Social care for the elderly. What kind of assistance should a social worker provide? How to apply for social assistance for the elderly at home

Older people may need help throughout the day or only for short periods, such as preparing meals or leaving the house. Social care workers for the elderly, who come for several hours a day, are becoming very in demand.

What is special about social services for the care of the elderly?

The activities of such assistants are extensive, they can both carry out some tasks of a person, for example, go to the store, to the post office, pay receipts at the bank, or be more involved in the life of a lonely pensioner, for example, clean, cook, help with hygiene procedures.

That is, the nature of the work of social nurses depends on the needs of the client. Also, the assistant may not have medical education, but if necessary, you can find social care with honey. service. Also, the assistant may not have a medical education, but if necessary, you can find social care for an elderly person with honey. service.

Sometimes the problem is that social services for the care of the elderly simply cannot cope with the needs of the population. There are often 15 or more people per worker who need to be bypassed daily! Therefore, they often perform their duties formally and are always in a hurry to have time to do everything on time. There can be no talk of any communication and careful attitude towards an elderly person. The account of such workers goes by minutes.

Private social care for the elderly

By hiring a private worker, you can be sure that he will give your loved one maximum attention and care. You choose which services you need in a particular case. Perhaps you should visit an elderly person once every few days, bring groceries and check mail? Or is supervision required every day, the nurse must measure blood pressure, cook food and make sure that the necessary medicines are taken? A private worker can be very variable. In addition, he is always in touch - your loved one can call him if necessary, ask for an unplanned visit, complain about something with full confidence that he will be heard and taken necessary actions. This is a really good solution in the context of a total shortage of social workers to care for the elderly.

What should you pay attention to when meeting with a future assistant?

  • special education;
  • experience and references from previous places services;
  • advanced training, passing specialized trainings for social workers;
  • recruitment agency recommendations;
  • physical qualities, if there is a need for physical assistance to the elderly;
  • emotional compatibility.

And you can choose such an assistant from us. EasyCare offers the best workers for your loved ones - and at an affordable price. We guarantee their professionalism, knowledge of all the basics of care, respect for the elderly and responsiveness.

Price list for services of a social worker for the care of the elderly

Check out the cost of services in EasyCare. We have really qualified experienced workers who will help your loved one as much as it will be required.

from 200 rub.

from 800 rub.

from 1000 rub.

from 1200 rub.

from 1400 rub.

from 1600 rub.

from 1800 rub.

from 2000 rub.

from 2200 rub.

from 2400 rub.

Duty time (in hours):

from 400 rubles

from 600 rubles

Benefits of Finding Workers with EasyCare

Why choose us to find social care for the elderly? EasyCare has a wealth of experience in finding and training professional carers and assistants. We have own system evaluation and testing of professional suitability of personnel. We guarantee their integrity and professionalism. You will get to know the candidate only after our verification, which includes an analysis of his work experience, education, recommendations, as well as an internal interview in the company with an assessment of physical and moral qualities, emotional stability, empathy level, and so on. In addition, we provide training for successful candidates - so that they are ideal employees.

In our age high speeds people spin like squirrels in a wheel in a constant pursuit of material goods, often forgetting the closest ones. They do not have the time or desire to be responsible for their relatives, relatives are perceived as an extra burden.

Increasingly, people are left alone, sick and infirm, in need of attention and care. How many children, just born, already become orphans! Social workers come to the aid of people whose condition does not allow them to lead a normal life.

Buying groceries and medicines, doing a little housework, doing laundry, filling in various receipts, escorting people - all this is part of his duties. You need to be morally strong, most of the wards are lonely, offended by life people, they may not always be friendly.

But if a social worker has a pure and open heart, then gradually these people fully open up to him and become truly close. Social workers also provide psychological support to people who have experienced environmental disasters, family tragedy, loss of property or other blows of fate.

I wonder how much social workers in Moscow and other regions of Russia receive per month? Figures are as of 2015.


The salary of an employee of the Center for Social Services is low. The average figure in Russia was 25,000 rubles in 2015. The highest level of salaries in Moscow. It is about 30,000 rubles per month. More accurate figures depend on how many wards a social worker has, on work experience and qualifications.

You can find a part-time job on the Internet, which will not be very time-consuming. An example of such a story in an article about the usual office worker, which

Average daily Social worker devotes time to four people in need of care. Taking into account the eight-hour working day, this is approximately two hours per person. But for someone it is enough to “look” three times a week, and someone needs daily care.

Therefore, eight wards are attached to a full-time worker in the city. AT countryside due to lower population density and greater distances, one social worker will serve four people.

The differences concern not only the number of attached wards, but also the region in which the social worker works. Let's compare salaries in Moscow and other Russian cities as of 2015:

  • St. Petersburg - 27,500 rubles;
  • Irkutsk - 27,000 rubles;
  • Ulyanovsk - 25,000 rubles;
  • Volgograd - 22,500 rubles;
  • Krasnoyarsk - 20,000 rubles;
  • Yekaterinburg - 19,500 rubles.

As already noted, salary depends on work experience. After three years, the salary increases by 10%, after four years by 20% and after five years by 30%. If a social worker moves around the city for public transport, then he is paid a ticket. If he has his own car, then a certain part of the money spent on gasoline is returned to him.

If you need to go out of town to the ward, the costs are also covered.

There are jobs for private traders. There, earnings are higher, but the conditions may differ. If the average state salary is 25,000, then here it can reach up to 80,000 rubles. However, some compassionate neighbors can work for free, hoping that the dear grandmother will write off her apartment to her indispensable assistant. What is the salary in this case?

Many, having children and relatives, loving them with all their hearts, by virtue of life circumstances are very lonely. They want kind words and attention. Some want to speak up just to sit next to them or drink tea with them, someone needs help filling out a receipt, others need more serious help.

You can not be indifferent, leaving people alone with their worries. This work requires humanity, the ability to empathize, a sense of tact, sometimes knowledge of law, economics and medicine. Working with children requires pedagogical education. Therefore, now more than ever, the profession of a social worker is very valuable and in demand.

As the statistics of recent years show, an increasing number of older citizens suffer from various diseases and difficult everyday situations. It is in such situations, when faced with problems, people often give up in despair, but there is an organization in which a social worker is an indispensable link.

What you need to get professional help

  1. Apply to the regional comprehensive center or to the community care center of the capital. These centers are located all over the country.
  2. Then, within 3 days, the authorities of the center must carry out a study of the material and everyday condition regarding residence and, accordingly, create a protocol.
  3. After the beneficiary gives his written agreement, a request is submitted for an extract to the engineering service of the region in order to receive a material personal account, in addition, a decision regarding the state of health and the absence of a medical restriction to public service at home from the medical unit.

All documents can be completed personally in the original or confirmed photocopies.

If the checked papers are in perfect order, in this case a social worker is provided to help you.

What is included in the social worker's service

The responsibilities of a social worker include:

  • provision of social and pre-medical assistance for pensioners, single citizens, as well as the disabled.
  • purchase of necessary products with home delivery, industrial goods, medicines.
  • cooking food.
  • assisting retirees with maintenance or cleaning services.
  • return of things to dry cleaning with return delivery.
  • timely payment for utilities with miscalculations and filling.
  • providing support in medical procedures, etc.
  • support for people with disabilities in obtaining education or professions.
  • mental health services, if needed.
  • provision of emergency medical intervention.
  • assistance in nutrition for a weakened patient.

Social workers for the elderly are provided for a period of 1 to 6 months.

It is the responsibility of the social worker to visit his ward at least 2 times a week.

Home assistance is provided:

  1. Extraordinary beneficiaries
  • disabled people and WWII veterans.
  • single citizens at least 70 years old, as well as single disabled people at least 60 years old.
  • members who have been in combat.
  • single citizens and disabled people who are no longer able to independently provide themselves with services without outside support or from relatives.
  1. Spouses who have deceased participants, disabled veterans of the Second World War, combat veterans, provided that they did not remarry.
  2. Citizens who were exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl tragedy.
  3. Persons who have undergone rehabilitation, similarly to citizens who have suffered from political retribution.

In what situations can they refuse to help at home

If a beneficiary person lives in a family with relatives, then social worker in this case, social services are provided only if it is proved that none of the family members is able to fully provide for this person. For example, there is a protracted illness, a person is disabled, is in retirement age, a remote place of residence from a citizen who needs care, long business trips.

Also, a social worker may reject the application of a person who needs public assistance if, during the check, it is found:

  • bacteriological or viral carriage.
  • chronic form of drunkenness.
  • infectious disease requiring a quarantine regime.
  • advanced mental illness.
  • active tuberculosis.
  • disease of venereal origin.

It must be understood that for the listed range of services it will be necessary to be generous to those citizens who do not have the right to free social services worker. These include Moscow citizens and elderly disabled people who live with relatives who are able-bodied, as well as those who have able-bodied children.

Every social worker experiences psychological stress. Due to the fact that social workers treat each ward as if they were their own, because they have to have psychological skills, have endurance and patience, be strict and at the same time take care.

Many people think that a social worker expects to receive an inheritance from his ward, but this is not at all the case. Every social worker who comes to work before social sphere undergoes special training and training on a psychological and moral level, the ability to appreciate abandoned and elderly citizens.

Youth and physical abilities, unfortunately, are not eternal, and each of us at a certain stage of life begins to realize that, due to advanced age or health status, we are no longer able to take full responsibility for ourselves.

In such situations, social services for the care of pensioners provide significant support. They take on some of the concerns to improve the quality of life of older people who need additional care and attention. The social service provides care for the elderly on the basis of documented facts.

Where to go

Female nurse is taking care of the senior woman

Often, finding themselves in a state of helplessness, lonely old people are forced to deal with difficulties on their own, as a result of which the question arises - how can a pensioner hire a social worker?

If you are a retired person and understand that you need additional care, and there is no one to turn to for help, there is a way out. Social assistance at home for beneficiary pensioners (and those without benefits) is provided free of charge. For registration, you should contact the social service at the place of your registration. Provided that your health condition does not allow you to visit in person, your representatives (close relatives) can do this for you, it is also possible to apply through the public services portal.

Information on how to apply for a social worker for a pensioner can also be obtained from the PFR employees.

When reviewing your application, social services will determine the individualized support program that is right for you (based on your needs and degree of disability). If you need home health care, an appropriately qualified worker will be assigned to you.

The term for consideration of the application is 10 days, after which you will be asked to sign an agreement and shift some of your worries onto the shoulders of social workers. The contract is automatically renewed every year, so you don't have to worry about suddenly being left without support. Service for pensioners at home is a guarantee of timely assistance in any direction.

To complete the contract, you need to provide:

  • the passport;
  • certificates of income of your family members (living together with you) for the last 12 months;
  • conclusion of the VVK.

Documents confirming the level of income are crucial when assigning payment for the provision social services. Disability and other medical restrictions must be documented.

See the picture below for a social worker application.


Help at home for pensioners includes all the necessary activities to support the life of the elderly. Depending on the degree of your physical abilities, the help of social workers can vary from a simple trip to the grocery store to the implementation of sanitary and hygienic procedures. The duties of social workers in the care of disabled pensioners are to provide assistance based on a qualified medical approach.

The most necessary measures to maintain your quality of life will be carried out within the terms established by the contract and determine the cost of social worker services for pensioners (if necessary).

Here you need to understand that if you live together with people who may well take care of you themselves, social assistance may look somewhat truncated. It is to clarify such circumstances that the commission considering your application will try to make the most optimal decision to determine the range of necessary services.

Social workers for pensioners are determined completely free of charge when it comes to:

  • trips to shops and a pharmacy;
  • food preparation;
  • payment utilities;
  • assistance in creating and filling out documents;
  • escort to medical institutions;
  • help with household chores.

If you need more serious assistance, then it should be noted here that each region has its own clarifications on the subject of payment for social services. Given the fixed interest rate and your income, it is better to negotiate the cost of social work services for pensioners when drawing up the contract (especially for disabled pensioners).

Get a job as a social worker?

The work of social workers is truly hard work. A person who has decided to get a job as a social worker must have a certain set of qualities and have a fairly stable psyche.

Even the closest people often cannot find a common language with their elders. Workload, personal problems and the degree of responsibility for the well-being of loved ones contribute to circumstances in which it is not always possible to show tolerance and compassion for elderly relatives.

It is the social worker who is the person who is able to provide the most favorable conditions for the life of citizens in need of care. The only thing that is required from a social worker is an appropriate state of health. Registration in dispensaries of all directions is a restriction to employment in social assistance services.

Situations in life are different. And it happens that there is simply no one to help an elderly person - either there are no children or relatives, or they live far away, and there is not enough strength even to perform everyday household chores. Here, the state in the person of a social worker can come to the rescue.

To whom and under what conditions is a social worker assigned?

Pensioners can receive social services at home, that is, women at the age of 55, men over 60 and the disabled, regardless of age. The social worker will provide assistance to those who cannot move independently, provide for their basic necessities of life and carry out self-care.

In order to receive such assistance, you need to contact the territorial commission of the ministry, which are located in social service centers (there are in every district) and submit required list documents and proof of income. However, if you receive only pensions and social benefits, then the certificate will not be useful - the department itself will request it from pension fund and social security institutions.

Specialists will assess what kind of assistance needs to be provided to an elderly person. For example, you may only need to buy groceries and pay utility bills, or help with cooking and cleaning the apartment. As a result, the commission will prepare an individual program for the provision of social services.

Decision time is short. No more than 10 working days will pass from the time of application to recognition as needing social services and the formation of an assistance program. A contract for the provision of social services will be ready within a day.

Conditions for concluding a contract

An agreement on the provision of social assistance is concluded between a citizen and an institution for a period from the date of signing until the end of the calendar year. However, it does not need to be renewed annually. It is automatically extended unless either party notifies the other in writing of its termination.

How often a social worker will come and what work to do depends on the degree of need of a pensioner or disabled person and his physical condition. This takes into account the help of relatives, as well as other citizens who can provide all possible assistance. This can be a maximum daily visit (except Saturday and Sunday).

The list of social services provided at home is approved by law. According to the ministry, among the most popular social services are the purchase and delivery of food, essential industrial goods, medicines, water delivery (to houses that do not have a central water supply), payment for housing and communal services and communication services, psychological help. For those who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service - sanitary and hygienic services, cooking, feeding, cleaning the premises. Also, a service to assist in teaching computer literacy at home has recently become popular.

How much should a social worker be paid?

Social services at home are provided free of charge or on the basis of partial or full payment. Yes, from January 1, 2015 social service Citizens whose average per capita income is equal to or below one and a half of the subsistence level established in the region for pensioners receive free of charge at home. In addition, participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

For all others, the cost of social services is approved by the ministry. The amount of payment per month for one person depends on the items, the number of social services actually rendered, and on average is about 250 rubles.

Which social worker will work with this or that pensioner is decided by the social security institution, but at the same time they strive to take into account the wishes of the elderly person as much as possible, and if necessary and possible, a replacement can be made.

What documents are needed to register as a social worker?

Passport, birth certificate or other document proving the identity of the applied citizen;

A document certifying the powers of a legal representative (in the event that a legal representative applies for services in the interests of a citizen);

A document confirming residence at the place of stay (in the absence of registration - at the place of stay indicated in the application);

Documents confirming the income of a citizen and members of his family living with him (spouses, parents, minor children) for the last 12 calendar months preceding the month of application (with the exception of income received in the form of a pension and (or) other payments in territorial departments Branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, measures social support population received in the departments social protection population);

Certificate of disability and an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (for those with disabilities);

Conclusion medical organization on the state of health and the absence of medical contraindications for receiving social services.


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