How to register a company in Cuba. How to do business in Cuba. Sergey Nyrkov's opinion. Work visa extension

Started publishing my column about the peculiarities of doing business in Cuba. I will post some articles here as well.

Cuba continues to be in the center of attention of the world business community as one of the most closed and at the same time intriguing countries in the world. And although Cuba is one of the last places in the world in the ranking of the World Bank for doing business, the investment opportunities of Liberty Island amaze with their prospects and are worth overcoming all the difficulties.

What opportunities does Cuba offer for foreign entrepreneurs and investors? The biggest opportunities currently lie in the area of ​​tourism infrastructure development. Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean and has the richest tourist resources. A wonderful climate, hundreds of kilometers of white beaches, numerous islands and archipelagos, coral reefs, beautiful architecture, rum and cigars, music and hospitable Cubans attract more than 2 million tourists annually. And this is in the absence of the main clients of the Caribbean islands here - the Americans, who cannot freely visit Cuba due to the continuing embargo policy. Cuba has been actively developing the tourism business for 15 years, rightly considering this area a priority for itself. While the United States continues to ban its own businessmen from doing business in Cuba, numerous entrepreneurs from Canada and Europe have successfully settled here. Yes, doing business here is not easy. But you can. And the number of opportunities is not inferior to the situation in Russia in the early 90s.

— Huge potential in the development of business facilities. Cuba is many times behind its neighbors in terms of the number of hotels and marinas, and in the restaurant business and entertainment, the backlog is simply monstrous.
— The ability to stake out the most promising areas and facilities and the prospect of a sharp increase in the market after the lifting of the embargo by the US government. A conservative estimate is that at least 3 million Americans and 70,000 US yachts will visit Cuba within the first year after the lifting of the embargo.
“Cubans are educated, enterprising, inventive and, with the right motivation, very hardworking people. They are very different from the natives of most resort islands, who are fit only for primitive work.
— Developed transport infrastructure and proximity to major countries goods suppliers: USA and Panama. You can deliver goods from the USA, you just need to know how to do it.
- No taxes. There is simply no such form of collecting funds from entrepreneurs in Cuba. As a foreign entrepreneur, you will continue to pay taxes in your country of incorporation, and in Cuba you will only pay payments due to your Cuban partner.
- The continued good attitude towards entrepreneurs from Russia, although there are still very few of them here. Separately, it is worth noting that most of the major Cuban leaders studied in the USSR and speak Russian.

Among the most promising investment areas are the construction and operation of hotels (including small ones), marinas, shipyards for yacht repair (there are many good specialists), golf courses, water parks (there are none here yet), infrastructure for sea fishing and diving.
The most important thing to know is that you can do business in Cuba only in partnership with a state-owned Cuban enterprise. Register own company not possible in Cuba. Only a representative office can be opened here foreign company. How to do this will be discussed in subsequent articles.

The Cuban government recognizes 3 main forms of doing business with foreign companies:

1. Joint venture. The most advanced form of partnership. This form gives the only opportunity to become owners of real estate in Cuba. The Ministry of Foreign Investments imposes very strict requirements for the establishment of joint ventures. Among them - a ban on the creation of joint ventures in an existing facility - it is impossible, for example, to create a joint venture and become a partner in an already built hotel and serious investments - as a rule, we are talking about $ 10 million and more.

2. Management. According to this form, it is possible to receive any tourist object for management. It is only necessary to prove to the Cuban side that your administration will be more effective than their own. According to this form, the foreign partner receives the right to manage the facility for 10 years, and in return receives a share in the profits of the enterprise. Today, most Cuban hotels are run by foreign companies.

3. Rent. The least common form of partnership. Cubans are very reluctant to rent out properties, and as a rule, we can only talk about properties that need reconstruction and serious investments.

In addition, you can propose to the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Investments any project that does not involve the operation of real estate, for example, the creation of some kind of service for tourists or, in my case, the operation of a yacht for diving charters. In this case, we will talk about a partnership with a Cuban company that is responsible for this type of activity and about sharing the profits from the business with it.

Cuba has a low standard of living and low wages. In recent years, it has become possible to open your own business here, which has become the reason for migration to this distant country.

In the ranking of the development of the world economy in terms of GDP in 2017, Cuba did not take any place, since there are no reliable statistics on the size of the gross product. The minimum wage in Cuba is $9 (576 rubles), the average is $30 (1,920 rubles). Unemployment among the population is 2.7%. Taxation is provided only for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

The state has a low demand for specialists from different countries but you can get a job. It is worth remembering that the market is quite competitive.

Pros of work:

  • the opportunity to obtain permanent residence;
  • chance to work in tourist areas;
  • low crime rate.

Cons of work:

  • meager wages;
  • colossal competition;
  • most jobs are hard work on plantations.

Jobs in demand in 2019

The most demanded professions in Cuba:

  • educators;
  • medical workers;
  • restaurant industry employees
  • translators from European languages;
  • car repair specialists
  • car drivers.

Salary level

For foreigners, Cuban employers offer the following salaries per month:

Profession Minimum salary, in Cuban pesos Minimum salary, in rubles Average salary in Cuban pesos Average salary, in rubles
caregiver25 1 620 40 2 600
paramedic30 1 950 50 3 250
Restaurant employee50 3 250 70 4 450
Translator100 6 400 120 7 300
Auto Mechanic2 270 47 000 50 3 250
Entrepreneur200 13 000 250 16 250

How to find a job without intermediaries

To independently search for a job on Liberty Island, you can go in several ways: find a job online or use the services of specialized agencies. The main problem is that the Internet in Cuba is still poorly developed.

Popular job search sites

The following sites are available for job searches:

  • - ads are written in Spanish, but the resource is in English. In order for the future director to find an employee himself, you can register on the site and create Personal Area. The main focus of the portal is remote workers.
  • - Portal of ads from all over the world. Usually there are about 100-150 ads per month if you type the query "Cuba".

Specialized Agencies

There are practically no recruitment agencies in Cuba, so it is better to turn to international firms:

  • – offers not only work, but also volunteer programs;

Current vacancies in 2019

Work in Cuba comes in several forms.

Work without knowing the language

It is not necessary to know the Cuban dialect of Spanish for employment. The local population knows not only English, but also Russian. Therefore, language barriers usually do not arise. Accordingly, all vacancies are open to Russians.

Seasonal work

You can also go to Cuba for seasonal work. But basically it will be part-time work on sugar plantations and in ports.

Temporary job

Teachers are required for temporary work in recent years in English. Handymen and administrators in hotels and hotels are also needed.

Other options

In the Cuban state, it is possible and shift method work. These are mainly installers and front loader drivers. Contract work is also provided.

The official recruitment process

In Cuba, you need to find a job legally - for this you will need to obtain a permit and a work visa.

Priority of actions

In order for a Russian or CIS citizen to be able to work in Cuba, his future employer must obtain a work permit.


  1. The applicant registers on sites with vacancies;
  2. The employer sends a job invitation to the future employee;
  3. Applicant for workplace issues a visa at the consulate;
  4. An employment contract is drawn up;
  5. An existing employee buys a ticket and flies to Cuba to work.

Types of work permits

There is only one work permit. It is issued for a period equal to the period of validity of the employment contract. In this case, the employee has the right to work only for one employer.

Who doesn't need permission

A work permit is usually not required only for diplomats and a number of officials. In other cases, it is more profitable to issue it so that in the future there will be no problems with the migration services.

List of main documents

The following documents are required:

  • Some photos;
  • job invitation;

Applying for a work visa

A work visa for Russians is issued at the Cuban consulate. Registration fee is $30. To obtain it, you must provide all the necessary documents.

Eligibility Criteria for Work Visa Candidates

There are no serious requirements for candidates. Proficiency in English is desirable. In addition to the basic documents, you must provide a certified letter from the host company.

Work visa extension

A visa is made for a period of 30 days, the renewal price for each month is $ 25. But if in employment contract registered long term work, then you do not need to renew the document.

Business immigration

Small and medium business in the Cuban state, a recent phenomenon. At the same time, many bureaucratic problems are associated with it. A number of restrictions will apply to a foreigner.

  1. An entrepreneur needs to find a Cuban citizen and agree with him on partnership cooperation. The company can only be registered in the name of a local resident.
  2. The second option is to make detailed business plan and offer it to the Cuban authorities. If the entrepreneur is given the go-ahead, then he will have to deposit money (in addition, each case is considered individually, so the amounts for all citizens are different) and prove their financial solvency. For the activities of a businessman, officials can allocate a special room on the island.

You need to apply for a business visa. It costs like a working one - $ 30.

Features of internship in the country

Volunteer programs are widespread in Cuba. Russians come as exchange volunteers or on their own. A person buys tickets and visas at his own expense, but on the spot he is provided with free food and accommodation. Language internships are also common here.

Consequences for attempting illegal employment in the country

Most often people come to Cuba with tourist visas, after which some try to work illegally. For this, they can be deported from the country.

In addition, there are other reasons for deportation:

  • falsification of documents;
  • involvement in espionage;
  • non-compliance with the laws of the state;
  • visa delay.

It is difficult to find a job in Cuba because of the high competition with the local population, and the salaries are meager. However, the island attracts many with its maritime climate and the mentality of the local population. However, for several years now there has been an opportunity to build your own business.

As in most other countries of our world, the tourism business is developing very well in Cuba. Around 2 million tourists visit the largest of the Caribbean islands every year. While the United States does not allow Americans to do business in Cuba, Canadians and Europeans are very successful in settling in Cuba.

Why open your own business in Cuba?

Since the very high dynamics of development tourism business, Cuba needs to increase the number of hotels, as well as restaurants and entertainment centers. It is impossible not to notice that the Cubans are a very hardworking people, especially in comparison with the natives. The transport infrastructure is very well developed, which is not a small weighty reason, because. Cuba is close to major suppliers such as Panama and the US. In Cuba, you will pay the bills that are due to your Cuban partner, because. There is no taxation in Cuba. Most Cuban big businessmen speak Russian, because studied in the USSR.

Unoccupied business niches in Cuba.

But before you open your business in Cuba, you need to find out what this island needs. What is the very first and most simple is the supply of equipment and goods. For Cuba, it's a bit of a problem, because of the US ban, Cuba needs some equipment, cars and many goods. The only thing that can cause a problem for you is the monopoly on the import of all goods. But it is possible to send through the Iteache company, it is the main company on the island for the delivery of any goods and equipment for the tourism business.

Another very attractive industry in Cuba is catering business. But this procedure still remains complicated, even after the abolition of the participation of foreign capital. Cuba needs restaurants fast food, then management and construction industry various kinds tourism business - it can be not only a hotel or inn, but also water parks, entertainment centers, slot machines, as well as cinemas. And the most interesting direction is various productions, because. Cuba has skilled and hard-working workers, but plastic utensils, various packaging, food ice and furniture are in short supply.

As far as we know, the Cuban government recognizes three types of doing business with foreign partners:

Joint partnership is the most common form. It is she who makes it possible to become the owner of any real estate in Cuba. But the Ministry of Foreign Investment makes sure that no one creates a joint venture in an already established facility.

Control. With this type of business, it becomes possible to get a tourist object to manage for ten years. But for this it is necessary to prove and argue that a foreign owner can manage this facility better than any Cuban entrepreneur.

Rent. Cubans do not like to rent out premises, and this is extremely rare only because some properties are in need of a global renovation and a huge investment.

The plan to follow when opening your businesswear in Cuba:

The need for a Cuban partner, without a state Cuban organization, it is impossible to create anything;

Be sure to study the legislation of the area where you are going to work;

Then it's time to create and sign contracts and register your company's representative office. And be prepared to test your management experience in your stated field and your qualifications;

Be patient, the registration time lasts up to a year. All you need to do for this is to translate all the documentation into the state language of Cuba;

Be sure to wait for the Certificate of Registration, because. without it, you will not be able to buy a phone or a car, and buying any real estate will be a ban for you;

After receiving the Certificate, do not forget to make about 20 copies and be sure to certify them with a notary. You will need these papers everywhere, without them no one will pay attention to you;

From now on, you have every right to open your business in Cuba. Rent any premises, but only for housing or for office. Only your partner can provide you with commercial real estate.

The next step will be to open an account in a Cuban bank in the state currency - pesos, it will be very convenient to pay using this account within the country, there is one "but" - it is almost impossible to make a transfer from a Cuban account abroad.

And finally, you can get a business visa for a long-term period, as well as, although temporary, but still the right to reside in Cuba. There will be insurance in your name, you will be able to use Cuban medicine for free, and send children to study in local schools.

So, in Cuba there are a lot of opportunities to open your own business, but there are also a number of difficulties that you will have to face sooner or later. It will be necessary to be patient while waiting for the decision of the Cuban government. But then there will come a moment in life when you can enjoy doing business on this island.

The first associations at the mention of the island of Cuba are Fidel Castro, sugar cane, from which chic rum, incendiary dances and cigars are obtained. But nevertheless, such a simple and attractive word - freedom - should head this list. The Republic is called the Island of Freedom. This name was assigned to the country as a result of a military coup led by Castro, and after that it began to be used for advertising and tourism purposes. Living in Cuba has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which are worth mentioning separately.

Standard of living

The advantages include good climatic conditions, low crime rate and warm hospitality from Cubans. A migrant from the post-Soviet territory will not have to radically change their habits and lifestyle - a large number of immigrants from the former USSR live here.

A trip here is like traveling in a time machine, a lot here reminds Soviet time, since for a long period the government tried to build communism in Cuba. That is why there is really free education and medicine.

Qualified medical assistance can be obtained even by a foreigner who is not a citizen. This area is developed quite well, thanks to government support measures.

But education, despite its availability, leaves much to be desired. If the goal is precisely education, you should not choose Cuba for this. Again, this is a double impression - doctors, for example, receive a fairly good level of education. For this, specialists from abroad are invited.

Concerning economic development, then at the moment the country is in a state of waiting for better times. For a long time, the country had a ban on the sale and purchase of mobile phones. Private business developed very poorly. Only with the coming to power of Raul Castro did the situation begin to change.

The organization of small and medium-sized businesses was simplified, in addition, trade with the United States of America was legalized, which was also banned. Therefore, the rapid growth of the Cuban economy is now expected.

In the meantime, the main profit for the state comes from a continuous tourist flow. This industry is very well developed here. In addition to the tropical climate, travelers are attracted by picturesque nature, luxurious beaches, year-round diving and snorkeling. Do not forget about the opportunity to try real Cuban rum and cigars.

Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean, which remains warm off the coast at any time of the year. It is also called the Caribbean Pearl. BUT great advantage for Russian tourists is the lack of a visa regime between countries.

The standard of living can be characterized by the phenomenon that the card system for buying products still operates in Cuba. Essential goods can be purchased at specialized stores at reasonable prices. And this is a big plus, given the fact that incomes here are very low.

The average salary is $12. Officials, for example, earn about $20. Therefore, only those Cubans who have help from relatives living in other countries can afford to buy luxury goods.

Cuban prices

The average level of prices reflects the really miserable existence of the locals, when compared with the amount of earnings. One liter of milk here costs almost one and a half dollars, a loaf of bread - about 50 cents.

Eggs, White rice, a kilogram of oranges and a bottle of national beer cost about the same - about one dollar for each of the products. But for chicken, cheese or apples, you will have to pay from three to five dollars. Taking into account the average level of salary, after one trip to the store, there may not be any money left at all.

Ride on public transport one way will cost 4 cents, by taxi - 0.90 cents. For a liter of gasoline, you will have to pay $1.27.

A new middle-class car costs 100,000 conventional units here. In relation to the level of salaries, the prices for clothes are very high. The cost of a summer dress or jeans starts from 30, a pair of shoes from 40, sneakers - from 60 US dollars.

Mobile communications and the Internet are not cheap pleasures. Until 2008, such benefits were not used here at all, so now this area is at the development stage.

Cuba does not have its own Internet line, you have to use the services of expensive satellites. Cost per minute mobile communications will cost one dollar, and the Internet is about 70 conventional units per month. A local resident has the right to purchase only one SIM card for his phone.

Some products, such as beets, potatoes, carrots, may disappear from the shelves for some time due to their seasonality. And the private trade in seafood is banned here. However, this does not prevent you from finding fish delicacies on the market, as they say, from under the counter at very reasonable prices.

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

When registering via the link in AirBnB, you will receive 2100 rubles to your account.

For this money you can rent good apartments for 1 day abroad or in Russia. The bonus only works for new accounts.

Real estate

Housing prices in Cuba do not differ in high cost, although prices fluctuate in a very wide range. The difference is due to the location of immovable objects. Distance from Havana plays a big role in the cost.

Renting a one-room apartment in the city center will cost $400-500 per month. Similar housing outside the capital will cost 250-300 conventional units.

The average price per square meter when buying an apartment is $500. So, for 15 thousand dollars you can buy small-sized housing in the very center of Havana. A small house will cost five thousand.

Prices for elite apartments are also quite low - about one and a half thousand per square meter. Resale housing can be purchased for a penny. Not a single resort in the Caribbean, except for Cuba, can boast of such prices. But only a local citizen can buy real estate here.

By the way, foreigners can also apply for the purchase of housing without obtaining a residence permit, but with one condition. They can only buy in new buildings that are not being built by local contractors.

Such contractors must work under a license issued by the Cuban authorities. Russians in Cuba are very interested in buying real estate, mainly because of its low cost.

tax payments

Since we are talking about housing, it is immediately worth mentioning what taxes the purchaser will have to pay. The tax is 8% of the value of the object, and it is paid by both the seller and the buyer. That is, in total, the state receives 16% from such a transaction.

In total, there are eleven types of tax payments. The most expensive tax is levied on profit, its size is 35%. Taxes on income of individuals and legal entities bring significant income to the state. They are levied on those who have income from trade, receive wages or pension, leases property. Transfers from relatives from abroad are not subject to such tax.

In addition, the Cuban tax system provides for a transport tax, which is paid once a year, a property tax, a tax on public services and sales tax.

Pension provision

The country has retirement age for women - 55 years, for men - 60 years. In connection with the latest indexation, the minimum amount of pension payments is $9.5 per month.

The average life expectancy of Cuban citizens reaches 77 years of age. Women on average live up to 80 years, men - up to 76.

How do Cuban pensioners manage to live so long on such a small pension? Of course, climate and cleanliness play a big role. environment. In addition, a small amount Money does not allow you to buy extra food, Cubans eat only the most necessary and basic, without frills. And this means that proper nutrition prevails here.

But the most important thing is free healthcare. Cuban old people can count on highly qualified timely assistance. On average, there are about 170 local residents per doctor, which makes it possible to work conscientiously with everyone.


Living in Cuba on legal terms is an almost unattainable goal. You can’t get a residence permit just like that, and there’s nothing to say about a national passport. Of all the usual ways to move - education, employment, investment, the most real is marriage to a Cuban.

The rest of the options are conditional, those who could move with their help are few. Yes, and interethnic marriages are not welcomed by society here. Especially if a foreign woman marries a Cuban. Such a union is condemned much more often than the reverse.

Cuba is more of a closed state. Foreign residents here are treated quite cordially and hospitably, but only when they come as tourists. Otherwise, emigration to Cuba is a rather problematic matter.

Jobs in Cuba

To find highly paid position on the island is an almost impossible task. Jobs in Cuba for Russians are characterized by low pay and seasonality. The only area that can be claimed is agriculture. But even here, the most popular work is the harvesting of sugar cane, for which mere pennies are paid.

Similar moral foundations, mentality, rich historical past and real freedom - despite the poverty of this republic, it is precisely with all this that it attracts Russian citizens to itself.

Free education, medicine, social benefits and low cost apartments makes this Caribbean island an even more tasty morsel for migrants. And it is quite possible to live well here, you just need to know how to do it.

For business, Cuba is a pristine and promising market. Only last year small and medium-sized businesses were legalized there. The number of foreign tourists on the "Island of Freedom" is growing rapidly, and international corporations are just starting to work. If you intend to do business in Cuba - consider four important nuances.

Companies without a face

The legislation of most countries of the world treats companies as separate legal entities with guaranteed rights and obligations. It is the legal entity (and not its employees) that is liable in case of bankruptcy and violation of the law.

In Cuba, things are different. You can start a company there, but the entire responsibility for its actions lies entirely with the owners and employees.

good old cooperative

Of all the forms of organization in Cuba, the closest to us is. This is an enterprise with a special legal status. Initially, cooperatives could be created only in the field Agriculture, but now the country's authorities are extending this practice to other industries.

The main advantage of a cooperative is tax benefits. This form of organization does not provide legal protection - owners and employees still bear responsibility. But the modernization of the country continues and further liberalization of laws is possible.

Disenfranchised foreigners

Aliens in Cuba formally have the right to legal protection, but the country's Constitution states that the interests of the state are higher than the rights of the accused. In addition, most Cuban lawyers work in state law firms - colectivas, and your lawyer will most likely be a civil servant.

You can hire a private lawyer, but he does not have the right to represent you in court, only to give advice. This does not mean that a fair trial is not possible in Cuba. But it is better to consider legal features before they become a problem for you.

"Unfair Enrichment"

An unexpected and sometimes insoluble problem for foreign entrepreneurs in Cuba may be laws against so-called "unfair enrichment." They are based on a provision in Roman law: nemo locupletari debet cum aliena iactura ("no one shall benefit at the expense of another"). A Cuban entrepreneur can be held liable for unfair enrichment, whether or not it was intentional. The problem of income inequality is still acute in the country and it is necessary to touch this topic with the utmost care.

Of course, the risks for foreign businessmen and investors in Cuba are still high. But this is true for any new, growing market - and high risk promises a good reward.


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