Features of career planning and implementation. Planning a professional career. Career management and setting goals correctly

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Vocational training prepares an employee to perform production functions in a specific position. During his professional life, a person, as a rule, holds not one, but several positions. This sequence of positions is called professional career .

The sequence of positions in the organization occupied by an employee is called career in organization .

For some people, a career is the result of a detailed long-term plan, for others (and most of them) it is a set of coincidences. It is obvious that for successful development career wishes are not enough, even if they take the form of a well thought out plan. To move up the hierarchical ladder, professional skills, knowledge, perseverance, experience and luck are required. To bring these elements together, the employee needs outside help. Usually it was help from relatives and friends (protectionism), educational institutions, societies, the state.

Today, an organization is becoming an important source of support for an employee in his career development. Why? A modern organization sees in the development of its employees one of the fundamental factors of its own success and therefore is interested in the development of their careers..

Career planning is about defining the development goals of the employee and the paths leading to their achievement. ... The implementation of the career development plan presupposes, on the one hand, the professional development of the employee: that is, professional development at the expense of prof. training, internships, refresher courses, and on the other - the consistent occupation of positions, work experience in which is necessary to work in the target position.

Typically, every large organization has standard career ladders, which lead to the posts of the General Director, his deputies, heads of departments.

Career development refers to the actions that the employee takes to implement the career plan. Planning and managing career development requires additional (in professional activity) effort, but provides rowbenefits for the employee :

    Increased job satisfaction

    A clear vision of personal professional prospects and the ability to plan other moments of your own life

    Possibility of purposeful preparation for future professional activities

    Increasing competitiveness in the labor market.

Benefits to an organization :

    Employee motivation and loyalty, linking growth prospects to the organization

    Reduced staff turnover and increased labor productivity

    Possibilities of planning prof. development of employees and the entire organization, taking into account their interests

    Obtaining career development plans as a source for identifying professorship needs. learning

    Getting a group of interested in prof. growth, trained, motivated employees to advance to key positions.

Awareness of these benefits forces firms to build models for managing employee career development. One of the most common models has become career planning and development partnership model .

Rice. Career planning and development process

A partnership involves the cooperation of three parties: the employee, his manager and the human resources service.

Employee is responsible for planning and developing his own career.

Supervisor acts as a mentor to an employee. His support is necessary, since he manages resources, manages the distribution of working time, and certifies an employee.

Human Resource Service acts as a consultant and implements general management career development process.

Upon hiring, the human resources specialist conducts

(1) training a new employee in the basics of career planning and development , explains the principles of partnership, responsibilities and capabilities of the parties involved in it.

Training has two goals:

    Generate employee interest in career development

    Provide tools to manage your own career.

The next step is (2) development of a career development plan ... The employee defines his professional interests and methods of their implementation, that is, the positions that he would like to occupy in the future. Then he must weigh his capabilities against the requirements for these positions and determine if his career development plan is realistic and, if so, what direction to take to implement this plan.

At this stage, he will need the help of the human resources service and the line manager to determine his capabilities and weaknesses, as well as methods of development.

Many firms conduct specific testing to determine the strengths and weaknesses of their employees, the results of which provide significant assistance in career planning. The involvement of the boss in the career planning process allows not only to check whether the employee's career expectations are realistic, but also to involve the manager in the employee's career development from the very beginning and thereby enlist his support.

(3) Implementation of the plan depends primarily on the employee himself. There is a set mandatory conditions successful implementation of the plan:

    High performance in the position held is the most important prerequisite for promotion

    Professional and individual development... At the same time, it is necessary to be able to demonstrate newly acquired skills, knowledge, experience

    Effective partnership with a manager. This is the most important channel of communication between the employee and the top management of the organization, making the decision about promotion. He evaluates, provides information about the employee, has the resources for the development of the employee.

    Visibility in the organization, activity. Be able to express yourself: achievements, performances, good ideas, reports, participation in events.

An important component of the career management process is

(4) assessment of progress made (audit of managers).

All three parties are involved in it. As a rule, the assessment is carried out once a year , during the meeting of the employee and the manager, and then confirmed by the human resources service.

Not only progress in the implementation of the plan is assessed, but also the feasibility of the plan, the effectiveness of its support by the manager and the organization. The result of the discussion is the adjusted development plan for the next year.

The lack of a career development strategy for employees leads to employee dissatisfaction, causes increased staff turnover, indifference, and limits the organization's ability to effectively fill vacant positions.

Having a strategy has a positive effect on the long-term prospects of the organization. How to evaluate the effectiveness of career management in an organization? General indicator - stability and efficiency of the organization as a whole .

Specific indicators:

    Staff turnover (comparison of staff involved and not involved in career planning)

    Promotion (comparison of personnel involved and not involved in career planning)

    Occupation of vacated key positions by employees of the organization and hired from outside (ratio)

    Conducting surveys of employees involved in career planning and development

career work job planning

Career planning is one of the important aspects of building successful career.

It consists in determining the development goals of the employee and the paths leading to their achievement. The implementation of the career development plan presupposes, on the one hand, the acquisition of the required qualifications for the desired position through vocational training, internships, attending refresher courses, that is, the professional development of the employee, and on the other hand, the consistent occupation of positions, work experience in which is necessary for work. in the position. Typically, every enterprise has standard career ladders that lead to senior management positions.

Planning and management of career development requires from the employee and from the enterprise (if he supports this process) certain additional (in comparison with routine professional activities) efforts. There are a number of benefits to planning, both for the employee and business organization in which he works.

For the employee, this means:

  • * a higher degree of satisfaction from work in an entrepreneurial organization, which provides him with the opportunity for professional growth and an increase in his own well-being;
  • * clear vision of personal professional
  • * the ability to prepare for future professional activities;
  • * increasing competitiveness in the labor market.

An entrepreneurial organization receives the following benefits:

  • * obtaining motivated and loyal employees, which increases labor productivity and reduces staff turnover;
  • * career development of individual workers as an important source for identifying training needs;
  • * getting a group of interested in professional growth trained workers for promotion to key positions.

Recognition of these and other benefits has prompted the leadership of many entrepreneurial organizations to create systems for managing the career development of their employees. One of the most common models for managing this process has become the career planning and development partnership model.

Career planning is an activity that has:

Goal: building a successful career or something similar (each has its own goals)

Subject in the form of a worker.

A mentor in the form of a leader.

HR consultant.

A partnership involves the cooperation of three parties - the employee, his manager and the HR department.

The employee is responsible for planning and developing his own career or, in other words, is the owner of this process.

The manager acts as a mentor for this employee. His support is necessary for successful career development, since he manages resources, manages the distribution of working time, and certifies an employee.

The HR department plays the role of a professional consultant and at the same time carries out the overall management of the career development process in an entrepreneurial organization.

After hiring, specialists in human resources train a new employee in the basics of career planning and development, explain the principles of partnership, responsibility and the opportunity of the parties involved. Training has two main goals:

  • * to interest the employee in career development;
  • * provide them with the tools to start managing their own careers.

At the next stage of developing a career development plan, an employee determines the position (positions) that he would like to take in the future, based on his own professional interests and methods of their implementation. On this stage the employee needs qualified assistance from the personnel department and own leader, first of all, to determine their own capabilities and shortcomings, as well as methods of development. Some businesses conduct special testing to determine the strengths and weaknesses of their employees, the results of which are of significant assistance in career planning. The participation of the manager in the career planning process allows not only to conduct a certain check on the correspondence of the reality of the employee's career expectations, but also to involve the manager in the career development of this employee from the very beginning and thereby enlist his support.

The implementation of the career development plan depends, first of all, on the employee himself.

If the employee is:



a person interested in work,



person, then, of course, he has more chances to build a successful career.

Labor is the path to success! “Work hard! The world will not be paradise

For those who want to live a lazy person. "

In this case, it is necessary to keep in mind not only personal qualities human, but also a certain set of conditions:

  • * results of work in the position held. Successful execution job responsibilities is the most important prerequisite for promotion;
  • * professional and individual development. The employee must not only use all available professional development tools, but also demonstrate newly acquired skills, knowledge and experience;
  • * effective partnership with the manager. The implementation of the career development plan depends to a large extent on the manager, who formally or informally evaluates the work of the employee in the position and his potential, is the most important channel of communication between employees and the top management of the entrepreneurial organization, who makes decisions about promotion;
  • * a prominent position in an entrepreneurial organization. To advance in the organizational hierarchy, it is necessary that the enterprise is aware of the existence of the employee, his achievements and opportunities.

Business career planning and control lie in the fact that from the moment the employee is accepted into the organization and until the alleged dismissal from work, it is extremely important to organize the systematic horizontal and vertical advancement of the employee through the system of positions or jobs.

The employee must know not only the prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

- one of the directions personnel work in the organization, focused on determining the strategy and stages of development and promotion of specialists.

Career planning - ϶ᴛᴏ the process of comparing the potential, abilities and goals of a person with the requirements of the organization, strategy and plans for its development, expressed in the preparation of a program for professional and job growth.

Career advancement is determined not only by the personal qualities of the employee (education, qualifications, attitude to work, the system intrinsic motivations), but also objective, in particular:

  • high point of a career- the highest post existing in a particular organization under consideration;
  • career length- the number of positions on the way from the first position occupied by an individual in the organization to the highest point;
  • position level indicator- the ratio of the number of persons employed at the next hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at the hierarchical level where the individual is at a given moment in his career;
  • potential mobility indicator- the ratio (in a certain period of time) of the number of vacancies at the next hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at the hierarchical level where the individual is.

Career planning in an organization can be carried out by the HR manager, the employee himself, his immediate supervisor (line manager)
It is worth noting that the main career planning activities specific to different planning actors are presented below.

Essential career planning activities

Subject of planning

Career planning activities


  • Primary orientation and career choice
  • Choice of organization and position
  • Orientation in the organization
  • Assessing Prospects and Designing Growth
  • Realization of growth

HR manager

  • Appraisal when applying for a job
  • Definition on workplace
  • Assessment of labor and potential of employees
  • Selection to reserve
  • Additional preparation
  • Reserve programs
  • Promotion
  • New planning cycle

Immediate supervisor (line manager)

  • Assessment of labor results
  • Assessment of motivation
  • Organization of professional development
  • Incentive suggestions
  • Growth suggestions

Career line

An employee can either have a long career line or a very short one. The HR manager, already at the admission of the candidate, should design a possible career and discuss it with the candidate based on the individual characteristics and specifics of motivation. It is important to note that the same career line for different employees can be both attractive and uninteresting, which will significantly affect the effectiveness of their future activities. Material published on http: // site

Business career management

Business career management- ϶ᴛᴏ a set of activities carried out personnel service organizations for planning, organizing, motivating and monitoring the employee's career, based on his goals, needs, capabilities, abilities and inclinations, as well as based on the goals, needs, opportunities and socio-economic conditions of the organization.

The management of her business career is also handled by everyone individual worker... Business career management allows you to achieve employee loyalty to the interests of the organization, increase labor productivity, reduce staff turnover and more fully disclose human abilities.

Business career planning

Any person plans their future based on their needs and socio-economic conditions.

When applying for a job, a person puts in front of himself specific goals, but since the organization, when hiring him, also pursues certain goals, it is extremely important for the employer to be able to realistically assess his business qualities. A person must be able to correlate ϲʙᴏ and business qualities with the requirements that the organization and his work put before him. The success of his entire career depends on him.

When applying for a job, a person must know the labor market. Having the opportunity for self-assessment and knowing the labor market, he can select the industry and region where he would like to live and work. A correct self-assessment of their skills and business traits presupposes knowledge of oneself, one's strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings. Only under this condition can you set your career goals correctly.

Career management should be started when hiring... When you are hired, you are asked questions that outline the requirements of the employing organization. Do not forget that you should ask questions that meet your goals, shape your requirements.

As you manage your career as you work, it is extremely important to remember the following rules:

  • do not waste time working with a non-initiative, unpromising boss, become necessary for a proactive, operational leader;
  • expand ϲʙᴏand knowledge, acquire new skills; prepare yourself to occupy more high-paying position, which becomes (or becomes) vacant;
  • get to know and appreciate other people who are important to your career (parents, family members, friends);
  • make a plan for the day and for the whole week, in which you leave space for your favorite activities; remember that everything in life changes (you, your occupations and skills, market, organization, environment), evaluate these changes - an important quality for a career;
  • your career decisions will almost always be a compromise between desire and reality, between your interests and the interests of the organization; never live in the past: firstly, the past is shown in our memory not as it really was, and secondly, the past cannot be returned; do not allow your career to develop much faster than others; quit as soon as you are convinced that ϶ᴛᴏ is necessary;
  • think of the organization as a labor market, but don't forget the external labor market; do not neglect the organization's help in finding a job, but in search of new job rely primarily on yourself.

In order to effectively manage my business career, it is imperative that personal plans.

In a number of organizations, within the framework of the personnel management system, there is block of functions for business career management... These functions are performed by: directorate, personnel management service, heads of functional departments of the organization's management apparatus, trade union committees, consulting centers.

Effective business career management has a positive effect on the performance of an organization.

Personnel movement up the professional ladder

Service and professional promotion - a series of progressive movements in various positions, contributing to the development of both the organization and the individual.

Movements can be vertical and horizontal. This is also the sequence of various stages proposed by the organization (positions, jobs, positions in the team), which the employee can potentially go through.

Service and professional promotion system - set of tools and methods promotion personnel used in various organizations.

In management practice, there are two types of job promotion: promotion of a specialist and promotion of a leader... The latter, in turn, has two directions: promotion of functional leaders and promotion of line managers.

Personnel promotion consists of the following procedures:
  1. Promotion or qualification, when an employee fills a higher position, and the worker receives a new rank.
  2. Relocation, when an employee is transferred to another equivalent workplace (workshop, department, service) due to production needs or changes in the nature of work.
  3. Demotion, when, due to a change in his potential, the employee is transferred to a lower position or, according to the results of certification, to a lower rank for a worker.
  4. Dismissal from an enterprise, when an employee completely changes his place of work due to dissatisfaction with working conditions or lack of inability to occupy a workplace.

The initial data for organizing the movement of personnel will be:

  • service career models;
  • decision of the certification commission;
  • company philosophy;
  • the staffing table of the enterprise;
  • job descriptions;
  • personal files of employees;
  • orders of the director of personnel matters;
  • employment contracts of employees, provisions on remuneration.

The movement of personnel is organized strictly in accordance with personnel policy personally as a director at small enterprises or his deputy for personnel at large and medium-sized enterprises. Implemented by the staff of the personnel department. If the movement of personnel is spontaneous - based on the results of the dismissal of employees, from time to time, to fulfill the wishes of the director, then the effect of the planned placement of personnel is small. Only a uniform and purposeful movement of personnel gives a real social effect.

Source: hrliga. com

Career incentives are important for many people, so the correct, personalized planning and career development of key employees will help stabilize the team. The careers of employees need to be planned and developed, but how to combine personal goals, plans of a specific person and organization?

Career is the path to success, prominent position
In society, in the service field.
Dictionary of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov

Most often, experts identify the types of careers according to their focus:

    Qualification or Horizontal a career assumes that a person improves his qualifications, acquires new knowledge and work skills, but at the same time continues to occupy the previous position, or moves to a similar level in another department or moves to a related functional area of ​​activity. Often, within the framework of a horizontal career, an employee is asked to fulfill a certain official role at a level that does not have a rigid formal fixation in organizational structure(for example, the role of the leader of the interim target group, program, etc.). A horizontal career can also include the expansion or complication of tasks within the framework of the position held (as a rule, with an adequate change in remuneration). Status or Vertical a career involves the occupation of a higher-level position by an employee, which leads to an increase in his status in the hierarchical structure of the organization. The very concept of "career" is often identified with this type of career development, since in this case the progress is most visible. Special cases of vertical careers are Linear career (the employee sequentially goes through each level of the hierarchy in the organizational structure) and Non-linear(in this case, when moving up, it will bypass some hierarchical positions).

    In addition, the types of quarries are distinguished due to key changes:

    Domineering a career involves expanding the sphere of influence and may be associated with an increase in informal powers (for example, this type of career development can include the appointment of a chief analyst to the position of advisor to the chairman of the board on financial matters etc.).
    Monetary a career reflects an increase in pay or income, it is not necessarily associated with a change in position.
    Centripetal a career presupposes movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization. (Its manifestations can be, for example, inviting an employee to meetings that were previously inaccessible to him, meetings of both formal and informal nature; gaining access to informal sources of information; confidential communication with managers; fulfilling certain important instructions from the management, etc.)

    In their pure form, in practice, the described types of quarries are quite rare, therefore, one more type is distinguished - Combined a career in which an employee goes through different paths at different stages of work in an organization.

    People have different life plans, including in relation to a career. In order to maximize the alignment of personal goals and the needs of the organization in personnel, many companies plan the career paths of their employees. Of course, not everyone wants to become "bosses", but in order for a company to be able to wisely invest resources in promoting its employees, it is advisable to conduct a staff assessment. Its results will allow identifying groups of employees for whom career development should be planned in the first place. What should be evaluated?

    1. First of all - the abilities and personal characteristics of the employee:

    managerial and professional potential; the desire to "take place professionally"; loyalty to the organization.

    2. In addition to the characteristics of the employees themselves, it is also necessary to take into account how the transfer of a person from position to position within the organization will affect the effectiveness of the unit in which the employee will be included, as well as how compatible will be new employee with their colleagues and, most importantly, with the leader. Therefore, for planning movements, it is desirable to evaluate such factors as: the dynamics of change in group trends in the unit; interpersonal compatibility of employees.

    3. The degree of career success of each individual employee largely depends on how motivated he is to change, therefore, when assessing, it is desirable to identify the most significant incentives for a particular person to career development. Such incentives can be: Status. It is important for those workers who are sensitive to "prestige", value power, influence, promotion (giving them "position in society", attention and respect). Welfare. It acts on workers for whom good material support, confidence in the future, order, comfortable living and working conditions are most important. Uniqueness. These workers are carried away by the unusualness, perspective of the task, its intellectual complexity and the lack of obvious solutions, the scale of the proposed projects, etc. Maintaining the achieved level(welfare, status, uniqueness). For these workers, raising the level material well-being, status, uniqueness will not necessarily improve performance, but a decrease will affect performance negatively.

    4. Despite the fact that the career process is sometimes very dynamic, certain stages are distinguished in it, therefore, you should also assess at what stage of career development the employee is currently: Career start(career planning). Career(career development, restructuring of the existing position or change of place of work is possible). Career stabilization. Completion of the career process(on this enterprise) - dismissal of an employee.

    A one-time assessment of promising employees will allow you to make a cut human resources organization, but the development and implementation Monitoring systems of all factors significant for career development will provide an opportunity To govern development and promotion of employees.

    To calculate the managerial and professional potential of employees, we used Precedent multifactor job profiles - mathematical models, establishing a reliable connection between performance and personal characteristics of employees.

    To improve the reliability of the forecast, as well as to reveal the hidden professional resources of our people, we work with Job profile packages.

    The first package includes typical profiles leadership positions(such as supervisor, middle manager, head of department, head of laboratory, etc.) Vocational Qualities Compliance Level (VQR) specific employee the requirements of this package of posts allows us to make a conclusion about The overall management potential of the employee.

    The second package includes profiles of leadership positions that reflect the specifics of work in the industry. (For example, for oilmen, these may be job profiles in a given industry - oil field chief, chief engineer, for retail companies - store director, supervisor, etc.).

    Compliance with the ICR of an employee with the requirements of the first and second package of positions allows you to evaluate them Management potential.

    The third package includes job profiles of the surveyed enterprise. Compliance with the ICR of workers to these indicators reflects Professional resource person.

    The data of a comprehensive assessment of the managerial potential and professional resource of employees are clearly presented in the figure:

    Comparison of assessments of complex managerial and professional success of employees

    The analysis of the information obtained at this stage makes it possible to identify employees with high managerial and professional potential. It is for this group that further research is being carried out to calculate loyalty indicators and the desire to “be professionally successful”.

    When calculating loyalty indicators, the basic indicator is Comprehensive satisfaction staff. Loyal employees are characterized by medium and high values ​​of the following parameters:

    satisfaction with the production team; satisfaction with production; self-satisfaction; satisfaction with material and living conditions.

    Calculation of indicators The intensity of the need to "take a professional place" conducted according to the following parameters:

    purposefulness; striving to make a career; desire for power; attractiveness of professional activity.

    The higher the values ​​of these parameters, the greater the need to "take a professional place".

    The team of workers is not limited to the arithmetic sum of qualities individuals, when achieving group goals, the team acts as a single whole. Therefore, it is important to assess changes in group tendencies when moving workers in the organization (the calculation was carried out using the precedent expert system "Personnel Consulting").

    Determining the stage of the career process that an employee is currently at is, in our opinion, the most significant factor in career planning.

    Let us consider in more detail the dynamics of the career process from the moment a person joins the organization.

    At the first stage, employees count on a successful career, as a rule, they are characterized by an increased value of the indicator “the desire to be professionally held”. At this stage, it is recommended to carry out active career planning of the newly arrived employee.

    After a person enters a work rhythm, there is a decrease in the indicator "striving for professional success", the stage of career stabilization begins. At this point, the administration of the enterprise must plan the next career move, thereby returning the employee back to the stage of active career development. If this does not happen, the person's need to "take a professional place" again increases and "complex satisfaction" decreases. When an employee moves to this career stage, it is imperative to restructure the existing position or transfer him to a new position.

    If there are no changes, then the fourth stage begins: the employee himself leaves the enterprise or goes into the category of “candidate for dismissal” due to the fact that with a decrease in motivation, the productivity of his work sharply decreases.

    Continuous tracking of progress through the stages of career development allows you to fully realize the managerial and professional potential of each employee.

    Having made an assessment on all important factors, HR develops personal recommendations for planning and career development for each employee.

    Timely assessment of all relevant to successful planning and career development factors, as well as taking into account the results obtained on initial stage planning and adjusting changes at the stage of career implementation, allow to ensure successful career development for all key employees of the organization.

    A systematic approach to career planning and development increases employee loyalty to the company, forms a team of like-minded people, and positively affects the performance of the organization as a whole.

    1. When planning a career, it is necessary to ensure that the achieved level of status and well-being is maintained.

    A combination of centripetal, domineering, qualifying, and monetary career types is recommended. A combination of centripetal and qualifying careers can be the expansion of functional / job responsibilities (for example, through the transfer professional experience and knowledge of newly arrived employees, young professionals), as well as internships, participation in conferences, etc.

    It is advisable to make an additional payment for the expansion of functional / job responsibilities, which will ensure the implementation of a monetary type of career (support of the achieved level of material well-being). The domineering type of career can be realized by expanding functional powers within the position.

    2. When high rates of the managerial and professional potential of the employee, low indicators of complex satisfaction were revealed. With this in mind, an active restructuring of the existing post is recommended. With such a restructuring, it is advisable to expand the existing powers or transfer this employee to another structural subdivision to a position endowed with great powers.

    Expansion of powers should be accompanied by an increase in the number of positions / functional responsibilities and adequate changes in wages. Thus, a combination of power and monetary career types will be realized for the employee. When restructuring a position, it is necessary to monitor the level of complex satisfaction this employee and the effectiveness of its work.

    When calculating significant factors and preparing analytical conclusions on planning and career development, the methodological developments of specialists of the personnel assessment and development department of JSC " Child's world- Center ", as well as the precedent expert systems" Personnel Service "and" Personnel Consulting "

  • Career and Self-Development


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