How to make money on machine embroidery. Cross stitch business. Choice of software

Products self made always in price and wealthy people are ready to shell out a lot of money for the opportunity to own handmade. These can be pictures,. One of the popular trends is embroidery. The cross-stitch project as a business can become a good source of income, especially for young mothers who are on maternity leave or just at home with their children.

Embroidery history

The history of embroidery goes back to the 18th century, in England, where it was believed that every self-respecting girl must be able to work with her hands. The stitch in the form of a cross was previously called embroidery and was used by English girls to put their own initials on handkerchiefs.

The first documentary evidence in the form of a book, which provided drawings for cross stitching, dates back to the end of the 18th century. The first diagram that appeared on paper was the image of carps. You can still download a cross-stitch pattern that exactly repeats this picture on specialized sites.

Cross-stitch embroidery is considered a classic version of needlework, and more and more women are trying their hand at creating unique and sometimes masterpieces.

The popularity of the hobby has led to the fact that many representatives of the stronger sex also do not hesitate to engage in this painstaking work that requires patience and perseverance.

Insofar as modern tendencies in design, they imply the creation of a unique and inimitable interior decoration of the house, then the desire to decorate the room with paintings or other decor items is quite reasonable.

Cross-stitching as a business can be an excellent option for starting your own business without significant investment. The development of technology has led to the emergence of special looms and machines for cross stitching. Schemes, pictures can be searched in numerous catalogs of online stores.

What you need to start a business

There is no activity that does not require a certain investment to start. Cross-stitching is no exception. To create your own masterpieces, you need a few important things:

  • patience and willingness to work... Cross-stitching for beginners can be difficult because it requires a lot of patience and perseverance. Very small stitches are needed to get pictures that are no different from photographs or reproductions. This means that cross-stitching as a business is a long and painstaking process;
  • starter set of tools, fixtures and raw materials... Embroidery is done on a canvas, a piece of fabric with a clear division into small squares. You will also need special threads for embroidery, a blunt needle (tapestry), a hoop. An embroidery hoop is an oval, round or rectangular plastic or wooden bar inside which a piece of fabric for embroidery is clamped;
  • pictures for cross stitch... There are special schemes for the cells necessary to create a finished canvas. These cells are applied over the finished image, breaking it into small areas. Inside each square there are special symbols that represent the color. Cross-stitch embroidery, the schemes of which contain a large number of colors, have a "key", where the correspondence of the symbol to the color is given.

Additionally, you can purchase a special machine, which is a frame installed on the table, which will serve as a hoop. This frame is equipped with a magnifying glass for easy operation.

If cross-stitching as a business is in demand, you can purchase an embroidery machine or an ordinary sewing machine with an additional option in the form of the ability to embroider.

Where to get patterns for embroidery

The more complex the picture, the more likely it will be in demand. A potential buyer will definitely want to buy cross-stitch embroidery. creating schemes completely repeat known reproductions or simply interesting photos. Complex work are created with the smallest crosses, often combining two or three colors at once, which makes it possible to make smooth color transitions. There are several options for how you can search for pictures:

  • buy ready-made sets... A specialized online store for cross-stitch embroidery (7 loops, world cross, everything for embroidery) offers high-quality patterns with many colors, well-made transitions and shades. You can also purchase the kits offered by retail store on cross-stitching, where there will be not only patterns, but also canvas and the necessary selection of threads of the desired colors;
  • free download cross stitch... There are many offers on the network for downloading ready-made schemes, among which most often there are pdf versions of original paintings from catalogs of different manufacturers (Riolis, DMC, Lanarte, Charivna Mit). You can also download cross-stitch embroidery in VKontakte groups and others social networks... Video tutorials for beginners are also often posted here.
  • create your own and free cross stitch patterns... This can be done on a computer using a special program, for example Pattern Maker. Using this software, you can make your own schemes based on any photographs. The user will be prompted to enter the name of the thread manufacturer, the size of the canvas, the number of colors, and the program will create the scheme itself.

Cross stitch: product sales

Having established a cross-stitch business, you will need to take care of the sale of finished paintings. Potential clientele search can be done in several ways:

  • use of the media... You can post an ad in newspapers. The main advantage of this distribution method is that there is no need to think about transporting finished works. The offer to carry out delivery for free will be an additional plus;
  • sale through a network of art salons. In every city there are similar stores that are ready to accept manufactured products for sale. Cross-stitching is accepted from the author for free, but after the sale the store keeps a certain percentage;
  • word of mouth... Do not neglect stories about your hobby among friends and acquaintances. This can pay off in the form of manufacturing orders. This method also includes posting information on social networks;
  • focus on the VIP sector... It includes people who do not want to use mass-produced items. Therefore, they are ready to spend a lot of money to get an exclusive product. This category of citizens lives in cottage settlements, where you can arrange a presentation of your own creativity;
  • chain of restaurants, cafes or hotels... When decorating the interior of catering establishments or hotels, original items are used to match the chosen style. Therefore, you can try to offer your work to the owners of such places.

Each of us goes shopping several times a year in search of gifts for the holidays for our relatives, friends and acquaintances. And, of course, I would like to give something original and beautiful, so that the gift really falls to my liking. Therefore, despite the mountains of souvenirs and various goods in stores, gifts created by individual orders... One of these exclusive gifts is a photographic portrait, embroidered by machine.

The business of embroidering photo portraits is a new promising direction for creating exclusive gifts that can provide the owner fixed income and huge potential for production expansion.

The target audience

There are many target groups of consumers of custom-made portraits, the most numerous of which are:

  • young parents who want to capture the best moments of their baby's life. To attract such customers, it is necessary to place ads on thematic forums, flyers in children's stores, hold presentations for parents in kindergartens and schools;
  • parents and relatives of newlyweds- offers should be posted in wedding salons, jewelry stores, photo studios, travel agencies;
  • people who value creativity- advertising placement in framing workshops on mutually beneficial terms, distribution of leaflets at various exhibitions.

To organize a business for embroidering photographs of portraits, you do not need to rent a room, since the equipment is very compact, and there is a place for a large supply of thread and finished products not required. Therefore, for the first time, in order to save money, you can place production in an apartment (due to the small size of the equipment, this can be called a home business). To service the production process, additional employees are not needed, and the services of a designer can be used on a contractual basis.

Required equipment

Equipment for embroidering portraits from a photograph is not suitable for every, but only one in which there is a photo-stitch function. It differs from ordinary embroidery in that the stitches lie in different directions and the embroidered portrait is more realistic and beautiful.

The following models of embroidery machines are most suitable:

For the Velles VE 15C-SC and Brother PR-1000 embroidery machines, you need to purchase additional software to create and edit embroidery designs.

The most convenient and functional is PE-DESIGN NEXT - 20,990 rubles). Also, this software will allow in the future, when expanding production, to work simultaneously with 4 embroidery machines.

You will definitely need a computer with a lot of memory. The cost is about 26,000 rubles.

Additionally, you will need tables for placing equipment, chairs and bedside tables for storing threads and fabrics. The total cost will not exceed 20,000 rubles.

Thus, the organization of this business requires investments in the amount of 322,000 rubles.

up to 350,000 rubles.

Materials (edit)

Consumables for creating photo portraits - special threads, fabric and non-woven fabric. The highest quality and most frequently used threads are GUNOLD Sulky - 100% viscose, in a bobbin of 5000 meters, thread thickness 40. It is also possible to use cotton threads. A prerequisite when choosing threads for embroidery of photographic portraits, there should be durability and color fastness to fading, because the portrait will hang on the wall and should please the buyer for many years.

The most expressive will be the embroidered monochrome sepia portraits. All 6-8 colors from milky to dark brown are enough to create such a portrait. Therefore, to begin with, it is not worth investing working capital in the purchase of the entire palette of threads.

The most difficult part of the production process is preparing a photo for embroidery, especially since customers usually come with ready-made images of far from being the best quality. Photo processing in a graphic editor is a painstaking work and requires professional skills and knowledge. Therefore, it is easier to turn to services professional designer... With a small production volume, it is better to cooperate with advertising agency or an individual designer and pay for each specific order, and with a constant flow, it is worth hiring a designer on the staff. Processing of 1 photo costs about 600-800 rubles.

Calculation of business profitability

The cost price of an A4 size portrait, taking into account the designer's services, is:

  • Threads for embroidery at the rate of 50,000 stitches - 5.28 rubles.
  • Base fabric for embroidery - 6.09 rubles.
  • Non-woven fabric to seal the embroidery area - 8 rubles.
  • Additional direct costs (equipment maintenance, electricity, etc.) - 1.94 rubles.
  • Designer services - 700 rubles.
  • Total cost: 721.31 rubles.

The cost of such a portrait for the customer is from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. depending on the complexity and quality of the photo provided. The average price of a portrait is 2000 rubles.

  1. It takes about 2 hours to embroider one portrait, that is, a maximum of 4 portraits can be embroidered per working day.
  2. To calculate the monthly revenue, let's take an average of 2 portraits per day - 88,000 rubles.
  3. Return on sales - 57%.
  4. The gross profit will be 56,262 rubles.
  5. When subtracting communication overheads, transportation costs and taxes, the net profit will be 50,000 rubles. per month.

Due to the low cost of the work performed, the payback of any set of equipment from the proposed ones will not exceed 8 months. At the same time, in addition to the embroidery of photographic portraits, the equipment provides ample opportunities for the production of advertising and souvenir products, decoration of clothes, embroidery of landscapes and paintings, so its efficiency can be significantly increased due to additional orders and reduce the payback period to 3-4 months.

This type of business has a huge potential for development, an increase in the range and volume of orders, which directly contributes to the constant growth of profits.

Do you want to start own business but don't know which one? It seems that all the niches are already occupied, and where you can turn, very large investments are required, and the return is too small.

However, there is an extremely promising field of activity in Russia, which few people know about, although its potential is enormous. It is not only cool and trendy but also profitable business that can bring good income. We're talking about doing industrial embroidery.

Good and beautiful embroidery consists of three components. These are: high-quality car, high-quality design and high-quality consumables.

Let's start with the car. To many who are thinking of starting their own embroidery business, a professional machine seems to be a kind of monster that requires a specially prepared room and "eats" as much electricity as would be enough for lighting a small Russian city. We hasten to dispel your doubts.

Take a Tajima top-class car, for example. It is powered by an ordinary 220 V network and consumes only 0.25 kWh. Now a little math. With a constant load of 8 hours a day, your machine will consume only 1,800 kW per day. For comparison, modern irons consume 2, 200-2,500 kWh, more than a machine per work shift!

Master Class. We embroider a portrait from a photograph. Part 2. Creating a scheme for embroidery from a photo

With an average cost of a kilowatt of 2.5 rubles, per month, taking into account 30 working days, you will spend to pay for electricity135 rubles per month.

0 rubles will be the rent for the premises. The embroidery machine can be placed in a garage or a free room of an apartment, since its dimensions are small - only 1 sq.m. will be required to install it.

The next component of quality embroidery is design. V average quality design costs 110 rubles per 1,000 stitches(hereinafter, all calculations will be made based on an average design of 10,000 stitches) . For the purchase of consumables for embroidery, you will spend another 3,000 rubles (monthly consumption of thread and consumables).

In total, at the beginning of the business, your monthly expenses will be 135 rubles. +1100 rub. + 3000 rub. = 4 235 rubles.

Now about the more pleasant - about income.

The average speed of the embroidery machine is 700 stitches per minute, therefore it will complete a program of 10,000 stitches in 15 minutes.

The above amount of energy, consumables and a high-quality design scheme will allow you to make embroidery on 960 items in a month. Each product can be sold for an average of 50 rubles. Therefore, monthly you will be able to receive (number of products * cost) - expenses = 43 765 rubles of revenue.

Yes, you say, this is interesting, but the equipment will not fall from the sky, it costs money, which needs to be “beaten off”. Right. Let's count again. Let's say you buy a car for 250,000 rubles. Taking into account the monthly income of 43 765 rubles, you will pay off the car in 6 months. Then go to zero and your revenue turns into profit. Moreover, you can save on design too. How? Very simple! You need to become a designer yourself. This is very real and quick to learn.

So, in just 6 months, provided that you diligently sew, look for orders, and learn the craft of an industrial embroidery designer, you will be able to put your first profit into circulation. And this means that after a while you will be able to buy additional equipment in order to take large orders and receive even greater profits.

It's simple, isn't it? You just need to start! Indeed, in the United States for more than 50 years, many small ateliers have been successfully operating, having one or two such machines.

Additionally with experience foreign companies we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the translated books of American authors ("Survival in the embroidery business"), as well as in the book "First steps in the embroidery business" based on our experience of doing business in Russia.

Tip 1: How to turn a photo into an embroidery pattern

Detailed description

An industrial embroidery machine with an embroidery field of 600 x 250 mm, an analogue of the CEM 135 and CEM 150 machines, designed for applying multicolor embroidery and appliqué on cut details, finished products made of light and medium-heavy materials, with the possibility of embroidery on ready-made baseball caps, knitwear, terry products, leather and leatherette, different types clothes, etc.

The machine works efficiently both in small industries and in large volumes of embroidery.

The operation of the embroidery machine does not require special training of personnel and makes it possible for one operator to control 3-4 machines at the same time.

This machine is especially effective when embroidering oversized items and chevrons. The sewing field declared for this embroidery machine is possible only in the case of using a special technology for securing the material and using a specialized frame.

Long-term reliable operation is ensured by the presence in the embroidery machine of powerful stepping hoop drives, a rigid structure of the coordinate device and high-precision assemblies manufactured on modern CNC metalworking centers. All these factors make it possible to operate the embroidery machine in industrial modes (3 work shifts).

The quality of embroidery is due, among other things, to the use of a specialized bobbin stand in the design of the embroidery machine, which ensures easy thread separation and prevents them from tangling. The applied movable foot contributes to a secure hold during the embroidery process various materials... To achieve an embroidery field of 600 mm. a more rigid coordinate device is applied; increased guide, table cover, carriage.

The products manufactured on the CEM 160 embroidery equipment are completely similar in quality and range of products made on such embroidery machines as: Brother PR-600, PR-620, PR-650, PR-1000, Tajima, Barudan.

High embroidery speed is achieved by equipping the embroidery machine with microprocessor devices on a modern element base. The embroidery machine works without connecting to a computer.

Automated lubrication, based on the design of a specially developed pump, ensures an uninterrupted supply of oil to all parts of the embroidery machine at all embroidery speeds.

Loading of embroidery programs is carried out directly into the control panel of the embroidery machine with built-in flash memory for 256,000 stitches. The console is equipped with an LCD display and can be removed from the embroidery machine for easy loading.

Embroidery on large-sized items becomes easy to carry out due to the original function "embroidery correction angle".

To embroider a portrait from a photo with a cross stitch cost

You can embroider products that are much larger than the size of the hoop (flags, curtains, long products), and also completely eliminate defects from incorrect positioning of the embroidery on the material or cut details.

Programming an embroidery pattern and creating embroidery files in common formats of embroidery machines is carried out using software CES prof, which is a product of CLASSIC EMBROIDERY SYSTEMS.

Baseball caps are embroidered using a special device and is an available option in the embroidery machine.

The economic efficiency of the embroidery machine is due to its low energy consumption when high speed embroidery, due to the use of high-tech units of the company "LENZE" in the drive control system of the embroidery machine.

Thoughtful packaging created specifically for this embroidery machine allows you to deliver the machine reliably and at low cost over long distances by any means of transport.

Distinctive features of the machine - extended embroidery field up to 600 x 250 mm, increased rigidity of the coordinate device, increased table. Easy to maintain and operate. Does not require additional training... Great working resource. Low running costs.

Computer embroidery with threads glowing in the dark and ultraviolet

Computer embroidery has become a fashionable and popular attribute. Today the client wants to emphasize his individuality by purchasing clothes and accessories. Therefore, highly specialized business ideas are reliably anchored in small niches. For example, there is a good demand for embroidered items. Uniquely embroidered patterns can be found on T-shirts, underwear, wallets, handbags and even shoes. Computer embroidery is gaining popularity not only in fashion. They emphasize their individuality with embroidery on document covers, in elements of automotive interiors and even in art. For example, spectacular pictures with photo-embroidery from threads glowing in the dark.

This view home business does not require large financial investments. And the key to its success is harmonious fusion modern technologies and traditional craft.

Embroidery with glowing threads

You can significantly expand the assortment of embroidered products using threads that glow in the dark or in ultraviolet light. They are also called fluorescent threads, which glow in ultraviolet light, and luminescent ones - accumulate light and give it out in the dark without using energy sources (albeit for 2 hours). With such threads, you can offer the buyer a range of attractive products in the assortment:

  • Embroidered luminous photo-paintings.
  • T-shirts for nightclubs (the image of the thread breathes and retains its presentation longer, in contrast to printing on fabric).

3Logos on document covers or smartphone cases so you can't get lost in the dark.

Luminous threads for embroidery (luminescent) are quite affordable at a price of $ 10 for 1 spool (100 grams and 3000 meters long). The manufacturer Acmelight offers several colors of light: green, turquoise, white, blue, red and yellow.

Spectacular embroidery on clothes and shoes for evening and night entertainment will interest all young consumers.

Reflective threads also come in handy in this case. The reflective filament itself consists of glass microlenses with high reflectivity. A coil for 500 meters will cost $ 15 (with a thickness of 0.25mm).

Equipment for computer embroidery

You don't need any special sewing skills to start working with machine embroidery. At the first stage of such a business, you can embroider simple things, for example, metrics or document covers. To embroider such things, you do not need to be able to work with a pattern. All you need for this is a sewing and embroidery machine. Such a machine itself embroiders various patterns. It is only necessary to clamp the canvas in the hoop and fix it on the working surface of the machine. The market for such sewing and embroidery machines is quite wide. For example:

With the help of these machines, you can easily control the workflow, as it is fully automated. Maximum speed application of stitches - up to 1000 stitches per minute. Sewing and embroidery machines different types have various functions, their control menu is available on the control display, and even in the memory of the machine itself there are video tutorials on working with it. In one word, a person with a zero level of training and skills can work with such a device. Also, when choosing a sewing and embroidery machine, pay attention to the presence of a USB port, because with its help it will be possible to connect a PC or a digital medium (flash drive).

To create a machine embroidery business, you also need to be able to use special programs for embroidery machines, in which unique patterns and patterns are created. By themselves, the machines already have a large database of patterns that can be performed with various stitches. These programs can be downloaded from the Internet, they are also free. Drawings for the embroidery machine can also be downloaded on the Internet, by which it is easy to learn the craft.

To create more complex schemes, you need global skills in working with this kind of programs, you can get them yourself with the help of video lessons. But do not be afraid, because even a beginner in using a PC can master basic skills in working with special programs.

Organization of sewing and embroidery business

As mentioned above, the basis in this business is the embroidery machine itself, but in addition there are a number of conditions that will be needed in the workflow:

  1. Premises. This work will require a separate room. A small creative room in your own home will be enough, or, for example, an empty garage in a clean working order is perfect for a mini-office.
  2. Sewing equipment. This includes absolutely everything from patterns to needles. Centimeters, rulers, scissors, thread for embroidery machines and more. There is no need to buy additional sewing equipment right away, it is easier to purchase it as needed in the further development of the craft.
  3. Fabrics and accessories. The base for creating machine embroidery is naturally fabric. What is she like? Everything will depend on both you and the customer. Also, when working with machine embroidery, you need to have special embroidery threads of various colors. Dissolving threads for sewing edges and borders (these threads dissolve in water). The cost of such threads does not exceed $ 7 per spool of 200 meters.

Do you like to embroider? Are you friends with a sewing machine? Do you own a computer at the “confident user” level? And at the same time you want to establish your profitable business?

Here are 4 key ingredients that (if you wish!) Will help you build a fairly profitable machine embroidery business. In addition, from the work done, you will enjoy not only material, but also aesthetic. Now let's take a closer look at the benefits of modern embroidery.

Modern machine embroidery significantly speeds up the embroidery process and allows for rather complex embroidery work.

The undoubted advantage is that you can embroider on almost any fabric:

Delicate silk,

· noble velvet,



Coarse calico,





· various raincoat and coat materials.

Embroidery is made on high-quality embroidery machines with the obligatory use of advanced computer programs.

What is the difference between embroidery using a computer?

Embroidery with the use of a computer makes it possible to use a variety of types of threads. For example, in embroidery it becomes possible to use viscose, silk, metallized and polyester threads, as well as cords of various colors. Thanks to such a wide range of materials and colors, embroidery becomes bright and original.

What opportunities does modern embroidery provide?

Modern embroidery technology makes it possible to create absolutely all styles in embroidery:


Smooth surface,


· sequin embroidery,

· volumetric three-dimensional embroidery,

· other types of embroidery.

What are the advantages of machine embroidery?

The advantages of machine embroidery are its durability, volumetric texture, high color fastness of threads, rich and spectacular look on the finished product.

What items are machine embroidered on?

Modern embroidery with the help of special computer programs allows you to professionally and in the most original way decorate various items of clothing, bed linen, scarves, robes, towels and many other finished products.

Agree that clothes embroidered in various styles look not only unusual, but also stylish. Emphasizing that its owner has a refined taste and a pronounced personality.

How can you earn money with an embroidery machine at home?

Firstly, by embroidering on clothes and hats of customers.

Secondly, on towels, napkins, tablecloths, curtains. In a word, everything that helps to place accents in the design and emphasize the overall decor of the room with original details. To create a unique cozy atmosphere in the house.

Third, by working with various businesses. Embroidering logos for them on uniforms, as well as branding on T-shirts, jackets and other business souvenirs.

Briefly summarizing the field of application of machine embroidery, it should be noted that calling on all your imagination to help you, you can find an infinite number of areas of application for embroidery.

What are the costs of purchasing an embroidery machine?

It should be said that any business at the very beginning is costly... Therefore, it is very important to remain calm and roughly calculate how long it takes given view business will pay off. As for building a business on machine embroidery, let's do some simple math.

Direct costs:

1) Purchase of an embroidery machine. For example, the Bernina Deco 330 embroidery machine, which is suitable for beginners and professionals. It comes with a small and medium hoop. Looking from the place of purchase, the car costs 28,500 rubles. Don't forget about delivery - 350 rubles.

2) Professional version of the embroidery editor. The approximate cost is 10,000 rubles.

3) PC-card used to transfer embroidery designs from a computer to a machine. The approximate cost is 2,000 rubles.

4) PC-card recorders. It may be free for you, since it is already present in many modern laptops and computers.

6) Large embroidery hoop(for embroidery of chevrons, inscriptions on the back). The approximate cost is 15,000 rubles.

Total approximate cost estimate:

28500 + 350 + 10000 + 2000 + 200x5 + 15000 = 56850 rubles

Calculate your profit and the estimated payback time for your purchase:

So, you have learned to embroider and make your family happy. beautiful design your home and clothing. Now it's time to put your hobby on the rails atrush home business... What does that require?

1) We create our own "Portfolio". These are photographs of your works (photographs and works should be as large as possible good quality!), as well as approximate patterns that you will be ready to make for the customer.

2) We are looking for ways to sell our art. Any master is given 4 sales market opportunities:

1. In "live" souvenir shops. Well suited for those who live in resort towns.

2. Offering sewing workshops their services for applying embroidery to sewn overalls. At the same time, worry about business cards in advance, leave them in all visited profile places. Be sure they will call you.

Don't be afraid to dream and make your dreams come true. Our masters will try to dispel all possible fears for you, who share their professional developments on the page.

The popularity of embroidery remains unchanged. From clothing decor to painting, this craft is prized for its appearance, connection with tradition, exclusivity. Embroidery as a business is highly competitive and profitable. Detailed business plan and correct organization will make your business profitable.

Depending on the sewing method you have chosen, select necessary equipment... After you confidently establish yourself in the market, register to expand your business.

Varieties of embroidery

The way of working is of 2 types:

  1. Manual is more valuable;
  2. Mechanized.

Hand embroidery is a painstaking work that requires skill and a lot of time. That's why this business suitable for masters who already own the technique. With the manual method, threads (floss) and beads are most often used.

Thread techniques:

  • cross;
  • smooth surface;
  • openwork.

Cross stitch is the most common, used for making:

  • pictures;
  • portraits to order;
  • as a finishing of bedding and kitchen accessories.

It should be borne in mind that it can take from 3 to 6 months to create a picture with a cross.

Bead embroidery - not less laborious process, however, the showiness of the products is worth the time spent. At the present time, paintings, portraits from beads, decor of clothes and accessories are very much appreciated.

From a business point of view, machine embroidery is preferable. It does not require specific skills or long-term performance. You only need special hardware and software. High accuracy automated process makes this method more and more popular.

The possibilities of machine embroidery are varied:

  • souvenir products;
  • finishing of textiles;
  • logos;
  • chevrons.

Decide on the method and direction of the activity. You can work simultaneously with several views only if you have a lot of experience. Focus on one thing, gradually developing your skill.

Materials and equipment

For hand embroidery

Cross stitch is made from the following materials:

  • canvas (canvas, linen, cotton);
  • threads (mainly floss).

Bead pictures consist of a fabric base and beads.

The tools for cross stitch and beadwork are almost the same:

  • drawing scheme;
  • needles;
  • scissors;
  • hoop (frame, machine).

For machine embroidery

You will need an electronic embroidery machine, a computer and special software that matches the model of the embroidery device.

From the materials you need to have:

  • threads;
  • non-woven fabric;
  • canvas.

Choose high quality threads, this will keep the colors bright for a long time. Most often used:

  • cotton;
  • wool;
  • silk;
  • viscose;
  • polyester.

Experiment, combine various techniques, materials, use beads with thread seams, cross-stitch on non-standard fabrics, this will make your business more in demand.

Embroidery process

If you are a beginner, find an experienced craftsman to teach you, or master the craft yourself. Special books, articles on the Internet, magazines, free video tutorials are all accessible and useful.

Machine embroidery is carried out as follows:

  • export of the selected image in the program editor;
  • editing, setting the location of needle punctures, changing threads, skipped stitches;
  • threading the hoop;
  • automatic filling of selected areas with stitches.

Custom embroidery needs no special technological process... The main thing is to be able to embroider, regardless of whether it is a cross or satin stitch, beads or other technique.

Business organization

Where specify First stage, perspective conditions, market research results. Think about what exactly you can offer in this area.

Determine the size of your business. In the case of cross stitching or beading, it is appropriate to work at home, and machine embroidery can also be organized at home.

If you want to expand your business, you should rent a room for an atelier 6-9 sq. m. in the city center. Set up the room:

  • Embroidery Machine;
  • two work tables;
  • seats;
  • a computer;

In more large enterprise there will be several workshops:

  • cutting;
  • sewing;
  • embroidery;
  • wet heat treatment.

Sales of products

1. Place ads in the press, on the Internet, make business cards.

2. Create a high-quality website with a list of products, cost of services, examples of work, contacts.

4. Offer services to garment factories and tailor shops. When sewing sportswear and uniforms, he often uses embroidered logos.

5. Collaborate with stores and outlets.

6. Participate in exhibitions.

Financial part

To implement a beadwork business, you will need at least 5000-10000 rubles. for materials. To work with large formats, a frame costing 1,500 - 5,000 rubles is required.

Investments in machine embroidery, taking into account the cost of materials and equipment, will amount to 500,000 rubles:

  • studio rent - 25,000 rubles. per month;
  • production of high-quality signs - 30,000 - 40,000 rubles;
  • website creation - 20,000 - 25,000 rubles, support for social networks can be free if you deal with them yourself;
  • salary for a designer (if his skills are not enough), for an administrator (when opening a whole studio) - 25,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Business ideas for needlework

- another interesting thing for needlewomen. If you compose clear business embroidery plan, you can open a knitwear atelier.

It will help you to make a stable profit. This business is very promising and can grow into your own atelier.

- quite interesting and creative business, especially if the main material is lace. Suitable for craftsmen with a creative mind.

Video: how to cross stitch

What can you embroider? It can be embroidered tea napkins and tablecloths, bed linen, T-shirts, clothes, stripes for workwear (chevron) are also embroidered, you can even embroider portraits on a napkin or any other product. Embroidery can be just inscriptions, flowers, almost any pattern, embroidered signs of the Zodiac, Feng Shui hieroglyphs are very popular. To organize your small business, you must have a computer (any will do), you still have to purchase an embroidery machine with the necessary accessories, as well as threads, possibly fabric.

You can organize a business in two stages. : first with a household embroidery machine, and then with a semi-industrial embroidery machine.

  • For the first stage an embroidery machine is suitable, for example, Bernina Deco 330 (see photo) (about 29 thousand rubles), two sizes of hoops (small and medium) are attached to it; embroidery editor (professional version) - about 10 thousand rubles; PC-card - about 1,000 rubles (for transferring embroidery from a computer to an embroidery machine). You will also need a PC-card recorder. If you have a laptop, most modern laptops already have this device. It is better to immediately purchase threads in large bobbins (the price is up to 200 rubles), as it is cheaper. In addition, you will need a large hoop (for embroidering inscriptions on the back, chevrons), which cost about 1.5 thousand rubles. The costs will be about 40 thousand rubles.
  • To carry out the second stage a semi-industrial embroidery machine is suitable, for example, the Brother PR-600 (see photo). Compact, quiet, comfortable, powerful! You can embroider on caps (optional accessory), you don't need to buy an embroidery editor if you have a Brother PE-150. The Brother PR-600 single-head 6-needle computer embroidery machine has the performance and technological capabilities of an industrial embroidery machine, while being incredibly easy to use. This machine, which has a new design, is quite compact, it could be installed even at home: The additional device CAP FRAME makes it possible to make embroidery on baseball caps. The large size of the embroidery area of ​​200 × 300 mm is suitable for creating large creative designs. Prices for this car from different suppliers: 175-200 thousand rubles.
    It is not difficult to learn machine embroidery, but it will take some time, mainly to master the embroidery editor, of which there are many today.

    Embroidery Design Editors
  • Professional URFINUS Embroidery Design Editor from Jussoft Ltd created in Russia. The editor is fully compatible with all Windows fonts, has many special effects, automatic translation of vector graphics into stitches, a database of color cards of embroidery threads. The editor is designed to create new and edit existing embroidery patterns for automatic and semiautomatic embroidery machines using about 15 formats, as well as for working together with other things technological equipment(plotters, plotters, etc.) compatible with popular vector graphics formats. In addition, vector graphics formats WMF, EMF, CDR, CMX are available in the editor.
  • Bernina Artista Designer Plus Editor (Version 4) designed for household embroidery machines. It has very broad capabilities that are not inferior to expensive alternative programs. The program is easy to learn. Embroidery is possible with satin stitch and cross stitch. Supports almost all existing formats: ART, ARX, PES, PEC, PCS, HUS, PCQ, CSD, SEW, XXX, SHV, AMT. Requirements to operating system- not lower than Windows 98. Works with a USB key. It is presented in three versions: Editor; Auto Designer; Designer Plus.
  • Embroidery programs Consumable material and prices:
    Silkopryadov & Co offers to purchase embroidery files for your embroidery machine - you can download free archives of embroidery files in ART format (for example, all zodiac signs, dimensions 10 × 10 cm). If you have an embroidery editor, you can convert the files presented on the site to any format for any embroidery machine for free.
    If you want to order the digitization of any image for an embroidery machine, contact the Embroshop online store (Moscow). The cost of digitizing - from $ 1 per 1000 stitches, over 50,000 stitches - 50% discount. Payment is accepted in WM-money and Yandex money.

    The cost of finished embroidery
    The cost of the finished embroidery is determined by the original layout, since the number of stitches, the density of the overlay and the area of ​​the image are taken into account. Thread colors are limited to 6 colors with unlimited color options. Embroidery has limits in displaying fine features and fine lines due to the objective thread thickness.
    The image is usually digitized once and can be used later. Prices are for monochrome images. The cost of embroidery for each color in addition to the main one increases by 10% of the cost of a one-color solution.
    As an example, the Silkopryadov & Co website presents a single-color design with a size of 50 × 80 mm, containing 2900 stitches. The cost of one embroidery of this design with a circulation of 20 to 50 pieces is 21.75 rubles.
    You can make sets consisting of a linen tablecloth measuring 1.5 × 1.5 m and 6 napkins with embroidery in the form of Feng Shui hieroglyphs. The price of such a set in the firm "Silkopryadov and Co" is 700 rubles. Recommendations:
    If you do not have the skills to operate an embroidery machine, it is best to start by purchasing a household machine. At successful business then you can open your own workshop, purchase an additional semi-industrial embroidery machine, hire workers.
    If you are going to make custom-made embroidery, experts recommend taking photographs of your work for demonstration to customers. It is better to work with an advance payment, usually it is 50% of the order value.
    Walk through the small sewing workshops. As a rule, they do not have their own embroidery machines, they order embroidery on overalls, chevrons from large embroidery companies. Firms such take only about 300 rubles for the development of designs (programs). The absence of program fees will be your advantage. Leave your business cards everywhere, customers will definitely call.
    Finished products can be offered for sale to sellers of souvenirs, table linen, in the corresponding departments of shops and those selling in the markets.
    Based on materials from the site


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