Analysis of material flow management in the enterprise. Material flow management systems in production logistics. Materials management in production

Consider the mechanism of operation of the "pulling" control system material flows For example.

Suppose a company receives an order for the manufacture of 10 units. products. The control system transfers this order to the assembly shop. The assembly shop requests 10 parts to fulfill the order, shop No. 1 orders ten blanks from shop No. 2 in order to replenish the stock. In turn, workshop No. 2, having transferred 10 workpieces, orders materials at the raw material warehouse for the manufacture of the same number of workpieces, also in order to restore the stock. Thus, the material flow is "drawn out" by each subsequent link. Let's open an example in the diagram (Fig. 1).


The advantage of the method is the creation of a self-regulating (within reasonable limits) system, while it does not require support from the computer information system of the enterprise - the card system can work without it.

However, this method is well suited for assembly lines and for distribution applications with stable (predictable) demand. But in conditions of greater uncertainty and inaccuracy of forecasting ( different sources no more than + 10% deviation from the calculated production rhythm is called acceptable), it starts to fail, because it is necessary to recalculate the sizes of batch cards, use additional labor, etc.

logistics management pulling


The organization of material flows and their management at the enterprise are inextricably linked and form a system. Thus, the movement of materials in the process of fulfilling received orders is impossible without management, which is carried out by distributing material resources, planning economic relations, etc., and at the same time requires a certain organization: ensuring the rhythmic execution of deliveries, choosing optimal system transportation of materials, etc. In the process of organization, the unification of elementary flows is achieved and conditions are created for the effective functioning of the production logistics system. Material flow management provides constant control over the progress of production orders and has the necessary impact on the logistics system in order to keep its parameters within the specified limits to achieve the goals set for the enterprise.

There are several material flow management systems, one of them is the Kanban system. The main principle of this system is to identify and eliminate bottlenecks or critical resources in the production process. Stocks of raw materials and materials, the size of work in progress, manufacturing technology, personnel, etc. can act as critical resources that affect the efficiency of the logistics system.


Chapter 1 Theoretical and methodological foundations of production logistics

1.1 Essence and basic concepts of production logistics

1.2 Analysis of the movement of material resources in the production process

Chapter 2 Analysis and evaluation of the functioning of production logistics on the example of the Vladimir bakery No. 2

2.1 Feasibility study economic activity enterprises

2.2 Analysis of the movement of material flows in the production process

2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the functioning of production logistics




Regional use (consumption) and economy of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy are among the most important conditions for the transition of the economy to an intensive path of development.

In modern business, the time for passing products through various channels of logistics has significantly increased (over ninety percent of the time costs). Therefore, the role of a consistent logistical approach to managing material flows has increased. It allows you to significantly reduce all types of stocks of material resources by 35%, reduce production costs, and most fully satisfy the needs of consumers in terms of product quality and service.

According to international quality standards, any enterprise is considered as an "object", having incoming flows (raw materials, materials ...), outgoing flows (products and services) and an internal system of processes. A process-oriented management structure, where the main place is occupied by the management of the processes of movement of resources and information, is one of the basic principles for building a modern enterprise.

The costs of individual logistics operations are closely related: savings in transportation costs can lead to a significant increase in costs caused by the growth of stocks, and poor coordination of the movement of material resources for production can lead to increased costs associated with equipment downtime. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate various functions of commodity circulation in the flow, establishing the optimal balance of interests of individual links in the supply chain.

production logistics movement resource

On this basis, it is possible to minimize the total costs and obtain such an overall result of activity that exceeds the sum of individual effects.

Therefore, the purpose of this work is to develop a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of production logistics. As an object of study, the following was chosen: "JSC Vladimir Bakery No. 2".

The relevance of this topic is to consider a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of the production logistics of a bakery, because baking bakery products is always in demand and its production is the basis, and the success of the bakery depends on how it is established and built, which in modern conditions is located in great competition with other enterprises. Over time, the consumer for whom products are produced changes tastes and requirements for products, therefore, for successful operation, the Vladimir Bakery must contain flexible reconfigurable production systems in order to provide the consumer with the products that he now needs.

To achieve the goal of the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider the essence and basic concepts of production logistics;

Make a technical and economic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise in question;

Evaluate the effectiveness of the functioning of production logistics at the enterprise;

The subject of the study is the factors affecting the efficiency of the functioning of production logistics.

The work contains modern methods assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of the production logistics of the enterprise. As part of the work, a number of practical proposals have been developed and proposed on how to improve the functioning of the enterprise's production logistics.

Chapter 1 Theoretical and methodological foundations of production logistics

1.1 Essence and basic concepts of production logistics

On the present stage development, new conditions of production have developed that have gone beyond the traditional methods of its organization, constraining not only the development of production, but also transport, supply and marketing structures. Changes in many ideas about the organization production process the company introduced logistics. The relevance of considering production logistics as a separate functional subsystem lies in the fact that in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the scope of mass and large-scale production. The use of universal equipment, flexible reconfigurable production systems. Manufacturers are receiving more and more orders for the production of small batches and even single items. At the same time, buyers are increasingly demanding to satisfy the need for the shortest possible time (day, hour) with a high degree of guarantee. Another aspect of the relevance of production logistics is the organization of production within the framework of cooperation in the production of complex products. Manufacturing is one of the main areas of logistics and is central to the company (2, p. 76).

The material flow on its way from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer passes through a number of production links. Material flow management at this stage has its own specifics and is called production logistics. In other words, production logistics is the management of material and information flows on the way from the warehouse of material resources - a complex of various material elements that an enterprise has to a warehouse for product readiness (12, p. 235).

As is known, social production subdivided into tangible and intangible (Figure 1.1). Production logistics considers the processes occurring in the field of material production.

Fig.1.1 The structure of social production.

Production logistics can be defined as a science (theory, methodology) on the systematic rationalization of the management of the development processes of production systems (for example, a workplace, site, workshop, production as a set of workshops for the production of specific products or the provision of specific services, organizations) in order to increase their organization ( efficiency) through synchronization, optimization and integration of flows in production systems. It is the science of streamlining the management processes of an organization by identifying and eliminating intra-system and inter-system conflicts, which are converted into mutually beneficial compromises of corporate cooperation used to increase the competitiveness of the organization (16, p. 106). The purpose of production logistics is to accurately synchronize the process and logistics operations in interconnected departments.

To common tasks(functions) of production logistics include:

1. Planning and scheduling of production based on the forecast of needs for annual production and consumer orders;

2. Development of scheduling of production tasks for workshops and other production units;

Development of schedules for the launch of production, agreed with the supply and marketing services;

Establishment of standards for work in progress and control over their observance;

Operational management of production and organization of the fulfillment of production tasks;

Control over the quantity and quality of finished products;

Participation in the development and implementation of industrial innovations;

Control over the cost of production of finished products.

A characteristic feature of the objects of study in production logistics is their territorial compactness. In the literature, they are sometimes referred to as "the main objects of logistics".

Material services for the transportation of goods can be an object of both production logistics, in the case of using one's own transport for intra-production movement of goods, and transport, if public transport is used.

The logistics systems considered by production logistics are called in-house logistics systems. These include: industrial enterprise; wholesale enterprise; having storage facilities; nodal cargo station; a key seaport, etc. Intra-production logistics systems can be considered at the macro and micro levels. At the macro level, in-house logistics systems act as elements of macrological systems. They set the rhythm of these systems, are the sources of material flows. Ability to adapt macrologistics systems to changes environment is largely determined by the ability of their intra-production logistics systems to quickly change the qualitative and quantitative composition of the output material flow, i.e. range and quantity of manufactured products (2, p. 126).

Qualitative flexibility of intra-production logistics systems can be ensured through the availability of universal service personnel and flexible production.

Quantitative flexibility is also provided in various ways. For example, at some enterprises in Japan, the main staff is no more than 20% of the maximum number of employees. The remaining 80% are temporary workers. Moreover, 50% of the number of temporary workers are women and pensioners. Thus, with a staff of 200 people, an enterprise can supply up to 1000 people to fulfill an order. The manpower reserve is supplemented by an adequate reserve of equipment.

At the micro level, intra-production logistics systems are a number of subsystems that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity. These subsystems: purchasing, warehouses, stocks, production maintenance, transport, information, sales and personnel, ensure the entry of the material flow into the system, passing through it and exiting the system. In accordance with the concept of logistics, the construction of intra-production logistics systems should provide the possibility of constant agreement and mutual adjustment of plans and actions of supply, production and marketing links within the enterprise.

The logistical concept of the organization of production includes the following main provisions:

1. Rejection of excess stocks;

2. Refusal of excessive time for the performance of basic and transport and warehouse operations;

Refusal to manufacture a series of parts for which there is no order from buyers;

4. Elimination of equipment downtime;

Mandatory elimination of marriage;

Elimination of irrational intra-factory transportation;

7. Transformation of suppliers from opposing side to benevolent partners (1, p. 87).

In contrast to the logistics, the traditional concept of the organization of production assumes:

Never stop the main equipment and maintain, by all means, a high utilization rate;

2. Produce products in as large batches as possible;

Have the largest possible supply of material resources just in case.

The content of the conceptual provisions indicates that the traditional concept of organizing production is most suitable for the conditions of the "seller's market", while the logistics concept is for the conditions of the "buyer's market". When demand exceeds supply, it can be assumed with reasonable certainty that a batch of products manufactured taking into account market conditions will be sold. Therefore, the goal of maximum utilization of equipment takes priority. Moreover, the larger the manufactured batch, the lower the unit cost of the product will be. The task of implementation is not in the foreground.

The situation changes with the advent of the "dictatorship" of the buyer on the market. The task of selling a production product in a competitive environment comes to the fore. The volatility and unpredictability of market demand makes it impractical to create and maintain large stocks. At the same time, the production worker no longer has the right to miss a single order. Hence the need for flexible production facilities that can quickly respond with production to the emerging process.

Reducing the cost in a competitive environment is achieved not by increasing the size of the produced batches and other extensive measures, but by the logistics organization, both of a separate production and of the entire commodity distribution system as a whole (5, p. 68).

1.2 Analysis of the movement of material resources in the production process

The movement of material resources in production at the enterprise is diverse and in intra-production logistics systems can be carried out in various ways, of which there are two main ones that are fundamentally different from each other.

The first option is called the "pushing system" and is a production organization system in which the objects of labor entering the production site are not ordered directly by this site from the previous technological link. The material flow is "pushed out" to the recipient by a command received by the transmitting link from the central production control system (Fig. 1.2).

Fig.1.2 Schematic diagram of a pushing material management system within an intra-production logistics system.

Push models of management, flows are typical for traditional methods of organizing production. The possibility of their application for the logistics organization of production appeared in connection with the mass distribution computer science. These systems, the first developments of which are attributed to the 6th years, made it possible to coordinate and quickly adjust the plans and actions of all departments of the enterprise - supply, production and marketing, taking into account constant change in real time. Pushing systems, capable of linking a complex production mechanism into a single whole with the help of microelectronics, nevertheless, have natural limits to their capabilities. The parameters of the material flow "pushed out" to the site are optimal to the extent that the control system is able to take into account and evaluate all the factors affecting the production situation in this area. However, the more factors for each of the numerous sections of the enterprise should be taken into account by the control system, the more perfect and expensive should be its software, information and technical support (7, p. 45).

The second option is based on a fundamentally different way of managing the material flow. It is called the "pull system" and is a production organization system in which parts and semi-finished products are fed to the next technological operation from the previous one as needed. Here, the central control system does not interfere in the exchange of material flows between different sections of the enterprise, does not set current production targets for them. The production program of a separate technological link is determined by the size of the order of the next link. The central control system sets the task only for the final link of the production technological chain. In order to understand the mechanism of operation of the pulling system, consider an example (Fig. 1.3).

Fig. 1.3 Pulling material flow management system within the intra-production logistics system.

Suppose a company receives an order for the manufacture of 10 units of products. The control system will transfer this order to the assembly shop. The assembly shop, in order to fulfill the order, requests 10 parts from shop No. 1. Having transferred 10 parts from its stock, shop No. 1 orders 9 blanks from shop No. 2 in order to replenish the stock. In turn, workshop No. 2, having transferred 10 blanks, orders materials at the raw material warehouse for the manufacture of the transferred quantity, also in order to restore the stock. Thus, the material flow is "drawn out" by each subsequent link. Moreover, the personnel of a separate workshop is able to take into account much more specific factors that determine the size of the optimal order than the central control system could do (7, p. 53).

In practice, various versions of push and pull systems are implemented. The push systems are known as "MRP systems". They are characterized by a high level of control automation, which makes it possible to implement the following main functions:

Provide ongoing regulation and control of inventories;

2. In real time to coordinate and promptly adjust the plans and actions of various services of the enterprise - supply, production, marketing.

In modern, developed versions of MCI systems, they also solve various forecasting problems. It is widely used as a problem solving method. simulation modeling and other methods of operations research.

Pulling in-house logistics systems include the Kanban system (translated from Japanese as a card), developed and implemented for the first time in the world by Toyota (Japan). The Kanban system does not require a total computerization of production, however, it implies a high discipline of deliveries, as well as a high responsibility of the staff, since centralized regulation of the intra-production logistics process is limited. The Kanban system allows you to significantly reduce inventory. For example, stocks of parts per one manufactured car at Toyota is $77, while in the US auto companies this figure is about $500. The Kanban system also allows you to speed up turnover working capital, improve the quality of products (8, p.37).

From the foregoing, it can be distinguished that their economy depends on how well the movement of material resources in production is coordinated. This can have a decisive influence on reducing production costs, production costs, and, consequently, increasing the profitability and profitability of the enterprise. The amount of material resources spent is largely determined by the nature of the process of material consumption of production. The following factors influence the process of material consumption:

1. Type of production, namely: mass, large-scale, medium-scale, small-scale and single;

The duration of the production cycle, which determines the amount of work in progress;

Nomenclature (assortment) of products or work performed, i.e. the degree of diversity of the program;

Production flexibility, i.e. the ability of production to quickly change over for the production of new types of products;

Type of products or works in terms of their complexity, energy intensity, material intensity and science intensity;

8. The level of completion of manufactured products;

9. The level of reliability of manufactured products, which determines the cost of materials during their operation;

Characteristics of technological processes in terms of their progressiveness, environmental cleanliness, safety.

These factors predetermine the process of managing material resources. So, for example, in mass or large-scale production, a very significant amount of material resources is consumed, but a limited range, and in single or small-scale production, the volume of consumption is not large, but rather extensive in terms of range. Moreover, these factors mainly form the sectoral characteristics of material consumption, which are most pronounced in construction, the agro-industrial complex, transport, and the service sector (15, p. 42).

Summing up, it can be noted that production logistics can be defined as a science (theory, methodology) about the systematic rationalization of the management of the development of production systems (for example, a workplace, site, workshop, production as a set of workshops for the production of specific products or the provision of specific services to the organization) with the purpose of increasing their organization (efficiency) by synchronizing the production process and logistics operations in interconnected departments.

Considering the production process, we can say that the movement of material resources in production at enterprises is diverse and in intra-production logistics systems can be carried out in various ways, of which there are two main ones that are fundamentally different from each other. The first option is called the "pushing system", the second option is based on a fundamentally different way of controlling the material flow. It is called "pulling system". And how smoothly the movement of material resources in production depends on their savings. This can have a decisive influence on reducing production costs, production costs, and, consequently, increasing the profitability and profitability of the enterprise.

Chapter 2 Analysis and evaluation of the functioning of production logistics on the example of the Vladimir bakery No. 2

.1 Feasibility study of the economic activity of the enterprise

The history of the bakery dates back to 1929, when a small bakery for the production of rye-wheat bread was put into operation. This plant, called "Khlebozavod No. 2", existed until the mid-80s. In the mid-80s, fundamental changes took place at Khlebozavod No. 2, a modern bakery with a capacity of 157 tons of bread per day was erected on the expanded territory, which, in addition to rye-wheat varieties of bread, began to produce bread from wheat flour (loaves and hearth bread) . Most of the buildings of the old bakery were then demolished. In the partially preserved old production building in 1990, baranka production was established. During 1991-1993, a three-story production building was erected with a six-story amenity building adjoining it. All utilities (electricity, heating networks, water, sewerage, access roads) were connected to the building. enterprise with new legal status: "Joint-stock company open type" was introduced on August 07, 1996. In June 1999, a technological line for the production of lamb products with a capacity of 4 tons per day was put into operation.

In 2004, a lot of work was done to introduce new types of products, expand the range. The new Swedish ovens "Sveba" mastered the production of white hearth bread, some types of long loaves and small-piece products. Due to the commissioning of the Swiss line "Rondo-Doge", the range of small-piece bakery products has been expanded, new types of products from puff and yeast dough have been mastered and put into production - the French puff, the Fruit Fantasy roll. Sales of sliced ​​bread increased many times over (11, p. 73).

The further development of OJSC "Vladimirsky Bakery No. 2" is connected, first of all, with capital investments in equipment renewal and an increase in the range of products, with an increase in their quality and presentation, while maintaining the output of non-traditional bakery products.

In order to find out the general state of affairs at OJSC "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2", in its production, technical, commercial, social, economic and financial spheres, it is necessary to analyze the main technical and economic indicators. This analysis includes: analysis of initial information, analysis of production and sales of products, analysis of the use of the production and technical base, analysis of labor, its productivity and payment, analysis of costs and financial results, generalized analysis data.

Analysis of the initial information is carried out in order to determine the general financial state of affairs at the enterprise. Sources of information for analysis are accounting reports.

Table 1

Initial data for the analysis of the main technical and economic indicators of OAO "Vladimir Bakery No. 2" for 2009-2010.


Difference of indicators between 2010 and 2009.

Growth rate of indicators, (times)

Profit (loss) before taxation, million rubles

production and commercial activity enterprises characterize indicators:

Production output in physical terms;

2. commercial products;

Realized products.

Potentially, the production capabilities of an enterprise can be assessed using indicators of production capacity and the average annual cost of fixed assets. These data allow us to calculate such important technical and economic indicators as:

1. coefficient of utilization of production capacities;

2. output per ruble of the cost of fixed production assets.

The indicator of the average annual number of workers, the amount of money allocated for wages, characterize the social sphere of the enterprise, and also allow you to calculate: capital-labor ratio, productivity, average monthly wages and the ratio between them. The results for the sale of products as a whole can be determined by calculation from the indicators of the total cost of commercial products, balance sheet profit.

The main purpose of the analysis of technical and economic indicators is a comprehensive assessment of all areas of the enterprise. Information for technical economic analysis must be prepared in advance, checked and must comply with the following requirements:

All technical and economic indicators were combined into a system and should correspond to one analyzed period;

All cost indicators must have the same dimension;

Indicators of "Marketable products", "Sold products", "Full cost of marketable products", "Profit on the balance sheet" should be calculated in current prices;

If the indicator "Output in physical terms" is presented in physical units, then the indicator "Production capacity" must have the same dimension and the same time period;

Products developed by the enterprise for the analyzed period, calculated in tons and other units, and presented in terms of output in physical terms, should be in the same volume and assortment, but calculated in rubles in the "Marketable Products" indicator;

If in the system of technical and economic indicators the number is presented for the year, then the indicator "Sent to wages" should be annual;

The indicator "Average annual value of fixed production assets" should take into account periodically conducted revaluations (3, p. 173).

An analysis of the production and sale of products is carried out in order to determine how the production and commercial activities of the enterprise are organized. For this, such indicators are calculated as: the average price of a unit of production, presented in physical terms; sold products (the volume of its sales) as a percentage of marketable products.

Table 2.

Indicators characterizing the production and sale (sale) of products at OAO "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" for 2009 - 2010.


Actual data for 2009 in %

Production output in physical terms, tons

Marketable products, thousand rubles

Sold products (sales volume), thousand rubles

The average price of a ton of output, thousand rubles.

Sold products (sales volume) to marketable products, in percent

It follows from the data in the table that the output in physical terms in 2010 amounted to 45,480 tons, which is 1.23 times more than in 2009. This is primarily due to the vigorous activity of the enterprise to expand sales markets. Marketable output for the analyzed period increased by 1.27 times due to an increase in output in physical terms due to an increase in prices for manufactured products.

Since the products manufactured by OJSC "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" do not have long term storage, then it is sold immediately and completely, so marketable products are equal to those sold. Thus, for the period from 2009 to 2010, OAO "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" managed to properly organize its production and commercial activities.

An analysis of the use of the production and technical base makes it possible to assess the extent to which the products received from each ruble of the cost of fixed production assets and intended for sale in the analyzed period were in demand by the consumer market.

For this, the following are calculated:

Capacity utilization rate;

2. the average annual cost of fixed production assets per unit of production capacity (specific and capital investments);

Based on 1 ruble of the cost of fixed production assets:

commodity products;

sold products (the volume of its sales);

income from the sale of products;

· profit (loss) on the balance sheet of the reporting period (17, p. 105).

Table 3

Indicators characterizing the use of the production and technical base at JSC "Vladimir bakery No. 2" for 2009-2010.


Actual data for 2009 in % (times)

Production capacity, tons

Production output in physical terms, tons

Coef. use of production capacity, times

Average annual cost of fixed production assets, mln. rub.

The average annual cost of fixed production assets per 1 ton of production capacity, thousand rubles.

Marketable products, thousand rubles

Sold products (sales volume), thousand rubles

Profit before taxation, million rubles

Based on 1 rub. cost of fixed production assets, rubles: marketable products

Sold products (volume of sales), thousand rubles

Profit from the sale of products, thousand rubles

Profit before taxation, thousand rubles

During the analyzed period, the enterprise JSC "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" began to produce new types of products, as well as there were transformations associated with the reconstruction. In this regard, the enterprise increased its production capacity by 1.29 times over the analyzed period. An indicator characterizing the production activity of an enterprise is commercial output per 1 ruble of the cost of fixed production assets, this indicator increased by 1.27 times in the analyzed period, which indicates an increase in the use of the production and technical base for the production of commercial products. In the analyzed period, there is an increase in production assets by 1.27 times. This also indicates an increase in market activity in the use of the production and technical base at the enterprise.

The analysis of labor and its payment is carried out in order to determine the efficiency of the use of labor (for this, labor productivity per worker is calculated), as well as the efficiency of spending funds on wages, for this, indicators are calculated per 1 ruble of wages, such as:

1. commercial products;

2. sold products;

Profit (loss) before tax;

4. profit (loss) from the sale of products.

Table 4

Indicators characterizing the situation of labor, its productivity and payment at the enterprise OJSC "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" for 2009-2010.


Number of employees, people

Production output in physical terms, tons

Marketable products, thousand rubles

Profit from sales of products, thousand rubles

Profit (loss) before taxation, million rubles

Per 1 worker: production output in physical terms, tons

Marketable products, thousand rubles

Sold products, thousand rubles

Profit from sales of products, thousand rubles

Profit (loss) before taxation, thousand rubles

Sent to wages, thousand rubles

Average monthly payment, thousand rubles

Based on 1 ruble of wages, rubles: marketable products

Profit from product sales

Profit (loss) before tax

At OAO "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" in the period from 2009 to 2010, the number increased by 1.14 times. This is due to the fact that the company is expanding to produce new types of products. At the same time, the level of labor productivity at the enterprise increased by 1.07 times. This is indicated by the indicator of output in physical terms per 1 worker. In value terms, this figure increased by 66.7 thousand rubles, that is, 1.12 times. This is due to a significant increase in prices for manufactured products.

The analysis shows that the company uses labor effectively, in 2010, on average, each worker received 0.044 thousand rubles of profit, which is 10% more than in the same period last year. From 2009 to 2010, there has been an increase in the indicator of the efficiency of spending funds on wages in terms of marketable and sold products, as well as a positive outcome of the use of funds for wages. So for every ruble spent on wages, 0.35 rubles of profit was received from the sale of 0.05 rubles of profit before tax.

Table 5

Scheme of costs and financial results in the analysis of the main technical and economic indicators at the "Vladimir Bakery No. 2" for 2009-2010.

Table 5 shows that the enterprise for 2010, both for the state and from the point of view of the enterprise itself, is profitable and cost-effective.

The general economic approach proceeds from the price that, taking into account effective demand and competition, the buyer of the product is ready to pay and pays to the enterprise. Therefore, the indicator of proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) includes the amount of mandatory payments to the budget (value added tax, excises) (17, p. 118).

As a result, gross income is compared with the full cost of commercial products, results are obtained that include both the company's own profit and tax payments to the budget. For a general description of the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise, the approach of the entrepreneur is of primary interest, therefore, we will summarize the indicators in Table 6 for this approach.

Table 6

Indicators characterizing the costs and financial results of the economic activities of OAO "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" for 2009-2010.


Actual data by 2009 in % (times)

Sold products, thousand rubles

The total cost of marketable products thousand rubles.

Costs per 1 ruble of sold products, thousand rubles

Profit from the sale of products, thousand rubles

Profit (loss) before tax (adjusted figure), thousand rubles

Profit (loss) from sales to profit before tax (adjusted), %

Product profitability in general, %

In the analyzed period, at the enterprise OJSC "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2", as follows from Table 6, there is a tendency that the indicator of sold products exceeds the indicator of the total cost of commercial products (0.75-1.27) by 52%. In 2010, for each invested ruble, JSC "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" received a profit, which, compared to 2009, decreased (20.1-26.3) by 6.2%, and based on the entire volume of costs (552 * 6 ,2) = 3.422 million rubles. Meanwhile, in general, the financial results of the activities of JSC "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" in the analyzed period were expressed in an increase in profit before taxation by 1.66 times.

2.2 Analysis of the movement of material flows in the production process

OJSC "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" refers to enterprises Food Industry bakery area. The enterprise is engaged in the production of bakery products and flour confectionery products to meet the needs of the population. This is facilitated by a number of activities related to the acquisition, storage, processing of raw materials and the sale of finished products to consumers. The company independently plans its activities and determines the prospects based on the demand for manufactured products.

OJSC "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" is located in the zone of concentration of consumption, this is due to the fact that bakery and lamb products are products of everyday demand. The bakery production is equipped with modern equipment, the latest technologies, and has a powerful production base. The production process is massive continuous, i.e. production is characterized by the constancy of the structure of the labor process, the same labor processes are repeated at the workplace, associated with the manufacture of homogeneous products, the use of specialized equipment.

This type of production is characterized by a large volume of production, a limited range of products, high degree mechanization and automation, rhythm and flow of production, and the transformation of raw materials into products merges into a single inseparable process.

Such an organization makes it possible to obtain production with a complete technological cycle - from the receipt of raw materials to the shipment of finished products.

The company has created one system quality assurance and control throughout the entire technological chain - from the quality of raw materials prepared for processing to quality finished products(11, p.59).

Raw materials and semi-finished products at the enterprise are processed into finished products by sequentially transferring them from one production site to another (Fig. 2.1).


Movement of material flow;

feedback from the enterprise;

information flow.

Fig. 2.1 Scheme of the movement of material flow at the enterprise.

A characteristic feature of productivity is the presence of a large number of moving operations and intra-target movements of goods and materials in the main production. The main process of bakery production at the enterprise consists of the following stages: preparation for production, preparation of dough, preparation of dough, cutting and shaping of dough, layering of dough pieces, production of finished products. Such a process is considered in-line.

All raw materials in baking are divided into main and additional. Wheat and rye flour of different varieties, sugar are the main raw materials at the bakery. Among the flour used in this production, the following types of flour, which are supplied from BHM, should be noted: peeled rye, seeded rye, special, 1st grade, 2nd grade, highest grade. The baking properties of flour are very important, which is understood as the ability of flour to give bread and flour confectionery one quality or another. Depending on the baking properties of flour, parameters are set technological process, as well as the properties of flour determine the importance of the dough, therefore, such an important economic indicator of the bakery as the output (6, p. 43). additional raw materials at Vladimirsky Bakery No. 2 include water, yeast, salt, products made from fruits and berries, etc.

Analyzing the movement of the material flow in the production process shown in Figure 2.1, we can say that it goes through many stages, starting from the central warehouse from which it moves to the storerooms (margarine, eggs, purified water, salt, sugar) of production No. 1 and flour from from the BHM warehouse to production No. 2, using automated and improvised devices. Raw materials from the shop pantry of production No. 1 are received by the senior reciper, the release of raw materials to the shop is carried out in accordance with the working recipes. In the sourdough workshop, they begin to prepare the sourdough for the manufactured products, after which the mixture is transferred to the dough mixing workshop (production 2), where it begins to mix with flour, which is supplied from the BCC warehouse. After passing through this stage, the finished dough is fed to the baking shop, where the entire material flow takes the form of finished products (production 3). In the dispatch shop, the products are cooled, packaged and the finished product is shipped. end user(distribution center-expedition). Information about the population's need for products is sent to the sales department, where it is formed how much bakery products need to be produced. Thus, the movement of the material flow at the enterprise occurs through a pull system, where the baking department receives an order for the manufacture of products, it submits a request for the need for dough. The dough mixing shop gives a request for the need for flour and starter components for making dough. (2, p. 105).

.3 Performance evaluation of production logistics

The production of bakery products requires a large amount of raw materials and a variety of equipment. A lot of bakery products are produced on the flow-mechanized lines created at present, which allows us to consider the bakery production at this bakery as mechanized and automated. The introduction of mechanized production lines and recipe-mixing complexes in the bakery shop makes it possible to increase production efficiency, increase labor productivity, mechanize labor intensive processes, reduce the loss of valuable raw materials, greatly improve the quality. But at the same time, the efficiency of the functioning of production logistics is not in the best place.

Consider the scheme of the technological process of preparing bread products at the enterprise, Figure 2.2 The scheme will allow you to identify those places in production where most often there are failures in the movement of the material flow, which subsequently lead to significant costs. After considering these shortcomings, recommendations will be developed to reduce disruptions in the movement of material flow or eliminate them.

Preparation of raw materials for production

Fig. 2.2 Scheme of the technological process for the preparation of bread products at the enterprise.

From the diagram in Figure 2.2, let's consider those places in the production process where material flow failures can occur.

Consider the stage of the production process - dosage by weight. At this stage, failures may occur due to the fact that the dosage of components for the preparation of bakery products is not always clearly controlled in the production process, since not only the quality, but also the cost of products depends on the dosage of the components. At this stage, there is either an overspending of raw materials, or a decrease in it. On the one hand, the excessive consumption of raw materials leads to a rapid decrease in the components, to monetary costs associated with the additional purchase of raw materials. On the other hand, if the components are not fully mixed, then this affects the quality of bakery products, which leads to a decrease in demand for it and the loss of customers.

The stage of the production process is the division of the dough into pieces. At this stage, the weight of pieces of dough intended for baking bread is poorly maintained, which then leads to non-compliance with GOST, which means that everything goes to marriage and further processing, which leads to high costs. Due to such disruptions in the movement of material flow in production, it is necessary to start the entire technological cycle from initial stage production.

At the stages of dough preparation and baking, there is a problem associated with outdated equipment of forming machines and dough mixing machines. Forming machines are not equipped with an automatic loaf pan oiler. This leads to the fact that workers have to manually lubricate the molds, which takes a lot of time, the quality of lubrication is not always good, which subsequently leads to difficulty in getting the loaves out of the molds, and again a lot of time is spent on taking them out.

As a result, this leads to inefficient production and costs associated with equipment downtime and salary personnel.

Dough mixers also affect the production process, since the dough for baking depends on them. Old machines do not always knead the dough well, or vice versa, it turns out to be liquid. Because of this, it cannot be passed on to production. All these reasons lead to a slowdown in the movement of material flow in production or its stop.

The company has a problem with the volume of output, as it is not always focused on the needs of the end customer. Let's consider how the volume that needs to be produced by the enterprise is formed (Fig. 2.3).

Information flow

Fig.2.3 Formation of the volume of production.

Figure 2.3 shows how the volume of production is formed: the consumer gives applications for products that go to the sales service, this service collects all applications and transfers them to the production service. There is already formed, how much you need to produce products. But it is not always possible to foresee all the circumstances (increase, decline in demand, equipment breakdowns, failure to fulfill contracts for the shipment of products). Because of this, there are cases when orders exceed the amount of finished products in stock. As a result, customers have to refuse products, thus, the end consumer remains unsatisfied. Thus, the company loses customers, which leads to lost profits. Or vice versa, when the volume of output exceeds the order and the remnants of the finished product remain in the warehouse, and since it is perishable, all the remnants are recycled, which again leads to lost profits and processing costs.

Let us now consider the stock issue. For a bakery, it is necessary to constantly maintain a reserve of material reserves of raw materials - flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and more, since the manufactured products are essential goods. Therefore, the relevance of the problem of optimizing the inventories of the enterprise and effective management they are due to the fact that the state of stocks has a decisive influence on the competitiveness of the enterprise, its financial condition and financial results (14, p.72). it is impossible to ensure a high level of product quality and reliability of its supply to consumers without creating the optimal amount of stocks of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and other resources necessary for the continuous and rhythmic functioning of the production process. Understocking of material resources can lead to losses associated with downtime, unsatisfied demand and, therefore, loss of profits, as well as the loss of potential buyers of products (18). On the other hand, the accumulation of excess stocks binds the working capital of the enterprise, reducing the possibility of its profitable alternative use and slowing down its turnover, which is reflected in the value of the total production costs and the financial results of the enterprise. Economic damage is caused by both a significant presence of reserves and their insufficient quantity.

Summing up the enterprise, we can say that the output in physical terms in 2010 amounted to 45,480 tons, which is 1.23 times more than in 2009. This is due, first of all, to the vigorous activity of the enterprise to expand sales markets. Commercial output for the analyzed period increased by 1.27 times due to an increase in output in physical terms and due to an increase in prices for manufactured products. Thus, for the period from 2009 to 2010, OAO "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" managed to properly organize its production and commercial activities. Also during this period, the company began to produce new types of products, there were transformations associated with the reconstruction. In this regard, the production capacity of the enterprise increased by 1.29 times during the analyzed period. An indicator characterizing the production activity of an enterprise is commercial output per 1 ruble of the cost of fixed production assets, this indicator increased by 1.27 times in the analyzed period, which indicates an increase in the use of the production and technical base for the production of commercial products. The number of employees at OJSC "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" in the period from 2009 to 2010 increased by 1.14 times. This is due to the fact that the company is expanding to produce new types of products. At the same time, the level of labor productivity at the enterprise increased by 1.07 times. The enterprise uses its labor force efficiently; in 2010, on average, 0.044 thousand rubles of profit was received for each worker, which is 10% more than in the same period last year.

Analyzing the movement of material flow in the production process, we can say that it goes through many stages, starting from the central warehouse and ending with storerooms. This process takes place with the help of automated and improvised devices.

Considering the production logistics of the enterprise, it is clear that it is not perfect due to the fact that the dosage of components for the preparation of bakery products is not always clearly controlled in the production process, the output volumes are not effectively oriented to the needs of the end customer, and outdated equipment is also used in production. There is a problem with the availability of an optimal stock of raw materials in warehouses.

Chapter 3. Development of recommendations for reducing the cost of the movement of material flow in production

After analyzing the efficiency of the functioning of production logistics at JSC "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2", shortcomings were identified that arise due to the fact that the dosage of components for the preparation of bakery products is not always clearly controlled in the production process, the output volumes are not effectively oriented to the needs of the end product. buyer, the use of outdated equipment in production. There is a problem with the availability of an optimal stock of raw materials in warehouses. This leads to high costs, so it is necessary to develop recommendations to reduce the cost of material flow in production.

For a clear control of the dosage of components in the preparation of bakery products, it is necessary to provide the enterprise with a high-quality measuring device. With the development of mechanization and automation of production processes in all areas of industry, automation in weighing is being intensively improved. Existing technology and accounting require weighing materials with great accuracy, from milligrams to hundreds of tons. At the same time, in most cases, a high weighing speed and documentary registration are required (4, p. 62).

The solution to the problem of improving the control of the dosage of components for the preparation of bakery products at the enterprise and an important means of quality assurance is the installation of measuring equipment of the Esson brand, which is being introduced into production and allows you to track the correct dosage and the appropriate quality of the prepared dough mixture, control the weight of the workpieces that will be moved for baking (4 p.72).

Let's do the calculation. The initial data for calculating the effectiveness of the introduction of new equipment are presented in Table 7.

Table 7

Initial data for calculating the effectiveness of the introduction of new equipment.


Meaning of indicators

The price of new equipment (thousand rubles)

Depreciation of a new car (20%)


Income tax (thousand rubles)



Net cash flow for the year


∆S M = (M b - M pr) *N pr, where (1)

∆S M \u003d (11-8) * 45480 \u003d 136440 rubles.

E f =∆S+ (∆Н a +∆П pr), where (2)

Thus we get:

E f \u003d 136440- (122 + 47711) \u003d 88607 rubles.

payback period:

T ok = P new. equipment / R real. prod., where (3)

T ok \u003d 700000 / 663100 \u003d 1.1 years

It can be seen from the calculations that the replacement of the old control and measuring equipment with a new one, since the efficiency of replacing the equipment will be 88607 rubles, with a payback period of 1.1 years. This will give a more precise control of the dosage of the components, which leads to savings in material resources and money.

Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2 is actively modernizing its production equipment. New Swedish ovens "Sveba" were put into operation, with the help of them the production of white hearth bread, some types of long loaves and small-piece products was mastered. Due to the commissioning of the Swiss line "Rondo-Doge", the range of small-piece bakery products has been expanded. This universal equipment allows in the shortest possible time to reconfigure production for the range of products that are now in demand among the consumer (11, p. 57). you also need to pay attention to outdated equipment, which is also used in the main production, these are dough mixers and forming machines. Without modernization of this equipment, the enterprise will suffer losses associated with equipment downtime. Therefore, it is necessary in the near future, at least partially, to replace this equipment, which will subsequently lead to an improvement in product quality, a reduction in defects, and a reduction in the time spent by workers.

Let's do the calculation. The initial data for calculating the efficiency of introducing a new molding machine are presented in Table 8.

Table 8

Initial data for calculating the effectiveness of the introduction of a new molding machine


Meaning of indicators

The price of old equipment this moment(thousand roubles.)

Annual Savings Money(thousand roubles.)

Depreciation of a new car (20%)


Depreciation of the old car (from the residual value)

Additional depreciation (thousand rubles)

Income before tax (thousand rubles)


Income tax (thousand rubles)

Additional income after tax (thousand rubles)

Net cash flow for the year

reduction in material costs:

M b, M pr - the cost of materials per accounting unit of production for the basic and projected options;

N pr - the volume of production for the projected option (8, p. 158).

∆S M \u003d (11-6) * 45480 \u003d 227400 rubles.

equipment replacement efficiency:

E f \u003d ∆S + (∆N a + ∆P pr), where

∆S - savings on current costs;

∆N a - additional depreciation costs;

∆П pr - additional expenses for the payment of tax.

Thus, we get: E f = 227400-77600 = - 548600 rubles, since the effectiveness of the introduction of a new molding machine at the moment turned out to be negative, it is not profitable to upgrade this equipment in the near future.

Let's carry out the calculation, the initial data for calculating the effectiveness of the introduction of a new dough mixing apparatus are presented in Table 9.

Table 9

Initial data for calculating the efficiency of a new dough mixer.


Meaning of indicators

The price of a new molding machine (million rubles)

Current price of old equipment (thousand rubles)

Annual cash savings (thousand rubles)

Depreciation of a new car (20%)


Depreciation of the old car (from the residual value)

Additional depreciation (thousand rubles)


Income before tax (thousand rubles)


Income tax (thousand rubles)


Additional income after tax (thousand rubles)


Net cash flow for the year


reduction in material costs:

∆S M = (M b - M pr) * N pr, where

M b, M pr - the cost of materials per accounting unit of production for the basic and projected options;

N pr - the volume of production for the projected option (8, p. 158).

∆S M = (11-4) *60100=420700 rub.

equipment replacement efficiency:

E f \u003d ∆S + (∆N a + ∆P pr), where

∆S - savings on current costs;

∆N a - additional depreciation costs;

∆П pr - additional expenses for the payment of tax.

Thus, we get: E f \u003d 420700- (286000 + 47145) \u003d 87555 rubles.

payback period:

T ok = P new. equipment / R real. prod., where

R new equipment - the price of new equipment;

R real. prod. - products sold in the observed year.

T ok \u003d 1500000 / 663100 \u003d 2.3 years

operating costs of the underlying equipment.

The calculation of operating costs must be calculated taking into account the wages of maintenance personnel, depreciation deductions, energy consumption and the cost of current equipment repairs. We calculate the operating costs for the base case using the formula:

E b \u003d Z o + Z r. about. + З e, where (4)

E b - operating costs for the base case;

Z o - the cost of wages to employees;

Z r. about. - equipment repair costs;

З e - the cost of electricity.

Wages of employees, taking into account the fact that the system is served by four people for 8 hours a day.

Z main \u003d Z p + 26%, where (5)

Z p - wages.

Z p \u003d 12000 rubles. * 12 months = 144,000 rubles.

General payroll:

Z main \u003d 144000 + 26% \u003d 181440 rubles. - one worker.
\u003d 1464.7 rubles, since there are four dough mixers, then Z e \u003d 1464.7 * 4 \u003d 5858.8 rubles.

Thus, we obtain the operating costs for the basic equipment (dough mixers):

Eb \u003d 725760 + 14000 + 5858.8 \u003d 745618.8 rubles.

operating costs for the implemented equipment. We calculate the operating costs for the base case using the formula:

E b \u003d Z o + Z r. about. + Z e

The wages of workers are calculated taking into account the fact that the system is served by two people for 8 hours a day.

The annual wage fund of one employee is calculated by the formula:

Z main \u003d Z p + 26%

Find the wages of employees:

Z p \u003d 10,000 rubles. * 12 months = 120,000 rubles.

General payroll:

Z main \u003d 120000 + 26% \u003d 151200 rubles. - one worker.

For three workers:

Z main \u003d 151200 * 2 \u003d 302400 rubles.

Costs for all types of equipment repairs W p. about. rub. calculate by the formula:

We get: Z r. about. \u003d (20 * 1500000) / 100 \u003d 300000 rubles.

Electricity costs З e, rub. calculate by the formula:

We get:

Z e \u003d (7.5 * 9560 * 1 * 1 * 1.9 * 2) / 100 \u003d 2724.6 rubles, since there are two dough mixers, then Z e \u003d 2724.6 * 2 \u003d 5449.2 rubles.

Thus, we obtain the operating costs for the implemented equipment (dough mixers):

Eb \u003d 302400 + 300000 + 5449.2 \u003d 607849.2 rubles.

Summing up, we can say that the introduction of molding machines at the moment is not profitable, and the replacement of dough mixers will bring efficiency to 87,555 rubles. with a payback period of 2.3 years. At the same time, the operating costs of the new equipment will amount to 607,849.2 rubles, and the basic 745,618.8 rubles. in year.

Another disadvantage that leads to high costs in the enterprise is that the volume of production is not effectively oriented to the needs of the end customer. Output volumes are formed on the basis of consumer orders, which are collected by the sales department of the enterprise and discussed by management at scheduled meetings (Fig. 2.3). And since bread can be consumed differently on different days and demand is difficult to predict, it happens that there is a surplus or shortage of products in the warehouse.

To reduce the costs associated with this problem, it is necessary to introduce well-known KANBAN or ORT systems. The ORT system belongs to the class of micrologistics systems that integrate supply and production processes. The main principle of this system is to identify the so-called "bottlenecks" in the production process. Stocks of material resources, work in progress, finished products, technological processes, production capacities, and others can act as "bottlenecks" (19). The ORT system carries out automated operational and production planning and dispatching. Computer calculation of production schedules is performed per shift, day, week, etc. The task of controlling the shipment of stocks of finished products to consumers, searching for alternative resources, issuing recommendations for full-fledged replacements in case of necessary material resources is also being solved. When forming the production schedule, the following criteria are used: the degree of satisfaction of the production need for resources; resource efficiency; funds immobilized in work in progress; flexibility (10, p. 48).

Implementation operational planning and regulation of production in the ORT system is carried out using software and mathematical software built on a modular basis. To generate a production schedule from the ORT database, files of orders, technological maps, resources, sales forecasts, etc. are used. These files of materials and components are processed in parallel with the data of files of technological maps, as a result of which a technological route is formed, which is processed using a software module, identifying critical resources. As a result, it becomes possible to assess the intensity of resource use and the degree of their utilization, and arrange them accordingly. At this stage, the technological route forks. The critical resource branch includes all "bottlenecks" and the subsequent logistic activities associated with them. After finding and correcting errors, the process is repeated.

In the material flow management process, the user can receive the following output parameters. "Production schedule", "Requirement for material resources", "Daily report of the workshop (department) foreman", "Schedule of delivery of material resources to workplaces", "Report on the production of ordered products", "Inventory status" and a number of others. Effect ORT system from a logistical standpoint is to reduce production and transport costs, reduce inventories of work in progress, reduce the production cycle time, reduce the need for warehouse and production space, increase the rhythm of shipment of finished products to consumers.

"Pulling" micrologistics systems of the "KANBAN" type, eliminating excess stocks, can work effectively only with relatively short production cycles, accurate forecasting of demand and some other production and technological conditions (15, p. 104).

Consider the existing problem associated with the presence of an optimal stock of raw materials in the warehouses of the enterprise. One of the important factors in improving the efficiency of entrepreneurial activity is the effective management of inventories. We count optimal size order by minimization criterion total costs for holding stock and repeating the order is calculated using the Wilsan formula:

ORT = , where

ORZ - the optimal order size; A - the cost of supplying a unit of the ordered product, rub.; S - the need for the ordered product per year, kg; i - the cost of storing a unit of the ordered product, rub. / kg.

The cost of setting up a unit of the ordered product. Total costs for one import of raw materials:

1. Organizational and administrative expenses = 650,000 rubles;

2. Transportation costs = 18,000 rubles;

3. The cost of processing goods in the warehouse = 11,500 rubles.

Let's find the total costs of inventory management for 1 delivery:

Expenses \u003d 650,000 + 18,000 + 11,500 \u003d 679,500 rubles.

A batch of raw materials is ordered twice a week, five items of 2000 kg. Consequently, the cost of supplying one item of the order: A = 679500 / (5 * 2000) = 68 rubles. The parameter S is known based on the contracts concluded for the year and the level of sales for 2010, therefore S = 960,000 kg. The cost of storing one unit of the ordered product is calculated according to the following data:

Delivery for the whole week: 5 positions * 4000 kg = 20000 kg;

2. Average stock balance: 20 kg; total 20020 kg;

Warehouse staff salary per week: 4 * 3500 = 14,000 rubles;

Warehouse costs and utilities per week: 120,500 rubles.

The cost of warehousing for 1 unit of goods is:

i \u003d (14000 + 120500) / 20020 \u003d 6.7 rubles. /unit

using the optimal order size formula, we get:

ORZ = = 4414 kg

The procedure for calculating all parameters of the inventory management system with a fixed order size is given in table 10 (4, p. 153).

Table 10

The procedure for calculating the parameters of the inventory management system and a fixed order size


Calculation procedure

Need, kg

Optimal order size, kg

Delivery time, days

Possibility of delivery delay, days

Expected daily intake, kg/day

(1p.) / count. slave. days = 960000/365 = 2630

Expenditure period, days

(2p.) / (5p.) \u003d 4414/2630 \u003d 2

Expected consumption during delivery, kg

(3p.) * (5p.) \u003d 2 * 2630 \u003d 5260

Material consumption during delivery, kg

((3p.) + (4p.)) * (5p.) \u003d (2 + 1) * 2630 \u003d 7890

Safety stock, kg

(8p.) - (7p.) \u003d 7890-5260 \u003d 2630

Maximum desired stock, kg

(9p.) + (2p.) \u003d 2630 + 4414 \u003d 7044

To accurately control the dosage of components for the preparation of bakery products, introduce automated control systems that will track the correct dosage and appropriate quality of the prepared dough mixture, control the weight of the workpieces that will be moved for baking. From the calculations, it was found that the replacement of the old control and measuring equipment with a new one is justified, because. the efficiency of equipment replacement will be 88,607 rubles, with a payback period of 1.1 years;

In the near future, to replace obsolete equipment in production - molding machines and dough mixers, which will lead to a decrease in the labor intensity of the baking process, downtime of this and other equipment, and defects. It can be seen from the calculations that the efficiency from the introduction of a new molding machine is currently negative (-548,600 rubles), so it is not profitable to upgrade this equipment in the near future, and replacing dough mixers will bring efficiency to 87,555 rubles. with a payback period of 2.3 years. At the same time, the operating costs of the new equipment will amount to 607,849.2 rubles, and the basic 745,618.8 rubles. in year;

2. In order to effectively orient the output volumes with the requests of the end customer, you can use the well-known KANBAN or ORT systems;

The existing problem associated with the availability of the optimal stock of raw materials in the warehouses of the enterprise can be solved if you know the optimal order size. Based on the calculations, the optimal order size will be 4414 kg., with a delivery time of 2 times.


In the process of performing the work, in accordance with its purpose, information was collected and systematized on the theoretical justification and methods for assessing the effective functioning of production logistics, based on the collected material. Estimates were considered and proposed that determine the effectiveness of the functioning of production logistics on the example of "Vladimirsky bakery No. 2".

As part of the work, the tasks set at the beginning of the study were solved, i.e.:

Consider the essence and basic concepts of production logistics;

2. Make a technical and economic analysis of the economic activities of the enterprise in question;

To analyze the movement of material flows in the production process;

Evaluate the effectiveness of the functioning of production logistics at the enterprise;

Production logistics is a science (theory, methodology) about the systematic rationalization of the management of the processes of development of production systems in order to increase their organization (efficiency) by means of synchronization, optimization and integration of the flows of production systems.

Analyzing the production process, we can say that the movement of material resources in production at enterprises is diverse and in intra-production logistics systems can be carried out in various ways, of which there are two main ones that are fundamentally different from each other. The first option is called the "pushing system", the second option is based on a fundamentally different way of controlling the material flow. It is called "pulling system".

When considering a specific enterprise JSC "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" and its production logistics, we can say that the output in kind in 2010 amounted to 45,480 tons, which is 1.23 times more than in 2009. This is due, first of all, to the vigorous activity of the enterprise to expand sales markets. Marketable output for the analyzed period increased 1.2 times due to an increase in output in physical terms and due to an increase in prices for manufactured products. Thus, for the period from 2009 to 2010, OAO "Vladimirsky Khlebokombinat No. 2" managed to properly organize its production and commercial activities. Also during this period, the enterprise began to produce new types of products, there were transformations associated with the reconstruction, in connection with this, the production capacity increased by 1.29 times at the bakery for the analyzed period. An indicator characterizing the production activity of an enterprise is marketable output per 1 ruble of the cost of fixed production assets. This indicator in the analyzed period increased by 1.27 times, which indicates an increase in the use of the production and technical base for the production of marketable products. Analyzing the movement of the material flow in the production process, we can say that it goes through many stages, starting from the central warehouse, from which it moves to the storerooms with the help of automated and improvised devices.

Considering the production logistics of the enterprise, it can be seen that it is not perfect due to the fact that the dosage of components for the preparation of bakery products is not always clearly controlled in the production process, the output volumes are not effectively oriented with the stocks of the end buyer. The use of outdated equipment in production, there is a problem with the availability of an optimal supply of raw materials in warehouses. To reduce the cost of material flow in production, it is necessary:

To accurately control the dosage of components for the preparation of bakery products, introduce automated control systems that will track the correct dosage and appropriate quality of the prepared dough mixture, control the weight of the workpieces that will be moved for baking. From the calculations, it was found that the replacement of the old control and measuring equipment with a new one is justified, because. the efficiency of equipment replacement will be 88,607 rubles, with a payback period of 1.1 years;

2. In the near future, in production, replace obsolete equipment - molding machines and dough mixers, which will lead to a decrease in the labor intensity of the baking process, downtime of this and other equipment, and defects. It can be seen from the calculations that the effectiveness of the introduction of a new molding machine at the moment turned out to be negative (-548,600 rubles), so it is not profitable to modernize this equipment in the near future, and replacing dough mixers will bring efficiency to 87,555 rubles. with a payback period of 2.3 years. At the same time, the operating costs of the new equipment will amount to 607,849.2 rubles, and the basic 745,618.8 rubles. in year;

In order to effectively orient the volume of output with the requests of the end customer, you can use the well-known KANBAN or ORT systems;

The existing problem associated with the availability of the optimal stock of raw materials in the warehouses of the enterprise can be solved if you know the optimal order size. Based on the calculations, the optimal order size will be 4414 kg., with a delivery time of 2 days.


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Sterligova A.N. Procedures for optimal distribution of stocks in supply chains // Logistics today No. 4 - 2009

Chudakov A.D. Logistics: Textbook. M.: RDL Publishing House, 2004

Similar works to - Analysis of the functioning of production logistics on the example of the Vladimir bakery No. 2

As part of the main production of RUPP "BelAZ" there are the following workshops and warehouses: 060 - Workshop of the main conveyor; 110 - Workshop of hydraulic transmissions; 090 - Workshop of hydraulic units; 130 - Automotive assembly and testing shop; 070 - Thermal shop; 100 - Mechanical assembly shop 1; 010 - Welding and Procurement Shop 1; 050 - Welding shop; 040 - Automatic shop; 170 - Frame and body shop; 150 - Shop of program machines; 120 - Mechanical assembly shop 2; 135 - Workshop of electromechanical transmissions; 030 - Press shop; 260 - Experimental shop; 140 - Assembly and maintenance shop; 065 - Wheel assembly site for vehicles with a carrying capacity of 30.40 tons, as well as special equipment of modifications 74211, 7822, 7823, 7921, 7924.

The auxiliary production includes the following workshops: 210 - Repair and mechanical workshop; 220 - Repair and energy shop; 180 - Goods shop consumer goods; 200 - Tool shop; 080 - Shop for mechanization of machine tool production.

Table 4 describes the material flows between the production units of the plant.

Table 4

The movement of material flows between departments


Carries out cutting of pipes, circle, hexagons, wire. It produces pipelines, pipes, tips, branch pipes, oil pipelines, springs, fittings, elbows, flanges, rods, fuel lines and other products. Manufactured products (blanks) are sent to the thermal shop 070 and other shops of the main production.

Carries out sheet cutting up to 6 ml. and manufactures the following parts and assemblies: hoods, cab, brackets, steps, tanks and other products. For certain products, other workshops are completed through thermal workshop 070 and directly. Parts in smaller volumes can be returned from shop 070 back for further processing. The workshop has a painting complex for painting products own production and products of other workshops passing through the dimensions of the painting line for the manufacture of vehicles with a carrying capacity of 30t, 40t, consumer goods and small components of heavy vehicles.

It manufactures hoses, hardware, tips, bushings, tees, various accessories and other products. The products of the shop can be processed according to the technology in the thermal shop 070 and returned back for further processing. Metal is received from the metal warehouse, other parts from workshops 010, 030,050.

It manufactures frames, platforms for cars with a carrying capacity of 30 tons, 40 tons, special equipment based on the chassis of 30.40 tons of cars, a trailer for a MAZ car. Performs sheet metal cutting. Metal is received from the metal warehouse, brackets from 100 and 120 workshops. The technology involves the transfer of products to 100,120 workshops and receiving them back for further processing. Delivers blanks for sheet parts for other workshops.

Assembly shop for the production of vehicles with a carrying capacity of 30.40 tons and special equipment based on their chassis, as well as bulldozers and loaders. Part technological equipment a painting station is included, where large-sized units (frame, bridge, boxes, etc.) are painted, which are sent for assembly. They produce a small number of parts in spare parts. Receive painted parts for the assembly line from the 030 shop. There is a section for the complete assembly of cabins, radiators, a saddlery section, a section for finishing and handing over cars.

The purpose of this section is as follows. UWC receives so-called kits from suppliers. It dismantles, transfers the received components to different workshops. The parts included in the spare parts and accessories kit remain in the UWC warehouse, from where they are delivered to the vehicle when it is shipped. There is a site for assembling wheels for vehicles with a carrying capacity of 30, 40 tons, 74211, 7822, 7823, 7921, 7924.

Thermal and galvanic processing workshop. Technological equipment is located in different buildings. The workshop processes gears, shafts, body parts and other parts.

It manufactures the following products: pullers, technological devices, garage equipment, products for Agriculture. The workshop is technologically oriented. In the workshop, parts of the main production are processed, where, according to the manufacturing technology, boring operations are required.

It manufactures hydraulic units, suspensions, cranes, steering mechanisms, pumps and other products. The workshop includes a galvanic section for chrome plating of parts used for the assembly of hydropower plants. The presence of the site is explained by a decrease in transportation costs for transportation. They receive parts from 010, 030, 040, 150, 170 workshops and a casting warehouse, component warehouses. Finished parts are transferred to 060, 130 workshops through painting complexes 030,170 workshops. The same parts can be manufactured for vehicles of different carrying capacities. Produced spare parts are transferred to shop 270 to the conservation site.

It manufactures rear and front axles, gears for the plant's workshops, which are processed on gear shaping and gear hobbing equipment. Parts are transferred for thermal and galvanic treatment to shop 070, brake cylinders to shop 130. Parts are obtained from shop 010 (circle, pipe), shop 030,170 (sheet), castings, forgings from casting warehouse 040 (pins, pins, etc.) through technological operations of phosphating, hardening in shop 070. Get stampings, bearings, rubber products.

It manufactures hydromechanical transmissions of various modifications for vehicles with a carrying capacity of 30.40 tons, as well as special equipment 74211,7921,7822, 7823 and their modifications, assembled in the 060 workshop and in cooperation. They manufacture all body parts, shafts and gears used to assemble hydromechanical transmissions. These parts are manufactured through thermal and electroplating operations. Painting of manufactured parts is carried out in painting lines 060, 170 workshops. Manufactured parts for spare parts undergo technological painting operations.

It manufactures parts: wheel motor gearboxes (RMK), fans, power take-offs, steering cylinders, front wheel hubs, front beams for the production of heavy-duty products in workshop 130 and other products. They produce components for special equipment (loaders, bulldozers, heavy trucks, airfield tractors, slag trucks and other products). Manufactured parts can be processed in the 170 shop. As part of the technological equipment of the workshop there is a painting station for painting small units and parts, as well as parts 010 of the workshop. Large parts are painted in the 170 shop. Manufactured spare parts are handed over by the workshop to the warehouse of the spare parts sales workshop, and those that require painting after technological operations are delivered. The technological equipment of the workshop includes a HDTV section.

An analysis of the existing order of material flow management allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

a) The plan for the production of marketable products is formed for the year with a uniform breakdown by quarters. The need for the production of serial vehicles, special equipment on the chassis of serial vehicles, heavy vehicles and special equipment on their chassis is determined by the production and dispatch control (PDU), economic planning with the participation of the marketing and sales department based on the sales forecast, planned targets for increasing production volumes of the Ministry of Automobile industry of the Republic of Belarus and the need to load production capacities (enterprise personnel). Priority in decision-making when forming production program belongs to the PDU. Formation of the production plan is completed in November/December of the previous period. The generated production plan is approved CEO and transferred to the management of logistics to assess the annual need for materials and components.

b) Quarterly planning of the production of marketable products is carried out according to the scheme for the formation of the annual plan, taking into account the fact that the plan of the previous quarter was fulfilled. In case of non-fulfillment of the plan of the previous quarter, the initial quarterly plan is adjusted upwards. The production plan formed by the specialists of the production and dispatching department on the 15th-20th day of the month preceding the planning period is transmitted memo into control information systems(UIS).

c) Based on the quarterly production plan, the information systems department performs an automated calculation of limits on materials and purchased products. As a result of the calculations, machinograms “The need for materials (components) to ensure the production program for the __ quarter __ shop” are formed, which are transmitted through the remote control for analysis to the production shops and the logistics department.

d) Detailed planning of the movement of parts, assembly units of own production in the context of the sender / recipient is carried out by specialists of the UIS on the basis of a quarterly production plan until the 8th day of the planning period. As a result of the calculations, machinograms are formed, which are transferred to the main production shops and to the remote control unit. Detailed planning is done taking into account the balances and backlogs in the main production shops. To reconcile the balances, within a month, the movement of parts and assemblies of own production is verified and incorrect balances are corrected, which arise due to the following reasons: the assembly of incomplete vehicles, the availability of bypass technology, the use of backlogs of parts for which production has been prepared, etc.

e) The need for the implementation of dispatching functions arises due to the discrepancy between the planned and actual releases of finished products. In this regard, it is necessary to adjust the quarterly plan and operational management production within the next month. When changing the quarterly production plan, the PDU automatically calculates deviations and makes adjustments to previously generated plans and monthly manually develops production schedules for assembly and delivery of products for each working day for 060 and 130 shops, and according to the nomenclature that determines modifications, daily schedules for the manufacture of parts, assembly units in the context of the main production shops. The developed schedules are brought to the workshops, and the PDU monitors their implementation. Every day, the heads of workshops report on the phone for the implementation of production schedules.

Thus, based on the analysis of existing problems, we can formulate the following common goals improvement of the material flow management system in production:

Organize a rhythmic, coordinated production and supply in a multi-range, dynamically changing product with frequently changing plans for the production of finished products;

Reduce production costs by reducing the volume of work in progress, reducing stocks of materials, stocks of finished products, and also create a mechanism for operational cost control;

Increase the turnover of funds and responsibility to the consumer by reducing the cycle of manufacturing products and reducing the number of cases of failure to deliver products;

Reduce losses from theft by improving the organization of storage of products in production and traceability of liability at all stages of the material flow;

Create a competitive production management system, taking into account progressive world practice and in accordance with international standards, methods.

Such goals can only be achieved by switching to a new method of planning and managing production, in particular, to the MRP-II standard. This standard is actively used at the enterprises of Western Europe and America in the conditions of small-scale and single-piece production of complex products with a long production cycle. Based on a carefully prepared schedule for the release of finished products for conveyors, workshops, warehouses, synchronized schedules are formed for the operational production period (week / decade / month), during which these schedules are unchanged. During this period, schedules strictly dictate three main types of orders:

Who, what, in what quantity and when should start manufacturing/purchasing, and when to finish manufacturing/purchasing - “production orders” and “purchase orders”,

Who, to whom, what, in what quantity and when should deliver (hand over) - “orders for replenishment of stocks”.

Based on the schedules (launch / release dates), the system generates shift-daily tasks for production sites and warehouses. Fulfillment of orders, write-off of costs and movement of inventory items are promptly registered in the system. Operational accounting information is used in the formation of the next shift-daily tasks and the calculation of schedules for the next period.

Planning and dispatching according to MRP-II is based on complete and reliable information about production cycles - the time of technological operations and the time for the purchase of materials, as well as operational accounting information on the state of stocks and write-offs material costs. At the same time, production is focused on reducing the volume of work in progress, reducing batches of start-up / production of parts, and more frequent readjustment of equipment.

The main functions of material flow management include planning, organization, etc.

The organization of material flows in production is shown in fig. 17.

Rice. 17.

The functions of material flow management reveal the essence of management as a phenomenon.

The first function of material flow management is planning and forecasting. AT general case planning involves the development of a program of action to achieve the goals and ensure its implementation. Forecasting precedes the development of plans and allows you to determine the main goals, and then, through the preparation of a program of actions and budgets, determines the ways to achieve the set goals.

Planning, as the main function of management, should provide for the solution of two-level tasks: strategic and current planning of material flows.

The next function is coordination of actions in the production and marketing of products, as well as in the continuous material support of production. On the large enterprises with multi-product production in the conditions of the necessary diversification, without appropriate administrative coordination of work, the coordinated work of individual departments and continuous process production.

Control and regulation material flows: the movement of materials and finished products, as well as the availability of necessary stocks.

Production logistics includes the whole complex of works on planning, control and regulation of material and information flows from the source of raw materials to the place of consumption of finished products. However, if information flows are also meant, then the importance and necessity of information from the place of consumption of finished products to its manufacturer (operating conditions and product behavior in relation to these conditions) should be noted.

Depending on the formation factors, the marked flows are divided into flows of raw materials, semi-finished products, components, blanks, assembly units of finished products.

The process of commodity circulation is formed from a set of elementary flows that make up logistics chains. The main links in the chain are: suppliers of materials, raw materials and semi-finished products; warehouses for storing purchased materials, raw materials and semi-finished products, industrial warehouses and warehouses for finished products; transport; production units and logistics and marketing services; end product consumers.

Material suppliers. Individuals and legal entities that supply raw materials, materials, fuel, etc. to the enterprise.

Warehouses. They act as a buffer tank.

Transport. In the organization of material flows, transport performs the function of establishing direct links between the elements of the logistics chain.

Logistics divisions are called upon not only to determine the need for production in the necessary materials and to market finished products, but also to be able to smooth out possible fluctuations in supply and demand for goods, raw materials, and services.

Consumers. The main task of logistics in relation to consumers is Maintenance manufactured products and providing effective assistance in organizing its use.

Thus, the organization of material flows ensures the formation of the process of commodity circulation by establishing relationships between the links of the logistics chain, due to the promotion of materials from the source of raw materials to the consumer of finished products.

The essence of the organization of material flows is to combine individual links and stages of commodity circulation, to establish the necessary links between them and ensure interaction in order to minimize the cost of fulfilling orders, provided that they are completed in a timely and high-quality manner.

Since the process of commodity circulation unfolds in a certain territory and proceeds in time, we can talk about the organization of material flows in space and time.

The main essential characteristic of the organization of material flows in space is logistic structure enterprises. The term "logistics" is used in order to single out from the whole set of connections that arise in the manufacture of products and their implementation, those that characterize the processes of procurement, transformation and distribution of resources as an integral system. The logistic structure is understood as a set of physical and legal entities involved in the formation and management of the movement of materials.

There are three forms of organizing the movement of material flows.

Cumulative, in which for the normal operation of the shops in their composition a complex of warehouses is provided. Materials are moved within the workshop with the receipt of applications for materials from sections in batches of arbitrary size.

The movement of material flows can be traced by stages.

  • 1. Between the operations of the technological process (sections), the workpieces are stored in the interoperational warehouse.
  • 2. Finished parts enter the assembly shop and accumulate in the warehouse of the shop.
  • 3. A warehouse is used for storage and issuance of purchased components for assembly.
  • 4. Assembled and tested products arrive at the warehouse of finished products, where they complete the necessary documentation, package and prepare for shipment to the consumer.

The main advantage of this form of organizing the movement of material flows is the possibility of accumulating a large amount of material at the inlet and outlet of the system, which ensures, on the one hand, the reliability of the receipt necessary details and blanks, components for production, on the other hand, guarantees the fulfillment of urgent requests from consumers of products.

The disadvantage of the accumulative form of movement of materials is that the presence of an extensive system of transport routes and a large number of warehouses makes it difficult to manage the movement of material flows and control stocks. The noted leads to large losses associated with the immobilization of funds and materials, and requires significant capital investments and the creation of a system of warehouses.

Transport and storage. It assumes the presence of a combined transport and storage system (TSS), which combines a certain number of jobs (sites) by establishing a connection between each workplace (site) with any other through information and material flows. At the same time, the processes of machining (assembly), control, pre-production, storage and reservation of materials are combined with the help of TSS into a single production process.

The material flow is controlled according to the scheme: searching for the necessary workpiece in the warehouse, transporting the workpiece to the machine, processing, returning the part to the warehouse. The accumulation of material is carried out in a central warehouse or decentralized in separate work areas. In the first case, the warehouse serves several production units and is used as a backup drive between the start and end of part processing. In the second case, warehouses are created in separate areas and serve to compensate for deviations in time during the transportation and processing of the part. In some cases, a mixed TSS is used, which implies the presence of both a central warehouse and backup storage facilities at work sites. Transportation of parts is carried out according to one of the schemes presented in fig. eighteen.

The advantage of this form of organizing the movement of material flows is to reduce the amount of inventory at the workplace by creating TSS, reducing the duration of the production process by eliminating interruptions between the components of the production cycle; constant inventory control.

The disadvantages include the following: the transport-storage form is effective for groups of structurally and technologically homogeneous parts, which, firstly, narrows the scope of its application, and secondly, necessitates a set of preparatory work; this form requires significant capital investments in the creation automated system production management.

Rice. eighteen.

Zero stock system. It proposes maintaining a minimum stock at each technological stage - based on a combination of the "intermediate warehouse - reserve storage" system and the "Kanban" stock control method.

Unlike traditional production, in which a warehouse is a place for storing materials, semi-finished products, finished products, in a zero-stock system, it serves for intermediate storage of materials, parts and assemblies that cannot be delivered and manufactured just in time. Such warehouses are created at each stage of the movement of materials: purchase, production, sales of products (Fig. 19) and are a means of centralized production planning at the enterprise level.

Redundant drives are used to perform decentralized product management functions, such as reducing the impact of faults, synchronizing the operation of production sites or individual workers.

Rice. 19.

Scheme fig. 19 corresponds to the "zero stock" form:

  • - material movement; D - warehouse of raw materials;
  • ? - production warehouse; D - sales warehouse.

The noted production conditions make it possible to reduce the stock of material to "zero" at all stages of its movement. This form of organizing the movement of materials orients enterprises, on the one hand, to the demands of the market (consumer), and on the other hand, to the minimum and normative production stock. However, its use on domestic enterprises difficult due to the lack of a sustainable supply chain necessary materials, low-level computer control of the production process.

Rice. twenty.

The organization of the movement of materials is one of the most important conditions for production, since it allows you to combine the individual stages of production (Fig. 21).

The logistics system at JSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation is characterized, first of all, by the absence of a logistics department as such.

To ensure a continuous production process, VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation has created an infrastructure, the working condition of which is maintained by the engineering and technical service of the plant.

Each head of the department is responsible for the operation of buildings and structures in which his workshop (site) is located.

For the import of raw materials and materials, the shipment of products, the company's and third-party motor transport is used. And also shipment of production is carried out by railway containers.

All transportation is carried out and planned by the transport department. Import of materials is carried out on the basis of requests from the logistics department, shipment of products - on the basis of requests from the sales department.

The amount of energy resources necessary to ensure the production and operation of the enterprise, and the optimization of their consumption is planned by the assistant technical director for energy saving and the material rationing department. Based on the production plan, the need for all types of energy resources is calculated, and contracts are concluded with suppliers.

In accordance with the production plan, the technical development plan at the enterprise, the chief economist develops financial plan(annual and monthly), which is approved by the General Director.

The CEO manages financial resources– their planning, availability and control of use. Based on the results of the month, quarter and year, an analysis of quality costs is carried out, analysis financial indicators, such as increased cash flow, increased benefits, reduced overhead.

The plan for the production of marketable products is formed for a year with a uniform breakdown by quarters. The need for the production of titanium products is determined by the production and dispatching department (PDO), economic planning department with the participation of the marketing and sales department based on the sales forecast and the need to load production capacities (enterprise personnel). Priority in decision-making in the formation of the production program belongs to the PDO. Formation of the production plan is completed in November/December of the previous period. The generated production plan is approved by the general director and transferred to the logistics department to assess the annual need for materials and components.

Quarterly planning of the production of marketable products is carried out according to the scheme for the formation of an annual plan, taking into account the fact that the plan of the previous quarter was fulfilled. In case of non-fulfillment of the plan of the previous quarter, the initial quarterly plan is adjusted upwards.

Detailed planning of the movement of parts, assembly units of own production in the context of the sender / recipient is carried out by specialists on the basis of a quarterly production plan. Detailed planning is done taking into account the balances and backlogs in the main production shops. To reconcile the balances, the movement of parts and assemblies of our own production is reconciled within a month and incorrect balances are corrected.

The need for the implementation of dispatching functions arises due to the discrepancy between the planned and actual releases of finished products. In this regard, it is required to adjust the quarterly plan and operational management of production during the next month. When changing the quarterly production plan, PDO automatically calculates deviations and adjusts previously generated plans and manually develops monthly production schedules for assembly and delivery of products for each working day. The developed schedules are brought to the shops, and the PDO monitors their implementation. Every day, the heads of workshops report on the phone for the implementation of production schedules.

Based on the analysis of existing problems, we can formulate the following general goals for improving the material flow management system in production:

Organize a rhythmic, coordinated production and supply in a multi-range, dynamically changing product with frequently changing plans for the production of finished products;

Reduce production costs by reducing the volume of work in progress, reducing stocks of materials, stocks of finished products, and also create a mechanism for operational cost control;

Increase the turnover of funds and responsibility to the consumer by reducing the cycle of manufacturing products and reducing the number of cases of failure to deliver products;

Reduce losses from theft by improving the organization of storage of products in production and traceability of liability at all stages of the material flow;

Create a competitive production management system, taking into account progressive world practice and in accordance with international standards and methods.

Thus, it can be seen that JSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation implements many logistics functions, however, a single information space, a single center of concentration logistics chains does not exist. Therefore, one of the directions for improving the structure of the logistics system of VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation is the implementation of a logistics department at the enterprise.


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