Questioning a psychologist when taking a job. What is psychological interview, what questions on it are and how to answer them right. Basic questions about interview

As you know, the successful passage of the interview and the subsequent employment depends not only on the presence of the candidate necessary experience, skills and knowledge. The correspondence of the job applicant for formal features is still determined at the resume view. Further selection is much more complicated - because the employer is important to know whether a candidate for a particular position is suitable and is it suitable for work in this company, whether he will be able to fit into the team, is it close to him corporate values etc. Some employers are trying to figure out these conformity on the very first interview in personnel service. But HR specialists in most cases own psychological techniques for assessing the candidate very superficially. There is always a risk that HR managers will miss a "not wrong" candidate, guided by personal sympathy or the desire to quickly close the vacancy. Therefore, companies that cannot afford to go on such a risk, for example, solid financial organizationswhose employees have access to commercial mystery, Keep in a psychologist's specialist. Is it difficult to pass an interview with a psychologist? In what form it is carried out, and what is the right?

A standard interview with a psychologist may be two species: in the form of a conversation and psychological tests. Interviewers can apply one of these practices or both at once. It happens that applicants have to wait some time until the psychologist summarizes testing and will not call a candidate to talk on the results. Consider funds from the arsenal of a psychologist more.

Psychological tests

Set of tests from each psychologist individual. Of course, the candidate is not offered the entire set immediately - the combination of tests depends on the position to which the applicant claims, and those competencies that the specialist should have at this position.


As follows from the name, this species Tests are intended to identify certain properties of the individual - such as sociability, leadership qualities, stress resistance. Some specific quality, and a number of these qualities can be evaluated. Tests are a verbal questionnaire with different response options. Usually consist of a variety of questions. A number of tests assumes only the answers "Yes" and "No", while other tests provide a choice from a variety of options. Here is an example of a kettell dough: "If Mary's mother is the sister of his father Alexander, who is Alexander who comes to the father of Mary?" Replies: cousins, nephew, Uncle.

In the ketttella test, the estimate is carried out in several scales, such as sociable-closedness, suspicion value, self-adjusting impulsiveness, etc.

Aisenka test is also popular - 57 questions on sincerity, introversion and neuroticism. Examples of questions: "Does ever be having to get angry, do you get out of yourself?" "Do you like to be in the company?" "Do you often have such thoughts for which you would be ashamed?"

A favorite test from psychologists who are interested in the ideas of Charles Jung on a personality typology is based on this theory of MBTI Mers-Briggsii (MYERS-BRIGGS Type Indicator). In MBTI, any respondent can be attributed to the totality of its characteristics to a particular type of personality. The assessment is carried out on the scales: the orientation of consciousness (extroversion - introversion), the orientation method in the situation (sensory - intuition), the basis of decision-making (rationality - irrationality), a method for preparing solutions (ethics - logic). As a result, one of the 16 types of personality is obtained, each of which corresponds to its behavior manner and its characteristics of nature. Opponents of the Jungle theory of personality types say that division is very conditional and does not always reflect real essence of things. However, the Myers-Briggs test enjoys a success not only from psychologists, but also at HR managers.

Experienced psychologists know that the test results can be distorted, because from excitement a person is able to choose not at all the options of answers that he would choose, being in its usual state. Therefore, if certain qualities are tested, competent interviewers are trying to choose the questionnaires in such a way that these qualities intersect.


Essentially represent the subspecies of personal tests, but sometimes stand out in separate category. Projective tests work according to the Association method: the candidate is proposed to transfer their own experiences and intentions to some subject or animal that need to be drawn, describe and so on. At the subconscious level, the candidate will put accents in accordance with its priorities, and the problems that the applicant would prefer to be launched on a simple interview will break out through projective tests. Example: Test "Non-existent animal". It is invited to draw a non-existent animal and call it a non-existent name. According to psychologists, the animal reflects the inner world of a person - if there is sharp angles in the figure, a person is aggressive, and if the animal consists of pleasant rounds - a candidate in character is good-natured and seerful.

In the lasusch test, you need to consistently choose the most pleasant colors. The test consists of eight cards. The main rule: do not choose the first black, brown and gray. In the Rosenzweig test, you need to make signatures to pictures illustrating life situations. It is proposed, let's say, give a response to a replica who splashed you by the driver or wife, who accuses you that you broke the favorite Mamina Vaza. In the dough "House-Tree-Man" asked to sequentially depict three items from the name. The test allows you to identify a whole range of properties: the presence or absence of an internal conflict, openness or closure, attitude towards others, relationships in the family, etc.

A large disadvantage of this category of tests from the point of view of a psychologist is that detailed testing of tests can be found on the Internet. There you can also practice in passing than successfully enjoyed advanced candidates. So, one of the readers of the "Planet HR" shared with us his own experience. Before visiting a psychologist, it was carefully prepared: I reviewed the examples of possible tests on the Internet. And he did not calculate - when a psychologist suggested her to draw a non-existent animal, the girl willingly depicted a cute fluffy yellow creation similar to Pokemon. The psychologist remained quite satisfied with the results of the test, and the applicant was hired.


Come on to identify the compliance of the candidate position to which he claims. Checked knowledge of professional terms, the presence of theoretical base and practical skills. For example, one of the professional tests for teachers consists of a description of situations that can happen in class. The task of the interviewed is to adequately respond to the actions of students. Another example: in the test for PR managers you need to choose from the list right definitions For the terms "Media Kit", "Jeans", "SWOT-Analysis", "Press Release", etc.

A common test for managers called "Folder of the head" is very curious. Candidates are invited to submit themselves as director of the plant, who has hurriedly appointed to position instead of its predecessor and has not yet managed to enter the case. At the workplace of the previous chapter, a folder was found. service notesIn which the specialists and business partners of the plant are asked to assist in solving a wide variety of issues. For an hour and a half you need to properly arrange priorities in the work and, given the information received, to make a further plan of how to "destroy" the situation.


The name of the category speaks for itself. The most popular tests of this variety are IQ. Consist of many mathematical and logical tasks. For example, find a numerical pattern, to understand what pattern should go in the line as follows, etc. The principle of testing tests is to give the maximum number of correct answers for a certain period of time.

The disadvantage of such tests is that the obtained IQ indicator is very conventionally related to the intellectual possibilities of a particular applicant and rather indicates his ability to solve a certain type of mathematical and logical tasks. As practice shows, some creative people can have a fairly low IQ.


The interview in the form of the conversation also implies an assessment of the competencies necessary for the future employee, and also allows you to identify other important things to work in the company - for example, the tendency of a candidate to lies, his life priorities, etc.

The applicant is asked ordinary and frequently expected questions: "Why did you leave from the previous job?", "Tell us about your shortcomings", "Why do you want to work in our company?" etc. The prepared candidate tries to give them the so-called "socially desirable" answers and gives pre-programmed options. In the question of the shortcomings, the answer may be: "My main drawback is workarity, I can work out and completely forget about the time." To such versions, psychologists (as, however, recruiters) have been accustomed for a long time and do not pay for them special attention. Seeing the benevolence or neutral psychologist's response, the candidate can relax. However, through some naughty interviewer, it may return to the topic, not just asking a question in other words, and forcing you to remember specific situation. For example, asking the question: "Tell us how you coped with a specific problem in work?". The unprepared candidate begins to improvise and gives itself - speech reservations, pauses in the story, incorrectly built phrases, etc.

Unlike psychological tests, which is easy to fake, fool an experienced psychologist in a personal conversation is quite difficult. If the candidate decided on a small lie - for example, about the causes of leaving the previous place of work, and so well rehearsed that he was ready to tell the story from any place and in any key, and here the psychologist can identify a lie, because the candidate issues just the deliberate smoothness. , "Mession" answer.

Although the results of psychological testing by law cannot be the basis for refusal when taking work, many employers try to take into account the opinion of the psychologist and not to take the work of "irrelevant" candidates. And this is an extra reason to think before joining a long and thorny path of a multi-stage interview, do you really want to work in this company or act for good luck? If you have chosen the last, remember - the time is valuable, including someone else's. And if the answer is "Yes, I want" - then good luck to you on an interview!

"Why a hatch cap is round?", "How many golf balls fit in a school bus?" - These questions at the interview ask candidates for employment in Microsoft and Google. The purpose of the employer is to determine the method of thinking of the candidate. Domestic leaders also arrange torture to their applicants.

Top frequently asked questions on the interview when receiving work and answers to them

1) Tell us about yourself. This question is often set when taking to learn priorities in the life of the candidate. Specialists advise in such a situation to clarify what exactly to tell ( professional experience or personal life) and on the basis of this answer.

2) Call your drawbacks. This question is set to determine the sense of measure. It is not worth pretending to be white and fluffy, as well as called your drawbacks. Experts advise in this case either to smooth out ("I sometimes dive into the case that I stop feeling time stroke") or answer neutral ("I have shortcomings, but they do not affect the work").

3) What stimulates you to change? For changes in personal life, the employer will not affect any way. But change working atmosphere It may be an intangible motivation in the future. The main thing is that the answer is honest. Otherwise, even the appearance personal Cabinet It will not affect the productivity of the employee.

4) what will say about you former employer? Responding to this question, the candidate should be honest to appreciate its results.

5) Name the restrictions in the salary. The guide wants to determine how much can buy you. You can safely be called a sum of 15% (maximum 30%) above the previous salary.

6) How long do you plan to cooperate with us? The correct answer is: "To answer you the question, I need to understand whether the team, the tasks and the atmosphere in the office. From this depends the duration of cooperation. "

7) What do you know about the company? To answer correctly, you need to get acquainted with the information about the organization on the website or on the Internet.

8) Why did you change the place of work? Here the main thing is bad not to respond about the former guide. It is better to tell about the lack of prospects for growth, the fulfillment of routine work, the territorial remoteness of the office, an inconvenient schedule, etc. Choosing one of the options, it is necessary to be clearly confident that there will be no such problems in the new company. Talking about the "skin" interest is last foreseen. Employers want to see that a person is ready to work for the idea.

9) Why do you want to cooperate with us? Continuation of the previous question aimed at bringing down the interlocutor. You must also answer: first to flatter companies (it is stable, working for many years on the market, revolutionar in its industry), and then talk about their own interests (I want to work in such a sphere new postThe office is located near the center, etc.).

10) Subordinate did not work on time. Your actions? This question is asked by candidates applying for high positions in order to determine their leadership qualities. Therefore, the answer "I will do everything yourself will serve as a refusal in collaboration. In such a situation, it is necessary to either distribute the work between the remaining employees, and then punish the culprit on its own, or disrupt the Deadline, for the guilty to felt all the consequences on his skin. True, in this case, the responsibility will have to share equally.

The head wishes to see a benevolent and sociable professional. However, one wrong step can reduce the chances of employment to zero.

What should not speak at the interview

1) talk to the employer that this work is your "last chance." Recruit wishes to find a suitable candidate for the stated position, which will make a profit. Each person may have their own life situation. But if the candidate "does not take anywhere", then he is clearly some problems.

2) Start a conversation with a question of salary. It is clear that a person is arranged for a job for getting income. Recruited is important to see the interest of the candidate. Therefore, the question of "skin" interest should be left at last.

3) bad responding about past employers. Here, as in the relationship. If you have a bad thing about the former, then the current partner will think that there will be the same reviews in case of separation.

4) do not rude. Even if the question seemed very personal, you should not blush and fall into indignation. For unpleasant questions, it is worth responding with a smile: "Sorry, I do not think it belongs to the subject of the meeting."

5) Do not attempt to make an employer. A couple of jokes for decomposition of the situation will show a sense of humor of the candidate. A series of jokes from KVN will appeal to the idea that the candidate is trying to hide his insecurity.

What questions on the interview should ask the employer to better know the candidate

In addition to the general issues on the formation and experience of work, the candidate when receiving is often asked "Caverzny" to determine the reaction in a non-standard situation.

The employer draws a "professional field" in the form of a square. A person who completely mastered the profession shares the square of the whole (such units). The candidate needs to paint the part of the figure that corresponds to its professional level, and explain why he did it.

How do you carry production loads

Most likely you are afraid of processing in a new place. Ask a counter question: "Does the processing come? How often? How many hours? ". If the answer does not suit you, feel free to say that the production loads are not ready.

Tell us about achievements

Maximum here should be told about a well-implemented project, mastering new qualifications or reward. If there are no such super homes, then at least it is necessary to note the development new program, level up foreign language, Ability to organize labor activity In the brown office.

What should be asked to interview the employer to show himself

Recruit wishes to hear questions from a candidate concerning not only the level of salaries.

About functionality. The leadership is looking for candidates who are primarily interested in employment. Applicant who sets suggestive questions According to future duties, emphasizes the availability of its special knowledge.

About company. Personnelists are confident that the staff who prepared for the interview gathered a minimum of information about the company on the Internet, asked leading questions about the company's history, features of work, only increase their attractiveness in the eyes of employers.

About prospects. Questions about the prospects of work want to hear 10% of the personnelovikov. And you need to ask them correctly. "Is career growth possible?".

About tasks. Questions regarding the tasks that will have to be solved in a new place, and the results that the employer want to see will also voiced at the interview. It will show that the applicant is versed in his work and is ready to perform it qualitatively.

About the system of motivation. Candidates who are not interested in issues about what their salary is scared. It seems that a person goes to work for writing in labor book or from hopelessness.

Other nuances. Questions about test date, the availability of social package, dress code, reasons for opening vacancies, are important only 3% of recruits.

Basic questions about interview

Interview is an important stage of employment. To this meeting, both parties should prepare in advance.

Questions to the applicant in the interview

At the first interview, the applicant should set a number of general and special issues.

1) Schedule. How interesting was the work (the location of the office, the tasks, the team, the team), if the work schedule does not correspond to your biometric clock or the routine of the day, should not agree on it. In the first case, labor productivity decreases sharply, and in the second - you will not have time to do with household chores. Another question is if this schedule can be moved and coordinated in advance with the manual.

2) The presence of leave. Before changing the place of work, the candidate could already have a vacation plans. By law, only after six months, the employee can go on vacation. If you do not fit in these dates, you should immediately discuss this issue with the employer and fix it in the employment contract.

3) Business trips. The very fact of the presence of business trips and their duration should be immediately coordinated at the interview.

4) payment for processing. If you are coming overtime, you should ask in advance how they are paid. Somehow to protect yourself in advance. But trace the presence of a compensation provision in collective Agreement, need to.

5) Can I use personal devices or all the devices give at work? This question more concerns the profits and work with it. If the company allows you to use your own device, be prepared for the fact that your messages on messengers, social networks Will be tracked without your knowledge.

6) Training at the expense of the company. Large companies annually arrange advanced training courses for their employees. Ask what courses and under what conditions you can get this year. Usually the minimum work experience in the company and partial payment of occupations is required.

Employer issues at the interview

Recruit on the interview will be interested not only by general information about the applicant.

How do you look at life? How do you cope with problems?

Some express a passive position that there are little joy in life, all people are evil and, in general, the fate is to blame. This suggests that the candidate is not confident in himself, does not trust the surrounding and configured pessimistic. A person aimed at success, expresses a different position: all the difficulties are overcome and the fate of a person in his hands.

What attracts this vacancy?

The template answer "I want works in a stable company" does not fit. Better to mention the possibility professional growth and in the group of professionals.

Why do you deserve to take this position?

Answering a question, the candidate must clearly and convincingly call his professional advantages. The ability to draw up a sales plan and is in the obligation of an economist, but to quickly process a large amount of information from the sales department is a valuable skill.

What are your strengths?

The candidate must call the qualities that are required for office, and confirm their facts. If it is "sociability and accuracy", then you should clarify what exactly they are manifested and how in the past they influenced achievements.

Have you had other suggestions for work?

Interest in the candidate will increase if he tells about other proposals, but notice the interest in this work. Well, if the candidate comes the desire to get satisfaction from work. Not only the moral climate depends on this, but also the opportunity to get a high result of labor.

Does the personal life of work (long working day, business trips) do not prevent?

If you are ready worrying extrietary, then the guide should know about it.

How do you see yourself in 5 years?

Saleless people cannot answer this question. But a purposeful man will tell about his plans in the professional sphere.

Psychological questions and pitfalls when admission to work

Psychological tests are held when taking work, studying the motivation of employees, their psychological compatibility. Stress testing is carried out to cut out particularly sensitive candidates. How to pass an interview?

Testing for an interview is not a reception at a psychologist. You need to answer clearly, as the majority does the majority and show the minimum of originality, unless you are satisfied with the art director in the company.

Project tests are most often carried out according to a lascher technique. In advance, choose the right answers to questions in the thematic literature.

To pass tests on intelligence, you need to carefully examine the conditions of the study. Even if you do not know the correct answer, you can always try to guess it.

To pass professional tests. You need to have knowledge and skills of work on the selected specialty. It is not necessary to underestimate such tasks. We need to prepare in advance for the test of knowledge.

To the bank and financial institutions

For many people, "work in a bank" is associated with material independence. As in any other sphere, there are its own specifics. There are also good communication skills in addition to professional knowledge. Banks are ready to take people without experience and teach their features of activity.

The candidate comes to the interview and responds to a number of common and specific issues relating to its nature. The level of stress resistance is already determined in practice. About career growth can be said in two years successful work. Tell specialists with different education. In priority, individuals with economic education.

The last stage of the interview in large banks is an inspection on the polygraph. It is held unexpectedly. Test task - to obtain confirmation of information told on the interview.

Testing is carried out in several stages. First, the candidate is introduced to the scheme of operation of the sensors. Then he is provided with a list of questions so that he can edit them or eliminate some items.

Testing begins after approval of the final edition of the issues and obtaining the consent of the subject to participate in the test. You need to answer only "yes" or "no". A blurry question can lead to an irregular reaction of the tested. Answer questions regarding religion, politicians, national affiliation and sexual relations the subject is not required.

In law enforcement agencies

Before getting into law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to clearly decide on the vacancy. There is a clear list of requirements for each position, which includes personal qualities and level of professionalism. More advantages Candidates who passed the army or finished the military department.

The key step testing of unscrupulous employees is to check on the polygraph. If the results of testing will be detected to gambling, alcohol or dangerous for ambient Disease, then work in law enforcement can be forgotten. There will be no certificate from a narcologist, nor a red diploma.

Do not try to deceive the polygraph. All attempts to get away from the answer immediately the specialist recognizes and perceives as a signal that there is something to hide. In the police, the test on the polygraph is carried out not only among beginners, but also among their own employees, starting from the branch of the department. Although from a legal point of view, these actions are not legalized.

  • Why does the employer suggest applicants to an interview with a psychologist?
  • How to behave at such an interview?
  • What types of testing are used in the selection of specialists?

Do not give in to provocations

Affectionate, soulful and attentive psychologist is something from the field of fiction. Be prepared for confusing and even aggression. Often, to check the employee for falsehood, psychologists ask the same question in different variations. Sometimes you can hear a replica on the edge of rudeness. This is not caused by personal hostility. Thus, the psychologist checks the balance and restraint of the applicant. Therefore, you should not be nervous, raise your voice or lean. Quietly respond to comments. Show that you know how to confront stressful situations.

Refrain from unnecessary frankness

Do not frank and disclose all sides of your personality, even if you get a good uncle. The psychologist is not a priest, and the interview is not confession. Informatively answer questions, not falling into explanations of the details. The interview with a psychologist has one big advantage. Sometimes she helps to understand that you have chosen for the company, and decide whether you want to work here.

When admitting work in recent years practice psychological tests. If in soviet time The employer was interested only diplomas and characteristics, now focus on personal qualities, if a person claims a solid or responsible position. As when taking a job, a psychologist will tell, "popular about health" will tell.

Why need psychological testing of candidates?

In the United States and European countries, such a method of selection of people on a specific vacancy has been there for many years. Psychological tests help to identify not only the hidden needs of a person, aspiration and desire, but also the ability to think non-standard and work in the team. In the course of communication with a psychologist, it becomes obvious, whether the candidate will cope with the duties imposed on it, whether its activities will contribute to the development of the company. Tests help to find out with what life difficulties a person is being fighting.

Someone may argue - why penetrate into the depths of the human consciousness and disclose all the cards! Psychologist It is important to take away a person who has defined personal qualitiesAfter all, the company is interested in further prosperity. How to go through such testing and get your dream work, read further.

How to pass tests from a psychologist when admitting work?

Colored cards

Testing with multicolored cards. This test is very interesting. A person will be invited to decompose 8 cards of different colors in the desired order. At the same time, he must be the first to lay out that they cause positive emotions, and the lasts that he do not like.

The psychologist knows that the first 2 cards that the candidate chose, mean its goals and aspirations, the following two are the present state of affairs, 5 and 6 - what he is indifferent, 7 and 8 is that he oppresses and presses.

To go through this test, it is necessary that colors - blue, yellow, green and red in any sequence are in the first fourter. If these colors are posted first, the psychologist will conclude that in front of him purposeful and active personwho craves to assert and gain consistency.


The candidate is often offered to portray on paper a tree, home and man. Everyone draws, as he can, but the psychologist will celebrate all the details - which is drawn first, which house is depicted in the figure, the proportions of the sketch, additional images - the road, porch, doors, windows, pets.

To get a job, you need to try to draw a proportional pattern, depict a good house with windows and doors, with a track leading to it, with a kitty on a porch. The tree is better to choose fruit or oak. Be sure to draw the sun in the sky. The drawing must be as realistic as possible.


Another test involves viewing the picture and comment. He is aimed at find out what a person thinks about this stage Life, what a mental state of him. The meaning is that a person says that he worries him. If a crying person is depicted in the picture, the candidate will certainly express the possible reasons for the disorder, mentioning their own. To go through this test successfully, try to give positive or neutral comments.


Psychologist will show a candidate for office dark spot. It is usually painted with black paint and has a definite form. He will ask what it is associated with.

In fact, the blots of black color clearly causes negative sensations and thoughts, but they will have to speak in extreme cases neutrally. For example, some of the klyax reminds you of a fight or associated with pain, then you should not say that way. Tell me that in the picture you see emotional communication of people or something in this spirit.

Testing of intelligence

At the final stage of the interviewing, the candidate will be allocated (more often than no more than half an hour) to respond to different cunning questions. They will help determine the level of human intelligence. Be careful, many of the questions have tricks. It is necessary to use not only the mind, but also logic.

If there are too many questions, it will have to respond quickly. Not always candidates manage to give answers to all points. Do not despair if the time is pressed, put the checkboxes at random, but do not leave questions without answers. So there is a chance to guess somewhere. It is better than not to answer tests at all.

What else should be considered?

Before the interview, it is desirable to sleep, put yourself in order - to suit, clean your teeth, trim nails. Understand the choice of clothing - give preference to a rigorous suit to match the desired post. In the interview, lead yourself freely - do not cross your feet and arms, keep your head above, smoothly. So you will be able to impress self-confidence, and such people in most cases go good work.

To go through a psychologist when admitting work, prepare in advance. Learn all sorts of tests online, most of them are something like. Be sure to schedule questions to determine the level of intellectual development.

Today, most companies seek to find an ideal and universal employee. It is important to the employer to ensure that the employee is targeted, hardworking and ready for any complicated situation.

When large companies take a new employee (especially if it is important or steering position), Some of them send a person to a psychologist. Middle Service (including most Russian companies), taking any, even the lowest paid and not responsible position, love to ask the psychological questions themselves. Consider the three most popular of them, and let's try to find the right answer.

1. The most difficult situation for all the time of work with which I had to face? How did you get out of this situation?

When the employer requests a future employee to tell about the most difficult situation that happened on him previous Place Work, he wants to understand what causes a difficulty worker and that there is a difficult situation for him.

Here the most important thing is to think well before answering. In no case do not need to say that you did not have such situations. The employer deems a person not ready for difficulties that may arise.

Literate only to answer that in any incomprehensible situation, a person tries to clarify the information. There is another option - translate this issue Joking and tell a funny case. However, there is a risk that the future employer deems a person is not sufficiently responsible and not ready for difficulties. And who needs a jester at work? It is not recommended to also describe a difficult situation, which is the emergence of which the future worker is to blame.

Of course, after that, almost every interviewer asks to describe how a person came out of the current situation. It is important to show yourself with best sideBut you should not intercept. Mention that during such a situation, they certainly reported the bosses, asked the Council's colleagues, and then everything was safely resolved. Such a tactic is characterized by a person as a responsible worker who is not knocked out from the team.

2. Where do you see yourself in five years? What is your career growth plan.

Remember, the most stupid answer in this situation: "In your place" or "as director of the enterprise". It is also not necessary to answer that we don't know who you want to become and what you plan to work forever in this place. No one needs an employee without perspectives.

An employee who wants to take the place of the director (that is, it is possible to "hang" the existing one), also not interesting to anyone. Responding to this question, slightly fantasize and think up the plan career growth 5 years ahead. In all colors, describe how you plan to advance career stairsWhat are the prospects for life. Do not overdo it. Remember that the lie is always very good. A person should be promising, purposeful and have earthly plans for life.

3. Describe your perfect work.

Of all the available questions, this very tricky. What exactly should not talk? The fact that at the moment any work is ideal for you. What you dream do nothing to do and at the same time get huge money.

The employer is not looking for an employee who is not interested in this position or from the hopelessness ready to grab any work. Remember: to a person who respects himself and his work is always better than the lazy.

The most correct answer in this case will be a description of a future position, which a person is arranged at the moment. With one small "but" - add it with something insignificant and cute (for example, all my life was dreamed of working as secretary and, sitting at your desk, admire the photo of my family in the framework, but at the previous place of work there was a ban on any personal items) .

However, here too, it is worth having a face, and do not overdo it. The boss may suspect a non-carry. Well, of course, do not forget to mention that in any work there are no limits to excellence, and there is always something to strive for. Incidentally, mention that self-development is very important for you.

P.S. There is a small addition for girls. Each employer asks the question of the presence of a family / relationship. As a rule, after that, the question of further plans for life should always be.

If a girl says that he is currently in a relationship, it is worth noting that this will not affect her work. Currently, its main landmark is a career and personal growth. Of course, in a few years she hopes to create a family, but until it wants to hurry with it.

As for married or preparing for the marriage, the ladies, the most of all the employer will fear the likelihood that such an employee will come to maternity leave in the near future.

The best answer to such a question is that the girl does not consider it necessary to discuss personal life at work. She always shares the work and relationship, and does not like to mix one with another. Moreover, it does not allow when one interferes with another.


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