How to organize an agency for organizing holidays. How to open a holiday agency? Holiday agency: pros and cons

Many people think about how to organize their business from scratch at different stages of their lives. Some are looking, others are trying to find a business idea in the production of food or materials, and still others prefer. They are all united common goal - this is an opportunity to work for yourself, do what you love and make a profit.

In today's article, we will talk about another small business idea - opening a holiday agency. How to properly implement and bring your project to life? What should you focus on and how in short time to open your own business in the service sector with minimal investment?

Organization of children's parties: where to start a business?

Tell me, which of you doesn't like holidays? Rest in a homely atmosphere, a noisy party in honor of the hero of the day, a wedding or a corporate party, all these celebrations are a reason to relax and unwind, forget about work and problems. We are all different from each other, some prefer beer, while others like kvass, some like noisy parties in a large company, while others like a cozy evening at home. But despite different types rest is the process of organizing a holiday, this is a rather troublesome business that today can be entrusted to a special agency.

The demand for the services of organizing and holding events is very high, so the competition in this field of activity is quite serious. But, despite this, there is always a place for creative people eager to work and develop. Therefore, if you want to start your own on organizing and conducting events, then this article will certainly help you.

The principle of the holiday agency

Agency business plan for organizing events

The first thing to do is to compose detailed business plan with calculations that will help you follow the goal step by step, correctly distributing the available budget.

Competition is a significant factor that significantly affects profits. Therefore, be sure to research the demand for the service and the level of competition in your region. It is not difficult to do this, as a rule, you can find the information you need about the activities of agencies on the Internet. Evaluate your capabilities, niche filling, demand for the service, and only after that, make the final decision on organizing your business in the chosen direction.

Business registration

The collection and execution of all documents is a very troublesome and time-consuming and costly process. You can entrust this matter to an experienced lawyer or go through the registration procedure yourself.

As for the material and legal form of activity, it is best to register the Company with limited liability (LTD). After all, the clients of your agency can be not only individuals, but also companies (legal entities) that will order, for example, the organization of a corporate party.

After registration, choose the appropriate taxation system. As for licenses and permits, they are not needed. The only thing that is necessary is to obtain permits from the SES and the fire service on the compliance of the premises with norms and standards.

What services do holiday agencies provide?

As a rule, agencies for organizing holidays are distributed by destination. After all, it is quite difficult to cover the entire niche, so it is easier to focus on providing services in a specific area.

Depending on the budget, competition, demand and personal preferences, choose the direction in which you want to develop. It is very important to do right choice on this stage, because the profit and payback period of the business will depend on this.

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Holiday agency services

Organization and holding of children's parties. Business in this area involves the provision of services for the organization of children's matinees, birthday parties, as well as larger events such as preparation for. To open an agency for organizing children's parties, you will need to hire the appropriate staff: animators, clowns, presenter, etc.

Organization of parties and birthday parties. The usual events are already pretty fed up, I want something non-standard, interesting and memorable. Therefore, many people turn to agencies that are engaged in holding fun events for help.

Wedding agency. A wedding is the most long-awaited, responsible and exciting moment in life, so you want everything to go perfectly. Therefore, almost every couple entrusts the wedding to an agency in order to save themselves from the surprises associated with the organization of this event.

Organization of corporate events. Even the smallest companies hold corporate events once or twice a year, which require a competent organization. Therefore, if you decide to work in this direction, then you will have orders all year round.

As a rule, agencies clearly define the list of services provided. The client can always use one or several services to choose from.

Premises rental and office arrangement

In order to have where to receive clients and store inventory, you will need to rent a room, which should be divided into separate zones. It is advisable to rent a place in the city center, so to speak, in full view of people.

Office for receiving clients. The reception room should be well renovated, furnished with expensive furniture, and photos from previous events should be posted. In general, it is necessary to create an inviting atmosphere so as not to frighten off the client, but to convince him to use the services of your agency.

For effective work you will need to equip the place of employees with everything you need (computer, printer, scanner, telephone, table and chairs). Place a soft sofa and TV in the reception area for customers to brighten up their waiting time.

The second part of the premises should be turned into a warehouse where inventory and equipment needed for events will be stored.


As for the equipment, it all depends on the specifics and the chosen direction. For example, if your agency specializes in weddings, then you will need to purchase decorations for the hall, musical equipment, attributes for an outdoor photo shoot, and much more. To hold children's parties, you need to have in stock a lot of costumes (clown, favorite cartoon characters), buy trampolines, inflatable slides and other entertainments for children.

Naturally acquiring everything necessary equipment immediately - a financially costly business. Therefore, at the initial stage, you can rent the necessary accessories for the holiday or conclude a cooperation agreement with the same animators, lessors of children's slides and trampolines.

Selection of qualified employees

The success of the agency for organizing and conducting events depends entirely on the well-coordinated work of the team. Therefore, it is necessary to form a qualified staff.

Depending on the chosen direction, decide on the number of employees. It is not necessary to hire a lot of people initially. Having a florist, photographer and artist in your arsenal is, of course, good, but what to pay them if there are few orders? Therefore, beginners need to acquire useful contacts, find contacts good photographers, musicians leading, conclude an agreement with transport companies, transporting people, etc. Over time, having developed and earned authority, you can afford the luxury of a staff of qualified workers who will work for the good of the common cause.

To begin with, hire an experienced event organizer and a few assistants, this will be enough to get you started and get your first clients.

How to attract customers with advertising?

  • Office in the city center with a bright sign. Nothing attracts attention like an aesthetically designed sign that beckons from afar and involuntarily makes everyone passing by to turn around. Therefore, pay due attention to this point;
  • A website that advertises the services of a holiday agency. This powerful way to attract customers cannot be overlooked or overlooked. Modern people spend a lot of time on the network, respectively necessary information they search on the Internet. Therefore, you cannot do without a promoted site. Hire an experienced specialist who will promote and promote your resource;
  • Advertising in the media. It is advisable to place announcements on the provision of services for organizing events in popular publications (women's magazines, newspapers);
  • Advertising in the city. Rent several billboards that will display information and contacts of the holiday agency. Give preference to crowded places so that as many people as possible notice the ad.

Financial expenses

Opening your own holiday agency is a rather expensive business option. But, despite this, there is a sense, because the payback of this way of earning is quite fast, and the profit is large.

Main costs:

Premises rental and repair. The rental price depends on the region, area, condition of the premises. As for the renovation, we have already discussed this issue.

Purchase of equipment. It is rather difficult to name the exact amount required to purchase inventory and equipment. As noted above, it is not necessary to purchase all the equipment at once, do it gradually. At first, you can conclude a lease agreement for jewelry, transport, attributes for the event and thereby save a lot.

Payment for staff work;

Should you expect big profits?

Without an established client base, you shouldn't expect quick income. Therefore, at first you will have to work for authority. Your task is to satisfy the needs of all, even the most demanding customers and always treat customers with understanding.

Business in the field of organizing holidays is considered by many to be a seasonal type of income. But in our opinion, this is not entirely true. If weddings peak in summer and autumn, then birthdays are celebrated all year round, so you will certainly have clients. In winter, you can earn a lot by organizing corporate events.

The payback of the agency for organizing the holidays comes after about 2 years of hard work. It is hardly possible to count on a stable income in this field of activity, it all depends on the number of orders, or rather, on the competent work of your team and a skillfully constructed advertising campaign.

Today, many aspiring entrepreneurs are turning their attention to business related to organizing holidays. This is due to small investments, minimal risks and the ability to get good profits. Especially such a business is popular in large cities, where both individuals and large companies... In this article, we present a detailed business plan for organizing the holidays, which will allow you to start a project correctly.

With the right approach, the business of organizing holidays will be a good way to invest. Despite the high competition, this project is different high profitability and can bring a very serious income.

Pros and cons of business ideas

Having decided to open an agency for organizing and holding holidays, it is important to analyze the pros and cons of this project in order to correctly assess the risks and opportunities for business development.

  1. High demand. Today there is a trend in the provision of such services and more and more people want to see the holiday bright and colorful. You cannot do without the appropriate equipment, decor, the work of leading and professional designers.
  2. Regular customers. Despite fierce competition, creativity and quality will help build a base regular customers.
  3. High profitability. With well-built marketing strategy and professional staff, you can quickly reach a payback and good profitability.
  4. Minimum investment. This will allow a person to enter the market with minimal savings. The biggest cost item in this business will be advertising services.


The main disadvantage of such a project is high competition, which is due to wide demand.

In order to stand out against the background of competitors, it is very important to correctly define your target audience, recruit a staff of professional creative people and instantly track all fashion trends in this direction.

List of agency services

This business is associated with the provision of services for the organization of various events, celebrations, theme parties.

Depending on the target group chosen, it is important to determine the direction of the agency's work.

It can be wedding celebrations, holding corporate events, children's matinees, fashion shows, exhibitions, conferences, etc. You don't have to stay in one direction. To attract customers, it is better to use several options at once.

Today clients want to receive a turnkey service, so I suggest organizing holidays and various events, it is very important to think over everything to the smallest detail.

Market analysis

In the business of organizing holidays, it is very important to correctly define your target audience. The format of the business, the channels for finding clients and promoting the studio will depend on this.

Analyzing competitive environment, pay attention to the following points:

  • children's age;
  • the main activity of the studio;
  • schedule;
  • list of services;
  • price niche.

Competition is certainly one of the main risk factors for any entrepreneur. The possibility of promoting in the market, attracting customers, etc. depends on its level. Many newbies make a serious mistake by ignoring this external factor, in which they make a serious mistake. This does not allow to correctly correlate the potential of a business and assess its weaknesses.

In this segment, one should immediately take into account the high competition. This is due to the demand for these services, the ability to reach a good income and minimal investment.

Determining the target audience

When launching a business, it is important to understand who your services will be designed for: economy category or premium.

From correct definition the target audience depends on the number of specialists, the level of repair, the choice of premises and service. An analysis of the competitive environment will help determine in which price segment there is a deficit and it would be advisable to occupy this niche.

Conventionally, customers can be divided into three groups:

  1. Wealthy. For such clients, the originality of the presentation and the name of the company are very important. They are willing to pay big money, which allows many ideas to be realized. By choosing this group people as the main target audience, you can expect a good income. Just keep in mind that the amount of investment, the level of professionalism must be appropriate.
  2. Average income. This the target audience will ensure income stability. As a rule, such clients clearly know what they want and are ready to pay for highly qualified personnel, for quality service.
  3. Economy option. This audience will not bring a lot of income, will not allow you to reveal your creative potential due to a limited budget, business, but the investment here can be the most minimal.

Determination of pricing policy

In order to enter the market and occupy your niche, it is necessary to correctly determine the pricing policy and offer the consumer the best price-quality ratio. This criterion is taken into account by the client when selecting such studios.

If your main competitor will be large studios that have been operating on the market for more than a year, make a bet not on price reduction, but on the provision of branded services. You need to focus on creativity and quality. As a rule, large companies have large advertising budget... As a rule, the main clients here are companies that order corporate events, so their budget is quite large.

If you plan to occupy a middle niche in the market, and the main competitors will be small companies providing services to individuals, then you should focus on the price. But it is not recommended to understate the price either. Offering the most low price in the market, you simply cannot maintain a staff of professionals. And the personnel in this business plays a big role.

At the stage of market analysis, it is important to perform a SWOT analysis that takes into account external and internal factorsinfluencing the success of the firm.


  • the possibility of an individual approach;
  • a wide range of services;
  • advantageous location;
  • actual and original ideas;
  • excellent service level;
  • minimum investment.

Weak sides

  • lack of experience in the market;
  • strong competition;
  • lack of regular customers.


  • business development and branch opening;
  • creating your own website;
  • high profitability;
  • the ability to cover a large segment of the market;
  • a possible increase in demand in general;
  • the possibility of implementing additional services.
  • price fluctuations or dumping by competitors;
  • the emergence of new directions for competitors.

In addition to this plan, draw up a table that will allow you to analyze and identify the risks and opportunities of the project.

Study the factors of competitiveness according to the following criteria:

  • individual approach to clients;
  • range of services;
  • price policy;
  • reputation;
  • location of the studio for organizing parties;
  • schedule.

Organizational plan

In order to launch a project and successfully enter the market for organizing holidays, the following points must be completed in stages:

  1. Register a business.
  2. Find a room and conclude a lease.
  3. Purchase furniture and office equipment.
  4. Hire staff.
  5. Organization of advertising.

Business registration

To conduct business in this direction, a simple registration of an individual entrepreneur will be enough. Therefore, the process of paperwork will not take much time.

The business registration scheme is as follows:

  1. Submission of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur.
  2. The choice of the form of taxation.

An application, a passport and payment of a fee of 800 rubles are required.

As for the form of taxation, experts recommend choosing a simplified one.

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • iP registration certificate;
  • a document confirming tax registration;
  • premises lease agreement;
  • medical records of employees (in the event that you hire staff);
  • permission of the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological station.

Search for premises

Premises in this business play a role rather from the standpoint of demonstrating their status, rather than serving to attract customers. As a rule, clients contact such studios by phone, via the Internet, etc.

Despite the fact that most of the orders you will receive by phone, the absence of an office can cause serious concerns for the client in your reliability and competence. It is very difficult to interest the client during the on-site negotiations. It's difficult to take all the catalogs with you, show examples of work, etc.

In the event that a client comes to a meeting at the office, he should see the style and interior renovation, which corresponds to the price range that you expose for your services.

An excellent option would be to choose an office in the city center. You should not rent a room on the upper floors, it will be difficult for visitors to find you.

It is necessary to purchase good quality furniture for staff and clients, office equipment, printers, copier. If you plan to demonstrate your services to clients, then consider options for its implementation. This can be a large TV screen or a projector.

Pay attention to a bright and original sign that not only grabs the attention of clients, but also demonstrates the level of creativity and quality of your studio.

When choosing a room, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • rental price;
  • long-term lease;
  • are included communal payments for rent;
  • permission to place outdoor advertising.

The premises should be located in an area with good transport accessibility. If you decide to save on rent and rent a room in a residential, industrial area, this will not have the best effect on the company's reputation.

The studio staff for organizing parties is a key success factor, so be very careful when selecting specialists. The company's profit depends on how creatively and harmoniously they can cope with projects.

In organizing such a business, a very important role is played by form style, which is expressed in the little things. In order to give the center an overall stylistic focus, it would be wise to order T-shirts for all of the staff involved in organizing the events. This serves as an additional advertisement for the company and allows guests to quickly find their bearings at the celebration where the studio workers are.

In addition to being creative in completing tasks, employees must be well versed in client psychology. Indeed, in this business, the most important thing is to correctly understand in what style the client wants to see his holiday.

Also, the staff must have a pleasant appearance and excellent communication skills. This will allow them to quickly establish contacts with customers, identifying a need.

  • creativity of thinking;
  • sociability;
  • the ability to understand people;
  • stress tolerance.

Besides these personal qualities, of course, experience in this area and professionalism are required. In accordance with the selected range of services that you plan to implement in your project, you will define a list of professional skills that the employee must possess. These include the ability to work in graphic editors, the ability to compose advertising texts and slogans, to work with promotion in social networks, etc.

To start a business, it will be enough to hire several managers who will oversee projects. Narrow specialists can be hired from outside. This will allow you to reduce salary costs and gradually build up a base of professionals with whom you are comfortable working. Subsequently, with the expansion of the business, it will be possible to invite these specialists to your staff.

Equipment purchase

In addition to equipment and furniture, which are necessary for organizing the office, you will need to buy equipment for events.

This list clearly depends on the selected event. For example, if you have chosen weddings as your main specialization, then you will need:

  • a flower arch for a solemn wedding ceremony;
  • equipment for the photo zone;
  • artificial flowers;
  • rug for the "young";
  • attributes for an exit ceremony;
  • musical equipment, microphones, etc.

If you want to focus on children's parties, then you will need bright costumes, toys, and stationery for the events.

It is very important to constantly monitor fashion trends and purchase the appropriate equipment and suits in order to offer customers a really high-quality and relevant service.

Marketing plan

Given the high competition in this segment, advertising should play a big role.

To attract customers, standard methods are suitable:

  • creation and promotion of your own website;
  • center promotion through social networks;
  • partnership programs (kindergartens and schools, photo studios, children's stores);
  • advertising on radio and TV;
  • outdoor advertising.

A powerful marketing strategy will quickly build trust and build awareness.

Don't rely on word of mouth in your first year. To develop a base of regular customers, you will need at least one year.

As practice shows, the most difficult moment is keeping interest, rather than attracting.

Pay close attention to bright and creative signage. Remember, creativity is the key to your business success. Therefore, the sign itself should already speak about the level of the agency and its potential capabilities.

In order to enter the market, you may need to hire an experienced specialist in the field of service promotion, who will deal with advertising through social networks, organize an advertising campaign through outdoor billboards, announcements in transport, etc.

Video. Startup agency for organizing events

Financial plan

This part of the document is drawn up last, after the business format has been determined, the market has been researched and the SWOT analysis has been carried out.

All these data allow us to clearly draw up a cost estimate and decide how much equipment and material must be purchased to implement a business idea.

This section should contain the following items:

  • description of funding sources;
  • calculation of profitability;
  • cash flow forecast;
  • identification of risks.

We plan investments and expenses

In order to open an agency for organizing holidays in a metropolis, you will need at least 500 thousand rubles.

The cost estimate can be presented as follows:

  • registration of an enterprise - 5000 rubles;
  • rental of premises - 300,000-400,000 rubles per year;
  • repairs - 50,000-60,000 rubles;
  • utilities - 1800-2000 rubles monthly;
  • office equipment - 60,000 rubles;
  • equipment - 100,000-200,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 100 thousand rubles.


If everything is clear with the item of expenditure, then the part with calculating income for many start-up entrepreneurs causes certain difficulties.

It is important to correctly assess the price of the provided service in order to maintain competitive positions, not reduce profitability and at the same time attract customers.

Consider some seasonality this business, which can significantly tell on the agency's profitability. Seasonality allows you to vary the price tag.

So, during New Years holidays, wedding season, March 8, the price of services can be twice as high as in the rest of the period.

Be sure to develop a loyalty program that will help you build up a loyal customer base. This is especially true with large customers who apply to the agency to order corporate events, conferences, etc.

The discount can also be provided to customers who order the service 3-4 months before the appointed date. This will allow you to properly schedule work and prepare for the event.

In the first few months, the agency will carry out no more than 3-4 orders.

The average check of 1 order is 30-50 thousand rubles.

With a well-developed marketing strategy and high professionalism of the employees, the workload of the studio with orders in 6-8 months can increase 4-5 times.

Therefore, by the end of the year, the agency will be able to reach an income of 800-900 thousand rubles per month.

With a planned income of 1 million rubles, the average project payback is 6-8 months.

The advantage of this business is the absence of profit margins, which is why the agency is characterized by high profitability - about 65%.

Over time, you can expand your staff, master new directions and introduce new types of services. At the same time, there will be no need to expand the office, purchase new technique etc.

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To start a thriving business, you need to find the area that is most in demand at the moment.

This is exactly what the agency for organizing holidays belongs to. This is original and profitable business, which is actively developing in the modern market. How to start activities in this area?

Official registration

Perhaps, it is difficult to imagine a more interesting activity than organizing holidays. The business plan for such a case begins with the costs of obtaining official documents giving permission to conduct business. First of all, you need to register as legal entity or an entrepreneur (optional).

To determine the form of a business entity, consult a qualified lawyer. For example, choosing an LLC, it will be possible to include in the papers the founders-partners who have invested an equal share of the investment. The form of legal entity does not require such founders.

Basic documents for registering an enterprise include a charter, an application to the registering authority; an LLC will additionally need to provide information about the founders and information about their meeting. You also need to pay a state fee. The registration procedure is carried out in the tax service, social and compulsory health insurance funds.

Room selection

Before you create an agency for organizing holidays, you need to decide on the location of the office space. It is there that clients will place an order, come to get acquainted with the portfolio and actors, communicate with the director of the company. As such a territory, you can use both a specially designed apartment and a rented office.

A company can be located anywhere, but it is much more convenient for clients if it is located near the center and directly from the places where the parties will be organized. The business plan should take into account rental costs, which may be slightly higher than using the premises in a residential area. But in the central part of the city there will be a much denser flow of people, which means that the number of potential customers will be higher, which will justify the costs.

Advertising promotion

When opening an agency for organizing holidays, you need to immediately think about advertising. It is worth developing advertising brochures that can be distributed to mailboxes, left in stores, beauty salons, cafes and restaurants.

In addition, you need to make business cards, put up posters around the city and think over a holiday dedicated to the opening, where potential customers can immediately be convinced of the high level of quality of the services provided. Without all of these measures, a business can face a period of downtime in the first weeks of its existence.

Staff recruitment

How to start a holiday business? Another point is the selection of employees. These should be talented artists of different directions, for example, a clown, a singer, a theater actor. In addition, you will need a script writer who will come up with texts for the holidays, taking into account the requests and wishes of customers.

Some of the sample works must be created in advance so that visitors can familiarize themselves with them and make sure that such a style suits them. You will need a dresser who will look after the stage outfits, and possibly sew new ones. You will need a make-up artist, a secretary, and a manager. At the initial stage, when a holiday agency is not yet in great demand, one and the same person may be responsible for different areas of activity. For example, a dresser may well be in charge of makeup.

List of services provided

A ready-made business plan for organizing holidays should include a description of the events that the company will hold, as well as their estimated cost. The average agency offers its clients the organization of children's parties, such as matinees, organizes parties for individuals, plans leisure evenings, as well as seminars and conferences.

For each of these proposals, there should be ready script "Turnkey", by which clients will be able to judge the approximate course of events at the event ordered by them, and a list of actors or animators with their photographs. If possible, the customer should get to know and communicate with them in advance.

What is required for the office?

There may be very little office equipment. To successfully conduct business, it will be enough to have several computers with an Internet connection, as well as a fax and a photocopier. The office can accommodate managers who will work with the client base.

To organize parties and events, you will need equipment such as projectors, projection screens, stage assemblies, and a car. In addition, it will be impossible to do without audio and video equipment, for example, microphones, amplifiers, speakers. All this can be rented for the first time or purchased a second-hand product.

Partnership opportunities

To reduce costs in the first few months of operation, as well as get a free source of advertising, try to find a firm to partner with.

A company that works on decorating rooms and halls for celebrations and theme parties is ideal. Such a partnership will save money with a small start-up capital.

Customers will be able to order a package of services at once, which is convenient for them and for you. And if the partner company has already established itself in the market, this will be an additional incentive for your company to be successful. By posting information about the services of a partner company on business cards, advertising brochures and Internet sites, you can distribute information about your agency to an impressive number of potential customers for free.

Hiring people is not worth trying to save money. A dissatisfied team may well fall apart, since this field of activity is favorable for freelancers, and many actors will find work without problems. It doesn't require a holiday agency at all.

The business plan can be cut in rental or printing costs, but staff should not suffer in any way, this is the only way you can create a strong and friendly team... Take a simpler approach to some of the work moments, because cooperation with creative people does not imply a strict schedule. Unplanned situations will arise constantly, no organization of holidays can do without it.

The business plan should allow for deviations and innovations, taking into account this particular feature of this business area. Be prepared for the need for constant investments, at the first stage they are simply necessary for the growth of your business. Try to learn to think creatively to deal with seasonal demand. Discover new directions, look for corporate clients.

Just do not grab onto all the cases at once, it is better to ideally work through one scenario after another. Corporate trainings and private events are a separate business idea. Organization of holidays for such clients leads to a world of great profits. It's not enough to get into it, you need to constantly invent and surprise. We can say that this business is very difficult, but also exciting at the same time.

Work with clients

To keep your business afloat, it is not enough to perfectly arrange your holidays. The business plan should include the costs of a website that will be created with the assistance of professionals. This virtual page will be a visual representation of the creative that your agency is capable of, so you shouldn't underestimate its importance.

In addition, for the constant growth of the number of customers, it is necessary to make so-called hot calls: the company's employees must attract people to thematic promotions and exhibitions, distribute business cards, and then call after preliminary acquaintance. For regular customers, consider the possibility of discount programs and special parties.

There can be no trifles in this, it is important to have a non-standard approach to communication with all types of customers. Gifts for the holidays, video presentations of scenarios - everything marketing methods will be good for drawing attention to your agency and for making it stand out from all others.

Start-up costs

To start, not so much money is required, the amount of five thousand dollars will be enough. Some of these funds will go to employees' salaries, while the rest will have to be spent on suits, cosmetics and equipment. The third part will be aimed at renting premises.

If funds allow, it can be purchased, but such expenses are no longer included in the budget start plan. A laptop on which it will be possible to show customers videos from events already held by the company will not be superfluous.

Having bought all of the above, you can confidently start working in the field of organizing holidays. If you are creative and able to find your own creative approach, profits will not slow down, justifying everything that was spent on the agency in the first months of its existence.

What do you need to have a great unforgettable holiday? It was once believed that a table of snacks and drinks was enough, but today the situation has changed. Now the usual feast is not enough - for the holiday to be a success, you need to come up with something enchanting - with performances, contests and incendiary fun. Therefore, more and more weddings, corporate parties and even presentations are partly or fully entrusted to specialized agencies. Fun and good mood may well be profitable, so it makes sense to figure out in detail how to open a holiday agency.

What will your agency be like?

The first thing to do is decide what your business will specialize in. Holidays for children and families, weddings, corporate events - it will be quite difficult to cover everything at once. Although if you have sufficient experience in this area, a large staff is financial opportunities for the implementation of various projects, you can open a wide-ranging agency.

We draw up documents

To open an agency for organizing holidays, it is best to choose registration as an individual entrepreneur - this way, accounting is much easier. OKVED in this case, you need to choose 92.3 and 92.72 - these codes designate all types of activities that will be needed during holidays, celebrations and parties.

The event agency does not need a license, so after going through a simple registration procedure, you can immediately start working.

Premises and equipment: what is required

To get by with a minimum investment, some agencies begin to work and search for orders without having premises - their own or rented. Meetings with potential clients in this case, they are assigned, for example, in a cafe. It is difficult to call this a good decision: respectable clients are unlikely to turn to such an organization, which means that you can not count on high earnings.

Renting an office space and properly decorating it is the first thing to do when starting an entertainment business. Moreover, it is desirable to locate the office in a prestigious area, and approach its design with a certain amount of imagination. Designer finishes, photos from successful events, equipment for viewing slides and videos - all this will testify to professionalism.

The office can be small - just a meeting room for meetings with clients and an office in which managers will work. In addition, you will need a warehouse where you can store costumes, equipment and props (over time it will become quite large), but it is not at all necessary to combine it with an office: you can find cheaper premises.

It is very important for a holiday agency to get its own transport - a minibus or a minivan. Hiring a car whenever you need it can be quite expensive.

Agency staff

To start a business of organizing holidays, you need two specialists - a sales manager (he will deal with advertising the company and finding clients) and a creative manager (the one who will be responsible for the creative part of the process: writing scripts, generating ideas, developing concepts). If you plan to perform one of these functions on your own, at first this will help reduce costs, but this should be done only if you do not doubt your professionalism and have the appropriate experience, if not, it is better to entrust these questions to those who will cope with them at the proper level.

Your agency will also need an entertainer (toastmaster) and a driver (if you do not have a car, you can look for a driver with your own transport, it will cost a little more).

The rest of the staff may be freelance, but to get started you need a solid base of creative teams and artists, whom you can involve in your projects if necessary. It can be:

  • dJs,
  • musicians,
  • singers or bands,
  • circus artists: clowns, acrobats, magicians, jugglers, etc.,
  • fire show organizers,
  • dance groups or dancers of exotic dances,
  • pyrotechnics.

In addition, your agency may need:

  • decorators,
  • florists,
  • photographers,
  • videographers.

Agency advertisement

With time good advertising the agency will be made by satisfied clients: people usually share their impressions of the holidays - weddings, anniversaries, corporate events. They post videos and photos on the Web and are happy to answer questions, telling where they went and how much it cost. So just doing your job perfectly is already a good advertising strategy.

However, at first you will have to make sure that you are noticed. All kinds of advertising are suitable for this - business cards and brochures, announcements on local radio and television.

An important part of an advertising campaign is building your agency's website. Increasingly, potential consumers of services are looking for a suitable contractor on the Internet and this must be borne in mind. The website of a holiday agency, like an office, should be bright, interesting and eye-catching. It should contain detailed information about the services you offer, the coordinates of the company "offline" and a feedback form with the ability to order a manager's call.

Another way to inform customers about yourself is to advertise in popular groups and communities in social networks (of course, not in any groups, but only in those related to your locality).

Income and expenses

To accurately represent the upcoming expenses, before starting to organize the holidays, you will need to draw up a detailed business plan, taking into account the situation in your locality... This will require studying market saturation, demand and growth opportunities.

According to rough estimates, the purchase of props and equipment will require about 200 thousand rubles (if you rent equipment, the initial investment may be less, but this is not very convenient and much less profitable, so it is better to buy it after all).

The rent of an office will cost about 20-25 thousand, the payment for the work of permanent employees will be about 60-90 thousand monthly. The rest of the project participants can be paid a certain share of the payment for the holidays in which they participate.

If in the first months of the agency's work there are not so many orders (2-3 orders of 50 thousand rubles each), and then their number and cost will increase (6-8 orders of 70-80 thousand), the agency can pay off in a few months - a year.

Opening an entertainment business can be done by a person who has worked in it for at least several years and has studied the features of organizing holidays. This is a very specific area. In the festive fun, the client does not notice the preparatory moments and difficulties of the organization, everything seems simple and easy to execute - this is how it should be. Only a professional knows what efforts are being made to create a holiday.

Study the demand in your city, draw up a detailed and realistic business plan. Think over logistics and management to the smallest detail. Build a customer base in advance.

Main risks

Despite the love for holidays and entertainment, residents of our country are not yet accustomed to paying for the services of professional entertainment agencies. This direction is promising and soon people will entrust the organization of holidays to professionals. But at the start, you need to work hard to achieve success.

There is competition, but local agencies and musicians are not your main competitors. TV shows, gorgeous concerts of stars - this is what clients will compare your performances with. The battle can only be won with unique, lively and high-quality programs, perfect organization and a desire to please customers in everything.

Holidays are an abundance of alcoholic drinks. Acute situations will arise regularly. Think over the line of behavior and in no case lose your composure.

"Step by step instructions on how to open a holiday agency"


An office in the city center is prestigious, but renting such a room will cost a lot. Where can you accommodate with minimal costs?

Conclude an agreement with a restaurant, club or cafe for the provision of entertainment program... In return, you get a free space, new customers from visitors to the institution.

Rent a small and cheap room in a residential area and make an appointment for potential clients on the territory of the planned holiday. This way, you will immediately study the situation and can quickly start planning your celebration.

In the absence of a decent office at the initial stage, you can meet with clients at home. But you should have a separate office, family members should in no way distract you while communicating with clients.

After receiving the first profits, try to find a room. Special sanitary requirements the office of an entertainment agency does not require, but comfort, creative design, photographs of the holidays and feedback from grateful customers are required.


The specifics of the business are such that you have to move around a lot. Transportation of equipment and props, artists, guests, furniture, missing alcohol, food, flowers and other things that you don't even know about at the moment requires transportation. A car is not suitable for such work; a bus is needed. If you cannot buy a car, enter into a lease or cooperation agreement with a transport company.

Bright, colorful and varied props are needed in unlimited quantities. Does it have to be expensive? Not necessary. In second-hand stores, thrift stores, sales and souvenir shops, very original things can be purchased for a penny. Experienced entertainment workers regularly and purposefully make rounds of such stores. It is not necessary to look for props for a specific competition, often an original or funny thing prompts the artist an interesting number. Make friends with heads of tailoring shops, specialty shops or local theaters who can rent costumes and props.

The most serious investment will be required by sound equipment. A lot depends on the quality and power of sound, and you cannot save on equipment. The minimum kit looks like this:

  1. Loudspeakers
  2. Amplifier
  3. Remote controller
  4. Microphone
  5. Audio cord set
  6. Two laptops

The minimum cost of such a kit is about 150,000 rubles. Its capacity is enough for a small hall and organization of a party for 50-200 people. For outdoor events, more powerful and expensive equipment is needed.

How can you solve the problem of lack of funds for equipment? In no case do not buy cheap - because of poor quality, it will let you down at the most crucial moment. A hardware failure during the holiday will put an end to your agency. There are a lot of offers for renting sound equipment and lighting devices. Similar services are provided by specialized stores and music studios. You can purchase a minimum set of equipment under a lease agreement.


If you decide to open an entertainment agency, then you already know or work with talented entertainers and musicians. But you still have to look for employees.

If you have your own car, you need a driver. You should look for a creative person for this position. The driver will communicate with customers, help organize and, if necessary, participate in entertainment.

A manager is also needed. This person is obliged to navigate in all the components and subtleties of the entertainment industry. Also, he should be a bit of a psychologist, because after a few minutes of conversation with potential clients, the manager should feel what the customer wants and offer him ideas in the right direction. Dull and business-like communication in entertainment is not acceptable. You sell people positive emotions, which means that the manager should be friendly, creative and cheerful person.

The permanent staff may include a toastmaster or an entertainer, a DJ or a team of musicians. If you are capable of paying these people decent salaries, do not skimp.

A variant with the invitation of freelancers is possible. To do this, you should visit popular entertainment venues, cultural events, performances of theater studios and concerts of young musicians. Meet budding talents, offer your help in finding earnings, create a portfolio and offer clients programs with their participation.

When working with creative people, you should not expect easy ways and simple solutions. No matter how much you pay your employees, breakdowns due to creative crises, whims and appearances at work in drunk will be required. It is imperative to maintain a reasonable balance in working with people. You cannot react too harshly, because emotionality, inconsistency and vulnerability are natural features of a creative person. But you cannot lose control over the situation, because obligations to clients must be fulfilled regardless of the circumstances. Each freelance situation will be resolved individually, and the presence of preliminary agreements with the widest possible range of artists will help to get out of any difficulties with honor.

Documents and licenses

To work in the field of entertainment at the start, it is enough to issue an IP. Select the OKVED code 92.3 and 92.72 - this will cover the entire range of services related to the organization of holidays.

Experienced entertainment executives recommend filling out the paperwork after you have at least a minimum number of customers and receive orders for the first holidays. The period from the beginning of the organization of the agency to the first party or wedding celebration can stretch indefinitely. You will not receive profit, and you will have to pay taxes.


Starting with small start-up capital, you may not be able to cover all areas of entertainment. Better focus on narrow specializationsuch as children's parties or weddings. Perhaps your niche is corporate events. You can gradually expand the number of offers.

It is naive to expect success without an agency website. Your site should be popular, interesting and of high quality. Here you can post not only ads, but also a portfolio of completed projects, inform about new products, world cultural events and events of the city, introduce talented youth and organize contests.

Word of mouth in this area does not lose its effectiveness. A satisfied customer will definitely share your phone with friends and acquaintances.


A holiday agency can become very successful businessbut you must consider all the risks and do everything to avoid them. The entertainment industry is unpredictable and specific - prepare for the need to be flexible and tackle non-standard tasks.


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