Production of products at catering facilities. Functional features of the catering company. Fast service establishments

Committee on the formation of the Minsk City Executive Committee

Establishment of education

"Minsk State Vocational and Technical

Cooking College »


And performing home testing


Production of products and organization of catering


Technology of National and World Kitchen


Specialist: Technician technologist

Minsk 2014.

Analytical chemistry:Methodical recommendations for the study of educational discipline and the performance of home testing for students of the correspondence department


Production of products and organization of catering "

Qualifications: technician-technologist. - Minsk: MGPTK Cooking, 2014

Developer: S.S. Gavrichenkova, Chemistry Teacher 2 Categories

Considered at the meeting of the Cycle Commission

in the specialty "Production of products and the organization of catering"

Establishment of education

"Minsk State Vocational

technical College Cooking, 2014

Explanatory note

Educational discipline "Analytical chemistry" refers to the number of fundamental sciences.

The purpose of teaching educational discipline is to teach the theoretical basics of analytical chemistry and the acquisition of skills practical application methods of high-quality and quantitative analysis to determine the compounds of inorganic and organic nature, the correct assessment of the results obtained.

The study of the course of the educational discipline "Analytical Chemistry" is based on the course "General and inorganic Chemistry". It is assumed that the student can perform private reactions of opening cations and anions, can calculate the concentrations of H +, it - ions, has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe hydrolysis of salts of various types, about complex compounds, about low-soluble compounds and may on the basis of the product of solubility (pr) calculate the concentrations of ions in solution (and vice versa); The equation of redox reactions is able to equalize and so on.

In the process of studying the learning discipline, "Analytical Chemistry" must be delivered and successfully solved specific tasks for the assimilation of the learning entire theoretical material of the educational discipline.

Uponcing software material, it is necessary to pay attention to the safe and rational techniques for conducting a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the substance, the rules of work with chemical dishes, reagents, methods of research and evaluation of the quality of raw materials, products of its processing, food and culinary products, the use of modern instruments and equipment, security issues ambient.

As a result of the study of the learning discipline "Analytical Chemistry" students

must know:

at the presentation level:

  • the main tasks of the discipline and its value in the analysis of the composition of substances;
  • the role of analytical chemistry in the study of phenomena and processes occurring during the storage and processing of raw materials, semi-finished products, food products;
  • modern devices and equipment used to study and assess the quality of raw materials, products of its processing, food and culinary products;
  • the value of high-quality, quantitative and physicochemical methods for analyzing for technochemical control of raw materials, products of its processing, food and culinary products;

at the level of understanding:

  • theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry and the rationale for the methods used;
  • analysis methods, their essence, methodology for conducting and processing results;
  • essence and methods of titration;
  • rules for working with chemical dishes, reagents, devices and equipment;
  • safe and rational techniques of conducting quality and quantitative analysis of substances;

must be able to:

  • choose methods and carry out the analysis of raw materials, products of its processing, food and culinary products;
  • prepare solutions of titrant and using them to determine the content of substances in the analyzed solution;
  • carry out the necessary statistical processing of the analysis results;
  • perform labor safety requirements when conducting high-quality and quantitative analysis of substances.

In the process of studying educational discipline, it is necessary to bring up in students hardworking, accuracy, accuracy, responsibility for conducting analysis.

The course of the educational discipline "Analytical Chemistry" for the implementation of the educational program of secondary special education is studied by specialists in the qualification of the technician-technologist. In connection with the steam system of training sessions in an institution of education, the presentation of the theoretical material is necessary through the unification of the main topics according to the thematic plan of the educational discipline before performing the main laboratory work. IN educational process Technical and didactic learning tools should be widely used.

In order to acquire educational durable professional skills, it is necessary to consider in classes non-standard situations, Methods for their permission during laboratory work. The subject of laboratory works is due to the task of formation of the student skills of an independent chemical experiment.

Laboratory workshop includes work on a qualitative analysis of mixed ions, quantitative determination of substances by titrimetric and physicochemical methods of analysis. Laboratory work is carried out by studying individually and independently under the control of the teacher.

In order to control the knowledge of students, compulsory test work is envisaged. The tasks for it are developed by the teacher and are approved in the prescribed manner.


The main type of work of the learning correspondence department is an independent study of the course of the educational discipline "Analytical Chemistry" on the indicated literature. Extracurricular independent work of students includes preparations for laboratory work, performing exercises and control homework, self-study of individual sections. Methodical instructions and control questionsThe methodological guidelines set forth in this methodological manual should assist in the independent work of students in the correspondence department during the intersessional period.

The work of educational correspondence form of obtaining education over the course of the educational discipline "Analytical Chemistry" is composed of the following elements:

1. visiting lecture classes;

2. Independent study of material on textbooks and tutorials;

3. Performance of control tasks, laboratory workshop;

4. Control of the studied material in the form of writing mandatory test work on academic discipline;

The student should know:

1. Theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry.

2. Principles and methods of chemical qualitative analysis (fractional and systematic)

3. Principles and methods of chemical quantitative analysis (gravimetry and titrimimetry).

4. Theoretical foundations of physicochemical (instrumental) analysis methods, their use to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of the analyzed objects.

The student must be able to:

1. To work independently with educational, reference and methodological literature on educational discipline "Analytical Chemistry".

2. To properly select the analysis method in accordance with the analytical task and the specified definition accuracy.

3. To own the technique and carry out various gravimetric and titrimetric definitions.

4. Properly perform calculations of the results of the analysis and evaluate them using mathematical processing methods.

5. Work with instruments - analytical scales, pH meters, ionomers, installations for electrochemical methods of analysis, photoelectrocolorimeters and spectrophotometers.

6. Apply the knowledge gained for analyzing the unorganic and organic nature compounds in the technochemical control of food.

The lecture course of the educational discipline "Analytical Chemistry" includes three main sections:

    • introduction and theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry;
    • qualitative chemical analysis;
    • quantitative analysis, including physico-chemical (instrumental) methods of analysis.

The student performs one home test work, the test work option corresponds to the sequence number of the student in the journal if the number is two-digit, the version of the test work is determined by folding the numbers. Work should be submitted within the prescribed period.

List of recommended literature


  1. Analytical chemistry. Chemical analysis methods / under. ed. OM Petrukhina. - M.: Chemistry, 1992
  2. Vasilyev V.P. Analytical chemistry: at 2 h. - M.: Higher School, 1989
  3. Piskareva S.K. And others. Analytical chemistry: studies. For media. specialist. studies. establishments / S.K. Piskareva, K.M. Barashkov, KM Olshanova. - 2nd ed. Pererab. and add. - M.: Higher. shk. - 1994.
  4. Saenko O.E. Analytical chemistry: textbook for secondary special educational institutions / O.E. Saenko. - Rostov by / d: Phoenix, 2009.


  1. Analytical chemistry / I.A. Pinds S.E. Traubenberg, N.V. Ostashenkova, F.A. Lysyuk. - M.: Chemistry, 1989
  2. Analytical chemistry / ed. prof. A.A. Ishchenko. - M. Academia, 2004
  3. Zhvanko Yu.N. Analytical chemistry and TKK. - M.: Higher School, 1980
  4. Kreszkov A.P. Course of analytical chemistry. - M.: Chemistry, 1985
  5. Tolstousov V.N., Epros S.M. Task for quantitative analysis. - M.: Chemistry, 1986
  6. Yaroslavtsev A.A. Collection of tasks and exercises on analytical chemistry. - M.: Higher School, 1966.

Thematic plan of educational discipline "Analytical Chemistry"

Ministry of Labor, Employment and social protection Republic of Tatarstan

State budgetary educational institution

Higher professional education

"Naberezhnokhlinninsky State Trade and Technological Institute"


Department of Food Technology

Specialty 260501.65

Catering technology


in manufacturing practice

Naberezhnye Chelny


1. Section Organization of Supply and Warehouse

2. Section Organization of production. Operational planning

3. Section System for certification of products and services of the enterprise. Regulatory and technological documentation in the enterprise

4. Individual task


List of sources used


dining room Warehouse Assortment

Public diet is a public economy industry, the basis of which is the enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their implementation and consumption organization, as well as those characterized by the unity of the forms of organizing the production and maintenance of consumers and differing in types, specializations.

With the transition to market relations in our city, the number of catering enterprises has increased. Attendance to the population of such enterprises is growing every day. This can be explained by an increase in the standard of living of the population, interest in culture foreign countries And to their kitchen, in particular, the lack of time for cooking, the desire for a variety of his leisure.

For passage industrial practice As an intern - a technologist, I chose Elaz-Auto Aerket LLC. This company provided me with all the necessary information and documentation for filling in the diary and writing this report.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe shopping room is 408m 2. A car dealership "Elaz-Automarket" is located at: Elabuga. Production is open from 08:00 to 17:00, the car dealership is open from 09:00 to 18:00.

The composition of workers:

Car dealership,

Production director,

Cooks (1 person- IV discharge, 3 people - IIIRDER),



Security guard,


Owner working.

The product range is relatively large and complies with the approved product range of products. In the dining room used such methods of sale as self-service. In addition, in the self-service department, the buyer can independently acquire goods, as well as the seller can serve the buyer through the counter, the calculations will produce a buyer in the calculation node.

A very good location is selected: you can easily drive, takes place for parking.

Product Manufactured:

"Vitamin", "Health", "Original", "Meat", "Grenader", "Gourmet", "Temptation", "Nutritious", "Field".

First meal:

Borsch meat, spicy soup with potatoes and rice, buckwheat soup with egg and greens, noodles soup with chicken and greens, soup with fish meatballs, okhroze. Meat.

Second dishes:

Marine tongue baked with vegetables, beef "appetizing", beefstroods, cabbage rolls with meat, manta in Kazan with sour cream, dumplings with broth and greens, kagents in Kiev, chicken with vegetables.

Garnish: buckwheat porridge (crumbly), porridge rice, potato mashed potatoes, pasta with cheese.

Flour confectionery:

Puff pastry with apples and drinkers, crispy nuts, gubady with the court, Cupcake "Honey", Eclairs.

Drinks: Tea with sugar, lemon tea, tea with honey, tea green, coffee, coffee with milk, coffee with cream, cocoa.

The dining room at the Elaz Auto Motorket Auto Show is a catering company intended for the production of cold and hot snacks, first and second dishes. Sales finished products carried out through the trading room. A variety of products depends on personnel preferences, working conditions and other factors. The mode of operation depends on the schedule of the auto show.

All requirements according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that working time It should not exceed 160 hours a month, are observed, the chefs work for 8 hours.

I got acquainted with the work schedule for employees and studied it.

In all manufacturing, administrative, warehouse and auxiliary premises, signs are posted in prominent places indicating the phone number of the fire chart.

An appropriate fire-fighting regime is installed on the enterprise.

The procedure for de-energization of electrical equipment in the event of a fire and after the end of the working day is determined;

Regulated: the procedure for conducting temporary fighter and other fire-hazardous works; the procedure for inspection and closure of premises after the end of work; actions of workers when a fire is detected;

The procedure and timing of the passage of fire briefing and exercise for fire and technical minimum are determined, as well as those responsible for their conduct.

Places and permissible number of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products are identified;

Installed the order of cleaning of combustible waste and dust, storage of oiled overalls.

1 section. Organization of supply and warehouse

1.1 Supply organization

The company receives both semi-finished products and other products: vegetables, fruits, flour, meat, etc. Supply of goods is carried out depending on the type of product: perishable products of milk, bread comes daily in the morning. The rest of the products are delivered during the day. (see Table 1.1)

1.1 Forms, Routes, Delivery and Payment Methods

Products Suppliers Forms Routes


Ways of payment
Fruits ChP Ivanov Transit Patented Centralized Non-cash
Vegetables Wholesale base of Elabuga Transit Patented Centralized Non-cash
Meat IP Kudryashov Transit On the ring Centralized Non-cash
Bird IP Kudryashov Transit On the ring Centralized Non-cash
Milk products Elabuga Milk Combine Transit On the ring Centralized Non-cash
Flour Wholesale base of Elabuga Transit Patented Centralized Non-cash
Grocery Wholesale base of Elabuga Transit On the ring Centralized Non-cash
Seasonings, sugar Wholesale base of Elabuga Transit On the ring Centralized Non-cash
Oil, mayonnaise Wholesale base of Elabuga Transit On the ring Centralized Non-cash
Canned products Wholesale base of Elabuga Transit On the ring Centralized Non-cash
Coffee Tea Wholesale base of Elabuga Transit On the ring Centralized Non-cash
A fish IP Kudryashov Transit Patented Centralized Non-cash
Eggs Wholesale base of Elabuga Transit Patented Centralized Non-cash
Bread IP Husnutdinov Transit On the ring Centralized Non-cash

Table 1.2- Rhythmic Delivery

The reception of goods is carried out by a warehouse worker, he checks the date of manufacture, the appearance of the goods and quantity. Acceptance of goods on the overhead. On the enterprise, the transit form of supply "Supplier - Enterprise". Product delivery is carried out in a centralized way. Delivery of goods is carried out by the forces and means of suppliers, so the company does not have its own transport. Tesse products are mainly produced by ring routes. A list of potential suppliers is formed, which is constantly updated and complemented. Criteria for the choice of suppliers price and the quality of the supplied products, as well as reliability of supplies, the timing of orders, the remoteness of the supplier from the consumer.

1.2 Warehouse Organization

Warehouse premises of catering facilities are served to accept products from suppliers of products, raw materials and semi-finished products, their short-term storage and vacation. The room has a convenient connection with industrial premises.

Acceptance of goods is carried out by warehouse workers. Warehouses are placed in separate rooms, they have a convenient connection with industrial premises.

The complex of warehouse operations of this enterprise is the following sequence:

Unloading of transport;

Acceptance of goods;

Deposit accommodation;

Vacation goods from storage sites;

Internal cargo movement.

The warehouse group includes premises for storing products that are divided into cooled and uncooled. In cooled rooms store perishable products: meat, fish, fats, dairy, etc. The required temperature in the chambers is maintained using mechanical cooling. In non-cooled rooms store vegetables drinks, dry foods.

Warehouse equipment includes racks, seatpapers for placement and storage of products, weight metering, refrigeration equipment.

To prevent losses and damage in storage facilities, the optimal regime of goods storage is ensured in accordance with their physicochemical properties.

From warehouse space Public catering, vacation products is carried out on production at the request of the workshop. Based on the requirement of the Accounting Requires the requirements of the Overheads, which are signed by the Chief Accountant and the head of the enterprise, and after the holidays of the goods warehouse and the goods received. When you leave, the storekeeper complies with the order: the goods received earlier are released in the first place.

Table 1.3-composition of the warehouse of the enterprise

Place the placement of refrigeration equipment

Related raw material

Quantity of goods

required per day (kg)

The shelf life of commodity

reserves (day)

Quantity of goods


Storage conditions for goods Product storage method

Equipment needed

to accommodate goods

Vegetable storage room without cooling Fresh carrots 4 2 8


Bulk Storage Container
Potatoes 95 2 100


Bulk Storage Container
Bulb onions 10 2 20


Bulk Storage Container
Garlic 1 5 5


Box Rack

Warehouse Group / Premises for the storage of vegetables, fruits, greenery, milk-fat grocery mia

Lemon fresh 4 2 8


Box Cabinet
Fresh oranges 5,5 2 11


Box Cabinet
Bulb onions 10 2 20


Box Cabinet
Pepper Sweet Fresh 10 2 20


Box Cabinet
Fresh cucumbers 20 2 40


Box Refrigerated cabinet

Salad green fresh

9 2 18


Box Cabinet
Green onion 0,5 2 1


Box Cabinet
Apples fresh 7 2 14


Box Cabinet
Fresh bananas 7 2 14


Box Cabinet
Pears fresh 7 2 14


Box Cabinet
Mandarins fresh 6 2 12


Box Cabinet
Fresh grapes 6 2 12


Box Cabinet
Cream 20% 6 2 12


Stellagian Refrigerated cabinet
Milk 4 2 8


Stellagian Refrigerated cabinet
Butter 5 2 10


Stellagian Refrigerated cabinet
Margarine Table 2 2 4


Stellagian Refrigerated cabinet
Cheese 4 2 8


Stellagian Refrigerated cabinet
Sour cream 0,5 2 1


Stellagian Refrigerated cabinet
Mayonnaise 9 2 18


Stellagian Refrigerated cabinet
Veal ice cream 1 3 3


Bulk Freezing stalls
Beef ice cream 3,5 3 10,5


Bulk Freezing stalls
Kidney beef ice cream 1,5 1 1,5


Bulk Freezing stalls
Bones Food ice cream 4 3 12


Bulk Freezing stalls
Chickens 1 categories. ice cream 23 3 69


Bulk Freezing stalls
Pork (cutlet meat) ice cream 2 3 6


Bulk Freezing stalls
Beef (cutlet meat) ice cream 2 3 6


Bulk Freezing stalls
Pork Korean ice cream 5 3 15


Bulk Freezing stalls
Beef (Cut) Ice Cream 6 3 18


Bulk Freezing stalls
Warehouse Group / Store dry products Tomato Mashed 2 7 14

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Vegetable oil 10 7 70

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Stellagian Rack / Storeroom Dry Products
Wheat flour 6 5 30

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Stellagian Rack / Storeroom Dry Products
Coffee 1 10 10

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Stellagian Rack / Storeroom Dry Products
Sugar 7 7 49

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Stellagian Rack / Storeroom Dry Products
Chocolate 0,5 5 2,5

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Stellagian Rack / Storeroom Dry Products
Tea 0,1 5 0,5

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Stellagian Rack / Storeroom Dry Products
Salt 2 10 20

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Stellagian Rack / Storeroom Dry Products
Pepper black hammer 0,04 10 0,4

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Stellagian Rack / Storeroom Dry Products
Bay leaf 0,03 10 0,3

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Stellagian Rack / Storeroom Dry Products
Lemon juice 0,1 10 1

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Stellagian Rack / Storeroom Dry Products
Bread Sukhariki 0,2 10 2

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Stellagian Rack / Storeroom Dry Products
Vinegar 3% 1 10 10

10 ... 12 o with humidity

Stellagian Rack / Storeroom Dry Products

2 section. Organization of production. Operational planning

2.1Rganization of the work of the workpieces

In the meatshore workshop, meat, fish and birds are planning in the same room. Placed next to the hot workshop. Allocated tools, containers, cutting boards, chopping knives marked for meat processing and fish. Also on the company has a meat grinder, refrigeration chambers. On the enterprise, the meat enters the semi-supersays in the frozen form. The processing process of meat consists of the following operations:

The meat is defrosting, wash, dry, make the lumber, housing and sweeping, and then prepare semi-finished products. Meat comes on production from large suppliers.

Fish processing is in the same workshop, where and meat processing. In the workshop there is a partition separating fish processing from meat. In the frozen form, the fish enters the company mainly gone.

The berignness of raw materials is performed when accepting. Check the color of the smell, the state of the carcasses. Organization of labor, the general management of the workshop carries out the workshop. In the workshop, three employees, the chef of the fourth discharge carries out the cutting of meat, the lifting of the parts. For the preparation of semi-finished products, the chef of the fourth discharge is responsible, and the third carries out the processing of poultry meat and fish.

Vegetable shop is located next to the cold. The shop is equipped with tools, inventory to perform certain operations. Mechanical culinary treatment of vegetables is carried out in a vegetable workshop and is as follows:

Vegetables are sorted by the size of the degree of contamination and fitness, vegetables are wash manually removing contaminants, remove eyes and fruits, peeled vegetables rinsed. There is a shell for washing staff hand.

Workshop mode from 8:00 to 17:00.

Production program of the meat shop

Table 2.1- The amount of raw materials for processing

2.2 Organization of work of bottomholes.

The hot workshop is the main shop of the enterprise, it is located next to the meatshop workshop. It completes the technological process of cooking: thermal processing of products and semi-finished products are carried out thermal processing of products for cold dishes. From the hot workshop, ready-made meals come directly into hand-cut cases to implement the consumer. The production program of the hot workshop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes. 1 Fourth category Cook and 3 category Cooks III are working 5 days a week for 8 hours. Hot workshop is equipped with the following equipment: hot wardrobe, comfortable stove, two tables, racks, one microwave, scales One refrigerator, two sinks, boards, knives.

Dishes prepared in the hot workshop comply with the requirements of state standards. Sanitary state is normal. Washing baths are made of hood. There are shells for washing staff hand. There are rubber mats.

A separate workplace in the overall production room is assigned to the Cold Workshop company, so it sells a large range of dining room salads.

Production of the workshop after cooking and portioning is not subjected to secondary processing, so the sanitary rules under the organization are strictly observed. manufacturing process, and cooks are personal hygiene rules.

Workshops work from 8:00 to 17:00.

2.3 Organization of the work of auxiliary workshops

Washing placed opposite the cold shop. There are no sublinks for used dishes, there are racks for clean dishes and inventory, washing baths with three compartments for soaking, washing and disinfection used dishes and its rinsing. Wash dishes with brushes using detergents. After processing, the inventory, kitchen utensils and the intracuchetic container are dried and stored in a specially dedicated place on racks with a height of at least 0.5-0.7 m from the floor.

I would advise you to purchase a dishwasher. This is first, will speed up the work, and secondly, improve the sanitary condition of the dishes.

2.5 Organization of work of trading groups of premises

In the shopping room allotted special place For product sales, there are showcases.

The mode of operation corresponds to the mode of operation of the trading room from 8:00 to 17:00, sellers are serviced.

It has a convenient connection with a hot, cold and meatshore workshop.

In refrigeration showcases, a certain temperature is maintained that contributes to long-term storage of products.

Opening hours of the enterprise Turnover 1 place per day Middle% loading hall Number of visitors in 1 hour
1 8.00-9.00 - 0 -
2 9.00-10.00 1 10 2
3 10.00-11.00 1 15 4
4 11.00-12.00 1 90 20
5 12.00-13.00 1 80 15
6 13.00-14.00 1 60 10
7 14.00-15.00 1 50 9
8 15.00-16.00 1 60 11
9 16.00-17.00 1 40 8

2.6 Operational planning

The company approved a plan of turnover for a month, on the basis of this plan a production program is drawn up on the day.

Operational planning of production work includes the following elements:

Drawing up a scheduled menu for a week, based on it to develop a plan-menu reflecting the daily manufacturing program of the enterprise; Drawing and approval of the menu;

Calculation of food requirements for the preparation of dishes provided for by the menu plan and drawing up a raw material requirements;

Registration of invoice requirements for vacation products from storeroom at the production and production of raw materials;

Distribution of raw materials between shops and definition of tasks to cooks according to the menu plan.

The company is not mechanized enough, I would contribute. In the cold shop, it is necessary to purchase vegetable cutters, as they are mainly done in manual, and it increases the risk of transmitting infection and bacteria. Also, I would also divide the meat fabric.

3 section. Product quality control on the enterprise

3.1 Certification of products and services of the enterprise

Certifications are subject to the following types of catering services:

Nutrition services (restaurants, cafes, canteens, bars, eateries and other catering companies, public network enterprises);

Services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery;

Services for the implementation of culinary products.

Certification of public catering services includes:

Apply for certification (application form)

Consideration and decision on request

Evaluation of the compliance of services established requirements, including: analysis of documents, verification of the organization of the technological process and the provision of services in place

Making a decision on issuing (refusal to issue) certificate of conformity

Issuance of a certificate of conformity and permission to apply the conformity mark

Inspection control for certified services.

When certified, service characteristics are checked and test methods are used, allowing:

Conduct service identification, including testing its belonging to a classification group in accordance with regulatory and technical documents

Fully and reliably confirm the compliance with the requirements aimed at ensuring its quality and safety for the life, health and property of the consumer, the environment established in regulatory documents regulating this service.

List of key documents for certification services

Charter (copy)

Certificate of introduction to the register of legal entities of the MNS (copy)

Certificate of registration of INN in MNS (copy)

Certificate of State Statistics Committee (Copy)

Lease agreement (sublease) or ownership (copy)

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the CSGSEN in the type of activity (copy)

Assortment of manufactured and sold catering (copy)

Conclusion of the Mrs. Organ to the Certification Object (Copy)

License for retail sale of alcoholic beverages (copy)

Certificates of conformity, declaration of conformity, sanitary and epidemic conclusions on goods (selectively copies)

Contracts with service organizations (for granting communal services, garbage collection, disrangement, equipment repair)

Technical and Technological Documents Organization (Copies)

List of equipment, incl. Measurement tools

List of personnel (manufacturing and servicing)

Protocols of laboratory tests of products in AIL (on microbiological and physicochemical indicators)

List of services provided by the company according to GOST

Classification of catering services

4.2.1. The restaurant service is a manufacturing, implementation and organization of consumption of a wide range of dishes and products of complex manufacturing of all major groups from different species raw materials, purchased goods.

4.3. Services in the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery include:

Making culinary products and confectionery products for consumer orders, including in difficult design and with additional design at catering establishments;

Manufacture of customer raw materials in the enterprise;

4.4. Services for the organization of consumption of products and maintenance include:

Organization and maintenance of celebrations, family dinners and ritual events;

Organization and maintenance of participants in the conference, seminars, meetings, cultural events in recreation areas, etc.;

Waiter service (bartender) for home maintenance;

Delivery of culinary products and confectionery products for consumer orders, including in banquet performance;

Delivery of culinary products, confectionery and consumer maintenance in workplaces and at home;

Delivery of culinary products and confectionery for orders and maintenance of consumers in the path of passenger transport (including coupe, cabin, cabin, aircraft);

Booking places in the hall of the catering catering;

Organization of rational complex nutrition.

4.5. Services for the implementation of culinary products include:

Implementation of culinary products outside the enterprise;

Vacation lunch at home;

A complete set of culinary sets on the road, including tourists for self-preparation of culinary products.

4.6. Services in the organization of leisure include:

Organization of musical services;

Organization of concerts, programs variety and video programs;

3.2 Regulatory and technological documentation in the enterprise

The regulatory and technical documentation of this enterprise is: a collection of recipes, technical and technological maps, technological maps, technological schemes, a hardware-processing scheme of production, the specification of technological equipment, the calculated statement of the consumption of raw materials on the menu, reports on work, acts about the control of I.T. d.

When drafting technological maps, calculating cards, technical and technological and technological schemes are guided by the collection of recipes and culinary products. All documentation is contained in the computer and in paper form.

This company provided me with a whole list of regulatory and technical documentation, having familiarized with which, I came to the conclusion that it meets all the requirements, norms and is in perfect order.

The quality of production products primarily depends on the quality of the incoming raw materials. This enterprise, concluded a contract for the supply of food products in the Supplier. The company introduced a system of product quality management. The quality system is not only a means of ensuring the quality of the goods, but also the criterion for assessing the reliability of the supplier.

The main document in the development and implementation of the quality system is the "Quality Guide", which sets out reference data (standards, regulatory and technological documentation, etc.). Quality check can be external and internal.

External control is to control the local administration, Sanpine.

Internal control is carried out by the administration of the enterprise: director, head of production. The beginning of the working day begins with checking hands. Workers pass a medical examination 1 time in three months

The most important conditions for the release of high quality dishes is a clear compliance with all employees of the raw materials laying and the implementation of the technological process in strict accordance with the established requirements.

List of in great demand:

Salads: "Original", "Gourmet", "Nutritious". Short-term storage dishes for sale is carried out in medium-temperature shop windows.

Inspected salads should be sold within 18 hours from the date of manufacture, refilled by mayonnaise or sauce - for 12 hours, and provided that they are stored at a temperature not higher than 4 degrees Celsius. Adding eggs to salads with eggs reduces the shelf life of up to six hours.

3.3 Quality Control Products

Quality is understood as properties and characteristics Goods that cause consumer satisfaction, and as the lack of deficiencies, enhancing a sense of satisfaction from the client.

Quality control of products is made in manufacturing. The company delivers and control over the flow of products with quality certificates. Develops measures to improve technological processes, compliance with the production of products in strict documentation. Performs prophylactic control of equipment on technological accuracy.

Be sure to record that raw materials, food productsSemi-finished products for this dish (products) meet the regulatory documents (gtostas, remain, etc.) and have certificates and quality certificates.

Quality and safety indicators. Indicate organoleptic performance of dishes (taste, smell, color, consistency), physico-chemical and microbiological indicators affecting the safety of the dish.

Indicators food formulation and energy value. They provide data on the food and energy value of the dish, which is important for the organization of nutrition of certain groups of consumers (dietary, medical and prophylactic, baby food, etc.)

The quality of food prepared by them periodically check employees of superior links.

In meat dishes, birds and fish estimate the correctness of the cutting, pieces, their shape, noting the presence of pieces chopped along the fibers or strongly deformed, reproach.

The degree of readiness and consistency of meat products, birds and fish are determined by the puncture of the cook needle: it should be easily included in the thickness of the product. Determine the color on the surface, and on the context.

The consistency of chopped meat products should be loose, juicy, slightly elastic.

With marriage, vegetable sidespit pay attention to the quality of cleaning vegetables and potatoes, carefulness of removal of dark spots and stunned places, correct and neat cutting them; In roasted vegetables, for the presence or absence of highly burnt, their readiness is determined by crushing, chewing or cutting. The consistency should be soft and juicy.

Laboratory control is to verify the quality and safety of raw materials, auxiliary materials, finished products and compliance with technological and sanitary and hygienic modes of dishes, confectionery products are carried out by communal supplies with the state-poidnadzor.

Table -3.1 Quality control of products

Stages of control Responsible person or group of persons (position) Control points Regulatory Technical Documentation Operational actions when not fulfilling controlled qualitative indicators
Input Head Production Acceptance of products by quantity by recalculating tare places, weighing. If the goods came in a serviceable container, in addition to checking the weight of the gross, the company has the right to demand the opening of the container and testing net weight Commodity overhead, s / f, certificates of quality and compliance

If the shortage is discussed, a unilateral act on the deficiencies is drawn up, this item is stored separately, its safety is ensured and the supplier of perishable goods immediately after the shortage is detected, for the rest no later than 24 hours.

An act of inconsistency is also drawn up.

Operating The correctness of the technological process, compliance with the recipes, the quality of the incoming raw materials, finished products and semi-finished products Technological maps, technical and technological maps, recipe collections, standards Selection of raw materials with certain technological properties, improvement and modernization of technological operations and regimes, taking into account the properties of the feedstock, sorting finished products on quality gradations.
Output Head production, chef Feeding dishes and products, embedding of raw materials, Feed temperature Technical and technological karyts, standards Replacement dish, recovery from cook

Control of product quality at the enterprise is conducted. All raw materials entering the enterprise is supported by the relevant certificates and evidence. Finished products are strictly strictly as part of the term of implementation.

Individual task

Selection of effective production technologies

For efficient work Dining room and its profitability It is necessary to use new technologies for the production of culinary products. The main merit here belongs to modern, high-tech equipment, which is the priority component of the introduction successful business in this region.

I recommend to have equipment and organize preparation zones depending on the operations that will be performed. The correct location of the machines increases the efficiency of personnel, eliminates unnecessary movements, errors, spending raw materials and increases income. As well as

Develop an ergonomic and resource-saving kitchen project;

Implement effective staff management technologies;

Reduce the number of personnel to the required minimum;

Delete the quality stability of dishes;

Implement a transparent and reliable accounting system;


The dining room at the Elazavtomarket Auto Show can satisfy the requirements of any person. Kitchen staff work is cooled. All cooking operations go in a certain order.

Practice at this enterprise I got acquainted with the organizational and production structure of the enterprise, the system of logistics, studied trade and technological equipment and main technological operations of production and established their impact on the formation of quality finished products, I studied the range of confectionery products, methods and forms of quality control and accounting of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, studied the main types of regulatory documents and other issues listed in the program.

The range is relatively diverse, dishes manufactured by high quality enterprise and are prepared in compliance with all technological standards.

Control of product quality at the enterprise is conducted. All raw materials entering the enterprise is supported by the corresponding certificates and certificates. Finished products are strictly strictly as part of the shelf life.

I got acquainted with the work of the shopping hall, washing. Independently filled the documents and accepted the goods. He studied ways of design and vacation dishes.

Watching the work in the enterprise, I would like to make your proposals for improving work:

Separation of a meatshore workshop for two independent zones

Acquisition of a vegetable coating machine, kitchen knives

I also have and comments in the course of work:

When preparing a cooking dish, the rules of the technological process are not fully compliance;

There is no discipline of personnel.

List of sources used

1. Equipment of trade and catering enterprises. Tutorial / Ed. V.A.guleeva. - Moscow: Infra-M, 2004. - 543 p.

2. Organization of production on catering enterprises. Tutorial / Ed. L.A.Dchenko. - Rostov N / D.: Phoenix, 2004.- 352 p.

3. Cooking technology. Textbook. N.I. Kovalev, M.N. KUTOKINA, V.A. Kravtsov. Moscow: Business literature, Omega-L, 2005.468 p.

4. Vasyukova A., Pivovarov V.I., Pivovarov K.V. Organization of production and management of products in public catering: studies. benefit. - M. Publishing and trading corporation Dashkov and K "2006.-296c.

5. Zaiko G.M. Organization of production and maintenance in catering establishments. - Moscow - Rostov - to Don: "March", 2005. - 192c.

6. Sumagina I.N., Smagin D.A. "Organization commercial activities in public catering. " - M.: "Eksmo", 2005. - 336c.

7 Public food. Collection of regulatory documents. - M.: Gross Media, 2005. - 208 p.

8. Collection of recipes of national dishes and culinary products for catering enterprises of all forms of ownership. - M.: Gamma Press, 2003. - 832 p.

9. Usov V.V. "Organization of production and maintenance in catering establishments." - M: "Academy", 2002. - 416 p.

10. GOST, OSSS in public catering (in accordance with Federal law "On Technical Regulation"). - M.: Book Service, 2006.-128C.

11 Rubina E.A. Sanitation and nutritional hygiene: studies. Manual for studies universities. - M.: Academy, 2005. - 288 p.

Appendix No. Characteristic of technological equipment

equipment identification Mark. Purpose Characteristic (power, performance, etc.) Total use time, h
Refrigerated cabinet

Designed to store the working stock of products.

150 24
Production scales SW-0,2 4 Weighing products 4
Bracian cabinet Unox. 1 designed for baking only confectionery and small bakery products 7
microwave LG 1 designed for heating ready-made dishes 2
Electric plates 2 serve for frying and cooking on slab dishes 8
Plate Unox. 2 serve for frying and cooking on slab tableware. 6
Meat grinder MUM300. 1 designed for grinding meat and fish 2

Currently, the value of catering enterprises is increasing. This causes changes in the methods of processing raw materials, the development of communications, the intensification of many production processes, improving delivery methods. Consider further that today is a public catering.

general characteristics

The main issues related to the sector under consideration are explained in various regulatory acts of international and domestic type. Standards and requirements for this sector sets GOST. Public food can be described in different ways. So, under it understands ways of cooking food in large quantities implemented without a prior contract with consumers. Also, a public is called any kind of food organized outside the house.

General classification

Public catering enterprises can relate to the private or public sector. The latter includes institutions for schoolchildren and preschoolers, convicted people, servicemen, as well as people employed at the civil service and undergoing treatment in hospitals. In the private sector can include many public catering enterprises listed above. It also includes restaurants and other varieties of outlets that bring income. The private sector includes organizations that produce ready-made foods implemented through any channel from those listed above.

The value of the sphere

The development of society contributed to the formation of a socially organized nutrition. The economic significance of this sphere is to create conditions for improving productivity and improve the quality of labor activity. This is achieved through the provision of full nutrition at the place of study and the work of citizens. The most important tasks of the sector under consideration also include ensuring labor and funds, the creation of prerequisites for an increase in the free time of people, especially women. Public diet is a type of activity concerning the production, processing, sales and consumption of relevant products, as well as providing services to citizens.


The sphere of catering includes everything organizational formswhich expresses mass consumption (in children's institutions, hospitals, etc.), whose tasks include restoration and maintenance at the necessary level of health of the population. Services within the framework of the industry under consideration are provided in exchange for cash citizens. One of the main features of the sector is the community of trade and technological, material and technical and administrative and economic structures.

Industry functions

Within the framework of the sector under consideration, the production and sales of products are carried out, as well as the organization of catering. The first function is considered the main and source. In the production of food, labor costs make up about 70-90% of all industry expenses. This process involves creating a new product. Own food catering products come to implement additional cost and new consumer qualities. The complex of its functions of the organization under consideration is different from companies involved in other industries. For example, enterprises operating in food Industry, produce products that can usually use after additional processing. As for the goods produced in the sector under consideration, they are not subject to long-term storage and transportation. This, in turn, requires the organization of product consumption in place. However, it should be noted that in recent years the situation has changed somewhat. In particular, enterprises engaged in public catering establish the release of confectionery and culinary products, semi-finished products and other goods, as well as implementing them in the retail network by means of wholesale leave.


Catering services today provide:

Snack bars;



Their activities can be carried out through the use of non-processed raw materials or semi-finished products. They can enter the system of structural education or be independent. The organization of catering catering is the process to which sufficiently strict requirements are presented. In particular, they relate to the external and internal design of institutions, microclimate in the room, instruments and dining rooms, furniture, assortment and menu, musical service, etc. The regulations provided for in regulations should be strictly respected by all the subjects involved in the industry.

Classification of companies

Catering enterprises for the nature of production are divided into:

  1. COVER.
  2. Distribution.
  3. Preparations.

The latter may be separate workshops or their complexes. Each such unit may have separate production tasks and functions. Workshops are intended for mechanized centralized production of culinary, bakery and confectionery, as well as for supplying catching companies, shops, retail points. Such enterprises specialize in the processing of the feedstock and the production of semi-finished products of varying degrees of readiness, as well as culinary products from poultry meat and other animals, fish, vegetables. Covenants are directly prepared by dishes with subsequent implementation and formation of the consumption system. Such institutions in their work use various recipes. For public catering of handouts, the presence of any special production is not characteristic. Such institutions are made by the sales of finished products, which, in turn, receive from harvesting and other companies. The organization of catering with such institutions is carried out in special halls. Mixed type companies perform production and trading process in full cycle.


Depending on it, public catering companies are distinguished by universal and specialized. The first preparation of dishes from different, and the second - from the specific type of raw materials. To date, the filling of the service market is horizontally. This means that there are quite a lot of Chinese and Japanese restaurants, and traditionally European is not enough.

Service character

Catering services can be provided at different levels:

  • First.
  • Higher.
  • Suite.

The class of institution is called a complex of distinctive features of a particular type of enterprise, which characterizes the conditions, level and quality of service. The above categories are assigned to bars and restaurants. Cafe, dining and snacks do not have classes. Depending on the contingent, the institutions are publicly available and located in the territories of educational and therapeutic institutions, production structures.

Time and place of operation

Catering enterprises can be permanent or seasonal. In the spring and summer period there are various summer cafes. They offer a relatively small assortment of their own preparation and purchased products. Place such institutions in the buildings of the semi-closed, closed or open type. Catering equipment in such temporary cafes is characterized by simplicity. They do not have exquisite furniture, counters, as a rule, are performed similarly to those present in pavilions and kiosks. Permanently operating institutions are radically different from summer cafes. First of all, they are placed in closed facilities, equipped with technician for the implementation of different operations. Depending on the site of the institution may be stationary or mobile.

Functional accessory

A separate group includes the organization of catering in airplanes, automotive, marine and rail transport. Hotel service covers different market segments. The exit provision of products, the release of culinary products is also specific. The "Fast Food" system includes mobile kiosks and stationary establishments.

Other catering companies

Separately discusses such institutions like buffets. They represent structural unitswhich are designed to sell culinary products in a limited assortment. Buffets can work independently or act at other things in which public catering (restaurants, dining rooms) are carried out. In the latter case, the institution must have the same category as the structure to which it relates.


They are production and economic complexes. Their composition includes changing and harvesting institutions, which use one product preparation technology, cooking shops and auxiliary services. Usually they act as head facilities of a unitary enterprise in the system of conscription. The culinary plant is a harppering company. Workshops are intended for centralized manufacture of bakery, culinary and confectionery. They also provide the supply of doogle enterprises, trading retail networkshops. With culinary combine, there are their trading points and cafeteria.

Fast service establishments

Public diet can be carried out in the "Fast Food" system in stationary or portable objects. Installations for quick service are designed for production and implementation, as well as ensuring consumption at the location of a permanent assortment of simple cooking dishes. In their activities, such enterprises use semi-finished products of industrial or own manufacture.

Stationary objects

The tent is an object of catering in which the sale of a small range of products of its own manufacture and purchased goods is carried out. The tent belongs to the stationary network, is located in a light closed building. It provides for two or more jobs, utility room. The trading room is absent. The pavilion is a catering facility in which its own products are implemented in a narrow range and purchased goods. It is located in a temporary or permanent building. The pavilion may provide for a trading room.

General requirements

The nomenclature of standards is set to GOST R 52113. General requirements The following activities are:

  1. Social targeting.
  2. Functional suitability.
  3. Safety.
  4. Ergonomic.
  5. Aesthetics.
  6. Informativeness.
  7. Flexibility.

Social addiction

This requirement for theacy provides:

  1. Security and accessibility for consumers of different categories.
  2. Compliance with the services provided by expectations of buyers, including about the range, forms and methods of service, staff professionalism.
  3. The presence of certain conditions and benefits for unprotected categories of citizens (children, disabled and so on).

Functional suitability

This requirement suggests:

  1. Timeliness and accuracy of work, including compliance with the regime established at the enterprise, the range of dishes, beverages and products, matching the waiting time and execution of the order and so on.
  2. Ensuring the choice of services to the consumer.
  3. Compliance with personnel employed in service, professional purpose, qualifications, competence and so on.

Other requirements

The ergonomics of services reflects the compliance of the conditions for their provision and used in the process of maintenance of instruments, furniture physiological, anthropometric and hygienic capabilities of customers. Aesthetics characterizes the harmony of the design and the stylistic unity of the premises. This requirement also applies to the appearance of employees, table serving, menu design and so on. Informativeness implies timely, reliable and complete receipt by consumers of information in the service hall and outside of its services related to services, products and the company itself. The requirement of flexibility characterizes the ability to change. Adjustment of the list of services provided is carried out in accordance with the needs of the population and living conditions.

Catering technology

Without the knowledge of this sphere it is impossible to build production. The technology of public catering products includes various ways of cooking dishes, processing raw materials, component standards. Specialists involved in this area should be aware of the order of product vacation, the cost of production costs. One of the most important points is the technical equipment of the entire process. Specialists should know the features and be able to rationally use the various devices used during the production and sale of products. Public food product technology also includes maintenance culture. Training of specialists is carried out in relevant profile establishments. The employee's responsibility includes:

  1. Development and implementation of optimal production modes.
  2. Use of modern methods of cooking dishes.
  3. Development of the norms of material and labor costs, the procedure for work.
  4. Optimization of processes and reducing costs.
  5. Control over compliance with discipline and proper operation of equipment.
  6. Supervision over the implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards in the production process.

Public food technology also involves research and use of world-class institutions experience that have proven themselves in the sector under consideration.

Public production
Nutrition is your kingdom.

And this title is all said on what
Production did not work, be it:

Dining room - Enterprise catering ,
consisting of workpieces and dootile workshops with a single
Technological process manufacturing products.

Cafe - power enterprise providing
consumer services for the organization of food and leisure or
without leisure, implementing branded, customized dishes
, confectionery and bakery products, alcoholic and
soft drinks.

A restaurant - power enterprise providing
consumer services for the organization of food and leisure, with
Wide range of complex manufacturing dishes
, including corporate dishes and products, hot and others
Drinks, confectionery and bakery products.

How do you bring order in it, so will be
relate your colleagues and subordinates. Whether you do
The queen or king on its production depends
from you. . Name to restore order from today.

Today we will consider production in the form of step by step
Plan of the main directions. All your production
Consists of three main components:
1 Training of workshops. 2 Preparation of all necessary documents.
3 Working with staff.

Consider each component of production separately.
Training of workshops includes 10 units:

1 kitchen or hot shop Where is the whole sacrament
dogs of semi-finished products, the first and second are preparing
2 meat shop where billets and semi-finished products from
Meat, fish, chicken, etc.

3 Cold Workshop Creative Workshop Square

4 Vegetable workshop here is cleaning all vegetables
Potatoes, onions, carrots, beets. Fresh vegetables cucumbers
, Tomatoes primary processing are held in the workshop. Fresh
Green moves.
5zh egg treatments Responsible link in production
Through it in dogs, all raw eggs are held.
6 Washing Office Cookware Branch
Production where the dishes are made from the kitchen and all shops.
7 Washing Dining Room Cookware Branch Where
Washes dishes from the dining room.

8 Confectionery shop is the most "tasty" and "sweet" here
Pobyer sang over their masterpieces, bake buns
, Cakes and all sorts of goodies.
9 Harboring Department Where Bread comes and cut it
on portions.
10 Hygiene Room or Sanitary Node Branch required for the entire production team
Preparation of documentation on production:
1 Calculation cards.
2 Technological maps.
3 Technical and technological maps.
4 marriage magazine.
5 Journal of Sanitary Examination Personnel (Magazine
6 Notebook Accounting Detachment Desiver (10% rr chloro
7 Notebook Temperature Production Mode
(Daily removal of thermometers in cold -
flat chambers, cabinets).
8 Critical Notes Notebook.
Work with staff:
1 job descriptions.
2 safety instructions.
3 Sanitary books.
4 safety journal.
Work on the guidance of order is very painstaking, but if
do everything right you will feel exactly
Queen or king. Beginning of the guidance of order on
production done we created step-by-step plan ours
actions and in the following articles we will consider
Each item in detail.

If you have something to add, or give advice required
Leave your comment. I am glad to talk to you

Receive articles directly by mail by setting your e-mail.

See you.

PS. . All materials in the preparation of their food production, you can find by passing this link:


In public catering there are three forms of production organization:

  • production of products from processing raw materials before cooking and its implementation;
  • preparation of products from semi-finished products and its implementation;
  • organization of food consumption in its minor preparation for implementation.

In other words, the nature of the organization is distinguished by enterprises with a full and incomplete technological cycle.

In enterprises with a full technological process, products are starting with the reception and storage of raw materials and finish the sale of finished products. In enterprises with an incomplete technological process, thanks to centralized admission of semi-finished products, only their preparation and implementation are carried out.

Raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products

Food services are received by raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Raw materials are products that produce culinary products according to the scheme: processing of raw materials - cooking - implementation. Semi-finished products are the products that have passed the primary processing on the procurement enterprises with different degree of readiness. Dishes and culinary products, ready for implementation, are called finished products.

Products manufactured by public catering enterprises, perishable and requires fast implementation. Various products and raw materials used to prepare dishes and culinary products are also not subject to long-term storage. In this regard, when organizing the technological process of public catering, a maximum reduction in the timing of storage, raw material processing and sales of finished culinary products should ensure.

The demand of consumers on the products of catering enterprises varies depending on the range of factors (season, sales of certain food products in stores, etc.). Therefore, to properly determine the volume of the production program and the range of products, the demand of consumers should be taken into account on various types of dishes and culinary products.

The diversity of the processed raw materials, the sale of products consumed in place in large quantities, and the direct impact of its quality on the health of the population requires strict compliance with the rules of the sanitary regime in the production and control of the quality of dishes. Therefore, great importance for the proper organization of the technological process in public catering enterprises have compliance with the provisions of raw materials in accordance with approved recipes, organoleptic assessment and defects of finished dishes and culinary products.

An important factor determining the characteristics of the production process of catering enterprises is to transfer them to work with semi-finished products. Centralized and comprehensive supply of enterprises with semi-finished products creates opportunities for the most rational use of technological equipment, improving labor productivity, narrower specialization of employees, reduces the process of cooking, reduce production costs.

Characteristics of the structure of production

The essence of the organization of production is to create conditions that ensure the proper maintenance of the technological process of cooking.

There are companies with a workshop structure and a befoot structure of production.

In enterprises with a small amount of production or working on semi-finished products, a beech structure of production (snack bars, skewers, dumplings) is established. Here all production processes carry out one or more brigades, which are subject to the workshop. Such a labor organization allows you to more effectively use the work of cooks, practicing the combination of professions, etc.

At large enterprises, the workshop structure of production was formed and preparations are created (vegetable, piergole, meat, fish, meatshorebnoe); touching (hot, cold); Specialized (flour, confectionery, culinary). In catering facilities operating on semi-finished products, the semi-finished product improvement shop is organized, the green processing shop. In each workshop, technological lines are organized. The technological line is called a plot of production, equipped with necessary equipment For a certain technological process. For example, in the cold shop of a large enterprise, they allocate the preparation line of salads and vinegrees, fruit on beverages, in the hot shop - soups and second hot dishes.

This makes it possible to more rationally organize work, mechanize individual production processes, rationally use qualifying skills of workers.

Basic requirements for creating optimal working conditions

For the successful expression of the production process at catering establishments, it is necessary:

  • choose a rational production structure;
  • production premises should be placed in the course of the technological process to eliminate the oncoming flows of the incoming raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Thus, the workpieces must be located closer to the warehouse, but at the same time have a convenient connection with the doogle shops;
  • ensure the production of production and the sequence of technological processes;
  • properly place the equipment;
  • provide jobs with the necessary equipment, inventory, tools;
  • create optimal working conditions.

Production facilities should be located in ground floors and northwest to navigate. The composition and area of \u200b\u200bindustrial premises are determined by the building standards and design rules (SNIP II-L. 8-71), depending on the type and capacity of enterprises.

The area of \u200b\u200bindustrial premises should ensure safe working conditions and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The area consists of a useful area occupied by various technological equipmentas well as the area of \u200b\u200bthe passages.

The area of \u200b\u200bindustrial premises is calculated by the formula:

S total \u003d s floor / to joint

where S is common - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop, m 2; S floor - useful workshop area, occupied by equipment, m 2; SP - the use ratio of the area, taking into account the passages between the equipment.

The optimal area of \u200b\u200bindustrial premises, their rational placement and provision of production workshops necessary equipment is the main conditions that make it possible to properly organize the technological process of cooking. When placing industrial premises, it is important to observe the sequence of implementation of the stages of the technological process.

Different types of equipment should be placed in industrial workshops in accordance with the nature of the technological process, subject to the safety and safety of workers. So, the distance between the machines and devices should be from 0.7 to 1.0 m, and between the equipment and the wall - 0.7 m, between the workfron of the plate and the production tables - 1.2-1.5 m.

The practice of working in domestic and foreign enterprises showed that the most appropriate for modern enterprises Public food linear principle of equipment placement. The lens is completed from individual sections specialized in performing certain technological operations. All sections should be the same in height and width (depth), and their length should be a multiple defined set for all sections value (module). The equipment intended for the acquisition of such lines was called sectional modulated equipment.

The linear principle of arrangement of sectional equipment of all types provides a sequence and convenient relationship of various stages of the technological process. He also makes it possible to create better condition Works for service personnel provides convenience for the movement of intracerene transport.

For creating required conditions Workers' work is considerable to the temperature regime in production rooms. So, in the workpage, the air temperature should not exceed 16-18 ° C, and in the hot shop - 22-25 ° C. Special ventilation systems should ensure the removal of overheated air, vapor and exhaust gases. To do this, set exhaust mechanical ventilation and supply-exhaust. With exhaust ventilation, the air is removed from the premises with a fan, and the fresh flows through the pores of the walls or specially left channels and holes in the walls and coatings, as well as through ventilation grilles. When there are separate fans that cause movement and an exchange of air are mounted at the premise and exhaust ventilation in the premises, or the ventilation supply and exhaust installation, installation, when the air arrives and removes the channels from tin, brick or plastic, and the adjustment of its influx is carried out by means of lattices. This installation consists of channels and fans, and air suction occurs using a system equipped with cleansing and moisturizing devices, heaters.

When using exhaust ventilation, the flow of air from the industrial premises is stronger than from the trading halls, so the air from the hall is moving towards the kitchen. However, often for the production facilities of the restaurant (kitchen, washing, cold shop) ventilation by exhaust channels is insufficient. Selection by machinery and devices of large amounts of heat, evaporation, moisture requires the use of mechanical supply-exhaust ventilation. Ventilation hoods must be located above the source of vaporization and heat. Over the main kitchen tile suite the ventilation canopy, reducing evaporation and heat generated during cooking.

In the industrial premises of some modern enterprises to create and maintain artificial microclimate and specified temperatures, humidity, mobility and air purity, automatic installations for air conditioning are used.

Production premises are provided with cold and hot water and sewage. Water is summarized to baths, sinks, as well as plates, boilers and other equipment. When the sewage device provides for rapid wastewater removal. Baths, sinks, washbasins are equipped with hydraulic shutters warning sewer penetration.

Organization of workplace

The workplace is called part of the production area, where the employee performs individual operations using the appropriate equipment, dishes, inventory, tools. Workplaces at catering establishments have their own characteristics depending on the type of enterprise, its capacity, the nature of the operations performed, the range of products.

The workplace area should be sufficient to ensure the rational placement of equipment, creating safe working conditions, as well as the convenient location of the inventory, tools.

Workplaces in the workshop are located in the process of the technological process.

Workplaces can be specialized and universal. Specialized jobs are organized at large enterprises when an employee performs one or more homogeneous operations throughout the day.

In medium and small enterprises, universal jobs are dominated, where several inhomogeneous operations are carried out.

Each workplace must be provided with a sufficient amount of tools, inventory and dishes.

Production Courses

Large catering enterprises have a variety of sets, specializing in types of recycled raw materials and manufactured products: meat, fish, vegetable, hot, cold, confectionery. Warehouse, carnoe, sanitation and some other services are referred to as auxiliary workshops.

The workshop is separate in administrative primary production cell of the enterprise, in which mechanical culinary processing of raw materials, preparation of semi-finished products or the production of finished products.

Figure 1 - The structure of production workshops

With an increase in the capacity of the hall of the enterprise, its workshop structure is complicated, which allows to improve the organization of labor and production. The workshop is distinguished into an independent production unit in cases where this section of the work specializes in the manufacture of certain products and there are several teams of workers under the guidance of masters (brigadiers).

Property Come

In the harvesting shops produce mechanical processing of meat, fish, birds, vegetables and the production of semi-finished products for the supply of hot shops of their enterprises, as well as doogle enterprises (branches), cooking shops, a small network.

In enterprises with the average capacity of the halls processing meat, birds and sub-products focus in one workshop, as well as the processing of all vegetables. In enterprises with a small capacity of halls (up to 100 places), two workshops are organized: meat and fish and vegetable.

When organizing the workshops, the production of production and the sequence of technological processes should be achieved, for which they determine the processing lines for individual types of products. So, in a vegetable workshop it is advisable to organize three processing technological lines: potatoes and root plates; onion vegetables; Cabbage, greenery and other vegetables.

In enterprises where meat and fish semi-finished products are prepared in one workshop, organize meat processing lines, birds, offal, fish.

The mode of operation of the workpieces from the type of enterprise, the volume of production and the method of implementing semi-finished products. Procurement trains serving only their enterprise work, as a rule, in one (day) shift. In the evening, the duty chef prepare portion semi-finished products for visitors orders.

Meat shop

The production of semi-finished products increases at the workpieces every year. Many restaurants, cafes and dining rooms are equipped with natural, breaded and chopped meat semi-finished products.

Its appointment is the production of semi-finished products from beef, pork, lamb, birds and game. In enterprises with a large volume of production with meat semi-finished products, other catering facilities, for the meat shop, distinguish separate space.

Processing meat and fish at low power enterprises with a complete production cycle can be carried out in the same room, with the mandatory compliance with the requirements of the sanitary regime.
Meat often comes frozen, so the first operation of the processing of meat processing is defrostation, i.e., thawing. For this, special chambers and defrosters are used, where carcasses are stored in a suspended state at a plus temperature.

Cutout cuttings on the part - the next operation - is carried out using a belt or circular saw. In small enterprises, carcasses are divided into parts on a split table (a round deck made of solid wood) with a meat ax and a knife-shirt. The large knife-shirt is used to cut the bones of lamb, birds, game, a small knife is broken with small bones and meat for stew.

Then the roller, stripping and cutting meat on the portion. These operations are carried out at production tables with stainless steel, duralumin or marble lids. The meat roller, the pulp and the removal of it from the bone is made with the help of a large and small melting knife, stripping meat and cutting it on the portion - with the help of a large, medium and small knives (cook tripk). At the same time, large pieces are cut with a large knife, small - small and removed fillets, small - clean individual parts of the carcass and perform some other operations. Sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of meat are breaking with a ripper or chopper.

For the purpose of making minced meat at large enterprises, meat grinders, cutters, indiscrops with individual drive, on small - universal drives with interchangeable mechanisms or use desktop meat grinders.

When processing poultry, game and golia at large enterprises highlight a special room with a layal mining, in small enterprises, special jobs are given.

Fish shop

Here is the primary processing of fish and the manufacture of fish semi-finished products. The technological processing process of fish includes the following operations: extinguishing fish ice cream, salt soaking, cleaning from scales, cracking and washing, cutting, preparation of semi-finished products and their storage.

Fish is thawed in baths with two compartments in running or periodically replaced water. Unload fish from baths with wire drawers. Cambalu, rank, sturgeon fish to facilitate further processing are awesome. For this purpose, hot water is supplied to the baths and use a grid with handles. Large fish of sturgeon rocks are defrosting on metal racks with a pallet below at room temperature. For cleaning fish from scales use a mechanical felt or hand scrapers.

Small cook knives on special tables with a gutter, back and sides will get fish. Here cut off the heads, tails and fins. Tails and heads cut off with a medium cooking knife on cutting boards, fins are cut off with scissors. After giving off, the fish is washed in a bath with two compartments and laid on the contrary.

The preparation of fish semi-finished products on a separate table, where there are cutting boards, a set of knives of a cook triple, spices, scales. In minor enterprises for the preparation of fish minced meat grinder, on large - universal drive with a set of mechanisms. Fish semi-finished products are stored in a cooled state of no more than 12 hours, the fish mass is 6 h.

Vegetable shop

At the enterprises of the vegetable shop, they have in such a way that it is not far from the warehouse-vegetable store, and on the other hand, had a convenient communication with cold and hot shops. In this case, conveniences for delivery to the potato and vegetable workshop are created, as well as the technological chain: the warehouse is a vegetable shop (pre-processing) - hot shop (final processing).

In modern specialized vegetable shops, the release of an extended product range can be organized: Potato and Vegetable Packing Packing Lines can operate, the production of purified sulfted potatoes, a line of preparation of potato and vegetable boiler, fried crunchy and barn potatoes, a line of making salads and vinegarets.

The need to apply special equipment, which is selected depending on the power of the enterprise, dictates the features of processing vegetables of various types. So, sorting potatoes is made on large harvesting enterprises in sorting machines. In small enterprises where there is no possibility for installing calibration machines, manual sorting of potatoes and root roots is not performed.

Potatoes and rooted roots are washed in special washers or woeful cleaning machines (at large enterprises) or potato with a smooth disk (in small enterprises), as well as in baths. Machines are loaded using a conveyor that supplies potatoes from a bunker vegetable pantry. Washing vegetables with a different conveyor come to cleaning machines, where potatoes are cleaned, and then it is done.

On large harvesting enterprises where individual potato processing line, root and other vegetables are organized, cleaning machines of continuous operation are used to clean potatoes, and on medium and minor enterprises - periodic machines.

When cleaning potatoes, thermal and chemical methods can be applied. With a thermal method for cleaning potatoes, special furnaces with high temperatures or devices are used, where potato treatment is treated with steam. With a chemical method, potatoes are processed in a special device with a solution of caustic soda.

Cutting - the next stage of the processing of potatoes and rootfields. For this purpose, vegetable cutters are used, cutting vegetables with straws, pars, slices. The figure cutting of potatoes is carried out by manually in cutting boards made of solid wood wood with the help of carb-bug knives, recesses, small and medium knives of the cook triple.

Cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage is treated by hand. Shut-down vegetables use low-boards. Onions, garlic and horseradish are processed at a special workplace equipped with an exhaust cabinet. Prepared vegetable semi-finished products in wooden tubs, chogs, and baskets are delivered to the hot shop.

It is necessary to strict observance of labor protection and safety regulations in a vegetable workshop. Only workers who know their device and have passed special instructions can be allowed to work on machines. Near the machines you must post the rules of work and safety posters. Employees are forbidden to lower hands in the working chambers of potato and vegetable cutters. Starting devices machines must be closed, and the machines must have a good grounding and reassembly. The container for loading vegetables into the car is allowed with a capacity of no more than 8-10 kg. Carrying cargo for women is allowed by weight of no more than 20 kg. To ensure the requirements of the sanitary mode, it is necessary to delete waste from the workshop.

Work vegetable shop Organizes the head of production.

Organization of the work of the piergole shop

Centralized production of semi-finished products from chickens, the treatment of by-products is carried out by birds. They process raw materials from the poultry farm. The technical conditions and technical instructions provide for the preparation of the following types of semi-finished products from poultry: carcasses of chickens and chickens; Fillet Natural and fillet Panned, chicken chicken, turkey, chicken breast, tobacco chickens; thigh, chicken shin, turkey; Sub-products of chickens, indeek.

In addition to the bird in the workshop, the sub-products (kidneys, liver, languages, heart, etc.) are processed.


Cold shop

Its purpose is to prepare cold dishes and snacks from meat, fish, vegetables and other products, as well as sweet dishes and sandwiches. When placing a cold workshop, its convenient connection with the kitchen should be provided, where heat treatment of products for a cold workshop is produced, and with preparation workshops, from where the products are coming in the cold shop implemented then without thermal processing. Cold shop products are released to consumers in the dining room, so the washing must be in close proximity to the cold shop.

For cooking cold dishes and snacks, sandwiches, sweet dishes, cold soups are organized by a cold shop. Its products are implemented both directly in the hall and in buffets and cooking stores.

Since in a cold shop, a significant number of dishes and products are not subjected to heat treatment, here it is necessary to especially strictly observe the sanitary rules when organizing the technological process.

In accordance with the technological process, jobs should be clearly delimited for the processing of raw and boiled vegetables, gastronomic meat and fish products, portioning dishes, etc.; salads, winegres, sandwiches should be prepared only by parties and implement the waging of one hour; Observe the temperature regime of storage and release of cold dishes (10-14 gr.).

The manufacturing program of the workshop (plan-menu) includes the range and the quality of the manufactured dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold drinks. In the dining room there are cooks 3, 4 and 5 digits.

To perform the production program in the workshop, jobs are provided that are equipped with equipment, dishes and inventory, depending on the type of technological and production operations performed.

Main operations carried out in the workshop: cutting prepared products, portioning and design of cold dishes and snacks. In accordance with this, workplaces of cooks are organized, appropriate equipment, inventory, tools are used.

Based on the fact that dishes and cold snacks are prepared in the workshop not only of semi-finished products that have been thermal treatment, but also from raw foods, it is important to distinguish jobs for the manufacture of products from raw materials of various types.

The production of the workshop is mainly perishable, so refrigeration equipment: cabinets of sufficient capacity and refrigeration chambers with additional lattice shelves for short-term storage of prepared products, low-temperature counter and ice generator.

Universal drive with a set of interchangeable mechanisms, as well as slidesholes, ham-sausage, oil producer, vegetable cutting machine, production tables with slides, cooled capacities and a refrigerated cabinet - the main equipment of the cold workshop.

Store products for the preparation of salads and vinegar in the hill. In the refrigeration cabinet, the cheeses, sausage, fuse, etc. are stored in a short time. On the table there must also be cutting boards and scales. For processing raw vegetables, separate plaques with marking are used.

For the purpose of cleaning and cutting products, special devices and tools are used: eggs, apples, recesses, etc.

Sweet dishes in restaurants are prepared by jelly, mousses, compotes, realize canned and fresh fruits, ice cream with fruits and jams, whipped creams, etc. For their cooking, a special tool and equipment are needed: juicers, trays, shapes, blades, knives, devices for Function of dishes, tongs. On the desktop, the cook cooking sweet dishes should be a bath, a production table with a cooled wardrobe, scales, various dishes, a specialized universal drive with interchangeable mechanisms for rubbing fruits, berries, whipping mousses, creams, sambuki.

When organizing the workplace of the cook for portioning cold dishes and snacks to the left of the production table, it is rack with clean dishes, under the cover of the tables, the shelves for tools and inventory are strengthened, installed a slide for spices and seasonings and scales. Rellage with trays for cooked dishes and snacks.

Many enterprises assigned a separate workplace for cooking sandwiches.

Some ice cream cafes, children's cafes and large restaurants prepare ice cream from dry or liquid mixtures. For this purpose, a freezer is installed. In small restaurants and cafes sell ice cream coming from cold bloodsplants.

The brigadier, which organizes vacation dishes and controls the quality, manages the work in the cold shop. The chefs of the 5th and 6th discharges are preparing the most responsible and labor-intensive custom and banquet meals, and make them out. Cooks of the 4th category prepare the products: boil potatoes and vegetables, fried meat and fish semi-finished products for cold dishes, vegetables cut, process herring.

Hot shop

The technological process of cooking is completed here.

In the hot workshop, thermal processing of products and semi-finished products are carried out, the broths are boiling, prepared soups, sauces, side dishes, baked culinary products - pies, piers, etc., used as a side dish to first dishes, and also perform heat treatment of products For cold and sweet dishes.

In the hot shop, semi-finished products from milestone workshops are sent. Therefore, the hot shop has such a convenient communication with a cold workshop and adjoined the distribution, as well as to the washing canteen and kitchenware.

If an enterprise has several rooms located on different floors, then in this case the hot shop can be on the same floor with the main hall having the greatest number of places. In the rest of the halls, the finished products are delivered by lifts and lifting lifts, and on the distribution heated with the help of marming.

The work of the hot workshop, like other production sites, largely depends on the right organization of jobs, equipped with their respective equipment.

Large businesses are equipped with technological lines for the preparation of the first and second dishes, sauces, side dishes. The equipment is placed in three parallel lines: thermal equipment is installed in the middle part of the workshop in one line, and workplaces to prepare products for thermal processing are equipped from it. On a specially equipped line, products are treated for first courses, on the other - for second dishes, sauces and side dishes.

It is equipped with a hot shop with stoves, digestive boilers with storm of cold and hot water, roast cabinets, electric rods, refrigerated cabinets, racks, production tables, etc. In large enterprises in hot shops there can be two compartments: soup - for cooking first courses and saucers - for Cooking second dishes, side dishes, sauces.

Preparation of the first dishes in the soup branch begins with the cooking of broths, for which the electrical and gas boilers are used for various capacities and boiling cabins.

The workplace of the cook should be desktop scales, a set of knives of a cook triple, cutting boards. For cutting, bumps, wipers are used, a universal drive with special mechanisms, a space-powder car, for the passage of vegetables - electric frying pan, for the supply of hot water - boiling rooms of continuous action. In addition, at the workplace of the cook, preparing soups, arrange a cooled metal rack with spices and seasonings (slide).

In connection with the manufacture of a relatively wide range of first dishes in restaurants, a set of roller products is quite varied: salted cucumbers, onions, packed with tomato, chopped greens, olives, olives, lemon, croutons, etc.

In the hot shop of modern catering facilities in the organization of cooks, section equipment using the linear principle of its placement is used. All thermal sectional equipment is installed in a single-sided line. Depth of sectional equipment should not exceed 1 m.

Use various options for the placement of sectional equipment depending on the power of the enterprise, the size of the kitchen and its planning. In small kitchens, heat equipment placed along the walls with the device of local ventilation suns.

Parallel line thermal equipment placed the line of production tables. In the kitchens of the larger area, there are several jobs for cooks engaged in cooking soups, second dishes, and in accordance with this place equipment around the perimeter of the room, the wall, etc., separate types of thermal equipment are recommended to be installed in parallel to each other.

In order to prepare the first courses, along with boilers of various capacitances, frying pan packs for the allowance of vegetables, production tables with an elevated bathroom and adaptations of small mechanization.

The second dishes are prepared in boiled, fried, stew, baked, painted in the sauce compartment. To improve the quality of dishes, specialization of cooks on the preparation of dishes of a certain species is of great importance, which is carried out at large enterprises.

The main equipment of the sauce department was a fire, gas or electric stove. Currently, specialized equipment is increasingly distributed to the preparation of second dishes - electrical, gas and pairing boilers for cooking vegetable and cereal dishes, roasting equipment for roasting products in the main way in fryer, skewers, electric juggling, hot wardrobes and other equipment.

For the preparation of dishes from the fish allocated a special workplace. In small canteens, where there is no opportunity to divide labor and specialized equipment does not apply, the workplace of the chef is a table and a stove located at a distance of at least 1.5 m from each other. The workplace of the chef should be equipped with a refrigerator wardrobe for semi-finished products and a rack. You must also have dial and postal scales, cutting boards, knives sets and other tools, sucks with spices and seasonings.

When placing a workplace, the restaurant takes into account the convenience of vacation by the waiters of cooked meals directly from the stove.

When organizing jobs for cooks that prepare second dishes, great advantages It gives the use of sectional equipment with a linear arrangement. In order for all thermal equipment to be used strictly by purpose, the preparation line of the second dishes are combined from the following sections: a stove with a solid frying surface, stoves with burners, fryers, a special frying cabinet. The heat line is complemented by marming for storing garnish, second dishes, production tables with an elevated bathroom and cooled capacity.

Heads the work of the hot shop in the restaurant Cook of the 6th category, which is responsible for organizing the technological process, the quality and observance of the release of cooked dishes. He prepares custom and banquet meals. In the crew of cooks responsible for the preparation of second dishes, several chefs of the 5th and 6th categories, not counting the brigadier.

Specialized Come

Confectionary shop

In the manufacturing structure of the enterprise, the confectionery shop occupies a special place. It works independently, regardless of the hot shop.

The confectionery shop includes premises for kneading, cutting and baking, cooking cream and finishing products, egg treatment, yeast testing.

His appointment is the production of flour confectionery and culinary products. The products of the confectionery shop comes to realization not only to the main enterprise, but also in the stores of culinary products, house kitchens, buffets, doogle enterprises.

The confectionery shop is a separate production that functions independently of the kitchen.

It includes testing, tester-core, baking, stovered compartments, facilities for finishing products, for making stuffing, washing for eggs, dishes, containers, expedition. In addition, restaurants provide a pantry and cooled daily supply chamber of raw materials, pantry finished products, cooled chamber of finished products, cooled semi-finished chamber, in which cooled puff pastry, washing equipment and confectionery sterilization.

The layout of the premises of the confectionery shop must correspond to the sequence of performing the operations of the technological process and eliminate the possibility of counterflow of raw materials and finished products.

During the cutting and molding of confectionery, use a duct-efficient machine, various molds, recesses. In the workplace of the pastry, there must be a production table, a flour stall, a mobile discjection with a dough, scales, a bin for knives, mobile racks with confectionery sheets for prepared products.

The test roller is carried out using a test machine that allows you to get a layer of test of the required thickness. In the workplace there should be a refrigeration cabinet for cooling the oil, as well as to cool the test in the manufacture of puff products.

In order to prepare the stuffing, mince, syrup and sweets, install a small plate (gas or electric) and use a meat grinder, a spacer machine (from a universal drive).

Confectionery pastries in confectionery and bakery cabinets are carried out.

Bakery furnaces operating on electricity, solid, liquid or gaseous fuel are also used. In confectionery cabinets you can maintain a specific mode.

When making confectionery products, separate production tables are used, and in large enterprises, special premises are isolated for this purpose. In the tables there must be retractable boxes for tools; On the covers of the tables strengthen the confectionery tripod, the tank is installed for syrup and scales. Close to desktops there must be mobile racks for the delivery of finished products in the refrigeration chamber or to an expedition.

The confectionery shop must have its own washing compartment for washing dishes and inventory. In the bathroom with two-three departments, the dishes are washed with soda, then rinsed with a 2% solution of chlorine lime. It is especially important to monitor the purity of pastry bags and tubes, since even the slightest remnants of the cream can lead to a bacterial dish. Therefore, this inventory is treated in an autoclave, then rinsed in a bath with clean water.

Washing kitchen utensils

Washing utensils at all catering facilities are located near the hot shop and food waste chamber. In the room washing, there must be sublinks, which put the dishes received for washing, containers for food waste, baths with two departments, racks with shelves-lattices for drying the washed dishes, laundry drain.

The dishwasher solves the problem of washing the dishes, but when it does not have to do this manually.

Entering the ware used, pre-cleaned from the residues of food using wooden blades and washed in the first compartment of the washing bath with brushes or washcloths in hot water using washing agents. Then, in the second separation, the washed tableware is rushed with hot water (90 ° C). If the remains of burnt food are preserved on the walls of the dishes, the dishes are preliminarily poured warm water to give peel to mock. Food remnants are collected in buckets with covers, and then deliver them into the food waste storage chamber. Dishes of different purposes are not allowed to wash in one water.

Cutting boards wash, then they are hung with boiling water just like dishes.

Processing digestive boilers with water at 50 ° C with the use of brushes and rinsed with hot water not lower than 70 ° C. It is allowed to use detergent.

Kitchen utensils in small enterprises are wash in the washing tableware. To do this, install a bath with two compartments and a rack, and the washing machine is separated by the partition in the form of a barrier.


In enterprises where visitors are serviced by waiters, handouts are located on the production area. It should be conveniently connected to the kitchen, buffet, bread, washing tableware, cold shop, have enough width for the normal movement of waiters with trays and trolleys. In this case, the transfer is separated from the trading hall by the capital wall or the sliding partition. In enterprises with self-service visitors, handouts can be located both on the hot workshop area and in the trading room.

In order to ensure the convenience of the work of waiters and distributors and the preservation of the required temperature in the hot workshop, heat cabinets are installed in which the dishes are placed to supply hot dishes. The installation of ice generators that waiters could use are also recommended.

On the occasion of dishes used a certain dishes. The first dishes in restaurants are released in Melchior soup bowls with a capacity from one to three or more portions. Broths and puree soups are released in broth cups. Melchior dishes for one, two, three servings are used for the second dishes. Dishes with sauce are released in round dishes with lids - baranchiks, cold dishes and snacks - in porcelain dishes.

The waiter, receiving a dish from the distributor, should pay attention to its design.

The appearance of the dish should be aesthetically attractive, cause appetite, the main product should be placed against the branded sign depicted on the plate. If the portion consists of two pieces, for example, meat, the distributor lays them so that they cover each other's length. The side dish lay down, slide. With a complex barrier, attention should be paid to the combination of colors of individual components of the side dish, such as various in color of vegetables and fresh greenery.

Vacation products must be fast, defined weight and temperature. The temperature of the first dishes and hot drinks upon vacation should not be below 75 ° C, the second - 65 ° C, sauces - 75 ° C, cold and sweet dishes - 7-14 ° C, custom (portion) dishes - 80-90 ° C . In enterprises operating according to the self-service method, the temperature of the first and second dishes should be higher at 10 ° C.

Certain storage deadlines for finished dishes are installed on the distribution that are determined by the need not only to comply with sanitary requirements, but also to preserve taste. By the beginning of the hours of peak in a cold shop, vegetable sides of various types should be prepared and decorated and decorated for uninterrupted admission to the distribution of the enterprise. The shelf life of ready-made dishes -2 hours. After the expiration of this time, the entire portion can be rejected.

In restaurants, where in most cases dishes are released from the plate, on a handout, located at some distance from the stove, place a slide for spices and seasonings, dishes required for vacation dishes, distributing tool: extinguishing spoons with a capacity of 0.25-0.5 l, snack spoons with a capacity of 25-30 cm, plugs with dischargers, blades, nippers, two-kilogram dial scales.

Storage facilities

The warehouse economy of catering enterprises includes cooled chambers for storing perishable products and semi-finished products, uncooled storerooms for storing dry products, vegetables, storage facilities, linen and other logistics items.

The area of \u200b\u200bwarehouse premises are determined depending on the nature of the enterprise. For example, in restaurants running for raw materials, cooled chambers, as well as storage rooms for storing dry products should have a large area than at the bottoming enterprises where there is no need for storage of raw materials. In small enterprises (no more than 50 seats), various perishable products can be stored in one chamber, but in specially designated products or marked containers for each type. At large enterprises, meat, fish, gastronomic products should be stored in separate chambers. The restaurants usually have separate storerooms for bread, as well as room for storing wine-vodka products, soft drinks, fruits.

With semi-finished products, catching, harvesting enterprises should have an expedition in their composition with cooled cameras for short-term storage products before shipping.

There are certain requirements for the placement of warehouse premises. They must be located on the same level, and when planning provides for a convenient connection with production shops. Warehouses (pantry) are equipped with racks, cabinets, varnishes, bins, sweaters, weights. In cooled chambers there must be subtipters, mobile racks, lattice shelves, hanging beams with hooks.

For the storage of various groups of goods in warehouses, a certain temperature is maintained and the corresponding humidity. When placing products in storerooms, it is necessary to comply with certain rules:

  • products should not be placed near the water pipes, the heating system, cooling devices;
  • from the walls and gender, the products must be located at a distance of at least 20 cm;
  • walls and ceilings of storage rooms should be smooth and easy to succumb to sanitary processing;
  • in uncooled storerooms, both natural and artificial lighting are allowed, in storerooms for storage of vegetables - only artificial lighting;
  • in storeroom minor enterprises there may be natural ventilation, in storeroom enterprises, where more than 100 seats are a supply and exhaust ventilation.

For storage of goods, their properties and specific features should be taken into account: hygroscopicity, ease of perception of odors, the ability to change the quality under the influence of sunlight. It is necessary to provide a permissible accessibility neighborhood.

NOT ALLOWED Joint storage of goods with acute odor, such as fish with goods, easily perceive this smell (fruits, tea, etc.). Raw materials and finished products are stored separately. The cooled and chilled meat (carcasses) is stored suspended on tinned hooks on a hanging path or on hangers, ice cream - in stacks. For storage of bird ice cream use racks cooled - drawers. To store the cooled fish of the particle rocks, baskets or boxes are used, which add crushed ice. Sturgeon fish is stored suspended on tinned hooks.

We must comply with certain requirements for the storage of dairy products. They are stored in a cooled chamber at a temperature of from 1 to 6 ° C and relative air humidity from 80 to 85%. Butter stored on shelves of racks, in a container or slices in parchment, cheeses - heads laid on the shelves so that they do not touch each other.

Cottage cheese, sour cream stored in barrels with covers, milk - in a container in which it came.

Gastronomic goods - sausage, sausages - stored suspended on tinned hooks or in the galvanized gland drawers.

Potatoes and vegetables are stored in basements with artificial lighting (at air temperature from 2 to 5 ° C and humidity 80-90%), in the bodies of a layer not higher than 1.5 m or in boxes; Salted cucumbers - in barrels; sauer cabbage - in barrels under the yoke; Berries, fruits, salad, sorrel, green onions - in boxes, baskets, sieve.

Bottles with wine, mineral water stored in a horizontal position in cabinets with sliding doors or in boxes; Liquor-vodka products, non-alcoholic beverages - stacks, six boxes in height. The air temperature should be from 8 to 15 ° C, and humidity - 70-75%. Wine bottles are viewed in the storeroom using a special light screen.

Warehouse premises must be equipped with a variety of tools: cook, gastronomic, cheese knives, shirtless knives, meat axes and saws, wooden blades, stainless steel spoons, oxobopes, tool for opening containers, etc.

Storage time of raw materials in the restaurant warehouses depend on its type, location area, distance from food bases, climatic conditions This locality.

All foods that are stored in the warehouse should be equipped with shortcuts indicating the release date and implementation period, as well as with the name and details of the enterprise supplier or manufacturer. The data on the label must comply with the data specified in the commodity and transport invoice and are listed in the MODE movement of products.

Raw materials from a warehouse are released in the production facilities of the restaurant, branches and buffets on the basis of an application. During the reception of the products obtained from the warehouse, they check their compliance with the invoice along the range, mass and quality.

In large restaurants, vacation schedules have been installed from a warehouse, warehouse workers pre-prepare goods in advance. Overload products from the packaging of the supplier into the clean labeled intracourcing container should be directly in the chamber. It is forbidden to deliver or bring products to the tables in the package of the supplier.

Operational planning of production

The essence of operational planning is to compile the enterprise program. The company's planning issues are engaged in manufacturing, heads of production workshops, chefs brigadiers.

Operational production planning is carried out in a certain sequence, so at each stage it is necessary to create certain organizational conditions, contributing to the right organization of the technological process, the rational organization of labor, a clear fulfillment by each employee of their duties

Operative Planning work of the production of workpieces

The following data are required to compile a production program of the harvesting enterprise: an assortment of products (semi-finished products, culinary products, flour confectionery products) Technical equipment of the enterprise; network of catering and retail network enterprises that have concluded contracts with a procurement enterprise or specialized preparation workshops; assortment and amount of products necessary for these enterprises; The volume of semi-finished products produced by food industry enterprises for dootypers.

An important place in the operational planning of the work is covered by the dispatch service. Operational planning for the production of harvesting enterprises and specialized harvesting workshops is carried out in such a sequence. The enterprises with whom a contract concluded make up day orders for semi-finished products, culinary and flour confectionery products and transmit them to preparations in dispatch services (departments). The received orders in the dispatch service are summarized in all types of products and are transmitted to the goals in the form of a day production plan. One instance of the order enters the expedition for the subsequent configuration of the order. Applications are accepted the day before they are fulfilled. This is explained by the fact that the production workshop needs to get the desired range and the amount of raw materials, products for the implementation of the technological process of production of products on request.

Semi-finished products and culinary products are available in accordance with the other, as well as data of the collection of waste norms and losses during cold and thermal processing of raw materials.

To calculate the exit of vegetable semi-finished products, use the formula:

where r O.P. - mass (net) vegetable semi-finished products, kg; R o. - Mass of vegetable raw materials (gross), kg; N is a waste rate depending on the type of raw materials and the season on the collection of dishes,%.

To calculate the yield of meat semi-finished products from a given mass of raw materials, the formula is used:

where q mp - the number of meat semi-finished products of this species (pcs., Portions, kg); Q M is the mass of meat (gross), from which semi-finished products are produced, kg; β -% taking into account specific gravity appropriate parts of meat (in the shared form) with culinary destruct; G P is a mass of semi-finished portion, kg (as a collection of recipes).

Operational planning in enterprises with a full production cycle

Each public catering company should approve the work plan for a month, on the basis of this plan a production program is drawn up for a day.

In restaurants, where the range of dishes is very large, the menu mainly includes custom-made portion dishes, so it is difficult to plan the number of dishes issued in advance, but, given the past experience, and the restaurant serves the issue of semi-finished products (when processing meat, birds, fish) and How much it is necessary to get products for a day from warehouses.

In public catering enterprises with a certain contingent of consumers (dining rooms in industrial enterprises, educational institutions, children's institutions, recreation homes, etc.) you can more clearly plan the work of production for every day.

Operational planning of production work includes the following elements:

  • drawing up a scheduled menu for a week, a decade (cyclic menu), based on its development of the plan-menu, reflecting the daily manufacturing program of the enterprise; Drawing and approval of the menu;
  • calculation of food requirements for the preparation of dishes provided for by the menu plan and drawing up a raw material requirements;
  • registration requirements of the invoice for vacation products from storeroom at the production and production of raw materials;
  • distribution of raw materials between shops and definition of tasks to cooks according to the menu plan.

The first stage of operational planning is the compilation of the planning menu. The presence of the planned menu makes it possible to provide a variety of dishes by day of a week, avoid the repetitions of the same dishes, to provide a clear organization of production of production with raw materials and semi-finished products, directly sending applications for wholesale bases, industrial enterprises, to properly organize the technological process of cooking and manufacturing workers. The planned menu indicates the range and the number of dishes of each name, which can be prepared in this enterprise by day of week or decade. When drawing up the planned menu, the qualifications of cooks, consumer demand, raw material supply capabilities and seasonality of raw materials, technical equipment of the enterprise are taken into account.

The second and main stage of operational planning is the preparation of the menu plan. The menu plan is made up by the workshop on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15 hours) and is approved by the director of the enterprise.

It provides the names, recipe numbers and the number of dishes, indicating the timing of the preparation of them with individual parties, taking into account consumer demand.

The main factors that need to be taken into account when making a menu include: an exemplary product range recommended for catering enterprises, depending on its type and view of the diet provided, the presence of raw materials and its seasonality.

An approximate range of dishes (assortment minimum) is a certain number of cold dishes, hot dishes, drinks characteristic of various cafes (restaurants, canteens, cafes, etc.).

When drawing up a plan-menu, it is necessary to take into account the availability of raw materials in storerooms and its seasonality. Dishes and snacks included in the menu must be varied both by types of raw materials and by heat treatment methods (boiled, sweened, fried, stewed, baked); The qualification composition of workers, production capacity and the equipment of its trade and technological equipment, as well as the complexity of dishes, i.e. Cost of time to prepare a unit of products.

Approving the menu plan, the director and head of production are responsible for ensuring that the dishes included in the menu have been on sale throughout the day of the company's trade.

At public catering enterprises with a free choice of dishes, operational planning begins with the preparation of the menu plan for one day in accordance with the turnover.

Calculation of raw materials and drawing up the tasks to the crews of cooks. Operational control over the work of production

The calculation of the amount of raw materials and products required for cooking is made on the basis of a plan-menu and a collection of recipes and culinary products.

In addition to calculating raw materials for the preparation of dishes, the raw material is calculated separately for the production of flour confectionery and culinary products implemented through the cooking store, then a consolidated raw material calculation table is compiled.

Based on these calculations, the requirement is compiled to obtain products from the storeroom. Then the head of production gives tasks to brigadiers of workshops or employees to fulfill the production program the next day and holidays, the products of them.

The task indicates the names of the dishes and the number, the graph of the release of their batch, i.e. The number of dishes of each type, which should be released to a certain time, taking into account the implementation of dishes on the distribution.

Employees of the vegetable shop of the enterprise with a complete production cycle gives an order for the release of semi-finished products. The amount of raw materials needed to perform the task (q gross) is calculated from the specified mass of the net, taking into account the percentage of waste during the processing of raw materials, depending on the season

If the catering company begins to work at 7-8 h in the morning, the semi-finished products are harvested in the evening of the current day. If an enterprise begins to work late, at 11-12 hours, then the cooks start their responsibilities for 2-3 hours before the opening of the trading hall.

The task of cooking dishes and culinary products is the daily work plan of each chef brigade. Based on the task received, the brigadier or the senior chef carries out the placement of cooks on the work plots and organizes control over the course of the production task.

At the end of the working day, the cook reported to the brigadier or immediately before the head of production on the number of selected semi-finished products or finished dishes according to the task and actual implementation of dishes. Materially responsible persons lead operational accounting of the movement of raw materials and finished products and follow the flow rate, ensure compliance with the norms of the investment of raw materials.

Regulatory documentation of catering enterprises

Collections of dishes and culinary products, along with industry applicable standards and specifications, are the main regulatory and technological documents for public catering. Used: Collections of recipes and culinary products, 1981-1983, 1994, 1996; Collection of recipes dishes and culinary products of the cuisine of the Peoples of Russia, 1992

In the dietary canteens and offices, a collection of recipes and diet food for catering enterprises is used in 1988. The collections provide formulations, dishes technology, as well as raw material consumption rates, semi-finished products and finished products, recommendations on product interchangeability. The formulations are indicated: the names of products included in the dish, the norms of embedding the products weighing gross and net, the output (mass) of individual finished products and dishes in general.

The norms of the embedding of products weighing gross are designed in recipes for standard raw materials of the following condition: beef and lamb - 1st category, meat pork, offal (except for udder) - ice cream, udder-collaborated; Homemade bird (chickens, chickens, duck geese, turkey) - Purchased 2nd category; Fish is a large ice cream or all sizes, unrelated, for some exception; For potatoes, the norms of waste from October 31, for carrots and beets - until January 1, etc. In each collection of recipes and culinary products, the condition of all types of raw materials and products is indicated.

When used for the preparation of the dishes of the raw materials of another condition, which is provided in the formulations, the rate of raw material attachment mass is determined by the recalculation based on the net mass formulations, the value of which remains permanent, and the percent of waste installed on the recipe collection for raw materials of the relevant condition. When using raw materials of other condition or substandard raw materials, the dishes of dishes should not be broken.

Annexes to the collection contains tables of calculating the costs of raw materials, the exit of semi-finished products and ready-made dishes, the dimensions of losses during thermal processing of dishes and culinary products, the norms of interchangeability of products when cooking dishes.

In order to fully satisfy the demand of consumer demand for food, new recipes of dishes and culinary products can develop. The recipes of corporate dishes are developed taking into account approved waste norms and losses in cold and thermal processing of various products. They should possess the novelty cooking technology, high taste quality, originality of design, a successful taste combination of products. All dishes with a new formulation and corporate dishes are being developed and approved by the head of the enterprise Technological documentation: STP, TU, technical and technological technological maps. The recipe collection is guided by the preparation of calculation cards, which indicate the norms of the investment of raw materials, the output and the sale price of the finished dishes, technical and technological and technological cards.

Technological maps

The high quality of the finished product is made up of many factors, one of them is compliance with technological requirements for the processing of products and cooking dishes at all stages of the production process.

Cooks and confectioners should be provided in workplaces technological cards. These cards are compiled for each dish, culinary or confectionery based on the collection of prescription applicable at this enterprise.

In technological maps, it is indicated: the name of the dish, the number and option of the formulation, the rate of crotto cross and net, and the net for one portion, and is also calculated on a certain number of servings or products prepared in the boilers of a certain container, the dish is indicated. Cars are also provided short description The technological process of cooking a dish and its design is drawn to the sequence of booking products, depending on the timing of their thermal processing, characterize the quality of the dish, the labor consumption coefficients of the dish.

Technological maps are compiled according to the established form, they are signed by the director, head of production and a calculator and stored in the head of the workmanship.

Technical and technological maps (TTK) are developing on new and branded dishes and culinary products - those that produce and implement only in this enterprise. The TTK validity period is determined by the enterprise itself. TTK includes sections:

  1. Product name and field of TTK. Indicate the exact name of the dish, which cannot be changed without approval; Specify a specific list of enterprises (branches), which is given the right to produce and implement this dish.
  2. List of raw materials for the manufacture of dishes.
  3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials. Be sure to record that raw materials, food products, semi-finished products for this dish (products) comply with regulatory documents (gtostas, remain, etc.) and have certificates and quality certificates.
  4. Norms of bookmarks, raw materials weighing gross and net, norms of semi-finished products and finished products.
  5. Description of the technological process, the mode of cold and thermal processing, ensuring the safety of the dish, result in the used nutritional supplements, dyes, etc.
  6. Requirements for registration, to feed, implement and storage. The features of the design, the rules of filing, the procedure for implementing, storage (in accordance with GOST R50763-95 "Public diet has been reflected. Culinary products implemented by the population.")
  7. Quality and safety indicators. Indicate organoleptic performance of dishes (taste, smell, color, consistency), physico-chemical and microbiological indicators affecting the safety of the dish.
  8. Indicators of food and energy value. They provide data on the food and energy value of the dish, which is important for the organization of nutrition of certain groups of consumers (dietary, medical and prophylactic, baby food, etc.)

Each technical and technological card receives the sequence number and is stored in the enterprise card file. Signs the TTK responsible developer.

The regulatory and technological documentation that public catering enterprises also include industry standards (OST), enterprise standards (STP), technical conditions (TU) and technological instructions (TI) on products produced by industrial and harvesting enterprises for supplying other enterprises .

Industry standards (OST) are the main regulatory document regulating the production of semi-finished products and culinary products. The oscea is developed and approved by ministries of meat and dairy industry, the food industry, fisheries that produce food for catering.

The technical conditions (TU) are developed by the Research Institute of Public Food, which is a basic organization for standardization of public catering. The technical conditions are the main regulatory document that determines the production of semi-finished products only in catering establishments. The osse and that contain requirements for the quality of raw materials and semi-finished products on organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators.

Technological instructions (TI) are entered simultaneously with standards (specifications). They are the main technological documents defining: an assortment of semi-finished products produced; Requirements for the quality and rate of consumption of raw materials; procedure for carrying out technological processes; Requirements for packaging and labeling; Terms and timing of storage and transportation.

Standards of enterprises (STP) are developed for culinary products with non-traditional methods of cold and thermal processing, new processes.

The STD project is coordinated with territorial sanitary-index. Approves STP the head of the enterprise for the period approved by him.

The technological process set forth in STD should provide an indicator and security requirements established by state acts. STP cannot violate GOST.


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