Where to start to increase sales in your business? Using a grocery store as an example, how to increase revenue in a store: market mechanisms in action Conditions and factors affecting profitability

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Date of publication: 01.12.2016

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What are the ways to increase in-store sales? A key issue in many consultations. We all think there is a miracle cure called Huge Sales that works right after you apply it and immediately increases your store's revenue. On this moment this tool is not available to us, so let's try to figure out the increase in sales from the point of view of common sense. In order for the store to sell more, in my opinion, we can do only two things:
1. Sell to more people, that is, increase the flow
2. Sell for a large amount, that is, increase the average check

Let's take a step-by-step look at each of the areas.

Increase the number of buyers and the frequency of purchases

If we take the path of increasing the number of purchases, then we will start working in the role of the store's marketer. How to make pure purchases more than in the previous reporting period?

We can attract more people to the store. According to retail statistics, at least out of 10 who have entered, 1 will definitely buy. In many stores, this statistic is higher. This means that if not 10 people come to me a day, but 50, then the number of purchases I will have will not be 1, but 5.

To increase the traffic of the store, I can use various techniques:

  1. Place “stops” (advertising materials designed to stop a person and direct him to the store) on the shopping “trail” next to stores. Surely you have an understanding of where people walk around your store most often. This is where the stop should be placed. This advertising material is designed to make a person remember the existence of the store and enter it.
  2. Provide promotional advertising. We can talk about our store through a suitable channel: glossy magazines, directories, radio, TV, advertising in places of residence, on the Internet, etc.
  3. I especially recommend using cross-events, that is, joint activities with someone promotions... Key idea joint event- attracting a new flow of customers to the store from their partners. For example, a stationery store is conducting a cross-promotion with an office center located nearby, distributing discount coupons on the territory of the OC. Additional people come to the store, attracted from the partner - the center. Or, for example, a clothing store is hosting an event in conjunction with a popular jewelry store aimed at sharing a stream. In a clothing store, when buying, they give out a bonus and a catalog for jewelry, in jewelry they give out an invitation - a flyer in clothes. These events allow you to capture the point, and more loyal target audience, and with minimal costs.
  4. Place advertising media at the "border" of the store's reach. Each store has its audience reach, that is, where people are ready to go or go to your store. For example, for a mini-grocery store, the coverage area will be several neighboring houses, since no one will run for bread and matches at a distance of 15-20 minutes. For large store outerwear selling exclusive brands, this distance will be no more than the area in which the store is located. Thus, you can outline a circle - the operating area of ​​your store. Moreover, within this circle, 1-2 zones can be distinguished by warmth - the frequency of the appearance of people from these zones. The smallest circle is the warmest area, usually people who live nearby, in neighboring houses with a store. These are people who find it very convenient to visit you on the way. The next circle is the average warmth, this is your working coverage, on average it is several stops / paths to the store. This is the bulk of buyers. It is on the border of this circle that you need to place advertising in order to gradually expand the coverage of the territory.

We can also take the path of increasing the number, that is, the frequency of purchases of current customers. There are two key areas of work in this block:

a) Increase the frequency of purchases by your audience

b) Increase store conversion

To increase the frequency of purchases by your audience, we will work with the store's customer base.
Each customer base of the store is divided into buyers who buy our products as often as possible; bulk and "ballast".

The first type is active and loyal customers. They have our store "first in the list" when the need arises. This means that when a customer needs to buy, for example, shoes, he will go first to our store, and then, if he doesn’t pick it up, to all the others. These are my favorite clients. The share of such buyers is 20-30-40% of the total audience.

The second share - the bulk, buys from us from time to time, and can "change" the store depending on the assortment, price offer and ease of purchase. For example, if a customer needs to buy shoes, he first goes to another store where there is a sale or he has a special love for the assortment, and then it will reach us.

The third part is people who rarely buy from us, by accident. These are visitors, or not our target audience.

To increase the frequency of purchases for the bulk of customers, we can use a loyalty program and one-time promotions. A loyalty program is a system of events aimed at retaining and rewarding customers. What for? Because retaining customers is CHEAPER than attracting new ones. There is another pattern - 20% of buyers bring 80% of the profit. These shoppers can be encouraged to come in more often and buy more.
Our program should solve several problems:

  1. stimulation of constant requests from the client;
  2. an increase in the frequency and amount of purchases;
  3. formation of an information base about clients;
  4. formation of a positive image of the company in the eyes of the client;
  5. Attraction of new clients.

I recommend using the mechanisms of cumulative discounts or bonuses, with the possibility of paying for purchases with accumulated bonuses, with several levels of participation and the possibility of point promotion. For example, program X, where there are 3 levels of bonus cards (7-12-25% of the purchase to the account), with the ability to pay up to 50% of the purchase with bonuses, and the ability to receive additional bonuses for specific actions, to try on the purchase of more than 3 items.

The second way to increase the number of purchases is to increase the conversion of the store.
Conversion is the ratio of buyers to visitors, that is, the number of checks to the number of store visitors. There is a sensible idea that conversion should aim for 100%, but even 50% will be quite acceptable for many stores.

It is important to understand why conversion rates can be low? Most often, there are two reasons: poor merchandising and ineffective salespeople.

Merchandising mistakes are incomprehensible or inaccessible product display. When the buyer cannot understand the logic of product placement, find the desired position on his own, try / try on / touch the product. Either the merchandising of the store is too inexpressive, there are no accents and brakes on the flow. Shoppers walk through the store without stopping to choose. Calculation correction is a simple matter, we will not dwell on it. It is easy to check this reason - go to the hall and try to choose something yourself, without the help of sellers; Better yet, ask someone who doesn't buy from you to make your own product selection. And then ask for a review - What is convenient? What is not?

The inefficiency of sellers lies either in the inability to start a dialogue with the flow of buyers - and the flow leaves without buying; or in the inability to bring the sale to the checkout - in closing the deal and working with objections - and the flow leaves without buying. Here you can only help by training sellers, preferably in trading floor with real buyers and writing them cheat sheets (that is, working standards) with prescribed phrases. From experience I can say that the main reason for such behavior among sellers is the unwillingness to be intrusive, we read the fear that they will send; therefore, this disease is “cured” only by gaining a new positive experience. Therefore - to the hall!

Sell ​​high

But you can solve the problem of increasing sales in a fundamentally different way. You can keep the customer flow at the current level and work to increase the amount of purchases. The amount of the check can be increased either by selling more pieces, or by selling more expensive items in the line.

The easiest way is to increase the amount of purchased goods. They work for this task in merchandising: duplication hot product at additional points of sale, placing small items in the checkout area, creating layouts in sets.

The main role in expanding the check with sellers, because it is they who offer to buy something else. In order for salespeople to expand the check, they need to be taught this (this is one of the most problematic blocks of sales technology) and rewarded for the desired behavior. In teaching techniques, speech cribs come to the fore - what and how to offer? In motivation - internal contests and promotions (see June newsletters)

Also, sellers are quite capable of offering and selling primarily the most prestigious (expensive) product in the line of analogues. This does not mean that you should “sell” a product to a person that is not his needs. This means that when the buyer's request is clarified, then usually 2-4-6 product units with similar characteristics are suitable for him. And these positions can be sorted by price, from high to low. So the seller should start showing / telling from a more expensive position, moving downward. Or start with a cheap one, and offer a more expensive one with the second position. Everything usually rests on the seller's ability to coherently and beautifully explain the difference in price, the so-called added value of goods. The added value of a product is additional benefits for which the buyer is willing to overpay. They need to be found and commented on. Here, you will also need to work with staff, for example, mini-trainings on the presentation of an expensive product in the morning.

So let's summarize:

  1. To increase sales, we sell to more people and increase the average purchase amount.
  2. Our tools for this are: external marketing activities, store merchandising and staff efficiency improvement.
  3. The way to get started is to analyze your store's performance and understand its weakest point, the “hole” into which potential sales are leaking. Small stream? Low percentage of loyal customers? Low shopping frequency? Small store coverage? Low conversion? Low average check? Inappropriate placement of goods in the hall?

By comparing all the data, you will be able to form an action plan to increase the level of store sales.

The profitability of a grocery store depends on many factors, first of all, on the volume of sales, the quality of work of your employees, the location point of sale etc. How to increase revenue in a grocery store - there are effective tools considering these and other factors.

How to increase your grocery store revenue

How effectively a particular business, in our case, a grocery store, works, shows its profitability, profitability. The amount of profit depends on revenue and costs.

There are two ways to increase your revenue:

  1. Increase the price of the products sold.
  2. Start selling more in quantitative terms.

Both options can lead to increased revenue. However, in reality, the first option is practically unrealizable. Any store, regardless of specialization, is forced to exist surrounded by competitors. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to increase revenue by increasing the price.

It is possible to increase revenue in a grocery store by raising prices only if the elasticity of demand for the products sold is extremely low or even close to zero, that is, this demand practically does not change - as if you do not raise the price, they will still buy in the same volume ...

This can happen, for example, if there is only one store and is located in a hard-to-reach area, where residents are literally forced to buy food at the offered prices.

In the current tough environment competitive environment a more realistic way to raise revenue is to increase sales in the physical sense - in pieces, etc. There are effective ways and tools for this.

For example, the Biznes.Ru program will allow you to control sales, receive detailed assortment analytics and the history of goods movement in just a few clicks!

How To Increase Your Grocery Store Sales: 15 Ways

1. Reduce the price.

It was stated above that an increase in price is unlikely to increase the volume of revenue and sales. However, sales can be increased, on the contrary, by lowering prices.

If you slightly reduce the price of popular products, it is quite possible that people will not come to your competitors, but to you to buy these particular products.

The seeming decrease in the flow of money due to lower prices will be offset by volumes. That is, more will be bought at lower prices in quantitative terms, respectively, the total amount of your earnings will increase.

Price reductions may not be permanent, often unnecessary. Sometimes it is enough to carry out promotions to temporarily reduce prices, for example, to carry out sales of certain products at reduced prices, sales according to the scheme "3 units of goods at a price of 2", etc.

In this case, the increase in revenue will be temporary - for the duration of the promotion. But at the same time, visitors and customers may develop a habit of coming to your store.

One type of stock is a seasonal decline in prices, which also leads to an increase in revenue. For example, a sale winter clothes and shoes at a discount in spring, sale of last year's clothing collections in clothing stores, sale of vegetables and fruits in autumn at low prices, etc.

2 . Move to a more passable place - one more effective method increase in store sales. More people means more purchases, which means more revenue. But in conditions of high competitive struggle Between shops, finding a place with more traffic is not easy.

The entrepreneur needs to constantly monitor where such places can appear, which shopping malls under construction where there is good cross-country ability.

3. Convenient navigation in the store.

The more comfortable it is to move in the store, the more often customers enter it, the more more sale and revenue.

4. Always available sellers who are competent and can advise the buyer on the products in a timely manner.

5. Actual price tags, informative and originally designed.

6. Correctly filled shelves- this is already work related to merchandising.

7. Possibility of delivery under certain conditions. For example, free shipping home if the purchase amount reaches a certain level.

8. The ability to pay for purchases by non-cash method(using bank plastic cards).

9. Installing ATMs of popular banks in the store, as well as electronic payment systems.

10. Leasing free space in the store or sublease for all kinds of kiosks, for example, for the sale of magazines and newspapers, flowers, or for repair shops for shoes, locks, etc.

11. If the area of ​​the store and other free resources allow, organizing a children's room or playground in the store.

12. Expansion of the assortment, upselling... A customer will visit your store more often if he buys in your store what he usually buys in several stores.

For example, a person will become your regular customer if with daily bread and milk he can buy, for example, confectionery, toothpaste etc.

13. Discount cards... This is also a way to increase customer loyalty, make them your regular customers and increase your revenue.

Instead of discount cards, there can be accumulative cards. This is when some bonuses accumulate on the buyer's card, the volume and quantity of which depends on each purchase. The buyer can use these bonuses in the future to pay for the next purchases.

A variety of accumulative cards are cards that have the so-called "cash back", which means "cash back" in English. This is the same as bonuses, only money is returned to the card from each purchase.

For example, on a card with a cash back of 10%, when buying in the amount of 1,500 rubles, the buyer will return 150 rubles. The buyer will be able to use this refunded money for further purchases.

Discount cards, cards with bonuses or cash back, as well as other discount events, lead to the fact that customers come to you more often, buy from you more often, recommend your store to their surroundings. As a result, your revenue is growing.

In the service for automating grocery stores Business.Ru you can fully implement the loyalty system, set up discount and accumulative cards, as well as cards with a validity period. These and other features are combined with an intuitive interface that allows you to perform complex operations in a couple of clicks!

14. Coalition.

This is when you merge with other stores and make one promotion together. Therefore, it is more "interesting" for a customer to come to shop in one of the stores of your general coalition. Examples of coalition events are bonus cards of retail chains ("Piggy bank" and others).

15. Reviews.

In modern information society any negativity that can happen in your store will immediately be in social networks... This will negatively affect store traffic and revenue.

Therefore, an entrepreneur needs to work with customer reviews. This work should be carried out in two directions: firstly, to prevent negative reviews, and secondly, to stimulate positive reviews... This will also lead to an increase in your sales.

Many of the above ways to increase revenue are also related to narrower tasks, for example, increasing the conversion of store visitors to customers or increasing customer loyalty.

This is not surprising: both increasing conversion and increasing loyalty are aimed at solving one common task- an increase in the store's revenue, an increase in the efficiency of its work.

The above methods of increasing revenue must be applied when the most relevant conditions are created for each of this method, for example, seasonal discounts.

The entrepreneur must also constantly monitor his financial condition to find out which ways to increase revenue and in which cases are most effective. Most likely, an entrepreneur will need to use these methods in combination, and some tools to increase revenue need to be applied on a continuous basis.

Comprehensive trade automation at minimum costs

We take a regular computer, connect any fiscal registrar and install the Business Ru Cash application. As a result, we get an economical analogue of a POS terminal as in a large store with all its functions. We put goods with prices in the Business.Ru cloud service and start working. For everything about everything - a maximum of 1 hour and 15-20 thousand rubles. for the fiscal registrar.

Businesspeople working in the trade are not always happy with the level of sales. Low sales lead to lower profits, and often it even ends up closing a business. But there is no need to rush. Now we will consider effective options for increasing store sales.

Reasons for poor sales

First you need to find the root of the problem. There are 5 common reasons:

  1. Poor quality of the product. People who buy a poor quality product will never return to the store. Moreover, they will also create anti-advertising through word of mouth.
  2. The product is not in demand. Maybe this product is simply not interesting to the consumer.
  3. Location. If the store is located on the outskirts of a city, then low sales should not be surprising.
  4. High prices. The overpriced product will also scare off many buyers.
  5. Bad service. Poor customer attitudes from staff will negatively impact profits.

If the problem does not concern these points, then you can proceed to familiarize yourself with five ways to increase store profits.


This is the most powerful weapon in the hands of marketers. People love discounts. Even if they do not need the product, they will all buy it exactly, since it is sold at a discount. This is pure psychology and primitive human instinct. Even the usual inscription "discount" will have an effect. But not all sellers give a real discount. In other words, they leave the cost the same, but write on the price tag that the discount is in effect.

In addition, the duration of the action can be limited so that there is motivation to buy here and now, because a person, considering a future purchase, may change his mind. Do not forget about the system of cumulative discounts for regular customers, this will link the person to your store.

2 items in 1

You can increase the level of sales if you stimulate the consumer to purchase several products at once. Often sellers combine 2 products in 1. For example, shampoo (200 rubles) and soap (50 rubles). They need to be packed together and the price set, for example, at 300 rubles. This is especially true during the holidays when people buy gift baskets.

"Rare product"

You can create the illusion of a rare product. This method is often used for mass marketing. For example, "Only from November 1 to December 1, we will sell fashionable fur coats from the new collection." This will encourage the buyer to make a purchase as quickly as possible in order to grab something rare and unique.

"999.99 rubles"

Everyone agrees that 59.90 p. visually it seems less than 60 rubles, although the difference is only 10 kopecks. The consumer can and understand this, but subconsciously does not take into account. It seems to him that the product is not expensive, and he buys it. An excellent example of advertising a new taxi service: "Landing from 49 rubles." It seems that it is "forty-something", but in the end it is no less than in other services. Although most of the clients will opt for the first option.

To the fore

This option is more suitable for selling stale goods. Any product will find its buyer, and this has already been proven in practice, it is simple, sometimes it takes a lot of time. Sellers shorten this period by placing stale goods in the most conspicuous place. Roughly speaking, they impose the product on the consumer. Large hypermarkets operate on the same principle, where every little thing is located at the checkout. People, standing in line, involuntarily pay attention to different chewing gum, chocolate bars, etc.

You may have noticed that you are more likely to buy products that are at eye level. Likewise, goods for children are placed on the level below where they can see them and ask them to buy from their parents.

Combine these methods and your store's profits will increase.

If the store is well located, has good service, and the product is of high quality, then these 5 ways to increase sales will definitely work if you combine them, in addition, you can try using viral advertising. These marketing tricks have long been known, but novice businessmen simply do not use them. And in vain, because with their help you can really increase the profit in the store.

I am happy to answer all questions in

Own business is the optimal solution for those who are tired of working for an "uncle" or "aunt". However, this or that enterprise is not a guarantee of a comfortable old age and financial prosperity. It is important to run your business correctly and try to avoid the most common mistakes that can lead to not the most favorable consequences.

Good location and low prices are not enough to promote a grocery store. Competitors and potential buyers play an important role, and should be considered first of all.

Given the fact that a grocery store already exists in a certain area, the choice of the optimal location no longer has the right to exist. This means that it is necessary to build on the existing features of the enterprise, that is, to make sure that the location of the store plays into the hands of its owner.


Grocery stores are a very competitive type of business.

In order to successfully work in this area of ​​business, it is necessary to take into account competitive enterprises and use strengths their business.

For example, arrange sales and lure customers. low prices, conduct advertising campaigns and report discounts.

Working hours

The opening hours of the grocery store play an important role. Is there a convenience store nearby? If not, why not extend the running time of your own? This will increase the number of buyers and.

Of course, you will have to tinker with obtaining permission to trade at night, but the possibility of implementation alcoholic beverages will become a key factor that will increase the profitability of the enterprise.


How it works? Let's take, for example, the real cost of 1 kg of oranges - 50 rubles. We reduce the price and inform the buyers about it. We calculate the amount of the estimated loss and redistribute it to other goods.

The most correct and correct policy, which is guided by experienced entrepreneurs who have achieved success in their business, is to sell a lot, not dearly. That is why novice businessmen need to learn how to increase profits with a large turnover of products, and not try to make capital by selling bread at the price of meat.

It is enough to go through the shops of competitors and set the price for this or that product at least one ruble lower than in similar stores. This will allow you to grow and acquire an expanded customer base.


This is a separate topic in the conversation about the right way of doing business. No matter how good a grocery store is, no matter how low the prices are, all this does not matter if an evil and untidy aunt sits at the counter or cash register, spitting seeds and rude to customers.

It is the attitude of the staff to the client that plays a fundamental role in the successful development of any commercial enterprise... The buyer must receive an answer to any question posed regarding the work of this or that grocery store... It is unlikely that the same old woman who asked about the composition of the sausage and did not receive an answer will want to go to this store again. But a woman who came for a liver for a cat, seeing a pleasant attitude towards herself and due attention, will certainly want to return to this grocery store.

Respectful attitude towards customers is the key to a favorable customer experience about the outlet.

The most common mistakes aspiring entrepreneurs make

Surely many have tried more than once to reproduce in reality all of the indicated, but have not been able to achieve the desired result. In order to make sure that your actions are correct, you should pay attention to a few more points, the implementation of which is mandatory for successful development grocery store:

  • A grocery store sign should be stylish, vibrant, creative and eye-catching, not a dusty reflection of the Soviet era.
  • Some products should be priced lower than competitors. It really works for the good of the grocery store.
  • The assortment list is poor. It's in Soviet times the sausage was of the highest and first grade, that is, only two names. Now the buyer has the opportunity to choose the best for himself and his family. This is what you need to use, constantly expanding the assortment list of the store. There is no need to be afraid of experiments - you can try to sell exclusive sorts of coffee or alcoholic beverages, try to sell sausages uncommon type. By the way, not in every grocery store there are meat products from rabbit or beef - why not take advantage of this absence and fill this gap?

  • Lack of an exclusive product. You need to make sure that in the city only in your store you can buy this or that product. You can spend advertising campaign, arrange a tasting of an exclusive sauce from a well-known manufacturer for the weekend - later, customers will know that it is in this store that a wide range of all kinds of dressings for dishes is presented.
  • Low prices and appropriate quality of food products. Sometimes you shouldn't fall for the clever tricks of unscrupulous suppliers and buy low-quality products from them at a low price. Better to take quality, not quantity.
  • Lazy and illiterate salespeople who, among other things, are still not clean on their hands. Here the conclusion itself suggests itself - no one will go to the store again, where the sellers are rude or deceived.

These days are characterized by a large number of retail chains that place their shopping facilities literally at every step. Oddly enough, but an ordinary buyer still lacks an individual approach and communication with the seller. That is why we have every chance of winning their niche from large enterprises and win over the buyer.

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