Standard medical examination for admission to work. Who needs to undergo an initial medical examination when applying for a job - the rules for passing. The procedure for passing the medical examination

One of mandatory conditions when applying for a job, a satisfactory state of health is required. That is why it will be necessary to undergo a medical examination for employment. Moreover, this kind of procedure is usually paid.

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What it is

Today, employment requires the passage of a special medical commission. This procedure does not have any major differences from the usual medical examination carried out for a different purpose. But it has some peculiarities.

To carry out this kind of inspection, you will need a special form. It is provided directly at the place of medical examination. The medical board for getting a job is always paid.

Carrying out such a procedure will require the following from the person undergoing it:

A medical examination upon hiring necessarily includes the following examinations:

  • fluorography;
  • blood test;
  • gynecological examination;
  • smear;
  • electrocardiogram - ECG.

Conducting a fluorographic examination is one of the most responsible and at the same time dangerous procedures. Since it involves exposing the patient to a small amount of radiation.

This is precisely the reason for the inadmissibility of carrying out such a procedure more often than once a year. Providing the results at the place of medical examination will allow you to avoid its repeated.

Repeated holding within 12 months can negatively affect health. Fluorographic examination allows you to establish the presence of any serious problems with the lungs, to detect tuberculosis at an early stage.

Carrying out this procedure necessarily requires exposure of the torso. It is allowed to carry it out with a white T-shirt.

Therefore, if such clothes are available, it is worth taking them with you to the medical examination. This will avoid having to expose your torso at a doctor's appointment.

A blood test allows you to conduct a general diagnostic examination organism. It is required to monitor the state of the body, detect any serious diseases.

Usually, blood sampling is carried out from the place of the elbow bend into a specially designated container. For some people, this type of procedure is extremely unpleasant. Therefore, it is worth preparing mentally for it in advance.

If a woman undergoes a medical examination, a gynecological examination will be mandatory.

To do this, you will need to remove all clothing below the waist. It includes examination of the reproductive genital organs and others.

Inspection is carried out using specially designed tools with mirrors. In some cases, such an examination can cause discomfort in a woman.

The examination before applying for a job necessarily includes a smear. A fence is made from the anus using a special tool. The resulting material is subsequently examined by a doctor.

A special form is required to undergo a medical examination. It contains the following data:

  • the full name of the medical institution where the examination itself is carried out;
  • personal data of the person conducting the inspection;
  • position of the applicant;
  • work experience, as well as profession;
  • medical examination designation - periodic / preliminary;
  • details of the insurance company;
  • doctor's signature with decryption and seal of the medical institution;
  • the photo.

Is it required

By itself, a medical examination is not required when applying for a job. But there is a certain list of positions, indicated directly in the labor legislation, for the device for which a medical examination is strictly required. This moment is reflected in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in as much detail as possible.

The complete list includes the following items:

  • work in hazardous work - with harmful working conditions (underground - including);
  • work on public transport;
  • implementation of any tasks at food industry facilities;
  • if the duties are related to trade and public catering;
  • work at enterprises serving water pipes;
  • employees of medical institutions;
  • work with children;
  • persons under the age of 18 at the time of starting work;
  • paramilitary security, special communications service;
  • athletes.

It is also imperative to undergo a medical examination for persons whose work will be associated with the performance of life-threatening tasks.

And not only his own, but also those around him. Some categories of workers require a medical examination, as well as a special health book. The employer must remember that violation of the provisions of Art. No. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will necessarily lead to serious consequences.

The moment regarding the passage of a medical examination by minors is reflected in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For persons whose work will be carried out in the regions of the Far North, the examination is strictly required.

The issue of conducting a medical examination is touched upon not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other regulatory legal acts.

Based on federal legislation, surveys of the type in question must be completed when applying for a job:

  • customs officials;
  • judges;
  • employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as train employees.

Regional authorities can also issue various specialized laws that establish the need for medical examination for representatives of certain professions.

Such a survey is carried out in order to check the suitability of a particular employee to perform any job duties.

For example, when applying for a job, law enforcement officers must be examined by a psychiatrist.

The procedure for such an examination for work in a certain position is established by the Government decree of 23.09.02, "On the passage of a psychiatric examination."

Who pays for the preliminary medical examination when applying for a job

One of the obligations of the employer is the obligatory payment for the employee to undergo a medical examination. The format of this action can be different.

The most common one is that the employee pays the full cost of this service in the appropriate medical institution by himself / herself in cash / bank transfer.

After that, the confirming payment document is transferred to the accounting department. The amount indicated in the payment document will be handed over to the employee along with wages or otherwise.

In addition to paying for the medical examination, the employer must hand out a special form for entering the data of the examination itself.

In some cases, a similar document is issued by a medical institution. The person undergoing examination is required to present a passport / other identity document at the clinic.

When doctors conduct an examination, a special opinion is formed. It lists all contraindications, as well as other important data that are important when hiring, performing any specific duties.

The conclusion is formed in two copies:

  • one is transferred to the employer;
  • the second is attached to a special outpatient card.

Workers who have passed a medical examination are usually simply not allowed to perform their duties.

Where to go

Usually a medical examination is done specific employee at the place of his residence, registration. In the clinic to which he is assigned.

But the medical institution itself must necessarily satisfy some important requirements:

  • have a license, state accreditation for the provision of services of this kind;
  • the presence of all equipment required for the medical examination, as well as specially trained personnel, is required.

If a medical examination is scheduled and a large number of employees of the same enterprise undergo it at the same time, it is best to conclude a special contract for the provision of such services.

In this way, it will be possible to significantly simplify and speed up the process of the type under consideration. Special private medical institutions also have the right to carry out such examinations. The future employee can choose the place for passing the examination independently.

Which doctors need to be bypassed

The list of doctors who must be visited when undergoing a medical examination includes:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • surgeon;
  • therapist - to obtain the conclusion of the medical commission.

Women also usually undergo a gynecologist, mammologist. If a child needs to undergo a medical examination, then you should remember some important features:

  • laboratory examinations include analysis of not only blood, but also urine;
  • you will need to visit an extensive list of narrow specialists - a dentist, psychiatrist and others;
  • the therapist must carry out a general assessment of the child's readiness to perform a certain type of work - such a check may include squats for a while or something else.

A referral for an initial medical examination upon hiring is issued to a future employee by the employer. V this document information about the employee and the name of the medical institution in which the doctors will examine themselves are indicated.

When passing the examination, a prospective employee must have a referral issued by the employer and a passport.

In the medical institution, a card is created, where the conclusions will be recorded when passing the examination by specialists.

Order of passage

The list of medical specialists who need to go through differs depending on the position occupied by the future employee.

Also, the list differs depending on the gender of the employee.

The standard list of doctors for a professional examination when hiring:

  1. optometrist;
  2. otolaryngologist;
  3. surgeon;
  4. psychiatrist;
  5. therapist.

Women are usually scheduled to be examined by a gynecologist. Medical examination by a gynecologist when applying for a job is required according to to the order of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation of March 14, 1996 (as amended on February 6, 2001).

The specialist examines the woman, takes bacteriological and cytological tests. If an examination by a gynecologist is mandatory due to belonging to a profession that requires an annual examination, a woman cannot refuse this procedure.

In case of refusal from a medical examination by a gynecologist, then the employer can do not hire.

Some vacancies are required to undergo a psychiatric examination when hiring.

What tests are taken when applying for a job? During a preliminary medical examination, the future employee must take a blood test and urine test, as well as undergo fluorography and an electrocardiogram.

After passing the examination by all specialists and passing the tests, the employee should obtain an opinion from a general practitioner. How long is the medical examination valid for hiring? The certificate-conclusion is valid from six months to a year, depending on the form.

If during this period the person was seriously ill or underwent surgery, then the certificate is considered canceled. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a new medical examination.


For a preliminary medical examination during employment, the employer issues a referral in which the name and address of the medical institution for undergoing this procedure is indicated.

Between an employer and a licensed health care provider, most often contracts are concluded.

If an agreement was not concluded between the employer and the medical institution, then the future employee goes through preliminary inspection from specialists in any medical institution licensed to carry out these procedures.

City, district, republican, village clinics have such a license. When contacting private medical centers and clinics, it is necessary to clarify the presence of such a document.

Medical certificate forms

No. 086 / y

This form of medical certificate is two-sided, has 12 points. It is completed by the physician of the medical institution indicating the personal data of the employee with the entry of a list of diseases transferred earlier, information about vaccinations.

Then each specialist who conducts the inspection puts a note in the certificate. Test results and possible limitations are also recorded here. The conclusion about the professional suitability of the employee is made by the medical board.

Signs this form the certificate of the doctor who issues it, the signature of the head doctor and the seal of the medical institution are also put. The certificate (form No. 086 / y) is valid for six months from the date of issue.

Medical certificate form No. 086 / y :

No. 001-GS / y

This form of certificate contains a conclusion, which indicates that a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have diseases that prevent the passage of civil or municipal service RF.

Also, this certificate is used to examine the presence of a disease in a person undergoing examination, in which the passage of these types of services is impossible. The certificate is signed by the doctor who issued it. Also, the signature of the head physician and the seal of the medical institution are put.

The certificate (form No. 001-ГС / у) is valid for twelve months from the date of issue.

So, before employment, a future employee is given a referral for a preliminary medical examination. When passing the examination, it is necessary to go through all the doctors indicated in the certificate issued by the therapist.

This procedure is necessary to assess the health status of the future employee and suitability for the future position.

A physical examination is necessary to identify pathology. It is an important point in employment as there is a long range of specialties that require this procedure. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes norms that clearly indicate those categories that are required to undergo a medical examination during employment. Several points are considered, not only the fact of employment is affected, but also the frequency of such examinations.

Do I need to undergo a medical examination when employment

Employment health screening is a regulated procedure that is required in most cases. The list of vacancies that do not require a medical examination for employment is rather small, although it is present. In most cases, it is necessary to undergo a physical examination.

Depending on the specialty for which the employee applies, specific examinations are assigned. In some cases the list will be long, in others it will be short. The legislation strictly regulates the procedure for conducting a medical examination, dividing all employees into several categories that provide for the mandatory examination, and groups (1 and 2), which are motivated by the purpose of a medical examination. What are the norms?


One of the categories is regulated by law as preliminary. These are the people who get a job and are required to undergo a medical examination. This paragraph has standards enshrined in Art. 266, art. 213 (parts 1, 2), art. 328 and Art. 298 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Those who apply for hazardous work ( harmful conditions etc.),
  • Vehicle drivers,
  • Workers whose activities are related to food, work with children, in medical and preventive and medical institutions, workers of waterworks,
  • When device for a row on a rotational basis,
  • undergo a medical commission when applying to any institution, in all profiles.

In a medical institution, for each category, appropriate standards have been established, that is, a list of specialists and procedures that must be completed by an employee applying for work.

Medical examination upon hiring

A medical examination is carried out according to an established algorithm, which is not very difficult.

How does this happen

The employer (authorized person) issues a referral to a medical institution (LPU) for a person entering the organization. Upon receiving it, the applicant for work must sign in the direction. Each organization is assigned to a specific medical center... To undergo a medical examination you must have with you:

  • Direction,
  • Passport,
  • Policy,
  • (not required everywhere).

The referral to the healthcare facility has a specific form, which contains all the necessary data:

  • , his occupation, type of;
  • Name of the medical institution with detailed address, code by,
  • Medical examination type,
  • Employee data: full name, date of birth,
  • Data on upcoming activities: structural subdivision, position, dangerous factors in production.

Which doctors to go through

The list of doctors who need to go through depends on the future position of the applicant.

  • For those who make out to serve in government bodies , only two specialists are required to be examined: a psychiatrist and a narcologist.
  • When registering to other organizations a mandatory list or a private one is established.

Mandatory list:

  • Otolaryngologist,
  • Neuropathologist,
  • Ophthalmologist,
  • Surgeon,
  • Gynecologist (for women).

In all cases (for all categories), fluorography and basic (general) urine and blood tests are required.

  1. The list of specialists for minors will be somewhat wider. The commission for medical examination of minors must include an occupational pathologist, dentist and psychiatrist.
  2. The list of specialists when applying for work with harmful (hazardous) working conditions includes undergoing examination by a psychiatrist and a narcologist. The same applies to those who get a job in a transport company.
  3. The list of specialists when applying to catering, medical and children's institutions includes an additional examination of a venereologist, additional tests may be required.

In some cases, employers include a cardiologist in the mandatory list, or this is provided for by a commission according to the type of activity.


After the necessary examination, which must be completed in full, the medical institution writes the Final Act, which will subsequently be sent to the organization. They don't give him out. A certificate of form 001-ГС / у is issued, the validity of which is 12 months.

Who pays for registration

According to the law, the organization that issues the referral pays for the medical examination (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In practice, the options may be different, that is, the payment of the certificate when applying for a job is regulated by the enterprise. This must be discussed in advance.

Possible payment options:

  • The company pays for
  • The one who applies for a job pays,
  • The company pays for the certificate on conditions (for example: the employee is obliged to work for at least 3 months),
  • Paid by agreement.

Responsibility of the parties

A great responsibility in this matter lies with the employer, since he is obliged to pay for the medical examination (according to the law), to reimburse the additional expenses for the examination, if the applicant had to do this on his own. The employer, on the other hand, does not have the right to enter into an employment contract if the employee has not passed the prescribed medical examination.

Medical examination upon hiring is already a routine process. All employees who have officially entered into an employment contract with their employer must pass through it. That is, no one has a chance to avoid a medical examination. But what should every citizen know about this process? What features will you have to pay attention to first of all? Is it really so important to have a health certificate when applying for a job? Answering all these questions is not as difficult as it seems.

Is it obligatory?

Medical examination upon hiring, as already mentioned, is an everyday process. But how legitimate is the requirement to provide health information? This is actually a legitimate request. After the conclusion employment contract a citizen-employee must provide his book. It is drawn up after a medical examination. It indicates the health status of the employee. Usually, the employer allocates time and at his own expense organizes a medical examination for work. If there is a medical book, then the employee has the right to just start work. In practice, the situation is somewhat different - without a medical book, applicants are rarely contacted. Also, the chief refuses to pay for the medical examination and does not allocate time for this process - everything has to be done on your day off. That is why it is recommended to find a job with a medical record.

Where to contact?

But which organizations should you contact to bring your idea to life? In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Modern population relative freedom of choice of organizations conducting medical examinations is provided. There are not so many of them, but the difference between these or those places is huge. The citizen himself weighs all the pros and cons, and then chooses where to go. At the moment, medical examinations when applying for a job can be done in public clinics and private clinics. It is offered to take tests in state and private laboratories.

What to choose?

Where to contact specifically? Private clinics and laboratories have their pros and cons. Among the advantages, one can single out the speed of passage of doctors, as well as the level of comfort. There is only one drawback - cost. In private centers, a medical examination can be passed literally in 1 day and the next day you can already get a medical book in your hands. State polyclinics offer free admission to doctors. But this process has more drawbacks - an appointment with specialists, a low speed of passage of doctors, queues. Not all state. clinics can be called comfortable. A medical examination upon hiring can take several weeks. However, if you have time, you can go to state polyclinics. It all depends on personal preference.

Sanitary minimum

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the medical examination does not end with doctors. After doctors and analyzes, you will have to attend a course of lectures and pass a test for knowledge of the sanitary minimum. This process usually takes about 2 weeks. As practice shows, this is the least problematic nuance. Not everyone needs to go through it. Only in isolated cases. But this is recommended for any employment. It is held in special organizations - centers of hygiene and epidemiology.

About doctors

Which doctors do you need to visit if you are planning a medical examination upon hiring? Much depends on the nature of the activity. Some narrow specialists are able to supplement the above list. You should check with your employer for more accurate information. But there is a generally accepted minimum. The following are needed for the medical book specialists and analyzes: neurologist, psychiatrist, narcologist, ENT, surgeon, therapist, gynecologist / urologist, ophthalmologist, smears and tests for STDs, general analysis blood and urine tests, HIV tests, syphilis, hepatitis.

Reading time: 3 minutes

The main task of an employee undergoing a medical examination is to check the employee's ability to perform his duties without any harm to health. In addition, this event can be organized for the company's specialists with a preventive purpose: to identify the first signs indicating occupational diseases and take appropriate measures to prevent them. That is why every potential employee should know which doctors are included in the physical examination when hiring.

A referral for a medical examination allows an employer to monitor employees who are performing their duties under the influence negative factors at the enterprise. This procedure makes it possible to exclude the occurrence of any diseases that have arisen through the fault of the company's management.

In addition to the fact that the employer thereby complies with the existing legal requirements, he also attracts more reliable specialists to his organization.

Types of medical examinations

At the moment, there are several types of medical examinations for enterprises, namely:

  • preliminary;
  • periodic;
  • extraordinary.

The first type involves going through this procedure in order to get a new job. If the specialist has been with the company for some time, then he will need to visit the hospital at least once every two years. In accordance with article 213 Labor Code RF, employees under the age of 21 are required to undergo a medical examination every year.

As for extraordinary examinations by doctors, they can be carried out according to the wishes of the employee himself. The reason for such a request to the management of the organization may be medical advice from specialists.

What doctors will you need to go through

The list of doctors for a physical examination when applying for a job may vary. Everything will depend on what position the specialist plans to take. This procedure is also different in accordance with the gender.

If we talk about a standard physical examination, you will need to see the following doctors:

  • to the optometrist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • surgeon;
  • therapist (to obtain the conclusion of the medical commission).

In addition, it will be necessary to pass blood and urine tests, as well as visit the offices for the delivery of a cardiogram and fluorography. This list is not strictly established, since a mammologist and a gynecologist may also be provided for women. Or, for example, to apply for the position of a collector, you will definitely need to check your vision with an ophthalmologist, since healthy vision is closely related to the future duties of a specialist.

Reception of a person in adolescence

For adolescents, a preliminary medical examination is provided in accordance with the following points:


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