Photo of the working day conclusions example. The purpose of using photographs of employees' working hours. Total duration, min


In the process of working with personnel, the manager often has to resort to using different methods and tools. One of them is “photography of the working day”.

What is it and the purpose of its holding?

"Photo of the working day" (or "Photography of working hours", « timing of working hours ") Is the study of how efficiently a particular employee, department or team as a whole spends their working time. This happens with the help of continuous observation, measurement and detailed recording of all time spent on any action, operation, smoke break, etc. within one working day (shift).

The main purpose of using the “working day photography” tool is to identify reserves for increasing labor productivity.

Tasks solved with the help of "working day photography":

  • Identification of temporary losses during a work shift, analysis of their causes
  • Determination of the volume and pace of assignments (released products, etc.)
  • Obtaining data for calculating standards (time of service of the workplace, break for rest, etc.)

Ways of carrying out "photography of the working day":

    • With pre-installed video equipment
    "Pros" of the method: people who are not informed about the ongoing shooting will behave naturally.

“Cons”: for the subsequent analysis of the results, it is necessary to transcribe the video recording on paper (time, human action).

  • Personal supervision of a staff member

“Disadvantages”: employees, not understanding why a “working day photograph” is needed, suspecting that the employer is simply “digging” for them, and fearing sanctions (especially wages), behave inappropriately. Either extremely aggressively, or too diligently, or even refuse to start work under the watchful eye of the "photographer". As a result, the data obtained becomes biased.

Therefore, before starting the research, we advise you to carry out explanatory work among the personnel of the enterprise.

  • "Self-photography" - the employee independently describes each of his actions

Stages of the "photography of the working day":

  • Preparation
  • Conducting research during the selected time interval + sequential recording of all actions of the observed object
  • Analysis of results
  • Development of measures aimed at improving the situation and eliminating the loss of working time

"Photo of the working day". Sample and work procedure


To conduct a study, prepare a form in advance where you will enter the information received. What does it include?

Background information:

  • Date of the "photo of the working day"
  • Name of employee
  • Position and department name (place of work)

A table with four columns:

  • What was observed (any employee action, event, etc.)
  • Current time (hours, minutes)
  • Duration (in minutes)
  • Cost index

In the first line of the table, be sure to indicate the start time of observation, in the last - the end.

How to record information?

A specially trained employee of the personnel management service monitors the employee and writes down the action and time on the form (the first and second columns are filled in). For example,

Employee Ivanov Oleg Mikhailovich

Corporate Account Manager, Commercial Department

Start time of observation - 9.00

Coming to workplace — 9.00

Meeting with the head of the department - 9.05

Customer call - 9.15

Parsing email – 9.22

Reading and editing the contract - 9.33

Exit from the office on personal matters - 9.45

Telephone communication with a delivery service employee - 9.52

Assisting a new client in preparing an application - 9.58

Customer call - 10.15

Smoke break - 10.23

Drafting commercial proposal – 10.29

End of observation - 18.00

Further work procedure

Then the third column of the form is filled in, that is, the time spent for each action is calculated (in minutes). And the fourth - the cost index is put down according to unified system classification of time costs (table "Indexation of working time costs").

A summary of the same costs and balances of working hours (both actual and normal) is compiled. The received data is calculated and analyzed. Conclusions are made.

"Photo of the working day" is a necessary tool in any enterprise!

Taking a "photo of the working day" allows you to solve many problems and optimize the workflow to the maximum. With its help, outdated or erroneous norms, the level of workload of an employee, department or brigade as a whole are revealed. And according to its results, you can redistribute responsibilities, increase labor productivity, improve norms, and maybe pay a bonus.

"Photo of the working day", in addition to the timing of work, allows you to analyze the relationship between the services of the organization and optimize business flows.

Fit is useful to record the working day for employees at all levels of management. Order the photo of the working day (photograph of the working time).

AND so, what is a photograph of a working day.

F Working day imaging (or working time photograph) is a type of observation in which all time expenditures are recorded throughout the day. Even the smallest things are recorded, such as a minute conversation on the phone, a coffee break, etc.

IN As a result of the work done, an accurate cut is obtained: what exactly and for how long a particular employee was doing.

FROM I just want to note that a photograph of a working day (photograph of working hours) is practically useless if it is taken for only one day and by prior agreement with the employee. And it is also useless if the data is not processed and conclusions are not drawn.

L It is best to take a photograph of the working day (photograph of working time) during the week - then you will receive more accurate data: the controlled person will relax and behave more naturally during the week, in addition, on different days the quality of work changes and you can get average values if you compose photos of several working days.

Pexecution order.

  1. Determination of the purpose of the photograph of the working day (photograph of working time).
  2. Determination of the technology of conducting (who will conduct it, when, how).
  3. Preparation of observation forms.
  4. Briefing of observers.
  5. Taking pictures of the working day (photographs of working hours).
  6. Processing and analysis of results, making decisions.

1. Purposes of working day photography (working time photography):

  • determination of the actual costs of working time,
  • development of standards,
  • identification and elimination of time losses,
  • improvement of the motivation system,
  • increasing self-organization,
  • optimization of the organization's business processes and many others.

Xi would like to point out that workers need to know why they are being watched and what the purpose of photographing a working day is. At the same time, the results of photographs of the working day (photographs of working hours) should not be used against employees - they should be used to improve work.

2. Observation form.

FROMyou can download the observation form (self-photographs) or an individual photograph of the working day (photographs of working hours).

3. Training of observers.

Hintroduce observers to observation sheets, explain that they should note all the person's actions, while recording the time when a new action starts, the duration of actions.

Hthe observer should not interfere with the activity of the employee, neither help him, nor enter into negotiations with him. The observer should only record all actions. At the same time, he should be well aware of the essence of the work of the person being monitored.

4. Processing of results.

INall operations carried out by the employee are grouped, each group is assigned its own index. Similar operations have the same index.

FROM Among the generally accepted are the following:

T пз - time spent on preparatory and final work (came to the workplace, turned on the computer, waited for the programs to download, etc.)

T op - operational time, that is, the time that the employee spent on the performance of duties.

T obs - time spent on organizational issues, workplace maintenance.

T lane - breaks in time.

D For a more accurate analysis, you can divide the operational time into groups or select additional categories.

Dthen you make up the balance of the employee's actual time (actual working hours of the photo of the working day).

ABOUT n is a table in which for each group the number of cases, the duration (total time of operations in the group), the share of time spent from the time of the entire working day (observed period) are calculated.

Working time utilization factor (K isp):

K isp \u003d Тпз + Top + Tobs + Т n ex

where T pz, T op, T o6s is calculated according to the actual balance of working time;

T "ex is selected within the standard given in the conditions of the problem;

Tcm - the established duration of the working day (observation time), min.

Loss ratio for organizational and technical reasons

Kpot \u003d Tpot / T cm

Working time loss rate due to violation labor discipline

Kpnd \u003d Tpnd + (T f ex - T n ex)

where K pnd is calculated according to the actual balance of working hours;

T * ex and T n ex - time for rest and personal needs, respectively, actual (according to the actual balance of the working day) and standard (according to the condition of the problem).

Possible increase in labor productivity, provided that direct losses are reduced working time can be calculated using the formula:

ΔPT \u003d Tpot + Tpnd + (T f ex - T n ex) * Ks * 100

where К с - coefficient of reduction of direct losses of working time (0.1; 0.2, etc. With a complete reduction of losses of time, it is equal to 1).

5. Analysis of results and development of measures.

Athe analysis of the results will allow you to understand how much work time is actually used, how often employees take breaks from work, how much time is spent on lunch, how long preparatory work takes.

T You will also be able to determine what prevents you from doing work efficiently.

IN Once you have identified any problems and difficulties, develop activities that will help solve the problems.

P get information about the service for taking a photograph of the working day (photograph of working time) you

Despite the fundamental changes in the country's economy, rationing retained the role of the main factor in managing labor productivity. Working time photography (HRF) is still one of the most convenient and rational methods for studying the costs and losses of working time, as well as developing certain types labor standards. Mastering the FRV method allows obtaining unique results in the field of personnel management and its productivity even in conditions of incomplete coverage of the work performed at the enterprise by the rationing.

Productivity serves as a measure of the efficiency of the use of available resources (not only labor, but also raw materials, land, capital, information, time, etc.) for the production of goods needed by the consumer in terms of quantity, range and quality of products or services. At the same time, labor productivity is one of the main, although not the only, characteristic of the efficiency of the use of both physical and materialized labor.

The performance of an enterprise is determined by a number of factors, divided into two groups - soft and hard. Soft factors, including personnel, organizational system, working methods and management style, are quite easily influenced by the enterprise, are manageable and at the same time have a significant impact on the aggregate performance indicator. That is why much attention has been and is being paid to increasing labor productivity.

One of the recognized tools for solving the problem effective use labor resources the enterprise is labor rationing.

In Ukraine, sectoral and cross-sectoral norms and standards have been developed and are being developed, for example, within the framework of the "Program for the Creation and Continuous Renewal of the National Regulatory Framework for Labor and Professional Classification for 2004-2007", approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 18, 2003 No. 356. However, one of characteristic features the current economy of the country is a significant unevenness in the development of enterprises, which causes a significant decrease in the applicability (compliance) of the approved intersectoral and industry norms... At the same time, in accordance with the Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine, the introduction, replacement and revision of labor standards is carried out by the owner or his authorized body in agreement with the elected body of the primary trade union organization (union representative). The owner or his authorized body must explain to employees the reasons for revising labor standards, as well as the conditions under which the new standards should be applied. The owner or his authorized body informs the employees about the introduction of new and changes in the existing labor standards no later than one month before their introduction (Article 86 of the Labor Code).

Therefore, the approved intersectoral and sectoral norms and standards are advisory in nature.

The main responsibility for verifying the compliance of intersectoral and sectoral norms with the real organizational and technical conditions at the enterprise, determining the error, revising, changing existing or developing new norms lies with the enterprise and its standardization specialists.

The main task of rationing - the establishment of the necessary costs of living labor (costs of working time), materialized labor (equipment, technological process, subject of labor) and the conditions for performing work (organization of the workplace, division and cooperation, working conditions, etc.) in order to:

  • increasing labor productivity;
  • determination of the required number, professional and qualification composition of employees;
  • organizing operational planning;
  • organization of remuneration;
  • improving the organization of work.

It is customary to distinguish four types of labor standards:

Time rate - the amount of expenditure of working time, established for the performance of one unit of work by an employee or a group of employees (brigade) of appropriate qualifications in the given organizational and technical conditions.

Production rate - the established amount of work (number of units of production), which an employee or a group of workers (team) of appropriate qualifications are obliged to perform (manufacture, transport, etc.) per unit of working time in the given organizational and technical conditions. The production rate is the reciprocal of the time rate.

Population rate - the established number of employees of a certain professional and qualification composition, required to perform specific production, management functions or the amount of work in the given organizational and technical conditions.

Service rate - the number of production facilities (pieces of equipment, workplaces, head of livestock, etc.) that an employee or a group of employees (team) of appropriate qualifications must serve within a unit of time under specified organizational and technological conditions. The control rate is a special type of service standards for the rationing of the work of managers at various administrative levels.

The most widespread are the norms of time and production, which are used both directly for assessing and remunerating workers, and for planning production and the number of personnel. These standards are easy to use and understandable for all categories of workers.

Headcount and service standards are less common, especially sectoral and cross-sectoral. Such norms usually take into account the typical composition of the work of the standardized category of personnel. If the scope of work at the enterprise, for example, accounting or repair and maintenance, differs from that given in the codebook, then the applicability of the standard is reduced.

The development, testing and implementation of labor standards is a multifaceted process that requires from executors (rationers) a significant investment of time, labor and high qualifications.

Work time is used by the personnel of the enterprise not only for work, the structure of working hours is much more complicated. It includes (see fig.) :

Working hours - the period of time during which the worker performs this or that work, provided and not provided for by the production task.

Completing assignments - the time for completing the task consists of the preparatory and final time, operational time and the time for servicing the workplace.

Preparatory and final time spent by the workers on preparing themselves and the means of production for the performance of a new production task, the manufacture of a new batch of products, and the performance of all work related to its completion (obtaining materials, tools, devices, work order and technical documentation, undergoing instructions, installing and removing tools and devices, setting up equipment, delivery finished products, delivery of devices, tools, work order, technical documentation and leftover materials). It is calculated once for the entire batch of products. Depending on the serial production and equipment, it can be from 1 to 15% of the working time.

Operational time - the period during which the employee performs a given operation - changes the shape, properties and quality of the object of labor or its position in space.

Main time - part of the operational time spent on the implementation of the goal of this process to qualitatively or quantitatively change the means of labor.

Auxiliary time - part of the operational time spent on performing actions that create the possibility of performing the main work (loading the machine with raw materials, unloading and removing the produced product, installing and reinstalling parts, tools and devices, moving the worker associated with the operation).

Workplace maintenance - the time spent on actions related to the care of the workplace and the maintenance of equipment, tools and devices in working order during the shift.

Depending on the nature of the worker's participation in the performance of production operations, the work time may be manual, machine-hand made and time of observation at work of equipment.

The preparatory and final time is usually manual; the main one - manual, machine-manual, machine, automated; auxiliary - manual, machine-manual or mechanized. The service time of the workplace can be manual or machine-manual.

Work off assignment - the time spent on performing random operations that are not typical of this worker, which can be eliminated (walking for a tool, correcting defects, etc.).

Chore - the time spent on performing random operations that are not typical for this worker.

Unproductive work - time spent on walking and searching (material, blanks, tools, foreman, adjuster, etc.), as well as on the manufacture of products rejected through no fault of the worker.

Rest and personal breaks are used by workers for rest to prevent fatigue and maintain normal performance (relaxation) as well as personal hygiene (personal needs) .

Organizational and technical breaks are caused by the established technology and organization of production, as well as violations of the normal flow production process.

Breaks for technological and organizational reasons - time for the removal of workers from the explosion zone, breaks between unloading and loading of the thermal furnace, required by technology, etc. These breaks are regulated and are included in the labor standard.

Breaks due to disruption to the normal flow of the production process can be caused by delays in the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, lack of energy, blanks, waiting for a foreman, auxiliary worker, transport, unscheduled repairs and other reasons that disrupt the normal course of the production process. These interruptions are essentially downtime due to various organizational and technical reasons, depending on production.

Breaks due to violation of labor discipline (delays, unauthorized absences from the workplace, premature leaving from work, etc.) are downtime due to the fault of the worker.

When rationing labor at an enterprise, as a rule, they focus on rationing operational time. In principle, this is correct, since it is at this time that the products are created (services are provided) of the enterprise, that is, the goods it sells on the market. At the same time, due attention is not always paid to increasing the share of operational time in working hours, setting standards for preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace and regulated breaks.

One of the most convenient methods for solving problems of assessing and analyzing the structure of costs and losses of working time, the development of measures to improve the organization of work and increase its productivity by eliminating losses and irrational costs of working time is work time photography .

These photographs of working hours can be used, in particular, for standardizing:

  • preparatory and final time;
  • time to service the workplace;
  • time for rest and personal needs;
  • number;
  • service;

as well as to identify the reasons for non-fulfillment (over-fulfillment) of the norms.

A photograph of working time, depending on the object of observation and forms of labor organization, can be individual, group and brigade.

Photography of working time can be carried out by the method of direct observation (classic photography of working time) and by the method of instant observation. In addition, self-photography is common.

If the photograph of working time is used to develop time norms, then the objects of observation are workplaces with a good work organization, eliminating the loss of time, and workers who fulfill the norms. If photography is used to analyze the structure of working time costs, then the workplace is analyzed "as is," no additional measures are taken to improve the work before taking the photograph.

When photographing the working time, the following must be provided:

  • serviceability of machines, machine tools and equipment;
  • the required quality of materials and tools required to complete the work and their timely submission;
  • timely supply of electricity, gas and other sources of energy supply;
  • timely provision of technical documentation;
  • healthy and safe working conditions (compliance with labor protection norms and rules, necessary lighting, heating and ventilation, minimization of harmful effects of noise, radiation, vibration, etc.).

If these conditions are not met, then the conducted research will not comply with the norms of the Labor Code of Ukraine (Article 88).

It is especially important to remember that photography of working hours is not used for standardizing working hours. For this, timing observations are used. The combination of working time photography and timing is called photo timing.

Depending on the type of production, in order to ensure sufficient accuracy of the results, it is recommended to carry out from 5 (for single and small-batch) to 20 (for mass) photographs of working hours for each workplace (group of similar workplaces), summarizing the results obtained.

Individual photograph of working hours

With an individual photograph of working hours, the object of observation is one employee working at a certain workplace.

Photographing, that is, direct observation and measurement of the expenditure of working time, is carried out according to the current time, usually with an accuracy of 30 s, which makes it possible to use a conventional watch with a second hand. If more accuracy is required, for example, to separate the auxiliary time from the main time, use a stopwatch.

The observer must be at the workplace before the start of work, observation starts at the signal “start of work (shift)” and ends at the signal “end of shift”.

Photographing is carried out according to the current time. The calculation of the duration of the elements is carried out when processing the results.

The measurement results are recorded in the observation sheet. (tab. 1) , in which the start time of observations is marked in the first line of the photocard. At the moment of the beginning of a new phenomenon (action), the observer enters in columns 1 and 2 its serial number and content, and at its end - in columns 3 and 4 the current time by hours. Each record shows either what the employee did or what caused his inaction. Each item of work or break should be recorded separately by time cost category. It is especially necessary to distinguish between the elements of the preparatory and final time from the operational, work on maintenance of the workplace, as well as breaks in work, taking into account their nature and reasons. In this case, columns 1-4 (tab. 1) are filled in directly in the process of observations, the rest - when processing the results of the photograph.

After filling the photocard with the results of observations, the duration of each of the elements is calculated, the results of which are noted in column 5.

Column 6 "Overlapping No. ..." indicates the ordinal numbers of observation records containing machine time, which overlap this measurement of manual work time.

To characterize the operational time, column 7 indicates the number of products produced (work performed).

Column 8 indicates the index of time expenditures, that is, the characteristic of the type of expenditure of working time in accordance with the classification adopted at the enterprise.

As a rule, these are:

  • PZ - preparatory and final time;
  • OP - operational time;
  • ОМ - time of service of the workplace;
  • PN - losses (interruptions) of an organizational and technical nature, depending on malfunctions in production;

  • ПР - loss of time, depending on the worker;
  • PL - loss of time for personal needs and rest.

To increase the information content of the analysis by categories of time expenditures, an additional division denoted by a number is introduced: PZ-1, PR-5, OM-2, etc. The coding system is adopted for each enterprise independently.

Let's consider the procedure for taking a photo using an example (tab. 1) .

The object of observation was the turner of section No. 3 of shop No. 1 of the conventional enterprise, the observation was carried out on January 21, 2004.

The shift started at 8:00. The turner began the day by lubricating the machine (column 2), which he finished at 8:06 am (columns 3 and 4). Then, until 8:11, he received a production order and a drawing, and until 8:14 - a working tool. After receiving the instrument, the foreman of the site gave instructions until 8:18 am. After the briefing, receiving the blanks (until 8:27) and setting up the machine (until 8:40), the turner started making the parts.

All the specified types of work of the turner, as well as all other types of his work and breaks were entered in the observation sheet. The total observation time was 480 minutes (8 hours). Determination of duration by categories of expenditure of working time is made by subtracting from the measurement time of each subsequent element in the time table of the previous one.

Based on the results of observations, a summary of the costs of working time of the same name is compiled (table 2) , as well as actual and projected balances of working hours (Table 3) .

In our case, the preparatory and final time actually amounted to 42 minutes (8.8% of the observation time), operational time - 364 minutes (75.8%), workplace maintenance time - 30 minutes (6.2%), organizational breaks - of a technical nature (not through the fault of the worker) - 23 minutes (4.8%), the time of breaks through the fault of the worker - 17 minutes (3.6%), time for rest and personal needs - 4 minutes (1.0%).

The data obtained give a fairly clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of working time costs and their quantitative characteristics.

Development of time norms

Rationing process for domestic enterprises carried out at an insufficiently high level. As a rule, the regulation does not fully cover the operational time and / or there are no standards for the preparatory and final time, the time for servicing the workplace and regulated breaks both in general and their constituent elements. In this case, a photograph of working hours is the main source of initial data for rationing.

IN table 4 presents a summary of the elements of the preparatory and final time, obtained from the analysis of photographs of working time. The photographing was carried out at the turner's workplace for five days. The technology of production of products during this period did not provide for the use of special devices. The average duration of the preparatory and final time was 24.0 minutes, or 5.0% of the working time. In particular, the time spent on individual elements of the preparatory and final time was determined.

Similarly, the collection and analysis of the results are carried out when standardizing the service time of a workplace based on a photograph of working time.

In cases where the preparatory and final time has an insignificant share in the working time, it is advisable not to single it out as an independent part of the norm, but to include it in the norm of piece (for one product, operation) time. With the help of a photograph of working time, the percentage of preparatory and final time in working time is determined, and further calculation is carried out as a percentage of working time.

Workplace service time is usually calculated as a percentage of operational time.

Productivity prospects

A photograph of working hours can be used both to develop standards and to assess the prospects for increasing labor productivity in a given workplace.

At the considered enterprise in relation to the workplace of a turner normative value preparatory and final time is 24.0 minutes, the time for servicing the workplace is 24.0 minutes. At the same time, normative losses of working time associated with rest and personal needs of the worker are provided, in 2.5% (12 minutes) of working time (Table 3) ... Thus, the standard duration of the operational time is:

OP \u003d RV - (PZ + OM + PL) \u003d 480 - (24 + 24 + 12) \u003d 420 min.

Based on the photograph taken of working time, three possible directions for increasing labor productivity can be considered:

1. Increasing productivity by reducing time wasted for organizational and technical reasons. With regard to the example under consideration - by 6.3%.

2. Increase productivity by reducing worker-dependent time losses. With regard to the example under consideration - by 2.5%.

3. Increase productivity by eliminating unproductive work and lost working time. With regard to the example under consideration - by 15.4%.

Thus, by reducing unproductive losses of working time and increasing operational time, it is possible to increase labor productivity at a given workplace by 15.4%. In this case, with a constant nomenclature of products during the shift, not 35, but 40 parts (products) will be produced, but with a variable - additional products. In practice, this situation occurs quite often, and it is thanks to the photography of working hours that it is possible to significantly reduce unproductive losses of working time.

Even more often, there is a situation when there is an overfulfillment of the norms of piece time with the simultaneous presence of unproductive losses of working time.

Suppose that the standardized target has been set to produce 35 parts during a shift. In this case, the norm of the piece operational time was 12.0 minutes. However, due to shortcomings in the organization of production and maintenance equipment, violation of production discipline, there were losses of working time (Table 3) ... The worker, compensating for the unproductive losses, spent 10.4 minutes on the production of each part, that is, 1.6 minutes less.

Usually such overfulfillment of norms is welcomed and even financially stimulated. And very often it is unjustified. First of all, you need to find out how the overfulfillment of the norms is achieved - due to better organization labor or due to violation of technology. Violation of technological modes leads to overloading of tools and equipment, their premature wear and tear and failure, which means an increase in the cost of repair, replacement and maintenance. Quite often, a violation of technology leads to the release of hidden defects and affects the competitiveness of the enterprise. If the achieved level of productivity corresponds to the technical and technological capabilities of the equipment and the quality of the product does not deteriorate, then a decision is made to revise the standards in force at the enterprise for given view products (operation). Otherwise, measures are taken to bring the production process in line with the requirements of the standards.

Thus, photography of working hours is a fairly universal and affordable tool for labor rationing, studying the structure of working time costs, checking compliance with technological discipline, developing measures to increase labor productivity and reduce unproductive losses of working time. A photograph of working hours can be used regardless of the presence or absence of time norms, production, etc. at the enterprise. The use of photography gives a practical result for the regulation of labor of all categories of personnel - managers, professionals, specialists, technical employees and workers

A photo of a working day is a way to record the loss of working time and efficiency human resources, which allows you to maximize the quality of work of employees and minimize costs, as well as to solve many additional organizational issues in the activities of the enterprise. At the same time, each employer should familiarize himself with the details of this procedure and personnel specialistas this tool has many advantages. An example of filling out a photo of a working day can serve as a good example for implementing it in any organization.

What is workday photography and why is it needed

Working day photography has nothing to do with the photography process and photographic art. This is a purely personnel term used to optimize and control the cost of staff time.

By itself, a photograph of a working day is a process of monitoring and measuring all the costs of an employee's working time over a period of time. At the same time, all actions of the employee, without exception, are recorded - the most effective is the method of minute-by-minute control with the entry of a photograph of the working day into the appropriate form. It should be noted that the legislation does not regulate this procedure in any way, so all the features of its implementation can be established by the employer independently.

The goals of photographing a working day include:

  • Finding the existing losses of working time, measuring them and then making certain personnel decisions to eliminate them and optimize the costs of labor resources.
  • Fixation of information for the subsequent optimization of the arrangement of workplaces and premises.
  • Creation of an initial database for the subsequent introduction of various labor standards, reorganization of working hours.
  • Search for reasons for non-compliance by employees with their job responsibilities and structural analysis working day at the enterprise.

At the same time, the procedure for taking a photo of a working day implies its implementation in several stages:

  • Preparatory stage. It means general definition the purposes for which photographing of working time is carried out, as well as establishes direct objects of observation and regulates all subsequent actions of the employer and responsible persons.
  • Observation... This is directly the procedure for photographing the working day of the selected objects of observation, implemented in accordance with the developed program.
  • Processing of results and their analysis... It - the final stage photographs of the working day, which, nevertheless, is the most important in this procedure, since it is he who subsequently makes it possible to take certain organizational and personnel solutions to the problems that have arisen and to optimize work.

Each of the above stages should be considered in more detail separately.

How to prepare a photo of a working day

Before directly taking photographs of the working day, the employer should carry out a significant amount of preparatory procedures, otherwise the whole process may be useless or ineffective. In this case, the preparatory stage should in any case provide for the solution of individual issues for each enterprise. However, regardless of how exactly the photograph of the working day will be carried out, most often the preparatory stage will include the following activities:

Preparatory activities may differ for different structural units enterprises, for various purposes of taking pictures of the working day. The employer himself has the right to determine the methods used and the purposes of carrying out the aforementioned procedure and change it to suit his own needs.

Taking a photo of the working day - features and nuances

When taking a photograph of the workplace, the employer must take into account that this process does not ideally reflect the actual situation at the enterprise. First of all, it should be noted that with a short duration of photography, employees can specially adapt to demonstrate better results than practical ones, and, accordingly, the assessment carried out will not give the expected results and cannot subsequently be incorporated into the procedure for improving the efficiency of labor organization. This feature should be taken into account first and foremost by employers and persons responsible for photographing the working day.

An important point is the fact that a photograph of a working day in itself can raise the efficiency of an enterprise - this is due to the above-described feature of this procedure. After all, employees who understand that their every action is controlled most often work more efficiently than without control.

The direct photographing of the working day should begin with the actual start of the working day. Therefore, the specialist responsible for its implementation must arrive earlier than the analyzed workers. The photo of the working day includes all periods labor activity the employee, starting from preparation for work and ending with the procedures for its completion. However, in some cases, it may be advisable to take photographs only for certain periods of time.

It is necessary to distinguish the method of timekeeping of working hours from the method of photographing the working day. In the first case, only cyclical and identical procedures are measured to identify and establish general standards for the release of commercial products or the provision of identical services, and in the second situation, the total cost of working time during the day is assessed in an integrated manner.

During the procedure, the inspectors must be equipped with the necessary prepared forms and strictly record every action of the employee. However, it should be remembered that for the period of breaks provided for by law and if the employer provides employees with additional breaks during working hours, such time intervals cannot be taken into account as losses of labor hours and minutes.

Processing and analysis of the photo of the working day

Based on the information received during the photograph of the working day, an employer, personnel officer or head of a department or company can take certain actionsaimed at realizing the goals originally set for this procedure. The methods of exposure will depend on both the initial goals and the results of the photograph of the working day, the characteristics of the activities of a particular organization and the resources available. Since the employer will receive a full time structure, he can make various decisions to improve the performance of the business, namely:

The presence of losses of working time does not always indicate ineffective personnel management. Thus, some positions, when photographing working hours, can show a large number of hours in which they are not engaged in their duties. Such situations are most relevant for employees of repair and emergency services at the enterprise - after all, while they are not working, this means that there are no problems in the organization.


A photograph of working time is carried out in order to study and measure all, without exception, the time spent during a shift or another period, namely, in order to identify losses of working time and their causes and develop, on this basis, measures to eliminate shortcomings and introduce a scientific organization of labor; study, generalization and dissemination of the experience of advanced workers; setting standards for preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace, time for rest and personal needs, as well as obtaining initial data to determine the operational time for manual work; establishment of equipment maintenance standards and staffing standards; identifying the reasons for non-compliance with the norms; development of organizational and technical measures. Depending on the objects of observation, there are individual, group, brigade, mass and route photography of working time (RFW). With an individual FRV, the object of observation is one worker at one workplace, with a group, the observation is carried out over a group of workers, of whom each performs a separate operation at his workplace, and with a brigade, a team of workers engaged in the performance of one general operation. Route FRV is carried out for a large number of workplaces by bypassing them along a certain route or when the observation object (worker) is in motion, and in the case of a mass one, one observer studies the work of a large number of workers (groups, brigades, site, workshop, etc.) ...

The photograph of working time is divided into photographs of the working day (FRD), the production process (FPP), the time of equipment use and self-photograph. With the help of FRD, all types of expenditure of working time are studied, including breaks, the duration of observation is equal to the duration of the performer's working day. At the FPP, the study of the costs of working time, the time of using the equipment and the actual modes of its operation is carried out, and with the full name, supervision is carried out over the operation of the equipment in order to study and analyze its use during the shift or other period of time. In the process of processing PDF data, in each observation sheet, their index (letter designation) or code is put against the record of the time expenditures, and the duration of the time expenditures is determined. Costs of the same name are grouped, then a consolidated balance of working time is compiled for all observations by cost categories (actual and standard).

In our case, we will restrict ourselves to taking a photograph of the working day of one worker (machine operator). Its results are shown in table 3.1:

Table 3.1 Observation sheet of a photo of the machine operator's working day

P / p No. Name of time spent Duration
hour: min. min.
1 2 3 4 5
Shift start 7: 00
1 Receiving technological map and tasks 7: 05 pz 5
2 Receiving blanks 7: 13 pz 8
3 Receiving the instrument 7: 17 pz 4
4 Setting up the machine 7: 30 obs 13
5 Operational work 8: 18 op 48
6 Change of cutting tool 8: 21 obs 3
7 Machine lubrication 8: 27 obs 6
8 Relaxation 8: 35 ex 8
9 Operational work 9: 40 op 65
10 Cleaning of shavings and waste 9: 45 pz 5
11 Delivery of products to quality control department 9: 53 pz 8
12 Relaxation 10: 08 ex 15
13 Receiving a new task and technological map 10: 12 pz 4
14 Receiving blanks 10: 17 pz 5
15 Handing over the old one and getting a new one 10: 24 pz 7
16 Machine changeover 10: 35 obs 11
17 Conversation with another worker 10: 47 pnd 12
18 Operational work 11: 00 op 13
19 Lunch break 12: 00 - -
20 Operational work 12: 44 op 44
21 Elimination of machine malfunctions by the mechanic on duty 13: 12 fri 28
22 Tool change 13: 15 obs 3
23 Operational work 14: 28 op 73
24 Relaxation 14: 34 ex 6
1 2 3 4 5
25 Adjustment of the machine 14: 42 obs 8
26 Operational work 15: 15 op 33
27 Tool change 15: 18 obs 3
28 Operational work 15: 36 op 18
29 Cleaning the workplace 15: 44 pz 8
30 Delivery of products to quality control department 15: 53 pz 9
31 Premature leaving the workplace 16: 00 pnd 7

where pz - preparatory and final time;

op - operational time;

obs - service time of the workplace;

ex - time for rest and personal needs;

fri - breaks for technical reasons;

pnd - time of breaks caused by violation of labor discipline.

Now, based on the data from the observation sheet of the photo of the machine operator's working day, we will develop the actual and standard time balances:

Table 3.2 Actual and standard balances of working time costs

Cost index Actual balance Regulatory balance Change in costs
t, min. % t, min. %
pz 63 13.125 37 7.7 26
obs 47 9.792 38.4 8 8.6
op 294 61.25 370.08 77.1 -
ex 29 6.042 34.52 7.2 -
wed - - - - -
fri 28 5.833 - - 28
pnd 19 3.958 - - 19
Total: 480 100 480 100 81,6

Based on the analysis of the actual and standard balances of the costs of working time, we calculate the utilization rate of working time:

To isp. \u003d (T pz + T op + T obs + T ex) / T cm

To isp. \u003d (63 + 294 + 47 + 29) /480\u003d0.902 or 90.2%

The proportion of breaks for technical reasons from the nominal working time is:

K pnt \u003d T pnt / T cm

K pnt \u003d 28/480 \u003d 0.058 or 5.8%.

The share of breaks caused by violation of labor discipline from the nominal working time is:

K pnd \u003d T pnd / T cm

K pnd \u003d 19/480 \u003d 0.04 or 4%.

A possible increase in labor productivity due to the elimination of technical and organizational time losses is calculated using the formulas:

R pnt \u003d (T pnt / T op) * 100%

R pnd \u003d (T pnd / T op) * 100%

R pnt \u003d (28/294) * 100% \u003d 9.5%;

R pnd \u003d (19/294) * 100% \u003d 6.5%.

The total growth of labor productivity or production P total will be:

R total \u003d R pnt + R pnd

P total \u003d 9.5 + 6.5 \u003d 16%.

In the course of analyzing the costs of working time, interruptions caused by violation of labor discipline were identified. In order to completely eliminate them, it is proposed to carry out the following organizational and technical measures:

1. The department of labor organization and wages shall include in the regulation on wages a clause providing for the use of reducing coefficients for violation of labor discipline when calculating wages for workers. If, at the end of the month, the time for breaks of this nature is up to 10% of the nominal working time, then the size of the monthly wage of this worker is reduced by 10%.

2. In connection with possible growth labor productivity by 6.5% by eliminating interruptions caused by violation of labor discipline, to increase the output rate for one worker by 6.5%. Before the implementation of measures to improve the organization of labor, the number of workers at the site (Ch 1) was 15 people, the annual output of one worker (In 1 year) was 3200 thousand tenge, the cost per 1 tenge of production (Z t / t) was 0.73 tg / tg, the share of UPR in the cost price is 31%. After the introduction of organizational and technical measures to improve the organization of labor, the increase in production will be:

P \u003d (IZRV / OP f) * 100%

where IZRV is the change in the cost of actual working time in comparison with the standard;

OP f - the value of the actual operational time.

P \u003d (81.6 / 294) * 100% \u003d 27.76%.

Annual volume production before the introduction of OTM was:

B 1 \u003d B 1 year * H 1

In 1 \u003d 3200 * 15 \u003d 48 million tenge.

Increase in production volume, excluding labor time costs:

DB \u003d B 1 * P / 100%

DB \u003d 48 * 27.76 / 100% \u003d 13.32 million tenge.

Annual economical effect by UPR in the cost of production:

E year control \u003d DB * W t / t * K control

E year control \u003d 13.32 * 0.73 * 0.31 \u003d 3.014 million tenge.

Annual economic effect:

E year \u003d E year control - E n * KV

where E n - standard coefficient of comparative economic efficiency.

E year \u003d 3.014 - 0.15 * 2 \u003d 2.714 million tenge.

The payback period of the investment made will be:

T ok \u003d KV / E year control

T approx \u003d 2 / 2.714 \u003d 0.74 years.

Standard payback period for capital investments:

T n \u003d 1 / 0.15 \u003d 6.6 years

Due to the lack of need for additional products, we calculate the size of the reduction in the number of workers using the formula:

DCH \u003d DВ / В 1 year

DC \u003d 13.32 / 3.2 \u003d 4.125 or 4 people

As a result of the implementation of the proposed organizational and technical measures to improve the organization of labor, the increase in production was 38.4%. The annual economic effect was 105.83 thousand. tenge. The payback period is 3.9 years. Due to the lack of need for additional products due to the increase in labor productivity, it is possible to reduce the four people who most maliciously violated labor discipline.

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Coal industry, etc.). They take into account the sectoral conditions of production at the enterprises of this group, as well as the specifics of the forms and methods of labor organization used on them. Intersectoral standards are developed and used to rate labor in a number of sectors of the economy (for example, uniform standards for construction and installation and handling, standards for processing ...

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