The most efficient speedboat. Top ten boats. The fastest yacht

High-speed border boat of project FC-19 "Nurly Zhol" / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

The Kazakhstani maritime border guards received at their disposal high-speed patrol boats built in Uralsk at the Zenit plant.

The situation with poaching in the Caspian Sea remains difficult. Constant illegal encroachments on Kazakhstani biological resources by citizens of neighboring states are forcing the Kazakhstani authorities to strengthen the sea part of the border. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, the Regional Department of the Coast Guard, together with Russian and Azerbaijani colleagues, carries out special operational and preventive measures to suppress acts of poaching (SOPM). Now we are preparing for the spring operation. Some time ago, the Kazakh maritime border guards received at their disposal high-speed patrol boats built in Uralsk at the Zenit plant. We will tell you about the fastest ships in the Caspian Sea in this report.

The hatch to the engine room of "Karaganda" / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

At the forefront of our coast guard is a high-speed border boat "Nurly Zhol" of project FC-19, commander - foreman of the first class Berik Zhantleuov, and high-speed border boat "Karaganda" of project 0210 "Aybar", commander - senior lieutenant Zhanibek Telev. Both vessels were built in Kazakhstan on the instructions of the border service.

High-speed border boat "Karaganda" project 0210 "Aybar" / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

“These are new high-speed boats supplied to us by the Zenit plant,” says Berik Zhantleuov. “Previously, we could not catch up the violators by water. Only with the help of a helicopter. This boat (FC-19) can overtake any vessel in the Caspian. MAN engine of 1450 horsepower each, a Rolls Royce water cannon The boat develops a speed of up to 54 knots. half an hour. There are those intruders who do not stop at voice commands, even when opening fire into the air. The only way is to shoot at the engines.

Commander of the high-speed border boat of the FC-19 project "Nurly Zhol" Petty Officer of the first class Berik Zhantleuov / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

According to the commander of the border ship, now there are fewer violators.

"You rarely find anyone. With the advent of these boats, we began to protect our biological resources more reliably. Previously, we chose more nets, and there were more detentions. And now they know that if they come to our territory and work for us, we Poachers usually catch with homemade hooks, nets. It all depends on what you want to catch. If the fish is the size of a person, then the mesh of the net will be about 20 centimeters, if less - 10, 12, 15 centimeters. It depends on region of the sea. Poachers - from Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Astrakhan. Turkmenistan. Most of all from Dagestan. They fish whole villages. Well, there are enough of ours, "- says Berik.

Checking documents of Kazakh fishermen / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

Patrols are usually conducted in areas designated by the Coast Guard. The boats stay there for several days, moving slowly and observing the situation. Poachers usually leave foam bulber or "eggplants" - liter empty plastic bottles... They function as floats. Having found this balber, the border guards already know that there is a network there. The fact of detection is reported to the base, then sampling begins. In a month, the commander with his crew must be at sea for 15 days with a break of 3-4 days. Autonomy FC-19 - 5 days.

On patrol / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

During the SOPM Berik Zhantleuov is practically not at home. For a month - only 2-3 times. Therefore, he sent his family to his parents in South Kazakhstan. For four years in a row, the foreman of the first class, Berik Zhantleuov, was the best boat commander in our coast guard. For this he was presented with a state award. The Aibyn Order of the 3rd degree was presented to the border guard personally by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kadyrzhan Mukanov / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

Kadyrzhan Mukanov - Head of the Regional Department of the Coast Guard.

- Kadyrzhan Urakovich, how is the rearmament of your service going?

The Regional Coast Guard is structural unit Border Service of the KNB and carries out the tasks of protecting the border on the western borders of our country. The peculiarity is that the length of the border is about 2 thousand kilometers, and the lion's share constitutes the sea direction. That is, we are guarding the border along the Caspian Sea for 1,500 kilometers. Based on this, we determine the composition of forces and means. I want to say that the equipping of the Coast Guard continues. A lot of equipment has already been received under the program of re-equipment and re-equipment. These are, in particular, radar stations for monitoring the maritime situation. The re-equipment of the ship is underway. All our ships are of domestic production. They are being built at the Zenit plant in the city of Uralsk. This is a new generation ship of project 0210 "Aybar". He came to replace the outdated ships of the Berkut project. We have brought into service a ship called "Karagandy". The flag was raised on it by the chairman of the KNB.

Flag of the Kazakh Coast Guard / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

The ship is now carrying out tasks to protect the border. This ship is very fast. Equipped with modern weapons. An important factor is that the habitability for the personnel is very good. In addition, we already have 4 units of speed boats of the FC-19 project. In August 2016, our fleet was replenished the latest development plant "Zenith" - missile and artillery ship "Sarbaz" project 300 "Bars". This vessel is equipped with weapons that are not present on the previous ships of this project. For the first time, we received a hydroacoustic station for underwater reconnaissance and a rapid-fire artillery unit. Up to 1000 shots can be fired from it per minute and an object can be destroyed at a distance of 5000 meters.

The team of the high-speed border boat "Karaganda" / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

- How are operational activities carried out?

We are carrying out joint operational and preventive measures to protect the biological resources of the Caspian Sea. The first stage takes place in the spring, in April. This is due to the spawning period of sturgeon fish. In one of the seasons, we sampled nets with a length of more than 300 kilometers in the sea. Can you imagine that ?! Damage caused to poachers in the amount of 30 million tenge. We have prevented the illegal fishing of about 130 tons of fish. This is the result of our work. The second stage takes place during October. All the forces and assets of the ship's personnel were sent to sea.

In the cockpit of "Karaganda". The commander of the ship, senior lieutenant Zhanibek Telev / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

- The border guard service at sea is very different from its land options. How and where do you train personnel?

Of course, equipping with weapons and equipment is very important. However, the normal operation of this technique is impossible without the training of personnel. The main efforts are now directed to the training of young officers. We carry out training of officers in Russian Federation, and we ourselves prepare secondary technical specialties and initial naval training at the naval training center.

Morning construction / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

- How many ships does the group have, and what are your plans for the future?

First, there are 35 units of ships and boats as part of the Regional Coast Guard. All of them are of domestic production. Ships are categorized into projects. Project 300 - large ships with a displacement of 250 tons. The project is called Bars. We have 5 such ships. Project "Berkut" - ships with a displacement of 42 tons. These were the very first ships built at the Ural shipyard. Now they are considered morally obsolete, have served their time, and are being replaced by ships of a new generation of the Aybar type. They are equipped with new weapons, in addition, weapons are remotely controlled. Another type is the speedboats of the FC-19 project. They reach speeds of up to 50 knots. This is a thunderstorm for all poachers. In the future, we are planning old ships - there are 7 of them - to gradually change. You can't do everything right away, but we have a rearmament program until 2025.

Ship cat Ivanych / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

- How do poachers react to such serious changes?

Violators also come up with new tactics. Now poachers have practically stopped going out in the daytime. Those who have permission to go out to sea and the right to fish are coming out. Naturally, there are all sorts of tricks.

View of the Bautinskaya Bay / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

The base of ships of the Regional Department of the Coast Guard is located in the village of Bautino, 150 kilometers from Aktau. Previously, it was a fishing village, which was called the village of Nikolaevskaya. At the dawn of the last century, it was built by the Russian merchant Zakhary Dubsky. Officially, the settlement is considered separate administrative unit, although it actually merges with another settlement in Mangyshlak - the city of Fort Shevchenko. Now Bautino has everything for a normal life. V Soviet times the village was on a rotational basis.

Monument to Alexei Yegorovich Bautin, the first chairman of the village council of the same name settlement in 1883-1919/ Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

Refueling ships diesel fuel and drinking water produced approximately once a week. By the way, waste from ships is not dumped into the sea; it remains in sealed tanks until it enters the base. Maintenance of the FC-19 is carried out locally. A shipyard was recently built in Bautino.

Talgat Turebaev / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

Talgat Turebaev, captain of the first rank, deputy chief of staff of the Regional Department of the Coast Guard:

Today we are guarding state border not only with the help of ships, but also with helicopters, technical observation posts, etc. We use different forces and means. The situation in the Caspian is turbulent. There are violators of the state border.

- Has the tactics of poachers changed?

Poachers used to sail on fishing and transport vessels (PTS). They reach a speed of 10-12 knots. These vessels took more fish because there are refrigerators. But since we had new ships, we began to go out on patrol more often, began to detain them, and they began to transfer from large PTS to small floating craft (MPS) of the baida type. And now they use canoes at night. They go out, put out fishing gear, and go to their place in the morning. And we are using new tactics. We find the network from the helicopter. The crew throws out the buoys, marks this place. Then the ship goes there, the crew removes these nets.

Mooring at sea / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

- So it turns out that the priority now is to make poaching a meaningless activity?

Even when they try to leave at night, we inflict economic damage on them - we poison all their nets. When a poacher comes for his nets, his catch, there is nothing there. They go back empty. It is already unprofitable for them to do this - the consumption of gasoline, oil, networks ... By the way, the networks are expensive. It is already unprofitable for them to constantly buy them, refuel when there is no income.

- And what are the results?

Poaching has declined recently. For illegal catch of partial fish species, administrative fines are envisaged. Basically, now we are detaining citizens of Kazakhstan. These are residents of Atyrau and Mangystau regions, unemployed. First of all, they violate the state border - they go beyond the 12-mile zone. And then they are considered poachers. According to the documents, they are allowed to fish at a distance of two miles from the coast. They cross the border from our side, from the inside. In the northern part of the Caspian, the food supply is better, so all fish go to spawn in the Ural-Caspian canal and in the Volga delta.


Technical parameters of the ship of project 0210 "Aybar":

Power plant "Karaganda" / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

From technical description plant "Zenith": "The main power plant consists of three marine diesel engines MAN 12V-1800 with reverse gears ZF 3050. The auxiliary power plant consists of two diesel generators STAMEGNA model SN500, each of which consists of diesel engine power 38 KW, 400 V, 50 Hz. Emergency power source - one STAMEGNA emergency diesel generator, model PK-20, consists of a 16 KW, 400 V, 50 Hz diesel engine. Water-jet propellers - two controlled Rolls Royce model 50 A3 water cannons, providing the main movement and maneuvering of the boat, and one central uncontrolled Rolls Royce model 45 A3 "water cannon.

Weapon system ADUNOK / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

Of interest is the weapon system of the boat 0210 "Aybar". An automatic remotely controlled observation and fire complex (ADUNOK) equipped with a 12.7 mm NSVT machine gun is mounted on a special console. With the help of special gyroscopes, the machine gun will always be aimed at the target, despite the pitching and displacement of the ship in different planes. In addition, the complex includes a laser sight and a thermal imager for shooting at night. You can fire at any time of the day and in any weather, even with a strong storm with a guaranteed target hit.

10) Submarine K-222

The fastest submarine in the world

Maximum speed (Km-h / Kn-knot): 82 km / h / 44.7 knots.

At one time, this boat was recognized as the best in the world for its military characteristics. It is the only submarine in its class in the world. The boat's hull is made entirely of titanium. The reactor power is 177 megawatts (80 thousand hp), which is achieved due to steam turbines... A two-in-one combination, low weight and great power. This boat can accommodate (accommodate) up to 82 sailors, up to 10 pieces of SS-N-7 "StarBright" anti-ship missiles, 12 pieces of 533 mm torpedoes and accelerates to a speed of 82 km / h (44 knots).

9) HCMS Bras D'Or 400

The fastest warship

Maximum speed (Km-h / Kn-knot): 115 km.h / 63 knots.

This experimental Canadian hydrofoil still holds the title of the world's fastest warship. The vessel is powered by two Pratt & Whitney gas turbine engines.

To our deep regret, this project was curtailed in 1971. The only built copy of the ship is currently in the Maritime Museum in Quebec.

8) Vestas Sailrocket 2

The world's fastest sailing ship

Maximum speed (Km-h / Kn-knot): 120 km.h /65.45 knots.

120 kilometers per hour in principle seems a little. But .. And if this speed on water, then it's a completely different matter, it's just stunning speed. "Sailrocket 2" is not only a very fast sailing vessel, this very vehicle has set the world record for the speed of movement in its class of boats.

7) World Is Not Enough

The most fast yacht

Maximum speed (Km-h / Kn-knot): 129 km / h / 69.5 knots

We are not sure that anyone will ever need to move on a yacht at such a wild speed for a boat. But nevertheless, we are glad for such a miracle of marine technology that exists today on our land.

6) Cigarette AMG Electric Drive Concept

The fastest electric boat in the world

The engine of the vessel uses Lycoming turbines, which allows the catamaran to develop a power of 9000 hp.

3) "Problem Child" Top Fuel Hydro

The fastest seaplane in the world (today)

Maximum speed (Km-h / Kn-knot): 421 km.h / 228 knots.

Seaplane Top Fuel "Problem Child" (translated as "Problem Child") was created as a seaplane, which can reach its prohibitive speed for the water surface.

The marine "dragster2" is equipped with a Hemi V8 engine with an output of 8000 hp.

2) Bluebird K7

The fastest seaplane ever built by man

Maximum speed (Km-h / Kn-knot): 444 km.h / 228 knots.

The K7 seaplane was the first crazy floating craft to use turbocharged motors from seaplanes. Thanks to them, the boat set 7 world records in water speed (from 1955 to 1964). The last record of the ship is a shocking speed for all - 444 km / h.

Unfortunately, in 1967, while trying to set another new world speed record, at 482 km / h, an irreparable tragedy occurred, the seaplane crashed, and pilot Donald Campbell died in an accident. But this racer all the same went down in history as the only person in the world who conquered the speed on water of more than 450 km / h.

1) Spirit Of Australia

The fastest boat in the world

Maximum speed (Km-h / Kn-knot): 511 km.h / 276.3 knots.

511 kilometers per hour! Amazing figure for speed on water, isn't it friends? But even more surprising is that this boat was built by a private master from Australia in his garage. (?)

Citizen Ken Warby designed and built such a boat that can accelerate to a speed of 510 km / h. This happened in 1978. It is also noteworthy that until now and already in the 21st century, no one has surpassed this speed record on water among boats.

High-speed border boat of project FC-19 "Nurly Zhol"

The Kazakhstani maritime border guards received at their disposal high-speed patrol boats built in Uralsk at the Zenit plant.

The situation with poaching in the Caspian Sea remains difficult. Constant illegal encroachments on Kazakhstani biological resources by citizens of neighboring states are forcing the Kazakhstani authorities to strengthen the sea part of the border. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, the Regional Department of the Coast Guard, together with Russian and Azerbaijani colleagues, carries out special operational and preventive measures to suppress acts of poaching (SOPM). Now we are preparing for the spring operation. Some time ago, the Kazakh maritime border guards received at their disposal high-speed patrol boats built in Uralsk at the Zenit plant. We will tell you about the fastest ships in the Caspian Sea in this report.

The hatch to the engine room of "Karaganda"

At the forefront of our coast guard is a high-speed border boat "Nurly Zhol" of project FC-19, commander - foreman of the first class Berik Zhantleuov, and high-speed border boat "Karaganda" of project 0210 "Aybar", commander - senior lieutenant Zhanibek Telev. Both vessels were built in Kazakhstan on the instructions of the border service.

High-speed border boat "Karagandy" project 0210 "Aybar"

“These are new high-speed boats supplied to us by the Zenit plant,” says Berik Zhantleuov. “Previously, we could not catch up the violators by water. Only with the help of a helicopter. This boat (FC-19) can overtake any vessel in the Caspian. MAN engine of 1450 horsepower each, Rolls Royce water cannon The boat develops a speed of up to 54 knots It can cover a very long distance in a short period of time 12 nautical miles from the Kazakh coast to Russian territorial waters it will take 15 minutes. half an hour. There are those intruders who do not stop at voice commands, even when opening fire into the air. The only way is to shoot at the engines.

Commander of the high-speed border boat of the FC-19 project "Nurly Zhol" Petty Officer of the first class Berik Zhantleuov

According to the commander of the border ship, now there are fewer violators.
"You rarely find anyone. With the advent of these boats, we began to protect our biological resources more reliably. Previously, we chose more nets, and there were more detentions. And now they know that if they come to our territory and work for us, we Poachers usually catch with homemade hooks, nets. It all depends on what you want to catch. If the fish is the size of a man, then the mesh of the net will be about 20 centimeters, if less - 10, 12, 15 centimeters. It depends on region of the sea. Poachers - from Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Astrakhan. Turkmenistan. Most of all from Dagestan. They fish whole villages. Well, there are enough of ours, "- says Berik.

Checking documents of Kazakh fishermen

Patrols are usually conducted in areas designated by the Coast Guard. The boats stay there for several days, moving slowly and observing the situation. Poachers usually leave behind foam bulber or "eggplants" - 1 liter empty plastic bottles. They function as floats. Having found this balber, the border guards already know that there is a network there. The fact of detection is reported to the base, then sampling begins. In a month, the commander with his crew must be at sea for 15 days with a break of 3-4 days. Autonomy FC-19 - 5 days.

On patrol

During the SOPM Berik Zhantleuov is practically not at home. For a month - only 2-3 times. Therefore, he sent his family to his parents in South Kazakhstan. For four years in a row, the foreman of the first class, Berik Zhantleuov, was the best boat commander in our coast guard. For this he was presented with a state award. The Aibyn Order of the 3rd degree was presented to the border guard personally by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kadyrzhan Mukanov

Kadyrzhan Mukanov - Head of the Regional Department of the Coast Guard.

- Kadyrzhan Urakovich, how is the rearmament of your service going?

- The regional department of the coast guard is a structural subdivision of the Border Guard Service of the KNB and carries out the tasks of protecting the border on the western borders of our country. The peculiarity is that the length of the border is about 2 thousand kilometers, and the lion's share is the sea direction. That is, we are guarding the border along the Caspian Sea for 1,500 kilometers. Based on this, we determine the composition of forces and means. I want to say that the equipping of the Coast Guard continues. A lot of equipment has already been received under the program of re-equipment and re-equipment. These are, in particular, radar stations for monitoring the maritime situation. The re-equipment of the ship is underway. All our ships are of domestic production. They are being built at the Zenit plant in the city of Uralsk. This is a new generation ship of project 0210 "Aybar". He came to replace the outdated ships of the Berkut project. We have brought into service a ship called "Karagandy". The flag was raised on it by the chairman of the KNB.

Kazakhstan coast guard flag

The ship is now carrying out tasks to protect the border. This ship is very fast. Equipped with modern weapons. An important factor is that the habitability for the personnel is very good. In addition, we already have 4 units of speed boats of the FC-19 project. In August 2016, our fleet was replenished with the latest development of the Zenit plant - the Sarbaz missile and artillery ship of project 300 Bars. This vessel is equipped with weapons that are not present on the previous ships of this project. For the first time, we received a hydroacoustic station for underwater reconnaissance and a rapid-fire artillery unit. Up to 1000 shots can be fired from it per minute and an object can be destroyed at a distance of 5000 meters.

The crew of the high-speed border boat "Karaganda"

- How are operational activities carried out?

- We are carrying out joint operational and preventive measures to protect the biological resources of the Caspian Sea. The first stage takes place in the spring, in April. This is due to the spawning period of sturgeon fish. In one of the seasons, we sampled nets with a length of more than 300 kilometers in the sea. Can you imagine that ?! Damage caused to poachers in the amount of 30 million tenge. We have prevented the illegal fishing of about 130 tons of fish. This is the result of our work. The second stage takes place during October. All the forces and assets of the ship's personnel were sent to sea.

In the cockpit of "Karaganda". Commander of the vessel Senior Lieutenant Zhanibek Telev

- The border guard service at sea is very different from its land options. How and where do you train personnel?

- Of course, equipping with weapons and equipment is very important. However, the normal operation of this technique is impossible without the training of personnel. The main efforts are now directed to the training of young officers. We carry out the training of officers in the Russian Federation, and we ourselves prepare secondary technical specialties and initial naval training at the naval training center.

Morning formation

- How many ships does the group have, and what are your plans for the future?

- Firstly, there are 35 units of ships and boats in the Regional Coast Guard Directorate. All of them are of domestic production. Ships are categorized into projects. Project 300 - large ships with a displacement of 250 tons. The project is called Bars. We have 5 such ships. Project "Berkut" - ships with a displacement of 42 tons. These were the very first ships built at the Ural shipyard. Now they are considered morally obsolete, have served their time, and are being replaced by ships of a new generation of the Aybar type. They are equipped with new weapons, in addition, weapons are remotely controlled. Another type is the speedboats of the FC-19 project. They reach speeds of up to 50 knots. This is a thunderstorm for all poachers. In the future, we are planning old ships - there are 7 of them - to gradually change. You can't do everything right away, but we have a rearmament program until 2025.

Ship cat Ivanych

- How do poachers react to such serious changes?

- Violators also come up with new tactics. Now poachers have practically stopped going out in the daytime. Those who have permission to go out to sea and the right to fish are coming out. Naturally, there are all sorts of tricks.

View of the Bautinskaya Bay

The base of ships of the Regional Department of the Coast Guard is located in the village of Bautino, 150 kilometers from Aktau. Previously, it was a fishing village, which was called the village of Nikolaevskaya. At the dawn of the last century, it was built by the Russian merchant Zakhary Dubsky. Officially, the settlement is considered a separate administrative unit, although it actually merges with another settlement in Mangyshlak - the city of Fort-Shevchenko. Now Bautino has everything for a normal life. In Soviet times, the village was on a rotational basis.

Monument to Alexei Yegorovich Bautin, the first chairman of the village council of the settlement of the same name in 1883-1919.

The ships are refueled with diesel fuel and drinking water approximately once a week. By the way, waste from ships is not dumped into the sea; it remains in sealed tanks until it enters the base. Maintenance of the FC-19 is carried out locally. A shipyard was recently built in Bautino.

Talgat Turebaev

Talgat Turebaev, captain of the first rank, deputy chief of staff of the Regional Department of the Coast Guard:

- Today we guard the state border not only with the help of ships, but also with helicopters, technical observation posts, etc. We use different forces and means. The situation in the Caspian is turbulent. There are violators of the state border.

- Has the tactics of poachers changed?

- Poachers used to go out on fishing transport vessels (PTS). They reach a speed of 10-12 knots. These vessels took more fish because there are refrigerators. But since we had new ships, we began to go out on patrol more often, began to detain them, and they began to transfer from large PTS to small floating craft (MPS) of the baida type. And now they use canoes at night. They go out, put out fishing gear, and go to their place in the morning. And we are using new tactics. We find the network from the helicopter. The crew throws out the buoys, marks this place. Then the ship goes there, the crew removes these nets.

Mooring at sea

- So it turns out that the priority now is to make poaching a meaningless activity?

- Even when they try to leave at night, we inflict economic damage on them - we poison all their nets. When a poacher comes for his nets, his catch, there is nothing there. They go back empty. It is already unprofitable for them to do this - the consumption of gasoline, oil, networks ... By the way, the networks are expensive. It is already unprofitable for them to constantly buy them, refuel when there is no income.

- And what are the results?

- Poaching has decreased recently. For illegal catch of partial fish species, administrative fines are envisaged. Basically, now we are detaining citizens of Kazakhstan. These are residents of Atyrau and Mangystau regions, unemployed. First of all, they violate the state border - they go beyond the 12-mile zone. And then they are considered poachers. According to the documents, they are allowed to fish at a distance of two miles from the coast. They cross the border from our side, from the inside. In the northern part of the Caspian, the food supply is better, so all fish go to spawn in the Ural-Caspian canal and in the Volga delta.

High-speed border boat of project FC-19 "Nurly Zhol"

Technical parameters of the ship of project FC-19:

Length - 19.8 meters;
Width - 4.3 meters;
Displacement - 26 tons;
Speed ​​- up to 53 knots;
Autonomy - 3 days;
Crew - 8 people;
Cruising range - 400 miles;
Seaworthiness - up to 5 points.
Armament - heavy machine gun NSVT 12.7 mm.

Technical parameters of the ship of project 0210 "Aybar":

Length - 27.3 meters;
Width - 6.62 meters;
Displacement - 70 tons;
Speed ​​- 38-40 knots;
Autonomy - 7 days;
Crew - 16 people;
Cruising range - 600 miles;
Seaworthiness - 6 points.

Power plant "Karaganda"

From the technical description of the Zenit plant: "The main power plant consists of three MAN 12V-1800 marine diesel engines with reverse gears ZF 3050. The auxiliary power plant consists of two STAMEGNA SN500 diesel generators, each of which consists of a diesel engine power 38 KW, 400 V, 50 Hz Emergency power source - one emergency diesel generator STAMEGNA model PK-20 consists of a diesel engine with power 16 KW, 400 V, 50 Hz. providing the main movement and maneuvering of the boat, and one central unguided water cannon Rolls Royce model 45 A3 ".

Weapon system ADUNOK

Of interest is the weapon system of the boat 0210 "Aybar". An automatic remotely controlled observation and fire complex (ADUNOK) equipped with a 12.7 mm NSVT machine gun is mounted on a special console. With the help of special gyroscopes, the machine gun will always be aimed at the target, despite the pitching and displacement of the ship in different planes. In addition, the complex includes a laser sight and a thermal imager for shooting at night. You can fire at any time of the day and in any weather, even with a strong storm with a guaranteed target hit.

October 24, 2013

Nothing is impossible

Literally five years ago, the possibility of overcoming speeds of more than 400 kilometers per hour was completely unrealistic. Then the Bugatti Veyron appeared, which was able to show that nothing is impossible.

Nevertheless, many skeptics then expressed their opinion that it is one thing to overcome speed on a completely ideal and flat surface, while the track is only straight, another thing is to develop such speed, cutting through the waves. 400 km / h on the water is perceived as a bad joke or a fantasy of some very daring futurist. However, it should be noted that a boat capable of developing this speed already exists.

The fastest boat in the world is 56 pounds. When they conceived to create the Phenomenon boat, the main goal was only to break the previous record that was set for water vehicle... During the development process, the boat picked up a speed of 354 km / h, which is also not a little, but gradually improved all the details and achieved that the final result of the "Phenomenon" was a speed of 402 km / h.

It is worth mentioning the creators of the most fast boat... It so happened that by the time the boat was launched and the world record was broken, the founder and main inspirer of this wonderful boat, Al Copeland, was unable to test the power of his brainchild. It was impossible to manage this unique ship due to the fact that the millionaire and restaurateur died.

The history of the creation of the phenomenon

The history of creation began with the fact that the world famous Al Copeland constantly hatched a plan for the creation of "Phenomenon". Back in the 80s and 90s, he had ideas, while he owned the Popeyes Offshores racing team and was also a pilot there. In those years, Copeland created some of the details for the boat.

For example, they created prototypes of turbines that allow the miracle boat to shoot like a bullet. Also, even then he saw a completely original body and his ideas could only be realized now. But it so happened that Copeland did not manage to evaluate his brainchild, when the boat was still under construction, he died of cancer. Yet this idea did not die with the founder. Al's vision was continued by his son, Al Copeland Jr.

He supervised the entire creation process. Thus, engineers who work in the US Navy, often fulfilling orders from NASA, were able to recreate and develop four turbines that are unique of their kind.

And still it is necessary to note the possibilities and features of this "Phenomenon". They consist in the fact that the creators of the Bugatti Veyron are very proud of the fact that they were able to produce the power of its power plant in 1001 liters. with. Of course, if we compare it with the Rolls-Royce Trent 900. But if we consider that the most powerful and largest passenger aircraft, the A380, has a capacity of 63,000 hp. s, and the miracle boat has 12,000 liters. s, then these are fantastic indicators.

The brainchild of "Mercedes"

And it must be remembered that such power is not available on an airplane, not on a tanker, the fastest boat called "Phenomenon", which is just a small four-seater boat, has such indicators.

Mercedes-Benz has also decided to create a fast electric boat. The new product from Mercedes-Benz was shown for the first time at the boat show, which was held in Miami. Thus, the new Cigarette AMG Electric Drive Concept was presented.

Of course, many fishermen cannot do without high-speed boats, so they constantly order newer models and improve existing boats. Everyone knows that the heart of any floating device is the motor. And after Mercedes-Benz showed its unique and unparalleled engine, many wanted to buy it. After all, a more powerful and improved motor makes the boat much more maneuverable and more functional.

"Cigarette" out of competition

At the moment, the brainchild of Mercedes-Benz has no analogues, which allows the Cigarette AMG Electric Drive Concept to lead in its kind. This is a very fast, powerful enough electric boat. Others simply do not exist in the world. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that when they created the Cigarette AMG Electric Drive Concept, they used a lot the latest technologies which were used in the production of the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Electric Drive electric supercar.

The boat is 11 meters long and is painted yellow like the supercar. The device has two power plants having liquid cooling. The motors, and there are six of them, are located on one side and on the other side of the boat. The engine is powered by a lithium-ion battery. Two chargers allow the boat to be fully charged in about 7 hours.

The modern world does not stand still, technologies are improving. So the creation of the fastest boat is a useful invention, because it will be pleasant and convenient for a person to get to a certain destination faster and safer.

When it comes to high speed appears to be a racing car racing along a spacious highway. But sailing ships are as adrenaline-pumping as driving a sports car. Some examples are capable of reaching 300 km / h. The wave breakers below are presented to the court, which turned out to be the fastest in their class.

At the end of the article, we have prepared a surprise 🎁 - an exciting test to test your attentiveness 😃

For the high cost of the project K-222 received the second name "Goldfish". The fastest submarine under water reaches over 82 km / h, which has no analogues in the world. The body, over 106 cm long, is made of titanium.

The second generation submarine is equipped with two nuclear reactors and is capable of carrying up to 10 Amethyst missiles. With a capacity of 80 people on board, the cruiser can hold out in autonomous mode for about 70 days.

The American company installed a gasoline engine on the boat with a capacity of 1835 hp. The cruising speed is 60 mph or 51 knots. One of the best in its class, this high-speed boat is made of carbon fiber with a total length of 15 m.

On deck, in aerodynamic style, five passengers and the captain are accommodated. The dashboard contains 20 dials, 6 control knobs and many automated gauges. In the bow there is a cabin, a toilet and a lounge with sofas. The manufacturer offers each client to complete the boat based on the wishes of the customer. The cost of a water car starts at half a million dollars.

A military hydrofoil ship made of aluminum alloys to reduce body weight. The speed of the Canadian vessel in 1969 during the tests was 117 km / h or 63 knots, which made the model the fastest at the time. The fastest ship in the world was equipped with two Pratt & Whitney gas turbine engines, with a total capacity of 30,000 hp.

Reaching a length of almost 50 m, the military vessel accommodated 25 personnel on board. However, cost overruns and a change in priorities led to the closure of the project and in 1971 the military boat was decommissioned. The only copy survived in the Maritime Museum of Quebec and remains there to this day.

The sailboat hull is made of carbon fiber with titanium elements. Special attention devoted to the development of the aerodynamic profile. The achievement of the Australian team was the overcoming of the Sailrocket distance at a speed of 121.21 km / h. For sailing vehicles, this is a very impressive figure.


The first attempt to take the speed record was unsuccessful - 52 knots. But already on November 12, 2012 sailing ship overcame 500 m at a speed of 54 knots. And on November 28 of the same year, he set a record - 65.45 knots.

World is not enough

The fastest yacht built in 2005 by Millenium Super Yachts. The ergonomic pointed hull, 42 m long, is capable of cutting through the sea surface at a speed of 129 km / h. Two gas turbines and a pair of Paxman engines deliver a combined output of 20,600 hp.

Fountain Powerboats launched the shipyard in 1972 and remains one of the leaders today. The company has complete control over the production process. Even the manufacture of each element is carried out exclusively on its own resources.

The fast ship is made of fiberglass. The power of the 14-meter sports boat is 1400 hp. The boat quickly starts planing, reaching 150 km / h. For a comfortable stay of six people, there is a living room, bedrooms and a bathroom.

Highlights the boat with a paint job done by the talented customizers at Mitcher T. The Sunsation frame is made from high quality materials including vinyl ester resin. Powered by a Mercury Racing HP700SCi twin petrol engine, the ship has a top speed of 160 km / h.

The luxurious apartments can accommodate 6 passengers, for whom there is an additional shower, refrigerator and microwave. A special feature of the salon has become electronic system touch screen controls.

The water racing car was developed in cooperation with the Mercedes concern. The body elements and some technical characteristics are borrowed from the Mercedes-benz SLS AMG Coupe Electric sports coupe. The interior trim, dashboard and even the color scheme look like a supercar.

The two power plants each contain six electric motors. Installed lithium-ion batteries power the water-cooled engines. Recharging them takes 7 hours. With a total capacity of 2200hp, the yacht is gaining more than 160 km / h. Precision equipment allows the e-boat to perform complex maneuvers while remaining stable on the surface of the water.

The boat is almost 16 m long and has a reliable fiberglass hull. Three engines with a volume of 1000 hp. each, allow the motorboat to accelerate to 170 km / h. Despite its size and power, Nor-Tech 5000 can run on AI-98 gasoline.

In the innovative design of the cabin, everything is done for the comfort of the guests. There are sleeping places, a toilet with a shower, a mini-kitchen and a couple of large sofas.

In addition to the lack of an airfoil, the pontoon boat has many things in common. technical characteristics with a catamaran. But the pleasure boat surprised with its speed, managing to accelerate to 184 km / h and setting a record among boats of this class.

43 model the longest in its line 13.1 meters The Mercury Racing 2,150 hp engine gives the boat a high speed potential. On board, five people can be accommodated in a comfortable cabin, equipped with everything you need.


Donzi Sports Boats have been featured in Chali's Angels, Bad Boys 2, Miami Police Department of Morals and other films and TV shows.

In its early days, the Cigarette series of boats were popular with American gangsters. The manufacturer still produces high-speed boats, having won a positive reputation in the world.

The achievement of the company's engineers was a body made using vacuum forming technology using carbon, Kevlar and fiberglass. This made it possible to improve the hydrodynamics of the boat among the models of this class.


The founder of the company is American designer and racer Donald Joel Aronov, who won 192 times in the race from Long Beach to the Mexican bay of Ensenada. Built speed boats for George W. Bush, Malcolm Forbes and other wealthy people.

Three engines with a total capacity of 3225 hp allow the ship to accelerate to 200 km / h. With a length of over 15 m, the boat can accommodate 10 people, who can relax in the executive cabin with everything you need. The cockpit has five deep seats, and the exterior of the "Marauder" (translated "Robber") is decorated in white with metal elements.


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