Gas refueling as a business. The business plan of the gas station - how to open the gas station from scratch and over a year to own a network of gas stations? Wholesale of petroleum products to end consumers business plan

Is the business plan of a gas station - is it profitable? Analytics of the 2019 fuel business market. Organizational, production and marketing plan + Estimated part + Overview of the features of a mini gas station.

While in our country travel vehicles on liquid fuel, the demand for gas stations will always be. Although Niche is not in 2019 over demand, to develop a business plan of gas stations, and embody it in practice, still makes sense. Today we will talk about how to open refueling in Russia + discuss what features on doing business in the fuel trafficking exist about 2019-2020.

Is it profitable to open a gas station?

Studies of the business niche show that the gas station market gradually reaches the peak of its saturation. Major gas stations are now available even in small towns, and if you take in the calculation of the city millionaires, then the competition is just a huge competition. Customers want to receive high-quality product from suppliers from fuel, and if they cannot provide the last one, you can not hoping to success a business plan, as such.

Advantages of gas stations as a business:

  • stable demand for fuel gas stations in all regions of the country;
  • multiple channels for supplying and marketing products;
  • high level of gas station adaptation to the ever-changing market;
  • business can flexibly adapt to customer requests regarding the volume of supplies and discounts on fuel.

Many experts believe that a new model of the business plan of gas stations should provide for a vertically integrated structure., namely, the NPZ-gas station. Large spending on the transportation of fuel forcing entrepreneurs to increase the cost of products sold, as a result, low competitiveness and high risk of loss of business.

Negative business side:

  • high level of competition from other gas stations that have more favorable conditions for the supply of fuel or franchise working;
  • low-quality work of gas station employees;
  • probability of damage or complete breakdown of business equipment.

In addition, there are other threats to the business plan of gas stations - the rise in fuel prices with a decrease in the level of demand, rental racing or a complete termination of the lease agreement under gas stations, a decrease in the consumer ability of the population and so on.

The business owner can smooth out some of the risks by expanding the possibilities of the project plan. This includes an increase in the range of services, cooperation with corporate fuel customers, the opening of related areas in business - cafes, mini restaurants and so on.

The latest market trends point to the gradual modernization of refinery enterprises, which will result in the total saturation of the gas station niches with high-octane fuel. In this regard, the profitability of the business will increase by 30% -40%, at a minimum, which means that the development of the AZS business plan will become a completely acceptable solution for both IP and LLC.

How to make a business plan gas station from scratch - step-by-step instruction

Any project is obliged to have a documentary action plan, in the opposite case, no one will be taken for consideration. Only decision In this case, the development of a high-quality business plan. There are quite a lot of nuances in this matter, because, to deal with all the questions on an independently novice entrepreneur may be simply unreal.

Specialized offices or private traders can simplify the work on the work on the work planning of the gas station, however, why lay out extra 30 000-50 000 rubles, if most of the information on the organization of this business can be found in the global Internet, in particular, in the content of this article.

1) Market status for today

It is impossible to rush into any business with your head, while without making a complete analysis of the state of the region / country market. When working with a gas station, a regional dynamics or nationwide research can be used for a local study, since the oil refining industry, in this aspect, works everywhere almost at the same level.

For clearer results, the business plan for the gas station should take into account 3 of the study parameter. Let's analyze each of them in more detail.

Parameter number 1. Market Wednesday and Share Distribution

For Russia, the gas station is the monopoly market. More than 80% of gas stations of various formats are concentrated in the hands of large holding companies, such as LUKOIL, Rosneft, TNK and others. In the retail part of the business on constituent entities of the Russian Federation, holdings are about 32% of the total volume.

Coverage of the gas station market for regions:

  • Rosneft - business seized leadership in 17 regions of our state in the number of gas stations and the volume of fuel being implemented;
  • LUKOIL - business occupies a leading position in 14 regions of the Russian Federation;
  • Surgutneftegaz - coverage of 4 regions of the Russian Federation;
  • TNK-BP and Gazprom Neft - in 3 regions.

If we take into account only gasoline, then almost 80% of the market is captured by the holding business. The total number of gas stations on the territory of our state is now more than 30,000 points. The number of gas stations that are included in the group of leading companies not more than 9,000, however, the share of sales on these refills exceeds 50% of the total volume, which indicates the full helplessness of small businesses trying to knock out the sun in this niche.

It follows from this that sales of business from ordinary gas stations 2-3 times lower than more promoted networks. At entering B. this direction From scratch, the entrepreneur may hoped for coverage only 25% -35% of the market, and then you will have to compete with other private owners working on the same scheme.

Parameter number 2. Capacity

This parameter of the profitability of the business profitability includes the number of vehicles under consideration of the distribution area, which falls on one citizen of the country. In second place in importance - rolling the network of roads, priority in consumption of fuel and demand additional services on gas station.

The data "AUTOSTAT" 2019 indicate that over 43,000,000 cars of a passenger type is now driving through the territory of the Russian Federation. The average length of the road canvase is 1,500,000 kilometers. If you take as a basis the number of gas stations, which was considered above, then on one gas station will have about 70 kilometers of road dense.

Taking into account the variable of the number of cars, we will get about 2,600 cars that can serve one gas station. Naturally, this miscalculation about business cannot be called accurate, as subjective factors are not taken into account - the reputation of the gas stations and the level of its services. Nevertheless, even given data should be enough to present the general situation in the market of motor vehicles of our country.

Parameter number 3. Target customers + their preferences

In relation to clients of gas stations, everything is clear - these are motorists of various types of transport with a gasoline / diesel engine. Another question, which gas station these people give their preference. Is it rationally from scratch if only the IP itself and a couple of friends will know about her reputation?

Customer preferences regarding the choice of gas stations:

  • 70% of respondents answered that, in most cases, they refuel their vehicles on the popular gas stations of holding networks;
  • 25% answered that they do not have a special difference on which gas stations to buy fuel;
  • 5% prefer to refuel only on small gas stations.

From the above, it should be the conclusion that the average business plan of the mini gas station or its full-fledged analogue can only count on a 30% client of the base. The rest will take the monopolists.

Outcome - gas station from scratch is not such a favorable investment in 2019. Although the market has not yet reached the peak of satisfaction of demand, the probability of squeezing between the "pillars" of the oil refinery is extremely small. The only option - work under franchise Or launching a mini gas station with a list of additional services to its customers.

2) What is the gas stations format?

This section will discuss the classification of a gas station in accordance with the NPB 111-98. It should be clarified that the requirements in the document are very much. Basic - this provision fire safetySince the gas station in itself is a dangerous object. The business plan under consideration will refer to public stations. There are still departmental gas stations, but only cars of certain companies can be refueling on them, and an influential organization will hardly want to enter into a contract with a new mini refueling.

Varieties of gas stations:


    Variation of the business plan of a gas station, which meets through our state most often. Fuel storage tanks are located underground, and the distribution of oil products is performed through columns (TRC);

    block gas station.

    The TRK is located right above the fuel storage unit of the gas station, which allows you to make the equipment with a single module. Relevant for mini business;

    container gas station.

    Another mini variant that includes the combined storage blocks and TRC. Location of storage - above the ground. There are 2 types of container gas stations, which are divided depending on the capacity of tanks - "a" (more than 20 cubic meters) and "b" (less than 20 cubic meters);

    modular gas station.

    One of the optimal options for the business plan, which is focused on mini format. The container and TRK have a single design. As with the container gas stations, modular have a similar division by the type "A" and "B";

    mobile gas station.

    As it is clear from the title, the fuel storage system and distribution has a chassis implemented as a trailed one. The designs are well shown in mini business, however, only its liquid analogue can be realized as fuel here - gasoline.

There are even more than 7 varieties, however, let's say at once that it is unrealistic to join the niche of business in a niche of a business in this product, therefore, a novice entrepreneur, a gas-containing station, like a start of the project, should not even be considered.

Optimal for business plan in 2019, classical gas stations and modular / mobile gas stations, which can easily change place of accommodation are considered. The first option will require more significant investments in the business, but also income in such a gas station will be significantly higher. Mini blocking block type can be used as an exploration of the situation at the start of the case, or as an additional source of profit.

3) organizational issue of business

Any business in our country should be taxed, and therefore the registration of the case is an integral part of the plan, which is to provide in the organizational part of the project. Depending on the method of implementing the idea of \u200b\u200bopening a gas station, an entrepreneur can go in two ways - individual entrepreneurship (IP) or society with limited liability (LTD).

Mini gas station cannot be called a large-scale business, respectively, to find money to implement the business plan a person will be able to independently, which means that the optimal form of ownership will be the PI.

A classic gas station, or their network, requires more significant investments. Due to the involvement of investment funds, a businessman will reasonably consider the form of ownership of LLC, as it is not allowed to attract money from outside with IP legislation.

Relatively simple registration procedure, you only need 3 documents: passport, application for registration, receipt for the payment of state duty (800 rubles)The registration procedure is more difficult, you need more documents and pay more state duty (4000 rubles)
It is impossible to delegate business, divide into a share, you must independently manage itThere may be several co-founders and the responsibility of each within its share
Do not need authorized capital, do not need a current account, printingWe need authorized capital (at least 10,000 rubles), as well as the Tired LLC, the current account and printing are required
Registration at the place of residence and submission of reports at the place of residenceRegister for anyone legal address within the Russian Federation
There are limitations on occupied activitiesLLC has no restrictions on activities
You can do without an accountant, there is no need to conduct strict cash records, a small amount of reportingWithout an accountant can not do, the scope of reporting is quite large
Responsibility within own propertyeven after the closure of IPResponsibility only within authorized capital
The amounts of fines are significantly lower than the LLC (up to 50,000 rubles)High amounts of fines for the same violations as IP (up to 1,000,000 rubles)
Taxes or 6% (income), or 15% (income minus costs), plus insurance contributions in Pension Fund (minimum 23 153.33 rubles.)With taxes more difficult, plus the founders of LLC pay 13% with profits (since 2015)
Low reputation and prestige for large companiesReputation and prestige are considered high enough
Easier to open branches, even in other citiesTo open a branch, its registration is required, while the possibility of using USN
Simple output of money for your own needsIt's hard to bring money, because Formally, they belong to LLC
There is no possibility to sell, buy or re-inform IPSell, buy or re-LLC does not cause problems
You can use the Patent Taxation System to reduce costs.Patent taxation system cannot be used
It is difficult to expand business by attracting investments and new co-founders.You can easily attract investment of successful LLC, register new co-founders, as well as expand to JSC
No need to document all economic activitiesNeed strict documentary accounting of all economic activities
Just close your IPThe procedure for the liquidation of LLC is much more difficult

In order to make it easier for you to decide on the form of ownership for the future business plan of gas stations, we have provided a comparative table of two options. Analyze your financial potential in detail - if you can provide a business yourself, then in the priority of the IP, and if you have to climb into large debts, then better business AZS plan to focus on investor attraction of funds and follow the path of LLC.

The second important documentary question on the business plan of the gas station of traditional or mini format - permission to conduct activities. The considered object object has an increased level of fire danger, and therefore, not in every place you allow you to establish a gas station from scratch, or to have a mining of a mobile type.

List of permits for launching a gas station:

  1. Lease contract. Contract the contract only to make sure that the selected territory meets all the requirements on the part of the regulatory authorities. In the presence of a private property site, a document confirming this fact is necessary.
  2. We go to the city / district architectural department to get for your business plan for the construction of a gas station.
  3. We visit Rostechnadzor and knock out the approval for the project itself of the mini gas station.
  4. In the SES, the entrepreneur receives documentary approval on his own business plan regarding the process of trading fuel.
  5. We follow to the regional representation of the Ministry of Energy and we get permits for the sale and storage of fuel and lubricants.
  6. The next point is the most problematic in the business plan of gas stations, since it needs to provide all ways to reduce the level of fire for the danger of the construction / use object. Only full adherence to all norms and requirements will allow the entrepreneur to knock out a documentary resolution from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  7. Treaty for the removal of garbage waste from the territory of the gas station.
  8. Treaty with a municipal organization regarding deratization.
  9. Certification of the quality of the resulting fuel for gas stations from product suppliers.

The list is filed in order of priority, because it can be used as a check list for the organizational part of your business plan. In addition to the agreed list, which is the basic for 99% of the gas station, the entrepreneur must take care of the certification of the equipment itself, which will be used in its gas station. The list includes not only columns and storage facilities, but even the PCs that will be used on the outlet. Furniture for staff Mini gas stations also needs certification from companies producing antistatic processing.

Practice of business on the gas station of our country indicates that to receive a whole list of permissions leaves 60 to 120 days. The cost of this process is also not cheap - from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles per one point of the sale of fuel products. Despite the need to collect a huge pile of papers on the opening of a mini business, there is a good news for the entrepreneur - licensing on business plan AZS is not required.

4) Production Plan AZS

When an entrepreneur overcomes a paper question, which in the business plan under consideration is one of the most difficult, it will be possible to start a production part - installation of equipment, personnel search and organization of space for gas station. By the way, some items organizational Plan Will be solved as the production, for, for example, receive certificates for equipment without having it in stock, you will not be physically.

1. A place under gas station + organization of the production process

Place of installation of a gas station is one of the main factors of business success. Priority should be given to sites near transport junctions, highways or mini / large car parks. In addition, it should be envisaged that the gas station is not on the essay in relation to settlements, as this will reduce the sales volumes of products at times. Look for places where there are no advertised monopolist holding and there is a high level of demand.

I agree, to find the territory that it will meet absolutely all requirements is incredibly difficult, however, the more conditions are observed, the higher the profitability of your business plan of gas stations in the future. Before concluding a lease agreement, it is advised to order an independent expertise on the suitability of the section under the ODS.

Plan room plan per gas station:

    hall for trade.

    An additional source of income will not hurt. If the business plan provides a mini gas station, this item can be missed out of mind;

    An integral object for staff and clients of gas stations;


    Like the first item, in the case of a mini gas station, may be irrelevant;

    dressing room.

    For use from the staff of the gas station.

The main office is better to position separately, for example, in the central part of the city. The interior of the business premises is formed on the basis of the preferences of the owner of the business. In addition to premises for customer service, 2 columns will be located on the territory of the gas station - this is the best option for classical refueling. In the case of a mini gas station, depending on the module module level, you can use both 1 TRC and a pair.

The procedure for the production process of gas stations:

  1. Transport of the supplier delivers fuel and merges it into specialized tanks located on the station.
  2. The car owner comes on the gas station to the TRC and inserts a gun into the tank. If you have excess money in the business plan on personnel, this action can provide a separate employee of the trading point.
  3. Payment of the desired fuel volume at the checkout.
  4. Purge of the check by the cashier and the launch of the Bay of the TRC.
  5. Ending the bay. Check out the client and waiting for the following.

When working on a mini gas station, the procedure may differ slightly, but the general algorithm, we think clear. The area of \u200b\u200bthe site itself under the gas stations depends on the format. With mini refueling - it is from 300 square meters, and in the case of the development of the business plan of a full-fledged gas station - from 900 squares and higher. The gas station itself will be sufficiently distinguished from the section of about 70 square meters of space.

2. Equipment and Personnel on gas station

The number of staff for the gas station is formed on the basis of the scale of the open business. Important moment for each new employee received - certificates of vocational training. To get this crust can be in specialized courses in nearby cities. When admission to work, the nuance should immediately discuss with the applicant, as not everyone wants to spend 2 weeks to spend on training, in some cases, at its own expense or in the course of deduction from the future wage. The average cost of the course is from 2,000 rubles.

The staff will consist of:

  • technical staff that will perform responsibilities for refueling vehicles, dripping wheels and other services provided for in the price list of gas station;
  • cashier, on the shoulders of which will lay out the calculation, and the possible preparation of coffee by ordering the client of the gas station;
  • the seller - if there is a mini store at refueling;
  • the repairman is responsible for the performance of equipment + helps in the provision of services for light repair of motor vehicles of column clients;
  • guards - 2 people, which will work shift to ensure the safety of your business;
  • cleaner - engaged in guidance of order both in the placement of gas stations and in the adjacent territory;
  • electric - works under the contract and is called if necessary.

As a rule, accounting in business plan is given to outsourcing, because here the entrepreneur will succeed a little. The same applies to the position of the manager who takes the owner himself. As business expands, the final number of mining staff may increase proportionally.

What equipment will need:

  • stainless tanks (3-4 jokes) with a capacity of 30 cubic meters each. The exact amount is determined at the calculation of fuels, which will be implemented on the gas station in accordance with the business plan;
  • fuel storage tank emergency situations - 1 joke with a volume of 20 cubic meters;
  • fire tank - 1 piece from 10 cubic meters;
  • reduction columns, desirable, equipped with sensors on the flow of fuel issued;
  • automated type control system for refueling;
  • POS terminal;
  • computers + peripherals to them;
  • equipment to provide fire safety;
  • security system + video surveillance (optional).

For software solutions for business management, the entrepreneur is better to take advantage of ready-made systems from well-known manufacturers. The same S & B or Smart Oil will be the most. The exact number of equipment units depends, again, from the column format and its productivity for the sale of fuel. The purchase of equipment for gas stations is better to do only in certified suppliers - this will simplify the business registration procedure and will speed up the period of issuing some certificates by 20% -30%.

5) How to promote business - project marketing plan

Before working out the marketing strategy, it is necessary to analyze some parameters. First of all - competition on the local market and the optimality of the selected place under refueling. If the entrepreneur managed to knock out the platform with a large influx of customers, and, together with the lack of monopolums of the market, the business will go to the mountain much faster. Prerequisites K. this decision We described in detail in the analytical part above.

In second place is worth - assortment of services and prices. With a mini gas station, everything is clear - the sale of fuel + primitive service. With traditional refueling, everything is much more interesting - this is a hundred and mini market, and car wash + another bunch of various offers, which can be useful for the client. The table above shows an approximate alignment for refueling with moderate "appetites". If desired, the markup can be made above, however, will increase the risk of customer outflow, and for novice business it is very undesirable.

With regard to an indirect source of profits with a gas station - the situation is similar. The table above shows the optimal equity ratio based on the level of demand for one or another gas station products.

Effect of season when planning work of gas station - A very insignificant factor that can be neglected. Given the time for registration of documentation, detuning the site and placing a gas station, to achieve an optimal level of fuel production, it can take up to 12 months - a pessimistic version of the events. With a skillful advertising campaign in the business plan of gas stations, this period can be reduced by 60% -90%.

Business promotion tools:

  • glowing stela with rates for gasoline / diesel fuel;
  • signboard;
  • balls for the first month after opening;
  • leaflets with a new gas station advertising;
  • placement of advertising structures on the transport junctions and in other places with a high level of traffic;
  • articles in printed publications;
  • personal site;
  • advertising in local media;
  • advertising inserts on local radio.

It will not be superfluous and periodic shares on fuel discounts - it will attract more permanent customers + It will increase the effect of "sarafined radio", thereby reducing spending on the advertising campaign of the business.

6) Settlement of business on gas station

The business plan for gas stations cannot be called a rapidly paid project. According to statistics, more than 90% of businessmen return investment no earlier than 4 years Since the opening of the gas station. Good links or work under franchise reduce up to 3 years, however, this time interval for a novice entrepreneur cannot be called satisfactory.

One-time opening costs:

  • registration of business - up to 400,000 rubles;
  • development, construction site under gas stations + installation of modules - 2,100,000 rubles;
  • advertising on business promotion - 90 000 rubles;
  • equipment in the minimum configuration - 1,200,000 rubles;
  • other expenses are 30,000 rubles.

In the end, only to start the speaker itself, we will need to invest about 3,820,000 rubles. If everything was over on this, the proposed business plan would not be so expensive, however, the monthly spending should be taken into account.

Monthly business costs:

  • foundation for remuneration - 250,000 rubles;
  • rent - 50,000 rubles;
  • depreciation - 30 000 rubles;
  • communication - 6,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 15 000 rubles;
  • remote Accounting - 10,000 rubles;
  • purchase of fuel - 3,500,000 rubles;
  • protection of the object or chop - 25,000 rubles.

In addition to starting capital on the discovery, will have to provide a gas stations and 3,886,000 rubles for monthly expenses, And this is only by preliminary miscalculations. In practice, the amount may turn out to be much more - + 20% -40%.

The income part is formed on the basis of the markup, which will depend on the demand and additional services provided to customers as part of the implementation point. At a discount rate of 10%, current sufficiency will be about 500,000 rublesHowever, its overcoming will occur only after reaching the high volume of sales, which will leave 7 to 9 months after the start.

Its gas station. How to become the owner of your own filling station?

Business Plan Mini Gas Supplies - Niche Features Economy Refueling

As you already understood, a full-scale gas station is not the cheapest pleasure, especially for a beginner entrepreneur. The markup of 20% does not save the situation, since our people used to double investment, and not be content with small. All of the above comes to a completely adequate solution - the opening of a mini petrol station.

Popularity to mini refueling came in 2012, when the object was derived from the influence of Rostechnadzor. In 2019, the classification of stations is engaged in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the connection of the old body of influence is made only if the business has a location on a dangerous type of production.

Features of the design mini gas station:

    wall thickness.

    Severe alone and double-liquor mini fuel containers. The first is allowed to exploit only outside the settlements + their volume should not exceed 10 cubic meters. To use, the construction of the pallet is also required, in addition to the transport platform, which makes the business financial plan more costly;


    Mini containers are equipped with a built-in fuel pump. The software stuffing should provide a system for controlling between wall space with a function of unloading alert. In more detail with other features of mini containers can be found in the NBP111-98;

    volume of compartments.

    If a mini gas station on the territory of the village, then the volume of the chamber is less than 10 cubic meters, and the volume of the entire container is less than 40 cubic meters. When locating behind the village, the camera is not more than 20 cubic meters, but the entire container is not more than 60 cubic meters.

The inconsistency of the agreed standards entails an automatic transition of a mini gas station (CASS) to another classifier type, accordingly, all the advantages of a container solution entrepreneur loses. In relation to the documentation for mini refueling, then it is necessary declaration of the Customs Union and Typesportport + Eco / Sanitary Certificates.

Automate mini refueling much easier than a full gas station. It is enough to install an automatic system of non-operator control of the remote type, which will produce fuel according to chips or smart cards. The price of one mini refueling is from 100,000 rubles. Taking into account the costs of registration and knock out all permits, the total capital of the business plan will not exceed 250,000 rubles, which is a very attractive alternative to multi-million business with dubious payback periods.

It should also be understood that the business plan mini gas station will not be able to bring you a multi-million income, since the volumes of fuel sold will be very modest. Even taking into account the markups of 30% -40%, the net monthly profit will take the mark of 100,000 rubles.

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Business associated with oil does not always require enormous financial investments and the presence of serious relations in the relevant area. Starting their work in the direction of selling petroleum products better from wholesale, which will allow short time Get high profitability.

How to open a business: wholesale of petroleum products. Key Features

Before you begin the discovery of wholesale sales, including petroleum products, the founder should become familiar with the relevant regulatory acts that determine the concepts and main features of the wholesale trade. These regulatory documents include the current law today "On the basics of state regulation trade activities In Russian federation".

Before opening own company The prospects for selling petroleum products should be explored to determine all the advantages and disadvantages of the selected direction. So, gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, lubricants, solvents and other varieties of petroleum products are unambiguously in demand by most modern people, therefore, both retail and wholesale This product will always have their buyer. The next aspect that needs to be explored is the prospects for wholesale sales.

According to experienced market participants, for a novice entrepreneur sale of any product wholesale may be more profitable in comparison with retail. You can explain this by several factors. First, wholesale trade suggests the conclusion of long-term contracts with buyers and eliminates the constant search for product trays. Secondly, engaging in the wholesale of petroleum products, one can become an official dealer of certain companies, thereby taking a promising position on the market.

Wholesale of fuel, lubricants and other petroleum products do not provide for the mandatory opening of the trading point and refueling. Due to this, you can save at least 100 thousand rubles only at the enterprise creation phase.

Planning should prevail the opening of a business on sales of any goods. By drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to provide a level of competition, having studied the existing supply in the market, as well as analyzing the demand level. At this stage, it should be thought out what the target audience will be, since this feature largely determines the overall concept of the company. Be sure to the business plan should include calculations regarding the cost of creating a business, its further development and payback of the new company. Based on the calculations, the total amount of investment for the opening of the enterprise, making the conclusion about future sources of financing a new business project. For example, if own funds The entrepreneur is not enough, he can resort to bank lending.

One of the greatest difficulties that are expected to find the founders in wholesale sales - sharp fluctuations in prices for petroleum products, which significantly affects not only profit, but also the level of demand. In this regard, in order to prevent losses caused by such trends, it is necessary to follow the main events in the selected market segment and be able to use the received data for the benefit of the company.

Stages of the basis of the business on the wholesale of petroleum products

One of the first stages of the opening of the business on the wholesale of petroleum products will be renting or acquiring the room. Immediately need to determine whether it will immediately need a storage for petroleum products or there will be no need for it. In particular, wholesale providers often use the possibility of storing purchased parties of goods at the oil refining factory, after which the products can immediately go to the buyer. With such an organization of work, there will be enough lease of a small office for the head and other employees, it is also important to take care of providing uninterrupted delivery to the buyer. In the future, in order to reduce the cost of placement of petroleum products at the oil refining plant, one can open their own premises for their storage. This will require considerable investments, however, with active wholesale sales, all costs will quickly pay off.

As for transportation costs, the wholesale sales and delivery of petroleum products will require special transport equipment - fuel trucks. Since such machines have a considerable value and their acquisition can become too expensive for a novice entrepreneur, it is possible to rent transport along with the driver at first. In addition to cars, selling and shipping fuel will require the purchase of special equipment, including pumps, hoses and counters.

Personnel for the enterprise engaged in wholesale sales of petroleum products may be small: in the absence of its own refinery, it is possible to restrict ourselves to the staff of one or two relationship managers with suppliers and customer search. An accountant, driver and some other employees at the opening stage of the company can be involved in the need for outsourcing. True, all employees directly contact with the goods must have experience with petroleum products and be properly trained to avoid danger to ambient and people. Having calculated the number of employees necessary for the work of the enterprise, it should be found out what level of wages is payable to the relevant in this area. As a rule, on average qualified fuel delivery staff, as well as experienced sales managers, a sufficient level of salary should be offered - from 15 thousand rubles and above, which will make it possible to fill the staff of competent and experienced specialists.

Purchase of gasoline and other types of fuels, as well as other goods related to the category of petroleum products, should be carried out taking into account the existing trends and requirements for product quality. So, it is very important to choose a reliable manufacturer whose products will meet the requirements of future buyers.

Promotion of the company at wholesale of petroleum products will be simpler compared to retail. So, for gasoline, fuel, lubricants and other similar products, the main buyers will be small gas stations and specialized stores. The particular target audience of the company will depend mainly from the initial activity.

So, if an enterprise will deal with small or medium in bulk, the main customers of products can be the usual consumers and small specialized companies. In this case best methods Promotions will be advertising online, signboard, banners and other species outdoor advertising. To count on contracts with large network refueling and specialized stores selling lubricants and other related goods, you should first earn a certain image in the selected area, taking a predominant position in the selected activity.

Official registration of the company

In order to open an enterprise on the wholesale of petroleum products, it is necessary to design one of the existing organizational forms. The choice of concrete of them will depend on the peculiarities of the company's activities, in particular, whether it will offer small, medium or large wholesale. Since trade in petroleum products refers to serious activities, opening the enterprise of this kind, it is preferable to register a legal entity. Thus, issued the status of LLC, one can expect cooperation with large enterprises, including international, which in the future will give significantly great prospects. In addition, firms with the form of a legal entity seem to be more opportunities to become official dealers of companies known in its industry - manufacturers of petroleum products.

Obtaining the status of LLC requires a number of mandatory conditions:

  • filling out a special form of an application in accordance with the established form with an indication of the activities and personal information about all founders. The statement necessarily indicate the type of activity on the current classifier of the OKVED;
  • introduction of authorized capital in the amount of 10 thousand rubles;
  • the provision of a package of documents determined by the FTS standards, among which passports and the INN of all founders, the decision to establish a Ltd. and the appointment of the head, the protocol of the meeting of founders in the presence of several owners and some others;
  • payment of state duty, the size of which is 4 thousand rubles, in any separation of the bank;
  • submitting an application and a fixed package of documents and expecting confirmation from specialists for 14 days.

If, opening a business on wholesale of petroleum products, its founder plans to organize minor entrepreneurial activities, it can immediately go to the simplified form of taxation by filling out the appropriate statement.

Unlike the form of the IP for Ltd. the obligatory will be issuing a settlement account, which will contain payment details of the company. Due to the availability of a current account, financial transactions are made by non-cash. In order to get it, refer to the bank, providing confirmation of the registration of LLC and submitted all the constituent documents, as well as a lease agreement or receipt of the premises, accounting reporting in the last period and other documents that the Bank may request.

Mandatory to Ltd. will be the order of the press of the enterprise, which distinguishes this form from individual entrepreneurship.

Thus, the wholesale of petroleum products is promising and interesting, especially for experienced businessmen. Beginning entrepreneurs recommend starting this activity with small-pool trade, characterized by lower risks and not so significant financial investments.

Jun 8, 2017 Sergey

Retail sale of automotive fuel is a highly profitable business. For this reason, many novice entrepreneurs are asked: how to open a gas station from scratch and how much does it cost?

In this article we will look at how to open the refueling, and state detailed example Business plan with calculations. We also learn what permits To do this, we need, consider the size of the necessary financial investments to understand how much it costs to open a gas station.

Business specifics at refueling

Open your refueling is a difficult task that requires great entrepreneurial experience. This kind of business requires the investment of considerable money, so it is worth making an adequate assessment of their financial opportunities. Not every newcomer can compete with Rosneft refills.

Experts do not recommend this type of entrepreneurship if you open your first one's own business. The market beginners will be easier to open a gas station on a franchise and work under the wing of a well-known brand. In this case, they will be provided with stable fuel supplies and a wide database of potential customers.

Independent business management involves finding loyal providers with flexible cooperation conditions and stable regular fuel supplies. As a rule, such suppliers are small oil refineries.

Drivers often prefer references with a well-known name, which should also be considered. To conquer regular visitors, you can recommend introduction own system Cumulative bonuses for regular customers so that they are profitable to refuel from you. It is constantly necessary to generate new ideas to promote your brand.

Every year the number of motorists is growing, and therefore the demand for automotive fuel. A very high entry threshold to this niche is compensated for quite quick payback, and for this you need to make a necessary business plan.

The first steps

First of all, it is necessary to study the gas station market and assess the level of supply in your region. Determine your competitive advantages. At this stage it is worth understanding if you will conduct a completely independent business, or resort to franchise.

There are two more ways to become the owner of your refueling: buy ready business Or become a tenant.

GUM sales services are subject to licensing. It will be necessary to take care of the issue of obtaining a license for the right to store and sell fuel. This right is confirmed by the presence of documents with the seal of the established format.

Two different formats

As it was already noted before opening its refueling, it is necessary to determine the fundamental principle of your future business. This may be entirely and completely independent activities or franchising. To go into a free swimming in this area and open a gas station from scratch, without the presence of the appropriate experience - too risky undertaking due to a variety of complex nuances.

According to experts, the most optimal option for a novice entrepreneur is the work on a franchise from leading market leaders. The recognizable logo of a large company, such as Gazprom or LUKOIL, is always attracted by car enthusiasts.

Franchising has several advantages, among which:

  1. Assistance of experienced specialists at the opening stage of the enterprise.
  2. Consulting during the organization of work of refueling.
  3. Ensuring fuel supplies with reliable suppliers.
  4. Work on behalf of the famous brand is a stable stream of customers.

Buying a franchise has its own minuses:

  • strict compliance with corporate standards;
  • lack of freedom in pricing policy;
  • mandatory and regular payments for franchise.

Deciding with a business format, it should be a question of its registration in municipal and tax authorities. Large companies such as Gazprom work on a common tax system, therefore are VAT payers.

For this reason, such suppliers like Rosneft cannot include in their expenses and income of operations with IP. Hence the main recommendation: the gas station requires registration as a legal entity - (LLC). After purchasing this status, your company will have its own branded printing.

By registering your business, you can proceed to the following, no less important stages - choosing the location of your future gas stations and the preparation of design and estimate documentation.

Choosing a place

Location is an extremely important question, both in terms of potential profitability and in terms of safety requirements. It will be necessary to learn many information about the state of the market. It should be carefully analyzing the car stream in your city and the availability of free land.

The gas station is placed, as a rule, on lively motorways and junction. The refueling must be provided with a convenient entrance. The size of the required plot is determined by the following criteria:

  1. A variety of types of fuel sold (gasoline, dt, methane, propane).
  2. Number of TRC.
  3. The presence / absence of a gas station of working cafes, a miniskore, etc.

The average area of \u200b\u200bthe site is usually 100 m2.

Dear visitors Below is an example of a business plan for gas stations with economic calculations. Calculations made by experts with extensive experience in the Excel file, so that can be adapted to any business plan for other gas stations. After reading the document you can download a file with the calculations below. If you have any questions - ask them directly in the comments, a group of VKontakte, or writing to us by mail.


Purpose: "Opening of the gas station in Penza"

Tasks: "Supply of motorists of nearby areas with fuel and lubricants"

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the construction of a new gas station is an individual entrepreneur - the owner of the network of refueling (3 pieces) in Penza and the Penza region. The entrepreneur has extensive experience in this business, owns three profitable objects and has established relations with suppliers of fuel.

Investment expenses

For opening a gas station, investment investments in the amount of 3,949 thousand rubles are required, which are divided into, project development, construction, acquisition of equipment and products.

The distribution of investments in the directions is presented in the table below:

Name of works

Purchase of land

Project development


Acquisition of equipment

Purchase of products

Financing the project

The project financing will be carried out from two sources - own funds for the initiator of the project and credit funds. The loan is planned to be obtained in the amount of 2,649 thousand rubles. Under 19% per annum for 5 years with a differentiated repayment schedule.

As collateral will be provided land plotand also purchased equipment refueling.

Project payback indicators

Based on the introductory data and prerequisites that will be described below in the financial part of the business plan, a model for calculating the payback of the construction of the gas station was built. The effectiveness indicators of this project are described below:

  • Planned inflation - 10%;
  • A simple payback period is 3.6 years;
  • Discounted payback period - 4.3 years;
  • NPV - 5 367 thousand rubles;

These indicators suggest that the project is interesting in terms of investment and pays off at a fairly short time.

Product Suppliers

As the main supplier of products, it is planned to attract the nearest refinery of one of the largest manufacturers of fuel and securities to LUKOIL PJSC. This will ensure the refueling of high-quality inexpensive products. LUKOIL Prices are lower than prices for similar products of other manufacturers of gasoline and diesel fuelAnd also have widespread advertising support and a wide range. In addition, the company offers its own rule of engine oils, oils for boxes.

In addition, as a supplier of cooling and brake fluids, it is planned to attract one of the manufacturers of this product in Penza.

Construction company and equipment suppliers

As a construction company, it is planned to attract a local contractor with whom the company worked on the opening of the gas station earlier. The company has experience more than 15 years, as well as extensive experience in the construction of similar stations for major gas stations - LUKOIL, Gazprom, Rosneft.

The equipment supplier is planned by a large Moscow company, which also supplies equipment of gas stations in all major refueling networks.


Products of gas stations will not differ from others and will include the following groups of goods:

  • Gasoline of three grades - 92, 95, 98;
  • Diesel fuel;
  • Motor oils and additives;
  • Coolant;
  • Brake fluids.
  • Related Products (Drinks, Fast Food, Magazines)


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document 4-5 times and increase the chances of obtaining investment 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

The volume of investments in the opening of the gas station will be 3,949 thousand rubles, most of which will be aimed at purchasing equipment and the construction of the gas stations itself. A large amount will be spent on the purchase of a land plot.

Investment costs are described in detail in the table below (rub. With VAT):

Naming of expenditures


Number of


Purchase of land


Production equipment

Fuel dispenser

System of gas station management system

Pressure sensor microprocessor


Fuel storage tanks

Trade software


Cash machine



Purchase of goods


3 949 000,00

Plan of investment pay and works

It is planned that the duration of construction and launch of the gas station will be 8 months. The work plan for the opening of the gas station is presented below:

Room and refueling

As part of the business plan, it is planned to build your own premises, which will allow you to place a cashier, a security guard and a small store of related products for the car (oil, liquid). The room will consist of the following rooms:

  • Shopping Hall (products and cashier will be placed here;
  • Bathroom;
  • Warehouse for goods;
  • Dressing room.

More rooms are not planned, since all the leadership is in an office space, which the company is specifically rented in the city center. The number of managerial personnel will not increase, so additional expenses for the office will not need.

The site will stand out of 2 filling columns with the possibility of refueling two cars simultaneously with each of them. This setting is a standard value for refueling this type and provides an optimal relationship between investment and subsequent revenue.

Working hours

It is planned that the gas station will work without days off and festive days around the clock. This is caused by the need to refuel vehicles at any time, regardless of the time of day and holidays.

Manufacturing process

The business process of the workflow of gas stations will be standard enough:

  1. Beltovoz brings gasoline from the plant and merges it into special fuel storage tanks on the gas station.
  2. The car owner drives up on his car to the dispensing column and inserts a gun into the car tank.
  3. It goes to the cashier to say the volume and the brand of fuel of gasoline and the number of the speaker, pays for money.
  4. The cashier beat the check and triggers the bay.
  5. After graduating from the bay, the car owner inserts a gun back into the column and leaving his release to the next buyer.

Product costs

The gas station acquires fuel, oil and liquid from suppliers and manufacturers of these goods. The cost of products for product groups and the markup are presented below in the table:

Commodity Group

Cost price

Diesel fuel


Marketing plan


The number of competitors in the market of gas stations is very large. To date, it is almost impossible to go to this business player in this area. The market employs large gasoline manufacturers (such as LUKOIL, Rosneft, Gazprom) and small but fairly stable gas station networks.

To date, all the most favorable places for refueling are already taken, however, the constantly increasing car fleet and the service speed requirements lead to the fact that it periodically agrees the need to increase both the amount of gas stations and the expansion of existing one.


The land plot planned for the purchase of a gas station is located on the road from the city on a very busy road in the industrial zone of the city. After the construction, the refueling will be clearly visible from the road both in the daytime and in the night, which will allow you to receive buyers at any time.

Assortment and prices

The range of products implemented will be standard for all gas stations. First of all, it will be all the brands of gasoline. In addition, motorists will be offered motor oils, cooling and brake fluids. In addition, the accommodated goods for drivers are implemented at the gas station (for example: drinks, snacks, magazines, personal hygiene goods)

Product prices will follow prices on major gas station gas stations belonging to gasoline producers and will be below 50 kopecks. The fact is that at the same prices for gasoline, the consumer will definitely choose the refueling of the oil company, and when the price is reduced, some consumers are ready to refuel on third-party gas stations despite the fact that they are confident as gasoline.

The table below shows the product range of product groups, price, cost and extra charge.

Commodity Group

Cost (rub / l)



(rub / l)

Share in sales

Diesel fuel



Below in the table shows the range of accompanying product groups.

Commodity Group



Share in sales

Cold drinks

Personal hygiene products

Newspapers magazines


Volume of sales

Unlike other goods, the demand for gasoline practically does not have seasonality in demand, so to plan revenue by months we will not put seasonality indices. However, due to the fact that the opening of gas stations will not allow you to immediately attract the maximum number of car enthusiasts. We will launch a schedule for the planned sales volume:


%% of the maximum sales volume

Thus, as can be seen from the table, the gas station will be released for the maximum implementation of approximately one year.

After going to the maximum sales volume, we plan that the average check of refueling will be 1000 rubles, and about 600 cars will be refilled, which is approximately 25 cars per hour.

Advertising strategy

In order to maximally quickly reach full sales, it is planned to hold an advertising campaign that would attract the greatest amount of consumers per gas station. For this, it is planned to use the following promotional channels:

  • Production of stele with glowing prices for gasoline - 200,000 rubles;
  • Registration of gas stations in colors, appropriate for the trademark of the rest of the network of refueling stations - 100,000 rubles;
  • Making a signboard - 50,000 rubles;
  • Decor balls in the first month of discovery - 30,000 rubles;
  • Distribution of leaflets on the available gas stations with information about the opening of another trading point - 3,000 rubles;
  • Placing advertising structures with advertising gas stations at other refueling of the network - 10,000 rubles;
  • Hiring growth figures for clustering customers - 20 000 rubles / month.

Organizational plan


Due to the fact that the company already has a gas station network, this refueling station will also be issued for a limited liability company. The land plot will be purchased for this and the loan is made.

Staff and full-time structure

Personnel staff, its salary and bonuses are presented in the table below:


Number of



Director *

20% of profits

3% of revenue

Stuffing worker

"* - marked positions whose functionality will be performed by the existing employees of the enterprise for an additional charge.

I would like to note that a security guard must be attended for a gas station, but it will be provided with a private security company, so the costs of it are laid under the article "Security Services".

Financial plan


- 4.3 years;
  • NPV - 5 367 thousand rubles;
  • Breakeven point

    Based on the constructed model, the break-even point for gas station was calculated, which was 489 thousand rubles.

    Given the fact that we are planning to reach a monthly revenue of 600 thousand rubles. With VAT and a schedule for maximum sales, the gas station will start making a profit from the 7th month.

    Project Stability Analysis

    In order to obtain information about what factors and how much can affect the change in the profits of the project, we built the following table, which describes the change in the NPV indicator, depending on the change in selling prices for gasoline and diesel fuel, purchasing price and expenses of the enterprise, taking into account the salary:


    Vacation prices

    Purchase price

    Risk analysis

    We divided all available risks to political, economic, social, technological.


    These include the risk of a decrease in supply of fuel and gas supply in connection with the invention and the introduction of a radically new engine that does not require gasoline or diesel fuel, as well as the growth of cars for gas. However, as we see in the near future, there is no conclusion of a new engine, and the use of gas instead of gasoline and diesel fuel, even leads to savings, but leads to a faster engine wear. In addition, at least a significant increase in gas consumption will lead to a sharp jump to the cost of it and, accordingly, will stop this growth.


    These risks include the risk of reducing the population in the city of Penza, which in turn will lead to a sharp decrease in the number of cars. However, in the city, all production works, the economic situation is normal, therefore there are no sharp reductions in the population.


    The sales of gasoline is strongly regulated by the state, therefore, with the introduction of political restrictions on the price of gasoline, it may cause all gas stations to reduce their prices and, accordingly, will not profit.


    Reducing economic growth will not allow the planned profit, which will lead to delays in the payment of loan and possible judicial disputes with the credit institution. Further network development in this case will be sufficiently difficult.

    A beginner entrepreneur who wants to open the refueling should be understood that a number of difficulties await him ahead. This species Entrepreneurial activity requires large starting investments and competition is quite high. In order for such a thing to be successful, you need to work a thorough business plan for this type.

    A similar business is better practicing, having experience of entrepreneurial activity earlier. If the newcomer decided to open his refueling from scratch, it is best to purchase a franchise. Then, there will be an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the finished project, to receive continuous supply of raw materials, and take advantage of the ready-made customer database.

    If the entrepreneur decide to open a gas station independently, it needs to ensure reliable partnerships. Permanent fuel supplies are a key point in achieving success in such a business. To do this, it is worth contacting the proposal for cooperation to small refineries.

    It should be understood that the main audience of customers prefers proven gas stations. Therefore, in order to be able to get your customers, it is necessary to carefully consider the advertising campaign strategy. One of effective methods Development similar business Is the introduction of bonus programs with discounts.

    The advantage of business at gas stations is that demand will continue to grow on this type of product. Despite all the difficulties in the opening of this entrepreneurial case, if you get an effective business plan, then the payback period will be very fast.

    How to start opening a gas station?

    Before opening the gas station, it is necessary to carefully examine the demand market and suggestions in this field of activity. In many regions of Russia, this market is engaged in the largest companies: Bekar and Rosneft. To open this business, it is worth making a map of the refueling of the region where you can clearly see promising places to accommodate your own gas stations.

    For businessmen who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities for the first time, it is useful to explore the ready-made market analysis and the problems existing in it. This includes a low quality fuel, which does not correspond to the stated, noting gasoline in tanks and more. For business on opening a gas station there are three common formats:

    • purchase an existing enterprise in which the expense level remains unknown for the organization or rent. About what.
    • acquire a franchise;
    • open the gas station from scratch.

    In order to engage in the implementation of fuel and lubricants, it is necessary to issue a special license. Otherwise, without the presence of such a document, storing such materials will be considered illegal activities.

    What documents are needed in order to open the refueling

    Those entrepreneurs who decided to do opening a gas station Alone, it is necessary to prepare a package of the following documents:

    • application for registration of IP or LLC;
    • receipt for the payment of state duty;
    • copies of the passport and the Inn entrepreneur (for IP);
    • copies of constituent documents (for LLC);
    • for the selected territory conclusion cadastral engineer and an agreement with the operating owner;
    • ready-made design of the premises;
    • permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SanEpidemstation;
    • treaty with profile organizations that are engaged in disposal of waste from production and export of non-hazardous garbage (4-5 categories);
    • permission to implement petroleum products;
    • concluded contracts with fuel and lubricant suppliers;
    • fuel quality certificates.

    How to choose a place to open a gas station?

    When choosing a place to open a gas station, after making a map of the refills of the region, you must carefully examine potential places For accommodation for streaming machines nearby.

    Optimally placing the refueling next to the road junctions and motorways. For the station, it is necessary to provide a convenient entrance. In order to determine the size of the future refueling, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

    • assortment of fuels that will be advanced;
    • availability of a cafe or shop;
    • number of TRC.

    The average size of the gas station is about 100 sq.m.

    What equipment must be purchased for gas station?

    To open the gas station on the purchase of equipment should not save. Since its quality determines the period that it will last. Also, work with fuel and lubricants belongs to the category of unsafe, so any defects with equipment can lead to undesirable consequences.

    For a small gas station must be purchased:

    • capacity for the livnevel system (1 pc.);
    • fuel storage tank (4 pcs.);
    • capacity for the Livestone System (1 PC.);
    • refueling column (2 pcs.);
    • cables, remote controls.

    Best of the Livnestok system connect to urban communications.

    At refueling it is worth paving a good asphalt and establish reliable precipitation canopies. You also need to hold settings. softwareSuppose to optimize all trade and gas stations.

    If you plan to open a gas station on which gaseous fuel will be realized, it is worth purchasing special equipment.

    What personnel need to hire on a gas station?

    Opening the gas station involves round-the-clock operation. Therefore, hiring the working personnel is necessary on the basis of a two-chart. In the permanent staff must be hired:

    • one cashier;
    • two operators of filling columns;
    • one guard.

    For the supply department, you must hire the following employees:

    • electrician;
    • locking repairman.

    To maintain financial statements, you can use the services of third-party specialized organizations or to hire a specialist on an ongoing basis.

    To earn commitment from customers, you need to hire neat and polite employees. To understand how to organize workers, it is necessary to study the customer service system from Gazprom. They are considered a reference company. To create a good image, refueling is worth ensuring all the staff to the uniform.

    Profit and expenses from opening gas stations

    Business on the opening of the gas stations is very expensive. Initial investments will be as follows:

    • the official registration of entrepreneurial activities and the purchase of a cash automaton - about 25 thousand rubles;
    • rent of the territory under the gas station - about 30 thousand rubles. / month;
    • acquisition of equipment and special software - about 400 thousand rubles.
    • installation and purchase of specialized equipment - about 2.5 million rubles.

    If the entrepreneur decided to open a gas station independently, in the first stages he will have to invest about 4 million rubles. The construction of the station itself takes an average of about 6 months.

    It is also necessary to provide monthly expenses:

    • additional costs of supplying fuel raw materials - about 140 thousand rubles;
    • purchase of goods - about 300 thousand rubles;
    • payment municipal payments - about 5 thousand rubles;
    • advertising costs - from 30 thousand rubles;
    • payment of wage fund - from 150 to 200 thousand rubles. average.

    In a small city, with proper placement of the station, it can be brought per month more than 1 million rubles. income. The payback period of such a business is about 1 year. If a business plan for the opening of the gas station was compiled correctly, taking into account all the nuances, the refueling will quickly pay off. Already in a year it will be possible to think about the opening of a whole network of such refueling. You can also dilute the range of services, and put the car service next to refueling. This will help increase customer stream.

    Marketing and advertising gas station

    In order to ensure the flow of clients on the gas station, it is necessary to organize an effective advertising campaign. It is suitable as traditional methods of advertising and internet marketing.

    Bright banners and city lights will attract the attention of passing by motorists. But the holding of various shares and draws on the pages in social networks It will help to delay old customers. You can also join partnerships with shops that sell goods for cars. They can place advertising leaflets on their outlet and receive a certain percentage.


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