A script for the new year with gags. Cool corporate party for the new year script. A coward doesn't play football

The meeting of the New Year is rapidly approaching and the problem immediately arises: how to have it fun and unforgettable. It is especially important for many of us to celebrate this holiday well with our own team. Therefore, it is necessary to make the script for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 cheerful, light and non-trivial. The year of the yellow Dog is coming. This loyal, intelligent, friendly, beloved by many animal deserves an interesting New Year's Eve dedicated to him.

Scenario of a fairy tale for a corporate party

New Year is a holiday that brings everyone back to childhood. We expect surprises and gifts from him, a fabulous miracle and fun. Just as adults, many organize and direct miracles themselves. The script for a New Year's corporate party in a small team can be based on a fairy tale with animals, and, of course, dogs. The cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino" is very interesting as an idea.

To the music from the cartoon "If there was no winter", the hosts enter the hall: the cat Matroskin and the postman Pechkin. If there is a desire and opportunity to decorate the hall in the style of a winter village, then this will create the right atmosphere and mood for the guests. But you can limit yourself to a Christmas tree and New Year's accessories.

Cat Matroskin: Nothing can be trusted to this Sharik! In the morning I left for the woods for firewood, it will soon get dark, but there is no firewood or Sharik. How to celebrate the New Year at the cold stove? Neither cook olivier nor cook mashed potatoes.

Pechkin: And you beat him off the lightning telegram, and I have a form: "Come back urgently, zpt, I will forgive everything, point."

Matroskin: We live in the 21st century, and you still have uncle Pechkin with telegram forms. We'll have to heat the stove with them. And Sharik would be given an e-mail, but he doesn't have a device with him.

Pechkin: I do not understand your foreign terms, I work at the post office, and not some kind of system administrator. Only now I understand why Santa Claus always sits in a fur coat and felt boots at New Year's corporate parties.

Matroskin: Why is this? Is this the image or not to be robbed?

Pechkin: Not. Afraid of freezing. Some people have no stove, the tree does not light, they do not pour, they do not treat them.

Matroskin: This is me because of Sharik and about Santa Claus, and I forgot about the full hall of guests! Nothing, now we will organize everything quickly. In the meantime, the floor is given to the director of the company, a respectable person, respected (or creative, creative), namerek.

The congratulation of the first leader sounds. It can be pronounced like a toast if the guests are sitting at the set tables. In this case, the script participants should give time for people to have a drink and a snack, and then continue.

A breathless Sharik runs in.

Ball: Did I miss anything? I knew that I would be late for the beginning!

Matroskin (grumpily): There is still a month and a half before the Chinese New Year, and we have it on your slow nose. Have you brought any firewood? Or is he again carried away by photography, hunter?

Ball: This happened to me in our forest, such! I carry firewood, and rush past the sleigh. A tree stump in a snowdrift ran into, a sled in one direction, a man with a sack in the other. I threw firewood, let's help. In general, I was almost late.

Matroskin: We gave him a responsible task, and he throws firewood over the snowdrifts. There is no benefit from you, Sharik.

Santa Claus appears.

Santa Claus: Hello hello my dears! Have grown something like a year! Tanned! Ahem! Not that text, mother. Happy New Year to you, friends! Did you recognize me? And where is the wonderful dog hiding here? I have a business proposal for her.

Matroskin: And why did this dog seem so wonderful to you? The cats here, by the way, are much more interesting. Are there any offers for cats?

Santa Claus: Well, first of all, Sharik pulled me out of the snowdrift with a bag of gifts, repaired my sled, and brought it here. Secondly: it will now become a symbol of the New 2018. Wait a minute, striped, your turn will also come.

Matroskin: Why is this him?

Ball: You are a talking cat, but a dark one. According to the eastern calendar, the year of the yellow Dog is coming. So - I am the real symbol! I will bring good luck and joy to people all year round. Right, Santa Claus?

Santa Claus: Everything is correct. Enough for you, Matroskin, to grumble. Let's entertain people together, give gifts. We have a lot of work here: singing songs, dancing dances, joking jokes.

Pechkin: And I also get a gift if I start dancing? I really dance and love chocolate candies!

Matroskin: Eh, Uncle Pechkin, today we have enough gifts for everyone. Such a holiday is on the nose - New Year. Although our Sharik-talisman lost firewood in the same snowdrift, this hall is warm from sincere smiles and cheerful laughter.

Together: Happy New Year! Urrrah!

Ball: woof-woof-woof!

Contests and sweepstakes

The appearance of Santa Claus in the hall means the beginning of the game part of the scenario. It is advisable to prepare in advance and put in a bag small souvenirs for the participants of the competitions. Competitions and games are selected depending on the composition of the team, the characteristics of the relationship in it, the age of those present. It is important to keep everyone present in a cheerful mood during the corporate party, without causing any resentment or any negative emotions. Such contests can be:

  • New Year's toast competition with a bottle of champagne to the winner at the end of the program.
  • Beauty contest among candidates for the Snow Maiden.
  • Song and dance battles.
  • What do you like and dislike about the neighbor on the right? - funny joke competition, in which at first everyone voices what they like and what they don't, and then, unexpectedly, Santa Claus will offer to kiss the part of the body that the neighbor liked and bite the place that he didn't like.
  • Funny relay races with a breakdown of those who wish into teams. You can compete in high-speed carrying objects in a spoon, moving with fins, eating fruit. The relay race looks very funny when each of the participants reaches a chair with an inflatable ball, bursts it, sitting on it. The winner is the team that has dealt with all the balls faster and louder.
  • At the New Year's corporate party, a competition of carnival costumes and accessories is possible. You can invite guests to invent and make them on the spot from an improvised (pre-prepared material) - tinsel, toilet and colored paper, paper clips, hats, hats, scarves.

The game part of the scenario should be interesting and rich. But at the same time, there is no need to overdo it with the number of games and fun. Guests should not only have time to have fun, but also relax, chat with each other, and dance.


The above scenario for a corporate party with jokes can be diversified at will, creating a style that matches the spirit of the company's team. You can change the number, meaning of rallies, add remarks, jokes to the presenter, taking into account the specifics of the activity. This approach will help all employees to cheerfully meet the coming 2018, without exception, and there will be no indifferent, bored faces at the corporate party. If it is not possible to find as many members on the role, then the replicas can be shortened. It will be more interesting to choose someone from the audience for the role of Sharik, then there will be more improvisation. There is always room for creativity in these scenarios.

Many people think that the New Year's corporate party is a standard annual event held by the management of the company for a tick, so they find all kinds of excuses so as not to attend another boring dinner. Perhaps, in some companies, corporate looks like this. However, experienced HR specialists will tell you that this practice should not be adopted, because a festive corporate event is not just an excuse to eat and drink, but an important team building event.

It allows employees to establish informal connections, get to know each other better, understand which departments unfamiliar colleagues belong to, and transform a company from an impersonal set of rooms such as "logistics department", "accounting" and "warehouse" into specific personalities. Of course, corporate events are not only designed to raise the team spirit, but are also a reason to have great fun, summing up all the fruits of the next shock year, so employees have the right to count on a bright and memorable holiday.

New Year's corporate parties raise the team spirit of colleagues at work!

Large corporations often even have their own event departments that think over the smallest details of the holiday. You may ask: what about companies that do not have the financial capacity to hire entertainment professionals? In this case, there can be two options: the first is to contact the agency that will organize a New Year's party for you, the second is to cope on your own.

In the second case, the easiest way out is to order a restaurant. However, a modern corporate party is not an ordinary feast, but a well-thought-out scenario, an interesting title theme and amusing entertainment, seasoned with delicious food and a drop of alcohol "for courage." It is impossible to suggest a universal topic suitable for absolutely all firms. However, we can consider the most interesting, unbroken and exciting ideas, among which you will definitely find the one that is right for your team.

Preparation of a New Year's corporate party

Prepare for a corporate party in advance. If you think that you will have time to cope with this matter in literally a week, then you are deeply mistaken. By this time will be snapped up the best sites, musicians, decorators and even all decent event-agencies will be provided with orders so that they will not be able to take a single extra client. Therefore, we recommend that you start thinking about the following points in September-October.

You need to start preparing a corporate party 2-3 months before the New Year
  • The composition and number of potential participants in the event. It is from this place that you should start planning the entire party, because the theme and choice of place depend on the number, age and gender of guests;
  • The hobbies of colleagues and how actively they like to spend their holidays. Of course, it is impossible to thoroughly find out the preferences of 100 people, but this is not required - you just need to estimate the main composition of the participants in order to have an idea of \u200b\u200byour favorite musical era and a tendency to active or passive rest. In addition, corporations with such a number of employees usually do not organize corporate events on their own, so we will proceed from the premise that your organization is a team of no more than 20-30 people;
  • Financial issue. At this stage, you need to find out who will pay for the event. Unfortunately, in times of crisis, many firms limit their budget for the holidays, so the amount may be small. Decide right away if your colleagues are ready to add some personal money to throw a party of the highest level, or if you will be on a budget;
  • Place for the event. Knowing the number of participants, their interests and budget will reduce the range of options, so that by this stage you will understand whether you will rent a restaurant or bar, go to nature, bowling, karaoke, take part in a quest, or limit yourself to an office party;
  • Date of the event. It is clear that the employees of firms prefer to spend New Year's Eve at home, gathering with friends or family members, so Friday or Saturday closest to the New Year is suitable for a corporate party;
  • Festive decor. Of course, if the budget of the holiday allows such spending, you can invite a team of professional decorators who will provide the chosen room with everything you need. However, even if you are arranging a corporate party yourself, you need to provide the participants with a New Year's atmosphere. Modern industry will offer many options, toys, stretch marks and tinsel, and if there are creative personalities in the office, then all the necessary decorations can be made by hand. The Internet will help you find master classes on creation, as well as ready-made and other decorative elements;
  • Gifts and prizes. It is absolutely not necessary to spend a lot of money on this part, but even a small surprise in the form of a calendar, tea, coffee, a Christmas tree toy, a branded cup or a pen will be a pleasant addition to the holiday;
  • New Year's menu. It is directly dependent on the format of the party - it can be a buffet table, a banquet menu, an order from a restaurant, pizza and sushi, or homemade delicacies from each office worker;
  • Dress code. This item is important for parties that are held in a specified theme. Employees should know in advance the theme of the holiday in order to have time to rent or sew.

Top ideas for a corporate party-2018

Now that you have decided on the main parameters of the holiday, it is worth moving on to choosing an idea for a party. Top ideas for a corporate party will allow you to organize a creative and original holiday that will be remembered by colleagues for a long time. Choose a format for your liking and budget - and remember that the key to a great New Year's corporate party is always a good mood, complemented by tangerines, champagne and fireworks.

Idea number 1: An unusual party in the home office

If you are a small company with a limited budget and a small staff, you should not think that you will have to celebrate New Year 2018 in the most boring way possible. The main thing is to get down to business with the proper degree of imagination! In addition, it is with this format of organizing the party that absolutely each of the colleagues will be able to fully demonstrate the talents and abilities released to him by nature, and joint preparation for the celebration will contribute to team building.

Small companies celebrate corporate events right in the office space

Let each employee take on responsibilities that are within their power. Those who like to cook need to entrust the festive table, mass entertainers - the development of a script, preparation of contests and sweepstakes, creative people - decoration of the room. Even if there is no extra money for decor, you can ask to bring some toys and tinsel from home, make unusual protrusions for windows and apply stencils. You can complement an office holiday with the following events:

  • a demonstration concert, for which everyone will prepare a small number;
  • karaoke, which can be organized both independently and by inviting a presenter with equipment;
  • new Year's game like "Brain-ring" or "What? Where? When";
  • a thematic photo session, for which the specialists of the chosen studio will bring you the necessary props;
  • drawing cartoons - while you are having fun and having fun, the caricature will make about 10 funny drawings that will remind you of the holiday for a long time;
  • a show with chemical tricks is a spectacular event that can captivate even the most serious audience.

And this is not a complete list of entertainment that can be easily organized for a small and close-knit team. office workers... Choose the format you like and make sure that a home party can be better than any restaurant pathos.

Idea number 2: Corporate party on a ship or ferry

A short trip on a motor ship with beautiful winter views slowly replacing each other is an unusual holiday for a company that has no financial problems, because this option will be more expensive than an evening in a restaurant. Nevertheless, New Year's corporate parties of this format are in high demand, since they can be safely ranked as a luxury segment.

A corporate party on the ship is a great way to entertain the team

Specialists are involved in organizing the event, so employees do not need to worry about the menu, concert program and show. The only thing that will be required from the employees of the company is to buy a chic outfit, since the atmosphere requires that the event be held at the highest level.

You can rent a yacht for 3-6 hours. The price of the issue depends on the time, number of guests and the scenario. As for the number of guests, up to 100 people can be accommodated in the lunch format, but if you envisage a buffet event, then 150-200 employees will be quite comfortable on board.

Idea number 3: Corporate for sports people

This format of the holiday can be safely advised to a small team consisting of young and active people, because a corporate party in the form of a competition or outdoor games is what is needed for supporters of an active pastime. Of course, on the eve of the New Year, winter types of games will be the most popular.

A corporate party in the fresh air will appeal to the young team!

Specialized companies will help you organize a hockey or biathlon game for beginners, tell and show you the rules of curling, take you to a paintball court, or arrange an evening on a skating rink with a Christmas tree shining with colorful lights. Outdoor games are sure to awaken a brutal appetite for all participants, however, fortunately, all winter sports grounds usually own small cottages or bars, where you will be happy to cover the New Year's feast.

Idea number 4: Club party

This idea may not be particularly original, but it will appeal to young employees who are not averse to dancing with all their hearts. Do you think that for such a party it is imperative to go to one of the city's establishments? You are wrong - today you can start your own club! To do this, you just need to invite a DJ with sound and lighting equipment, as well as rent a bar with a bartender.

You can even arrange a club party inside the industrial zone

Do not be surprised - in large cities such services for organizing a club space for merry parties in a close circle are not out of the ordinary for a long time. Any loft space located in the former industrial zone is suitable as a room, since in this case loud music and the noise of fireworks will not interfere with the rest of the residents of neighboring houses.

Idea number 5: New Year's corporate party "a la rus"

If you have a small team of people of different genders and ages, offer your colleagues an off-site event that will immerse them in the atmosphere of a real winter fairy tale, stylized in the best traditions of the movie "Frost". Organize theme party possible in any suburban cottage located in the forest zone. The event agency will easily arrange sledding, round dances around a live spruce, shows and competitions from Santa Claus for the most beautiful snowman or the best ice sculpture.

A corporate event in an authentic Russian style will add a touch of patriotism

Snow battles for the most active employees and performances of folklore artists for employees of the older age category will be relevant. To create an authentic atmosphere, you should serve sauerkraut, pickled apples, crispy pickles, pies and kulebyaki, foamy kvass, hop mead and other traditional dishes. A bathhouse will not be superfluous to steam from the heart with birch brooms.

Idea number 6: New Year on the basis of an entertainment center

An excellent option for organizing a holiday if there are no country cottages near the city in picturesque places, and gatherings in a restaurant do not please anyone. The idea is that today an entertainment center can be found in any locality... Next, you need to choose an event to the taste of the corporate party participants. Successful options include singing in a karaoke room, a laser tag battle, a go-kart race, or bowling competitions between the accounting, logistics and IT departments.

No one will be bored in the entertainment center for sure!

We can safely say that such a corporate event will be an ideal solution for small office teams, for which you can rent a couple of bowling lanes or a laser tag room for several hours, then go to the bar to continue the banquet. It is no less suitable for large companies that can afford to rent several thematic rooms and a bar located in an entertainment complex at once, because this way employees can take part in all games and events.

Idea number 7: Quest party

One of the most interesting and extraordinary ideas for a festive corporate party. The main thing is that the team has the proper degree of activity and excitement, and also be ready for the most incredible adventures. Of course, you need to immediately determine the format of the event. Today the entertainment industry offers several types of quests.

The quest room will force employees to rally in search of clues
  • Dynamic games in which you need to move around the city in cars, communicate with passers-by, solve maps and look for caches;
  • Intellectual quests in specialized rooms, fraught with many secrets and mysteries. You can choose a company that has several questrooms of different themes, break up into teams and go through them in sequence for a while, and reserve the space for relaxation in the lobby for a buffet area;
  • Exit quest game for a large number of participants, which takes place right at the banquet. it new service in the entertainment market, which is now gaining momentum in popularity, because such a quest can be organized directly in the banquet hall or in the office, and a group of actors constantly throws interesting puzzles and riddles to the participants of the holiday.

Idea number 8: Master classes

This idea can be safely recommended to teams that consist of the fair sex. Creative master class - an excellent pastime that will leave a lot of positive impressions, and the management of the company will relieve itself of the problem of organizing a festive event for subordinates, shifting all questions onto the shoulders of specialists.

The master classes will appeal to the female team!

The location of the master class depends only on the budget of the company, because they can be arranged in the office, in the premises of the organizing company and even in a restaurant or bar, so that then smoothly move on to the banquet part of the program. Creative class topics can be very diverse:

  • culinary master classes for preparing main courses, snacks, handmade sweets or gingerbread;
  • the art of making bouquets and flower arrangement;
  • soap making;
  • decoupage;
  • felting of wool and making amigurumi toys;
  • mosaic and stained glass painting;
  • the art of making perfume compositions;
  • calligraphic writing;
  • latin dance classes.

The list can be continued almost indefinitely, so it will not be difficult for you to choose an activity that will appeal to the majority of employees.

Idea # 9: Thematic tastings

Even the most traditional feast will become extraordinary if supplemented with a tasting under the guidance of a sommelier. There are many companies offering on-site and stationary tasting services where you can taste noble drinks. If the team consists mostly of men, it is better to organize a "sample" of interesting varieties of whiskey or cognac, and for mixed teams, wine tastings are more suitable. At such an event, you will learn everything about the culture of alcohol consumption.

Book for a corporate tasting organized by an experienced sommelier

For example, at a wine tasting, they will tell you how to choose and store wine correctly, what you need to consider when reading a wine list, which glasses are suitable for different types of wines, and also teach you how to understand special accessories. Another type of tasting corporate party is wine and gastronomy. In this case, the tasting is combined with a thematic banquet in a partner restaurant, whose chefs will prepare dishes that are ideal for the taste of a variety of alcoholic beverages.

Idea # 10: Stylized parties

Composing a hit parade of ideas for a New Year's corporate party, one cannot fail to mention stylized parties. Someone may say that such corporate parties have already set the teeth on edge and are not considered something original, but just think about how many options and themes of stylized parties there are!

Even with a minimal budget, you can definitely organize a holiday that will never repeat last year's event, will be funny, fun and fully consistent with the theme of the New Year. After all, what could be more fabulous than a carnival night? Even offhand, you can recall many options for themes for a stylized corporate party.

Vibrant stylized parties don't cost too much!
  • Holidays in the style of your favorite fairy tales, films and cartoons. All that is required from the organizers is to choose the main theme of the festive evening and think over the decor. If you wish, you can pre-assign roles between the guests, but this is only suitable for small groups, in which it is easy to distribute all the types in a fairy tale or film. IN large companies do not limit the freedom of creative thought of the participants - let everyone dress up according to their vision and character. The most popular themes for the middle-aged team are films like The Adventures of Shurik, The Wizards, Carnival Night or The Irony of Fate, young workers will be closer to festivities based on the “Potter” or the universes of DC Comics and Marvel, but the topic “ Disney World of Cartoons ”will be a hit for any age and gender composition, because this animation wizard has characters for every taste;
  • Musical variations. Almost every decade of the 20th century has given the world an unforgettable atmosphere and a huge number of bright bands, whose hits still make you start dancing. Further, the choice depends only on the preferences of your team, however, we assure you that the "dudes" of the 60s, 80s disco, parties in the style of rockabilly and even reggae variations will surely fill your evening with bright colors and the atmosphere of a real holiday;
  • Nostalgic party in the style of "U.S.S.R." will demand from you a sufficient amount of "Soviet" champagne, many "basins" of Olivier, Riga sprats and tangerines. And the atmosphere can be supplemented with a wall newspaper with a photo of the drummers of office work.

Of course, this list of topics is far from exhausted, because a holiday can be pirate, rocker, cowboy or gangster, have the style of a Mexican party or a high society ball of the 19th century - choose any option and have fun with all the heart!

Many of us spend a fair amount of time at work, which is why some people regard their colleagues as a second family. It is no coincidence that preparing for the celebration at the service takes a long time. To make the upcoming event truly fun and unforgettable, it is advisable to prepare in advance a script for the New Year 2018 for a corporate party with jokes (fairy tales).

If in this collective party there are still various games, contests and sweepstakes, then it will remain in the memory of all participants for a long time.

Sample party scenario

It so happened that many reputable companies invite professional presenters and animators to their corporate events, but what to do if your organization is very young or not as rich as large corporations. In this case, it makes sense to think about the independent preparation of the New Year's corporate party.

Probably, many people already know that the Yellow Earth Dog is coming to replace the Fire Rooster. It will be very important if your New Year's event is somehow connected with this animal. You can also compose a script based on famous fairy tales... So that this action is not boring, you can include witty jokes, jokes and practical jokes in the performance. In order to get the desired effect, you should think in advance about decorations, outfits and other paraphernalia.

Now let's see how it might look:

  • At the beginning of the evening, the presenter can greet everyone present and say that the next year of the Dog will be quite dynamic and therefore it is necessary to select from the team people who can run fast. Thus, the competition is announced: "Dog Race". After the end of the competition, the host awards the winners and invites them to make a toast and drink to the company's success.
  • Further, the presenter reminds that the dog is a loyal animal, therefore, among those present, you need to choose the most loyal employees of the company. This is followed by the "Loyal Friend" competition. At the end, the winners are again awarded with the pronunciation of toasts.
  • After these two contests, the presenter clarifies that the dog, among other things, likes to walk, so you need to choose the most attractive members of the team. Thus, it is presented new competition: "Dog show".
  • Further, it is announced that the dog has an excellent sense of smell and therefore it is necessary to select employees who quickly respond to any situation and have excellent hearing. Everyone who wants to participate in the contest: "Changeling".
  • Then the leader of the pack is chosen and the floor is given to the director of the organization. He makes a toast and wishes the whole team a Happy New Year.

Fairy tales for adults

Recently, corporate events have been held at new way... Fairy tales for children began to be taken as a basis. They are modified as much as possible so that they become interesting for adults. First of all, we are talking about jokes and jokes that are appropriate in large teams.

Here are some examples of such cool scenes:

"Fly Tsokotukha" All the heroes of this work are present in this scene. Everyone is chosen for the game. The presenter reads the text, and the participants try to portray the actions of the heroes. The stage is complemented by modern songs and jokes in a new way.
"Teremok" Appropriate costumes are needed to bring this scene to life. The funny thing is that the female roles are played by men and the male roles by women. The presenter should read the text, and the heroes should enter a large box, imagining that this is a real tower. From the outside it looks quite comical and causes a lot of positive emotions.
"Knight" The most beautiful girl with long hair, who will play the role of a princess. Two men are selected from the male audience. One - will play the role of a knight, the other the role of a horse and a cloak. Traveling in a cloak and on horseback through the forest, the knight meets a beautiful girl who is lost in a dense forest. He wants to help her and take her to the castle. (The girl stands on a chair for the comic situation). The knight tries to lift the girl and put the horse next to him, but he fails. Usually in this scene everyone is holding their bellies. You can't watch all this without laughing.

Corporate events

We have already mentioned the various competitions that may be present during the party. Let's take a closer look at them:

"Dog racing"

The free space is divided into three tracks using tapes. Participants must put on dog masks, get on all fours and reach the finish line as quickly as possible.

"Loyal friend"

This competition involves three pairs of participants, preferably of different sexes. Three foam balls are attached to three participants in the "tail area". The other participants should get on all fours and try to remove the ball from their partner with their teeth. The winner is the one who is the first to cope with this task.

"Dog show"

This competition is suitable for the most relaxed corporate party participants. It is better to conduct it when the bulk of the team has already drunk a sufficient amount of alcohol. The meaning of the competition is that men and women are attached to clothes with improvised ponytails and are invited to stand on all fours. The one who wags his tail better will win. Pieces of fur, painted in different colors, can serve as a tail.

Funny jokes

It is also advisable to organize them in the middle of a corporate party, when most of the participants will already be tipsy. Jokes are carried out as a rest between mobile contests and most often at the table. Let's introduce you to some of them:

"Dialogue of the deaf"

The essence of the joke is that it depicts a frequent situation that happens between the boss and the subordinates. The presenter invites two persons interested. One of them will act as a leader, and the other will portray a subordinate. The “leader” is put on headphones and turned on music so that he can hardly hear anything else. Another participant (subordinate) asks the chief burning questions regarding the work, and the manager must answer them. As a result, a rather comical situation turns out when one person does not hear the other at all and tries to answer something at the same time.


For this draw you will need:

  • two bags;
  • numbers;
  • various funny presents related to the dog (bowl, collar, leash, bone, etc.).

All members of the corporate party choose numbers, each of which corresponds to a certain trinket. It turns out cool when the boss, for example, wins the collar, and the subordinate wins the leash, etc.


For fun, you need two boxes. One contains plates with letters, and the other box contains a decryption. For example, "K" is a steep salary, "O" is a huge bonus, and so on.

It is very important to choose funny and modern scenarios for a corporate party, because this is a bright and long-awaited event on the eve of the New Year. And then, during the New Year's celebration, we will not only treat ourselves to salads and raise table toasts. Let's show a drop of imagination, dilute the traditional plan of collective get-togethers with cool scenes, ditties, dances. Fun scenarios for the New Year 2020 will help to unite and involve the whole team in the celebration. And no one will be bored!

Santa Claus must be present at the New Year's holiday. This is a constant symbol of the New Year, which wishes for happiness and inspires us for the coming year. He does not come alone, but together with his granddaughter Snegurochka. :))

An adult holiday is significantly different from a children's one; at a New Year's corporate party, you do not need to read poetry under the Christmas tree. :)) Here you will need to actively participate in contests, answer comic questions, accept funny gifts, laugh and have fun.

In previous articles, we considered how beautiful it is to congratulate our colleagues on the New Year and. These wishes are perfect for a corporate party!

A funny and modern scenario of a corporate party for the New Year

A corporate party is a celebration of the New Year among the people with whom you work every day. Usually on this holiday, any organization makes a party to mark the end of the last working year and to rally the team. To do this, you can invite professional actors, or you can do it on your own and give out certain roles to your colleagues - it will be much more interesting and fun.

The release of Santa Claus may be expected, or it may be sudden. He must greet everyone with fervent wishes and words.

Greetings can be, for example:

Happy New Year to you, as usual!

Happy new and new health!

We want to give you a good mood on your holiday!

Good fellows to you! You girls are red!

The presenters may not necessarily be Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, it can be any artistic person who wishes.

It is he who will organize entertainment - dances, competitions, riddles, songs, scenes.

During a corporate party, it is advisable to use poems, proverbs, sayings. They will set everyone up to cheerful mood, holiday feeling:

Snow falls quietly outside the window on New Years

Let there be joy and laughter at our table!

May brilliant success await you in any business!

And happiness will enter your bright house without interference!

I wish Santa Claus

The bag brought you joy,

Another bag - with laughter

And the third - so with success!

Your sadness, your longing

Bag it all up for him.

Let him collect it all and

Girls or men dress up in Babok-Ezhek. You can use scarves, long skirts, brooms. From one kind of these fairytale characters everyone will die with laughter! ... :)) Grandma-Hedgehogs are singing fervently ditties (Ooh! The phrase “Sing, don't talk” can be replaced with “Drink, don't talk!” :))

Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play-play,
Sing ditties, grandma Yozhka,
Sing, don't talk.

I was tipsy
And flew on a broomstick
Although I myself do not believe
These superstitions.

I walked on the forest side
The devil tied behind me
The man thought
What the hell is this.

I turned home
The devil is following me again
Spat on his bald head
And sent to the devil.

The most harmful of people
This is a villain storyteller
That's a skillful liar,
It is a pity that it is tasteless.

Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play-play,
Sing ditties, grandma Yozhka,
Sing, don't talk.

Or you can completely remake the words of this well-known song:

Funny ditties Babok-Ezhek remade

Stretch the accordion fur
We will sing the song loudly
We will tell you a little bit,
If only to have time about everyone:

1. Our team is large,
He loves to rest with his soul
We have fun
We don't know any complexes!

2. The best character -
This is our director!
The awards are beautiful
Hands over to the team!


3. Service manager with us
Just super high class
Clap our hands
We have a good one!

4. And our sales department
I managed to do a lot of things,
Let's say in short,
They work until the night!


5. Our service bureau
Sometimes it seems fragile
Clients are attracted,
Closes the outfits!

6. Have fun with a bang
Our all are accountants,
We're at work
Everyone is in high esteem!


Stretch the accordion fur
We will sing the song loudly
We will tell you a little bit,
If only to have time about everyone:

7. And we have mechanics
They will do everything for you in an hour,
Cure the car -
Change the tire!

8. When applying for a job
They have one concern -
Selects staff
Our best HR department!

9. There is one more verse
About our warehouse men,
Let's dance with them today
New Year's dance!


10 stop singing songs
It's time for everyone to pour, to drink the grandma Yozhki
They love a little!

11.This song was sung to you,
We continue our banquet. Everyone really agrees
There is no better team!

Cool competition - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

All in unison answer the questions of the Snow Maiden - Yes or No:

1. Is Santa Claus a great man?

2. Will he drink a bucket of Stolichnaya?

3. Loves jokes, anecdotes?

4. What about working Saturdays?

5. Does Santa Claus sing ditties?

6. Does Grandfather have a girlfriend?

7. He rested the bag from the warehouse?

So who should we call?

All together: Santa Claus! Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

Competition - "Guessing the Movies"

They celebrated the New Year at the dacha ..

It was a film -…. (Gentlemen of fortune)!

And as usual we would see

This night ... .. (To the irony of fate)!

Although Santa Claus is actually a namesake

But in the film it is affectionately called…. (Frost)!

He was a freak, a dwarf, but a lucky one

And the cartoon is called ... (Nutcracker)!

She was lucky to meet everyone at once,

The film is about these brothers ... (12 months)!

And there are scientific ideas in fairy tales,

This film is wonderful ... (Sorcerers)!

We do not mind watching it ten times,

The film is called ... .. (Carnival night)!

You can organize dances in the form of a competition game, for this we will watch a wonderful video:

Celebrating the New Year with a big fun company is a great opportunity to make new acquaintances or just have fun. Funny scenes for the New Year 2020 will interest everyone present, create a unique holiday atmosphere. There will always be acting talents in the team who are able to “ignite” with their acting and charisma.

Scenario for a corporate party with a small number of people

A fun scenario for a corporate party is the key to a bright holiday with colleagues. After all, not only snacks, salads on the table and beautiful outfits create a mood. Consider an original and fun scenario that would suit any party in the office or at home.

Organizing a corporate party in the form of contests and games collected in one scenario is perfect for small companies where it is not planned to hire outside presenters. An organizer is selected from among colleagues who will assign tasks. To help himself, he chooses the Snow Maiden, who will help.

While all the guests are gathering, the host (the owner of the house) offers to cut out and write wishes on them and put them in a “mailbox” (hat) :)). And then they will definitely come true!

Then he wishes everyone a Happy New Year, or offers to drink and eat.

Happy New Year!

I wish you happiness, joy!

All who are single - get married

To everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,

Forget about insults!

To everyone who is sick - to become healthy

Blossom, rejuvenate!

I wish you all good health and happiness!

For many years!

To songs and dances

Never ended!

Happy New Year,

With new happiness,

My dear friends!

In the costume of Santa Claus, our organizer of the holiday invites everyone to have a drink, a snack and organizes various contests, invites everyone to dance. With the text at hand and a good mood, anyone can do it:

Competition "Dance like"

We prepare cards with tasks, for example - a snowflake, a snowman, a blizzard, a sled. The participant dances like ... a snowflake, a snowman, a blizzard, a sled.

Game "Fanta"

This is a traditional entertainment for the New Year - a fun scenario for a corporate party. The rules are simple: the guests sitting at the table pass each other a small ball or any round fruit to the music. Suddenly the music stops and the one who has a fruit or a ball pulls a phantom from the box and performs the task.

Funny game "Who are you"

We blindfold the driver. One of his colleagues sits on a chair in front of him. The task in this game is to guess who it is by feeling only his head. To complicate the task, you can use glasses, wigs, earrings, scarves. Then the one who guessed becomes the driver. This is not a competition, so there are no winners. But everyone will have a lot of fun!


We invite everyone to write on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen what he would like to buy in the new year. For example, a car, a key to a new apartment, a baby, a banknote, a new dress. All pieces of paper are folded into a hat (deep bowl). We invite guests to draw out one piece of paper and read it out. What turned out to be there will certainly come true in the coming year.

Tongue Twisters

Participants, who are selected no more than 3, are invited to read any tongue twister from the sheet, for example, "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying" or "Karl stole corals from Klara, Klara stole a clarinet from Karl." At the time of the feast, any such phrase will be beyond the power of half of the adults. The winner of the competition will be awarded a bottle of champagne or any other prize.

You can make musical numbers - sing to the guitar, karaoke or ditties are perfect: 🙂


What kind of Christmas tree we have
Just a lovely sight
So what, what's outside the window
Spring thaw.

We have been waiting for a whole year
That Santa Claus will come to us
He came with a bag of gifts
And he took two with him.

I'll dress up as a Snow Maiden
And glue the braid
I want to get married very much
For Grandfather Frost.

Dressed up as Santa Claus
And glued on my beard
And I walk like a fool
Second day in the city.

Hello Santa Claus, Cotton beard.
Where is my new Mercedes? And a hut in the Canaries?

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Where is my computer?
He brought me a chocolate! ... - Apparently mixed up.

Comic, funny wishes-predictions:

We put the notes in a big hat and go around all the guests in a circle. Each takes out his own note, read it aloud. Their content depends on the age, preferences of the assembled guests. Joking, funny wishes will perfectly cheer you up for the New Year.

1. Good luck, happiness, peace to you! You will have your own apartment!

2. Your toast to health! You will have a career growth!

4. Luck will not leave you! There will be a new cottage for you!

5. I wish you luck! An addition is waiting for you in the family!

6. Surround you so that you feel comfortable! And incomes will increase!

7. May success be with you! You are the best learner!

8. There are many different impressions! On beautiful travels!

9. Let not worry! The best work awaits you!

10. I wish you not to be bored in vain, all your friends are with you!

11. Come to the boss with your left foot - and you will be promoted.

12. Always smile! And no one will call you a gloomy person. Shut up! And no one would call a bore.

13. Your life is an endless road, so choose a reliable means of transportation on it - a car.

14. Today is the best day for you! As the others!

15. A pleasant surprise awaits you during the first week after the New Year.

16. In the New Year, you will have the pleasure of spending a lot of money, as well as have the pleasure of earning it.

17. In the New Year, you will learn and discover a lot of new and useful things, and now please open a bottle of champagne.

We looked at some ideas on how to spend a holiday with a small circle of friends in the office or at home.

Scenarios - fairy tales with gags for the New Year

Scripts of fairy tales for the New Year are fairy tales in a new way! We take a well-known plot, famous heroes and come up with our own performance. Let's try to write a script ourselves, it's easy! The most important thing is that there are many characters and that everyone knows this fairy tale.

We come up with a simple plot, play it with interesting, funny, funny, cool situations - and the scenario of the fairy tale is ready!

Scenario number 1.

Tale about Kolobok.

Roles are assigned. The presenter reads the text, each of the participants, as soon as he hears his role, must pronounce a certain phrase.
Grandfather "I am hungry!"
Woman "No attendants!"
Gingerbread man "And I'm not an easy guy!"
Hare "Slant eyes!"
Wolf "We are Tambov!"
Bear " Dmitry Anatolyevich!"
Fox "There is a sale in the Snow Queen!"

Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba. And Grandfather wanted to invite Baba to dance. But then Kolobok got out of the oven. And Grandfather immediately forgot about Baba and reached for Kolobok with a fork. And Kolobok turned out to be a wushu player, a karate fighter and mastered sumo techniques. After showing Grandfather a couple of tricks, and Baba's fist, Kolobok went to a party of animals. Wolf was the DJ at the party. Toastmaster bear. The Hare drank the most. Lisa showed the striptease. Kolobok ordered a song to the Wolf "For the Rostov lads". The Wolf sent Kolobok ... to the Bear. And the Bear sent him to the Hare. And the Hare ... was already asleep. Then Fox came up and invited Kolobok to dance. The gingerbread man agreed. The party was a success.

Scenario # 2

Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs:


7 dwarfs lived behind seven forests behind seven mountains
(come out dancing to Letka-Enka)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (gnomes bow)
The gnomes were real heroes, handsome men and hard workers.
Of course, everyone had their own weaknesses ... ..
Monday - liked to sleep
Tuesday - loved to eat even more
Wednesday - constantly bullying…. he pulled up his shirt both in front and behind
Thursday - I was constantly picking my teeth and trying to dig deeper into someone else's
Friday - he sneezed endlessly, he sneezed left and right, on everything and on everyone
Saturday - always sticking my nose where it is not necessary
And Sunday - hovered in the clouds and caught flies
But most of the time they worked, mined gold and precious stones.
All this they did for the sake of one ... only woman - the beautiful Snow White!
(comes out to the music "royal fanfare")
They all loved her very much, looked after her and vied with each other to compliment her.
She answered them with care and affection…. and the dwarfs did not miss the opportunity to pamper Snow White.
Monday put her loving on his lap
Tuesday massaged her shoulders
Wednesday stroked gently on the head and admired her wonderful hair
Thursday kissed her white hands
Friday massaged her tired legs
Saturday sang her romances
And Sunday waved the flies away
But neither had one more favorite pastime, which they did all together….
and then Snow White was the happiest woman in the whole wide world ... ..
Snow White and the dwarfs are dancing, inviting the audience.

Scenario number 3

"Teremok in a new way"

Desirable props:

1. Umbrella, large, to mark Teremka.

2. Mop, plate and spoon, measuring tape.

3. Musical accompaniment: classical music and rhythmic New Year's music.

4. Prepare cards with assigned roles in advance:

Mouse (Always dissatisfied with something, hysterical, at every opportunity yells her “Pee-pee-pee!” From the actions, she washes the floor in the house.)

Frog(The most severe, stubborn. "Kva-kva!" Shouts like an opera singer. In Teremka, she plays the role of a cook. "

Hare(Cheerful, laughing, wagging his tail whenever he jumps. He runs with a centimeter and measures the length of his clothes.

Fox (Pretty, sexy, graceful, always says "Urrrr", flirts with male characters.

Wolf (Impudent and seasoned, he coughs at the time given to him and runs into everyone!)

Bear (A kind of good-natured person, he constantly says “Uuhhh”, like “catch up, catch up.” Climbs to everyone with hugs and kisses.

It would be nice if each hero had an attribute to be recognized. A bear has mittens, a fox has a tail, a mouse has ears, a hare has ears, a frog has a green scarf, and a wolf has gloves. Attributes can be anything.

Leading: Hello! For me, the New Year is a holiday that brings you back to childhood. Have you read the fairy tale "Teremok"? (Yes)

Do you remember her well? (Yes)

If I were you, I would not be so sure! Now we will check, I need 6 volunteers.

(It is advisable to choose the most non-standard guests from the hall so that they correspond to the roles).

I will not give you the opportunity to choose who you will play in this tale, it's more interesting. You are ready?

(Participants draw cards with roles and their descriptions from the facilitator's hands. Further, the attributes of "recognition" are distributed to everyone. Each participant is given elements of the game, who will play the Mouse - a mop, Frog - a plate and spoon, Bunny - a tailor's centimeter).

The artists get used to the role, go to the auditorium, this time the presenter tells the task.

Leading: In our fairy tale, only I will speak, the artists will perform their roles by all possible ways... When you go to Teremku: the bear stomps loudly, the mouse runs quietly, and so on. Be sure to consider the emotions that are written in the card. When the music comes on, you have to dance and do something in the manner that is also written on the card.

It is imperative to do all actions by interacting with each other, since you live in the same house!

Leading: So, all the rules have been announced, let's get started!

In one of the cottage villages, someone took and built a very cute Teremok! Once ran by mousenorushka... She saw Teremok and began to run quickly and quickly around it, looked inside, and it was empty, so she decided to live in it (entering the house immediately begins to wash the floor!)

Leading: Along the same path I rode past frog - frog! I saw Teremok and fell in love, I also wanted to live in it. She came closer, and there - a mouse, a frog and asked if she could live with her. The mouse agreed.

(The music turns on and the frog begins to feed the mouse, the mouse frantically washes the floors at this time)

Leading: Ran nearby bunny, smelling a delicious lunch, he ran to the teremku, so impressed that he wanted to live in it too! I asked the mouse and the frog if he could live with them, and they agreed!

(A funny song turns on, under it the frog feeds them in turn, the mouse washes the floors, and the bunny takes measurements of the clothes of the mouse and the frog)

Leading: I wanted to have fun in a chic house and chanterelle! For the sake of eternal fun, she asked to live in Teremka, the owners did not mind, so they let her in.

(Dance music turns on again, all the heroes in their own manner do the actions that are prescribed in their cards, and the fox begins to pester the hare)

Leading: hearing the booth and smelling the delicious smell of the food that the frog had prepared, he ran to Teremku wolf! Naturally, he wanted to live in the house, but did not stand on ceremony, knocked the door off his foot and entered.

(Dance music turns on, all the heroes do their thing, and the wolf runs into everyone)

Leading: The booth began, thank you passed by bear.He, playful and contented, enters Teremok, and how let's hug and kiss.

Leading: Why do you think he didn't ask for a residence permit? It's simple - this is his Teremok, he built it for himself for a very long time!

(Dance music turns on, all the animals begin to dance in the manner that is spelled out in the cards, the bear continues to kiss and hug)

Leading: This fairy tale with a good ending, because the kind bear did not throw anyone out into the street, and they all began to live and be friends together!

Then you can hold 2-3 competitions. Do not forget that guests need to relax, dance and eat, so we definitely take a break between competitions.

Scenario # 4

A tale about a turnip for adults
Each character speaks only one phrase.

1. Where the mountains are high, in a house near the river
Once upon a time there was a grandfather Tolik, he was an alcoholic at heart.
Although he was in his advanced years, he stood firmly on his feet.
Kohl since the morning did not pour, lived nicely, did not know worries.
Drink and let's scream ...
Grandfather: Let's live a vigorous mother!

2. Grandma Anna lived with him, oh and was harmful
The growth of a giantess, the disposition of a chieftain
She also had no life from her grandfather's drinking
Because she was bored and welcomed her neighbor
Grandfather - in a binge, she - to a neighbor for a sincere conversation
Even though she kept repeating ...
Grandma: The other needs strength!

3. The granddaughter was staying there, this granddaughter is just power!
Mini skirt, but slit! Like in a skirt like without.
Melon breasts poured, lips poured with juice
And of course the miracle of the leg, like from a Playboy cover
As if a rose has blossomed ...
Granddaughter: Well, think about it!

4.A on the farm y old was nothing but a trifle
Two goats and a vegetable garden and a dog at the gate
Nimble glorious dog yes named - Little Ponytail
It was not at all from boasting, he was simply without a tail.
Either God did not give it, or he ripped off where
But no waving, no one annoyed
The dog barked rather sluggishly ...
Dog: Give me something, bones are not enough for me!

5. Cat Murka lived there, she was clean
Whiskas ate, drank juice, and slept on an armchair.
And in the dreams of her maiden prince she was waiting for the young.
There is bad weather in her soul ...
Cat: Where do you roam my happiness?

6. There was a free life for the Mouse. He was the strongest and taller
The whole Village ... .. The Mouse knew he was the first bouncer
In a village pub called "Sake"
And in the Village ... .. all the people of the Mouse called the mordovorot
It's just a class to communicate with him ...
Mouse: Ely-pali sha atas!

Leading: (Turnip sits on a chair, bent over, Grandfather sits grains on a chair and pours from a bottle)
7. Well, now you all know the inhabitants of their house.
So then part two: once in early May
Alcoholic - Grandfather thought came to trouble
He decided to plant a turnip, he went out into the field at dawn
He buried the grains in the ground, buried them, poured water ...
And he went to hand over the glass ...
Grandfather: We will live, mother vigorously!

Leading: (Turnip straightens and stands up)
8. And then he went into a binge and forgot about his root.
Well, a summer at that time, it was generous with the heat
The turnips were ripening, poured and washed with rains
So by the fall, she became large and strong.
All around were admiring ...
Turnip: I am your first friend now!

9. My grandfather came out to the field lo and behold ...
Grandfather: We will live, mother vigorously!

10. The old man pulled himself up, but only one belt
Burst frail from movement, because such tension
Turnip in the same place, at least that, Grandfather tried again
But there is no progress ...
Grandfather: We will live, mother vigorously!

11. And he went out of the field to finish his moonshine.
And at that time from a neighbor, the grandmother came after the conversation
Grandma sees a turnip in the field, and twice the field is more.
It pulls and pulls that way, but the supply of strength has dried up.
I shouldn't have gone to a neighbor ...
Grandma: The other needs strength!

12. Stretched out on the porch, she crawled to the stove
Sends her granddaughter to Sveta, to pull the turnip out for dinner
The granddaughter raised an eyebrow ...
Granddaughter: Well, think about it ...

13. Went out into the field to tear a turnip and does not know how to get up to her.
And it will push it sideways and press it vice versa.
The girl tore stockings A-Turnip in the same place where it was.
The girl spat out of frustration and went to change outfits
At the fence, Little Ponytail tears its strap.
To eat from the beginning ...
Dog: Give me something, bones are not enough for me!

Leading: (Lead unties Ponytail)
14. They untied the little tail, ordered to pull the Turnip
I ran up to grab with my teeth and let's bite her
And claw and mouth together, only Turnip is all in place
Sits smiling and wiggles the tops.
Kobelek from this annoyance, made a "psi" on this Turnip
He growled for another minute and wandered wearily into the booth.
And about all these cases, Murka was already aware of
I rested on the porch and saw the whole picture.
Passions suddenly boiled up in Murka ...
Murka: Where do you roam my happiness?

15. She wanted so badly to apply maturity somewhere.
K The turnip crept up from behind and bit into it with its claws!
She pulled with all her strength, only blunt claws.
Then I woke up from a drinking bout, Tolik-grandfather on an old bed
And he decided to attract the people to go out into the garden together.
Make a circle around the Turnip ...
Turnip: I am your first friend now!

16. Grandma grandfather's pants clutches in two hands
The granddaughter also ran and got up in a pretentious pose
The scoundrel Ponytail grabbed her stocking.
Well, Murka is our light, looking for a tail, but it is not.

Murka was very surprised, grabbed Ponytail's paw.
Here they pull that Turnip only the strength wither, wither
Who swears like a thief ...
Grandfather: We will live, mother vigorously!

17. Who is cute ...
Grandma: The other needs strength!

18. The granddaughter has already brought everyone ...
Granddaughter: Well, think about it!

19. The dog whines again at first ...
Dog: Give me something, bones are not enough for me!

20. Murka is seething with passion ...
Murka : Where do you roam my happiness?

21. That heavy burlak howl, our mouse heard the hero
Mordovorot hurried to the showdown in the garden
And I decided to help at least once ...
Mouse: Ely-pali sha atas!

22. Goes slowly to Repa, looks around everyone with an impudent look
He gently hugs the turnip and takes it out of the garden.
And all gathered around ...
Turnip: I am your first friend now!

23. Here our people stretched out, roused themselves, looked back
And he went to drink moonshine, fortunately that he is always there.
Moonshine flows like a river in the VILLAGE ………. A mountain feast.
And our story is over ...
Mouse: Ely-pali sha atas!

Let's see an interesting corporate tale:

You can remake your favorite fairy tales in your own way. To cheerful music, with good mood - you can have great fun!

Cool script for adults for the New Year

For a festive New Year's event for adults - a New Year's corporate party, a ball or a New Year's party at home - to be fun, perky and exciting, it is important to select interesting and original New Year's scenarios in advance. IN having chosen the best, and adding our own flavor, we proceed to the preparation of the adult New Year's holiday.

Basic rules for holding a corporate party:

  • The celebration opens with an introductory speech by the host or host who is leading the event (5-10 minutes)
  • Then we give the guests a quiet drink and a snack for 20-30 minutes.
  • Competitions and dances should not go in a row (we take a break for 15-20 minutes).
  • For guests, participants in competitions, you need to think over small souvenirs and prizes.
  • You should not force a person to participate if he firmly gave a negative answer.

Scene Happy New Year from China

The audience calls Santa Claus. Two Chinese women come out.

Together: Paint it!
1st Chinese woman: Who where? Will we come here Santa Moros? Where, where - In Kalaganda! In sesse, we resil: no one advises us races, we will come ourselves! As you say, the essi mountain does not go to Mohammed ... Syo?
2nd Chinese woman: Unwelcome guest of the khuze of china.
1st Chinese woman: Syo? Are you laughing? Just a hundred, immediately quick-witted, but as soon as you need to buy it, you can't kick it out with a shovel.
2nd Chinese woman:Are you somehow not sitting on Feng Xui, SHO?
1st Chinese woman:Luce stand! So woodier. Sesias we will breed you in Feng Xui. Sit like this, with your feet facing south and your head facing north. Yesho Suvorov said: the legs are warm, and the head is cold!
2nd Chinese woman: Hundred? Let's start with the simplest. (pulls out 20 sparklers from the bag. distributes them to the tables). Therefore 20?
From the audience: 2020.
Molodes! (shows two hands to one participant) Which hand? (one gets a lighter) This is for you, dare! (hands over the lighter)
1st Chinese woman: And this is for you! Light up on my snak! Races, two, three! (light up) The overhangs are burning. Whoever starts overhanging with a sazigalka will be sazigating all year round!
2nd Chinese woman: Let's move on to the next section. Feng Xui of the prasnice table! For nasala we will find the cardinal points. North, south, west, east are determined by the food on the table. Where the jelly is, there is ... the north, young!
1st Chinese woman: South - where the water is! Still 40 degrees. Where is the East? ... Eh you! east - sandwiches with caviar, because one hundred East is a delicate matter!
2nd Chinese woman: Where is Sapad?
1st Chinese woman:Sapad bye-bye! Kitaes Lo is not to blame! ...
2nd Chinese woman: Yes, I almost forgot. Salads should stand opposite to the person at the distance of one elbow. Why? In the morning, catch it!
1st Chinese: And the last divorce in Feng Xu. Stoby at the table was fun, check your glasses. Essies are empty, there will be no fun, this is a merry-go-round of bastards-jasves. Essi are full, there will be no fun. Why? There will be a toast! which one?
From the audience: New Year!
2nd Chinese: Of course not! Wise! Therefore, a hundred Chinese people are wise!
1st Chinese: Once on New Year's Eve, the ideal mussin, such as Dzeki Xiang, and the ideal zensina, such as Zenifer Lopez, rode the car. On the roadside, they saw Ded Moros with a gift. They gave him some help. They went and got into a brew. Only perfect zensina has caused. Therefore, there is no one hundred neither Dzeki Xiang nor Santa Claus in the world. And this explains the occurrence of the accident-masinu led by zensina. For zenshin!
2nd Chinese: Okay, as they say, take care to sit down from a young age. Syo? Not this way?!
1st Chinese: It's time to sit down and know! Tosno! But take care to sit down! I have a seat!

Happy New Year!

Then the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter the stage, congratulate everyone and give gifts. Then the host offers the guests a drink and a snack. You can dance. After that, you can watch the next funny performance.

Scene for the celebration "Italian Guest"


Dear guests! Signor Nachihante has arrived from sunny Italy with his translator to wish a Happy New Year. Naproblemo! Meet them with thunderous applause!
(an Italian comes out, he is wearing fashionable black glasses, a beautiful scarf is thrown over his neck, in his hands is a suitcase in which macaroni is hidden, he came with an interpreter)


Cacao chao, druzyanto!


Hello dear friends!


Chao cocoa, sessedanto parasite!


Hello dear guests!


Italiano tourist, the face is immoral!


I came to you from sunny Italy!


Saboteur crawled, passport or lost!


My path was long and difficult!



But I am cheerful and cheerful and brought a whole suitcase of gifts!


Amore mia!


Dear ones!


Signore gostone free of charge!


Dear guests!


Macarone on ushanto mon senore hung up!


Listen to me carefully!


Bravissimo spaghetti! With a morning animal purring!


The most hearty food is Italian spaghetti!


Neotdanto nizachtone italiano macarone!


Therefore, I am happy to give everyone a pack of Italian spaghetti!

(gives a pack of spaghetti)


Neprosyntte pleadingly nizastonte is neat!


I am not at all sorry to give everything that I have!


Wish friends are hefty belly!
Not a bolento golovanto in the morning with a hangover!


I wish you all good health!


Pozhelanto guest and friend kapustiano dodoranto!


And also I wish that there was always a lot, a lot of money!


Overturned nemeshanto un momento for free!


If I am offered to drink a glass, then I will not refuse!

Snowflake competition

All participants in the show are given scissors and napkins, from which they must cut a snowflake. Those who get the best snowflakes will receive prizes and proceed to the next stage of the competition.

Snowball game

Each participant is given 4-5 sheets of A4 paper or any other. You need to roll snowballs from them. A bowl or hat is placed about 2m away. You need to throw snowballs into it with your left hand, do not help with your right. 🙂

Contest "Riddles behind the back"

You will need signs for men - “Work”, “Bathhouse”, “Maternity hospital”, “Striptease Club”, etc. , “Forgot to put on a skirt”, “Tore my tights”, “Met the prince”, “Holidays in the Canary Islands”.

Placards are hung on the backs of the participants and ask questions:


How often do you go there?

What do you take with you?

Who do you go there with? And etc.

For women:

How often does this happen to you?

What do others say?

How do you explain this? and etc.

You can organize, for example, such a wonderful competition as in this video.

Before conducting new Year's Eve, you need to buy some souvenirs for future competitions, quizzes and table games. Also, the leader needs to find assistants. And, of course, stock up on wonderful and good moods.

Scenario of the New Year's corporate party for doctors

The scenario for the New Year for doctors is not particularly different from the usual one, but it has its own flavor. :))

Celebration leading begins with the words:

They saved people for a whole year
And a little tired.
We will hold a corporate party,
Let's have a rest with you!
All the doctors gathered here,
Everyone is beautiful and smart.
Everyone is waiting only for you
Santa Claus, come here!

Santa Claus:

- Good evening! My Snow Maiden granddaughter and I have come from far away to wish you a happy New Year. Oh oh oh! (grabs his heart)

Snow Maiden:

- Grandpa, what happened?

Santa Claus:

- Oh, something took my heart ... I have become completely useless, old, give me some medicine please!

Snow Maiden:

- Frost, but how can they give you medicine if they don't know what exactly happened to you?

Santa Claus:

- Well, then everything enrages, then something happens to the memory. The animals are over there and don't greet me at all. Hares say that there are fines for stowaway travel, but they themselves bought tickets ... they bought them from me. And I feel like amnesia, I don’t remember!

Lisa complains that he fired everyone for intrigue and gossip. Squirrels are panicking, they say the tax on the export of nuts is large. Well, how big?

I only had enough for a New caftan and a sleigh!

Snow Maiden:

- They actually broke, due to the fact that grandfather smeared them not with butter, but with Irish liqueur.

Santa Claus (embarrassed):

- Are you writing me off entirely? Should I not have a couple of glasses with deer?

Snow Maiden:

- Yeah…. what more fun!

Santa Claus:

- Oh, here's another! They also helped me with advice. Now I will find ... (opens the bag, rummages in it, then gives one of the guests a recipe). Read what is written, dear / darling, otherwise I'm blind, and the handwriting is crooked.

A guest from the audience reads out the Recipe: Internal: 10 mg of purgen and 5 mg of sleeping pills mix together, pour hawthorn tincture, then pour 300 mg of medical alcohol. Pour cold Gus Zhatetskiy beer with three mugs. Throw ascorbic acid into the mixture. Refrigerate for 3 days.

Santa Claus (with hope):

- Do you think this will help? Not… !? Well, apparently you have to look for a successor, here's a friend's grandfather looking for a job, he's only 2020!

Snow Maiden:

- No need to be sad, Grandpa! Now we will all together try to cure you in New Year's healing ways. We’ll practice both your memory and the memory of our guests.

We conduct a competition:

We divide the hall into 2-3 teams, each in turn recalls songs about NG and winter. Which team remembered the most wins.

Snow Maiden:

- Well done! You know a lot of songs!

Santa Claus:

- I would like to learn, otherwise I became completely sclerotic.

Snow Maiden:

Do not rush to give yourself up, grandfather, I know another way to train your memory!

Santa Claus:

- What is this, Snegurochka?

Snow Maiden:

- My favorite, festive ... You yourself use it so often.

Santa Claus:

- Granddaughter, I’m in such a good mood, I don’t want to freeze those present.

Snow Maiden:

- Don't scare people. It won't help (whisper)

Santa Claus:

- Then carry a stool, I will make everyone read poetry, and I myself will take a nap in the corner!

Snow Maiden:

- Granddad!

Santa Claus:

- Then I don't understand you at all!

Snow Maiden:

- We will guess riddles, and guess everything.

Santa Claus:

- Aaaaaa, there it is ...

We make riddles and give prizes to those who guessed them:

Snow Maiden:

- There is such joy around,

And suddenly - such disgusting!

Santa Claus:

- Is this a kikimora or what?

Snow Maiden:

- Grandpa, what does everyone have a kikimora for the New Year ??? Help grandpa, tell me what is it? (Jellied fish).

- And here's another riddle: Always dressed like a winter,

But she doesn't care about that herself!

Santa Claus:

- Snegurochka, I'll buy you a fur coat, I'll buy it, I'll collect more taxes!

Snow Maiden:

- Oh, grandfather, that's not what I mean at all! (Herring under a Fur Coat)

Snow Maiden:

- Stands in the corner, not punished,

And Putin is shown on it. (TV)

Snow Maiden:

- Grandpa, look, the owners are doing great with memory!

Santa Claus:

- Not like mine ...

Snow Maiden:

- Nothing, grandfather, we will cure you all the same! And we will give a gift to our wonderful team for such resourcefulness! Horoscope for next year ...

Santa Claus:

Horoscope: This year will bring you a lot of joyful worries and everything-everything-everything ...

Snow Maiden:

- You have a wonderful horoscope! So the time has come to give gifts to the amiable hosts of the holiday.

Santa Claus:

- Presents? I haven't heard of any gifts!

Snow Maiden:

- Grandpa, I see, your toad has become even bigger ... And, apparently, you will have to consult with someone to give you this, out of your exorbitant greed (addresses the pharmacists). Are you selling syringes? I hope the needles are big? Will the patient get an injection?

Santa Claus:

- Oh-oh-oh! The toad let go! I don't need an injection!

Snow Maiden:

- The same miser!

Santa Claus:

- Yes, it's time to give gifts. Let's give gifts, my friends, the snowmen, and I have prepared something interesting for you (pulls out an empty bottle).

Snow Maiden:

- Grandpa, did you drink the presents too ???

Santa Claus:

- Well, what are you, granddaughter! We have prepared interesting task, for our doctors, now we will see how they can prepare medicines. Who's the bravest here? Come out to me!

Participants take turns, read aloud and throw paper “pills” into a bottle with various inscriptions: “so that the head does not hurt after the New Year's holidays,“ so that the liver does not let down ”,“ so that there is no double vision ”,“ so that the hearing does not let down ”, “The brains were resting more often” - each his own pill, which he comes up with.

Santa Claus:

Well, they cured me, I have enough health for a whole year!

(Gives gifts prepared in advance, says toast).

Santa Claus:

- Unfortunately, it's time for us to run goodbye, we would love to stay with you, but we need to have time to congratulate many more people.

Snow Maiden:

Thank you, and my grandfather was healed, and my memory began to return! It was just in time that we ran to you!

Santa Claus:

- Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:

- Goodbye! We will definitely meet again.

You can also hold a competition "Medical Diagnosis"

The presenter read out short fragments of songs, and the guests try to determine what worries the patient, that is, to make a diagnosis. The one who makes the most correct diagnoses is entitled to some kind of medical prize.
Fragments of songs and diagnoses:
1. “And my heart stopped,
My heart sank ”(diagnosis: heart failure).
2. "If you don't hear me,
It means that winter has come ”(diagnosis: otitis media).
3. We walked with you,
I roared, oh, roared (diagnosis: nerves).
4. We honestly want to tell you:
We no longer look at girls (diagnosis: impotence).
5. You shouldn't scold the rain, you shouldn't scold it
You stand and wait, but why, you do not know (diagnosis: sclerosis).
6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,
This means that everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).
7. She even wanted to hang herself,
But the institute, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).
8. I know - you want, I know for sure - you want,
I know for sure - you want it, you want it - but you are silent (diagnosis: dumbness).
9. It hurts, it hurts
Do not relieve this evil pain (diagnosis: pain shock).
10. And his wound rots,
And it will not become less,
And it will not heal (diagnosis: gangrene).
11. Every step through it hurts,
Each gesture hurts through (diagnosis: limb fractures).
12. Judge people, judge God, how I loved
In the cold, barefoot to a sweetheart (ARZ)
13. I got drunk drunk,
I won't go home (alcoholism)
14. Black eyes, passionate eyes, Burning and beautiful eyes!
How I love you! How afraid I am of you!
Know, I saw you at a bad hour! (A session of hypnosis.)
15. I am not an angel, I am not a demon, I am a tired wanderer.
I am back, I am resurrected
And I knocked on your house. (Clinical death.)
16. Never said
But there is no more patience. (Silence.)
17. Night! Expectations are cold.
Pain! Like I'm split.
I can not see anything,
I hate myself. (Night blindness.)
18. And the dawn is already more noticeable,
So please be kind ... (Hangover Syndrome.)
19. Why are thoughts so confused?
Why does the light go out so often? (Fainting.)
20. I throw myself into the night to catch up with you,
But I understand that I am standing and cannot run. (Paralysis.)
21. Unfortunately, I, but fortunately, not alone
I fell into your insidious addiction. (Addiction.)
22. Blizzard of the road swept
The sled trail disappeared ...
Hands get cold, feet get cold
But he's still gone and gone (frostbite)
23. This girl is perfect.
And this one is nichavo.
And this one, I note,
The belly pouts from the tea. (Overeating.)
24. Ah, and now I myself have become unstable,
I won't make it home from a friendly drinking binge. (Alcoholic intoxication.)
25. And I recognize a sweetheart by his walk. (Flat feet.)
26. I tried to get away from love,
I took a sharp razor and ruled myself. (Plastic surgery.)
27. There is no logic in your thoughts,
How can I find the truth in them? (Schizophrenia.)
28. Why are you, dear, looking askance,
Bowing your head low? (Osteochondrosis.)
29. They picked a sweet berry together,
Bitter berry - I'm alone (Poisoning)
30. Far, far, far away
My only devoted friend.
Not easy, not easy, not easy
Without reliable, trusted hands (We need a masseur).
31. Hot sun, hot sand,
Hot lips - a sip of water (sunstroke)

The host wishes everyone health, no matter what :)), happiness, love in the coming year!

New Year's party for a women's corporate party in the style of the 90s

You can joke :)) and organize a bachelorette party for the New Year in the style of the 90s. I think that someone will like it, because youth is the best years of life, and it is so wonderful to plunge into this difficult, but at the same time, happy time ...

At a New Year's corporate party, as you can see, you can arrange a lot of entertainment - funny modern scenes, short and long fairy tales in a new way, funny reprise in a cheerful company. We considered interesting ideas for celebrating the New Year, as well as videos with original stories on the New Year's theme.

Happy New Year!


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