Project management system 1c. Project management in ITB Consulting with Jira. Planning for subcontracting and material costs of the project

The solution is designed to support management activities:

  • research, design and design and survey institutes
  • machine-building enterprises, design bureaus, engineering companies
  • IT and consulting companies, system integrators
  • management and investment companies
  • project media business (organization of exhibition activities, media, advertising agencies)
  • any other project-oriented enterprises and organizations that use the concepts of "project", "project portfolio" and "project program" in their work

The main business processes automated using "1C: ERP + PM Management of a project organization 2":

  • Estimating the cost of the project before starting work. Preliminary estimate of the cost of work on the announced competition (tender).
  • Organization of effective management of company finances using project budgeting technology, using BDDS (traffic budgets money) and BDR (budgets of income and expenditure).
  • Project contract management. Fixing the terms of the initial contractual relationship, fixing changes and additional agreements... Establishing links between the schedule of work under the contract and the schedule design work... Creation of budgets of income and expenses and budget of cash flow for the project based on the terms of the contract.
  • Monitoring of the project by key performance indicators. Providing operational data on key indicators to achieve strategic and tactical (operational) goals.
  • Ensuring effective management of a company with various organizational structures (functional, design, matrix structure). Division of areas of responsibility between project managers, project team leaders and functional managers when planning work and monitoring their execution.
  • Ensuring communication and effective interaction between the design and functional services of the organization.
  • Prompt provision of company executives with up-to-date and reliable information by providing access to a unified information space, project, financial, primary documents and data.
  • Efficient distribution resources between projects. Objective analysis of project priorities and assessment of the impact of deviations on the implementation of design work.
  • Increasing the pace and quality of projects. Continuous monitoring of the progress of the project, identifying deviations at the earliest stages of the project. Providing the company's management personnel with the necessary information about emerging problems and violations of plans.
  • Timely response to deviations arising during the execution of design work. Providing the company's management personnel with accurate, prompt and non-redundant data on such deviations.
  • Management of risks. Increasing the likelihood of occurrence and impact of favorable events and reducing the likelihood of occurrence and impact of adverse events for the project.
  • Collection and analysis of the history of work on projects, the accumulation and analysis of historical and statistical data, the selection of "Best practices". Fixation of design solutions for the possibility of their use on subsequent projects. Determination of standards for each type of design work.

To calculate the total cost of implementing the ERP system "1C: PM Project Management", it is necessary to conduct a preliminary survey of the business processes of the automated enterprise and make a number of organizational and administrative decisions to fix or optimize the existing management technology. The cost of licenses for software immediately known.

License cost:

Code Name
1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 1 workplace
1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 5 workplaces
1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 10 workplaces
1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 20 workplaces
1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 50 workplaces
1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 100 workplaces
1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 300 workplaces
1 800

The composition of the products of the line "1C: PM Project Management"

Product "1C: Enterprise 8.PM Project Management PROF "(article 4601546122681) includes:

  • Distributions:
    • configuration "PM Project Management PROF";
  • Functional configuration model "PM Project Management PROF";
  • ITS DVD release;
  • Set of configuration documentation "PM Project Management PROF";
  • PIN-code of software protection of configuration "PM Project Management PROF" for one workplace;
  • Licenses to use the "1C: Enterprise 8" system and the "PM Project Management PROF" configuration for one workplace;

Product "1C: Enterprise 8.PM Project Management CORP "(article 4601546122698) includes:

  • Distributions:
    • platforms "1C: Enterprise 8.3";
    • configuration "PM Project Management CORP";
    • configuration "Application design system";
  • Functional configuration model "PM Project Management CORP";
  • ITS DVD release;
  • A set of documentation for the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform;
  • Configuration documentation set "PM Project Management CORP";
  • Set of configuration documentation "Application Design System";
  • Activation envelope 1C: ITS Branch Preferential;
  • PIN-code of software protection of the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform for one workplace;
  • PIN-code of the software protection of the "PM Project Management CORP" configuration for one workplace;
  • Licenses for the use of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system and the PM Project Management CORP configuration for one workplace;
  • PIN codes for registration on the user support site.

The expansion of the number of automated workplaces is carried out by purchasing client licenses for the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform (for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500, 1000 workplaces) and client licenses "1C: PM Project Management" ( for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 300 jobs). It is provided to use the platform of versions PROF or CORP for "1C: PM Project Management" products regardless of their versions. Client licenses "1C: PM Project Management" are intended for licensing workplaces that will use the functionality of the products "1C: PM Project Management", except for the functions of time tracking and communications management within the project.

To use the applied solutions of the 1C: PM Project Management line in the client-server version, you need a license for the 1C: Enterprise 8 server.

An upgrade to the products "1C: PM Project Management PROF" and "1C: PM Project Management CORP" can be performed from the software product 4601546036568 "1C: Project Office Management" general rules... Under the terms of the upgrade, you can purchase the basic supplies "1C: PM Project Management PROF" and "1C: PM Project Management CORP". For users of "1C: PM Project Management PROF" there is an upgrade to "1C: PM Project Management CORP" according to general rules. For users of "1C: PM Project Management PROF" or "1C: PM Project Management CORP", an upgrade to "1C: ERP + PM Management design organization 2 "or to" Module 1C: PM Project management for 1C: ERP "according to general rules.

When users of "1C: Project Office Management" switch to the product "1C: PM Project Management PROF" or "1C: PM Project Management CORP", a separate upgrade of the client licenses "1C: Project Office Management" for client licenses "1C: PM Project Management ". Users can surrender licenses when purchasing, respectively, new licenses according to the upgrade scheme.

The cost of the upgrade is calculated by the formula: the cost of the purchased software products minus the cost of the product being handed over for the upgrade, plus 150 rubles, but not less than half the cost of the purchased set of products.


Software "1C: Project Organization Management" intended for engineering and development enterprises, management and investment companies, business development departments, design institutes and design bureaus, consulting companies, software and hardware developers, organizations providing services for the implementation of software products, design, architectural and advertising studios, as well as for any other enterprises with a project type of production or using project management in their activities.

"1C: Project Organization Management" is an ERP-class software product for supporting project and process management in project-oriented enterprises and organizations. The product is intended for engineering and development companies, management and investment companies, business development departments, design institutes and design bureaus, consulting companies, software and hardware developers, organizations providing services for the implementation of software products, design, architectural and advertising studios, as well as for any other enterprises with a project type of production or using project management in their activities. The software product has been thoroughly tested and checked for compliance with the standards for the development of industry solutions at 1C.

The software product "1C: Enterprise 8. Project Organization Management" can be effectively used as automated system management project activities 1C: Franchisee. Specialized industry-specific functionality can be used to calculate the profitability of a project, assess the feasibility of a project, allocate resources and control the execution of stages of design work, to receive reports on deviations from schedules, and to manage cash flows for a portfolio of projects.

When developing the software product "1C: Enterprise 8. Project Organization Management", the methodologies of the world's leading standards for project and portfolio management (such as PMI PMBoK, IPMA ICB, PMI The Standard for Program Management, PMI The Standard for Portfolio Management, RUP, OPM3), as well as experience in automation of project-oriented enterprises.

The software product is focused on solving the following business problems:

  • Achieving the company's strategic goals by managing the composition of project portfolios and objective analysis priority of projects and tasks being performed.
  • Providing management of a company with various organizational structures (functional, project, matrix).
  • Ensuring communication and effective interaction between the design and functional services of the organization.
  • Prompt provision of the company's management personnel with up-to-date and reliable information through access to a single information space, to project, financial, primary documents and data.
  • Organization of financial management of a company using project budgeting technology.
  • Increase in the number of ongoing projects, increase the pace and quality of projects.
  • Operational control of the progress of work on projects, timely response to deviations arising in the course of projects.
  • Collection and analysis of the history of work on projects, improvement of management technologies of the enterprise.

"1C: Management of a design organization" is an integrated solution based on software products "1C: Management manufacturing enterprise"and" 1C: Project Office Management ". As part of the integrated solution, the standard functionality of the" 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management "subsystems is supplemented with the functionality of the" 1C: Project Office Management "subsystems, while maintaining the support of configuration objects" 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management. " the following subsystems:

  • Project and Project Portfolio Management (PMO)
    • Project portfolio and project program management
    • Project management labor and material resources of the enterprise
    • Financial management of projects and project portfolios
    • Project lifecycle, content and schedule management
    • Operational management design work
  • Knowledge management
  • Enterprise Resource Management (ERP)
  • Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators
    • Financial management
    • Sales management
    • Procurement management
    • Inventory management (warehouse)
    • Production Management
    • Personnel management, including calculation wages
    • Management of fixed assets and repairs
    • Customer, Supplier and Contractor Relationship Management (CRM / SRM)

Service functions
Machine-building, instrument-making and engineering companies can take advantage of the wide possibilities of integrated automation and creation of a unified information space of the enterprise, provided by the integration of industry-specific software products "1C: Enterprise 8. Project Organization Management" and "1C: Enterprise 8. PDM Engineering Data Management". The creation of an integrated system during implementation will help solve the problem of interfacing heterogeneous systems, which is typical for complex automation projects.

Project management - This is a large and complex work that requires thorough compliance with all boundary conditions and absolute control over the process.

Often project management not given due attention and this is the reason for the poor-quality work of the company... Some tasks are forgotten, something is relegated to the background. The human factor plays an important role. This is where the ability to properly structure the project planning work comes into play. But this planning alone is not always enough.

Sometimes it takes show intermediate results to the customer so that he can see that the work is being done regularly, and not done on the knee on the last night before delivery. In addition, the intermediate stages of a complex project sometimes, or better to say always, require timely consultation with the customer and an intermediate analysis. This is how bottlenecks are identified, possible shortcomings are excluded, and it becomes possible to quickly respond to any market changes.

Now let's remember that there are different project management technologies.

Now we will briefly recall what is Agile? This is such a modern project management technology, in which the project is broken down into sprints (or stages) and the customer at each stage of the project has the opportunity to get acquainted with the intermediate results of this implementation or get a working result, and the performer has a guarantee of timely payment for the work performed... It often happens that if the customer fails to fulfill his payment obligations, it becomes clear after the entire project has been completed. Such situations can destroy an entire company. The customer also has much more advantages compared to classic options... Not all executing companies are able to fully implement the project in a quality manner. In this case, it will be seen already at the first stages of the project in the results of the first sprint. The customer always has the ability to flexibly influence the overall development result, thereby adjusting the number of required actions. In case of any difficulties, the customer already has a ready-made result of the intermediate stage and this result can be used in the future.

Thus, it turns out that the customer and the contractor can interact much more efficiently using Agile management technology.

Automation of project management andJira

It is obvious that building a convenient plan according to which it will be possible to carry out work and build control over the implementation of this plan is a task for the robot.

As a modern company dealing with complex automation, I could not allow my own accounting of tasks to be done in Excel tables or in other outdated ways. Automation is extremely important here. After all, the lack of timely reminders or misunderstanding of the state of the project on the part of the manager leads to problems in project implementation and delays in delivery dates. You need to either hire a specialist who will only deal with accounting and nothing else, or think over the implementation of automation. Of course, much the more correct step would be to implement modern system project management automation.

There are quite a few such systems on the market, but our company chose the Jira system.

Jira Is a commercial system designed to organize interaction with users, however, a very rich set of tools allows you to perfectly use it for current management projects on Agile technology.

Has different versionsdesktop, mobile and classic web interface... This makes it much easier to access the current plan work and task list, since the software is available from any device.

Using Jira solves two problems at once:

  • Lets build efficient management inside the company
  • Allows you to demonstrate the results of your work to the customer's representative.

Customer intervention will help to eliminate intermediate errors at the development stage, and in addition, to timely monitor the progress of work.

Application interface quite simple, but a wide network of settings will easily confuse an inexperienced user. ITB Consulting specialists have already gained the necessary experience and can easily customize Jira even for their client. A beginner will need to understand the possibilities for a decent time. An extensive network of settings and many internal intersections do not allow you to simply pick up and start using the system without performing complex optimization for a specific task. However, a large number of settings provide a high system flexibility and more simple systems will not be able to boast of such a huge number of possibilities.

Jira can be used to implement complex projects and build the management of huge organizations.

Jira creates some convenient base for building a site for working on a project. According to the project, it is possible to create users and combine these users into groups. Each user has some access and editing rights. Users have roles and statuses.

Project administrator creates a project and connects users to it. Each user or performer sees only that part of the information that is necessary for him to work. The same goes for editing. The project is created with or without sprints.

Can create a scrum type workspace and a kanban wall... ITB Consulting specialists mainly use kanban. Within the framework of one project, you can create boards of one or another type.

Scrum boards allow you to arrange tasks in a specific sequence. This sequence is limited by the time frame and the sequence of execution. Every Scrum must have a performance outcome. It is on the basis of this functionality that project management is easily organized according to the Agile principle.

Each sprint creates a list of tasks. The space is customizable for specific purposes and can be managed on a large scale... For each project, it is possible to create your own task statuses and internal stages of their development. The user, depending on the status, sees either only the list of his tasks, or the list of group tasks, or the entire project. An outside observer, who is most often a representative of the customer, is able to see the entire life cycle of the project.

The next sprint cannot be started without completing the work on the previous sprint.

Sprint tasks can be conveniently taken into account in the corresponding section.

Kanban board has a simpler structure and can be included in the project. Kanban is created in the same way. The panel shows all the tasks that need to be done within the project and their performers.

Each employee sees a kanban, inside which there is also a record of his tasks by statuses, types and processing period. Tasks are scheduled in a thorough manner, it is possible to attach additional files, comments and maintain a list of urgency.

The project manager has access to all types of reports... It's hard to imagine a report that couldn't be generated in Jira.

All these tools make project management efficient and convenient. Each employee has a convenient work plan, each manager sees the project progress and notes, and the customer understands that work on the project is in full swing.

How ITB Consulting usesjira

He actively uses the Jira system as an effective project management tool and a way to demonstrate intermediate work results to the customer.

The work begins with the fact that the project administrator creates a new project in the jira system... The project appears in the database and you need to make basic settings.

Users connected to work see the project they have access to among their projects.

Inside the project a workspace is created... Any project includes two types of panels - Scrum and Kanban. Both of these types have a number of features.

The user selects a project and gets into a convenient workspace. This space includes formulated statuses, tasks, and tabs. Both of these sorting elements are created arbitrarily by the project administrator and formulated based on project requirements.

In this example, we have created the statuses Scheduling a task, To completion, In development, In testing, Task closed. All of these formulations reflect the project life cycle in the best possible way in this project.

Besides statuses, tasks filtered by groups or epics... Epics allow you to separate tasks according to their essence.

For example, in this case, during automation, we created the following groups: Warehouse, Management Accounting, Transfer of balances, Improvements, etc. This allowed us to distribute all tasks according to their execution logic and simplify the planning process.

Grouping tasks improves the process of accounting and the way they are performed... In addition to organizing work with the main tasks, the system has the ability to work with subtasks within one task. This is convenient because often one task includes a number of different subtasks, for which it makes no sense to create a whole task. For ease of use, the system itself saves the entire life cycle of the task and the history of its changes.

To control all tasks within the project, a list of current tasks has been implemented with the ability to apply a number of filters. Moreover, filtering is possible by a variety of parameters. In addition to filtering, the ability to sort tasks is implemented. At least 15 standard sorting filters are available, taking into account such parameters as staging time, priority, author, etc.

Now more let's take a closer look at the tasks themselves and their working interface... The interface consists of such standard parameters as task author, details, priority, comments, subtasks, due date, activity, priority and much more. The user receives a task from the administrator or can create it for himself. The problem can be viewed in kanban.

Task creation process is quite simple and does not cause difficulties for both advanced users and simple performers of local tasks. In the process of creation, it is possible to control the setting of the problem within wide limits; all the fields that we mentioned above are open.

On the Kanban board you can check for the latest updates and sort tasks by the last change. By the way, if you don't know what kanban is, then remember - this is a board with a table, in the cells of which there are stickers with tasks. Initially, such a board had just a physical form, and then it was implemented on virtual platforms.

Talking about the structure of the organization of tasks such as kanban, it is important to note that kanban pillars not only have customizable names, but also take into account access rights. For example, a user cannot move a task from one category to another if the administrator sets such a condition. You can configure the kanban columns so that the user who took the task to work cannot return it back. This is necessary so that planning construction does not fall apart due to the constant mixing of tasks by employees. In addition, you can limit the number of tasks in work for one employee or set other special conditions depending on access rights.

Tasks can be organized not only within one kanban, but also extend sprints with kanban... This opportunity is also very convenient and allows you to organize work not only within the general board, but also for each participant at a specific stage.

Implementation resultsJira at ITB Consulting

Thanks to the implementation of Jira automated task accounting, ITB Consulting was able to almost double its work efficiency. Despite a slight increase in the complexity of deploying a new project, the speed of project processing has increased and the quality of work has reached a fundamentally new level.

The jira system provided us with many reportsthanks to which we constantly see the effectiveness of the work performed. This information allows you to exclude your own mistakes about controlling interaction with the customer. Customers also received a number of bonus features that allow them to access our boards in Jira at any moment and receive comprehensive information about the tasks of our employees and the status of these tasks.

Automation of task accounting simplified the work of all our structural units and improved their interaction... As a result, we were able to take more projects into work and establish close interaction with both our employees and invited freelance specialists.

Flexible customization, which is not always typical for such automation systems, allowed us to adapt this tool to the specifics of ITB Consulting work. Accordingly, we were able to develop our own kanban options for each type of project and organize interaction between employees, prioritizing tasks and access rights to these tasks. In some cases, it was required to make sure that the employee could not refuse a task or be unable to take on more than 5 tasks at the same time. Sometimes it was necessary to establish interaction between these tasks themselves.

An important result was implementation of an automated system technical support based on Jira... If earlier work was carried out mainly through the use of email or other means of communication, which hindered the transparent management of the entire application, now all requests are accumulated in one place. This greatly simplifies their processing and speeds up the response to the client. Accordingly, it became much more convenient for clients to use the services of ITB Consulting. Now questions are not lost and the client always gets an answer.

The work process at ITB Consulting has reached a fundamentally new level thanks to the use of an automated task accounting system. This relatively simple mechanism greatly simplifies all work (after learning Jira itself) and guarantees our customers the highest level of service that even large companies cannot always boast of.

1C - Rarus: Project Management 1.0

A typical solution "1C - Rarus: Project Management 1.0" allows you to organize planning and project management across the enterprise, namely:
- Formation of the project structure and synchronization of work;
- Project finance management: planning of project income and expenses in the context of income / cost items and resources; scheduling of receipts and expenditures of funds; control over the execution of the cash flow plan for the project.
- Management of project non-financial resources (equipment, materials, personnel);
- Project document management;
- Multi-project analysis and graphic means of project structure display.

The solution is intended for companies of all forms of ownership, regardless of the industry sector.
The standard solution was developed only by means and methods of the 1C: Enterprise program and is an addition to the standard configuration "Accounting" of the "1C: Enterprise 7.7" program system.

Formation of the project structure and synchronization of works

A typical solution allows:
Form a project structure with a given number of stages and project tasks;
Maintain logical connections between jobs;
Build a hierarchy of company projects;
Maintain links between jobs and timing;
Describe the entire range of work and resources required to complete the work;
Use four types of work synchronization (finish to start, start to start, finish to finish, start to finish).

Project finance management. Scheduling project income and expenses

Tool scheduling makes it possible to control both the income and costs of the project in the context of items of income / costs and resources, and the movement of funds for the project. It is possible to conduct a plan-actual analysis of costs in work in progress.

Cash flow scheduling

A typical solution allows you to reflect the planned and actual cash flows, late payments, plan receipts and expenditures of funds, monitor the execution of the cash flow plan for the project. Managing the levels of the project hierarchy A typical solution allows you to define income, expenses, and receipts or outflows of funds for any level of the hierarchical structure of the project.

Management of project non-financial resources (equipment, materials, personnel)

A typical solution allows you to flexibly manage project resources: to distribute and control the use of equipment, materials, finances and personnel. In a typical solution, it is possible to carry out resource planning - that is, an analysis of the possibility of fulfilling the planned plans, taking into account the available resources.
The following options are provided: in conditions of limited resources; in a limited time.

As a result of resource planning, documents are formed on the reservation of resources for the project. After creating the project structure and the documents associated with the project, you need to perform a time analysis. Time Analysis is a project scheduling process that calculates the start and end dates for each work in the project.
The input data for temporal analysis are the duration of tasks and the relationships between them. The solution allows you to perform time analysis automatically or manually.

Project document management

A typical solution makes it possible to control:
Turnover of documents related to the project;
Key events and activities related to the project;
Support work with documents of any type.

When planning-fact analysis of document flow, you can use links to electronic documents of the configuration "Accounting".

Multi-project analysis, graphic display tools and tools for creating various reports "1C - Rarus: Project Management" allows you to manage the resources of several projects. You can get management reports for a group of projects in the form of tables, graphs and diagrams. At the same time, the mutual coordination of projects by resources and / or time is carried out automatically.

A typical solution also provides graphic tools for displaying the project structure and tools for creating various reports on a project or a group of projects and reports necessary for planning and control, namely: Reports on the use of resources, which show the load of resources in the context of project tasks;
Reports for graphical display of project data: Gantt chart (2 options) and network diagram: Gantt chart - horizontal line chart. On it, the tasks of the project (stage) are represented by lengths of time, characterized by start and end dates, connections between tasks;
The network diagram displays planning elements (projects, stages, tasks) in the form of a set of vertices, with connecting lines showing the dependencies between the elements;
Project schedule reports;
Plan-fact reports (stage tree), etc.

In addition, the user can use the analytical table, which allows you to independently customize and generate various analytical reports (income and expense plan, plans and the fact of cash flow, etc.). The generated reports can be printed or saved as a bmp file.


A typical solution "1C - Rarus: Project Management" can be integrated with any configurations that use the "Accounting" component of the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 program system. The solution "1C - Rarus: Project Management" can be used as an independent solution or it can be compatible with other standard solutions of the system: 1C - Rarus: Enterprise Management. When used together, the functions of the standard solutions complement each other.


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