Hotel service who can work. Hotel business - bachelor's degree (43.03. Training for a hotel manager

The main areas of this profession are the provision of services, provision of food, organization of leisure and short-term accommodation for a fixed fee. Every year there are more and more new hotels. The demand of people for their place of temporary residence is increasing. Whether they choose this or that hotel next depends on the professional skills of the people working there. If each employee of the hotel business conscientiously fulfills all his professional functions, the problem of competition will be solved by itself.

History of the hospitality professions

The very first hotels appeared in ancient oriental civilization. From the time of ancient rome hotels developed and their regular guests were traveling merchants, artists, wandering pilgrims. After some time, the first postal stations began to appear in Russia, where couriers could exchange mail, and the passing people could just relax.

As soon as the industry began to gain momentum, trade channels expanded, the population of cities increased, hotels began to gradually open. The main person of the hotel at that time were the gatekeepers, the gatekeepers.

The current wording of the profession of porter originated later, from the time when the Swiss Guard guarded the Vatican Palace of the Pope. Also, past gatekeepers are now called "porters". The word "porte" is translated from French, like "door", so it's not hard to guess why this word appeared in our use.

Today, the hotel service has the status of the most profitable sector of the economy for the state of entrepreneurship.

The current existing hotels have all the most necessary services - reception and guest service, porters, drivers, porters, porters, maids, animators, banquet and restaurant workers, information services.

Description of hospitality professions

Porter other than a hotel manager, her face. He meets each guest, accommodates, monitors the delivery of luggage to the room, explains to clients the rules for staying at the hotel, issues the keys and picks them up when the guests leave it for a while.

doorman, almost the same as the administrator. Only in small hotels this person combines two positions, and in larger hotels they are completely different people. Here the porter has already clearly defined functions of work, his own territory of activity. He also meets guests, escorts them, takes phone calls, and is responsible for the client's luggage.

Housemaid- the profession is predominantly female. From the order and quality of its implementation job duties depends on the whole image of the hotel. The maids maintain order and cleanliness in the hotel premises, and also contact on various issues with the clients assigned to them.

Animator is engaged in entertaining guests, their accompaniment. Usually the profession of an animator is common in foreign countries, in all-inclusive hotels, for a pleasant pastime of the client on vacation and in the hotel.

The animator comes up with contests, quizzes, scenarios for holidays and parties. Creative profession, combining both work and travel, the emergence of new acquaintances from countries of the foreign world.

Demand for hospitality professions

Hotel service professions have been among the most sought-after professions in the labor market for many years. Their demand is growing every year, the construction of new hotel complexes and there is a constant shortage of managers.

Pros and cons of hospitality professions

Every job has its pros and cons. The work of a hotel manager is very troublesome. You spend the whole day in a bustle, and at the same time you must always remain cheerful and friendly to any client. But this does not overshadow the profession, it has its advantages - it is highly in demand in almost all areas of activity, there is the possibility of working in foreign countries.

Due to the lack of qualifications, the profession of a doorman in Russia is valued very low in terms of wages. The profession of a maid does not require professional education, often employers provide employees with food and accommodation, it is possible to find a job without work experience. But often maids have low wages, as well as constant stress at work, clients are also different, physically hard work.

Hospitality professions - salary

Due to the high demand for hospitality service professions, employers set high salaries for their staff, especially in foreign countries. So, for example, the salary of an administrator in large cities is about $1000, in small cities - $300-400.

The average salary of a doorman in Russia in small hotels is $250, in large five-star hotels - $400.

The salary of an animator, as a rule, is small. But the owners of foreign hotels highly appreciate their work. And so their salary is $400 a month, not including accommodation and meals.

Maid salaries range from $100 per month, but many employers provide certain bonuses for workers who perform their duties efficiently and quickly.

It is believed that working in the hospitality industry is a great opportunity to see the world, meet interesting people and earn good money at the same time.

That's right‚ but above all it's work! This is where you need to find a common language with different people- capricious and accommodating, stubborn and accommodating, rude and polite. Specialists in this industry need to have certain qualities and, first of all, feel the line that cannot be crossed. So, the willingness to help should not become an obsession, but develop into familiarity. Nevertheless, thousands of people love their job and will not change it for any other, because it has many advantages.

Tourism manager

Profile training can be done at the Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry. Yu. A. Senkevich and others.

Travel agent

In operating companies, as if in production, they put together all the components of the tour, set a price, and then send the finished product to the “shop” - tourist agency. This is where people come who want to go on vacation! The task of a specialist is to suggest where it is better to go with children, what the newlyweds will like, and where people of the older generation can receive medical treatment.

The agent answers calls from clients, looks for suitable options for them, concludes an agreement and draws up other Required documents. Communication with buyers takes up 70% of his working time, so it is better for closed people to look for something else! You need to be a sociable and charming person, have an excellent memory, do not miss a single detail. First of all, you need to understand what the client wants, and then be able to describe the resort in such a way that the buyer immediately begins to pack his bags. At the same time, the information must be true, otherwise the dispute between the parties will subsequently have to be resolved in court.

A travel agent needs to have iron restraint and a balanced character: he solves all the problems that arise, it is him that customers call for any questions (departure delayed, they don’t like the food or the room, etc.).


At the hotel, guests are met by a universal receptionist. He is responsible for the registration and settlement of guests, he can tell the guests where the shops or bus stops are located, what services the hotel offers. His duties also include monitoring the execution of customer requests, informing others hotel services about arrivals and departures. In small hostels, he acts as a cashier, takes phone calls and makes reservations. In large complexes, several administrators can work at the front desk at the same time. By the way, in chain hotels they have the hardest time: there are a lot of corporate requirements - these are the rules of the guests, and the mandatory uniform, etc.

Work successfully in hotel business only a stress-resistant person with impeccable knowledge of etiquette, psychology, and service principles can do it. In no case should you be indifferent to the client, ignore his requests - having objectively assessed the situation, the specialist needs to be able to take the necessary measures as quickly as possible. Moreover, the administrator must have a share of healthy cynicism, so that in the event of claims being made, he should not take them personally: the dissatisfaction of the guests is usually not directed at an individual employee, they are not satisfied with the service as a whole.

Becoming a hotel administrator can be like people with an average vocational education‚ so and . The main thing is work experience and knowledge of a foreign language. In some cases, there may be age restrictions or requirements for appearance, gender.

All hotels around the clock, in small hotels at night the administrator can replace the porter. If the first is engaged in external activities”(visitor registration), then the second is responsible for the coordinated work of all internal services. He controls the delivery of luggage to guests, the work of messengers, keeps a duty log, submits reports to the accounting department, coordinates many private issues, for example, the number of guests with the restaurant administration, etc.

A person with a secondary education and basic knowledge can be accepted for this position. Before starting work, the employee must familiarize himself in detail with normative documents on service and hotel rules.

It should be noted that the porter will most likely have to deal with conflict situations that often arise when serving customers. This means that he needs to have good communication skills and firmness of character in order to be able to smooth out sharp corners and find effective ways to resolve conflicts. Tact, attentiveness, good memory are also useful. Usually porters work in shifts and receive about 35,000 rubles. plus tips.

This specialist accompanies tourists on hikes‚ bus tours‚ cruises‚ excursions. Throughout the route, he tells guests about the sights and traditions of the country, helps them communicate with the local population, for example, in shops when buying souvenirs or in cafes. This work is not easy, because the guide spends most of his time on his feet, being responsible for travelers. So the profession is not suitable for those who love peace - it is for energetic and enterprising people!

A good specialist is sociable, polite, punctual. He has to work with different clients, so you need to have patience and endurance. An excellent sense of humor, resourcefulness, a broad outlook are the qualities necessary for a guide, because sometimes tourists ask rather tricky and unexpected questions. In addition, a lot depends on the personal charm and charisma of a specialist, on whether he loves his job. A negligent, tongue-tied and indifferent guide can spoil the impressions of tourists even about the most beautiful and unusual monuments.

In addition to the local dialect, the guide needs to speak at least two. Elementary knowledge of psychology and medicine will also help in the work. For success, it is necessary to have a specialized education, although there are exceptions when emigrants are accepted for a position, who have lived in the country for a long time and are able to talk about its culture and customs.

In Russian universities, not so long ago, the specialty "Hospitality" appeared. What is the profession of "Hospitality Specialist", and in what industry can a graduate work?

Consider this specialization in detail in order to understand all its positive and negative sides.

Who is a hospitality manager

This is a specialist in charge of organizing guest services in hotels and tourist complexes. He accepts, places, writes out guests, is responsible for the smooth operation of the facility.

Top 10 professions in the hotel and restaurant business

The hospitality and tourism industry in Russia is developing rapidly. It includes three main sectors: catering, hotel management and tourism. The first two are often combined under one term "Hotel-restaurant (business)" or "Hotel-restaurant business".

You can give the following definition of the concept of "hotel and travel business”is a sector of the economy that is associated with the provision of services in the field of hotel management and tourism.

Let's see what professions in this area are the most respected, paid and interesting:

  • hotel manager;
  • PR manager;
  • hostess;
  • hotel manager;
  • event organizer;
  • nutrition manager;
  • manager of the reception and accommodation service;
  • brand manager;
  • room stock supervisor;
  • Chef.

The question often arises before the applicant - what is better "Tourism" or "Hospitality"? Everyone decides for himself. But the second direction is very promising.

Consumers want to see not only a traditional hotel or a hotel - today they are attracted by something new, non-standard. For example, floating hotels, botels, boat camping, etc.

You always have a chance to open your own business, for which you do not need to recruit a large staff (for example, hostels, etc.).

Where and how many years to study in the specialty "Hotel service"

In Russia higher education in this specialty (applied bachelor's degree) can be obtained in almost 100 universities of the country (97, to be exact). Be sure to read reviews about the university from students and graduates before entering.

Let's list top 5 universities of the Russian Federation, where training is provided:

  • Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University (KFU);
  • Southern Federal University (SFU);
  • Ural Federal University B. N. Yeltsin (UrFU named after B. N. Yeltsin);
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR);
  • Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU).

The term of study is 4 years (full-time). The study is supplemented by practice in hotels, with which the university has an agreement.

Today in Russia, education in this specialty is offered not only by universities, but also by colleges, where you can enter after the 9th or 11th grade, as well as private companies and organizations that retrain specialists.

For example, at Synergy University (Moscow) there is a college (direction "Hotel service", faculty of hotel and restaurant business) with a training period of 1 year 10 months or 2 years 10 months. After its completion, there is an opportunity to enter the 2nd or 3rd course in the specialty "Management in the hotel and restaurant business(first higher education).

At the same university, you can get a second degree in a similar specialty with a study period of 4-4.5 years. Master's and postgraduate studies will be further stages of education.

What items can be curriculum direction "Hospitality":

  • organization of reception and accommodation services;
  • sales technology in the hotel business;
  • advertising in the hotel business;
  • technology and organization of catering services;
  • standardization and quality control of hotel services;
  • international hotel chains;
  • corporate culture in the hotel business, etc.

In addition, there are courses with different lengths of study offered by various private companies.

What items to take

To enter the specialty "Hotel service", "Hotel business" you need to pass the exam in three subjects.

To date, the list is as follows:

  • Russian language (basic level);
  • mathematics (basic level);
  • social science (profile level).

Other exams are taken at St Petersburg University: Russian language, social studies, foreign language. in Ryazan state university named after S.A. Yesenin - social science, history, Russian language. The USE in these subjects will also be asked of you at the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management "NINH" (NSUEU).

The exact list of subjects must be found out in advance on the website of the university of interest.

Who can work a graduate with a diploma "Hospitality"

After receiving a diploma in the specialty "Hospitality", you can apply for a place in the middle management, that is, hotel management.

You have already stepped over the lower-level positions (cleaners, maids). The highest level will be the highest managerial link.

What vacancies can be offered to a graduate:

  • manager;
  • administrator;
  • manager;
  • Human Resources Specialist.

How to become a hotel manager

First of all, you must have an education in the direction of "Hospitality". The second is also necessary - "Personnel Management".

It is desirable to have an economic or legal education. Such complexity will give you an advantage, in particular:

  • in management marketing activities, which includes production and sales marketing, marketing communications;
  • in intra-company management (management), including strategic, current, operational, process management, project management, development;
  • in intra-company planning and forecasting, which includes strategic, current, operational planning, managerial control.

To become a manager, it is good to have not only diplomas from leading universities, but also certificates of internships in prestigious hotels, hotels, especially foreign ones.

What is the salary of a hotel manager in Moscow

The manager of a hotel in Moscow receives an average of about 70,000 rubles(according to the site This profession is one of the highest paid. In the regions, such work is paid, of course, lower.

Career in the hospitality industry

If you are hardworking, have organizational skills, are sociable, have resistance to stressful situations, can work in a multitasking environment (you have to solve the most diverse tasks every day), you know foreign languages then you can look forward to career growth.

Experience and practice can allow in the future to take such a prestigious position as an "expert in the hotel business", who is engaged in forecasting in the hotel industry.

Hotel service specialist - the pros and cons of the profession

In general, this area of ​​activity is very attractive.

Among the advantages is the demand for the profession. A graduate can find a job not only in Russia, but also abroad. In addition, the experience of communicating with people is always useful in life.

Among the minuses can be noted a large amount of work, frequent stressful situations and problems that need to be dealt with as professionally as possible. This is understood as: an even tone of speech, goodwill, a desire to find a compromise. A hotel service specialist can work night shifts, on public holidays.

Sooner or later, most people have to use the services of hotels. Arriving on a business trip, visiting relatives or being in the city for entertainment purposes, guests choose a hotel to their liking and rent a room for a certain number of days.

Depending on the class of the institution, the attendants can offer customers a set of standard services or some additional service.

Who works in hotels

The hierarchy of hotel staff is essentially the same as in many other organizations: there is a middle management and top management.

In order to occupy a position of the lowest level, it is enough to have diligence and discipline, and managers cannot do without special education (the Faculty of Hospitality). Whom to work after graduation is decided by the graduates themselves, focusing on the specifics of the knowledge gained and their personal preferences.

Tasks of the hotel staff

It is on the shoulders of service workers to ensure the round-the-clock functioning of the hotel. Cleaners and maids are engaged in cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in the rooms, corridors, halls, stairs and in the courtyard of the hotel. Other employees take orders from customers, deliver food and purchases to them, help with loading and unloading luggage, keep their clothes and shoes clean, and perform a host of other similar tasks. The advantage of such relatively simple professions is the absence of the need for special training, for example, at the Faculty of Hospitality. Who can work without experience and skills is a maid or a cleaner.

Such employees practically do not communicate with the guests. In extreme cases, short dialogues on general topics are acceptable.

By studying the features of functioning or hotels and management activities students who have chosen the specialty "Hotel and restaurant business" are engaged in such a structure. Who can work after graduation? Manager, administrator, or manager.

Responsibilities of a Hospitality Specialist

Middle managers take on the following responsibilities:

  1. Supervision of the work of service personnel.
  2. Formulation of valuable instructions, selection of their executors and monitoring the quality of the work performed.
  3. Compliance control internal rules organizations.
  4. Monitoring compliance with the necessary sanitary and hygienic standards.
  5. Communication with clients, conflict resolution (within their competence).

In addition, a software specialist can advise, instruct newcomers and conduct internships. His duties often include conducting interviews with applicants for vacancies, as well as their selection.

An important task of a specialist manager is to monitor what mood is present in the team and correct it. Good worker is able to analyze the situation in time, predict its development and optimize this process (resolution of internal conflicts, correct selection personnel, the use of incentive measures and penalties).

Many of the tricks from this list are taught in various educational institutions at the faculty of "Hospitality" (who to work and what specialty to choose, the student should decide before entering).

Benefits of being a Hospitality Specialist

Choosing such a profession, people count on the following privileges:

  • Gaining experience in the field of management, which is useful not only for advancement in the hotel business, but also for work in many other structures.
  • Such workers receive a very decent wages. Rank specialists are not entitled to tips, but their salary is several times higher than official earnings porters and maids.
  • As a rule, conscientiously working as a hotel service specialist, you can count on a quick promotion.

Many young people don't think about future specialty while studying hospitality. They decide who to work with after gaining minimal experience, studying their capabilities and market requirements. That is, they perceive it as a start for a career.

Disadvantages of the profession

To the disadvantages that characterize this species activities, we can attribute the inevitably high nervous tension of executives, as well as the lack of a standardized working day.

Students who wish to work in this industry must carefully weigh all the nuances before studying the hotel business. Who to work with, decide for themselves, but you need to remember this business- it is always work with people with different temperaments, characters and levels of culture. Both among the guests and among the staff there can be impolite, upset and even rude people. The specialist must be able to find a way out of various delicate or conflict situations in order to maintain the institution's reputation and customer loyalty at the highest level.

Hotel business: who to work and where to study?

Modern educational establishments offer those who wish two opportunities for obtaining education in this area:

  1. Diploma.
  2. Postgraduate.

The first one is traditional education with a bachelor's degree at the end of the course. Postgraduate education can be used by young professionals or already established employees of the hotel industry who want to improve their skills. The result of such training is a master's degree.

Many domestic trade universities and specialized colleges offer to master the specialty "Hospitality" (who to work after graduation, you can ask the selection committee or study relevant publications). In addition, many educational institutions in Switzerland, France and Poland constantly invite applicants.

What is required to master the profession

It must be said that not every person can be a specialist in hotel service. To effectively perform managerial functions and be a useful employee for the organization, the student will need pragmatism, skills rational thinking, patience and certain leadership qualities.

At the moment, there is a certain bias towards supply in the labor market, that is, there are more young specialists than vacancies. However, this fact should not confuse ambitious and purposeful people, because with such qualities they have every chance of success. successful career. In addition, the training program includes a large number of universal subjects that can be useful when working as a manager or HR specialist in an organization far from the hotel business.

Knowing who can work after graduating from the "Hospitality Business", young people should take into account the specifics future profession. Only in this way will learning be interesting, and work will become a favorite pastime.


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