Measures to improve the personnel incentive system. Measures to improve the system of motivation and stimulation of labor in "ITK" LLC and assessment of their effectiveness. Moral incentives

Measures to improve the motivation system for employees of the sales department of "CJSC Kuibyshevskoe"

As a result of the study of the motivation of workers in the IC, it becomes clear that for more effective functioning of specialists, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures aimed at improving the existing system of motivation.

To improve the existing system of motivation, it is necessary to create a motivational program. At the stage of analysis, the information received about the existing system of motivation was generalized, the main factors of labor that cause dissatisfaction among the employees of the branch were highlighted, as well as the prevailing labor values ​​of the employees of the branch.

For a more effective improvement of the existing system of motivation, it is necessary to make the most of the positive aspects of the organization and try to quickly eliminate the factors that cause the greatest dissatisfaction among the employees of the sales department.

The development of a program for improving the motivation system will be carried out based on the following principles:

  • - elimination of the problems listed above;
  • - optimal combination of material interests of employees and the principles of the company's compensation policy;
  • - economic efficiency;
  • - to contribute to the development of such qualities of employees as a creative approach and an active search for additional business opportunities;
  • - competitiveness, the ability to attract the human resources necessary to achieve the business objectives of the organization.

At the stage of introducing a motivational program, it is necessary:

  • 1. draw up a specific action plan;
  • 2. determine the stages of implementation of the plan and appoint responsible persons for each stage;
  • consistent:
    • · New methods of encouragement and punishment must come into effect from a certain moment, which must be announced in advance and once again confirmed at the time of their action. The same should apply to their cancellation;
    • · The new methods of reward and punishment should apply only to the actions of employees, carried out from the moment of the official announcement of the beginning of the new incentive program.
  • 4. monitor the implementation itself.

In the process of introducing a motivational program, the following difficulties may arise:

  • § lack of realistically achievable goals;
  • § lack of the necessary tools for employees to solve the assigned tasks;
  • § incorrect actions of the management;
  • § dual power (discrepancies in the requirements of leaders);
  • § low activity of the organization in the use of such tools as marketing, promotions, advertising activity;
  • § lack of demand for a product or service on the market;
  • § negative image of the company;
  • § unfavorable psychological climate;
  • § lack of leadership authority.

The motivating action must be formed as follows:

  • 1. It is necessary to indicate the desired result and the criteria for its assessment.
  • 2. It is necessary to indicate the "motivation package" and the conditions for its receipt (in whole or with reinforced individual elements).
  • 3. If the motivation package contains proposals that allow the employee to meet his needs (that is, something attractive to him), the employee will strive to make an effort to get them. That is, he will have motives (reasons) to act in the indicated direction. This means that the proposals will have motivational power.
  • 4. The motivating effect will be the stronger, the more accurately the opportunity will be found to satisfy the most significant needs of the employee and the more realistic he sees the possibility of achieving (receiving) them.
  • 5. The employee compares the received motivational compensation with the expectation.
  • 6. If the comparison result turned out to be positive, that is, the employee was satisfied, then the motivating effect is fixed.

Taking into account all of the above provisions regarding the use of the incentive package in the process of implementing the incentive program in the company, the following recommendations were developed to solve the problems identified as a result of the analysis of the motivation of specialists of the sales department of "Kuibyshevskoe" CJSC, to improve the motivation of employees and increase the efficiency of their work (Table . 3.1).

Table. 3.1 - Measures to improve the motivation of specialists of the sales department "CJSC Kuibyshevskoe"



1. Lack of clear criteria for wage differentiation

Develop a regulation on wages

2. Lack of recognition of the importance of the work performed

Creation of criteria for an importance rating system

3. Lack of a prescribed system of incentives and bonuses for employees

Develop a provision on bonuses

4. Lack of interest in work

This problem is a consequence of all the others. To solve it, you need to deal with them.

5. Lack of a running program social support company employees

Develop social programs

6. Unclear, not formulated objective criteria for assessing the results

This problem is a consequence of the problem of the absence of criteria for the differentiation of wages. To solve it, it is necessary to develop a regulation on wages indicating clear assessment criteria

The development of the regulation on wages will make it possible to formally determine the mechanism for establishing, the form and system of wages, the size and procedure of wage increments, and also fix clear criteria for differentiating the wages of employees of the sales department.

For example, in the regulation on wages in the order of calculation of wages, the following proposals can be made:

The salary of specialists is formed from the following components:

  • - a fixed salary of an employee, established in accordance with the position held and paid regardless of the implementation of the plan;
  • - the variable part of the remuneration (bonus) should depend on the manager's own performance, i.e. linked to the performance indicators of each specialist separately.
  • - For the length of service in the company, employees of the sales department receive the following allowances as a percentage of the basic salary:
  • - up to 1 year - no allowances;
  • - 1-3 years - 10% of the basic salary;
  • - more than 3 years - 25% of the basic salary.


20% of the annual financial result of the branch is allocated for the payment of the annual bonus to its employees, while the payment of the bonus is calculated depending on the performance of the department as a whole, and not of each employee individually.

In this paper, it is proposed to improve the existing system and distribute the annual bonus quarterly, as a bonus to each employee (PS), depending on the compliance of the specialists' work results with objective assessment criteria. In this case, the compensation will not be so large, but sufficient and frequent to satisfy the material needs of the specialist and stimulate him to perform work.

PS accrual scheme:

According to the results of the company's activities, 20% of the profit received for the quarter will be distributed between each specialist of the company according to the principle: what share of the salary (W) the specialist receives from the general fund of the branch for wages (FZP), the same share of the bonus will be accrued to him from the total bonus fund, i.e.: PS = (PF * RFP) / FZP, where

  • - PS - employee bonus;
  • - PF - premium fund (20% of the company's financial result for 3 months.)
  • - RFP - wage employee, established in accordance with the position held and paid regardless of the implementation of the plan;
  • - FZP - the general wages fund of the branch.

At the same time, 20% of the PS will be withheld in the bonus fund of the branch director (PFD), which will be distributed by the director himself, taking into account an objective assessment of his appointment.

In addition to the above system of payment of the variable part to employees, it is possible to propose to add to the variable part the payment of a bonus to employees of each department, depending on the results of the department as a whole. So, for example, if the entire department as a whole has exceeded the annual plan by 10%, then each employee of the department in the last month of the year is paid: total remuneration + total remuneration * 0.1

Such a system of remuneration for specialists will stimulate specialists to achieve their goals and increase their potential for work, since it takes into account the contribution to the overall financial result of both each specialist and the entire department as a whole.

It is necessary to formulate qualitative and quantitative indicators for evaluating the work of sales department employees in order to use them in an objective assessment of the PS payment system, while the qualitative indicators are assessed by the director of the branch and, by his decision, may not be taken into account.

Quantitative indicators - the number of clients, the amount of funds raised, the absence of substantiated complaints from clients;

Qualitative indicators - possession of the technique of sales and communication with clients,

In this case, the effectiveness is calculated according to the formula:

Overall performance = Res1 Res2 Res3

The remuneration is calculated according to the formula:

Total remuneration = Salary + Salary * Overall performance


Total remuneration = Salary + Salary * Overall performance + PS quarterly

The plan (the production rate set for a certain period, the performance standard) - can be calculated according to the average values ​​of the productivity of managers and can be about 70% of the maximum value.

It is necessary to establish a minimum performance, below which managers receive only a fixed salary, and their PS is stored in the PFD, and if the employee fulfills the annual plan for the next three quarters, then he is paid accordingly PS + that part of PS that was transferred to the PFD, if the employee does not fulfill the annual plan, the rest of it is irrevocably transferred to the PFD.

If the plan is overfulfilled and all the criteria are met, the amount of the bonus increases in accordance with the increase in sales:

The volume is overfulfilled by 10% => total remuneration * 1.1;

by 20% => total remuneration * 1.2, etc.

The remuneration to the head of the department will be paid based on the results of the entire sales department and include:

  • - fixed salary;
  • - bonus (as a percentage of salary) for the performance of the department (once a quarter), for the fulfillment and overfulfillment of the plans established by the department, i.e .:

Salary * Overall performance of 1 manager

Chief remuneration

Salary * Overall performance 2 sales managers

Salary * Overall performance 3 managers

The scale of the quarterly bonus and the annual bonus is calculated in the same way as for specialists.

The creation of a system for assessing the performance of employees of the sales department will lead to the definition and use of two or three key indicators to assess the performance of employees of the department, which are used depending on the specifics of the work of a particular employee of the department. As a result, the employees of the department in their work will strive to improve these key indicators to maximize the assessment of the work done, which will lead to an increase in the efficiency of individual employees and an increase in the necessary performance indicators of the department as a whole.

Recommendations for the development of additional methods of employee incentives. The development of regulations on additional incentive methods will allow the use of non-material incentives for the work of sales staff.

  • o Rewarding brand names differences;
  • o Letters of thanks and certificates to distinguished employees;
  • o Announcement of gratitude;
  • o Presentation of valuable gifts based on specific interests;
  • o Referral to a seminar, conference outside the city where the branch is located on a topic of interest to the employee himself;
  • o Certificates for lunch with family or friends at the best restaurants in town;
  • o Putting various records of the employee's achievements in his personal file;
  • o Oral thanks;
  • o Issue of a special memorandum, distributed throughout the company, expressing gratitude to the employee on behalf of the management;
  • o Flexible working hours;
  • o Placing a photo in a corporate newspaper or on an information sheet;
  • o T-shirt, shirt, mug, etc. with a special mark (for example, "one of the best");
  • o Placing customer thank you letters so that everyone can see them;
  • o Subscription to expensive magazines, payment of membership in clubs or associations of the employee's choice, etc .;

To understand the importance of working as sales staff, it is possible to recommend the following activities:

  • o Once a week, hold corporate meetings of the branch, at which all specialists could discuss the problems of the company and put forward their proposals for their solution, announce the results of the work of the branch as a whole and individual employees in particular on the work done.
  • o Install an information stand in the common hall, which will highlight the results of the department's work, the special achievements of individual employees. Updating information should be done monthly or for special informational reasons (receiving awards).

The development of a social program will allow satisfying the needs of employees for safety, as well as solving some material problems of employees. In the social program for employees of the sales department of the branch, you can include social benefits, presented in table 3.2.

Table 3.2 - Possible social payments to employees of the sales department "CJSC Kuibyshevskoe"

Size (rub.)

Birth of a child

Additional payments in case of accidents

Payment of vouchers for sanitary-resort treatment

Payment of subscriptions to sports and recreation complexes

Purchase of gifts on holidays:

New Year (gifts for children)

Anniversary of employees

Employee birthdays


Credit for urgent needs (no more than once a year)

Medical insurance

Payment for a mobile phone within the established limits

The proposed measures will improve the motivation system for employees of the sales department of ZAO Kuibyshevskoye.

At the next stage, recommendations are proposed for the implementation of the proposed activities - this is their implementation with the appointment of responsible persons and deadlines. The plan for the implementation of the proposed measures to improve the motivation of specialists from the sales department of "Kuibyshevskoye CJSC" is presented in the Table. 3.3.

Table 3.3 - Implementation plan of the proposed measures to improve the motivation of employees of the sales department of "CJSC Kuibyshevskoe"


Responsible person

Creation of a formal regulation on differentiated wages

Until 07/01/2011

Development and implementation of a system of performance evaluation criteria

Until 07/01/2011

Creation of a formal provision on bonuses

Financial Consulting Department

Until 07/01/2011

Familiarization of the director of the branch and the head of the sales department with the draft "Regulations on the remuneration of specialists in the sales department" and "Regulations on bonuses for employees of the sales department". Holding a meeting to discuss projects and approve the final version of the Regulations

Head of Financial Consulting Department

Until 07/01/2011

Approval of planned performance indicators for sales managers, a plan for the performance of the entire department

Financial Consulting Department, Sales Department

Until 07/01/2011

Order of the General Director on the introduction of new Regulations on remuneration, assessment, incentives and bonuses from July 1, 2011, on the introduction of performance targets for the sales department for the second half of 2011. Conducting a general meeting of branch employees, familiarizing them with the Regulations, signing of the Regulations by the employees of the branch.

General manager

Until 23.07.2011

Consultations, clarifications and answers to questions of the branch employees regarding the new compensation system. Clarification of the need to introduce this system, its focus on the effective and efficient work of all employees, to encourage productivity.

Branch Director, Head of Sales Department

During July 2011

Development and implementation of a social program

Financial Consulting Department

Until 08/01/2011

Development of a plan for the preparation and conduct of corporate events for the summer.

branch director, head of sales department

Until July 15, 2011

For the implementation of these activities, it is necessary to provide sources of funding. The analysis of the proposed activities indicates that the development and implementation of a system of performance assessment criteria do not require funding, while other activities require additional funding sources.

To implement the proposed measures to improve the motivation of employees of the sales department of "Kuibyshevskoye CJSC", it is possible to use the following funding sources:

  • o When implementing the regulation on wages and introducing a wage differentiation system for employees of the sales department, attracting a significant amount of additional funds will not be required, since the existing wages fund will be redistributed among the employees of the department using the criteria defined in the regulation on wages.
  • o For the implementation of the proposed social program, the company's management is ready to allocate the required amount of funds from the net profit of the branch.

Thus, the implementation of the proposed measures to improve the motivation of employees of the sales department of ZAO Kuibyshevskoye will require the attraction of a relatively insignificant amount of funds compared to the proceeds from the order of an average client of the company, which is about 500 thousand rubles, while the company is ready to allocate the indicated funds ...

At the same time, the implementation of the proposed measures will improve the motivation of employees of the sales department of ZAO Kuibyshevskoye and increase their efficiency, which, in turn, will lead to a significant increase in the company's income.

Based on the analysis of labor motivation, the following measures are proposed to improve labor motivation.

Improving the labor motivation of the organization's personnel concerns, first of all, the development of basic motivations. One of the types of such development is the improvement of the system of remuneration in the organization.

The introduction of a flexible remuneration system will increase the interest of municipal employees in relation to their duties, since the size of wages will depend on this, therefore, the Head of Administration, having introduced a flexible remuneration system, will promptly receive reports on the work performed without delay.

2. The efficiency of using working time is associated with scientific and technological progress, which allows solving a number of issues at the lowest cost and increasing the volume of work.

The improvement of technological equipment is important only when the appropriate organizational conditions are created, the labor activity of workers is combined into a certain system.

Until recently, less attention was paid to socio-economic factors, which also determine the rational use of working time.

3. Working conditions.

Studying working conditions plays an important role in enhancing the prestige of an organization. Material interest is not always highlighted, an employee experiencing discomfort at the workplace will try to change jobs. The employee is interested in the length of the working day, weeks, the possibility of work breaks. Organization of meals at lunchtime.

An important role is played by the attitude of the authorities to proposals for the improvement of the workplace. Working conditions, in addition to the prestige of the organization and, as a result, staff turnover, have a huge impact on the attitude of employees to their duties, here the productivity and quality of work performed.

Providing the opportunity to improve their qualifications gives the employee the confidence to keep this job for him. In parallel with professional development, wages are being raised, new prospects for career advancement are opening up. This generates zeal and a conscientious attitude towards work. Improving the qualifications of individual employees, improves the qualifications of the organization as a whole.

5. Creation of conditions for social activity of employees of the organization.

To fulfill the tasks assigned to the organization, as well as everyday problems, the participation of individual groups and the entire team is required. Better results are achieved in a well-knit team. Some incomprehensible moments in the work can only be formed together. If the employee feels like a member united group, if there is support from colleagues, then the assigned duties will be performed with increased efficiency.

6. Evaluation and encouragement of the achieved results.

In order to improve the result, a system of incentives and rewards should be introduced. Reward is everything that a person considers valuable for himself, but the concept of values ​​among people is specific, and therefore, the assessment of remuneration and its relative value is different, therefore, along with external reward (promotion, additional payments, praise and recognition, payment of certain expenses, insurance). Internal reward comes from the work itself.

For example, this is a sense of achievement of the result, meaningfulness and significance of the work performed. The simplest way to ensure internal remuneration is, first of all, creating working conditions, setting a task.

Thus, the Head of Administration should take into account all these factors and, if possible, satisfy the needs of his subordinates, while taking into account and analyzing the needs for the encouragement and reward of each of the subordinates. By rewarding and encouraging those who have been recruited, labor productivity and interest in the work performed will increase.

In order to improve the efficiency of the organization, there is experience in involving subordinates in the formation of decisions. Since the subordinate knows all the nuances and subtleties of his work, his advice can be very useful. In addition, decisions developed with the participation of a subordinate will be carried out by him with greater accuracy, this will improve relations with personnel and increase management efficiency.

The list of measures to improve labor motivation is presented in Table 10.

To form an effective motivation system in an organization, certain factors and conditions are required that allow improving the existing concept and methodology of labor incentives.

Table 10. List of measures to improve labor motivation

Name of events

Expected Result

1. Introduction of a flexible system of remuneration.

The employee's interest in fulfilling his duties.

2. Effective use working time.

Increase in labor productivity.

3. Working conditions.

The employee feels comfortable and cozy, therefore, productivity and a sense of satisfaction increase.

4. Professional development of a municipal employee.

Possibility of career advancement, job reduction.

5. Creation of conditions for social activity of the municipal employee.

Creation of a united team spirit in the workplace.

6. Evaluation and rewarding of the achieved results.

In order to improve the result.

7. Involvement of subordinates in the formation of goals and the development of solutions.

In order to improve the efficiency of the organization.

Among them:

· The presence in the organization of a professionally fit and stable team of employees;

· Activities of management bodies, officials of middle and senior management (control subsystem) to form a developed system of motivation in the organization;

· The use of established methods of personnel management by the control subsystem, not only in relation to the controlled subsystem (subordinate personnel), but also in relation to itself;

· The existence of a motivation system aimed at the formation of the primary interest of workers in work (the predominance of hygienic factors);

· The presence of objective conditions justifying, allowing for positive changes in the existing system of motivation in the organization;

· Existence of stable traditions and experience of personnel management in the given organization;

· Implementation of personnel development measures: raising professional status, training and retraining, etc.

The presence in the organization of a professionally suitable and stable team of employees is necessary for the formation of a motivation system with elements of individualization, when each representative of the team becomes known in many parameters (based on observation data, certification, conversations, peculiarities of performing professional tasks, conducting in the team) and this allows you to choose for him the only correct form of motivation for his individual work.

In the case when there is a high turnover of personnel in the organization, the formation of an effective system of motivation is questionable, since the changing conditions of the individual environment in the team do not allow obtaining both stable data about each employee of the organization and formed teams.

In addition, the team for which a set of measures to improve motivation is planned should consist of professionally trained employees who adequately respond to the changes made, under this condition, the changes become economically justified, and an economic effect can be obtained from their implementation.

In organizations where the activity of governing bodies, officials of the middle and senior management level (management subsystem) on the formation of a developed system of motivation in the organization is not observed, there have not even been attempts to introduce any changes:

· Lack of experience in conducting such events;

· There are serious problems in the organization of labor of personnel;

· There is a certain degree of dissatisfaction of the staff, which inevitably leads to the growth of informal opposition groups, tensions in interpersonal relations and conflicts, a decrease in labor discipline and the effectiveness of the work performed.

If the management subsystem uses established methods of personnel management only in relation to subordinate personnel, this leads to an increase in the team of nihilistic sentiments, frustration, tension in the "boss - subordinate" relationship, the impossibility of putting into practice effective measures to form the motivation of subordinates.

In addition, the management methods used often need to be corrected themselves, since the use in modern conditions of mainly administrative measures for personnel management, teams, the "encouragement - sanction" method often becomes an ineffective way to increase labor productivity and labor discipline.

The implementation of such methods of personnel management is closely related to the applied motivation system aimed at the formation of the primary interest of employees in work (the predominance of hygienic factors: working conditions, wages, incentives, etc.). The use of this basic, basic form of motivation, however, is the main one for further improving the process of stimulating labor.

Objective conditions, justifying, allowing for the implementation of positive changes in the existing system of motivation in the organization:

the presence of changes in the external environment of the organization that produce the need to increase labor productivity in the organization (orders of a higher authority, requirements for increasing labor discipline, new economic conditions, etc.) in this case, orders, instructions;

decision-making in the organization itself, the presence of the necessary will and tools to implement a number of positive changes (development of an appropriate concept, program, awareness of the need for change).

The existence of stable traditions and experience in personnel management in this organization is also a necessary condition for the formation of an effective motivation system, since in this case such moral and psychological norms as "corporate interests", "the spirit of a united team" are involved. These norms have a positive effect on the motivation of personnel, create additional incentives for a high-quality, responsible attitude to business.

Implementation of personnel development measures: raising the professional status, education and training seems to be a logical completion of the “care” of the management subsystem about the organization's personnel, optimizing behavior and organizing the stimulation of responsibility and production growth.

Thus, in order to develop specific ways to create an effective system of labor motivation, the organization needs certain conditions.


Theoretical foundations of motivation for effective work

1 Motives and their types

2 Influence of the "Goal-Means" addiction on a person

3 Motivation systems

4 Theories of motivation and management styles

5 Motivation for efficient production activities

6 The structure of an employee's income

7 Forms and systems of wages

8 Conclusions for the chapter

Characteristics of LLC "Nevskaya classic" and analysis of its activities

1 Company history

2 Services provided

3 Competitiveness of the company

4 Degree of mechanization and automation of control processes

5 Organizational structure of the enterprise

6 Efficiency and economy of the management structure

7 Personnel of the enterprise

8 Number of staff, work schedule

9 Personnel management system of the organization

10 Forms and systems of remuneration used in the organization

11 Company turnover

Development of measures to improve the personnel motivation system

1 Purpose of project development

2 Introduction of new forms of remuneration

3 Situational regulation of the level of profitability of the project

4 Introduction of monetary penalties

5 Conclusions for the chapter




In modern management, motivational aspects are becoming increasingly important. Staff motivation is the main means of ensuring optimal use of resources, mobilizing available human resources... The main goal of the motivation process is to get the most out of the use of available labor resources, which allows you to increase the overall performance and profitability of the enterprise.

A feature of personnel management during the transition to the market is the increasing role of the employee's personality. Accordingly, the ratio of motives and needs changes, on which the motivation system can rely. To motivate employees, companies today use both financial and non-financial methods of remuneration. Meanwhile, neither the theory of management, nor the practice of personnel management gives a definite picture of the relationship between individual aspects of the motivational sphere of employees today and the most effective methods of managing them.

1. Theoretical foundations of motivation for effective work

.1 Motives and their types

Motives -that's exactly what directly motivates people to take action. They are formed on the basis of needs and an assessment of the possibilities for meeting them. Awareness of the motive assumes that a person not only strives for something, but also sees, at least in general terms, ways to achieve his goals. For example, entering graduate school may be a motive for doing well in college. At the same time, under normal conditions, the student strives to meet his needs for knowledge and creativity; at the same time, he determines the program of his actions in accordance with the requirements for applicants to graduate school.

Examples of motives can be considered what J. Keynes called the propensity to consume and the incentive to invest: “The psychology of society is such that with an increase in total real income, total consumption also increases, but not to the same extent as income grows ... For a given value of the indicator, which we will call society's propensity to consume, the equilibrium level of employment ... will depend on the amount of current investment ... In turn, the amount of current investment depends on what we will call the incentive to invest ... ”.

Motivational structurecharacterizes the ratio of motives that determine human behavior. This ratio is formed under the influence of both genetic factors and the environment in which a person was brought up and acted.

Depending on the objectives of the study, various classification of motives of behavior.Since motives are determined by the needs of a person, the classification of motives in general casemust correspond to the classification of needs. Therefore, first of all, should be allocated motives of existenceand motives for achieving the goals of life.

By the general nature of relations between people, the motives of human behavior can be divided into selfishand altruistic.The former are aimed at the well-being of the individual, the latter are aimed at the family, collective and society as a whole.

When analyzing economic systems, they usually proceed from selfish motives. This approach is justified in most practical situations... At the same time, altruistic motives are as organically inherent in a person as egoistic ones. In the course of evolution, those groups of people were preserved and developed that provided effective care for children, the elderly, the sick and the weak. As the famous geneticist V. Efroimson emphasized, societies that were inherent in caring for the elderly developed the most traditions and inner stability.

One of the most famous sociologists of the 20th century paid considerable attention to the study of altruistic motives. P. Sorokin. In the last years of his life, he organized the Research Center for Creative Altruism at Harvard University. This center was financed by E. Lilly, the head of a large US pharmaceutical company. The Sorokin Center conducted a number of fundamental research, published several monographs and collections of articles.

The factors and conditions for the formation of altruistic motives were identified. Sorokin identified three types of altruists:

"... a)" born "(Albert Schweitzer, Benjamin Franklin and many others ...);

b) "shocked or acquired" (late emerging) altruists, whose life is divided into two periods - pre-altruistic, preceding their reincarnation, and altruistic, after a complete restructuring of personality ... (Buddha, St. Francis of Assisi ... St. Augustine. .. St. Paul ... and others ...);

c) finally, an intermediate type, carries the features of both "born" and "acquired" altruists ... (Gandhi, St. Teresa, Sri Ramakrishna and others ...) ".

As Sorokin wrote, the main reason for his interest in the study of altruism was that not a single concept, ideology, religion, organization could prevent wars, conflicts, crimes, etc. Therefore, a way out must be sought in a new system of relationships between people.

Until recently, very little attention was paid to the relationship between egoistic and altruistic motives in economic activity. As an exception, we can note the chapter "Profit, the economic principle and the common good" in the monograph of the classic German economic science.

Let us now turn to the more familiar problems of analyzing the selfish motives of economic activity. First of all, two groups of such motives can be distinguished: according to their orientation to the work process and to the result of the work.

In the first case, the motives are determined by the content of the work, working conditions, the nature of the relationship between employees, the possibilities for the manifestation and development of human abilities,

In the second case, there may be three main motives: the importance of the work; material reward; free time.

The significance of the work is assessed by the worker, taking into account the opinions of his family, acquaintances, the media, etc. For many people, the prestige of their activities is a rather important motive.

Material rewards can take many forms. Most often these are cash incomes. This group of motives also includes confidence in job security, access to scarce goods, social security, and so on.

Free time is an important motive for creative people, those who combine work with study, for women with young children, etc.

As wealth grows, the attractiveness of free time increases. In the short term, it is difficult to expect any significant reduction in the compulsory labor time in developed countries Oh. This is objectively due to the difficult economic situation in the world economy, depletion of natural resources and other factors. In addition, the organization of leisure is a rather difficult problem for people who do not have creative interests and are not inclined towards spiritual improvement. As A. Schopenhauer noted in "Aphorisms of Worldly Wisdom", it is difficult for such people to be alone with their thoughts, they try to drown out anxiety and boredom with the help of alcohol, gambling, primitive spectacles, etc.

Since the time of Schopenhauer, the possibilities for such time spent have increased significantly, which undoubtedly has become an important factor in the growth of crime. Thus, reducing labor time is not always a good thing. As the results of sociological surveys show, the motivational structure significantly depends on the level of well-being, traditions, age and other factors. For characteristics of the motivational structure of the population of Russia and other countries, you can use the results of the World Values ​​Survey, conducted in 1990-1991. (supervisor - Professor R. Inglehart, USA) with the participation of specialists from the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main conclusions of this analysis are as follows. “In almost all countries, work is second only to family in importance. The Russian population also puts family first, and considers work as the second most important sphere of life, but more important than friends and leisure. The peculiarity of Russia lies in the fact that the gap between the subjective importance of family and work here is very noticeable and is one of the largest in the world. This is explained mainly by low estimates of the importance of work, characteristic of Russian population» . “Labor today is viewed by the majority of Russians as an activity, the main goal of which is- satisfaction of consumer needs of the employee himself and his family; the highest prevalence of high wages as a value of labor is common for Russia and most other surveyed countries» .

Studies conducted after 1991 showed that the structure of labor motives in Russia turned out to be very stable. However, in the 1990s. the motive of "high wages" has acquired greater importance than in the 1970s. This is due to a decline in the standard of living of the majority of the population, as well as an increase in the level of claims of some part of it in connection with the availability of information about life abroad.

In management practice, it is important to take into account the difference between people in their motivational structure. Determining the motives of each employee's activities, aligning these motives with the goals of the enterprise are one of the main tasks of personnel management.

.2 Impact of Goal-Means Addiction on a Person

Human behavior is determined by the ratio of the goals that he sets for himself and the means of achieving them. As F. Hutcheson argued, "wisdom means achieving the best goals with the best means."

V general case human activities are aimed at achieving the following main goals:

) material goods;

) power and glory;

) knowledge and creativity;

) spiritual improvement.

Target orientation is individual. It can change over the periods of a person's life and under the influence external factors... In childhood and adolescence, as a rule, material interests are the main ones; in mature years, the desire for creativity prevails in many people; on final stage on the path of life, it is natural to strive for spiritual improvement. There are exceptions to this rule (as well as to any other). Some people from a young age are ready to leave the worldly bustle in a monastery; others, even in the most advanced age, try to "take everything from life." With all the diversity of opinions about the meaning of life and the goals of human activity, all authoritative philosophers are unanimous in that material wealth should not be a goal, but a condition, a prerequisite, a means for the development of creative abilities and spiritual improvement. In terms of optimal programming, this position means that material goods belong to a system of restrictions, and the objective function expresses the desire for creativity and spiritual improvement.

Means of achieving goals usually expresses either the amount of resources required for the corresponding action, or the means of achieving goals. If we proceed from the second aspect, then the means of achieving goals human activity can be divided into three groups:

) any, including criminal;

) only legal (within the framework of legal norms);

) corresponding to the norms of religious morality and spiritual teachings.

For a sound management of social processes, a more detailed classification of ends and means and the corresponding statistical information are needed. For each enterprise, the goal-means matrix would be a very useful tool of the personnel management system.

1.3 Motivation systems

The result of economic activity depends on the available resources and the efficiency of their use, which is largely determined by people's attitude to work, forms and methods of motivation.

"motivation"and "Stimulation".

Motivation - it is the impact on human behavior to achieve personal, group and social goals. Motivation can be internal and external.

The basic concepts of the theory of motivation are interpreted in the literature in different ways. There is no unity even in the definitions of the essence of concepts "motivation"and " stimulation ".We believe that it is advisable to proceed from the following definitions.

Motivation is the impact on human behavior to achieve personal, group and social goals. Motivation can be internal or external.

Intrinsic motivationdetermined by the content and significance of the work. If it interests a person, allows him to realize his natural abilities and inclinations, then this in itself is the strongest motive for activity, conscientious and productive work. Along with the content, a significant internal motive can be the importance of work for the development of certain human qualities, the usefulness of this type of activity for a group of people and society, the compliance of this activity with the employee's convictions, his ethical orientation.

External motivation can be of three types: administrative, economic and status. Extrinsic motivation is also called stimulation. Administrative motivation means performing work on command, order, that is, under direct compulsion with appropriate sanctions for violation of established norms. Economic motivation is carried out through wages, dividends, etc.

Status motivation is based on a change in the position (status) of an employee in the organization. Most often this is due to the place in the hierarchy. Status motivation can also be expressed in different forms public recognition of the employee's merits, his professional and moral authority. The change in the status of an employee is ultimately due to the results of his activities. The structure of motivation processes is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. - Relationships of elements of motivational processes

The choice of this or that form of motivation is determined by the content of the work, the principles of management in a given organization, national traditions and corporate culture. Thus, for US enterprises, performance-based motivation is characteristic, based on a developed system of labor motivation and traditions and moral authority. The change in the status of an employee is ultimately due to the results of his activities.

The choice of this or that form of motivation is determined by the content of the work, the principles of management in a given organization, national traditions and corporate culture. For example, US enterprises are characterized by results-based motivation based on a developed system of division of labor and traditions of individualism. In Japan, rank motivation prevails, corresponding to the traditions of collectivism and mutual assistance, horizontal connections between employees and a wide range of functions they perform.

Some authors call incentives only economic motivation. We prefer not to use the term "incentive" for a philological reason, because of the history of the term. It comes from the Latin word stimulus, which means a stick with a pointed end (goad) designed to drive donkeys. In this sense, the once fashionable expression "moral incentives" sounds especially ridiculous.

The feasibility of identifying status motivation was established by the author, based on the publications of M. Aoki, I.A. Nikitina, R. Frank. Frank examines the status of a person in two aspects - global and local. In the first case, we are talking about a person's position in society. So, for many people, working in a prestigious organization or performing socially significant functions may be more important than high wages.Local status is characterized by the position of a person among the employees of a particular department, workshops, groups.

The ratio of motivation based on results and status is especially important for scientific activities.

Scientific resultsevaluated on the basis of publications (articles of books of reports); awards for individual achievements and work cycles; awards of competitions; medals of scientific societies; research grants; references in scientific literature; reflection of the work of scientists in the reports of the heads of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other academies, ministries, etc.

Scientific statusassessed in accordance with academic degree, title, membership in scientific societies, position held.

The ratio of a scientist's assessments by results and by status has long been a subject of debate in both domestic and world literature. Despite the seeming fairness of the assessment for specific results, only this form (without taking into account the scientific status) does not ensure the effective operation of organizations in a sufficiently long term, and especially with significant uncertainty in external conditions. In scientific and pedagogical activity, status assessments play a significant role in all developed countries, and, apparently, this situation will remain in the foreseeable future.

Rank (status) and effective criteria for identifying the scientific elite are closely interrelated.Scientific status can be considered as a type of human capital accumulated due to scientific results. Allowances for degrees, titles, and membership in academies are percentages from the scientific capital of a scientist.

.4 Motivation theories and management styles

Currently, it is customary to distinguish between two groups of theories of motivation: meaningfuland procedural.The former are based on an analysis of human needs; the second - on the assessment of situations that arise in the process of motivation.

The authors of the most famous content theories of motivation are A. Maslow, K. Alderfer, D. McClelland and F. Herzberg. Their approaches are based on the classifications of needs discussed in section 3.1. From a theoretical point of view, Herzberg's two-factor theory is one of the most well-grounded.

According to this theory, hygienic factors (working conditions, wages, relationships with management) can cause employee dissatisfaction. However, their improvement above a certain limit is not perceived as motivation. In Herzberg's research, factors of recognition, job content, responsibility, and promotion were named as motivating factors. Herzberg's conclusion that wages are not a motivating factor can be considered reasonable only for those enterprises and employees who were the objects of research. This conclusion does not correspond to the conditions of most Russian enterprises and the standard of living of Russian citizens. However, US economists and business managers also rank wages as one of the most powerful motivators.

Of the procedural theories of motivation, the theory of expectation, the theory of justice and the Porter-Lauler model are usually noted. According to Sink, these theories are known to few US managers and are still hardly used in practice. We believe that the scientific validity of procedural theories (at least in the form in which they are published in Russian) is highly questionable. They can hardly be called theories. Rather, these are hypotheses or recommendations. For example, in the so-called theory in practice, we believe that the scientific validity of procedural theories (at least in the form in which they are published in Russian) is highly questionable. They can hardly be called theories. Rather, these are hypotheses or recommendations. For example, the so-called theory of justice emphasizes the importance of the relationship between the efforts of team members and the rewards received. If a person believes that he is underestimated, then the motivation and performance are reduced. One of the conclusions of this "theory" is a negative attitude towards the practice of giving out earnings "in envelopes", that is, when employees do not know who received how much. The secrecy of the amount of payments can cause mistrust among the members of the collective. We can agree with these obvious statements, but they are unlikely to "pull" the theory.

Motivation is driven largely through management styles. MacGregor identifies two main management models: X and Y, which proceed from the following premises.

Model X

  1. The person does not like to work.
  2. Therefore, he should be coerced, controlled, threatened with punishment for failure to fulfill the established duties.
  3. The average person wants to be guided, he avoids responsibility and takes no initiative.

In translations of American publications on management, the McGregor models are commonly referred to as theories. We believe that there are not sufficient grounds for this. The theory offers a significantly greater degree of evidence. Therefore, in this case, instead of the term "theory", we use the more adequate term "model".

1 personloves work, independence and responsibility.

2. Control should be very soft, imperceptible.

3. Commands and orders should be avoided.

Principles of the model Xwere widely used in developed countries until the second half of the 20th century. This was objectively due to the technical level of production, low qualifications of workers and their low level of well-being. As the complexity of the work performed, the qualifications of personnel grow, and the quality of life improved, there are more opportunities for the initiative and creative abilities of employees. Therefore, rigid administrative leadership has become ineffective, and the principles of the model are increasingly being applied. W.

The transition from an authoritarian style to a democratic one is objectively conditioned by technical progress. More precisely, the primary in this case is the desire to make the best use of the most effective of economic resources - the creativity of people. Competition forces entrepreneurs (even those who like to command) to create favorable conditions for the creative abilities of workers and employees.

The Japanese management style (model Z Ouchi) is one of the forms of enhancing creativity in a person, taking into account national traditions and the characteristics of the economic situation of Japan.

Many leadership style guidelines, including the models of Fiedler, Mitchell and House, Hersey and Blanchard Vroom-Hetton, do not sufficiently take into account the share of creativity in the total amount of work performed. It is this factor in modern production that objectively determines the strategic actions of a manager related to recruiting personnel, improving their qualifications, the choice of motivation methods and management styles.

In recent years, the ideological concepts of the East have become increasingly popular in the United States and Western Europe, including the ideas of Lao Tzu, Confucius and other sages. Ancient China... They emphasized the importance of tolerance, simplicity, modesty in relationships between people. This is exactly what many modern leaders, including Russian ones, lack. The Japanese experience of motivation, which is trying to be used in many countries, largely implements the concepts of ancient Chinese philosophy. For Russia, the experience of Japan is important primarily as a practical confirmation of the effectiveness of management based on respect for the personality of employees and the development of their creative abilities. Motivation in Japan is based on hierarchy of rankswhich is used both in enterprises and in government agencies. The rank depends not only on qualifications, but also on the length of service in the company, assistance to colleagues, readiness to perform new functions, etc.

Unlike management styles based on a fixed division of labor (which is typical for Western countries, as well as for Russia), Japanese workers and employees are encouraged to master a wide range of knowledge and skills; creative activity; ability to work in a team; find compromise solutions in the interests of the firm. The rank of an employee of a Japanese company or government agency determines not only his salary, but also the amount of bonuses, job security, and the amount of payments upon retirement. In Japanese firms, management is based on horizontal linksbetween employees and departments. This significantly reduces the number of administrative teams (along the vertical hierarchy), contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of partnership, especially to increase labor productivity. Based on this method, quality circles and productivity teams work in many enterprises in Japan and the United States.

Thus, modern motivation systems are focused on the development of creative abilities and initiatives of employees, humanization of labor, partnerships in the team, harmonization of the interests of the organization, departments and all groups of personnel. Management styles that have developed at Russian enterprises after 1990 do not always motivate effective work. As a result of the analysis carried out by the staff of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute (CEMI RAS), the following distribution of Russian enterprises according to the applied management styles was established:

democratic - 67 enterprises (5%);

oligarchic - 69 enterprises (5%) ”.

At the rest of the surveyed enterprises, the style prevails, which, in our opinion, can be called situational.

Management styles that have developed at Russian enterprises since 1990 do not always motivate effective work. As a result of the analysis carried out by the staff of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute (CEMI RAS), the following distribution of Russian enterprises according to the applied management styles was established:

"Thus, more than half of the surveyed enterprises found themselvesquite pronounced features of an authoritarian management style ”.

The analysis showed that the interests of directors of a Russian enterprise do not always correspond to the interests of collectives and the state: “The hypothesis about the isolation of the first person of the enterprise not only from the collective, but also from the management is also confirmed. The expectations of management (understood here as a set of line and functional managers of the enterprise and employees of the plant management) regarding the desirable qualities of a manager and the degree of their possession differ significantly. The most indicative in this respect is that Among the 17 qualities that a director should have, the management put in the first place “the ability to select a team, create a“ team ”(80.8% of respondents), while this factor ranked last in terms of the presence of this quality among directors (8.3 %).Similarly, a very low assessment was given to the presence of such important for consolidation qualities as “willingness to transfer their knowledge and skills” (also 8.3%), “ability to objectively evaluate the work of subordinates” (8.7%).

1.5 Motivation for efficient production activities

The interest of enterprises in increasing production efficiency stems from the structure of economic systems. Each of them has two parts: managing directorand controlled.The functions of the control subsystem can be performed by the control body and (or) the control environment. The governing body has certain administrative functions, its instructions are obligatory for the corresponding production units. What we call the control environment has no administrative functions and, in particular, is a set of relations formed by the markets of products and labor (labor force). The concept of a governing environment stems, in essence, from Adam Smith's ideas about the “invisible hand”, which in a market economy and free competition coordinates the activities of people in such a way that each of them, striving to maximize his own benefit, acts in the final analysis and in the interests of society.

In the conditions of an enterprise, the organization of effective work is carried out on the basis of a hierarchical structure, in which information about the required level of efficiency is transmitted from the control subsystems to the controlled ones. Information about the achieved characteristics of results and costs is transmitted through feedback channels. Depending on the ratio between the necessary and actual performance characteristics, incentives and sanctions are established.

From the considered structure of economic systems and the principle of comparing costs and benefits, it follows that for the effective operation of any division of an enterprise and an individual employee, the following must be determined:

) the boundaries of economic independence (degree of freedom) in relation to the range of products, methods of their manufacture, organization of remuneration, etc .;

) the required results of activities (characteristics of products, volumes and terms of production, environmental parameters, etc.);

) the necessary costs of labor and material resources, determined depending on the rates of resource consumption per unit of production and the volume of its output;

) the forms and conditions of motivation for the growth of efficiency In particular, based on the boundaries of economic independence, the motives for improving the quality, saving resources, and increasing the volume of production are determined;

5)a system of mutual responsibility for fulfilling the assumed obligations.

The volume of necessary costs and the motives for their savings must be known to the managed object before starting work and remain stable with unchanged conditions for its implementation. Each change in these conditions and planned results must be accompanied by a change in the required costs. Technological progress in the production sectors of the economy is expressed in a decrease in the cost of labor resources, materials, energy per unit of useful effect. In reality, this process occurs as a result of a decrease in the rates of resource consumption. Production management is carried out in such a way that the increase in efficiency cannot be practically tangible without changing the norms of labor, materials and energy costs. In particular, if after the development of new equipment and technology the norms have not changed, then the enterprise cannot get a significant part of the real effect.

1.6 The structure of an employee's income

The main part of the income of the hired personnel of the enterprise is wages, which includes:

  1. tariff part - payment for tariff machines and salaries;
  2. additional payments and compensations;
  3. allowances;

4) premiums.

Tariff rates and salaries determine the amount of remuneration in accordance with its complexity and responsibility.

The purpose of additional payments is to reimburse additional labor costs due to objective differences in the conditions and severity of labor. Compensations take into account factors beyond the control of the enterprise, including price increases.

Surcharges and bonuses are introduced to stimulate conscientiousness in work, improve product quality and production efficiency. The difference between allowances and bonuses is that bonuses are paid in the same amount every month for a set period, and bonuses may be irregular, and their value varies significantly depending on the results achieved. Thus, additional payments and compensations reflect those production and social characteristics of labor that objectively do not depend on the employee. The allowances and bonuses reflect the results of his own achievements. The typical structure of an employee's income can be represented as follows.

1. Payment according to tariff rates and salaries.

Additional payments for working conditions:

1. Characteristics of the production environment.

2.2. Changeable (operating mode).

3. The degree of employment during the shift.

3. Allowances:

3.1. For productivity above the norm (piece-rate earnings pay for work with a headcount less than the standard). |

3.2. For personal contribution to improving efficiency, including inventions and rationalization proposals.

3. For high quality products, fulfillment of urgent and important tasks.

4. Prizes;

4.1. For high-quality and timely execution of contracts and stages of work.

4.2. Based on the results of the year.

3. From the fund of the head of the department.

5. Rewards for active participation in the development of new technical and organizational proposals.

Firm's services to employees (social benefits).

Dividends on the company's shares.

Consider each article (typical module) of income

ARTICLE 1 (wages and salaries).

Tariff rates and salaries are established on the basis of tariff agreements in accordance with the complexity of labor, its responsibility, the level of prices for consumer goods, the situation on the labor market and other factors. World experience shows the expediency of uniform wage scales of 17-22 categories for workers, specialists and managers, which provides clarity of the relationship in wage rates of various groups of employees and facilitates changes in the wage system (enterprises, its coordination with the trade union.

When choosing the range of the tariff scale, it is necessary to take into account the differences in the complexity of the work, the economic situation of the enterprise, as well as socio-psychological factors both at the enterprise and outside it. The lower the standard of living in the country and the worse the economic situation of the plant, the smaller the range of differences in wages should be. In practice, the opposite is often the case in Russia.

The basis for the formation of tariff scales is currently considered an analytical method for evaluating work. In the West, they usually proceed from the so-called Geneva scheme, adopted at the international congress in Geneva in 1950.This scheme involves the analysis of works up to the following essential features.

  1. Special knowledge and skills ( qualification requirements) - professional education, work experience, requirements for mental abilities.
  2. Load - the effect of work on human organism,
  3. Responsibility - material responsibility, responsibility for personnel in the production process, responsibility for the safety of production secrets.
  4. Working conditions - the impact of the environment in the production process, including the safety of the workplace.

Real differences in earnings can exceed the range of the wage scale due to surcharges, allowances and bonuses.

ARTICLE 2 (additional payments for working conditions).

1. Unfavorable working conditions, if it is practically impossible to improve them, should be compensated for by the employee, first of all, by increasing the time of rest, additional free meals at work, preventive and therapeutic measures. If this is not enough, additional payments are introduced to tariff rates based on certification of workplaces and labor processes according to existing methods. The level of compensation and additional payments for unfavorable sanitary and hygienic working conditions should be such a value that would exclude the need to distort production rates in order to increase wages.

2.2. Additional payments for the level of employment during a shift are introduced mainly for multi-tool operators, adjusters, and repair personnel. This type allows you to take into account the differences in labor costs due to the degree of use of the shift fund of workers' time.

In a collective agreement or in a contract, it is advisable to indicate that the administration has the right to use the employee's shift time within the standard time.

Since the excess of the standard employment ratio can harm the health of the employee, the maximum amount of additional payments to the tariff rate should correspond to the value of K. Along with the normative one, a design employment coefficient K should be established for each employee, which corresponds to the actually performed functions and the number of serviced units of equipment. The design coefficient of employment for a given type of work should be determined according to the methodology of labor rationing of the corresponding group of workers.

ARTICLE 3 (allowances).

This element of income should largely depend on the level of productivity of the employee.

3.1. Increases for productivity above the norm until recently most often took the form of piecework extra earnings or pay for work with less than the norm. But from the above definition of allowances as a relatively constant part of earnings, reflecting the personal achievements of an employee, it follows that piecework earnings are a type of allowances.

The following reasons for overfulfillment of the norms can be distinguished:

  1. the employee's abilities for this work, exceeding the average level;
  2. application of improvements that are not formalized as technical or organizational rationalization proposals;
  3. violations of technology and safety measures;
  4. excessive work intensity;
  5. fallacy of the norm.

Only the first reason can be considered an objective basis for receiving piecework extra work and similar payments. Reasons 3-5 in a normally organized production should not take place. As for the second reason, it is necessary to create economic and organizational conditions that ensure the employee's interest in drawing up rationalization proposals and including them in the approved technological process. For this, the allowances specified in Art. 3.2.

2. Allowances for personal contributions to improving efficiency are established:

  1. to the authors of proposals for improving the organization of labor, production and management;
  2. workers, specialists and managers who were directly involved in the implementation of technical and organizational innovations.

The allowances are established for the period of actual use of new equipment, tools, forms of labor organization, etc.

The source of premiums for the growth of efficiency is the real saving of labor and material resources from the use of innovations. Up to 90% of the amount of real effect can be directed to remuneration in the form of allowances and bonuses. The distribution of remuneration is made taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise. For example, the following distribution option is possible: 40% - for allowances to authors and those who directly helped the implementation of their proposals (Art. 3.2); 40% - for bonuses (Articles 4.4, 4.5); 20% - to the fund of the managers of the site and the shop - for premium increments under Art. 3.3 and 4.3.

Efficiency premiums provide real economic prerequisites for stabilizing the rate of fulfillment of norms and for the transition to expanding the scope of application of time wages with a standardized task. Experience shows that it is necessary to expand the concept rationalization proposal, including in it not only technical, but also organizational and economic innovations. Rewards in the form of premiums must be paid for the entire period of use of this offer. The revision of the norms at the initiative of the workers should be seen as a rationalization proposal. The correct application of rationalization and efficiency gains can fundamentally change the overfulfillment situation. It is not uncommon for a worker to draw up a rationalization proposal, although he earns only on the fact that he implements it in only one workplace. If we introduce premiums to pay according to the tariff from the effect that will be realized at all workplaces where this proposal is implemented, then the amount of the rationalizer's earnings will certainly be greater than from the use of a "trade secret" at one workplace. Thus, the premiums under Art. 3.2 become a substitute for piecework earnings and together with the bonuses under Art. 4.4 (for efficiency gains) implement the principle of remuneration of remuneration.

3. The premium for high quality products, fulfillment of urgent and important tasks is paid from the fund of the head of the department (foreman, head of the shop, department). The amount and period of establishment of this allowance are determined by the relevant managers.

ARTICLE 4 (awards)

From the economic essence of premiums, it follows that they can be of two main types:

  1. for high-quality and timely execution of work;
  2. for the personal creative contribution of the employee to the overall results of the workshop and the enterprise.

The first type includes premiums under Art. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3.

Bonuses for personal creative achievements include payments under Art. 4.4 and 4.5.

ARTICLE 5 (social payments - company services to personnel).

In developed countries, the services of the firm include full or partial payment of expenses for the following items:


medical care and medicines;

holidays and weekends ;!

food during work;

professional development of the company's employees;

life insurance of the company's employees and their family members;

membership in clubs (sports, professional, etc.);

out-of-town trips and picnics;

consulting on legal, financial and other problems;

savings funds;

other expenses.

Effectively operating US companies pay their employees up to 90% of the cost of treatment with therapists and dentists, reimburse college and university tuition fees (upon successful passing of exams), pay a significant portion of old-age pensions, and create benefits for the purchase of goods.

Social payments are often organized on a “menu” basis. This means that within a certain amount, each employee can choose those types of payments that are most attractive to him. Social payments also include the company's contributions to pension funds.

ARTICLE 6 (dividends and options).

Dividends and gains from share market value gains account for a significant portion of total corporate top management income. In many firms, it is very important to pay for the activities of managers through options.

As the world experience shows, the employee's efficiency and his income are well correlated at all levels of the hierarchy, except for the highest one. Salaries and other income (dividends, options, etc.) of corporate executives are often unrelated to profit margins, stock prices, and other useful results. An example is the income of many heads of US firms, information about which is given in the magazine "Business Week" * (1996. No. 4. Pp. 44-45) * In particular, the ATT company announced in 1995 that it would cut 40 thousand jobs. but her CEO's salary did not decrease ($ 5.85 million), and, in addition, he received an option of $ 11 million.

.7 Forms and systems of wages

Based on the considered structure of the income of an employee of the enterprise, the forms and systems of wages corresponding to the conditions of a particular economic object can be selected. Form of wagescharacterizes the relationship between the cost of working time, the productivity of workers and the amount of their earnings. There are two main forms of wages: time based and piecework. Time-based is a form of payment in which the amount of earnings is proportional to the actual hours worked. With piecework; payment of an employee's earnings is proportional to the number of products manufactured by him.

Salary systemcharacterizes the interconnection of the elements of wages: the tariff part, additional payments, premium increments. There are dozens of salary systems: time-bonus, piece-bonus, time-based with a standardized task, lump-sum, etc. The trend is to expand the scope of application of systems based on time-based pay with a standardized task and a fairly large share of bonuses (up to 50%) for a contribution employee to increase the income of the company.

In modern pay systems, special attention is paid to increasing the interest of each employee in improving the efficiency of production resources. The increase in wages should be made dependent on a decrease in labor and material costs, an increase in product quality (and a corresponding increase in its price) and an increase in sales.

It should be emphasized that with the time-based form of payment for the work, the condition for receiving earnings for the time actually worked should be the performance of a certain amount of work, which is established by the standardized task. In other words, the mere fact of being in the workplace cannot yet be considered a basis for calculating wages. This circumstance shows the relativity of the allocation of time-based and piece-rate forms of remuneration. If the production rates (standardized tasks) are fulfilled by 100%, the time wages and piecework wages will be equal.

It is advisable to use the piece-piece form in cases where the volume of manufactured products can vary significantly depending on the individual differences of the workers.

Salaries for specialists and employees are established on the basis of certification, which can be carried out at intervals of 1-3 years, depending on the tariff agreement between representatives of employers and employees. When evaluating the activities of specialists, the main attention is paid to their creative activity, which is manifested in inventions, rationalization proposals, commercial ideas, etc. Employees are evaluated according to their level; qualifications, conscientiousness, accuracy in fulfilling job descriptions, responsibility.

Differentiation of salaries of specialists and employees within a single wage scale, as a rule, is relatively small, in the range of 1: 3. However, differences in total earnings can; be much larger - 5, 10 or more times. This differentiation is determined by differences in individual labor efficiency, assessed, ultimately, by the influence of a specialist's activities on profit growth.

For engineering specialists (designers, technologists), the most important are allowances and bonuses for inventive and rationalization activities... In this case, the allowances are in the form of royalties, that is, monthly payments for the entire period of application of this invention and rationalization proposal at the enterprise. Efficiency bonuses are set as a per-unit payment, that is, a lump-sum payment depending on the expected effect of the invention or rationalization proposal.

Increases and bonuses for efficiency gains can be established for all categories of specialists. In particular, for those who are employed in the planning, procurement, sales departments, allowances and bonuses are established for reducing material inventories and work in progress, choosing the most efficient suppliers of raw materials, expanding sales, etc.

Allowances for employees are established, first of all, for the conscientious fulfillment of duties, the performance of urgent work, the combination of functions, the development of new methods of work, new information and computer technology.

For managers and specialists, the contractual remuneration system is increasingly used. The term of the contract is usually 3-5 years. Its main sections are:

  1. general characteristics of the contract;
  2. working conditions;
  3. salary;

4) social security;

  1. the procedure for terminating the contract;
  2. resolving controversial issues;
  3. special conditions... Remuneration for the work of heads of enterprises, their deputies, as well as heads of relatively independent divisions can be carried out as a percentage of the profit of the enterprise. However, the combined option of paying managers is more often used: salary plus allowances and bonuses depending on profit or its components directly dependent on the activities of the respective manager.

For managers and specialists of production departments, in addition to bonuses for the growth of efficiency, bonuses are also usually set for completing production tasks and stages of work. The value of these premiums is calculated depending on the rhythm of production, taking into account the quality of products, assessed by complaints, repeated checks, and losses from consumers.

When concluding a contract with a specialist, it is advisable to offer him a choice of several options for remuneration ("menu of contracts"). For example, in one embodiment, there may be a higher salary share for a lower premium and fee share; in another variant, the opposite is true: a large share of earnings that depend on the results of work. In such cases, professionals confident in their creativity will choose options with a higher share of premiums and fees. This choice is also beneficial for the enterprise.

.8 Conclusions for the chapter

In the general case, motivation is the impact on the behavior of a Person to achieve personal, group and social goals.

All types of motivation are based on an analysis of human needs. (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2. - The structure of human needs

A person's behavior can change both sex by the influence of his own (internal) motives, and as a result of external influences. Internal motives of a person are determined by his goals, values, needs, potential. External influences on human behavior are ultimately determined by the goals and values ​​of the family, team, organization, society.

According to the indicated reasons for changes in a person's command, it is customary to distinguish two main types of motivation: internal and external. This classification characterizes the sources of changes in human behavior.

Along with this feature, the classification of types of motivation according to their content, which is due to the structure of human needs, is of significant importance. In terms of content, the following main types of motivation can be distinguished: tetetic; spiritual and ethical; social; role-playing; aesthetic; cognitive; creative; status; economic, administrative.

Physiological motivation is due to physiological! human needs.

Spiritual and aesthetic motivation is aimed at meeting the need for spiritual improvement, charity to relatives, friends, employees.

Social motivation reflects the needs for friendship, love, and community involvement.

Role motivation is due to the importance of work, their usefulness for the organization and society.

Aesthetic motivation meets the needs for beauty and harmony. Cognitive motivation (from lat. cognitio- knowledge) reflects the need for knowledge, advanced training.

Creative motivation meets the needs of the staff! in creativity, creating something new in all areas of activity ..

Status motivation reflects the need for career growth, leadership, as well as the recognition of colleagues for achievements in science, invention and other areas. These achievements determine the changes in the employee's status in the organization.

Economic motivation involves remuneration of labor in accordance with its costs and results, as well as in accordance with the relationship of ownership and belonging to a particular social group.

Administrative motivation means working on orders, commands, that is, under direct duress.

When analyzing the interrelationships of the two indicated classification signs (according to the sources of influence on changing the behavior of people and according to content), only physiological motivation can be attributed to purely internal, and only administrative motivation to purely external. All other types of meaningful motivation can be carried out both as internal and as external.

It should be noted that extrinsic motivation is often called stimulation because of the history of the term. It comes from the Latin word stimulus, which denotes a stick with a pointed end (goad), designed to drive donkeys. For this reason, I avoid using the term “incentive”. The once fashionable expression "moral incentives" sounds especially ridiculous. The term "incentive" is most related to administrative motivation.

In modern management, active attempts are made to revise the classical theories of motivation in order to adapt them to greater modern structure needs. The personnel motivation system can be based on a wide variety of methods, the choice of which depends on the elaboration of the incentive system at the enterprise, the general management system and the characteristics of the enterprise itself.

The main trends in the development of personnel motivation systems in business entities in modern conditions are: orientation towards strategic approaches, attention to the internal motives of work, the implementation of a participatory approach to the motivational process, the active development of economic and socio-psychological methods of stimulation, development, etc.

The main recommendations for improving the motivation process and preventing demotivation: providing as much realistic information as possible in the selection process, creating realistic expectations, managing personnel by goals, setting realistic goals, dividing complex goals into short-term stages, actively using additional skills of employees, paying attention to ideas and suggestions of employees , the formation of organizational culture, the development of a sense of belonging to the organization among employees, the encouragement and assessment of the achievements of employees, the development of a career management system.

2. Characteristics of LLC "Nevskaya Klassika" and its analysis


.1 Company history

The shipping company "Nevskaya Klassika" has been operating in the field of inland water tourism in St. Petersburg since the early 2000s. In 2001, the company specialized in providing motor ships for rent to travel companies that receive foreign tourists, with which it works to this day. In 2003, in order to develop the service sector, the founders of the company acquired two restaurants that specialize in catering and tourist services. In 2004, the founders of the company decided to expand the service sector and, additionally, began to focus on corporate clients. Employees of the company "Nevskaya Klassika" are qualified specialists who can provide advice on any issues of the firm's activities.

The main goal of the company's activities is to organize, at a high professional level, tourist and excursion services on motor-ship routes along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg, the development of new excursion programs on water and land, the commercial operation of ships of various classes (small and cruise fleets).

2.2 Services provided

LLC "Nevskaya Klassika" offers a full range of services related to the organization of recreation on motor ships. The main activities of the company are:

· Carrying out a variety of excursion programs on motor ships along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg, including a special route "White Nights" (during the drawing of bridges), accompanied by professional guides;

· Walks on high-speed motor ships of the Meteor class to the historical suburbs of St. Petersburg: Petrodvorets, Strelna, Kronstadt, Shlisselburg (Oreshek fortress);

· Organization and holding of banquets, buffets, solemn and festive events on board ships on individual orders of organizations and individuals;

· Traditional river cruises on the island. Balaam, about. Kizhi, Petrozavodsk, village Mandrogi, to Moscow, along the river. Volga;

2.3 Competitiveness of the company

At the moment, the company ranks among the three best river tourism companies in St. Petersburg. This position is due to the following factors:

· The fleet of boats of the company is the largest in St. Petersburg

· LLC "Nevskaya Klassika" has concluded agreements with the leading tourist companies of the city, which allows to receive an additional stream of customers without engaging in direct sales.

· Flexible pricing policy. The company allows you to pay for its services, both in cash and by bank transfer. In some cases, provision of a loan or deferred payment is provided.

2.4 Degree of mechanization and automation of control processes

At the moment, the company uses the accounting system 1C "Accounting" to automate accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting. This program provides a solution to all the tasks facing the accounting department of the enterprise, in particular, for example, for the extract of primary documents and sales accounting.

During the summer period, when the flow of customers increases to such an extent that the company's employees are not able to answer all phone calls and advise customers, the company resorts to using the services of a call center. This helps both not to distract the bulk of the company's employees from their work with phone calls, and to provide complete and reliable information about the services to all potential customers.

The advantages of these methods of automating activities are accelerated information exchange, reducing routine operations, reducing the number of errors, facilitating access to information, additional tools for rapid analysis of large amounts of data appear.

In the future, it is planned to conclude a permanent contract with the call center with the expansion of its functions from simple consulting regular customers before making an appointment and booking ships with subsequent detailed reporting. The result should be the solution of the following main tasks:

· creation of a unified system for planning the activities of the enterprise.

· optimization of the internal accounting policy of the enterprise with details that provide management accounting and an objective analysis of the results of financial and economic activities.

· decision-making support at all levels of management based on improving the collection and processing of information.

2.5 Organizational structure of the enterprise

The organizational structure of the enterprise is shown in diagram 1.

Scheme 1. - Organizational structure of the enterprise LLC "Nevskaya


2.6 Efficiency and economy of the management structure

The management structure of Nevskaya Klassika LLC is shown in Diagram 2. It is linear and is most suitable for this small enterprise. It provides:

· a clear system of mutual relations of functions and departments;

· a clear system of one-man management - one leader;

· concentration in their hands of the management of the entire set of processes with a common goal;

· clearly expressed responsibility;

· quick reaction of executive divisions to direct instructions from their superiors;

· consistency of actions of performers;

· efficiency in decision making;

· simplicity of organizational forms and clarity of relationships.

Scheme 2. - Management structure of the enterprise LLC "Nevskaya


.7 Personnel of the enterprise

The operational management of the enterprise is carried out by the general director, who is the founder of the enterprise.

Responsibilities of the General Director:

· Organization of all the work of the company, responsibility for its condition and activities;

· Representation of the firm in all institutions and organizations;

· Disposal of property and funds of the company, opening bank accounts;

· Reception and dismissal of employees of the company, the use of incentives and penalties for employees of the company;

· Management of all administrative and business activities of the company;

· Approval of reports and balances of subordinate enterprises.

Firm LLC "Nevskaya Klassika" includes the following departments: sales, accounting.

Job responsibilities of the key positions of the company:

Deputy Director for Finance:

· Providing the organization of a comprehensive economic analysis of the firm's activities.

· Implementation of guidance on the economic planning of service delivery, gross income, costs.

· Implementation of the management of the accounting department.

Chief Accountant:

· Control and maintenance of accounting documents throughout the company.

· Drawing up a balance.

Deputy Director for Cruises:

· Analysis of the tourism market, threats, opportunities.

· Providing the company with new orders.

· Implementation of the management of the sales department.

2.8 Number of personnel, work schedule

The staff of the company as of March 2009 is 17 people, distributed between the sales department, accounting department and the fleet of ships. The sales and accounting department's work schedule is constant: five days a week for nine hours. Due to the specifics of the activity, the work schedule of personnel in the fleet is not constant. It depends on the season and the number of orders. Ranges from a 5 day work week with a nine hour work day to a six to seven day work week with a ten hour work day. Regular processing. The days off are floating and are appointed by agreement with the head of the department.

The number of male and female staff is approximately the same. The main requirements for office staff are PC knowledge at the user level and competent speech. Requirements for the personnel working in the shipyard - secondary technical specialized education.

The turnover of personnel at the enterprise is extremely low due to its stability, good wages and specificity of activities. Career growth is also practically excluded due to the small number of employees.

2.9 Personnel management system of the organization

The personnel management system of LLC "Nevskaya Klassika" is based on the following basic documents on strategic management the personnel of the enterprise:

1.Mission of the enterprise;

2.Enterprise development concept;

.The social code of the enterprise;

.Enterprise policy in the field of personnel management.

These documents have been developed taking into account the relevant provisions:

1.Labor Code of the Russian Federation ( the federal law from 30.11.01 No. 197-FZ);

2.Federal Law "On joint stock companies"Dated 26.12.95 No. 208-FZ;

.State system of documentation support for management (GSDOU);

.Typical instructions for office work in federal bodies executive power from 27.11.00 No. 33;

.State standard of the Russian Federation GOST R6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems (USD). Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation (USORD). Requirements for paperwork "(adopted and put into effect from 01.07.03).

The personnel management system at the enterprise is quite simple, since the number of personnel is small. There is one person for every 17 people who performs the functions of a HR specialist.

The functioning of the personnel management system is based on a clear interaction of its constituent subsystems:

· search, selection and recruitment of personnel;

· adaptation of personnel;

· staff motivation;

· professional training of personnel;

· accounting and evaluation of performance results;

Wages directly involved in the accounting department.

There is no separate HR department for internal personnel in the system of departments. Its functions are performed by the CEO.

The enterprise has all the main regulatory documents in place personnel service.

All personnel documentation, methods of its maintenance and systematization meet the statutory requirements and state standards of the Russian Federation.

2.10 Forms and systems of remuneration used in the organization

motivation salary bonus

The remuneration system at the enterprise is based on official salaries. For each position in Staffing table the corresponding salary is indicated, with which the employee gets acquainted when concluding an employment contract.

Replacement working conditions are also taken into account in the official salaries of the corresponding categories of workers.

In addition to the salary in the sales department, a bonus system is provided, which is based on a percentage of the total monetary amount of contracts concluded per month.

Leave and sick leave payments are paid in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Compulsory social and medical insurance at the enterprise is carried out in accordance with the current Russian legislation.

The basis for the formation of the remuneration system is the analysis carried out by the accounting department, as a result of which the head of the enterprise has before him the results of each month's work, where the relationship between a decrease in the cost of services and an increase in wages is clearly drawn, an increase in sales (these data are provided by the sales department) and wages. pay of each employee.

.11 Company turnover

Since the business of the company "Nevskaya Klassika" LLC is seasonal, the turnover varies significantly in the "peak" months and months of calm.

3. Development of measures to improve the system

staff motivation

.1 Purpose of project development

The company carried out a lot of analytical work (questionnaires of employees, structured interviews with managers), as a result of which it was proposed to switch from the “standardized” payment method to a bonus system. It, in the best possible way, meets the peculiarities of the work process at the enterprise, and such top-priority management tasks as motivating workers to work more productively and optimizing personnel costs: we are talking about such a redistribution of the wage fund, when high wages correspond to a higher result. and skill level.

The main principle of this system is that the amount of the employee's remuneration (both the bonus and its size) directly depends on what result the employee has achieved.

At the moment, the salary system for sales managers in the company is a salary. While all over the world the system of "salary + percentage of sales", or a percentage of sales without a salary, has been practiced for a long time.

Percentage from sales is one of the most ancient ways of rewarding sellers, which has survived to this day, confirming its usefulness and reliability. The method is simple, with one caveat - the fairness of the percentage is determined not only by the head, but also by managers. Its size must be reasonably established by the manager. Moreover, the reason should be understood by sales managers and accepted by them as fair. Until a manager achieves this recognition, even starting a sale is dangerous. A separate business of sellers within the business will appear immediately. The leader will have to strengthen control, waste time and nerves on a showdown with subordinates. The result is a tense atmosphere, mistrust, gossip and conspiracies, and most importantly, a drop in sales. Moreover, as experience shows, relatively small business - the time and nerves costs will be large.

“This kind of motivation for sales managers, as a percentage of sales, is a flexible tool and therefore it can always be changed, again, reasonably and always try to get it recognized as fair managers. The essence of fair remuneration lies in the fact that the motivation of the employee who believes that he / she is being rewarded unfairly decreases, often quite strongly, and the employee who believes that he / she is paid fairly or even more than he deserves, increases (and strongly, if thinks they pay more) ".

3.2 Introduction of new forms of remuneration

Introduction of a salary and bonus system of remuneration.

Establishment of a bonus rate for employees in the amount of 10% of the profitability of the order.

Improvement of methods of economic incentives for personnel in LLC "Nevskaya Klassika" should be based on the establishment of a relationship between wages and the level of income of the enterprise, as well as the efficiency of the employee himself. The existing bonus system at the enterprise does not make the amount of remuneration dependent on the direct performance of the personnel. For a more effective impact of motives on personnel, it is necessary to introduce a more differentiated system of bonuses to the basic wage fund for employees engaged in the implementation of services.

In modern management, there are two basic forms of wages - piecework and time-based. In the first case, the amount of monetary remuneration is determined in proportion to the volume of work performed. In the second, the level of payment is associated with the duration of the time spent on work. On the basis of these forms, various options and combinations of remuneration are constructed.

Modern systems of remuneration are based on the choice of certain forms of wages and the establishment of a relationship between different components of remuneration.

There are dozens of different salary systems: time-bonus, piece-bonus, time-based with a standardized task, lump-sum, etc.

The main task of any modern wage system is to ensure the motivational potential of wages - the relationship between labor efficiency and remuneration for it. "In corporations of developed countries, several systems of remuneration are often used at once, which reflect its specificity in different departments and their role in achieving results."

Today the salary of a sales manager at Nevskaya Klassika LLC is 20,000 rubles. Each of the two managers brings the company orders worth 800,000 rubles per month. Prices for services are formed on the basis of a profitability of 25%.

25% = RUB 800,000

640,000 = 160,000 rubles.

rub. are net profit.

With the addition of ten percent of the voucher profit to the salary, as practice shows, it is quite possible to reach an amount of 1,190,000 rubles, all other things being equal.

Taking into account the cost of these services:

25% = RUB 1,90000

Of this money, net profit, excluding the seller's interest, will be:

952,000 = 238,000 rubles.

The manager's share will be 10%, of this amount:

* 10% = 23800 rubles.

Accordingly, the profit of the enterprise remains:

23800 = 214200 rubles.

Economic effectfrom the introduction of a new remuneration scheme for two sales managers will be:

(214,200 - 160,000) * 2 = 108,400 rubles.

Which equates to a 33.875% increase in net profit.

* 2 = 320,000 rubles. pre-system profit

* 2 = RUB 428 400 profit after introduction.

(428400 / 320000) * 100%= 133,875%

3.3 Situational regulation of the level of profitability of the project

Providing managers with the ability to set the level of profitability of the project.

Quite often there are cases when a potential client of the company is entity... Almost always, the employee involved in booking a ticket belongs to one of two categories:

1.Financially interested in a lower price. Calls several companies - service providers, selects the lowest cost.

2.Wants to gain personal interest from the transaction being concluded, i.e. a bribe for advising his company on this particular supplier company.

Quite rare, but still there is a third type of customer:

Financially disinterested people. Those who spend their company money without really caring about the amount of money.

In the first two cases, it is possible to attract a client and persuade him to order services from oneself by introducing a scheme that allows managers to manipulate the planned profit of the enterprise and set the profitability themselves, depending on the situation. And in the third, with her own help, it would be quite appropriate to deliberately overcharge the price without fear of losing the client. Based on the fact that prices for services include a profitability of 25%, which, as shown by a survey of owners of travel agencies, is the average for St. Petersburg, a tool of 15% of the cost of services will be a fairly weighty argument in favor of the flexibility of the payment system. This will help to attract regular customers, in particular, by establishing a system of discounts tied to the number of orders.

Taking into account the first project proposal, the volume of services sold by one manager per month will amount to 1,190,000 rubles. in monetary terms. A survey of company managers showed that, on average, once a month, when discussing large orders, they have to face the impossibility of fighting with competitors in price factor in the absence of such powers. And about ten orders worth up to 3000 rubles.

15% markup change for orders up to RUB 5,000. not only cannot significantly influence the client's decision-making, but also rather greatly complicate the work of the accounting department and the managers themselves due to constant recalculations and changes depending on the situation. Efficiency in working with pricing policy can be achieved when negotiating contracts with a value of 20,000 rubles or more.

Based on the conditions: one contract per month unsigned because of the price, the average cost of the contract is 25,000 rubles. and a maximum discount of 15%, you can calculate the additional profit of the enterprise:

Cost of a standard contract = 22,000 rubles.

With a standard markup of 25% and a manager's discount of 15%, the final markup will be:

Thus, this contract will cost the customer:

rub. + 10% = RUB 24,200

With a cost price of 22,000 rubles, the company's profit will be:

22000 = 2200 rubles.

Two managers per month will be able to increase the company's profits by:

rub. * 2 = RUB 4400

Considering that no additional costs were incurred by the executing company.

.4 Introduction of monetary penalties

For quite a long time, the company administrator, who is responsible for the distribution of passengers to ships, has been performing his duties unsatisfactorily.

This is expressed in being late for work, impolite treatment of clients, and a disregard for their duties. An effective solution to this problem will be the introduction of penalties for non-compliance with official duties. In particular, from the points that can be monitored directly, a fine is added for skipping tourists boarding on a ship (1000 rubles) and a fine for an entry in the vessel's complaint book, directly related to the official duties of an administrator (400 rubles).

Using the information that one unsatisfied client during the year dissuades two friends from the company's services, and a satisfied one leads one, we get statistics:

With an average workload of the fleet of ships per day, four ships carry out 5 trips of 20 passengers each. Customer reviews show that, on average, there is one passenger dissatisfied with the service every day.

days * 1 person = 30 people are unhappy with the service per month.

The ticket price for a day excursion trip is 3000 rubles.

A dissatisfied client does not use the services of the company for a year and discourages an acquaintance. The company's losses will amount to:

person / month * 2 * 3000 rub. = RUB 180,000 per month

In addition, a disgruntled passenger will not recommend the company's services to his friend. Opportunity costs will be:

person / month * 3000 rub. = RUB 90,000 per month

Thus, the total amount of lost money per month will be:

90,000 = 270,000 rubles. per month

After the introduction of a system of fines, the proceeds from which will be used to purchase souvenirs for dissatisfied customers, it is planned to completely end the delays and non-appearance of the administrator for loading ships and reduce the number of complaints in the complaint book to 2 per week.

In this case, the lost profit will decrease to the volume:

people * 4 weeks * 2 * 3000 rub. + 2 persons * 4 weeks * 3000 rub. = 72,000 rubles.

The economic benefit of the project will be:

RUB / month - 72,000 rubles / month = 198,000 rubles / month

3.5 Conclusions for the chapter

An assessment of the economic efficiency of the implementation of the developed remuneration system showed that the main costs of the projected material motivation system will be in the deduction of a percentage of the amount of an increase in the enterprise's proceeds for the formation of a variable part of remuneration according to the system of employees' participation in the enterprise's profits.

The planned percentage of deductions based on the accounting data of the enterprise is equal to 10% of the increase in the volume of services provided, which, at the standard level of profitability of production activities, will be 25% of the increase in the profit of the enterprise. Accordingly, 65% of the achieved increase in the company's proceeds will make up the economic benefit from the introduction of the new remuneration system for OOO Nevskaya Klassika, that is, they will provide an increase in the company's net profit.

Implementation of the proposed program, upon reaching an increase in sales volume of 48.75% of the average monthly profit in 2008, will increase the payroll fund for managers of Nevskaya Klassika LLC by 2 times, while gaining an increase in gross profit in the amount of 108,400 rubles. (48.75% of the 2008 level).

In general, we can conclude that the implementation of the proposed measures in combination with the improvement of other management methods will increase the interest of employees in the results of their work and the effectiveness of the entire enterprise management system.

In the main incentives, that is, when determining the size of the salary and bonuses, no attention is paid to the additional hours worked by the staff, which significantly reduces motivation and productivity.

In some cases, time-based wages are used, while in the end the quantitative result is important. It also leads to a significant decrease in labor productivity.


Based on the results of the research carried out in the work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Motivation in personnel management is understood as the process of activating the motives of employees ( intrinsic motivation) and creating incentives (extrinsic motivation) to motivate them to work effectively. The purpose of motivation is the formation of a set of conditions that induce a person to take actions aimed at achieving the goal with maximum effect. The process of motivation can be simplified into the following stages: identifying needs, forming and developing motives, managing them in order to change people's behavior necessary to achieve goals, adjusting the motivational process depending on the degree of achievement of results.

The theoretical foundations of motivation were laid by meaningful and procedural theories of motivation. In modern management, active attempts are made to revise the classical theories of motivation in order to adapt them to the modern structure.

The personnel motivation system can be based on a wide variety of methods, the choice of which depends on its elaboration at the enterprise, the general management system and the characteristics of the enterprise itself. The classification of motivation methods, depending on the orientation towards the impact on certain needs, can be carried out into organizational and administrative (organizational and administrative), economic and socio-psychological. Also, motivation methods can be grouped into the following four types: economic motives, management by goals, enrichment of labor, participation system.

The main trends in the development of personnel motivation systems in modern conditions are: orientation towards strategic approaches, attention to the internal motives of work, the implementation of a participatory approach to the motivational process, the active development of economic and socio-psychological methods of motivation, development, etc.

Sociological studies show that the salary and individual allowance have the greatest weight among the forms of motivation, and then various types of premiums follow, health insurance, the possibility of obtaining loans and material assistance stand out against the background of others. The following motivational forms are also significant: a good moral climate in the team, a career, good working conditions, payment for vouchers, social vacations.

Among the most possible factors of demotivation are:

violation of an unspoken contract;

failure to use any employee skills that he himself values;

ignoring ideas and initiatives;

lack of a sense of belonging to the company;

no sense of achievement, no results visible, no personal and professional growth;

lack of recognition of achievements and results from management and colleagues;

no changes in the employee's status.

providing as much realistic information as possible in the selection process,

creating realistic expectations,

personnel management by goals,

setting realistic goals,

dividing complex goals into short-term stages,

active use of additional skills of employees,

attention to ideas and suggestions of employees,

formation of organizational culture,

developing a sense of belonging to the organization among employees,

encouraging and evaluating the achievements of employees,

development of a career management system.

The analysis of LLC "Nevskaya Klassika" carried out in the work showed that the company is one of the largest enterprises in the tourism industry in St. Petersburg. LLC "Nevskaya Klassika" is successfully developing and has high potential.

Services are provided at a high level.

The company occupies a fairly large share of the tourist services market, which allows its products to freely and easily compete with the offers of other companies.

In 2008, OOO Nevskaya Klassika saw an increase in sales by 5% compared to the previous year. The growth of the balance sheet profit amounted to 229 thousand rubles, the level of profitability did not undergo significant changes. The company's net profit has more than doubled compared to the level of the previous year and amounted to 36,267 thousand rubles.

The analysis of the labor motivation system at the enterprise showed that the management of the enterprise personnel is carried out using a combination of administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods of management. The basis of the personnel incentive system is laid by the use of organizational and technical methods that optimize the construction of a labor efficiency management system. The socio-psychological methods used by Nevskaya Klassika LLC effectively carry out spiritual stimulation, creating a favorable psychological climate in the team and a sense of belonging to the organization. The stable size of staff remuneration established at the enterprise prevents an increase in staff turnover and reduces the cost of finding new labor resources.

The main weaknesses of the existing labor incentive system for employees of Nevskaya Klassika LLC are the following aspects:

Low efficiency of intra-industrial relations, due to the fact that the initiative and enterprise of employees are not encouraged, and often, on the contrary, are suppressed; the economic incentive fund is not formed in the departments, but is allocated from centralized sources; departments do not bear economic responsibility for the efficiency and quality of services and the efficiency of the use of labor and material resources.

The operational management of the sales unit is carried out by people who do not have special education to carry out this type of activity.

Low utilization of employees' abilities, lack of a well-developed system of promotion and career development. The shortcomings of the enterprise personnel motivation system are most clearly manifested during periods of maximum demand for enterprise services. The main directions of the development of the personnel incentive system at LLC "Nevskaya Klassika" under the current conditions can be:

Development of a business career management system;

Application of new incentive forms of remuneration;

Expanding the use of socio-psychological factors in motivating staff, creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team.

To form a career management system at the enterprise, it is necessary to carry out the following measures:

) to create the foundations for the functioning of the career development system of employees based on the implementation of management by goals, training and management of adaptation, and vocational guidance, work with a reserve for promotion, individual psychological counseling on career issues, the formation of a good communication system at the enterprise, public systematic information about vacancies in the company.

) Based on the study of the needs and interests of employees, further develop the career system of the enterprise and the methods of motivation used. Crankcase development programs to provide a systematic incentive should be offered regularly; be open to all employees; modified if their assessment indicates that changes are needed. In general, a well-formulated effort to develop an enterprise's career management system can help workers identify their own advancement needs, provide information on suitable career opportunities within the enterprise, and align the worker's needs and goals with the organization's goals. Establishing such a system can reduce the obsolescence of human resources that are so costly for the enterprise. In addition, the career counseling system is able to provide considerable assistance to the management of the enterprise in terms of understanding the system of motivating its employees and making adjustments to the methods and systems of motivation used.

To increase the economic motivation of the existing remuneration system at Nevskaya Klassika LLC today, the system of remuneration should be supplemented by a system of employees' participation in the organization's profits and the construction of personnel management by goals, on the basis of the achievement of which the labor efficiency of each employee will be assessed. To introduce a system of employee participation in the profit of an enterprise, it is possible to propose a standard of deductions to the fund for employee participation in profits in the amount of a percentage of the company's revenue. The division of the bonus fund to be created should be carried out according to standards developed with the participation of employees in order to be understandable to them. Also, the current list of social payments can be improved.

Additional social and economic payments and guarantees at the moment for LLC "Nevskaya Klassika" may be:

paid holidays;

paid time for lunch;

medical insurance at the enterprise;

additional pension insurance at the enterprise;

accident insurance; free parking for cars;

assistance in improving education, vocational training and retraining; purchase of shares by employees.

The general list of social payments to the enterprise should be discussed with the participation of employees (questionnaire, team meeting). It is possible to assign various types of social payments to individual structural units.

The proposed forms of material motivation should be used to determine material remuneration, while personnel costs will not be sharply increasing. Their introduction must be carried out gradually, while one form can be a source for another (for example, savings funds are sources of loans).

The main directions of improving social and psychological methods in motivating the personnel of LLC "Nevskaya Klassika" can be:

Maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the team based on the development of a conflict management system,

Formation and development of organizational culture.

Creation of a conflict prevention system at the enterprise,

Encouraging their positive consequences will ensure high efficiency of the management system at the enterprise, maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the workforce.


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Tags: Development of measures to improve the personnel motivation system at Nevskaya Klassika LLC Diploma in Management

Despite the positive experience of building a system of motivation and stimulation of labor in our enterprise, it should be noted that there is practically no research on the motivational structure of employees.

In our opinion, today, ignoring the monitoring of labor motivation is unacceptable, sooner or later such a system may collapse. Therefore, we consider it expedient to offer the company ITK LLC several motivating factors, such as:

1. Training, professional development;

2. Questioning;

One of the motivating factor for employees, and the main elements of personnel development is training, professional development of employees, carried out at the expense of the organization. Employees see that the company is interested in them and invests in their professional growth.

Training includes the acquisition of new skills, for successful execution work.

The training includes the following materials:

Preliminary estimate;

Setting learning goals;

The purpose of the preliminary assessment is to determine the training needs. This procedure consists of three stages: first, a questionnaire is developed, then a questionnaire survey of personnel and an analysis of the data obtained are carried out. Analysis of the data obtained allows us to draw conclusions about the satisfaction of the team with working conditions.

Setting training goals includes specifying the magnitude of those predicted results that the employee achieved at the end of training. The main goal of the training is to achieve a higher level of productivity and quality of labor, to reduce staff turnover, losses and costs in the process of professional activities of students, as well as to increase the level of labor and motivation of personnel.

Therefore, by investing in employee training now, the organization saves on future costs, since the organization will already have employees of the required qualifications and the management will not have to spend funds on the selection and adaptation of new employees with the necessary list of knowledge and skills.

The next important factor for the organization is the questionnaire. In this regard, we offered the company ITK LLC such a form of identifying the structure of employees' motivational activities as a questionnaire, which is proposed in (Appendix 1). By calculating the results obtained in the course of the survey, it is possible to adjust the structure of the incentive and motivation system at the enterprise, to make it more viable and adequate to the motivational expectations of personnel.

After analyzing the personnel motivation system of ITK LLC, some recommendations can be made.

The organization also underutilizes the services of services that have access to a wide range of interested personnel. When recruiting personnel from external sources, you can offer the management to use the services of employment services, private recruiters, since this saves time on talking with candidates who do not meet the requirements, and the selection of candidates is more targeted.

Also, the organization does not sufficiently use the internal reserve, therefore, I propose to pay attention to improving the qualifications of already working personnel at the enterprise.

It is proposed to use an internal competition to select employees who have positive performance results. Information about such vacancies is posted in the form of an announcement on the organization's information board, which is available to each employee or announced at a general meeting of the team. In this announcement, in addition to the content of the work, they also reflect the qualification requirements for the candidate. After that, the results of the competition are summarized and the result is announced.

We reviewed the current state of recruitment, recruitment and selection of personnel, identified shortcomings in the work and offered recommendations for improving the selection and selection of personnel.

In addition, the organization practices intangible incentives, which should be aimed at increasing employee loyalty to the organization while reducing the cost of compensation to employees. The main effect that can be achieved with the help of material incentives is to increase the loyalty and interest of employees in the organization.

We propose to carry out the following measures within the framework of non-material incentives at the enterprise ITK LLC, such as:

1. Providing assistance in:

Identification of employees and their family members in sanatoriums, boarding houses (providing sponsorship, providing discounts on products for boarding houses, partial payment for vouchers, financial assistance);

2. Board of honor;

3. Gifts to:

New Year;


Significant dates

Diplomas to the best department;

4. Organization of corporate events (competitions, concerts, etc.);


Material incentives are aimed at increasing labor productivity and improving the quality of manufactured products. This is due to the development of a remuneration system. It should mainly take into account the specifics of the field of activity. The bonus system can be used as such incentives in enterprises. It consists in the payment of bonuses for improving the quality of products or making proposals to reduce the cost of production without compromising quality, etc.

Material incentives are practiced in different types... But it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect with material incentives. With material incentives, the head should also proceed from the capabilities of the enterprise to organize one or another system of remuneration.

In the company "ITK" we have proposed the following measures of material incentives.

An increase in the size of bonus payments for proposals made to improve innovative technologies to some employees. At the enterprise, sometimes some ideas and proposals for improving Internet technologies on the part of employees are left without attention, which leads to a loss of initiative among employees. As a result, ideas that could have made a profit remain underestimated.

Thus, when creating an incentive system, it is necessary to take into account the whole range of issues that will help the company improve its work and maximize its profits.

Economic efficiency - achieving the highest result with the least material, labor, financial and other costs. It is not possible to determine the impact on production efficiency, in particular on labor productivity and staff turnover, of intangible incentives in single digits due to the fact that, on the one hand, the state of intangible motivation is a resultant indicator, and on the other hand, it affects the variables that showed economic efficiency not directly and indirectly.

We have developed a table of costs that are necessary for the implementation of our proposed activities:

Table 4 - Costs of measures to improve the labor motivation system in ITK LLC

event title

Planned costs, rub.

1. Providing assistance in:

Identification of employees' children in preschool educational institutions, schools, sports clubs, development centers;

Sanatoriums, boarding houses

- (sponsorship, product discounts, partial payment for vouchers, material assistance);

2. Board of honor;

3. Gifts to:

New Year;


Significant dates

Diplomas to the best department;

4. Corporate events, competitions;

5. Programs aimed at personnel development:

Staff training programs;

Staff development programs;

Internship in your own foreign company;

6. System of bonus payments

Thus, the total amount of expenses allocated for the events is 1,765,000 rubles.

Due to the fact that the company has practically not developed a bonus system, we propose to take the job description of the employee and paint the bonus indicators and the amount of the bonus, in this case we will consider the sales and marketing department, the head of the sales and marketing department.

Table 5. Indicators of bonuses for the "Head of the Sales and Marketing Department"

If the head of the sales and marketing department performs the tasks that the organization sets for him, then we can say that the bonus rates, which are 50%, will be successful, then the organization will not have any questions about what to pay bonuses for, and the amount of bonuses will suit both sides.

Therefore, we offer the organization to implement this calculation of the bonus throughout the organization and to each employee. Each employee will clearly see for what, and why exactly this amount of bonus is paid to him. And in subsequent times it will already be more efficient to work and correct their mistakes, thus, this is a hello to an increase in labor productivity for the organization and a high bonus for the employee.

The results of the implementation of measures to improve the system of motivation and stimulation of labor activity will lead, in our opinion, to an increase in labor productivity by 10% and a decrease in staff turnover. Given that the current profit margin for 2013 is 3,744,230.00 rubles.

The economic effect of the implementation of measures can be calculated as follows:

Table 6 - Calculation of the economic effect

event title

Before implementation

After implementation

Economic effect

Labor productivity (RUB / person)

26744,50/ 24 = 1114,35

1114.35 x 1.1 (10%) = 1225.79

Revenue (thousand rubles)

Cost price excluding additional costs, thousand rubles

Expenses for the implementation of activities at the expense of the cost (bonuses, training), thousand rubles

Gross profit, thousand rubles

26744,40-23000,27 = 3744,13

29418,95 - 23000,27 - 1230 =5188,68

Expenses for the implementation of activities at the expense of profit, thousand rubles

Net profit, thousand rubles

Thus, the economic effect of the proposed measures will amount to 909.55 thousand rubles.

So, as a result of the analysis of the labor motivation system of ITK LLC, a number of its shortcomings were identified, which made it possible to develop measures to improve the management of motivation at this enterprise.

We have developed and implemented a motivation system:

1. Formation of a system of material motivation;

2. Formation of a system of non-material motivation;

The calculation of the socio-economic effect from the implementation of projects showed an increase in social and economic indicators from the implementation of measures to improve the management of motivation of the enterprise personnel.

The practical significance of the activities proposed in the work lies in the development of theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of research and management of motivation and stimulation of labor activity and consists in the following:

The staff is aimed at achieving goals and knows what indicators should be strived for in work;

Due to material incentives, the efficiency of the work of each employee is increased;

The corporate culture is improving, norms and principles of teamwork are being improved;

The level of employee satisfaction improves, staff turnover decreases;

Thus, the totality of the obtained theoretical, methodological and practical conclusions will make it possible to solve significant problems at the ITK LLC enterprise associated with the need, through a system of motivation and stimulation of labor activity, to ensure the coordination of the interests of individual employees and the organization as a whole for successful development enterprises.

1) Improving the wage system

Wages are the most important part of the system of labor remuneration and labor incentives, one of the tools for influencing the employee's labor efficiency.

Since the main motive (based on the survey carried out above) people consider wages in LLC “Golden Patterns”, the system of labor remuneration, which is usual for such enterprises, is used. The level of wages in LLC "Golden Patterns" is at a rather low level. Employees associate wages with labor input at a given enterprise and the development of a personnel motivation system should be based on the development of a remuneration system in accordance with the professional and personal qualities of the employee, as well as the possibility of increasing the level of bonus payments.

Measures to improve the remuneration system:

1) An increase in the level of the constant part of wages will provide confidence in the future, stability of work.

2) Increase in the level of additional bonus payments:

· The introduction of a system of payments of monthly or quarterly bonuses, determined as a percentage of the cost of products sold - for employees who can influence the volume of sales (top managers, heads of departments);

· Establishment of bonuses for overfulfillment of the plan;

· An increase in wages for work, provided that it is not associated with the backlog of workers in the deadlines for completing the assignment;

· Payment of bonuses - annual remuneration based on the results of the work of the entire department, taking into account changes in the volume of sales.

To enhance the motivation of employees to work, the following conditions must be met:

· The company's management should match the proposed remuneration with the needs of the employees and bring them in line;

· Management must establish a solid balance between remuneration and results achieved. The reward must be given only for effective work;

· Directors and managers of the company "Golden Patterns" should form a high, but achievable level of performance expected from subordinates, and inspire them with confidence that they can achieve this level of performance if they apply strength;

· Maintain a sense of fairness among employees and increase work motivation.

A system for evaluating the employee's personal contribution should be developed. It is important that the new labor incentive system is easy for the employee to understand. Let us consider in more detail the possibilities of developing motivation in the indicated directions.

To increase the level of employee satisfaction with material remuneration, it is necessary to take measures to reduce commercial expenses in order to identify reserves for the growth of wages.

Implementation of measures to reduce distribution costs (transport costs, expenses for stationery, communication services, packaging and packaging materials, rental and maintenance of premises, electricity, business trips) can slightly increase the payroll.

For this organization, several provisions were proposed to improve the system of material incentives:

· Development of a constant part of wages (constant part of monetary remuneration) based on the determination of the intra-firm value of positions and jobs;

· Development of a variable part of monetary remuneration in order to enhance the stimulating effect of wages on labor productivity.

An employee's remuneration in this system is divided into two main components - constant and variable:

The constant part of the remuneration - the constant part of the salary - is the guaranteed compensation to the employee for his work in the organization, that is, remuneration for the performance of official duties at his workplace in the amount and with the quality that are provided for by job descriptions or corporate standards.

The conservative-constant part of the remuneration is the base official salary (rate) paid for the performance of their official duties. The size of the rate is revised by the tariff commission, which is collected once a year, except for emergencies, for example, inflation (Figure 15):

Figure 15 - Conservative-constant part of wages

A characteristic feature of the conservative-constant wages is its independence from the amount of work performed by the employee. This type of remuneration is paid without fail, in the agreed amount in case of working out the scheduled time, with the exception of gross violation of regulatory requirements (violation of discipline, causing material damage).

The annual constant part of remuneration is an additional remuneration to an employee that increases over the course of his work in this organization: additional payment for length of service (adjusted annually). This surcharge is measured as a percentage of the base rate. The value of the percentage of additional payments for length of service should be strictly fixed and be common for all employees of the organization. The remuneration for seniority can be measured not only in monetary form, but also in any other material form that is valuable to the employee (Figure 16):

Figure 16 - Annual constant part of wages

This additional remuneration contributes to the cohesion of the employee with the organization. Of course, any company is interested in dedicated employees.

The constant-variable part of the remuneration (payment of compliance) is the additional employee remuneration paid when fulfillment of planned indicators, in the absence of disciplinary sanctions, complaints from the management, damage to the material assets of the organization. The statically variable part of wages includes monthly, quarterly and annual bonuses. The constancy of this element of remuneration lies in the fact that the employee necessarily receives this part if he meets the functional and job requirements. This type of remuneration promotes employee compliance with work norms and regulations, which improves staff discipline.

The variable part of the monetary reward (bonuses or incentive payments) is usually associated with the reward for employee performance... These include commission payments, bonuses for fulfilling the plan, profit sharing, etc. In other words, what constitutes the variable part of the monetary remuneration for labor and is used to account for the performance of employees, linking the level of monetary remuneration with the overall performance of the company, department or the employee himself.

The variable part of wages is divided into:

· Bonus system for performers - a bonus;

· A bonus system that stimulates progressive innovations for the organization (rationalization proposals, promising ideas, etc.) - a progress-bonus.

Bonus- this is an additional remuneration of an employee, paid in fact, either once a month or once a quarter, for the results of its activities that are significant for the organization. This can be: increasing sales, increasing labor productivity, completing an additional task beyond the planned one, etc.

In addition, the bonus can be personal or team.

Team bonus is a group bonus for achieving the goals of its division that are strategically or tactically significant for the organization as a whole (increase in sales, increase in competitiveness, increase in profits, increase in productivity in the division, etc.).

Personal bonus - remuneration that encourages the employee's high individual merits in solving the strategic and tactical tasks of the enterprise (achieving higher individual results, contributing to reducing production costs, increasing the volume of sold products, services, saving resources, etc.).

The variable part of the remuneration paid to staff will be based on the assessment of the performance of each individual employee. Payment of premiums will be carried out depending on the volume of sales. This will increase the interest of the personnel in the high results of their work and, accordingly, in the final results of the organization's activities. It should be noted that the amount of material remuneration should not be a secret for the team, so that all employees can make sure that effective work and initiative are fully encouraged by management.

The current bonus will be paid based on the results of the work for the month if the employee achieves high performance indicators while the employee performs flawlessly the work duties assigned to him by the labor contract, job description and collective agreement, as well as orders of the direct manager. At the same time, under high production indicators means: growth in sales and related income, compliance with contractual discipline, prevention of damage to goods as a result of storage, strict compliance with the rules for acceptance and shipment of products in terms of quantity and quality.

Individual incentive systems more strongly influence the behavior of the employee in terms of achieving the goals that have been set for him. This bonus system is a formalized program where the amount of remuneration is based entirely on quantitative parameters and is aimed at achieving a certain level of sales. Here the employee monitors the results and these results can be quantified in the short term. Payment from the completed volume speaks for itself in its name. This payment scheme does not pose any risk to the employer, since unproductive labor is not paid.

Combining the material interests of employees with the goals of the organization allows the latter to attract and retain qualified personnel, control and manage labor costs, using the labor of the optimal number of employees.

The advantages of this system are:

1) Flexibility - the ability to be sensitive to changes in employee performance.

2) Powerful motivational potential: the selection of criteria for assessment in strict accordance with the goals of the company allows you to encourage the "correct" behavior of employees, while satisfying their interests (which is the "blue dream" of all employers).

3) The system allows you to use both the method of reward and the method of punishment. The incentive increases significantly at maximum indicators, and the punishment is not present in the classical form of a fine, the demotivating effect of which is known, but in the form of a decreasing coefficient when the indicators required by the company are not achieved.

In LLC "Golden Patterns" the following scheme of payroll by categories of employees is proposed, a fixed salary plus a significant bonus part, which directly depends on the employee himself, since this is the percentage of sales:

Deputy Director of Finance - Enterprises are appropriate to offer a fixed salary of 60,000 + a bonus of 0.5% of profits for a period of time equal to one year + 0.2% of seniority salary (every year).

Deputy Director of Marketing - Fixed salary of 50,000 + bonus of 0.5% of profit for a period of time equal to one year + 0.2% of seniority salary (every year).

Production Director - Fixed salary of 45,000 + bonus of 0.5% of profit for a period of time equal to one year + 0.2% of seniority salary (every year).

Sales department - fixed salary of 30,000 + bonus of 0.8% of profit for a period of time equal to one month + 0.2% of seniority salary (every year).

Sector of work with regions - a fixed salary of 30,000 + a bonus of 0.8% of profit for a period of time equal to one month + 0.2% of seniority salary (every year).

Managers - fixed salary of 30,000 + bonus of 1% of profit over a period of time equal to one month + 0.2% of seniority salary (every year).

The success of the new system of material motivation largely depends on how accurately and adequately the development of measures will be carried out to the goals of the company. Like any innovation, it requires support - explanatory work, both at the preparatory stage and in the first 2-3 months after implementation. For some people, the benefits are not so obvious from the very beginning, especially since employees often tend to regard any change as a potential infringement of their rights, so individual advocacy is an important condition for competent implementation. Much depends on the leader, on how much he can convey the new ideology to everyone. After a successfully implemented motivation system, the manager, instead of many hours and not always successful exhortations of staff, can use this time for other things, for example, for strategic planning and analysis of the activities of the company and its departments.

There are four major stages in the development and implementation of a new remuneration system in the organization.

The first stage is the issuance of an order on the organization on preparation for the transition to a new model of remuneration, which sets out the main reasons for the changes in the organization of wages, the essence and merits of the newly elected system of motivation, the main activities that need to be implemented, indicating the timing and those responsible for them. implementation, as well as the composition of the commission for the preparatory work is approved.

The second stage is the development of a regulation on the introduction of a new wage system.

The third stage is the introduction of a new system of material motivation - the issuance of an order on the transition to a new model of remuneration, on the approval of the developed regulation. Taking into account the proposals received from production units (main, auxiliary and managerial personnel) and on the basis of the regulation on the new model, each employee of the organization is approved a specific amount of wages.

At the fourth stage, the effectiveness of the introduced wage system is analyzed. After a certain time after the introduction of the system (quarter), on the basis of observations, surveys, interviews with employees, sociological and expert surveys, it is advisable to give a preliminary assessment of the innovation in the system of organizing material incentives, to identify shortcomings and reserves in the organization of the model, and also to make appropriate adjustments.

The following can be used as moral incentives:

1) Stimulating free time. That is, according to the results of the work of each employee for a certain period, time off, additional days off can be provided at will.

2) Labor incentives - providing opportunities for career advancement, sending employees on business trips to other plants, increasing the role of employees in participating in enterprise management.

3) Providing the opportunity for employees who have shown themselves well in the results of their work, the possibility of additional training, advanced training, and the payment of scholarships to “Excellent Workers”.

4) Providing high-quality medical care, vouchers to rest homes for both employees and their families, organizing work in the cultural sphere (holding evenings, concerts).

5) Fostering in employees a spirit of pride in their enterprise, the desire to work for its good - through the development and implementation of special programs.

Money is a strong enough motivator only if the employee considers his or her wages to be fair and sees the connection between the results of their work and wages.

The motivating effect of the forms of remuneration used in the organization is the higher, the more they are connected both with the real performance of individual employees and with the results achieved by the unit and the entire organization.

The influence of the system of material incentives operating in the organization on the motivation and work behavior of personnel is largely mediated by how fair it is perceived by employees, how directly, in their opinion, wages are related to work results. Rewards should also be perceived as fair by other members of the working group, so that they do not feel left out and start performing worse.

The development and implementation of a system of payment for work performed that is fair and suitable for the organization and for employees can be an important factor in increasing the level of labor motivation of personnel and increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the organization as a whole.

To ensure that workers perceive the pay and reward system as fair, the following measures can be taken:

· Identification through sociological polls of factors that reduce employee satisfaction with the system of labor incentives in the organization and the practice of providing certain benefits, and taking, if necessary, appropriate corrective measures;

· Better informing employees about how the amount of incentives (bonuses, allowances, etc.) is calculated, to whom and for what they are given;

· Identification in the course of personal contacts with subordinates of possible injustice in the payment of employees, the award of bonuses and the distribution of other incentives for the subsequent restoration of justice;

· Constant monitoring of the situation on the labor market and the level of remuneration of those professional groups with which employees can compare themselves, and making timely changes to the system of remuneration for their labor.

2) Creation of a conflict prevention system in the organization

When developing a conflict management system, the management personnel of Zolotye Uzory LLC must be guided by the fact that, despite the inevitability of conflicts, it is especially important to try to avoid destructive conflicts. A destructive conflict leads to a decrease in the personal satisfaction of members of the work collective, a decrease in group cooperation and the effectiveness of the organization. The manager should try to prevent destructive conflict by controlling constructive conflicts that arise in the organization. In the event of a destructive conflict, in order to get out of it, it is necessary to resolve the conflict in essence (find the cause and, if possible, eliminate it, reach a certain compromise), while trying to smooth out the dysfunctional consequences of the conflict. For this, the following groups of methods can be used:

1) Limiting the interaction of the conflicting parties, the use of coordination mechanisms (for example, the division of powers between subordinates), leading to the elimination of the main causes of the conflict and uniting the team.

2) Methods that unite conflicting parties, giving them common goals. For example, the establishment of corporate complex goals (joint goals for conflicting departments, employees, etc.).

3) Methods that encourage employees to get out of the conflict on their own, or contribute to its resolution: creating a system of rewards and stimulating conflict-free behavior and helping to resolve the existing conflict, etc.

To prevent destructive conflicts and the possible flow of constructive conflicts into destructive ones, an organization can establish a certain system for preventing conflict situations, stimulating their positive consequences of conflicts.

Such a system can include a number of activities: a clear definition and clarification of work requirements for all structural units and officials, the creation and maintenance of a favorable microclimate in the organization and the culture of the organization, the setting and development of organizational goals, stimulating the participation of employees in solving corporate problems, debugging a feedback mechanism in the organization's communication system, creation of a mechanism for resolving diverging interests and emerging problems (organizational meetings, the possibility of making a proposal or request to responsible persons or higher officials), etc. Such a system will allow managers to detect emerging conflicts in time, effectively identify their causes, quickly begin managing conflict situations, and, consequently, prevent the most severe consequences of destructive conflicts, such as formalization of relations, psychological antagonism and almost always a decrease in overall performance that follows them.

Thus, the creation in the organization of a system for preventing conflict situations, stimulating their positive consequences will ensure high efficiency of the functioning of the management system in the organization, maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the work collective.

3) Development of a set of social packages for employees of the organization

Formation material system motivation is setting goals that match individual needs and desires and thus facilitate the behaviors necessary to achieve those goals. From an economic point of view correct system motivation leads to a reduction in the difference between the number of paid hours and the number of productive hours worked, and, accordingly, is aimed at reducing the company's costs. The motivation system is formed by constant and variable elements of remuneration, benefits and factors of intangible motivation.

After setting the goal and the subject of work, the main task of the manager is to organize the work process, in particular, to get the employees to work. For this it is necessary to motivate them, to induce them to action. It is clear that the main motivating factor is wages, however, there are many other factors that induce a person to work more efficiently. It is difficult to overestimate the degree of importance for a manager of the ability to influence personnel, motivate them to achieve an optimal result, use human resources in full and with maximum efficiency.

The system of indirect material incentives has long and fruitfully been used in the West, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as one of the methods of attracting and retaining highly qualified specialists. In small local companies, the benefit system is limited only to compulsory types of compensation regulated by labor laws.

However, in my opinion, due to the "staff shortage", in the near future companies will be forced to actively implement a system of additional compensation. The decision to introduce a system of indirect material incentives (in addition to using the mandatory social package) is very responsible. However, an effective system of benefits, along with a well-built system of material incentives, will allow dynamically developing companies to provide themselves with highly qualified specialists and have a significant competitive advantage over other employers.

The management of Zolotye Uzory LLC decided to develop three social packages for its employees.

The first package includes:

· Voluntary medical insurance - an employee who has worked in an organization for more than 5 years is provided with a voluntary medical insurance policy in the amount of 20,000 rubles. per year, which he can use for certain medical services;

· Compensation for cellular services - the organization pays for unlimited corporate cellular communications in the amount of 1,000 rubles. per month, choosing an operator at your discretion;

· Payment of additional days off - the organization provides one paid day per month - the so-called personal or children's day with the preservation of salary.

The second package includes:

· Payment for visiting a fitness club - the organization offers two types: the organization buys a subscription for the amount of 4,000 rubles. per year in a certain fitness club, or the payment of this amount to an employee so that he can work out in any other fitness club, but if this amount is not enough to buy a subscription, the employee pays the difference on his own;

· Payment for meals - the organization pays the employee an amount of 2,000 rubles. once a month.

The third package includes:

· Payment for training, additional education for employees who have worked in the organization for more than two years, both full payment for training by the employer, and partial, within 15,000 rubles, or interest-free loans to the employee for the same amount, for educational purposes;

· Payment for sickness time - the organization provides employees with the opportunity to be absent for up to a week a year due to illness, without providing them with a sick leave to the employer, while maintaining their salary;

· Payment of additional days off the organization provides one paid day per month - the so-called personal or children's day with the preservation of salary.

Each employee of the organization can choose one of three social packages that suits him. The cost of the packages is almost the same, the only difference is that package No. 1 is 4000 rubles more expensive, but only those employees who have worked in the company for at least five years can choose it.

Social guarantees are often fundamental in the choice of work, therefore, the attraction of highly qualified specialists, as a rule, demanding in the choice of the place of work, requires the elimination of the shortcomings present in the organization. Today it seems almost unrealistic to count on attracting highly qualified personnel without providing a social package. The social package ensures the competitiveness of the organization and makes it possible to keep valuable employees from leaving for another company, stimulating them for long-term cooperation. For at least half of the workers surveyed by sociologists, the provision of a solid social package becomes a factor holding them back from making a decision to change their place of work.


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