Schemes of earnings in the field of nutrition. Can organic food hurt? Synthetic food will save the planet

Today, the situation in the Russian food trade market is not very favorable for the average consumer. Unscrupulous supermarket owners deliberately offer substandard and life-threatening goods. These are not only expired goods that are “reanimated” and sold in various ways. Often Products Agriculture contain pesticides, nitrates and other similar substances in concentrations exceeding the permissible sanitary and hygienic standards. Therefore, the food business will be profitable. This is especially true for the cultivation and sale of healthy food.

A large number of middle- and high-income consumers are in constant search of a quality and useful product.

That is why the idea of ​​creating a healthy food business is very relevant now, and the business brings a good and stable profit. We offer you several options for a food business.

Opening a health food store

The principle of the health food store is only high-quality natural and fresh products that meet all sanitary and hygienic standards.

The grocery store business plan assumes that the assortment will be presented by 1-2 categories (for example, or a fruit and vegetable store), or a complete list of healthy food products. The range must include organic products, mainly vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat, cheese and cottage cheese.

The composition should not contain modified ingredients, various preservatives, flavors, flavorings, etc. All natural and grown without the use of unhealthy technologies.

How the biomarket works

The list of documents for registering a health food store:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • certificate of registration in tax office and assignment of OKVED codes;
  • certificate of registration in the medical, pension and social insurance fund;
  • bank details and company seal.

It is also necessary to have consumables: cling film and bags, preferably with the logo of your health food store.

The working staff of the grocery store consists of at least three sellers and a loader, as well as a director, accountant, marketer and merchandiser.

Healthy food store monthly revenue - 200-350 thousand rubles.

When forecasting monthly revenue grocery store the cost of unsold goods is taken into account, the share of which is from 15%. To minimize waste, it is necessary to offer products that are about to expire at a discount of 50-70%.

The markup is from 30 to 250%.

With proper management of the business, a 35-40% profitability is ensured!

Options for developing this type of business on a healthy diet:

  • opening additional points of sale in shopping centers;
  • development and maintenance of online orders;
  • chain of stores;

Delivery of food kits

The idea of ​​making food sets for quick preparation of healthy and tasty food is new for Russia. Therefore, the level of competition of this business in the field of food is quite low. The business of delivering products for the preparation of tasty and dietary food is practiced in Russia by Elementaree.

The scheme of the company for the delivery of products:

  1. Personal compilation of a dietary menu and preparation of recipes for dishes.
  2. Purchase of high-quality and useful products.
  3. Primary processing of the ingredients of the dish - cleaning, cutting, weighing, etc.
  4. Packing in special containers and packages.
  5. Delivery by courier of a product constructor to a customer who, following simple instructions prepares a delicious and healthy meal in just 30 minutes. It is also possible to have ready meals delivered.

Nutrition frees the consumer from tiresome shopping trips. To prepare more tasty and healthy dishes, you need free time and sufficient skill. That's why this business will be more successful in metropolitan areas where there are many busy business people with a high level of income. Often they care about the quality of their food.

How Elementaree Works

Instilling love for proper nutrition

The food business can be expanded to include those who want to lose weight. So, the low-calorie diet Elementaree leads to a loss of 5 kg excess weight without additional effort on the part of the consumer. The daily diet menu is designed for 5 meals. Getting used to proper nutrition, ease of ordering and cooking - all this attracts customers, which positively affects income.

So, the practice of Elementaree has shown that with the right approach to business, you can:

  • in just a month to get 120 customers of the diet program and, accordingly, income of 1.2 million rubles;
  • to deliver 100 dinners of single orders or by subscription every day - about 14 thousand rubles of profit.

Elementaree Price List

How to start a grocery delivery business?

It is most rational to start a food business with a small audience and conduct an express survey and testing for consumer taste preferences. Then it will be possible to deal with single orders and long-term diets.

Live and vegetarian restaurant

The basic principle of live cooking or raw food is the absence of heat treatment of products. In recent years, the number of vegetarians has been on the rise.

An example of a raw food business is Nebo’s Kiev bar of live cuisine from its own confectionery production. Calculate the profitability of a bar from selling confectionery you can use the example of a “chocolate” cake without chocolate:

  • the cost of a treat is about 24 rubles;
  • retail price - 80 rubles;
  • profit - 56 rubles.
  • the average check of Nebo's is 200 rubles.

Although the institution opened not so long ago, there are already enough regular visitors. The reason is not only in the specific menu, but also in the ongoing creative workshops.

Raw food bar Nebo's financials:

If the menu of the institution is diversified with products for vegetarians, then in the first month you can reach the break-even point of the business. The average check will increase by 60%.

As you can see, it is also possible to successfully create and develop on the basis of healthy and wholesome food.

It is very difficult to surprise an ordinary user with anything, and even more so, to induce to make a particular purchase. This is especially true for absolutely new and unknown goods. Therefore, manufacturers and marketing firms go to great lengths to promote their new brands in such a congested consumer market. In any case, to attract attention, you need to have a creative approach and a lot of creative ideas. We will tell you more about what a successful advertisement of a product from the new line is like below.

Difficulty in launching a new product

Most PR people know firsthand how difficult it is to promote a new product. Especially when dealing with a cult brand. In this case, advertising the product simply forces you to take risks. And, as they say, "who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne."

This is exactly what the creators of the Red Bull energy drink did. First, they came up with a jar that is small in size and looks like a battery. And, secondly, they deliberately increased the cost of the drink (about 2 times) and began to place it not only in the drinks department, but also in others, for example, bread or milk.

Moreover, branded cars with a huge can of drink at the top began to drive along the streets of cities. Behind the wheel sat beautiful young girls. On certain days, they stopped in crowded places and handed out jars of new energy drinks for free. Such complex and unusual advertising of the product brought its results. The product became recognizable and took its place of honor along with such giants as Pepsi and Coca-Cola.

If you want to advance yourself, remind about useful and ordinary things

When promoting a new brand or trademark, traditional approaches are often used that do not bring results. Taxi service companies, for example, are choosing a tactic that has been tried and tested for years, but partly does not work. Most of the time they post advertisements in the press, rarely make videos on TV, and even use asphalt to create a stencil with the name of the service and phone number.

However, product advertising does not always have to be the same type and standard. Sometimes creative ideas perceived by people much better. And skillfully filed and partially veiled advertising, and even bearing a certain benefit to the buyer, will be an excellent tool.

This is the approach taken by a Canadian taxi service called Mike. They didn't just print promotional leaflets with an address, phone number, and brief description services, but also made a kind of map of local cafes and restaurants. Opens potential client such a booklet sees where the most delicious Viennese waffles are served. And then he reads the phone number and the name of the taxi service that can take him there. Original, isn't it?

There are not many ads

Advertising a new product should be constantly in front of users. This method was used in their advertising by representatives of the well-known marketing company HBO. Shortly before the third part of the continuation of the cult series "Game of Thrones" began to be broadcast on large screens, a huge shadow of a winged dragon periodically appeared in newspapers, magazines, on vehicles and even on the walls of buildings.

Because of this successful, in our opinion, publicity stunt, people simply could not help but think about the release of the new season of the series. As a result, the number of viewers watching the series, struck the imagination of even the most malicious film critics. And the telesaga itself was recognized as the most successful project throughout the history of the marketing company. As it turns out, HBO advertisers know how to make product ads stand out and be effective.

Great ideas don't grow in garden beds.

Sometimes long-standing rivalries are used in advertising for new products. For example, a high-quality advertisement for food products from a farm in Dallas clearly demonstrates a similar trick. On a beautiful poster, you can see fresh vegetables neatly packed in a red box. Notice the similarity? This picture looks like french fries from the famous McDonald's. And this is the confrontation between natural food from the farm and hard-hitting fast food.

An ad that sparks fantasy

Some PR people create ads with a special meaning. And they do it in such a way that different people the most unexpected associations arose. For example, this is the case with shoe advertising. When creating a bright poster for TM Brazilia Shoes, a white background was chosen, on which there were female legs in magnificent colored tattoos.

It is noteworthy that they were without shoes. The girl, whose legs are shown in the photo, stood up on imaginary heels. On the one hand, such advertising said that the advertised shoes are so light that you almost don’t feel them. This was evidenced by the birds depicted on the legs and the legs themselves, raised on half-toes. On the other hand, they seemed to emphasize that ordinary Brazilian girls do not wear shoes and this is the prerogative of wealthier ladies. Who knows what was meant? Perhaps the author just liked such graceful female legs ?!

Successful product advertising: examples

The originality of the ideas of PR people sometimes just rolls over. For example, in a company chewing gum Orbit turned to the graffiti masters for help. Those, in turn, depicted huge faces of women and men on the pavement. At the same time, instead of a mouth, they had pits, drains, sewer and ventilation hatches.

Such advertising of products (photo can be seen below) is symbolic and needs further clarification. In particular, with such drawings, the authors of the advertisement wanted to draw an analogy between a mouth with an unpleasant odor. In other words, if you haven't eaten two Orbita plates, your mouth will be the same as in the picture. Simple and clear.

Trade in farm products uses all the main consumption trends: buy Russian, buy healthy, save time on shopping. Shops with farm products are opening all over the country, while the quality of goods varies everywhere. What business on Russian eco-products has a future?


The fashion for natural products without additives covers large Russian cities. Someone is looking for healthy meat, milk and vegetables in online stores, someone several times a month organizes food requisitions in the surrounding villages. The first city shops of farm products appeared in Moscow about 10 years ago, but successful development segment can only be spoken of in relation to Moscow and St. Petersburg. What is this business, what consumer sentiment is built on, what are the prospects. Will try to figure it out.

Fashion or trend: boom on healthy

Is the demand for natural so great? According to Nielsen, Russians are primarily inclined to buy at home: meat (81%), milk (80%), vegetables (75%) and fruits (67%). Patriotism is explained only by the favorable price, but also by the desire to purchase a natural product with a short shelf life.

As a factor inducing to buy domestic rather than global production, the Russians indicate:

  • 56% - favorable price;
  • 43% - “have already taken it, liked it”;
  • 32% - safer ingredients and manufacturing process.

According to the Romir research holding, despite the crisis, Russians pay attention to the composition and shelf life of products, preferring environmentally friendly and fresh products without GMOs. According to a 2015 TNS study, 67% of Russians agree to buy more expensive food products, provided that they are organic.

Concerns about health in general and healthy eating in particular make people look for locally produced products on the shelves of stores: many console themselves with the illusion that Russian food production technologies lag behind world ones, so preservatives and nitrates are not used.

Increasing interest of Russians in quality healthy food proves the statistics of "Yandex". For 10 months of 2015, compared to the same period in 2014, the number of requests increased:

  • "natural products" - by 78%;
  • "fresh products" - 3 times.

There is a demand for useful and natural products of domestic production and it is growing. Traditional networks and shops practically leave it unanswered.

Organic food market: in Russia and in the world

The prospects for farmers and their products are significant. However, today consumers and producers exist in parallel universes: it is difficult for farm products to get on the shelves of retail chains due to the requirements for volumes, selling prices, packaging, and the mass of the buyer comes to shop here.

In general, the Russians are not alone in their desire to join natural food. Organic products without chemicals and artificial additives are a global trend. To date, 84 countries around the world have adopted laws on organic farming. The EU biofood market is growing by 15-20% annually.

Organic market leaders in the world:

  • USA - $29 billion;
  • France - $9.2 billion;
  • Germany - $5.2 billion.

What is in Russia? Our trade in natural products is in its infancy, so it has not yet come to the attention of official statistics. According to the Union of Organic Farming (POPs), in 2013 the volume of the domestic market of certified bioproducts amounted to 148 million dollars - less than 0.2% of the total food market. At the same time, 90% of eco-products are imported.

With the concept of "farm product" in Russia today there is uncertainty: the legal framework for organic agriculture is just beginning to take shape.

Table 1. Documents regulating the sphere of organic agricultural production in the Russian Federation


Under discussion or development

  1. GOST R 56104-2014 “Organic food products. Terms and definitions” approved. by order of Rosstandart No. 1068-st dated 10.09.14.
  2. GOST R 56508-2015 “Products of organic production. Rules of production, storage, transportation” approved. by order of Rosstandart No. 844-st dated 06/30/15.
  1. National standard “Production of organic products. Voluntary Certification Rules”.
  2. National standard "Guidelines for the manufacture, processing, labeling and labeling of organic food (except for sections related to livestock products). CAC/GL 32-1999".
  3. Draft law "On the production of organic products".

IN given time organic in Russia food product called:

  • grown in conditions that improve the ecosystem, preserve soil fertility, protect human health;
  • processed by biological/physical/mechanical methods in nature;
  • obtained without the use of pesticides, chemical. fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics, hormonal/veterinary drugs, GMOs, not exposed to ionizing radiation.

The formation of a full-fledged regulatory environment in the field of production, determination of the composition, labeling and certification of organics will help clear the market of pseudo-farm traders and identify real natural products. In addition, POP experts expect the market to increase to $300 million from the regulation of the legal field.

Farm Trade Models

Today in Russia, both farmers and intermediaries are engaged in the sale of natural products. Farmers use several ways: open specialized shops in production or online stores, sell to neighbors and through word of mouth, arrange deliveries to health food stores and restaurants.

There are three models of farm shops:

  • Internet projects;
  • traditional offline stores;
  • projects using both sales channels: online and offline.

Features of traditional farm shops:

  • Format. Most often used "At home" - a modest assortment is placed on a small area. Sometimes the store concentrates on only one type of product, such as dairy or meat products. For a small number of commodity items, it is easier to track the quality.
  • Assortment and its structure. Wide or narrow, a large proportion of perishable products, up to 70%. For comparison: in large supermarkets the share of products with a short shelf life is 7-15%. Outlets selling exclusively local farm products usually offer a seasonal selection.
  • Markup and prices. Prices are higher than in supermarkets. Abroad, products labeled "organic" are 20-30% more expensive than their counterparts. In Russia, the difference in prices is greater: the markup on healthy products can be 50, 100 and 200%. The market is not developed, the culture of healthy food consumption is in its infancy - this is how a creative attitude to prices is born. In some cases, high margins are set deliberately high in order to support farm production.
  • Selection of manufacturers, examination of products. real farm shops set high standards of product quality and organize a rigorous selection of suppliers. This is done by technologists or specialists of the internal department of expertise, and at the stage of concluding a contract they check raw materials and production processes, then the goods monthly pass laboratory examination.
  • Service. Available individual order products and other features.

A few words about network projects. Today in Russia there are few physical farms, so they simply can not cope with large volumes of deliveries. Some networks are forced to cooperate with small industrial producers in addition to farmers. Calling such projects farming is hardly true. But if the goods are tested for quality and naturalness before being placed on the shelf, then we are talking about “healthy food” stores.

As for services for the delivery of fresh and organic products. The intensity of Internet use is not uniform across Russian regions. The share of active users is growing, but so far only residents of large cities are ready to place online orders for products. However, the future lies with specialized online stores of organic products that will cover the needs for healthy food and allow consumers to save time on shopping trips.

Successful farming projects

There are many players in the organic food trade today. Basically, entrepreneurial activity in this area is concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the capital, for example, the number of stores selling farm products goes into the hundreds (including online trading). How is business organized in three well-known Russian projects?

Izbenka and VkusVill: a chain of eco-food stores

Andrey Krivenko's chain of traditional healthy food stores is developing simultaneously in two directions:

  • "Izbenki" - small establishments (15-20 sq. m.) with farm dairy products with short term validity. Assortment - up to 70 items.
  • "VkusVilli" - stores with an area of ​​60-120 sq. m with an assortment of 700-800 commodity items: meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, bread, juices, sweets, etc.

Are all products really from farms? No, but the network does not hide it. Of the 200 suppliers that VkusVill works with, 10-15% are large industrial enterprises, the remaining 85-90% are small industrial producers and farmers.

How the business is organized:

  • the network's mission is to think about the buyer first;
  • cooperation with trusted suppliers, 3-4 for each type of product;
  • a small assortment (600 positions per 100 sq. m.), 70% of which is “fast port”;
  • absence own production;
  • strict quality control (collection of customer reviews, laboratory examinations, production audit);
  • sale of goods under private label (own trademarks);
  • low margin for the segment - 55-56%;
  • average check - 500 rubles.

The network's indicators prove its effectiveness: the number of Izbenok opened in Moscow is 300, VkusVillov is 130, the network's revenue in 2015 increased by 40% compared to the previous one.

Moscowfresh: online store of market and farm products

Moscowfresh positions itself as an express delivery service for fresh produce. The founder of the company is Lev Volozh. The assortment includes farm dairy and meat products, poultry, quality goods from Moscow markets, imported chilled fish, vegetables / fruits, as well as pastries, tea, coffee, sweets.

How the business is organized:

  • prices are higher than in supermarkets, but lower than those of competitors;
  • minimum order - 1,900 rubles;
  • delivery within the Moscow Ring Road costs 290 rubles. and takes 2 hours (urgent - 90 minutes);
  • assortment - premium quality products from trusted suppliers (Moscowfresh quality is confirmed by certificates from city markets, it also guarantees its own control);
  • Items you don't like can be returned or replaced.

LavkaLavka: for the sake of both the buyer and the farmer

The most recognizable farm brand in Russia is LavkaLavka. The project originated in 2009 in the form of a LiveJournal account, when not a single farm online store existed yet. In the first year of operation, the turnover of Lavka amounted to 900 thousand rubles, in 2014 - 250 million. The company was founded by Boris Akimov, a former artist and programmer, now a real farmer and ideologist of a return to organic farming.

Today LavkaLavka is:

  • 5 offline Moscow farm stores and an online store with a developed network of pickup points;
  • restaurant "Mark and Lev";
  • farmers' market at Mega Khimki;
  • a farmer's cooperative whose goal is nothing less than the revival of agriculture and the lost Russian gastronomic traditions.

LavkaLavka is a farming association and a powerful communication channel between small agricultural producers and urban residents. Suppliers of "Lavka" - members of the cooperative - small and medium-sized farms that have been certified according to the Internal Standard LavkaLavka.Expertise. Large agricultural enterprises are closed to Lavka.

Prices for organic products here are high even by Moscow standards. However, the cooperative does not pay dividends, investing all profits in the development of the project. Therefore, purchasing goods at premium prices is a conscious choice of Lavka customers, and a kind of investment in responsible Russian agricultural producers. LavkaLavka regularly launches crowdinvesting (aka crowdfunding), the money raised goes to the development of farms.

Project idea:

  • the consumer is 100% sure of the quality of Lavka's products;
  • a certified farmer does not compete with a reseller, receiving a stable distribution channel and payment adequate to the labor invested.

Unlike Moscowfresh, Lavka considers farm products (healthy and useful) only those products that are produced in accordance with all the norms of eco-farming and does not trust the word of suppliers.

As an afterword

Dozens of regional and metropolitan farming projects, responsible producers and / or sellers providing citizens with safe and healthy food remained behind the scenes. The store of natural products is both a sought-after business and a socially significant project. Russia's turn to organic farming, and the population to natural food, is a matter of the near future. Therefore, farming, production and sale of healthy products is a long-term trend. Join.

Under the promotion of goods on the market is understood the application various methods with which the seller can convince the buyer to buy this product. The methods of promotion of goods are:

  • Informing consumers about the product (where you can buy the product, what is its price and other information about the characteristics of the product);
  • belief in the merits of the product, motivation to buy this product;
  • Reminder about the product, necessary to stimulate additional demand.

Most effective method food promotion is advertising.

The purpose of advertising is to inform, convince and remind. This is the effect of advertising on sales. At the same time, advertising is only part of the whole, and when budgeting advertising expenses, this must be remembered.

The high degree of competition of food producers in almost all segments requires not only the construction of effective distribution channels, but also the need for advertising, highlighting the product, increasing interest in the product, increasing the number of buyers and forming a group of regular consumers.

As a rule, you go to the store to buy the product you need and will only buy it, if the promoter conducting the next tasting does not knock over a cup of hot tea on you, and the flyer does not "kill" you with his ignorance of the simplest information about the product that he advertises. You will only buy what you have planned and leave the store. But what about the huge sums from the marketing budgets of food manufacturing companies? They fly into the trash along with leaflets and disposable cups!?

It is necessary to promote a product and it must be done correctly. It's not even discussed. What promotion method we use will indicate the amount that will appear in the "company profit" column. Working only with standard methods and thinking only with patterns, the firm thereby marks itself with the stigma of a loser. Competitors are not asleep: they will quickly write off!

What is interesting in the market of modern advertising technologies? Interesting and working projects are offered by audiovisual advertising. There is no need to prove once again that in terms of the breadth of coverage target audience, in terms of the intelligibility of the advertising message, in terms of the degree of influence on the consumer, television advertising is many times superior to all other means of promotion. On our, Russian, television, two types of television advertising are mainly used: direct (video blocks) and sponsorship. A lot has been said and written about the effectiveness of commercials. Sponsorship is becoming more and more popular on television: the consumer learns about the product, its qualities and features while watching a TV show. The advertised product is automatically transferred to a positive image of the presenter talking about the product, or the image of the viewer's favorite show.

In recent years of the development of domestic advertising, non-standard audiovisual technologies are also beginning to be used, especially for the promotion of food products. Such a way of integrating an advertising message into a program broadcast, like virtual advertising, is gaining momentum. Virtual advertising is characters, logos or any objects of the company integrated into the television broadcast through advertising technologies. These can be animated or static characters and 3D objects, as well as 2D logos and symbols. An example would be banner ads popping up on the screen. Due to the originality of the execution of this type of advertising, the degree of memorability of the advertised product is very high, and its effectiveness is 2.5 - 3 times higher than that of direct advertising. Virtual advertising is 1.5-1.7 times more effective than traditional sponsored advertising.

The integrated use of virtual and traditional advertising increases the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. This is confirmed by the following example: the chocolate manufacturer "Alenka" sponsored the show "Circus with the Stars" and, in addition to the sponsor's usual video for us, used virtual advertising.

A comprehensive program was carried out at the "Ice Age" by the company "Nidan-Juices": along with the mention of the brand "My Family" as a sponsor of the program, virtual advertising also worked - bright, memorable, carrying with the help of rich colors information about the ripeness of the fruits that are used for the production of juices .

Like standard advertising blocks inserted between TV programs or during their broadcast, audiovisual advertising retains its mass coverage and the ability to show the advertised product as effectively as possible. However, when applying this method promotion eliminates the likelihood that a potential buyer will switch the channel, getting rid of the seller’s importunity, since the product’s advertising fits so organically into the “topic” that there is no rejection of information.

Product Placement is also an interesting audiovisual technology. In this case, it is rather difficult to determine the real return on advertising, there will not be a sharp surge in sales, but if you measure sales volumes before and after using this type of hidden advertising, the results will pleasantly surprise you. But only if the question is correctly resolved: who uses the product and in what situation. Otherwise, there is a crude insertion of product advertising into the context of the film. As an example of not very successful advertising in this segment, one can cite various references to food products in the TV series "Daddy's Daughters". For example, in one of the last episodes, young people Dasha and Venik (Veniamin) for no apparent reason begin to feed each other Prostokvashino sour cream, praising it in every way. “And you give me this sour cream as much as you love me,” the young man asks the girl. Sounds fake and inappropriate.

But the use of this technology on the TNT channel is quite impressive. The leader in product placement on the domestic TV market is the show "Dom 2", whose participants are happy to eat different kinds ice cream, chips, juices (including TNT's own production), etc.

The types of audiovisual advertising also include advertising in the gaming space and website sponsorship. The clearest example of the latter is the virtual squirrel that lives on a Nestlé-sponsored site. Here the visitor creates his virtual character who lives in a house stylized as a company: everywhere - corporate colors and the mention of its name. The project began work in September 2009 and is not yet sufficiently promoted, but it is already clear how good this publicity stunt is. The character can talk, train, and is even able to blog his master!

The above-mentioned computer games are a relatively new platform for the work of advertisers. To date, advertising in computer games has been placed by following brands: "Shock XXL" in the Russian version of the game "Lara Croft: Angel of Darkness", Coca-Cola and "Kompashki" in the game "Adrenaline Extreme Show", pasta "Makfa", beer "T" and many other food manufacturers and alcoholic products. After all, there are many interesting advertising moves for them here: a player who has wasted vital energy must replenish it. This is where crispy bags and bright jars appear.

And what is the result? Great, untapped opportunities to tell your product in a new way. In gratitude for the sleepless nights of advertisers in search of an interesting advertising move, the consumer will definitely pay attention to this particular product in the supermarket, which attracts his attention in advertising!

On the shelves of stores, two main groups of food manufacturers can be distinguished: local and global (federal). For most consumers of regional markets, an important consumer stereotype is the local “origin” of the goods (especially for mass market and mild goods), there is an opinion that these goods are of better quality and cheaper, there is also some consumption inertia, such as “we always bought this product” . In all major food segments, each regional market is experiencing a unique competitive environment from products and manufacturers. Regional and federal brands have different opportunities and resources to promote and advertise food products in each territory, which provides a variety of approaches and methods of advertising and marketing promotion.

Food advertising depends on the objectives of the advertising campaign and right choice target audience. Advertising media, where product advertising will be distributed, are also selected based on the goals and target audience.

At the promotion stage trademark target group is end-user, its loyalty and ensures a constant level of sales, and this affects the level of sales of wholesale buyers. Thus, advertising products can also influence the loyalty of wholesalers.

The goal of the manufacturer at the promotion stage is to achieve brand awareness among the target audience. Advertising of products at this stage should be massive. That is, advertising of products should use media with the widest possible coverage, such as television. At the same time, it is recommended to carry out promotions at points of sale. Promotional advertising of products will allow consumers to try a new product.

Advertising products in the press will maintain a constant interest among the target audience. Mostly for this purpose, advertising products in magazines are used. Also at this stage, you can also arrange promotions and all kinds of contests.

If you have a new product - feel free to tell people about this new product.

Food looks appetizing only when something is done with it. Therefore, product advertisements should show the process of cooking. For example, show close-ups of how your product is cut, whipped, poured, etc. Let it be heard how your product is roasted, or how coffee is poured.

Advertising products to all residents former USSR associated with the first advertisements for Mars and Snickers. It was remembered by consumers due to the beautiful demonstration of the ingredients of the bars. And the words "thick layer of chocolate" were remembered by everyone for many years.

The text should follow the picture, not the other way around. The text should be simple and understandable.

If the product is new and unknown, then you need to show how to prepare it. This technique is often used to advertise bouillon cubes and mayonnaise.

Product advertising on radio is less effective than on television. It's easy to explain - product advertising on the radio cannot convey a visual image, and it is very important. Therefore, product advertising on the radio is used only as an auxiliary, to support television advertising. These are mainly products for young people, soft drinks, chocolate bars, the look and packaging of which is familiar to everyone. .

Advertising products in print media allows you to more accurately reach the target audience. This is especially true for advertising products in magazines, since they have a very high selectivity of the target audience. Also, color photographs on good paper produce a more favorable effect on readers.

Product advertising in a newspaper is faster than in a magazine. It can be used when carrying out any promotions, or launching a new product on the market. Advertising products in the newspaper is good because you can publish an article about the product there. This article describes everything competitive advantages goods.

Outdoor advertising products is used for large-scale advertising campaigns using different media. Outdoor product advertising is particularly effective in bringing new products to market. In this case, it is recommended to develop a creative and memorable layout.

Efficiency promotional activities significantly affects the behavior of consumers when choosing a product (service) and making a purchase, not the last role in this is played by the stereotype of the client’s thinking, and I would like to consider the effectiveness of advertising activities precisely on the example of the stereotype of the consumer’s thinking.

The attitude of the client towards himself, the company, the product, the media, etc. absolutely certain, visible, audible, therefore it is believed that advertising will be more effective if it first takes into account stereotypes, and then the needs of customers. Thus, firms engaged in international business, in particular, must take into account stereotypes, often called regional specifics. For example, in the countries of the Muslim East (a promising market), holy symbols (images of Mecca and the cross) and women are closed to advertising.

An effective marketing and advertising strategy is not to create “your own” stream of customers, but to synthesize existing streams, taking into account the stereotypes of people. A lion can chase an antelope all over the prairie, or it can wait for a whole herd at a watering hole. Often the general problem of how to make an advertisement narrows down to targeted specific tasks, how to "saddle" the formed flows. For example, the baker Filippov (the supplier of the royal court) strove to have his bakeries on the corner of the streets, where at least two human streams intersected. And the owner of a store in the USA printed his own "bills" and put them into circulation, i.e. sold this “money” for $9 to his customers within a few days, giving them the right to purchase goods in the store for $10. As a result of influencing the stereotype of buyers - to buy more goods for the same money - the resourceful businessman quickly raised the $5,000 needed to renovate the store. .

An American gasoline company organized an advertising sketch, an example of a “good” worker was a guy dressed in a new snow-white overalls, and a “bad” one was a man in dirty, oiled overalls. The host put both at the column and turned to those present with the question: “What would you think if you drove into the station and saw these guys?” From the side of the audience a voice was heard: "I would have thought that one of them was a slacker."

The Americans conducted an interesting experiment: 300 smokers, committed to one of the three regular varieties of cigarettes, were offered only three types of varieties, but without a label, to identify "their own". Only 2% of long-term smokers were able to recognize them; it turned out that most people form a stereotype to the label.

It has been verified that the beggar's hat will replenish faster if he thinks of turning to decently dressed passers-by with a request to give 5 rubles instead of 10, the trick works, because the stereotype does not allow taking money from beggars.

Also required for effective advertising targeting a specific consumer. For example, in order to create an effective video clip of sleeping pills aimed at housewives, the screenwriter asked them to continue their unfinished sentence: "I'm afraid that if I fall asleep, then ...". The end of this sentence was unexpected for the man: "... no one will do my housework." This hint allowed him to emphasize in advertising that nothing terrible would happen to the household if, for the purpose of relaxation, a woman took a nap for a few hours after dinner.

Also, to increase the effectiveness of (rather primitive) advertising, one merchant placed it on the ceiling of his store, and hung a notice at the entrance: “Please do not look at the ceiling!”.

When laws on drinking and driving were tightened sharply in the UK, the demand for juices sold in ordinary glasses increased. However, soon one of the firms realized to bottle juices with labels (and price!), as in alcoholic beverages, as a result, the popularity and, accordingly, the volume of sales of juices of this firm increased sharply.

If the same movie is shown in different theaters but with different endings, then is this a sure way to stir up mass discussion of it, what is not a method to increase efficiency?

Below are a few more examples to improve the effectiveness of advertising:

Employees of the Volkswagen concern did not attend trade union meetings after work, the leaders of the concern suggested that the boss should not move them work time, but the chief rejected this proposal and ordered a lottery to be organized among the participants in the meeting. The winner received the car, the visitation problem was solved, while it should be emphasized that the value of the prize car was much less than the expected loss from the meeting during working hours.

Conducted research among farmers in the United States about equipment for automatic milking of cows, there was an unexpected answer that the most important thing is not power, not convenience, but ease of washing after use.

Thus, we can conclude that the effectiveness of advertising activities depends on many factors, such as: stereotype of thinking, a particular customer, regional specifics, etc., that the competition of food producers in almost all segments requires not only the construction of effective channels distribution, but also the need for advertising, highlighting the product, increasing interest in the product, increasing the number of buyers and forming a group of regular consumers. Sales promotion is the main task of the complex of BTL services aimed at stimulating demand and increasing the speed of turnover.


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