Unusual windows. Window dressing for shops, cafes, restaurants. Window dressing methods

Any retail space intended for the sale of a particular product must be properly designed. Experts say that the level of sales depends not only on the quality of products sold and the breadth of assortments, but also on the design of shop windows. This rule applies to almost any retail space, including pharmacies.

Window dressing in a pharmacy- a set of procedures that requires a professional approach, because if drugs and drugs are placed beautifully and in a certain order, they are guaranteed to attract the attention of customers, which will positively affect the turnover and profitability of the business. . and 6.11. Industry standard "Rules for the release (sale) of medicines in pharmacy organizations. Basic provisions" OST 91500.05.0007-2003, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 04.03.2003 N 80 (as amended on 18.04.2007).

Where to order window display in a pharmacy store?

Proper window dressing in a pharmacy by group- an important point, considering which, you can attract the attention of a potential buyer and direct him in the desired direction, creating conditions that, to a certain extent, facilitate further purchase. This is a job for real professionals who take into account the main principles of window dressing in a pharmacy and will be able to give guarantees of compliance with generally accepted standards and norms.

Order pharmacy display cases in Moscow and the Moscow region with a guarantee of impeccable quality is possible in the company "RPK QUICK ART", which has been providing its services on the market for many years and pleases customers with time-tested, reliable and affordable service. Among the indisputable advantages of the decision to turn to our specialists, we can single out the following points:

  • Professionalism. Each employee of our company has rich experience in this field and knows everything pharmacy window dressing rules.
  • Quality. In the process of fulfilling an order, our representatives use only the highest quality materials from leading European manufacturers.
  • Efficiency. Thanks to an integrated approach, all work is carried out as soon as possible.
  • Variability. To choose from, we offer a huge variety of different advertising structures, so that the Customer can choose the most suitable one.
  • Price. Our own production allows us to offer the most affordable prices for services of impeccable quality.

If you want to see an approximate result of the work, then on our website you can always familiarize yourself with pharmacy window display photo(projects that have been successfully completed for our clients).

Rules for window dressing in a pharmacy. Order

Representatives of the company "RPK QUICK ART" necessarily take into account the basic rules for window dressing in a pharmacy, which helps to attract a flow of new customers, as well as the formation positive image in the eyes of new and regular visitors.

Consider general rules for window dressing in a pharmacy:

  • Viewability. The greatest effect is given by the open display of forms that are dispensed without a prescription. In such a situation, the buyer will be able to examine the product and make the final decision on its purchase.
  • rubrication. Window dressing in a pharmacy by groups (photo listed on our website) is an excellent solution that allows a potential buyer to orient in space on their own. For each heading, it is necessary to choose the right wording, without complicated terms.
  • Location of goods. Significantly increase the degree of saleability of goods from little-known manufacturers, you can place them next to the leaders of sales.
  • Laying out. Window dressing in a pharmacy most often carried out with an open form of calculation, which makes the most favorable impression on the buyer, who subconsciously understands that a particular drug is in great demand.
  • Quantity. In order to stimulate sales growth, you can go to the trick and put up for sale two variations of the same product. As practice shows, such a technique contributes to an increase in sales by an average of 15% (if you lay out 3 packages - by 35%, 4 - by 60%).

Do not forget about the fullness of the showcase, because if it is empty, then such a “picture” will only cause negative emotions in the buyer.

Ordering window dressing in a pharmacy inexpensively in Moscow and the Moscow region in the company "RPK QUICK ART" is the only right decision that will create favorable conditions for customers and increase business profitability.

Showcases for restaurants, coffee houses, cafes

Saving up enough money to open a cafe and purchase equipment and furniture has long been not enough. Nowadays, potential customers can be interested not only in high-quality prepared dishes and drinks, but also in the interior, window dressing, and illustrated menu. The era of visual marketing dictates the basic requirements and principles. And this is not surprising, because since the beginning of mankind, it is natural to express emotions and feelings through visual effects: images, drawings, murals, graffiti attract attention in the first place. It is worth noting a few important rules when decorating shop windows of cafes, bars, restaurants:

Create custom illustrations. Image, picture is the best memorable tool

Seasonal and thematic window dressing of the restaurant, be sure to back it up with a presentation of a dish or drink. Create a story in the window and present it in the cafe hall.

Psychological mechanism: social proof. If you don't know what to do, look at what others have done in a similar situation and adapt to your own style.

Trust the work of professionals in their field, such as the RPK QUIK ART team.

To add neatly and unusually displayed goods to the showcase, today there are coasters for every taste or you can make them according to an individual design.

Use corporate colors, don't disrupt the perception of your brand. Colors that are pleasing to the eye are allowed.

Don't forget about lighting, well-placed light increases sales by up to 50%.

Feel free to add labels that are easy to read.

Use decorative elements that can be easily replaced.

Models should be used in the thematic design of restaurant windows.

Even elementary window dressing with film should bring results. It is better to overpay and make a three-dimensional image than to simply throw money away. Over the years of work in this direction, the QUIK ART team has completed hundreds of orders and continues to fulfill them right now. Contact our managers by phone +7-495-136-98-55 or send your wishes to the mail and customers will not pass by! Your showcase will work for you!


Rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches made of precious metals - all this requires a special approach! It is important that the display of jewelry is convenient for sellers and employees, and buyers can appreciate their beauty.

In RPK RPK QUIK ART there are no limits in window dressing, but a huge experience has already been accumulated! Our team will be happy to help you arrange jewelry display cases for your store or salon in the best possible way!

Attractive showcase appearance outlet, forces the buyer to pay attention to the proposed range of products and visit the institution, with a desire to look after something or even buy. Since jewelry cannot be classified as a necessities, it is not surprising that jewelry stores are fighting a fierce battle for each client. In most cases, a potential buyer chooses a place to buy jewelry according to simple principle: "Where I liked it, I'll buy it there!" Thus, in most cases, decoration of jewelry showcases plays a key role, which allows you to bring business profits to a new level.

Jewelry store window dressing: Basic Rules

In the process of decorating jewelry showcases, it is important to adhere to the unity of style. If a demonstration of classic jewelry, then it is desirable that it also be made in the "classic" style with a strict decor. In a situation with avant-garde jewelry, it is wise to use decor and design elements that give lightness to smooth lines.

An important point in the design is well-thought-out lighting. Thin light panels and small-sized elements will look impressive, since the showcase should not hide anything from the buyer, but emphasize the overflow of each stone and the brilliance of precious metals. not rare jewelry showcase decoration is carried out using a special backlight with frosted glass, which gives a special effect. When choosing lighting for window dressing, it is important to find a “golden mean”. If we talk about general lighting and lighting of jewelry showcases, then it should be balanced. Uniform and somewhat subdued light in trading floor, will allow you to focus on the showcases themselves, on which the products are laid out.

Jewelry will look great in showcases decorated with natural materials (stone, flowers, etc.). When decorating a shop window, it is worth understanding that there should be enough decorative elements so as not to distract the attention of a potential buyer from jewelry, which is why such work as decoration and jewelry display should only be done by true professionals.

Where to order window dressing jewelry store in Moscow

Professional window dressing of jewelry stores with guarantees can always be ordered from the company "RPK QUICK ART", which has been pleasing its customers for many years with the impeccable quality of the services provided.

Among the undeniable advantages of our organization:

  • Own production, which allows us to produce structures and shapes of any shape and size;
  • Use of high-quality and safe materials;
  • State professional designers who are ready to turn any of your ideas into reality;
  • Operative terms of execution of orders;
  • Affordable prices for services for the design of any showcases due to the absence of intermediaries.

Explore standard design options , which have already been developed and implemented by our specialists, maybe such options will suit you or send your design to the mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.. It is possible to produce an individual design project.

The showcase is the face of your store. It is important that, looking at the window of your clothing store, the visitor becomes your buyer. Do you want people to buy from you? Make your shop window attractive! We at the QUICK ART company will help you design the look of your store in the best possible way!

We can design your window display or you can choose from our designs, the choice is yours!

In the kaleidoscope of clothes, shoes and accessories offers, RPK QUIK ART will help your store stand out due to competent window dressing. Showcases of women's clothing stores will become bright, showcases with shoes will stand out from competitors, showcases of bags will not leave anyone indifferent, showcases of home textiles will make you go inside the store to add coziness to your own home; shop windows wedding salons will beckon and cause a desire to urgently try on an outfit and, perhaps, have another wedding, and showcases of underwear will drive both halves of humanity crazy!

Believe me, we, the RPK Quick Art team, are able to exceed your expectations in window dressing for boutiques and large stores! We have something to offer and surprise you!

When planning the opening of a clothing store, you should pay attention to a large number of nuances. Critical Role is given not only to the range of products and their quality, but also to the design of external and internal windows in the store. Contemplating the showcase of a clothing store, passers-by should have a sense of interest, a desire to visit the store, and this is already your potential buyer.

If a clothing store window dressing performed unprofessionally, then such a “picture” will surely scare away customers. But having created a stylish and catchy showcase, using innovative technologies and modern solutions, you can be guaranteed to get effective tool which will increase business turnover. Aesthetically attractive and well-thought-out showcase of a clothing store acts as a kind of “motivator” and an incentive for a person to visit a particular outlet. It is for this reason that clothing window dressing should be carried out by real professionals who have rich experience in this field.

Where to order window dressing for a clothing store in Moscow and the Moscow region?

The visual perception of any person is arranged in such a way that the imprints of the impressive moments seen are stored in memory and periodically pop up from there, forcing us to experience amazing emotions again and again. That's why creative window dressing for boutiques carried out in such a way as to arouse the maximum interest of a potential buyer in an aesthetically attractively designed showcase.

You can order window dressing for clothing stores with a guarantee of impeccable quality at the company "RPK QUICK ART", which is one of the leaders in the metropolitan market in this area. Today, we offer our clients:

  • Window dressing for women's clothing stores;
  • Window dressing for men's clothing stores;
  • Bridal shop window dressing;
  • Window dressing in a lingerie store etc.

The experts of the company "RPK QUICK ART" will perform work on the design using modern reliable materials of their own production. However, on initial stage, you need to define the target group of the store, i.e. its potential buyers. Based on the analysis obtained, the approach to implementation various kinds clothes will be different, because bag window display carried out taking into account some decisions, and boutique window dressing- others. Also in the process of window dressing, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Age of the visitor;
  • Gender of the visitor;
  • The social status of the visitor;
  • Wealth of the visitor, etc.

Key advantages of the decision to order window dressing for a women's store in the production company "QUIK ART"

The initial task of any showcase is to evoke an “emotional response” in the buyer. At the sight of an attractive window display, a store visitor should have a desire to visit the store, regardless of whether he needs a particular item and how much money is available at the moment.

ordering window dressing for women's clothing store in our company, you get many advantages:

  • Professional approach. Our company employs experienced professionals who have implemented many different projects.
  • Great opportunities. Our production base allows us to produce almost any design options used in the process of window dressing.
  • Original design. If you want to design a shop window, but you do not have a ready-made concept, our design department will help develop the most creative solutions.
  • Democratic price. Due to our own production and the use of quality materials from trusted manufacturing partners, we can offer you the most affordable prices. The price of registration depends on the materials used, the amount of work, the need to use lighting elements, etc.

During the implementation of the project, representatives of our company adhere to a certain concept. So, for the design of a shop window for a children's toy store, bright colors and plot design are most often used. In stores where a certain type of clothing is sold, it is necessary to focus on it, highlighting all the advantages of the product in the window.

One way or another, window dressing for a clothing store is a set of procedures that is almost impossible to perform without proper experience at a high level. That is why, contacting the company "RPK QUICK ART" is the key to a professional approach to the implementation and implementation of the task, which will allow your business to flourish and develop.

Do you want YOUR store to attract the eyes of buyers? Do you want people to buy YOUR shoes? Then you need to think about window dressing for your shoe store. Beautiful and bright signs, stickers, letters and much more - we of the QUICK ART company will help you design your shop window in the best possible way!

Any business has its own specific features, and the sale of shoes is no exception. In the process of decorating a shoe store window, it is necessary to use multi-tiered shelves where the assortment will be placed, as well as various decorative elements that will attract new customers and force them to visit a particular institution.

If a shoe store window dressing is carried out by experienced professionals who follow a number of specific rules and know all the subtleties of this issue, then passers-by are guaranteed to have maximum motivation to visit an attractive outlet.

Shoe showcase design: Key Features

It's no secret that the most selling showcase is the one that intrigues and engages the buyer, and also allows you to give a visual assessment of the product. If the showcase is located in shopping complex or “goes out” to the pedestrian zone, then the most effective solution will be a plot-commodity composition. However, you should be careful when creating such stories, because if you just install mannequins and put shoes on them, not every passerby will be able to guess that the store sells shoes. Experts recommend focusing maximum attention on shoes. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Equip podiums and any structures / pieces of furniture in the showcase. Despite the fact that this option will be minimalistic, visually similar showcase looks very elegant and stylish.
  2. Create many large abstract accents in the form of simple color spots or large images of objects (you can use the most interesting models from the range available). In this case, the shoes will act as an attractive contrast.

In the process of designing a shoe store window, it is recommended to use large prints, bright colors, and fonts. An important point is well-thought-out LED lighting or dynamic lighting, which will create an appropriate atmosphere and focus on shoes.

Don't forget the backdrops as well. Otherwise, the created composition will have a boring appearance and is unlikely to be remembered by a potential buyer. The selection of the background must be carried out in accordance with the style of the showcase being created and the general concept of the store. It is possible to use strict shades, as well as the use of various geometric shapes. It all depends on your wishes and imagination of the designer.

Where to order shoe store window dressing in Moscow?

A well-designed shoe store window is the key to sales success. There are many effective techniques for creating an attractive window display using flashy or understated decorations. Order shoe window display with a guarantee of impeccable quality of work performance is possible in the company "RPK QUICK ART", which always pleases its customers with a huge arsenal of effective solutions.

Turning to our company, you can count on complete immersion in the project and work "for the result", as well as truly affordable prices. We don't need intermediary services, we have our own high-tech production, which allows us to create designs and elements for window dressing in accordance with the wishes of the client.

In our work we use the following solutions:

  • Photo printing, posters, posters.
  • Fabric designs with and without illumination.
  • Film stained-glass windows.
  • Light panels, LED lighting.
  • Volumetric elements made of plastic, MDF, chipboard, plexiglass, polystyrene, etc.

You can get acquainted with the photos of standard showcases created by the specialists of the company "RPK QUICK ART" on our website. You can choose something from ready-made solutions or you can always place an order for the creation of an individual design, including according to your layout (for this, you need to send the design by mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.).

One of the most original outdoor advertising can rightfully be called window dressing for a children's store. Small buyers like no one else react to the exhibition of goods. If the facade of a trading establishment attracts the attention of a child, then with a high probability it can be argued that a purchase in this store will be made. But do not forget that the last word is still with the parents. Therefore, the arrangement of goods behind glass and decor should be of interest to children and adults.

The design of a showcase for a children's store is an important point that is almost of key importance. The aesthetics and reputation of a particular institution depend on how correctly and attractively designed the showcase is. If the design of the children's showcase is done correctly, taking into account the established standards and norms, then such a business will be guaranteed to be successful, since the goods will always look attractive to potential buyers. In the process of designing children's windows, it is worth considering not only aesthetic appeal, but also functionality, as well as the practicality of designs, so that they are not only beautiful, but also 100% safe for young and adult store visitors.

You can order window dressing for a children's store from a proven market leader, the company "RPK QUICK ART", which has been pleasing its customers with quality service and affordable prices for many years. Our company is fully responsible for the quality of manufactured structures, as well as for their installation. In the process of work, employees adhere to all safety rules, which eliminates the risk of injuries and accidents.

Window dressing for children's shops from the company "RPK QUICK ART" Showcase - business card any retail space, from a small pavilion to a large shopping center. That is why, the issue of design and window dressing should be given close attention. Among the indisputable advantages of the decision to order window dressing for children's stores in our company, the following points can be noted:

Professionalism. The staff of our company is a team of experienced professionals from different fields, from designers to lighting masters.

Materials. In the process of creating designs for showcases for children's stores, we use only time-tested materials from the world's leading manufacturers.

Design. Depending on the tasks set (window dressing for a toy store, children's clothing, etc.), as well as the wishes and requirements of the Customer, the most effective solutions are selected.

Price. Despite the fact that cooperating with us, you get the impeccable quality of implementation of even the most complex projects, the price of window dressing for children's stores always remains as affordable as possible for each client. Thanks to own production and the use of high-tech equipment, we can offer our customers the most favorable prices without intermediary services.

Deep knowledge of the engineering component, great opportunities for the use of non-standard design solutions using innovative lighting technology, a guarantee of safety and cost-effectiveness of all created structures are just a small part of all the advantages of the RPK QUIK ART company. You can get comprehensive consulting support regarding window dressing issues from the managers of our company by phone +7-495-136-98-55.

How to make even a well-fed person hungry? How to pay attention to an edible product? How to make sure that the buyer leaves satisfied, with purchases not only according to the list?

It is not enough that the product simply looks attractive in itself. In the trading space, the buyer can miss something, forget about something. In order for the buyer to be guaranteed to go home with purchases, it is necessary to first attract and hold his attention as much as possible.

We, the RPK RPK QUIK ART team, have been decorating various types of shop windows for a long time and more than successfully, so we will be happy to help you design food, ice cream, pastry windows; fish, meat, dairy, confectionery, beer, vegetable, cheese, sausage, bread display cases.

We can create an exclusive composition for you or make something from our designs in your corporate style!

Our managers are happy to receive your calls by phone +7-495-136-98-55 or emails This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

If we can do quite well without new household appliances, furniture or clothes, then we can’t do without food. For this reason, grocery stores are the most sought after and popular among consumers. This is an effective and truly win-win option for running your own business. However, it should be understood that the competition in this niche is quite high and the issue should be approached with all seriousness. Here everyone should look for ways to attract buyers on their own. One of the most effective ways is to create advertising, in particular - window dressing grocery stores .

Regardless of whether you need fish showcase decoration or bakery window display, in this issue it is worth using the efforts of professionals who know about all the subtleties and existing "techniques" for sure. Window display for grocery stores should be carried out taking into account existing standards and norms, in full compliance with the concept.

Where to order grocery store window display in Moscow and throughout Russia?

Today, there are a huge number of various sources who teach merchandising. If the largest retailers use certain tools to attract large flows of customers to the grocery store, then when it comes to local grocery chains and simple retail outlets- the situation becomes somewhat more complicated.

In search of reliable professionals, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the offer from the RPK QUICK ART company, which has been engaged in window dressing for many years and pleases its customers with impeccable quality and 100% reliability of the services provided. Huge production capacity and a staff of qualified employees allows us to work with grocery stores of any type. So, for our clients we offer:

  • Meat showcase decoration;
  • Dairy display cases;
  • Window display "fruits";
  • Decoration of beer windows;
  • Decor sausage showcases etc.

Turning to the company "RPK QUICK ART", you make a choice in favor of high-tech production, almost limitless design possibilities and the most affordable prices. In the process of implementing each individual order, our specialists show only an individual approach, which allows us to create original solutions that are 100% consistent with your ideas.

Basic rules for the design of grocery windows

The design for window dressing is selected based on the basic concept of the store. Certainly the process window display fruit and vegetables, will be significantly different from confectionery shop window display. However, there are a number of standard rules that should be followed in the first place:

  • Attractiveness. As is the case with ordinary retail outlets, grocery store windows must necessarily evoke positive emotions. The showcase should be bright, attractive and inviting to take action from the buyer.
  • Products. Regardless of which showcase is being designed, only the most best goods. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the selected positions for placement on the showcase must be accessible to a wide range of consumers.
  • Height. Experts do not recommend using showcases with a high height. They should be located at a convenient viewing height of human growth.
  • Lighting. You should always remember about lighting. So, the showcase should be perfectly illuminated, regardless of the time of day.
  • Color. An ideal solution if the color design of the showcase matches the corporate colors of the store. Also, in the process of window dressing, you can additionally advertise the brand of the store.
  • Purity. The windows of any grocery stores must be clean so that a potential buyer does not have any unpleasant associations.

Regardless of the complexity of the project, whether you need cake window display or refrigerated display cases for sausage and meat, representatives of the company "RPK QUIK ART" will be able to create and implement an original and exclusive project that will help increase business awareness, attract new customers and increase income.

An original showcase is something that a passer-by will definitely remember. Even if a person passed by a beautifully designed shop window, as practice shows, after a while, he will definitely return to the memorable store!

There are many salons selling flowers and gifts, but thanks to the competent exclusive window dressing of a flower shop or a gift shop, you will be the only one!

The RPK RPK QUIK ART team knows how to take into account many nuances when designing a flower shop, and will help you choose your own unique style. We know how to make you enjoy your flower shop thanks to professional design, make it pleasant for your employees to work in it, and customers come back to you again and again!

We can offer you designs developed by us or bring your ideas to life!

The main task of a flower shop window is to attract the attention of passers-by. The showcase should be carefully thought out and aesthetically pleasing, making a person involuntarily stop and look at the flower displays. Despite all the beauty and attractiveness, according to experts, flower display decoration is one of the most difficult tasks in terms of creating the most effective solution. It is for this reason that it is at least unreasonable to perform such work relying on one's own efforts, because the turnover of customers and, as a result, the profitability of the business depends on the quality of the window dressing.

Flower showcase decoration– work for experienced professionals who are well versed in the intricacies of such work, have the ability to manufacture elements for creating structures in their own production, and can also provide certain guarantees that the service provided is 100% high-quality and reliable.

Where to order flower shop window display in Moscow?

In the process of creating the original design of a flower shop, it should be understood that the decor being created should in no case interrupt the beauty of the flowers, but only subtly complement and emphasize it. In addition, flower showcases are among the most dynamic, since a living plant does not always bloom, and cut flowers tend to fade quickly.

You can order professional window dressing for a flower shop at RPK QUICK ART. Cooperation with our organization opens up many advantages for customers:

  • An experience. Our company is among the market leaders. A team of qualified specialists is ready to implement projects of any complexity.
  • Production. Thanks to our own production, we can offer our customers a wide range of services, as well as the ability to create non-standard design solutions.
  • Materials. To create the necessary elements and structures, only the highest quality materials from leading manufacturers are used.
  • Efficiency. We work for the result, therefore we offer the most convenient conditions for you, and we also guarantee that the project will be completed as soon as possible without sacrificing quality.
  • Price. We do not cooperate with intermediaries and we produce all elements for window dressing using our own equipment. This moment allows you to set the most transparent and affordable prices for window dressing services.

Get to know completed projects photo of decoration of flower showcases presented on our website. You can get answers to all questions related to the selection of materials and structures, the creation of a design project and the calculation of the cost, by contacting the managers of our company by phone: +7-495-136-98-55.

Basic rules for window dressing flower shops

In the process of window dressing, the specialists of our company use many modern and innovative solutions. Depending on the preferences and wishes of the Customer, an exclusive project is developed with the selection of certain structures and elements. However, when developing the concept of a flower showcase, there are a number of points that simply cannot be ignored:

  • When creating a design, it is possible to use both the corporate identity of the store and thematic affiliation, when compositions are made of the same varieties of flowers, packaging, similar decorative elements, etc.
  • Experts do not advise displaying the entire range on display. As practice shows, buyers are attracted not by quantity, but by quality. It can be several original flower arrangements, decorated with decorative elements, presented with well-planned lighting.
  • A large role is given to containers for storing flowers, which can also be played in a non-standard and original way.
  • In order to attract the maximum number of buyers, related products (souvenirs, postcards, Stuffed Toys, decorative baskets, etc.).
  • Not infrequently, when decorating flower showcases, a mirror decor is used, which contributes to the visual expansion of the internal exhibition space.

When creating the design of a flower showcase, it is worth remembering that any flower arrangements must remain fresh.

Turning to the company "RPK QUICK ART", you can also order gift shop window display. We work with projects of any complexity and any size!

The abundance of beauty salons and studios on the streets of the capital forces owners to invest substantial amounts in order to stand out from the crowd and effectively be remembered by potential customers. It doesn't even need to be said here. this work must be carried out by professional designers and advertising specialists. Taking into account the legislation of the city of Moscow, each design must strictly comply with Decree 902, and our team - RPK QUIK ART learned it by heart!

We have 4 proven principles for beauty salon window dressing:

  1. - attracting a flow of new visitors;
  2. - clearly stand out from competitors;
  3. - formation of a positive image in the eyes of old and new visitors;
  4. - convenient provision of information about services.

Only this way and nothing else! Proper placement of all 4 items on the showcase of a beauty salon will give maximum involvement of potential customers. Do not be afraid of bright colors, stylish images, bright lighting or even easy dynamics - ALL OF THIS WORKS FOR THE BENEFIT OF YOUR BUSINESS.

Our team has a number of advantages:

Reasonable cost, because it is important for us that we become your regular performer;

Prompt execution of orders, we realistically estimate the terms;

Only high-quality materials from the best suppliers from Europe;

Free professional advice;

Possibility of realization of your ideas;

Our own production allows us to offer you the lowest prices at as soon as possible production with constant quality control at all stages!

We feel that you are already ready to update or create new concept your showcase together with our team of QUIK ART specialists;)

Contact our specialists by phone. +7495-136-98-55 or send a request by mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

The theater starts with a buffet, the restaurant starts with a toilet, and good store from a "tasty" decorated showcase. The main task of a well-designed storefront is to attract new customers and convert them into regular ones.

The shop window branding is based on the principle of viral advertising - I saw it myself, I told my neighbor. It is this principle that guides our company.

RPK QUIK ART has been specializing in branding, window dressing and retail space for stores, pharmacies, and beauty salons for almost 10 years. Over the years, we have faced challenges of varying complexity. Each new task is a challenge, the implementation of the project is pride! We are glad that our clients do not limit themselves in their ideas and set high standards for us.

For example, for the Fisher Price booth in Vinny's children's store on Kaluzhskaya, we designed a booth with a motorcycle, which, due to dynamic lighting, created the illusion of spinning wheels. By the way, any dynamics in the decorative or creative design of a shop window and retail space always attracts the attention of buyers! It can be in the form of changing lighting or moving decor elements. Catchy, Bright, Dynamic - three whales in the formation of a memorable image of a shop window.

Sometimes customers throw up such ideas that in order to implement them, you have to not only learn new things, but find unique solutions allowing to realize the most daring and daring ideas. For the design of one of the stores, we had to learn how to create giant flowers; for Lacoste boutiques, we made unusual three-dimensional multi-layered crocodiles against the background of Matrices (a free-standing or built-in structure in which a fabric is inserted). This design can be one-sided, two-sided, illuminated or non-illuminated, and can be used as the main showcase with an image. On the fabric, the layout is very bright, with rich colors. Convenience for the customer is important: in just 5 minutes, salespeople in the store can easily replace the fabric and the background for the showcase will change. Uniqueness, Removability, Ease of maintenance - the three most important criteria for the customer.

There are many window dressing options. RPK QUIK ART specialists will help you understand all the details, visualize the idea, suggest how to take into account the key points, contribute to a competent, optimal, using merchandising, design of the trading floor. Choose a style, choose materials - all this can be done by our team. Need an exclusive design? We are ready for much and even more!

Prices for window dressing

The exact cost of plotter cutting can only be calculated if there is a vector image, since the cost of the work is calculated by the length of the cut of the image (measured in the CorelDrow program).

ServicePriceUnit measurements

Film cutting on a plotter

20 rub.

per linear meter of cut length
Flash sampling (unnecessary film) 20 rub. per linear meter of cut
Transferring the finished sticker to the mounting film 200 rub. per sq.m. films
Mounting film 200 rub. per sq.m. films
Self-adhesive film Oracal 641 white 300 rub. per sq.m. films
Self-adhesive film Oracal 641 color 400 rub. per sq.m. films

The shop window is a kind of visiting card of the institution. The level of attendance of the outlet by potential buyers, the profit and prosperity of the owners largely depends on the thoughtfulness of its design. If there is an opportunity to create a showcase, then it must be used without fail. The talentedly designed facade of the building may well become a real attraction of the settlement.

The shop window is a kind of visiting card of the institution

Photographs of tourists are an excellent advertisement for a trading establishment. Shop window design should be catchy, colorful and informative. Passers-by, without realizing it, tend to stop at such a structure and visit it. The design of shop windows is determined by the architecture of the building where the store is located, the style of the street and the specifics of the store itself.

The contents of the shop window are always designed to attract the attention of a wide audience of the majority of passers-by. However, it should trace the main specialization of the institution. This will certainly arouse the interest of people who are looking for a specific group of goods.

Thinking about the design of the store, you must be based on the following rules:

    Support for the corporate identity of the outlet. The company logo should be displayed on the facade. This approach indicates the direction of the outlet and helps to promote the brand.

    The network of stores is designed in the same way. Even if their storefronts have different shape and size, the style of the firm should be traced without a hint of doubt and misunderstanding.

    Closing the counter with a transparent material that will withstand the most extreme weather conditions. This is especially true for exposure to solar radiation. If you use glass without special sputtering, then after a few months the showcase and exhibits will burn out, losing their charm and attractiveness.

    Well-groomed look. In order for the counter to arouse the interest of customers, it must be constantly kept clean and tidy. This issue needs to be considered at the planning stage. The design of the showcase should be such that it can be quickly and easily cleaned of dust and debris.

    Protection from cold and heavy objects. In order for the glass to not be covered with ice in the cold season, it is necessary to think over a system for heating it. It can be an ultraviolet heater or a fan heater. At night, the glass can be closed with roller shutters with the logo of the store.

    Use of natural light and illumination. Properly highlighted product looks interesting and attractive. In addition, well-played lighting gives the facade an expressive look at night and in cloudy weather.

    Proper placement of exhibits. If the footpath runs at a distance from the facade, then the entire counter area is used. When people move in the immediate vicinity of the showcase, the emphasis should be on that part of it, which is located at a height of up to 150 cm from the floor.

The content of the shop window is always designed to attract the attention of a wide audience of the majority of passers-by.

Even the most unusual design of the counter ceases to arouse interest over time if nothing changes on it. To prevent the outflow of customers, the content of the storefront needs to be updated periodically. It is customary to do this by the change of season or on the eve of the holidays. It is advisable to draw a few sketches of the updated shop windows. This will allow you to choose the best offer, even if the drawings are made in pencil.

Gallery: shop window decoration (25 photos)

Window dressing (video)

Classification of showcases by configuration

Since retail outlets are located in buildings different type, then their windows are decorated in different styles.

Today there is such a classification of shop windows:

    Solid and extended. Almost all entrepreneurs dream of having such a structure. The large volume of the room allows you to realize any ideas of the designer and artist. In addition, extended structures allow you to create an interesting light picture using various light sources.

    Modular. Consists of several sections of the same or different sizes. The right approach makes it possible to create several different or gradually developing plots. Multiple display cases are much easier to maintain and update.

    Altitude. Located on the second or higher level. To attract the attention of passers-by, large and catchy objects, bright inscriptions and original lighting are used as exhibits.

    Corner. A very successful design in terms of the degree of accessibility of the review of the exhibits. In addition, corner structures stand at the intersection of passer-by flows. Even one person at the window creates intrigue, forcing the rest to become interested in the outlet. As a rule, corner structures are equipped with semicircular glass.

    Multilevel. It is located on two or more floors of the building. It gives the opportunity to apply non-standard solutions, which attracts the attention of buyers. Interest in the top level is caused by the creation of continuous vertical components.

A well-thought-out design of store fronts makes it possible to create attractive showcases of any type.

Even the most unusual design of the counter ceases to arouse interest over time if nothing changes on it.

Opening shop windows

The concept of "openness" means the ability to view the trading floor from the side of the street and vice versa.

There is such a division of showcases, taking into account this indicator:

    Open. Behind the exhibits there are no obstacles that prevent you from seeing the interior of the stores. The show-window from a trading floor can be separated with a decorative barrier. Such a choice is made in cases where the interior arrangement of the institution is attractive enough for a potential consumer, regardless of his tastes.

    Closed. The showcase space is separated from the trading floor by a curtain, painted fabric or a blank partition. As a rule, such a decision is made when it is necessary to mask the rear parts. various equipment(refrigerators, racks, shelves). To compensate for the lack of transparency, various custom-made posters help. In some cases, they look much more presentable than the trading floor itself.

    Combined. They represent a space, one part of which is fenced off, and the other is accessible to the eyes from the street. Sometimes it is advisable to cover the office space with advertised products. It could be Appliances, textiles, furniture and other goods from the assortment of the store.

As practice shows, the most active attendance is observed in retail outlets equipped with open windows.

Artistic solution of the exposition

The contents of the showcase should not only attract potential customers of the store with brightness and beauty, but also carry maximum information about the specialization of the trading establishment. Having interested a person with its original design, a well-designed counter provides information for reflection and encourages a passer-by to go inside the store. And this is already more than 50% of the probability that a purchase will be made.

According to the information content option, shop windows are divided into the following categories:

    Commodity. They represent an exhibition of the main goods from the range that is present on the trading floor. To increase the visibility of products, original coasters, artistically designed price tags, mannequins, racks and hangers are used.

    Plot. They are designed in the form of a composition that demonstrates how a whole group of goods can be used according to their functional purpose. Designers create certain plots and scenes. To give them expressiveness, mannequins, decorative lighting, glow, smoke or rain imitators are used.

    Combined. Compositions are created that combine the original presentation of a group of goods against the background of a plot in which the products of a larger store are present.

    Promotional. Holding regular sales with significant discounts is an excellent marketing ploy, allowing you to create an extensive target audience of buyers. Since promotional showcases are temporary structures, fabric banners, films pasted on polycarbonate sheets, painted posters and banners are used for their design.

A great way to attract customers is to display non-standard display fixtures in the display space. The use of full-scale, natural-colored mannequins, original plexiglass stands, dummies and stuffed animals distinguishes the store's facade from the surrounding buildings.

How to quickly and inexpensively design a storefront (video)

Showcase lighting options

Lighting the facades of commercial establishments is an important component in creating their image. Illumination is needed not only to draw attention to the shop window at night. By combining various types of lighting fixtures, interesting visual effects are created, certain details are emphasized, and nuances stand out.

Today, the following types of shop window lighting are used:

    Scattered. Lamps are placed evenly over the entire area and volume of the counter. The correct placement of lighting fixtures allows you to create a relaxed soft lighting of the displayed goods without dimming zones and shadows. Typically used economical LED lamp that emit even, flicker-free light.

    Directed. The task of such a solution is to create intrigue and accents. With dim illumination of the entire counter, individual objects and groups of goods stand out with bright rays. To achieve such goals, powerful spotlights and small fluorescent lamps are used, located around the perimeter of the counter.

    Artistic. It is used to draw attention to the showcase exhibits, which are presented everywhere, in many retail outlets of the city. The emphasis is on the variety of colors, changing the intensity and color of the glow. LED strips, halogen and fluorescent lamps are used.

So that the showcase does not cause an addictive effect, it is advisable to equip it with several lighting options. The constant change of lighting mode will make the facade of the store an object of increased attention.

Display glass selection

Many store owners are seriously concerned about the possibility of damage to display cases from accidental or deliberate impact. You can get rid of such fears in one case - to install durable and safe glass for passers-by.

Today, for the arrangement of shop windows, such transparent materials are used:

    Tempered silicon glass. It is a product obtained after several cycles of heating and cooling ordinary glass. Tempered glass is resistant to pressure, shock and scratches.

    Triplex. In the manufacture of panels, several sheets of glass are used, connected by an adhesive polymer film. When destroyed, forms harmless fragments.

    Monolithic polycarbonate. An extremely durable material that can withstand even small arms bullets. At the same time, it easily takes on the most complex form.

See how it works.

On this page you can get acquainted with the theoretical foundations of showcase design, rules visual perception, the materials from which the decor is made. And learn a lot ready ideas for window dressing.

  • window dressing.
  • — features of window dressing for promotions and sales.
  • and .
  • - what materials are used for decoration and how to combine them with each other.

Design of internal and external showcases

Showcases can be either internal, for example, in shopping centers or external with access to the street (in separate stores). There is a fundamental difference in their design and this must be taken into account when developing decor ideas.

Design of showcases according to their purpose

Seasonal window dressing

As a rule, every season in shops and shopping centers there is a change of collections, which requires appropriate thematic design. These articles provide tips and ideas for seasonal window dressing.

Profession showcase

In these articles, you will learn how to become a professional window dresser and what is his job.

Window dressing in Moscow

A properly designed showcase can make a store attractive to potential buyers, that is, one that not only informs passers-by about the goods sold by the outlet, but really interests and makes them stop. When the owners of branded boutiques, shopping pavilions, supermarkets think about it, they turn to us.

Experienced specialists of our design studio not only have a delicate taste and follow fashion trends, but they are also well versed in advertising, marketing, they know how to improve the company's image against competitors and competently bypass them.

We offer our clients:

  • development of a permanent design to strengthen the brand;
  • thematic and festive decoration;
  • and much more.

In our work, we use all kinds of design methods:

  • applications on the glass of shop windows, colored vinyl films;
  • female, male, children's mannequins in full height or separate demonstration parts (heads, legs, arms, torso, etc.);
  • various decorative coasters, podiums;
  • dummies of goods, enlarged copies;
  • artistic lighting, light panels, ready-made LED figures;
  • additional accessories (floristic compositions, fabrics, paper, furniture) and much more.

Types of showcases

According to the design method, the windows are divided into:

  • commodity;
  • plot;
  • commodity plot;
  • promotional.

The first option is the most common, it provides for the demonstration of goods sold by the outlet in the original layout, for example, with the participation of mannequins, unusual coasters, podiums, beautiful price tags. This directly indicates to the potential buyer what he can find in this store.

Narrative showcases are built on attracting the attention of passers-by with an unusual design. In the installation presented for review, the goods can be presented in a veiled way, with the help of ideas and images that indirectly indicate the specialization of the outlet.

They imply the demonstration of goods in an unusual way, for example, in an enlarged size or with the addition of some bright jewelry- flowers, toys, holiday paraphernalia.

Promotional windows are aimed at informing passers-by about current promotions, discounts, sales, new arrivals of goods, etc. Usually, in this case, bright price tags, inscriptions, banners, etc. are used.

Window display options

The most profitable for doing business is a large solid showcase on the ground floor of the building. For the designer, the possibilities are unlimited here, you can use any of the design options. Such a showcase will be noticed not only by passers-by, but also by drivers passing by in their cars.

Another thing is a showcase on the second floor and above. Passers-by will not be able to consider it in detail, so the plot option in this case is irrelevant. Such showcases should be designed in a product-plot or promotional format, choosing elements of increased sizes for this.

The corner showcase also has distinctive features. Due to its location, it already implies the presence of attention from passers-by, as it is located at the intersection of pedestrian flows, and also has enough space to accommodate catchy installations.

Showcase types

In addition to the location of showcases on the facade, the degree of openness affects the way they are designed. Depending on the type of showcase (open, closed, open-closed), its possible design is determined.

Open windows are those that allow the passer-by to look inside the store without entering it. Through the glass, the interior of the room, the range of goods is fully visible. Therefore, the design of such shop windows should not block the view, but be unobtrusive and concise. In such stores, the stake is not literally on showcases, but on the premises inside, which, in fact, is the hallmark of the outlet.

Closed shop windows hide the store space from passers-by. Against the background of a special partition, plot installations are created or an original display of goods is carried out. This design option is more complicated, because looking at such a showcase, a passer-by decides whether to visit the premises or not.

Open-closed showcases allow you to partially view the retail space. The view is obscured by plot compositions or decorative partitions. A passer-by has to stop and peer, which is a kind of marketing ploy.

Window dressing by designer

The presence of originally designed showcases enhances the status of the store, emphasizes its image, promotes the brand. Branded salons, network outlets, supermarkets always use this method of advertising. Being decorated in the same style, shop windows increase brand awareness, thereby increasing customer loyalty.

We have been successfully decorating shop windows for many years, shopping centers on the occasion of the opening, holidays, seasonal discounts, promotions, etc. Our professional decorators are always ready to offer a lot of extraordinary solutions and fresh ideas. We provide an individual approach to each client. When choosing a showcase design, we always take into account the image of the company, the activity of competitors in this direction, the target audience in order to maximize the impact on potential buyers.

With us, the design of your showcase is born like this:

  1. It all starts with a meeting and development of a design project.
  2. We draw sketches (one or more options).
  3. We agree on the design option and its cost.
  4. We receive an advance payment and implement our plans.
  5. After the successful implementation of the idea, we receive the rest of the payment, and you get more customers.

window dressing Offers for stores Examples and finished projects

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The main goal of window dressing for a clothing store is to make as many people as possible want to visit it. It is about the "art" of window dressing that will be discussed in our next material.

Why do you need window dressing?

A showcase is the “face” of a clothing store, its calling card. From just a glance at the window, a passing person should have a desire to visit the store, and therefore become a potential buyer.

Tastelessly designed showcases will “scare away” any client, but a stylish, bright, catchy showcase is effective tool increase the turnover of any outlet, especially a clothing store.

A beautiful showcase of your clothing store is a kind of “motivator” and an incentive for a person to stop and go to the store. Therefore, window dressing should be approached from a professional point of view.

It is not uncommon today for shop owners to believe that window dressing is a secondary matter and should not be paid attention to. This opinion is unanimously recognized by marketers and merchandisers as erroneous.

The so-called "shop window" - the art of window dressing - is a "mixture" of several areas at once, such as decor, design, marketing, painting. Window dressing is best left to professionals who will develop a special design in accordance with the needs of the customer.

But if there is no opportunity to use the services of professional designers and merchandisers, thanks to simple and useful tips from our article, every store owner will be able to beautifully and tastefully decorate a shop window.

Clothing window dressing principles

Depending on this, the approach to selling different types clothes will be different: the showcase of a fur store will be radically different from the showcase of a clothing store for teenagers. Also, the showcase, as a kind of “motivator” for a person to make a purchase, will differ depending on:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • social status;
  • prosperity of the target group of the store.

Professional automation of goods accounting in retail. Tidy up your store

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Do they want to attribute themselves to a group of successful people, buying clothes of a certain brand, or get the approval of others, do they want to hide their shortcomings, or vice versa, emphasize their social status?

As soon as the store owner gets an answer to this question, he will be able to decide in accordance with what concept the showcase of his clothing store should be decorated. After all, it is at one glance at the window that a person should receive a certain “advertising” message.

Deciding on requests target audience your clothing store, start thinking imaginatively. What does every girl and woman want in spring? Of course, new emotions, lightness, love, renewal, attention, fresh colors, smiles. This means that the showcase of your store must be decorated using these “spring” motives.

If you need a showcase for a men's outerwear store, then buyers associate a man in a coat with masculinity, even brutality, a desire to stand out from the crowd, which means that the showcase itself must correspond to this concept - strict tones, calm colors, tranquility and a general message - a certain "confidence" in everything.

Perhaps the most important thing in window dressing is the choice of color. A good solution would be to design a showcase to advertise a new collection of clothes in your store just the same in the style of this collection.

Experts consider the creation of a layout of a future showcase to be the right decision. Draw the way you see the future showcase of your store, its color scheme, the location of mannequins, accessories, inscriptions, price tags.

Think over the composition of the showcase - it will be a harmonious “picture” from life, or vice versa, some kind of abstract chaotic picture that surprises passers-by with its disharmony. In any case, the choice is yours.

Accounting for goods in a clothing store is easy to keep with the Biznes.Ru program. Keep track of sizes and colors, and create your own loyalty program to sell off the rest of your old collections.

20 basic rules for window dressing

Comprehensive trade automation at a minimum cost

We take a regular computer, connect any fiscal registrar and install the Business Ru Kassa application. As a result, we get an economical analogue of a POS-terminal as in a large store with all its functions. We enter goods with prices in the Business.Ru cloud service and start working. For everything about everything - a maximum of 1 hour and 15-20 thousand rubles. for the fiscal registrar.

  1. Update the clothing models in the shop window at least twice a month. A good "reason" for changing models is updating collections, new seasons, sales, promotions;
  2. In addition to interesting sets of clothes, use accessories - they always make mannequins more elegant, attract the attention of potential buyers;
  3. All items shown on the mannequins must be on sale in the store;
  4. The window of your clothing store should always be clean. Grease stains, stains, dirt are not allowed;
  5. Information about the start of sales in your store must be on the window without fail, focus on lowering the prices of goods, hang up bright inscriptions "SALE";
  6. The background of the showcase should not "distract" the attention of a person from the presented models themselves, and the composition should be unified, holistic, harmonious;
  7. The showcase should be located as close as possible to the floor of the store, and the mannequins should be slightly above the eye level of a passing person, but at the same time close enough so that he can see the thing he likes;
  8. The human eye perceives repetitive, alternating elements, symmetrical and complete compositions better. Patterns are a good solution for a showcase;
  9. An interesting design solution would be the use of "framing" - the conclusion of an object in a frame. This will help distribute the "accents" in the showcase composition, enhance the impression;
  10. It is the sets of clothes from the window that are sold best and fastest in stores, and it is in the combinations offered on the mannequins, which means that if you can correctly combine things with each other, then there is a high probability that clothes will be bought in a set, and not separately;
  11. Observe the proportions of the so-called "golden section" - they are best perceived by the human eye;
  12. Proper lighting of the exposition in the showcase is the key to the success of the sale of goods.

The program for automating a clothing store Business.Ru will become an indispensable assistant for you. Here you can select the most active and most solvent buyers, assign them appropriate statuses in the system. Develop your own work algorithm and priority communication channels, for example, personal offers in SMS mailing for the most solvent audience.​

5 secrets of a successful store in 2018. How to arrange windows. Video

Window dressing during sales

The sales period is a really important period in the work of any outlet, which means that you need to decorate the window and the store itself properly. Price tags, inscriptions, graphics, colors and all pos-materials should be bright, "assertive" and to some extent even aggressive.

This is what the buyer sees first. That's why any self-respecting brand approaches window dressing so carefully. Large international companies have a whole staff of professional merchandisers for window dressing - window dressers. These people develop the concept of each showcase, focusing on many factors, analyzing sales, demand, and customer needs. Storefronts for clothes, flowers, and bed linen look different, but they all obey general rules style and sales.

Showcases of clothing stores

Window dressing for a clothing store is a whole science. Everyone understands that the face of the institution should be beautifully and stylishly decorated. But this is not enough. The buyer should want to go to this particular store and purchase exactly this thing from the mannequin. With a properly designed window display, things dressed on mannequins sell out the fastest.

There are two main types of window dressing for a clothing store:

  1. Commodity clearance. This is a simple and elegant option for window dressing. It must feature mannequins (or hangers) with well-thought-out images. Buyers are attracted by the total look - a mannequin should represent a ready-made outfit from clothes and shoes to the smallest accessories. Then the buyer will want to purchase this particular set in its entirety. This means that the outfit on the mannequin should be not only trendy, but also “wearable”, applicable in real life in a particular city. What is at the height of fashion in the capital may not always be appropriate in a small provincial town. Therefore, window dressers must take into account the geography of their work.
  1. Story setting. It is considered real skill if the merchandiser creates a real scene from life in the window, gives his characters characters and fills them with a real story. Narrative showcases are more emotional, with the help of them it is much easier to find a response from the buyer. For example, Christmas showcases clothing stores is a real fairy tale. You can simply dress the mannequin in a beautiful evening dress, or you can create a real scene from a Christmas movie. Groups of mannequins with decorations look much more interesting. In clothing stores for children and adults, it is more appropriate to use male, female and children's mannequins on the same showcase. Beautiful scenery will help complete the story.

Sale windows are different from those that decorate stores during the season. They should be more catchy, bright, eye-catching. Bright banners and ribbons with price tags are used to attract attention. As a rule, the maximum percentage of the current discount is placed on the storefront.

There are other rules for window dressing for clothing stores:

  1. Mannequins, all decorations and clothing must be in perfect condition. Crystal clearness is necessary on the showcase, you should regularly wipe the dust from the mannequins. All things must be steamed. Since the mannequin is not a living person, there is no guarantee that the clothes will fit him perfectly. In inconspicuous places, clothes are pinned up with pins.
  1. The light must be set correctly and aimed at the central part of the mannequin (on the chest). If there are other important elements in the showcase (banners, posters with prices), the light must be directed to them.
  1. The window must not be littered. A sense of proportion, style and elegance are the most important things for showcases. So a positive opinion will be made about the store, and the showcase will not look like a “flea market”.
  1. The overall concept is important. The window is just part of the store. It must fully support the overall style and level of the entire brand.
  1. Don't be afraid to make bold decisions. Often things that are not taken by buyers get a new life if they are put on a mannequin. Original combinations can look fashionable and stylish if you are not afraid to mix clothes with each other.

Showcases of bed linen stores

The design of the front side of the bed linen store is not similar to the design of clothing stores. Of course, the showcase should catch the eye and encourage the buyer to buy, but in the case of bed linen and household goods it is done by other methods.

Shops with household utensils and bed linen are designed primarily for women. They should evoke thoughts of home comfort and peace. The shop windows are decorated with soft pastel colors: pink, powdery, beige, cream, milk, caramel, etc. Most often, plot design is used - they try to create an atmosphere of a home bedroom or another room in a shop window. For this, many accessories are used: furniture, dishes, textiles, flowers in vases and much more. It is the details that help to recreate the atmosphere of a real bedroom, as well as increase sales of related products. Decorative

Showcases of flower shops

Window dressing for a flower shop is an opportunity to create a holiday mood. Flower shops should delight their customers, regardless of the time of year and the weather outside. This is a small piece of warm summer in the center of the metropolis. Showcases flower shops should be as bright and cheerful as possible. But don't forget about style.

The design of a flower shop window has its own small nuances:

  1. If fresh flowers are used for decoration, the showcase must have a special temperature regime and sufficient lighting, otherwise the exposure will have to be changed every day.
  1. All shelving, shelves, and fixtures must be sturdy enough to support heavy flower arrangements, soil pots, or water vases.
  2. Containers for storing flowers ( pots, pots and vases) must be made in the same style and have an impeccable appearance. An old pot has no place in a stylish shop window.
  1. Glass elements and accessories look beautiful in a flower showcase - shelves, flasks, vases, they make the composition weightless and light. Follow appearance glass - it must be spotlessly clean and transparent

5. In addition to flowers, the showcase should be supplemented with accessories - artificial flowers, branches, cones and other decorative elements.

6. Showcase may contain additional goods: postcards, beautiful paper, ribbons, toys, etc. All of them must be made in the same style.

Thematic and festive showcases with flowers look the most impressive: Christmas, Valentine's Day, March 8 and even Halloween - this is a great opportunity to make a bright plot showcase. The abundance of accessories will look very interesting: animal figurines, angels, hearts, pumpkins, bows and ribbons, boxes of sweets, Christmas decorations and much more. Flower shop windows always give people a sense of celebration.


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