Civilian salaries in the National Guard. National Guard and Rosgvardia in Russia: what is it, salary and benefits. What do the National Guard and the FSB have in common

The question of how much contract servicemen receive in the Russian Armed Forces depends on the length of service and military rank.

Attention! From October 01, 2019, military salaries for the position held and military rank will increase. You can familiarize yourself with them in a separate article:

A foreman who has served from 15 to 20 years can count on a salary of 55,000 rubles or more.

Table of how much contract servicemen receive in Russia in 2019

Monthly allowances are paid for length of service, for work with materials that are state secrets, for tension and a special mode of work, for class qualifications and leadership of divisions and units. Also, at the end of the year, a monetary allowance is paid in the form

How much do contractors pay in hot spots

The question of how much a contract soldier gets in a combat zone depends on the region and conditions of service. Previously, the largest salary was given to those fighting in Chechnya. Now . For service in hot spots, allowances are made annually.

For the majority of servicemen, salaries become attractive, much higher than in peacetime. In addition, when serving in such places, 1 year is counted as 1.5 (having started service at 21, you can retire after 13 years (at the age of 34-35) and receive enough).

Benefits of supplementary payments of payments to contractors

1. Employees in the ranks are provided with housing (if any) or receive an amount sufficient for its rent. After signing the second contract, the military man gets the right to use the possibilities of the mortgage system to buy his own home.

2. The right to out-of-competition enrollment in higher educational establishments, free preparation for courses before admission.

3. The right to free treatment and rehabilitation measures in hospitals and other military medical institutions.

4. Free travel by transport: on business trips, to the place of service and rest (once a year, there and back).

5. Having more than 20 years of service, a contractor is entitled to a pension from the age of 45.

6. In case of death during execution official duties(regardless of whether in hot spots, or in peacetime) - the family is paid an amount of 3 million rubles. When discharged from the army due to a military injury, a contract soldier (sergeant, officer or private) receives an amount of up to 2 million rubles.

Where to start to become a contract soldier?

In order to become a contract soldier, you need to serve conscript service.

It is performed twice a year for compulsory military service. While some young people by hook or by crook try to avoid conscription, others, driven by patriotism, the desire to gain invaluable experience or simply wanting to earn extra money, decide to become a contract soldier in the Russian army.

In order to join the army, you must first collect a package of documents, which includes:

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

Military ID (if available);

Photos (3x4, 2 pcs.);

Education documents.

How much and what documents will be needed additionally, will be indicated in. Information about candidates is collected over a period of time.

The future contract soldier must be well physically prepared, undergo a medical examination by a number of specialists, and also meet certain professional and psychological requirements necessary to work in a specific specialty. Besides, a prerequisite for applicants for contract work in the Russian army is the absence of a criminal record and any other claims from the law.

The medical commission at the recruiting office located at the place of residence or registration comprehensively assesses the fitness for health and the level of mental stability. According to this parameter, a future contract soldier can be assigned to one of 4 groups. The first two practically guarantee work in the Russian army, the third group does not give any guarantees, and being in the fourth group will close the doors to the Russian troops.

If all stages are successfully completed, professional selection will follow in the conclusion. The decision to recruit into the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces takes a certain period of time. How many? Usually about a crescent: the military registration and enlistment office during this time will carry out all the mandatory checks, draw up a personal file, decide on belonging to a certain type of army, place of deployment and date of arrival at work.

How to get the ranks of a contract soldier

All contract candidates with complete secondary and completed higher education can apply for command positions. People with a secondary special, vocational education can work as a warrant officer, but in order to become an officer, you need a university education and special training.

Contractor without higher education may have the prospect of becoming an officer in the Russian army if the soldier:

1. completed courses for junior officers;

2. entered to work for a position, the staffing table for which provides for an officer rank;

3.has been appointed to a position for which, according to staffing table an officer's rank is provided;

4. finished military training and passed all the necessary exams and tests;

5. works in important military and government departments of Russia after special training.

The contract is signed on one side with a reserve soldier (mandatory emergency service, the age limit is no more than 40 years, but there are exceptions for professionals with an attractive specialty for the army) and the commander of a military unit on the other hand.

Initially, contract soldiers are accepted for service with a 3-month probationary period... The first contract, as a rule, is concluded for a period of 3 years, regardless of the rank of the soldier: private, sergeant, or officer. If, at the end of this period, a person decides to continue serving in the Russian army, then the contract can be extended at the request of the serviceman for 1, 3, 5 or 10 years.

In Russia, these can be units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, border troops, and the FSB. The terms for concluding contracts are different. Become a soldier ground forces it is possible for up to 5 years, in units taking part in active hostilities - from 1 to 3 years.

It is preferable that contracts are concluded with volunteers who have served in the army and have experience in military affairs: after all, there is a difference between a career officer with special education and skills, and a conscript soldier (who, by the way, can write a report on the conclusion of a contract after 11 months of military service ).

Higher remuneration is paid for the work of officers with special knowledge and experience. At present, in addition to Russians, citizens of other CIS states and neighboring countries also serve in the contract army of Russia. After 3 years of service, non-Russians acquire the opportunity to become a citizen of the Russian Federation in a simplified form.

In 2016 in Russian Federation on the basis of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, a new structure was formed - the Rosgvardia. The final formation of the structure is scheduled for December 31, 2018.
According to the plans, OMON, SOBR, and private security should be transferred to the structure of the Russian Guard. Main backbone Federal Service troops national guard The Russian Federation is made up of military personnel of the Internal Troops, for the most part, doing military service under a contract. And this means that the employees of the SOBR, OMON and non-departmental security will definitely switch to a contract basis.

With the transition to a contract, salaries should change former employees and equated to the salaries of the internal troops.

Realities for today

Today, a fairly large number of new Rosgvardia employees who have transferred from other structures are disappointed with their monetary allowance. On average, they receive about 7,000 rubles less on a monthly basis.

The reason for the underpayment is:

  • The new regulatory framework is imperfect.
  • Staff salaries are smaller.
  • A different system of additional payments.

According to the director of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation Viktor Zolotov, not a single employee who has transferred from other structures should lose money. Do his words mean that an increase in monetary allowances is expected next year ?!

Rise or mirage

Since 2012, the salaries of servicemen have not been raised; there was a ban on indexation until 2018.

From the "May" decrees of the President it is clear that the monetary allowance of the security forces, including the salary of the National Guard, should increase by at least 1.5 times in 2018 in relation to the salary of 2012.

One of the reasons for the increase in salaries for Rosgvardia employees in 2018-2019 is future elections. It is no secret that the ruling circles are betting on a large electorate of the security forces. Therefore, in order to attract their votes to their side, they will guarantee the growth of salaries.

In addition, inflation from 2012 to 2017 “ate up” the increase in pay for servicemen by more than 45%. If the state does not want a repetition of the 90s, which are difficult for the army and the outflow of the best personnel, then the salary will surely increase. Along with the increase in salaries to employees of the Russian Guard, an increase in the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is forecasted in 2018.

The crisis is making adjustments

Today, due to the difficult political situation, the country is experiencing a shortage of Money in the budget. The bulk of defense spending falls on the salaries of military personnel. Hence the question: "Will there be an increase in wages in the Rosgvardia if there is little money in the budget?"

Of course there will be an increase, but it is not a fact that salaries will increase by 1.5 times. If there is not enough money, then other important items of expenditure (education, medicine) can be cut.

In order for the budget to be able to cope with the costs of power structures, a series of reductions in senior and middle-level civil servants may follow.

Ministry of Finance proposals for an increase

Studying the latest news from the Ministry of Finance, the salary of Rosgvardia in 2018 could rise by 4%.

In 2016, the Ministry of Finance developed and submitted to the State Duma a bill regulating the indexation of salaries, including the military. A feature of this bill is the increase in salaries by the Federal Budget Law. This eliminates the link between wages and the annual indexation of wages, taking into account last year's inflation rate.

Consideration of the bill was postponed indefinitely. If the bill is forgotten, then from February 1, 2018, a salary increase of 4% is expected. If the bill is adopted, then the Government will be able to index monetary allowances by any amount, taking into account the socio-economic situation.

Nobody knows exactly when the salary will be raised in 2018, maybe it will happen from January 1 or February 1. We learn the exact date of the increase only from official sources.

Forecast for 2018-2019

"Will the state increase the salary of the Russian Guard in 2018 -2019?" - this question is of interest not only to the employees themselves, but also to their family members.

According to the forecasts of experts and the statement of officials, a sharp increase in monetary allowances by 1.5 times should not be expected. Most likely, the threshold of one and a half increase will occur over the next 2 years.

Provided that the socio-economic situation in the country improves, the future salary of the Russian Guard in 2019 will increase by 1.5-2 times.

Monetary allowance in the Caucasus

The salary of a Rosgvardia employee consists of:

  • Salary by rank.
  • Salary according to the position held.
  • Additional payments.
  • Material help.

The amount of money allowance can be increased depending on the place of service. So in 2018, the salary of a sergeant of the Russian Guard serving in Dagestan will not differ from his Voronezh counterpart. But if the area of ​​service is alpine, then the salary increases by the established district coefficient... Such regional coefficients are established for the passage of service in the northern regions, high-mountainous areas and areas with difficult environmental conditions.

In addition, Rosgvardia employees serving in areas where the regional coefficient is applied, and one of his family members are paid travel to the place of vacation and back.

Housing for Rosgvardia employees

Servicemen suitable for military service under a contract in the ranks of the internal troops had the right to take part in the accumulative mortgage system (NIS), subject to certain conditions. Newly minted Rosgvardia employees who came from structures where NIS was not used will also be eligible for housing.

The opportunity to get your own home, coupled with a decent monetary allowance, will be the main factor in the number of experienced personnel in the ranks of the National Guard.

Opinion about the National Guard in the following video:

The new structure of federal troops, created by order of the President of the Russian Federation to ensure internal order in the country, was named the National Guard. After active debate, the National Guard was renamed Rosgvardia, in order to exclude analogies with similar foreign formations. The formed militarized structure is formed on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, non-departmental guards and other law enforcement agencies. The selection for the National Guard of Russia is very careful, only the best fighters with high moral and physical qualities will be enrolled.

Wages and salaries in the National Guard of Russia

Immediately after the issuance of the decree on the creation of the National Guard of Russia, servicemen wishing to serve in the new structure had a question about monetary allowances. Since the new federal military service is an elite structure, the salary in it will be quite high, depending on the region of service:

  • privates and sergeants will receive from 19,000 to 90,000 rubles;
  • the officer corps - from 45,000 to 120,000 rubles.

Except for a decent paycheck. The servicemen of the National Guard of Russia are provided with the following benefits:

  • service apartment or dormitory;
  • enrollment of children in preschool institutions(nursery, Kindergarten) out of turn;
  • benefits established for all employees of the National Guard.

Since the military personnel of the National Guard will protect the inner peace of citizens, suppress the rampant extremism and terrorism in the country, the state undertakes to fully provide them and their family members with decent living conditions.

The unit in which the National Guard is serving will also influence the size of the salary in the National Guard. The highest salaries will be in special rapid response units, which are always in the most dangerous areas. Employees of private security and other units will receive a little less.

In the plans to increase the salaries of the National Guards for 2017, there is a figure of 30,000 rubles. It is this figure that will change the salaries of soldiers, sergeants and officers of the Russian National Guard.

Functional tasks of the National Guard

The National Guard of Russia was created with the aim of maintaining internal law and order and ensuring:

  • combating terrorist organizations;
  • protection of nuclear and strategically important facilities;
  • maintaining public order;
  • the integrity of the territory of the Russian Federation.

Rosgvardia employees have the right to:

  • open fire without warning while protecting the state border and direct terrorist threat;
  • inspect vehicles;
  • check the documents of citizens;
  • detain suspicious individuals to clarify the circumstances;
  • suppress internal unrest in any region of the country.

It is forbidden to open fire on pregnant women and children, except in exceptional cases, for example, a terrorist threat.

Since the full formation of the National Guard has not yet been completed, the servicemen wear the uniform of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the completion of the creation of the National Guard, the troops will receive:

  • own standard;
  • emblem;
  • shape;
  • special forms;
  • individual department stamp.

The government plans to complete the formation of the National Guard by the end of 2017. The new structure will be directly subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation.

What is needed to join the National Guard

Only citizens of the Russian Federation who have previously passed or are active servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Navy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Border Service are allowed to be enrolled in the officer and rank-and-file personnel. A candidate for the National Guard must have:

  1. Permanent residence and registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. A document certifying the passage of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or other law enforcement agencies. The priority will be given to citizens who served in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation.
  3. Age not older than 31 years.
  4. Certificate of fitness for medical reasons.

When entering the service, you will need to pass certain standards:

  • 30 pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • fulfill the standard for passing the assault strip;
  • hit the target with standard weapons.

Subject to all the above rules, collection required documents and meeting the requirements of the standards, the future candidate has every chance of getting into the National Guard of Russia. But counting on easy service for good wages is not worth counting on. The National Guard of Russia is an elite service created to carry out the special tasks of the President.

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs began more than five years ago. The most unusual aspect of this reform was the renaming of police officers familiar and almost familiar to the entire population into incomprehensible and terrible police officers. This renaming itself implied a global reform of the entire huge and clumsy machine of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Law enforcement fighters began to be admitted to the "renewed" ranks only through tough certification, which includes a set of measures that are not clear to everyone. What, for example, can a psychologist tell a psychologist about his iron nerves, amazing calmness and a constant sense of joy in life, an employee who for twenty years has seen only murder, violence, dirt, drunkenness and rags. What kind of a sincere conversation with a psychologist can we talk about. A psychologist will not understand an employee who works on the "land" and daily rakes up life's garbage. However, the psychologist of the employee will not understand. So psychological tests not all former police officers and future police officers went smoothly and successfully.

But now, the police corps has been formed and everyone is waiting in the new structure - new salaries. But over time, the employees began to realize that only the name had changed, but the essence remained the same. And salaries have not increased "significantly". And the optimization of the structure led only to a significant increase in the workload, but not to an increase in wages. Alas, the salary of police officers has stood still for a long time.

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2016/2017 affects important aspects of the work of the department, the main of which is the size wages employees, pension, increase retirement age and reduction of employees of departments. According to the Presidential Decree, in 2017 the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be no more than 904,871 people. Today, there are 1,003,772 units in the “bodies”, thus, during the entire period of the reform, about 100 thousand workers are laid off. The reduction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 will begin already in October 2016, which is confirmed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 20, 2016 No. 480 "On amendments and invalidation of certain acts of the President of the Russian Federation."

From October 1, 2017, the reform comes into force, special commissions have already been created for its implementation. The number of staff members to be reduced is quite large, but the reform does not affect some regions at all. These include the remote Yamalo-Nenets and Chukotka district, a new republic within Russia - Crimea. The main percentage of reductions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 will fall on administrative structures.

Operatives, police officers, and precinct officers will practically not be made redundant. It is worth noting that today there are a number of vacancies in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which are automatically canceled during the reform process. Their number is estimated at 20 thousand units.

Salaries of private and non-commissioned police officers.

  • Police officers with five years of experience receive about 25,000 rubles a month;
  • With a ten-year-old - 28,000 rubles a month;
  • If the length of service is at least 15 years - 30,000 rubles per month.
  • Employees with junior officer ranks and work experience of at least five years - 32,000 rubles per month;
  • Police major with fifteen years of experience - 39,000 - 44,000 rubles per month.

Salary allowances for pay:

  • for work with secret documents (for operational workers it is quite solid, for district inspectors it is insignificant),
  • for the complexity and intensity of the activity,
  • material assistance, various bonuses.

There is also a 10% Moscow salary increase.

At the moment, the following benefits have been canceled for the policemen: the salary of “13” has been cut; eliminated compensation for payment for attending kindergartens; refunds for travel by transport canceled railways; getting material assistance maybe once a year.

Police salary increase in 2017

According to the latest, officially presented statistics, the salary of police officers in 2017 in the rank and file will remain at the level of 25 thousand rubles. The greater concern of employees in 2017 will not be caused by the financial side of work, but by the possibility of being laid off in connection with a new wave of optimization of the structure. In addition, the conditions for obtaining an officer's rank have become more complicated, which now requires a university diploma in the specialty.

What does the budget for 2017, 2018, 2019 provide? on the salary of the police.

The budget allocations for the implementation of the state program "Ensuring public order and combating crime", provided for in the draft law, will amount to 634 102.3 million rubles in 2017, 631 119.9 million rubles in 2018, 628 915 in 2019, 9 million rubles.

In the draft law, budgetary allocations for the implementation of the state program "Ensuring public order and combating crime" in 2017 compared with the level of 2016 were reduced by 172,235.4 million rubles, in 2018 compared with the level of 2017 by 2,982.3 million rubles, in 2019 compared to the level of 2018 by 2,204.0 million rubles.

The most significant influence on the dynamics of the parameters of resource provision of the state program in comparison with the previous year was exerted by:

  • the transformation of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia into the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation and the exclusion of budgetary allocations to ensure the performance of its functions from the state program (in 2017-2019 they were taken into account in the non-program part of the federal budget expenditures);
  • Budget allocations for the implementation of the subprograms "Ensuring the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation" Ensuring public order and combating crime "and" Exercising powers in the field of internal affairs "in 2017 were reduced by 48,715.0 million rubles and 126,010.3 million rubles, respectively in connection with: the transformation of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia into the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, the formation of the National Guard in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 5, 2016 No. 157 "Issues of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation" and the exclusion of budgetary allocations to ensure the implementation of functions of the specified service from the subprograms (in 2017-2019 they were taken into account in the non-program part of the federal budget expenditures);
  • the transfer of functions and powers, the staffing of the abolished Federal Drug Control Service of Russia and the Federal Migration Service of Russia (with a reduction of the latter by 30%) in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 5, 2016 No. 156 "On improving government controlled in the field of control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and in the field of migration "and taking into account the corresponding budgetary allocations as part of these subprograms (in Federal Law No. 359-FZ are reflected in the framework of government programs"Promotion of employment of the population" and "Counteraction to drug trafficking").

Budget allocations for the section " National security and law enforcement ”in 2017 will amount to 1,943,118.1 million rubles, in 2018 - 1,879,794.7 million rubles and in 2019 - 1,892,205.1 million rubles.

In relation to the volume of GDP of the corresponding year, the share of expenditures in the "National Security and Law Enforcement Activity" section will be 2.3% in 2016, 2.2% in 2017, 2.0% in 2018 and 1 in 2019. 9 percent.

The share in the total volume of federal budget expenditures under the section "National security and law enforcement" in 2017 compared to 2016 (11.8%) will increase and amount to 12.0%, in 2018 it will decrease and amount to 11.7%, in 2019 will not change and will amount to 11.8%.

The specialized committees in the State Duma believe that, in general, they are fulfilling those adopted in accordance with federal laws public commitments in social sphere, the balance of the distribution of budgetary funds for the pension provision of persons who have served in military service and service in the internal affairs bodies.

As for the indexation of police salaries in 2017, 2018 and 2019, the draft law prepared by the Ministry of Finance excludes from the set of specialized laws the mention of mandatory annual indexation by the amount of inflation. official salaries judges, assistants to State Duma deputies and senators, federal and regional civil servants, police officers, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, as well as salaries for military positions and ranks, follows from the text of the document that RBC has.

The current norms of specialized laws provide for an annual increase in these salaries by the amount of inflation for the previous year or taking inflation into account when determining the size of indexation. Now the increase in the salaries of all these employees is proposed to be determined annually by the law on the budget - without taking into account inflation, it follows from the text of the bill.

How police work in the USA is paid

The police profession in the United States is one of the highest paid. As of 2016, a police officer's salary ranges from $ 40,000 to $ 70,000 per year, in our rubles - 216,000 rubles - 379,000 rubles a month. This is the base salary, plus overtime and bonuses.

In 2016, a new law enforcement structure was created in Russia - the National Guard. Almost immediately, the organization was renamed Rosgvardia in order to avoid coincidence with similar services in other countries. It is already known that salaries for the employees of which the Russian Guard will accept will be, on average, higher than in similar bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the army. The main tasks of the new unit, according to V. Putin, will be combating organized crime, terrorism, extremism and protecting strategic facilities and borders. It is assumed and what will attract the Russian National Guard to the service - a salary higher than the average for the region and social guarantees for families of law enforcement officials.

National Guard salary

The salary in the National Guard became known almost immediately after the announcement of its creation. The salary of the Russian National Guard in 2016 will depend on the region of service, but will be at least 19,000 rubles for the rank and file and from 45,000 for the officers. It is also known that in the 2016 National Guard of Russia, salaries and social guarantees will complement each other in order to offer the defenders of the Motherland a decent reward for their service. The soldiers will be provided with benefits similar to other servicemen, separate housing and extraordinary placement of children in kindergartens.

National Guard Salary 2016

Starting in 2016, Rosgvardia will protect law and order on the territory of the state, protecting Russian citizens from any threats. On the other hand, the state promises to take care of its employees - the salary of the National Guard in 2016 will reach up to 90,000 rubles for contract soldiers and up to 120,000 for the officers of the new unit. For comparison, private security officers in Russia, some of whom will be accepted into the new unit, in 2016 are from 40,000 to 120,000 rubles. However, it should be borne in mind that the new organization Rosgvardia will carry out its mission in all regions of the country, and not only in the administrative centers. At the same time, all employees will be equal in terms of benefits.

Guard of Russia 2016 salary

The Rosgvardia will include not only employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and non-departmental security, from which they plan to create the basis of the unit. Also, operatives from SOBR and OMON will be recruited, since the tasks of the new unit are similar to the functions of these structures. In general, soldiers of the Armed Forces and border guards can apply for membership in the National Guard. All applicants are subject to a number of requirements:

  • good physical fitness to demonstrate more than 25 pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • high morale to be shown on the assault strip;
  • excellent accuracy for hitting certain targets.

In addition, narcological tests can be performed. At the same time, the age of new employees must be no more than 30 years old and be citizens of the Russian Federation, and preference will be given to candidates from full families. Positive recommendations from sports sections and educational institutions will help increase the chance of a positive response from the admissions committee.

Raising the salary of the National Guard

It is too early to talk about vacancies and when the salaries of the National Guard will be raised, since the recruitment mechanisms have not been fully worked out. Only the main tasks of the unit are known - combating organized crime, anti-terrorist activities, preventing mass riots, as well as the sources of recruiting the main staff - OMON, SOBR, various organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Also, the composition will include part of the staff of the bodies for control over the circulation of weapons and private security, special and mobile units special purpose... In general, the new structure will optimize the work of the existing law enforcement services without significantly increasing the number of military personnel.

Salary of the National Guard in 2017

So far, the salary of the Russian National Guard in 2017 has not been discussed, since the detachment has yet to decide on the emblem, uniform and banner. It is known that the unit will be headed by Viktor Zolotov, who is directly subordinate to the president. Thus, the new Rosgvardia is just starting to work, but it is already a completely autonomous organization, so it is expected that the financial support of employees will be at the proper level.


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