Social worker presentation for certification. Presentation on the topic "Topic: Social worker and client". Social worker clients

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    Profession - "Social worker" Authors: Beldy Natalia, student of 9th grade. (VIII species); Galochkin Alexey, student of 6th grade. (VIII species); Voronina Svetlana, student of grade 6 (VIII species); Kuzminskaya Victoria, student of grade 6 (VIII type); Shvets Anastasia, student of grade 6 (VIII species). Head: educational psychologist Pascal Victoria Viktorovna.

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    The social worker should: participate in the protection of the rights of people in need; to promote the employment of people with problems; prevent domestic violence; to support people in difficult life situations.

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    Social worker Provides material and household assistance and moral and legal support to disabled people, lonely elderly people, mothers of many children, orphans, persons suffering from serious ailments, alcoholics and drug addicts, needy citizens who are in a state of mental depression due to environmental disasters, international conflicts and wars, loss of loved ones, family, housing, etc. Identifies citizens in need of such assistance determines the nature and amount of assistance needed.

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    The social worker must provide the ward with food, take out the trash, pay utilities, go to the polyclinic for prescribing prescriptions, taking tests and receiving results, buying medicines at the pharmacy, helping in collecting documents, medical documents for inpatient treatment, visiting the ward in the hospital, keeping track of all purchases and errands, submit a work report, have phone numbers of close friends or relatives of the ward, arrange (at the ward's choice) attendance of free meals for one month a year or deliver food sets for a fixed amount once a year, bring monetary material - numerical assistance to wards with a minimum pension and to make regular raids in order to identify those in need of service.

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    For this profession, it is necessary to have responsiveness and the ability to sympathize, since lonely elderly and sick people who are forced to seek help from the service social protection, are not happy and often experience physical suffering, in this regard, the social worker must have the ability to empathize. Social workers must be able to communicate, be polite and friendly, since their work involves contact with a wide range of people. They must have a penchant for order and neatness, as well as unconditional honesty, because they constantly deal with a large number of people and business, as well as with other people's money. A social worker needs to be in good health, since he is obliged to visit the wards in any weather, regardless of heat, rain or cold.

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    A social worker should have a good memory to keep in mind large lists of groceries and errands and not waste time frequently referring to his notes. In addition, a good memory is needed in order to remember the names, faces and circumstances of the lives of their wards in order to show attention and participation. People who are tactless, irritable, squeamish, impatient, hot-tempered, careless and dishonest are not suitable for the profession of a social worker; undesirable - slurred speech and poor hearing, because it interferes with communicating with people, especially the elderly.

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    Name the reason for the phenomena:

    flood (example answer: melting snow, flooding of the river); buds have blossomed; the birds began to sing; deuce; mom is angry; the vacuum cleaner is working.

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Profession - social worker Romanova Aleftina Anatolyevna Teacher of higher technology qualification category, Honored Teacher of the Republic of Tatarstan MBOU "Secondary School 78, Privolzhsky District of Kazan (correctional classes at GAUSO Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities" Solnechny)

We look at life now in a new way, But the saint cannot be taken away from us; There is a special profession in the world - to take care of defenseless people. The age-old tradition of good deeds has always been cherished in social protection. They are greeted with happy faces All who are overwhelmed by trouble. How much does fate need a forgotten one? Calm, warm, feed. The killed hope revives, And the torn thread grows together. Social security work is not easy. They know how to hurry slowly. Listen, tales of fate are not easy, Not everyone can have a soul. Divide the loneliness in two. Try on pain with resentment. From such communication I want to, Sometimes, to the ends of the world to run

But momentary weakness disappears. The heart will beat more evenly. Again, for tomorrow - with great joy the Social Defender will be greeted. They know he will come with bags full, They contain food, medicine, flowers. He will look with bottomless eyes, Not sparing the soul of warmth. Everyone looks at difficulties differently But the saint cannot be taken away from us - There is a wonderful profession in the world - To take care of defenseless people.

The system of state charity developed in Russia under Catherine II, who issued a decree, in 1763, on the opening of a Moscow orphanage, into which even orphans up to 3 years old were accepted. In 1776, orders of public contempt were created in all provinces of Russia, which dealt with issues of helping those in need - analogs of modern social protection services.

Social Worker's Day is celebrated in the Russian Federation on June 8, according to the Presidential Decree of October 27, 2000, June 27, 2000

Professional skills: knowledge legal framework, acts and regulations governing social relations knowledge of a complex of sciences (psychology, medicine, sociology, economics, jurisprudence, etc.) availability of information about current problems of the social and humanitarian sphere the ability to provide assistance in career guidance and employment ability to work with documentation

Places of work: centers social service and provision; rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities; social protection committees; veterans' advice; nursing home; orphanages; guardianship and guardianship authorities; colonies; branches of the pension fund; service psychological assistance

Peculiarities career growth After a year of work and the acquisition of the necessary experience, the social worker is assigned a category with a corresponding increase in salary. After another three years, the premium to wages is 10%, and after 5 years of work - 30%.

Pedagogical College 1 (Kazan) Kazan Social and Humanitarian College Kazan State Professional Pedagogical College. International College of Service Academy TISBI (college and university) Secondary special and higher educational establishments Kazan, training social workers

Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge (college and university) Institute of Economics, Management and Law Institute of Economics, Management and Law (college and university) Academy of State and municipal government under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Academy social education graduate School Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University Kazan State Technological University Kazan State Technological University Kazan Medical University Kazan Social and Legal Institute

Elena Koroleva
Scenario of the presentation of the profession "Social worker" (grades 7-9)

Methodical development

on educational work in the 9th grade


Career guidance and professional self-determination

Profession presentation

« Social worker» (1slide)

Cl. leader 9 class GBOU SOSH p... N. Kutuluk - Koroleva E.O.

1 Leading - A long time ago

In one wild forest lived- were:

Yaga is a prominent and burly woman,

At that time, among the evil spirits, fashionable,

2 Leading - Koschey Vampirovich Immortal -

The man is rich but mischievous

1 Leading - Yes Antipka-Leshachok-

You little little peasant

It looks like a morel, but nimble.

2 Leading - They lived - they did not grieve,

We were friends with each other

So from fairy tale to fairy tale they were famous,

Yes, trouble has come - we have grown old.

Yaga - Oh, one daring fellow

It turned out to be such a sly -

I myself made me lie down on a shovel

Yes, and shoved it into the oven!

Koschey. - I have not had teeth for a long time,

I don't eat meat or beans.

I'm thin, poor fellow, so -

There is only one skeleton left!

1 Leading - A Leshak Antipka

The weak became yes flimsy,

Dilapidated and overgrown with moss.

Here's the question.

Yaga. - Who would have warmed us, would have pity on us ?.

Feed, wash, treat us ?.

Goblin. - Oh, don’t tell, godfather!

So there was no mind

And now it's completely jelly:

Here and now.

(Shows to her head.)

Baba Yaga. - No, you, godfather, me Listen:

It squirts in my chest

And inside there is such an ache,

God bless me!

Koschey. - I'm gurgling here!

But it was once cool!

Wasted in a love race

Dried up - they put it in a coffin more beautifully.

(to the tune of the famous "homeless" song). - 1

Together. - Forgotten - abandoned

We are in our old age,

And nobody loves us

Happiness - we have no share!

Goblin. - Razdaly was small,

Yes, I was cheerful!

Oh, where did she go

All my gaiety ?.

Koschey. - Where are you, the strength of the past?

Where are the sparkling eyes ?.

Baba Yaga. - Oh, don't tear my soul

With your howl, Koschey!

Together. - I'll die in the wilderness

Alone I am

And no one will know

Where is my grave.

2 Leading - Here they sit, grieving,

They sting at each other's fate.

Look, someone is making their way through the thicket.

Have a closer look ...

Yaga. - Yes, this is Kikimora Swamp -

Rootless witch!

Goblin. - Itself all well-fed and well-groomed,

It looks like a polished ruble.

Koschey. - But she turned five hundred years old in the spring.

Yaga. - You tell, tell us, Green, -

Why are you so sleek?

Koschey. - Who warmed you, took pity on you?

Goblin. - Fed, washed, healed you?

Kikimora. - Oh, I was abandoned too,

Overgrown with moss and ooze!

But I learned from the Magpie,

What is such a service in the world there is:

The service is that special

Called " Social".

Yaga. - Tell us in friendship -

What kind of service is this?

Goblin. - Are they accepted as a clerk there?

Koschey. - Are they hiring al to be a soldier?

Kikimora. - Oh, not that, not quite!

This is a service to help those

Who toil in old age,

Needs help.

Avon, how I came to life!

Goblin. - Here, there, syudy, business!

We have never heard of such a thing.

Kikimora. Yes, you are completely wild!

So be it, I'll tell you the way

TO social threshold.

(Approaching the doors with the inscription "Social protection")

Kikimora. - The director will receive you here,

Svet Sergeevna's name is.

What backed away in fright.?

Sergeevna and I are friends!

Song: There is many different professions ... - 2

(on the motive how not to have fun now)

There is many different professions,

But it's just not more important,

How social worker, -

Our unequivocal answer.

Every day its Work,

Forgetting about yourself -

Constant care

About Russian society.

Dad dad daddy dad

Director. - We respect old people,

And we know your problems.

Now counting all of you

We will register.

You will get along with us,

If you pay money.

(He writes.)

Goblin - (scratches in the back of her head, puzzled).

You need money - here's the attack.

Steal Al Immortal?

He has them - a dime a dozen!

Tea, do not go and go.

Goblin reaches for Koschei's wallet. He hits him on the arm.

Director. - Where is Alena? There are things to do.

Ask to come.

(Alena arrives)

Here is Alena the modest one,

There will be a homeworker for you:

And he will bring food,

And he will clean up the hut.

Koschey - (getting more and more inflamed).

For a girl like this

Shake the old days?

I am rich and lonely -

Why am I not her hubby!

Koschey, trying to be bravo, goes to Alena. But a sharp pain in his back halfway grips him, he almost falls. Alena, Baba Yaga and Leshy rush. help him.

Goblin. "Are you crazy, Vampire?"

Look, how he threw himself, shot!

Baba Yaga. What a wife is there -

He needs a dead man!

Eck the heart is twisted -

Yoke the whole back!

Koshchei is hardly sitting on a chair. He sits bent over, groaning.

Director. There will be a nurse for you.

She is not wise for her age,

The name is Vasilisa.

Vasilisa, where are you?

Vasilisa (appears in a white coat).

Vasilisa comes up to Koshchei, strokes him on the back. Koschey straightens up, smiling blissfully. Screens move, hiding the heroes.

Leading. And Vasilisa and Alena took over

For our green evil:

And washed them, fed them,

Yes, they cured them of evil anguish!

(to the motive Fashion changes daily)

Every day I go to work,

And as long as there is a white light

In our house of love and care,

At least one yes there is a client.

In anticipation of impossible miracles

Every day social. employee is waiting.

He will feed and put everyone to sleep,

And he will carry it for a walk in his arms.


Be kinder people!

Let's respect old age

After all, we will all be like that.

Happiness in life is to be needed by someone

Leaving a piece of the soul.

And although the schedule is scheduled in minutes,

Do not rush to leave the client.

Listen to all their illnesses

About a neighbor who snores loudly

About a diet that is healthier than the previous one,

About belching, constipation and gastritis!


What can I say, what can I say

Be kinder people!

Let's respect old age

After all, we will all be like that.

Social work it is the protection of the population and care for the needy,

and, of course, charity, that from words "Create" and "good".

on this day in 1701, the Decree of Peter I was issued

about the opening of shelters at churches for the poor, poor and abandoned people.

Under Catherine II there were created:

Homes for the poor

Orphan houses


Homes for the incurable

Homes for the insane.

In the surviving archives of the Bor region

first mention of organs social the collateral dates back to 1943.

The District Council of Deputies - that was the name of the Sobes in those years,

whose main tasks It was:

The appointment of pensions and benefits,

Caring for disabled people and families of military personnel.

Since January 1986, the head of the district SO was appointed

Iskorneva Valentina Vasilievna,

awarded the badge "Excellent student social security of the RSFSR» .

In the 90s, the number of recipients of pensions and benefits increased.

Pensions were recalculated manually on wooden accounts.

Only in 1993 in Borsky regional security

came from region 2 of a set of computer equipment.

The ancestor of the entire computer database is

Korostina Svetlana Ivanovna.

The terms for assigning pensions and benefits have been reduced from 3 months to 10 days.

At the end of 1997, under the administration of the Borsky district,

Control social protection of the population - USZN.

Supervised by the USZN - social support population.

Now it has 26 people on its staff.

Office provides 80 types social assistance.

The USZN is in charge of the issues of guardianship and trusteeship

over incompetent adult citizens.

This work organized by a specialist with great experience work

Selina Lyubov Evgenievna.

She stood at the origins of creation

Borsky socially-rehabilitation shelter for children and adolescents "Polyanka" located in the s / n N-Kutuluk.

In the structure of the Administration of the municipal district Borsky, Samara region. there is:

Deputy Head of Administration for social issues,

Committee on Family, Guardianship and Guardianship,

Department of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports,

Juvenile Commission, - Housing Commission.

In 2001, the pension department was withdrawn from the USZN, which entered Pension Fund RF.

Since March 2007 acquired the status of a legal entity

CSO - "Center social services for elderly citizens and disabled people.

For the convenience of customers, a multifunctional center has been opened in the district center (MFC).

Have social workers CSO is the most diverse Work

and in the case when they serve clients, and when it is necessary to perform a special task. For example, in holidays deliver gifts for Victory Day to veterans

or survey the living conditions of the older generation.

A social worker is also a lawyer, and a psychologist and a propagandist.

Social work as a profession appeared in Russia in 1991,

when new specialties:

- Social worker,

- social teacher and

Specialist in social work.

At present social worker profession is in demand among students.

Behind this profession there is a century-old history of mercy, kindness and sensitivity.

Education social work in Russia it is conducted in 47 specializations,

which can be divided into group:


- work in a specific social area,

Technology specializations social work .

Specialties « Social work» teach in 200 universities of the country.

Preparation Social workers carried out in 52 educational institutions.

In the Samara region this is:

Samara state academy culture and arts

Samara State University, - Samara Medical Institute REAVIZ

Togliatti State University of Service

Branch of the Russian State social university in g... Tolyatti

Provincial College (Pokhvistnevo, - Samara socially-pedagogical college

Provincial College (Syzran, - Chapaevsky Provincial College.

We have very difficult tasks with you.

Let the 21st century be in the yard,

But in an age of great technical possibilities

In the first place is still a person.

In any business, problem, endeavor

The first role is assigned to him.

And, meanwhile, both help and attention,

And everyone needs kind support.

The whole sphere is on that social,

To help and prompt in time,

Support someone financially,

To someone a good word to say.

Song "Hymn Social worker» .

With a difficult fate, more than one million Russians

The disease has chained someone to bed for a long time,

And orphans dream of finding their mothers,

Which did not have time to give warmth and love.


And when suddenly "Thank you, dear ones!" we hear in response

War veterans, old men who fought for us

Young fighters who survived Afghan and Chechnya,

And the heroes of Chernobyl - Russia remembers you,

You rightfully deserve a decent life for yourself.

Social worker - there is no more difficult profession,

We accept someone else's misfortune with all our hearts,

And when suddenly "Thank you, dear ones!" we hear in response

There is nothing more valuable than awards, a grateful word of a human.

  • Social work - professional activity on the organization of assistance and mutual assistance to people and groups in difficult life situations, their psychosocial rehabilitation and integration. In the very general view social work is a complex social phenomenon, an independent area of ​​scientific and practical knowledge, profession and academic discipline.

  • The goals of social work are related to maintaining the personality of the client, and the tasks of social work change depending on the areas of social practice, the nature of the clients' problems, the socio-psychological characteristics of the clients, and the conditions of a particular society.

  • On October 1, we celebrated the International Day of Older Persons. Its importance grows every year in Russia. This is due to public recognition and respect for the older generation.

  • Just for the third time, the Russian holiday of family, love and fidelity was celebrated - the Day of Peter and Fevronia, and we already managed to appreciate his special poetry and began to comprehend deep meaning... To get to the very essence here, of course, is not given to anyone. Many couples do this all their lives, which, probably, is happiness. Family. Marital. Higher. It is never given to one, but only to two.

Let mom hear, let dad come

To be good parents- not simple job, and foster care is doubly difficult

Learn to manage your emotions

Common features of adolescence are mood variability, emotional instability, unexpected transitions from fun to sadness and pessimism.

Fingers help to speak

Only finger gymnastics is one of the directions for the development of fine motor skills in children.

Caress my mother, the sun,

So that the tired heart ignites.

Let the gray hair melt - it will break through

Primrose of noisy hair.

My slow-moving wind is fine

Smooth the years on her face.

To keep my mom younger

And fun - fun again.

Bird, sing! Smile, sun!

Life, do not conceal your bounty! ..

If youth does not return to her -

Let old age come later.

(Yuri Pashkov)

  • “Introduction to the specialty. Social work "-Pavlenok PD, Kukanova EV, Shapovalov V.K.
  • Lectures on the subject - introduction to the specialty
  • Internet

Or the one who: carries groceries, pays utility bills and performs other errands for lonely retirees. goes to apartments to old people, buys them food and medicine))) (

What does he owe? 1. Social workers are obliged to be guided in their activities by the provisions of this Federal law, other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 2. Social workers guilty of disclosing recipient information social services without their written consent, are liable in the manner established by law Russian Federation. 3. For dishonest performance of their duties, requirements internal regulations, non-compliance with labor protection requirements, non-compliance labor discipline social workers are liable under the laws of the Russian Federation. 4. Social workers are required to provide their service number mobile phone for prompt communication with the recipients of services.

In accordance with GOST R, a social worker must: Provide the served citizens with food, hot meals, industrial goods essentials, medications prescribed by a doctor. Provide first aid: measuring body temperature, applying compresses, mustard plasters. Provide interaction with educational institutions, health care, social services, etc. in order to provide the most efficient services to clients. Organize the provision of funeral services. Etc…

Motivation To motivating factors labor activity social workers attribute: gratitude for their work from clients -62.8%, the ability to help people -56.8%, the communicative component of labor - 45.3%, flexible schedule working hours - 43.9%, provision of a travel ticket - 44.6%.

The Internet to help God, what a difficult profession we have. The head goes around. After reading the discussions, I decided that everyone had their own problems. I worked for 16 years, when I started to work it was easier, well, now they do not know what to find fault with, but what they still use services to hang up. And everyone is scaring them with something. Now they are scaring us with re-certification, if we don’t hand over, they will calculate. Some laws we should know, well, do we need this? They are hammering our heads. Hello, I have been working as a social worker in Moscow for four months now. The salary is 5th grade. It turned out to be the most difficult for me to communicate with the wards, because old people are very capricious. Taken from site 6? Page = 83 # comments

She worked for 4 months. My job was to issue material assistance to people in need. I formed lists and took them to the post office. I've seen enough for my whole life. Social work the employee is the most ungrateful. Side by side with practically poor people, disabled people ... I was 19 years old. And looking at such a seamy side of life was just creepy. You need to be a cynic or a really sympathetic and kind person to work in this area.

About the salary Of course, a social worker is a hell of a job and I know it firsthand because I have been working for 14 years in the service of 6 people and I have to do absolutely everything and do everything and make preparations and sew linen and read newspapers ... there is a lot of work and we work every day, and the rate of a social worker is 2300, and with education, here are the officials and think about who only people with a kind heart go to work for that kind of money, but there are fewer and fewer of them, and on the contrary, there are more and more old people every year ..

Our Voronezh Region is not better either. The salary has dropped to the minimum wage, and even less income, you will receive at best 4000, at worst 3800. And our salary in Samara has become the same certification + harmful experience = 8350. THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO OUR THANKS. AND STILL DEMAND ADDITIONAL FROM US .... FOR SUCH SALARY IT'S JUST A STUFF OF US. NO HONOR, NO CONSCIENCE

Congratulated on the holiday, gave the social workers letters and gratitude, it would be better if they gave money !!! Who worked for years, they say that there are a lot of these pieces of paper, but what's the point ??. currently, the supervisor has proposed dismissal if the social worker has no education. how do you like this? in Moscow nothing was added and it has been like this for many years. Salary Let our government live on this money

I wrote above about a thousand salaries in Moscow - this is a harmful salary + 30% work experience (over 5 years) + Moscow pays extra, we call this additional payment "Luzhkovskaya"; at present, the manager has proposed dismissal if a social worker has no education. how do you like this? Hooray! Reduced!

... Every month they only talk about an increase. And when else to deal with them. And we endure we work in silence. After all, salary increases are not expected. Do not hope - keep silent further. Strike is not about us. So we sit and do not blather. Fear and endure further. You cannot erase slaves and Chaldeans from us. But our profession all over the world is honorable and well paid and perceived with dignity, and society needs more than officials. Think about it. If you can still think.

Social workers will increase their salaries The salary of social workers will increase by more than 2.5 times by 2018, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin promised reporters on Friday before the ceremony of awarding the winners All-Russian competition title " Best Employee social service institutions ".


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