Marketing channels in the hotel. Marketing channels for hotel services. The essence of marketing activities in the restaurant and hotel business and ways to improve its efficiency

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1. The economic role of distribution channels A distribution network can be defined as a structure formed by partners participating in a process of competitive exchange in order to provide goods and services at the disposal of individual consumers or industrial users. These partners are: manufacturers, resellers and end users-buyers. Any sales channel performs a certain set of functions necessary for the exchange.

1. 1. Sales functions - transportation: any action to move goods from their place of production to the place of consumption; - "division": any action to ensure the availability of goods in a quantity and form appropriate to the needs of users; - storage: any action to ensure the availability of goods at the time of purchase or use; - sorting: any action to create sets of specialized and/or complementary products adapted to consumption situations; - establishing contact: any action that facilitates access to large and remote groups of buyers; - informing: any action that increases knowledge of the needs of the market and the conditions of competitive exchange.

1. 2. Distribution - The flow of ownership: the transfer of ownership of goods from one organization to another. - Physical flow: the sequential physical movement of goods from the manufacturer through intermediaries to the final consumer. - Order flow: orders coming from buyers and resellers and sent to manufacturers. - Financial flow: various payments, bills, commissions that move from the end user to the manufacturer and intermediaries. - The flow of information: this flow is distributed in two directions: information about the market moves towards the manufacturer; information about the offered goods at the initiative of the manufacturer and intermediaries is sent towards the market.

2. Rationale for the use of intermediaries The high level of costs constantly encourages businesses to look for better methods of marketing. At the same time, it is obvious that sales functions can be transferred, but they cannot be excluded. From the point of view of the firm, the transfer of these functions to intermediaries is justified to the extent that, due to their specialization, they are able to perform them more efficiently and at lower costs than the manufacturer himself. The privileged position of marketers (distributors) in relation to manufacturers is due to five factors described below.

3. Number of levels of distribution channels Distribution channels can be characterized by the number of levels. The distribution channel level refers to any level at which some work is performed to deliver a product from the manufacturer to the final customer. Since both the producer and the end user do some work, they are part of every channel in the distribution system.

Channel 4 Channel 3 Channel 2 Channel

4. Tour operators and travel agents. Many specialized channels are available to tourism and hospitality organizations. Consider the following intermediary links in the marketing system in the field of hospitality and tourism

Travel wholesalers Travel wholesalers collect so-called "travel packages" that are in high demand in the leisure market. These packages usually include not only transport services and hotel accommodation, but also meals, ground transportation, excursions and entertainment. To expand the package of services, wholesalers enter into contracts with airlines and hotels for a specified number of seats and rooms, receiving discounts for the number. The wholesaler also arranges transportation between the hotel and the airport.

Hotel representatives sell hotel rooms and hotel services in a specific market area. This method is effective for hotels that hire a representative and do not use their own sellers, it is especially effective for a distant market and cultural differences that make it difficult for an outsider to enter the market.

5. Marketing in the hospitality and tourism industry Transactional marketing, ie transactional marketing, is part of the broader concept of relationship marketing. Experienced marketing professionals, marketers, are constantly working to establish good relationships with valuable customers, distributors, dealers and suppliers. They create strong economic ties by guaranteeing reasonable prices to the other side, promising and always delivering high quality products and good service. Currently, marketing is increasingly abandoning the desire to squeeze the maximum profit from each individual transaction and more and more tends to establish the most mutually beneficial and long-term relationships with consumers and business partners. The premise of this approach can be formulated as follows: create good relationships - and profitable deals will follow.

In the hospitality industry, relationship marketing is especially important in the following situations: Between hospitality industry organizations and their customers; Between hospitality industry organizations and their employees; Between structures retail providers of hospitality services and market intermediaries Between retailers offering hospitality services, and key clients, such as government structures and large corporations; Between retailers offering services in the area Catering and some organizations for which these enterprises supply ready-made food products; Between retailers offering different services in the hospitality industry. Between hospitality and travel retailers and key suppliers; Between the hospitality and travel industries and their marketing agents, as well as banks and law firms.

6. Vertical Marketing Systems One of the most significant advances in channel building, replacing conventional marketing systems. The vertical marketing system (VMS) includes manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers acting as an integrated system. One member of the channel either manages the others by making contracts with them, or has such power that they all cooperate with him. The IUD can be operated by either the manufacturer or the wholesaler. , or Retailer BMC was originally designed to manage the channel's behavioral systems and conflicts within it. Another big advantage of VMS is the economy of size, the power to close deals, and the elimination of duplication of services. The Navy has come to dominate consumer marketing, serving 64% of the market.

7. Horizontal marketing systems Another type of distribution channel organization that combines the distribution networks of two or more companies at the same level in order to use new marketing opportunities. Companies that pool their capital, production capabilities, and marketing resources will achieve better results than companies operating on their own.

For most markets, the distance between the producer of goods and services in the hospitality industry and end users is such that effective matching of supply and demand requires the presence of intermediaries. The need for a distribution network is due to the fact that the manufacturer is not able to assume all the responsibilities and functions arising from the requirements of free exchange in accordance with the expectations of potential consumers. Recourse to intermediaries means that the firm loses control over certain elements of the commercialization process. Therefore, the choice of a distribution network for a firm is a strategic decision that must be compatible not only with the expectations of the target segment, but also with its own goals. For example, the Ritz-Carlton and Kempinski hotels are actively developing relationships with travel agencies, thanks to which they receive a significant share of the business. Marriott has entered into a marketing alliance with New Otani, enabling it to host Japanese travelers in North America. In turn, New Otani received favorable business conditions and a channel for receiving American tourists traveling in Japan.

Competition conditions, market globalization, electronic distribution methods and a short shelf life of a product (service) increase the importance of the distribution network. New and existing markets need creativity. Globalization means that many hotel companies must select foreign partners who will help them become agents of business expansion in new geographic regions.

The economic role of distribution channels. A distribution network can be defined as a structure formed by partners participating in a process of competitive exchange for the purpose of placing goods and services at the disposal of individual consumers or industrial users.

Partners in the hospitality and tourism industry can include: travel agencies, tour operators, travel brokers and individual agents, professionals, national and government agencies, consortiums and booking systems.

Distribution channel partners perform the following functions:

information - any actions that increase knowledge of the needs of the market and the conditions of competitive exchange, i.e. environment marketing. Information flows spread in two directions: information about the market moves towards the producer of services and goods; information about the offered goods at the initiative of the manufacturer and intermediaries is sent towards the market;

Establishing contact - any action that facilitates access to large and remote groups of buyers (finding, establishing contact with them, maintaining relationships);

sorting and adaptation - any activity to create sets of specialized or complementary goods or services adapted to consumption situations (including assembly and packaging);

• negotiation or transfer of ownership - the transfer of ownership of goods from one organization to another, negotiating the price and other points of the offer;

physical distribution - transportation and storage, as well as the consistent physical movement of goods from the manufacturer through intermediaries to the final consumer;

· financial flow- various payments, bills, commissions that move from the end user to the manufacturer and intermediaries.

Justification for the use of intermediaries. The high level of costs constantly encourages businesses to look for better marketing methods. At the same time, it is obvious that sales functions can be transferred, but they cannot be excluded. From the point of view of the firm, the transfer of these functions to intermediaries is justified to the extent that they, due to their specialization, are able to perform them more efficiently and at lower costs than the manufacturer himself.

Intermediaries reduce the cost of the manufacturer, as they are able to perform certain functions to a greater extent than an individual manufacturer. Economies of scale is most clearly seen in the work of tour operators, when their costs can be distributed among several foreign tourist partners. As a result, the costs of performing the sales function are reduced compared to the option when each foreign travel company must open, for example, its representative office in Russia.

Reducing the number Contacts of the direct producer of services with the end consumer also occur due to the performance of the functions listed above by distribution channels (Fig. 11.1).

Rice. 11.1. Scheme of centralized and decentralized exchange systems

In a decentralized system required amount contacts are an order of magnitude higher (I P) than in a centralized one. Consequently, a centralized system of exchange is more efficient, as it reduces the number of steps that ensure the matching of supply and demand, and is also more amenable to control. For example, many airlines encourage passengers to use the services of travel agencies. Agencies answer passengers' questions, issue tickets, accept payments, deliver tickets to the client's office if necessary, and reissue tickets when passengers' plans change. The introduction of a ticket distribution system with delivery to the office in the work of the airlines themselves would be economically unprofitable for them.

Reducing functional inconsistency. By purchasing large quantities of goods, ensuring their storage and breaking into small lots, wholesalers and retailers enable manufacturers and consumers to deal with more convenient scales of supply. In the absence of intermediaries, the manufacturer would have to adapt itself to the volume of customers and buyers. For example, a restaurant manager just needs to call a supplier of restaurant utensils and get the required number of plates, glasses, knives, forks, napkins, spice sets and much more. For the buyer (restaurant), it is possible to purchase small quantities of products that have become part of a large order of an intermediary company. It is the order of the intermediary that reduces the need for goods, the number of deliveries and the number of processed invoices for the manufacturer.

Range improvement. The intermediary accumulates a certain number of types of goods, thereby providing a variety of goods and services so that buyers can purchase several goods in one transaction, saving their time and necessary effort.

Service improvement. As a rule, the intermediary is closer to the end user and therefore knows his needs better, so that it is easier for him to adapt to local conditions. However, this dominance of intermediaries is not unshakable. The intermediary maintains his position in the channel only as long as the other participants in the exchange process believe that he performs his functions better than they themselves or any other organizations could do.

The number of channel levels. Distribution channels can be characterized by a number of levels. The distribution channel level refers to any level at which some work is performed to deliver a product from the manufacturer to the final customer. Both producer and consumer do some work in the distribution system and are part of each channel. The channel can be direct, without the level of intermediaries. For example, a restaurant can directly purchase products from a manufacturer - a state farm, a collective farm, a farm.

There are channels that have one intermediary - a retailer. For example, gambling clubs buy equipment for halls (billiards, card tables and roulette) from one distributor who has direct supplies of gambling equipment from foreign manufacturers.

From the manufacturer's point of view, a large number of intermediaries in the channel means less control over the distribution system and creates additional complexity.

Consider the main participants in the distribution channels - market intermediaries. The choice of the distribution channel structure comes down to solving the issue of the distribution of responsibilities between the participants in the exchange process. From the firm's point of view, the first thing to decide is whether someone should be delegated part of the sales function, and if so, to what extent and under what conditions.

Wholesalers tourism services. Tour operators put together "travel packages" that typically include hotel accommodation, transport services, meals, ground handling: transfers, excursions, and entertainment. Wholesale resellers generally sell to other sellers and not to final buyers. The tour operator purchases the components required for the travel package in large quantities, acquires ownership rights, and arranges for resale in small quantities. In all operations, the tour operator must provide a commission for the travel agent and provide consumers with a package of services for a tour that will be perceived as a better and more profitable option than what consumers could create themselves (Table 11.1).

In addition, the tour operator must make a profit for himself. For wholesalers to be profitable, they need to sell 85% of their packages. This high break-even point leaves little room for error. Many tour operators do not reach the level of cost recovery, so it is very important when dealing with them to protect your business by requiring prepayment or full payment for the services provided (in the case of a hotel or ground handling). The US market is characterized by the presence of additional guarantees of participants in the tourist market. Tour operators united in an association contribute insurance payments ($100,000) to a special fund that guarantees compensation Money in the event of the financial collapse of any of the members of the association.

Table 11.1

The largest tour operators in Europe in 1994

Place and company The country Number of tourists Turnover in national currency, million DM
TUI including branches abroad Germany 4805 800
NUR including branches abroad Germany 3944 205
Thomson Tour Operation Great Britain 4100 000
LTU Touristic (LTT) Germany
ITS including branches abroad Germany 2010620*
Club Mediterranee including chapters abroad France 2279 500*
Nouvelles Frontieres including branches abroad France
Hotelplan including branches abroad Switzerland
Feast Choice Great Britain 2046 000
Airtours Great Britain 3500 000
DER Germany
Kuoni, including branches abroad Switzerland -
Spies/Tjaereborg Denmark
Jan Germany
Cosmos Group Great Britain
* Data 1993

The role of the distribution system in the marketing mix.

Selling goods in the marketing system is the only way to return the funds invested in the production of goods and make a profit. Therefore, the goal of distributive policy is to ensure the availability of goods for consumers. To do this, it is necessary: ​​- to accurately determine the need of the target market for goods and plan the possible sizes of their sale; - to form effective distribution channels (CD) and bring their products to the consumer faster; - to create maximum conditions for a quick meeting of the goods with the consumer.

The distribution channel ensures the availability of the product for the consumer, while the channel itself consists of a certain number of individuals and firms that ensure the possibility of consumption or use of this product by an individual consumer or enterprise.

The main elements of sales planning are: - forecast of turnover, - preparation of financial estimates for sales (we describe what profit we will receive and what costs will be), - setting sales standards, - trade reporting and control.

Distribution strategies: - sampling distribution ( Appliances), - exceptional, - extensive (everywhere).

Forms of sales organization: 1. Merchandising - optimization of the location of goods on the trading floor. 2. Franchising. 3. Direct marketing (Internet, personal selling, telephone, catalogs).

Distribution and distribution channels in a constantly changing market.

Channels of merchandise and distribution are the path by which goods move from producers to consumers, thereby eliminating the long gaps in time, place and ownership that separate goods and services from consumers. The distribution channels are characterized by the level of integration, width, length, as well as differences determined by the nature of the goods being moved and sold.

Functions: information - collection and dissemination of information obtained during marketing research, about existing and potential buyers, competitors, other participants and other factors of the marketing environment; promotion - the formation of a communication policy in order to attract customers; Negotiating - reaching agreement on price and other issues to ensure the transfer of ownership or disposal of goods; · order - the conclusion of agreements with other channel participants for the purchase of goods from the manufacturer; · financing - finding and distribution of funds necessary to cover the costs arising at various levels of the channel's operation; risk acceptance - taking responsibility for the functioning of the channel; · possession of goods - consistent storage and movement of the products themselves, starting from the manufacturer's warehouse and ending with the premises of end consumers; payment - transfer of buyer's money on the seller's accounts through banks and other financial institutions; labeling - the transfer of ownership from one individual or legal entity to another.

Levels: Single layer channel includes one intermediary in the industrial goods markets. This intermediary can usually be a distributor or broker. Bilayer channel consists of two intermediaries. In the markets for industrial products, such intermediaries can be industrial distributors (supply organizations) and dealers. Three-level channel includes three intermediaries. For example, in the processing industry, there are usually small wholesalers between wholesalers and retailers who buy goods from large wholesalers and resell them in small quantities to retailers. There are more levels, but they are less common. From the producer's point of view, the more layers a distribution channel has, the less control it has.

Advantages and disadvantages of the main methods of promoting goods on the market.

1.Providing free product samples. Benefits: Attracts new customers. Gives them the opportunity to fully evaluate the product. Promotes a faster perception of the product. Ned-ki: Associated with significant costs. Does not allow to fully assess the prospects for the implementation of the product. 2.Free demo and product test. Benefits: Overcoming resistance to a new, unfamiliar product. Formation of a new product. Ned-ki: Complicated and expensive to organize and conduct. Big time investment. Coverage of a narrow circle of consumers. 3. Distribution of information with offers of benefits and discounts by sales agents. Benefits: High selectivity, targeting a pre-selected range of consumers. A high degree of consumer receptivity and attention to the product. Weeks: Very laborious process which takes a long time to achieve a tangible effect. Needs careful monitoring. 4. Sending information about discounts and benefits by mail. Benefits: Very high selectivity and good consumer acceptance of the product. The ability to catch consumers in a familiar environment for using the product. Ned-ki: It takes a lot of time to get tangible results. High dependence on the quality of the written information message to consumers. 5. Distribution of information about discounts and benefits through newspapers. Advantages: Speed ​​and convenience in practical use. Accounting for geographical features of sales. Weeks: Low degree of consumer susceptibility. Retailers may not recognize discounts and benefits. Careful planning is required. 6. Distribution of information about discounts and benefits through special editions. Benefits: The most accurate orientation to pre-selected consumer groups. Effective coverage of the most important consumer groups. Weeks: Can be quite costly. The most important consumers do not always respond to the benefits that are offered. 7. Announcements about money-back guarantees. Benefits: Increases the prestige of the firm. Forms a market for new products. Ned-ki: Results do not appear immediately. Very limited impact on sales growth. 8.Supplying the purchase with a small gift. Benefits: Promotes sales growth. Minor additional distribution costs. Ned-ki: There is a threat of petty theft (especially from retailers). Not enough incentive for a regular customer. 9.Multi-pack discounted products. Benefits: Promotes a rapid increase in sales. Visual and easy to use. Weeks: Low selectivity to pre-selected consumer groups. May undermine the prestige of the brand. 10. Contests and lotteries. Benefits: Promotes brand confidence. Weeks: Expensive to use. Participation of a limited circle of clients. 11. Demonstration of goods at the point of sale. Benefits: An effective means of attracting the attention of consumers. Ned-ki: Requires the consent of the dealer.

The role of the stock in the distribution system, types of stocks.

Well-established organization of goods distribution is a serious competitive advantage for the trading network, as this allows to achieve timely replenishment of inventories, provide the necessary breadth of assortment, and reduce the cost of delivering goods to the network's subdivisions. Achieving the maximum rhythm of organizational processes in the distribution chain, drawing up the most efficient delivery routes, determining the most optimal volume and period for delivering goods to subdivisions are the issues that the main attention of the logistics services of large retail chains is focused on. The process of product distribution is aimed at ensuring the supply of goods to the final links on the path of the commodity flow from the producer to the consumer, which, as a rule, are retailers. This category is the object of study of the disciplines "Trade", "Logistics" and "Marketing" and each of them has its own specific interpretation. The above points of view imply that with the entry into the retail commercial enterprise(place of sale) is the end point of the product distribution process. However, once in the retail warehouse, the goods do not immediately fall into the sphere of consumption. He has yet to go through warehouse operations before it reaches the consumer. In some cases, it will be redistributed, that is, its movement will continue. Therefore, it is important to add that the final stage of the product distribution process should be considered the transfer of goods to the final consumer. In this case, it already ceases to be a commodity and is not part of the commodity flow. Thus, in order to obtain a definition that most fully reflects the meaning of the concept under study, we generalize the meaning inherent in each of the three above. So, commodity circulation is the process of bringing goods from producers to the sphere of consumption, which is a set of transportation and warehousing operations, in order to fully satisfy the needs of consumers.

Species: By purpose stocks are divided into two main types: production and commodity, which in turn are divided into three subspecies: current, insurance, seasonal.

Inventory management in each of these areas has its own specifics. Productive reserves located at enterprises of all industries are intended for industrial consumption. Purpose of creation production stocks- ensure rhythmic functioning production process. Inventory are already finished products intended for end user, as well as stocks located on the route of the goods from the supplier to the consumer, i.e. at enterprises of wholesale, small wholesale and retail trade, in procurement organizations and stocks in transit. Commodity stocks, in turn, are subdivided into stocks of commodity means of production and commodity commodities.

Production and inventory are divided into: Current stocks- the main part of all stocks. Ensures the continuity of the production or trade process between successive deliveries. Insurance stocks- provide materials or goods to the production or trade process in case of unforeseen circumstances. The insurance stock is a kind of shock absorber that allows the entrepreneur to feel comfortable. However, you have to pay for the use of comfort.

seasonal stocks- appear during the seasonal nature of production, consumption or transportation.
In relation to production or trade, inventories are divided into the following types: * passing; * preparatory; * illiquid; * stocks in transit, etc.

Carrying-over stocks include balances of material resources at the end of the reporting period. This type stocks ensures the continuity of the production or trading process from the beginning of the period following the reporting period until the delivery of the next batch of goods.

Preparatory stocks- this is part of the current stocks, which require additional preparation before they are used in the production or trading process.

Illiquid stocks are production or commodity stocks that have not been used for a long time.
Stocks on the way- stocks located at the time of accounting in the process of transportation.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education



(Moscow) (branch)

Course work

discipline: "Economics of the enterprise of tourism and hotel business"

Topic:Measures to improve the sales channels of the tourist organization

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Chapter 1. The essence of marketing activities in the restaurant and hotel business and ways to improve its efficiency

1.1. Formation of a marketing strategy at the enterprise

1.2. Sales channels for restaurant and hotel business services

1.3. Sales promotion activities

2. Analysis of the activities and marketing policy of OJSC GC Cosmos

2.1. general characteristics enterprises

2.2. Organizational structure of enterprise management

2.3. Key performance indicators of the enterprise

2.4. Analysis sales market, main competitors and consumers of the enterprise

3. Project of measures to improve the sales channels of JSC GC "Cosmos" and their economic efficiency

3.1. Measures to improve the sales channels of JSC GK Cosmos and the calculation of the expected effect from the implementation of proposals

3.2. Forecast of the main technical and economic performance indicators


List of sources used


In world practice, the concept of marketing did not appear immediately. The term "marketing" appeared in the US economic literature at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries and literally meant "trading activity in the market." At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a commercial understanding of marketing - as a method of distribution, its goal is to find a buyer for products that the manufacturer is able to produce.

Since the 50s of the XX century in countries with developed market economy marketing is considered as the leading management function based on the study of consumer demand, its concept is based on the ideas of meeting the needs of consumers. Today the role of marketing cannot be overestimated. modern marketing is not just one of the functions of business, but its philosophy, type of thinking.

Service marketing is a customer-focused way of doing business. This is a system for organizing all the activities of the company on the basis of a comprehensive study of the market and the real needs of consumers in order to make a profit.

It is believed that marketing plays an increasingly important role in the hospitality industry, where great attention is now paid to the personalization of service and full concentration on the requests and needs of consumers. Today it is not enough to provide a "simple" product or service, but it is necessary to develop them taking into account the tastes, preferences and habits of customers. Businesses using this approach are able to anticipate the desires of the client, exceed his expectations, satisfy needs, and therefore bribe him and make him permanent.

Such a struggle for your client gives rise to intense competition among enterprises in the industry, therefore, without mastering the art of marketing, it is impossible to successfully solve this problem.

That is why the sales system is central to the entire marketing system. And this is not without justification - it is in the process of selling finished products that it will become clear how accurate and successful all the concepts and strategies used to promote the service to the market were.

At present, there is a fairly large number of firms and organizations involved in the hotel industry, the development of competition, there is a need to expand product distribution channels, by improving products through the introduction of modern equipment and advanced technologies, there is a need for new approaches to organizing commercial activities, material and technical base and technological processes at hotel enterprises .. All this imposes new requirements on the training of specialists whose professional activities are related to commodity circulation.

A modern hotel enterprise provides consumers with not only accommodation services, but also a wide range of restaurant services, transport services, communications, entertainment, excursion services, etc., which makes a particular enterprise more attractive to the client against competitors. However, consumers have diverse desires and interests, due to differences in shopping habits and needs, as well as in the benefits they seek in the services offered, so it is difficult to attract a customer by offering the same thing. Therefore, today hotel marketers have to think about how to motivate a client to purchase the services of their enterprise, how to form regular relationships with clients, how to retain and encourage them, turning them into permanent ones.

Such tasks allow us to solve such a direction of marketing activities as sales promotion, focused primarily on the formation of consumer demand in the long term. The formation of demand and sales promotion are associated with the practical activities of the hospitality industry enterprise (creation and use of a sales network, pricing policy, advertising, sales promotion programs, the use of public relations, etc.) and is the stage at which the goals and objectives are materialized and the correctness of the chosen strategy is checked.

This function is important for the organization, as it must actively resist competitive pressure through the development and implementation of sales promotion and demand generation activities, as well as create a circle of loyal customers and its own positive image for the successful implementation of the services produced. Sometimes the benefits and benefits offered to the guest within the framework of incentive programs have a decisive influence on his choice. Consequently, the successful solution of sales promotion issues at the enterprise will lead to the formation of a permanent client base, which, according to the heads of the restaurant and hotel business, is perhaps the most important aspect of their work, strengthening customer loyalty, increasing sales and, accordingly, the company's income.

That is why the chosen topic seems to me modern, relevant and practically significant.

The object of this work is a large hotel company in Moscow - OJSC "GC "Cosmos". The subject of the work is one of the elements of the marketing mix - distribution channels for products and services of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business and analysis of sales promotion developments in Cosmos Group of Companies.

The purpose of this work is to study the features of channels and systems for stimulating the sale of products and services at enterprises in the industry, including the formation of a marketing strategy and ways to promote services on the market, and their application in practice, using the experience of the analyzed enterprise in this area, to substantiate the importance of applying incentives for the enterprise.

one. . The essence of marketing activities in the restaurant and hotel business and ways to improve its efficiency

1.1 Formation of a marketing strategy at the enterprise

To ensure the effective implementation of their products and services, hospitality industry enterprises must carry out a set of activities that are reflected in the formation marketing sales strategy.

Achieving the highest possible performance depends on the correct segmentation of the market and the development of an appropriate marketing (sales) strategy that fully meets the needs of the selected segments. In this regard, the most important task of the hospitality industry is to identify market segments that are most ready to book restaurant and hotel services, i.e. identifying potential customers who will form the backbone of the clientele enterprises.

In order to create a more or less stable group of potential customers, you must:

    clear positioning of the enterprise in the market, highlighting its differences and advantages over other similar enterprises;

    broad declaration of the benefits that will be received potential clients by purchasing these services;

    the use of a variety of tactics and methods of sales;

    wide discount programs.

The marketing strategy of a hospitality industry enterprise is developed on the basis of a general marketing strategy and includes the following steps:

    determination of the range of factors affecting the organization of sales;

    setting sales strategy goals;

    selection of distribution channels for hotel products and services;

    sales analysis and control.

Determining the range of factors affecting the organization of sales, involves a detailed study of consumers. Today it is no longer enough to provide just good service, you need to focus on the policy of retaining regular customers.

There are many methods for studying the characteristics of customers and their degree of satisfaction with services. The first place (41%) among them is still occupied by questionnaires filled out by guests; computer interactive technologies, unfortunately, have not yet received mass distribution; at present, 7% of hotel enterprises use them in the world. The analysis of the information and opinions of the guests allows the management to imagine and properly evaluate the overall impression of the guest from the enterprise. In the process of such work, a large amount of information is collected, which forms the basis of the client base.

Collect detailed data about each client, trace his history, send information about ongoing special events and loyalty programs, discounts and new offers - all these activities must be planned and carried out in a timely manner, and their results must be collected and stored in the bank customer data.

Setting goals for the marketing strategy usually linked to the overall objectives of the marketing activities of the enterprise. The main goal of a hotel's marketing strategy is to maximize sales of non-retainable hotel products in real time; in turn, the maximum sales volume gives the optimal economic effect.

The next step in developing a marketing strategy is choice of distribution channels, which is carried out on the basis of the goals and objectives of the marketing strategy.

The final stage of the sales marketing strategy is sales analysis and control. In the era of computer data processing, it has become possible to quickly monitor and analyze sales, compiling regular analytical reports and reviews that form an idea of ​​the parameters business activity for the short, medium and long term. The data obtained serve to forecast fluctuations in financial and economic indicators in the future and enable management to plan sales volumes, form a pricing strategy, and also make a forecast of future business activities.

The marketing strategy of a hotel enterprise is an integral part of the hotel's marketing mix, and it cannot be implemented independently in isolation from other marketing programs. The sales strategy should be closely related to the overall goals and objectives of the hotel, consistent with internal standards and be aimed at maximum satisfaction of the needs of the hotel clientele 1 .

Means of sales promotion at the enterprises of the RSL.

The main means of stimulating the consumer are samples, coupons, cash payments, price packages, bonuses, rewards for regular use of the company's goods and services, shows, demonstrations, contests, lotteries and games.

Samples - this is an offer of a certain amount of goods for testing. Some of them are offered for free, for others the company charges a small price.

However, it should be borne in mind that offering samples of a product or service is the most effective, but also the most expensive means, especially if a new product is being introduced to the market.

A useful tool for staff training and sales promotion is the provision of samples for testing by employees working in hotels, restaurants or other hospitality industries. A complete, good knowledge of the product (service) is especially useful when moving to more advanced product models and service options. It's hard to recommend top-notch wines to someone if that person has no idea about the taste of those wines. Employees of the sales and reservation departments of a hotel or resort can more convincingly offer a prospective client to buy a place near the pool, rent a cottage or apartment, if they themselves know about this product (service) firsthand.

Coupons - these are certificates that give discounts from the price when buying the goods indicated in them. Coupons can be mailed, bundled with other products, or advertised. The most popular coupons in the restaurant business; however, hotels, car rental companies, tourist routes and cruise lines also use the coupon system.

In addition to stimulating sales of an already known product or service, coupons are also effective in stimulating a new product and encouraging it to try. For example, if a fast food chain launches a new dish, it will often feature it in print ads that also include a discount coupon. This provides an incentive to purchase and reduces risk for customers trying new products.

Sales promotion using coupons creates a favorable image both for those who distribute coupons and for those who provide a product or service in exchange for them.

Despite this, many professional marketing and commercial consultants believe that too much incentive is negative. affects the product, reducing the degree of its individuality. Some experts believe that companies spend millions of dollars and years of effort to create an excellent image and a high level of differentiation of their products and services with consumers, but ill-conceived sales promotion activities can ruin all this.

There may be situations when sales promotion measures give the impression that the price was unreasonably high from the very beginning or the company could not make this proposal. All this leads to "coupon wars" and other forms of price reduction, thereby reducing the value of a company's product or service or service.

Prizes are goods offered for low price or free, as an incentive to buy a marketed product.

Many restaurants, such as Hard Rock, have discovered that products that promote the sale of basic goods and services (so-called promotional items such as caps, t-shirts, and shirts) can sell for a good profit, creating an additional source of profit for the company. Others offer as a bonus a spirit drink or a dessert served in a special glass or on a special plate. In fact, diners, when they take the "gift" home as a reminder of a pleasant moment associated with the restaurant, pay for such a glass or plate at their full price.

Often hotels, resorts and cruise lines suffer significant financial losses due to an unplanned decrease in the number of items used in the service (towels, bathrobes, soap dishes and ashtrays from rooms or public places). They have been known to be taken by guests who perceive these things as items to stimulate the services of the company, or as a gift for visiting, or simply as a souvenir. To date, this phenomenon is observed in hotels of any class, including luxury.

Award for regular use - These are monetary or other rewards for the regular use of the company's goods or services. For example, most airlines develop frequent flyer programs and give customers special bonuses for the number of miles a person has flown on their aircraft. The points earned under this program allow you to get more comfortable seats on the plane (transfer to a more expensive class at the same ticket price), a free car to travel around the city or a free hotel room. The Marriott hotel chain has developed a similar plan where guests who stay frequently at their hotels earn reward points. Some restaurants offer special cards that are punched during every customer visit. After ten such visits, the client receives a free meal or other reward.

Sales promotion at the point of purchase includes exhibitions and demonstrations of goods that are held at the places of its purchase or sale.

The value of this type of promotion has long been recognized by the retail industry, and such campaigns are increasingly being used in restaurants, hotels, car rentals and other areas of the hospitality industry. Guest service companies have found that point-of-purchase sales promotion can be used to spread the word about a company's core product or service and to sell additional products and services, thereby increasing overall revenue.

Hotels use display tables and counters set up in the foyer to encourage the sale of other hotels in the same chain and additional services ranging from car parking to sledding.

Contests, lotteries and games give consumers the opportunity to win something, such as a certain amount of money or a trip. The competition encourages people to test their knowledge, ability to guess, invent captions for drawings, which is evaluated by a special jury. A similar process occurs when organizing competitions between employees, when the winners receive valuable prizes for better results of their work.

Thus, a variety of instruments can be used to achieve incentive goals. To select the most appropriate of these, the promotion planner must consider the type of market, the objectives of the promotion, the degree of competition, the costs, and the effectiveness of each promotion.

Whenever possible, promotional tools need to be pre-tested to see if they are suitable for a particular market situation and whether the motives they create are sufficiently motivating for potential consumers. To carry out such testing, researchers may ask consumers to rate various sales promotions. Incentives can also be tested to a limited extent in selected regions.

1.2. Sales channels for services of restaurant and hotel business enterprises

Many hospitality companies make extensive use of the marketing channels available to them. In today's competitive environment, it's not enough to rely on a central seat reservation system and your own marketing capabilities.

Competitive conditions, market globalization, electronic distribution methods and the short shelf life of goods and services greatly increase the importance of the distribution network. Globalization means that many hotel companies must look for foreign partners to help them expand their business to many other regions. New electronic marketing methods have led to the growth of international seat reservation systems. Finally, the importance of distribution has increased because, as a rule, the "product" of the hospitality industry is perishable. 2

Sales organization is a key element of the restaurant and hotel business, and therefore the commercial services of these enterprises are striving to make their marketing strategy more active and diverse. For these purposes, extensive contacts are established with customers, including with "old" guests, the actions of competitors are carefully analyzed, and marketing techniques are widely used. However, an enterprise cannot do without well-developed distribution channels, since the transfer of sales functions to intermediaries gives it the opportunity to focus on the quality and competitiveness of its products and somewhat reduce its costs for the production of its services.

Distribution (sales) channel is a set of independent organizations involved in the process of providing a product or service to individual consumers or customer companies.

The formation of a distribution system begins with the selection of participants in the distribution channel. Once distribution channels are identified, marketing efforts are focused on managing that channel. The sales network for the distribution of services in the hospitality sector is formed on a contractual basis. In the hospitality industry, distribution systems are used to move the consumer to a product, i.e., a hotel, restaurant, cruise ship, or aircraft.

Hospitality industry organizations can use the following intermediary links in the distribution system 3:

    tour operators and travel agents;

    special structures;

    representatives of hotel sales departments;

    national, state and local agencies;

    corporate clients;

    global distribution systems;


Tour operators and travel agents

Tour operators- are tourism organizations that sell packages of tourism services, including transportation and accommodation, to legal and individuals. The tour operator can act not only for a commission, but also at his own expense. Tour operators, as a rule, have an agent network and also conduct direct sales.

Hotel enterprises, selling large blocks of rooms to tour operators, provide them with discounts, usually 15 - 20%, in addition, for large groups, discounts can be even higher. Higher discounts can also be provided for the wide sale of additional services (catering, transfers, excursions, business center services, etc.).

Relations between hotel companies and tour operators are built on a mutually beneficial basis, while respecting the interests of the parties.

Interests of tour operators:

    ensure high sales volume;

    receive high profit on sales;

    have reliable suppliers;

    receive a variety of offers of products and services;

    have minimal risk with high responsibility of suppliers.

In turn, hotel companies develop own policy sales, in which they determine their own business interests and tactics of working with tour operators.

Interests of hotel enterprises:

    seek from tour operators that have big discounts, publishing catalogs, booklets, advertising materials holding advertising campaigns to promote the hotel;

    tour operators should have their own agency network and regularly send tourists to the hotel;

    work with large tour operators only on the basis of a large prepayment;

    when negotiating and signing the contract, it is necessary to obtain from the operators and fix in the contract the expected quantitative and financial sales volumes.

Currently, major Russian tour operators are following the path of creating large blocks of rooms in hotels. Travel agencies negotiate in advance with hotels about the price and the number of redeemed rooms, thereby providing an opportunity for their customers to get a good room at a reasonable price. Some travel agencies redeem entire floors in hotels in their own name. The profitability of such a sales scheme is obvious, blocks of rooms are sold in advance at an agreed price, and this reduces the risk for the hotel to be unloaded.

If tour operators are, as a rule, wholesalers of tourist services, then travel agents- these are tourist organizations that sell hotel accommodation, acting on a commission basis, and, as a rule, conduct direct sales.

Travel agencies act as intermediaries between tour operators, hotels and consumers and play important role in the tourist market, as the bulk of retail sales pass through them.

When developing a sales policy by hotel enterprises, travel agents are given special attention. Many hotel companies rightly believe that this category of partners is the main one and it requires close attention, as tour operators grow from successful travel agents. In this regard, the task of sales managers is to find stable travel agency firms and strengthen partnerships with them through a wide range of discounts (10-15%). In addition, sales managers must deeply study the business reputation of travel agents, their financial strength, the level of professionalism of employees, feedback from customers and business partners in order to form a true impression and build relationships with them correctly.

Special structures: tour brokers and representatives of gambling establishments.

Tour Brokers often sell bus tours that appeal to a variety of markets. Some bus tours are seasonal, others are dedicated to an event, and still others are permanent regardless of the season. For hotels located on such routes, bus tours are the most important source of income. Bus tours are also extremely important for museums and historical sites.

Representatives of gaming establishments as intermediaries, first-class players are served by business casinos. They maintain lists of players who like to visit certain entertainment areas. As a rule, such representatives work with one or more casinos. They receive commissions based on the amount of money the casino makes from the players they refer, or in some cases, for each player they refer. Players referred by gambling establishments receive free or low-cost services, including air travel, ground transportation, hotel accommodation, food, drinks and entertainment. The number of additional services provided to players depends on the number of players playing in the casino.

Representatives of hotel sales departments.

Hotel representatives sell hotel rooms and hotel services in a specific market area. This method is effective for hotels that hire a representative and do not use their own sellers, it is especially effective for a distant market and where there are cultural differences that make it difficult for new entrants to enter the market.

Such hotel room sales representatives should represent the interests of non-competing hotels. They receive commission only, or commission plus salary, or a combination of both. It takes time for a hotel representative to study the services offered by the company and inform the market about them. The choice of a hotel representative should be deliberate. Frequent replacement of the hotel representative is undesirable.

National, state and local agencies.

These agencies are a great way not only to keep the market informed, but also to increase seat reservations. National associations promote tourism services in their countries. For hotel chains with branches throughout the country, their activities can be very important. Government agencies promote their services both abroad and directly in their own countries. Their numerous information centers are located even at the points of entry into the country. Regional associations may also assist independent operators and hotel chain representatives.

Corporate clients.

Under the corporate sale of hotel rooms is understood the process of receiving applications from corporate clients: trading companies, banks, industrial and other organizations and enterprises to accommodate their employees. Corporate clients - these are collective customers who do not carry out travel agency and tour operator activities. Due to late booking dates and limited stay periods (usually 3-4 days), corporate clients cannot count on significant discounts, usually 5-10%, but if blocks of rooms are ordered and redeemed regularly, they can count on a more favorable corporate rate. Corporate clients are cost-effective for hotels.

Firstly, they provide hotels with a guaranteed load of business people in a scheduled period of time during a period of business activity.

Secondly, corporate clients buy more expensive rooms and a wide range of additional services and are not paid commission.

Thirdly, corporate clients are of additional interest to hotels. Large companies and corporations, creative unions annually hold conferences and seminars for their partners, such events attract hundreds and thousands of participants, who, in addition to accommodation, require the development of stay programs and the provision of a wide range of services. Therefore, there is fierce competition between hotel enterprises for such customers, and the one who has a well-thought-out marketing and sales policy wins. 4

Global distribution systems.

Global Distribution Systems (CDS) is a computerized seat reservation system that serves as a product catalog for travel agents and other distributors in the hospitality industry. 5 These reservation systems are the result of a merger of separate systems originally developed by airlines to stimulate their sales. In recent years, a number of mergers and acquisitions have taken place, resulting in the formation of six main systems:

    Amadeus/System One,

    Apollo / Galileo,


Hotel owners, car rental companies, and other travel companies can be listed on these booking systems, making it easier for agents to sell their services.


The Internet is rapidly becoming an effective distribution channel. One of its main advantages is its availability within 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It allows you to cover the whole world and transmit color images. The ability to share color photographs with millions of people around the world makes the Internet a great distribution channel.

Using the Internet, hospitality companies can materialize their products by transmitting color photographs and video images of hotel rooms, food and drink restaurants, surrounding areas, video clips of their popular shows, and video tours.

Restaurant companies also use the Internet as a distribution channel (for example, an online pizza ordering system or home delivery of food). The database allows the user to search for relevant information by restaurant name or type of food. The Internet user receives information about the menu, including color photographs of dishes. The client can pick up the completed order himself or receive it with home delivery. After the choice is made, the client receives all the necessary information for calculating the cost, including the price for delivery.

Visitors to Internet sites have the opportunity to print on printers the pages that they see on the site. Some hotel (and restaurant) chains provide an interactive map for each of their hotels (restaurants) that can be accessed from its home page. Such maps can be scaled to provide as much detail as a potential guest would require. This makes it easier for the consumer to find a hotel or restaurant in an unfamiliar city. 6

The Internet also allows you to interact with potential guests via email or phone and regular mail when they need more information.

The Internet is rapidly becoming an important distribution channel, and at a relatively low cost. For operators working with complex structures, it provides information about all the locations of these structures, displays color brochures and allows you to take tours of the establishments. This information is especially useful for solo travelers and travel agents. For the latter, some companies specifically develop separate sites.

1.3 Activities aimed at stimulating the sale of products and services of the restaurant and hotel business

Currently, organizations of the tourism industry pay great attention to the formation of strong ties with the consumer, the creation of a circle of regular customers. To establish stronger ties with the consumer and better meet his needs, create a positive image, various tools are used.

Hotels widely use various systems to attract new customers through financial benefits in relationship with the consumer. In most of them there are special discounts for groups, corporate clients, travel agencies. In high-class hotels, customers are also offered special prices: "from the counter" (best available rate), which can be significantly lower than the base prices « rack rates» depending on the current load of the hotel; weekend prices; individual preferential tourist tariff; seasonal packages.

At present, many high-end hotels are implementing the system activities to retain their customers and turn them into regular ones. For example, the Marriott hotel chain has developed several such programs. The main program that unites all Marriott hotels and the world's major airlines is the Marriott Rewards program, which is of great importance in the face of fierce competition in the global travel services market, as it is focused on providing additional financial benefits to customers who most frequently stay in hotels in this chain. Getting a membership card is quite simple - you need to stay at least once in one of the 1650 hotels of the global hotel chain and fill out a questionnaire. For every dollar spent, the hotel client receives a certain number of points, which in the future he can use for free accommodation in the hotels of the Marriott chain, flights with airlines that are partners of this program, car rentals and other benefits.

Members of the Marriott Rewards program can use their accumulated points to stay at hotels in the chain. For a free stay at a particular Marriott hotel, you need to earn a certain number of points.

To attract customers, the Marriott network is also actively involved in the rewards programs of many airlines around the world, even if the airline's customers are not members of the Marriott Rewards program.

The Marriott Rewards program includes a sub-program for elite guests of the Marriott hotel chain, which provides them with additional exclusive services. Guests can use the services of this program throughout the year, and it is designed for customers who often stay in hotels (stay duration - 15 nights or more). Clients participating in this elite program have three types of cards depending on the number of overnight stays: silver, gold and platinum. 7

For strengthening social ties with clients, most high-class hotels form a database on the clients of their hotels, where the following information is recorded: last name, first name, passport data, payment methods, characteristics of the rooms in which the guest stayed (favorite room), etc. Maintaining a guest card allows the hotel, knowing about the arrival of the client, to prepare to satisfy his desires.

Most of the upscale Moscow hotels use techniques for "binding" customers to their hotels :

    welcome cocktails ("National", "Aerostar");

    organization of regular bus shuttles between the hotel, the city center and the airport (“Iris”, “Holiday Inn Vinogradovo”);

    providing a room of a higher category at no additional charge ("Aerostar");

    discounts up to 30% for services of restaurants, bars, laundry for customers staying for a long time ("Sheraton Palace");

    discounts in a restaurant for corporate clients (“ART Hotel”);

    installation of mobile phones in hotel rooms operating within the radius of the hotel (“Baltschug Kempinski”);

    upon entry, customers are given a voucher with a face value of 50 dollars. USA for playing in the hotel casino (“Baltschug Kempinski”);

    free excursion to the Kremlin and the city on weekends (“Baltschug Kempinski”).

Very popular with hotel customers club programs . For example, in order to increase the competitiveness of their hotel product, the hotels of the Moscow chain "Marriott" have introduced since 1999 new program customer incentives - the Marriott Exclusive club. This program is designed to attract customers not so much to hotels as to the restaurants of Marriott hotels, since competition between catering establishments inside and outside hotels is very significant. The cardinal difference of membership in this club from others is temporary (the card is bought for a year) and general availability. Membership in the Marriott Exclusive club provides such benefits as discounts on restaurant visits, benefits for hotel accommodation, a number of additional hotel services are provided free of charge.

This long-term customer retention and reward program pays off, because it is designed primarily to attract guests to restaurants, it actually helps to create a circle of people using the services of the hotels of this chain and meeting at special parties for members of the club. Membership in the club becomes for clients something like a tradition and an element of prestige.

Similar points accrual programs for regular customers have been developed in the National, Sheraton Palace and Baltschug Kempinski hotels and some others.

National Hotel designed program "moments. com» , which is aimed at creating "loyal" customers for the hotel. The basis of this program is the method of scoring points for regular customers, holders of Blue and Gold cards. Anyone who has stayed at the hotels of the Forte Le Meridien hotel chain at least a couple of times and filled out the appropriate form can become the owner of the Blue card. Points are awarded based on the total amount spent by the customer at the hotel, whether it is for accommodation, dining at a restaurant, or shopping at a hotel boutique. The motto of the program is "the more the client spends, the more profitable it is for him."

Upon reaching a certain amount of points, a guest participating in this program receives a night of free accommodation in any hotel in the world belonging to this network (in different hotels different countries a free night is estimated at a different number of points: for example, in the Moscow "National" - 1200 points); can use a free international telephone, and is also provided with a number tailored to his personal preferences.

If a guest with a Blue card often stays at Forte Le Meridien hotels, then he becomes a “friend” of the hotels of this hotel chain and receives a Gold card, which, in addition to what the Blue card gives ”, gives a 48-hour room guarantee, booking the best room of the selected category, late check-out.

Program "Starwood Preferred Guests» The Sheraton Palace Hotel, like the Forte Le Meridien program, is based on a points system ($1 US = 2 points). Anyone who has stayed at the hotels of this hotel chain several times can get a silver card. But in order to get a gold card that gives 3 points for $ 1 US, a gift from the hotel upon arrival (flowers or fruits) and a room on the club floor, you need to spend 25 nights or 10 stops in Starwood hotels. Platinum card is provided by 50 overnight stays or 25 stops in the hotels of this hotel chain. The platinum card provides an automatic room upgrade at the price of the booked room, i.e. if the client orders a junior suite, then he is placed in a suite at the price of a junior suite and a gift in honor of the guest's arrival is a bottle of good French wine.

Program encouragement of regular customers « Private concierge» developed by Dusit Thani/Kempinski hotels. In Moscow, this hotel chain is represented by the Baltschug Kempinski hotel. However, you can become a member of this program only at the invitation of the owners of the network. Only useful and wealthy people are nominated for membership (their social significance is evaluated first of all), who can benefit the hotel. Membership in this program is for life. The reward system is not based on points and does not depend on the number of nights spent in Dusit Thani/Kempinski hotels.

The privileges of the members of the club are designed for the most part not to save money, but to "select" the client. These perks include: free children's accommodation, guaranteed reservations, free pay-per-view movies, personal check-in and check-out, favorite newspaper every morning, free use of the hotel's fitness center and pool (even if staying with friends in town), use of banquet rooms (not including service), 15% discount for service in hotel restaurants, 20% discount for using laundry services. 8

Thus, hotels use a variety of ways to maintain stronger relationships with consumers from the simplest (the introduction of additional financial benefits) to the most complex - along with the provision of financial and social benefits, the creation of an elite, prestigious club for some of the clients.

In general, in the Russian hotel market, programs to encourage regular customers are still rare due to the fact that few enterprises have sufficient financial, personnel, logistical and other capabilities to carry out such a number of sales promotion events. However, existing programs will not work if companies do not provide their customers with quality service, since quality determines the degree of customer satisfaction, affects his decision to re-apply for the services of a particular organization and forms a positive public opinion, the image of the organization.

2. Analysis of the activities and marketing policy of OJSC GC Cosmos

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

The construction of the Kosmos Hotel Complex was conceived to serve the Olympic Games held in Moscow in 1980. The architecture of the building overlooking the VDNKh park and the monument to the cosmonauts was developed by Soviet and French architects on the basis of a French project already approved by the Moscow City Executive Committee.

The hotel program included:

1718 standard rooms for 2 beds

53 double rooms

6 four-room suites

about 3600 places of the hotel catering network

The official opening of the hotel took place on July 18, 1979. The hotel housed the Olympic Press Center of the XXII Olympic Games.

The hotel complex provides a wide range of services:

Hotel services

1777 rooms (1579 standard rooms, 37 suites and junior suites, 6 suites, 1 VIP room; 154 Cosmos Club rooms).

24 hour room service

Express laundry and dry cleaning

Currency exchange points, bank

Souvenir, newspaper and pharmacy kiosks, boutiques, shops

first aid post

Medical center "Medsi"

Transport tickets

Tours, theater tickets

Business Center, 24 hours: secretarial services, including computer, high-speed Internet access, e-mail, copying, international telephone and fax

French beauty salon "Jacques Desange"


Group and individual transfer, taxi

Ground and underground parking, car service

Services to ensure the safety of people and goods

Conference and banquet halls, exhibition areas

7 conference rooms (10-250 people)

7 multifunctional banquet halls (20-500 people)

Cinema-Concert / Congress Hall (1000 seats): simultaneous translation system (6 languages), modern lighting, audio, and cinema equipment (including Dolby Digital system)

Exhibition area (up to 1300 sq.m)

Fitness center: one of the largest indoor swimming pools among hotels in Moscow (240 sq. m), children's pool, water slides, jacuzzi, gym, saunas, solarium, aerobics, aqua aerobics, fitness bar

Billiards, darts, karaoke

Slot machines

Night club "Solaris"

Casino Cosmos

Widely developed infrastructure and advantageous location combined with a low price is the main competitive advantage of Cosmos.

2.2 Organizational structure of enterprise management

Hotel "Cosmos" is an open joint stock company, which is managed by the owner of the enterprise - today the general director of the hotel complex is a shareholder and a member of the shareholder meeting. The organizational structure of the Cosmos hotel management can be defined as linear-functional (Fig. 3).

The General Director in the development of specific issues and the preparation of appropriate decisions, programs, plans is assisted by a special management apparatus, consisting of functional units. Such a management system for a hotel complex with such a number of departments and a wide range of services offered as the Cosmos Hotel is, of course, quite effective. However, the following weaknesses can be noted in this structure: the lack of close interaction at the horizontal level between functional departments and an overdeveloped system of interaction along the vertical.

All decisions, even those related to the internal functioning or interaction of various departments, are considered and made exclusively by top management, which undoubtedly complicates and slows down the production process.

To manage and ensure the effective functioning of such a complex and multi-level system as the Kosmos hotel complex, highly qualified personnel are required. The activities of all personnel are regulated by job descriptions, which contain a complete list of duties, responsibilities and hierarchical subordination.

The company is headed by its CEO. He is directly subordinated to 5 deputies (determined by functional basis: hotel director, director of commerce, technical director, director of the cultural and business center, director of the restaurant), 3 departments (legal, personnel, economic), dealing with the issues of providing the enterprise with personnel, legal base and pricing policy and chief accountant. Also under the jurisdiction of the general management is the secretariat of the general management

Let's look at the departments first: all enterprise personnel movement, pricing policy and supporting legal documents pass only through the CEO and are valid only with his signature.

Legal deals with the consideration of all claims against the hotel, the introduction and application in practice of various regulatory legal acts in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, advises management on all legal issues.

The economic department deals with all cash flows passing through the hotel, monitors the investment and expenditure of the GC funds, makes decisions and calculates all economic activities that the GC conducts or intends to carry out.

The personnel department is engaged in the search, hiring, adaptation of new personnel, training, advanced training, career planning for existing employees, and, together with the management, develops a common personnel policy.

The hotel is managed by the deputy CEO- hotel manager He is directly subordinated to the Reception and Service Service, the Room Fund Service, the Department of Rental Relations, and the Household Service.

The sales, marketing and booking department, as well as the fitness center, are managed by the Deputy General Director for Commerce. Chief Accountant. She supervises 25 accountants, who are divided among themselves according to divisional criteria. There are accountants involved in working with credit cards and one-time applications, non-cash payments, settlements with personnel, a banking group and just cash.

Figure 2.1 - Organizational structure of management of OJSC G/K Kosmos

Reported to the Deputy General Director. Includes information systems, management and communications center, logistics service and services technical director. Technical Director who reports to:

    production and technical department;

    environmental service engaged in landscaping;

    the central control room is an intermediary between all hotel services and repairmen;

    tool pantry;

    occupational Safety and Health;

    repair and construction service;

    laundry service;

    service for the repair of engineering networks, communications and equipment;

    service for the operation of engineering networks, communications and equipment;

    technical service of the cultural center.

The director of the restaurant (deputy general director) is in charge of production, a confectionery shop, trading floors and an economic service.

2.3 Key performance indicators of the enterprise

The main performance indicators of OAO GC Cosmos are shown in Table 2.1.

Horizontal analysis of the absolute indicators shown in the table shows that sales revenue in 2008 increased by 26% and amounted to 757,076 thousand rubles, which is 156,426 thousand rubles. more than in 2007. Net profit growth compared to 2007 will amount to 4,042 thousand rubles or 8.28%.

Table 2.1 - Main technical and economic indicators


units measurements


volume of sales of services

number of employees

including workers

average annual output (clause 1/clause 2)

fund wages

costs for 1 rub. implementation

net profit

accumulation fund

consumption fund

social sphere fund

level of profitability of activities (clause 8 / clause 6)

level of profitability of sales (clause 10/clause 1)

The number of employees at the enterprise increased by 1.7% and amounted to 1655 people. The average annual output per worker increased by 24% and amounted to 457 rubles.

The payroll fund increased by 35% and amounted to 273,272 thousand rubles. against 202,183 thousand rubles. in 2007.

The total cost increased by 1.4% and amounted to 549,584 thousand rubles, while the cost per 1 ruble of sales increased by 1.4% and amounted to 72 kopecks.

The amount of net profit increased by 8.3% and amounted to 52873.2, of which 13,000 thousand rubles. went to the accumulation fund, 22,306 thousand rubles. to the consumption fund and 17,567 thousand rubles. to the social fund.

The profitability of operations fell compared to the reporting year by 41% and 38%, respectively.

2.4. Analysis of the sales market, main competitors and consumers of the enterprise

An objective analysis of the marketing policy requires an analysis external environment and competitors.

Conducting a situational analysis of the hotel complex "Cosmos" it is necessary to consider the external conditions in which this enterprise is located. The macro environment creates the general conditions for the location of the tourist enterprise and includes many elements, each of which occupies an important place in the analysis of the market opportunities of the tourist enterprise.

The Cosmos Hotel is considered a tourist class hotel, which provides it with 100% occupancy during the tourist season (from May to September), and wide congress opportunities allow, based on the available conference halls of various sizes (from 20 to 1000 seats), to accommodate and provide quality service both chamber seminars and large-scale plenums, congresses of parties, conferences, exhibitions, concerts. Similar events are held almost throughout the year. To all of the above, we can add that the hotel is located near the venues of the largest exhibitions in Moscow (All-Russian Exhibition Center, Sokolniki, Olimpiysky c / c), almost all of their participants choose Cosmos. Thus, the average annual hotel occupancy is about 75%. Which is great for any hotel.

But you can not associate a high load, only with a developed infrastructure, a reasonable price and a favorable location.

According to the State Statistics Committee, over 22.5 million foreigners visited Russia last year. According to the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT), 95% of foreigners travel to Moscow, St. Petersburg and the cities of the Golden Ring. Tourist class hotels in these areas, where about 70% of tourists stay, can be counted on the fingers. For example, in Moscow these are "Cosmos", "Russia", "Ukraine", "Izmailovo" (see fig.).

The rest of the hotels are either too expensive for mass tourists, or completely unsuitable for serving foreigners.

Analyzing competition in this area, it is also necessary to note the general shortage of hotel rooms in this class. At the moment, 3100 numbers have been withdrawn from the Moscow market. And introduced, even according to official figures, 1200 (but only a quarter of tourist class rooms). The difference is almost 2 thousand. Multiply by 365 days a year, and you get about 700,000 numbers that the market did not receive during 2008.

Such a deficit allows large tourist hotels to dictate their conditions, to increase prices by 25-30% every six months.

Figure 2.5 - The share of JSC G/K "KOSMOS" in the market of tourist hotels

At the very beginning, when the hotel belonged to the USSR State Committee for Tourism and was its flagship, a lot of effort and money was invested in advertising. It was also promoted later, in perestroika and post-perestroika times. Today "Cosmos" participates in all major tourism exhibitions, both in Russia and abroad. Advertisements regularly appear in specialized publications, as well as on the Internet.

The organization of sales of services in the hotel complex "Cosmos" is carried out by the sales department, which performs the following functions:

Work with the travel companies, corporate and other clients;

Search for clients, taking orders and organizing events on the basis of conference and banquet halls, as well as exhibition areas of the hotel: seminars, conferences, banquets, receptions, weddings, exhibitions, congresses, concerts and other events;

Comprehensive service and coordination of events: selection of a hall, arrangement of furniture, additional equipment, catering and accommodation for participants;

Organization of hotel presentations, provision of information about the hotel, conclusion of contracts for the provision of services.

For the effective marketing of hotel services, the sales organization process must be closely related to marketing research. In this regard, the sales department works closely with the marketing department, which deals with:

    Market research, monitoring, identification of existing and prospective target segments, identification of key market participants, monitoring of competitors' actions;

    analysis of the company's income segment by segment, analysis of marketing indicators;

    marketing development, strategic plans development

    product development - hotel, restaurants, banquet halls, fitness center, related services, introduction of new products to the market;

    Positioning and promotion of services: promotion of sales segment by segment, development of advertising messages, control of the use of service marks (logos) and compliance corporate identity, planning and conducting presentations and special events, work at exhibitions, optimization and control of the advertising budget, analysis of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, sales promotion activities;

    maintenance and updating of the Internet site, preparation of news and other releases;

    tracking: control of information about the enterprise posted by third parties on printed and electronic media, on the Internet (maintaining a register of sites);

    development and maintenance of customer loyalty programs;

    maintaining a database of clients, maintaining relationships;

    maintaining customer feedback (surveys, questionnaires)

    intra-company marketing: improvement of the intra-company communication environment, preparation of explanatory information for the company's services about ongoing marketing activities, publication of an intra-corporate newspaper, participation in staff training.

Price policy.

Accommodation prices are divided into 4 segments. Segment A includes individuals from the counter, segment B includes tourist groups and individuals under tour agreements, segment C - corporate clients, segment D - one-time applications and letters of guarantee. For companies that accommodate from 6 to 100 people, special prices apply, for groups of more than 100 people, even greater discounts on accommodation are provided.

Discounts for accommodation companies are also provided depending on the annual volume of their sales.

There are 3 types of prices in the hotel. Regular prices - valid all year round, exhibition prices - valid from 20-31/03 and 19-23/09.

Table 2.7. - Forecasted change in the number of number days sold by segment in 2006 compared to 2008

Coef. number of days sales changes by market segments


individuals from the stand

tour individuals. treaties

Groups and charters

Corporate clients

Letters of guarantee and one-time claims

Thus, in the planned year, the load percentage will increase from 75 to 89, and subject to a general increase in prices for services, the increase in sales revenue will be 26%.

Direct sales.

In order to stimulate direct sales, the Kosmos hotel complex operates various discount programs.

The main program, of course, is the system of discounts for guests of the Cosmos Club. By reserving a room through the hotel reservation department, anyone can become a member of this program and a member of the Cosmos Club. Upon the first check-in and accommodation in rooms of the Cosmos Club category at a rack rate price, the guest receives a Cosmos Club Silver Card. From the moment of issuance, this card guarantees the guest a 10% discount on restaurant services and fitness center services, and upon re-placement - a 10% discount on accommodation. Points will be awarded on invoices paid for these services in the name of the guest. After accumulating 5000 points, the guest becomes the owner of the Cosmos Club Gold Card, which gives the right to receive a 20% discount on the above services. Discount card holders participate in holiday lotteries.

Rules for using the discount card:

The discount card is nominal and is not transferable to other persons;

To receive a discount, you must present the card before the start of the service or inform about its availability when booking the service;

Service with discounts on this card is carried out only in the presence of its owner upon presentation of the Cosmos Club hotel card.

A gold card is issued to a guest in exchange for a Silver one after accumulating 5,000 points on his account;

1 point is equivalent to 1 US dollar;

During the period of special offers for any of the services, for example, a happy hour discount in a restaurant, etc., only one of the existing discounts for this service is provided for this service at the guest's choice: either a discount on a discount card, or - on special offer.

In addition to the Cosmos Club discount program, there is a system of discounts for accommodation using registration cards of the Moscow Hotels association. The discount is provided for accommodation in rooms of any category and is 20% of the price of rooms "from the counter". Only one discount applies to clients staying in the Cosmos Club rooms, either on the Cosmos Club discount card or on these coupons at the choice of the guest.

Also hotel Kosmos provides discounts to holders of Loyalty cards - plastic cards with the image of the trademarks of Domodedovo Club and the international payment system MasterCard. This card entitles you to a 10% discount on accommodation in Cosmos Club rooms, restaurant bills, fitness center services. The discount is provided regardless of the method of payment for services - the guest can pay in cash, by credit card or directly with a Loyalty card.

It should also be noted that the hotel "Cosmos" provides its guests with social discounts for children in the amount of 25%. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a guest is considered a child under 12 years old. Also according to the order of the CEO, in accordance with the agreements established

under the terms of the agreement between OJSC Cosmos and Crown Real LLC, the hotel provides discounts on accommodation for guests presenting “Registration coupons for the client of the Moscow Hotels association”. Discounts apply to accommodation in rooms of any category and amount to 20% of the cost of rooms "from the counter".

In the total volume of sales of services of the hotel complex "Cosmos", the share of direct booking is on average 25% and is a particularly effective way of marketing. According to the data for 2008, the average indicator of direct sales was 27%, which exceeds the same indicator for 2007 by 4.5%. It should be noted that this value includes % of sales both "from the counter" without reservation, and with advance reservation by phone, fax or via the Internet. Based on the results of the first two months of 2006, income from direct sales increased as compared to the previous reporting period. In percentage terms, this indicator in January amounted to 43.5%, in February - 42.5%, similar indicators for the 1st quarter of 2008 were 39%, 42.5% and respectively.

Figure 2.6 - Dynamics of income of the Cosmos hotel from direct sales

for 2008-2006 (%)

Agency sales.

The hotel complex "Cosmos" is actively working with travel agencies and tour operators. Relations between the hotel and travel agencies are built on the basis of agreements that define the conditions for providing services to clients of travel agencies, the amount of discounts, annual sales volumes, the procedure and terms for paying commissions. These terms and conditions are determined by the commercial director and approved by the general director of the Cosmos city. On a contractual basis travel companies As a rule, they buy blocks of rooms in advance at a specified price, which allows the hotel to pre-plan the sale of services and control the loading of the room stock.

In order to attract new tourist companies as partners, the Kosmos hotel complex regularly invites both foreign and Russian travel agents and tour operators on study tours to demonstrate the services offered. Travel agents and tour operators are a category of guests who require special attention from the staff of OAO G/K Cosmos. They professionally evaluate the hotel as a possible location for their clients. Thus, their expert opinion about the hotel and the quality of the services provided is extremely important, as it critically influences the choice of the hotel by consumers. The activities of travel agents and tour operators provide the main flow of guests to the hotel. The sustainable development of the hotel largely depends on how highly the quality of services is assessed by representatives of travel agencies, so a positive impression of the hotel for this category of guests should be the concern of each employee.

As a rule, groups of travel agents are provided with the best rooms of the Cosmos Club. A greeting, a set of information and promotional materials and a special souvenir prepared by the marketing department are laid out in the numbers. The arriving group of representatives of travel agencies is met and greeted personally by the head of the shift of the reception and service service. The presentation of the hotel is carried out by employees of the marketing department or the reception and service department, depending on the date and time of the presentation agreed with representatives of travel agencies.

In 2008, the share of agency sales of the Cosmos hotel amounted to 65.3% of the total sales volume. This figure includes individual (35.6%) and group sales (29.7%). Taking into account the specialization of the hotel in group tours, the reports highlight occupancy and income indicators for group bookings as a separate line.

In 2008 agency sales figures were stable and averaged 30% of total sales. A significant decline was observed only in the summer months, when a larger percentage of sales accounted for group tours.

Corporate Sales

Given the specialization of the Cosmos hotel complex in congress services, corporate clients play a particularly important role in the process of selling hotel services. These clients include: International Center for Financial and Economic Development, 1C Company, Peugeot Automobile Company, Drofa Publishing House, Mobile Telesystems CJSC, MARY KAY CJSC, political parties United Russia and Liberal Russia and many other companies. These organizations regularly place their employees and partners on the basis of the Cosmos Hotel to hold conferences, seminars, trainings, congresses and other similar events in the cultural and business center of the Cosmos hotel, the possibilities of which are presented in Table 7.

As a rule, servicing such clients is complex and includes accommodation, meals, rental of conference and banquet halls and equipment, which, of course, is an economically profitable sales channel for the Cosmos hotel complex.

The price per day of rent is applied when renting a hall for 8 or more hours, and a discount of up to 20% can be provided for it. In the case of providing meals (banquet, buffet, coffee break), tenants of the premises of the cultural center and restaurant can be given a discount - up to 25% of the rent. The decision to grant discounts is made by the General Director of OAO g/c Cosmos.

Table 2.8 - Main conference halls of the Cosmos Hotel

Continuation of table 2.8

Cultural center premises


marble hall

Exhibition area

mirror hall

Foyer of the concert hall

Concert hall

Restaurant halls

"Galaktika" banquet №4

"Galaktika" banquet №5

"Galaktika" banquet №1

"Galaktika" banquet №3

"Galaktika" banquet №2

"Galaktika" central shopping

"Galaktika" all rooms

"Evening Cosmos"

In addition to the already listed corporate clients, the Russian Football Union, which annually hosts participants in the International Commonwealth Football Cup, and the International Bodybuilding Association can be distinguished. Also, for the past 4 years, the Cosmos Concert Hall has been regularly filming the festivals Song of the Year, Our Song and Morning Star.

The share of corporate sales in the hotel complex "Cosmos" accounts for an average of 7%.

Using the above data, it is possible to draw up a generalized income distribution scheme for various market segments.

Figure 2.7 - Distribution of revenues of the Cosmos hotel by market segments in 2008 (%).

For an objective analysis of the effectiveness of the sales apparatus of the Kosmos hotel complex, it is also necessary to consider the data on the occupancy of the hotel's room stock. In 2008, the average annual occupancy rate was 71.6%. According to the results of the 1st quarter of 2006, there is an increase in this indicator, which is 4%. These data are visually presented in Fig. 10.

Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The specificity of the hotel complex "Cosmos" is the provision of congress services, which is explained by its convenient location in relation to the All-Russian Exhibition Center (VVC) and great opportunities for organizing and holding business events. Target audience are foreign groups, as well as Russian citizens who come to Moscow for various exhibitions, seminars, conferences and other similar events. Accordingly, when organizing the sale of services, special attention is paid to working with travel agencies involved in inbound tourism and corporate clients;

The main competitor of the hotel complex "Cosmos", of course, is the hotel "Ukraine";

The advantages of the Cosmos Hotel include: territorial location, number of rooms for 3,500 people, great opportunities for organizing exhibitions, seminars, congresses and other business events.

Disadvantages of the hotel "Cosmos": the system of prepayment and the lack of a system for crediting the amount of money for additional services to the guest's room, the lack of information about the hotel in the booking systems, the insufficiently effective system of internal marketing.

The Cosmos hotel's sales system is quite effective, as evidenced by the steady increase in room stock and income indicators - at the end of 2006, the average % of room stock occupancy was 72.3%, exceeding the same indicator for 2008. by 7%. Revenues also increased by 5.2%.

3. Project of measures to improve the sales channels of JSC GK Kosmos and their economic efficiency

3.1. Measures to improve the sales channels of JSC GK Cosmos and the calculation of the expected effect from the implementation of proposals

In the course of the implementation of this project and the study of the features of the sales promotion system at Cosmos Group of Companies, it can be concluded that now the hotel is doing quite well, and the hotel does not experience any particular problems with loading the room stock. However, there are days and even months, especially in winter, when the occupancy of the hotel is measured in units of percent. And this is indeed a problem, because if certain measures are not taken, there is a threat that things will change for the worse.

In line with the foregoing, when developing incentive proposals, such shortcomings should be taken into account and efforts should be directed to eliminate them. Consider further possible solutions in this area.

1 Work with individual clients.

1.1 Promotion of sales of high category rooms.

In this case, it is supposed to develop service packages designed for family vacations and spending a weekend in a hotel, taking into account the possible needs that arise in this regard for the categories of customers under consideration.

IN special offer"Family vacation" is supposed to include: accommodation, meals (breakfast plus special rates for children), free access to the Fitness Center (pool, sauna, gym), free children's leisure room services. Guests are expected to be accommodated in junior suites and suites. Package price: when placed in a "junior suite" 130 USD, in a "suite" 150 USD. (average cost $140)

The “Weekend at the Hotel” offer will include: accommodation in junior suites and suites, breakfast at the Planet Cosmos restaurant or in the room, a basic minibar load, free access to the fitness center (pool, sauna, gym) with a discount on additional services, discounts in the Bowling Club and in the hotel nightclub bar. Package price: when placed in a "junior suite" 200 USD, in a "suite" 250 USD. (average cost 225 USD).

Calculation of the expected effect from the implementation of the "Family vacation" and "Weekend at the hotel" packages.

The number of junior suites and suites in the hotel room stock is 37 rooms. The average load according to 2007 data is 40%, and the number of people living in rooms of this category was 10,850 people.

The increase in the volume of sales of services as a result of the introduction of a new package of services can be calculated using the formula:

Δ Vi= Pi * qi, (1)

where Pi is the price of the i-th service package, and Qi is the number of service packages sold.

Of the total number of residents, the number of families, including those with children, was about 3255 people or 813 families. Let's assume that in 2008 the new offer "Family holidays" will attract an additional 30% of families, i.e. 976 people or 244 families (on average 4 people per family),

With an average cost of a package of 140 c.u. the increase in income from the sale of rooms under the special offer will be 244 * 140 = 34,160 USD.

Let's say that the "Weekend at the hotel" offer in 2008 will increase the occupancy of the previous period by 3%, i.e. take advantage of the new offer. approximately 325 people. With an average cost of this package of 225 c.u. we calculate the increase in income from sales 225 * 325 = 73 125 c.u.

The total increase in income from the implementation of the new offers "Family vacation" and "Weekend at the hotel" will be: Δ V1 = 34160 + 73125 = 107 285 c.u. or 3 003 980 rubles.

2 Working with groups: taking into account the age criterion when forming a package of services.

Currently, the hotel's clients are almost all categories of travelers: individual tourists who came to rest, businessmen, tourist groups, participants in exhibitions, conferences, seminars and other events, corporate clients, tenants. However, there remains one more category, the involvement of which can have a beneficial effect on stimulating sales of hotel services - young people. In our case, the hotel has sufficient potential to work with this category of clients. It is only necessary to form a sentence correctly, i.e. develop a special package of services that takes into account the interests of this segment.

It is proposed to develop and implement a standard package of services for youth groups and schoolchildren, which, in addition to accommodation and meals, may include appropriate additional services: excursions, an evening entertainment program for youth or an animation program for schoolchildren, the provision of certain hours for visiting the Fitness Center. At the same time, in order to obtain the optimal package price, the possibility of a free combination of additional services that make up the package should be provided. Groups will be accommodated in rooms of the "standard" and "enhanced comfort" categories.

The implementation of this proposal also aims to increase the demand for hotel services and stimulate their sale during a period of low occupancy, i.e. the main orientation goes to the winter period, in particular vacations and holidays. Although this package of services can be kept as used by the hotel all year round.

The cost of the proposed package: for youth groups - 45 USD. accommodation in a "standard" room, 55 c.u. accommodation in a superior room, including breakfast; for schoolchildren - 35 c.u. accommodation in a "standard" room, including breakfast and dinner.

Calculation of the expected effect from the introduction of service packages for youth and schoolchildren.

The analysis of 2007 revealed that the average occupancy of these categories of rooms was 65%, which is 8% more than the figure for the same period in 2003, when the occupancy of the same categories of rooms was 57%. The number of rooms of the "standard" and "enhanced comfort" categories is 1222 rooms.

It is assumed that with the implementation of service packages for youth and school groups, the occupancy for these categories of rooms will increase by 10% and amount to 75%.

The average income per room in 2007 was 70 USD/day (at the rate of 1 USD = 30 rubles). The same indicator for 2003 is 61 USD. Let's assume that in 2008 the daily income per room will increase to 80 USD. (at the rate of 2008 1 c.u. = 28 rubles).

Thus, we get that the number of sold rooms of the "standard" and "enhanced comfort" categories in 2008 will be 1222 * 75% = 916 rooms per day and, accordingly, for the year 916 * 365 = 334,340 rooms. At the same time, the estimated income from the sale of 334,340 rooms in 2008 will be 334,340 * 80 = 26,747,200 USD. In 2007, the same figure was 1222 * 65% * 365 * 70 = 20,294,365 USD.

It can be seen from the results obtained that with the introduction of the proposal under consideration, the hotel's income in 2008 from the sale of standard rooms and superior rooms will increase by ΔV3 = 6 452 835 c.u. or 180 679 380 rubles compared to 2007, and the planned increase in their load will be 10%.

3 Development of a business service proposal.

The specified event in the field of business and congress services includes the development of special conference packages for groups of up to 50 people for the congress season: "Standard" and "VIP". The "Standard" service package will include: rent of a hall with arrangement, equipment, coffee break, water during the conference, stationery. The "VIP" conference package will be complemented by an expanded set of equipment, a business lunch and refreshments at the end of the day. At the same time, in order to stimulate repeat sales to companies, in the case of purchasing the Standard conference package, a 5% discount is provided for a second order, and companies that purchase the VIP package of services receive a 10% discount.

The data for the calculation are summarized in Table 9.

Table 3.1 - Data for calculating the expected effect from the implementation of the "Standard" and "Special" conference packages

The total increase in revenue will be:

ΔV4 = 675,000 + 1,700,000 + 213,750 + 382,500 = 2 971 250 rubles.

3.2. Forecast of the main technical and economic performance indicators

For comparison, the obtained indicators and indicators of the base year 2007 are summarized in Table 10:

Thus, from the data in the table it can be seen that the implementation of the measures proposed in this work will increase the volume of sales of services by 34.1% compared to the indicator of the last 2008. At the same time, the planned growth of the average annual salary will be 15.1%, and the growth of labor productivity will be 32.%, i.e. there is no excess of the growth rate of wages on the growth rate of labor productivity.

Table 4.1 - Comparison of the main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise's activity in the base year with the planned indicators of the project


units measurements

Project year


volume of sales of services

number of employees

average annual output

salary fund

average annual salary

the cost of the entire scope of services

costs for 1 rub. implementation

total profit (gross profit)

profitability level

level of profitability of sales

Also in the project year, the planned profit growth will reach 43.3%, which will increase the profitability indicator by 3.4%. The cost of services will also increase - by 30.6% compared to last year, but at the same time, there will be a decrease in costs per ruble of sales by 1.4%. Therefore, the proposed measures can be considered reasonable and effective.


Today, Moscow, having sufficient potential, contributes to the dynamic development of the hotel business. Its potential as a major scientific, business and cultural center attracts tourists from all over the world and from Russia. The fact that a significant part of visiting tourists chooses the services of the capital's accommodation facilities indicates the acute nature of the competition for a client between hotel enterprises.

In the conditions of this struggle, hotels have sufficiently expanded the scope of their activities, providing, in addition to accommodation, a wide range of additional services aimed at ensuring both fruitful work and good rest. At the same time, the main emphasis is on the personalization of service and full concentration on the needs and desires of customers. Thus, hotels need to independently stimulate the demand for their services, and the client's decision on the choice of accommodation depends entirely on the activities of the enterprise in this area.

In this regard, one of the largest enterprises, which have been operating in the hospitality market for a long time - OJSC "GC "Cosmos".

Activities in the field of stimulating distribution channels are important for any hotel company, as it helps in competition, forms a favorable image of the organization, helps to attract new customers, form a permanent clientele, and, accordingly, increase sales and revenue growth.

Direct channel promotion programs are designed to create a combination of goods and services that is of value to the client, creates the required motivation for him to purchase these services and is focused on meeting the needs of the client.

Sales activities are especially important for such a large hotel as Cosmos, which owns a huge number of rooms.

To date, the hotel has already formed certain market segments that dictate the demand for the hotel services provided: these are tourists on vacation, businessmen, tourist groups, corporate clients, participants in business and cultural events. The activities of the hotel services in the field of sales promotion are structured in such a way as to pay attention to each category of customers. The marketing policy is carried out using a variety of means and tools, which allows the hotel to attract more and more new guests every year and turn relationships with them into permanent, future-oriented ones. The growing popularity of the hotel as an attractive accommodation facility contributes to the maintenance and occupancy of the room stock, and the sale of additional services at a high level.

However, even with a sufficient variety of incentive activities, there are points of application of efforts in this area of ​​​​marketing activity. The study of potential opportunities made it possible to develop options for expanding and developing the sales promotion system of Cosmos Group of Companies. All proposed innovations were described and justified, as well as verified by calculations. Economic calculations have shown that the implementation of the proposed options will lead to an increase in sales volumes, an increase in labor productivity and wages of employees, an increase in profit and profitability indicators, while reducing costs per ruble of sales. Thus, the results obtained allow us to consider the described proposals as effective and cost-effective.

List of sources used

    Abakumova N.N., Podovalova R.Ya. Income and Wage Policy: Tutorial. M., 1999.

    Bogushev V.I. Bars and restaurants, Rostov-on-Don: Fenkis, 2001.

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    Efimova O.P., Efimova N.A. Economics of hotels and restaurants, M.: New knowledge, 2007.

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    Journal " Marketing in Russia and abroad» №1 / 2003

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    Magazine "Five Stars": Accommodation facilities and congress tourism. 2002

    Tourist business magazine: Hospitable marketing. No. 1, 2008

    Tourist business magazine: Every year my friends and I go to ... a hotel. No. 15, 2007

    Magazine "Tourbiznes": How to make money on someone else's business. No. 13, 2007

    Journal "Tourism business": Hospitable days. No. 2, 2008

    Kabushkin N. I., Bondarenko G. A. Management of hotels and restaurants. Textbook. Moscow: "New Knowledge", 2003

    Cummins J. Sales promotion: how to conduct an effective promotional campaign. Moscow: Image-Contact, 2003

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    Kotler F. Marketing in the third millennium: how to create, win and keep the market. Moscow: AST Publishing House, 2001

    Kotler F., Bowe J., Makenz J. Marketing. Hospitality. Tourism. Textbook. Moscow: "Olma - Press", 2003

    Media - the plan of JSC "GC "Cosmos" for 2008

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    Sergeev I.V. Enterprise Economics, - Moscow: “Finance and Statistics”, - 1997.

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1 Dzhandzhugazova E. A. Marketing in the hospitality industry. Tutorial. M .: Information Center "Academy", 2003.

2 Dzhandzhugazova E. A. Marketing in the hospitality industry. Tutorial. M .: Information Center "Academy", 2003.

3 Kotler F., Bowe J., Makenz J.. Marketing. Hospitality. Tourism. Textbook. Moscow, 2003

4 Dzhandzhugazova E. A. Marketing in the hospitality industry. Study guide. M .: Information Center "Academy", 2003.

5 Kotler F., Bowe J., Makenz J.. Marketing. Hospitality. Tourism. Textbook. Moscow, 2003

6 Medlik S., Ingram H. Hotel business. Textbook. Moscow: Unity-Dana, 2008

7 Chudnovsky A.D., Zhukova M.A. Tourism Management. Textbook. Moscow, 2003

8 Chudnovsky A.D., Zhukova M.A. Tourism Management. Textbook. Moscow, 2003

The choice of distribution channel is a complex marketing decision, since it most directly affects the effectiveness of the implementation of the marketing concept in the enterprise.

Sales channel (distribution) is a set of firms or individuals involved in the process of moving goods from producer to consumer.

The formation of a distribution system begins with the selection of participants in the distribution channel. Once distribution channels have been identified, marketing efforts are concentrated on channel management. The sales network for the distribution of services in the hospitality sector is formed on a contractual basis. The essential difference between the distribution channel of hotel services and the distribution channel for goods is that the distribution channel moves the consumer to the place where the service is provided, while the goods directly through the distribution channels move to the consumer.

The participants of the market distribution channel, selling hotel services, perform a number of functions:

  • - formation and adaptation of the proposal to the needs of the clientele, including the provision of additional services, the coordination of terms of stay, etc.;
  • - quoting, i.e. transfer of quotas of hotel rooms to intermediaries wholesalers;
  • - collection, analysis and provision of necessary information about products and services;
  • - promotion and dissemination for advertising and propaganda purposes of persuasive information regarding the services offered;
  • - finding prospective buyers of these services and establishing appropriate contacts with them;
  • - negotiating the price and other elements of the hotel offer;
  • - organizing payments for sold hotel services and covering the costs of ensuring the operation of the sales channel.

The sales organization is key element hotel business, and therefore the commercial services of hotel enterprises are striving to make their marketing strategy more active and diverse. To achieve the goals, extensive contacts are established with customers, including regular guests, the actions of competitors are carefully analyzed, and direct marketing techniques are widely used. However, a hotel cannot do without well-developed distribution channels, since the transfer of sales functions to intermediaries allows the hotel to focus on the quality and competitiveness of its products and somewhat reduce its costs for the production of its services.

Hotel service distribution channel covers different kinds marketing activities of the hotel.

Direct sale. This type of sale is carried out by the hotel directly to customers, without the involvement of intermediaries. In hotel practice, it is usually called a free settlement. A free settlement is a settlement of tourists directly, but it is possible to pre-book accommodation through the sales department. Most of these clients settle without advance reservation of places. Discounts for accommodation in a free settlement, as a rule, are not available. These are the so-called front desk customers who pay full rate for their stay and are therefore a valuable clientele for the hotel. In large hotels, the average annual rate of free settlement is 8-10%, and the share of direct booking is 10--15%. Hotels are interested in the development of this sales channel, since they save money on remuneration of intermediaries. To activate the policy of direct sales, many hotels have contractual relations with various clubs, whose members have discount cards that give them certain discounts during their stay in these hotels.

Agency sales. This type of marketing of hotel products is carried out through intermediary links in the field of tourism and hospitality. These links include: travel agents and tour operators, tourist clubs and professional associations, resort bureaus, individual agents, airlines and others. transport organizations. Hotels build relationships with them on a contractual basis and a balance of interests. The most important agents for the sale of the Rooms are tour operators and travel agents.

Tour operators are tourism organizations that sell packages of tourist services, including transportation and accommodation, to legal entities and individuals. The tour operator can act not only for a commission, but also at his own expense. Tour operators, as a rule, have an agent network and also conduct direct sales.

The system of relationships and sales tactics are built by hotel enterprises based on the sales volume of tour operator firms, i.e. annual turnover. Hotel enterprises, selling large blocks of rooms to tour operators, provide them with discounts, usually 15--20%, in addition, for large groups, discounts can be even higher. Higher discounts can also be provided for the wide sale of additional services (catering, transfers, excursions, business center services, etc.).

Relations between hotel companies and tour operators are built on a mutually beneficial basis, while respecting the interests of the parties.

Interests of tour operators:

  • - ensure high sales volume;
  • - have minimal risk with high responsibility of suppliers;
  • - have reliable suppliers;
  • - get high profit on sales;
  • - receive a variety of offers of products and services;

In turn, hotel enterprises develop their own sales policy, in which they determine their own business interests and tactics for working with tour operators.

Interests of hotel enterprises:

  • - to seek from tour operators who have big discounts, the publication of catalogs, booklets, promotional materials, the conduct of advertising campaigns to promote the hotel;
  • - tour operators should have their own agency network and regularly send tourists to the hotel;
  • - work with large tour operators only on the basis of a large prepayment;
  • - when negotiating and signing the contract, it is necessary to obtain from the operators and fix in the contract the expected quantitative and financial sales volumes.

Currently major tour operators follow the path of creating large blocks of rooms in hotels. Travel agencies negotiate in advance with hotels about the price and the number of redeemed rooms, thereby providing an opportunity for their customers to get a good room at a reasonable price. Some travel agencies redeem entire floors in hotels in their own name. The profitability of such a sales scheme is obvious, blocks of rooms are sold in advance at an agreed price, and this reduces the risk for the hotel to be unloaded.

If tour operators are, as a rule, wholesalers of tourist services, then travel agents are tourist organizations that sell hotel accommodation on a commission basis and, as a rule, conduct direct sales.

Travel agencies act as intermediaries between tour operators, hotels and consumers and play an important role in the tourism market, as they handle the bulk of retail sales.

Interests of travel agents:

  • Get commission quickly
  • Satisfy customers;
  • · to provide the planned volume of sales;
  • Get a special offer promotional tours;
  • Get a high profit on sales;
  • · to have a diverse ratio of price and quality;
  • · get a wide range of offers of hotel products and services.

When developing a sales policy, hotel enterprises pay special attention to travel agents. Many hotel companies rightly believe that this category of partners is the main one and it requires close attention, as successful travel agents become tour operators. In this regard, the task of sales managers is to find stable travel agency firms and strengthen partnerships with them through a wide range of discounts (10-15%). In addition, sales managers must deeply study the business reputation of travel agents, their financial strength, the level of professionalism of employees, feedback from customers and business partners in order to form a true impression and build relationships with them correctly.

Corporate sale. Under the corporate sale of hotel rooms is understood the process of receiving applications from corporate clients: trading companies, banks, industrial and other organizations and enterprises to accommodate their employees. Corporate clients are collective customers who do not carry out travel agency and tour operator activities. Due to late booking dates and limited stays (usually 3-4 days), corporate clients cannot count on significant discounts, usually 5--10%, but if blocks of rooms are ordered and redeemed regularly, they can count on more favorable corporate rate. Corporate clients are cost-effective for hotels.

Firstly, they provide hotels with a guaranteed load of business people in the planned period of time during the period of business activity.

Secondly, corporate clients buy more expensive rooms and a wide range of additional services and are not paid commission.

Thirdly, corporate clients are of additional interest to hotels. Large companies and corporations, creative unions annually hold conferences and seminars for their partners, such events attract hundreds and thousands of participants, who, in addition to accommodation, require the development of stay programs and the provision of a wide range of services. Therefore, there is fierce competition between hotel enterprises for such customers, and the one who has a well-thought-out marketing and sales policy wins.

In modern conditions hotel business impossible to imagine without implementation modern systems booking. An increasing number of consumers are getting information about travel via the Internet. Many would-be travelers are even willing to forego the benefits of face-to-face contact with a travel agent for the sheer variety the Internet provides.

Advanced information technologies enable the consumer to directly use databases and make reservations from a home computer, using special marketing programs or access to the Internet. Recently, the Internet has firmly entered our lives, and the cost of its services has been steadily declining. All this affects the situation in the hotel market. Companies specializing in hotel management systems are ready to develop in this direction. In the current situation, a number of companies have announced that they are able to provide hotels with hotel management systems based on ASP (Application Service Providers) technology. This system uses the simplest browser. ASP technology lies in the fact that all hotel data (availability of rooms, guest history, rate management, booking, etc.) and the hotel management system program itself are located outside the hotel itself - on a server specially dedicated for this. Such a server is located in an equipped service center of an Internet provider. Perhaps in the near future, any programs or applications for the operation of hotels will be available thanks to the companies providing these applications. All these new features will provide hotels with speed and clarity of work with travel agencies and partners, centralized management of tariffs, and consolidated reporting. Direct connection with booking sources will allow hotels to sell their entire number of rooms, and the availability of specialized centers and database repositories will allow them to have a minimum of computer equipment, which will accordingly lead to a reduction in the cost of supporting and maintaining information systems.


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