Tizol is a stone wool insulation. Product line and benefits. Dynamics of production of JSC "Tizol" products

Minvata Tizol (basalt wool) - is a heat-insulating material of the latest generation. Structurally, it is a fibrous interpretation of inorganic matter, which is played by basalt stones. The fibers are of different diameters and bonded with special phenol-based synthetic sealants. The material is available in the form of plates, rolls or mats. Basalt rocks are used in the manufacturing process of cotton wool, which are the product of volcanic lava eruption. Long-cooled and petrified blocks are a source of raw materials. In addition to basalt, rocks similar in structure are also used in production. They consist of sedimentary material in the form of clay, dolomite, marl and igneous rocks in the form of basalt, granite syenite or diabase. Slag stone wool is made from the remains (slag waste) of metallurgy.

Features of the production process

The production of a heat insulator consists of complex technological stages. The following works are performed on modern equipment equipped with electronic technology: remelting of stones, centrifugation of liquid-fire basalt, air blast for the production of fibers with different diameters (the diameter of inorganic filaments must correspond to project documentation and standard modification Tizol). Next comes the compaction of the fibrous conglomerate with phenolic additives, pressing and cutting the web to certain dimensional parameters, and the last: packaging finished products. Basalt raw materials are crushed to the required fractions, and sent to coke-heated furnaces. At a temperature of 1500-1800ºС, the stones turn into thick fiery lava, which is sent to a special rotating equipment, that is, to a centrifuge. Under a strong air flow, the lava turns into basalt filaments.

As for the fibers, in accordance with the drawing documentation, they must be obtained strictly according to the drawing scheme and correspond to the required type modification. Typical products Tizol differs from each other by means of the dimensional parameters of the threads and their density, which in turn give each Tizol modification individual technical characteristics. And the latter, in turn, affects the scope in the construction industry. Plus, the entire standard series has a difference in size (thickness and length), density and release forms (rolls, plates and mats). Density is the result of compacted bonding of the fibrous mass and air spaces. The higher the density, the smaller the layers with air and the harder the material.

What is the difference between Tizol mineral wool and other heaters?

Compared to other types of thermal insulation materials (polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, cellulose boards, sandwiches insulated with polystyrene foam or BCA boards), Tizol insulation is completely safe for human health and for the structure as a whole. The safety of mineral wool for human health is achieved by the purity of the product, the natural origin of production raw materials and the strict implementation of the phased approach. technological process. Mineral slabs used in the thermal insulation of civil buildings or industrial complexes, are a barrier against fire and high temperatures. Even if a source of ignition appears, it is stopped by the bordering zone of mineral wool insulation, and the Tizol series of heaters is exactly the product that will stop any fire, since its melting point reaches 1000-1200 degrees.

Stone fibers "cemented" with special additives based on phenolic substances are absolutely harmless to humans. Despite the use of phenolic sealants, mineral wool is not toxic, since phenol quickly weathers and does not condense on the surface of the material. After volatilization, phenol-containing substances do not leave stains and leaks. Laboratory and technical tests of mineral wool products proved the environmental friendliness of the mineral heat insulator. The safety of Tizol products is confirmed by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation of the Russian Federation, and also awarded a special certificate of environmental friendliness.

An important technical point

The production of thermal insulation material adheres to technical documentation. In the manufacture of Tizol mineral wool, compliance with building rules and regulations is taken into account, which fully affect the achievement of a high-quality heat insulator by the appropriate international standards. Stone wool Tizol is produced according to the requirements of GOST 4640-93. Each modification is made according to a specific drawing and terms of reference, that is, it has specific parameters, consisting of length, width and thickness, as well as molding in the form of casings, mats, rolls and plates. AT manufacturing process the acid module of the product is taken into account. The parameter of moisture absorption, vapor permeability and durability depends on its figure. Minvata Tizol has an acid module of 1.7. This figure speaks of the quality of mineral wool and its resistance to aggressive environments and its endurance to harsh operating conditions.

Areas of application and laying technique

Civil, industrial and road building construction companies use Tizol basalt wool in every project. The product range is quite rich, therefore it is mainly used for heat and sound insulation of high-rise public and residential buildings. This heat insulator is recommended by builders for heat and sound insulation of suburban real estate, namely: cottages, country houses, outbuildings, garages, baths, barbecues, warm arbors and communication buildings.

The mineral heat insulator Tizol is suitable for thermal insulation of cabins in the production of cars, wagons, ships, refrigeration, baking and boiler equipment, as well as wherever thermal insulation from fire and cold is required. Demand for thermal insulation products Tizol needs a pipe system with a hot carrier for central heating and technical needs, as well as insulation of industrial facilities constantly operating at high temperatures of +400 - +1000ºС. Due to its resistance to temperatures and open fire, Tizol is also used in the insulation of reactors and other objects of strategic importance.

Laying technique:

Typical modifications Tizol are installed inside in a heat and sound insulating sandwich right in the middle of the composition. The light weight of the materials does not burden the load-bearing structural elements. Mineral wool is used for thermal insulation of all types of structures and structures, regardless of the type of masonry material. Wool is mounted on vertical (internal and external walls), horizontal (ceilings, floors, pitched or horizontal roofs) and on inclined surfaces.

Typical products Tizol is laid in the form of an outer layer, on which solutions of concrete and decorative finishes can be applied.

Facade systems (hinged and ventilated types) include mineral wool insulation "immured" in the frame devices of the system.

Sandwich panels, frame walls and monolithic blocks in the internal multilayer structure have a mineral wool insulation, tightly surrounded by finishing materials from cement, metal and chipboard.

Insulation of industrial metal structures, various communication facilities, pipe routes with hot or cold media and industrial equipment- performed with mineral wool in the form of plates, rolls or casings.

Typical modifications Tizol

Technical description of basalt wool Tizol

  • heat-insulating indicators
    Mineral basalt fibers densified with additives have a thermal conductivity of 0.035-0.041 W / mK. This coefficient gives the material the property of inertness to cold flows of air masses from the outside, and, preventing the transfer of heat from inside the premises. Zero thermal conductivity reduces the cost of energy requirements for additional heating of buildings.
  • acoustic insulation
    Air layers of different calibers, surrounded by stone threads, eliminate all sounds. High-frequency, mid-frequency and low-frequency noises are completely deafened at the first contact with Tizol plates. The strongest sounds (50-80 dB) reach the interior space of residential premises in the form of minor vibrations. Comfortable silence inside.
  • incombustibility
    Mineral wool does not burn, does not smolder. Cotton wool melts at +1090ºC. Type modifications Tizol belong to the materials of the NG class.
  • safety
    Mineral wool Tizol meets the requirements of ECO products, that is, it is completely safe for environment and for human health. The materials are approved by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.
  • resistance to various factors
    Density (100-190kg/m.cub.), breaking point (0.3-1.41mg/m.h) and flexibility (synthetic sealants of the phenolic group) give basalt insulation resistance to mechanical damage, endurance to temporary and permanent vertical loads . Regardless of the harsh operating conditions, all products perfectly retain their characteristics and shape of the products.
  • resistance to biological and chemical influences
    Tizol is resistant to decay, it is neutral to mold and is not destroyed by insects and rodents. A big plus is the fact that cotton wool does not react to the effects of aggressive environments.
  • water repellency
    The fibrous structure with sealing additives is a real barrier to the penetration of water into the mineral wool boards or the formation of condensate. Water or steam does not linger on the surface of the material due to a good ventilation system.
  • quick installation
    The small weight, dimensional parameters and density of EKOVER heat-insulating boards allow the products to be easy to use.

    Resistance to mechanical influences.

    Endurance to vertical and lateral loads.

    Zero heat loss. The low coefficient of thermal conductivity is able to retain 60% of the heat of the premises and save electricity and gas costs for additional heating.

    Good neutralization of external and internal noise. Minvata Tizol is able to neutralize all noise frequencies from medium to low frequencies.

    Absolute incombustibility. Stone wool products can only melt at 1000-1200°C.
    High vapor permeability.

    Parameter stability. The materials look perfect, retaining their dimensions, even after 50 years of service. Cold bridges are excluded for the entire operational period.

    Light weight. Due to this, the material is quickly mounted.

    Resistance to aggressive substances of organic and inorganic origin. Mineral wool Tizol is not destroyed by hot water, acidic and alkaline substances.

Thermal insulation based on basalt fiber is widely used in the construction and manufacturing sectors. Its popularity is promoted by the main qualities of the material - low thermal conductivity, high degree fire safety and sound absorption, vapor permeability. One of the leaders in the production of fire-retardant insulation has become Russian company"TIZOL". Products of this brand are distinguished by reliability, high performance, it is recommended for professional and private use.

The material is made from basalt rock by melting and air blowing fibers. Their parameters form the performance characteristics of products and determine the scope. The creation of super-thin stone fiber made the insulation durable, non-flammable and safe for humans. The use of aluminum foil or fiberglass lining increases the efficiency and durability of the material.

Insulation is available in all forms suitable for insulating various structures: mats, plates, rolls and cylinders.

Specifications and material features

Universal insulation Tizol is available in a wide range of products with different densities and sizes, but the main characteristics have minimal differences.

  1. Thermal conductivity - a chaotic interweaving of fibers and the presence of small air pores provides an indicator of 0.031-0.038.
  2. Fire safety provides resistance to open fire and high temperature.
  3. The fibrous structure effectively absorbs acoustic waves, contributing to sound isolation.
  4. Stone wool insulation is resistant to moisture.
  5. Products are safe for health, it does not contain toxic substances.
  6. Basalt material is chemically neutral to acids, alkalis and solvents and is not subject to biological attack.
  7. The vapor permeability of Tizol allows you to remove excess moisture from the room.
  8. The operation of the material is designed for 50 years.

Thermal insulation products TIZOL

The entire product range of the company can be divided into 4 main categories:

  • technical isolation.
  • Heat and sound insulating boards EURO.
  • Structural fire protection systems.
  • TIZOL-FLOT - insulation for ships.

The line of technical thermal insulation includes:

  • Cylinders EURO-SHELL

Mineral wool products treated with hydrophobic impregnations. They are produced uncoated, laminated aluminum foil whole or divided into two or more parts. During installation, prefabricated structures are connected by longitudinal locks. Cylinder diameter from 8 to 1200 mm. Are applied to elevated and underground heat pipelines, highways of hot and cold water supply.

Stitched canvas made of basalt fibers without coating and coated with aluminum foil or glass cloth. The material is environmentally friendly, has vibration resistance, withstands temperatures up to 700º C.


Soft board with a density of 18-40 kg/m3, thermal conductivity 0.031, used at a temperature of −200º +900º C. The insulation is produced without lining or with foil on one side.

  • BVTM-K

Heat-insulating cardboard with a density of 44-80 kg / m3, refers to non-combustible materials. BVTM materials are used to protect against fire, condensate and heat loss of ventilation systems, pipelines, technological equipment, heating devices in baths and saunas.

Basalt mats made of thin fiber, longitudinally stitched with glass roving. The material is resistant to oils, solvents and acids. The range includes mats without coating, with fiberglass, basalt and silica fabric lining. Lightweight material with a density of 25-60 kg/m3 has a thermal conductivity of 0.035. Mats are used for insulation of main and technological pipelines, including those with negative temperatures. Tizol MPB are recommended for thermal protection of furnaces and boilers that are not subject to vibration.

Plates EURO TIZOL are an element of building insulation. They are used for thermal and noise insulation of floors, walls, roofs and facades. The materials are effective for use in low-rise construction. They belong to the group of non-combustible products and withstand temperatures up to 1000º C.

The use of water-repellent additives reduces the water absorption of the insulation. Plates are issued with a density from 25 to 210 kg/m3. They are produced uncoated or laminated with aluminum foil and fiberglass.

Fire protection of buildings and structures is provided by Tizol materials with the ET marking. Rolled basalt materials have fire resistance within 30-240 minutes. They are designed for operation in conditions of high humidity, negative or high temperatures. The environmental safety of the insulation makes it possible to use it for insulating air ducts, metal and concrete structures in childcare facilities, hospitals, and catering establishments.

EURO-Lit coils and plates are covered with aluminum foil, fiberglass or fiberglass. They have a presentable appearance and do not need additional finishing. The products are designed to operate for 25 years indoors at temperatures as low as -60ºC.

TIZOL - non-combustible thermal insulation of ships

The products are manufactured under the brand name TIZOL-FLOT, and their quality is not inferior to foreign analogues. Non-combustible basalt insulation reliably insulates structures, absorbs noise and vibration. This is the only Russian product for thermal and fire insulation of ships that has a European certificate.

Tizol is one of the leading domestic manufacturers of fire protection solutions building structures and non-combustible insulating materials. The company began its activity in 1949 with the development of heat-insulating materials for the nuclear industry at an enterprise in Nizhnyaya Tura. In 1992 the company created trademark TIZOL, starting to expand the list of products.

Currently, Tizol produces a range of modern solutions for constructive fire protection, including products that have no analogues in Russia and Europe. The company owns unique technology production of basalt superthin fiber. Production "Tizol" has a quality management certificate according to ISO 9001:2008. The following fact says a lot about the assessment of product quality by specialists: most of the Olympic sports facilities in Sochi are equipped with TIZOL fire protection systems.

Product line and benefits

Fire protection systems are designed to minimize the likelihood of the spread of fire and smoke in the event of a fire, to protect the load-bearing structural elements of the building from destruction. The use of effective fire protection products from the Tizol company will ensure an adequate level of fire safety. And in the event of a fire, get extra time to evacuate people from the building.

Under the TIZOL brand, more than 20 types of structural fire protection are produced, providing a fire resistance limit of 30 to 240 minutes. The company produces fire protection for air ducts, reinforced concrete and metal structures. These are rolled and slab materials based on super-thin basalt fiber, produced without binding components. Part of the TIZOL fire protection systems has an additional foil layer.

Advantages of TIZOL fire protection solutions:
  • incombustibility and high fire resistance - up to 240 minutes;
  • resistance to moisture, aggressive media, high temperatures and vibration, which prevents premature destruction of structures during a fire;
  • additional sound and heat insulation - materials based on basalt fiber have a good level of sound absorption and a low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • low weight of the material and minimum thickness, which does not create excessive loads on the supporting structures;
  • manufacturability of installation that does not require special skills and special equipment;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • long service life - at least 25 years;
  • environmental friendliness and radiation safety - the material does not contain substances hazardous to humans and the environment.

TIZOL fireproof solutions are classified according to their intended purpose, which allows you to quickly select the right material. When choosing fire protection, the operating conditions and the required actual fire resistance should be taken into account.

Fire protection TIZOL in Troika Group

Troika Group is a major supplier of modern solutions for fire protection and thermal insulation. As an official dealer, our company offers the most effective fire-retardant and insulating materials from leading domestic and European manufacturers. You can order any TIZOL fire protection system from us, as well as fire protection options from other well-known brands. With extensive experience in the insulation materials market, Troika Group offers its customers only the best solutions.

Our advantages:
  • an extensive range of advanced products for thermal insulation and fire protection of building structures and engineering systems;
  • always high quality materials from leading Russian and foreign brands;
  • customer-oriented service and individual approach to the needs of customers;
  • democratic prices, various promotions and discounts;
  • the possibility of sending serious batches of products using road or rail transport.

Tizol specializes in the production of fibrous heat-insulating and fire-retardant materials from super-thin basalt fiber. The enterprise was built in 1949. in the city of Nizhnyaya Tura, Sverdlovsk region according to the project of Glavpromstroy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR to meet the needs of the defense industry in thermal insulation.
In January 1950 Nizhneturinsky Plant of Mineral Products NTZMI was put into operation with a production capacity of 5000 tons per year of mineral wool.
For the period from 1950 to 1954. NTZMI mastered the production of mineral wool, mineral wool felt on phenol-formaldehyde resin and bitumen, rigid boards on bitumen-kaolin emulsion, mineral wool cork.
As a result of reconstruction, expansion of production facilities and replacement of equipment with more progressive and efficient ones, since 1965 the plant began to produce embroidered mats from mineral wool without lining, lined with Kraft paper, corrugated cardboard and metal mesh.
In connection with the growing pace of capital construction in the country, as well as with the increasing requirements for maximum lightening of building structures in 1985. a new workshop of the TsTI produced products for the production of high-rigidity slabs PZH with a capacity of 60,000 m3 per year and semi-rigid slabs P-75, P-125 with a capacity of 120,000 m3 per year.
In 1988 development new technology for the production of super-thin basalt fibers from rocks(BSTV). This type of thermal insulation in terms of physical and mechanical properties significantly exceeds mineral wool products and has great prospects. In 1988, one furnace for the production of basalt fiber was in operation, and from 1996 to the present, seven BSTV units have been operating at full capacity.
Until 1992, the plant supplied the defense industry with thermal insulation, therefore, there were no problems with the sale of products. With the conversion of military-industrial complex enterprises in Russia, the reduction of their financing, the volume of orders for thermal insulation has sharply decreased. Also in 1992, the subordination of NTZMI changed - from the Ministry of Medium Machine Building of the USSR to the Ministry Nuclear Industry Russian Federation. The enterprise became part of the Moscow holding "Spetsstroymaterialy" as an independent organization. As a result, for the first time, NTZMI faced the task of finding a market for its products, which was complicated by the fact that only a few “civilian” construction organizations knew about the plant as a manufacturer of thermal insulation.
In accordance with State program privatization, the Nizhneturinsky Plant of Mineral Wool Products was transformed into Tizol OJSC, and later, in 1998, into Tizol OJSC. The staff of the enterprise did not feel any serious changes after the change of ownership.
Now OJSC "Tizol" is beginning to correct the consequences of the crisis of the early 90s. Launched into service compressor station, electrical substation, boiler house, own raw materials base has been developed, the construction of a residential village is underway, a new one has been put into operation Production Line, development is underway new products. Young specialists have been hired, funds are being sought for training and advanced training of personnel.
Over the 53 years of its existence, JSC "Tizol" has gone a long way of development from a mineral wool workshop to one of largest enterprises Russia for the production of a wide range of thermal insulation materials. In the difficult conditions of the "wild" Russian market the plant remains profitable, today JSC "Tizol" is one of the stable operating organizations of this profile in the Ural region.

Scope of activity of JSC "Tizol"

Open Joint Stock Company "Tizol" was founded by Sverdlovsk regional committee on property management in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On organizational measures to transform state enterprises, voluntary associations of state enterprises in Joint stock companies» dated 07/01/1992 No. 721 and registered by the decree of the head of the administration of the city of Nizhnyaya Tura No. 360 dated 05/20/1993. Certificate of state registration No. 236 of the P-NI series. OJSC "Tizol" acts in accordance with regulations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation and is an association of individuals and legal entities for joint business activities.
The authorized capital of the Company is presented in the form of 7,443 ordinary/registered shares with a par value of 1,000 rubles.
The main goal of JSC "Tizol" is to make a profit.
The main activities of the joint-stock company are:

  • production of heat-insulating and fire-retardant materials based on basalt rocks;
  • capital construction;
  • performance of works and services to the population and organizations;
  • catering;
  • foreign trade activity;
  • transport and storage services;
  • trade and intermediary activity.

The Company may carry out charitable and sponsorship activities to the extent and in the areas determined by General Assembly shareholders or the Board of Directors of the Company.
The activities of the Society are not limited to those stipulated in the Charter. Any transactions that go beyond the statutory activities, but do not contradict current legislation are recognized as valid.

Dynamics of production of JSC "Tizol" products

Until 1992, OJSC Tizol provided thermal insulation for the needs of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, and, therefore, there were no problems with the sale of products. With the conversion in Russia defense enterprises, a decrease in their funding, the volume of orders fell sharply.
As a result, JSC "Tizol" faced the task of conquering new markets for its products in other industries. First of all, efforts were directed to sales on a geographical basis, market segmentation was carried out. The main sales area was the Ural region and, first of all, the Sverdlovsk region. Correctly chosen principles of penetration helped successful market penetration: best quality manufactured products at a lower price.
As a result, for 3 years from 1992 to 1995. the share of sales of the company's products in the Sverdlovsk region increased from 35% to 70%, and in 1997 - up to 73% of PZH boards and up to 51% of M1 mats.
The principle of market segmentation by industry was not disregarded. Conditionally dividing the entire market into 5 industries, attention was paid to the enterprises of the oil and gas production and fuel and energy complex, since due to the circumstances prevailing in Russia, the enterprises of these industries began to have the largest cash who began to invest in construction.
Having achieved a stable position in the market of the Sverdlovsk region, JSC "Tizol" in 1996 began to introduce thermal insulation into the markets of neighboring regions included in the Ural region.
In 1997, the share of sales of thermal insulation in the Perm region increased, respectively, to 3.53% for M1 mats and to 3.7% for PZH boards; in the Tyumen region: up to 16% for M1 mats and up to 5.4% for PPZh slabs: in Udmurtia up to 9.34% for M1 mats and up to 2.8% for PPZh slabs. The share of sales in the selected regions is steadily growing. The growth in sales of thermal insulation in these areas continued into 1998.
In 1999 OJSC Tizol continued to actively penetrate the market of these areas, and also expanded its influence in the markets of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.
In 2000-2001, Tizol's sales volume for all types of products increased by approximately 75% compared to 1995. The chosen principles of the strategy - better quality, low price, timely delivery, wider assortment, modern packaging - the company considers correct, which is confirmed by the constant increase in sales of thermal insulation products.

In 2004, a new direction was created " Tizol fire protection", which is engaged in the development of fire protection systems and materials for fire protection of building structures (metal, air ducts, concrete) with high fire resistance limits. Tizol fire protection is by far the largest manufacturer of fire protection in Russia, from basalt rocks.

Thermal insulation is a highly demanded material today. It is absolutely necessary for work in areas such as construction and repair. Tizol is one of the advanced types of thermal insulation, a very relevant material that pleases professionals and ordinary consumers with its excellent performance.

The presented video in this article will give Additional information about this material and its properties. If you intend to start working with this material, or are just getting ready to purchase it, then this article will be useful to you.

Tizol is a material, the use of which will help you solve two problems at once:

  • First, it is ideal for energy efficiency in almost any building.
  • Secondly, the use this tool increases the fire safety of both buildings and various hazardous elements in them in this regard.

What is it made of and how is it made

This material is produced on the basis of basalt. Mineral base and modern technologies make it completely fireproof, and even fireproof.

Super-thin basalt fiber made it possible to create a material with the following characteristics:

  • Non-flammable and infusible. It can be used not only where there is a risk of fire, but also where the temperature rises to high levels.
  • Provides sound insulation. Fiber with blank airspace muffles the sound well.
  • Effectively retains heat in a wide range of conditions.
  • Insensitive to most types of negative environmental influences.
  • durable- for the most part, it can be used for as long as the building in which it is used.
  • Not sympathetic to insects and rodents.
  • Excellent resistance to any biological influences.
  • Completely safe for humans and nature. Eco-friendly.
  • Highly resistant to deformation. Easily restores its shape even after prolonged exposure.
  • High humidity not only does not lead to its deterioration, but also does not reduce its characteristics..

Thus, this material can really please with impressive characteristics, and therefore its use turns out to be a very worthwhile and expedient matter.

About the manufacturer and conditions

The production also has its own laboratory, which controls both raw materials and products, all production processes and their results. And only after the strictest check all products manufactured by this company get to the consumer. So there is no doubt about the quality.

Where applicable

In the photo - where you can apply

As already noted, this material is mainly used in the field of construction and repair. This is a highly efficient, reliable and safe technical insulation that can be used both within residential premises and in industries, in office buildings. And the instruction for the use of such material does not prevent its widespread use.

This material is especially recommended for objects with increased fire hazard - for hot shops of factories, for example, and for other hazardous industries. Fire safety and fire resistance from 30 to 210 minutes depending on the type of material makes it an excellent solution for such cases. You can also use this material in the creation of fire structures.

How to work with him

Contact of such material with the skin does not cause any negative reactions, irritations or burns.

Only minimal tools are required for the job – no special equipment is required. If necessary, the material is easily cut.

Despite the fact that Tizol was created for professional use, you can use it with your own hands, this will not cause any problems.

Varieties of material

This manufacturer creates several varieties of such material with similar, but still different properties and features. And the latest novelty was EUROTIZOL - a heat-insulating plate with a thickness of 30 - 210 mm, created according to European technologies.

Within other product lines, the most purchased basalt fiber thermal insulation with a fiber thickness of 3 microns is produced. Rolled material MBOR is also being created, the features of which became the basis of new plates. This material is used as a basis for fire protection of air ducts, load-bearing metal structures, and allows them to be protected from fire and overheating from 30 to 210 minutes.

In the photo you can see all the main varieties of materials from this manufacturer. The range is very diverse, as well as the price of products. But the prices in any case remain within democratic limits, and the variety allows you to choose the best option for any budget and any needs.

At the moment, new developments and the search for original solutions do not stop, new production lines at the company's factories will be launched more than once in the future. And therefore, in the future, it is worth waiting for the emergence of new types of Tizol, capable of solving more more problems during the construction and operation of buildings.


Tizol is a modern insulation material that has excellent characteristics and is able to please in every way. It perfectly copes with heat and sound insulation, and in addition, it has high rates fire resistance. Made from mineral materials, it becomes an excellent protection and lasts for years.


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