Labor potential and its connection with labor resources. The labor potential of the society, its characteristics Planning the number of workers

1.2. Essence, content and structure of labor potential

Labor is one of the factors of production. The bearer of labor abilities is a person, which manifests itself in various socio-economic forms, one of which is labor potential.

The term "labor potential" was formed relatively recently, in the early 80s of the XX century, when it became obvious that the growth rate and efficiency of the economy largely depend on the capabilities, interests, and results of human activity.

Analyzing different views on the understanding of labor potential, its content, we found different approaches to its definition. Among them, two main vectors of research can be distinguished. The first group of points of view considers labor potential as a category close to the human factor of production. So, in the definition supported by M.I. Skarzhinsky, I.Yu. Balandin, A.I. Tyazhov, "labor potential is a form of movement of the personal factor at the final stage after its connection with the material factors of production" 1 . According to A.S. Pankratov, Yu.G. Odegov, V.B. Bychin, and K.L. development".

According to other definitions that consider labor potential as a category close to labor resources, “the labor potential of a country as a whole or of any of its regions is the resources and reserves of living labor (or the full potential ability to work) that the able-bodied population has under conditions of this social system. Kotlyar A. explores labor

1 Skarzhinsky M.I. Labor potential of a socialist society / M.I. Skarzhinsky,
I.Yu. Balandin, A.I. Tyazhov. - M. : Economics, 1987. - S. 3.

2 Pankratov A.S. Management of the reproduction of labor potential / A.S. Pankratov. -
M. : Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1988. - S. 69; Odegov Yu.G. The labor potential of the enterprise: ways of effect
active use / Yu.G. Odegov, V.B. Bychin, K.L. Andreev. - Saratov: Sarah Publishing House
Tov University, 1991. - Part 1. - S. 26.

3 Reproduction of the population and labor resources in the conditions of developed socialism. Develop
population and its labor potential. - Kyiv: Nauk. Dumka, 1985. - T. 1. - S. 197.

32 howling potential as "total social ability to work" 1 . Kostakov V., Popov A. define the labor potential of the country and its regions as "relevant labor resources, considered in terms of quantitative and qualitative aspects" . Shatalova N.I. considers labor potential as "a measure of available resources and opportunities that are continuously formed in the course of the entire life of an individual, implemented in labor behavior and determining its real fruitfulness" . According to Yakshibaeva G.V.,. labor potential is “a qualitative and quantitative expression of the ability inherent in an employee, labor collective, able-bodied population, region or country for physical, intellectual and spiritual and creative work ( labor activity) in the presence of a full and free opportunity to realize this ability” 4 . Kuzmin S.A. defines the labor potential of the region as "the labor resources that society has at any given moment of time, given the population size and its qualitative characteristics, taking into account the additional potential working time and certain features of the given territory" 5 .

Thus, despite the rather large number of points of view on the understanding of labor potential, the knowledge of this category is still not perfect in many respects and requires further development. First of all, this concerns the essence and content of labor potential, its quality and relationships with other categories of human labor activity.

In our opinion, it is wrong to reduce labor potential to labor resources. Labor resources have labor potential. Both labor resources and labor potential have their own quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

1 Kotlyar A. Formation and use of labor potential / A. Kotlyar // Issues of Economics. - 1987. - No. 9. - S. 23.

Kostakov V. Intensification of the use of labor potential / V. Kostakov, A. Popov // Socialist Labor. - 1982. - No. 7. - S. 61.

3 Shatalova N.I. Labor potential of the worker / N.I. Shatalova. - M. : UNITY-DANA,
2003.-S. 7.

4 Yakshibaeva G.V. Labor potential: functioning efficiency: Abstract of the thesis. dis.
.. .cand. eq. Sciences / Yakshibaeva G.V. - Ufa, 2001. - S. 5-6.

5 Kuzmin S.A. Effective employment of the population / S.A. Kuzmin. - M. : Economics, 1990. -
S. 7.

33 certainties. But labor potential is the main property of labor resources, because it characterizes them mainly from a qualitative point of view. Labor resources basically have a labor force, which, as you know, is a person’s ability to work, and labor potential, in our opinion, is that ready-made force that turns a person’s abilities into forces that are higher in degree and level than labor force. Labor resources are transformed into human productive power through labor potential.

Thus, these two economic categories (labor resources and labor potential) are in complex interaction. A change in the labor potential is not always associated with a change in the size of the able-bodied population, and in a post-industrial society it is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Even with a stable number of labor resources, an increase in labor potential can occur by increasing its qualitative characteristics: the growth of educational and vocational qualifications, cultural level, improved health, etc. Increasing the labor potential by improving the qualitative characteristics of the employed population with its stable number means the intensification of production.

In addition, the reduction of labor potential to the concept of a personal factor of production limits the content of the latter, since labor is much broader in its content than labor potential, which is a force for labor. Labor potential, like labor force, provides a personal factor of production, fills it with properties and content. The labor force passes into labor through labor potential, that is, it acts as a prerequisite for labor.

So, the analysis of the system of different views on the understanding of labor potential provides a basis for a clearer definition of this category.

To give the author's definition of the category "labor potential" it is necessary to refer to the etymology of the term. Potential(from Latin potentia - strength) - these are sources, opportunities, means, reserves that can be used to solve any problem, achieve specific purpose; opportunities of an individual, society, state in a certain area 1 . Potential is the totality of possibilities in something.

As follows from the etymology of this term, labor potential is, first of all, the force necessary for the implementation of the process of production of goods. The main feature of all forces is that they contain a kind of source of new opportunities for productive activity.

In our opinion, labor potential should be understood as a set of natural, formed and accumulated forces for the implementation of productive labor activity in order to create life benefits that satisfy people's needs.

This definition contains two important ideas. Firstly, it emphasizes the whole variety of hidden and unrealized forces, which, when the surrounding conditions change, can go from potential to actually acting. That is, the potential is characterized not so much by the degree of preparedness of the employee to the present moment to perform any labor functions, but by his capabilities in the long term.

Secondly, this definition clearly shows the structure of the content of the labor potential. It includes the following structural elements:

The totality of natural properties (human abilities and inclinations, health status, performance, endurance, talent, creativity, adaptive abilities to changes in the internal and external environment, the ability to compensate for missing or underdeveloped abilities)

1 See: Big Encyclopedic Dictionary / ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov. - M.: Scientific publishing house
"Big Ros. Encyclopedia", St. Petersburg: "Norint", 1999. - S. 948.

2 See: Big Dictionary foreign words / comp. A.Yu. Moskvin. - M .: CJSC Publishing house of Tsentro-
polygraph: 000 "Pole", 2003. - S. 531.

35 differences, racial and ethnic differences, etc.). Psychophysiological forces ensure the existence of the worker as a biopsychosocial type;

formed and accumulated properties (general and special knowledge, labor skills and abilities that determine the ability to work, professional skills, professional mobility, qualifications, professional experience and skills, entrepreneurial abilities, etc.). Production and qualification forces perform the function of achieving the goal of the individual in the socio-economic system, producing the required quantity and quality of goods that satisfy personal and social needs;

spiritual forces: labor value orientations, cultural interests, the desire to develop and manifest various abilities, communication skills, etc.

The object of labor potential is the various human forces, which then turn into labor, into the properties of labor, and finally become productive forces. These components are inseparable from their carrier, the person himself, the worker. The source of the movement of forces to work is the knowledge, skills, skills of a person, that is, the acquired forces to work. The initial basis for them is the natural properties of a person, innate forces, including talent, health, etc.

The subject (carrier) of the labor potential is a person who has the ability to work, and the forces that are realized in labor.

Relationships of personal property arise in a person on their own strength. Each person is the owner of his labor potential. Everyone has the right to own, manage and use their potential and receive income from it. Therefore, each person has an economic interest in meeting his needs at the expense of

36 realizing the potential of income. Consequently, each worker has a personal economic interest in increasing this income by accumulating his labor potential. Therefore, the relationship of personal ownership of labor potential determines the nature of other economic relations, including labor relations, which develop over the reproduction of labor potential.

At the same time, in the process of formation, accumulation and use of his labor potential, the employee enters into a relationship with the owner of material capital, with other owners of labor potentials, with the help of which this process is ensured. In this case, personal ownership of labor potential becomes dependent on private ownership of material capital.

Private property dictates its economic interests. An entrepreneur (employer), as the owner of material capital, is interested in increasing his profits through the use of labor, in which labor potential is manifested. It creates the conditions for* the functioning of labor potential, on which the efficiency of return from it and the amount of income generated depend. Therefore, the amount of income received by the owner of the labor potential is determined by the owner of material capital, taking into account their economic interests. But in reality, the economic interests of the owners of material capital and labor potential do not always coincide, which can lead to serious contradictions that will act as a brake on the country's economic development if they are not resolved.

Thus, economic interests in the use of labor potential are closely related to property relations. And although the leading role in these processes is played by private ownership of material capital, the main criterion that determines the natural development of labor potential is the convergence and alignment of the economic interests of the two owners.

An important role in the movement and development of labor potential belongs to labor relations, which are closely related to market relations. The relations of private property through the relations of free enterprise, in which an independent choice of activities, economic partners, etc. is possible, create a market environment. Labor relations by their nature are much closer to market relations than other economic relations. They are related by the division of labor, which underlies organizational and economic relations. It is the division of labor that is the material basis for the emergence of links between different types of labor and relations for the exchange of its results 1 .

Labor and market relations arise about the same object - labor services. It is the service of labor as a manifestation of labor potential that is the object of labor relations formed between people about their participation in its creation, distribution, use. At the same time, the labor service is an object of market relations; arising from its sale and purchase on the market.

Therefore, we believe that there are market and non-market labor relations, the degree of marketability of which depends mainly on price factors affecting labor relations. In this regard, three groups of labor relations can be distinguished:

1. fully determined by market conditions, and above all by price factors: This group includes relations related to the purchase and sale of labor services, the formation of their prices;

2. indirectly related to the market mechanism (for example, regarding training, retraining of personnel, advanced training, attracting an additional number of workers (carriers of 1 labor potential) if it is necessary to expand production volumes);

See: Korogodin I.T. Social and labor system: questions of methodology and theory: monograph / I.T. Korogodin. - M. : PALEOTIP, 2005. - S. 69-72.

3) not related to market conditions, since the labor potential is reproduced under the influence of factors not related to the market mechanism.

But despite the selected groups, we believe that there is no clear boundary between market and non-market labor relations, and depending on various circumstances, it may change.

In the economic literature, there are different points of view when answering the question of what is sold on the labor market. We agree with the opinion of I.T. Korogodina, L.P. Kiyan that neither labor nor labor can be bought and sold on the market. A person's ability to work is inseparable from the worker. It is impossible to separate labor force from a person as a combination of physical and mental abilities of the whole living organism. Therefore, it does not have independent movement as a normal commodity in exchange. The transformation of labor power in the process of its functioning into labor does not lead the latter into an object of exchange in the labor market. The object of exchange between the employee and the employer is the service performed by labor 1 .

Like labor force, human capital and labor, labor potential cannot be bought and sold on the market as a commodity. Representing a combination of natural, formed and accumulated elements that are inseparable from the human body, the labor potential is set in motion only by the living forces of man. Consequently, the purchase of labor potential would also mean the purchase of the person himself with his abilities and forces, which is contrary to the principles of a modern market economy.

According to I.T. Korogodin, labor service is the result of an action performed by labor 2 . Labor is a manifestation of labor potential. The labor service will reflect the qualitative certainty of the labor potential. It is the service of labor as a result of the realization of labor potential

See: Korogodin I.T. Social and labor system: questions of methodology and theory. - S. 85-86; Kiyan L.P. Economic theory of the labor market: monograph / L.P. Kiyan. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2004. - S. 66-69.

See: Korogodin I.T. Social and labor system: questions of methodology and theory. - S. 86.

39 has value and use value, can be expressed in terms of price, can actually be separated from a person and can be freely exchanged on the market.

Therefore, we believe that the market, market relations indirectly affect the labor potential through the service that its carrier provides to the owner of material capital.

Thus, the nature of labor relations regarding the formation, accumulation and development of the labor potential of an employee is largely determined by property relations, economic interests of business entities, working conditions and other social circumstances.

In general, the essence of labor 4 potential should be understood as the totality of economic relations between employees and employers in terms of their participation in its formation and effective use in order to ensure economic growth.

The essence of the labor potential is manifested through its functions. Functions; labor potential are manifested in its ability to meet personal and social needs.

Shatalova NI: indicates the presence of the following functions of the labor potential: production, communication, stabilizing, transforming, stratifying, translational, synthesizing 1 .

Without denying the presence of the listed functions, we do not accept the stabilizing, transforming, translational, synthesizing functions, since, in our opinion, they are. do not reflect the political and economic essence of labor potential. We fill* the functions we have adopted with new content, supplement them and differentiate them according to two criteria: corresponding to the interests of the economy and society as a whole and the individual worker.

1. Functions of labor potential, reflecting the interests of the economy and society as a whole:

1 See: Shatalova N.I. The labor potential of the employee. - S. 36-43.

a) production - consists in the fact that with the help of their labor
potential, a person is directly involved in the process of production of goods
moat and services. The higher the quality of a person's labor potential, the
better quality will be his labor activity, his products
necessary for the normal functioning of people and the satisfaction
their needs;

b) effective - consists in helping to obtain a greater effect when
production of goods and services through the rational use of labor
potential. The study of labor potential makes it possible through dialectic
the relationship between possibility and reality to assess the degree of art
use the opportunities of employees, teams, regions, countries and
on this basis, create conditions for increasing competitiveness, innovation
rational susceptibility, economic growth, etc.;

c) stratifying function - consists in the fact that with the help of fixed
of the level of development of labor potential, society has a guarantee that
the most important jobs are rightfully occupied by the most
qualified people, that is, according to the theory of stratification, they work for
"primary" segment of the labor market, representing its "core";

d) integrative - reflects the ability of the labor potential to connect
engage with other elements of production, interact with other
potentials. Labor potential, acting as a prerequisite for labor, provides
bakes the connection of all economic resources, turning them into factors
production. The chain of cause-and-effect relationships of potentials mo
can be represented as follows: labor potential underlies
ve scientific, technical and innovative potentials. Together they can
lead to an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in unit costs,
increase competitiveness, increase sales and profitability
(that is, to the efficient use of production potential), and on
this basis - to the growth of investment, the creation of new jobs (that is, to the effective

41 efficient use of the entire economic potential), an increase in the price of labor services and a further increase in productivity.

2. Functions of labor potential, reflecting the interests of an individual employee:

a) economic - consists in the formation of the economic basis of the semi
income calculation by the owner of the labor potential when providing services to them
labor for the employer. For an employee, this is the main source of income. At
of a person there are economic interests, manifested in the following: having
a higher level of labor potential, he receives more income b
due to the realization of their abilities and capabilities;

b) communicative - labor potential serves as a means of communication
botnik with the team, society as a whole. It creates opportunities to
of collective goals and the unification of the interests of an individual worker and a team
lecture through joint work;

c) differentiating - lies in the fact that the labor potential of the differential
differentiates people according to their abilities and strengths, costs and results, which can
can be used when paying for labor services, etc. The purpose of differentiation is
stimulate the improvement of qualifications, labor productivity;

d) stimulating - is that the service of labor as a result
implementation of high-quality labor potential will have a higher
cost, which stimulates the worker to acquire new production
qualifying forces, improve natural and spiritual properties;

e) status - the level of accumulated labor potential determines the hundred
the status of a person in society.

Thus, the labor potential expresses the possibility of participation of an employee (or a team, an enterprise) in labor and a characteristic of his (their) qualities, reflecting the degree of development of his (their) abilities and forces.

Labor potential as a complex socio-economic category, on the one hand, reflects the level of development of productive forces, on the other hand, it is characterized by a complex system of economic relations, trends

42 socio-political development, demographic, national traditions, numerous socio-cultural factors.

Many researchers of labor problems paid attention to the fact that a person has a variety of powers. This contributed to the emergence and use of the terms "physical forces", "productive labor forces" 1 , "labor force" 2 , "mental forces", "moral forces" 3 , "energy force" 4 . Therefore, it can be argued that the forces of man differ in their nature and character. They are grouped differently in the system of categories of the human factor - labor force, human capital / labor potential.

Consider the ratio of labor potential and labor force. Firstly, the properties of the labor force, which form 1 physical and mental abilities, are the embodiment of the natural gifts of the person himself, his talent. The natural properties of the labor force are fully included in the structure of the labor potential, they are the basis for the subsequent development and accumulation of professional qualifications and spiritual properties.

Secondly, on this basis, labor potential and labor force, interacting in the process of their functioning, form an integrity unified system synergistic properties. The properties of the labor force, contributing to the acquisition and accumulation of the properties of the labor potential, ensure the development of human forces.

Thirdly, both labor force and labor potential have a variety of forces that are inherent in man himself. These forces are formed in it, accumulated, improved and realized. Thanks to their< силам, человек обеспечивает свою жизнедеятельность. Во время трудового процесса спо-

1 See: Smith A. Research on the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. - S. 72, 74-75, 246,

2 See: Marx K. Op. - T. 23. - S. 178.

3 See: Marshall A. Principles of economic science. - T.I. - S. 246, 268, 269, 274.

4 See: Korogodin I.T. Social and labor system: questions of methodology and theory. -

43 properties (labor force) turn into driving forces, and the process of production of goods begins.

In our opinion, the difference between the labor force and the labor potential is manifested in the fact that we can speak of various forces as manifestations of certain human properties. In our opinion, the labor force is the ability necessary for the implementation of the labor process and, accordingly, the production of goods. And labor potential, as follows from our definition, acts as a force that turns a person's abilities into an active force, into a factor of production. And here the labor potential acts as a kind of productive force that ensures the labor process. The labor force and labor potential have both natural and formed human properties.

The labor force is also the basis of human capital, which is characterized only by properties accumulated as a result of investments. "Innate abilities become capital only when a person himself invests in himself by investing money and effort in his health and education" 1 . Thus, human capital is an integral part of the acquired properties of labor potential.

All various forces are the result of the functioning and manifestation of certain properties and abilities of a person. For example, mental strength is the result of the formed and accumulated properties (production and qualification components) of a person. Each force has its own functions. But in the process of labor, a person, if he wants to do his job qualitatively, puts many forces into play. Depending on the activities, a person uses different forces in different combinations. But even assuming certain interconnections and interdependencies between human forces, it can be argued that a person always begins his

Shulgina L.V. Employment of the population and human capital / L.V. Shulgin, G.I. Tamoshina, T.A. Shcheveleva: monograph. - Voronezh: Voronezh, state. technologist, acad., 2005. - S. 45.

It is energy forces that set other forces in motion 1 . No matter how much and no matter what forces a person accumulates, they must be realized in the labor process. The level of the achieved result depends on the degree of completeness of the realization of the abilities of a person 1. The energy force is designed to bring in. movement accumulated human ability. It can be assumed that a more energetic worker demonstrates his abilities more fully and achieves greater results than a less energetic one.

In our opinion, we can speak of several stages in the development of forces. First, human forces are formed as various abilities, determined by various properties of a living organism. There is the formation and accumulation of various forces (mental, physical, moral, etc.). Taken together, these forces make up a person's abilities or his potentialities. Then the accumulated forces are put into action by a person. Human forces are considered from the standpoint of their implementation and the results achieved.

Our analysis of the correlation between the categories of the personal factor gives reason to conclude that various abilities and forces are involved in the labor potential. Labor potential, having a special set of properties, helps to better and more complete transformation of a person's abilities into forces. These abilities are set in motion, realized and ensure the process of labor through the productive force.

We agree with the point of view of I.T. Korogodin, that the productive force, unlike other human forces, is directly adjacent to labor and determines its fruitfulness. This force absorbs all other forces at the moment of performing a specific work. It is she who, in the process of labor, realizes

em.: Korogodin I.T. Social and labor system: questions of methodology and theory. - S. 128.

2 See: ibid. - S. 130.

45 embodies all the forces (in the necessary combination) and ultimately creates a specific result.

Thus, human forces, performing their functions in the labor process, are in close interconnection and consistent interdependence. But we supplement the approach of Korogodin I.T. and we believe that it is labor potential, and not human capital, representing the forces for the implementation of productive labor activity, that sets in motion other forces and directly interacts with the productive force of labor. The more developed and accumulated the labor potential, the higher the growth of labor productivity and its final results.

Labor potential consists of a combination of natural and acquired components at a specific level of their development and interpenetration. Labor potential at any given time can be fully or partially realized. The realized labor potential exists in a specific period of time in a specific "meaningful" space of social production. Real existence is the applied labor potential of the worker. The unrealized part of the labor potential can be included in economic process at any time if conditions require it (for example, technological changes, economic reforms).

Possibility and reality permeate both the labor potential as a whole and each of its elements separately. For the effective use of labor potential, all components of its system must be organized, integrated, and mutually agreed upon.

We agree with the point of view of Yu.G. Odegova, V.B. Bychina, K.L. Andreeva 1 , Z.S. Pashayeva that labor potential concentrates in itself three levels of spatio-temporal connections and relationships.

1 See: Yu.G. Odegov. The labor potential of the enterprise: ways of effective use. -
4.1.-S. 28.

2 See: Pashaeva Z.S. Reproduction of the labor potential of the region: Ph.D. dis. ... cand.
eq. Sciences. - Krasnodar, 2001. - S. 10.

First, reflecting the past. They are a set of qualitative and quantitative characteristics accumulated by people in the process of their formation and condition their strength for further functioning and development.

Secondly, characterizing the present. In this capacity, the labor potential actualizes the available forces, their practical use and effective use, which makes it possible to distinguish between realized and unrealized opportunities.

Thirdly, directed to the future. In the process of realization and development of available labor forces and opportunities, there is an accumulation of labor potential. It is constantly evolving under the influence of scientific and technical progress. Therefore, the functioning of the labor potential contains the "embryo" of future development.

The past labor potential is embodied, materialized, idealized in products, culture, and the future is expressed in socio-economic plans and projects, the implementation of which requires labor potential of a certain quality. The actual (actual, present) existence of labor potential lies in its specific quality.

Our theoretical analysis made it possible to identify the following features that characterize the labor potential as an economic category:

3. the complexity of the labor potential as a combination of various psycho-physiological, production-qualifying and spiritual elements;

4. dynamism and variability of the elements of the labor potential. Taking into account this feature, labor potential allows it to be modeled, regulated, developed in the right direction;

5. flexibility, innovativeness - the ability to perceive the latest achievements in the field of engineering and technology. Here, previously unclaimed forces will be updated;

4. inelasticity of the elements of the labor potential. Each element performs its own special role in the system, therefore it cannot be replaced by another;

5. belonging, which can be defined as the subordination of the entire system of labor potential to its carrier (employee), which makes it possible to distinguish the potentials of different people. Belonging ensures the individual characteristics of social and labor behavior and its compliance with social institutions;

6. concreteness and reality, which is closely related to belonging, means the functionality of the labor potential, its ability to ensure the performance of work under certain environmental conditions (technical, production, information, socio-economic). Some combination of elements or a high level of development may express progressive changes in labor potential (introduction of new technology, replacement of obsolete equipment, improvement of working conditions, etc.) or regressive ones;

7. the complexity of the labor potential, reflecting almost all spheres of human life, society: economic, political, medical, educational, professional, cultural, ethical, moral, environmental.

Figure 1 presents a conceptual model of the labor potential, showing its essence and content, features and functions, structural elements, allowing to determine the direction of impact on the productive power of labor.

Entering into labor relations, people with labor potential exchange knowledge, skills, professional experience, etc. On this basis, a new structural level of labor potential arises - the labor potential of the team (enterprises, firms, organizations). The labor potentials of teams are included in the labor potential of the region. The totality of all individual labor potentials, labor potentials of enterprises, regions constitute the country's labor potential.

The formation of a mechanism for achieving the goal in the socio-technical system, which is the enterprise, is of particular difficulty due to the fact that this mechanism is built taking into account the social processes occurring within the enterprise. The production and economic activity of the enterprise is organized on the basis of the ideas of the subjects of social and labor relations about the goals of this activity, their preference for ways to achieve and the benefits received from this. Regardless of the content of the main goal of the enterprise the list of subgoals certainly includes one that directly reflects the problems of the formation and management of labor potential. As a means of achieving the main goal (subgoals), the development of labor potential and the improvement of its use, effective management of labor potential, and strengthening of motivation are announced.

Highly productive labor, increasing the level of social development of the team, creating the maximum interest of employees in the final results of the enterprise. The noted means of achieving the main goal reflect the need to maintain the existing labor potential in a strategic perspective and are combined into the sub-goal "preservation of labor potential".

Balancing Interests various groups of employees stabilizes the position of the enterprise in social terms. Leveling negative social manifestations at all levels of the hierarchical structure of the enterprise leads to an improvement in the general atmosphere of relations and positively affects the general state of affairs, which contributes to the achievement of its main goal. In view of the foregoing, the management of enterprises has to take special measures to involve all participants in social and labor relations in the process of achieving main goal of the organization. The following measures are most often used as such measures: planning, control over the quantity and quality of labor, providing opportunities for advanced training, and for the most distinguished - career growth, participation in decision-making on spending profits, various incentive systems, ranging from an increase in wage rates to intra-production social insurance, strengthening of social, production and other relationships in labor collectives, development of strategic ways for the development of the enterprise.

Goals of the enterprise (organization)
Labor potential management system
Labor potential analysis Development of a strategy for the development of labor potential Analysis of external and internal factors
Main directions of labor potential development

Rice. 1. Scheme of interaction between the goals of the enterprise and labor potential

Currently, there is a wide range of ideas about the essence of labor potential and its role in economic activity. The difficulties of developing acceptable for practical purposes methods of managing labor potential can be reduced to the following:

the presence of ambiguity in understanding the category of labor potential;

Lack of clear and acceptable for practical purposes criteria for assessing labor potential;

· the complexity of developing an optimal model for the use of labor potential as an integral system;

· the lack of a clear picture of the impact of the constituent parts of the labor potential on the indicators of production activity.

Due to these difficulties, the assessment of labor potential is often reduced to a business assessment of personnel, focused either on determining whether an employee belongs to a specific organizational and social system, or on the employee's compliance with professional requirements. With regard to the business assessment of personnel, the issues of personnel management (strategy, technology, planning, etc.), motivational aspects of labor activity, and various indicators of it are proposed.

The potential of the team is not reduced to the sum of the individual potentials of its members. Here comes into play emergence property, according to which the system has properties that are not inherent in its constituent elements. The labor potential contains a wide, but insufficiently ordered list of characteristics of the subjects of labor relations, considered as components of the potential of employees participating in the formation of the labor potential of an enterprise. In studies of labor potential conducted in various sectors of industrial production, a different set of its components was used, which was almost completely determined by the tasks of the analysis being carried out. Meanwhile, these sets should, firstly, be determined by the formed goals of the enterprise and, secondly, provide a display of the entire content of the category "labor potential".

Labor potential is a complex socio-economic system and is characterized by the totality of properties inherent in them. The development of models of socio-economic systems is based on the use of system modeling, which reflects a qualitatively new information image of the object of study and the features of the processes occurring in it.

The system of labor potential is a socio-economic entity representing a single organized structure, the components of which are interconnected and characterized by unity, expressed by the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of employees. When studying the influence of components on achieving the goals of enterprises, it is possible to single out three main reasons for the insufficient study of this problem.

First consists in a significant number of labor potential components and indicators characterizing them, while individual components duplicate information about the state of labor potential to varying degrees. Since the property of emergence does not allow one to confine oneself to the study of individual components of the labor potential, but implies their holistic analysis, the problem arises of reducing the number of components and highlighting the most significant ones.

Second the reason is revealed in the analysis of the components used, as a rule, by specialists in psychology and sociology (for example, the level of intelligence or the ability to abstract). Such indicators may turn out to be uninformative due to their rare or too professional use, and also because of the need to attract specialists of the appropriate profile and the complexity of working with each employee individually.

Of greater interest are the components that have a clear and unambiguous meaning for most specialists and managers, for example, health and experience. Indicators for these components should be selected those that are widely used in the technical and economic analysis. In this case, analysts at the enterprise, with the appropriate methodology, will be able to conduct an independent analysis and draw the necessary conclusions.

Third reason lies in the fact that both quantitative and qualitative characteristics are used in the analysis and evaluation of labor potential. If health, education, age, work experience at the enterprise, professionalism, creativity can be expressed quantitatively, then sympathy, job satisfaction, conflict, desire to work are rather qualitative values. However, it should be noted that both qualitative and quantitative values ​​differ in the degree of intensity and impact on the results of production activities.

In works dealing with issues of labor potential management, the most frequently mentioned components include health, education, age, work experience, professionalism, discipline, creativity, experience, responsibility, conflict. Their interrelations determine the quality and effectiveness of managerial decisions.

Analysis and organization of the effective use of the labor potential of an enterprise is part of its management system. Labor potential management involves:

· achievement of conformity of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the labor potential with the goals and objectives of the organization;

· improvement of labor potential in the process of analysis, planning and forecasting of indicators characterizing the degree of achievement of the organization's goals.

This implies the need to understand the structure of the labor potential as a set of elements and their relationship with each other.

The structure of the labor potential of an organization is a ratio of components that reflect various demographic, social, functional, professional and other characteristics of groups of employees. Thus, the structure of labor potential characterizes the ratio of qualitative and quantitative components related to the abilities and qualities of people in the field of labor activity. The components of labor potential refer both to an individual and to a group of people who have certain qualities in the context of interaction with production activities. Both one worker and their group performing labor obligations within the production unit, can act as subjects of labor potential.



In recent years, Western terminology from the sphere of microeconomics, management, and industrial sociology has been transferred to Russian soil. An example of this would be the categories "Personnel" and "Human Resources".
As for the term "Human resources", it is new for our economy. We even confuse it with the concepts of "Labor resources", "Able-bodied population".
Human Resources - this is the part of the population with physical development, mental abilities and knowledge that are necessary for work in the economy. In other words, labor resources unite, firstly, citizens of working age (men aged 16-59 years, women - 16-54 years old), with the exception of preferential pensioners - persons of working age who receive old-age pensions on preferential terms (men in aged 50-59 years, women - 45-54 years old), as well as non-working invalids of labor and war of groups I and II; secondly, citizens older and younger than working age, employed in social production.
Working-age population - this is a part of the labor force, representing a set of citizens, mainly of working age, capable of participating in the labor process. The able-bodied population includes the economically active population and the economically inactive population, the ratio between these two categories is determined by social, economic, demographic, political conditions in the country as a whole, as well as in one or another of its regions.
TO economically active working-age population include: the employed population and the unemployed.
Category "employed people" includes such categories of the working-age population as:
1) employees, including those performing work for remuneration on a full or part-time basis, as well as having other paid work (service);
2) self-employed, including entrepreneurs, self-employed persons, as well as members of production cooperatives, persons engaged in the production of material values ​​and services for personal consumption, if such production makes a significant contribution to the total consumption of the family;
3) women on maternity leave and child care;
4) elected, appointed or approved to a paid position, serving in the Armed Forces, internal and railway troops, state security and internal affairs bodies;
5) able-bodied citizens studying in general education schools, vocational schools, as well as taking a full-time course of study in higher, secondary specialized and other educational institutions, including training in the direction of the federal employment service;
6) working citizens of other countries temporarily staying in the country and performing functions not related to the activities of embassies and ministries;
Unemployed -- these are able-bodied citizens who do not have work and earnings, registered with the Federal Employment Service in order to search suitable job and ready to get started. A job is considered eligible if it meets professional suitability, previous work, state of health, transport accessibility of the workplace.
TO economically inactive working-age population include persons in places of deprivation of liberty, as well as those temporarily unemployed for any reason, but potentially capable of participating in the labor process.
Category "Human resources"is a narrower concept than the category" Working population ". This category characterizes the working population within a separate organization, at the micro level, and not on a regional scale, at the macro level.
Human resources - a set of employees within certain organizational units that have the following characteristics:
1. The constancy of work within the framework of one labor collective, that is, attributable to the payroll of the enterprise.
2. Participation in the performance of a complex of operations inherent in this economic unit.
3. Availability of special professional training.
4. Change in the place and sphere of application of labor, type of activity and production functions.
5. The presence of a complex of republican, regional and on-farm legislative and legal provisions that determine the nature of managerial influence on the part of management entities.
Thus, the newly appeared term "Human resources" is, in fact, identical to our domestic concept of "Personnel of an enterprise / organization".
The term "Personnel" covers a set of employees within certain organizational units and characterizes the socio-psychological aspects of labor activity:
Firstly, the presence of a corporate goal of activity;
Secondly, the existence of a division of labor based on specialization in the performance of work (labor assignments) to achieve the goal;
third, the formation of a power structure, a hierarchy of authority and responsibility;
fourthly, the establishment of rules and procedures describing the rights, duties and functions of each member of the community, as well as rules and procedures relating to the performance of work;
fifth, functioning of a developed communication network;
At sixth, the distribution of workers by workplace, depending on the volume and structure of the human capital of a particular individual;
seventh, formal relations between individual employees in a team are determined by job descriptions, contracts, obligations, etc. and are impersonal (i.e. independent of who is doing the work);
eighth, the dominance of a certain form of ownership of the means of production and the results of joint activities.
So, the personnel of an enterprise / organization is an association of employees who jointly realize the goal of producing goods or providing services, acting in accordance with certain rules and procedures within a certain form of ownership.
There are different types of personnel depending on the scope of its activity: production, scientific and research and production, educational personnel, personnel in the arts.
Personnel, regardless of the scope of its functioning, performs a number of basic functions:
1. Main activity function. which is implemented on the basis of the organization of all social groups into a single cooperation of workers and is aimed at obtaining results of a certain quantity and quality, at every possible cost reduction per unit of the result obtained, taking into account the restrictions dictated by society.
2. Social integrative function, i.e. ensuring compliance with public, group and individual interests of employees, consistent implementation of the principle of fair distribution according to work, social development of personnel.
3. managerial function, i.e. purposeful regulation
activities of employees, increasing their political activity.
The universal need for management exists in all types of business and in every kind of human activity. Human, financial, raw materials and means of labor determine the ability of any organization to perform its functions.
Human resource management represents the most
a difficult task for any manager, because:
a) people differ from each other in their physical characteristics, personality traits, education, abilities, needs, etc. An organization does not need people in general, but only a specific workforce that is capable of performing specific functions. For example, an auditor and a cashier are not interchangeable. Money, no matter where it comes from, looks exactly the same: a banknote of a certain denomination is the same as another banknote of the same denomination. A computer of a certain model is identical to another computer of the same model;
b) human resources always need a certain place, and they are difficult to set in motion. Financial and raw material resources are easier to set in motion;
c) when there is an overstaffing, it can easily cause a decrease in the profitability of the organization. If there is an excess of financial and raw materials, then you can always find a way to use them;
d) human resource have their own will. This resource is dynamic and sometimes unpredictable. People act consciously: they may be unable to do certain work, they may refuse to do certain work, they may not approve of changes, they may decide to leave the organization;
e) people can think, they can generate new ideas, they can initiate events, they can improve themselves (or allow themselves to be improved).

Staff is a heterogeneous collection of people. It consists of socio-economic groups. The socio-economic group is a set of workers who have some common feature (for example, profession, qualifications, work experience, age, personal sympathies, motives for work, etc.). According to the level of cooperation of socio-economic groups, personnel can be structured as follows: primary (or contact) personnel, secondary, main
The socio-economic group of personnel is an inevitable and natural part of labor activity:
- Managers create groups in order to achieve the completion of certain work in the required volume, the required quality, on time. Groups generate fewer ideas, but with better elaboration, with a comprehensive assessment, with a greater degree of responsibility;
- Employees themselves are naturally formed into groups to protect their interests, to meet their needs.
Based on the dual role of socio-economic groups of personnel, under the effectiveness of the staff group one should understand the degree to which the group's goal is achieved and the satisfaction that employees experience from being in this organizational structure.
This implies the need to identify and consider factors that contribute to improving the effectiveness of the team, i.e. driving forces that contribute to the dynamics of the effectiveness of joint work and satisfaction from this work (Figure 7.1).
Scheme 1.1. Main factors of efficiency of joint activities
Principles for the formation of effective primary personnel in terms of composition:
(one). The available resources of the group correspond to the tasks facing
in front of her;
(2). The presence of a balance of both professional and intra-group roles in the group. The effectiveness of the staff depends on how correctly its members understand and adapt to the distribution of their human resources both in professional roles and within the group. Employees act as one team: they are interdependent on each other in solving organizational problems;
(3). A full set of intra-group roles is important where rapid changes take place, and in more stable groups, a limited set of these roles can be dispensed with when one employee combines two or more roles;
(4). Employees are actively engaged in the search for methods and means of the best achievement of goals.
The modern concept of the distribution of functional areas in organizations involves the allocation of the function "Personnel Management" along with the functions "Production", "Financial Management", "Accounting", "Marketing", "Innovation". However, when analyzing activities in each of the functional areas, a specific feature of the "Personnel Management" sphere is revealed: personnel management is as effective as how successfully the employees of each functional area use their knowledge, skills, abilities, and how fully they satisfy their needs in activities to implement the worthwhile goals. goals in front of them. In other words, personnel management is organically present in all areas of the organization.
IN functional under personnel management all tasks and decisions related to the formation, distribution and use of personnel to achieve organizational goals are understood:
1. Ensuring the involvement, selection and placement of employees in
according to their qualifications and the complexity of the work.
2. Implementation of personnel development opportunities that increase the efficiency of its work.
3. Maintaining a corporate structure that creates a positive climate of relationships in the team.
4. Fulfillment of the legal and social obligations of the organization in relation to the staff, paying particular attention to working conditions and the quality of working life.
Based on the foregoing, in most modern organizations, two groups of employees are engaged in personnel management activities:
1. HR Managers(functional personnel officers), i.e. professionally prepared to solve problems in the formation and organization of the activities of the organization's personnel departments;
2. Managers - practitioners represented by line / functional managers who are included in personnel work insofar as they are responsible for the efficient use of all resources at their disposal. They are personally responsible for the quality of the work performed, for the condition of the equipment, and also monitor training, timely completion of work, professional compliance of their subordinates with the nature and content of the tasks performed.
The implementation of the personnel management function in practice is fraught with a diminution, and sometimes even abuse, of the role of the heads of linear / functional divisions in solving personnel problems in the organization over the role of functional personnel officers, and vice versa. For example, it is possible to ignore the functional expertise on the personnel policy of the functional / line manager of the unit. Or, for example, it is possible for a practicing manager to delegate the unlimited right to make decisions on the entire range of personnel issues to a professional personnel officer.
In many organizations, in order to achieve harmony in the actions of these groups of employees in the implementation of the functions of personnel management, they adhere to the so-called concept double/ joint responsibility . The main content of this concept is the position that the responsibility for improving the efficiency of the use of human resources is borne by both practicing managers and specialist managers.
Managers-specialists who are professionally trained to implement personnel work, at the same time, cannot solve these problems without outside help, since they do not have the necessary detailed information about the specifics of activities in the functional areas of the organization. They are able to perform only part of the tasks of personnel management, namely, to develop general conditions (for example, procedures, systems, programs) that contribute to the effectiveness of the functioning of personnel to achieve the goals of the organization.
Qualification characteristics/cards of personnel managers reflect the main requirements for a specialist in a particular field of activity at the present stage community development taking into account the prospects for socio-economic progress. They describe the main indicators that the “ideal” employee should have in order to successful implementation personnel management functions - knowledge, abilities, skills, personal characteristics.
Among the many qualities that HR specialists should possess, in modern conditions the following four, in our opinion, play a key role: - knowledge of economics and management of the organization(theories, methodologies and practices). A manager in an organization must have a clear understanding of the factors of economic growth in his unit and in the organization as a whole, which will allow him to deeply understand his goals, develop and evaluate the effectiveness of management subsystems in the organization;
- professional competencies in personnel management. The main elements of professional knowledge correspond to the main components of personnel management - recruitment and selection management, management of the organization of work performance, management of employee development, management of work performance and remuneration, including knowledge and skills in the field of creating and managing processes and procedures for consulting, administration;
- leadership and change management. Managers must have critical qualities for the management process - to determine the direction of development of a unit or organization, formulate goals, develop methods for achieving goals and implement them, effectively overcoming resistance to change. This requires professional knowledge in the field of analysis, planning, organization, regulation, business control;
- ability to learn and develop. The ability to update professional knowledge and skills is a critical quality for managers at various levels of management.
Practitioners, in turn, know much more about the nature and content of the work performed, the requirements for its quality, the needs and capabilities of their staff, but they lack professionalism in the field of personnel management. They implement those general conditions that are prepared by professionals.
Thus, a dialectical unity is achieved, on the one hand, of professionalism in the field of work with personnel of specialist managers, on the other hand, knowledge by practitioners of the specifics of a particular functional area in the organization.
IN organizational respect personnel Management all persons and institutions with joint responsibility for human resources management are covered.
As educational disciplines personnel Management is an important constituent discipline of the doctrine of production management with its own object - personnel. The course "Personnel Management" should give the basic knowledge about the development human resources, skills of effective cooperation with managers-specialists.
The market economy is characterized primarily by fierce competition, and only those organizations that apply the austerity regime, including in the use of human resources, can withstand it. Bureaucratic methods of solving personnel issues are becoming economically and socially inefficient. Personnel problems cannot be solved at the amateur level, as we still do. These issues need to be approached strictly professionally. Until practitioners realize the need for knowledge of the possibilities and results of personnel management, they will continue to face both economic problems and psychological difficulties, and often give rise to them, not at all wanting to.

Organization as a system consists of three main subsystems: technical, managerial and human.
The technical subsystem includes a certain sequence of work, adopted technology and a number of other variables of a technical nature.
The management subsystem includes an organizational structure, policies, procedures and rules, a system of rewards and punishments, decision-making methods and other elements specifically designed to effectively facilitate the management process.
The personal-cultural subsystem is associated with the satisfaction of the needs of the individual, with the culture, values ​​and norms in force at the enterprise.
The interaction of these subsystems generates the appropriate behavior of employees, which affects the final results of the enterprise (Scheme 2.1.).
Personnel management, in the broadest sense of the word, is the management of people, employees, as one of the most complex and essential subsystems of any production.
Until recently, the very concept of “personnel management” in our management practice was missing. In Russia, personnel management began to take shape in the early 90s. As it weakens centralized system management of the economy, organizations began to face fundamentally new tasks related to personnel management - at first these were issues of stimulating labor and creating competitive compensation packages, retaining highly qualified specialists at the enterprise, who had the opportunity to choose a place of work and remuneration, then - indexation wages in conditions of high inflation and, finally, increasing labor productivity and reducing the number of employees under the pressure of competition.
Experts say that at present, an employee, without fear of being fired, can use only 25% of his potential for work. However, if the administration implements appropriate measures, this figure can be increased to 70-80%. Good management makes it possible to get new benefits from the intelligence and education, even from the emotions (motivation) of workers to the same extent as from their hands.
Thus, the allocation of the function of managing the human subsystem of the organization is a fairly new trend for Russian management. The need to isolate this function as an independent one is due to the action of a number of factors.
Firstly, the influence of external factors such as fierce market competition in all its manifestations, the revitalization of trade unions, as well as legislative regulation of personnel work by the state (establishment of equal opportunities in recruitment and selection for work, promotion, development of employees; regulation of wage conditions, duration of the working period, unemployment, benefits, etc.).
Secondly, the influence of internal factors such as a high share of labor costs in the cost of products / services in many sectors of the economy, an increase in the number of employees, the increasing complexity of the production and commercial activities of organizations, the development of organizational culture.
Under personnel management the organization understands the complex of managerial influences (principles, methods, means and forms) on the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize the use of their potential in the performance of labor functions.
main goal work with personnel in modern conditions is the formation of a personality with high responsibility, collectivist psychology, high qualifications, a developed sense of co-owner of the enterprise.
Subject personnel management is the study of the relations of workers in the production process in terms of the most complete and effective use of their potential in the functioning of production and commercial systems.
HR functions can be grouped into two groups: main And providing.
The main functions are aimed at the implementation of specific tasks for the most effective reproduction of human resources in the organization. And the supporting functions are aimed at providing conditions for the functioning of the system (implementation of personnel tasks).
In turn, the main functions can be divided into general (i.e., characteristic of any type of management activity) and special (i.e., reflecting the features of a particular type of management.
General functions of personnel management - ethio analysis, planning, organization, control, regulation.
With all the variety of organizations that exist in modern society, and the types of activities they are engaged in, the same principles are implemented in personnel management. special functions regardless of the specifics of the activity: (a) recruitment and selection of personnel; (b) organization of work, performance, safety; (c) performance evaluation, attestation; (d) remuneration; (e) staff development.
Recruitment and selection of personnel. Each organization attracts the necessary employees to achieve its goals. Selection methods may vary depending on the nature and conditions of the organization's activities (for example, conscription into the army, competitive examinations at a university, recruitment of members of political organizations).
Performance evaluation, certification. The organization evaluates the participation of each of the employees in achieving the goals of the organization. The forms are as diverse as the types of organizations: assignment of the next category, promotion, demotion, increase and decrease in salary, etc.
Reward. Every organization rewards its employees in one form or another, i.e. somehow compensates for the time, energy, intelligence that they incur while working to achieve organizational goals.
Staff development. Without exception, organizations conduct development of their employees in order to explain the tasks facing them and to bring their skills and abilities in line with these tasks.
Providing functions personnel management include:
1. Staffing function;
2. The function of scientific and methodological support;
3. The function of legal support;
4. The function of financial security;
5. Information support function.
Specific forms of manifestation and implementation of recruitment and selection of personnel, organization of work, performance, safety, performance assessment, certification, as well as remuneration and development of personnel in each organization have their own specifics depending on the adopted management traditions and culture of the organization.
Currently, eight types of modern organizations are distinguished, differing in their inherent culture, and, consequently, in the type of attitude of the organization to personnel and personnel work. These are: “greenhouse” cultures; “gatherers of spikelets”; "garden"; "French garden"; "large plantations"; "Lianas"; "school of fish"; "wandering orchid".
Greenhouse culture typical for state-owned enterprises that are not interested in changes in the external environment. The staff is poorly motivated, which is associated with the structure of these enterprises, bureaucracy, conformity and anonymity of relations. This system is aimed at maintaining what has been achieved.
Culture “collectors of spikelets”- these enterprises, for the most part, are small and medium-sized, whose strategy depends on the case, Their structure is anarchic, functions are dispersed. The basis of the value system is respect for the leader. As a rule, they are in a difficult position and, as a result, cannot motivate the staff, except in those cases when the company is headed by a strong personality who is able to force himself to be loved.
The culture of the "garden" characteristic of enterprises with a pyramidal structure, built in accordance with the principles of Taylorism. These enterprises are characterized by paternalism of labor relations. They seek to maintain a dominant position in the traditional market, using models that have been tried and tested in the past with a minimum of changes.
The culture of the “French garden”- a variant of the “garden” culture, somewhat modified under the influence of the American experience. It is common in large well-known enterprises (IBM), which have a bureaucratic structure, where people are treated as “cogs” necessary for the functioning of the system.
Culture of "large plantations"(Philips) is typical for large enterprises with 3-4 hierarchical levels, Their distinguishing feature is the constant adaptation to changes in the environment, so the flexibility of the staff is encouraged in every possible way, the degree of its motivation is quite high.
Culture "Liana"(Apple) is the management staff reduced to a minimum, the widespread use of computer science, the orientation of each employee to the requirements of the market, a high sense of responsibility at all levels, which ensures a high degree of staff motivation.
School of fish culture(AKKOR group) - these are enterprises characterized by high maneuverability and flexibility, constantly changing their structure and behavior depending on changes in the market environment. They require physically and intellectually flexible staff.
Culture of the “wandering orchid” different advertising agencies, consulting firms, etc., which, having exhausted the possibilities of one market, move on to another. They have an informal, constantly changing structure, a limited number of employees. Their goal is to offer a one-of-a-kind product. The degree of staff motivation is relatively low.
As modern theory and practice prove, the most dynamic cultures are “large plantations” and “lianas”.
Today's HR leaders in the US and Europe are unanimous in their opinion that starting their careers 20-30 years ago, they could not even guess what opportunities their profession would open not only to improve the working conditions of workers, but also to develop strategies that save companies millions of dollars, and in strengthening their competitive positions in the world market.

Personnel management is not a set of functional tasks and personnel procedures, but a complex activity, a policy that links all aspects of personnel work with the organization's strategy. The setting of the main goals of the personnel policy, corresponding to the strategy of the enterprise, takes place within the framework of a certain approach.
There are currently three main approaches:
* Strategic Approach tying personnel management to the long-term strategies of the organization. The main task in its implementation is to create conditions under which
personnel demonstrate a commitment to high standards of quantity and work;
* Systems approach recognizes that an organization is a system within its external environment. When implementing the approach, managers must combine social and technological processes in order to transform everything in and out in relation to the environment;
* Practical The approach combines the strategic and systemic approaches in such a way that the practice and policy of working with personnel depends on both external and internal situations in which the organization operates.
Creating the philosophy of the enterprise, defining its strategic goals, the parameters of the personnel management system are largely set (Scheme 2.2.).
Scheme 2.2.
Relationship between enterprise strategy and personnel management strategy

Type of enterprise strategy
Recruitment strategy features
Features of the remuneration strategy
Features of the strategy
Features of the development strategy
Search for initiative people who are able to take risks, bring things to the end
Competitive reward system, impartial, as far as possible
sti that satisfies the interests of the worker
Evaluation based on results, not too harsh
Personal development is informal, mentor-oriented
Dynamic growth
Looking for problem-oriented people who are flexible in changing conditions and able to work in close cooperation with others
Fair and impartial
Based on well-defined criteria
The emphasis is on the qualitative level of knowledge of the staff
Profit strategy
Cancellation of hiring possible, selection extremely tough, emphasis on professionalism
Emphasis on merit, seniority, ideas of justice (utilitarian, Rawlsian, market)
Narrow evaluation, result-oriented, carefully thought out
Emphasis on broad competence in the field of assigned tasks
Hiring is unlikely due to downsizing, if necessary, search for employees of a narrow orientation, without much commitment to the organization
Merit-based, slowly growing without additional incentives
Strict, formal based on managerial criteria
Based on service needs
Search for versatile, undeveloped workers, professionally mobile, oriented towards long-term prospects.
Merit-based, includes a wide range of incentives
Result Oriented Evaluation
There are great opportunities for staff development, but very strict selection of applicants
The main traditions of building personnel management systems are as follows:
1. Paternalism- personnel is separated from the development of strategies for production and commercial activities and the personnel manager acts as a defender of his interests in front of other managers.
2. human relations- ensuring an effective system of relationships between employers and employees through systems of maintaining consent;
3. Administrative control- personnel management is reduced to administrative functions and consulting. The emphasis is on the standardization of norms and conditions.
4. Professionalism- it is impossible to manage personnel at the amateur level, professionally trained specialists are needed;
5. perspective in personnel management - forecasting and taking into account the dynamics of personnel in the long-term strategies of the organization.

The science and practice of management have developed a system of ways (methods) of influencing the object of management in order to achieve their ultimate goal. Personnel management methods- this is a set of actions and ways to achieve a goal, a certain way ordered activities for the effective functioning of human capital in an organization.
In the system of methods, it is necessary to distinguish between (a) methods of science of personnel management, which should be understood as a set of purposeful actions and ways of obtaining new knowledge about managerial relations and the personnel management system; (b) methods of direct personnel management , i.e. a set of methods and techniques for the targeted impact of the subject of personnel management on socio-economic relations regarding the accumulation and use of human potential.
Methods of science of personnel management grouped into two groups: first - general scientific methods of cognition which are used in almost all theoretical studies. This group includes the method of materialistic dialectics, scientific abstraction, logical and historical methods of reflecting reality in thinking, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, etc.
The second group of methods of science of personnel management is formed by special methods of cognition- special and unique. Special methods of career management science combine:
1) primary information collection methods(observation, study of opinions, analysis of documents, interviewing, questioning, experiment, collection of statistical data, assessment of the competitiveness of the labor force, etc.) and methods of primary processing of specific management data(relative and average values, groupings, indices, chain substitutions, balance method);
2) methods of study, evaluation and generalization information received in order to develop and make a management decision. These are system analysis, linear programming, economic and statistical methods, economic and mathematical modeling, expertise, probabilistic, etc.);
3) methods of strategic analysis and forecast. In the current Russian conditions, the following methods are applicable (taking into account their adaptation to the labor market): matrix modeling (matrix of the Boston Consulting Group - BCG, multi-factor portfolio matrix "General Electric", export-oriented strategic marketing analysis - ESMA), brainstorming, synectic method, control questions, methods of a collective notebook, morphological analysis, the Delphi method, etc.
Methods of direct personnel management are based on the knowledge of the laws of social development, the interests of the subjects of the labor market, on the legal norms that regulate the basic principles of the behavior of these subjects in the sphere of the use of growing human capital. Among these methods, direct methods and flexible methods are distinguished.

Personnel management is a multifunctional process with a given goal, tasks, planned specific results: it gives a sustainable effect if it is purposeful at all stages and functions as a system in which individual elements are not only developed, but also coordinated in their impact on the management object;
The economic category of efficiency expresses production relations, acting in the form of a relationship between the effect obtained and costs, reflects the totality of processes and phenomena that characterize the quality of personnel management. The effectiveness of personnel management is the result of various types of activities to manage the processes of formation, distribution and use of the organization's human resources, ensuring the achievement of the objectives of the management object when lowest cost.
Economic efficiency of personnel management F(t) is determined by the ratio of financial costs Z(t) and results P(t), providing the required n>````````````` and within the subject of management. Then, the difference between financial results and costs from personnel management at each of its t-th stage (at each t-th calculation step) is nothing more than a real money flow or absolute commercial efficiency of management:
Fi(t) = Pi(t) - Zi(t).
The indicator of relative economic efficiency Ui(t) is determined by comparing the value of the absolute final result to management costs and reflects the level of profitability of personnel management in the organization:
Ui(t) = .
In turn, the financial costs Zi(t) include, firstly, the costs of developing and operating the personnel management system Oi(t); secondly, strategic investments Si(t):
Zi(t) = Оi(t) + Gi(t).
Financial costs for the development and operation of the management system staff Оi(t) can be determined using the reduced cost formula:
Oi (t) \u003d St + 0.1 x A x Se + En x Se,
where: St - current (operational) costs for management activities in the domestic labor market; Se - one-time costs associated with the development and implementation of management decisions; A is the annual percentage of depreciation; En - coefficient of comparative efficiency.
Current costs for the implementation of managerial activities in the domestic labor market include (St): basic and additional wages of the personnel of the personnel management system in the organization; social security contributions; travel expenses (including for the maintenance of cars); stationery and printing, postal, telegraph and telephone expenses; expenses for the maintenance and operation of buildings, premises and inventory (repair, depreciation, etc.); expenses for the maintenance and operation of computers, office equipment; expenses for training, advanced training of personnel of the personnel management system; as well as other expenses (such as the cost of third-party services, fees for funds to the budget, etc.).
One-time costs for the development and operation of the control system staff (Se) include R&D costs (S"e); capital investments in management associated with the implementation of activities (S"e); associated capital investments in personnel management caused by the implementation of activities (S"»e); personnel career development costs (S»»e).
The amount of R&D costs S "r is determined by the estimated cost of work if they are performed under a contract by third parties. If the work is performed by regional labor market entities, then the costs should be determined:
S "e \u003d S x M x Kd x Ks + Sp,
where: S - monthly salary of employees engaged in R&D, rub; M is the number of months of work per year of employees engaged in R&D; Кс - coefficient taking into account social insurance contributions; Kd - coefficient taking into account additional wages; Sp - other costs associated with the development and implementation of R&D results.
Capital investments in management related to the implementation of measures (S "e), should be determined by the formula:
S "e \u003d Ktsu + Ktmn + Ki + Ksr + Kpk + Kos - Kv,
where: Ktsu - the cost of purchasing computer and organizational equipment; Ктмн - expenses for transportation, installation, adjustment and start-up of technical means of control; Ki - the cost of purchasing production and household equipment; Ksr - costs for the construction and reconstruction of buildings, structures and premises associated with measures to improve the career management system; Kpc - the cost of retraining and advanced training of employees of the career management system to work in conditions after the implementation of measures; Kos - the cost of replenishment of working capital;
Кв - the amount of implementation of the released technical controls as a result of the implementation of R&D results.
Associated capital investment in management staff , caused by the implementation of activities (S "» e), include the cost of acquiring or manufacturing fixed assets (Os) and working capital (Ob).
Staff career development costs(S''e) includes the costs of facilitating the career development of employees in the organization R1 (for example, advertising / promotion), price or non-price incentives for career development of personnel for employers R2 (for example, tax incentives and subsidies to entrepreneurs in the development of the workforce; allocation of funds to targeted appointment to improve the competitiveness of certain groups of workers, etc.), maintaining an effective labor supply R3 (for example, the costs of increasing the educational, professional, territorial mobility of workers, etc.), market research R4, other R5 (for example, costs for the redistribution of the available volume of work - stimulating early retirement, stopping the hiring of foreign labor, creating jobs with flexible forms of employment, etc.).
Part strategic investments in personnel management it is necessary to include: (1) investments in capacities S1, i.e. the cost of buildings, equipment to provide the required capacity of educational institutions, the network of distribution and redistribution of labor, marketing, R&D, etc.; (2) investment in strategy S2, i.e. the costs of strategic analysis, planning, regulation, organization, control, as well as the formation of supporting career management systems; (3) investments in the potential of the subject of personnel management S3, i.e. recruitment and training of personnel, acquisition of technology, costs of creating functional services, etc. In view of the above, strategic investments in career management can be formalized in the following form:
Gi(t) = (0.1 x A + En) x (S1 + S2 + S3),
where: A - annual percentage of depreciation; En - coefficient of comparative efficiency.

The principles of personnel management in management literature are usually classified into two groups:
1 group. Principles that characterize the requirements for the formation of a personnel management system:
1.1. Principle conditionality of personnel management functions by production goals. .
1.2. Principle priority of personnel management functions.
1.3. Principle optimal ratio of managerial orientations.
1.4. Principle economy.
1.5. Principle progressiveness.
1.6. Principle prospects.
1.7. Principle complexity.
1.8. Principle efficiency.
1.9. Principle optimality.
1.10. Principle scientific.
2 group. Principles that determine the directions of development of the personnel management system:
2.1. Principle concentration.
2.2. Principle specializations.
2.3. Principle parallelism.
2.4. Principle adaptability or flexibility.
2.5. Principle continuity.
2.6. Principle continuity.
2.7. Principle straightness.

Labor potential- this is an integral characteristic of the totality of abilities for work, which determines the possibilities of both an individual employee and an aggregate employee in terms of their participation in labor activity.
The labor potential is formed at various levels of the total worker:
- labor potential of an employee, i.e. the ability of a combination of abilities of an individual worker to achieve certain results under given conditions. In other words, the labor potential of an employee is
this is his opportunity, labor capacity, his resource opportunities in the field of labor;
- labor potential of the organization, i.e. the ability of the personnel of the organization, if it has certain qualitative characteristics and the corresponding socio-economic, organizational conditions of the organizational conditions, the final result. In other words, the labor potential of an enterprise is the total capacity of the personnel, the resource capabilities of the payroll of the enterprise based on physical capabilities, age, knowledge:
Fp \u003d Fk -Tnp \u003d H x D x Tcm,
where: Фп - the total potential fund of the working time of the enterprise; Фк - the value of the calendar fund of working time; Tnp - non-reserve-forming absences and breaks in work; H - the number of employees; D - the number of days of work in the period; Tsm - duration of the working day in hours;
- labor potential of society, i.e. potential labor capacity of society, its labor resources. Labor resources are the bearer of the labor potential of society. The indicator of the labor potential of society can be formalized as follows;
Фpo \u003d H x Tr,
where: Тр = (Рд x trв) - the legally established value of the work time for groups of workers during the calendar period; Rd - the number of working days in the period; trv - the established duration of the working day in hours; H - the number of people capable of participating in social production.
Main tasks personnel management in the formation and use of the labor potential of the organization:
1. Identification of the most significant structural shifts in the professional composition and qualification level workers caused by scientific and technological progress and contributing to the satisfaction of the market demand for goods and services;
2. Determining the design value of the labor potential of the organization and the composition of the released workers as a result of changing the structure of production, introducing the achievements of scientific and technological progress;
3. Identification of the organization's additional need for skilled labor by groups of leading professions;
4. Determining the most rational sources for providing additional demand for labor and its preparation in various parts of the education system;
5. Optimization of the need for labor force;
6. Allocation of selected personnel to workplaces in accordance with the labor potential of employees;
7. Organization and development of a system that enhances the mobility of the labor force and the growth of the labor potential of the organization;
8. Creation of conditions conducive to a more complete and efficient use of the potential of each employee in the organization;
9. Improving the complex of social conditions of work and life of workers.

The main requirement for measuring labor potential is the need to distinguish between quantitative and qualitative characteristics, the achieved and possible level of use of labor potential.
The most important quantitative indicators characterizing the production capabilities of an organization in the field of labor are:
1.- number of industrial and production potential:
1.1. the number of people actually working (Nfr): Nfr = Ochd: Krd,
where: Ochd \u003d (Yachd - Ptsd) - worked out, man-days; Yachd - attendance, man-days; Ptsd - all-day downtime, person-days; Krd - the number of working days in the calendar period;
1.2.. average headcount (HR):
HR \u003d (I + Nya): Kkd,
where: I and Nya are, respectively, the secret and non-personal fund of working time in man-days; Kkd - number calendar days in a calendar period;
1.3. turnout number (Chya):
Chya = I: Kkd;
1.4. coefficient of use of the average headcount (Kss):
Kss = Chfr: Chss.
2.- the amount of working time regulated for the needs of production at a socially necessary level of labor intensity, labor intensity:
2.1. the maximum possible working time fund (Mrv):
Mv \u003d Krv - Pr - Vx - Oo,
where: Krv - calendar fund in the analyzed period in days; Pr - holidays in the analyzed period; Вх - days off in the analyzed period; Оо - days of the next vacation in the analyzed period;
2.2. Actual lesson duration of the working day (Ru):
Ru = Ochu: Od,
where: Ochu - man-hours worked during regular hours in the analyzed period; Od - worked man-days in the analyzed period;
2.3. Actual full duration of the working day (Rp):
Rp \u003d Och: Od,
where: Och - man-hours worked (including overtime) in the analyzed period;
2.4. coefficient of use of the established duration of the working day (Krd):
Krd \u003d Rp: Rz,
where: Rz - legally established working hours;
2.5. coefficient of use of the established duration of the working period (month, quarter, year) (Krp):
Krp \u003d O: Pd,
where: O - actually worked days by one employee; Pd - the established duration of the working month;
2.6. integral coefficient of working time utilization (Ki):
Ki \u003d Krp x Krp \u003d Och: Pch,
where: Pch - the planned duration of the working period in man-hour 3. - labor intensity.
Quantitative indicators are not sufficient to fully characterize the system of indicators, which would represent a functional, temporal and spatial structure that would evaluate human resources and production from the standpoint of activating the economic resource of labor. In this regard, the qualitative characteristics of the labor potential are used.
quality it is expedient to divide the characteristics of the labor potential into structure indicators And condition indicators.
Indicators of the structure of labor potential include characteristics of the personnel structure, namely: age(specific gravity workers aged 25-49, workers of pre-retirement age), sexual(proportion of women, men), by level of education(share of persons with higher and secondary specialized education; share of employees by type of activity, by skill level), according to the level of physical And psychological potential employees, etc..
Indicators of the state of labor potential reflect the level of its use, in particular the assessment of use:
- physical and psychological potential of employees of the enterprise (state of health, physical development, etc.);
- the volume of general and special knowledge, labor skills and abilities that determine the ability to work of a certain quality);
- qualities of team members as business entities (responsibility, labor discipline, initiative, etc.).
Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor potential within certain limits interchangeable: the total working capacity of the staff can be maintained and even increase with a reduction in its number.
Actual values ​​of quantitative and qualitative characteristics reflect actual level of labor potential(Rd). These characteristics, taken by progressive values, show possible level of labor potential(Rv).
The difference between these two levels in the context of individual indicators (Rdi - Rvi) gives an idea of reserves in use of the labor potential of the organization (Resi):
Resi = Rdi - Rvi.

MANAGEMENT OF LABOR PERSONNEL is a systemic systematically organized influence on the processes of formation, distribution, redistribution and use of the labor qualities of employees in order to ensure the effective functioning of production and its development.
The essence of the problem of personnel management is to solve three interrelated tasks:
1. to such formation and improvement of the productive abilities of a person that would most fully meet the requirements for the quality of the labor force by a particular workplace;
2. to create in production such socio-economic and production-technical conditions under which there would be a maximum use of the employee's abilities for this work;
3. so that these processes do not occur to the detriment of the body and the interests of the employee's personality (Scheme 4.1.).

Labor market - this is a system of economic relations that develop over, firstly, the exchange of individual abilities for work for a fund of means of subsistence necessary for the reproduction of labor power; secondly, the placement of workers in the system of social division of labor according to the laws of commodity production and circulation.
In the exchange on the labor market, directly or indirectly, all parties involved in the reproduction of the commodity labor force participate. Relationship system includes:
a) direct relations between employers and employees;
b) the relationship of each of them with other subjects of the labor market regarding the transfer of part of their own functions related to hiring, on the basis of voluntary alienation in their favor of part of their income. These are trade unions, associations of employers/entrepreneurs, intermediary employment services, etc.;
c) the relationship of the listed subjects of the labor market with the state in financing through the system of taxation of its activities related to the regulation of employment relations, maintaining social harmony between employers and employees in matters of remuneration, protection against involuntary unemployment, labor protection and health, as well as ensuring social guarantees rights to work and income.
For the implementation of the act of buying and selling labor power in the labor market, it is necessary that a number of conditions be met. First, there must be legally independent commodity owners of labor, capital, and land. Secondly, the bearer of labor power must be separated from the means of production and the means of subsistence. Thirdly, it is necessary to have at least two people interested in the exchange: the seller - the carrier of the labor force and the buyer - the consumer of this labor force. Fourthly, it is important that each of the parties to the act of sale and purchase be able to offer something that has a use value for the other, namely: the wage worker is the ability for concrete work, the consumer of this ability is the fund of subsistence for the reproduction of individual labor power. Fifth, each side should be able to accept or reject the other's proposal. Sixth, each of the parties must trust the partner and believe in the possibility of obtaining as a result of the exchange a use value equal to or even superior to that which is represented by itself.
Functions labor market are as follows: harmonization of economic interests of the subjects of the labor market; ensuring a proportional distribution of labor in accordance with the structure of market needs for goods and services, as well as with the development of the technical basis; maintaining a balance between the demand and supply of labor; formation of a labor reserve for the normal course of the process of social reproduction; stimulation of the fullest realization of the labor potential of each employee by creating mechanisms for effective motivation for work and economic coercion to highly productive work.
Main elements mechanisms of the functioning of the labor market are demand for the labor force sentence work force, competition , price work force.
The main features of the Soviet labor-deficient to conditions in the labor market should be considered:
- monopoly of the buyer of labor in the face of the state;
- almost complete isolation of local labor markets due to restrictions on registration and shortage of housing;
- a significant shortage of labor force with an extremely high level of employment of the population;
- the minimum level of unemployment, which is due only to organizational costs;
- lack of fear of losing a job among employees.
labor surplus the situation in the labor market, on the contrary, is characterized by the fact that
- a relatively low level of employment for hire determines a significant potential reserve of labor force;
- Unemployment is no longer only a consequence of organizational costs, but turns into a large-scale one, while the surplus of labor force significantly exceeds its deficit, which is at a minimum level;
Traditionally, employed people are likely to lose their jobs.
The duration of the transformation of conditions in the labor market depends on the pace of economic reforms. The following stages of transformation are distinguished in the literature:
First step- there is a reduction in the shortage of labor by eliminating the unreasonable demand for labor from entrepreneurs, since in the new economic conditions it becomes unprofitable to have absolute reserves of labor. The scale of unemployment does not go beyond the minimum due to organizational costs,
second phase- the release of the labor force from the public sector begins, but not as a result of the bankruptcy of enterprises, but during their transition to new economic forms. The labor shortage is far from the minimum, and the unemployment rates barely exceed it;
third stage- there is a significant release of labor due to the denationalization of the economy and the liquidation of unprofitable enterprises. The public sector is shrinking, but the entire labor force from it cannot be absorbed by enterprises of other forms of ownership and a potential labor reserve. Chronic unemployment appears;
fourth stage- Finally, there is a labor shortage in the labor market. The increase in labor surplus occurs throughout the entire stage of the economy's recovery from the crisis. By the beginning of the economic recovery, the unemployment rate stabilizes, only slight fluctuations around the reached mark are possible.
There is a labor market at the level of the federal republic (federal), region ( regional or territorial), enterprises ( interior).
The regional labor market includes such subsystems as:
- persons with stable employment with one employer, i.e. permanent part of the staff, attracted specialists, temporary and part-time workers ( internal labor markets);
- persons with stable employment with a number of employers, i.e. associations of highly qualified specialists employed at a large number of enterprises in the region, attracted to perform work of short duration ( professional labor markets). Organizational forms of the professional labor market - consulting firms, professional associations. Infrastructure of the professional labor market - innovation centers, technology parks, scientific and educational institutions, information structures;
- persons with precarious employment, i.e. the most mobile part of the regional labor market ( free labor market). The free labor market is a mechanism for self-regulation of labor resources in a market economy with free supply and demand;
- persons with semi-sustainable employment, i.e. transitional form between the free labor market and the internal ( irregular labor market). The irregular labor market is a reflection of the imperfection of the operation of market laws.
The labor market is a multi-layered structure formed by open the labor market (official, organized and informal, spontaneous) and hidden .

Active actions on the part of the state to implement the law on bankruptcy of enterprises, to expand the training and retraining of personnel, taking into account the structural restructuring of the economy, to increase the funds for social support for the unemployed, and to create a legislative framework for the formation of the labor market are designed to contribute to the transformation of the hidden labor market into an open one.
Self-regulation factors labor market factors are: the state of the economy; sectoral structure of the economy; the level of development of the technical base; the level of well-being of the population; factors of reproduction of the population and labor resources; political situation; the national-ethnic factor that determines the formation of local, relatively closed labor markets; psychological factor.
The mechanism of the labor market is based on the cost principles of linking and coordinating the socially diverse interests of various groups of employers and the able-bodied population in need of work and willing to work for hire. The interaction of demand and supply of labor is formed under the influence of (1) specific economic and socio-political situations, (2) the movement of the price of labor, the level of real incomes of the population (Fig. 5.1.)
The mechanism of the functioning of the labor market should ideally be self-regulating, but in reality this is not always achieved. When the labor market is not self-regulating enough, government intervention in this process is necessary. Speaking about the typology of a market economy at the macroeconomic level, to the extent that it affects the nature of labor relations and the functioning of the labor market mechanism, economists distinguish two models: liberal and socially oriented.
State intervention in Russia is carried out in two directions: by directly influencing the labor market through the implementation of employment programs and by improving it in line with the formation of a flexible labor market.
The direct impact of the state on the labor market is carried out through the implementation of employment programs. Within this area, the labor market regulation policy involves a number of measures that can be grouped into four groups:
1) Increasing the supply of jobs (government subsidies to entrepreneurs when hiring labor; increasing the number of jobs in the service sector; traditional measures to create jobs, such as earmarking public funds for the creation of jobs for youth, etc.) ;
2) redistribution of the available volume of work (stimulation of early retirement; tax incentives for entrepreneurs provided that a pensioner is replaced by an unemployed person; cessation of hiring foreign labor; creation of jobs by reducing working hours per employee, etc.);
3) measures to preserve jobs (tax incentives and subsidies; introduction of new technologies; stimulation of small business);
4) implementation of the "adaptation" strategy (vocational guidance, retraining, advanced training of workers; promotion of professional and regional mobility of workers; increase in the efficiency of employment mediation services, etc.).
Measures taken through employment policy can be divided into active and passive.
The transition to an innovative development model, which implies a wider use of scientific and technological progress, high technologies, is naturally accompanied by an increase in labor market flexibility. Economists - representatives of the theory of supply-side economics believe that the reason for mass unemployment is the "sclerosis" of the Russian labor market.
Labor market flexibility means: its ability to adapt to changes, mobility in the following areas: in the conditions of hiring and firing workers in compliance with labor laws; in the establishment and regulation of wages; in regulating the volume of products and services; in the development and adjustment of models for the organization of production and labor; in the regulation of working hours.
There are two types of labor market flexibility. Internal (functional) flexibility is, firstly, the redistribution of labor within the enterprise, and, secondly, the redistribution of production functions performed by employees. This implies that the employee has two or more specialties, advanced training, changing models of employees' working hours, incl. the introduction of forced vacations, the transition to a simpler flexible system of categories, the use of labor leasing, remote recruitment strategies. External (substantive) flexibility is the free movement of employees throughout the country and beyond its borders. This implies territorial, sectoral and intersectoral mobility of the labor force, increased orientation of enterprises towards workers trained and retrained outside, weakening the internal labor market of enterprises.
The formation of a flexible labor market involves:
- rapid adaptation of labor prices to fluctuations in supply and demand in the labor market;
- adaptation of the supply of labor to changes in the level of prices, wages, incomes;
- adaptation of the qualitative characteristics of the labor force to the changing structure of demand for it;
- mutual adaptation of the level of wages, the quantity and quality of the labor force;
- weakening of state regulation of wages, hiring and dismissal of workers.

The labor market at the enterprise level, firms are internal (corporate) labor market.
Peculiarities internal labor market:
(1) the supply-demand relationship is realized within the personnel of an organization (change of workplace, profession, qualification);
(2) there is a clash of interests of the employer (administration) and employees of the enterprise;
(3) the level of wages for various categories of workers is formed depending on their need and usefulness for the enterprise;
(4) there can be both intra-company unemployment (or underemployment of an employee at the initiative of the enterprise with a decrease in demand for labor), and overemployment of workers with an increase in unsatisfied demand for labor;
(5) the presence of segmentation of the labor market into primary and secondary segments of the domestic labor market;
(6) an elastic supply curve (i.e., the supply value changes by a greater percentage than the price of labor): the market level of wages is determined and the enterprise, due to its insignificant market share, does not have any influence on it (Fig. 5.2.). Wage elasticity is the degree to which the quantity of labor offered responds to a change in the price of labor, which is defined as the ratio of the percentage change in the quantity of labor to the percentage change in the price of labor.
The internal labor market is not unified and monolithic. It is formed by various categories of the working population, and each of them has its own requirements for the workplace, its own opportunities for work, its own rules for entering the labor market. The use of these categories of workers is limited to certain types of work, in certain professions, in specific sectors of the economy. It breaks up into segments united by some common feature (the level of employment stability, the degree of income security, the level of qualification, gender and age characteristics of workers, etc.).
In the most general view the entire labor market can be segmented into two subsystems, which in foreign economic literature are called primary and secondary markets, i.e. markets for independent and subordinate jobs and labor groups respectively.
Causes segmentation of the labor market: a) differences in the level of economic efficiency of labor; b) differences in the level of social efficiency of labor; c) differences in the level of socio-economic efficiency of production. Border primary and secondary labor markets is an integral indicator characterizing the socio-economic efficiency of production.
The development of the theory of the classical segment of the labor market is the allocation of five segments of the labor market on the basis of job security and material security, five are distinguished:
first group- highly qualified managerial workers with a high social status, stable employment and a guaranteed income. However, they are in the minority;
second group- those who compete with each other in the labor market, but have job security. This group is not subject to mass unemployment. It includes mainly specialists, professionals;
third group- These are manual workers employed in sectors of the economy that tend to shrink. This category is "washed out" of production, but it is protected by the regulation of labor relations through a collective agreement;
fourth group- those who have professions that are in abundance in the labor market. This group of workers has low wages and no serious job security;
fifth group- workers, to a greater or lesser extent, "disconnected" from the labor market. These are young people, women with children, and those who have been unemployed for a long time. Their income is low and may continue to decrease.

Factors affecting people in an organization can be grouped into three groups.
First group of factors associated with hierarchical structure of the organization , where the main means of exerting influence is the relationship of power-subordination, pressure on a person from above with the help of coercion, control over the distribution of material wealth.
Second group of factors due organizational culture , that is, developed by an organization, a group of people, joint values, social norms, attitudes of behavior that regulate the actions of an individual, make the individual behave in this way and not otherwise without visible coercion.
Third a group of factors associated with the development market , which represents a network of equal relations based on the sale and purchase of products and services, the attitude to property, the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.
These influencing factors are quite complex and in practice are rarely implemented separately. Which of them is preferred, such is the appearance of the economic situation in the organization.
During the transition to the market, there is a rejection of hierarchical personnel management, a rigid system of administrative influence, practically unlimited executive power to market relations, property relations based on economic methods.
Causes the formation and development of market factors influencing personnel are due to:
1. high dynamism of production and commercial activities and the associated tightening of competition in all its manifestations, including competition for quality, professionalism, and the consumer;
2. the complication of the system of motivation and incentives for employees (short-term, contracts, the nomination of various kinds of preconditions for hiring, linking material incentives with profits, etc.);
3.political instability and the growth of large-scale unemployment.
Therefore, it is necessary to develop fundamentally new approaches to the priority of values:
* the main thing inside the organization - employees;
* the main thing outside the organization is the consumer of products and services.
Organizational hierarchy fades into the background, giving way to culture and the market.
Market conditions bring both great opportunities and serious threats to every individual, the stability of its existence, and introduce a significant degree of uncertainty into the life of almost every person. Personnel management in these conditions is of particular importance. It allows Firstly, implement a whole range of issues of adaptation of the individual to external conditions; Secondly, implement and summarize a whole range of issues of taking into account the personal factor in building an organization management system.
The basis of the concept of personnel management in modern conditions
make up the following main points:
1. Increasing role of the employee's personality;
2. Knowledge of the employee's motivational attitudes, personnel marketing;
3. The ability to form the motivational attitudes of employees and direct them in accordance with the development strategy of the enterprise;
4. Staff development, within the framework of which, along with the updating of professional knowledge, skills, abilities, it is necessary to conduct methodological and social training;
5. Compliance with legal norms for the use of personnel.

The formation of a market philosophy of management necessitates the allocation human resource development as a special independent function of personnel management.
Development of labor potential(or personnel development) is a systematic search aimed at improving the functioning of the organization by increasing the value of the labor potential of personnel.
Personnel development is the process of preparing personnel to perform new production functions, occupy new positions, and solve new problems.
Personnel development is beginning to play an increasingly important role in achieving the organization's strategic goals: as the activities and structure of the organization change, constant changes in the models of production behavior of the personnel are required. In the interests of both the organization and the staff, consistent efforts must be made to counteract the "moral and physical deterioration" of the workforce - its obsolescence.
Under obsolescence the employee should understand the process of using by the individual points of view, theories, concepts and methods in professional activity, which are less effective in solving the problem than others that currently exist.
Staff development is a normal part of the service delivery process, not an appendage to it. It helps to ensure that the level of professional competence of employees constantly meets the requirements of an emerging market.
The first part of the curve (t") represents the result of the initial fast learning that occurs when someone first takes on a job, after successfully passing the initial entry into the course of things. In the future, as a rule, the obsolescence curve:
- either tends to gradually decrease (curve A);
- either tends to continue to grow with the increase in length of service (curve B).
Obsolescence of knowledge can sometimes occur as early as a month after the end of the initial training.
In order for the coefficient of use of professional knowledge to increase with work experience, constant attention to factors fruitfully influencing the quality level of labor potential
- clear goals of the employee's activity;
- development - constant accumulation of professional competence by an employee;
- regular feedback, assessment of the employee's performance;
- motivation to update the knowledge of the employee;
- assignment to the employee of labor tasks that allow him to use his growing abilities.
IV stage Monitoring and evaluation of personnel development
It is difficult to achieve solutions to personnel development issues that are important for a number of reasons: it requires identifying the potential capabilities of the individual to do more and better than is required to perform the current job, as well as finding ways to realize these opportunities.
First approach is training e or advanced training. At the heart of an institution's decision to invest in training is, first, the realization that training can have a significant impact on service delivery; secondly, belief in the accelerated pace of change in the conditions of activity, including technological ones.
TRAINING is the process of directly transferring new professional knowledge and skills to employees of the organization in order to fill the "gap" (lack) between the available (available) knowledge, skills of the employee and those that he should have according to the requirements of the proposed work at the moment, in the near future, or to learn another.
Vocational training prepares an employee to perform various production functions traditionally associated with a particular position. During its professional life an employee, as a rule, occupies not one, but several positions, changes his individual behavior. This second an approach - professional qualification promotion . This is an obvious way to use the increasing abilities of the staff. Employees go through a series of increasingly responsible positions, developing their abilities, and, as a result, find themselves in the highest position for themselves. Satisfying, thus, the desire for status in the organization, power, money, on the one hand, and the organization's need for capable employees in managerial levels- with another.
The successful economic development of an organization in the conditions of the development of market relations largely depends on the mobility of commercial and industrial activities and adequate mobility of personnel.
STAFF MOBILITY- this is the ability of employees to quickly adapt to changing production conditions: to changing labor functions, places of application of labor, readiness for advanced training and mastering a new profession.
The main ways for employees to increase their professional flexibility:
1. Assignment to an employee of two or more labor operations for a certain period of time, often for a very long period. This provides a more complete workload of the employee, interchangeability, reducing his monotony and fatigue by work, increasing his efficiency.
2. Mastering a variety of jobs related to varying complexity within their profession.
3. Mastering related professions, i.e. professions not directly related to the main one;
4. The development of other professions that are not closely related to the main one, which creates conditions for the interchangeability of the employee, the possibility of their rearrangement to the most important jobs.
The main tool for the implementation of these areas is the system of professional and qualification advancement.
The third approach to staff development managerial development . Management development is a system of interrelated activities necessary to ensure that an organization has an effective management structure and managers of adequate quantity and quality. Currently, in the practice of organizations, the following approaches to managerial development can be distinguished:
1. Unstructured, unplanned, occasionally acquired management experience;
2. Planned development outside of work (special and general development);
3. Planned development at work (rotation of managers; delegation of authority to a subordinate; personnel reserve for promotion).
The planned managerial development involves the solution of three tasks: (1) Identification of employees of the organization with the potential to occupy leadership positions; (2) Training of employees to work as a leader; (3) Ensuring the smooth replacement of the vacant position and the adaptation of a new employee to it. When implementing measures for managerial development, two groups of employees are distinguished: successors/understudies And young employees with leadership potential
Since planned career advancement is limited in organizations, promotions are small and distant, it is important to look for other ways to use the increasing abilities of staff. Ideas developed during the work organization movement in the 1960s and early 1970s are useful here. So, the third approach is work development .
The development of market relations, the transition from linear and linear-functional management structures to divisional ones, the focus on obtaining a ready-made solution to the problem expands the possibilities for personnel development through joint activities, through the creation of teams. Team organization of labor is a synthesis of the advantages of a small business with a program-targeted management within a large organization. This - fourth approach, approach development of joint activities.
Fifth an approach - self-development , or continuous employee development based on ability. It is based on the analysis of his needs in the context of self-esteem against the background of the structure of basic abilities. In fact, it is a compromise between the abilities of the worker, the requirements of the profession for the worker and the market's need for labor. Professional orientation plays an important role in self-development. The latter acts as a general ideology for the continuous development of an employee based on his abilities, designed to constantly prepare an employee for changing conditions of life and professional activity.
The acquisition of a minimum level of professional competence does not lead to the termination of career guidance, but only changes its role, methods . The main position of the concept of vocational guidance consists in the assertion that an individual cannot realize his full potential and feel happy if he does not receive job satisfaction.
Unsatisfactory attention to the issues of personnel development leads to losses of the following type: a drop in output or the volume of services, a decrease in the quality of work performed, an increase in the number of accidents at work, an increase in injuries, an increase in staff turnover, an increase in lost working time.
Work on personnel development will be unsuccessful if:
- an extensive development program is drawn up without clear goals for change;
- the program is drawn up for too short a period;
- development work consists only of holding seminars, without development activities in the workplace;
- the participants in this work are too dependent on in-house or external specialists;
- there is a significant difference between the aspirations for change among top and middle managers;
- major changes in organizational activities carried out within the old organizational framework;
- looking for "recipes from the cookbook", in past experience;
- the chosen strategy is applied in a stereotyped and inappropriate way.
HR development work has a good chance of success if:
- the top management of the organization is aware of the personnel development program and undertakes to implement it;
- the personnel development program emphasizes purposefulness and planning;
- the personnel development program is correlated with the tasks of personnel management of this particular organization;
- personnel development is inherent in the long-term character;
- personnel development is based on business knowledge and experience of managers.

Hiring- this is a series of actions taken by an enterprise, organization to attract candidates with the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization.
Recruitment and selection of personnel as a process covers the following personnel procedures:
- planning the need for personnel;
- analysis and description of the work;
- choice of option to meet the need for staff;
- advertisement of the position;
- selection of candidates;
- selection of candidates for vacancies;
- conclusion of an employment contract;
- introduction to the position.

Personnel planning - this is a purposeful activity to ensure the proportional and dynamic development of personnel, the calculation of its qualification structure, the determination of the general and additional needs of personnel in the coming period.
In matters of hiring and using personnel, enterprises almost always focused on current needs. The economic situation in Russia has traditionally developed in such a way that the company at any time had the opportunity to find a sufficient amount of labor of the required quality. The ongoing changes associated with the irreversibility of economic reforms are forcing firms to pay great attention to the long-term aspects of personnel policy based on strategic planning.
Personnel planning is actually a new type of management activity. The planning of other economic resources - raw materials, financial, material - has always been and is being given a lot of attention, but the new economic situation forces us to reconsider the importance of personnel planning. The main reasons for this situation are:
1) the formation of a real labor market and the need to take into account its conjuncture in the activities of most enterprises;
2) labor costs in many enterprises make up a significant part of the total costs. An organization's ability to make the best use of its workforce depends on how accurately the labor costs can be calculated and controlled;
3) the enterprise carry out personnel planning in parallel with business planning. If a company develops strategic development plans for five or more years, it cannot but take into account changes in the availability and quantity of resources involved, and first of all - personnel.
Personnel planning is essentially the application of planning procedures for staffing and staffing. In general, the planning process includes three stages:
1) assessment of the availability of resources - it is determined how many people are employed in the performance of each operation, the quality of the work of employees is assessed, a system of requirements for labor skills is developed, indicating the number of employees who have them;
2) assessment of future needs - a forecast of the number of personnel for the implementation of short-term and long-term goals based on an analysis of trends in the movement of personnel;
3) development of a program to meet future needs - drawing up specific schedules for activities to attract, recruit, train and promote employees to achieve organizational goals.
Computerization of personnel work allows for a quick analysis of any feature. If these data are collected over a sufficient period of time and analyzed regularly, then predicting the number of employees who need to be hired, promoted, trained or fired in a given year is not particularly difficult. The total requirement represents the total number of personnel required by the firm to carry out the planned scope of work. An additional requirement is the number of personnel that is needed in the planning period in addition to the existing number of the base year, due to the current needs of the enterprise.
Requirements planning involves identifying the most significant factors affecting the number of employees, and quantifying the impact of a system of factors. Ideally, all organizations should establish short and long term staffing needs. Human resource planning requires a significant investment of time, labor and money.
For smaller organizations, the return on such an investment may not justify the resources expended. As practice shows, demand planning is more often used by large enterprises. It enables them to improve the use of their human resources, effectively align organizational goals and HR policies, optimize recruitment, expand the HR information base, and coordinate various HR programs.
In this regard, one can use various methods calculation of the demand for the required labor force. But even the most sophisticated methods are not completely accurate: at best, they are rough estimates that can only be verified by time.
The most common method of personnel demand planning in small organizations is management judgment method. Under which lower-level managers make their judgment about the dynamics of demand in their unit, then top-level managers comment on the proposed judgment and approve it. There may be a movement of judgment about the demand in personnel from a top manager to a manager at a lower level of management.
Another group of demand planning methods is statistical methods. The most common, simple and cheap are extrapolation and indexing methods.
Extrapolation involves carrying forward past rates of change in headcount into the future. At the same time, the degree of reliability of the method is inversely proportional to the forecast period. Method indexing- this is a method for assessing the prospective need for personnel by comparing the dynamics of the number of employees in an organization with a certain index of a technical and economic indicator. For example, the population in a certain region determines the need for health services; the number of prosecutions determines the number of police officers, etc.).
More complicated and acceptable statistical methods for determining the need for personnel are economic and mathematical models, which are based on complex correlations between variables, such as, for example, the age of the equipment, the gender and age structure of the personnel, the amount of financial investments received, the inflation rate, etc.
The most common method of planning the need for personnel in Russian enterprises is a statistical method based on taking into account such factors as: a) the main factors of industrial and commercial activities such as the volume of the production program, the labor intensity of a unit of production or service; b) factors reflecting the ratio of jobs and the number of employees over time, such as the effective working time fund of one employee, the real annual fund of time for a piece of equipment; c) factors reflecting the spatial and temporal aspect of headcount planning, such as staff turnover, staff reduction, professional and qualification advancement, input/disposal of production assets.

Based on the analysis of the work, the HR manager, together with the practical manager, develops a job description. The HR specialist manager acts as a consultant in the implementation of this personnel procedure, he brings his professional knowledge to develop a standard description of the main functions in a particular workplace. When developing a job description, a practitioner manager brings his knowledge of the specifics of activities at a particular workplace.
The job description allows the employer to determine the range of labor functions that the employee must perform at a particular workplace. However, when implementing the hiring process, the employer needs not only to know what the employee should perform, but also to be able to determine whether the applicant for this job is capable of performing these functions. In this regard, it is traditionally used when identifying requirements for a candidate to occupy a vacant job, a job description is used.
Job description - This is a document describing the main functions of an employee holding a specific position. When using the job description to evaluate candidates for a vacant position, a specialist must determine how capable a given candidate is of performing these functions. It is quite difficult to do this, especially for a person who is unfamiliar with the specifics of working in a vacant position. To facilitate the process of selecting candidates, many organizations began to create (in addition to job descriptions, and recently, instead of them) documents describing the main characteristics that an employee must have to successfully work in this position - professiograms, psychograms, job specifications.
Professiogram - this is a modified job description, intended for conducting a career guidance study of the workplace and use in further practical activities. It allows you to determine the range of subject qualities of the product and means of labor, which constitute a number of necessary restrictions on professional activity. It consists of two parts. First part contains short description the status of an employee of the organization and the basic requirements for his activities, including the characteristics of equipment, technology, working conditions. The second part contains a brief description of the requirements for the level and profile of training, for the structure and content of the basic qualities of an employee necessary for the effective performance of his functional duties.
Work specifications (qualification card) is a modified job description containing the main qualification characteristics (general education, special education, special skills, etc.) that an employee must have in order to work effectively in a particular workplace. Since during the selection to determine the presence qualification characteristics easier than having the ability to perform certain functions: the qualification card is a tool that facilitates the selection process of candidates. The use of a qualification card also provides an opportunity for a structured assessment of candidates (for each characteristic) and comparison of candidates with each other. At the same time, this method focuses on the technical, more formal characteristics of the candidate (his past), leaving aside personal characteristics and potential for professional development.
Psychogram (competence map) is a modified description of a specific type of work, designed to conduct a psychological study of the workplace and use in further practical activities. It contains a description of the main personal characteristics of the employee, his ability to perform certain labor functions at a particular workplace. The preparation of a competency map requires special knowledge and is usually carried out with the help of a professional consultant or a specially trained HR officer.

The main constraints at this stage are the budget that the organization can spend on attracting staff, and the time it can spend looking for an employee to fill a vacant job.
There are the following types of staffing needs:
1. NUMERICAL FLEXIBILITY staff - increasing the organization's ability to change the number of employees in accordance with changes in the volume of services provided / goods produced, by using additional or alternative sources of labor (part-time, temporary workers, short-term contracts, hiring for a specific job) or by changing the working hours model of employed workers (for example: changing the number and types of work shifts, processing, flexible hours, annual fund of working hours).
2. FUNCTIONAL FLEXIBILITY personnel - the ability of the organization to change and conduct the qualifications of its employees in accordance with the requirements of the changed workload.
3. REMOTE FLEXIBILITY personnel - a replacement for employment relationships of commercial relationships, where employers may prefer to subcontract some work than to change something in the structure of their staff.
4. FINANCIAL FLEXIBILITY personnel - flexibility in remuneration, i.e. the extent to which the pay and reward system supports and encourages the use of various flexible employment strategies.
5.WORKFORCE LEASING- transfer of personnel on credit, i.е. staff leasing for some enterprises.
In the practice of domestic enterprises, the methods of numerical and functional flexibility are most often used. Let's consider them in more detail.
Numerical adaptation underlies the personnel policy, which implies staff cuts when the need for them decreases or recruitment from the outside if the need for labor increases again.
The release of labor from enterprises is largely objective and is associated with an orientation towards an intensive path of development of production: the introduction of technical and technological innovations, organizational changes in the labor sphere, saving living labor, as well as in connection with the reorganization or liquidation of unprofitable, unprofitable industries, etc. .P.
The reduction in labor costs in the production of products is achieved through the absolute and relative reduction in the number: with absolute reduction employees quit when relative- the need for them decreases (limiting itself to the previous number with an increase in production volume).
Each type of release has a different effect on labor, and through them on economic indicators enterprise work. From the standpoint of increasing labor productivity, a real reduction in the cost of production by saving the wage fund, the most effective is the absolute reduction of workers. It should be borne in mind that there are two options for the actual release of workers: when an employee is fired due to a reduction in staff from the enterprise and when an employee is released from some divisions (workshops, sections, departments) and transferred to vacant jobs in other divisions, or to a newly opened production .
The real release of workers both from the enterprise and from the structural unit that is self-supporting (in a contract) has a positive effect on economic indicators: the costs associated with the release of products are reduced, labor productivity is growing, etc.
Although the redistribution of the released labor force within the enterprise does not change the total number, it is a more profitable option for the enterprise, since it is not necessary to take care of the employment of the released workers, the period of adaptation of your employee in a new workplace is shorter than when recruiting labor from outside.
When releasing labor from an enterprise, one has to be guided by a number of circumstances that are largely contradictory:
1) economic conditions require the maintenance at the enterprise of the really necessary number and the release of the excess;
2) in accordance with the current labor legislation, the responsibility of enterprises for the social protection of the released personnel (payment of appropriate compensation) is increased, which cannot but restrain their real dismissal;
3) possible difficulties with the employment of laid-off workers force the state and local governments to restrain mass layoffs from enterprises in every possible way. Therefore, the territorial employment program sets the task of reducing the release of labor, providing enterprises financial assistance in creating new jobs, compensating for the costs of retraining workers who are subject to reduction.
Bringing into line the required and the actual number of labor force through the release requires a lot of preparatory work.
First of all, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for the change in demand, as far as they are of a long-term nature. It is one thing when the release of workers is a consequence of the introduction of technical and organizational measures focused on labor-saving policies, and another thing - if the need for labor is reduced due to difficulties in marketing products, due to a decline in production, which can persist for a long time. Therefore, the analysis " reversibility" of the reduction in the need for labor and the feasibility of reducing its number must be carried out in the context of the reasons for the release:
- closure of production;
- Improving the organization of labor, the decision of the primary labor collective (team) to work with a smaller number;
-introduction of new equipment and technology;
-reduction of shift work of production divisions of the enterprise;
- reduction of production volumes.
In addition, the scale of the possible release of workers depends on how the release will be linked to employee turnover in the enterprise. The fact is that two processes are running in parallel at the enterprise. On the one hand, the introduction of new technology, various measures to increase labor productivity contributes to the emergence of surplus labor, which is subject to release (reduction). On the other hand, there is a turnover of the labor force (a turnover of 10% of the average headcount is considered a normal phenomenon, and the actual one can be much higher), which leads to the emergence of vacancies and the need to find workers to replace those who have quit.
The question arises to what extent it is possible to combine these two processes so that the workforce to be laid off does not quit, but compensates for losses in the workforce due to turnover. It seems appropriate to be guided by the following principles. Staff turnover is relatively even throughout the year. Consequently, vacancies also appear evenly.
The introduction of technical and organizational measures can be either one-time, timed to a certain time, or uniform throughout the year. With a uniform release of the workforce, there is reason to hope that it can be used to compensate for staff turnover and no redundancy will occur. On the contrary, with a one-time release, workers are likely to be fired, since it is not economically justified to keep them for too long waiting for vacancies to appear in the event of voluntary layoffs of workers.
When analyzing, it is necessary to take into account not only the qualifications of the workforce planned for release, but also the nature of vocational training, in particular, distinguishing two groups of workers:
1) with highly specialized training;
2) with universal, or long-term theoretical training in the system of vocational education.
The possibility of further employment of the workers of these groups is quite different; the task of release must be solved in conjunction with the task of promotion.
The direction of the redistribution of redundant workers in the process of balancing supply and demand in the intra-company labor market is chosen taking into account:
- requirements of workplaces to the level of professional qualification of the employee and his other qualities;
- characteristics, in aggregate reflecting the labor activity of the employee before the release;
- Acceptable for the employee (based on the identified interests) changes in these characteristics at the new workplace.
Conducting sociological surveys of laid-off workers in relation to their interests, their desire to undergo retraining and continue working in other areas of production will help clarify the situation. At the same time, alternative employment options should be considered, as well as typical options for promoting employees as part of career planning. The solution of such problems at the enterprise is possible only if the subsystem of the ACS "Personnel" is functioning, all changes are promptly introduced both in relation to the demand and supply of labor, identified as a result of sociological research.
In accordance with the current guidance materials, the enterprise must submit to the territorial employment center information on the release of workers three months before the release. Two months before the release, information must be specified for employees, indicating the profession, level of education, qualifications, gender, age, working conditions, salary level, etc.
The release is a serious psychological problem, since it means the loss of a “lived-in” workplace, the loss of the previous social ties that have developed between the employee and the team of the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the reduction of workers in such a way that the negative consequences (primarily of a socio-psychological nature) are minimal. The selection of candidates for dismissal is carried out taking into account labor legislation, performance assessment, as well as other points, including those of a humane nature.
Of great importance is the awareness of the staff about the upcoming release, the availability of vacancies and employment prospects, the creation of an intra-factory labor exchange at the enterprise, designed to facilitate the process of employment at their own enterprise.

Flexible working hours - This is a form of organization of working time, in which for individual employees or their group, self-regulation of the beginning, end and total duration of the working day is allowed.
The normative basis for the application of flexible working time regimes is the total accounting of working hours and the right of the personnel of the unit/organization to independently regulate work regimes within the norm established by labor legislation.
Flexible work schedules- this is a work schedule in which the employee can choose either the daily start and end of the working day, or the daily length of the working day within the limits established by the management of the organization.
Depending on the variation of the working regime, the following types of flexible schedules are distinguished:
1.Flexible Cycle provides for the choice by the employee of a certain time to start work for a certain working period. The duration of the working day is unchanged - 8 hours;
2. Flexitime provides for a variable beginning and ending of the slave, etc. ..................

3.1. Labor potential: concept, structure and characteristics.

3.2. Assessment of labor potential and analysis of its use.

3.3. Personnel of the organization: composition, quantitative and qualitative characteristics.


Consider the very concept of "potential". Potential (from Latin potentia - strength) in the most general form characterizes the means available, as well as the means that can be mobilized to achieve a certain goal, solve a certain problem. Potential - possible, existing in potency, in a latent form).

As applied to the employee, organization, society labor potential characterizes those resource opportunities in the field of labor and their quantitative and qualitative aspects (“mass of labor”) that the subject of management has at its disposal during a certain period of time (working day, month, quarter, year). The concept of “labor potential” of an employee, organization is a category microeconomics, and the labor potential of the region, country - the category of macroeconomics.

The labor potential of an organization is determined by the employees it hires - these are the total opportunities on their part to offer the employer a certain mass (quantity) of labor of a certain quality. But there is one feature here: the labor potential of the collective (as a team) is not a simple sum of the individual potentials of all its members, but something more. It is known that the joint efforts, and therefore the effectiveness of the activities of a team (team) of the same size, vary significantly and depend on the selection of employees, their interaction, mutual assistance in work, on the so-called multiplicative or otherwise synergistic effect, the effect of joint efforts (from physics: the force of impact momentum is higher than the effect of static).

Another important point. There is a point of view according to which labor potential is not only a mass of labor, characterized by its quantity and quality, but also by the conditions for the implementation of this mass of labor (meaning the level of technical equipment of labor, organization, etc.). With part of the arguments regarding the fact that there is a mass of labor potentially possible for use, and there is a mass of labor that is actually possible for use, depending on the conditions created for this at the enterprise (for example, the working environment, working conditions, the level of organization of labor and production, the state of the system incentives, etc.), we can agree. This cannot be done with regard to the level of technical equipment. Of course, the higher the technical equipment of labor, the higher the return on a unit of labor, the higher its productivity. But this is another category - production potential - characterizing the potential capabilities of the enterprise in the field of production (provision of services).

In the economic literature and in practice, along with the concept of "labor potential", other, at first glance, similar categories are often used: labor force, human capital, human potential, intellectual capital, and a number of others. Consider their relationship and relationship." height="59">" height="59"> Human potential

Labor potential

Human capital

Work force

Work force- this is a person's ability to work, i.e. the totality of his physical and intellectual data that can be applied in production (“I am healthy, I am of working age, I can and want to work”).

However, in order for a person to have an income that would allow him to live and support his family, he must be able to do something that is useful to people and for which they are willing to pay money. From here human capital- a set of characteristics of a person that determine his productivity and can be a source of income for himself, his family, enterprise and society as a whole. Education, professionalism (qualification: knowledge, experience, skills) are usually considered as such characteristics in addition to health and natural abilities.

The performance of an activity depends not only on a person’s ability to work, his education and professionalism, but also on the employee’s manifestation of discipline, organization, his motivation for highly productive work, a creative attitude to the performance of the work entrusted to him, his moral qualities, etc. Hence labor potential characterized by the totality of all characteristics of a person, manifested in the labor process.

Human Potential- this is a combination of his natural abilities, training, upbringing, life experience, his certain potentialities that are not fully realized in practical activities. One of the most important tasks of human resource management is to solve this problem (remember the principle "from each according to his ability").

Both in domestic and especially in foreign practice, such categories as “intellectual capital”, “creative potential of an employee”, “motivational potential” are widely used, which in their essence characterize the potential and their actual use of individual components of the labor potential. Moreover, the corresponding theories and methodology of using this kind of human potentialities are being developed. This will be illustrated by the example of the intellectual capital of an organization.

The knowledge, skills and abilities of employees are the value that ignites the struggle between employers to attract, retain, develop and maintain human capital. But the effectiveness of the organization depends on how effectively this knowledge is used. Intellectual capital is the stock and movement of knowledge useful to the organization from the personnel it hires. Along with material resources (money + property), they constitute the market or total value of the enterprise.

Three components of the organization's intellectual capital are considered:

Human capital is the knowledge, skills and abilities of the employees of the organization (this is the asset that the employee takes with him every evening);

Social capital - stocks and movement of knowledge through a network of relationships between employees both within the organization and in the process of their communication with the external environment (knowledge is exchanged in the process of joint activities, thereby expanding its volume for each employee);

Organizational capital is the knowledge that the organization owns and which is stored in databases, instructions, regulations, etc. (employees are fired, but the knowledge (at least part of it) in the organization is in such a “packed” and usable by any employee form remain).

It follows that knowledge should be managed: developed, exchanged, created organizational capital, and with it, increasing the labor potential of the employee and the team as a whole.

The basis of a person's potential is the qualities laid down by nature (health: physical and mental), creative abilities, as well as the moral orientation of the individual. The development of natural data and their implementation is determined by the family, the team in which activities are carried out, society, to a certain extent, and the church.

As part of personnel management, we should be primarily interested in the formation of the labor potential of employees and the entire team of the enterprise, as well as its use.

Labor potential is a variable value. Its quantitative and qualitative characteristics change under the influence of both objective factors (changes in the material component of production, in production relations, managerial decisions, etc.), and subjective factors, i.e., from the desire and initiative of the employee in relation to his self-education , the need for personal development, building professionalism, etc.

The purpose of labor potential management is to ensure its level that would meet the goals of production, ensure the implementation of the mission of the enterprise, development strategy (survival). The higher the potential capabilities of the hired labor force, the more complex tasks the team can solve (production volume, quality of products or services, achievement of higher production efficiency indicators, etc.).

But building up, as the main direction of formation, must be accompanied by ensuring the rational use of those opportunities that determine the labor potential of an employee (labor collective). If the use is not given due attention, then a significant part of the employees' opportunities in relation to labor will be unclaimed, which, on the one hand, makes the financial costs of the enterprise for staff development ineffective, and on the other hand, employees develop a feeling of dissatisfaction with their work, which often serves reason for dismissal on their own initiative.

Before managing the process of forming labor potential, it is necessary to solve the problem of its quantitative characteristics, determining the level of development and actual use.


As can be seen from the above, labor potential is a rather complex category. It reflects both the production component (the possibility of the employee (s) participating in production activities as one of the types of production resources, namely, his possible employment, hours worked, professional and qualification structure, creative activity, etc.), and socially demographic characteristics of the employee (staff) (a large number of personal, psychological characteristics that reflect many qualitative aspects of the hired labor force).

For this reason, labor potential can be characterized by a whole system of indicators affecting its quantitative and qualitative aspects. It would be tempting to have one generalizing indicator, so that it would be easier to compare the level of its development in relation to various enterprises (firms), to trace the change in dynamics as a result of the managerial decisions made. But there is no such synthetic, generalizing indicator and cannot be just because of the heterogeneity of the particular indicators used to assess the individual components of the labor potential, which makes it difficult to reduce them to a general indicator.

Quantitatively, the labor potential of the region, society in the most general form can be characterized by the size of the economic population that forms the supply of labor in the labor market. There is a fundamental opportunity to calculate the labor potential of the employed population, taking into account the possible working hours. This approach gives a more accurate characterization of the labor potential, since different categories of personnel, according to the current labor legislation, have different working week lengths (40, 36, 24 hours). For this, the indicator “the mass of simple labor possible to be worked out” is used, when complex labor is reduced to simple labor with the help of the corresponding labor reduction coefficients. however, the practical calculation of such an indicator is associated with great methodological and informational difficulties.

Not all components of the labor potential can be directly quantified. Many of them can be characterized only indirectly - through scaling (for example, they are rated by a certain number of points on a three, five, ten, and even 100-point scale).

The quantitative characteristics of many components of the labor potential are reflected by enterprises in statistical reporting (for example, the number of employees, hours worked, distribution of personnel by age, gender, level of education, health status, etc.). Thus, the state of health can be judged by the distribution of workers into such groups as "healthy", "practically healthy", "sick", as well as using the incidence rate (the number of cases of illness per 100 workers) and the severity of the disease (average duration in days of one case of temporary disability), or through the number of person-days of absence from work due to illness for a certain period of time.

The level of personnel qualification can be characterized by the distribution of employees by qualification categories, qualification categories. The state of discipline of employees can be assessed through the number of violations of labor discipline on the basis of timesheet data (for example, absenteeism for work without good reason, loss of working time within a shift due to the fault of workers).

As for many other qualitative characteristics of personnel that determine the state of labor potential, psychological testing and the formation of a socio-psychological portrait of a person’s personality can be used to quantify them.

The formation of labor potential is a consequence of managerial decisions, as a systematic impact on the process of selection, selection and hiring of personnel, its training and development in accordance with the current and future tasks of the functioning of the enterprise itself. Equally important is the creation of conditions for the maximum use by employees of their potential opportunities (abilities) in the process of labor activity. An important role in the formation of labor potential is played by a person's ability to self-transformation and self-development.

Management decisions should be based on the results of an analysis of the current level of labor potential for its compliance with the current and future needs of the enterprise in terms of labor costs and requirements for the human factor of production.

Let's return to the concept of "potential". Labor potential is a measure of the abilities and opportunities available to an employee, or it is “a measure of the abilities and opportunities of employees to realize their knowledge and skills in order to ensure the viability and development of the company.” That is, the potential is what the employee has, or it is what part of what he has, he can actually use for the benefit of the company, to what extent he has the appropriate conditions for this (organizational, motivational, etc.). )? Approaches to answering this question can be different: from the position of the employer (he evaluates the employee from the position of whether he has the qualities and level of preparedness that are necessary to perform the work assigned to him) and from the position of the employee (“I have certain capabilities and abilities and would like to to realize them fully).

Let's turn to Fig.1.

Figure 1. The structure of the employee's potential according to the degree of its demand

It can be seen that the potential capabilities of employees have two components: the demanded part and the unclaimed part. In turn, the demanded part can be of two types: actually used based on the implementation by the enterprise of its current tasks and underused portion due to the fact that the necessary conditions were not created, due to which the efficiency of production activity decreases (employees have potential, they are needed by the enterprise, but due to low organization, inefficient management, it is not fully used.

Both at domestic and foreign enterprises and organizations, employees do not always manage to fully realize their abilities in the process of performing their job duties. The reason lies in the underestimation by the management of enterprises of such factors of labor productivity growth as motivation, interaction, involvement in decision-making, an appropriate level of labor organization, etc. As a result, all this leads to the presence of hidden labor surpluses in enterprises in the amount of 10-15% and even more. from the total number of staff.

The unclaimed part of the potential capabilities of the hired personnel seems to be redundant from the standpoint of the current need. In fact, this is a reserve for the future period, acting in the form of deferred demand for labor. Moreover, some of these unclaimed opportunities are of interest and may be in demand in the future, while the rest is not of interest at all, even from the perspective of a distant future.

The presence of such qualitatively different components of the labor potential should be taken into account when developing measures in the process of its formation and use.


Personnel as an object of management is characterized not only by its total number, but also by its structural component. In the process of personnel management, it is important to distinguish between groups of employees as carriers of various interests and functions, since managerial influence always has its own targeting and must be specific. In addition, the structure of personnel largely characterizes the labor potential of the team. In this regard, we will consider personas from the angle of its structural components in more detail.

The basis of personnel structuring can be based on various classification features. First of all, the distribution of employees according to the functions performed (by categories of personnel), by the nature of work, age, education, etc. is used. The results of their joint activities depend on the ratio of different groups of employees, their interaction in the process of work, decision-making.

The enlarged structure of the labor force, the structural components of which determine the labor potential of the society (territory) is shown in Fig. 2.

Traditional approach

Market Approach

Production - Entrepreneurs

personnel (workers) - Employees

Managerial - Helping family members

staff (employees) - Persons not employed, but looking for

Fig.2. Enlarged workforce structure

The basic classification of the personnel of an enterprise (organization) is the distribution of personnel by category (see Fig. 3).

As can be seen from the diagram, in relation to the main production, all the personnel of the enterprise are divided into two categories:

Industrial and production personnel (or personnel of the main production);

Personnel of non-industrial organizations included in the structure of the enterprise.

Industrial and production personnel carry out activities in the field material production and provides the release and sale of products, and possibly after-sales service. In turn, industrial and production personnel consists of two categories:

Own production personnel (workers);

management staff.

The category "workers" includes employees of the enterprise directly involved in the creation of material values ​​or the provision of services of an industrial nature. Depending on the functions performed in this case, workers are divided into main and auxiliary.

The main ones include workers who are directly involved in the creation of the enterprise's products (apparatists, machine operators, fitters, blacksmiths, etc., and the auxiliary ones are those who are engaged in servicing the main workers, equipment, as well as workers of auxiliary workshops and farms, transporters, controllers , repairmen, toolmakers, etc.). They are not directly involved in the main production, but contribute to its implementation.

Fig.3. Classification of personnel of an enterprise (organization)

The workers also include apprentices undergoing industrial training at the enterprise, security, as well as junior service personnel involved in cleaning the territory and office premises.

Mental labor predominates in the labor activity of managerial personnel. The main result of managerial work is the collection and transformation of information using technical means, the development, implementation, control and analysis of the implementation of managerial decisions. Management personnel is divided into:



Employees (technical performers).

Depending on the scale of management, there are line managers who are responsible for making decisions on all management functions, and functional managers who implement individual management functions. Another classification distinguishes: top-level managers (director, his deputies), middle (heads of workshops and divisions), lower level (heads of sections, foremen).

Specialists - employees of the enterprise involved in planning, analysis, organization, production technology, legal issues, etc. Specialists also act as experts in resolving issues on the most efficient use of resources. The fundamental difference between a manager and a specialist lies in the legal right to make decisions and the presence of other employees in subordination.

Specialists, depending on the results of work, are divided into two groups:

Functional specialists whose result is management information (economists, accountants, marketers, etc.);

Specialists-engineers, the result of which is design and technological and project documentation in the field of engineering and technology (technologists, designers, designers, etc.).

Other employees ( technical performers) - these are employees who perform auxiliary work in the process of managing a unit or enterprise (working with documents, office work, secretaries, housekeeping).

The dynamics of the ratio of individual categories of personnel is as follows: under the influence of scientific and technological progress, in connection with the mechanization and automation of production, the share of workers in the total number of personnel tends to decrease, respectively, the share of personnel management (employees and, above all, specialists) increases.

Non-industrial personnel structural divisions on the balance sheet of the enterprise are employees of housing and communal services, educational institutions, medical and sanitary institutions, subsidiary agricultural enterprises, Danish gardens and nurseries, etc. During the transition of domestic enterprises to market relations during the period of enterprise restructuring, there was a significant reduction in the number employed in non-manufacturing units.

In addition to the classification of personnel by category presented in Scheme 2, the personnel of the enterprise are subdivided according to the type of employment (by positions held, and workers - by profession), by terms of work (according to the terms of employment: permanent, seasonal, temporary, hired under a fixed-term or open-ended contract), and as well as many other classification features.

Abroad, a specific classification of personnel is often used, according to which employees are divided into:

White collar workers (engineering and clerical staff);

Golden collars (workers involved in the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of information);

Gray collar workers (employees of social infrastructure sectors);

Blue collar workers (workers engaged in manual labor).

As noted above, to characterize the labor potential of an enterprise in the most general form, the indicator of the number of employees (staff) is used. However, since the number of employees of the enterprise is constantly changing due to the dismissal of some and the hiring of other workers to replace them, the number can be more accurately characterized by the indicators of the average number of employees for a certain calendar period (month, quarter, year).

Average number of employees per month, as a reporting statistical indicator, is calculated by summing up the payroll of employees for all days of the month (including weekends and holidays) and dividing the amount received by the number of calendar days in the month. At the same time, the payroll number of employees on weekends and holidays is taken according to the indicator of the pre-weekend (pre-holiday) day.

For analytical purposes, an enterprise can use another method for calculating the average headcount, the essence of which is to sum up all the attendances and absences from work of the enterprise's employees for a given calendar period (for example, per month) and dividing the amount received by the number of days in this calendar period.

To analyze the use of labor potential, you can use the indicator of the number of employees and the number of people actually working. The first shows how many on average, for example, per month there were workers on working days. It is calculated by dividing the total number of attendances to work by the number of working days in a month.

The number of actually employed workers is determined by summing up the workers who started work (man-days worked) by the number of working days in a month.

The entire system of indicators listed above makes it possible to analyze the use by the enterprise of its labor potential - how many employees from the payroll came to work and which part of them actually worked (accordingly, which part did not come to work on working days for various reasons, and those who came to work were on a full-time simple for organizational and technical reasons.

Brief dictionary of foreign words. -M.: "Russian language", 1984. - P.192.

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The essence of the economic categories "labor potential" and "employment", their relationship with laboratnew resources

The transition of the Russian economy to a market economy system required a radical change in the organizational and economic forms of management, the use of modern management methods, and the organization of fundamentally new economic relations between enterprises and elements of the external environment. In this regard, the identification of factors that have a decisive influence on the development of sectoral economies and their effective functioning in modern conditions is extremely important.

The most effective and socially active part of improving the efficiency of the functioning of enterprises is the labor potential, the active part of which is the labor force. The labor force should be understood as the totality of physical and spiritual abilities that a person possesses and uses them to create the necessary goods and services. It follows that labor resources become labor force only when the physical and spiritual abilities of a person are realized in the labor process. In this regard, the concept of the economic category "labor potential" is somewhat broader and more diverse than the concept of "labor force". The composition of the labor potential includes both workers employed in social production and a part of the population that does not take part in the labor process, but under appropriate conditions can be used for agricultural production. According to the current legislation, the labor force includes the population of working age: men aged 16 to 59 years, women aged 16 to 54 inclusive. In addition, the labor force includes adolescents and persons of retirement age.

The composition of the labor resources of agricultural enterprises is represented by permanent, seasonal and temporary workers. Permanent employees are those hired without a fixed term. Seasonal workers are enlisted for a certain period of the year, but not more than 6 months, and those workers who take part in work for no more than 2 months are considered temporary. In necessary cases, in agriculture, labor resources are used, attracted from outside under a labor agreement.

Therefore, based on the whole range of issues related to the substantiation of the category "labor potential", it becomes necessary to determine how the concepts of "labor potential" and "employment" relate to each other and how they can be quantified. We have already stipulated that the labor potential is understood as a part of the country's population with physical development, mental abilities and knowledge that are necessary for work in the national economy. But one cannot ignore the well-known conventionality of such an interpretation that labor potential is not the population itself, but the totality of the abilities of one or another category of people for labor activity. Then employment can be defined as one or another form of realization of these abilities, which characterizes various forms of participation of the able-bodied part of the population in socially useful activities with the receipt of appropriate income. The problem of employment and its components acquire a new sound today in theoretical and practical aspects. It is relevant for many countries of the world, and even more so for Russia, which has embarked on the path of market transformations. In Russian legislation, employment is understood as the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which does not contradict the law and, as a rule, brings them earnings, labor income. When using the more capacious concept of “human resource”, forms of employment are expanding, including not only employment at enterprises, organizations and institutions of various forms of ownership, but also entrepreneurship, self-employment, individual labor and creative activity, work in personal subsidiary plots, employment at home. housekeeping and raising children, the performance of state and public duties, full-time education in specialized secondary and higher educational institutions. Consequently, labor resources and employment are interrelated, since the expansion of forms of employment enriches labor resources. Like any other resources, resources for labor, i.e. labor potential and related employment can be quantified. With the transition to market relations, measurement by the number of people becomes insufficient, given the possibility of regulating working hours in the interests of the employer and employee. Therefore, a single meter can be the number of hours of working time. This approach allows to take into account part-time or part-time employment, as well as secondary employment. There are concepts of full, productive and effective employment. "Full" employment is a concrete socio-economic realization of the universality and obligation of labor under socialism. It is associated with providing the able-bodied population with real opportunities to engage in socially useful work, while the number of jobs corresponds to the number of unemployed or exceeds it. Jobs must be filled by a trained workforce. Better results can be achieved only when the professional and qualification structure of the labor force corresponds to the structure of jobs created taking into account scientific and technological progress. Therefore, if the demand for such jobs is met by the corresponding supply of labor, then we can talk about the state of equilibrium between the labor force and jobs, or employment in this case is productive. But this problem has another aspect. It is to provide not just full and productive employment, but also economically efficient employment.

Economic efficiency is understood as employment that provides a decent income, the growth of the educational and professional level for each member of society based on the growth of social labor productivity. This definition gives a complete description of economic efficiency from a qualitative point of view. Its disadvantage lies in the quantitative uncertainty, the inability to measure using a single indicator. This difficulty is largely eliminated by using a scorecard. The most appropriate, providing a fairly deep idea of ​​effective employment, are indicators such as:

1. The level (coefficient) of employment of the population by professional work. It is determined by the ratio of the number of employed (NW) to the total population (N o), expressed as a percentage.

A decrease in this coefficient indicates that conditions have been created in the form of free time for engaging in other activities. However, it requires further analysis regarding the actual involvement of the population in other activities. The specified coefficient can be used for international comparisons.

2. The level of employment of the able-bodied population in the public economy. It is calculated as a percentage of the population (PN) engaged in professional labor, the total working-age population or labor resources (PN vol).

This indicator characterizes the effective or inefficient use of labor force in comparison with the previous year.

3. Optimal distribution of the population by spheres of socially useful activity. If the number of unemployed exceeds 10% (according to the ILO methodology), then there is no need to talk about optimal employment in the Russian economy. A high level of willingness to work indicates an inefficient use of labor force. The unemployment rate according to the ILO methodology is calculated as the ratio of the number of unemployed (N unr) to the number of labor resources (N labor.res).

industry employment economy

It shows structural imbalances in the supply and demand of labor, which means the simultaneous existence of job vacancies and job seekers.

4. Rationality of the structure and distribution of the population by professions, industries and sectors of the economy.

According to this indicator, one can judge the change in demand for certain professions, the number and share of employment in the sectors of the economy.

5. The rate of unemployment, its relationship with the natural rate of unemployment.

This indicator is widely used in Western countries to analyze the effectiveness of employment. This became possible after the scientific definition of the natural rate of unemployment, deviations from which in one direction or another shows that the labor force is used inefficiently and the economy suffers losses due to inflation or underproduction of GDP.

In the USA in the second half of the 1990s, the natural rate of unemployment was considered to be 5.5-6%. In Russia, according to experts, the maximum possible unemployment rate should not exceed 10-12%, although this figure indicates an inefficient use of the total labor force. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the reforms in the direction of more active participation of the state in the restructuring of the economy, the growth of GDP production, the solution of social problems based on increased investment, the use of science and technology, providing full, productive and efficient employment.

Understanding the importance of all activities, one should not underestimate the role professional labor. Since with the transition to a market economy, with the advent of a variety of forms of ownership, there are changes in the structure of employment, and in place with them, a certain transformation of the social function of labor. New sectors of the economy appeared, connected with private property and with private owners, non-wage laborers. The public sector, which had dominated for many decades, has given way to the private sector. New classes and social strata of the population have appeared, exerting an active influence on changes in the structure of employment. For example, the share of people employed in the private sector over the past five years has increased by almost 3 times, and in other forms of ownership and management has increased by more than 3 times.

There is a significant increase in the proportion of the population employed in part-time, part-time work. It increased especially at small enterprises (from 10.3 to 16.4%). This suggests that private and small enterprises are trying to reduce their financial costs by saving on wages. This practice leads to a deterioration in the conditions for the reproduction of the labor force, a decrease in its quality.

The transition to market relations is also characterized by changes in the field of education, that is, it took place in 1992-1995. a trend towards a reduction in the number of students of working age (up to 5.3 million people). In the second half of the 1990s, there was a tendency towards an increase in their number (5.9 million people in 1998), especially in universities. Increased admission to postgraduate and doctoral studies. These changes are associated both with the high status of education, which gives a more stable position in society, and with the emerging new function of education - temporary social protection. Thus, higher education postpones the problems of unemployment for 5 years and saves from the currently unpopular service in the Russian Armed Forces. This can explain the facts of obtaining education in specialties that are not in demand on the labor market and lead to an increase in unemployment, which has become a new social phenomenon in Russia. The return of the unemployed to a full life is difficult for regional structures. The labor market alone cannot cope with the solution of employment problems. For these purposes, an active policy of the state is needed.

The imbalance between supply and demand in the labor market always means a retreat from conditions of full and efficient employment. If supply exceeds demand, there is explicit unemployment, and if demand exceeds supply or real need, there is hidden unemployment. Consequently, employment and unemployment are interdependent socio-economic categories. Their ratio reflects the most synthetic characteristic of labor market policies. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that both employment and unemployment arise on the initiative of both the employer - the subject of demand, and workers - the subjects of supply. Nevertheless, the position of employers naturally has a decisive influence on the formation of the internal labor market.

Unemployment is a phenomenon organically linked to the labor market. According to the definition of the International Labor Organization, an unemployed person is anyone who is currently unemployed, looking for work and ready to start it. According to Russian legislation, the unemployed are able-bodied citizens who do not have work and earnings, are registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job, are looking for work and are ready to start it. Modern economists consider unemployment as a natural and integral part of the market economy. In this regard, much attention is paid to the analysis of types of unemployment. The criterion for distinguishing between types of unemployment, as a rule, is the cause of its occurrence and duration, and the main types of unemployment are structural, frictional and cyclical.

Trends in economic development leading to a change in the structure of consumer demand, in turn, change the structure of the overall demand for workers, i.e. new, more modern goods and services are being created that require the introduction of advanced technologies; accordingly, a restructuring of production is being carried out with the reduction of old and the development of new economic facilities. In this regard, the existing employees are being upgraded, and some of the employees may be released. It is not uncommon for redundant workers to end up in the unemployed because people tend to be slow to respond to the emergence of new jobs, resulting in the structure of labor supply not matching the structure of jobs and it turns out that some workers do not have the skills that employers need, and these people become unemployed. This type of unemployment is called structural. The formation, which was facilitated not only by the volume and structure of demand for goods and services, the needs of enterprises in the quantity and quality of the workforce, but also by social factors, which include the needs of employees to improve working conditions, the need for periodic updating of knowledge, the expansion of professional profile, the ability to select the appropriate working hours.

If a person is given the freedom to choose the type of activity and place of work, then at any given moment some of the workers find themselves in a position where they have already left their previous job, but have not yet entered a new one. One of them voluntarily changes jobs, others are looking for work for the first time, and others have finished their seasonal work. Such a sphere, where this labor, originally intended for sale, is formed, is actually an integral part of the labor market, called the potential labor market, without which other elements of the labor market cannot exist. The economic function of this part of the labor market lies in the fact that hired labor is only being formed here, and the labor market in its activities tries to bring the quantity and quality of workers into line with the available jobs. Such unemployment is called frictional. Since the initiative to fire in this case comes from the person himself, frictional unemployment is considered inevitable and, according to some economists, desirable, since many workers who voluntarily remain unemployed move from low-paid, inefficient to higher-paying and productive work, and this, in turn, means an increase in the well-being of citizens and a more rational distribution of resources for labor. It is necessary to keep in mind a certain difference between structural and frictional unemployment. Thus, the “frictional” unemployed have all the skills to find a job, while the “structural” unemployed need mandatory additional training and retraining.

The combination of structural and frictional unemployment determines the level of natural unemployment. Frictional unemployment is the result of the dynamism of the labor market, while structural unemployment arises from a territorial or professional mismatch between supply and demand in the labor market. Thus, the level of natural unemployment is that social minimum level below which it is impossible to fall and which corresponds to the concept of full employment. At the same time, full employment is understood not as total, but as employment that does not exclude a certain natural level of unemployment.

Changes in the situation on the market for goods and services, increased competition between producers lead to the fact that some industries reduce or even stop output. As a result, there is a movement of employees from one workplace, enterprise, industry to another, causing serious problems in the labor market. In the course of such a displacement, as well as when leaving the sphere of the potential labor market, breaks in employment of different duration are formed, an army of unemployed appears, this kind of unemployment is called cyclical. Consequently, at any given moment in time, some part of employees is between the exit of some and the inclusion of others in part of the labor market. This is exactly the state when workers offer their labor, moving between enterprises. Here, labor, like any other commodity, circulates as an object of trade. And the sphere of trade is the sphere of circulation of goods and money, which is outside the sphere of production of goods. In the sphere of circulation, the seller of goods constantly moves between enterprises in search of buyers, as if circulating between them.

The position of the International Labor Organization with regard to employment and unemployment is expressed in the Convention for the Promotion of Employment and Protection against Unemployment, adopted in 1991. Concerning the promotion of productive employment, the Convention establishes that the promotion of full, productive and freely chosen employment by all appropriate means, including social security, should be a national employment priority. Such funds should include, inter alia, employment services, vocational training and career guidance. In times of economic crisis, adjustment policies should include, under prescribed conditions, measures to encourage initiatives aimed at the large-scale use of labor. Attention is drawn to measures to ensure professional mobility, protect the unemployed and provide them with suitable work.

Therefore, a society flourishes where conditions are created for the best use of the human resource, its reproduction and enrichment, taking into account the interests of each person, where labor is highly valued and constant concern is shown to increase its efficiency.

Employment is necessary condition for its reproduction, since the standard of living of people depends on it, the costs of society for the training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, for their employment, for material support for people who have lost their jobs. Therefore, such problems as employment, unemployment, resources for labor activity are relevant for the economy of any country, the solution of which is intended to be solved by the labor market.

Without a real functioning of the labor market, the restructuring of the Russian economy is impossible. At the same time, it cannot function itself without interaction with the market of capitals, housing, without resolving issues related to the peculiarities of the reproduction of the labor force of an employee in the transition period to the market, etc. There is an institutionalization of the labor market; the Employment Fund has been created, labor exchanges are functioning; an active policy is pursued by the legislative and executive authorities of Russia, but there is still no full-fledged labor market in Russia.

The scale of the Russian labor market is enormous. A large group of the economically active population is made up of women, students, pupils and pensioners. According to the International Labor Organization, the unemployment rate in Russia is much higher than official figures and is at least 9.5% of the population. The trend is that the total number of unemployed is gradually increasing. Unemployment is rising, also due to the decline in production.

The specificity of the labor market in Russia lies in the combination of a low level of officially registered unemployment with large-scale hidden unemployment. The reason for such a high level of hidden unemployment is that, as a rule, it is unprofitable for people to register as unemployed (when leaving a normal job, a person loses many benefits). In addition, many enterprises reduce the working week, the number vacancies, increase forced vacations. The state restrains the mass release of the labor force by pursuing an appropriate policy. As a result, unemployment has acquired a hidden form. Consequently, the level of unemployment in Russia will be determined not only by the dynamics of production, but also by the rate of transformation of hidden unemployment into open, which is forced by the introduced market mechanisms.

As a result of a significant reduction in agricultural production in Russia, as well as institutional changes in 2001-2005. the number of employees of agricultural enterprises decreased by 4.2 million people, or 45%. If in 2001 the difference between the number of able-bodied rural population of working age and the number of employed workers was 8%, then in 2005 it was 25%. The workers released from the enterprises and organizations of the rural economy are moving into personal subsidiary and household households. The number of people employed in this area only for the indicated period increased from 2.0 to 4.4 million people, and their share in the composition of the able-bodied rural population of working age - from 11.3 to 24.6%. Taking into account personal subsidiary farm employment in the agricultural sector reaches 65% of the able-bodied rural population. Unemployment in the countryside is growing faster than in the city. In 2005, its level exceeded the figure for the city by 2 times and almost 2.5 - a critical level, which, according to the UN, is 10%.

Rural unemployment has a large regional differentiation. According to the methodology used by the state bodies of labor and employment, regions in which the unemployment rate is 2 or more times higher than the average Russian indicator are classified as areas with a critical situation in the labor market.

If this criterion is applied not to registered rural unemployment, which does not reflect the real situation, but to the general one, then it turns out that 80% of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation fall into the critical zone. And in 16 regions where the level of general unemployment in the countryside exceeds 10% wages by 2 times and in recent years there have been practically no new jobs created in the countryside, so unemployment has entered a stagnant phase.

IN Russian economy and especially in the agro-industrial complex, the labor market is not yet a self-regulating system operating on the basis of economic laws. The specificity of economic reforms requires a certain state regulation of this market. Since the relations that are developing in the labor market are of a pronounced socio-economic nature, they affect the urgent needs of the majority of the country's population. Through the mechanisms of the labor market, the levels of employment of the population and wages are established. Unemployment has become a significant consequence of the processes taking place in the labor market - a generally negative, but practically inevitable phenomenon of social life.

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