Ecological scene about nature. Scenes on an environmental theme. Riddles for the hall on ecology

Idea. Organize an environmentally friendly party for adults, where to talk about environmental problems in an entertaining way and encourage people to be not indifferent.

Place. You can spend a holiday in nature (park, forest, suburban area), or you can choose a spacious room according to the number of participants.

Menu. Exceptionally fresh and healthy food. Dishes consisting of vegetables, herbs, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, fresh juices and herbal drinks, nut and seed cakes, and so on. Treating your guests with almond milk or homemade smoothies would be a great addition to the holiday.

Decor. Naturally green. Many bouquets of flowers, you can field or just decorate with individual flowers. Also, do not forget about multi-colored balls, paper decorations and decor with fabrics.

Dress code. Ask your guests to include an accessory or piece of green in their wardrobe.

Competitions and entertainment.

The presenters begin the competition by “examining” the costumes of the participants, while including their comments and guesses as to why the guest chose this particular piece of green clothing. You can conduct a survey in the form of a short interview - “why are your shoes green”, “why is your skirt green”, and so on. Naturally, you need to be correct and not be rude towards the participants and their wardrobe.

1. Competition "Scavengers". Naturally, we will sort the "clean" garbage that was created in advance - scraps of newspapers, scraps of napkins, crumpled plastic cups and plates. All this is crumpled, mixed and folded into clean garbage bags. Then the participants are divided into teams. Each team is given a bag of garbage. In five minutes of time, they need to have time to build something out of this garbage. What? This is up to the team to decide. The main criterion for evaluating the final work will be the usefulness of the project and its concept. That is, the participants must not just build something, but figure out why humanity needs it. And think fast. The winner is the most creatively thinking team whose project would be useful to humanity.

Victory honorably awarded medals with green symbols.

2. Competition "Chemists". The participants are divided into teams. Each team receives from the leaders a sheet of clean paper and pens. Now in 10 minutes you need to remember and write down on a piece of paper as possible more titles harmful chemicals and substances. But, most importantly, at the end of the competition, explain to the participants which substance, what exactly is harmful and why. For this competition, the hosts also need to be a little savvy in chemistry.

3. Competition "Soap in soup". Everything is simple here - to write a story about “soap in the soup”. Naturally, the story should be somehow connected with the environmental theme. For example, you can write about the dangers of washing dishes. chemicals and what do you offer in return. The story should be written in an interesting style, as if you were writing a book.

4. The idea of ​​recycling is not new. There are a lot of photos on the Internet with various ideas, and very worthy ones. We suggest you choose best work and make a slideshow of them, during which design developments will be demonstrated, and meanwhile guests can have a bite to eat in your “live bar”.

5. Competition "Recycling". One of the most topical issues in the world there is a question of processing garbage into things. That is why we advise you to hold the next competition - to distribute to the participating teams a box of all sorts of unnecessary things. There may be old toys, unnecessary (but clean) clothes, dishes, little things. Also give out expendable materialscolored paper, scissors, adhesive tape. Now let the participants make a house out of these items. The authors of the most acceptable structure receive a medal for the conservation of nature.

6. Competition "The word environmental friendliness". All participants are given a piece of blank paper and a pen. They need 10 minutes to make as many words as possible from the word "Environmental Friendly". The winner is the one who was able to create the most other words.

At the end, swipe honorary award all participants of the evening with medals - "Ecological Party".

Target: fostering a caring, humane attitude towards native nature feelings of love and responsibility for it.

Equipment: exhibition of drawings on the theme "Nature of our region"; posters with statements of outstanding people about nature; suits; musical accompaniment.

Event progress

To the music of J. Light "The Lonely Shepherd" the presenter comes out.


There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding pulling hands

Against the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day.

Open for us in the heat and chill.

Come in here

Be a little heart

Don't desecrate his shrines.

Leading. Look around: how beautiful, wonderful world we are surrounded by forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky, sun, animals, birds. This is nature. Our Russian nature, full of poetry and charm, touches and excites every person who loves his Motherland, has a beneficial effect on his soul. The beauty of simple and unsophisticated Russian nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets, artists and composers. Many poems, paintings, musical works were born thanks to love for her.

The song “Our Land” sounds (music by D. Kabalevsky, lyrics by A. Alien).

Leading. Our life is inseparable from nature. Nature feeds, waters, clothes, heals us. She is generous and selfless. She gives us everything for life, but also requires us to take care of ourselves. All of us, now living, are responsible for our nature to our descendants.

However, sometimes both adults and children carelessly, wastefully behave towards her. It brings big trouble.

Scene "The conversation of flowers."

Leading. Early morning. The sun rose, its warm gentle rays illuminated the meadow, the forest. Grass grows in the meadow. I hear some noise. Yes, someone is talking! Who is this?

Chamomile. Good morning Dear Landysh!

Lily of the valley. Good morning, if it's good. Yesterday, guys came to our forest for an excursion. And when they saw me and my brothers, they attacked us. I don't even know how I survived. The rest were piled into huge heaps and carried away.

Chamomile. What a horror! And I just now noticed that your house is in a deplorable state. And you don't look any better either.

Lily of the valley. But somehow I don’t hear the Bell ... You, Romashka, didn’t you see him?

Bell. Oh, who remembered me? And, dear friends, hello!

Lily of the valley. Greetings, dear Bell!

Chamomile. What's new?

Bell. My news is bad. Yesterday at the evening chime of the bells I heard the alarm. The boys swam in the lake, laughed, rejoiced, and then for some reason picked white water lily flowers. Here the water lilies were crying.

Lily of the valley. Pity them. These flowers are very beautiful on the water. And when you pick them, beauty disappears, they quickly wither,

Chamomile. It has long been called a white water lily-grass.

Bell. What are we going to do now?

Lily of the valley. I heard that there is some kind of Red Book that protects animals and plants.

Chamomile. So let's quickly go to the Red Book. Maybe she will protect us.

Flowers run away.

Leading. Many plants and animals that used to be common are now rare. They are included in the Red Book. This book is called so because the color red is a signal of danger. Plants and animals listed in the Red Book are in danger. They can forever disappear from the face of the Earth, as many species have already disappeared. Flowers, whose conversation we overheard, are also included in the Red Book of our region.

Reader 1.

Flowers disappear on the ground.

This is more noticeable every year.

Less joy and beauty

Leaves us every summer.

Revelation of meadow flowers

We hardly understood.

Carelessly we trampled them

And thoughtlessly, ruthlessly tore.

Reader 2.

The master’s “Stop!” was silent in us,

It seemed to us that everything was small and small.

And then in the crowd of the city

We were wearily dragging armfuls.

Reader 3.

And they did not see how from under their feet,

Silently, barely breathing

The cornflower looked doomed,

The carnations looked hopelessly.

E. Karasev

Reader 4.

I'm ready to argue with the whole world,

I'm ready to swear on my head

That there are eyes in all colors,

And they look at us with you.

In the hour of our thoughts and worries,

In the bitter hour of trouble and failure

I saw: flowers, like people, cry

And the dew is dropped on the sand.

R. Gamzatov

Reader 5.

If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower

If everything: me and you, -

If we pick flowers

All glades will be empty And there will be no beauty.

T. Sobakin

The Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field” sounds. Birch appears.

birch. Hello guys! I came to visit you from the forest. Forests are the lungs of our planet. If a person can live without food for more than a month, without water - 5 days, then without oxygen - no more than 3 minutes. The forest helps to retain moisture in the soil; without it, rivers and lakes would dry up, fields and orchards would not produce crops. Mushrooms, berries grow in the forest, medicinal herbs live animals and birds. People make many things from wood: houses, furniture, paper, pencils, fabrics. That is why the forest is so important for humanity. That is why it must be protected and preserved. Do all people take good care of the forest? Come to the forest and you will see traces of the barbaric attitude towards it.

Reader 1.

Everything is so wounded in the forest,

As after the days of the war.

There is no survivor here

No spruce, no pine.

Birch stabbed with a knife

Some sort of live-eater.

I think from under the bark

My tear is flowing.

From human callousness

My soul hurts.

Under the crippled oak

It's not the wind that moans, it's me.

Here the anthill is set on fire

Blasphemous hand.

I don't think it's on fire.

My hell is on fire.

Earth in burns and scars

As in the days of great trouble

Traces of drunkenness.

Carelessness traces.

They left, offending beauty,

Embarrassing forest comfort.

Not hearing what's behind

All leaves shed tears.

Birch. Guys, each of you was in the forest. Let's now remember what rules we must follow when we get into the forest.

Children come out, alternately call the rules.

Do not cut trees in the forest, do not break branches and bushes. Remember that the air in the forest contains 300 times less bacteria than in the city.

Do not tear forest and field flowers. Remember: the lily of the valley blooms in the 6th year, and the lady's slipper in the 18th year.

Don't destroy anthills. Know that 3-4 anthills reliably protect 1 hectare of forest from pests.

Be careful with fire in the forest. Remember: 97% of fires are human-caused.

Do not turn on radios and tape recorders loudly in the forest, as this disturbs birds and animals.

Don't leave uncollected trash. Remember that thrown paper will rot in 2 years, broken glass will last 30 years, polyethylene - several decades.

Do not leave inscriptions on trees and stones. They will only cause annoyance and regret in those who come after you.

Birch. Dear Guys! I would very much like you all to remember these rules of behavior in nature and demand their implementation from your acquaintances and friends. Now help me, guys, guess the forest secrets.

- In the spring it amuses, in the summer it cools, in the autumn it nourishes, in the winter it warms. (Forest)

What is the musical tree? Pianos, guitars and others are made from it. musical instruments? (Spruce)

What kind of firewood gives the most heat? (Oak and birch)

What wood are matches made of? (From aspen)

- What tree, like birch, gives sweet juice? (Maple)

- Why does a hare gnaw on aspen in winter, because it is bitter? (Aspen bark contains 10% fat)

Thank you guys for helping me understand the secrets of the forest.

Leading. Our smaller brothers live in the forest: birds and animals. Among them are many of our true friends. Birds are the protectors of forests, fields, gardens. They save the crop, destroy a huge number of harmful insects. Predator birds catch rodents in the fields. Birds decorate our land. Listen to their unique voices.

Reader 2.

We are immensely rich

In our gardens and groves

So many feathers

You just wonder.

But ask someone else

What does he know about birds?

Let him answer sensibly -

And look, be surprised.

How is the fauna, they say.

How is our wealth?

In the fields, in the woods.

So to speak, the bird kingdom.

Bird kingdom. Only.

Well, thrushes, well, titmouse.

Where do you remember all the nicknames?

Just birds and nothing more.

And, of course, anxious

That sometimes we godlessly

We don't keep what we have

We do not spare, we do not regret.

No answer for anything.

Like the smallest

Us on this planet

It remains to live and rule.

Not the owners like

So we destroy our good.

We are proud of nature

And we love our country.

Leading. Birds and animals very often need human help. It is not easy for birds in winter.

Scene "The conversation of birds in the forest clearing."

glade. Crow appears on the stage, looking back in fear, and sits on a stump.

Crow. Carrrr, carrrr... Hooligans! Oh, and it's hard, we crows live. Everyone has to be afraid, especially children. As soon as they see me, they strive to hit me with a snowball, they will cripple him.

Tit appears on the scene.

Tit. Brrr, what a frost! Hello Aunt Crow! And I hear someone talking here. Let me see, I think. And here you are. Who are you talking to?

Crow. Kar-rr... Barely took her legs out of the city now. I still can't catch my breath. Hooliganism (threatens with a "wing" in the direction of an imaginary city). "I sat on the fence, looked for something to profit from, and the guys threw snowballs at me - snowballs (sighs) ...

Tit. Yes, and we, tits, do not live easier in winter. You keep flying, flying, looking, wherever you can find some crumb of bread or a piece of lard. Sometimes for the whole day you won’t find anything, you fall asleep hungry. Do you know, Aunt Crow, that out of ten tits only nine survive the winter ... My poor sisters!

Crow. Needless to say, in winter all birds and animals feel bad. Yesterday I met Sparrow in a clearing, he also complained of hunger, saying that he did not know how to survive the winter.

Tit. And I just heard the news. The magpie chirped throughout the forest that it would be easier for the birds this winter. They say that there are schoolchildren who hung feeders all over the city. And they have different food: seeds, bread crumbs, lard ...

Crow. What are those feeders?

Tit(points to the distance). Get out, you see!

Crow. Karrrr! And indeed! Last year I saw the same feeder at one house. I was flying around the city. She didn’t eat anything for three days, she sat on a branch, she had no strength. Well, I think that's all - the end has come. Smooth surface, and hanging on a tree is the same feeder. I looked into it, and there were seeds ... So I survived that winter.

Tit. And I was sick that winter. And sometimes you fly up to the feeder, and there is nothing there, the guys forgot to pour the food. That's how you stay hungry.

Crow. What do you think, Magpie told the truth about the feeders?

Tit. Don't know. Magpie is hard to believe, she always spreads all sorts of fables through the forest.

Crow. And how cool it would be with feeders! No matter how many birds the guys saved from starvation.

Tit. Aunt Crow, let's ask the guys to hang up the feeders after all and don't forget to pour food into them. And then no winter will be terrible for us birds.

Leading. Guys, protect the birds in winter, feed them, hang feeders and do not forget to fill them with food.

The song “Do not tease dogs” is performed (music by E. Ptichkin, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

Leading. Reserves have been created for birds and animals, but, despite this, they die from poachers.

Reader 3.

The wounded bird was not given into hands,

A wounded bird remained a bird.

I still dream of this old dream

A bird shuddered on the bloody grass.

Birds, fish, animals

They look into people's souls.

Have pity on them people

Don't kill in vain

After all, a sky without birds is not a sky!

A sea without fish is not a sea!

And land without animals is not land!

presenter. Many species of animals have already disappeared, some are on the verge of extinction. A young naturalist came to our holiday with the book "Memory of the dead", and now he will introduce you to it.

Youth. Who just did not leave their signatures in this book: elephants and tigers, beavers and roe deer. Everyone complains about human injustice! Even wolves. The wolf complains that his good name scares children. Meanwhile, he is smart and not so harmful. “The time will come when people will regret that they exterminated wolves so ruthlessly,” he wrote in conclusion. And here are the statements of fish that got into the complaint book. In one of the difficult moments of their lives, they gathered together and addressed the people with a speech. “Dear humanity! they write. “You catch us with hooks and nets. We submit: you are stronger and smarter than us. Dear people! Be prudent. For your own benefit! Do not forget that the fish is a neat, clean creature. Why do you pollute ponds, rivers, lakes? Why are you destroying us and our children? What good is it to you?" Yes, many animals have disappeared from the face of the Earth. There is no steppe wild horse left at all - torpana, which was hunted 100 years ago because of delicious meat. Tours are dead. Wolves used to be subjected to mass extermination. But it turned out that the wolf, like the hawk, is the orderly of the forest. Today this animal is listed in the Red Book. A person should never be cruel, he is always obliged to act reasonably. Remember this!

Leading. Thank you, youngster! The children and I will try to take care of all living things. Thanks for the good advice. We would like you to remember our holiday. Dancing for you ... (surname, name of the speaker).


Leading. And now, guys, let's see how smart, quick-witted you are, how well you know animal world. Answer me questions.

Name an animal that can cut down trees. It has been taken under guard. (Beaver)

- This bird stalls during mating. Hence its name. (Capercaillie)

- There are rumors about this bird that it brings children. (Stork)

- The image of this large animal can be put on a medal for success in the reproduction of wild animals. They are guarded in the "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" nature reserve. (Bison)

Reader 1.

Nature has three treasures:

Water, earth and air, its three foundations.

No matter what trouble comes,

They are whole - everything will be reborn again.

Reader 2.

Nature is the mother of neither rivers nor seas

It does not hide from your eyes.

No dew grass, no blue skies...

Appreciate her trust

And enter the dark forest

Like in a temple, under marble vaults.

S. Vikulov

Reader 3.

Oh, how mother nature is tolerant and kind,

But so that her dashing fate does not suffer,

Let's save:

On the rods - sturgeon,

Killer whale - in the sky,

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Reader 4.

If we are destined to breathe the same air,

Let's all unite forever

Let's save our souls

Then we on earth will save ourselves!

Reader 1.

Man! Spare the animals and birds,

Trees and flowers.

After all, these are all words

What a king of nature you are!

Let the chicks

And little animals

It's good to live next to us.

Reader 2.

Tree, grass, flowers and birds

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

Leading. Guys, we must save the nature of our Motherland for us and our descendants. Conservation of nature is a sacred duty and duty of everyone. Be holy to all living things. Take care of every tree, twig, every flower, do not cut trees unnecessarily, do not break them. Clean up your trash in the forest clearings. Avoid fires in the forest. Do not pollute rivers, lakes and do not allow your friends to do this. Do not destroy bird nests, do not kill animals.

Oksana Ponomareva
Ecological scene "Water is the main miracle on Earth"

Losing a melody "Visiting a fairy tale".

losing "Exit of the King" percussion and the king enters. Looked a bit and sat on the throne.

Tsar: Oh, what a bore, tired of everything.

O! I’ll call my sons, and I’ll order them something like that, let them think with their little thoughts, throw them away.

Servants, send your sons to me!

Losing a melody "Good Guys"

(3 sons enter, walk in a circle, stand next to the throne and bow to the king).

sons: Called, father?

Tsar: My sons, get ready, equip yourself, and go on the road.

I give you a year! By earth - like Mother, yes, stay in people and bring me miraculous. Go!

Losing a melody "Traveler" (Sons take bags, go around the circle and leave).

It's time for them to return to their father's nest.

Losing a melody "Parent House"

(The king sits on the throne, the sons pass the circle with gifts and stop at the throne).

sons: Our father, with a bow to you, we returned from a long journey.

Tsar: Kohl returned, then please your father.

son first: Father, I brought you gold and silver.

Look how it glitters.

Can anything compare to this brilliance? Here it is, Miracle!

Tsar: Yes, what is it? Miracle? My treasury is full of such gold and silver.

Second son: Father, I brought you precious stones, look how they shimmer in the sun, not like gold and silver. Is not it Miracle?

Tsar: And in my treasury are chests full of gems.

And they don't make me happy.

(The third son brought ordinary water and the brothers began to laugh at him.)

Tsar: Well, why did you bring me plain water?

Losing a melody "Traveler"

third son: .

While I wandered around the wide world, that's what happened to me happened: (magic mirror shows images of traveler, drought and fire).

I met a traveler on the way, he was tormented by thirst.

For a sip of water, he was ready to give me all his jewelry.

I gave him clean water to drink.

And another time I saw a drought. Forests and fields perished.

Only the rain saved them.

And I saw the fire. It was terrible. The fire spared nothing and no one.

Only water saved. I understood that water more precious than any wealth.

Losing a melody "Volga"

Tsar: I lived a lot in the world, but good lesson you gave me, my son!

And the king declared the water the biggest miracle on earth.

He commanded in his royal decree to save water, not to pollute water bodies.

And to this day Water is the greatest miracle on Earth.

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Ecology begins to study with kindergarten. Preschool children get acquainted with the natural environment and learn to protect it. extracurricular activities elementary school students deepen their knowledge, and from the fifth to the eleventh grades, the children acquire those skills that will later be useful in life and help them make the right decisions.

One of the memorable methods of studying is the theatrical ecological festival. The script is compiled taking into account the material covered and the capabilities of the participants. Undoubtedly, at proper preparation it will bring joy and benefit to children.

Holiday themes

The purpose of the event is to consolidate the material, therefore, different environmental topics are identified for each age group. There are several areas within which the scenario of the holiday will be interesting.

  1. Preschool education: "The earth is our home", "The tale of a raindrop and a dewdrop", "Take care of nature."
  2. Primary school: "Ecological KVN", "Let's save and preserve nature", "The world in which I live."
  3. Fifth grade: “Water is a miracle of nature”, “Among flowers”, “Nature does not forgive mistakes”.
  4. Sixth grade: Plant Kingdom, Miracle of Photosynthesis, Help the Forest.
  5. Seventh grade: "Our smaller brothers", "Red Book", "What the tiger is silent about."
  6. Eighth grade: “When food is poison”, “Ecology and man”, “ healthy image life."
  7. Ninth grade: “War of a cyclone and anticyclone”, “Climate of the planet”, “Natural disasters. How to prevent disaster.
  8. Tenth grade: "This green planet", "Water is a miracle", "Save the forests".
  9. Eleventh grade: “The Arctic is melting”, “Space”, “Ecologist is a matter of life”.
  10. All-school ecological holiday, scenario "Three Kingdoms of Nature".

senior classes

Perhaps the most interesting holiday conducted by high school students. They already know a lot and assess the situation on the planet much more seriously than kids. The quiz may contain questions from a course in chemistry, physics, astronomy, human physiology.

"Earth Day", the scenario of an ecological holiday for high school students, it is advisable to make up three parts. This is a quiz, a theatrical scene, poems or songs. A holiday can be arranged in the assembly hall by combining several classes.

The host or two presenters introduce the program by announcing the performances. At the very beginning, in order to define the theme and set the tone for the whole holiday, representatives of Greenpeace take the stage. They are high school students in disguise. They briefly outline the range of issues that will be covered during the presentation.

Then they are replaced by different characters who sing or recite poems on environmental themes.

A quiz, which includes two to three dozen questions on ecology, can be conducted by a teacher. The rules of the event depend on the number of participants. But questions should be designed in such a way that even the audience is interested.

A scene about the ecological situation on the planet will be the final stage of the holiday. At the end, the actors sing a song to a well-known melody, the audience sings along.

school holiday

The scenario of the ecological holiday "Three Kingdoms of Nature", like no other, is suitable for a school-wide event. Three elements - earth, water and air - are leading. In turn, they talk about the situation in their possessions, how conditions have changed over the past ten years. Their story is accompanied by amateur performances: skits, songs and poems.

The earth represents the garden and vegetable garden. A group of younger students come out dressed as fruits and vegetables. They talk about love for the sun and clean water. Then Forest, Field and Mountain come out. These are high school students. They talk about drought and seismological situation.

Water represents the River and the Sea. They talk about the warming of the climate and the melting of ice in the Arctic, due to which irregular cyclones and anticyclones are formed. Somewhere drought, somewhere floods.

Air represents the ozone layer of the atmosphere. This is a high school student. He raps about how he suffers.

In conclusion, the presenters call all the participants to the stage, they sing a common song.

"Let's protect nature - save ourselves": the scenario of an ecological holiday

Older students already know a lot about healthy eating and lifestyle. This is of interest to them, because it gives a good athletic shape and excellent health. An ecological holiday is another reason to instill healthy eating habits in children.

First, the Scientist and the Fat Man enter the scene. They talk about how the composition of food has changed due to ecology. There are no many vitamins and minerals, due to the increased propensity for pests and diseases, products are half made up of chemicals.

Continuing the theme, a dance group performs with a dance of plant pests. They are chased off by the Scientist by spraying water from a bottle labeled "Poison". Vegetables come out, complaining about the lack of food. Some Vegetables with bandaged arms and legs. They are fed with chemistry, and they get sick. They talk about global warming and its consequences.

The Fat Man and the Scientist are back on stage. They decide how to make a difference and come up with a solution: organic farming.

The scenario of an ecological holiday for high school students may include elements of reports on the topic of the disease of the planet. Assigned two-minute notes to several participants, they can be included as a rubric between keynote speeches or given to the facilitator to read.

"We are your children, dear Earth"

Scenario of an ecological holiday for children high school may look like a waybill. The total collection on the line determines the tasks that the squads of young naturalists should complete. Each unit has its own name, which they come up with in advance. After that, everyone goes to the ecological path.

Stations with tasks can be placed on the ecological trail. These are classrooms designed in accordance with the themes of the assignments - forest, river, sea, field, bird kingdom, animal kingdom.

You have ten minutes to complete the task and two minutes to move on to the next station. Detachments of young naturalists disperse to their offices, following the route issued by the commander.

Station names:

  • "Wonder Water". Brief report on water and its properties. Quiz.
  • "Don't shoot white swans." Brief report on birds. Quiz.
  • "Tourists". Sports relay.
  • "May is cold - a grain-growing year." Brief report on folk omens. Quiz.
  • "Waltz of the Flowers". A short report on the flowers of the region and medicinal plants. Quiz.
  • "Under the shadow of the forest". A short report on the trees of the region, folk beliefs associated with them. Quiz.

After passing all the points - a general collection and summing up. The children receive certificates and valuable prizes for completing tasks in the process of passing the stations. Everyone sings the final song together.

How to write a script

Children's ecological holiday is not a training lesson. Rather, it is a repetition of the material covered with presentations. From where the holiday will take place, its program depends. Since the room must be appropriately decorated, it is unlikely that the classroom can be quickly prepared.

For presentations it is good to use the library, for tourist competitions - schoolyard, for theatrical scenes - an assembly hall.

The library can use a screen and a projector to display reproductions. For each picture, a poem or lines in prose is selected. Such a literary and visual orientation of the presentation will set a good tone.

After watching the presentation about native nature, it's time for a quiz. Questions include reviewed information. Therefore, it is not difficult for the guys.

To make the holiday memorable, the whole class sings a song about nature. As musical accompaniment, you can use a minus phonogram, without a voice.


Poems have a strong impact and are easy to remember due to rhyme. Therefore, it is advisable to include reading poetry from the stage during the holiday. Now there are many verses on environmental theme can be found on special Internet resources run by talented teachers.

Beautiful poems about nature are also suitable for a holiday. They will set a positive tone, because if we talk only about the harm done to nature, the holiday will turn into a funeral.

Children can come up with poems on an environmental theme themselves under the guidance of a teacher. To do this, prepare cards with rhymes. On one side of the card there will be four words that rhyme in pairs. The guys are divided into groups (for example, four people each) and sort out the cards.

While completing the task, they discuss possible options and write the received quatrain on the front side. The teacher walks around the rows and helps to compose a verse.

Sample rhymes:

  1. The sea is grief, ice is trouble.
  2. Forest - miracles, moss - dried up.
  3. The bottom is full, the resident is the abode.

Poems obtained by making rhymes:

  1. The sea is warming in the Arctic, the bears are also in grief. There is no ice for them to rest. That's the trouble there.
  2. There used to be a curly forest full of all sorts of miracles. Only moss grows there now, and even that has dried up in the heat.
  3. Under the wave sea ​​bottom full of rubbish. And the unfortunate sea inhabitant curses that monastery.

As you can see, such a task resembles ditties. It is quite capable of middle and high school kids. The most successful poems can be read on the ruler during the awards ceremony.

Scenes on an environmental theme

An ecological holiday, the script of which is drawn up for holding in the assembly hall, may include theatrical performances. It is not necessary to make a big performance, you can limit yourself to short scenes.

Scene writing principles:

  1. "From the contrary." When wrong actions are ridiculed, it is very well remembered. In order for the guys not to be offended by acting as “bad characters”, it is necessary to call for humor.
  2. "Talk". A representative of nature (Forest, River, Earth, Beast, Bird) talks to the guys and talks about problems. He can sing a song. The guys decide to help.

In this case, the action on stage will resemble a concert. Cognitive information, which will be covered by the participants in short messages, alternates here with the performance of amateur artists. It is somewhat reminiscent of a "living newspaper".

Themes of scenes that can be offered to the guys:

  • Forest's conversation with a group of tourists. After dinner, they sit by the fire and hear his voice. The forest appears, tells of the old days and contemporary issues. He talks about his brother - the rainforest. Complains about bad attitude. The guys find solutions to problems on the Internet and promise to help. Then they sing a song.
  • You can offer a slightly different option. Heroes such as Baba Yaga, Leshy, Mermaid and the like fairy tale characters, can portray deep ignorance, and a group of environmental tourists talk about the right attitude towards nature.
  • On a fishing trip, the guys cook their fish soup and suddenly they catch goldfish. She talks about harmful runoff into the water, about debris at the bottom and siltation of the channel. Sings a song about clean rivers. The fishermen release her into the water and decide to help.

Songs on an environmental theme

Environmental themes are touched upon in songwriting. This can be used during the holiday. In this case, the script will resemble the competition “Voice. Children". It is not necessary to sing the songs in full, it is enough to pay attention to the most vivid environmental example. The group of backing dancers and sing-alongs can hold posters and depict nature.

If resources permit, several classes can be combined. So it will be easier for the guys to rehearse performances. Not such a load will fall on the teacher. The preparation work will be distributed evenly.

If you want to include a phonogram, it is better to put an adult for this purpose. Maybe a parent. But just in case, you need to be ready to ask a music teacher to become an accompanist.

Songs that can be used for performances are easy to find today. These are amateur poems set to well-known music.

  • "The mice died, the reeds withered."
  • "Carefully, I'll put a bug on my palm."

The songs of domestic bards will also tell a lot about nature and attitude towards it.

  • "Shadows of the Tundra".
  • "Wind under the windows."
  • "Ecological - apocalyptic".

Songs to the words of S. Yesenin, A. Pushkin, folk songs awaken love for the native nature.

  • "Behind the window is evening."
  • "White birch".
  • "About arable land."
  • "Winter evening".
  • "Here is the north, catching up the clouds ...".
  • "I see a wonderful freedom."

The songs of Soviet composers, undeservedly forgotten, will also beautifully tell about nature.

  • "Bialowieza Forest".
  • "The birch, the mountain ash."
  • "Birch juice".
  • "You are making noise over me, birches."

In between performances, the presenter talks about the benefits of a competent attitude to the Earth, makes riddles and plays with the audience in verses “say a word”.

Riddles for the hall on ecology

In order for the holiday to pass smoothly and cheerfully, a leader is needed. He will smooth out the hitches of the actors, fill in the pauses and occupy the hall while the artists are preparing the scenes.

One of the forms of the cognitive game is poems on the ecological theme “say a word”. The facilitator reads out a couplet, and the audience speaks the last word.

The verses are composed in such a way that the wrong word gets into the rhyme. This causes the guys to laugh, and the leader makes a puzzled face and corrects them.

  • If tourists came to the forest, then two or three of them can quickly put out the fire using ... (fire). No, not fire, but water.
  • In the swamp, my girlfriend and I listened for a long time ... (frog). No, cuckoo.
  • We went to the forest for mushrooms. We still remember how we found ... (fly agaric). No, not fly agaric, but white!
  • We went for berries, suddenly we found strawberries. And, trembling with joy, they sat down on ... (hedgehog). No, fuck it!


If the holiday is decided to be held as The final stage learning, then you can go to the "ecological path". pre-conceived environmental activities will allow you to save the structure of the lesson and turn into workshops on ecology.

Tasks for the guys can be the following:

  • Determine the cardinal points by the moss on the trees.
  • Find edible plants.
  • Confirm the cycle of plant life with findings.
  • Find leaves of certain trees.
  • Find garbage, collect it in a bag and bring it to the collection point.
  • Find moss.
  • Collect natural material for crafts.

Environmental activities can also be useful for landscaping the school grounds. Planted plants, flowers, bushes or trees will remind you of a good deed for a long time. In addition, all people passing by will see the result.

Feeding birds, hanging birdhouses are also useful minutes for environmental education. An extra-curricular lesson in ecology in a nearby park, a one-day hike with a fire is good ways instill useful skills in children.

Teaching aids and special subjects

In the arsenal of a biology teacher there are many aids for visualization of learning. It can also be used for events.

All children love performances with the school skeleton. For an ecological holiday, the scenario may include such joy. Of course, the benefit should be handled with care and not let it out of sight. For example, dress him up in a sheet and give him a braid. It will symbolize the end of life.

The globe can be worn by the character Earth or Planet. A meter ruler and a large compass may belong to the Scientist. A group of guys in gas masks can show the air pollution.

Using imagination, you can use improvised means as props.

To make the holiday fun and bring everyone good mood teachers give the following advice:

  • Do not delve into complex, although interesting tasks. Questions for the quiz should not be double and triple (when and where).
  • Competitions should not be held too strictly. The more winners, the better.
  • Musical accompaniment is better to choose "live". The accompanist will always adjust to the guys, which can not be done on an audio recording.
  • Room decoration - important factor. Children can do it.
  • Rewarding is a mandatory procedure. A simple letter will bring more joy than the public praise of a student.

From such events, memories of school years. Let's make them interesting and joyful for our children.

environmental scenes.

Scene "Ecology for all ages"

Two grandmothers enter the stage: Avdotya Nikitichna - rural, Marya Ivanovna - city.

Marya Ivanovna: Hello, Avdotya, how are you? How is your health?

Avdotya Nikitichna: Oh! Oh! What is health like now? Sugar, they say, can not be eaten, salt too, already meat is harmful. So I decided to become a vegan.

Marya Ivanovna: What did you decide to become?

Avdotya Nikitichna: By whom, by whom - a vegeterian!

Marya Ivanovna: Lord, I came up with some kind of cosmic name. Perhaps you mean vegan?

Avdotya Nikitichna: Well, yes. Yentoy herself, who eats all the vegetables. So I decided to live longer.

Marya Ivanovna: And what happens?

Avdotya Nikitichna: Instead of living longer, I almost died earlier.

Marya Ivanovna: How so?

Avdotya Nikitichna: Yes, vegetables are now processed with some kind of nitractors.

Marya Ivanovna: Ha, ha, ha! You got it all wrong again! They are called nitrates, they feed the plants.

Avdotya Nikitichna: Yes, now they even eat ozone. He had already been eaten so much that even some holes began to appear in the sky.

Marya Ivanovna: Oh, don't tell me, my granddaughter said that her fiancé recently flew into some kind of pipe! Maybe in this hole, huh? So he sings a song about it, pitiful, like romances used to be sung. Let's listen to her.

At last I will tell you:

My dear flew away in vain,

I want to fly, I'm going crazy

Into the ozone hole, into space.

Maybe I'll find it there

Or maybe I'll meet an astronaut,

I will pass through the Milky Way

I will marry an Argonaut.

At last I will tell you:

Run into the ozone hole

I am in dreams every day.

Perhaps, having flown out into a hole,

I will achieve happiness for a moment!

At last I will tell you …

Scene "Birthday of the Earth"

(Music hall, where there is a lot of garbage).
Presenter1. We came to the Earth's Birthday, and here is such a mess, maybe we got to the wrong place or came at the wrong time.
Sighs of the Earth are heard (recorded): Oh, how hard it is for me. How hard it is to breathe. I'm very sad.
Garbage King enters: How much garbage! How I love it all. Garbage on the streets, in the yards, on the banks of the rivers. Soon the planet will turn into a large garbage dump, and I'm on it - the Garbage King!
Presenter 2: Hello guys, come in, you came there and on time. But terrible things are happening on our planet. Look around, the planet Earth is choking on garbage, it is sick, the Garbage King is celebrating on it.
Garbage King: Children, do you agree to live on the planet Earth, on which I will be the King?
Children: No, they don't.

Reader. Tree, grass, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet.
Presenter 1. Let's clean up the hall, clean up the planet from garbage (Children collect garbage with gloves in a garbage bag, the presenter explains why garbage bags should be used).
Garbage King, we will not let you take over our Earth. There are many people on Earth who want to live in beauty and purity. And people today different countries celebrate Earth Day.
The planet breathes a sigh of relief. Thank you children, you won't let me die.
Presenter 2. The health of the planet depends not only on adults, but also on us. We can do a lot to make the Earth flourish. Each of your good deeds will beautify our planet.
(We open the curtain, and behind it is a painted planet)
On a birthday, it is customary to wish something good. Look, some words are written here. Who can read them?
Children read: Long live the planet Earth!
Presenter 1. How do you understand the word "hello"?
Children's answers: will be healthy, beautiful, not sick.
Reader. What is hello-
The best of words
Because "hello"
Means "be healthy"
Presenter 2. You are right, we want the planet to be healthy, and for this it is necessary that there be order on Earth.
Trash King: I can't reign here, maybe I should look for another planet. (leaves)
Presenter1. The garbage king has left and so that he does not return, we must firmly remember the rule:
Do not litter yourself and do not let another. We alone cannot bring order to the entire planet. If everyone tries to keep cleanliness in their microdistrict, school, yard, house, entrance, then the whole planet Earth will be clean, beautiful, healthy.
Let's remember what we have already done for this: it all started in the fall, when we returned after a summer vacation (fits the diagram and shows the first stage of work). We need to turn back time to get into autumn, in nature this is not possible, how can we be? We will use the "Time Machine"
We turned back time
To meet again.
Autumn appears. Hello children.
Presenter 2. Hello autumn, we are glad to have this meeting and give you our song "Autumn Reflections"
Autumn. I remembered you guys, you did a good job in the fall. Tell us all what you've been up to.
1. Our city is decorated with green figures,
But for some reason there are no
In our neighborhood
2. We watched on excursions
Frog, Lyre, Cockerel.
And they really, really wanted
So that beauty comes to us.
3. We went on an excursion
Our class is friendly
And understood: blooming flower beds
The neighborhood needs.
4. Not to forget about it
cold winter
All in the "Book of Complaints" reflected,
Let's open it now.
5. We call on Zelenstroy
And all of our residents.
We want our neighborhood
Was clean and became more beautiful! (show to the poster exhibition)


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