Diesel submarines varshavyanka. Sediment from "Varshavyanka. Why was a diesel submarine needed

The shipbuilding enterprise "Admiralteyskie Verfi" is completing sea trials of the new multipurpose submarine "Rostov-on-Don" and will hand it over to the Russian Navy by the end of this year. This is the second submarine of Project 636.3 Varshavyanka from a series under construction of six combat submarines: Novorossiysk, Rostov-on-Don, Stary Oskol, Krasnodar, Veliky Novgorod and Kolpino. The submarine "Novorossiysk" entered service with the Russian Navy in August this year and is serving in the Black Sea Fleet. The last, sixth submarine of this series should be commissioned by 2018. Admiralty Shipyards, which are part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, is a leading enterprise in Russian Federation, which produces, among other types of ships, non-nuclear underwater diesel-electric ships.

Launching boats of project 636.3 www.nnm.me

Project 877 was developed at the Rubin Central Design Bureau in the 1970s for export to the Warsaw Pact countries (hence its name - Varshavyanka), and in the 1990s it was modified and received the number 636. Today there are 16 operating submarines in the world Project 636: 2 in Russia (including the Rostov-on-Don submarine), 10 in China and 2 each in Algeria (2 more units have already been ordered) and Vietnam (4 more units have been ordered). The current, improved modification of the project is labeled 636.3 and according to NATO standards it belongs to the Improved Kilo class.

Project 636.3 submarine - a successful export product of the Russian military-industrial complex www.russiapost.su

According to a number of basic parameters, the project was recognized as very successful, therefore, it was decided to continue its production with the introduction of the necessary improvements as new technologies and types of weapons appear. The reasons for the enviable "longevity" of Project 636 lie in the fact that the Improved Kilo class submarines showed the best combination of combat and technical characteristics, which make them an extremely dangerous enemy. In terms of a number of their indicators, they noticeably surpass their foreign counterparts.

Project 636.3 submarine "Novorossiysk" www.arms-expo.ru

One of the most important tasks of the submarine is to remain unnoticed under water, without pretending to be the noise of working machines, therefore, the Varshavyanka project submarines have an advantage over most submarines in the world, differing high rates low noise. A double hull, retractable rudders, shock-absorbing platforms for engines, as well as special external hydroacoustic coatings provide the highest possible sound insulation and make it difficult for the enemy to detect the boat. In the mode of movement on electric motors, the submarine becomes practically inaudible and is able to "sneak up" to the enemy almost closely. In NATO countries, the boat has received the nickname "Black Hole" for its acoustic "invisibility". Experts do not exclude that the recent scandal with the never-found submarine off the coast of Sweden arose precisely around the Varshavyanka-class submarine, which remained undetected and withdrew from the area of ​​its search.

A seven-bladed propeller of a special crescent shape is one of the most important elements of a set of measures to ensure the maximum noiselessness of the submarine

The boat is capable of diving to a depth of 300 meters and being in autonomous navigation for 45 days, and its hull is designed in such a way as to produce as little noise as possible under water and have the best hydrodynamic shape. This led to the loss of some of the seaworthiness of the submarine - on the surface it develops a speed of up to 17 knots, in a submerged position - up to 20 knots. With the optimal cruising mode, the boat is able to go under water up to 400 miles, and its total cruising range reaches 7,500 miles. The length of the boat is 73.8 meters, the maximum width is 9.9 meters, and the surface displacement is 2350 tons. To control the submarine warship, a crew of 52 people is required.

Submarine project 636.3 on the surface

Improvements to project 636 provide for the modernization of not only power plants, navigation equipment and control systems, but also a significant increase in the submarine's fire potential. The long-term production of these boats for export and their equipment in accordance with the growing wishes of foreign customers led to the fact that, in addition to the classic set of weapons (torpedoes and mines), they began to install missile weapons. In particular, Project 636.3 submarines are equipped with the Kalibr strike missile system (in terms of export projects - Club-S), capable of striking targets at sea and on land. It is noteworthy that special equipment is not required to launch cruise missiles of this complex from a boat - missiles are launched through torpedo tubes. Rocket armament transfers this type of submarine to a new combat status. From a coast guard boat, the submarine turns into a full-fledged submarine missile carrier of a strategic level, since missiles of this type have a flight range of up to 1,500 km.

In the entire history of the construction and operation of boats of this project, no catastrophes or any serious accidents with their participation have been recorded. Being relatively inexpensive to manufacture, they can be manufactured in quantities sufficient to maintain the country's defense capability and are capable of providing reliable protection of the sea borders. 19 november general manager of the shipbuilding enterprise "Admiralteyskie Verfi" Alexander Buzakov said in an interview with the news agency "Arms of Russia" that already this year two more submarines of this project will be handed over to foreign customers.

Thus, there is every reason to recognize the project as worthy of further development, since non-nuclear submarines have a perspective in defense doctrine and, along with other submarines and surface ships, firmly take their place in the modern navy. Some of the technologies related to power and power plants require further development and improvement. In addition, the prospects for the development of the project lie in the plane of increasing the speed of the submarine, as well as increasing its autonomy. At the same time, there is the task of preserving (and ideally improving) the parameters of the boat's invisibility for hydroacoustic detection devices. The need for such complex technical solutions makes this task difficult, but certain developments in this area already exist. According to Igor Molchanov, chief designer of the Rubin Central Design Bureau, the 636.3 series may well become a successful transitional project in the course of creating fundamentally new non-nuclear submarines of the next generation.

On January 21, 1954, a truly significant event took place: the world's first nuclear submarine, the Nautilus, was launched from the Groton shipyard in the United States. Started new era development of the submarine fleet. The submarines received a power plant that allowed them not to appear on the surface for months, develop incredible speed under water and dive to unattainable depths. It seemed that the age of diesel-electric submarines (diesel-electric submarines) was over.

Diesel submarines are still used today, moreover, in many countries such ships are being actively developed.

The fact is that nuclear submarines have their own significant disadvantages. First, such submarines are noisier. An operating nuclear reactor cannot be completely drowned out; it emits continuous noise. Secondly, seawater is used to cool it, which then becomes slightly radioactive, but this allows the ship to be tracked down. In addition, nuclear powered ships are usually of considerable size, which significantly limits their use in shallow water. In addition, such nuclear submarines are very expensive, and only a few countries in the world can produce them.

The main non-nuclear submarine of the Russian fleet is the Varshavyanka-class submarine - this is a name that unites ships of two projects at once: 877 and 636, as well as their numerous modifications created in different years.

The history of the creation of "Varshavyanka"

At the end of the 60s, the command of the USSR Navy initiated the creation of a new generation diesel submarine with a low noise level and powerful weapons. The main tasks of the new submarine were to counteract enemy surface and submarine ships, reconnaissance, and protect their own naval bases and communications.

The designers were given the task to create such a diesel-electric submarine that would surpass any similar ship of a potential enemy in a duel confrontation. This should have been achieved by reducing noise, increasing the detection range of the enemy, and more powerful weapons.

Around the same time, an unusual submarine appeared at a potential enemy - the nuclear submarine "Albacor" was launched in the USA. This boat had a streamlined hull, very much like a whale. When designing a new submarine, Soviet designers decided to repeat it.

In 1974 appeared technical task for the development of a new ship, the work was carried out at the Central Design Bureau "Rubin" under the leadership of Kormilitsyn. The submarine was developed not only for the Soviet Navy, it was planned to equip all the navies of the Warsaw Pact countries with it. That is why the submarines of projects 877 and 636 were named "Varshavyanka".

Compared to the ships of Project 641, the new submarine was supposed to develop a higher underwater speed, be more seaworthy, and have a good modernization resource. The military demanded that the Varshavyanka be more automated, with fewer crews and better conditions his habitat.

All Soviet diesel-electric submarines, designed earlier, were narrow and long, and the new submarines received a light spindle-shaped hull, with a length to width ratio of 7.3. The shape of the hull was carefully calculated and tested many times on the stands, so the boats of projects 877 and 636 have minimal hydrodynamic resistance.

The lead submarine of Project 877 was laid down in 1979, and the boat entered service in 1982.

A few words should be said about the notation. For the naval forces of the Soviet Union, boats of project 877 were built, and ships of two projects at once were manufactured for export: 877E and 636. The submarines of both projects are called "Varshavyanka", and the project 877 itself is called "Halibut".

The ships of Project 636 are one of the latest and most advanced modifications of the Varshavyanka; their construction began in the mid-90s. Submarines of projects 877 and 636 were built at the shipyards of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg.

Submarine project 636 has more advanced characteristics compared to earlier versions. It has the best combination of noiselessness and detection range for surface and underwater targets, a more advanced automated control system, navigation equipment, and more powerful and modern weapons.

Currently, the Varshavyanka submarine is in service not only with the Russian naval forces, but also with the navies of China, India, Algeria, Romania and Poland.

For the Soviet Navy, 24 submarines were built, 15 of which were decommissioned even before the beginning of this century. In 2010, the first ship of the improved 636.6 series was laid down. To date, four submarines have already been launched and accepted by the fleet. It is planned to build eight more such ships.

The cost of one submarine "Varshavyanka" of project 636 is approximately $ 300 million (for 2009).

Arrangement of submarines of projects 636 and 877 "Varshavyanka"

The submarine hull of projects 877 and 636 is spindle-shaped with a minimum number of outboard openings. This form increases the submarine's underwater speed and reduces its noise, but worsens seaworthiness on the surface. Covering the hull reduces the reflection of enemy ships' sonar systems. The main ballast tanks are located between the lightweight and durable hull.

The bow rudders are retractable.

The boat has a two-hull design, it consists of a light and durable hull. In the front upper part of the ship there are torpedo tubes, and in the lower part - the antenna of the hydroacoustic complex.

The railing of the retractable devices is located above the second compartment and performs the usual functions: it serves as a navigating bridge, protects periscopes, antennas and other lifting devices.

The robust housing has six compartments.

The first compartment has three decks: on the upper there are torpedo tubes, on the second - living quarters, and on the lower deck - batteries.

The second compartment also accommodates three decks. At the top is the central post of the boat, below it is the navigational cabin and the radio room.

The third compartment consists of two living decks and one with batteries.

The fourth compartment houses the diesel engine, while the fifth contains the electric motors.

The sixth compartment contains economical electric motors and rudder drives.

Movement both underwater and on the surface is provided by an electric motor - the Varshavyanka submarine has a full electric propulsion scheme. home power plant consists of a main electric motor (5500 hp) and two diesel generators 4DL-42MH, 1500 hp each. With. (on the first boats of Project 877 - 1 thousand hp each). Diesel engines are provided with a system of operation under water, the submarine is equipped with two groups of lead-acid batteries.

The economical running is provided by a special electric motor with a capacity of 190 liters. With. There are two more standby electric motors that are used when maneuvering.

"Varshavyanka" (project 877) develops a speed of 17 knots under water, and 10 knots on the surface.

The more advanced Varshavyanka of Project 636 has an underwater course of 20 knots and accelerates to 17 knots on the surface.

PL mechanisms are equipped with special coatings that absorb vibration, they are installed on shock absorbers. This, in combination with a low-noise propeller and a well-thought-out hull shape, makes the boat unobtrusive.

I must say that the creators of the ship managed to achieve a very low noise level: the nickname "Black Hole", which potential opponents gave to "Varshavyanka", is a vivid confirmation of this.

"Varshavyanka" has an autonomy of 45 days. On the latest modifications of the boat, a rescue hatch is located in the aft part of the hull, which ensures the evacuation of the crew from a depth of 250 meters.

The ship's crew is 57 people, of which 12 are officers.

Combat information and control system (BIUS) "Murena" allows you to track targets and conduct effective fire at all depth ranges. The boat can accompany five targets at the same time and conduct single or volley fire at two targets.

The submarine is equipped with the Andoga navigation system, which sets the course and gives the ship's coordinates to the control panel. There are also passive and active radars, they can operate in periscope and surface positions.

Technical characteristics of "Varshavyanka"

Below are the performance characteristics of the Varshavyanka submarine of project 877.

Displacement, t:
Travel speed, knots:
Cruising range (at speed, knots), miles:
underwater400 (3)
in RDP mode6000 (7)
Immersion depth, m:
Length, m72,6
Strong body length, m51,8
Width, m9,9
Average draft, m6,2
Torpedo tubes, pcs6
Ammunition, torpedoes / mines18/24
Ammunition SAM, missiles8
Torpedo tubes, pcs6
Ammunition, torpedoes / mines18/24
Ammunition SAM, missiles8

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Project 636 "Varshavyanka" belongs to the third generation of Russian submarines. Project 877 "Halibut", which became known as the 636th, was developed for the countries of the "Warsaw Pact".

Diesel-electric submarines (diesel-electric submarines) of project 636 still do not give our "friends" from NATO confidence in the impunity of their actions at sea. Due to its inability to withstand projects such as 636 "Varshavyanka", this boat got a second name, in NATO jargon - "Black Hole".

The fact is that the American SOSUS, effective until 1976, made it possible to sink the USSR submarine. After the collapse of the USSR, SOSUS was mothballed. And not because of friendly intentions or economic inexpediency, but because by the end of the 1980s Russia had enough silent Varshavyankas with superior sonar systems. SOSUS was replaced by IJIS, missile cruiser CG-47 "Ticonderoga", which received this equipment, has been serving since 1983. The first thing on it was the inscription "Admiral Gorshkov beware - in the sea" IDZHIS "The importance of Russian diesel-electric submarines can hardly be overestimated - they are the cause of peace. For interest in arming Project 636 in 2000, on April 5, a CIA officer in Moscow, Edmond Pope, was arrested.

The history of the creation of the submarine "Varshavyanka"

Disadvantages of submarines

The opinion of ordinary people is erroneous that the submarine has superiority over surface ships in stealth. During the Second World War, the Baltic Fleet was blocked by German mines, which was the reason for the creation Northern Navy, therefore, Leningrad was defended by ships directly from the bay. Then the submarines locked there were completely helpless. Off the coast of Sweden (at the same time), Soviet submarines were mortally threatened by the usual spread nets - a cheap effective tool that turned campaigns in this zone into heroic ones. The most dangerous thing for any submarine is being detected. A sound wave under water is many times stronger than an air one, and depth charges are a terrible anti-submarine weapon. All submarine attacks begin only from an ambush, if detected, they need to leave or become invisible - to be inactive.

First use of advantage in hydroacoustics

The advantage is given by means of detecting the enemy, and only then - a layer of water. The hydroacoustics have long since entered the battle. For the first time, with the help of sound signals in 1943, on August 28, in the Kara Sea, the Soviet submarine S-101 (the story of acoustics Mikhail Filippov) detected the noise of an unknown submarine at periscope depth. After starting the diesel engines of the submarine "X", the Soviet submariners overtook her and fired 3 torpedoes - this was how the German U-639 was destroyed.

Submarines are needed, in an amount proportional to the threat from the sea - proven by statistics

USA and Great Britain sank 70% of German ships using submarines. According to the plan of the admirals of the USSR, headed by Kuznetsov and with the approval of Stalin, until parity in surface ships with the United States is achieved, it is customary to massively build submarines (it took 300 boats against the Allied fleet of 1,500 ships). Bleached by the war with the Germans, the USSR Navy adopted outdated American ships in exchange for the obligation to defeat the Japanese instead of the United States. "Exceptional" could not carry out a single successful landing and destroy the forces of the Marine Corps ground troops Japan. The level of NATO Marines (especially the US) is the level of the usual Conquistador gang. All their successes are based on the "Plans of defeat" - on the traitors of the states of the highest level (politicians and generals), where they invade. So they had to turn to Stalin for help. They shuddered when, instead of a hot war with the USSR, they declared a cold one. And the battered Nazi ships were divided equally between Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill at the "Yalta meeting." The deal, which was more profitable for the Yankees, was forced so that the USSR had at least quantitative parity with the new enemy - the allies. By that time, the Americans had built a new fleet to confront our state - their dream of world domination never ceased. The global English-speaking crowned evil created new sophisticated means against the winner of fascist psychology - a nuclear bomb, the US Navy and the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Therefore, it was necessary to somehow compensate for the lag at sea quickly and cheaply - with diesel submarines.

The importance of hydroacoustics is not exaggerated - this is the main anti-submarine weapon of the Navy

In 1950, foreign participants in the Korean Civil War (the USA and the USSR) crossed swords under unequal conditions at that time, which led to a special attitude in Soviet Russia to hydroacoustics. Although even before the tragic incident, these works were carried out and did not stop. This historical fact happened near the Soviet borders: the US-created SOSUS (SOSUS - anti-submarine sonar detection system) controlled the 18-year-old S-117 submarine submarine 2 km (at that time, 3 times further than the domestic one), which led to her death. The Yankees moved 18 aircraft carriers and other ships into the conflict zone, and against them one S-117. The crew of that boat was killed, the Americans gained control of South Korea and became "partners" of China, leading them to provocations of 1960-1962. against the USSR and the conflicts of 1969. And the all-seeing eye of the enemy no longer hesitated to direct torpedoes at underwater targets in "times of peace" and sink our submarines. Confirmation of this is the recollection of Andrei Shtyrov, the surviving commander of the S-141 submarine submarine in 1963-1965.

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Achieving superiority at sea is peace with the West

The need has long been ripe for the appearance of submarines of the 3rd generation of the Varshavyanka type and to defuse the military-political situation. The lag problem was resolved, on January 20, 1976, Project 877 "Halibut" was approved. Chief designer Yuri Kormilitsyn, who worked on the creation of the Varshavyanka diesel-electric submarine and the Plavnik nuclear submarine, knew how to make it invisible without deep diving. And today submarines 636 "Varshavyanka" belong to the underwater special forces of the Russian Navy for reconnaissance, protection of military bases and shores in shallow waters, destruction of submarines, AUG and land targets. They cover distances of 7,500 nautical miles. They have become the subject of big politics. It was their sufficient availability in the 1980s that did not allow the United States to use nuclear strikes against the USSR against large cities. Therefore, acquiring again the status of a great power, for the period 2014 - 2016. built 6 boats 636.3. for CHVMF. Another 10 - 12 such diesel-electric submarines are being laid for the TVMF. Submarines 636, 636M, 636.1 are sold to China (10), India (8), Pakistan (2), Iran (4), Algeria (4) and Vietnam (6) - to those countries that do not want to obey someone else's will. For Russia, this is a way to acquire powerful allies and earn money to cover the cost of science and defense. There is already the 4th (smart - automated), the 5th generation is being finalized (super-stealth - super-invisible).

Diesel-electric submarine design 636.3 "Varshavyanka"

The dimensions of the submarine allow hiding in shallow water. The hull is welded and bent from special non-magnetizable steel and has 6 compartments. The coating material is constantly being improved. At first, rubber was used, then they switched to composite materials "Lightning", the composition of which is kept secret and becomes more complicated with each new boat being built. Vibration isolators are used for all body fasteners, foundations for heavy equipment made of noise-absorbing materials.

2 diesel generators of 1000 kW each are installed, which feed the electric motors. 5500 h.p. There are 2 e-motors in reserve. 102 hp each Economic course of power 190 HP One can argue, they say, there are VNEU and TE and the 5th generation of "Varshavyanka" is coming to it - project 677 "Lada". But the chemical method of obtaining energy also has drawbacks, when the designers eliminate them, then new "Varshavyanka" will appear. Such submarines cannot pursue and evade enemy torpedo attacks due to their low speed. Therefore, NATO submarines of the U-212 type and their latest modifications with anaerobic power plants use a combination with diesel engines, in fact being diesel. At nuclear submarines (nuclear submarines), a turbine always works, and a diesel engine (with a natural level of sea noise) can be turned off otherwise - the advantage is obvious.

Technical characteristics of diesel-electric submarines 636.3 Varshavyanka

Sound in the layers of the ocean spreads over thousands of kilometers, there is a scientific definition for this - an underwater sound channel. Export Commercial Project (EKP) No. 636 (revision of Project 877 "Varshavyanka") uses this phenomenon as a weapon.

  • Length 73 m
  • Width 10 m
  • Draft 6,2 m
  • Crew 52 people
  • Autonomous swimming - 45 days
  • Radius of duty 2000 miles.
  • Displacement 2.35 thousand tons. surface and 3.95 thousand tons. underwater.
  • Working depth 240 m,
  • Maximum 350 m.
  • Speed, 17 knots on the surface and 20 knots underwater.

Armament project 636.3

Diesel-electric submarines 636.3 are "Varshavyanki" built for the Russian Navy, with such a submarine as "Rostov-on-Don" 6 demonstration shots were fired with 3M14K "Caliber-PL" missiles at ISIS from a submerged position. Initially, there were 4 "Calibers", and in the project there are 677 of them already 10. How many of them is a surprise. These are new supersonic missiles with variable flight paths - invulnerable to US missile defense. They are afraid of these missiles, "Exceptional", and before the operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria, they did not even suspect about them. These missiles are unobtrusive because move at a low altitude of 5 - 150 m at a speed of 750 km / h. Approaching closer to the target, they accelerate to a speed of 2700 km / h - making useless the IJIS system and any missile defense system. Coming to the surface within a radius of 1500 km, you can strike at ground and surface targets with such damage as the US strike on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The submarine has 6 torpedo compartments of 533 mm. It is armed with 18 torpedoes and 24 mines to destroy underwater and surface targets. One boat can destroy with non-nuclear charges one or two American AUGs armed with AJIS and SOSUS with impunity. And if nuclear? The detection range of NATO ships is three times greater than that of opponents, thanks to domestic hydroacoustic systems using an underwater sound channel and stealth technology. In the surface position, the submarine can resist aviation from the Strela-3 or Igla MANPADS with 8 missiles, which will be used in the event of an accidental appearance of a reconnaissance aircraft.

Enemies of our Varshavyanka

Despite the shortcomings of SOSUS and IJIS identified in the conflicts of recent years, they remain the main opponents. After all, America will work on the mistakes. The SOSUS sensors covered the bottom of 2 oceans - the Atlantic and the Pacific. A large number of surface and submarine ships, aviation, military bases, space unites IJIS. Deep sea antennas are no joke either. Therefore, having said A, you need to say B, you need to continue modernization work and achieve maximum speed creating more modern and effective methods fight for peace.

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In the entire history of man's existence on Earth, thousands of wars have been fought with the use of lethal weapons, which have been improved every day. Moreover, this applies not only to ground, but also to air and underwater weapons.

The latter will be discussed in this work. Here will be collected the most important and interesting information about the submarines of the project 636 and 877 "Halibut", or, more commonly, "Varshavyanka".

A bit of history

In January 1954, a significant event took place in the field of military development. In the USA, the world's first nuclear submarine (nuclear submarine) "Nautilus" was launched. This fact expanded the boundaries of the capabilities of the submarines of that time, increasing not only autonomy, but also the depth of immersion, not to mention weapons.

The idea is connected with this Soviet Union to create a submarine that would surpass all enemy ships of this type. In the 60s of the last century, the country began to seriously think about protection from such threats.

So, the beginning of the submarines of the project 636 and 877 "Varshavyanka" was laid, modifications of which are in service with modern Russia.

The designers were tasked with equipping the submarine (submarine) with a quiet engine, advanced target detection technology and powerful weapons. the engineers worked diligently on these projects for seven years, starting in 1972 when the blueprints were ready.

And already in 1982, the first submarine of Project 877 was launched. They were planned to equip all countries participating in the Warsaw Pact, hence the second name.

Appearance and structure of the submarine "Varshavyanka"

The ideally streamlined shape of this diesel-electric submarine "Varshavyanka" was designed based on the results of numerous tests. Experiments with the shape continued until the appearance of a submarine of the same type in the United States, called the Alkabor, whose cetacean hull was repeated in a Soviet submarine.

This shape allows you to reduce water resistance and swim faster. In addition, this type of housing additionally reduces noise, because friction is minimal. In addition to all this, this submarine minimally reflects echolocation signals due to its special coating.

As you know, the design of the boat is two-piece, which is based on a light and durable hull. The space between them is filled with main ballast tanks. On the hull itself there is a massive light-type wheelhouse to protect the retractable devices and antennas. It is located directly above the second compartment of the boat.

The Varshavyanka-class submarine has horizontal foldable rudders at the front.

On the bow of the boat, which is divided into two decks, there are torpedo tubes at the top and a sonar antenna at the bottom, it serves to detect targets. Moving to the stern, you can count six compartments.

After the bow are the first three compartments on three decks.

In the first there are torpedo tubes on the upper deck, in the middle part of the crew is located, because one of the living decks is there. At the very bottom are the batteries.

The second compartment can be regarded as a command post; on its three levels, the central post, navigator and radio room, respectively, are equipped.

The third compartment, with two living decks and a battery room, is the last three-deck compartment.

Diesel submarine of the Varshavyanka project is equipped with two types of engines located in the last three compartments. So, in the fourth compartment there is a diesel engine. An electrical unit is installed in the adjacent compartment, and at the very end there are power plants of the same type, but less powerful. Their main task is to ensure an economical course.

Technical characteristics of "Varshavyanka"

Let's start with the dimensions and continue with agility. With a width of about 10 meters, the length of the Varshavyanka submarine is 73.4 m. With such dimensions, the surface displacement is more than 2300 tons with a draft of about 6 meters.

When moving over water, the submarine can reach a maximum speed of 17 knots.

All of the above increases when the submarine is immersed in water. So, about 1600 tons are added to the displacement, and another 3 knots to the speed. The maximum diving depth is 300 meters, but the optimal one is considered to be 240 meters. Under the water "Varshavyanka" is a little faster.

Good maneuverability is provided by a hybrid engine consisting of a pair of 1500 hp diesel generators. each and an electric motor with a capacity of 5500 hp. Additional electric motors are used to improve maneuverability. In addition to all this, there is a special 190 hp electric unit on board, designed for economical running.

All of the above is relevant for the model 877 of the project and its modifications. And for the 636, the same figures are true, but with minor improvements, for example, a slightly higher speed under water, by about 3 knots. Strictly speaking, it is these submarines that are considered the most effective and are used in the Russian Navy. In addition to submarines of the main series, the Russian fleet has its various modifications.

The operation of this technique is impossible without a crew of 52 people. With such a composition on board, the boat can function autonomously for 45 days.

The maximum cruising range is 400 miles, however, being equipped with RDP technology, the Varshavyanka-type boat can increase this figure to 6,000 miles.

RDP allows replenishment of liquefied air for the crew without rising to the surface. Also, this system participates in the ventilation of the engine compartment of diesel generators, removing the exhaust through the retractable pipes. Air flows through the same pipes.

Armament of the submarine "Varshavyanka"

As mentioned above, this diesel-electric submarine was designed to have an advantage in a duel. To do this, she was equipped with 6 torpedo tubes, launching 533 mm torpedo missiles.

In ammunition there are 18 torpedoes with six already loaded in the TA.

You can also take on board underwater mines in the amount of 24 pieces.

The creators also took into account air defense systems. Therefore, it has a Strela-3 retractable MANPADS with eight missiles and four Caliber anti-ship missiles.

All this makes the submarines of project 877 and 636 especially dangerous in battle.

Advantages and disadvantages over the nuclear submarine

Knowing the description of the characteristics of the "Varshavyanka", one can compare it with the same nuclear submarines.

Diesel-electric motors are not a random choice as they are these units have a number of advantages that are superior to nuclear submarines. Namely:

  • Quiet running;
  • There is no such strong need for cooling;
  • Easy to maintain.

Stealth is everything for a sub, so it's important to keep it up to date. However, such a task is almost impossible with the noise from work. nuclear reactor in the Premier League, not to mention high speed propagation of sound waves in water. So diesel-electric submarines with their low-noise power plants look preferable.

The atomic reactions taking place in the nuclear submarine reactor are accompanied by strong heat emissions.

With ineffective or insufficient cooling, it can be damaged, which poses a threat not only to the crew, but also to the environment.

Therefore, for such submarines, it is vitally important to maintain the recommended temperature regime power plant... For this, water is used, which creates a characteristic sound background. What can not be said about its competitors, because they have enough good ventilation and radiators to work.

For Maintenance nuclear reactor needs knowledge in nuclear physics and much more. This complicates, for example, the repair of non-critical damage. Diesel Engines internal combustion systems are much easier to maintain, so it is not difficult to maintain them.

The main disadvantage of diesel-electric submarines is the poor living conditions of the crew, in comparison with nuclear-powered ships. This is not about the convenience of the location or food for people on board, but about entertainment that distracts them from the psychological pressure of a long voyage.

This result was a consequence of the reduction in size for less visibility.

Countries-buyers of submarines of the project 636 and 877

The main share of the boats of this type produced is used by Russia, which is logical. In the Black Sea Fleet, there are 6 Varshavyankas of the latest modification 636.3 in service, and the Russian Pacific Navy is preparing to receive the same amount.

Among foreign buyers, China should be noted, which has purchased a dozen submarines of projects 636 and 636M.

And the Vietnamese fleet uses 6 units of 6363.1.

Of the African countries, Algeria is showing particular interest in submarines of this model, which has two 636Ms and has signed an agreement to purchase a pair of 636.1s.

Interestingly, the shaft of the seven-bladed propeller on the tail rotates through wooden bushings. In their manufacture, bakout wood was used, which gave off resin in consistency and action similar to a lubricant.

This solution allows you to use the same spare parts for about 20 years.

NATO submarines "Varshavyanka" received the nickname "Black Hole" because of their tactical and technical characteristics, allowing you to silently sneak up to the target and hit it for sure.


TASS-DOSSIER / Valery Korneev /. On November 24, 2016 in St. Petersburg at the shipyard "Admiralteyskie Verfi" took place the transfer to the Russian Navy of the diesel-electric submarine B-271 "Kolpino" project 06363.

History of the project

Diesel-electric submarine (DPL) of project 636.3 (06363) (according to NATO classification - Improved Kilo) is a development of project 877 "Halibut" (or "Varshavyanka"). Designed to destroy surface ships and vessels, enemy submarines, patrol, patrol, reconnaissance, and protection of communications in the "near" sea zone.

Also in Soviet time specially for export, a modified project 877EKM was developed, according to which in 1983-2000. built 18 submarines. On the basis of this modification, in the mid-1990s, a submarine of project 636 was created. Submarines of this type were built since 1996 for China (10 units), Algeria (2) and Vietnam (4; 2 more are under construction).

The Russian Navy originally planned to replace its Project 877 submarines built in the 1980s with Project 677 Lada submarines. However, due to numerous problems with their design, construction and testing, it was decided to build a series of submarines for the Russian fleet based on Project 636, the production of which, thanks to export contracts, has already been worked out by Russian shipyards.

The modernized project 06363 was developed at the Rubin Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering (St. Petersburg) by a team led by Chief Designer Igor Molchanov. The construction of submarines is carried out at the St. Petersburg shipyard "Admiralteyskie Verfi".

The contract for the construction of the lead submarine of project 06363 was concluded by the Russian Ministry of Defense with OJSC United Shipbuilding Corporation in August 2010.

In September 2011, a contract was signed for the construction of the remaining five submarines. All six ships are intended for the Black Sea Fleet.

On January 16, 2016, the head of the shipbuilding department of the Russian Navy, Captain 1st Rank Vladimir Tryapichnikov, announced on the air of the Russian News Service that six more submarines of Project 06363 would be built for the Pacific Fleet. The corresponding contract was signed on September 7, 2016 within the framework of the Army-2016 forum. The laying of the first ship is planned for the fall of 2017. The construction of this batch is expected to be completed in 2021.

Tactical and technical characteristics, weapons

Submarine submarine of project 06363 - double-hull, single-shaft and single-rotor.

Designed to destroy surface ships and vessels, enemy submarines, patrol, patrol, reconnaissance, and protection of communications in the "near" sea zone.

  • the length of the submarine is 73.8 m; width - 9.9 m, draft - 6.2 m;
  • surface displacement - 2 thousand 350 tons, underwater - 3 thousand 100 tons;
  • maximum immersion depth - up to 300 m;
  • surface speed - 17 knots, underwater - up to 20 knots;
  • main power plant - diesel-electric (main propeller electric motor with a capacity of about 5 thousand 500 hp and two 30DG diesel generators with a capacity of 1 thousand 500 kilowatts each);
  • sailing autonomy - 45 days;
  • crew - 52 people.

The boats of this type under construction for the Russian Navy have been modernized in comparison with the 636 / 636M: they received modern missile and torpedo armament, radio electronics and hydroacoustics systems. The boats are armed with six 533 mm torpedo tubes, the ammunition load includes 18 torpedoes or 24 mines, cruise missiles complex "Caliber-PL". The use of noise-absorbing elements ensures high stealth of the boat.

Ships series

  • The lead submarine of the series, B-261 "Novorossiysk" (serial number 01670), was laid down on August 20, 2010, launched on June 26, 2014, transferred to the Russian Navy on August 22, 2014 and sent to deep-sea tests at the North navy. On September 21, 2015 she arrived at her permanent location in Novorossiysk.
  • The second submarine of the project, B-237 "Rostov-on-Don" (factory 01671), was laid down on November 21, 2011, launched on June 26, 2014, transferred to the fleet on December 30, 2014.
  • The third - B-262 "Stary Oskol" (factory 01672) - was laid down on August 17, 2012, launched on August 28, 2014 and handed over to the fleet on July 3, 2015 as part of the International Maritime Defense Show in St. Petersburg.
  • The fourth submarine submarine - B-265 Krasnodar (factory 01673) - was laid down in February 2014, launched on April 25, 2015,


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