Institutions of social services for citizens. Social organizations service

In the past few years, the organization social service in the capital is improving. And this year is no exception.

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After receiving the information necessary to access the personal account of one of these portals, and confirming the mobile identity in any MFC (for or with an activation code by mail in Russia or a visit to the Rostelecom customer service center (for the gosuslugi portal .ru)

In order to declare your desire to receive social services, you no longer have to queue up in stuffy corridors. They can be obtained over the Internet.

To be able to receive public services in in electronic format, you need to register - if you are not registered there yet - on the Portal of State and Municipal Services of the city of Moscow or on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services.

V personal account whichever of these portals you like best, you will need to fill out an online application form and attach scanned copies of the documents that are required to provide a specific service.

After submitting an application in electronic form, it is not required to come to RUSZN in person.

If the applicant does not have the opportunity to independently submit an application on these portals, he can apply for help to the social service institutions of the Department of Social Protection of the Moscow City and the Multifunctional Centers for the provision of public services in person or through a representative.

The organization of social services in Moscow in 2013 provides for an extraterritorial principle of work. Application for the provision of one or another public service accepted regardless of the place of permanent registration. It is still necessary to personally apply for the provision of the service at the department of social protection at the place of permanent residence. But the staff of the department to which you submitted your application will send it to the social protection department in your place of residence.

What kind of social services can you get online?

For people with disabilities, the elderly and war veterans, the Department of Social Protection currently provides the opportunity to electronically apply for the following services:

  • getting a voucher to the boarding house for the visually impaired (provided to citizens of the Russian Federation);
  • obtaining a voucher to a boarding house for labor veterans (provided to citizens registered in Moscow).

Referrals to residential social service institutions - online and in person application

Documents for obtaining a ticket to the boarding house for the visually impaired

Conclusion of the medical institution on the condition

Conclusion of the medical institution on the condition (original)

Certificate of absence of medical contraindications

Certificate of absence of medical contraindications (original)

Pensioner's ID

Pension certificate and its certified copy

Compulsory health insurance policy ()

Compulsory health insurance policy and its certified copy

Completed application form on the portal

Application for the provision of a voucher to the boarding house for the visually impaired (original)

Applying through representative (for personal attendance only)

Documents confirming the authority of the representative natural person act on behalf of third parties (duly executed and an identity document). Certified copies of both documents will be required

In Russia, there are now 3882 institutions for the elderly (general type boarding schools and, social service centers and special homes for the single, consisting of so-called social apartments). There are about 270 thousand old people in hospitals, 17.8 thousand people are waiting in line, waiting for a place in a hospital (the main part - more than 14 thousand people - should be sent to psycho-neurological boarding schools). At the same time, spending on social services (not only for the elderly, but also for other categories of the population who are entitled to assistance) over the five-year period, from 2006 to 2011, increased by one and a half times.

- "Expert" No. 11 (843) / 15 Mar 2013

Documents for obtaining a ticket to the boarding house for labor veterans

To apply online (all original documents are provided in scanned form)

To apply for an appointment at the MFC in person

Passport and its certified copy

Certificate of medical and social examination of disability (for citizens recognized as disabled)

Certificate of medical and social examination of disability (for citizens recognized as disabled) and its certified copy

Individual rehabilitation program (for citizens recognized as disabled)

Individual rehabilitation program (for citizens recognized as disabled) and its certified copy

Targeted social assistance

Targeted social assistance is provided to elderly citizens and disabled people, families with children, as well as other citizens in difficult life situations and in dire need of social support.

Targeted social assistance is provided in the form of:

  • food aid;
  • clothing aid;
  • sanitary and hygienic services;
  • patronage social, medical and social services;
  • services for complex cleaning of apartments.

Required documents:

  • statement;
  • passport of the applicant (or his representative);
  • act of inspection of material and living conditions of residence;
  • a copy of the certificate of subsidy for the payment of housing and utilities or a statement of income of the applicant from the USZN district and branch The Pension Fund Russian;
  • copy of the certificate State institution Engineering Service;
  • personal statement or memo a social worker providing home-based services (when applying for a cleaning service, sanitary and hygienic or patronage services);
  • medical opinion on the need for sanitary and hygienic services (if you apply for them);
  • for diabetics - a certificate from the attending physician about the presence of diabetes mellitus in case of need for a diabetic food set (provided upon first use).

At the request of a citizen and his written consent, the above documents (except for a passport and a certificate from a doctor) are requested by the USZN.

The decision to provide this type of service is made by an interdepartmental commission created by the department of social protection of the population. administrative district of the city of Moscow, as advised by the social service center.

Paid social services

Services to those who do not have the right to receive them free of charge, or have, but want to use the additional service, will need to pay.

To receive assistance on a paid basis, the applicant (or his representative) must apply to the institution of non-stationary social services (CSO), draw up documents for the provision of a service, and then receive a decision from the head of the institution to provide the service (they may also refuse if it is decided that the applicant does not need enough). If a positive decision is made, sign a service agreement and pay in full for the service no later than 3 days before the start of the service.

Service rates are small. On average, depending on the type of service, it is 50-100 rubles per hour. You can find all the tariffs in the document "On social services at home" ,.

If you want to help your neighbor, but do not know how, read the articles "" and ""

Under social services refers to the system of organizations and persons that support the life of people who are unable to meet their daily needs without assistance. The term "social service" is often used as a synonym for "social help".

■ elderly people;

■ disabled people;

■ seriously ill patients;

■ people who are in a state of severe depression;

■ homeless people.

In any society, there are people who have difficulty in serving themselves or are unable to do so, and therefore need help from others. Small children require constant attention and help from adults. As a rule, they receive them from their parents, relatives, neighbors. But in many cases, families turn to outsiders to look after children for several hours or to serve them for longer periods of time. Children who are left without parental care need constant help from others.

Some older people have problems with physical functioning or mental health, and the likelihood of such problems increases with age. Among old people, disabled, chronically ill there are those who are not capable of self-care and require help from other people *. Many people in this situation receive the help they need from their families and relatives. Although in a number of countries, primarily in the Western countries, most of the old people do not live with their children and grandchildren, they receive significant help from their relatives when they need it. In some cases, friends and neighbors take care of the elderly **. In the same cases, when the elderly, disabled and seriously ill people requiring care do not have relatives or friends who are ready to provide them with free assistance, they need services from outside people or special organizations outside their home.

* The inability to meet certain needs due to physical disabilities, injuries, past diseases can be relative, have a specific historical, socially determined character. From the point of view of a social concept limited capacity of people, disabled people appear not as individual victims of a coincidence, but as collective victims of an inattentive society. Barriers surrounding people who are deprived of the ability to walk (lack of elevators and lifts, ramps, narrow doors, etc.) are obvious examples of social reasons for the inability of such persons to provide themselves with food, use the services of laundries, hairdressers, etc. It is these barriers that restrict people with functional impairments and disabilities, and not the injuries themselves.

** One would assume that outsiders do this because they expect to inherit their income. However, research in Western countries indicate that such considerations are not a serious motive for providing assistance (Finch J., Wallis L. Inheritance, Care Baigains and Elderly People's Relationships with the Children // Health and Community Care: UK and International Perspectives / Ed. by D. Challis, B. Davies, K. Traske. Aldershot: Gower, 1994).

Persons who have experienced severe stressful situations (victims of violence, people who have lost their loved ones, etc.) or living in constant stressful conditions (minors in alcoholic families, etc.), alcoholics, drug addicts often need psychotherapeutic help, without which they they cannot independently get out of a depressive state, gain the lost meaning of their life.

People who do not have housing and sufficient income to rent a dwelling are not able, without the assistance of others, to find a place protected from security and health threats to sleep and rest.

Various activities attributable to social assistance(hereinafter they will be called types of social services), can be divided into three large groups:

■ social care;

■ social rehabilitation;

■ social shelter.

Under social care* refers to activities aimed at satisfying everyday needs related to the reproduction of the life of people who are limited in the ability to independently satisfy these needs due to age, congenital physical and / or mental disabilities, diseases and injuries.

* Abroad, the term "social sage" is used to denote the corresponding types of services.

Such activities can be carried out in three forms:

1) at home;

2) in stationary conditions;

3) in hospitals day stay.

When servicing at home, elderly people, the disabled, the seriously ill receive the help they need directly in their homes. Such service may include: buying and delivering food and medicine, preparing food, cleaning, washing, renting shoes and clothes for repair, changing underwear and bed linen, carrying out hygiene procedures, etc. A type of social care at home is also a care service for young children during the absence of their parents.

Inpatient care assumes that children and adults in need of care are accommodated in special places for permanent residence, where they are provided with the necessary services. Disabled children left without parental care are transferred to hospitals, as well as those people in need of care who live alone and either have cognitive impairments (mental retardation, dementia, etc.), or are unable to move independently, etc. .NS.

Day care (day care) services are provided by providing services outside the home during part of the day. Examples of such day hospitals are nurseries and kindergartens, day care groups for the elderly in social service centers, medical and sports centers for the mentally retarded, alcoholics, and drug addicts.

Social rehabilitation includes emergency psychotherapeutic assistance (helplines), psychological counseling, socio-psychological training, as well as assistance in obtaining legal advice, help in vocational training, employment. These services can be provided in social service organizations, and for seniors and people with disabilities - at home.

Under social shelter means the organization of the residence of children left without parental care, as well as the provision of premises for a long or short-term stay for people without shelter.

In our country, in the last decade, the above types of services are included in the concept "social work". But the content of this concept is interpreted more broadly: it also covers other types of activities aimed at resolving various social problems (family problems, inequality of women, migration, deviant behavior, etc.).

Various organizations are involved in social services. Among them, three types of organizations can be distinguished, differing in the level of specialization.

1. Multidisciplinary Social Service Organizations, carrying out a wide range of activities related to social care, rehabilitation, shelter. An example of such organizations are social service centers that exist in our country and other countries.

2. Specialized organizations, whose activities are associated with a certain category of beneficiaries and with a certain form of social service. Examples of such organizations are: home social assistance centers, boarding homes for children with disabilities, orphanages and boarding schools for mentally handicapped children, homes for lonely elderly people, boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, psycho-neurological boarding schools, services for the protection of children exposed to violence, shelters for children and adolescents, night houses, etc.

3. Organizations combining social services with other activities(medical, educational, cultural). For example, there are geriatric hospitals in Australia and Japan that provide medical and social care for old people. Another example of a combination of these activities is nursing homes, which accommodate people requiring long-term care after illness, injury, surgery, etc. It is difficult to clearly distinguish some types of social services from medical services; these types of assistance are often intertwined in practice. The term is used to refer to these types of activities. "medical and social assistance". Examples of organizations combining social services and educational activities are nurseries, kindergartens, boarding schools and orphanages. Division of such mixed-type organizations among different industries social sphere is conventional. So, in our country, nurseries, kindergartens and boarding schools belong to educational organizations and orphanages - to social protection organizations.

Integral element state system social security in Russian Federation advocates social services for the elderly, the disabled, which includes different kinds social services aimed at meeting the special needs of this contingent of persons.

At present, the state is making great efforts to create a comprehensive system of social services for the population, to allocate funds for its development. The main laws have already been adopted, which constituted the legal basis for its functioning: the federal law"On the Fundamentals of Social Services to the Population of the Russian Federation" dated 10.12.19995 No. 195-FZ; Federal Law "On Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens" dated 02.08.1995 No. 122-FZ; Federal Law "On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation "dated 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ and others.

Social services are the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, the implementation of social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens, citizens in difficult life situations.

“For the first time in domestic legislation, the concept of such a basis for social assistance as a difficult life situation has been formulated. Difficult life situation - situation, objectively disrupting the vital activity of a citizen, which he cannot overcome on his own. The reasons for its occurrence can be a variety of circumstances: disability, old age, illness, orphanhood, abuse in the family, unemployment, lack of a definite place of residence, etc.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to social services in our country; foreigners and stateless persons, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Social service is based on the following principles:

1. Targeting: the provision of a service is personalized to a specific person. Work on identifying and creating a data bank of such persons is being carried out local authorities social protection of the population at the place of residence of the disabled, the elderly, large and single families. Migration services have information about refugees; on persons without a fixed abode - internal affairs bodies, etc .;

2.accessibility: the possibility of free and partially paid receipt of social services is provided, which are included in the federal and territorial lists guaranteed by the state social services. Their quality, volume, procedure, conditions of provision must comply with state standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Reducing their volume at the territorial level is not allowed. The lists of social services are determined taking into account the subjects to whom they are intended. Federal list of state-guaranteed social services for elderly citizens and disabled people, provided by state and municipal institutions social services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 25.10.1995 No. 1151.

3. On its basis, territorial lists are developed. Financing of services included in the lists is carried out at the expense of the corresponding budgets;

4.voluntariness: social services are carried out on the basis of a voluntary appeal of a citizen, his guardian, trustee, other legal representative, body state power, organ local government or a public association. At any time, a citizen can refuse to receive social services;

5. Humanity: Citizens living in residential institutions have the right to freedom from punishment. The use of drugs, physical restraint, or isolation is not permitted for purposes of punishment or comfort for staff. The persons who committed these violations are subject to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability;

6. the priority of providing services to minors;

7. Confidentiality: information of a personal nature that has become known to employees of a social service institution in the provision of social services is a professional secret. Employees guilty of disclosing it are liable under the law. " Introduction to social work... M .: Academic Project, 2001.S. 393.

The legislation provides for the following types of social services:

· material help as Money, food, sanitation and hygiene products, clothing and footwear, other essential items, fuel, special Vehicle, technical means rehabilitation of disabled people and persons in need of outside care;

· Social services at home. It is aimed at the maximum possible extension of the stay of elderly citizens and persons with disabilities in their usual social environment in order to maintain their social status, as well as to protect them. legal rights and interests. Home-based guaranteed services provided by the federal list include: home delivery of groceries; purchase of medicines, food and industrial goods essentials; assistance in obtaining medical care, including escort to a medical institution; cleaning the premises and other home-based services (for example, assistance in providing fuel); assistance in organizing legal services; assistance in organizing funeral services.

Mentally ill persons in remission, patients with tuberculosis (except for the active form), and oncological patients receive medical care at home.

Social services included in the federal and territorial lists are provided to citizens free of charge or on a partial payment basis. The regulation on the procedure and conditions for paying for social services provided to elderly citizens and disabled people by state and municipal institutions of social services was approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 1996 No. 473.

The following groups of the population are entitled to receive services free of charge: single elderly citizens (single married couples) and people with disabilities receiving a pension with allowances below the regional subsistence level; elderly citizens and disabled people whose relatives objective reasons cannot provide them with assistance and care if the amount of the received pension, together with allowances, is below the subsistence level; elderly citizens and disabled people living in families with an average per capita income below the regional subsistence level.

If the size of the pension, together with the allowances of the above citizens, exceeds the regional subsistence minimum, then the amount of partial payment for social services at home should not exceed 25% of the difference between the pension received and the regional subsistence minimum; in semi-stationary conditions - 50% of the difference between the received pension and the regional cost of living; in stationary conditions - the amount of excess of the relying on pension over the regional subsistence minimum. If the amount of the pension, taking into account the allowances, is 150% higher than the regional subsistence level, then social services are provided on a full payment basis.

The cost of services is determined based on the tariffs set for a specific region. The cost does not include the cost of providing medical care in the amount of the basic program of compulsory health insurance, getting an education within the state educational standards. Additional grounds on which social services are provided free of charge are determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The study legal regulation the main directions of social work, the methods and forms used, it is advisable to start with a consideration of the sphere of social services. In this area social workers most actively realize themselves as professionals.
In accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - the Federal Law on the Basics of Social Services 2013) social service system includes:
... the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of social services;
... a government body of a constituent entity of the Federation authorized to exercise powers in the field of social services;
... social service organizations under the jurisdiction of federal executive bodies;
... social service organizations under the jurisdiction of the constituent entity of the Federation;
... non-governmental (commercial and non-commercial) social service organizations, including socially oriented non-profit organizations that provide social services;
. individual entrepreneurs providing social services.
The law regulates in detail the rights and obligations of recipients of social services, as well as their providers. Recipients of social services have the right to: respectful and humane treatment; receiving free of charge in an accessible form information about their rights and obligations, types of social services, terms, procedure and conditions for their provision, about tariffs for these services and their cost for the recipient of social services, about the possibility of receiving these services free of charge, as well as about providers social services; choosing a provider or providers of social services; refusal to provide social services; protection of their rights and legitimate interests in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; participation in the preparation of individual programs; ensuring conditions of stay in social service organizations that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as for proper care; free visits by legal representatives, lawyers, notaries, representatives of public and (or) other organizations, clergymen, as well as relatives and other persons in the daytime and in the evening, as well as social support.
At the same time, recipients of social services are obliged to provide, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the subject of the Federation, information and documents necessary for the provision of social services; promptly inform social service providers about changes in the circumstances that determine the need for the provision of social services, as well as comply with the terms of the contract for the provision of social services concluded with the provider of social services, including timely and in full pay the cost of the provided social services when they are provided for a fee or a partial fee.
Social service providers have the right to: request the relevant state authorities, as well as local authorities and receive information from these authorities necessary for the organization of social services; refuse to provide social services to the recipient of social services in case of violation by him of the terms of the agreement on the provision of social services concluded with the recipient of social services or his legal representative; be included in the register of providers of social services of the constituent entity of the Federation and receive, within two working days, information on their inclusion in the list of recommended providers of social services. Social service providers also have the right to provide citizens with additional social services for a fee, at their request, expressed in written or electronic form.
The responsibilities of social service providers are broad and include:
... carry out their activities in accordance with the legislation;
... provide social services to recipients of social services in accordance with individual programs and the terms of contracts concluded with recipients of social services or their legal representatives, based on the requirements of the law;
... provide urgent social services, if provided by law;
... provide free of charge in an accessible form to recipients of social services or their legal representatives information about their rights and obligations, about the types of social services, terms, procedure and conditions for their provision, about tariffs for these services and their cost for the recipient of social services, or about the possibility to receive them for free;
... use information about recipients of social services in accordance with established by law on personal data requirements for the protection of personal data;
... provide the authorized body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with information for the formation of a register of recipients of social services;
... carry out social support in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, including assistance in passing a medical and social examination;
... to provide recipients of social services with the opportunity to use communication services, including the Internet and postal services, when receiving services in social service organizations;
... provide spouses living in a social service organization with an isolated living space for joint living;
... to provide recipients of social services with the opportunity to freely visit them by legal representatives, lawyers, notaries, representatives of public and (or) other organizations, clergymen, as well as relatives and other persons in the daytime and in the evening;
... ensure the safety of personal belongings and valuables of recipients of social services and perform other duties related to the exercise of the rights of recipients of social services to social services.
When providing social services, providers of social services are not entitled to restrict the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of recipients of social services, including when using drugs for medical use; use physical or psychological violence against recipients of social services, allow them to be insulted, mistreated them, and place children with disabilities who do not suffer from mental disorders in inpatient social service organizations intended for children with disabilities with mental disorders, and vice versa ...
The 2013 Federal Law on the Fundamentals of Social Services also regulates in detail the procedure for applying for the provision of social services and making a decision on the submitted application. The basis for considering the issue of the provision of social services is a written or electronic application of a citizen or his legal representative for the provision of social services, or an appeal in his interests of other citizens, an appeal government agencies, local government bodies, public associations directly to the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a statement or appeal submitted within the framework of interdepartmental interaction. The authorized body of a constituent entity of the Federation makes a decision on recognizing a citizen in need of social services or on refusal of social services within five working days from the date of submission of the application. O the decision the applicant is informed in writing or electronically. The decision to provide urgent social services is taken immediately.
A citizen or a recipient of social services may be denied, including temporarily, in the provision of social services in a stationary form due to the presence of medical contraindications, the list of which is approved federal body the executive branch responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of health care. Such a refusal is possible only if there is a corresponding conclusion of the authorized medical organization... The decision to refuse social services can be appealed in court.
At the same time, a citizen or his legal representative has the right to refuse social services, social services.

Forms of social services

Social services are provided to their recipients in the form of social services at home, as well as in:
... semi-stationary form, which is a social service by an organization at a certain time of the day;
... stationary form, i.e. provision of services with permanent, temporary (for a period determined by the individual program) or five days (per week) round-the-clock living in a social service organization. The recipients of social services in a stationary form are provided with residential premises, as well as premises for the provision of types of social services.
When providing social services in a semi-stationary or stationary form, the following must be provided:
1) the possibility of accompanying the recipient of social services when moving around the territory of a social service organization, as well as when using the services provided by such an organization;
2) the ability to independently move around the territory of a social service organization, enter, exit and move within such an organization (including for movement in wheelchairs), to rest in a sitting position, as well as accessible placement of equipment and information carriers;
3) duplicating text messages with voice messages, equipping a social service organization with signs made in dotted braille, familiarizing with their help with inscriptions, signs and other text and graphic information on the territory of such an organization, as well as admitting a tiflosurd interpreter, admitting guide dogs;
4) duplication of voice information with text information, inscriptions and (or) light signals, informing about the provided social services using the Russian sign language (sign language interpretation), admitting a sign language interpreter and providing other types of outside assistance.
The provision of urgent social services for the purpose of providing emergency care is carried out within the time limits determined by the need of the recipient of social services, without drawing up an individual program and without concluding an agreement on the provision of social services. The basis for the provision of such services is the application of the recipient of social services, as well as the receipt from medical, educational or other organizations that are not part of the social service system, information about citizens in need of their provision. Confirmation of the provision of urgent social services is an act on the provision of urgent social services, containing information about the recipient and provider of these services, the types of urgent social services provided, the timing, date and conditions of their provision. The act on the provision of urgent social services is confirmed by the signature of the recipient.
Interdepartmental interaction in organizing social services in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is of great importance in organizing social service activities, which is carried out on the basis of the regulations for interdepartmental interaction that determine the content and procedure for actions of state authorities of the constituent entity of the Federation in connection with the implementation of its powers in this area. The regulations for such interaction determine:
... a list of state authorities of a constituent entity of the Federation that carry out interdepartmental interaction;
... types of activities carried out by state authorities of a constituent entity of the Federation;
... the procedure and forms of interagency interaction;
... requirements for the content, forms and conditions of information exchange, including in electronic form;
... a mechanism for the implementation of measures for social support, including the procedure for involving organizations in its implementation;
... the procedure for exercising state control (supervision) and evaluating the results of interdepartmental interaction.

Autonomous non-profit organization vocational education

Ural College of Economics and Law

I approve

Head educational part

G.M. Urasova

"_____" ________ 2017

on industrial practice(according to the profile of the specialty)

for students of specialty 40.02.01 "Law and organization of social security"

by professional modules:

Ensuring the implementation of the rights of citizens in the field of pensions and social protection;

Organizational support of the activities of institutions of social protection of the population and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Place of internship - organization of social services

The purpose of the practice: 1) Acquisition by students practical experience for the following professional activities:

Ensuring the implementation of the rights of citizens in the field of pensions and social protection;

Organizational support of the activities of institutions of social protection of the population and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

2) Development of the following general competencies in students:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of assignments.

OK 8. To independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

OK 9. Navigate in the conditions constant change legal framework.

OK 10. Observe the basics healthy way life, labor protection requirements.

OK 11. Observe Business Etiquette, culture and psychological foundations of communication, norms and rules of behavior.

GC 12. Show intolerance towards corrupt behavior.

3) Formation of the following professional competencies in students:

PC 1.1. Carry out a professional interpretation of regulatory legal acts for the implementation of citizens' rights in the field of pension provision and social protection;

PC 1.2. Carry out reception of citizens on the issues of pension provision and social protection;

PC 1.5. Carry out the formation and storage of the files of recipients of pensions, benefits and other social payments;

PC 1.6. Advise citizens and representatives legal entities on the issues of pension provision and social protection.

PC 2.1. Maintain the databases of recipients of pensions, benefits, compensations and other social benefits, as well as services and benefits up to date.

PC 2.2. To identify persons in need of social protection and to register them using information and computer technologies.

PC 2.3. Organize and coordinate social work with individuals, categories of citizens and families in need of social support and protection.

1. Get acquainted with the organization of social services and give its characteristics.

2. Study and analyze the information presented on the website and stands of the organization.

3. Read and describe the activity structural unit an organization in which a student undergoes an internship or a specialist, under whose guidance the student is like an internship.

4. Get familiar with computer programs used in the work of the structural unit (specialist), and describe their database.

5. Take part in the procedure for receiving citizens.

6. Observe the process of communication of a specialist with elderly citizens and people with disabilities during the appointment.

7. Get acquainted with the list of social services provided by the institution for a specific category of citizens.

8. Study and describe the procedure for the provision of social services to recipients of services (at the choice of the student 3 social services).

9. To get acquainted with the appeals of citizens coming to the institution and analyze the appeals.

10. To get acquainted and describe the organization of work of the institution for the identification and implementation of registration of persons in need of social assistance.

11. Study and describe the procedure for forming a package of documents for recipients of social services.

12. Draw up a report on the practice and prepare his defense.


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