Alternative types of fuel for ships. What alternative fuels exist? Approximate word search

Having achieved more than 30 rubles per liter of gasoline of the AI-92 brand on the overwhelming majority of gas stations. In addition, experts predict that new increase in gasoline prices are inevitable, and this naturally causes the question of which alternatives can be gasoline (and diesel) cars.

Let's take a look at some statistics on prices for fuel from oil refining products:

Dynamics of price increases for gasoline AI-92

Dynamics of rising prices for diesel fuel

Population statistics for gasoline in various countries

Well, as it turns out, there are many such alternatives. And many of them are on the road to the creation or even in dealer centers right now. While some alternatives will take some time before entering a circle of widespread use, it is still quite interesting to know which directions are working for today, which are not all the same, what will drive cars in the future ... in the foreseeable Future.

So, what alternative fuels exist today?


The use of hydrogen as a fuel of your car can cause the imaging images of Hindenburg, but it is actually quite safe. Hydrogen can actually be present in the form of fuel as such in two different types of cars: cars with fuel cells in the form of hydrogen and cars that have an internal combustion engine that is designed to use hydrogen instead of gasoline.

In the first case, hydrogen is used to generate electricity, which is then used to power the electric motor. So the hydrogen car uses the fuel cell to produce its own electricity. IN chemical process In the fuel cell, hydrogen and oxygen are combined to create electricity, and the only by-product of this process is water vapor. This technology is already used in the Honda FCX CLARITY car, and now the car gets an increasing rating.

In the internal combustion engine, hydrogen is a source of fuel instead of the usual gasoline or diesel fuel. Instead of harmful emissions of CO 2, which produces gasoline, again, hydrogen cars produce only water vapor. Many automakers are currently experiencing hydrogen cars. Currently, BMW Hydrogen 7 is perhaps the most famous of them - the company has leased several experienced cars in Germany and the United States, and some tests even showed that the car actually cleans the air around him during operation.

However, hydrogen cars have not yet become widespread largely, because today there is no necessary infrastructure of hydrogen gas stations. But the following type of alternative fuel is somewhat easier to find - and in fact, you use it right now.


It may seem that electric cars are a long-awaited breakthrough in the use of alternative fuels. But the fact is that some of the earliest cars have already used electric motors. Nevertheless, only because of the latest events, including widespread as a consequence of the active PR-campaign of Tesla car, electric cars have become a more viable method for everyday ride.

But what holds the technology from penetration into broad masses? Battery technology and electric motor. Moving a car requires a lot of energy, and to do it at high speeds and over long distances, a lot of energy is required. In the past, electric cars could not pass long distances (more than a few kilometers), and as soon as their batteries sat down, the long hours were required to recharge them. The fact is that the electric motor itself is quite voracious in terms of electricity consumption. Add to this the huge weight of the battery itself (in a modern electric car it can be half the mass of the entire car), and the disadvantages of this type of alternative fuel will be quite weighty.

However, with new technologies of batteries, some automakers overcame such restrictions. New batteries (lithium-ion batteries, if you are accurate) are the same as they are installed in your cell phone or laptop. They charge quickly and work longer. And cars, such as Tesla Model S, use them not just to move in the physical understanding of this word, and to obtain performance worthy of supercars. Other cars, which are also strengthened on the market, such as Chevy Volt and Toyota Prius, for example, use these types of batteries in combination with an internal combustion engine to create a new car class with an extended range of use of the vehicle. Batteries can be charged by connecting the machine to a normal outlet; However, when the battery charge starts to dry, the gasoline generator turns on to recharge it and prevent the car stop.


We hope that you have listened to the Council that a degreased diet with a limited amount of fried food is good for your health. However, the same is not necessarily fair for your car.

Biodiesel is one of the types of fuel, which is made from vegetable oil. Any car with a diesel engine can work on it, but do not try to run the engine, squeezing in front of it in the fuel tank, the napkin remaining from your last visit to McDonalds. In order to lead the car in motion, the oil must be transformed into biodiesels through a certain chemical process.

The process itself can be actually done at home. In fact, many biodiesel lovers make their own fuel using vegetable oil from local restaurants. However, there is a small risk associated with this process. If you do it wrong, you can make a lot of harm for your car (not to mention your home and own security). Before trying to make a biodiesel for any found recipe, make sure that it is a good idea, having learned some time with someone who has already successfully done it.

However, the biodiesel enthusiasts are truly satisfied with such an idea. Such fuel is not only much cheaper and cleaner than fossil diesel fuel, it will also give exhaust your auto smell of potato fries ... no joke!


Now you know that you can run a car even on vegetable oil, but what if you critically do not like to ride around the city, smelling free or are you allergic or unpleasant associations with this smell? What are the other options? In fact, there are other options to force the car to work on vegetables.

Ethanol is also one of the most common types of alternative fuel. It is often added to gasoline in the summer to help reduce harmful emissions. Ethanol, in fact, is one of the types of alcohol (but do not even think to try to drink it) produced from vegetable material. In the United States, it is usually produced from corn, while in other countries, for example, in Brazil, is made from sugar cane.

Today, quite a few automakers offer their cars with multi-fuel engines. These engines can operate on traditional gasoline or ethanol E85 in the fuel mixture, when the fuel consists by 15 percent of gasoline and 85 percent of ethanol. Ethanol got widespread recognition as good way To reduce gasoline in countries where oil is purchased from other countries - a vivid example of this is the United States. Nevertheless, it takes quite a lot of energy to produce ethanol, so there, where oil is cheaper, as it is mined within the country (Russia and refers to such countries), ethanol is not particularly beneficial. In addition, there is an unusual opinion that, since farmers can earn more money, growing agricultural crops for the production of ethanol, they will cease to grow these cultures for the production of food, which could dramatically raise food prices.

Despite these fears, ethanol today offers many advantages as an alternative fuel, and the network of ethanol filling stations in a number of countries continues to grow.

Liquefied natural gas

Continuing a culinary topic, we note the following alternative type of fuel, which, however, is not made from food productsBut it can also be found in the kitchen. Unlike ethanol and biodiesel, this is not what you could eat or drink in its original substance, but this is what top cooks are used for cooking: natural gas.

Natural gas is fossil fuel. Yes, this is not a completely environmentally friendly product, but as a result of its use in cars, several fewer harmful emissions are produced. Natural gas that you often use to prepare food and warm your home, is a natural gas in the form of very low pressure so that it becomes liquefied to give much more energy and occupy less space. When liquefied natural gas (LNG) is burned, it frees much more energy. For example, instead of simply heating the soup - uncompressed natural gas copes with this simply excellently, liquefied natural gas can feed large equipment, such as a truck. In general, this is the main goal for which it is used - nutrition of heavy trucks traveling for long distances.

Liquefied petroleum gas

If you have recently been on a picnic, then you are probably familiar with our next alternative type of fuel: liquefied petroleum gas (or just liquefied gas). Are you still not sure that you have ever seen it? Well, then remember the gas burners with spots with propane or cargo "Gasselka" with a red cylinder propane instead of a gas tank!

Propane is a common name for liquefied petroleum gas, although it is not entirely true. Liquefied petroleum gas is hydrocarbon gas under low pressure. It consists mainly of propane, but also includes other hydrocarbon gases, and, above all, it is Bhutan. Liquefied petroleum gas is stored under pressure in order to be in liquid form. Like liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (CIS) gives much more energy, being dense, and, therefore, becomes more useful for nutrition passenger cars and trucks.

Liquefied gas operates in an ordinary internal combustion engine after very small modifications (it is correct to call the installation of HBO on a car - adaptation of the machine for the use of "propane"). While this type of fuel is not used widely for cars in many countries, such as the United States, for example, in a number of countries up to 10 percent of the use of automotive fuels fall on liquefied petroleum gas, and our country in this regard is one of the leaders Using the CIS.

Compressed natural gas

The last of the three types of alternative fuels that have similar names and which are easy to confuse - this is a compressed natural gas (LNG), in which methane prevails.

Compressed natural gas is the same fuel that can be used in your home cooking and heating, and it works in your home. In the case of a vehicle, LNG is also kept in high pressure cylinders. And this is another modification of gaseous fossil fuels, which is the most environmentally friendly, producing less CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere with similar performance indicators, but it is also one of the most cumbersome - the least compressed when it is cooling under low pressure, occupying much more space In the car than previous two types of alternative fuel.

Compressed air

There is an air everywhere, so why not use it as a fuel for the car? And, although it seems to be a delusional idea, because the air is simply not lit, nevertheless, cars can work on compressed air.

In such a type of machine, air is compressed in high pressure pipes. While the typical engine uses air mixed with gasoline (or diesel fuel), which is then ignited by spark (or high pressure in the event of a diesel engine) to generate energy, the engine on compressed air uses an extension of compressed air from the high pressure tube for Drive Pistine Engine.

Nevertheless, cars on compressed air do not work completely in this air. Electric motors are also present on board the car to compress air, only then sending it into the high pressure tubes of the car. However, these machines cannot be considered completely electric cars, mainly because electric motors do not directly feed the car, leading to the movement of its wheels. Electric motors are much smaller than those electric motors used in electrical vehicles, where the main function of the engine is to drive the machine. Therefore, cars on compressed air consume much less energy than electric vehicles.

A liquid nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen is another alternative to refining products. Like hydrogen, nitrogen is abundant in our atmosphere. In addition, like hydrogen, nitrogen powered cars make much less harmful emissions than gasoline or diesel fuel. But, while hydrogen is used in fuel cells of cars, as well as internal combustion engines, cars on liquid nitrogen require a completely different type of engine as a whole.

In fact, liquid nitrogen uses an engine similar to the engine used in a pneumatic machine. This nitrogen engine is stored in liquefied under huge pressure. To power the car, nitrogen is released into the engine, where it heats up and expands to create energy. While a typical gasoline or diesel engine uses burning to make the pistons move, the liquid nitrogen engine uses the nitrogen extension to power the energy turbines.

Being eco-friendly I. effective way Vehicle food, liquid nitrogen faces the same obstacles as many other alternative types of fuel: the absence of a nationwide network of filling stations to deliver it to consumers.


Regular alternative fuel In our list, probably is a surprise, and many may think that this is a fairly outdated type of fuel.

Technically, coal is a relatively new alternative fuel for cars - indirectly, anyway, everything is new - this is well forgotten old, although, some trains are still driven by coal. However, in the 21st century, the owners do not have to throw a spade from the bucket coal in the intro installation, if this is what you immediately thought.

At the same time, like an electric motor in case of nutrition of auto compressed air, coal does not feed the engine directly. Let's argue: electric vehicles (for the most part), do not produce their own electricity. They carry energy in their charged batteries. And the batteries receive their charge from the standard outlet, which receives potential energy from the power plant, which, in turn, receives food ... from burning coal in most cases. In fact, 50 percent of all electricity in the world comes from coal power plants. This means that when you pass in sequentially the entire path of the energy chain, many electrical machines are actually in fact machines with coal.

While coal has similar flaws of gasoline, it also has some advantages. In terms of a kilometer, electricity from coal is a cheaper way to power the car than gasoline. In addition, in many countries there are large coal reserves - much more than gasoline. In addition, people who receive electricity from other sources, such as hydroelectric power plants or nuclear power plants, pollute the atmosphere even less.

Solar energy

Just say out loud this is a great name: "Sunny car"! The solar car is essentially an ordinary electric car with powered by solar energy obtained from solar batteries by car. However, solar panels cannot currently be used for direct sole power supply of the engine engine due to power failure, but they can be used to expand the power range and save electricity from the batteries of such electric vehicles.

Dimethyl ether

Dimethyl ether (DME) is a perspective view of alternative fuel in diesel engines, gasoline engines and gas turbines, due to its high cetane number (an analogue of the octane number of gasoline, which determines the quality of the combustion of fuel in its compression), which is 55 units compared to 40- 53 units in diesel fuel. At the same time, very small changes are necessary for conversion. diesel engine In the dimethyl ester engine. Due to the low number of harmful exhausts, DME meets the most stringent toxicity standards in Europe (Euro-5).

DME is developed as a second-generation synthetic biofuel (Biodme), which can be made from lignocellulose biomass, and currently the most actively uses the Volvo autoconecern.


Ammonium gas engines were used during the Second World War to drive buses in Belgium. Liquid ammonia also feeds a number of rocket engines throughout the world. Although it is not as powerful and high-performance, like other types of fuel, ammonia does not leave soot in reusable engines, and its density approximately corresponds to the oxidizing agent density.

Ammonia has long been proposed as a practical alternative to fossil types of fuel for internal combustion engines. The heat of the combustion of ammonia is 22.5 MJ / kg, which is about half of the heat of the combustion of diesel fuel. Ammonia can be used in existing engines with rather minor modifications of carburetors or injectors.

However, the main disadvantage of ammonia remains, of course, its high toxicity.

Water par

This is essentially extinct steam vehicle today, which has a steam engine, and it also actually works on other types of fuel, which forms this water vapor. Ethanol, coal and even a tree are used as fuel. The fuel is burned in the boiler, and heat converts water into steam. When the water turns into pairs, it expands. The extension creates a pressure that pushes the pistons, which, in turn, make the drive shaft rotate.

Steam cars require a lot of time between the beginning of work and bringing such cars in motion, but some of them can achieve enough high speed - More than 160 km / h in the end. So, the most successful cars began to move after the launch approximately after half a minute.

A steam engine uses external combustion unlike internal combustion engines. Gasoline powered cars are more efficient at about 25-28% of efficiency. But it's all in theory, practical examples steam engines In efficiency, only about 5-8% are compared to conventional DVS.

Muscular power of man

Oh yes, this is the most ineffective and simply not having the right to life the type of alternative fuel! Nevertheless, in very small quantities vehicleThe demand for which is rapidly decreasing, human force is used to improve the accumulation of batteries, which are the main source of car drive. Two such commercial cars who have seen short "light", steel "Sinclair C5" and "Twike".


Biofuels obtained from algae are called the third generation biofuels - this is a relatively new type of alternative fuel. In essence, the principle of operation of the engine on algae is based on the rotting of these algae, as a result of which methane is allocated, which is used as the main fuel to drive the machine.

In the United States, it was calculated that approximately 200 hectares of ponds, which will grow a certain type of algae, which is best suited for powering vehicles, can provide such fuel to 5% of all countries of the country. Nevertheless, in the United States, this technology did not take place due to a relatively lower cost of oil and high demands of such algae to growth (high temperature and a certain environment).

Alternative Fuel Types: Comparison

Type of fuel pros Minuses Examples of famous cars Evaluation of ecology Cost compared to gasoline or diesel
Hydrogen Ecology High temperature burning
BMW Hydrogen 7.
Chevrolet Equinox.
High High
Electricity Ecology
Little engine volume
Availability of power sources (regular outlets)
Big battery mass
Low mileage on one battery
Long battery charging
Tesla Model S.
Tesla Roadster.
Chevy Volt.
Toyota Prius.
High Low
Biodiesel Easy to manufacture biodiesel
Possibility of use in DVS
Good lubricants
High cetane number
The need for long engine warming in winter
Low shelf life (3 months)
The increase in the cost of agricultural products in case of broad biodiesel consumption
- High Moderately high
Ethanol. Good flaw Almost impossibility of using winter
Appreciation of agricultural products in case of wide consumption of ethanol
In countries where oil is not mined, use ethanol is unprofitable
- Average Low
Liquefied natural gas A little better ecology than in petroleum products Difficulty transportation of large volumes
Trucks Average Moderately low
Liquefied petroleum gas Non-toxicity
High octane number
Equipment infrastructure for gas stations
Any cars after modifying the installation of HBO Average Moderately low
Compressed natural gas High efficiency
The danger of finding a high pressure cylinder in the car
The lowest compressibility during cooling
Special version of Honda Civic GX Average Moderately low
Compressed air Better economy than electric vehicles Low efficiency Airpod. High Low
A liquid nitrogen Ecology
Full engine replacement
The danger of finding a high pressure cylinder in the car
Lack of infrastructure in active development
Volkswagen Cooln2car High Similar
Coal - - - Low Moderately low
Solar energy Practically zero value
Large required area for power consumption by battery Solar Challenge. High Low
Dimethyl ether High cetane number
- Experimental cars Volvo, Nissan and KAMAZ Moderately high Similar
Ammonia Ecology exhausts Small power flow
High toxicity
Goldsworthy Gurney.
Special version of Chevrolet Impala
Average Similar
Water par Ecology Long process of driving a car
Large occupied volume
High cost of use (water heating is required)
Very low efficiency
Stanley Steamer. High High
Muscular power of man Ecology The lowest efficiency
Sinclair C5.
High High
Seaweed Ecology Requires certain conditions for growing - High High

Consumption of alternative fuels for 2011


1 works of MAI. Issue 87 UDC Application of alternative fuels in aircraft gas turbine engines Siluyanova M.V. *, Chelylans OG ** Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), MAI, Volokolamskoye Highway, 4, Moscow, A-80, GSP-3, Russia * Mail: ** Email: Annotation In this paper, the results of an experimental study of the effect of the physical properties of the fluid on the parameters of the fuel-air torch sprayed behind the front device of the combustion chamber of gas turbine engines of a pneumatic type. To determine the characteristics of spraying and studying the process of crushing and mixing alternative fuels with an increased viscosity, a model biofuel based on kerosene of the TC-1 brand was developed. As a result of the work, a number of dependences were obtained by the characteristics of the average diameter, speed and concentration of fuel droplets in the flow of the burner for kerosene and model biofuels. Summarizing the obtained data, it was established that when using viscous fuels, it is necessary to use the method of pneumatic spraying to ensure the specified operating parameters of the combustion chamber of gas turbine engines.

2 Keywords: front-line device, spraying, biofuel, pneumatic, spraying torch, nozzle, swirl, combustion chamber. The tightening of environmental requirements ICAO (international civil aviation organization) for harmful emissions from aviation engines, cause leading powers to search for alternative energy sources, in particular expand the scope of biofuels. Alternative fuels have physical properties, somewhat different from the usual aviation kerosene. The use of renewable biofuels derived from plants or fatty acids is very promising. Currently, there are about 2% of anthropogenic emissions CO 2. When using biofuels, smoke emissions, solid carbon, carbon monoxide, sulfur and carbon dioxide decreases. Thus, the use of biokerosine in aviation obtained from the recycled oils of Yatrof seeds, instead of the traditional kerosene will reduce the "carbon footprint" by almost 80%. Foreign companies in recent years have been conducted by studying the possibility of applying alternative types of fuel without changing the design of the GTD. The first flight of the aircraft on the biofuel was held in 2008. British airlines Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd, which is the owner of this aircraft. Boeing and her company

3 International partners are already working on the transfer of biofuels from the test stage in the production stage. Boeing Freighter and 787 performed the first demonstration transatlantic flights through the Pacific Ocean on the biofuel in 2011 and 2012 in May 2014, the Netherlands KLM airline began to perform weekly international flights on Airbus A aircraft between Queen Beatrix airports, in Oranjestada, and airport Schiphol in Amsterdam, using recycled vegetable oil as aviation fuel. In Russia, there is no production of biofuels on an industrial scale. Nevertheless, this direction has a great future due to the presence of large sowing areas and water surfaces in our country. 1. Statement of the task. In this paper, the influence of the parameters of combustible liquids on the spray characteristics behind the front device of the combustion chamber of the Pneumatic Type GTD is investigated. The purpose of the experiment was to determine the dispersed characteristics of the aerosol, the velocity fields and the particle distribution fields in the flow at a pneumatic method of spraying standard (kerosene TS-1), and viscous (biofuels) fuels. Most of the fuels used in aircraft engines, in normal conditions are liquid and therefore should be sprayed before serving in the combustion zone. In modern power plants

4 Use a variety of nozzle devices that differ not only by the design, but also the principles on which the fuel spray system is based. The type of spraying is the most simply divided by the main energy spent on the spray liquid, i.e. Use the so-called energy approach to classify. Feling fuel, stability and combustion efficiency, levels of emissions of harmful substances are closely related to the processes of crushing of liquid fuel and its mixing with air in the spraying system. As an alternative type of fuel, a mixture of aircraft kerosene TS-1 (40%), ethanol (40%) and castor oil (20%) was selected. The selected proportions of model biofuels provide a homogeneous and well-mixed composition without bundle and precipitation. For the resulting mixture, physical properties were identified, which in most cases affect the process of spraying and crushing the drops. The kinematic viscosity of the fluid F was measured by the Viscometer of the FPS-1 with the diameter of the capillary of 1.52 mm. The surface tension coefficient F was calculated on the measured density and temperature values. Table 1 shows the physical properties at a temperature of 20 s, air kerosene of the TC-1 brand and various biofuels, including those used in the present work.

5 view of the liquid considered density, kg / m 3 kinematic viscosity 10 6, m 2 / with kerosene TS, 3 24.3 Model 860 6,9 28 biofuel Ethyl alcohol 788 1,550 22.3 Castor, 4 oil oil rapeseed, 62 33, 2 Table 1. The surface tension coefficient 10 3, N / M from the table shows that the main difference in the properties of such an indicator as viscosity, the value of which for model biofuels is more than 5 times the viscosity of kerosene, and the remaining parameters differ in only 10 15 %. With a pneumatic spraying of fluids, the defining factors are external aerodynamic forces and internal mechanisms for the impact on the initial shape of the jet. The magnitude of the kinematic viscosity determines the thickness of the formable film at the outlet of the fuel nozzle, and the surface tension of the particle size in the stream during crushing the high-speed pressure of the air. For testing, a front-line combustion chamber module with a pneumatic spraying of fuel was used. This front-line device consists of a central tangential swirl in which the twisted air flow is moving along the axial fuel-air channel, mixing with fuel jets, peripheral bladers and an external tangential swirler. The fuel supply is designed in such a way as

6 Distribute fuel in a 1/3 ratio between the peripheral and central channel. An external tangential swirl provides additional mixing partially prepared in the axial and peripheral channel of the fuel and air mixture. The use of a central tangential swirl allows you to increase the degree of flux spin and organize a stable zone of reverse currents on the device axis. The average spawn swirl with a large angle of the flux spinning provides the main fuel to the fine aerosol. The external tangential swirl excludes the possibility of emission of large droplets on the cut of the air nozzle and for the outermost border of the fuel-air torch. The distributed fuel injection through the central and middle air channels allows to obtain an aerosol with a more uniform distribution of fuel concentration in cross section of the fuel-air torch per slice of the nozzle. The developed front-line device has a collapsible design, which allows the use of various types of air nozzles and tangential swirls, depending on the requirements of the requirements, including for spraying viscous oil and biofuels. 2. The technique of experiment. Experimental studies were carried out on the stand of laser diagnostics of the characteristics of fuel-air torches, presented in Figure 1. The laser diagnostic stand allows you to obtain characteristics

7 (fields of smallness sprayed, fields of concentrations and their ripples, torch angles, etc.) fuel-air torches created by nozzles and front-line devices. Additionally, a stream visualization in transparent models with quartz glasses is possible on the stand. A closed fuel use system is applied on the stand, in which the sprayed fuel settles on the drone, is assembled in the fuel sump, filtered and arrives back to the cylinder. Fig. 1. Laser diagnostic stand diagram. The stand is equipped with equipment for measuring costs, pressures and temperatures of fuel and air. The flow rate G T and the fuel density is measured by the flow meter krohne, the air flow rate G into the flow meter Promass. Pressure measurement is performed by ADZ sensors. Digital photography is carried out by a 3-fold CANON XL-H1 color camcorder. The optical part of the stand is equipped with laser measurement equipment

8 spray quality and speed drops on light scatter drops. In this paper, physical studies were carried out by the method of phase-produce anemometry (RDR). 3. Experimental research results. The tests were started with the determination of the expenditure characteristics of the front-line device for the fuel channel for kerosene and biofuel, as well as through the air supply channels into the module. Figures 2 and 3 shows the graphs of the consuming characteristic, where the P T and P B is meant the pressure drop of fuel and air. Fig. 2. Schedule of the consuming fuel channel.

9 Fig. 3. Schedule Consumables by air through the module. To determine the characteristics of the spraying, three main modes simulating the combustion chamber in the launch, small gas and cruising modes were investigated. The tests were carried out under an open space with a barometric pressure P \u003d 748 mm Hg. Art. and at ambient temperature 20 C. Measurement of spraying parameters was performed in cross section The fuel-air torch at a distance of 30 mm from the sequation of the air nozzle to the plane of the laser-optical knife with an interval of 5 mm. The experiments were carried out at the following mode parameters of the front-line module: when the kerosene was supplyed by TS-1: 1. PV \u003d 3.0 kPa; GB \u003d 8.9 g / s; GT \u003d 1.0 g / s; PT \u003d 5.6 kPa; 2. PV \u003d 3.0 kPa; GB \u003d 8.9 g / s; GT \u003d 3.0 g / s; PT \u003d 23.6 kPa; 3. PV \u003d 20.0 kPa; GB \u003d 22.5 g / s; GT \u003d 0.25 g / s; PT \u003d 9.7 kPa;

10 When applying model biofuels: 1. PV \u003d 3.0 kPa; GB \u003d 8.9 g / s; GT \u003d 1.0 g / s; PT \u003d 7.9 kPa; 2. PV \u003d 3.0 kPa; GB \u003d 8.9 g / s; GT \u003d 3.0 g / s; PT \u003d 7.9 kPa; 3. PV \u003d 20.0 kPa; GB \u003d 22.3 g / s; GT \u003d 0.25 g / s; PT \u003d 9.7 kPa; Illustrated photographs of spraying torches by modes of operation of the front device for each type of fuel are presented in Figures 4 and 5. PV \u003d 3.0 kPa; GT \u003d 1 g / s PV \u003d 3.0 kPa; GT \u003d 3 g / s

11 PV \u003d 20.0 kPa; GT \u003d 0.25 g / s Fig. 4. Photos of torches sprayed by modes for kerosene TS-1. PV \u003d 3.0 kPa; GT \u003d 1 g / s PV \u003d 3.0 kPa; GT \u003d 3 g / s

12 PV \u003d 20.0 kPa; GT \u003d 0.25 g / s Fig. 5. Photos of torches sprayed according to the modes for biofuels. From the presented photos it can be said that visually the quality of sputtering kerosene is significantly better than biofuels. The boundaries of the torch are clear, without the presence of large droplets on the periphery and the stable angle of disclosure of the order, the distribution of droplets in the stream is quite uniform, without the occurrence of enriched zones. When applying more viscous by the properties of biofuels, the general view of the resulting aerosol presented in photographs is inferior by the presence of large particles at the borders of the torch sprayed. On the peripheral border of the torch, more large droplets flies than for kerosene. The cause of this is the process of crushing in a mixing chamber of a swirl, which does not cope with a large volume of fluid with elevated physical properties. The in -ure-free particles that are in the twisted flow of air are separated on the edge of the air nozzle, where a certain concentration is gaining, and they break up to the border of the spraying torch. However, such drops are crushed

13 Already at a distance of one caliber from the nozzle of the swirl. This is due to the fact that the fluid stream at the outlet of the fuel nozzle forms a film that moves along the cylindrical part and begins to crush the twisted air pressure, and the drops that did not have time to begin, separated and settled on large radius surfaces sprayed. A characteristic property for the presence of such droplets is the increased thickness of the formed fuel film, which for viscous biofuels exceeds more than 5 compared to the standard kerosene. Hence the occurrence of large particles at the torch boundaries, which are clearly observed with increasing fuel consumption through the device. And with an increase in the pressure drop on the front part, large drops have time to doggle in a larger amount of air. 4. Analysis of the results obtained. Consider the measured folding curves of the flow characteristics behind the front module for each type of fuel. All characteristics of the spray were obtained under the same operating conditions of the front module. The focus was on the influence of the viscosity of the fluid and the surface tension coefficient on the process of spraying, crushing and mixing with air. Also, with the selected method of complete pneumatic spraying, the liquid is a characteristic condition for the efficiency of the mixture is the parameter of the air flow rate to the AAFR fuel, which should usually be at least 5.

14 When using more viscous fuels, the greater the magnitude of this parameter, the resolution process becomes more efficient, and the process of mixing the fuel with air is homogenized. This method of pneumatic spray is actively studying and used in the global practice of leading aircraft engagement corporations in the development of new fronts for non-emission chambers of combustion. Figures 6 and 7 present a graph of the characteristics of the torch spray when the aircraft kerosene is supplied (averaging on an ensemble in a fixed point of space).

15 D10 (μm) D32 (μm) z (mm) z (mm) DPU. \u003d 3 KPA, GT \u003d 1 g / s DPUT. \u003d 3 KPA, GT \u003d 3 g / s DPUT. \u003d 20 kPa, GT \u003d 0.25 g / s fig. 6. Graphs of the distribution of the mean (D 10) and the Middle-average (D 32) diameter of the droplets in the cross section along the torch diameter sprayed for kerosene TS-1.

16 U (m / s) CV * POW (10.5) 10 Z (mm) z (mm) DPU. \u003d 3 KPA, GT \u003d 1 g / s DPUT. \u003d 3 KPA, GT \u003d 3 g / s DPUT. \u003d 20 kPa, GT \u003d 0.25 g / s Fig. 7. Graphs of the distribution of the axial velocity (U) and the fields of the volume concentration of particle fluxes in cross section along the diameter of the torch spray for kerosene Tc-1.

17 The resulting dispersion distributions of the aerosol show that the main difference when changing the costs of expenses is manifested at the extreme points of the torch. In general, the torch spray has a homogeneous and well mixed structure. Drops are distributed in the stream evenly in size, and the average for the measurement plane The values \u200b\u200bof the Sage diameters D 32 for modes are: 1 44.9 μm, 2,48.7 microns, 3 22.9 μm. On the device axis, a stable zone of reverse currents is formed in the range from 2.5 8.0 m / s on the pressure drop in 3 kPa and the maximum value of the negative speed reaches 12 m / s on the mode at PV \u003d 20 kPa, and the width is 20 mm. The level of parameters of such an aerosol will allow to burn fuel in the combustion chamber of the GTD with high completeness of combustion and provide a low level of emissions of harmful emissions. Now consider the characteristics of the aerosol when applying a more viscous fluid in similar experimental conditions. Dispersion distribution graphics, speed and concentration of particles in a burner stream are presented in Figures 8 and 9.

18 D10 (μm) D32 (μm) 100 z (mm) z (mm) DPUT. \u003d 3 KPA, GT \u003d 1 g / s DPUT. \u003d 3 KPA, GT \u003d 3 g / s DPU. \u003d 20 KPA, GT \u003d 0.25 g / s Fig. 8. The distribution graphs of the average (D 10) and the middle-service (D 32) diameter of the droplets in cross section along the torch diameter sprayed for model biofuels.

19 U (m / s) CV * POW (10,5) 10 Z (mm) Z (mm) DPU. \u003d 3 KPA, GT \u003d 1 g / s DPUT. \u003d 3 KPA, GT \u003d 3 g / s dispatch. \u003d 20 kPa, GT \u003d 0.25 g / s Fig. 9. The graphs of the axial velocity distribution (U) and the field of volumetric concentration of particle flows in cross section along the torch diameter sprayed for model biofuels.

20 spending comparative analysis The presented graphs of the flow characteristics behind the front module, we see that when using alternative fuel for the selected device with a pneumatic method, the aerosol structure broke was practically not changed. According to the dispersion, the resulting aerosol is not inferior to kerosene, and sometimes even better. The differences are observed in the density of the distribution of the droplets on the periphery of the torch, where the main mass of large particles is concentrated. In the central zone, longer than small particles are sown than for TC-1. The measured average D 32 The size of the droplets in the torch cross section for biofuels by modes is: 1 32 microns, 2 50 μm, 3 20 microns. The resulting medium on the measurement plane The level of dispersion characteristic of an aerosol D 32 for model biofuels by 30% exceeds D 32 for TS-1 on the start-up mode of operation of the front module. On the other two modes with large AAFR values, the aerosol dispersion is practically not changed. Since the properties of the test liquid are mainly different in viscosity, the particle speed distribution field in the stream has changed in the reverse current zone. The maximum negative rate was preserved only on two modes, and decreased to 5 m / s, and the width of the tear zone is from 6 mm to 9 mm. At high fuel supply expenditures (mode 2), the negative speed disappears and moves to positive and is 4 m / s. This is due to the braking of the flow of air, which are large drops in it, which by mass more than Kerosene drops. In zone

21 reverse currents are concentrated, mainly the smallest particles that are in constant motion inside the cyclone. Established on crushing droplets of fluid energy of twisted air into crushing of liquid droplets, starts missing to generate a negative particle rate in the reverse current zone from here and reducing this component for biofuels. At the same time, the maximum speeds did not change, and lie in the range from 10 m / s to 23 m / s. Drops are distributed in the stream evenly in size and by the diameter of the spraying torch. 5. Conclusion. As a result of the experimental studies on the influence of fluid parameters on the spraying process and the fuel mixing with air in the front of the pneumatic type, the following conclusions can be made. 1. With a pneumatic method of spraying liquids with different properties, the viscosity poorly affects the dispersion of the droplets in the stream. The main parameter that affects the crushing process and the size of the drops is the surface tension coefficient. 2. When spraying alternative fuels, high viscosity is mainly reflected in the field of axial velocity in the return current zone, but the overall nature of the flow is not violated. Peak values

22 Speeds are not treason, but the stabilization zone is twice as well, and the maximum component of the component of the negative velocity of particles in the stream is maintained only with small fluid flow. 3. Pneumatic liquid splicing provides the required level of fuel-air flow characteristics, and can be used to use both oil and alternative fuels in the preparation of a homogeneous mixture and effective combustion in the combustion chamber of modern and promising gas turbine engines. The experiments carried out to study the influence of the physical properties of liquid fuels on the characteristics of the aerosol with a pneumatic method of fluid spraying. Bibliographic list 1. Environmental protection. Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Emissions of aircraft engines, URL: Y.PDF 2. Vasilyev A.Yu., Chelylands OG, Medvedev R.S. Features of the use of biofuel mixture in combustion chambers of modern gas turbine engines // Bulletin SGAU (41). With Liu, K., Wood, J. P., Buchanan, E. R., Martin, P., and Sanderson, V., Biodiesel AS An Alternative Fuel in Siemens Dle Combustors: Atmospheric and

23 Highpressure Rig Testing, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 132, No. 1, Damenskaya I.A., Polers V.V. Methods for determining new compositions of alternative fuels // Bulletin of the Moscow Aviation Institute T with Lefebvre A.H., Ballal D.R. GAS Turbine Combucer: Alternative FUELS AND EMISSIONS, 3RD ED., CRC Press, Siluyanova M.V., Popova T.V. Study of the heat exchange apparatus for gas turbine engines of complex cycle // Works MAI, 2015, Issue 80, URL: 7. Siluyanova M.V., Popova T.V. Development of the methodology for designing and calculating the heat exchange apparatus for gas turbine engines of a complex cycle // Works MAI, 2016, Issue 85, URL: 8. Diatykin Yu.F., Klyachko L.A., Novikov B.V., Yagodkin V.I. Spraying liquids. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, p. 9. The laws of burning / under total. ed. Yu.V. Polezhaev. - M.: Energomash, p. 10. Lefevre A. Processes in the combustion chambers GTD. - m.; Peace, p. 11. Anna Maiorova, Aleksandr Vasil "Ev and Oganes Chelebyan," Biofuels - Status and Perspective ", book edited by Krzysztof Biernat, ISBN, Published: September 30, 2015, CH.16, PP

UDC 621.452.3.034 Comparison of the characteristics of various types of nozzles working using airflow 2007 A. Yu. Vasilyev Central Institute Aviation Motor Building, Moscow is given

UDC Design and experimental study of nozzle modules 006 A.Yu. Vasilyev, A.I. Majorova, A.A. Sviridenkov, V.I. Yagodkin Central Institute of Aviation Motor Station.

UDC 621.45.022.2 Comparative analysis of fuel distributions in nozzle modules with three-core swirl in 2007 V. Tretyakov Central Institute of Aviation Motor Station. P. I. Baranova, G.

UDC 536.46 Control Characteristics of the combustion of aluminum-aerial torch in the air flow 2007 A. G. Egorov, A. N. Popov Togliatti State University presented the results of experimental

Technical sciences UDC 536.46 Control of the combustion characteristics of aluminum-air torch in the air flow 007 A. G. Egorov, A. N. Popov Togliatti State University presented

Journal of Samara State Aerospace University 3 (41) 213, part 2 UDC 621.452.3.34 Features of the use of biofuel mixture in the combustion chambers of modern gas turbine engines

Electronic journal "Works of MAI." Issue 38 UDC: 621.45 Experimental studies of initiation of detonation and modes of operating models of the camera pulsating detonation engine

The method of joint supply of vegetable oils and diesel fuel D.N., prof. Shatrov MG, K.T.N. Malchuk V.I., Ph.D. Dunin A.Yu., Yazzhev A.A. Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical

Electronic magazine "Works MAI." Issue 65 UDC 629. (024) Use software package ANSYS to create an experimental installation capable of modeling

10LK_PAHT_Technologies_ch.1_ dispersion of gases and liquid2_kalisheuk 10.2 Dispersing IDCs Amboint two methods of dispersion of IDCs: drip and inkjet. Drip dispersion is carried out

Mai works. Issue 88 UDC 536.8 Influence of the geometric characteristics of the swirl in the vortex structure of the flow in the impulse chamber of the combustion of Isaev A.I. *, Mayrovich Yu.I. **, Safarbakov

UDC 536.24 Adiabatic mixture in the twisted wonned jet Shishkin N.E. Institute of Thermal Physics named after S.Kutateladze SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia Abstract The temperature distribution and concentration is considered

UDC 621.436 Experimental studies of spraying biofuels under various injection pressure using the optical control of the quality of spraying A.V. Eykov, A.V. Maecsky is given

UDC 621.452 Study of the temperature field at the output of the combustion chamber with a turn of the flow in the gas collector 2006 P. Grebenyuk 1, S. Yu. Kuznetsov 2, V. F. Kharitonov 2 1 FSUE NPP Motor, Ufa 2 Ufa State

UDC 533.6.011.5 The interaction of the oncoming stream with the surface of the descent spacecraft V.N. Hooks 1, Yu.A. Kizma Kichta 2, V.P. Solntov 1 1 Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical

Lecture 5. 2.2. The flow of gaseous and liquid fuel burning gases is made in the furnace chamber where the combustible mixture is supplied through the burners. In the winding space as a result of complex physicochemical

Refers to the cycle of special disciplines and studies the foundations of the combustion theory, the organization of the workflow in the combustion chart of GTD, the characteristics of the COP, the methods of accounting and reducing the emission of harmful substances, the calculation

UDC 621.45.022.2 Calculation study of the distribution of fuel in the nozzle module of the combustion chamber 2006 V. V. Tretyakov Central Institute of Aviation Engineering, Moscow presented results

Using the FlowVision software package during the design of the combustion chamber of the alto-toxic combustion chamber. Bulasova LA, MNS All-Russian Heat Engineering Institute, Moscow when developing promising GTU

Bulletin of Samara State Aerospace University (41) 1 g UDC 61.48: 56.8 Investigation of the quality of preparation of the fuel and air mixture and its influence on NOX emissions in the low-emission chamber

UDC 621.43.056. Romanovsky, Dr. Tehn. Sciences, S.I. Serbian, Dr. Tehn. Sciences, V.G. Vantzovsky, V.V. Vilkul National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarova, Scientific and Production Complex

UDC 697.932.6 Nozzle based on "RU-EFFECT" K.T.N. Rubtsov A.K., Gurko N.A, Parachina E.G. ITMO University 191002, Russia, St. Petersburg, ul. Lomonosova, 9 Numerous experimental studies

2014 Scientific Bulletin MSU 205 UDC 621.452.3 Modern condition of the problem and ways to improve the characteristics of the workflow of the combustion chambers of small-sized gas turbine engines A.M. Lenan, S.V. Lukachev,

Complex control of the dispersed composition of droplets of a jet of sprayed fuel V.V. Evstigneev, A.V. Eykov, A.V. Blocks The rapid development of technology is currently leading to significant constructive complication

Federal target program "Studies and development on priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014 2020" Agreement 14.577.21.0087 dated 05.06.2014 for the period

UDC 658.7; 518.874 A.P. Polyakov, d., Prof.; B. S. Mariyanko Research on the influence of gas diffusion indicators of the power supply system by using a gas device in the article are given

Collection of scientific works NSTU. 2006. 1 (43). 135 139 UDC 66-096.5 combustion in a vortex chamber with a centrifugal fluidized bed * V.V. Lukashov, A.V. Bridge experimentally studied the possibility of burning

Electronic magazine "Works MAI." Issue 67 UDC 621.515 Problems of creating a gas turbine pulsating detonation engine Schiphikov V. A. Moscow Aviation Institute (National

UDC 621.45.022.2 Effect of interfacation exchange for mixture formation in a modular combustion chamber 2002 A. I. Mayorova, A. A. Sviridenkov, V. Tretyakov Central Institute of Aviation Motor Station.

UDC 532.5 + 621.181.7 Analysis of combustion processes in turbulent mixing axial and tangential flows 47 DCC. tehn Sciences, prof. Yesman R. I., Cand. tehn Sciences, Doc. Yu. P. Belorussky National

Ticket 1 Question: Hydrostatics. The main physical properties of liquids. Task 1: find dimensionless criteria for similarity from the following dimensional values: a) p (Pa), V (m 3), ρ (kg / m 3), L (m), G (m / s 2); b)

Ufa: Ugatu, 2010 T. 14, 3 (38). Pp. 131 136 Aviation and rocket-space equipment UDC 621.52 A. E. Kishalov, D. Kh. Sharafutdinov Evaluation of the rate of spread of flames with a numerical thermogase

Mai works. Issue 90 UDC: 533.6.01 Registration of aerodynamic parameters of perturbations of the medium at the movement of the object Kartukov A.V., Merkishin G.V. *, Nazarov A.N. **, Nikitin D.A. . ***

Testing technology testing of model PVRC with burning of hydrogen in the aerodynamic trumpet of V.I., Ivanov I.V., Nalivechenko D.G., Starov A.V. Institute of Theoretical and Applied

Burning fuel oil lecture 6 5.1. The main properties of fuel oil in the boilers of large heat stations and heating boilers operating on liquid fuel, as a rule, apply fuel oil. Physical properties fuel oil

UDC 532.5 Modeling the process of spraying and burning of fine-divided water-borne suspensions Murko V.I. 1), Karpenok V.I. 1), Senschurova Yu.A. 2) 1) CJSC NPP "Sibekotechnika", Novokuznetsk, Russia 2) branch

The type of fuel that will be used. Based on this, it can be concluded that the development of plants for the combustion of fuel oil with increasing the cost of natural gas will only increase, and in the future

Electronic magazine "Works MAI." Issue 41 UDC 621. 452. 3 Study of aerodynamics and mass transfer in the vortex burners of the combustion chambers of gas turbine engines. A.M. Lenan, S.V.

UDC 536.46 D. A. I G O D N I K O V, A.V. and Mr. T about the effect of aluminum dispersion on the characteristics of ignition and combustion of energy condensed systems, the results of the experimental

Bulletin of the Samara State Aerospace University, 2, 27 UDC 62.452.3.34 Diagnostics of the quality of the mixture formation in a torch of fuel sprayed by optical methods 27 A. Yu. Vasilyev,

Electronic magazine "Works MAI." Issue 71 UDC 621.454.2 Problem issues of energy linking of parameters of liquid rocket engines Belyaev E.N. 1 *, Vorobev A.G 1 **.,

Additional errors are defined when measuring the concentration of carbon oxide by thermochemical sensors. A number of analytical expressions were obtained by calculating errors, as well as corrections for deviations.

NPKF "ARGO" CJSC NPKF "Automation of burning regimes" "Argo" Moscow 2009. The situation in the oil refining industry and in the market of oil products The basis of the oil refining of Russia is 28 refined facilities created by

Electronic magazine "Works MAI." Issue 72 UDC 629.734 / .735 Calculation method aerodynamic coefficients aircraft with wings in the "X" scheme having a small scope of Burago

UDC 662.62 Vyazovik V.N. Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy Environmental aspects of electronocatal combustion of solid fuel considered the main pollutants and their

Statistics and processing of estimated and experimental data Characteristics of MEX BULSOVA L.A. 1, A, N.S., Vasilyev V.D. 1, A, N.S. 1 OJSC "VTI", ul. Avtozavodskaya, d.14, Moscow, Russia Brief abstract. Article

UDC 621.452.3. (076.5) Investigation of the separation control of the boundary layer in diffuser channels with the help of vortex cells 2007 S. A. Smirnov, S. V. Veretennikov Rybinsk State Aviation Technological

Electronic magazine "Works MAI." Issue 69 UDC 621.45.048, 629.7.036.5 Numerical simulation of the mixing process in the model combustion chamber with laser ignition during operation

Evaluation of the use of ASKT for the engines of Piston Aviation Kostyuchekov Alexander Nikolaevich, Head of the Prospects of the Development of ADF, Ph.D. 1 Limiting the use of AviaBensins Lycoming IO-580-B M-9FV

G O C U D A R S T N N N S Y C O H A C C R S T A N D A R T Noils, mechanical and ferrychanical types and basic parameters. General Technical Requirements GOST 2 3 6 8 9-7 9 Edition Official BZ

TsAGA scientists Volume XXXVI I 2006 4 UDC 533.6.071.4 Experimental study of gas ejectors with conventional and perforated nozzles at high temperature of low-pressure gas Yu. K. Arkadov, G.

Aviation and rocket-space equipment UDC 532.697 Parametric adjustment of individual elements of heat pipe GTD 2006 A. Yu. Yurina, D. K. Vasilyuk, V. V. Tokarev, Yu. N. Schmotin OJSC NPO Saturn, Rybinsk

(19) Eurasian (11) (13) Patent Office 015316 B1 (12) Description of the invention To the Eurasian Patent Patent (45) Publication Date (51) INT. Cl. and issuing a patent: 2011.06.30 C21B 9/00 (2006.01) (21) Number

Mai works. Release 84 UDC 629.7.014 Analysis of the impact of the introduction of curved deflectors on the characteristics of the flat reactive nozzle Siluyanova M.V. *, Shpigin V. **, Yurlova N.Yu. ***

Investigation of the influence of injection parameters on the disintegration of jet fuel in DVS with direct injection. Maslennikov D.A. Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk, Ukraine Abstract: In this work

Table of Contents Introduction ... 8 1 Literary Review and Analysis of Engine Indicators When applying alternative fuels ... 10 1.1 Justification of the need to use alternative fuels in engines ...

UDC 66.041.45 M. A. Taimarov, A. V. Simakov Determining the parameters of the structure of the torch in the firebox of the boiler when burning fuel oil. Keywords: stall, straight-flow jet, twisted jet, burners. When burning

2 Using the FlowVision CAE system to study the interaction of fluid flows in centrifugal-jet nozzle Elena Tumanova in this work Numerical study was carried out using

Identification of modes of ultrasound impacts for spraying liquids with specified dispersion and performance Vladimir N. Khmelev, Senior Member, Ieee, Andrei V. Shalunov, Anna V. Shalunova, Student

Annotation of the discipline (training course) M2.DV3 system of internal combustion engines (cipher and the name of the discipline (training course)) is aware of the following: fuel systems of engines with internal

Experimental study of disk microturbine. Cand. those. Science A. B. Davydov, Dr.. those. Sciences A. N. Sherstyuk, Cand. those. Science A. V. Naumov. ("Journal of Mechanical Engineering" 1980 8) The task of improving efficiency

The invention relates to fuel combustion and can be used in household appliances, thermal power, in enterprises for combustion and waste recycling. Known a method for burning fuel at which they create

Dust collectors on counter-twisting streams inertial dust collectors on counter-shrewd streams (PV IZP) have the following advantages: - high degree of trapping particles of fine

D. t. N. K. I. Logachev (), to. T. N. O. A. Averkova, E. I. Tolmachev, A. K. Logachev, to. T. N. V. G. Dmitrienko FGBOU VPO "Belgorod State Technological University. V. G. Shukhova ", G.

Analysis of the effect of the parameters of coaxial laser malfunction on the formation of Valikov Grigorian A.G., Missoryov A.I., Tretyakov R.S. Keywords: laser pressure, laser surfacing process parameters,

The stability of the water gas mixture to the bundle in the debt pipeline D.V. The article obtained an expression of the resistance parameter of the gas-liquid mixture to the bundle in the horizontal pipeline, allowing to count

The proposed activities contribute to a decrease in vehicle movement speed and maintaining it within the framework of the established restriction on the study site (40 km / h). UDC 656 selection of camera shape

© Tishinskaya Yu.V., 2014

The relevance of this topic is determined by the fact that a ship for its functioning requires a large amount of fuel, which adversely affects the state of the environment, since the huge cargo ships emit millions of carbon dioxide cubic meters annually into the atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Also due to unstable prices for petroleum products and limited stocks These fossils make engineers constantly search for alternative fuels and energy sources.

World shipping is the main source of environmental pollution, as World Trade requires a huge amount of oil consumption and other combustible materials for maritime courts, but since more and more attention is paid to the reduction of CO2 emissions, it becomes clear that the time has come to make changes to power plants or find To them replace.

Currently, within the framework of only one country, the consumption of motor fuels produced from oil can reach hundreds of millions of tons. At the same time, automobile and sea transport are one of the main consumers of petroleum products and will remain the main consumers of motor fuels for the period up to 2040-2050.

Also a significant impetus for development this issue It is the fact that, in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Courts, there is a planned tightening of requirements for the content of sulfur oxides, nitrogen and carbon, as well as solid particles in the emissions of ships. These substances make tremendous harm to the environment and are alien to any part of the biosphere.

The most stringent requirements are put forward for emissions control areas (EMISSION CONTROL AREA - ECA). Namely:

· Baltic and North Sea

· US and Canada coastal water

· Caribbean sea

· Mediterranean Sea

· The coast of Japan

· Malakki Strait, etc.

In this wayThe changes in the norms of sulfur oxide emissions from maritime courts in 2012 is 0% and 3.5% in special areas and all over the world, respectively. And by 2020, the norms for sulfur oxide emissions from maritime courts in these areas are similar to 0%, and all over the world will decrease to 0.5%. From here it follows, the need to solve the problem of reducing chemical emissions into the atmosphere of harmful substances by ship energy installations and the search for new, more "friendly" types of fuel or energy to use the latter on ships.

To solve these issues, it is proposed to introduce innovation in two different areas:

1) the use of new, more eco-friendly and economical fuels during the operation of ships;

2) Refusal to the usual fuel in favor of using the energy of the sun, water, wind.

Consider the first way. The main types of alternative fuels are the following:

Biodiesel is organic fuel produced from passenger crops.

The price of biodiesel of the march is about two times higher than the price of ordinary diesel fuel. Studies conducted in 2001/2002 in the United States showed that with a content in fuel 20% of biodiesel, the content of harmful exhaust gases increases by 11% and only the use of pure biodiesel reduces emissions by 50%;

Alcohols are organic compounds containing one or more hydroxyl, directly associated with carbon atom. Alcohols are prohibited as fuel with low flare point;

Hydrogen is the only type of fuel, the combustion product of which is not carbon dioxide;

Used in internal combustion engines in its pure form or in the form of additives to liquid fuel. The danger of its storage on the vessel and expensive equipment for such use make this species Fuel perfect not promising for ships;

Water-fuel emulsion is produced on a vessel in a special installation - the fuel is saved, the emissions of nitrogen oxide decrease (up to 30% depending on the water content in the emulsion), but does not have a significant effect on sulfur oxide emissions;

Liquefied and compressed combustible gases make it possible to completely eliminate sulfur emissions and solid particles into the atmosphere, radically - to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides, significantly - to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30%.

In this way, it can be argued that the only new fuel type, the use of which significantly affects environmental indicators of ship engines, is natural gas.

Let us turn to the consideration of the second path. The wind and the sun are the most common sources of energy on Earth. Many organizations offer all sorts of projects to introduce them in everyday life.

In international practice, there are already several implemented and still unrealized projects of ships using wind and sun energy for their sailing.

In the desire to reduce fuel consumption on large fleet commercial ships in the World Ocean by a group from Tokyo University, a project "Wild Challenger" was developed.

Using giant retractable sails, the dimensions of which make up 50 meters in height and 20 meters wide, annual flow Fuel can be reduced by almost 30 percent. To obtain maximum rods of sails individually, and each sail is a telescopic with five tiers, which allows you to fold them when the weather becomes unfavorable. Sails hollow and curved are made of aluminum or reinforced plastic, which makes them more like wings. Computer simulation, as well as tests in the aerodynamic tube showed that this concept can work even with lateral wind. Thus, the project "WIND CHALLENGER" can really become the development of economical vessels of the future generation.

The company "Eco Marine Power" has developed a project " Aquarius."That translated" Aquarius ". A feature of this project is the use of solar panels as a sail.

Such sails even received their own name "hard sail". They will become part of a large project that will allow maritime courts without any problems to use alternative energy sources, while in the sea, on the raid and port. Each panel sail will automatically change the position using computer control, which develops the Japanese company " KEI SYSTEM PTY LTD" Panels can also be removed in adverse weather conditions.

The last achievement in the field of solar technology means that now you can use a combination of solar panels and sails, and this fact displays this project For advanced positions in the development of modern shipbuilding.

System " Aquarius»It is designed in such a way that it does not require much attention from the crew of the vessel and relatively easy to install. Materials from which the hard sail and other components of the system are manufactured are recycled.

System " Aquarius."It will be attractive to the investment of funds by shipping companies and ship operators, due to the rapid payback of the project.

It can be concluded that both of these paths are designed to solve the same problems. The implementation of these projects has a significant impact on world sea transportation, contributing to a significant decrease in the level of environmental pollution and reduce fuel and service costs. What to choose is the case of everyone. An easier way to implement is the use of economical fuel, since this technologist does not require full replacement of the fleet, and can be applied to existing courts, but at the same time a certain level of fuel costs and emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are preserved. The choice in favor of the construction of ships, which in their operation use alternative energy sources, on the one hand, requires full replacement of the fleet, but on the other eliminates the cost of fuel and significantly reduce different kinds Environmental pollution.


1. Sokirkin V.A. International marine law: studies. Visobi / Sokirkin V.A.,

Sitethev VS - M: international relations, 2009. - 384 p.

2. Shurpyak V.K. The use of alternative types of energy and alternative

fuel on marine ships [Electronic resource]. - Access mode to the document:

3. Future ships [Electronic resource]. - Access mode to the document:

4. Economic ships are possible [Electronic resource]. - Access mode to

document: http: //

5. The alternative system of "Aquarius" can change sea transport

[electronic resource]. - Access mode to the document:

Over the past twenty years, the automotive industry has reached huge results to reduce the content of harmful substances in the exhaust gases. The prohibition of the use of ethyl gasolines, the use of catalytic neutralizers of exhaust gases and modern power supply systems, made it possible to significantly reduce the harmful effects of road transport on the environment and human health.
During the operation of automotive engineers, not only toxic gases are ejected into the atmosphere, but also carbon dioxide (CO 2).
Motors of modern cars have become more economical, and this led to a decrease in carbon dioxide emissions. The use of alternative fuels also contributes to both a decrease in harmful substances in the exhaust gases and to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.
Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG - LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS) make it possible to reduce the content of harmful substances in the exhaust gases and at the same time about 10% reduce the amount of CO 2 allocated during the operation of the OI.
Compressed natural gas (CNG - Compressed Natural Gas) is an alternative fuel that can be used in ISS with spark ignition and in diesel engines. For use as fuel in the engine, it must be compressed to high pressure to occupy a smaller volume. This gas can be transported in high pressure cylinders. When used as fuel, a decrease in emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere is ensured.
Methanol. (Methanol) - alcohol fuel obtained in the process of refining oil or coal. When using methanol, a decrease in the level of carbon dioxide in the exhaust gases by 5% is reduced as fuel for the engine. However, to obtain the same power, twice the amount of fuel is required than when using gasoline.
Ethanol. (Ethanol) - alcohol fuel obtained from plants, such as corn, sugar cane, etc., has about the same properties as methanol and produces fewer nitrogen oxides and reduced carbon dioxide content by 4% compared to gasoline. The exhaust gases of DVS, working on ethanol, contain harmful aldehydes, which have an unpleasant odor, cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the human body and cannot be eliminated using catalytic neutralizers.
Hydrogen (H 2) - combustible gas, which, during combustion, is combined with oxygen forming water. Hydrogen is the most promising alternative to hydrocarbon fuels. Hydrogen is also a perspective fuel for use in power plants on fuel cells.
Listed alternative fuels can in some cases, used for automotive engines. Many car manufacturers have in their program the release of cars that can use alternative fuels. The most common cars that can be used along with gasoline liquefied gas or natural compressed gas.

MINI COOPER car, with hydrogen running engine

The engines of the Experienced BMW 750HL and Mini Cooper Hydrogen are equipped with a liquid and cooled hydrogen injection system mixed with air in the inlet pipeline. Such an approach makes it possible to improve the filling of the Cylinders of the FCs fueling mixture and minimize environmental pollution.
The use of alternative types of automotive fuel can somewhat slow down the perspective of the exhaustion of world oil reserves, but does not fully solve this problem. Therefore, most of the world's leading car manufacturers are now closely engaged in developing. power plantswhere alternative energy sources are used.

In connection with the presence on a large vessel of several energy Installations, for example, the main engine, diesel generator for generating electricity, boiler for the production of hot water and steam, ship fuel can be represented immediately by several species.

Moreover, the main engine of the sea vessel is often powered by non-one, but two and more fuels alternately. This is due to the fact that in the ocean there are zones of special control of sulfur emissions - the North and Baltic Sea, the Atlantic and Pacific coast of the United States and Canada.

When approaching them, the engines are translated into diesel fuel with a small content of sulfur. The same technique is used before performing maneuvers, in which you often change engine modes. After leaving the port, diesel fuel is replaced by fuel oil, on which the ship passes the main part of the path.

Fuel Types for Shipping

The main types of fuel for ships today are:

  • diesel fuel;
  • highly viscous types of ship fuel;
  • other types (KST - component of ship fuel from gas condensate, oil gas turbine TG and TGVK, LNG - liquefied natural gas, etc.)

Diesel and low-viscous fuels belong to light petroleum products. They differ from each other worth (SMT much cheaper), as well as technical specifications.

SMT contains more sulfur (from 0.5 to 1.5% against 0.01%), has a lower cetane number (40 against 45). The main winnings when replacing diesel fuel is small enough, it is cheaper than the latter, as well as in the absence of sulfur in diesel fuel to save lubricating properties, you need to introduce special expensive additives.

High-viscous types of ship diesel fuel belong to dark varieties of petroleum products. They are cheaper than light, so widely used for shipping. Are divided into lightweight, heavy and superheassed. These species include Flot f-5 and F-12 fuel oil, M-40 and M-100 fuel oil, IFO-30 ships fuel, IFO-180, IFO-380. They are produced by mixing residual petroleum products with diesel fractions. Dark varieties are used in low-speed and mid-speed engines.

On the storage and preparation of ship fuel

Fuel bunkers are used to store fuel on the vessel, located next to the engine compartment. A large vessel can spend up to 40 tons of fuel per day, but excess fuel, with the exception of the emergency stock in case of storms, do not take the flight, because it creates ballast and reduces the useful loading of the vessel. The ballast also includes the dead fuel supply on the vessel - the remains in the bunkers below the intricate nozzles.

Before use, fuel oil is often subjected to special preparation operations. They consist:

  1. In the heating of the fuel mass of cold fuel oil, which has lost turnover, by taking advantage of the hot fuel oil tank. Heating is carried out in tanks equipped with special heating systems.
  2. Cleaning by defending or separating in special ship installations; With these processes, dirt, mechanical inclusions and water are separated. Purified fuel is less in engines, so the cleaning installations are accurately pay off.

Today there are many varieties of diesel and other fuels for the vessel. To avoid procurement errors, try to acquire fuel only in proven suppliers.


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