Gas refueling as a business. Business plan for opening gas stations (refueling) from scratch Ready business plan with calculations of petroleum products

Retail trade in petroleum products traditionally relates to a high-statement of business not only in Russia, but also in almost all countries where there is vehicles. Nevertheless, within the framework of this business plan, two strategic concepts are used, allowing you to confidently enter this highly competitive market and receive your guaranteed profits.
The first trend is related to the fact that, despite all the economic difficulties in the country, the automotive market after some consolidation and even a decline is growing confidently at least by 2-3% per year. It is worth noting that over the past 10 years, the Rossi car fleet actually doubled and reached the mark - more than 56 million cars. It is about 250 - 300 cars per 1000 people. This trend will be maintained in the future, since russian market still far from his saturation.

The second basic element of the business concept is the fact that motor fuel refers to the category of goods having inelastic demand, and in demand by the population as well as basic foods - bread and milk. A significant positive point here is that the business of gas stations is fully protected from inflation costs and the rise in fuel prices, in some cases even exceeding the inflation rate, allows you to obtain an additional part of the profits. Over the past five years, average prices for automotive gasoline in the country rose in the range from 30 to 44%.

In addition, it should also be borne in mind that the increase in the number of electric vehicles in roads is carried by insignificant risks for the fuel market. These risks are still minimal, and in the perspective of several years, the GOST business will be highly profitable even at a high price of entering this market.

The amount of initial investment is 3 710 000 rubles.

The break-even point is achieved on the secondmonth of work.

Payback period 17 months.

Middle net profit 230 000 rubles.

2. Business, product or service description

The gas station is located on the border of the city between the suburban zone, an industrial zone and several bedroom areas, which provides access to the main categories of customers. The nearest gas stations of competitors are located 10 km and 15 km.

The main types of motor fuel selling at the gas station correspond to GOST 32513-2013, GOST 1667-68:

  • gasoline car "AI 98 - Premium" (for Euro-5 cars);
  • gasoline automotive AI 95;
  • gasoline automotive AI - 92;
  • diesel fuel - DT.

Purchase of motor fuel is carried out directly from regional wholesale dealers of petroleum products, with an average markup of no more than 20-30%.

The operation of the gas station is carried out around the clock in a semi-automatic mode, under the control of the replaceable operator. In the future, the expansion of the range of services of the gas station is discussed - this is the opening of a small round-the-clock cafe, a tire workshop and car wash.

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • constant demand for motor fuel;
  • large selection of sales channels and fuel supplies;
  • fast adaptation to rapidly changing market
  • the possibility of creating an individual approach to customer requests for supply and discounts provided.
  • competition from local gas stations, network dealers of petroleum products;
  • poor quality work personnel
  • risks of frequent damage and equipment failure

Project features:

Project threats:

  • business expansion due to an increase in the range of gas stations;
  • opportunity to work with corporate clients;
  • the possibility of creating related types of business - outlets, cafes;
  • high competition in the market;
  • raising gasoline prices and other fuels;
  • sharp increase in rent;
  • termination of the lease agreement;
  • reducing the purchasing power of the commercial sector and reducing demand for fuel from the part of the car owners.

3. Sales Market Description

For characteristics and analysis of the local market for motor fuel (petroleum products), it is possible to use data with sufficient accuracy concerning the overall dynamics of the fuel market as in Russia as a whole and individual regions.

For the practical purposes of studying any local market, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the values \u200b\u200bof the three main parameters:

Competitive environment of the fuel market and the distribution of its shares between the main players. In the whole country, the fuel market where most gas stations work can be designated as a monopolized, where a predominant position, about 80%, is occupied by large oil companies (verticallyintegraded holdings). These are such well-known federal brands like LUKOIL, ROSNEFT, TNK BP, Gazprom Neft, Surgutneftegaz and others. The share of fuel holdings exceeds 35% on retail markets 50 subjects of the Federation. In each third region, it reached 50-60%. Rosneft dominates in 15 regions, LUKOIL - in 11, Surgutneftegaz - in four, TNK-BP and Gazprom Neft control over three regional fuel markets. According to FAS, the cumulative share of the largest oil companies On the market car gasoline exceeds 70% (source

Now on the territory of the Russian Federation from 24-25 thousand gas stations

(Gas station) and only 8 thousand. Particularly included in large monopole companies, but the sales volumes are more than 50%.

That is, the sales volumes of monopolists at their corporate gas stations are on average 3 times higher than on independent gas stations. On average, each of the regions of the country, an entrepreneur entry into the market as an independent motor fuel seller can count on a maximum of 30% of the market, which in turn also share between independent gas stations.

Market volume. The basis for calculating the capacity of the market is such data as the number of cars in a particular region in the calculation for each resident, the average length of the road network (route), preferred fuels and use of those or other gas stations.

According to the Analytical Agency "AUTOSTAT" on January 1, 2017, about 41 million cars were registered in Russia.

You can also take into account such a digit as the number of cars per gas per gas provider.

The length of highways in Russia is 1 million 396 thousand kilometers, and one gas station accounts for 56.9 kilometers. Analysis of highways, for example, in the Kurgan region shows that from the total number of roads: 730 km of federal roads, 2035 km of regional, 5863 municipal and 8597 local. Of these, 8955 km of roads with solid coating. Then one gas station accounts for 44 km of high-coated roads. Thus, the average gas station, when it is located on the track within 40-50 km, can count on servicing 2000-2500 cars.

Characteristics of the target group of customers and analysis of their preferences. Each of the categories of motorists (private, corporate, cargo transport, service transport) has its own preferences on the market, which ultimately is expressed in demand for certain gas stations, fuel types.

  • 77.7% of surveyed motorists are preferred to refuel at large filling stations;
  • 20.3% do not see the difference;
  • 2% argue that they use the services of small gas stations.

Thus, a small-format gas station, can calculate the market share at 22 - 23% of all customer-motorists, attracting them not only to prices, additional services, but also fuel quality.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

To register the business of the gas station in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements of the Laws of the Russian Federation, two processes should be implemented to obtain documents allowing commercial operation.

The first moment is associated with the registration of gas stations as a business. The most optimal option for a small gas station is to register it as an IP. This format of legal registration is already quite clearly worked in tax inspections. For proper filling Statements and provision of the passport of the founder, the whole process will take no more than 3 business days and will cost no more than 10,000 rubles. (Opening the account, manufacture and registration of printing, registration in extrabudgetary funds).

The second point is associated with the design of a gas station as an industrial facility, with the highest category of fire hazard during operation. In order to start building, commissioning and further operation, it is necessary to design the following documents (in general, the sequence of working with them):

  • Conclusion of the lease agreement with the owner land plot (for 49 years).
  • Obtaining a permit or land-building for the construction of an object of increased danger from local authorities (urban or district departments of architecture).
  • Obtaining a permit for the construction and opening of gas stations with the sanctions of the local executive authority (City Hall or Municipal Committee, City Duma).
  • Obtaining approval by project documentation AZS from local divisions of Rostekhnadzor.
  • Get permission to the SES to trade fuel;
  • In the Regional Office of the Ministry of Power Energy to obtain a license for the implementation and storage of fuel;
  • Get permission in the local fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the storage of fuel (it is necessary to equip the station by all fire fighting facilities);
  • Conclude an agreement with the sale of garbage from the territory of the gas station;
  • Conclusion of an agreement with a municipal company for deratization;
  • Having each batch of fuel from suppliers the appropriate quality certificates.

In addition, the certification of the entire gas station equipment must be completed for compliance with the requirements. technical exploitation and compliance with fire safety rules. This applies not only to fuel distribution equipment, but also a gas station computers. Even the furniture used by the PMES staff should pass antistatic processing, which the appropriate certificate from companies licensed from the Ministry of Emergency Situations should be obtained.

As Russian practice shows, for the design of all permits, starting with the construction of a gas station to its final commissioning, it will take about 3-4 months of reinforced work with departments and other official instances. At the same time, the amount of funds spent on conducting the entire design procedure may be in the range of 200 to 500 thousand rubles per gas station.

For the practical implementation of the GOST project in this business plan, the following option is considered to choose the placement of the placement and the purchase of equipment.

Choosing a place of construction. In order to ensure the necessary profitability of the gas station, the land plot is chosen on the border of the city and the suburban zone, in close proximity to the two bedrooms and on the track leading to the industrial zone. The area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot is 900 square meters. m., that enough for simultaneous maintenance of 4 cars. The refill is made by 4 fuel columns with different fuel varieties. Also on the plot there is a Pavilion of gas stations with an operator service, a fire facing room, fuel storage tanks. The placement of the overpass is provided for car inspection by clients of the gas station.

Room. To accommodate operators, equipment office roomsAlso, taking into account the prospects for opening a small outlet, it is assumed to build a station of 65 square meters. For construction, the block frame design of the pavilion type will be used, as well as the covered overpass, designed to maintain 4 cars at the same time.

Equipment. To equip a gas station with the necessary fuel, control and fire equipment, standard sets are used directly from manufacturers and their official suppliers.

The list of equipment is as follows:

1. 4 Metal containers with stainless coating for storing 4 grades of fuel with a capacity of 30 cubic meters. m Each.

2. Fuel Storage Reservoir - 20 cu. M.

3. Fire tank 10 cubic tank. m.

4. Fuel dispensing columns with electronic fuel consumption sensors

5. Automated gas station management system integrated with card payment systems, POS payment terminal and peripheral computer equipment.

As ready-made technological solutions, you can use standard software packages for gas stations from manufacturers (brands) - SCADA TRACE, "AY TI OIL", S & B, SMART OIL, SETOIL.

6. Firefire. Its in its kit includes fire extinguishers (powder, carbon dioxide, foam), sand, buckets, shovels, crowds, and a fire alarm system and stationary system Water extinguishing.

7. System of protection and video surveillance.

6. Organizational structure

For the full operation of the gas station in the format of this business plan, it is supposed to use the following employees:

1. Manager. The area of \u200b\u200bcompetence of the management gas station includes general guidance, uninterrupted supply of fuel, monitoring the implementation of the sales plan, primary managerial reporting, direct work with fuel suppliers, corporate clients. The applicant for this position is desirable to have a profile education in the field of transport logistics or enterprise management.

2. Art. Master technologist. The duties of this regular unit include direct control of the entire gas station equipment, timely identification of malfunctions, taking measures to eliminate violations, monitoring the condition of critical equipment, and replenishment supplies, Zip. This position is desirable to take a specialist with the profile formation of a technologist or engineer, with experience of at least 5 years.

2. Operator. The duty of the operator includes direct service of gas station clients, the issuance of fuel, work with a special fuel accounting program and the movement of financial resources, revenue collection at the end of the shift, accounting for issuing fuel.

For keeping accounting An outsource specialist is involved.

Calculation of phots for 24 months, taking into account the premium part and insurance premiums, is represented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

Sales plan for 24 months, taking into account seasonality, forecast for investment efficiency and the calculation of business indicators is represented in the financial model.

8. Risk factors

In its basic characteristic, the company's focus applies from one side to highly competitive types of commerce, and on the other hand, it has a significant risk associated with technological and fire safety. In general, all the risks inherent in this area business activities, look like this:

Commercial risks. In this risk group special attention It should be addressed to the actions of the nearest competitors, and first of all - the gas stations of network monopolists of the local fuel market. They can to eliminate independent dealers from the market to apply price dumping and a more advanced line of marketing tools for customer loyalty. The basic measure of countering this risk is to work with a certain target group of consumers, for example, the establishment of long-term partnerships with commercial companieshaving their fleet.

Another commercial risk representing a serious danger to small and independent gas stations is a sharp increase in fuel prices. Under these conditions, the buyer instantly switches to network gas station services, which can hold the price for a long time at a beneficial level for them, thus taking part of customers in independent gas station operators.

An important commercial risk is the overall reduction of customer's customer ability, which leads to a decrease in gross revenue for a rather long period (people begin to reduce the total number of travels). It is possible to counteract this risk only if an independent gas station has a significant stock of financial strength and business is not burdened by credit load.

Technological risks. As a rule, this risk group includes adverse factors of technological properties that can lead or to a partial bus stop, or its full cessation. This includes the failure of the equipment, unqualified personnel actions. To neutralize such risks, it is necessary to apply not only the methods of insurance of all business or civil liability for damage to third parties, but also to constantly conduct trainings, teaching person how to act in certain cases.

Legal risks. This risk group includes such negative factors, such as the tightening of the requirements for gas stations, fire safety on the part of the regulatory authorities, the price regulation of the fuel market by local (regional) authorities. Very often, such requirements are unexpected, demanding from entrepreneurs not only a quick response to eliminating the identified violations, but also the investments of additional financial resources.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that gradually gas stations change their familiar format of working with clients. This comes down not only to the fact that on the gas station you can buy some types of automotive chemistry, or make a small repair, lunch or buy a cup of coffee. A lot of gas stations, especially in Europe, Japan and China, begin to adapt to new type car owners. These are primarily hybrid cars and electric cars. And gradually so familiar gas stations will be transformed into the recharging station and replacement batteries, as well as to provide carcharing services when anyone can rent an electric vehicle (electromotive) for a short-term trip around the city and the closest neighborhood.

A beginner entrepreneur who wants to open the refueling should be understood that a number of difficulties await him ahead. This type of entrepreneurial activity requires large starting investments and competition is quite high. In order for such a thing to be successful, you need to work a thorough business plan for this type.

A similar business is better practicing, having experience of entrepreneurial activity earlier. If the newcomer decided to open his refueling from scratch, it is best to purchase a franchise. Then, there will be an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the finished project, to receive continuous supply of raw materials, and take advantage of the ready-made customer base.

If the entrepreneur decide to open a gas station independently, it needs to ensure reliable partnerships. Permanent fuel supplies are key Moment In achieving success in such a business. To do this, it is worth contacting the proposal for cooperation to small refineries.

It should be understood that the main audience of customers prefers proven gas stations. Therefore, in order to be able to get your customers, it is necessary to carefully consider the advertising campaign strategy. One of the effective development methods similar business Is the introduction of bonus programs with discounts.

The advantage of business at gas stations is that demand will continue to grow on this type of product. Despite all the difficulties in the opening of this entrepreneurial case, if you get an effective business plan, then the payback period will be very fast.

How to start opening a gas station?

Before opening the gas station, it is necessary to carefully examine the demand market and suggestions in this field of activity. In many regions of Russia, this market is engaged in the most large companies: Becar and Rosneft. To open this business, it is worth making a map of the refueling of the region where you can clearly see promising places to accommodate your own gas stations.

For businessmen who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities for the first time, it is useful to explore the ready-made market analysis and the problems existing in it. This includes a low quality fuel, which does not correspond to the stated, noting gasoline in tanks and more. For business on opening a gas station there are three common formats:

  • purchase an existing enterprise in which the expense level remains unknown for the organization or rent. About what.
  • acquire a franchise;
  • open the gas station from scratch.

In order to engage in the implementation of fuel and lubricants, it is necessary to issue a special license. Otherwise, without the presence of such a document, storing such materials will be considered illegal activities.

What documents are needed in order to open the refueling

To those entrepreneurs who decided to take the opening of the gas station independently, it is necessary to prepare a package of the following documents:

  • application for registration of IP or LLC;
  • receipt for the payment of state duty;
  • copies of the passport and the Inn entrepreneur (for IP);
  • copies of constituent documents (for LLC);
  • for the selected territory, the conclusion of the cadastral engineer and the contract with the existing owner;
  • ready-made design of the premises;
  • permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SanEpidemstation;
  • treaty with profile organizations that are engaged in disposal of waste from production and export of non-hazardous garbage (4-5 categories);
  • permission to implement petroleum products;
  • concluded contracts with fuel and lubricant suppliers;
  • fuel quality certificates.

How to choose a place to open a gas station?

When choosing a place to open a gas station, after making a map of the region's refueling, it is necessary to carefully examine potential places for accommodation for the presence of a stream of machines nearby.

Optimally placing the refueling next to the road junctions and motorways. For the station, it is necessary to provide a convenient entrance. In order to determine the size of the future refueling, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • assortment of fuels that will be advanced;
  • availability of a cafe or shop;
  • number of TRC.

The average size of the gas station is about 100 sq.m.

What equipment must be purchased for gas station?

To open the gas station on the purchase of equipment should not save. Since its quality determines the period that it will last. Also, work with fuel and lubricants belongs to the category of unsafe, so any defects with equipment can lead to undesirable consequences.

For a small gas station must be purchased:

  • capacity for the livnevel system (1 pc.);
  • fuel storage tank (4 pcs.);
  • capacity for the Livestone System (1 PC.);
  • refueling column (2 pcs.);
  • cables, remote controls.

Best of the Livnestok system connect to urban communications.

At refueling it is worth paving a good asphalt and establish reliable precipitation canopies. You also need to conduct software settings that will help optimize all trade and gas stations.

If you plan to open a gas station on which gaseous fuel will be realized, it is worth purchasing special equipment.

What personnel need to hire on a gas station?

Opening the gas station involves round-the-clock operation. Therefore, hiring the working personnel is necessary on the basis of a two-chart. In the permanent staff must be hired:

  • one cashier;
  • two operators of filling columns;
  • one guard.

For the supply department, you must hire the following employees:

  • electrician;
  • locking repairman.

To maintain financial statements, you can use the services of third-party specialized organizations or to hire a specialist on an ongoing basis.

To earn commitment from customers, you need to hire neat and polite employees. To understand how to organize workers, it is necessary to study the customer service system from Gazprom. They are considered a reference company. To create a good image, refueling is worth ensuring all the staff to the uniform.

Profit and expenses from opening gas stations

Business on the opening of the gas stations is very expensive. Initial investments will be as follows:

  • the official registration of entrepreneurial activities and the purchase of a cash automaton - about 25 thousand rubles;
  • rent of the territory under the gas station - about 30 thousand rubles. / month;
  • acquisition of equipment and special software - about 400 thousand rubles.
  • installation and purchase of specialized equipment - about 2.5 million rubles.

If the entrepreneur decided to open a gas station independently, in the first stages he will have to invest about 4 million rubles. The construction of the station itself takes an average of about 6 months.

It is also necessary to provide monthly expenses:

  • additional costs of supplying fuel raw materials - about 140 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - about 300 thousand rubles;
  • payment of utility payments - about 5 thousand rubles;
  • advertising costs - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • payment of Fund wages - from 150 to 200 thousand rubles. average.

In a small city, with proper placement of the station, it can be brought per month more than 1 million rubles. income. The payback period of such a business is about 1 year. If a business plan for the opening of the gas station was compiled correctly, taking into account all the nuances, the refueling will quickly pay off. Already in a year it will be possible to think about the opening of a whole network of such refueling. You can also dilute the range of services, and put the car service next to refueling. This will help increase customer stream.

Marketing and advertising gas station

In order to ensure the flow of clients on the gas station, it is necessary to organize an effective advertising campaign. It is suitable as traditional methods of advertising and internet marketing.

Bright banners and city lights will attract the attention of passing by motorists. But the holding of various shares and draws on pages on social networks will help to delay old customers. You can also join partnerships with shops that sell goods for cars. They can accommodate advertising leaflets on their trading point And get a certain percentage for this.

In this material:

The business plan of the gas station will help you understand whether it will be profitable for its discovery and with what difficulties will have to come together. First of all, you should define the starting capital necessary to open the gas station. Work in this business implies the registration of a large number of permits, since this industry is considered dangerous at the legislative level. Registration of permits can take a long period and require significant financial investments.

By itself, the activities of the enterprise will be checked by appropriate government agenciesSo that they can make sure that all the rules and rules are respected. Another characteristic feature of the sale of fuel selling the population is a big starting capital and significant current expenses. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend purchasing a land plot and appropriately equip it. The object will need to be equipped with alarm and hire security. Opening the gas station from scratch, you must be prepared for the implementation of the project you will need a large amount of time.

Choose the format of the project

Of course, work in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity requires a well-thought out approach. Scent business plan, ready example which is given further, is the most important part of the process of opening his own business. To begin with, select the format in which your enterprise will work. You can open the refueling under your brand or purchase a franchise. Gas station can provide services for the sale of gasoline, diesel fuel and gas. Each direction has its advantages and disadvantages.

Open the refueling station from scratch is not better idea For a novice entrepreneur. The discovery of such a business involves serious investments compared with the work under the trademark of the famous enterprise. In addition to the impressive starting capital, you will come across the need for the work of your own customer base and problems with the purchase of fuel. So you risk quickly go bankrupt. However, there is such a format and its advantages: you can organize the work of the gas station at its discretion, without customizing it under the standards of a large company.

Beginner entrepreneurs are encouraged to begin their business with the acquisition of the franchise. Such services are provided by large well-known companies. Starting to work under the brand of this company, you will not have problems with the supply of fuel and the client base. The disadvantages of this format are: the inability to act autonomously, the need for a monthly payment of the franchise.

We choose the territory under the gas station

Before the start of construction of the gas stamp complex, the following documents must be issued: an agreement for the supply of fuel, a contract for the removal of MSW, a deratization agreement. Opening your business, you need to choose the territory on which the gas station will be located. Usually such enterprises are building near highways and lively prospectuses. Your gas stations must be provided with convenient access roads. The area of \u200b\u200bthe site depends on the scale of the project. In the example, we give the opening of gas stations with a tire and a small cafe. In addition to these basic objects, it is necessary to position the tanks for storing fuel, the administrative body and several gas stations. Design and construction of production facilities is better to entrust professionals.

After all the main objects are built, it is necessary to engage in the purchase of equipment.
In order for your refueling start to function, the following equipment will be required: Capacities for fuel storage, tank for gasoline pumping, gas station, tank for lavetyl. When opening a gas storage station, a slightly different list of equipment will be required. To implement such a project, you will need to be cut in the urban pipeline. Mandatory is the installation of a compressor for gas liquefaction. The discovery of such stations is the cost, therefore, even in large cities they are in small quantities.

In addition to the production line, you should also take care of the automation of workflows. To do this, you need to purchase a computer and set the appropriate software. Need to equip the recreation room, workplace Cashier and bathroom. If you are planning to supplement the gas station store or café, these rooms will also have to equip.

Opening refueling will not be allowed without installing fire alarm.

Registration of the contract for the supply of fuel - the most important part business Plan Gas station. Working on a franchise, you will always be provided with high-quality fuel of a well-known brand. Starting business from scratch, you may encounter the problem of searching suppliers among refineries. You can conclude a contract for the supply of gasoline with refinery, so you can purchase fuel with a good discount.

Taking into account the provision of services around the clock will have to organize the work of the staff in a few shift. Optimal is the schedule of a day after three. The shift should include: Operator-Board, Cashier and Security Guard. Additionally, you will need to hire a janitor, accountant and manager.

Calculation of business profitability

Let us give an example of calculating the cost of opening one filling station in a large city. The acquisition of the site in the city's property will cost you 25 million rubles, the design of documents is 2 million rubles, the construction of production facilities - 6.5 million rubles, the purchase of equipment - 3 million rubles. Thus, the starting attachments at the opening of the gas station will amount to 36.5 million rubles.

Now we will calculate the annual expenses: the work of staff is 5 million rubles, the purchase of fuel is 10 million rubles, taxes - 1.5 million rubles, current expenses - 2 million rubles. The average annual gas station revenue is 25 million rubles., Less current expenses We get pure profits of 6.5 million rubles. Financial investments will pay off in 5-6 years.

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    By accepting all the calculations given in this business plan, the founder assumes all the responsibility for their observance.

    Summary of the project

    The business plan of the gas station with the calculations is aimed at the practical implementation of the idea to open a gas station with a biennial turnover. At the same time, the project provides for the solution of the following social and economic tasks:

    • Creating new jobs on the opening enterprise.
    • Satisfying the demand of motorists in providing fuel and other consumer goods.
    • Profit extraction.

    Financing the construction of a gas stamp complex is carried out at the expense of a bank commercial loan in the amount of 45 million rubles. Interest payments and return loans start from 1st month from the beginning of the project. This condition significantly simplifies the understanding of the method of regulating the flow of financial resources and the methodology for calculating the discounting.

    The borrowed investments come from the bank at a percentage rate of 17.5%. It is envisaged to revise the rate towards the reduction in accordance with the existing trends in the banking market of financial services.

    During the investment, the total amount of accrued interest to the lender - 3 million 066 thousand rubles.

    Payback period:

    • From the moment of work on the project - no more than 4 months.
    • Taking into account discounting - 2 years.

    The life cycle of the project under the existing economic conditions and the economic situation in the country is 2 years. During this time, economical effect From its implementation will be 208 million 339 thousand 791.2 rubles.

    Main steps

    The timelines for the implementation of the project, as well as other information on its implementation, are relevant for force majeure.

    Brief market analysis

    The domestic automotive fuel market is at the stage of gradual saturation. In such conditions, the main thing is not so much quantitative characteristics as high quality.

    According to experts, the opening successful business In this industry, it is possible only under the condition of building a vertically integrated structure: refined refinery - gas station. Delivery of fuel directly from oil refining enterprises is not always beneficial due to the remoteness of the refinery. The most acceptable option is to sign an agreement with a nearby refuel oil about periodic supplies of fuel in volumes that ensure the continuous operation of the gas stamp complex in accordance with the declared schedule.

    Currently, after crisis phenomena 2008-2010, work is actively working on the modernization of refineries, which will allow the market with high-octane gasoline. All major oil producing companies in Russia are connected to this process, which allowed for the last 5 years to increase the revenue from the sale of fuel by 30% or more, depending on the region.

    Thus, the supply of gasoline gasoline and diesel fuel is no longer a factor restraining the development of a gas station network.

    Summary of the object

    The number of gas stations that are erected by the most important players in the fuel market is constantly increasing. Thus, only Gazpromneft brought the number of its gas stations, erected in Russia and the CIS countries, almost to one and a half thousand.

    The gas station is a complex of objects integrated within the framework of a single economic structure created in order to provide services for refueling fuel. The list of categories of consumers is very wide, they are all car enthusiasts, employees of service and public transport, in one word - all car owners.

    The most important measures to create a gas station are to find the location of the gas station, the construction of the objects of its infrastructure, recruitment.

    In addition to refueling itself, the project provides for construction:

    • Store auto parts and automotive technical fluids.
    • Point washing vehicles.
    • Point of tires.
    • A shopping facility for the implementation of related goods and food products (on its squares there is a room for the operation of cashier-operators of gas stations).

    The erected structures should be provided with modern engineering systems, supply and exhaust ventilation, automated equipment management complexes, electricity supply, fire protection and alarm systems, air conditioning and heating.

    For uninterrupted operation of the gas station, it is necessary to provide the possibility of obtaining and storing directly at the facility of at least 8 tons of petroleum products for daily implementation.

    Administration features

    Open a gas station in Russia - a rather troublesome event in terms of business administration. The state has strict standards for the construction of objects and complex procedures for coordination and obtain permits. For this reason, in the country there are practically no possibilities for creating container gas stations, which can also bring tangible profits, especially in the conditions of cramped city buildings. The active skips make it possible to build gas stations no closer than 30 meters from houses.

    Administration of the establishment of a gas station also includes the need to obtain a different kind of permission and a set of agreement on the overstodulation of land, the construction of infrastructure facilities, commissioning of communications.

    Personnel search

    Frames are one of the main problems that will have to be solved in the process of creating an enterprise. This is especially important for gas stations located on distance from settlements. In accordance with the established rules, employees of the gas station must have special certificates indicating vocational training. Therefore, the recruitment of personnel for the station is carried out with the condition for training employees at special courses organized by the oil industry.

    Course, tellers and drivers should be trained. On average, the cost of such courses is about 2,000 rubles per employee. After graduation, specialists are certified.

    The selection of candidates for employment is carried out on a competitive basis. It will also be applied for employees representing other areas of activity. The deadline for the competition is 1 month.

    Fund of remuneration of specialists is reflected in the project cost table.

    In some cases, it will be necessary to take on the work of the guards or conclude an agreement on the protection of the object with the Chop. It is worth such an average service:

    • 1500 rub. per month (when finding an object outside the settlement).
    • 7500 rub. per month (at the location of the gas station in the city).

    The number of operators is calculated on the basis of the planned sales volumes and the mode of operation of the enterprise.

    Marketing and advertising

    With an increase in the number of gas stations, the number of potential consumers of fuel is growing slowly. This generates increasing competition in the market and, in turn, requires increasingly significant investments in the conduct of effective marketing and promotional activities.

    For this, the business plan under consideration provides for the need for the formation of convictions in consumers that the fuel directly from the manufacturer can be purchased at this station. Advertising costs are sent to the following events:

    • Publication of articles in specialized and local publications.
    • Development of your own website.
    • Advertising in local media.
    • Advertising on television and radio.
    • Shares and development special offers special categories consumers.

    According to experts, the service acquires status to meaning when the number of its users exceeds 1% of the economically active population. Thus, within the framework of even the average largest gas station, it may well become a profitable object and perform functions assigned to it.

    It should also be borne in mind that among some segments of the population continues to be an opinion on the criminal nature of this business. Therefore, all efforts in marketing should be sent to the creation of a positive image of the enterprise and improving the quality of customer service.

    List of necessary equipment

    To effectively fulfill its tasks and ensuring uninterrupted filling operation, you must purchase the following equipment:

    • Fuel and gas discusses.
    • A set of equipment for managing gas stations.
    • Pressure measurement system.
    • Modular fueling point.
    • Auto-hydrate stations (AGZS).
    • Tanker based on a KAMAZ car with a 10.7 cubic tank volume. m.

    The exact number of equipment units is indicated in the table of planned expenses on the project.

    The overall equipment of the gas station should contribute to the increase in the performance of the provision of services, fully comply with the safety requirements, promote the increase in the company's reputation and compensate for the investments provided for by this business plan.

    Financial plan

    The financial plan of the enterprise is designed based on the fact that during 2017 retail prices for different kinds Motor fuel in the country will grow by 8-12% compared with last year and reached the level of 41.5-43 rubles per liter.

    The fiscal year for the provision of accounting and tax reporting begins in January. Main types of taxation:

    Tax name Used base for tax Payment period Rate
    By profit Profit value m-C. 20%
    VAT Value value added m-C. 18%
    On property The amount of the cost of acquired property according to schedule 22%
    Origin Photo m-C. 13%
    Social plates Photo m-C. 34%

    When existing trends in the domestic car fuel market, the predicted income structure looks like this:

    Period Services (sales of motor fuel by type) number Revenue
    AI-95 55 1 million 385 thousand 918 rubles.
    1-12 m-c (investment period) AI-92. 291 6 million 800 thousand 320 rubles.
    1-12 m-c (investment period) AI-80 290 5 million 914 thousand 318 rubles.
    1-12 M-C
    (investment period)
    DT 750 13 million
    634 thousand 475 rubles.
    13 m-c
    (Period of operation)
    AI-95 60 1 million 582 thousand 560 rubles.
    AI-92. 380 9 million 295 thousand 104 rubles.
    13-24 M-C (functioning period) AI-80 380 8 million 111 thousand 936 rubles.
    14-24 m-c (functioning period) DT 1100 20 million 931 thousand 680 rubles.

    The price of fuel for 1 liter is accepted based on the average forecast rate for 2017, which is based on:

    • Analysis of demand for specific fuels.
    • Averaged data on the number of services provided for a gas station.
    • Providing services by enterprises of gas stations.
    • Summarized data on the state of the domestic gas station market.

    The calculations take the minimum profitability of the enterprise services.

    Potential risks

    The most significant risks in this business are:

    • The complexity of project administration, especially at the opening stage of the enterprise.
    • High level competition.
    • The need to obtain borrowed funds in large amounts.
    • Initially low personnel qualifications, the need for learning.


    The example of a business plan of the gas station shows that the opening of the gas station is a super-profile activity. The yield of the enterprise is largely determined by the high degree of potential risks of an objective and subjective nature. Prospects for business development are determined by the location of the refueling complex, the level of road traffic, effective management enterprise and competent marketing policies.

    On the initial stage The implementation of the project from the founder will require a significant concentration of its intellectual and psychological potential on solving complex tasks on the organization of the enterprise.


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