with an unreasonable increase in quality costs, an increase in total costs is possible.

Quality control costs and scrap costs can be plotted on the same graph, as is done in Figure 1.3.

Fig. 1.3

The point of intersection of these two curves is usually the point of minimum cost. But in practice, it is not easy to get even a rough estimate, since there are many other variables to consider. However, this task is the most important task for leadership. Many firms do not make such calculations, although calculating quality costs can be a source of huge savings.

Ongoing management of quality systems

The current management of quality systems is related to the control of technological processes. The control parameters of the technological process are determined. Going outside the acceptable range of control parameters can lead to the release of defective products. Deviations of parameters occur under the influence of random factors. Statistical methods are used to control the quality of technological processes.

The quality system is created and implemented as a means of ensuring the implementation of a certain policy and achievement of the set goal.

The company's quality policy is formed by the company's top management.

The quality system includes: quality assurance; quality control; quality improvement. It is created by the management of the enterprise as a means of implementing the quality policy.

A customer (consumer) and a supplier (manufacturer) function in the quality system.

The quality system that ensures the company's policy and the achievement of the quality goal includes:

1. Marketing, search and market research.

2. Design and / or development technical requirements, product development.

3. Material and technical supply.

4. Preparation and development of technical processes.

5. Manufacturing.

6. Control, testing and inspection.

7. Packing and storage.

8. Implementation and distribution

9. Installation and operation.

10. Technical assistance in service.

11. Disposal after use.

The primary is the formation and documenting management of the firm (enterprise) quality policy.

When forming a policy, there can be the following directions:

Improving the economic situation of the enterprise by improving quality;

Expansion or conquest of new sales markets;

Achievement of the technical level of products exceeding the level of leading enterprises and firms;

Defectiveness reduction, etc.

The quality policy should be set out in a special document, drawn up in the form of a program.

The general quality management system can have subsystems for certain types of products or activities of the company.

Quality assurance activities include:

Planning and design;

Design of technological processes and preparation of production;


Quality checking;

Prevention of deterioration in quality;

After-sales service;

Receiving information from the consumer;

Quality assurance system check.

Modern methods of quality management are increasingly being used at Russian enterprises. However, there is still a lag behind foreign firms.

The first editions of the International Standards ISO 9000 series are out. By the beginning of the 90s, the certification of quality systems abroad had become widespread. In Russia, the first certificate for the quality system was issued in 1994.

Since the mid-90s, specialists and practitioners abroad have been connecting modern methods quality management with the TQM methodology - universal (all-encompassing, total) quality management.

Certification of the quality system consists in confirming its compliance with certain requirements that the manufacturer has established and assumed (independently or under the influence of external circumstances, for example, at the request of the customer).

Quality requirements are defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO or ISO) - eng. International Standard Organization - ISO. Requirements for quality systems are contained in the ISO 9000 series:

1. ISO 9000, General quality management and quality assurance standards - Guidelines for selection and use.

2. ISO 9001 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in design and / or development, production, installation and service".

3. ISO 9002 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in production and installation."

4. ISO 9003 "Quality system .. Model for quality assurance in final inspection and testing."

5. ISO 9004 "General quality management and elements of a quality system. Guidelines".

The State Standardization System of the Russian Federation (SCS) is based on five standards:

1. GOST R. 1.0-92 " State system standardization of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions.

2. GOST R. 1.2-92 "State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Procedure for the development of state standards."

3. GOST R. 1. 3-92 "State system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for coordination, approval and registration of technical specifications."

4. GOST R. 1.4-92 State system of the Russian Federation. Enterprise standards. General provisions. "

5. GOST R. 5 - "State system of the Russian Federation. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.

There are three state quality standards in Russia:

1. GOST 40. 9001-88 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in design and (or) development, production, installation and service"

2. GOST 40.9002-88 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in production and installation."

3. GOST 40.9003-88 2 Quality system. Model for Quality Assurance in Final Inspection and Testing ".

The work on certification of quality systems in Russia is carried out by the regional bodies of Gosstandart, the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Certification, the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and a number of other independent bodies and associations. In Europe - the correspondence of the organization of Great Britain, Denmark, France, Switzerland, Germany, Finland and other countries, which united into the European network, and then grew into the International network. This ensures the mutual recognition of certificates and makes it possible for enterprises to avoid unnecessary repeated assessments of quality systems by different organizations. Certification of products and quality systems has become firmly established in the world practice of trade relations in this regard, for Russian enterprises carrying out external economic activity, certification of products and quality systems, becomes essential for the admission of their products to the external market. When choosing a body for certification, the main criterion should be its international authority, so that the certificate received from it provides wide recognition of the high quality of products in the sales markets. Thus, compulsory certification allows you to legally supply products to sales markets, and voluntary certification of products and systems, quality gives an enterprise an advantage in the competition and contributes to an increase in the price and volume of sales of its products. Certification of products and quality systems, monitoring and strict implementation of the current legislation in the field of quality are important areas of work in the process of product quality management.

Products subject to mandatory certification cannot be sold without certificates that meet the mandatory requirements of standards. Such products cannot be advertised and imported into Russia without a certificate. Voluntary certification of products and quality systems increases the competitiveness of products in the sales market. Without the organization of work on the mandatory certification of products without knowledge and compliance with the legislation in the field of quality in force in Russia and in countries - importers of manufactured products, as well as international regulations, the successful operation of the enterprise in the domestic and foreign markets is impossible, because when selling products, the enterprise will constantly run into very serious and sometimes insurmountable obstacles.

One of the most important areas in the activities of enterprises for quality management is monitoring and unconditional implementation of the current legislation in the field of quality. Responsibility for violation of the law is primarily due to the presence of socially significant mandatory requirements for the safety of products for the population and the environment, as well as the legal rules for the relationship between consumers and suppliers in the field of quality.

Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights"

This law requires the seller (manufacturer) to ensure that the product is safe and meets the mandatory requirements of the standards and the terms of the contract.

When selling goods with defects, the consumer has the right to demand from the seller either free elimination of defects, or replacement with a similar product. The seller is obliged to satisfy the requirements of the consumer, unless he (the seller) proves that the defects in the goods arose through the fault of the consumer.

This law provides for the mandatory certification of products if safety requirements for the population and the environment are established for it.

The Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" except general provisions includes sections:

Protection of consumer rights when selling consumer goods

Protection of consumer rights "On the performance of work (provision of services)".

Law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements"

Many quality indicators exist in the form of specific quantitative characteristics, therefore, the unity and accuracy of measurements of these characteristics is of paramount importance in quality management, when the results are expressed in legal units and measurement errors do not go beyond the established boundaries. This law just establishes the order, ensuring the uniformity and accuracy of measurements and aimed at protecting the rights of citizens from unreliable measurement results.

The law provides for the state management of the uniformity of measurements on the part of the Gosstandart of Russia, the metrological services, the State Metrological Control and Supervision, the procedure for checking measuring instruments, their calibration and certification are established.

Since July 1 this year, the laws "On certification of products and services" and "On standardization" are canceled. They were replaced by the Law "On Technical Regulation". This law abolishes compulsory certification for most goods, since the previously existing system did not provide adequate security. food products... Declarations of conformity are now being introduced, for which manufacturers will be responsible. Requirements for the safety of goods will be contained in the "Technical Regulations". They will be developed within 7 years. And until they come into force, the previously adopted normative documents will continue to operate. The Law "On Technical Regulation" assumes that the manufacturer is fully responsible for its quality. GOSTs formally did not have the force of law, technical regulations after their approval by the State Duma will have it. These regulations will define the product safety requirements. State standards will remain, but will be of a recommendatory nature. The trade inspection, FMC, sanitary and epidemiological supervision will identify dangerous goods. If there is a suspicion that the product may be dangerous to the life and health of consumers, the manufacturer will have to present the test reports. Their manufacturer can carry out either on their own or in an accredited laboratory.

Thus, quality control will now be at the stage of goods circulation. Although there will be no mandatory certification, according to the developers of the law, it makes no sense for a manufacturer to risk their money, because a product recall can ruin him. The law provides for the possibility of voluntary certification - to increase the brand's prestige.

The Law "On Manufacturer's Responsibility for the Release of Defective Products" The most important legal act aimed at protecting the EU countries from the spread of substandard products was the Law "On Manufacturer's Responsibility for the Release of Defective Products" (hereinafter referred to as the Law), adopted on 25 July 1985. All EU member states were instructed, within three years from the date of its publication (07/30/85), to bring their legal and administrative acts regarding liability for the release of defective products in line with the said Law. This Act presumed the manufacturer was at fault for damage resulting from a defective product. The injured consumer no longer has to prove that the product was manufactured with violations, it is enough for him to indicate the presence of a defect in the product and a causal connection with the damage suffered, as well as the amount of damage. The manufacturer knows his production well and if he fails to prove his innocence (and the jurisdiction makes very high demands), then he is liable for the resulting damage. Thus, in accordance with Article 3 of the Law, it is not possible that in the event of damage or harm to persons due to defective products legally produced or supplied in the EU, there would be no person responsible for the defective product and who is at the same time the subject of the right to EU territory.

According to the fundamental principles of the New Concept, the Council of Europe issues directives on harmonization, which establish the minimum requirements for products, as well as the procedure for their introduction into circulation. An EU directive is a piece of legislation that requires all EU member states to bring their national legislation in line with the requirements of this directive. Member States are obliged to implement the EU directives into national law. The harmonization directives pursue the goal that, thanks to the issuance of a single legal act, to immediately get the opportunity to resolve the problems of moving a certain group of products in the EU by introducing uniform requirements for all member countries without their constant mutual coordination. The introduction into circulation of products falling under the EU directive (and, therefore, automatically under the national legislation of each of the participating countries) is unacceptable without observing the fundamental requirements of the relevant law. If a product, in whole or in part, falls under an EU directive, it is said that the product falls within a legally regulated area. The manufacturer of such products, when placing them into circulation in the EU, declares under his sole responsibility that these products comply with all the provisions of the directives and marks these products with a sign.

6. Fundamentals of quality management

6.1 Significance of standardization and certification

Quality system - totality organizational structureallocation of responsibilities, processes, procedures and resources, providing overall quality management. This definition is given in the international standard ISO 8402.

To conclude a contract for the supply of products, a foreign client puts forward a requirement for the manufacturer to have a quality system and a quality system, and to have a quality system certificate issued by an authoritative certification body.

Quality management is largely based on standardization. Standardization is a normative way of managing. Its impact on the object is carried out by establishing norms and rules, formalized in the form regulatory documentslegally binding.

A standard is a regulatory and technical document that establishes the basic requirements for product quality.

Technical specifications play an important role in quality management.

Specifications - this is a regulatory and technical document that establishes additional requirements to state standards, and in their absence, independent requirements for the quality indicators of products, as well as a technical description, recipe, sample standard equivalent to this document

The standards define the procedure and methods for planning product quality improvement at all stages life cycle, establish requirements for the means and methods of quality control and assessment.

Product quality management is carried out on the basis of state, international, industry and enterprise standards.

International organizations for standardization and product quality

The excess of supply over demand, competition for the buyer led to the need to develop objective indicators that allow assessing the company's ability to produce products with the required quality characteristics .. At the same time, the quality of manufactured and supplied products must be stable and stable throughout the entire duration of the contract. The guarantee of stability is the availability of a quality system in the manufacturing company that meets internationally recognized standards.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was created in 1946 by ONN at a meeting of the UN Committee for the Coordination of Standards with the aim of promoting standardization on a global scale to facilitate international trade and mutual assistance; to expand cooperation in the field of intellectual, scientific, technical, economic activities.

ISO's main activity is the development of international standards. ISO standards are voluntary. However, their use in national standardization is associated with the expansion of exports, sales markets, and maintaining the competitiveness of products.

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

Created in 1906 in London. After its creation in 1946, ISO joined it on autonomous rights, retaining independence in financial and organizational matters. He is engaged in standardization in the field of electrical engineering, electronics, radio communications, instrument making. ISO in all other industries.

The objectives of the IEC is to promote international cooperation in addressing standardization issues in the field of electrical engineering, radio electronics. The main task is to develop international standards in the relevant field.

Modern methods of quality management are increasingly being used at Russian enterprises. However, there is still a lag behind foreign firms.

For example, product certification (independent confirmation of product compliance with established requirements) in countries with market economies was introduced in the early 80s. In Russia the law "On certification of products and services" appeared in 1992.

The first editions of the International Standards ISO 9000 series are out. By the beginning of the 90s, the certification of quality systems abroad had become widespread. In Russia, the first certificate for the quality system was issued in 1994.

Since the mid-90s, experts and practitioners abroad have been linking modern quality management methods with the TQM methodology - universal (all-encompassing, total) quality management.

Certification of the quality system consists in confirmation of its compliance with certain requirements that the manufacturer has established / assumed

(independently or under the influence of external circumstances, for example, at the request of the customer).

Quality requirements are defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO or ISO) - eng. International Standard Organization - ISO. Requirements for quality systems are contained in the ISO 9000 series:

  1. ISO 9000 "General quality management and quality assurance standards. Guidelines for selection and use."
  2. ISO 9001 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in design and / or development, production, installation and service."
  3. ISO 9002
  4. ISO 9003 "Quality system .. Model for quality assurance in final inspection and testing."
  5. ISO 9004 "General quality management and elements of a quality system. Guidelines".

The State Standardization System of the Russian Federation (SCS) is based on five standards:

  1. GOST R 1.0-92 "State system of standardization of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions.
  2. GOST R 1.2-92 "State system of standardization of the Russian Federation. Procedure for the development of state standards."
  3. GOST R 1.3-92 "State system of the Russian Federation. Procedure for coordination, approval and registration of technical specifications."
  4. GOST R 1.4-92 "State system of the Russian Federation. Enterprise standards. General provisions."
  5. GOST R 5 "The state system of the Russian Federation. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards."

There are three state quality standards in Russia:

  1. GOST 40.9001-88 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in design and / or development, production, installation and service"
  2. GOST 40.9002-88 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in production and installation."
  3. GOST 40.9003-88 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in final inspection and testing".

The State Standards of the Russian Federation include the following provisions:

  • Requirements for the quality of products, works and services that ensure safety for life, health and property, environmental protection, mandatory requirements for safety and industrial sanitation.
  • Requirements for compatibility and interchangeability of products.
  • Methods for controlling the requirements for the quality of products, works and services, ensuring their safety for life, health and property, environmental protection, compatibility and interchangeability of products.
  • Basic consumer and operational properties of products, requirements for packaging, labeling, transportation and storage, disposal.
  • Provisions ensuring technical unity in the development, production, operation of products and the provision of services, rules for ensuring product quality, safety and rational use of all types of resources, terms, definitions and other general technical rules and norms.

Conditions for preparing quality systems for certification:

  1. Precisely established procedures.
  2. Low number of returns / rejections.
  3. Availability of testing laboratories.
  4. High performance.
  5. Availability of quality managers at enterprises.
  6. Application of statistical methods of process control.
  7. Availability of documented procedures
  8. Availability of organizationally formalized quality systems
  9. Quality department
  10. Organization of product control
  11. A precise definition of responsibility.
  12. Defect detection organization.

The certified quality management system is a guarantee of high stability and sustainability of the quality of the products produced by the supplier.

A quality system certificate is a prerequisite for maintaining competitive advantages on the market.

1. No problems with production management.

2. Few claims from customers.

Options for the customer's assessment of the supplier's quality management system:

  1. The client is satisfied that the supplier has a quality system.
  2. The client asks to provide documents in support of such a statement.
  3. The client wants to check and evaluate the supplier's quality system itself.
  4. The client requires certification of the quality system by a body he trusts.

6.2. Quality system

The quality system is created and implemented as a means of ensuring the implementation of a certain policy and achievement of the set goal.

The company's quality policy is formed by the company's top management.

The quality system includes: quality assurance; quality control; quality improvement. It is created by the management of the enterprise as a means of implementing the quality policy.

A customer (consumer) and a supplier (manufacturer) function in the quality system.

The quality system that ensures the company's policy and the achievement of the quality goal includes:

  1. Marketing, search and market research.
  2. Design and / or development of technical requirements, product development.
  3. Material and technical supply.
  4. Preparation and development of technical processes.
  5. Production.
  6. Control, testing and inspection.
  7. Packaging and storage.
  8. Implementation and distribution
  9. Installation and operation.
  10. Technical assistance in service.
  11. Disposal after use.

Primary is the formation and documentation of the quality policy by the management of the firm (enterprise).

When forming a policy, there can be the following directions:

  • improving the economic situation of the enterprise by improving quality;
  • expansion or conquest of new sales markets;
  • achievement of the technical level of products exceeding the level of leading enterprises and firms;
  • decrease in defectiveness, etc.

The quality policy should be set out in a special document, drawn up in the form of a program.

The general quality management system can have subsystems for certain types of products or activities of the company.

Quality assurance activities include:

  • planning and design;
  • design of technological processes and preparation of production;
  • manufacturing;
  • quality checking;
  • prevention of deterioration in quality;
  • advertising;
  • sales;
  • after-sales service;
  • obtaining information from the consumer;
  • quality assurance system check.

Example. The aggregate plant carried out work on the implementation of a product quality management system in connection with the increasing competition in the sales market. The work proceeded according to the following scheme.

In the end of May The Director General signed "Aggregate Plant Quality Manual". The document contains the basic provisions for the management, provision and improvement of the quality of the plant's products, which apply to all production units, marketing, design and sales services.

A quality service has been created to coordinate all departments of the enterprise in the field of quality. The quality service develops guidelines for quality. Functionally and administratively, this service is subordinate only to the Director General.

The quality service is built in accordance with ISO 9001 standards.

The functional subordination of the plant's services to the quality service is shown in Fig. 6.1.

Fig. 6.1. Functional subordination of plant services to quality service

Thus, in the functional subordination of the quality service are: marketing service, development directorate, production directorate, economics and finance directorate, personnel directorate, sales department.

The management of the enterprise not only controls the compliance of quality with international standards, but strives for continuous quality improvement.

Specialized services study the needs of consumers and their requirements for product quality.

Non-compliance of product quality with certain standards is revealed directly in the production process. For this, quality control is carried out along the entire technological chain:

  • incoming inspection of materials and components is provided by the relevant laboratories;
  • the production of the plant combines active control methods built into technological equipment, as well as selective or complete control over operations and final control of finished products;
  • laboratories are equipped with special stands for periodic testing of products.

At the same time, the managers of the enterprise give priority to the prevention of quality deviations from the standards, rather than the identification and elimination.

All personnel are involved in quality work. For this, measures have been developed to increase the motivation of employees, including a flexible system of incentives and penalties, and advanced training.

Strict requirements have been established for management personnel, which imply disciplinary and material measures for omissions in quality work, for unwillingness or inability to fulfill their duties.

The quality manual clearly describes the functions of each of the plant's departments and the responsibilities of department heads, and provides specific responsibility for non-compliance with instructions.

A quality control system has been developed for the sale of products and the purchase of materials and components. For this, a contract is drawn up.

When selling the company's products, the quality service, legal bureau, financial and economic department carefully analyze the needs of the company and the wishes of the client.

6.3. Structuring the quality function

Each product must reflect the basic functional and stimulating characteristics of quality. In this case, we are talking about the quality that is determined by the consumer. It must be assumed that the buyer is unlikely to talk about many quality indicators. He is interested in no more than two or three. Therefore, there is a problem of engineering implementation of quality into a product.

To solve this problem, the Quality Function Structuring (QF) method is applied.

SFC was developed in Japan in the late 60s. MITSUBISHI was one of the first to use it at a construction yard in Kobe. Subsequently, this method became widespread in the Ford Corporation.

Ford defines the structuring of the quality function as follows:

"A planning tool for translating the quality characteristics that the customer requires (ie wants, needs, expectations) into suitable product features.

The SFK model was developed by Dr. F Yaukuhara. The SFC process consists of four phases:

  1. Product development planning.
  2. Project structuring.
  3. Process planning.
  4. Production planning.

Phase 1. Planning product development

Buyer requirements are established, understood and translated into the language of engineering design in terms called Indirect Quality Indicators. The most important ones are used for the next phase.

Phase 2. Project structuring

The different concepts for developing a product that would satisfy the structuring requirements are considered and the best one is selected. Then the project is detailed, while special attention focuses on the essential characteristics of the product, which are calculated from the customer requirements, structured in phase 1. The details of the product development are then structured in phase 3.

Phase 3. Process planning

The technological process of product development is considered. After selecting the most appropriate process concepts capable of producing products based on those characteristics that are already structured, the process is detailed in terms of essential operations and parameters. These characteristics are then structured in the next phase.

Phase 4. Production planning.

In this final phase, process control techniques are considered. These methods must ensure that products are manufactured in accordance with their essential characteristicsdefined in phase 2 and therefore satisfying the buyer's requirements.

Consequently, during the entire 4-phase SQF process, for product design, process development and engineering support, a product is created that meets the buyer's requirements.

SFC requires knowledge and experience from various fields and can be carried out by a team of specialists of different specialties.

6.4. Ongoing quality management

The current quality management is related to the control of technological processes. The control parameters of the technological process are determined. Going outside the acceptable range of control parameters can lead to the release of defective products. Deviations of parameters occur under the influence of random factors. Statistical methods are used to control the quality of technological processes. The most common are:

Pareto chart. It is used to assess the frequency of defects (deviations in the size of parts, poor-quality raw materials, disruption of the technological process, etc.).

The experience of researching the frequency of marriage shows that a small number of types of marriage make up a large proportion of the total.

The total frequency of occurrence of marriage in the "other" category should not exceed 10%, that is, the others should include types of marriage, the total share of which does not exceed 10%.

Ishikawa's scheme is "fish skeleton".

Reflects the logical structure of relations between the elements, stages, works that make up the studied technological process. The scheme is built on the principle of four components that affect product quality: material, machinery, raw materials, people. When constructing it, the factors are arranged according to their importance (a more significant factor is built closer to the goal). Moreover, each factor goes through its own preprocessing cycle and can be broken down into smaller, more detailed schemes. (see diagram).

The operations that make up the processing are shown by arrows. Each arrow is associated with estimates of certain indicators. For example, the product heats up, it becomes necessary to control the temperature. "The fish skeleton is a tool for logical problem solving.

The scheme can be used to analyze the quality of products as a whole, as well as individual stages of its manufacture.

Checklists containing information on technological processes.

Used histograms, control charts, etc.

Checklists are one of the main tools in the vast arsenal of statistical quality control methods.

One of the main tools in the vast arsenal of statistical quality control methods are control charts. It is generally accepted that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe control chart belongs to the famous American statistician Walter L. Schuhart. It was expressed in 1924 and described in detail in 1931. . They were originally used to record measurements of desired product properties. If the parameter went beyond the tolerance field, it indicated the need to stop production and adjust the process in accordance with the knowledge of the production manager.

This gave information about when who, on what equipment, received a marriage in the past. .

However, in this case, the decision on the adjustment was made when the marriage had already been obtained. Therefore, it was important to find a procedure that would accumulate information not only for retrospective research, but also for use in decision-making. This proposal was published by the American statistician I. Page in 1954. Maps that are used in making decisions are called cumulative.

The control chart (Figure 3.5) consists of a center line, two control limits (above and below the center line) and characteristic values \u200b\u200b(quality metric) mapped to represent the state of the process.

Fig. 3.5. Control card

At certain periods of time, select (everything in a row; selectively; periodically from a continuous flow, etc.) n manufactured products and measure the controlled parameter.

The measurement results are plotted on a control chart, and depending on this value, a decision is made to adjust the process or to continue the process without adjustments.

A signal about a possible misalignment of the technological process can be:

  • point out of control limits (point 6); (the process is out of control);
  • location of a group of consecutive points near one control boundary, but not going beyond it (11, 12, 13, 14), which indicates a violation of the equipment setting level;
  • strong scattering of points (15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20) on the control chart relative to the centerline, which indicates a decrease in the accuracy of the technological process.

If there is a signal about violation production process the cause of the violation must be identified and eliminated.

Thus, control charts are used to identify a specific cause, but not an accidental one.

A certain reason should be understood as the existence of factors that can be studied. Of course, such factors should be avoided.

The variation due to random reasons is necessary, it inevitably occurs in any process, even if the technological operation is carried out using standard methods and raw materials. Elimination of random causes of variation is technically impossible or economically impractical.

Often, when determining the factors affecting any effective indicator characterizing quality, Ishikawa schemes are used.

They were proposed by a professor at the University of Tokyo Kaoru Ishikawa in 1953 when analyzing the various opinions of engineers. Otherwise, Ishikawa's scheme is called a cause and effect diagram, a fishbone diagram, a tree, and so on.

It consists of a quality indicator characterizing the result and factor indicators (Fig. 3.6).

Building diagrams includes the following steps:

  • selection of an effective indicator characterizing the quality of the product (process, etc.);
  • selection of the main reasons affecting the quality score. They must be placed in rectangles ("big bones");
  • selection of secondary causes ("middle bones") that influence the main ones;
  • selection (description) of the causes of the tertiary order ("small bones") that affect the secondary;
  • ranking factors according to their importance and highlighting the most important ones.

Cause and effect diagrams are universally applicable. So, they are widely used to highlight the most significant factors that affect, for example, labor productivity.

It is noted that the number of significant defects is insignificant and they are caused, as a rule, by a small number of reasons. Thus, by finding out the reasons for the appearance of a few essential defects, almost all losses can be eliminated.

Fig. 3.6. Cause and effect diagram structure

This problem can be solved using Pareto charts.

There are two types of Pareto charts:

1. Based on the performance results. They serve to identify the main problem and reflect undesirable results of activity (defects, failures, etc.);

2. For reasons (factors). They reflect the causes of problems that arise during production.

It is recommended to build many Pareto charts using different ways classification of both the results and the causes leading to these results. The best one should be considered a diagram that reveals a few, essential factors, which is the purpose of Pareto analysis.

Construction of Pareto charts includes the following steps:

Fig. 3.7. The relationship between types of defects and the number of defective products

Of great interest is the construction of PARETO diagrams in combination with a cause and effect diagram.

Identification of the main factors affecting product quality allows you to link indicators production quality with any indicator characterizing consumer quality.

For such a link, it is possible to use regression analysis.

For example, as a result of specially organized observations of the results of wearing shoes and the subsequent statistical processing of the data obtained, it was found that the service life of shoes (y) depends on two variables: the density of the sole material in g / cm 3 (x1) and the adhesion strength of the sole with the top of the shoe in kg / cm 2 (x2). The variation of these factors by 84.6% explains the variation of the effective trait (multiple correction coefficient R \u003d 0.92), and the regression equation is:

y \u003d 6.0 + 4.0 * x1 + 12 * x2

Thus, already in the production process, knowing the characteristics of factors x1 and x2, it is possible to predict the service life of the shoe. Improving the above parameters, you can increase the wear period of shoes. Based on the required service life of the shoe, it is possible to select technologically acceptable and economically optimal levels of production quality traits.

The most widespread is the characteristic of the quality of the process under study by assessing the quality of the result of this process. In this case, we are talking about quality control of products, parts obtained in a particular operation. The most widespread are non-continuous control methods, and the most effective are those that are based on the theory of the sampling method of observation.

Let's look at an example.

The workshop produces light bulbs at the light bulb factory.

To check the quality of lamps, a set of 25 pieces is selected and tested on a special stand (voltage changes, the stand is subjected to vibration, etc.). Every hour readings are taken on the duration of the lamp burning. The following results were obtained:

6; 6; 4; 5; 7;
5; 6; 6; 7; 8;
5; 7; 7; 6; 4;
5; 6; 8; 7; 5;
7; 6; 5; 6; 6.

First of all, you need to build a distribution series.

Burning time (x)

frequency (f)

In% to the total

Accrued interest

Then you should define

1) average duration of lamp burning:


2) Fashion (the variant that is most often found in the statistical series). It is equal to 6;

3) Median (the value that is located in the middle of the row. This is the value of the row that divides its number into two equal parts). The median is also 6.

Let's build a distribution curve (polygon) (Fig. 3.8).

Fig. 3.8. Distribution of lamps by duration of burning

Let's define the scope:

R \u003d X max - X min \u003d 4 hours.

It characterizes the limits of change of a variable feature. Average absolute deviation:


This is the average measure of the deviation of each attribute value from the average. .

Standard deviation:


Let's calculate the coefficients of variation:

1) in scope:


2) by the average absolute deviation:


3) by the mean square ratio:


In terms of product quality, the coefficients of variation should be kept to a minimum.

Since the plant is not interested in the quality of the control lamps, but in all lamps, the question arises about calculating the average sampling error:


which depends on the variability of the feature () and on the number of selected units (n).

Marginal sampling error  \u003d t * . The confidence number t shows that the discrepancy does not exceed a multiple of the sampling error. With a probability of 0.954, it can be argued that the difference between the sample and the general will not exceed two values \u200b\u200bof the average sampling error, that is, in 954 cases, the representativeness error will not exceed 2

Thus, with a probability of 0.954, the average burning time is expected to be no less than 5.6 hours and no more than 6.4 hours. From the point of view of product quality, it is necessary to strive to reduce these deviations.

Usually, in statistical quality control, the permissible level of quality, which is determined by the number of products that have passed the control and had a quality below the minimum acceptable, ranges from 0.5% to 1% of products. However, for companies that strive to produce only the highest quality products, this level may not be sufficient. For example, Toyota strives to reduce scrap rates to zero, meaning that although there are millions of cars produced, each customer purchases only one of them. Therefore, along with statistical quality control methods, the company has developed simple quality control tools for all manufactured parts (TQM). Statistical quality control is primarily used in company departments where products are manufactured in batches. For example, after processing, 50 or 100 parts enter the tray of a high-speed automatic process, of which only the first and the last are inspected. If both parts are free from defects, then all parts are considered good. However, if the last part turns out to be defective, then the first defective part in the lot will be found, and the entire defect will be removed. To ensure that no batch escapes control, the press is automatically turned off after processing the next batch of blanks. The use of selective statistical control has an all-encompassing effect when each production operation is performed stably due to careful debugging of equipment, the use of quality raw materials, etc.

Statistical acceptance control plays an important role in quality assurance.

6.5. Statistical acceptance control on an alternative basis. Statistical Acceptance Control Standards.

The main characteristic of a batch of products on an alternative basis is the general share of defective products.

D is the number of defective items in a batch of N items.

In the practice of statistical control, the general fraction q is unknown and should be estimated from the results of control of a random sample of n items, of which m are defective.

A statistical control plan is understood as a system of rules specifying the methods for selecting items for inspection and the conditions under which a lot should be accepted, rejected or continued to be controlled.

There are the following types of plans for statistical control of a batch of products on an alternative basis:

One-stage plans are simpler in terms of organizing production control. Two-stage, multi-stage and sequential control plans provide for the same sample size with greater accuracy of decisions made, but they are more organizationally complex.

The task of selective acceptance control is actually reduced to a statistical test of the hypothesis that the proportion of defective products q in a batch is equal to the permissible value q o, i.e. H 0:: q \u003d q 0.

A task the right choice The statistical control plan is to make Type I and Type II errors unlikely. Recall that errors of the first kind are associated with the possibility of erroneously rejecting a batch of products; errors of the second kind are associated with the possibility of mistakenly missing a defective batch

Statistical acceptance control standards

For the successful application of statistical methods of product quality control, it is important to have appropriate guidelines and standards that should be available to a wide range of engineers and technicians. The standards for statistical acceptance control provide the ability to objectively compare the quality levels of batches of the same type of product both over time and across different enterprises.

Let us dwell on the basic requirements for standards for statistical acceptance control.

First of all, the standard should contain a sufficiently large number of plans with different operational characteristics. This is important, as it will allow you to select control plans taking into account the specifics of production and consumer requirements for product quality. It is desirable that the standard specifies different types of plans: single-stage, two-stage, multi-stage, sequential control plans, etc.

The main elements of acceptance control standards are:

1. Tables of sampling plans used in normal production conditions, as well as plans for enhanced control in conditions of disturbances and to facilitate control while achieving high quality.

2. Rules for choosing plans, taking into account the specifics of control.

3. The rules for the transition from normal control to enhanced or lightweight and the reverse transition in the normal course of production.

4. Methods for calculating subsequent assessments of quality indicators of the controlled process.

Depending on the guarantees provided by acceptance control plans, the following methods of planning are distinguished:

The first system of statistical acceptance control plans to find widespread industrial application was developed by Dodge and Rolig. The plans of this system provide for complete control of products from rejected lots and replacement of defective products with good ones.

In many countries, the American standard MIL-STD-LO5D has become widespread. The domestic standard GOST-18242-72 is similar in construction to the American one and contains plans for one-stage and two-stage acceptance control. The standard is based on the concept of an acceptable level of quality (AQC) q 0, which is considered as the maximum consumer's allowable share of defective products in a batch made during normal production. The probability of rejecting a batch with a defective product fraction equal to q 0 is small for plans of the standard and decreases as the sample size increases. For most plans does not exceed 0.05.

When inspecting products on several grounds, the standard recommends classifying defects into three classes: critical, significant and insignificant.

The quality management system is a set of management bodies and management objects, activities, methods and means aimed at establishing, ensuring and maintaining a high level of products.

The quality management system must meet the requirements of ISO 9000 standards.

Statistical methods play an important role in quality control.

In quality control, control charts are used successfully.

Pareto charts are used to identify a few, essential defects and their causes.

test questions

  1. Are packaging and labeling requirements included in the State Standards of the Russian Federation? Yes; not.
  2. Does the quality system include marketing, search and market research? Well no.
  3. Are the requirements for compatibility and interchangeability of products included in the State Standards of the Russian Federation? Yes; not
  4. Does the quality assurance activity include after-sales service? Yes; not.
  5. For what purpose is the SFC method used? Quality control of technological processes; Solutions to the problem of engineering implementation of quality into a product.
  6. Should the customer (consumer) and supplier (manufacturer) interact in the quality system? Yes; not.
  7. Is there a difference between ISO 9003 and ISO 9004? Yes; not.
  8. Does the supplier's quality system matter for the conclusion of the supply of products? Yes; not. Explain your position
  9. Which of the phases of the SFC is the final one? Project structuring; process planning; production planning.
  10. Which international organization promotes international cooperation in matters of standardization in the field of radio electronics? ISO, IEC, Other organization.
  11. Which of the following conditions are necessary to prepare quality systems for certification: compliance with the requirements for packaging, labeling; general technical rules and norms; availability of testing laboratories.
  12. At which of the following stages are product development concepts considered? Product development planning; structuring the project; production planning.
  13. The general quality management system can have subsystems for individual types of products. Yes; not.
  14. The company's policy in the field of quality is formed by the management of: top management; middle management; the lower level.
  15. When preparing a quality system for certification, the use of statistical methods of process control is required. Yes; not.
  16. Is SFC used at Russian enterprises? Yes; not.
  17. Quality system certification consists in: conducting ongoing quality control; receiving consumer feedback on products; confirmation of the conformity of the quality system to certain requirements.
  18. Does the quality system supporting the enterprise policy include product design and development? Yes; not.
  19. Is the current quality management related to the control of technological processes? Yes; not.
  20. Is it advisable to obtain information from the consumer for quality management: Yes; not.
  21. Which of the following is the main activity of the International Organization for Standardization? Development of international standards. Promotion of international cooperation in solving issues of standardization of electrical engineering.
  22. Is the Quality Function Structuring (QF) method promising for solving the quality problem? Yes; not.

The temperature inside the installation is measured at n \u003d 5 points. According to the control results k \u003d 40 samples for n \u003d 5 observations in each, the arithmetic mean x \u003d 202 ° C and the sample standard deviation S \u003d 2.5 ° C were calculated. Required when the error probability is a \u003d 0.05 (significance level):

a) build a control chart of the arithmetic mean (x-card);

b) build a control chart of standard deviations (s-chart);

c) a control chart of medians, if it was previously found from the results of k samples that x med \u003d 200 ° C.

Water valve bodies are processed in a workshop for three automatic machines... From the products of the first automaton it was selected to control the height n 1 \u003d 20 of the body, the second n 2 \u003d 18 and the third - n 3 \u003d 22 body. Based on the results of sampling, the following values \u200b\u200bof the arithmetic means x * j and corrected sampling variances S 2 j (for all j \u003d 1, 2, 3 machines) were found:

x * 1 \u003d 174.5 mm

x * 2 \u003d 174.3 mm

x * 3 \u003d 174.4 mm

Assuming that the hull height is a random variable with a normal distribution, it is required:

a) compare the accuracy of automatic machines;

b) compare the level of adjustment of automatic machines;

c) compare the accuracy of machine tools under the assumption that n 1 \u003d n 2 \u003d n 3 \u003d 20.

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Choose one answer:

Choose one answer:

marriage assessments

4. Obesp
Select one or more answers:

Choose one answer:
leadership role
policy and strategy
business results
the role of company owners

Choose one answer:

document analysis

Choose one answer:

Select one or more answers:
phased innovations
bankruptcy of an organization
breakthrough projects
reorganization of structure

Choose one answer:
quality planning

quality preservation
quality assurance
quality improvement

Select one or more answers:

Choose one answer:

Choose one answer:

Select one or more answers:

product operation

product development stages

Select one or more answers:

process control

Choose one answer:

enterprise reorganization

Choose one answer:
brought in

Choose one answer:

18. Advantages of PMEA:
Select one or more answers:

Select one or more answers:

total quality control

Select one or more answers:
brought in

Select one or more answers:
industry standards
quality policy
RF laws
enterprise standards
technical conditions

Choose one answer:

23. Deming's cycle includes:
Choose one answer:

evaluate - decide - do

Select one or more answers:

focus group work

cost calculation
incoming control

Choose one answer:

consumer survey

Choose one answer:
internal audit

Choose one answer:

Choose one answer:

Select one or more answers:
project documentation
production costs

technical specifications

Choose one answer:

1. The property of a product to remain operational for some time or operating time is:
Choose one answer:
2. Analysis of the cost of compliance and non-compliance of the quality of processes is a method:
Choose one answer:
determination of losses due to poor quality
marriage assessments
costing process-related
quality costing
determination of losses due to high quality
3. The main contribution of Japanese quality management:
Select one or more answers:
widespread use of standardization
reduction of marketing research costs
increase in quality costs
state support for quality projects
stimulating demand for the company's products
4. Obesp the quality of a product starts with:
Select one or more answers:
organizational and technical preparation of production
representativeness of competitors' product quality information
selection of quality suppliers
assessing the accuracy of metrological equipment
objectivity of consumer perception
5. The model of the European Quality Award does not include such evaluation criteria as:
Choose one answer:
leadership role
policy and strategy
business results
the role of company owners
6. The main purpose of internal audit:
Choose one answer:
proof of inconsistencies
checking employees' knowledge of documents
checking the adequacy of documents to international standards
document analysis
monitoring the work of the department
7. Reasons that arise as a result of accidental impact on the process:
Choose one answer:
8. Improving the quality of processes is implemented through:
Select one or more answers:
phased innovations
bankruptcy of an organization
breakthrough projects
reorganization of structure
processing business processes
9. Market research is carried out within the framework of the quality function:
Choose one answer:
quality planning
consumer quality design
quality preservation
quality assurance
quality improvement
10. Metrological support allows:
Select one or more answers:
control all stages of production
guarantee the uniformity and accuracy of measurement
carry out control with minimal costs
reproduce measurement results
influence consumer behavior
11. The quality preservation function assumes:
Choose one answer:
development of quality improvement methods
permanent provision compliance with established and changed requirements
development of design requirements for quality
development of consumer requirements
quality compliance assessment
12. The main factors influencing the process:
Choose one answer:
external and internal environment of the enterprise
competitors, suppliers, consumers
people, machines, material, method, environment
finance, people, equipment, executives
goals, objectives, structure, technology, people
13. The main measures for maintaining quality are:
Select one or more answers:
statistical process control
product operation
research and preparation for production
product development stages
internal audit and self-assessment
14. The key factors in overall quality management are:
Select one or more answers:
strategic quality planning
continuous improvement of the quality of work
maximizing current profit
process control
15. Quality is a set of product properties required for:
Choose one answer:
meet the needs of buyers
ensuring high staff motivation
attracting the interest of government agencies
enterprise reorganization
psychological impact on the leader
16. Have a seasonal influence on the consumer values:
Choose one answer:
brought in
17. The statement “Quality management is the realization of responsibility” means:
Choose one answer:
using methods of authoritarian control
refusal of additional incentives for employees
setting production rates higher than competitors
development of a system of additional document flow
increasing the ability of all employees to meet quality requirements
18. Advantages of PMEA:
Select one or more answers:
reduction of manufacturer defects
reduction of consumer defects
increase in design phase
complication of technical specifications
ranking of defects according to their importance
19. List the concepts of quality management:
Select one or more answers:
classical school of management
statistical quality control
total quality control
doctrine of "human relations"
total quality management
20. Comprehensive consumer quality research includes the study of values:
Select one or more answers:
brought in
21. External quality documentation includes:
Select one or more answers:
industry standards
quality policy
RF laws
enterprise standards
technical conditions
22. Reducing the volume of incoming inspection is justified:
Choose one answer:
customer satisfaction
using new production technologies
improving product quality
errors of continuous control
high cost of 100% control
23. Deming's cycle includes:
Choose one answer:
plan - do - check - correct
motivate - plan - control
evaluate - decide - do
do - think - fill - decide
plan - organize - check - motivate
24. Building the design quality of a product begins with:
Select one or more answers:
drawing up project documentation
focus group work
development of technical specifications
cost calculation
incoming control
25. Customer quality planning ends:
Choose one answer:
assessment of opportunities and threats
analysis of strengths and weaknesses
structuring customer requirements
consumer survey
26. Prevention of deterioration in quality is the goal:
Choose one answer:
internal audit
27. The principle of conducting an audit according to a single procedure officially established by the company's management expresses:
Choose one answer:
28. The main functions of quality management are:
Choose one answer:
production organization function, market research function, planning function
planning, improving, providing
analytical function, control function, promotion function, audit
planning, design, provision, control, conservation and improvement
production function, commercial function, competitiveness management
29. Formation of design quality is carried out on the basis of:
Select one or more answers:
project documentation
production costs
fulfillment of buyers' requirements
changes in production policy
technical specifications
30. Kaizen loops include a phased sequence of loops:
Choose one answer:
punishment - suggestion - motivation - learning
motivation - offer - reward
offer - support - reward - motivation to participate
reward - motivation - suggestions
learning - reward - support - motivation

1. The property of a product to remain operational for some time or operating time is:
Choose one answer:
2. Analysis of the cost of compliance and non-compliance of the quality of processes is a method:
Choose one answer:
determination of losses due to poor quality
marriage assessments
costing process-related
quality costing
determination of losses due to high quality
3. The main contribution of Japanese quality management:
Select one or more answers:
widespread use of standardization
reduction of marketing research costs
increase in quality costs
state support for quality projects
stimulating demand for the company's products
4. Obesp the quality of a product starts with:
Select one or more answers:
organizational and technical preparation of production
representativeness of competitors' product quality information
selection of quality suppliers
assessing the accuracy of metrological equipment
objectivity of consumer perception
5. The model of the European Quality Award does not include such evaluation criteria as:
Choose one answer:
leadership role
policy and strategy
business results
the role of company owners
6. The main purpose of internal audit:
Choose one answer:
proof of inconsistencies
checking employees' knowledge of documents
checking the adequacy of documents to international standards
document analysis
monitoring the work of the department
7. Reasons that arise as a result of accidental impact on the process:
Choose one answer:
8. Improving the quality of processes is implemented through:
Select one or more answers:
phased innovations
bankruptcy of an organization
breakthrough projects
reorganization of structure
processing business processes
9. Market research is carried out within the framework of the quality function:
Choose one answer:
quality planning
consumer quality design
quality preservation
quality assurance
quality improvement
10. Metrological support allows:
Select one or more answers:
control all stages of production
guarantee the uniformity and accuracy of measurement
carry out control with minimal costs
reproduce measurement results
influence consumer behavior
11. The quality preservation function assumes:
Choose one answer:
development of quality improvement methods
constant compliance with established and changed requirements
development of design requirements for quality
development of consumer requirements
quality compliance assessment
12. The main factors influencing the process:
Choose one answer:
external and internal environment of the enterprise
competitors, suppliers, consumers
people, machines, material, method, environment
finance, people, equipment, executives
goals, objectives, structure, technology, people
13. The main measures for maintaining quality are:
Select one or more answers:
statistical process control
product operation
research and preparation for production
product development stages
internal audit and self-assessment
14. The key factors in overall quality management are:
Select one or more answers:
strategic quality planning
continuous improvement of the quality of work
maximizing current profit
process control
15. Quality is a set of product properties required for:
Choose one answer:
meet the needs of buyers
ensuring high staff motivation
attracting the interest of government agencies
enterprise reorganization
psychological impact on the leader
16. Have a seasonal influence on the consumer values:
Choose one answer:
brought in
17. The statement “Quality management is the realization of responsibility” means:
Choose one answer:
using methods of authoritarian control
refusal of additional incentives for employees
setting production rates higher than competitors
development of a system of additional document flow
increasing the ability of all employees to meet quality requirements
18. Advantages of PMEA:
Select one or more answers:
reduction of manufacturer defects
reduction of consumer defects
increase in design phase
complication of technical specifications
ranking of defects according to their importance
19. List the concepts of quality management:
Select one or more answers:
classical school of management
statistical quality control
total quality control
doctrine of "human relations"
total quality management
20. Comprehensive consumer quality research includes the study of values:
Select one or more answers:
brought in
21. External quality documentation includes:
Select one or more answers:
industry standards
quality policy
RF laws
enterprise standards
technical conditions
22. Reducing the volume of incoming inspection is justified:
Choose one answer:
customer satisfaction
using new production technologies
improving product quality
errors of continuous control
high cost of 100% control
23. Deming's cycle includes:
Choose one answer:
plan - do - check - correct
motivate - plan - control
evaluate - decide - do
do - think - fill - decide
plan - organize - check - motivate
24. Building the design quality of a product begins with:
Select one or more answers:
drawing up project documentation
focus group work
development of technical specifications
cost calculation
incoming control
25. Customer quality planning ends:
Choose one answer:
assessment of opportunities and threats
analysis of strengths and weaknesses
structuring customer requirements
consumer survey
26. Prevention of deterioration in quality is the goal:
Choose one answer:
internal audit
27. The principle of conducting an audit according to a single procedure officially established by the company's management expresses:
Choose one answer:
28. The main functions of quality management are:
Choose one answer:
production organization function, market research function, planning function
planning, improving, providing
analytical function, control function, promotion function, audit
planning, design, provision, control, conservation and improvement
production function, commercial function, competitiveness management
29. Formation of design quality is carried out on the basis of:
Select one or more answers:
project documentation
production costs
fulfillment of buyers' requirements
changes in production policy
technical specifications
30. Kaizen loops include a phased sequence of loops:
Choose one answer:
punishment - suggestion - motivation - learning
motivation - offer - reward
offer - support - reward - motivation to participate
reward - motivation - suggestions
learning - reward - support - motivation

See the rest of the questions and the key of answers in the file!

Exercise 1

Question 1. What is the term for long-term quality management and organization of work to control the enterprise compliance with state standards of products?

1.quality management quality management




Question 2. What is the term for the relationship between dependent and independent variables, expressed in the form of a table, text, graphics?

2. principle



Question 3. What term is customary to designate the result of activities or processes of internal activities of enterprises?



Question 4. What does the set of organizational structure, methodologies, processes and resources necessary for the implementation of overall quality management mean?

1.quality system

2. quality level

3.relative quality



Question 5. What place in the world did Russia take in terms of the quality of life of the population in 1994?

Assignment 2

Choose the correct answer to the question.

Question 1. At what stage is product quality formed?

1.concluding a supply contract


4. quality control

Question 2. From whose point of view was the quality of products considered in a command-and-control economy?

1.the consumer

2. enterprise management

3.the superior management body

4. ministries

5. Gosstandart of the Russian Federation

Question 3. What is the name of the science of how to measure and quantify the quality of products and services?



4. marketing


Question 4. What contributes to improving the quality of products manufactured by domestic producers?

1. growth of imports of goods

2.decrease in competitiveness

3.increasing gold reserves

4. growth of export opportunities

5. effective use natural resources

Question 5. With what products are compared in the process of quality control of manufactured products?

1.Similar products from other enterprises data

3. enterprise standards

4.control sample

5.standard (standard)

Task 3.

Question 1. How many international standards of the 9000 X series for quality systems were developed and approved in 1987 by the Technical Committee of the International Organization for Standardization?

3. four;

Question 2. How many stages of the product life cycle does the ISO standard provide?

Question 3. Decision-making in product quality management at the enterprise is based on control, accounting and:


2. planning;

3. forecasting;

4. marketing; .

Question 4. How many fundamental conditions are formulated in modern management quality?

4. twelve

Question 5. With the production of what type of goods should the development of production begin?

1. technological;

2. expensive;

3. less labor intensive;

4. in demand;

5. for which the technical documentation has been developed.

Task 4.

Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet.

Question 1. On the basis of what document was carried out at the beginning of the century for the consumer to obtain information about the quality of the goods?

3. specifications;

4. drawing;

5. manufacturer's warranty.

Question 2. What is the name of a figure in international business, but the shape is similar to the former "Quality Mark"?

1. Mausoleum;

2. Acropolis;

3. Eiffel Tower;

4. Pentagon;

5. Elephant tusk.

Question 3. What is an example of a counter (bottom-up) vertical product quality management:

1. system of defect-free labor;

2. scientific organization of work to increase the service life of engines;

3. quality mugs;

4. comprehensive quality management system;

5. defect-free manufacturing of products.

Question 4. How many stages of development of quality systems can be distinguished in the history of the XX century?

4. eight;


Question 5. On what cycles is the system of comprehensive quality management based?

1. Feigenbaum;

2. Proudhon;

3. Ishikawa;

4. Deming;

5. Bogolyubov.

Task 5.

Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet.

Question 1. Who is the coordinating federal executive body in such areas of activity as standardization, certification, metrology?

1. State Committee for Science and Technology;

2. Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation;

3. Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Russian Federation;

4. Gosstroy RF;

5. State Standard of the Russian Federation.

Question 2. What management methods are the scientific basis of modern technical control?

1. Delphi;

2. balance sheet:

3. mathematical and statistical;

4. comprehensive analysis;

5. forecasting.

Question 3. What approach to process optimization provides statistical regulation of processes?


2. individual;

3. comprehensive;


5. permanent.

Question 4. How many stages have arisen historically in assessing product quality?

2. three;


Question 5. What is the first step in assessing product quality?

1.determination of the nomenclature of certified products;

2. purchase of equipment necessary for quality control;

3. selection of the range of quality indicators;

4. training of the personnel of the technical control department;

5. drawing up a plan of inspections.

Task 6.

Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet.

Question 1. What system of organization of defect-free manufacturing of products (BIP) became widespread in our country in the 1950s?


2. Volgograd;

3. Saratov;

4. Minsk;

5. Kaliningrad.

Question 2. What method of product quality control at enterprises was the main one when using the Saratov BIP system?


2. selective;

3. lack of control;

4. self-control;

5. brigade.

Question 3. What was the main criterion for applying an integrated product quality management system:

1.conformity of product quality to the highest achievements of science and technology;

2. compliance of the quality of the result of labor with the established requirements;

3. correspondence of the achieved level of motor resource to the planned value;

4. conformity of the quality of the first industrial products to the established requirements;

5. Compliance with international quality standards.

Question 4. The purpose of which product quality management system was to ensure the release of products of excellent quality, high reliability and durability?


Question 5. What product quality management system covered many types of work at the research and design stage and at the operational stage?


Task 7.

Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet.

Question 1. By what percentage was the engine warranty period increased as a result of using the NORM quality management system?

Question 2. In what year were the Basic Principles of the Unified System of State Product Quality Management developed and approved by the State Standard?

Question 3. Which department in the company coordinates the planning of measures in the field of quality?

1. planning department;

2. technical department;

3. technological department;

4. design department;

5. quality assurance department.

Question 4. Who at the enterprise is responsible for the practical use of the product quality management system?

1. chief engineer;

2. director;

3.dep. quality director;

4. head of the technical control department;

5. head of the technical department.

Question 5. In what respect is the newly introduced provision that all work performed by an organization is considered as a set of interrelated processes is fundamentally important for the ISO 9000-1y94 system?



3. ideological


5. economic.

Task 8.

Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet.

Question 1. The credo of prosperous companies all over the world is to win the buyer through:

1. low prices;

2. quality;

3. design;

4. low labor intensity;

5. cost-effectiveness of products.

Question 2. How many companies in the world have certified quality systems?

Question 3. To improve the performance of enterprises aimed at improving the quality of products?




5. design

Question 4. How many percent of contracts for the supply of products in Russia provide for confirmation of the availability of a quality assurance system that complies with ISO 9000 series?

Question 5. How many enterprises in Russia have passed the certification of quality systems?

Task 9.

Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet.

Question 1. In which city was the first Global Quality Management Forum held in 1994?

1. London;

2. Paris;

3. Moscow;

4. Milan;

5. Khartoum.

Question 2. What are the names of agreements concluded by the Russian Federation at the government level?

1. state;

2. international;

3. ministerial;

4. interregional;

5. industry-specific.

Question 3. What influences, first of all, the process of implementation of total quality management?

1. public opinion;

2. the state of the economy;

3. market relations;

4. the legislation of the country;

5. desire of enterprise managers.

Question 4. What methods are used to analyze and regulate processes at all stages of the product life cycle?

1. Statistical;

2. analytical;

brain teaser;

3. planning;

4. engineering and mathematical.

Question 5. What are the methods for assessing product quality?

1. incentives;

2. control;

3. motivation;

4. self-control;

5. statistical.

Task 10.

Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet.

Question 1. In what year did “quality circles” appear at enterprises in Japan?

Question 2. What system of organization of relationships contributes to the improvement of the enterprise through the competent leadership and conscious behavior of each employee of the company?


2. democratic;

3. corporate culture;

4. scientific;

5. technological.

Question Z. What is a prerequisite for the transition at the enterprise to self-control of products?

1. retraining of personnel;

2. changing the technological regime;

3. improving the quality of technical documentation;

4. stimulating the management of the enterprise;

5. development of a system of incentives for workers.

Question 4. What methods of product quality management are recognized as an important condition for increasing the profitability of products?

1. self-control;

2. statistical;

3. economic and mathematical;

4. social;

5. technical.

Task 11.

Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet.

Question 1. What data is used to build a histogram?

1. accounting;

2. analytical;

3. generalized;

4. measurable;

5. cumulative.

Question 2. What method of assessing product quality is used when you want to establish how many fluctuations in the process are caused by random changes?

1. control card;

2. time series;

3. Pareto chart;

4. histogram;

5. scatter diagram.

Question 3. What analysis do control charts allow?

1. economic efficiency;

2. technical feasibility;

3. demand for manufactured products;

4. process capabilities;

5. reasons for marriage.

Question 4. How many types of control charts are used to characterize the qualitative characteristics of products?

3. four;

Question 5. What method of assessing product quality is used when it is required to determine what happens to one of the variables if the other variable changes?

1. control card;

2. time series;

3. Pareto chart;

4. histogram;

5. scatter diagram.

Task 12.

Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet.

Question 1. What term denotes the verification of compliance of the control object with the established technical requirements?

1.organization of control; technical control; control for compliance with GOST;

2. assessment of product quality;

3. documentary control.

Question 2. What are the first and foremost efforts of the world's leading firms in the field of product quality control?

1.improving control methods;

2. development of an effective incentive system for employees to reduce scrap;

3. prevention of marriage;

4. changes in the methods of punishment for admitted marriage;

5. improvement of the technological regime.

Question 3. The purpose of which control method is to exclude accidental changes in product quality?

1. epistemological;

2. analytical;

3. statistical;

4. mathematical analysis;

5. social.

Question 4. In what form of plans for statistical control of a batch of products, the number of control steps is set in advance?

1. single stage;

2. two-stage;

3. multistage;

4. consistent;

5. discrete.

Question 5. What is the probability indicator of the statistical control plan?

1.operative characteristics;

2. level of product quality;

3. volume of production;

4. coefficient of utilization of production facilities;

5. labor productivity.

Task 13.

Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet.

Question 1. What is the type of operational characteristic for sampling plans?

1. broken line;

2. straight line;

3. column;

4. smooth curve;

5. dashed line.

Question 2. What control procedure continues until a defective specimen appears in the sample?


2. discrete;

3. technologically necessary;

4. experimental and statistical;

5.with a relaxed regime.

Question 3. What are the names of the control charts that are used when making decisions about the quality control of products?

1. registration;

2. cumulative;

3. double cards;

4. simple,

5. complex.

Question 4. With what document on product quality control begins the transformation of opinions and assumptions into facts?

1. histogram;

2. scatter diagram;

3. control card;

4. checklist;

5. Pareto chart.

Question 5. What quality control method is used when it is required to predict the relative importance of all problems in order to identify a starting point for solving problems?

1. histogram;

2. scatter diagram;

3. control card;

4. checklist;

5. Pareto chart.

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