A strategy to differentiate from competitors. Detachment from competitors: those who do not fight are eliminated from the market. How we rebuilt the ultrasound research center from competitors

Every young businessman who has just managed to enter the market with his products inevitably faces competition and the need to draw attention to the brand. Many of them resort to dumping - reducing the cost of goods, but this method has long been recognized as not effective enough.

Detachment from competitors is a more progressive technique, allowing the entrepreneur to promote the product and distinguish himself. Detuning is called an integral element of any PR company, it pursues a number of goals:

  1. with its help you can stand out from the crowd;
  2. emphasizes the positive aspects of a product or service that competitors cannot boast of;
  3. helps to disseminate this data to the market as much as possible.

Why is this needed and what is the point?

The essence of detuning is not to denigrate a competitor, but to show that a particular firm is different from the rest. It is very difficult to achieve this, it is necessary to study the following data in advance:

  • features of the competitor's business and methods of its work;
  • how they attract buyers and consumers;
  • Does the company have any exclusive features;
  • whether there are special promotions and offers that may be of interest to the target audience.

Experts assure that detuning must be carried out at regular intervals throughout the entire period of the company's activity. How the office differs from the rest, why you need to choose it - these questions need to be answered in order for positioning in the market to be successful.

You can only avoid detuning if no one else offers a similar product, but this happens extremely rarely.

First, you need to highlight your brand. In the minds of consumers, a bright, necessarily positive image associated with the name of the company should be formed. Different fonts, colors, images on business cards, etc. are used. It is best to entrust this work to professionals.

It is believed that offer must be creative. This is remembered, but if competitors have created a good selling advertisement, then customers will go to them.

If you can't be better than your competitors, sometimes it's great to just not be like them. “One-of-a-kind”, “different”, “Completely different” - these are all statements from young brands that are doing their best to distinguish themselves and not drown in a sea of ​​identical, i.e. build up.

For the strategy to be truly successful, you need to take into account a lot of points. We use examples.

Most often, contrast is used on prices; in almost 80% of cases, detuning is done precisely in the direction of financial gain. There may be offers like: “If you find it cheaper, we are ready to return the difference to you”, etc. Such promotions are common not only among hardware stores, but also in other industries.

Another example of detuning from competitors: “Even if you find it cheaper, we still have much better quality.” This is very noticeable in the field of food products, signs are only full of slogans like: “No dyes”, “Only natural ingredients”, etc.

What should the consumer focus on?

Needless to say, now instead of 500 rubles for a lesson, he could easily take 1,500 and he was paid? The main thing here is not to worry that there will be no customers. They will definitely be ready to pay for comfort, convenience, speed, etc. For something that they can't get from the firm next door, even though it's cheaper.


It is very important to first study the strategy and the competitor’s product itself, to impress people with completely new idea, only then it will be possible to observe an increase in popularity and sales.

And remember, you only need to differ in better side.

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Standing out from competitors is a complex concept that involves a number of marketing, advertising and public relations moves aimed at making a company or a particular product look more profitable and attractive against competitors. In Russia, due to the unemployment of many niches and the low business culture, it is much easier to separate from competitors than, for example, in Europe. Let's take a look at some of the tools you can use:

You need to clearly define your niche, the narrower it is, the better for your business.

Very often in business they sell everything to everyone. As a rule, such companies have problems with the service, as they do not understand how to work with different (10 or more) target audiences. And if we know how to work with 2 types of clients, the remaining 8 out of 10 will be dissatisfied with our service. When you clearly know your audience, when you have accurately chosen a niche, you become a highly sought-after professional with an ever-growing number of clients.

For a better understanding of this principle of detuning from competitors, a wonderful figurative expression is suitable: “It is better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in the sea.” What needs to be done to implement this principle in life?

You must accurately represent the customer for whom your product is intended. You must know his "pain" points and expectations, know how to handle him. From the portrait of the client, as from the starting point, all marketing and promotions, positioning yourself in the media, the level of service at points of sale. The better you know your target audience, the better you will sell.

The next tool is the uniqueness of your offer.

When determining a unique offer, you can start from such criteria as price, convenience, speed of service, breadth of assortment, the introduction of the latest achievements, fashion, and so on. Do not try to be the best in every direction, choose one thing. For example, one Moscow company "rose" well on the offer "pizza delivery in 30 minutes." As you can see, there is no “delicious” or “special” pizza here, it is “fast”. This unique offer alone was enough to feel good in the market.

Distinguish yourself from competitors by the absence of flaws.

As noted above, in Russia one of the most better ways detuning from competitors may be the pursuit of European standards in service. A Russian client can easily be cheated, be rude to him, not resold, and do a lot of things that are not taken into account. There are businessmen who have been doing their business in this way for 20 years and do not understand why everything is bad for them. A low level of service can easily be forgiven in a "poor" market, but when it is saturated with goods and offers, the client will already take into account the level of service. And what got away with it in the late 90s is now causing companies to shut down.

Create selling offers.

One of the topical issues is creativity, for some reason it is believed that it sells very well, but this is a rather controversial judgment. Indeed, your brand can be well remembered due to the creative presentation, but if your competitor has a selling ad, then most likely your potential client will go to him.

I only talked about 4 tricks for detuning from competitors, in fact there are many more. I will talk about them in other materials of my blog.

The book describes a complex technology for intercepting customers in a highly competitive environment: developing an interception strategy, methods for collecting information about customers and competitors, interception marketing tools, and the use of personal selling technologies. The methods of customer retention are considered, as well as issues of ethics and legality in the interception of consumers. The book contains many examples from the practice of international and Russian companies: Wal-Mart, IKEA, Dell, Mercedes-Benz, McDonald's, Vimpelcom, MTS, Yandex and many others.

The term was introduced into use by I. L. Vikentiev in 1993. Under the "detuning from competitors" refers to various activities in the field of marketing, advertising and public relations, aimed at ensuring that the company, its products and / or services, employees, ideas in the perception customers looked the way the firm needed in the face of competing offerings.

The wording “in the right way for the company” indicates that activities to deviate from competitors are a way to achieve the goals set within the framework of the developed strategy! For the company as a whole, detuning from competitors is associated with finding or creating such characteristics of the product, company, company personnel that will allow you to demonstrate your difference from competitors or their product.

Interestingly, in the case of new products entering the market, in order to explain their features to the client, images already known to the client were often used for clarity: “horseless cart”, “wireless telegraph” ... Are these not the first examples of detuning from competitors!

Detachment from a competitor is impossible without the image or message of a competitor, from which the interceptor repels when formulating his message. Even the name of a competitor's company can be used to differentiate from competitors!

The company began its existence in 1993 as "PE Epifanov", uniting only two outlets. In 1996, becoming the first enterprise in Arkhangelsk to open specialized trade cosmetics and perfumery, the company adopted the "foreign" name "Marilyn". In 1998, a modern name appeared, which had no historical connection with the manufacturing company of the same name, but was born from the line of the once famous song “Chic, shine, beauty!”. The name turned out to be successful also because the firms "Krasota" and "Shine" already existed in the market of perfumery and cosmetic products, therefore, "Chic" automatically fell into the first position in the mentioned "ranked" line.

“Come on, fruits, stand in a row!”

The name, positioning, characters and images used earlier in the communication of "Orchard" made this brand almost indistinguishable from both the closest competitor ("Lubimy Sad") and juice brands in other categories... Advertising concepts for juices of the lower price segment were based on similar images: a happy family, a garden, Russian traditions, etc. There were no products with a clearly stated, bright, emotional character in the category. In general, it was time to competently “build up” from competitors. One of the goals: to get away from family positioning, to make communication original, to emphasize values ​​that would increase consumer loyalty to the brand. Sergey Dobrydnev, art director D'Arcy: “At the“ Beloved Garden ”at that time there were quite tough videos, the grandfather in them is harsh and angry, he runs into everyone. And we wanted to make good, joyful stories. The image of a cheerful holiday was suitable for this at the right time. To have fun for real, to the fullest, only children can. And so the idea of ​​a children's "fruit" holiday was born. Moreover, the product "Orchard" is recommended for children from two years old.

Suppose that the task of detuning from a competitor is solved and we succeeded:

a) to demonstrate the product as different from the competitor's product;

b) achieve consumer perception of our product as different from the competitor's product.

Competitors are dangerous when there are no differences. Be different!

The same price, delivery time, conditions and guarantees. If only the logo differs, then it is either the case or the rollback percentage that decides who to choose.

Think about the client. Don't force him to make a collaboration decision by flipping a coin. If heads, then the company is "X", tails - "Y". Stupidity, right?

Most indie professionals (designers, copywriters, marketers) and entrepreneurs (online stores, online studios, beauty salons, certification or construction companies, IT companies) are similar not only in their business processes, but also in advertising.

We often do not think about detuning from competitors. We want to snatch a bigger piece and be in time everywhere. And as a result, we spend enormous efforts, paving the way for customers, over and over again throwing ourselves at the wall of competitors.

From the article you will learn how to stand out from competitors and why it is profitable, you will see examples and ways to set up.

No. 1. Positioning detuning

Positioning - what (product, service) and for whom ( the target audience)

Positional adjustment is a genetic adjustment

How are you different from others?

- "We have low price, staff experts and a guarantee for all work. We can get any certificate” (from a conversation with the head of a certification company).

And so it is with everyone! There is no company that will say:

– “Our specialists are only from the university, they don’t have practical experience, so we are ready to give you 20% off the lowest price you can find.”

What to do? Set yourself apart from your competitors with positioning.

Tuning example for a 2-person CA:

– We certify only cosmetics and household chemicals. We already know which certificates you need and which products can be combined into one certificate to save money.

An example of detuning from competitors for a construction company:

– We build two-storey and multi-storey log houses using Norwegian technology. Even a house for 800,000 rubles. can be two-story - 2 times more usable space in the same area.

How to use the reception? Choose a service or product and develop an offer, website, marketing and promotional materials with a single idea “what we sell and for whom”.

Positioning facilitates the study of target audience, training advertising campaigns and increases the effectiveness of advertising at times. It also focuses on 1% of the market, not 100%.

No. 2. Special offer

Unique trade offer(in some sources: unique selling proposition) or USP is a way to set yourself apart from competitors by offering a different offer from competitors.

The point is to make an offer to the client that a competitor either cannot give, or simply does not put forward for some reason. This technique and the term USP itself was coined by copywriter and advertiser Rosser Reeves.

  1. You will receive a commercial offer within 3 days with graphic design.
  2. You receive a 100% working commercial offer within 3 days - we test and adjust it until you pay back the development of a commercial proposal by 10 times. We fix the terms of the contract.

No. 8. Detuning with special technologies

“Special circular welding technology” is better than “strong welding”

Technology - forgotten, but powerful way outshine competitors. You either look for differences in processes and call them your own name or find something that competitors do not talk about. And it works.

Copywriter and entrepreneur Joseph Sugerman excelled in sales of goods to “shopokam”. He spent days and weeks poring over the product down to the last screw to find a lead for an advertising idea. Sometimes he would find a super-idea (that very “big” idea) and earn hundreds of thousands of dollars from it.

“A clock made with a laser” - imagine this headline in the newspaper of the time when the computer took up an entire room. Clock made with a laser. It doesn't matter if we are told that this phone was made by aliens from planet “X”.

The world has changed. There are few amazing technologies that are not talked about. However, amazing technologies are not needed! How do you like “the technology of the sloping floor in the aviary, so that the water rolls down one corner when cleaning the aviary with a Karcher. By the way, the floor is covered with three layers of textureol anti-rotting composition and dried in a drying chamber.”

For dog owners and managers who want to buy an aviary and are thinking about cleaning it, these technologies are like a red rag to a bull. Works great. Clients call and say “will the aviary really be convenient to wash?”.

No. 9. Portfolio

When a portfolio shows the process of work, this is also a detuning.

If you are building houses, then the only thing you need to do is take pictures and videos. This will help you create a portfolio that will tear your competitors to shreds. Start taking photos at the first meeting with a client. Write the story of the project, post photos, videos, construction stages on the site, tell us about the problems and how you valiantly solved them. You will not end up with clients.

Are you a copywriter? Tell us about your work so that you are not considered a “text writer”.

What was the task, what was in, what questions did you ask with the client? Attach an entry free consultation. Take a bunch of screenshots, ask a loved one to take a picture of you at work.

Post a screenshot of the finished material, describe the results of the work and fix the story with a recommendation from the client with a seal and signature. What? I hear that even Dmitry Kot and Artemy Lebedev do not have such a portfolio? That's it.

The more accurately your work is shown, the more confidence the client has in you. Everyone shows the result, and you show the process. Everyone's process is unique! Use this to create a unique distinction.

No. 10. Warranty debugging

Guarantees for goods, services and circumstances - unlimited opportunities for detuning from competitors

Entrepreneurs do not like to give guarantees. Because of the fear of losing some of the customers or, God forbid, getting some of “their money” back. Fear recedes only when the entrepreneur realizes that the loss is compensated by a greater flow of customers. It came about through guarantees.

Popular guarantees: money back, 1 + 1 product warranty (one year from the manufacturer and one from the store), we will arrive on time or we will refund 1500 rubles, we will deliver the pizza on time or you will get it for free.

My detuning under warranty: “I will return 2000 rubles. for missed deadlines. The guarantee is valid for the failure to deliver the work without taking into account the time for its approval and editing. The strength is that freelancers always miss deadlines, such an action protects the entrepreneur and motivates the freelancer to deliver work on time.

We are so confident in our product that we will give it to you for free for 5 days (test it for free, and then make a payment!) - this is how robotic vacuum cleaners were sold in the USA. Who will return the favorite toy?

The consumer compares the object with others, so it is better to offer him a comparison. To enhance the features, in addition to direct comparisons, such comparisons are used as with a typical product, with something outdated, with similar goods for their intended purpose, a comparison with the object itself, a comparison with something invented.

The purpose of the comparison is to show advantageously the differences or advantages of the brand, that is, to say we are better than the rest.

Consumers perceive Trust No. 3, MUP ISK of Ufa, State Unitary Enterprise FZhS RB, ZhilStroyInvest, Trust No. 21, SU-10, Gosstroy, Ufimskaya Construction Company, Garant-Stroy, StroyFederation, Bashinvestdom as the main participants in the primary real estate market.

In the course of a survey of consumers, they were shown a list of the main developers, and were asked to choose the 1 most appropriate developer.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that consumer assessments of the brand image may not coincide with the market situation.


Best in Feature

Trust Position #3


ZhilStroyInvest (29.7%)


MUP ISK Ufa (27.4%)

4 (15,5%)


Trust #3 (39.8%)

1 (second ISK - 30.7%)


MUP ISK Ufa (28.8%)


MUP ISK Ufa (35.1%)


Trust #3 (40%)

1 (the second ZhSI - 22.5%)


MUP ISK Ufa (32.5%)

3 (16,3%)


Trust #3 (32.9%)

1 (second ISK - 23.3%)

Customer focus

MUP ISK Ufa (32.9%)

3 (16,4%)


MUP ISK Ufa (30.3%)

According to the image characteristics, the following features are most characteristic of the brand "Trest No. 3":

  • Reliability
  • Scale
  • · Professionalism

A group of companies can present itself as a reliable player in the market, as long as the consumer believes in it. It is important to find communication moves that confirm this characteristic.

The origin of the word "Trust" emphasizes the production nature, volume and, as a result, the scale production activities companies.

This characteristic is reinforced by the announced and ongoing projects in the microdistrict format.

The Trust knows how to build, it has been building for a long time, that is, always. Not associated with other activity profiles. The trust is a builder by profession. Therefore, it is perceived professionally.

These 3 features are the basis for creating communication methods, that is, ways to convey these features to target audiences.

Least common traits:

  • Timeliness
  • · Fame
  • · Customer orientation.

The low brand awareness and customer focus are partly due to the fact that, unlike other players, Trust No. 3 is focused on its own projects rather than its own name in advertising communications.

The product brands are customer-oriented in the group of companies. Plus, we assume that the image of the company is traditional, industrial.

All developers focus on the corporate brand in communication, while "Trust No. 3" is in the background in communication. This is a successful detuning from competitors in terms of promotion.

The main image competitor is MUP ISK Ufa, which was in the lead in the evaluation of characteristics:

  • Timeliness
  • · Success
  • Experience
  • · Fame
  • ・Customer focus
  • · Quality

In the characteristic "modernity" ZhilStroyInvest was in the lead.

Thus, there are 3 groups of players:

  • 1. Construction companies acting on behalf of the state (MUP ISK, FZhS)
  • 2. Large commercial companies with significant volumes of development, portfolio of projects, own production capabilities (Trest No. 3, ZhilStroyInvest, SU-10, KPD, Agidel-Invest)
  • 3. Young companies with single projects, minimal portfolio, active advertising company(PSK-6, StroyFederation, Gosstroy, etc.).

The most important thing for a brand of a group of companies is to build up first of all from new and small companies with active advertising communication.

We carry out complex development with a high quality of the environment due to the careful planning of the microdistrict for the needs of future residents.

This does not significantly affect the price for the consumer, since the places are not selected in the very center with expensive land, noise, gas pollution and traffic jams, but in separate areas with quick accessibility to the entire urban infrastructure.

We are a company that the whole city knows, we have something to show, we have rich construction experience, high financial stability, we have something to be proud of, we have been on the market for a long time.


The main rational detuning - complexity projects, the thoroughness of their study.

Basic emotional adjustment - striving for dynamics in projects not in terms, but in relation, we we grow like a flower, like a child.


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