Awarding the best in the profession. All-Russian competition “The best in the profession in the tourism industry. Nominations - Economics, Finance

General requirements to writing papers and additional recommendations

Research work submitted to the competition "Best in Profession" must be performed at a high professional level and be based on practical experience author. The work should have a section "List of measures for practical implementation". The results should be aimed at improving the work and applicable for further use in the activities of IDGC of the South, PJSC.

Standards must be taken into account current legislation and internal documents of IDGC of the South, PJSC.

Research work should contain three main parts:

Analytical part- involves consideration, justification and relevance of the topic under consideration, review, description of the main problems. It must necessarily include an analysis of the technology currently used in IDGC of the South PJSC (methods, etc.).

Design part- includes a description of the recommendations/technologies proposed by the author aimed at improving the work and solving the problems identified in the analytical part. It is necessary to show the volume of tasks to be solved, to offer their solutions.

Organizational and economic part- needs to be done comparative analysis the proposed invention, development with the applied technology (methodology). A brief economic justification the feasibility of implementing the recommendations/technologies proposed in the research work.

It is recommended that in the projects submitted for the competition, give an analysis of alternative approaches, indicate goals, objectives, proposed activities, necessary costs, the possibility of organizing monitoring and feedback, risk assessment, performance evaluation, etc. When calculating financial and economic indicators, indicate the calculation formulas.

Additional requirements for competitive works are:

  • originality of the project idea;
  • novelty of the approach to the problem;
  • non-standard approach used or applied solution; compliance with the development goals of IDGC of the South, PJSC;
  • professional output.

1. Nomination - Energy saving, energy efficiency.

Topic #1: Innovative measures for energy saving and energy efficiency.

2.Nomination - Sales of services, accounting electrical energy.

Topic #1:"Measures to reduce the level of losses of electrical energy in distribution networks"

AT competitive work it is necessary to indicate and decipher in detail the set of measures necessary to optimize the development of electrical networks, improve the electricity metering system, introduce new information technologies control of network modes, training of personnel and its equipment with means of verification of electricity measuring instruments.

1. Improvement of measures aimed at reducing the level of electricity losses in distribution networks;
2. Substantiation of the theoretical provisions of the calculations economic efficiency from the implementation of these measures;
3. Formation of the amount of costs for organizing these events.

Topic #2:"Measures to reduce accounts receivable and resolve disputes, features of their implementation"

In the competitive work, it is necessary to indicate and decipher in detail a set of measures to reduce receivables and resolve disagreements in the area of ​​presence of IDGC of the South PJSC and its branches, the causes of overdue receivables, tools and methods for its repayment.

The main tasks of the competitive work:

1. Improving the principles and approaches to working with accounts receivable for electricity transmission services;
2. Evaluation of the effectiveness of work to reduce receivables for electricity transmission services;

  • title of work, nomination;
  • goals and objectives to be solved with the help of the proposed activities;
  • professional output.

3. Nomination - Capital construction, equipment reconstruction.

Topic #1: Improving capital construction processes and applying the practice of independent construction control during implementation investment projects with the involvement of the federal budget.

Topic #2: Optimization and reduction of the terms of administrative procedures during the capital construction of power supply networks, taking into account the current legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the regions of presence of IDGC of the South, PJSC, taking into account the draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of an exhaustive list of administrative procedures during the construction of power supply networks”

4. Nominations - Telemechanics and communications.

Topic #1: Optimization of costs of subsidiaries and affiliates of PJSC ROSSETI for long-distance communications using available resources.

5. Nominations - Labor protection and industrial safety.

Topic #1: Development of action plans for the evacuation and rescue of workers for the following types of work at height:

  • upon occurrence emergency when working on the supports of power lines 0.4-20 kV;
  • when working on the supports of power lines 35-220 kV;
  • when working with the use of mobile lifts (towers);
  • when working on equipment of substations of voltage class 35 kV and above;
  • when working with scaffolding.

6. Nominations - Economics, finance.

Topic #1: Mechanisms for consolidating power grid assets in the context of a significant limitation of financial resources.

  • completeness of the topic
  • compliance with the given topic
  • consideration of the topic on a specific example

7. Nominations - Jurisprudence.

Topic #1: Accounts receivable management and collection judicial order: daily work algorithm.

8. Nomination - Personnel management.

Topic #1: Organization and methodology of personnel assessment: by levels of competence development; on qualification requirements; certification for compliance with the position held.

Additional requirements for the content of the competitive work:

In the competitive work, it is necessary to indicate and reflect in detail the tools and methods by which the assessment of the qualifications and competence of personnel is ensured, as well as the following tasks are solved:

  • ensuring the strategy of personnel management in the organization;
  • compliance with the system of corporate requirements for personnel;
  • achievement of corporate and professional competencies, development potential, business goals in the assessment system;
  • achievement of goals and solution of tasks set for the organization;
  • using the results of personnel assessment for management decisions.
  • increasing staff motivation for highly efficient work and increasing labor productivity;
  • personnel development, formation talent pool;
  • systematic improvement of the effectiveness of personnel assessment, as well as professional competence employees of the organization;

Additional requirements for the content of the competitive work:

The competitive work must contain examples and descriptions of tools and methods for assessing personnel, taking into account the current economic and social conditions of the organization, as well as on the example of leading foreign and (or) Russian organizations. The author of the work must reasonably show the effectiveness of the practical use of the presented tools and methods for assessing personnel in conditions manufacturing enterprise energy industry.

Mandatory structural elements of the competitive work should be:

  • title of work, nomination;
  • goals and objectives achieved by using the proposed tools and methods for assessing personnel;
  • a descriptive part with a detailed description of the organization and methodology for conducting personnel assessment, as well as to justify the effectiveness of their application in the conditions of a manufacturing enterprise in the energy industry.

9. Nominations - Public Relations.

Topic #1: Communication tools in modern social media

Additional requirements for the content of the competitive work:

In the competitive work, it is necessary to indicate and decipher in detail the tools and methods by which the communication system in modern social media is provided, including the following tasks:

  • Identification of users' opinions about the Company to improve the level of service provided;
  • Tracking negative posts in in social networks and the blogosphere;
  • Informing target audience about new client services of the Company.

The competitive work must contain examples and a detailed description of communication tools in modern social media (monitoring, reviews on thematic portals, pages in social networks, microblogs, visual impact elements (photos), contests, promotions in social networks, involvement of bloggers, thematic portals, geotargeting services, infographics, etc.). The author of the work must reasonably show the effectiveness of using these tools and methods.

10. Nominations - Perspective development distribution power grid complex.

Topic #1: Perspective reconstruction of the power grid complex.

11. Nomination - Investment activity.

Topic #1: Improving Efficiency investment activity(economic and technological);

Topic #2: Pricing in investment activities (planning and cost control of investment projects);

Topic #3: Optimization of business processes in the framework of investment activities;

Topic #4: Improving the efficiency of investments aimed at technological connection of consumers;

Topic #5: Implementation automated systems management (complex or separate processes);

Topic #6: Development of a model for identifying and managing risks at the stage of forming the implementation of the IPR.

Additional requirements for the content of the competitive work:

in the structure of the work, include the section "List of measures for practical implementation".

12. Nomination - Innovative development.

Topic #1: Innovative product

Additional requirements for the content of the competitive work:

In the competitive work, it is necessary to indicate and decipher in detail the proposed innovative product or solution that meets the following requirements:

  • novelty;
  • relevance;
  • compliance with the goals and interests of IDGC of the South, PJSC;
  • efficiency, possibility of application in IDGC of the South, PJSC.

The competitive work must contain a detailed description of the proposed development. The author of the work needs to reasonably show the effectiveness of its use.

Mandatory structural elements of the competitive work:

  • title of work, nomination;
  • goals and objectives to be solved with the help of the proposed innovative solutions;
  • descriptive part with a detailed list of tools, their description and confirmation of effectiveness;

13. Nomination - Marketing, provision of material and technical resources, reduction of excess stocks of inventory items

Topic #1: Improvement and automation of procurement, logistics and logistics systems.

Topic #2: Inventory management of material and technical resources.

14. Nomination - Technological connection to the electric networks of the branch

Additional requirements for the content of the competitive work:

  • in the structure of the work, provide a proposal to improve the procedure for technological connection as a whole, or the current legislation in the field of technological connection;
  • in the structure of work, provide for a proposal to improve the stages of improvement of the stages of the procedure for the execution of IDGC of the South PJSC activities for technological connection of a capital nature provided for a grid organization under the TS agreement.

15. Nomination - Operational dispatch control.

Topic #1: Analysis of the existing scheme for the operational maintenance of the electric grid complex of IDGC of the South PJSC (branch, production department, distribution zone), distribution of equipment according to the control method. Evaluation of personnel employment and the need for optimization, taking into account the introduction of a telecontrol system for equipment, equipping the substation and RP-6 (10) kV with emergency and warning alarms.

Topic #2: The procedure for working with personnel, shortcomings in the training of operational personnel, comments and suggestions (based on an analysis of the errors of operational personnel);

Topic #3: Automation of accounting for power outages of consumers (PK Accidentity, etc.), the need for operational personnel to know the composition of consumers in the service area (number, categorical, etc.).

On October 28, 2016, the awarding of the winners of the All-Russian competition "The Best in the Profession in the Tourism Industry" took place, the federal stage of which was held by the Consulting Group "Polylog" by order federal agency for tourism. The competition has been held on the initiative of the President of Russia since 2013 and is designed to improve the quality tourism services provided in our country.

Within the framework of the Polylog project, he carried out information support and organizational and technical support for the Competition.

The competition consists of two stages: regional and federal. We understood that the success of the federal stage was due to consistent work throughout the entire competition, so one of the priority tasks was to increase the prestige of the competition in the professional environment and announce the campaign with a focus on the regions of our country.

83 winners from 43 regions

In 2016, based on the results of our work, applications from 43 regions were submitted to the federal stage and 83 winners were selected.

As part of information support During the event, 326 materials were published in the media, 25 journalists from federal specialized and socio-political media were accredited for the award.

These are the highest figures in the four-year history of the competition.

According to the results of the All-Russian competition "The best in the profession in the tourism industry" in 2016, the Consulting Group "Polylog" received a letter of thanks from the Federal Agency for Tourism. We are ready to further contribute to improving the quality of services in the tourism sector.

01 Nov 2016

In 2016, the competition "Best in Profession" among the employees of our boarding school was held from April to September. The awarding of the winners was timed to coincide with the 30th summer anniversary boarding school.

This year the concept of the competition was changed. The nominations of the competition have been changed. Thus, employees competed for victory in the following nominations: "Best Educator", "Best nurse"," Special award "For creativity in work", "Special award" For longevity in work", "Special award" Best young specialist "," Best Worker departments for young people with disabilities.

New nominations were introduced, taking into account the results of the previous competition, as well as the wishes of our employees.

The first stage of the competition was the preparation of self-presentation. All participants creatively approached the solution of the problem. Reports, photo and video presentations were presented to the jury. Some sketches showed many years of work within the walls of the boarding school, others reflected the path that young professionals had just set foot on.

The next step was a vote among all employees. Two more additional nominations were added to the voting ballot: "Employee of the Year" and "Best Leader". The decision on these nominations was made by employees, giving their votes to the best.

Congratulations to the winners! We wish all our employees to achieve the highest results! We look forward to seeing you all to compete next year!

Awards to the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian competition professional excellence The Government of the Russian Federation "Best in Profession" was awarded by the head of "Rosseti" O.M. Budargin, Deputy Minister of Labor L.Yu. Eltsova, leaders of the Association RaEl and VEP.

In the period from July 25 to July 29, 2016, within the framework of the Interregional competition of professional skills of personnel for the repair and maintenance of substation equipment and cable networks, the federal stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills of the Government of the Russian Federation "The Best in Profession" in the electric power industry was held.

The federal stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skills of the Government of the Russian Federation "The Best in Profession" in the electric power industry, the training ground of the educational complex of PJSC "Lenenergo" in the village. Tervolovo (Leningrad region)

AT this stage The competition was attended by 18 teams, and the number of participants in the competition included not only representatives of 15 companies that are part of the Russian Grids PJSC group, but also teams - representatives of OAO Oboronenergo and OAO NK Rosneft. Along with everyone, although not in the overall standings, the team of the State Production Association "Belenergo" (Belarus) participated. In addition, employees of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Krymenergo”, PJSC “EC “Sevastopolenergo” and OJSC “Grid Company” from Tatarstan were present as observers at the competition.

Recall that the inclusion of the nomination in the electric power industry in the number of nominations of the Competition became possible thanks to the initiative of the RaEl Association, supported by the All-Russian Electric Trade Union.

Simultaneously with the Contest and Competitions, the Corporate Open Championship was held according to the Worldskills methodology for the competence "Maintenance and repair of relay protection and automation equipment".

The results of the competition were summed up on July 29 at the end of the day. The gala evening was opened by O.M. Budargin, who, in his welcoming speech, began with the main thing - with the reliable and stable operation of the entire power grid complex of the country, as the most important strategic task that was set for the entire 220,000-strong staff of the PJSC Rosseti holding by the leadership of the State and the industry.

Ceremony of awarding the winners and prize-winners of the Contest and Competitions

At the same time, O.M. Budargin, the companies of the Holding are building new generation networks using the most advanced technologies, introducing smart grid technologies, which, of course, requires continuous self-improvement on the part of employees, sets special requirements for uniform standards introduced in the companies of the Holding social policy and socially responsible business.

In his welcoming speech, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection L.Yu. Yeltsova stressed the importance of the Russian energy industry as one of the most important backbone industries in the country. Moreover, L.Yu. Eltsov, it is necessary to support in every possible way the course of the majority of Russian energy companies towards the development social partnership, development and implementation of unified social standards based on the Industry Tariff Agreement.

The Deputy Minister also recalled that in 2016 All-Russian competition The Government of Russia "Best in Profession" celebrates its first small anniversary - 5 years since its foundation, and only energy nominations were presented in the general list of nominations of the Competition during all 5 years of its holding.

Together with O.M. Budargin L.Yu. Yeltsova presented the following awards:

– Diploma for III place to the winner of the federal stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in profession” in the nomination “Best electrician for the repair of substation equipment” – Shevyakov Egor Valerievich, IDGC of Volga, PJSC;

– Diploma for II place to the winner of the federal stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in Profession” in the nomination “Best Electrician for the Repair of Substation Equipment” – Vernigorov Dmitry Olegovich, Tyumenenergo JSC;

- Diploma for the 1st place to the winner of the federal stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in Profession" in the nomination "Best Electrician for the Repair of Substation Equipment" Chernetsov Artem Borisovich, IDGC of Volga, PJSC.

Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection L.Yu. Yeltsova takes part in the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and prize-winners of the Contest and Competitions

Anticipating the presentation of the award in the special nomination of the RaEl Association and the VEP "Energy of Cohesion" (for the cohesion and unity of the team), the head of the RaEl Association A.V. Zamoskovny emphasized that O.M. Budargin, the emphasis on reliability is very much in line with such concepts as cohesion, a sense of comradeship, friendly work of the team not only during the competition period, but also directly at the workplace, in hard everyday work.

That is why, noted A.V. Zamoskovny, Association RaEl and VEP traditionally present an award to the most friendly and cohesive team, while the winners are awarded a specialized exclusive prize and a diploma, and each team member is additionally awarded a gift card from one of the retail chains of electronics and household appliances in the amount of 15,000 rubles.

The decision of the Association of RaEl and VEP regarding the winner of the special nomination was completely based on the position of the judiciary, headed by the Deputy Head of Department - Head of the PTO of PJSC Rosseti, Chief Judge of the Competition S.A. Petrov. Nonetheless, this decision became complete surprise for the winners, since the prize was awarded to the team of the State Production Association "Belenergo".

Awarding of the winner of the special nomination of the Association of RaEl and VEP "Energy of Cohesion" (for the cohesion and unity of the team) - the team of the SPO of the electric power industry of Belarus "Belenergo"

Congratulating the winners, A.V. Zamoskovny called for closer cooperation between the power engineers of the Union State of Russia and Belarus, including in terms of the possibility of developing a dialogue at the level of authorized representatives of employers in the industry of the two countries.

Then O.M. Budargin and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Interregional Competitions in Professional Skills, Chief Engineer of PJSC Rosseti A.V. Faustov awarded the following titles to the winners and prize-winners of the Competition: “ Best Master”, “Best admitting”, “Best judicial team”, “Best in labor protection (master)”, “Best in labor protection (electrician)”, “Best in labor protection (electrician)”, “Best worker”, “ Best Producer of Process Modeling Works Maintenance and repair of substation equipment on a 3D layout”, “The best member of the team for modeling the maintenance and repair of substation equipment on a 3D layout”, “The best team of resuscitators”, “For the will to win”, “The best cable network electrician”, “ The best electrician of relay protection and automation. In addition, awards were given for taking I-III places in the competition of crews for the repair and maintenance of cable networks, for taking I-III places in the competition for crews for the repair and maintenance of substation equipment and the award "For active participation in the preparation of the competition."

The awards ceremony ended with a collective photograph of the winners, prize-winners and members of the teams participating in the competition, and a banquet in their honor.

From left to right: Acting General Director of PJSC "Lenenergo" R.N. Berdnikov, CEO PJSC Rosseti O.M. Budargin, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection L.Yu. Eltsova, General Director of the Association RaEl A.V. Zamoskovny, Chairman of the All-Russian Electric Trade Union V.N. Vakhrushkin

Elena Piyanzina

On June 21, an “event dedicated to rewarding teachers who participated in the traditional competition« BEST IN PROFESSION» , that is, there are winners, there are winners, there are participants. The best of the best they were all honored today, awarded, gave flowers, certificates and cash remuneration". In the traditional competition« Best in profession» 106 teachers and 3 leaders took part educational organizations. Winners municipal competition « Best in profession» in 2016 with a presentation on rewarding Honorary diploma 12 people were recognized as heads of the Asbestov urban district and a cash prize. With a presentation on rewarding Honorary diploma of the head of the Department of Education and monetary 51 people, with a presentation on rewarding Thank you letter Head of the Department of Education - 36 people.

The holiday is dedicated to summing up the results of the city competition« BEST IN PROFESSION» in the field of education of the Asbestovsky urban district.

The teachers were congratulated:

Andrey Vladimirovich Kholzakov, head of the Asbestov urban district;

Head of the administration of the Asbestovsky urban district Tikhonova Natalya Robertovna;

Acting Head of the Department of Education of the Asbestovsky urban district Volkova Ekaterina Viktorovna;

Deputy Head of Administration of the Asbestovsky City District Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kamenskikh;

Deputy Medvedev Evgeny Anatolyevich;

Deputy Yazovskikh Elena Anatolyevna;

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