Development of VED. Trends in the development of foreign economic activity in Russia (to the present). Management link in the foreign economic policy of the state

Types and forms of foreign economic activity.

FEA refers to one of the areas of international business based on the production of products (performance of work and provision of services intended for foreign markets).

In Russian practice, this concept has been actively used since the late 80s of the last century in connection with the beginning of the economic reform (1086-1987), the essence of which was the decentralization of state foreign trade and the transition from a system of intergovernmental foreign economic relations to the independent implementation of foreign economic activity at the level enterprises. - manufacturers of export products.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1991 No. 213 “On the liberalization of foreign economic activity on the territory of the RSFSR” established that “all enterprises, organizations and associations registered in the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of their form of ownership, are allowed to carry out foreign economic activity without special registration” . Any Russian person whose constituent documents provide for the conduct of foreign economic activity has the right to import or export goods in accordance with the concluded contract.

As a result of the reform of the WES in Russia, two concepts “WES” and “VED” have developed, the last of which changed the content of the previously used category of WES, its meaning and nature. At the same time, foreign economic activity and foreign economic activity should not be considered as two separate foreign economic spheres of functioning and state regulation in the Russian economy. Because one of the priority aspects of foreign economic activity is that the foreign economic strategy of individual export-oriented enterprises, as well as the sectoral ministries and departments that they belong to, largely determines the directions and principles of the state's foreign economic policy.

Foreign economic relations. - one of the forms of interstate relations in the field of scientific, military-technical, industrial and trade-economic cooperation and monetary and financial interaction.

The content of the FEA consists in the unconditional fulfillment in the state interests of Russia of export deliveries (and import purchases for federal needs) arising from the bilateral intergovernmental trade and economic agreements reached, as a rule, of a mutual nature within the framework of international specialization and cooperation, as well as in the fulfillment of financial and credit obligations .

Planning of volumes and determination of the commodity nomenclature of export-import products and services within the framework of the FEA is carried out by federal structures, i.e. at the government level for strategically important positions through the state order system and at the expense of the state budget.

The state order, in fact, acts as a directive plan for ensuring the production of export products for specialized enterprises selected as a contractor. Under the formed order, the government allocates limits for centralized logistics and monetary and financial resources.

Transferring the state order to the enterprises-executors, federal structures, responsible for the implementation of foreign economic agreements, undertake the obligation to pay it in full on time within the stipulated period.

Foreign economic activity refers to the market sphere of relations, is based on the criteria entrepreneurial activity, structural connection with production processes and is distinguished by legal and economic autonomy, as well as legal independence from sectoral departmental guardianship.

Foreign economic activity is carried out at the level of enterprises in partially or fully ensuring the production of export products and their sale on the foreign market. Such enterprises, companies, firms are export-oriented enterprises.

FEA is based on complete independence in the development of an export strategy, in the choice of an export product, its nomenclature and composition of assortment items based on production and technological capabilities, as well as the external market, a foreign partner, the basic and financial and economic conditions of foreign trade transactions, in determining the export price and the cost of the contract, the timing of delivery of products and methods of transportation.

Factors of development of foreign economic activity.

Foreign trade began to develop rapidly under the capitalist mode of production and reached its greatest development when a number of the world's largest countries (USA, Japan, Germany, France, etc.) entered the world market economic system.

The most significant factor that influenced the rapid development of foreign trade between countries in the 19th century was the development of sea and rail transport. In the XX century. the possibility of a broad development of foreign trade has increased due to the constant improvement of all modes of transport.

The intensive development of various types of machine production makes an important increase foreign trade exchange operations, as new types of raw materials, fuels, materials, as well as scientific developments are needed.

The following groups of factors also influence the development of foreign economic activity:

1. Economic factors. Throughout history, there has been an uneven economic development of various countries of the world. Each country has its own structure of industries, its own level of industrial development, Agriculture, transport, communications, their specialization in the economy.

2. Political relationships. The presence of friendly political relations between countries contributes to the strengthening of foreign economic activity.

3. Scientific and technical development of the country. The formation of foreign economic activity is facilitated by the exchange between countries, research assistants, teachers, students; conducting joint research, experiments, fulfillment of contracts for design, research and development work.

4. Features of the geographical location, natural and climatic conditions.

5. Resource factors. The difference between human, raw materials and financial resources also creates the basis for exchange relations.

After the Second World War, when the world was dominated by countries with a closed economy, the view was widespread that every state should succeed in all areas of the economy. This trend was due to the desire to ensure the country's self-sufficiency, as well as the opinion that reaching the modern level involves the development of manufacturing industries, and not a concentration on those areas where the country has achieved the greatest success. However, international experience has shown that prerequisite successful development there has been a deeper integration of the country into the world economy, allowing to obtain new technologies and know-how, as well as increasing the role of competition.

Stage 1 (1986-1988) - characterized by a change in the principles of organizing management processes in the foreign trade system and its decentralization. At this stage, two main tasks were solved: 1. Expansion of the rights of sectoral ministries and departments and their enterprises, associations and organizations to enter the foreign market, establish direct ties, implement industrial and scientific and technical cooperation with foreign partners, represent enterprises - manufacturers of products, intended for export, independence in the implementation of foreign economic activity. 2. Expansion of the number of participants in foreign economic activity due to the formation of new organizational structures– joint ventures (JV), production cooperatives, associations for foreign economic cooperation with foreign partners (AFEC), intergovernmental international associations and organizations (MO) in order to accelerate scientific and technological progress in the field and export production. The second stage (1989 - 1991): was characterized by further development of the sphere of foreign economic activity and the formation of a system of state regulation of foreign trade activities, primarily with the help of methods of non-tariff restrictions on exports. It was at this stage that the right to independently enter the foreign market was granted to all enterprises - manufacturers of goods, works and services that are competitive in the foreign market. About 97% of the total volume of export-import operations accounted for the state foreign trade associations. The third stage (! 992-1995) - at this stage, the efforts of the state were directed, firstly, to the development of Russia's foreign economic strategy and the creation of a new mechanism for state regulation of foreign trade, consistent with the principles of liberalization, as well as legislation in the field of foreign economic activity. The strategic goals focused on improving the structure of foreign trade turnover and exports, using modern efficient forms of work in foreign markets and expanding their geography, developing industrial technologies in export production by attracting foreign partners, increasing competitive parameters and the share of exports of engineering products. An important point this stage was the adoption of fundamental laws for the foreign economic sphere: “On the customs tariff”, “On currency regulation and currency control”, “On the basics of state regulation of foreign trade activity”, the Customs Code of the Russian Federation. The fourth stage (1995-1999) was distinguished by the processes of improving the methods of state regulation of the VTD in the direction of its unification with international practice. Forced forms of control (currency, customs) appeared. On the present stage the main efforts are aimed at bringing domestic practice and legislation on state regulation in accordance with the rules and agreements of the WTO, harmonizing positions in trade concessions with the countries - members of the WTO. However, until now, the Russian Federation does not have a clear, generally recognized long-term strategy for integrating into the world economy and developing the foreign economic sphere based on national interests and priorities.

Main Types and forms of foreign economic activity

FEA can be carried out in various types:

Foreign trade: export, import, barter transactions, commodity exchanges, compensation transactions;

Types of foreign economic activity

Export is the export of goods, works, services, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them, from the customs territory of the Russian Federation without obligations to re-import. The fact of export is recorded at the moment the goods cross the customs border or at the moment of the actual provision of services or the transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity. Separate commercial transactions without their export from the customs territory of the Russian Federation, in particular tolling (external and internal), are equated to the export of goods.

Internal tolling is the purchase by a foreign legal entity (non-resident) of a product or resource (raw material) from a Russian legal entity (resident) and its transfer to another Russian legal entity for processing and subsequent export of processed raw materials abroad.

External tolling is the purchase of goods or raw materials abroad for processing in the country and the subsequent export of goods abroad.

Import is the importation of goods, works, services, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them for customs territory Russian Federation from abroad without an obligation to re-export.

The fact of import is recorded at the moment the goods cross the customs border or the actual receipt of services, or intellectual property rights.

Re-export - the importation of goods into the territory of a given country for the purpose of its subsequent export to other countries without any intermediate processing.

Re-import - import from abroad of previously exported goods that have not been processed there (not sold at an auction, exhibition, rejected by the buyer, etc.).

But if the goods were not originally intended for sale, they are not counted as re-import.

Trade and intermediary operations are operations related to the purchase and sale of goods and performed on behalf of the manufacturer-exporter (importer) by an independent reseller on the basis of an agreement concluded between them or a separate order.

Work through intermediaries is an indirect method of trading, in contrast to the direct method - direct contact between the manufacturer and the buyer.

Operations with capital and other specific payments related to the credit and financial sphere is an international movement of capital expressed in the acquisition of shares foreign companies and counter purchase by foreigners of shares of domestic companies, organization of joint ventures, alliances, etc. with capital from different countries, this is international lending, etc.

It began with the formation of capitalism and the improvement of production. The leaders in this were the most major countries world: USA, Germany, Japan, Italy and others in the process of their entry into relations in the world economic market.

Definition 1

Foreign economic activity is a set of processes in which external economic relations are implemented through the exchange of goods, entering into joint ventures and other forms of economic, scientific and technical relations, as well as through transactions with currency, financial and credit funds.

The concept of foreign economic activity is both a historical and an economic category. From a historical point of view, foreign economic activity is the result of the formation of civilization, which arose along with statehood and develops along with it. From point of view economics FEA is a system of economic relations between the countries of the world, covering almost all spheres of economic life, primarily production, trade, and investment.

FEA development factors

One of the main factors in the development of foreign economic activity is, of course, the export of capital. On this basis, there are multinational companies and corporations, which are usually national in terms of capital and international in terms of scope. The role of such transnational organizations is great, since they account for up to 1/3 of all international exports in the world.

Other factors influencing the development of foreign economic relations include:

  • Different levels of economic development of the countries of the world - each country has its own unique sectoral structure and its inherent level of production development, communications, transport, its own economic specialization.
  • Differences in the provision of labor, raw materials, financial possibilities– around 25 million people move around the world every year in search of work, while there are countries with a surplus work force and, conversely, with a shortage of labor and human resources. That is why the process of labor migration plays an important role in the development and strengthening of international economic, scientific and technical relations.
  • The political situation of states - the positive political climate in the world and friendly relations between the states of the world contribute to the development and strengthening of foreign economic activity, and political confrontation, on the contrary, exacerbates the closedness of economies, reduces trade turnover and can even lead to a break in economic relations.
  • There are many differences in the level of scientific and technological development important factor development and strengthening of foreign economic activity. The exchange of students, researchers, achievements, conducting joint scientific projects and research, concluding contracts for design research - all this strengthens relations between states.

Problems and prospects of Russia in the field of foreign economic activity

Russia is a country rich in mineral and raw materials, has the most advantageous geographical position, but has recently faced significant bans and restrictions associated with the possibility of world trade.

Remark 1

Of course, intro Russian Federation in the WTO somewhat reduced the economic pressure from foreign countries. However, sanctions imposed since 2014 by the United States and certain Western countries forced to search for alternative solutions regarding the conduct of foreign economic activity, since only the internal exchange of goods and services between regions would not ensure the achievement of normal economic indicators.

At present, for the effective and efficient development of foreign economic relations, Russia is striving to become a state that produces and sells competitive goods and services, creates equal conditions for competition among manufacturing enterprises in different market sectors. The main condition for solving such a problem is an effective state policy in the field of foreign economic activity, based on:

  • growth state control in the field of foreign trade relations
  • control of the quantity and quality of exported and imported goods
  • expanded attraction of investments in the economy from foreign partners
  • creating the most comfortable conditions for the activities of domestic producers.

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State educational institution

Higher professional education

St. Petersburg University of Service and Economics


In the discipline "Fundamentals of foreign economic activity"

On the topic: "State strategy for the development of foreign economic activity in Russia"

Completed by: 3rd year student d.o.

Specialties 080501

Group 0611 PT

Dudina V.M.

Checked by: Efimova S.V.

St. Petersburg, 2012


2. Reforming the foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation

3. Problems of foreign economic activity of Russia




An important component of the country's economic growth is effective foreign economic activity (FEA), increasing its effectiveness and sustainability. Improving the efficiency of foreign trade depends on many factors, among which, of particular importance are, firstly, the formation of a scientifically substantiated external trade policy, secondly, the effectiveness of the mechanism of state regulation of export and import operations. An effective foreign trade policy creates favorable conditions for increasing the competitiveness of domestic products in the global and domestic markets, motivates the implementation of an import substitution strategy, contributes to the formation of a profitable part of the budget, and ultimately strengthens the country's economic security.

At the turn of the 21st century, Russia's foreign economic activity is going through a difficult period of deep qualitative transformations associated with the implementation of reforms and the search for ways to integrate into the system of world economic relations.

The study and creative comprehension of the processes and trends that characterize the foreign economic development of our country at this critical stage constitute an important task of economic science. The analysis of these processes involves a broad and comprehensive approach to the assessment of many modern phenomena that arise both in the world economy and international relations, and within the country, associated with changes in the state of the domestic economy and the prospects for its development.

1. Foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation

A country's foreign economic activity reflects its national interest and its foreign and foreign economic policy. At the same time, this activity characterizes the state of its economy, the level, pace and conditions of development, potential opportunities and the actual use of available resources.

Fundamental transformations in the socio-economic system of our country, Russia's transition to market economy, the return of its economy to the world economy fundamentally changed the essence and nature of foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation. The FEA of the USSR, the successor of which was the Russian Federation, was based on the principles of the state monopoly of foreign trade, currency monopoly and a ban on foreign investment, which reflected the administrative-command economic system that dominated the country.

The state of foreign economic activity during the years of the so-called perestroika (1985-1991) deteriorated significantly, as a result of social economic crisis, an absolute decline in production volumes, a sharp increase in external debt (by the end of 1990 it amounted to more than 80 billion dollars), limited opportunities for raw material exports (in 1985-1990, at least 45 billion dollars of export earnings).

Such was the legacy that the Russian Federation received in the field of foreign economic activity.

The development of Russian foreign economic activity in the 90s of the XX century took place in extremely difficult conditions of growing crisis phenomena in the economy, caused both by fundamental transformations of the economic structure of the national economy, and by the difficulties of the transitional economy, aggravated by the instability of the domestic political situation. The transition to a market economy, the involvement of Russia in the world economy made it dependent on the processes taking place in it, which negatively affected its weakened economy (an example could be the impact of the global financial crisis of 1997-98, which was one of the causes of the events of August 1998. - devaluation of the ruble and default on state obligations).

A significant drawback of the foreign economic activity of our country is the insufficient development of exports of services, a small share of direct investment, both foreign and Russian, and the high credit debt of the state.

2. Reforming the foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation

The crisis of the economic system of state socialism, reflected in the insufficient and inefficient development of foreign economic activity, made it necessary to reform it.

The need for a radical reform of foreign economic activity was caused by a number of circumstances:

· the state monopoly of foreign trade gave rise to the isolation of direct economic entities from the world market and made it impossible for them to use the advantages of the international division of labor;

· Enterprises, especially in the manufacturing industry, were not interested in exporting their products, since all export earnings were completely centralized by the state;

· Exports were mostly residual in nature and pursued only one goal - obtaining foreign exchange earnings;

Imports, especially during the period of "stagnation", in the 70-80s of the XX century. was not economically justified, mainly consumer goods and raw materials for their production were imported, which did not create conditions for the development of production and its technical renewal;

isolation from the global technology market, concentration the latest technologies in military-industrial complex made domestic goods uncompetitive, especially engineering products, and a number of other factors.

The reform of foreign economic activity in the general complex of radical economic transformations became especially acute as the possibilities for the extensive development of the national economy were exhausted.

The main goals of the foreign economic activity reform:

· inclusion Russian economy in the world economy;

Use of the advantages of the international division of labor;

· acceleration of economic and scientific-technical development based on the use of the achievements of world science, technology and production;

· creating the interest of economic entities in the implementation of export-import and other types of foreign economic activity;

overcoming monopoly in the economy;

overcoming negative consequences administrative-command economy in foreign economic activity;

· Eliminate the adverse effects of economic difficulties in the country's economy in the 80s.

· In accordance with the named goals, the main directions of the reform of foreign economic activity were also determined. The main ones were:

· Demonopolization of foreign economic activity (liquidation of the state monopoly of foreign trade, foreign exchange monopoly and the ban on foreign investment);

· Decentralization of FEA (transfer of the right to implement it directly to business entities);

· Liberalization of foreign economic activity (cancellation and significant weakening of restrictions generated by the administrative-command economy);

Shift to predominantly economic methods state regulation of foreign economic activity;

· Solving the problem of Russian currency convertibility;

· Liberalization of pricing and bringing domestic prices closer to world levels;

· Development of non-governmental structures for the promotion of foreign economic activity;

The entry of the Russian Federation into international economic organizations;

· Fundamental reorganization management of foreign economic activity at the federal, regional and local levels and at the level of firms and enterprises;

· Development of legislation on foreign economic activity, corresponding to the level achieved in the industrial developed countries and norms of international law.

The reform of foreign economic activity began in the second half of the 1980s. The first act was the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 19, 1986 "On measures to improve the management of foreign economic relations", in accordance with which the rights of ministries were somewhat expanded and a small group of enterprises (about 80) were granted the right to enter the foreign market while maintaining the state monopoly on foreign trade. The Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 01/13/1987 allowed the creation of joint ventures with foreign capital on the territory of the USSR. A special role in reforming foreign economic activity was played by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 12/12/1988 "On the further development of foreign economic activity of state, cooperative and other public associations and organizations", according to which, from April 1, 1989, all the named structures were granted the right to enter the world market, subject to the competitiveness of their products.

The real beginning of a genuine reform was laid by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 19, 1991 "On the liberalization of foreign economic activity on the territory of the RSFSR."

This act eliminated the former system of foreign economic activity and laid the foundation for the formation new system adequate to a market economy.

In the 1990s, many of these tasks were, to a certain extent, solved, and in the field of foreign economic activity in Russia, most of the market reforms were carried out. National legislation on foreign economic activity was developed and put into practice - federal laws on the regulation of foreign economic activity, on foreign exchange regulation and foreign exchange control, on foreign investment, on customs tariffs, on international commercial arbitration. Customs Code of the Russian Federation and a number of other legal acts. The internal convertibility of the Russian ruble has been achieved. Firms and commercial banks, regardless of the form of ownership, received the opportunity to carry out any foreign economic operations.

Compared with the initial period of reforms, the role of foreign trade in the Russian economy has increased markedly in quantitative terms.

The reform of foreign economic activity is taking place in difficult conditions of the continuing instability of the economic and political situation, and the economic crisis that has not been completely overcome. Successful FEA reforms are hindered by a number of factors of an objective and subjective order, which have both an external and an internal character.

These factors include:

· the remaining raw material nature of Russian exports makes its value volume unstable;

· Exhaustion of extensive opportunities to increase the export of raw materials;

· Stabilization and growth of exports took place, first of all, due to the growth of its physical volume at understated (relative to the level of world prices) average contract prices;

· growth in the share of agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs in 1991-98. by almost one third and in 1995 it amounted to more than 28%, which threatens the country's food security.

· current restrictions for participants in foreign economic activity, in particular, the mandatory sale to the state of 50-75% of foreign exchange earnings and others;

· loss of existing foreign economic relations with post-socialist countries;

· increased competition from firms of industrialized countries and transnational corporations;

· Preservation by a number of countries of discriminatory measures against Russian goods;

high interest rates on loans;

underdevelopment of the system of foreign economic insurance, especially financial risks;

Insufficient qualifications of personnel involved in foreign economic activity and other circumstances;

· lack of a clear long-term reform program;

· Significant development of unorganized trade, the so-called "shuttle traders".

Granting the right to enter the foreign market to all enterprises, without a sufficiently developed legal framework that guarantees the economic security of the country, without due responsibility of participants in foreign economic activity, in the absence of sufficient ability to conduct export-import operations and business ethics, caused enormous economic damage to Russia.

The further development of foreign economic activity, the continuation of its reforms presupposes overcoming the unfavorable situation, the creation of conditions conducive to the progress of both foreign economic activity and the national economy as a whole. One of the most important of these conditions is the development of a long-term foreign trade strategy for Russia.

3. Problems of foreign economic activity of Russia

When determining Russia's foreign economic strategy, it is necessary to take into account the significant weaknesses of our economy in foreign economic relations. The main problems of foreign economic activity include:

Extremely high resource intensity and production costs (even in technologically advanced industries);

the predominance of uncompetitive modern standards technologies and methods of organization of production;

Significant, and in some industries critical depreciation of the main production assets;

limited opportunities for internal accumulation;

· weak motivation and low labor intensity;

Significant disparity in economic development regions of the country and large gaps in living standards between them;

· gap after the collapse of the USSR and the termination of the activities of the CMEA established economic and trade ties;

tangible, especially after the collapse of the USSR, the irrationality of the location of production, zones of consumption of communications (including foreign economic ones), a high proportion of long-distance transportation in transport:

· great dependence of industrial modernization and living standards on imports and attraction of foreign investments, a difficult situation with servicing a significant external debt;

the inertia of the bureaucratization of the economy and the entire system government controlled and significant socio-political instability.

The successful solution of the problems of Russia's international economic relations should be facilitated by the development of a mechanism for state stimulation of exports and import-substituting production at the micro- and macrolevels; further development of foreign trade infrastructure.

4. Prospects for the development of foreign economic activity in Russia

foreign economic reform export exemption

In the foreign economic complex of Russia in recent years, there has been a drop in the absolute volume of export products. In addition to the low competitiveness of domestic products in foreign markets, the following subjective factors began to play a significant role in the weakening of export positions:

1. Discriminatory restrictions of EU, US, Canada and others on products Russian production predominantly semi-finished and finished products.

2. Anti-dumping procedures by the EU Commission, which cover a significant amount of products of the metallurgical, chemical, light and other competitive industries of the Russian industry. On the part of the United States and Canada, such measures are directed against the supply of certain types ferrous metals.

3. Introduction since 1997 of import duties on Russian oil products imported into the territory of the EU countries, so far in a preferential regime. At the same time, in an effort to reduce their energy dependence on Russia, they are looking to energy suppliers from other countries.

4. A high level of concentration in the markets for Russian exports, which limits its expansion. Thus, about 90% of copper and nickel exports fall on the Dutch market; 60% of aluminum supplies are carried out to the markets of two countries - Japan and the USA; about 70% of timber - Finland and Japan; over 40% natural gas supplied to Ukraine and Germany.

In the context of the high export orientation of the Russian industry, as well as the decrease in the competitiveness of domestic products, both in foreign and domestic markets, the conjuncture of world commodity markets has a direct impact on the results of the development of foreign economic activity, as well as the real sector of the Russian economy.

The reduction in the value of foreign trade turnover in Russia leads to a decrease in the role of foreign economic activity in solving the problems of economic stabilization in the country, and has a negative impact on the revenue side of the state budget.

However, the main reason for the unfavorable situation in the field of foreign economic activity in Russia is the raw material congestion of domestic exports. Its consequence is an excessive dependence on market fluctuations, to which international commodity markets are most susceptible.

Orientation to the world market has been and remains an extremely profitable economic direction for Russia, which accordingly requires the export structuring of the national economy at a faster pace. To ensure this process, the Government of Russia has determined strategic goals and priority areas for the development of Russia's foreign economic activity:

1. Development of Russia's export potential, including improving its structure, increasing the degree of competitiveness and increasing the share of science-intensive products.

2. Creation of a mechanism for state stimulation of exports and import substitution both at the micro level, through tax incentives for exporters and long-term soft loans for the development of export production, and at the macro level - by using part of the income from export duties and an appropriate mechanism for distributing foreign loans and public investment.

3. Formation of a modern production and financial and economic infrastructure for foreign economic activity.

4. Elimination of the persistent discrimination of foreign investors and the formation of institutions of insurance against political and economic risk.

5. Rationalization of imports in order to change the structure of the economy and ensure the process of modernization of fixed assets of production, aimed at strengthening the country's export base (purchase of complex equipment and licenses, etc.)

Achieving these goals and ensuring the stability of Russia's foreign economic activity involves changing the existing and developing new elements of the state regulation mechanism in accordance with the changing situation in the domestic and world markets.


At the turn of the 21st century, Russia's foreign economic activity is going through a difficult period of deep qualitative transformations associated with the implementation of reforms and the search for ways to integrate into the system of world economic relations.

Now foreign trade activity in Russia is carried out on fundamentally new principles, different from the era of state monopoly.

All this is a powerful stimulus for the development of foreign economic relations. Many republics, territories and regions, within the framework of their powers, are actively engaged in establishing contacts with foreign partners, developing their regulatory and legal framework, improving infrastructure, and increasing export potential.


1. Law of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 1991 No. 943-1 “On the State Tax Service of the RSFSR”.

2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Parts one and two - M.: Infa-M, 2006.

3. Goncharenko L.I., Melnikova N.P., Bashkirova N.N. etc. Workshop on the discipline "Taxation of organizations in the financial sector of the economy." - M.: Finance and statistics, 2005.

4. Foreign economic activity of the enterprise: a textbook for universities / Ed. L.E. Strovsky. - M.: UNITI, 2005.

5. Makhovikova G.A. , Fundamentals of foreign economic activity. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004.

6. L.M. Zibrova, Foreign economic activity. Guidelines for the implementation control work for students of specialty 080102.65 (060600) " World economy". - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2009.

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Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit


discipline: Accounting, analysis and audit of foreign economic activity

on the topic "The essence, forms and conditions for the development of foreign economic activity"

Performed by a student BA-82D:

Farahieva Zilya Minzeferovna

Scientific adviser:

Eliseev Alexander Anatolievich

Cheboksary, 2012








International economic relations are one of the most dynamically developing areas of economic life. Foreign economic activity is a process of implementation of foreign economic relations, including trade, joint venture, provision of services, cooperation. Conducting foreign economic activity with foreign countries, finding profit opportunities in the global market is a must for any enterprise that is interested in increasing profit margins based on foreign trade operations. The intensive development of production makes it necessary to increase foreign trade exchange operations. The development of production requires the presence of well-established foreign economic relations and developed foreign economic activity.

The study and generalization of the theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of foreign economic activity seems to be an important scientific and practical problem for Russian enterprises - participants in foreign economic activity, and indicates the high relevance of the chosen research problem.

The purpose of the study is to study the essence of foreign economic activity and determine the conditions for the favorable development of foreign economic activity.

Realization of the set goal led to the solution of the following tasks:

1) determine the essence, goals and objectives of foreign economic activity;

2) to consider the main forms and types of foreign economic activity;

3) consider the conditions for the development of foreign economic activity.

  1. Essence, goals and objectives of foreign economic activity

Foreign economic activity- external economic relations of the state, enterprises, firms closely related to foreign trade, exports and imports of goods and services, intellectual property rights, international cooperation, joint business and other activities with the participation of foreign legal entities in the economic territory and its organization abroad.

FEA is carried out at the level of production structures (firms, organizations, enterprises, associations) with full independence in choosing the external market and foreign partner, the range and assortment positions of goods for an export-import transaction, in determining the price and cost of the contract, the volume and delivery time, and is part of their production and commercial activities with both domestic and foreign partners.

FEA belongs to the market sphere, is based on the criteria of entrepreneurial activity and structural connection with production, is distinguished by legal autonomy, economic, as well as legal independence from any sectoral departments and ministries.

The main objectives of foreign economic activity:

    changes in the volume of exports and imports;

    providing the necessary resources (raw materials, energy, etc.);

    changes in the ratio of export and import prices.

These goals are achieved through the solution of the following tasks:

1) study of the theoretical foundations of the international division of labor and international trade;

2) study of techniques and methods of international trade policy;

3) study of methods of international pricing;

4) study of the organization and technique of foreign economic operations.

The essence of foreign economic activity is that it is based on the principle of commercial calculation on the basis of economic and financial independence and self-sufficiency, taking into account its own monetary, financial and material and technical capabilities.

Of particular importance is the principle of currency self-sufficiency, which is ensured by foreign exchange earnings from export sales in the foreign market. Concentrated on the current currency account, they form the currency fund of the foreign economic activity participant.

A FEA participant can open a foreign currency account in any foreign currency or in several currencies at once, the so-called multi-currency and conversion account. Opening a currency account in several types allows you to avoid the conversion of currencies from one to another and the additional costs that accompany the process of exchange transactions. Exchange differences associated with currency translation (in the case of conversion) are credited to the company's currency account.

Currency funds can also be kept in deposit accounts. Interest is accrued on deposits on deposit accounts due to the increase in the size of foreign exchange funds, and there are advantages to using a bank loan and innovative financing. The amount of accrued interest is accepted either on the basis of an agreement between the authorized bank and its client, or is based on the rates of the corresponding period, effective on the date of acceptance of foreign exchange funds on the international interbank market by type of currency.

At the time of opening a foreign exchange account, a foreign trade participant opens two types of accounts at once: transit and current, which are maintained in parallel. Foreign exchange earnings from the export of goods (works, services) are credited first to the transit account, and then, after the mandatory sale on the domestic foreign exchange market, the rest of it is transferred to the current foreign exchange account of the participant in foreign economic activity. The currency received from transactions in the domestic foreign exchange market is credited directly to the current foreign exchange account.

Sources of foreign exchange earnings in the domestic foreign exchange market are foreign exchange earnings received from the sale of goods (works, services) by bank transfer or for cash, as well as by checks, credit cards; currency bought on the currency exchange and in the bank; donations, etc.

Cash receipts in the form of the unused balance of the cash currency previously received by them may be credited to the current currency accounts of foreign economic activity participants in authorized banks without limitation.

No interest is accrued on the currency funds available on the transit account. Banks accrue and pay interest on foreign currency held in current foreign currency accounts only in those currencies for which they receive income from their placement on the international foreign exchange market.

Thus, foreign economic activity is carried out at the level of production structures (firms, organizations, enterprises, associations) with complete independence in choosing a foreign market and a foreign partner. FEA is based on the principle of commercial calculation on the basis of economic and financial independence and self-sufficiency, taking into account its own monetary, financial and material and technical capabilities.


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