Motivation is the urge to act by a combination of different. What is motivation: main types and characteristics What is the name of the external stimulus to activity

Topic of the lesson: Motives. Drivers of Personal Development

Teaching method: lecture

Form of organization of students' activities: group

Lesson objectives:

Tutorial: to characterize the concept of personality orientation; motives and motivation.

Educational: arouse students' interest in the subject, arouse curiosity, encourage students to be active

Developing: learn to highlight the main thing, build analogies

Lesson type: formation of new knowledge

As a result of learning activities, the student must:

- to know at the presentation level: what are motivational phenomena, types of motivations

-know at the level of understanding What is motive, motivation, direction,

-be able to freely navigate the material, speak freely on issues of the topic, navigate the motives of the individual's behavior

Material support: lecture, abstract


1. Organizing time. Checking for Students

2. Activation of basic knowledge

What is a personality? How does this concept differ from the concepts of man, individual, individuality?

What do you think personality orientation is?

3. Setting goals and objectives of the lesson

4. Explanation of new material

Looking at another person, trying to understand him, we kind of ask: "What does he want? What can he do? And what is he?" These three questions are not only a program for the scientific study of personality, but also a guideline for self-knowledge.

Direction is the leading characteristic of personality. The orientation of the personality is a set of stable motives that guide a person to complete the tasks.

Enduring motives are relatively independent of current situations.

Personal orientation is based on needs as the main source of human activity. In order to live and act in the surrounding world, a person needs food, water, air, movement, he needs objects of material and spiritual culture, other people. Needs are the realization and experience by a person of the need for what is necessary to maintain the life of his organism and the development of his personality.

Psychology distinguishes between need and need. A need is an objective necessity that a person himself may not experience or be aware of.

For example, the human body constantly needs oxygen, which enters the blood through breathing. But this need becomes a need only when there is some kind of "deficiency": the respiratory organs get sick, the oxygen content in the atmosphere decreases. In this case, a person suffers from a lack of oxygen, takes some action to eliminate it, rejoices when he can breathe deeply. The objective state - need - was transformed into a mental state - need. Needs are biological (the need for food, air, movement, rest, etc.) and social, which have historically developed in human society. Social needs are divided into material (clothes, housing, etc.) and spiritual (cognitive, aesthetic, creative, the need for communication).

Feature human needs - their actual insatiability.

A. Maslow, one of the leading psychologists in the field of motivation research, developed a "hierarchy of needs". It consists of the following steps: 1 - physiological needs (lower needs controlled by body organs: breathing, food, sexual, etc.); 2 - security needs; 3-needs for communication, social contacts; 4 - the need for recognition, respect and approval, awareness of one's own dignity (prestige, social success); 5 - the need for self-actualization, in the implementation of oneself.

Emerging needs motivate the individual to active search ways to satisfy them, become internal stimuli of his activity.

A motive is an impulse to act in order to satisfy a particular need.

Motives are divided into unconscious and conscious . TO conscious motives behaviors include desires, interests, inclinations, ideals, beliefs, worldview. Interests, inclinations, beliefs and ideals of the individual are stable motives and collectively express the worldview of the individual, are manifested in the spiritual needs and practical actions of the individual.

Wish- this is a motive, which is based on a need conscious in content, but it does not yet act as a strong incentive to act.

Interest- this is a selective attitude of a person to an object due to its vital significance and emotional attractiveness. Human interests are extremely diverse. For example, one student strives to study well because he has a highly developed thirst for knowledge, for another a good study is a means to gain the respect of others, a third does not want to upset his parents, a fourth intends to go to college and is preparing a certificate with a high score, etc. It is very important to learn how to arouse interest in yourself and others. An example is the situation described in M. Twain's famous book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer".

Tom is guilty, and Aunt Polly punishes him by whitewashing a huge fence (it's a well-known truth: making work a punishment is a sure way to disgust him).

Tom set to work without any enthusiasm. A problematic situation arose before him - to complete the task and at the same time not touch the fence. And here he is visited by a brilliant idea. Tom acted out a work scene with passion for Ben Rogers. With all his appearance, he demonstrated that whitewashing a fence is a pleasure, that it is a pleasant experience and, moreover, very unusual. And now Ben begs Tom to let him whiten a little and gives him his almost whole apple for this honor. From that moment on, all the boys who passed by bought from Tom the right to work that they would never have done in a different psychological situation. And without knowing it, Tom discovered the law that governs the actions of people: Work is what we are obliged to do, and Play is what we are not obliged to do. According to the orientation, interests are divided into material and spiritual. Material interests are manifested in the desire for housing conveniences, for the acquisition of things that facilitate work and provide comfort. With the satisfaction of material needs, the developing personality goes beyond the limits of material interests, to spiritual interests.

Spiritual interests - these are the interests of growth. They have separate goals related to the desire to enrich and expand life experience, to update personal potential.

inclination It is a pronounced need of a person to engage in a certain activity.

There are many similarities between interest and inclination, but there are also differences.

For example, you can go to the cinema with pleasure, read books about outstanding actors, collect their photographs, etc. But at the same time not at all strive for activities in the field of cinema. In the same way, for example, many sports fans are known who go to stadiums, actively "cheer" for their favorite teams, but themselves ... do not even do morning physical exercises. There is interest, but no inclination.

Beliefs- is a system of motives of the individual, prompting to act in accordance with their views, principles. Beliefs act as a regulator of human behavior.

Ideal- this is the image by which the person is guided in the present and by which he determines the plan of his self-education. It should be noted that ideals change with age and, depending on their content, can have both a positive and a negative impact on personality development.

outlook of a person is closely connected with the formation of ideals. It represents a system of a person's views on the world, on a person's place in it, on a person's attitude to the surrounding reality and to himself. It affects the whole appearance of a person, the totality of the features of behavior and actions, habits and inclinations.

To unconscious motives include attraction and attitudes.

attraction- this is a vague desire directed at some object or action and driven by an unexpressed need.

Attitude is the willingness to act in a certain way in different situations. Installation is important because affects the nature of behavior, perception and communication.

The term "motivation" is a broader concept than the term "motive". Most often, motivation is a set of psychological causes that explain human behavior, its orientation and activity.

The question of the motivation of activity arises every time when it is necessary to explain the reasons for a person's actions.

Motivational phenomena are repeatedly repeated, over time become personality traits. Such features include the motive to achieve success and the motive to avoid failure.

Personality is also characterized by such motivational formations as affiliation, rejection motive, power motive, altruism, selfishness, aggression.

These motives are of great social importance, because determine the relationship of a person to people.

Affiliation- the desire of a person to be in the company of other people, to establish emotionally positive relationships with them. The antipode of affiliation is rejection motive, which manifests itself in the fear of being rejected, not accepted personally by familiar people. Power motive- the desire of a person to have power over other people, to control and dominate them. Altruism - the desire of a person to selflessly help other people; its antipode - selfishness as the desire to satisfy their personal needs, neglecting the interests of other people. Aggressiveness - the desire of a person to cause physical or moral harm to other people, to cause them trouble.

In the course of his entire conscious life, a person sets himself certain goals that he seeks to achieve. But before in order to do this, to carry out certain actions, a person has to overcome various obstacles. To overcome them, a person strains his mental and physical strength, shows strong-willed efforts.

Repetition of the material covered


Motivation to action;

A dynamic process of a psychophysiological plan that controls human behavior, determines its direction, organization, activity and stability;

3. the ability of a person to actively satisfy their needs.


Motive (lat. moveo - I move) is a material or ideal object, the achievement of which is the meaning of activity. The motive is presented to the subject in the form of specific experiences, characterized either by positive emotions from the expectation of achieving this object, or by negative ones associated with the incompleteness of the present position. To understand the motive, one needs inner work. For the first time the term "motivation" was used in his article by A. Schopenhauer.

Types of motivation

External motivation (extrinsic) - motivation that is not related to the content of a particular activity, but due to circumstances external to the subject.

Intrinsic motivation (intrinsic) - motivation associated not with external circumstances, but with the very content of the activity.

Positive and negative motivation. Motivation based on positive incentives is called positive. Motivation based on negative incentives is called negative.

Example: the construction “if I clean up the table, I will get candy” or “if I don’t mess around, I will get candy” is a positive motivation. The construction “if I put things in order on the table, then I will not be punished” or “if I do not indulge, then I will not be punished” is a negative motivation.

Stable and unstable motivation. Motivation that is based on the needs of a person is considered sustainable, since it does not require additional reinforcement.

There are two main types of motivation: “from” and “to”, or “carrot and stick method”.

Also distinguish:

Individual motivations aimed at maintaining homeostasis



Pain Avoidance

Striving for optimum temperature



Caring for offspring

Finding a Place in the Group Hierarchy

Maintaining the inherent community structure of the species



Exploratory Behavior

play activity

Self-affirmation motive- the desire to establish oneself in society; associated with self-esteem, ambition, self-love. A person tries to prove to others that he is worth something, seeks to obtain a certain status in society, wants to be respected and appreciated. Sometimes the desire for self-assertion is referred to as motivation for prestige (the desire to obtain or maintain a high social status).

Thus, the desire for self-assertion, for raising one's formal and informal status, for a positive assessment of one's personality is an essential motivational factor that encourages a person to work intensively and develop.

Motive of identification with another person- the desire to be like a hero, an idol, an authoritative person (father, teacher, etc.). This motive encourages work and development. It is especially relevant for teenagers who try to copy the behavior of other people.

The desire to be like an idol- an essential motive of behavior, under the influence of which a person develops and improves. Identification with another person leads to an increase in the energy potential of the individual due to the symbolic “borrowing” of energy from the idol (object of identification): strength, inspiration, the desire to work and act in the same way as the geopolitical (idol, father, etc.) did. By identifying with the hero, the teenager becomes bolder. The presence of a model, an idol with which young people would strive to identify themselves and whom they would try to copy, from whom they would learn to live and work, is an important condition for an effective socialization process.

Power motive- the desire of the individual to influence people. Motivation for power (the need for power), under some circumstances, can be a significant driving force in human action. This is the desire to take a leadership position in a group (collective), an attempt to lead people, determine and regulate their activities.

The motive of power occupies an important place in the hierarchy of motives. The actions of many people (for example, leaders of various ranks) are motivated by the motive of power. The desire to dominate and lead other people is the motive that induces them in the process of overcoming significant difficulties and making great efforts. A person works a lot not for the sake of self-development or satisfaction of their cognitive needs, but in order to gain influence on individuals or a team.

A manager can be motivated to work not by the desire to benefit society as a whole or a separate team, not by a sense of responsibility, that is, not by social motives, but by the motive of power. In this case, all his actions are aimed at gaining or retaining power and constitute a threat both to the cause and to the structure he leads.

Procedural and substantive motives- motivation for activity by the process and content of activity, and not by external factors. A person likes to perform this activity, to show his intellectual or physical activity. He is interested in the content of what he does. The action of other social and personal motives (power, self-affirmation, etc.) can enhance motivation, but they are not directly related to the content and process of activity, but are only external to it, therefore these motives are often called external, or extrinsic. In the case of the action of procedural-content motives, a person likes and encourages the process and content of a certain activity to be active. For example, a person goes in for sports because he simply likes to show his physical and intellectual activity (savvy and non-standard actions in sports are also essential success factors). An individual is encouraged to go in for sports by procedural and substantive motives in the case when the process and content of the game cause satisfaction, and not by factors that are not related to sports activities (money, self-affirmation, power, etc.).

The meaning of activity during the actualization of procedural and content motives lies in the activity itself (the process and content of activity are the factor that encourages a person to exercise physical and intellectual activity).

Extraordinary (external) motives- such a group of motives, when the motivating factors lie outside the activity. In the case of the action of extrinsic motives, it is not the content, not the process of activity that induces activity, but factors that are not directly related to it (for example, prestige or material factors). Consider some types of extrinsic motives:

the motive of duty and responsibility to society, a group, individuals;

motives for self-determination and self-improvement;

the desire to get the approval of other people;

the desire to obtain a high social status (prestigious motivation). In the absence of interest in activity (procedural-content motivation), there is a desire for those external attributes that activity can bring - for excellent grades, for obtaining a diploma, for fame in the future;

motives for avoiding troubles and punishment (negative motivation) - motives caused by the awareness of some troubles, inconveniences that may arise in case of failure to perform activities.

The motive of self-development- the desire for self-development, self-improvement. This is an important motive that encourages the individual to work hard and develop. According to Abraham Maslow, this is the desire to fully realize one's abilities and the desire to feel one's competence. As a rule, a certain courage is always needed to move forward. A person often clings to the past, to his achievements, peace and stability. Fear of risk and the threat of losing everything hold him back on the path of self-development.

Thus, a person often seems to be "torn between the desire to move forward and the desire for self-preservation and security." On the one hand, he strives for something new, and on the other hand, fear of danger and something unknown, the desire to avoid risk, hinder his progress. Maslow argued that development occurs when the next step forward objectively brings more joy, more inner satisfaction than previous acquisitions and victories, which have become something ordinary and even tired.

When it is possible to actualize the motive of self-development in a person, the strength of his motivation for activity increases. Talented coaches, teachers, managers are able to use the motive of self-development, pointing out to their students (athletes, subordinates) the opportunity to develop and improve.

Achievement motive - the desire to achieve high results and excellence in activities; it manifests itself in the choice of difficult tasks and the desire to complete them. Success in any activity depends not only on abilities, skills, knowledge, but also on achievement motivation. A person with a high level of achievement motivation, striving to get significant results, works hard to achieve his goals.

Achievement motivation (and behavior that is aimed at high results) even for the same person is not always the same and depends on the situation and the subject of activity. Someone chooses difficult problems in mathematics, while someone, on the contrary, limiting himself to modest goals in the exact sciences, chooses difficult topics in literature, striving to achieve high results in this particular area. What determines the level of motivation in each specific activity? Scientists identify four factors:

over yourself and over your spirit. It is constant work, patience and perseverance that make it possible to translate the most unusual and daring dreams into reality. To understand where to start, a person must rethink his life, understand the true desires and motives of his actions. What is motivation?

The history of the appearance of the word and a special approach

In ancient times, the word "motivation" was not used in Russian speech. Most often, in communication, people tried to explain an incomprehensible state that prompts them to complete a particular task. It could be a desire to perform an important and dangerous task that would benefit the family and people, or it could even incline to criminal activity.

What is motivation, how does it affect a person's life? The concept of "motivation" comes from the Latin word "movere", which can literally be translated as movement, awakening. It was actively used to convey their own moods only at the beginning of the 18th century. Oddly enough, but noble people used this concept exclusively in the stable phrase "motivate yourself", that is, induce to action. It should be noted that motivation is a function of management, which is quite popular in the West. It is used for communication and management.

Motivation - what is it? V modern world people quite often pronounce the concept of "motivation", while not fully realizing the true interpretation of the word. What is the concept of motive and motivation? At the moment there are several definitions:

  • Motivation is the conscious desire of a person to perform specific purpose, which can be compensated by both material and spiritual values;
  • - the manifestation of human desire to achieve the task, is manifested in a change in internal and external states;
  • motivation is a definition that affects the spiritual aspects of a person’s state, his ability to set high goals for himself;
  • achievement motivation - the desire to achieve the best result, the desire to seek new goals and objectives;
  • motivation - the ability and desire to satisfy material, biological and spiritual needs;
  • - the desire to achieve a result, a psychophysiological process that controls the behavior, emotions, actions of a person.

It becomes clear that motivation is a complex and highly individual concept. The desire to achieve success appears in a person in different situations, and, accordingly, the ways to achieve the result will differ. The main elements of motivation: goals, objectives, policies, methods, tools, programs.

The best minds around the world have been studying motivation in detail. It is possible to single out the works of V.G. Podmarkova, I.F. Belyaeva, D.S. McClelland, J. Atkinson. Most psychologists and philosophers have reflected the collected information in theories and ideas, which even now help a person to rethink life. The functions of motivation, as a rule, are aimed at the implementation of the tasks set. They give the whole system integrity and stability.

Classification and opportunities for inducement

Why is motivation needed, how does it affect a person? Based common features You can divide motivation into 4 large groups that play a key role during the whole process.

First - base groups. The classification of motivation in this case will be as follows:

  • material (the desire for prosperity, luxury, security);
  • (the desire to earn a promotion at work, to receive positive sanctions in the form of a bonus or award);
  • status (urge to change position, change career, change in personal life);
  • spiritual (thoughts about achieving inner constancy, studying an important detail that has not yet been described).

They are responsible for the initial emergence of the desire to achieve the desired result. They are preserved throughout the process, while they can be changed or replaced. In some cases, they can serve as a reason for the termination of motivation. For example, when there is an easier and more affordable alternative that forces you to abandon a previously thought up plan.

The second group - ways to achieve the goal:

  • normative (suggestion, persuasion, informing);
  • coercive (insults, threats, intimidation, pressure);
  • stimulating (provision of real benefits and conditions, conclusion of written and oral agreements).

Influence the choice of means to be used during induction. In frequent cases, they are combined and used in certain situations. For effective action, they also apply wealth. The ability to persuade / put pressure on the interlocutor in many cases allows you to achieve a positive result, but any success must be consolidated.

The third group is the causes of occurrence. Classification:

  • internal (appears during a mental or physical process, when a person solves a problem, forms motives);
  • external (sources of external influence, for example, wages or orders).

Strong motivation is possible only if there are internal and external sources. At the moment when you want to stop completing the steps to achieve the goal, a person subconsciously begins to remember other reasons that further encourage him to work even harder.

The fourth group is the focus on achieving results:

  • positive (encouragement, awards, praise);
  • negative (penalties, fines, public censure).

In fact, there are cases when a person strives to achieve one result, but in the end he gets a completely different one. The mistake lies in choosing the direction of motivation. A general description of motivation will tell you how to proceed.

Types of motivations and their reflection in the psyche

To name a certain number of species will be almost unrealistic. Anyone can find something new, something that will radically change their ideas and. Types of motivation in psychology have always been actively discussed among specialists. Numerous theories of philosophers are published in many textbooks. What are the motivations?

External motivation - does not depend on human desire, occurs with the participation of outsiders or phenomena, is difficult to control.

Intrinsic motivation is a spiritual desire to achieve a result with a clear understanding of what is needed for this, what means will be needed.

Sustainable motivation is directly related to the biological needs of a person, for example, the desire to find water or food, arrange housing, start a family.

Unstable motivation - requires constant monitoring by the other person. This may be an impulse to lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking and drinking.

Individual right motivation- affects a specific person, while it can also affect the immediate environment. For example, thirst, maintaining a favorable body temperature.

Group strong motivation - unites people into a group that strives to achieve one goal: find a job, get married / get married.

- manifests itself in research activities, when a person seeks to study a new object with the help of his own knowledge.

There is also unconscious motivation, the types of motivation at the same time differ from the standard ones. So, a person has an inexplicable desire to achieve his goal, while he cannot name the reason that caused such an emotion.

The classification of motivation methods is individual for each theory. It is recommended to study this topic with the help of the works of American researchers in the field of psychosomatics.

The concept and types of motivation were derived on the basis of human behavior, while taking into account his individual qualities.

Motives of human desire for change

How to motivate people and yourself? Someone wants to climb the career ladder and achieve high results in professional activity, and someone wants to find a soul mate and arrange a cozy nest. Classification of motivation methods according to common theme, trait and species made it possible to identify key points that influence the formation of the goal. The main motives that motivate a person to commit certain actions:

  • self-affirmation;
  • identification;
  • power;
  • procedural and substantive motives;
  • self-development;
  • achievements;
  • affiliation.

Every motive plays important role and affects all cognitive process. Sooner or later, a person receives a real picture, which until that time he could only keep in his own imagination. But what are the theories and concepts of motivation? What do famous psychologists and philosophers think about this?

There are 3 main theories that determine at what level a person is. These are substantive, procedural, specific theories.

The content base is based on human needs. They allow you to assess the state of the individual, to consider the principle of his work, to follow the course of thought. In such a theory, a special emphasis is placed directly on the study of the structure of human desire, its possibilities and future prospects. The task is to understand what exactly caused motivation in a person, how this process functions. Excellent works on this subject have been published by the greatest minds of all centuries. These are Maslow's famous hierarchy of needs theory and McClelland's theory of acquired needs, Alderfer's reasoning and forms of motivation, Herzberg's thoughts on two factors.

Process theories are primarily concerned with the analysis of the efforts that have been made by a person. The feelings that a person feels in a particular situation or when performing a task are considered. To date, there are more than 50 interesting theories, including the arguments and conclusions of Vroom, Adams, Porter-Walter, Locke.

Specific concepts are associated with a person's perception of the external world, the ability to feel and sympathize. Based on the model of an employee who has a unique set of motives, needs, emotions.

Edwin Locke's Goal Setting Theory

The key question of the theory is what are the goals of motivation, what prompts them to be set? The author of rather curious works on human actions and the motives for these actions is the American psychologist and philosopher Edwin Locke. Hours of persistent research led the scientist to very interesting thoughts. The psychologist carefully studied the forms and methods of motivation, which had previously been written by his predecessors. Collected information about the effects of external conditions on the target.

What are the stages of motivation? How does a person set a goal? It was to these questions that the psychologist was looking for intelligible answers, as a result, he created the theory of goal setting. The main idea is that a person's behavior depends on the tasks that he has set for himself. The individual tends to experience, experience emotional ups and downs. Any change in mood will inevitably reflect on his goals.

Motivation and motives for committed actions depend on each other. The task plan chosen by a person should always lead him to a pleasant result. Using the concept of E. Locke, the leader can raise the level of activity in the team. It is enough to know a few basic principles. The most important thing is to set a clear and achievable goal. Do not come up with something unimaginably complex and try to somehow bring it to life. At the same time, employees will have to work hard to achieve the result. As a rule, in tasks of medium and high complexity, people strive to show all their abilities, to reveal, perhaps, hidden potential. An additional plus in this situation is the opportunity to bring people together in a team, common goal allows you to forget the differences and start acting as a cohesive team.

Employees should be aware of all the successes and progress in the common cause. Unreasonable secretiveness and dissatisfaction with work can cause a huge collapse. At the same time, it is welcomed if employees begin to actively share and implement their ideas. In most cases, it is precisely such thoughts that contribute to the improvement of the quality of work, since favorable conditions appear. Who, if not a worker, needs to know what he needs for successful professional activity? Maybe you need to buy new equipment for the factory or make repairs in the office? In this case, an important role is played by the increase in motivation, which occurs due to the mutual understanding of colleagues.

If the goals of employees and superiors differ, then a general agreement should be reached. The main task of the leader is to hear the indignation of people and, if possible, resolve the disputes and disagreements that have arisen. At the same time, for quality work the boss should encourage the employee. It can be both material means and ordinary praise. The main thing is to understand in what situation to use positive sanctions in relation to the employee.

Maslow's hierarchy theory

How to find motivation? You need to have some knowledge in order to answer this question. In order to put together many ideas about innate needs, the American psychologist had to do a thorough analysis of a person’s character, his changes depending on the change of goal, and study the types of motivation. The main provisions of this concept are:

  • a person always has a need for something, it does not depend on gender and age;
  • strongly expressed needs that an individual experiences in certain situations, groups can be combined;
  • the arrangement of these groups is built on a hierarchical principle;
  • a person performs actions due to unsatisfied needs;
  • after a while, the person again has dissatisfaction, he wants to get more;
  • in a normal state, an individual feels several needs, they can be interconnected;
  • first, the desires at the base of Maslow's pyramid are satisfied, then the upper needs begin to act;
  • a person is able to find a large number of ways to satisfy high needs than low ones.

Later, the American psychologist Abraham Maslow added several more important components of the pyramid. In his work "On the Psychology of Being", the author identified the needs of growth, which turned out to be difficult to describe. This book includes such interesting qualities as perfection, the desire to be superior to others, justice, responsibility, beauty, friendliness, completeness. The author described in detail the forms of motivation.

Maslow believes that in many cases it is the needs of growth that are the most powerful motive for achieving goals. Each person can check the authenticity of these words for himself. It is enough to write out the most significant needs, arrange them according to a hierarchical principle: at the bottom - what is satisfied in the first place, at the top - what you have to work hard for.

According to Maslow, only 2% of the population reach the stage of self-realization, while others are forced to constantly strive for excellence. Motivation for action appears for many only in critical situations.

Alderfer's ERG theory

The American psychologist Clayton Paul Alderfer studied the methods of motivation for a long time, he came to the conclusion that all the needs and desires of a person can be combined into 3 large groups. Needs depend on the following factors:

  • desire to exist (due to physiological needs);
  • the presence of connections (a big role is played social sphere, a person's place in society, his family, relatives and friends);
  • the desire for growth (self-expression and the desire to change both externally and internally, there is an increase in motivation).

If the principle of hierarchy works in Maslow's theory, then Alderfer is of the opinion that needs are directed in both directions. His definition of motivation is as follows: a dynamic system that can move both up and down. For example, a person managed to fulfill a higher desire, then the need to satisfy a lower level of tasks is activated and intensifies, and vice versa.

For clarity, you can perform a small experiment. It is also worth filling Maslow's pyramid and paying attention to the upper and lower levels. If there is a movement from the bottom up, then this will be the self-satisfaction of a person. If the path lies from top to bottom, then this is frustration (defeat). In order to return to the satisfaction process, it will only be necessary to complete the key task from the drawn pyramid, starting from the end and working up.

McClelland's theory

The main mechanism of motivation is built on the basis of concepts that link the possibilities and methods of achieving goals. A well-known American professor, the creator of a unique assessment technique for the apperceptive test, David McClelland, brought out his theory of human needs.

How to motivate yourself? According to an outstanding psychologist, there are 3 main factors that affect the desire to achieve the task:

  • power - due to the desire for self-improvement, learning, a person tends to have control over others;
  • success - felt only when the work is done successfully and positive feedback is received;
  • involvement is a manifestation of participatory features that are clearly expressed in spiritual culture.

The psychology of motivation has been carefully analyzed by scientists. The theory created by McClelland was the reason why Western experts turned their attention back to the structure of entrepreneurship. It was concluded that the motivation to achieve the goal in different situations is very different.

Thus, a society in which people strive to actively interact with each other, to show interest in a common cause, is subject to positive changes.

Motivation mechanism: people with high needs for achievement are themselves confident in their own success, rather than those who do not set themselves any tasks. People from the first category are more balanced, calm, active, they are able to perform a large number of difficult tasks.

As for the motivation of the whole country directly, the state should pursue the following policy:

  • strive to use labor resources wisely;
  • create conditions for personal growth;
  • set the highest performance standards.

These conditions will allow the people to work efficiently and reach heights faster.

McGregor's basic XY theory

The author of this scientific book and detailed reflections is the famous American psychologist Douglas McGregor. The scientist worked on his work for several years. He studied people's behavior in detail, trying to find a connection between desire and opportunity. McGregor's theory contains two key aspects:

  • authoritarian allowance for workers X;
  • democratic employee benefit Y.

These theories are completely different, each has certain behaviors and motives. Thus, reflections on the X theory suggest that initially the entire population of the country is lazy and weak-willed. They try to avoid mental and physical labor, and therefore must be under the careful guidance of more active and skillful workers. In this case, we can conclude that it is possible to induce a person to action only with the help of incentives and rewards. For example, a person working at a factory is not at all interested in further career advancement and improvement in the quality of work, he likes to be led. Managers need to create conditions that would allow the employee to show all his talents, take care of a favorable place of work.

The principles of motivation according to Theory Y consist of the notion that initially all people are active and ambitious. They have developed abilities, they are ready to deal with difficulties, to go to the end. Such employees can take the initiative in their own hands, they understand what responsibility and self-control are. They are not afraid to entrust any business, because they are completely satisfied with their duties and enjoy it. From this it should be concluded that the average worker, in the presence of favorable conditions, is able to motivate himself to achieve his goal. it is much easier for managers than in the first case, because the employees themselves are ready to show interest in the work performed.

Do not forget that the main condition for human motivation is free space, the opportunity to be alone with yourself in order to better understand yourself, analyze mistakes and make fateful decisions. Any person can apply the XY theory to themselves, it will motivate them to achieve results, suggest the right path and display possible outcomes.

Ouchi's Modern Theory Z

The concept of motivation is different in the cultures of many peoples. Japanese experiments in the field of psychology and medicine prompted the brilliant American psychologist William Ouchi to create his own model Z. The principle of collectivism is taken as the basis, when a person is presented not as a separate element, but as an important part of the whole mechanism. And if he refuses his work, then the whole device will immediately collapse.

In order to use Theory Z, you need to understand that most employees like to work in a team, rather than cope with a difficult task alone. In addition, employees are firmly convinced that the employer will take care of them, and they, in turn, will do a quality job. Model Z will be actively developed if the company meets the desires of employees. The manager must give employees the opportunity to improve their qualifications, to get promoted on the career ladder.

Mutual understanding and giving back are the main principles of motivation, pledge successful business and a great help for . Employees who are interested in higher wages, receiving award orders and badges, bonuses and changing positions will strengthen the company's position and advance it to a leading position.

Applicable in this case are methods of motivation that affect staff, students and the person himself. In all cases, it is necessary to focus on material incentives and observance of moral standards. So, for example, students receive a scholarship for, and staff for quality work done on time. However, with self-motivation, the situation is a little more complicated. It is always difficult to start, namely to find a reason for which all efforts will be made. However, it is own wish can radically change not only life, but also the person himself.

The problem of stimulus reduction

Lack of motivation is familiar to many people. Experts name 3 main reasons that are associated with the loss of desire to achieve goals. By carefully analyzing them, a person can rethink their own behavior and find new ways to solve pressing problems. How to get back motivation:

  1. "Training and proper nutrition from Monday". Does a person believe in himself when he says that he is going to go on a diet from Monday? Of course, it is much easier to postpone a difficult task until a later date than to start right now. In most cases, such ideas are not implemented, and then completely disappear. This is especially true for the fair sex. An excellent motivation for girls in such a situation: “I’ll start right now, but I’ll finish the job much earlier.”
  2. “I want to be unique right now and forever.” A person strives to get everything at once, dreams of possessing luxurious treasures, having a magnificent figure and loving family. But is it really possible to achieve all this immediately? In fact, one has to choose which this stage more important and useful. But this does not mean at all that there is no possibility to achieve other goals.
  3. "I can't do it because..." No matter what the answer is, people have heard this phrase millions of times. Instead of actually doing something significant, a person seeks to find a reason not to do it. And, as a rule, these very reasons are ridiculous and illogical.

How to develop motivation and fight your own laziness? Success doesn't just happen, it has to be planned. Loss of motivation is a sign that the individual needs to reconsider his needs. A person must present a real picture of what is desired, set specific deadlines, see the goal and independently pave the way to it.

Finding goals and self-motivation

What motivates people? Everyone knows that and motivation must be set a specific goal. It should be clear and precise, without the slightest tricks. But often finding this very goal is not so easy, and even more difficult to describe and characterize it. How to create motivation? What needs to be done for this?

In order to try to find that very task, you will need to perform daily several sets of exercises aimed at developing the inner world of the individual, revealing his creative potential.

Psychologists recommend conducting monthly training sessions for company employees, trying to attract them to a specific goal. This may be an improvement in the quality of work, an increase in the number of goods produced, and an increase in the qualifications of workers. Motivation tools: awards, praise, vacation, awards.

Schools and kindergartens often hold interactive classes aimed at encouraging children to successful implementation homework, the desire to receive praise and good grades.

How to keep motivated? V Everyday life a person himself can perform a set of motivating exercises, it is enough just to find free time and a cozy place for reflection. It can be a beautiful park with luxurious firs and pines, or it can be some quiet and peaceful place in the apartment itself.

There is also such a thing as achievement motivation - this is a kind of motivation associated with the desire to achieve success and overcome obstacles. For the first time this definition was derived in the 1930s by the scientist G. Murray. Now achievement motivation is associated with getting any positive emotions. It can be success at school or a promotion at work, a successful purchase or the arrival of relatives.

Educational exercises for children and adults

Where to get motivation? These interesting complexes will help to set a goal and motivate a person to complete the tasks:

The first is identification with a beloved animal. By associating himself with a fictional character or a very real object, an individual can achieve personal growth faster. The fact is that a person subconsciously takes positive traits favorite hero, and at the same time new goals appear. Animals are strong and wise creatures that are the main part of the world around them. Identifying with them, the individual cultivates in himself caution, perseverance, purposefulness.

So, to complete the exercise, you must perform the following steps:

  • choose one favorite animal, paint its positive and negative qualities;
  • try to imagine yourself as an imaginary being, try to go towards the goal;
  • feel like a formidable lion or a cute rabbit for 5 minutes, try to overcome all the difficulties that the animal meets on its way.

After that, you should evaluate your feelings and experiences, analyze which tasks were completed and which turned out to be too difficult.

The second complex is to point out the mistake and note the improvement. What to do if motivation is gone, how to return it? It is worth giving an example from life. Often educators in kindergartens and teachers in schools make comments to children about the performance of various tasks. Indicate performance errors control work and then deal with difficult tasks. Why is this being done? So the older generation motivates children to perform the same tasks, but with a higher quality.

Motivation exercise should be done several times a week. To begin with, it is worth imagining a situation where a person is one step away from his goal. He should describe the pros and cons of this position. As a rule, there are always more disadvantages than positive features. But this is not a reason to be upset, because the next attempt will be better than the previous one:

  • there will be many errors, but they will not be so serious;
  • there will be many difficulties along the way, but what is important is what a person has already managed to achieve;
  • although not everything goes smoothly and according to plan, but this is not a reason to give up, because the most difficult is already behind.

Daily coaching for you and your family

You can motivate yourself to complete tasks in a circle of close people, ask for advice and find out what other people think about you. Such methods of motivation help to look at yourself from the other side, to see what is being done wrong, where the mistake is made:

  1. Braggart. Where to find motivation, how to develop it? This complex will help you change your ideas about your own life. The exercise is aimed at the development of the inner world, the disclosure of creative potential. A person needs to imagine himself as the head of a well-known company, the boss has at his disposal professional workers. For the first time, the manager must blame his employees, show his advantage, deprive employees of a well-deserved bonus. In the second case, the boss should treat his team favorably. Listen to their requests, ideas, reward the best employees of the company. Thus, a person clearly sees that much depends on himself. The result of actions directly depends on the attitude of a person to the process itself. A clear understanding of the goals and ways to achieve them is the key to success and self-realization.
  2. Justification analysis. How often does a person find a seemingly logical explanation for a situation, but at the same time say nothing about the mistakes made? The purpose of this exercise is to understand that everything depends only on your own strength, and not on fictional problems. The exercise works as a motivation mechanism, it allows you to find the missing detail, the missed action in time. Most of the causes of failure are associated with wrong thinking, choosing the wrong path. The man himself is to blame for the fact that it was not possible to achieve the desired. But this is not a reason to abandon all ideas and go into depression, this is just the starting point for new achievements. When an individual begins to look for external causes of failure, then by this he blocks his true motives and desires. The search for other reasons may indicate that a person:
  • does not know how to organize and control himself;
  • does not know how to properly prioritize;
  • does not know how to do the job systematically.

To complete the exercise, you should take a blank piece of paper and write a sentence, for example: "I did not complete this task because ...". It is necessary to analyze the justification and answer the questions:

  1. Why was this justification chosen, is there an alternative?
  2. Does it depend on external and internal factors?
  3. What prevents this situation from being corrected?

At this stage, you should consider what measures can be taken to achieve the goal. The main tools of motivation: money, health, connections.

Consolidation of results and maintaining motivation

There are 6 main ways that allow you to achieve what you want. Each of them is unique in its own way and is used in connection with specific conditions. The most important principle of any motivation is to do what you like and benefit from. Only such things allow you to get satisfaction, they are supported by an inner desire, a desire to complete the task in any way. Here are the recommendations:

  1. Focus on the end result. Any task requires a special approach and considerable effort. Instead of focusing on the difficulties, one should remember the reason for which the whole journey will be made.
  2. Think only about winning. You should start with easy tasks and then enjoy the results. This, firstly, will cheer you up and help you gain confidence, and secondly, it will fill a person with energy to perform further actions.
  3. Do any difficult task. After a few easy tasks have been successfully completed, you should occupy yourself with a more difficult one. If you put off a difficult mission at the end of the day, then it will smoothly move to the next day, week, month. Thus, a difficult task becomes almost impossible.
  4. Take regular breaks. When a person has rested and feels a new surge of strength, it is much easier for him to start performing any task. Instead of spending hours doing tedious work, you should relax and get some rest. This will bring organization and help you do what you love without being distracted by extraneous things.
  5. Don't overburden yourself with unnecessary chores. Many people are often loaded with goals and objectives, they want to achieve a lot quickly, but in the end they get nothing. The desire to be the most intelligent, beautiful, strong is, of course, good, but you should not set yourself such global goals. You should focus on one specific task.
  6. Reward yourself for success. Often there is an achievement motivation that needs to be stimulated on its own. Small prizes for each correctly taken step encourage a person to continue to work efficiently.

How to increase motivation? It all depends on the person and his desire, it must come directly from the soul. Human motivation is primarily perseverance, patience, the ability to work, the ability to understand one's needs, the ability to control the situation. Only those people who have good motivation are able to fulfill themselves in life.

Motivation is the process of inducing a person to act in order to achieve goals.

Since no economic processes cannot proceed without the participation of personnel motivated for their implementation, we will consider this aspect in more detail.

In personnel management, motivation is considered as a process of activating the motives of employees (internal motivation) and creating incentives (external motivation) to encourage them to work effectively. In this regard, as synonymous with the term "motivation", the terms "stimulation" and "motivation".

Theoretical approaches to motivation are based on ideas formulated by psychological science that studies the causes and mechanisms of purposeful human behavior.

From these positions, motivation is defined as the driving force of human behavior, which is based on the relationship of needs, motives and goals of a person.

Thus, labor motivation is the desire of an employee to satisfy his needs (to receive certain benefits) through labor activity.

The concept of labor motive includes: need, that the employee wants to satisfy; good, capable of satisfying this need; work action, necessary to receive the benefit; price - costs of a material and moral nature associated with the implementation of a labor action.

A general description of the motivation process can be presented if we define the concepts used to explain it: needs, motives, goals, incentives - and show their relationship (Fig. 2.5).

: Human motives: .

Rice. 2.5. The relationship of the concepts of motivation

Needs - the need for something objectively necessary to maintain the life and development of the organism, personality and social group. Needs are the source of human activity, the reason for his purposeful actions.

There are biological and social needs.

biological needs- the need for food, water, air, procreation, housing, etc., necessary to maintain the body in a normal vital state.

Social needs- the need to belong to the genus, nationality, social group, express yourself, build your career, be recognized, etc.

Needs are in dynamic development and tend to grow both for individual person and for society as a whole.

Incentives - motivation or reason for human behavior. It is widely believed that an incentive is a reward. This is not entirely correct, because the word comes from the Latin stimulus - literally: a pointed stick that drove animals, and has just the opposite meaning - coercion. There are four main types of incentives:

  • 1. Compulsion. Organizations widely use administrative methods of coercion: remark, reprimand, transfer to another position, dismissal from work, etc.
  • 2. Financial incentive. These are material incentives: wages and tariff rates, remuneration for results, bonuses, compensations, vouchers, soft loans, loans for housing construction, etc.
  • 3. moral encouragement. Incentives aimed at satisfying the spiritual and moral needs of a person: gratitude, certificates of honor and titles, board of honor, academic degree, press publications, government awards, etc.
  • 4. Self-assertion. The internal driving forces of a person, prompting him to achieve his goals without direct external encouragement. This is the strongest stimulus, but it manifests itself only in the most developed members of society. For example, writing a dissertation, publishing a book, an author's invention, shooting a film, getting a second education, etc.

Motives - it is the motivation of a person to action aimed at achieving the desired goal (result).

Goals is the desired object or its state, which a person strives to possess.

The influence of motivation on human behavior depends on many factors, it is individual and can change under the influence of motives and feedback from human activity. Of great importance for the formation of labor motives is the assessment of the probability of achieving goals.

Any activity is associated with certain costs and has a price. Thus, labor activity is determined by the expenditure of physical and moral forces. High intensity of labor can scare away workers if there are not sufficient conditions for the restoration of working capacity. Poor organization of labor, unfavorable sanitary and hygienic conditions at work, underdevelopment of the social and domestic sphere in some cases determine such a strategy of labor behavior in which the employee prefers to work less, but also receive less, because the price of intensive labor is unacceptable for him.

However, another situation is also possible, when an employee, in order to maintain a certain level of well-being, is ready to pay with his health for additional benefits: bonuses and benefits related to working conditions, increased pay for overtime work and so on. Especially since society, by establishing such benefits, sanctions such a situation.

The power of motive determined by the degree of relevance of a particular need for the employee. The more urgent the need for a certain good, the stronger the desire to receive it, the more actively the worker acts.

Feature of labor motives is their focus on themselves and on others, due to commodity production. The product of labor, having become a commodity, as a use value, satisfies the needs not of the worker himself, but of other people; The commodity satisfies the needs of the worker through its value.

The market economy, through the mechanism of competition, harmonizes the motives "for oneself" and "for others". The planned economy under the conditions of the command-administrative system led to a mismatch of these motives, since in it the worker gave to society significantly more than he received for his work. The reaction to this was a decrease in the quality of labor, a deterioration in the consumer properties of manufactured products.

The deeper the gap between what the worker gives to society and what he receives in return, the less such labor motives as duty to people, society as a whole, the desire to bring benefit to people with his work mean to him. At the same time, the motives of material remuneration for work are hypertrophied in his mind. These processes develop most strongly when the level of payment of the worker is significantly lower than the cost of the required product.

Labor motives are different:

  • on needs, which a person seeks to satisfy through labor activity;
  • on topics blessings, that a person needs to satisfy his needs;
  • according to that price, that the worker is willing to pay for the desired benefits.

The diagram of the relationship between needs, motives and goals, shown in Fig. 2.6. This scheme is rather conditional and simplified and gives only the most general idea of ​​these relationships.

Rice. 2.6.

In practice, it is almost impossible to determine and structure the elements that make up the motivational process due to the uniqueness of the motivational structures of different people, the non-obviousness of motives, the complex interaction between different needs, etc.

Ideas about the possibilities of motivating the work of workers have undergone major changes in management practice. The theory of motivation began to be actively developed in the 20th century, although many motives, incentives and needs have been known since ancient times.

Currently, the versatility and ambiguity of the motivation process is reflected in a number of motivational theories, which can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  • initial;
  • meaningful (analysis of the needs of the main factor that determines motivation);
  • procedural (taking into account the behavioral aspects of the motivational process, determined by a specific situation).

Let's consider these groups of motivations in more detail.

Introduction 3

1. The concept of motivation as a system of human motivations for activity 3

2. System of activity motivation in Locomotive depot Syzran 8

3. Types, types and levels of motivation in labor activity 10

4. Analysis of the motivation system on the example of the organization Locomotive depot Syzran 15

Conclusion 19

References 20


Motivation is of particular importance in the labor activity of a person.

Motivation is a complex psycho-physiological state, which is characterized by a set of dynamically hierarchized human motivations for a particular activity. The difficulty in considering this problem lies in the fact that any activity - be it labor, knowledge, communication, etc. - polymotivated. It is motivated not by a single motive, but by their combination.

Some motives complement each other, some are in conflict. They sometimes reinforce each other, sometimes they distort the activity of a person, which, in the end, makes it difficult for him to determine why he acted this way and not otherwise. Moreover, many motives are not realized by a person. Therefore, it is pointless to build a motivational process, and organizations, relying only on individual components of a complex motivational complex.

The purpose of this work is to consider the analysis and improvement of the system of activity motivation on the example of the Syzran Locomotive Depot. To do this, in the course of the work, such issues as: the concept of motivation as a system of human motivations for activity, motivation for work, types, types and levels of motivation in labor activity, as well as an analysis of the motivation system on the example of the organization Locomotive depot Syzran

1. Motivation as a system of human motivations for activity

In order to construct a motivational complex more adequately, let us consider the point of view of B. V. Kharazishvili, who analyzed motivation from the point of view of its components. He reasoned as follows. A prerequisite for human behavior, the source of his activity is the need. Needing certain conditions, a person seeks to eliminate the deficit that has arisen. The emerging need causes motivational excitation (of the corresponding nerve centers) and induces the body to a certain type of activity. At the same time, all the necessary memory mechanisms are revived, data on the presence of external conditions are processed, and on the basis of this, a purposeful action is formed. In other words, an actualized need causes a certain neurophysiological state - motivation.

Thus, motivation is the need-conditioned excitation of certain nervous structures (functional systems) that cause directed activity of the organism.

The admission to the cerebral cortex of certain sensory excitations, their strengthening or weakening depends on the motivational state. The effectiveness of an external stimulus depends not only on its objective qualities, but also on the motivational state of the body (having quenched the passion, the body will not respond to the most attractive woman).

Hence, need-conditioned motivational states are characterized by the fact that the brain at the same time models the parameters of the objects that are necessary to satisfy the need, and the schemes of activity for mastering the required object. These schemes - programs of behavior - can be either innate, instinctive, or based on individual experience, or newly created from elements of experience.

The implementation of activities is controlled by comparing the achieved intermediate and final results with what was programmed in advance. Satisfying a need relieves motivational tension and, evoking a positive emotion, “affirms” this species activities (including it in the fund of useful actions). Dissatisfaction of needs causes a negative emotion, increased motivational tension and, at the same time, search activity. Thus, motivation is an individualized mechanism for correlating external and internal factors that determines the behavior of a given individual.

In the animal world, modes of behavior are determined by the reflex correlation of the external environment with actual, vital organic needs. Thus, hunger causes certain actions depending on the external situation. In human life, the external environment itself can actualize various needs. So, in a criminally dangerous situation, one person is guided only by the organic need for self-preservation, another is dominated by the need to fulfill civic duty, the third - to show prowess in a fight, to distinguish himself, etc. All forms and methods of a person’s conscious behavior are determined by his relationship to various aspects of reality . The motivational states of a person differ significantly from the motivational state of animals in that they are regulated by a second signaling system - the word. From here we move on to the types of motivational states of a person.

The motivational states of a person include: attitudes, interests, desires, aspirations and drives.

An attitude is a stereotyped readiness to act in a certain way in an appropriate situation. This readiness for stereotypical behavior arises on the basis of past experience. Attitudes are the unconscious basis of behavioral acts in which neither the purpose of the action nor the need for which they are performed is realized. The following types of installations are distinguished:

1. Situational-motor (motor) setting (for example, the readiness of the cervical vertebrae to move the head).

2. Sensory-perceptual setting (waiting for a call, highlighting a significant signal from the general sound background).

3. Socio-perceptual attitude - stereotypes of perception of socially significant objects (for example, the presence of tattoos is interpreted as a sign of a criminalized person).

4. Cognitive - cognitive - attitude (the prejudice of the investigator regarding the guilt of the suspect leads to the dominance of accusatory evidence in his mind, exculpatory evidence recedes into the background).

5. Mnemic setting - setting for memorizing significant material.

The motivational state of a person is a mental reflection of the conditions necessary for the life of a person as an organism, individual and personality. It's a reflection necessary conditions carried out in the form of interests, desires, aspirations and drives.

Interest is a selective attitude to objects and phenomena as a result of understanding their meaning and emotional experience of significant situations. The interests of a person are determined by the system of his needs, but the connection between interests and needs is not straightforward, and sometimes it is not realized. In accordance with the needs, interests are divided by content (material and spiritual), by breadth (limited and versatile) and sustainability (short-term and sustainable). Direct and indirect interests also differ (for example, the interest shown by the seller to the buyer is an indirect interest, while his direct interest is the sale of goods). Interests can be positive or negative. They not only stimulate a person to activity, but they themselves are formed in it. Human interests are closely related to his desires.

Desire is a motivational state in which needs are correlated with a specific object of their satisfaction. If the need cannot be satisfied in a given situation, but this situation can be created, then the direction of consciousness to create such a situation is called aspiration. Striving with a clear idea of ​​the necessary means and methods of action is the intention. A kind of aspiration is passion - a persistent emotional desire for a certain object, the need for which dominates all other needs and gives an appropriate direction to all human activity.

The predominant aspirations of a person for certain types of activity are his inclinations, and the state of obsessive attraction to a certain group of objects is his drives.

Motivational states mobilize consciousness to search for appropriate goals and make a specific decision. The adoption of a decision on a specific action is connected with the awareness of the motive of this action, with the conceptual modeling of its future result. A motive is an argument in favor of a chosen action, a conscious motivation to achieve a specific goal, a necessary element of a conscious, volitional, deliberate action.

So, the concept of motivation includes all kinds of motives of human behavior. Motive is a conscious element of motivation.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "motive" and "motivation". Motivation is a general motivation for activity in a certain direction. The most elementary form of motivation is drives - experiences of unconscious needs, predominantly of a biological nature. Instincts do not have a definite purposefulness and do not give rise to a specific volitional act. The general contours of goals are formed at the stage of desires, but desires are not yet associated with decision making. At the next stage of preaction, at the stage of aspirations, a person decides to act in a certain direction in a certain way, overcoming certain difficulties. At the same time, the conditions and means of achieving the intentions that have arisen, the possibilities of their implementation are considered. As a result, the intention to perform a certain action is born.

Human behavior is activated by a wide range of motives, which are a modification of his needs: drives, interests, aspirations, desires, feelings. Concrete human actions are realized in the system of concepts. A person understands why this particular goal should be achieved, he weighs it on the scales of his concepts and ideas.

Motivations for activity in a certain direction can be positive and negative feelings: curiosity, altruism, selfishness, self-interest, greed, jealousy, etc.

However, feelings, emphasizes B. V. Kharazishvili, being a general motivation for a certain kind of action, in themselves are not a motive for actions. Thus, selfish aspirations can be satisfied by various actions. A motive is the closure of an impulse to a specific goal. There can be no conscious, but unmotivated actions.

2. The system of motivation for activities in the Syzran Locomotive Depot

In relation to management, motivation is the process of encouraging staff to work. Any leader, if he wants to achieve the effective performance of his subordinates, must not forget that there are incentives for them to work.

Motivation is the process of creating a system of incentives to achieve the goals set for the employee on the basis of taking into account and using his needs, value orientations, beliefs, worldview.

N.K. Semenov emphasizes that one can draw a conclusion about motivation only by observing the behavior or statements of people who represent a resource that is fundamentally different from all others that the manager manages.

Human activity at enterprises and organizations, including the Syzran Locomotive Depot, has a target character, moral value, which has a significant impact on the manners and behavior of the individual at work. The attitude towards managers is formed under the influence of the microclimate in the Syzran Locomotive Depot, personal problems and other factors that are vital for the employee and have a great impact on his motivation.

The complexity of identifying the feelings and emotions of a person is also explained by the fact that each person working in the Syzran Locomotive Depot is a unique individual. Each of them is the result of the evolution of many factors that are a unique combination that characterizes a particular person.

The effectiveness of any specific impact on workers depends on the individual and the particular situation that has arisen. Ideally, managers should study subordinates so well that they can match their working methods and approaches to employees with their individual qualities. Studies of people's behavior show that they tend to be more like each other, especially in the area of ​​motivation needs and motives for behavior.

If the manager prefers management activities use the idea of ​​similarities in motivation rather than differences among employees, then there is a greater chance of achieving success in production activities. This does not mean that the personal interests of the individual will be rejected. Knowing about individual needs and demands, in the management of the primary level there is a real opportunity to take into account these differences and link them with the main, general trends in the development of the motivation of the employees of the unit.

The conciliatory approach in primary level management is based on the similarity of motives to a much greater extent than on their difference, and is more preferable for strengthening the motivation of workers and improving production activities. A conciliatory approach also contributes to the cohesion of the work team and creates a sense of belonging to a single team.

Quite often, motivation is seen as something that one person can give to another or do, perform for him. Managers sometimes talk about the conditions for giving employees the right to motivation or the condition to motivate them. However, positive employee motivation is not very easily achieved, as it reflects an internal stimulus or impulse. Motivation cannot be ingested from the words of others or injected intravenously. It originates within a person.

A person is motivated when he is willing to follow the path that is being stimulated. Ultimately, motivation is a critical factor in the success of an organization. This is a category that is supported by numerous studies.

3. Types, types and levels of motivation in labor activity

When forming a motivational complex of personnel, the head of the Syzran Locomotive Depot flexibly combines different types, types and levels of motivation.

Intrinsic motivation is why a person invests his efforts, why he acts day by day, striving to make his life and the lives of other people better. Intrinsic motivation is the "fuel" that supports and does not give up at the moment of overcoming difficulties and failures. Intrinsic motivation includes:

Dream, desire for self-realization;

The desire for creativity;

Self-affirmation, demand;



Personal growth;

The leaders of the Syzran Locomotive Depot know that there is no negative result, there is just a result that needs to be worked on, and then a defeat turns into a victory. Therefore, you should never reduce the internal motivation of staff. But you can't rely solely on it. Because man is a social being and the need for recognition in him is extremely strong. But balance is important here.

External motivation includes:


Status, recognition;

Prestigious things (house, car, etc.);

The ability to travel.

External motivation is constantly changing, it increases with success and decreases with failures, what pleased yesterday may annoy today, and vice versa. It depends on the predominant type of motivation: “OT motivation” or “K motivation”. Freud also said that man, like an animal, seeks to avoid suffering and enjoy. Without accepting an oversimplified interpretation of human behavior, one must still take into account what a person wants to get away from and what he wants to come to. "OT motivation" is a female type of motivation aimed at saving from hunger, poverty, etc. by reviewing stocks, switching to austerity, etc. "Motivation K" is a male type of motivation aimed at finding reserves and striving to increase profits instead of cutting costs. If a person focuses on “OT”, then he, as a rule, is obsessed with the past and his problems, if “K” is more important for him, then he is directed to the future, focuses on achievements, while moving away from current problems.

The head of the Syzran Locomotive Depot, forming the “K motivation” in his employees, is primarily oriented towards the future. He outlines specific goals for the organization's activities (or clarifies if they are planned from outside), and then presents them in a way that gives people following him a powerful motivation and a sense of confidence. For this you need:

1. Vision perspective. The leader gives a specific direction and image of the desired future, and not just a set of alternative or possible directions.

2. Perspective stability. People need to be sure that the direction or goal presented by the leader will not be unexpectedly changed or corrected. If the goal or direction changes abruptly during the implementation stage, this often becomes disastrous for the cause.

3. Inspiration from perspective. The leader's perspective must excite the imagination of the people. To a greater extent, it all depends on how much the leader himself is really inspired by the vision. If the manager's imagination does not "seething", then he will never inspire subordinates.

4. Activation by perspective. The leader's vision of the future should encourage people to personally participate and act in achieving the goal. If this does not happen, then the leader has failed to communicate his vision to others.

5. Staged perspective. When a stage-by-stage implementation of the leader's intentions is necessary, he must present to the people those immediate stages that people can easily understand.

At the Syzran Locomotive Depot, the level of motivation is also taken into account in the activities of the personnel.

S. Polukeev, having analyzed Gumilyov's ideas about passionarity, proposed nine levels of motivation for consideration. The most serene and comfortable life on the third level.

THIRD LEVEL of motivation - "The life of a quiet layman, adapted to the environment", living by the principle: "My hut is on the edge, I don't know anything", who is "always pleased with himself, his dinner and his wife." According to Alexander Zinoviev, this is the "Homo Sovieticus" of the era of developed socialism, or the ideal dear to the heart of every Leninist: "Minimum effort with maximum economy!"

FOURTH LEVEL - "Striving for the improvement of life without risk" - without the risk of losing something: a summer house, extra money, etc. Between the third and fourth levels is the COMFORT ZONE. In this zone, according to Gumilyov, sluggish selfish people live, guided by consumer ideology, which are characterized by "philistine mustiness of life."

FIFTH LEVEL - "Searching for luck with risk." The key words here are LUCK and RISK. This is a world of games of luck without guarantees of success, hoping for a chance and a smile of fortune. Starting businessmen and businessmen start from this level of motivation.

SIXTH LEVEL - "Striving for the ideal of knowledge and creativity." For most people, work by profession is, first of all, a VOCATION AND SELF-REALIZATION. Compared to entrepreneurship and risk-taking, here, it would seem, is a fairly prosperous zone of creativity. But the risk here lies in something else - not to receive the RECOGNITION of your VOCATION, which comes either posthumously, or does not come at all!

SEVENTH LEVEL - "Striving for the ideal of success." It is from this energy level that big business. This is the ZONE OF THE WINNER who makes a serious effort to achieve the goal.

EIGHTH LEVEL - "Striving for the ideal of victory." People who focus on this level of motivation strive to win at all costs. These are real fighters, champions.

NINTH LEVEL - "Sacrifice". To shine in the WINNER ZONE, you have to pay with rejection, renunciation, or sacrifice. As long as a person is like an overflowing vessel, he is immune to anything new.

When moving from one level of motivation to another, higher one, a person takes responsibility, makes a volitional decision and makes a choice, overcoming fear - the fear of being more free. Leaving the usual COMFORT ZONE, a person runs the risk of dying or being rejected, ridiculous or deceived. And so at each stage of development - a new level of motivation, a new willpower and their own sacrifice and renunciation.

However, over the past 10-15 years, about 80% of the population of our country has degraded from the COMFORT ZONE to levels below the third, to the DEBT ZONE.

The SECOND LEVEL is "Failure to regulate needs". Who is unable to change their needs? The one who has what he has, not what he wants. Whoever has nothing to lose has the fear of losing more than the desire to gain, so he stops growing and dies, losing everything.

FIRST LEVEL - "Inability to meet needs." This is already poverty. A person lives according to the principle of "Four D": Eat up, Donate, Degrade and Survive.

The paradox is that people are deluded that they live in a COMFORT ZONE, while in reality they live in a DEBT ZONE.

The task of the leader, emphasizes S. Polukeyev, is to discover what is holy, living, human in a person. To add fuel to the fire, if it is still glimmering, to awaken those desires that are sleeping, so that a person begins to work willingly for the sake of the future.

But this is possible only if the leader himself is at least at the sixth level.

4. Analysis of the motivation system on the example of the organization Locomotive depot Syzran

Rapid Improvement information technologies- a powerful factor in the renewal of all areas of work - requires a willingness to perceive, assimilate new things. Everyone has to learn. Consider the features of the content and organization of labor of personnel and priority areas of management on the example of the organization Locomotive depot Syzran

Table 1.

Features of the content of labor in the Syzran Locomotive Depot (LDS)

Features of the content and organization of labor The specifics of labor motivation and personnel management
1 2
Almost all operations and services cannot be carried out by one specialist. Work in LDS is initially collective in nature. The desire of each employee to realize that their own well-being and confidence in the future depend on the activities of the organization
Relative reduction in earnings of the bulk of workers compared to the recent period of their activity It is necessary to search for new methods of motivation, as well as to improve and strengthen the stimulating role of material rewards.
Influence of specific (special and extreme) factors in the labor process Strong motivation is necessary as a factor in achieving the goals of the organization and as a tool to increase psychological stability
A high degree of responsibility for the operations performed and decisions made Increasing interest in error-free operations and the most balanced decision-making
Constant updating (complication) of the range of operations performed, the introduction of new computer technology etc. It is necessary to constantly monitor the level of qualification and compliance with the workplace for the functions performed by employees (testing and certification)

The table shows that HR managers at the Syzran Locomotive Depot should pay special attention to factors that affect the motivation of staff.

Let's consider these factors in more detail.

Work in LDS is initially collective in nature. Almost all types of activities cannot be carried out by one worker. It is advisable to stimulate each employee in such a way that he realizes that his own well-being and confidence in the future depends on the successful operation of the organization. This is facilitated by the strengthening of group motivation and its combination with individual motivation.

Constant updating (complication) of the range of ongoing work operations, the introduction of new computer technologies are necessary to speed up and simplify the activities. To fill in the missing knowledge and professional skills, it is advisable to use a variety of trainings, seminars, round tables in the practice of personnel management, where highly professional knowledge is acquired in the course of specially organized training, as a result of communication with colleagues who are more knowledgeable and competent in these matters. It is necessary to monitor the compliance of the qualifications of employees with new stages of development through testing, certification and other forms of control of knowledge and skills.

A high degree of responsibility for the operations performed and the decisions made is typical for almost all employees of the Syzran Locomotive Depot.

The high degree of responsibility of senior and middle managers is also evident. All the work of these personnel is to some extent associated with risks, and their consequences affect the activities of the organization as a whole. Therefore, it is advisable to stimulate interest in the maximum possible error-free conduct of activities and balanced decision-making. The effect of them, as a rule, is reflected in the work of the entire organization. In addition, it is necessary to encourage the adoption of positively effective decisions.

The nature, content and quality of employees' activities are influenced by specific (special) factors in the labor process. So, to the question: “Do you often feel negative mental states (stress, severe fatigue, irritability, etc.) associated with your work?” - the answer: "quite often" - give every third employee. The data of sociological surveys make it possible to clarify the causes of such negative states.

Of the negative factors among employees, the first place (21.22%) is uneven workload during the day (month, year). A high degree of responsibility takes place in the work of every fifth top and middle manager surveyed. Of the factors common to all categories of workers, prolonged work on the computer, monotony, etc. prevail. Workers at the Syzran Locomotive Depot often work overtime; typical and traditional processing. On some days, the working day may increase by several hours.

In addition to specific (special) factors associated with work, employees are also affected by the consequences of ordinary, general stress phenomena that are common to all Russians. This is the threat of losing a job, the rising cost of living, legal social insecurity, the danger associated with an increased criminal situation in the country. Hence the unproductive mental tension, emotional breakdowns, intolerance, the desire to reduce the traumatic force of tension in any way. This often leads to premature fatigue, decreased attention, deterioration in well-being, activity and, as a result, an increase in the number of errors, deterioration in the quality of work and other undesirable phenomena.

The action of specific (special) factors, leading to the emergence of negative mental states in the subjects of labor, adversely affects the efficiency and reliability of activities. Compensation for the negative impact of negative functional states that take place in the activities of the personnel of the Syzran Locomotive Depot is carried out by the subjects of labor due to volitional efforts with the connection of reserve capabilities.

The analysis shows that the activities of senior and middle managers take place in extreme conditions, characterized by the constant and intense action of specific (special) factors. The latter can pose a potential danger to managers. Negative functional states are strongly expressed, and work in these conditions requires restoration.

The activities of workers, associated with episodic, intermittent action of specific factors, can be attributed to special conditions, after which rest is necessary.

Functional states that arise in subjects of labor in difficult conditions of activity refer to the type of functional states of dynamic mismatch, characterized by a violation of adequate physiological and behavioral reactions, an unreasonably high psychophysiological Activity and lead to a violation of its (activity) structure, a decrease in efficiency and reliability. Negative psychological states, on the one hand, can become an inhibitory factor in activity and initiative, on the other hand, they can stimulate hasty hasty decisions and actions.

Considering the difficult conditions of the work of employees, it is necessary to approach the issue of motivation of their work in an appropriate way. Firstly, psychological readiness to work in these conditions is necessary. Secondly, we need a system of positive motivations as the main component of the sustainability of professional activity in quantitative and qualitative aspects, as well as in the temporal aspect of professional activity.

The presence within the same Syzran Locomotive Depot of sectors, departments, divisions that are completely different in function and industry affiliation implies the use various methods motivation, personnel assessment systems, approaches and principles of bonuses and material rewards.

Thus, work at the Syzran Locomotive Depot has features that should be taken into account when developing motivational policy and in the practice of personnel management.


Thus, motivation plays a huge role in the labor activity of a person. It is very important for the head of any organization to take this into account when developing a motivational policy and in the practice of personnel management.

Theories and ideas for understanding motivation studied in this paper are fundamental in nature and have been presented in many publications. The largest number of interpretations is devoted to convergence, similarity of motives, and not differences.


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