Master carpentry carpentry. The interesting profession of the master of joiner-carpentry and parquet works. IV. Requirements for the implementation of the educational program


order of the Ministry of Education

and science Russian Federation

Federal State Educational Standard

Secondary vocational education by profession

08.01.24 Master of carpentry, parquet

And glass work

I. General provisions

1.1. This Federal State Educational Standard vocational education (hereinafter - GEF SPO) represents a combination of mandatory requirements for medium vocational education (hereinafter - SPO) by profession 08.01.24 Master of carpentry and carpenter, parquet and glass works (hereinafter - the profession).

1.2. Obtaining ATO by profession is allowed only in a professional educational organization or educational organization higher education (hereinafter together - educational organization).

1.3. When developing a training program for skilled workers serving (hereinafter referred to as the educational program), an educational organization forms requirements for the results of its development in terms of professional competencies on the basis of professional standards, the list of which is represented in Appendix No. 1 to this GEF.

1.5. Region professional activityIn which graduates who have mastered the educational program can exercise professional activities: 16 Construction and housing and communal services.

1.6. Educational program training in an educational organization is carried out in full-time and inchlaguan forms of training.

1.7. In implementing educational program Educational organization has the right to apply e-learning and remote educational technologies.

When training disabled people and persons with disabilities, e-learning and remote educational technologies should provide for the possibility of accepting information in the forms available to them.

1.8. The implementation of the educational program is carried out by the educational organization both independently and through the network form.

1.9. The implementation of the educational program is carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise determined by local regulatory act Educational organization.

The implementation of the educational program of the educational organization located on the territory of the Republic of the Russian Federation can be carried out in the state language of the Republic of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the republics of the Russian Federation. The implementation of the educational program in the state language of the Republic of the Russian Federation should not be made to the detriment of the state language of the Russian Federation.

1.10. The deadline for obtaining education in the educational program in full-time education, regardless of the applied educational technologiesAmong:

on the basis of the main general education - 2 years 10 months;

10 months.

The deadline for obtaining education in an educational program in part-internally education form, regardless of the educational technologies used, increases compared with the term for obtaining education in full-time learning:

no more than 1.5 years in obtaining education on the basis of basic general education;

not more than 1 year in obtaining education on the basis of secondary general education.

When studying on an individual curriculum, the period for obtaining education in the educational program, regardless of the form of training, is no longer than the time of receipt of the formation established for the relevant form of training. In training on the individual curriculum of educational disabled people and persons with disabilities, the deadline for obtaining education can be increased by no more than 1 year compared with the period for obtaining education for the relevant form of training.

The specific period of obtaining education and the scope of the educational program implemented in one school year, in part-internally education, as well as on the individual curriculum, are determined by the educational organization on their own within the deadlines established by this clause.

1.11. The educational program implemented on the basis of basic general education is developed by the educational organization on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Middle General Education and GEF, taking into account the profession received.

1.12. Educational organization develops the educational program based on the following combination of qualifications of a qualified worker, employees listed in the list of professions of secondary vocational education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2013 N 1199 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 26, 2013. , registration N 30861), with changes made by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 14 May 2014 N 518 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2014, registration N 32461), from November 18, 2015 N 1350 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2015, registration N 39955) and dated November 25, 2016 N 1477 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 12, 2016, registration N 44662):

II. Requirements for the structure of the educational program

2.1. The structure of the educational program includes a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in educational relations (variation part).

The mandatory part of the educational program is aimed at the formation of general and professional competencies provided for by the head of the III of the GEF of the SPO, and should be no more than 80 percent of the total time allotted for its development.

The variative part of the educational program (at least 20 percent) makes it possible to expand the main (s) of the activities to which a graduate who mastered the educational program should be ready, according to the combination of the qualifications referred to in paragraph 1.12 of this GEF (hereinafter - the main Activities), as well as obtaining additional competencies necessary to ensure the competitiveness of a graduate in accordance with the requests of the regional labor market.

The specific ratio of the volume of the mandatory part and the variational part of the educational program, the educational organization determines independently in accordance with the requirements of this clause, as well as taking into account the approximate basic educational program (hereinafter referred to as the PAP).

2.2. The educational program has the following structure:

general professional cycle;

professional cycle;

state final certification, which is completed by the assignment of qualifications of a qualified worker, serving specified in paragraph 1.12 of this GEF.

Table N 1.

Structure and scope of the educational program

Structure of the educational program

The volume of the educational program in academic hours

Commonophysian cycle

not less than 180.

Professional cycle

not less than 972.

State final certification:

on the basis of secondary general education

based on basic general education

The total volume of the educational program:

on the basis of secondary general education

based on basic general education, including obtaining secondary general education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Middle General Education

2.3. The list, content, volume and procedure for the implementation of disciplines and modules of the educational program The educational organization determines independently taking into account the PSA in accordance with the appropriate profession.

To determine the volume of the educational program, the educational organization can be used a system of test units, while one credit unit corresponds to 32-6 academic hours.

2.4. In the general professional and professional cycles (hereinafter - training cycles) The volume of work is allocated to work in interaction with the teacher by type of training sessions (lesson, practical lesson, laboratory activities, consultation, lecture, seminar), practitioners (in a professional cycle) and independent work of students.

For training sessions and practices, at least 80 percent of the training cycles of the educational program, provided for in Table N 1 of this GEF, the SPO, should be allocated to the educational program and practices in the development of training cycles of the educational program.

The training cycles include interim certification of students, which is carried out as part of the development of these cycles in accordance with the evaluation funds developed by the educational organization, allowing to assess the achievements of the planned on individual disciplines, modules and practices of learning outcomes.

2.5. The development of the general professional cycle of the educational program in full-time education should include the development of the discipline "Physical Culture" in the amount of at least 40 academic hours and the discipline "Safety of life" in the amount of 36 academic hours, of which, on the development of the foundations of military service (for young men) - 70 percent From the total time of time to the specified discipline.

The educational program for subgroups of girls may be provided for the use of 70 percent of the total time of the discipline "Safety of vital activity", provided for on the study of the foundations of military service, to master the fundamentals of medical knowledge.

For students with disabilities and persons with disabilities, an educational organization establishes a special procedure for mastering the discipline "Physical Culture", taking into account their health.

2.6. In the formation of an educational program, the educational organization should include the inclusion of adaptation disciplines that ensure the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation students with disabilities and persons with disabilities.

2.7. The professional cycle of the educational program includes professional modules that are formed in accordance with the main activities provided for by this GEF SPO.

The professional cycle of the educational program includes the following types of practices: educational practice and production practice.

Educational and production practices are carried out in the development of educational professional competencies within professional modules and are implemented both in several periods and dispersed, alternating with theoretical classes within professional modules.

Part of the professional cycle of the educational program allocated to conduct practices is determined by the educational organization in the amount of at least 25 percent of the professional cycle of the educational program.

2.8. State final certification is carried out in the form of graduation qualification work In the form of a demonstration exam.

Requirements for the content, volume and structure of exhaust qualification work The educational organization determines independently taking into account the PSO.

III. Requirements for the results of development

Educational program

3.1. As a result of the development of the educational program, a graduate should have shared and professional competencies.

3.2. A graduate who mastered the educational program must have the following common competencies (hereinafter - OK):

OK 01. Choose ways to solve the tasks of professional activities, in relation to different contexts.

OK 02. To search, analyze and interpret the information necessary to fulfill the tasks of professional activities.

OK 03. Plan and implement your own professional and personal development.

OK 04. Work in the team and team, effectively interact with colleagues, leadership, clients.

OK 05. Implement oral and written communication in the state language, taking into account the peculiarities of the social and cultural context.

OK 06. Show a civilian patriotic position, demonstrate aware of the consecisive behavior based on traditional universal values.

OK 07. Promote preservation ambient, resource saving, effectively act in emergency situations.

OK 08. Use physical culture tools to preserve and promote health in the process of professional activities and maintain the necessary level of physical fitness.

OK 09. Use information Technology in professional activities.

OK 10. Use professional documentation in public and foreign language.

OK 11. Planning business activities in the professional sphere.

3.3. A graduate who mastered the educational program should be ready to perform the basic activities provided for by this GEF, based on the combination of qualifications of a qualified worker, serving in accordance with paragraph 1.12 of this GEF.

Table N 2.

Correlation of basic activities and qualifications

qualified worker serving when forming

educational program

Main activities

Name of qualifications of a qualified worker serving

Performing joinery

stolar construction carpenter parquet;

stolar construction carpenter glass

Performing carpentry

stolar construction carpenter parquet;

stolar construction carpenter glass

Performing glass work

stolar construction carpenter glass

Performing work on the floor of parquet floors

carpenter carpenter parquet

3.4. A graduate who has mastered the educational program must have professional competences (hereinafter referred to as PC), relevant main activities:

3.4.1. Joiner's work:

PC 1.1. Organize a workplace in accordance with the requirements of labor protection and safety.

PC 1.2. Perform preparatory work.

PC 1.3. Produce simple carpentry and billets of joinery.

PC 1.4. Make carpentry products of varying complexity from the provided technical task Material, in accordance with the established rate of consumption, drawing and quality requirements.

PC 1.5. Prepare the surface of the joinery to finish in accordance with the requirements for appearance Products.

PC 1.6. Machine joinery in accordance with the project position.

PC 1.7. Repair joinery.

3.4.2. Carpentry:

PC 2.1. Organize a workplace in accordance with the requirements of labor protection and safety.

PC 2.2. Perform preparatory work.

PC 2.3. Perform the workpiece of wooden elements of various purposes in accordance with the drawing set by the material consumption and quality requirements.

PC 2.4. Perform assembly I. mounting work In accordance with the design documentation.

PC 2.5. Perform work on the structure of forests, scaffolding, formwork in accordance with the project position and the requirements of the safe organization of labor.

PC 2.6. Repair carpentry.

3.4.3. Performing glass works:

PC 3.1. Organize a workplace in accordance with the requirements of labor protection and safety.

PC 3.2. Perform preparatory work.

PC 3.3. Perform the glazing of the binding by all kinds of glass and double-glazed windows in accordance with the terms of reference.

PC 3.4. Connect partitions from glass blocks and firmware in accordance with the project position.

3.4.4. Performing flooring for parquet floors:

PC 4.1. Organize a workplace in accordance with the requirements of labor protection and safety.

PC 4.2. Perform preparatory work.

PC 4.3. Arrange floors from wood and industrial materials based on wood in accordance with technical documentation.

PC 4.4. Arrange parquet floors from the shield and piece parquet in accordance with the technical documentation.

3.5. The minimum requirements for the results of the development of the main activities of the educational program are presented in Appendix N 2 to this GEF.

3.6. The educational organization independently plans the results of training on individual disciplines, modules and practitioners, which should be correlated with the required results of the development of the educational program (competencies of graduates). The combination of the planned learning results should provide a graduate for the development of all OK and PC in accordance with the selected combination of qualifications of a qualified worker, employees established by this GEF.

IV. Requirements for implementation conditions

Educational program

4.1. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program include system-wide requirements, material and technical requirements, educational, personnel and financial conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.2. System-wide requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.2.1. Educational organization should have the right to ownership or other legally foundation material and technical base providing all types learning activities Students provided for curriculum, taking into account the POS.

4.2.2. In the case of the implementation of the educational program using the network form, the requirements for the implementation of the educational program should be ensured by a set of resources of logistical and teaching and methodological support provided by educational organizations involved in the implementation of the educational program using the network form.

4.2.3. In the case of the implementation of the educational program on the established educational institutions in the established procedure in other organizations of departments or other structural units Requirements for the implementation of the educational program should be ensured by the combination of resources of these organizations.

4.3. Requirements for logistical and teaching and methodological support for the implementation of the educational program.

4.3.1. Special premises must be educational audiences for conducting all species stipulated by the educational program, including group and individual consultations, current control and intermediate certification, as well as premises for independent work, workshops and laboratories equipped with equipment, technical means learning and materials that take into account the requirements of international standards.

4.3.2. Indoors for independent work of students must be equipped with computer equipment With the ability to connect to the information and telecommunication network "Internet" and ensuring access to an electronic information and educational environment of the educational organization (if available).

In the case of applying e-learning, remote educational technologies, the use of specially equipped premises, their virtual analogues, allowing the learning to explore OK and PCs are allowed.

4.3.3. The educational organization must be provided with a necessary set of licensed software.

4.3.4. The library fund of the educational organization should be equipped with printed publications and (or) electronic publications For each discipline of the title cycle and for each professional module of the professional cycle at the calculation, one printed edition and (or) an electronic edition for each discipline module per student. The library fund should be staffed by print publications and (or) electronic publications of the main and additional educational literature, which have been released over the past 5 years.

As the main literature, the educational organization uses textbooks, tutorialsprovided for by the POP.

In the case of an electronic information and educational environment, a printed replacement is allowed library Foundation By providing simultaneous access rights at least 25% of the e-library system (electronic library).

4.3.5. Learning people with disabilities and disabilities with disabilities should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resourcesAdapted to their health restrictions.

4.3.6. The educational program should be provided by educational and methodological documentation for all educational subjects, disciplines, modules.

4.4. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.4.1. The implementation of the educational program is ensured by pedagogical workers of the educational organization, as well as persons involved in the implementation of the educational program under the conditions of civil contract, including from among managers and employees of organizations, the activities of which correspond to the field of professional activity specified in paragraph 1.5 of this GEF (having experience in this professional field for at least 3 years).

4.4.2. Qualification pedagogical workers educational organization must answer qualifying requirementsspecified in qualifying directories, and (or) professional standards (if available).

Pedagogical workers involved in the implementation of the educational program should receive additional professional education on advanced training programs, including in the form of internship in organizations, the activities of which correspond to the field of professional activities specified in paragraph 1.5 of this GEF, at least 1 time in 3 years Taking into account the expansion of the spectrum of professional competencies.

The share of pedagogical workers (in the integer rates given), ensuring the development of educational professional modules that have experience of at least 3 years in organizations, the activities of which correspond to the field of professional activities specified in paragraph 1.5 of this GEF, in the total number of pedagogical workers, Implementing an educational program must be at least 25 percent.

4.5. Requirements for financial conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.5.1. Financial support for the implementation of the educational program should be carried out in the amount of not lower than the basic regulatory costs state services In implementing the state accreditation of educational programs of secondary vocational education by profession, taking into account corrective coefficients.

4.6. Requirements for applied mechanisms for assessing the quality of the educational program.

4.6.1. The quality of the educational program is determined within the internal assessment system, as well as an external evaluation system on a voluntary basis.

4.6.2. In order to improve the educational program, the educational organization in conducting a regular internal assessment of the quality of the educational program attracts employers and their associations, other legal and (or) individuals, including pedagogical workers of the educational organization.

4.6.3. The external assessment of the quality of the educational program can be carried out during employers, their associations, as well as authorized organizations, including foreign organizations, or vocational organizations belonging to international structures, public accreditation in order to recognize the quality and level of graduate training, We have mastered the educational program that meet the requirements of professional standards, labor market requirements for the specialists of the corresponding profile.

Appendix N 1.

Carpentry master

parquet and Glass Works


Professional standards appropriate

Professional activities of educational graduates

Secondary vocational education programs

By profession 08.01.24 Master joiner-carpenter,

Parquet and Glass Works

Professional Standard code

Name of professional standard

Professional Standard "Parquetch", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2014 N 1092N (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 23, 2015, registration N 35666), with a change made by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2015 N 793N (registered by the Ministry Justice of the Russian Federation December 3, 2015, registration N 39947)

Professional Standard "Gosholshchik", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2014 N 1062N (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 26, 2015, registration N 35716), with a change made by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2015 N 793N (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation December 3, 2015, registration N 39947)

Appendix N 2.

to GEF SPO by profession 08.01.24

Carpentry master

parquet and Glass Works

Minimum requirements

To the results of mastering the main activities

Educational program of medium professional

Education by profession 08.01.24 Master

Carpentry carpentry, parquet

And glass work

Primary occupation

Requirements for knowledge, skills, practical experience

Performing joinery

rules for reading work drawings;

breed and variety of wood vices;

physical, mechanical and technological properties of wood;

device of tools, electrical machines and machine tools for wood processing;

electrified tools handling rules;

procedure for preparing tools for work;

requirements for the accuracy of the manufacture of joinery;

requirements for the quality of the processing of joinery parts and products;

technology for the manufacture of joinery and parts;

technology for performing carpentry and repair carpentry;

types of technical documentation for the production of work;

On the site Yudu you will quickly find qualified masters, which will be offered optimal prices for carpentry work in Moscow and the Moscow region. Carpenter cheap perfect quality repairs Doors and windows, rests the furniture headset and replete wooden interior elements. You can also order services for the manufacture of furniture and finishing work on Yudu.

How a qualified performer works

If you are looking for an experienced joiner, cheap performing any kind of comprehensive repair wooden products In the apartment or cottage, contact the singer Yud. The private wizard will come to you at the house at the specified address in Moscow and inexpensively eliminating the breakdown of any complexity. The cost of the service, as well as the time of visit you can agree with a specialist individually.

The price list with exemplary rates is presented at Yudu. different kinds work. Their exact cost of the specialists will voice you after estimating the amount of task. For carpentry work on the tree, Yudu performers have a professional tool. Carpenters registered on the site will repair:

  • wooden window sills, windows, interroom and entrance doors with replacement of locks and fittings
  • flooring with parquet or laminate flooring
  • stairs, railing, thresholds, plinths, platbands
  • furniture sections and their elements

To find out how much cost repair work, You should see the prices located in the profiles of artists. There you can find the cost of facing the premises in the apartment with wooden finishing materials.

If you are looking for brigades for construction professionals that provide services for the decoration of cottages of any square in Moscow, use the Yudu site. You will be able to cheap now cheap. Qualified carpenters will perform:

  • crubble I. finishing work using wooden slabs
  • stacking wooden board, laminate or parquet
  • cabinet Cabinet, Ban and Saunow
  • arrangement of wine cellars and rest rooms
  • installation of wooden arched structures, arbors, shelf plinths

If you need to perform finishing carpentry on wood, the price of them will be known to you when the artist Yuda calculates the estimate of the repair.

The cost of services depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises. The price and time of the integrated repair is consistent with the team of specialists in advance.

Private companies are also registered on yud, which manufactures wooden arrays furniture. You can place an order for production:

  • wooden windows, doors, decorative beams, bar racks
  • built-in furniture sections, headlists
  • cabinets with a facade under the antiquity, intended for the office and libraries
  • tables, chairs, chests, couches, sofas, chairs and other products

In the work of the service of the service of Yudu, modern carpentry technologies and valuable wood breeds are used. The duration of installation of furniture sections depends on complexity and volume of order.

Application for YouDo

You can find prices for joiner's work and order services of qualified performers can be around the clock. To receive offers from experienced carpets, you need to issue and publish an application. Select the artist from among those who responded and negotiate the price of carpentry work.

Qualification - construction joiner (4 category); Carpenter (4 category);

parquet (3 category)

RESULT DESSION OF THE PROGRAM On the basis of the main general education - 2 years 5 months.

Professional objects:

Buildings and structures, their elements;

Materials for carpentry, carpentry and parquet work;

Carpentry technology, carpentry and parquet works;

Manual and mechanized tools, fixtures and equipment for the production of carpentry, carpentry and parquet works;

Drawings on the production of carpentry and carpentry.

Master carpentry and parquet work will know:

The main types of timber, breed and properties of wood, wood cutting bases, basic wood processing operations, main types of glazing work;

Manual and electrified tools;

Types of carpentry and carpent connections (pairs);

The main designs of joinery and construction products;

Rules for handling antisepting and flame retardant compositions, methods of covering parts or wooden structures with brushes;

Overview of parquet work, Parquet floors, Parquet plank, Parquet floors and parquet floors, Parquet floors and coatings, Tools, Mechanisms and machines used for parquet floors; - manufacturing technology and installation of straight milling parts of a simple profile and joinery;

Takes of cutting of bitch and shocks in wood, methods of their sealing;

Reading simple drawings and sketches;

Methods for making joinery of medium complexity; Receptions of pure landscaping, sovers of logs, billets of single piles and single-coal supports;

Methods of blanks of rectilinear shields of formwork and partitions under the plaster;

Methods of the device of the caps, associated flooring, partitions, trim and roof elements;

The main elements of the wooden parts of buildings and wooden structures and requirements for their quality;

Safe methods and techniques of labor, when performing work by profession.

Master of joinery and carpenter and parquet work will be able to:

Perform the simplest carpentry, carpentry, glass and parquet work;

Perform basic wood processing operations;

Perform simple and medium difficulty carpentry work, make and install milled platbands, plinths, straight line handrails of a simple profile, etc.;

Produce parts and assembly of these canvases and window bindings of the rectangular shape of all types;

Installing scribbled partitions, door and window blocks, submool boards and mounting bars;

Perform a logging of inner walls from logs, a device for simple time structures: terraces, veranda, tambourines, poles, as well as canopies, sheds, passing, shower; the device and shift of wooden bases and chairs, a device of frame walls; Clean lining of walls and ceilings, device, reserved and rafting upper board coatings (clean floors) from individual boards, as well as a device of floors from bars, glued shields, fibrillers, shells, from chipped plates with stoves.

Learned disciplines:

Basics of construction production;

Construction graphics;

Electrical equipment;

Basics of the construction economy;

Safety of vital activity; occupational Safety and Health.

Carrying joinery;

Carrying out carpentry;

Performing work on the floor of parquet floors.

Employment Opportunities: A graduate will be able to work at the construction and furniture production enterprises of various forms of ownership.

Master carpentry and parquet work - One of the most ancient professions in the world, and the treatment of wood is one of the first crafts who mastered the man. And indeed, after a person picked up a regular stick, he had many options for its use. Spoons, scales, stools and many other items invented by a person for their convenience were made from wood. Master of carpentry and parquet work is a professional worker, a skillful master, artisan, processing wood and manufacturing products from it, as well as products on a wooden basis, using other materials (plastic, metal, glass, etc).
Master of joinery and carpenter and parquet work - a multidisciplinary profession. It makes furniture (soft, cabinet, office), participates in construction: the manufacture and installation of doors and windows, furniture, which is embedded, installing partitions, cutting of locks and handles, wall cladding with wooden panels, and the manufacture of a variety of wood products: cross-country Ski, hangers, eaves, candlesticks and all kinds of decorative objects, log cabins, saunas both in manual and using woodworking machines and devices.

The modern master of carpentry and parquet works is a man who knows a lot. And not only in their profession. It works not only with wood, but with materials that replace the tree, with in various way Fastening and installation of products, metal screws, brackets, nails, adhesives, materials necessary for cladding, tight, processing, wood products (films, varnishes, paints, tissues).
Workplace Masters of carpentry and parquet work - most often the workbench or modern modifications. It fixes the wooden blanks, makes marking and processing the product according to the existing drawing. Wood processing methods: sawmill, assembly. Each of these operations can be done both manually and with the help of traditional tools (saws, plants, fuganka, bits, drills, chisels) and special woodworking machines.

In the GBPOU RK "Yalta Economic-Technological College" there is all the necessary material and technical base for mastering the profession of wood-carpentry and parquet work.
An important section of joiner's art is the ability to choose the material and properly separate it so that the product brings aesthetic pleasure to people. Perfections The Master reaches not immediately, only as a result of a significant practice, a person begins to feel good to feel a tree, commens the strength and direction of the movement of the tool with the hardness of wood and the direction of its fibers.
Under the guidance of experienced teachers and mentors, students of the GBPOU RK "Yalta Economic and Technological College" who have chosen this professionIn the process of learning, masterpieces of carpentry art are capable of doing masterpieces. At the end of the college, from yesterday's inexperienced schoolchildren, a young high-class master of his business is obtained, whose profession is in demand everywhere.
You can buy a carpentry skill in our college!

Master of carpentry and carpentry, parquet and glass works are a qualified specialist in the field of construction and housing and public utilities. Specialization 08.01.24 provides professional implementation of carpentry, carpentry, glass and parquet works.

  • Education Level: Primary Professional Education
  • Learning database: average general education, basic general education
  • Form of study: full-time, part-time (evening)
  • Study duration: 10 months, 2g. 10 months
  • Qualifications:
    • Construction joiner - Carpenter - parquet
    • Construction joiner - Carpenter - Greamer

The document on obtaining this education in one of Moscow's custody makes masters in demand in construction corporations and enterprises and large industrial associations in the construction sector. The graduate is also able to plan and conduct entrepreneurship.

If you learn on the general reasons you do not have a desire or opportunity, our company offers to buy a diploma of the Master of carpentry and carpentry, parquet and glass works. "Crust" made to order by our experts will fully comply with the original. We possess sufficient technical means that the authenticity of the diploma does not cause doubt.

Professional disciplines for profession

The competence of the wizard of carpentry and carpentry, parquet and glass works includes the lifting of walls and ceilings on frame with finishing industrial materials, repair of wooden products and structures, as well as the production of products on woodworking machines.

To carry out the activities of this kind, the specialist is obliged to master a number of disciplines:

  • Talking cycle:
  • Basics of construction production
  • Construction graphics
  • English in professional activities
  • Safety of vital activity
  • Physical education
  • Professional modules:
  • Performing joinery and carpentry-assembly, including carbon production technology.
  • Performing carpentry, including the technology of the device of wooden structures and build wooden houses.

The knowledge gained is fixed on the educational and production practices. According to the list of qualifications, students receive glass and parquet work skills.

Souza of Moscow, issuing a diploma in the specialty "Master of joiner-carpentry and parquet works."

In the capital there are 3 secondary special educational institutions in which the working profession is mastered by this specialty:

  • College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering number 26
  • Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Technological College number 21

Diplomas of any of the specified casuals you can buy in our company on favorable terms. Purchase will become a profitable solution for specialists in the field of woodworking and windows of glass case, which for one or another no reasons have no confirmation of their professionalism.

Age limit for education is not a problem! Our company provides for the issuance of diplomas of past years in the form of the relevant standard. This is very important because the forms changed several times since 1996. Other companies do not always take into account this fact, we will not let you down before the employer, the diploma will be perfect!

Remoteness educational institution From the place of residence is also not a hindrance. You can buy a diploma of the Malari carpentry and carpentry, parquet and glass work with delivery to any region of the Russian Federation. Payment is made exclusively on the fact of the completed order: in cash when receiving a courier, or cash on delivery by mail.


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