Why were two Ryazan universities recognized as inefficient? To whom to give the family business According to the same criteria

Knowledge a person in the mode of ignorance gives rise to attachment to one type of activity as the only important one, is very poor and does not reflect the truth. His activity is done in illusion, in disregard for the instructions of the Shastras, without concern for the slavery, violence or suffering caused to others. Executor: He is constantly engaged in activities contrary to the instructions of the sastras, materialistic, stubborn, deceitful and sophisticated in insulting others, lazy, gloomy and slow. Understanding: He takes unbelief for faith, and faith for unbelief, is under the cover of illusion and darkness, always directed in the wrong direction. His determination does not help to overcome sleep, fear, sadness, gloom and delusion. His happiness blind to self-realization, ghostly from beginning to end, and stems from drowsiness, laziness and illusion.

Verses 45-54.

1. How should a person regard his natural inclinations?

If one has not yet risen above the modes of material nature, one should perform duties according to one's natural propensity for the satisfaction of the Lord. Thus, by worshiping the all-pervading Lord, everyone can achieve perfection.

2. Why is it better to do your own own business than doing someone else's work?

The fulfillment of duties prescribed according to the nature of each one never provokes sinful reactions, therefore it is better to follow your own duty, even if it is imperfectly performed, than to perfectly perform someone else's.

The fulfillment of other people's duties leads to the following: 1) activity at one's own whim is encouraged (that is, sense gratification becomes the motive), which ultimately leads to chaos; 2) the foundations of society are undermined (if a person decides to change the type of his activity, then those who depend on his activity may suffer); 3) a person is engaged in something to which he has no natural inclination, this causes him dissatisfaction and threatens moral decay. (Fulfilling the duties of others is not as easy as it may seem, because the tendencies that condition us are rooted in us much deeper than we realize.)

Summarize the main points of verse 48 and its commentary.

Just as fire is always accompanied by smoke, so all activities are contaminated by the modes of material nature. Despite this, if any professional activity is carried out for the satisfaction of Krishna, all the defects inherent in this activity are eliminated. Therefore, a person should perform his prescribed duties, even if this activity is full of flaws.

4. Why does a person in Krsna consciousness automatically become a sannyasi?

True renunciation means that a person is constantly aware of himself as part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and therefore considers that the results of his work should be enjoyed by the Supreme. This is Krsna consciousness. Thus one who acts in Krishna Consciousness is a bona fide sannyasi. he is not attached to anything material.

5. If devotional service begins after one attains Brahman consciousness (18.55), should we first become self-realized and then take to Krishna consciousness?

That is unnecessary. Devotional service is both an end and a means. In the pre-liberation stage, bhakti is the means of purification by which one gets rid of false ego and reaches the stage of brahma-bhuta. After liberation, bhakti is the natural quality of the soul in its eternal relationship with Krishna.

Therefore Krishna consciousness should be practiced even if we are not yet liberated.

Verses 55-63.

1. What does the words "bhaktya mam abhijanati" mean to scientists and empiricist philosophers?

The supreme divine personality is incomprehensible to the speculators and unbelievers. The truth about the Supreme Personality can be revealed only to a person engaged in pure devotional service.

2. Answer the following statement: "Because the devotee is dealing with material energy, he must receive karmic reactions."

For a devotee who is fully Krishna conscious, everything is spiritual because he engages everything in the devotional service of the Lord. The energy of the Lord begins to act as material only when we try to enjoy it, and when a person uses the energy of the Lord according to its original purpose - in the service of the Lord, then this energy remains spiritual. Therefore a pure devotee is always free from the fruitive reactions of his activities.

3. How would you answer the question (referring to texts 18.59-60) "Why work hard for Krishna?"

Creature compelled to be active. If one refuses to act according to Krishna's instructions, he will still be forced to act according to the material modes. But anyone who voluntarily devotes himself completely to the service of Krishna will overcome all the obstacles of conditional life and attain perfection.

Verses 64-78.

1. Summarize in your own words the most important instructions of the Bhagavad-gita given in verses 65 and 66.

The most confidential part of knowledge is that one should become a pure devotee of Krishna. always think of Him and act for Him. The Lord promises that anyone who is in Krishna consciousness will return to the abode of Krishna. It is recommended to fix your mind on the original form of Lord Krishna. The concentration of the mind on this form is the essence of the most secret part of knowledge.

Krishna advises Arjuna to simply surrender to Him, giving up all other forms of dharma. One might think that without being free from all sinful reactions, one cannot enter the path of devotional service. To dispel such doubts, Krishna says that he Himself will deliver the devotee from all the consequences of his past sinful activities. In this way, simply by surrendering to Krishna, one can immediately achieve all the positive results, avoiding unnecessary waste of time.

2. Who should be taught the science of Bhagavad-gita and who-No?

This confidential knowledge should not be given to someone who has not gone through the tapasya of the religious process, who has never tried to serve the Lord devotional, who has not assisted pure devotees, and especially to someone who considers Krishna a mere historical figure or is envious of His greatness. The Bhagavad-gita should be explained only to those who are ready to recognize Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

3. What is the result of teaching and studying Bhagavad-gita?

One who explains this supreme secret to the devotees of Krishna will certainly rise to pure devotional service and eventually return to the Lord. And one who listens to the Bhagavad-gita with faith and without envy, is then freed from the consequences of sinful actions and reaches the planets inhabited by the righteous.

4. Explain the connection between the first and last verses of the Bhagavad-gita (1.1 and 18.78).

The Bhagavad Gita begins with questions from Dhritarashtra. The king hoped for the victory of his sons. However, after explaining the essence of what was happening on the battlefield, Sanjaya said to the king: “You are thinking about victory, but my opinion is that where Krishna and Arjuna are, there will certainly be abundance, victory, extraordinary strength and morality.” Victory is guaranteed to Arjuna's side, for Krishna was there.

Certification of blue-collar professions is well developed - these are tariff-qualification examinations and assignment of the next ranks / rates. The greatest difficulty is the assessment of managers and specialists. According to various sources, more than half domestic enterprises this procedure is not carried out at all, somewhere it is formal, and only a few can boast of a well-functioning certification policy. Meanwhile, certification can be a powerful tool that stimulates the development of personnel.

The main one is that traditional methods are extremely cumbersome, time-consuming and inefficient. Attestation commissions, which are created at some enterprises, do not justify themselves because of the large share of subjectivity in the assessments: the certified ones are represented by their leader, who gives his subordinates, as a rule, the most flattering description, as a result of which the members of the commission cannot objectively evaluate employees of other departments. Naturally, the results of such certification do not meet the requirements of modern enterprises.
In recent decades, in the West, and for some time now in domestic business, a special methodology for assessing the business and personal qualities of personnel - "360 ° Certification" has gained popularity.

We note its main advantages:

  • ease of organization and execution;
  • practically does not distract staff from work;
  • does not require the formation of attestation commissions;
  • covers all the main aspects of the life of the team;
  • not only measures the quality of employees, but also significantly affects their development.

The essence of the "circular" certification is that the employee is evaluated according to certain competencies-criteria by his environment (experts): manager, work colleagues, subordinates. According to the same criteria, a specialist performs self-assessment, which is compared with the characteristics of experts.

Such a scheme involves triple feedback: from top to bottom - from the immediate supervisor, horizontally - from colleagues and from bottom to top - from subordinates. Unlike traditional certification, with this approach, the assessment is multilateral, the most complete and objective.
Let us dwell on the applied aspect of the methodology.

The "circular" and mass nature of assessments minimizes the subjective factor in assessments, multifactorial allows you to get an integral assessment of both an individual employee and the rating of specialists in a comparable group.

Thus, a kind of “photo” of the opinions of others about business and personal qualities specialist.

For any company, the goals and objectives of personnel certification are approximately the same, namely:

  • identify the level of qualification of employees, their ability to evaluate the professionalism and quality of each other's work;
  • establish adequate wage levels;
  • make informed decisions on appointments and relocations;
  • motivate employees to achieve specific results and a certain level of work quality;
  • develop a training program for employees, set goals and objectives for the next certification period;
  • set status ratings, trace the dynamics of their changes.

When preparing for certification, it is very important to select quality assessment criteria (a list of what an employee should be able to do in order to fulfill his official duties). The basic criteria for assessing (competence) a specialist, as a rule, cover the most important areas:

  • knowledge (general and special);
  • work skills;
  • ability to master new activities (technologies, markets, customers);
  • personal qualities and characteristics of behavior.

Over time, the criteria may change slightly, if necessary, be replaced by others: you need to strive to ensure that, in the end, all of them correspond to the specifics of the company's activities and requirements.
Should be paid Special attention on the fact that, on the one hand, not everyone is able to express constructive criticism without fear of offending a colleague, on the other hand, few can adequately perceive it. So the most important factor high objectivity of certification - anonymity of assessments and confidentiality of results, which is achieved by questioning. After computer processing of all questionnaires, the results of certification with detailed assessments, integral characteristics, rating, etc., are handed over to the employee in a sealed form. In addition to him, only his immediate supervisor has access to the certification sheets. This allows you to evaluate each other's qualities without fear of reprisals and negative attitudes from the side of the person being assessed.
Employees themselves, as a rule, show great interest in the results of certification. It is important for them to compare the results obtained with the results of the previous certification, to analyze how their self-assessment differs from the assessment of the team. This will help everyone identify their strengths and weaknesses, think about how to correct shortcomings and achieve better results in the future.

Another significant difference between the 360° Certification methodology is the establishment of feedback between the head of the unit and subordinates. Objective information about how employees, management, and clients evaluate the boss can become an incentive for his further personal and professional development. Moreover, participation in the certification of the immediate supervisor, along with subordinates, significantly increases interest and trust in it.

Personnel officers using this technique note significant discrepancies in the assessments of the person being certified by managers, colleagues and subordinates, inadequate self-esteem, etc. The results of the certification open up a wide field of activity for management and personnel officers for planning and implementing company personnel development programs.


"360° Certification" is widely used; formation personnel reserve; choosing a specialist vacant position; identifying the needs of personnel in training and analyzing its effectiveness; making plans professional growth specialists.

  • Advantages and advantages of the methodology in comparison with other methods (traditional certification, modern complex - for example, through the Assessment Center):
    Evaluation of the attested (or homogeneous functional group) based on individual criteria, combined with sincere assessments of colleagues, allows you to make the most objective conclusion about the employee's compliance with the requirements of the company;
  • comparison of self-assessment with the assessment of the team stimulates the employee to develop best qualities and the elimination of the shortcomings indicated by colleagues;
  • comparing the results of the current and previous certifications, the manager can trace the dynamics of the development of a specialist.


Experience in use in various companies allows us to formulate several general recommendations on the organization of its preparation and certification:

1. It is recommended to include only those who have worked in the company for at least five to six months to be certified. Such a period is necessary so that the employee can objectively evaluate his colleagues and so that others can evaluate him.
2. There should be no more than 20–25 people in one group: in such a team, everyone is in close contact and has an idea about each other's work. In addition, the risk of getting many "blank" or random ratings is reduced.
3. The expert group for a complete and objective assessment should include at least 6-7 people (line and / or functional managers, colleagues and subordinates - at least two or three people each).
4. On the eve of certification, all employees must be familiar with the rules for its implementation.
5. For each position, 10–12 of the most important of 30–40 corporate evaluation criteria are selected, for example: work experience; professional knowledge; business relationship with the head, colleagues, subordinates; labor discipline; independence in work; use of authority; labor intensity; conflict.

Similarly, special criteria are formed taking into account professional features groups (for example, for managers - organizational and managerial skills; the ability to motivate subordinates, interact with the client).
6. It is not recommended to immediately link the results of the first certification with administrative decisions - personnel transfers, changes in wages, etc.
7. We advise you to plan re-certification no earlier than in six months or a year, since the employee needs time to work on his shortcomings.
8. It is advisable to conduct a pilot (trial) certification in one typical unit to use the experience gained in branched organizational structures.
Openness is essential corporate culture in a company, when each employee is tuned in to an objective and reasonable assessment of other employees and is used to counting on a similar attitude towards himself from his colleagues.

Well-designed and well-organized allows not only assessment human resources enterprise with all the ensuing opportunities for its optimization, but also gives each employee an opportunity to take a fresh look at himself, better assess his potential, understand what he needs to improve, draw up or adjust a plan for his further professional development or clarify a career plan . Those. performance appraisal can be structured in such a way as to bring mutual benefit to both parties - both the organization conducting the appraisal and its employees.

What should be the form?

In the questionnaire, which is used as part of the “360 degrees” method, one should not just offer the experts, that is, those who will evaluate the employee, a scale for evaluation, but explain what each wording means, otherwise experts with different experience will interpret the values ​​of the scales according to in different ways. For example, if the questions in the questionnaire are formulated as follows: “Evaluate the managerial potential of Ivanov I.I. on a scale from 1 to 5", then for an ordinary Russian employee a scale from 1 to 5 is a direct analogy with school grades, where 5 is excellent, 4 is good, 3 is satisfactory, and 2 is unsatisfactory. As you can see, the 5-point scale turns into a 4-point scale. In addition, the values ​​of the scores in the understanding of the expert may differ from the values ​​laid down by the evaluators.
Many Western-oriented companies use a five-point scale to evaluate the performance of their staff, with the following description:

5 - the level of skill that allows you to show this quality in extremely difficult conditions, develop its standards and teach others;
4 - the level of extended experience, allowing to show quality not only in standard, but also in difficult conditions;
3 - level base experience, which allows you to show quality in most working situations;
2 - the level of development, when business quality is not always manifested, but the employee already understands the importance of its manifestation and tries to develop it;
1 - quality is not shown.

In addition, by inviting experts to give a digital assessment of a person’s qualities, we can judge how attractive he is to others and how effectively he is able to build his relationships with colleagues. This means that we will be able to assess the degree of team cohesion rather than the business qualities and competence of the test person.
For example, a block of the questionnaire in which we invite experts to evaluate the creativity of an employee should not look like this:

  • Badly
  • below the average
  • moderately
  • above average
  • high

Before asking an expert to rate creativity, an organization should clarify what the term means and what kind of creativity is unacceptable to it. That is, it makes sense to evaluate the qualities of an employee not in general, but in relation to a given company. For example, if an organization encourages creativity in its employees, the relevant section of the questionnaire might look like this:

  • never makes new proposals, rejects the proposals of others;
  • seeks to adhere to proven approaches in work, treats new ideas with caution, implements new methods only under pressure from management;
  • management readily responds to suggestions to think about new methods and technologies;
    proactively proposes new approaches and solutions to management;
  • always filled with many new ideas, uses every opportunity to come up with a new solution;

Lead specific example, which, in your opinion, most fully characterizes the attitude of Ivanov I.I. to new ideas and approaches.

If for a company it is not the creativity of employees in itself that is important, but its positive results, then the same section of the questionnaire may look like this:

Mark those points that most accurately characterize the behavior of Ivanov I.I. at work:

  • does not come up with new proposals or his proposals often go to the detriment of the common cause;
  • his ideas and approaches sometimes allow to reduce some costs or avoid costs;
  • his proposals often bring tangible optimization of business processes, technologies, production processes;
  • his approaches and solutions increase the efficiency of the company;
  • his proposals significantly develop the company's business. Give a specific example that, in your opinion, most fully characterizes the contribution of Ivanov's proposals I.I. to the common cause.

It is very important that the 360-degree assessment questionnaire be built on the basis of a system of criteria that is universal for a given organization. Only in this case, the information obtained as a result of the survey can be compared with other already available data.

It is also desirable that the questionnaire not only ask experts to give numerical scores, but also to select a behavioral indicator and give an example. Ideally, the questionnaire should provide high-quality information that an automated system or personnel assessment specialists will then digitize. Thus, as a result, we can obtain two types of information - qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative information allows you to describe exactly how an employee performs at work, and quantitative information makes it possible to compare employees with each other.

If the assessment system is built in the company from scratch, then before the survey, an even more difficult task will have to be solved - to create a competency model, a competency assessment scale, and a description of behavioral indicators.

Questionnaire forms

The form of the evaluation depends primarily on the objectives of the procedure. If the purpose of the 360-degree assessment is, first of all, to collect high-quality information about a small number of employees (up to one hundred people), then the questionnaire can be both on paper and on electronic media. Questionnaires are distributed, filled out and processed manually. At the same time, as a rule, each assessed person can talk about the results of the assessment with specialists.

If, however, a large number of employees are evaluated using the 360-degree method, then this process is usually automated (mailing, collecting and processing questionnaires takes place using special automated systems). Employees are practically deprived of the opportunity to maintain feedback with information processors. As a rule, the respondent receives the results of his assessment in electronic form.

Automated 360-degree assessment systems are used in cases where the collection of quantitative data to compare employees with each other in certain parameters is of paramount importance (for example, when forming groups for training). Some automated systems themselves form recommendations for employee training, offer a list of references, e-courses, list of trainings. Similar programs are offered by several companies and cost from a few hundred to several tens of thousands of dollars.

360 Degree Assessment: Sample Questionnaire

The number of questions and the time it takes to complete the questionnaires are essential factors for the success of the method. If there are too many questions (more than 50) or they are difficult to understand, there is a risk of a formal attitude to the procedure, people get tired of answering, which will lead to a decrease in the reliability of the results.

Let's take a closer look at the questionnaire.

Statement Questions

Of great importance is the correct wording of questions-statements (the questionnaire may also consist of closed questions, although it is statements that quite often represent a more universal and convenient form). They should cover the core competencies that are planned to be assessed. The more quality the company needs, the more questions about it should be included in the questionnaire. It is very important that they are understandable and do not use complex or ambiguous terms.

An example of an unsuccessful question-statement: "Tolerant to the characteristics of other people" - not all respondents may know this term. Another example: "In a conflict, he is prone to compromise solutions." The answer depends on how one understands the compromise strategy. Perhaps he perceives it at the everyday level as a desire to meet others halfway or considers it not the most successful, because he prefers cooperation (especially if he has successfully completed conflict management training). As a result, the assessment will not be completely reliable.

When compiling questions-statements, in most cases, one should not use wording that implies extreme answers (“always appears”, “never appears”), because then they cannot be honest, objective and unambiguous at the same time. For instance:

“Never, in any form, criticizes the decisions of the management and the strategy of the company”;

"Always ready to sacrifice his own interests for the common";

“Always takes the initiative, makes rationalization proposals”;

"Never gets annoyed, never shows negative emotions."

Thus, when formulating questions-statements, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid complex terms and ambiguity;
  • use words that everyone understands;
  • avoid extremes (the exception is checking the sincerity and objectivity of the respondents).

Rating scale

You should definitely avoid the 5-point scale, because this leads to the manifestation of school-student stereotypes: 3 is bad, and 5 is good. It is impossible in a short time to sincerely believe that 3 is the norm (not perfect, but meets the requirements), and 5 is excellent (this rating is extremely rare). Therefore, it is recommended to move away from scores to descriptive characteristics altogether. In addition, it is worth using a scale in which there are no more than 6 points, since with more of them, the respondent may get confused.

Along with the rating scale, there should also be a “I have no information” column, since not all employees have the opportunity to see the manifestation of absolutely all competencies in a colleague. Accordingly, when determining the average score, the number of grades actually taken into account decreases.

The scale, which includes extreme options ("always" and "never"), allows you to increase the validity (reliability) of the answers.

Ensuring the validity of responses

Sincerity Scale

It is recommended to include in the questionnaire several questions-statements that do not require "extreme" wording of answers. They help to find out the sincerity of the participants in the study. For example, it is impossible to give unambiguous polar assessments in the case of such statements:

“Does not make mistakes even in small details”;

“He is never partial to people, he always avoids personal likes and dislikes”;

“Definitely positively perceives any decisions of management, etc..”

If the evaluator gives an “extreme” answer to these questions-statements, this indicates either his insincerity (as a rule, overestimation of the marks out of good intentions, for example, out of sympathy for a colleague), or a formal approach to the survey.

When such an answer occurs 1-2 times, it is worth reducing the estimated score by 1 unit, but if there are many such options, then this questionnaire should be excluded from general analysis, since the reliability of the results is questionable.

Shift questions

Some tend to choose predominantly the same responses for peer evaluation. Most often, this is not an average assessment option (“appears in about half of the cases”), but a stable choice of answers such as “always appears” or “manifests itself in most cases”. Choosing this approach, the employee does not really think about the questions and answers formally. To avoid this, the inclusion in the questionnaire of questions, the best answer to which is “Never shows”, will help to avoid this.

It is worth warning employees about the presence of such "shifters", and this will increase the likelihood of correct answers.

Double questions

These questions allow assessments to be analyzed for objectivity and validity and to exclude those that do not meet these criteria. The bottom line is that two or three questions have different wording, but are absolutely identical in content (it is important that they are not located next to each other). An example of such a double:

“Knows how to manage conflicts from a position of cooperation, that is, in such a way that all parties are in the maximum gain”;

“In a conflict, they usually do not seek to drag the situation in the direction of their interests.”

There is another kind of questions of this type - close questions. Not being complete duplicates, they imply a gap in the answers of no more than 1 point, otherwise the result is assessed as low-reliable.

Survey-Based Decisions
It should be borne in mind that the assessment according to the “360 degrees” method is subjective in any case, therefore, it should not be considered as a tool for making administrative decisions - rewards, punishments, promotions, etc. In addition, if employees learn about such consequences of the assessment, then the answers will either overestimated because of the reluctance to “set up” colleagues, or underestimated in order to settle scores. In most foreign companies, where this practice came from, the 360-degree questionnaire serves as a tool for the employee's self-development or (less often) the subject of a joint analysis with his manager.

Based on the results of the assessment, it is necessary to identify areas:

A - overestimated self-esteem in comparison with the assessment of others;

B - low self-esteem in comparison with the assessment of others;

B - high and low scores;

D - differences in the assessment of the same competencies among evaluators of different levels.

In cases A and B, you should find out from colleagues and managers the reason for the discrepancies. The probable conclusion is that a person cannot see himself from the outside. He should definitely initiate receiving feedback from others more often, compare behavior - his own and those people who are considered as a standard, that is, who have competencies that are significant for this company.
Situation B gives the most complete picture of the strengths and weaknesses ah worker. A big plus in this case is that a person can see himself from the outside, understand how others around him react to him.

Section D is very important for analysis by both the assessee and his manager. It is worth clearly identifying the cause of the discrepancies and adjusting your behavior during communication at those levels, which include employees who gave low ratings. A manager, if his opinion differs significantly from the ratings given by peers or subordinates, needs to be more attentive to the employee's behavior: focus on the merits (if the boss's rating was lower than that of the others) or learn to identify socially desirable behavior (if the rating is higher).

Here is an example of a questionnaire that was used in one of the companies (you should not consider it as universal, suitable for any organization). Try to test yourself and highlight:

  • competencies that are tested by this questionnaire;
  • questions related to the scale of sincerity;
  • flip questions;
  • questions (there may be 2 or more), the difference in the answers to which should not be more than 1 point (example of duplicate questions).

360 degree questionnaire (example)

Instructions for survey participants
Dear employee!
This survey will help your colleague (evaluated) to better understand their strengths and weaknesses, to see the potential for further growth and development. No incentives or punishments will be taken based on the results of the study. We guarantee anonymity and confidentiality. In this regard, we ask you to give the most truthful, frank and thoughtful answers. If, by the nature of your interaction with this person, you do not see manifestations of some aspects of behavior and cannot judge how he manifests himself in the situations described, please choose the answer: "I have no information." In addition, some of the questions involve the best option the answer is “Always manifests”, and some - “Never manifests”. Be careful! There are also several questions, the answers to which will allow us to assess the reliability of the result; in case of low reliability, the questionnaire will have to be filled out again, which is undesirable.
The survey takes an average of 30 to 45 minutes. We recommend that you fill out the questionnaire immediately from beginning to end, without distraction. This way you can save time and increase the reliability of the results. You can be of great help to a colleague in understanding his strengths and weaknesses and planning for further development and growth. Thank you for your sincere answers!

Question Answers*
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Able to make and defend unpopular decisions when necessary
2 In case of problems with the client, he solves them independently, strives to do it as quickly as possible
3 Understands that the effectiveness of the work of subordinates depends on their leader, strives to correct the situation and prevent its occurrence in the future
4 When justifying a decision, he considers both pluses and minuses, correctly calculates resources
5 Raises qualifications only when it is offered by management or the personnel development department
6 When setting priorities, he takes into account what is fundamentally important for business and difficult to perform, therefore he strives to do this work himself, and delegates the rest to subordinates
7 When problems arise, he seeks to overcome them on his own, finds several solutions, knows how to justify the pros and cons of each of them
8 In case of prolonged stress, he is able to maintain a good mental shape
9 If a problem arises, first of all, it carefully analyzes the causes and finds those responsible for their elimination.
10 Colleagues and subordinates often turn to an employee for advice and help, they feel psychologically comfortable with him
11 In case of problems with the client due to the fault of other people or departments, he immediately redirects him to the culprit of the problem
12 In difficult situations, easily irritated, can be harsh in communication
13 Strives to obtain the most complete information about the market, related areas and effectively uses this data
14 Ability to work effectively in an environment of uncertainty
15 Does not make mistakes even in small details
16 Positively characterizes the company and its values ​​in conversations with other people
17 Ability to admit mistakes and take responsibility for them
18 Never irritated, never shows negative emotions
19 Tries to find the same interests and common language with colleagues in solving joint problems
20 Accepts responsibility for results
21 Demonstrates a desire to solve customer problems, takes responsibility in difficult situations
22 Never and in any form criticizes the decisions of the management and the strategy of the company
23 Does not welcome changes, prefers proven solutions, confirmed by long experience
24 Always ready to sacrifice his own interests for the common
25 Does not get lost in a stressful situation, seeks and finds solutions
26 If problems with the client arose due to the wrong actions of subordinates, he tries to involve them in the solution, teach them how to avoid such situations in the future
27 Proactive, adjusts the work of his unit in advance to changes in the company's strategies
28 Sees the relationship and interdependence of different departments and functions in the organization, understands its interests as a whole
29 Able to analyze opportunities, risks, as well as calculate and plan resources
30 Never seeks to drag the situation in the direction of his interests in a conflict
31 Motivates people based on their results
32 He believes that employees should be professionals and clearly act within the framework of their duties, otherwise people should be parted
33 He is never partial to people, he always knows how to avoid personal likes and dislikes.
34 Able to identify and take into account the individuality of the subordinate in the interaction and motivation
35 Differs in a systematic approach, sees the interests of the organization as a whole and departments in particular
36 Performs mainly control functions, believes that censure and punishment are the most effective methods working with people
37 Charismatic, uses the strength of his personality to motivate subordinates
38 Subordinates have made significant progress since this person joined the company
39 Forms staff in advance, correctly determines the need for employees
40 Set up to motivate staff, correctly chooses the ratio of encouragement and censure
41 Knows how to manage conflict from a position of cooperation, i.e. in such a way that all parties benefit as much as possible.
42 Organizes training and coaching of its employees, develops people
43 Able to concentrate on the task, attentive to detail
44 Knows external environment organizations, competitors
45 Defends his position, if he considers the interlocutor's opinion to be wrong, tries to shorten the conversation
46 Shows initiative when the process really needs improvement
47 In behavior and decision-making takes into account the values ​​of the company and its interests
48 Always shows initiative, makes rationalization proposals
49 Takes into account the interests of his unit only, leads competition for resources
50 Strives to solve the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible, and not always on his own, but with the involvement of experts (if necessary)

* Answers:

  1. - I have no information;
  2. - always shows up
  3. - appears in most cases;
  4. - appears in about half of the cases;
  5. - appears rarely;
  6. - never shows up.

Answers to the questionnaire (deciphering the types of questions and competencies)

  1. Questions with reverse scaling: 2, 3, 8, 14, 19, 20, 36, 37, 46, 49. If the answers to the remaining questions are at the level of 4–5 points, then answers to questions of this type should be assessed at 1–2 points. If the answers to questions with inverse scaling correspond to the level of 4-5 in two or more cases, then their reliability is considered as low.
  2. Clearly positive answers to questions 6, 15, 16, 30, 33, 41, 50 indicate a high degree of probability that they are socially desirable. If there are more than two such answers, it is recommended not to count the results, but to offer to fill out the questionnaire again.
  3. Groups of questions, the scores for answers to which should have a discrepancy of no more than 1 point (two or more discrepancies allow us to consider validity as low): 10–12, 18–22–25, 34–38–40–41, 39–45 , 43–44.

Distribution of questions by competence groups

Compliance corporate values(questions 1-29, 43-50)

  1. Customer focus - 11, 21, 26.
  2. Loyalty to the company, patriotism - 16, 22, 47.
  3. Orientation to the result, responsibility for it - 17, 20, 24, 49, 50.
  4. Initiative - 23, 46, 48.
  5. Adaptability, openness to new things - 27.
  6. Independence and decision-making skills - 14, 29.
  7. Understanding the business environment - 13, 19, 28, 44.
  8. Resistance to procedures and detailed work - 15, 43.
  9. Stress resistance - 25.
  10. The desire for communication and communication skills with people in the company - 12, 18, 19, 45.

Management skills (questions 26-42)

  1. Control current work - 30, 35, 41.
  2. Team management - 28, 33, 34.
  3. Planning - 27, 29, 39.
  4. Training - 26, 32, 34, 38, 42.

Motivation - 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40.

With full or partial use of materials, a link to the site site is required

In general, about five hundred higher educational institutions and twice as many branches were evaluated in Russia. There were several evaluation criteria:
- average USE score of applicants;
- calculation of scientific and design work per employee;
- share of foreign students in the total number of graduates;
- university income from all sources and the area of ​​educational and laboratory classrooms per student.
If the "examined" in one of the five indicators was below the threshold determined by the Ministry of Education and Science, then it was recognized as ineffective.

“We evaluate ourselves by the same criteria”
Such "generators" of scientific thought as the Radiotechnical and Medical Universities of Ryazan are among the favorites. The rector of the Russian State Technical University, Viktor Gurov, basically agrees with the selection criteria:
- Inside our university, we ourselves evaluate it practically according to the same parameters as in the ministry, - says Viktor Sergeevich. - 10 years ago, the concept of development of higher educational institutions was written, and I was not surprised by today's evaluation criteria. The only thing I do not agree with is that agricultural universities are assessed in the same way as others. They must be supported by the state, because they carry a significant social function. After all, their graduates must return to the village - this is the criterion that must be taken into account.
It was no coincidence that the rector of the “radik” drew attention to the universities of the agricultural profile. After all, the Ryazan Agrotechnological University in the same "table of ranks" was recognized as ineffective.

“There is no support, but the requirements are increased”
The management of RSATU, for obvious reasons, refrained from commenting, but the teachers did not remain silent, however, on condition of anonymity.
- I do not quite agree with this definition of "inefficiency," says Ruslana, Ph.D., a graduate of the Ryazan Agricultural Institute. - I don’t want to praise my university, I’ll say one thing: it’s a shame that the state does not support us. We do not see normal funding from the Ministry of Agriculture (and in this matter we relate specifically to this ministry, and not to the Ministry of Education and Science, like others). Salaries for teachers are lower than in other universities in Ryazan by three to five thousand, student scholarships - respectively. Therefore, in order to survive, you have to work at several jobs. And this, you understand, is not normal for a scientific worker. Rumors about the reorganization have been circulating for two years now, I think that now they will become a reality ...

The fate of another Ryazan university will be decided in the last autumn month. In the list of "inefficient" - relatively recently reorganized from the State Pedagogical University - Yesenin Russian State University. The reform of 2005, when the Russian State University was made from a “peda”, had and still has both supporters and those who are skeptical about innovations.

One of them, Aleksey Gryaznov, a graduate of 2004, graduated with honors from physics and mathematics, worked for two years in a rural school, and now holds a high position in the capital:
- I was just graduating from the Pedagogical University when the reorganization was going on, - says Alexey. - We wondered what kind of diploma we would get. RSPU graduated not just teachers, it produced scientists. If you continue to study in graduate school, you are already a scientist with a teaching diploma. There were many young people at the university. Our course was taught by Associate Professor Retyunsky: “science-science” on the one hand, and on the other, understood us, because she herself had recently been a student. I am very glad that she led all five years: she knew everything well, she could explain. There were no random people at all then ...

Three streams in one?
From November 6 to 14, a group of specialists from Moscow will work in Ryazan, which will first decide whether to approve the list of "inefficient" universities or exclude certain schools"on the basis of their special significance for the development of the region or industry." This is exactly what the preamble to the results of the study says. And only then the interdepartmental commission will deliver the final verdict. This is the official point of view.

From sources that should be trusted, we learned that the merger of three universities: RGRTU, RGATU and RGU - will still happen. And the Radio Engineering University will head the scientific "conglomerate", and ... three financial flow merge into one. It should be noted that the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov said that in the next three years it is planned to reduce universities by 20%, and the number of their branches by 30%. At the same time, he stated that the interests of all students will be taken into account during the reorganization. True, it is not clear - will the opinion of teachers be taken into account?

A complete list of efficient and inefficient universities and branches:

Ryazan State Medical University named after Pavlov;
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University;
Ryazan Correspondence Institute (branch) of Moscow state university culture and art;
Ryazan Institute (branch) Lomonosov Moscow State Open University V. Chernomyrdin;
Ryazan branch of MESI.

Ryazan State University named after Yesenin;
Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after Kostychev;
Ryazan branch of the Moscow State University of Communications;
Branch of the Ivanovo State Textile Academy;
Branch of the Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technology and Management.

Pavel Averin

A solemn summing up of the results of the All-Russian project "RATINGS OF THE AUTO OF THE YEAR - 2018" took place in Moscow. Representatives of the press, participants of the "Auto of the Year" quest, executives of large companies, representatives of PR and marketing of automotive companies and autobloggers.

According to the head of the Car of the Year in Russia project Vladimir Bezukladnikov, the “Ratings” differ from the spring project “Car of the Year Award” in that people from all over the country vote in them. They choose cars according to the same criteria as in life. The "premium" is selected according to the indicators of manufacturers. This year the voting was held in four nominations - "Workhorses", "Modern", "Family", "Reliable" cars.

LADA Largus took the first place in the Workhorses category by a large margin of almost 5,000 votes. Second and third place went to HYUNDAI, SOLARIS and GAZ, GAZEL NEXT. Among the "Modern" SUBARU, FORESTER are in the lead. It is followed by VOLVO, XC90, respectively, with a small margin, and 3rd place by AUDI, A8. The first three "Family" are divided among themselves at SKODA, KODIAQ, SUBARU, FORESTER, LADA, LARGUS. TOYOTA, LAND CRUISER PRADO, has been the first among the most “Reliable”, for many years now. Russians consider this car the most adapted to Russian roads. In second and third place are SUBARU, FORESTER and TOYOTA, CAMRY. In general, in this category, TOYOTA products take 5 places out of the top ten.

One of the winners of the competition, the beautiful SUBARU, FORESTER, was given as a prize to the winner of the "Auto of the Year" quest, which recently ended in Sochi. Captain Evgeny Kopytov, together with his team, successfully completed all the tasks and deservedly received the award. In addition to the keys to the car, the gift included a set of premium Continental VikingContact 7 tires and a supply of TOTAL Quartz engine oil. The rest of the team also received certificates for sets of tires as a gift.

Custom fields are designed to store information about tasks or resources that cannot be placed in a note field. Custom text fields are useful for storing small pieces of information that don't require formatting, such as the result of a task.

It would seem, in what cases notes may not be suitable? The main advantage of notes is the ability to attach to tasks external files or use text formatting commands. Since these advanced features are not needed in order to simply indicate the result of the work in text form without formatting, they should be left for the intended use.

The advantage of custom fields is that they allow you to easily structure information about tasks or resources. For example, a project sponsor wants to understand what specific work is done during the execution of tasks and what results are achieved after the completion of each task. Using notes to store two types of information is inconvenient because you cannot view the description of the work separately from the results. But if you create two custom fields, one of which will contain a description of the work, and the other - their result, you can structure the data and use them separately in the future. Notes will be reserved for storing files and other additional supporting information.

Create custom fields

The "internal" tables of MS Project include a set of fields that the user can customize at their discretion and place their data in them. These fields can refer to either resources or tasks and differ in the types of data they can store. Working with custom fields is carried out in the Customize Fields dialog box, called either from the context menu of the table header, or using the Tools> Customize> Fields menu command (Tools> Customize> Fields).

The margin settings dialog box consists of two tabs. On the first tab, Custom Fields (Custom fields), and work with custom fields is carried out (Fig. 13.16, file 15.mpp).

Before setting up a field, you need to decide whether its content belongs to tasks or resources, and, accordingly, select the Task (Tasks) or Resource (Resources) radio button. Then, in the Type drop-down list, you need to determine the data type (Table 13.1) of this field.

Table 13.1. Custom Field Types in MS Project

Rice. 13.16. Margins dialog box

Having selected the required data type (in our example, 15.mpp is text), you need to select the field, and then configure it and give it a name so that you don’t forget that such and such data is stored in the field, for example, Textl. The Rename button is intended for this, after clicking on which a dialog box for entering the name of the field opens. Let's say we want to specify the result of a task in a custom field. Let's name the field Result, and its name will appear in the list of fields next to the field name Textl.

This operation is enough to create a simple custom field. We'll look at the rest of the options on this dialog box later when we set up other fields in our plan. Now you can click the OK button to exit the dialog box and try out the convenience of using custom fields.

Populating with data

There are two ways to populate custom fields. The first, traditional for previous versions of MS Project, is to add a field to the table and edit the data in it in the same way as in other fields. The second way that you can edit custom field values, new only in MS Project 2002, is to use the Custom Fields tab in the task or resource details dialog box.

This tab lists all of the task-specific custom fields that exist in the project (and the resource-specific fields will be located on a similar tab in the resource details dialog box). The table in the center of the dialog box has two columns. In the left column, Custom Field Name (Custom field name), the name of the field is indicated, and in the right column, Value (Value), its value for the current task. For example, in fig. 13.17 (file IS.mpp) we edit the value of the Result field for the Collect proposals from authors task. The output of the task will be an Editorial Proposal File.

Rice. 13.17. Populating a custom field value for a task


In order for MS Project to "understand" that you want to use a custom field and display it in the dialog box, you must first rename this field.

As you can see in fig. 13.17, the WBS field (WBS) is also in the custom list. This happened because we changed its settings. If you do not configure the structure of task codes, then this field will not be listed in the list of customizable ones.

View content on a plan

You can display the contents of the fields in the table by adding the corresponding field to it, or directly on the Gantt chart, next to the tasks. To do this, in the dialog box for setting styles of bars, you need to edit the corresponding types of bars, adding the required field to the number of displayed data (for information on how to select fields to display next to bars, see the section “Setting text information displayed next to a bar”). You can also use the text style formatters to highlight the values ​​of these fields in a special font (see Formatting Text Styles).

For example, in the diagram in Fig. On 13.18 (file 18.mpp), we edited the Task line type and added a Result field in the settings for the text displayed next to the line, so that it appears below the line. Then, in the Format Text Styles dialog box, we changed the font of the text displayed below the bars in the chart by adding an underline.

Rice. 13.18. The results of the tasks are displayed on the diagram next to the tasks

Create custom list-of-value fields

Often Additional Information in custom fields is not unique for each task (as is the case with the Result field), but is repeated. For example, if a custom field contains information about the importance of achieving a result for the project, then the value of the field can be "High importance", "Medium" and "Low".

If a custom field can have a limited set of values, then it makes no sense to manually fill in the field for each task. It is much more convenient to create a list of possible values ​​and then, while editing a custom field for a task, select a value from the list.

In order to define a list of values ​​for a field, in the field settings dialog (see Figure 13.16), after selecting a custom field from the list, select the radio button next to the Value List button in the Custom attributes section. At the same time, MS Project will warn you that when you set the value list for the Pse Rapse field, the entered data may be lost, and if you are sure that you want to continue, then click OK in the warning window.

The list of field values ​​is set in the Value List dialog box, which opens after clicking on the button of the same name in the field settings dialog box. On fig. 13.19 in this dialog box, we set up the text field Importance of the result (file 14.mpp).

Rice. 13.19. Entering a list of values ​​for a custom field

In the center of the dialog box is a table consisting of two columns: Value (Value) and Description (Description). The first is where you enter the possible values ​​for the custom field, and the second where you enter the descriptions. Descriptions will be displayed when selecting a value from the list at the time of filling the field.

Sometimes it is convenient that when creating a new task (or resource, if the custom field refers to resources), one value from the list is automatically substituted into the field. For example, if most of the project's tasks are of medium importance, then you can substitute the default value of Medium, and select other values ​​from the list if necessary.

To make one of the values ​​the default value, select the Use a value from the list as a default entry for the field check box. After that, the Set Default button will become available, clicking on which turns the value selected in the table into the default value. After we assigned Average as the default value, the row containing this value and the table began to be highlighted in color.


The default value will be set in the custom field only for new tasks or resources. If the resources were added before the field was configured, then the field value for them will be undefined (leave empty).

The Data entry options section defines the order in which the custom field is populated. If you select the Restrict fields to items in the value list radio button, then when filling in the field, the selection will be limited to the existing list and you will not be able to enter arbitrary values. If you select the radio button Allow additional items to be entered into the field (Other elements are allowed in the field), then when filling this field, you can both select items from the list and enter arbitrary values.

If you want arbitrary values ​​entered in the field to be automatically added to the list of field values, then you need to select the Append new entries to the value list check box. And in order for the program to ask for confirmation before adding a value to the list, you need to check the box Prompt before adding new values ​​(Request before adding new elements).

An input mode that has the last two checkboxes checked (as in Figure 13.19) is quite handy because it allows you to add new element to the list of values ​​without entering the field settings dialog box. On the other hand, warnings can help you avoid accidentally adding a value.

The order in which list items are displayed when selected is determined by the radio buttons in the lower section of the dialog box, Display order for dropdown list. Values ​​can be sorted by row number in the table if you select the By row number radio button, or alphabetically if you select the Sort ascending or Sort descending radio button. The first option is the most convenient, because it allows you to customize the order of the records in the table and arrange the values ​​according to the expected frequency of their use.

Using formulas

Sometimes custom field values ​​can be filled in automatically using formulas. For example, if you know how long it takes on average to edit 1 page of text, then by specifying the number of pages in an article, you can use the formula to calculate the total duration of the article editing task.

In order to enter a formula in a custom field, in the field settings dialog box (see Figure 13.16), select the custom field from the list, and then in the Custom attributes section, select the radio button next to the Formula button. MS Project will warn you that when setting up a formula for a field, all previously entered data may be lost, and if you are sure that you want to continue, then click OK in the warning window.

To edit the formula, you need to click the Formula button (Formula), after which the MS Project formula editor will be loaded (Fig. 13.20, IS.mpp file). The editor consists of a formula editing area and a set of buttons, by clicking on which you can enter formula fragments. The formula can be completely printed manually, or you can enter it by pressing the buttons.

Rice. 13.20. MS Project formula editor

In the formula, you can use operations on other MS Project fields. For example, in order to determine the total editing time for an article, you need to multiply the number of pages in the article by the editing time per page. In our project (IS.mpp), we renamed the custom field Duration1(Duration1) to Page Editing Time, and the field Numberl(Number1) to Number of pages in the article. So, to determine the value of the Duration2 (Duration2) field, or the Total time for editing an article, you need to multiply the value of the Durationl (Duration1) field by Number1 (Number1). In the formula, as we see in the figure, the field names (as in filters) must be enclosed in square brackets.

In order to substitute the name of the field in the formula, you can use the button Field (Field), and to insert one of the dozens of available functions, the button Function (Function). In addition, using the Import Formula button, you can insert a formula into the field from another field in any of the open projects.

On fig. 13.21 (file IS.mpp) you can see how the settings we made work. After filling in the Number of pages in the article and Page editing time fields, the Total article editing time field is recalculated.

Rice. 13.21. Calculation using formulas works

However, the current scoring mode has one disadvantage: the duration calculated for each task does not sum up for the phase. This means that we cannot automatically determine its duration. To automatically recalculate values ​​in a custom field for summary tasks, you need to configure it in a special way.

Custom fields and summary tasks

You can determine how the custom field data will be displayed for summary tasks in the field settings dialog box, in the Calculation for task and group summary rows section, by selecting the required field in the list (Fig. 13.22, file 16 .mpp).

Rice. 13.22. Set up calculations for summary tasks. The contents of the drop-down list depend on the type of the selected field

The section contains three switches: None (No), Rollup (Reduced) and Use formula (Use formula). If you select the first one, then the custom field data will only be calculated for normal tasks, not for summary tasks. The second radio button allows you to calculate the custom field value for summary tasks using one of the operations provided in the drop-down list. The composition of this list varies depending on the types of fields (Table 13.2), in addition, you cannot summarize data for text fields.

Operation nameCustom field typesDescription
AndFlag (Flag)Logical AND. If all nested rows in this field are Yes, then the result of the operation is also Yes. If at least one of the strings in this field contains the value No, then the result of the logical operation will be No
OR (OR)Flag (Flag)Logical OR. If at least one of the rows contains the value Yes in this field, then the flattening operation will also give Yes
Average The pivot will be the average of all nested non-summary series values
Average First Sublevel (Average of the first sublevel)Cost (Costs), Duration (Duration), Number (Number)The pivot will be the average of all values ​​of nested non-summary series and of all values ​​of nested first-level summary series
Count All (Add all)Number (Number)When rolling, all total and non-total rows will be added
Count First Sublevel (Add the first sublevel)Number (Number)Pivot will add first level total series and all nested non-total series
Count Nonsummaries (Add non-total)Number (Number)Pivot will add up all non-summary tasks
maximum The result of the rollup will be the maximum value among all the values ​​below
minimumCost (Costs), Duration (Duration), Number (Number), Start (Start), Finish (End)The result of the rollup will be the minimum value among all the values ​​below
Sum (Amount)Cost (Costs), Duration (Duration), Number (Number)The result of the rollup will be the sum of all the values ​​below

Table 13.2. Operations to Roll Up Data in Summary Tasks

If a formula is used to calculate the custom field, then the third radio button, Use formula, becomes available. If you select it, the same formula is used to calculate custom field values ​​for summary tasks as for regular tasks. In our case (file 16.mpp), it is more convenient to use the addition of custom field values ​​for tasks than a formula. After all, our formula uses the values ​​of other fields when calculating, which means that they also need to configure the parameters for determining the value for summary tasks. If this is not done, then the values ​​of these fields for summary tasks will always be zero, and the result of our formula will also be zero.

On fig. 13.23 shows a table from file 16.mpp with calculations of the total duration of editing articles after we set up the summation of values ​​for phases in the field Total article editing time. Now the values ​​in it are summarized, but the rest of the custom fields are still not.

Rice. 13.23. Now the total time for editing articles is summed up

The duration calculated by us is actually the labor costs for the execution of the editing work. However, this data cannot be automatically entered into the project plan, that is, in the Work field (Labor costs) of the corresponding tasks, since this field is not customizable and formulas cannot be entered into it. Therefore, you can only enter the data we received into this field manually.

A model in which data is automatically calculated in one field when other fields are changed, and then manually transferred to the project plan, carries one danger: you can accidentally forget to enter labor data into the project plan. In this case, the planned effort of the task will be incorrect, which means that the project plan as a whole will be inaccurate. To ensure that the task effort always matches the data in the Total article editing time custom field, we will use indicators.

Using indicators

MS Project contains the ability to display color indicators instead of data in a custom field. The color of the indicator depends on the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the logical condition. For example, in our case (file 17.mpp), you can create the Updated field and configure it so that if the data in the Total article editing time field is equal to the data in the Work field, then it displays a green indicator, and if not equal - then red.

In principle, such an indicator could be displayed in the Total Article Editing Time field itself, but we will create an Updated field of type Flag to demonstrate how to work with fields of this type.

In the field definitions dialog box, rename the Flagl field (Flag!) to Updated, and then open the formula setup dialog box for it. Enter the formula = ([Duration2] = [Labor]). Flag fields can only contain the value Yes (Yes) or No (No), and if the condition of the formula is met (that is, the total editing time of the article is equal to labor costs), then the field will contain Yes (Yes), and if the condition is not met - No ( Not).

Now you need to configure the display of indicators. To do this, in the Values ​​to display section of the field setup dialog box (see Figure 13.16), select the radio button next to the Graphical Indicators button. Then, to configure the indicators, you need to click this button. In the window that opens (Fig. 13.24, file 17.mpp), you need to set the criteria for displaying indicators for different tasks.

Rice. 13.24. Dialog box for setting the display of indicators

In the upper part of the dialog box, select the radio button corresponding to the type of tasks for which the criteria for displaying indicators are configured: Nonsummary rows, Summary rows, or Project summary. At the same time, for each type, you can configure your own criteria for displaying the indicator.

To display indicators for summary tasks according to the same criteria as for regular tasks, you need to select the Summary rows inherit criteria from nonsummary rows check box. And in order for the project summary task to use the same criteria as summary tasks, you need to select the Project summary inherits criteria from summary rows check box (The project summary task inherits conditions from summary rows). If both checkboxes are checked, then by configuring the settings for normal tasks, you thereby determine the display settings for all other tasks in the project. The parameters for displaying indicators are configured in the table in the center of the dialog box.

The table contains three columns: Test for (Field check), Values ​​(Values) and Image (Figure). In the first column, a condition is selected from the list, which the value in the second column must meet. The list of conditions is the same as the one we used when creating filters in Lesson 4, Sorting, Grouping, and Filtering Data in Tables (see Table 4.1).

You can use specific values, for example Yes (Yes) or No (No), as in our case, or you can select the value of any of the fields. In the last field, a picture is selected from the list to be used as an indicator if the condition described in the first two fields is met. So, in our case, if the field value is Yes (Yes), a green indicator should be displayed, and if it is No (No) - red.

Field value checks are performed in turn from top to bottom, and on the first match of the condition, the indicator to be displayed is selected. To move the conditions up and down the list, use the arrow buttons located on the side of the list.

Sometimes you want to view the field values ​​hidden “under” the indicator. If you check the Show data values ​​in ToolTips checkbox, the data will be displayed when you hover over the indicator with the mouse.

The result of setting up indicators for the Updated field is shown in fig. 13.25 (file 17.mpp). As we can see, if the data in the Total article editing time field is not equal to the task effort, the field contains a red indicator, and if equal, it is green.

Rice. 13.25. Result of indicator settings

However, the figure also shows a discrepancy - the labor costs in the summary task are 40 hours (5 days), and the total time for editing articles calculated using the formula is three. However, the box displays a green indicator. What's the matter?

If we place the cursor on a cell with an indicator in the row of a regular task, we will see that the field cannot be edited (since its value is calculated by a formula), and if we place the cursor on the row of a summary task, we will see that the cell can be edited. That is, when setting up the formula for the Updated field, we forgot to define the formula for calculating the value for summary tasks.

Let's go to the fields settings dialog box and select the data summation operation for the Updated field (similar to Fig. 13.22). Since this is a field of type Flag (Flag), the set of operations (in accordance with Table 13.2) will not be the same as for a field of type Duration (Duration). Among them, the operation And (And) is suitable for us: if all ordinary tasks inside the summary have the value Yes (Yes), then the value of the summary will be the same. And if among the regular tasks there is at least one field with the value No (No), then the value in the field of the summary task will also be No. This is exactly what we need: if the work of at least one of the regular tasks is not updated and does not match the formula calculations, then the work of the summary task is also not correct. Now the indicator of the summary task will be green only when the indicators of all the tasks nested in it are also green. On fig. 13.26 shows the results of these settings (IS.mpp). We copied the summary task and its subtasks to demonstrate how joining works for a field of type Flag. In the first case, when there is one with a red indicator among the nested tasks of the phase, the phase indicator is also red. In the second case, when all sub-task indicators are green, the indicator for the phase is also green.

Rice. 13.26. Configuring Indicators with Combining Values ​​for Summary Tasks


It might be useful to read: