Young small business abroad. Food business ideas. Food trade and catering

Business ideas from Europe attract our entrepreneurs with their “freshness” and originality, and with the right approach they can be implemented in Russia.

No one can give 100% probability that a business idea will bring fame and fortune to its creator.

However, at the same time business ideas from Europe attract entrepreneurs with their “freshness” and originality.

Using the example of their “foreign” colleagues, they have the opportunity to observe the implementation of the plan, its strengths and weaknesses, customer perception.

You can learn from other people’s experience and adapt other people’s ideas to Russian realities of life.

Moreover, the level of competition in this situation will be absent or so minimal that it will be possible not to pay special attention to it.

After all, owning your own business in the European way is, as a rule, something innovative that has not been implemented before.

An entrepreneur who implements business ideas from Europe is both a pioneer and a follower.

Therefore, this article offers a number of bright and unusual options for your own business.

All of them exist successfully in Europe, but are not yet represented in Russian-speaking countries.

Who knows, maybe you will be the one to implement one of them in Russia?

1) Scary business idea: letters from the other world

Where else could such a terrible idea for a business appear if not in the UK - the homeland of many famous creators of detective and horror books.

Its essence is that clients can send messages to family and friends after death.

Of course, having prepared in advance with the help of a special service.

The client can create up to 100 messages, indicating when and to whom they should be delivered.

The creators believe that their business idea will make it easier for the loved ones of the deceased to cope with his passing.

But considering that you can even attach photos and videos to the “last note,” it is possible to use them for other purposes.

For example, to convey the last will.

Of course, in conditions of absolute secrecy.

Can such an idea take root here?

Why not.

In the meantime, she receives numerous positive reviews from users.

True, this is a little strange fact.

After all, they can check his work only after death...

2) How do they do business cleanly in Europe?

“If you cannot be the first in a certain area, invent a new one in which you will become the first.”
Dan S. Kennedy. How to succeed in business by breaking all the rules

The importance of maintaining perfect hand cleanliness is especially well known to pedantic housewives and, of course, doctors.

Especially for the latter, an innovative PullClean device was created, which is gradually finding its place in Europe.

It appeared, like the previous business idea, in the UK.

The essence of PullClean is that this device allows you to quickly and easily disinfect your hands with a special substance.

What is its innovation, you ask?

The fact is that PullClean is built into the door handle.

Thus, every time you open the door, a person has the opportunity to return the cleanliness of their hands to normal with a light second press.

After all door handles- This is one of the main places where microbes accumulate.

That being in a hospital can even be dangerous.

That's why the creators have high hopes for their business idea and its spread in Europe.

Indeed, in addition to practical benefits, PullClean creates a special reflex: open the door - disinfect your hands.

There is also potential for the development of this business idea in our country.

After all, PullClean can be used not only in public hospitals, but also in private clinics, in some types of industries and even in public toilets!

3) Business idea from Europe: eco-friendly living

Many people have begun to pay closer attention to environmental issues.

In Russia, the trend is not yet as popular.

But many business ideas from Europe are built around this area.

Every conscious citizen strives to live in a way that does not harm the environment.

One of the most pressing and major problems is waste.

A new invention – “Ooho” – will help partially deal with it.

It is a transparent capsule with drinking water inside.

What makes this business idea unique?

First of all, the fact that the capsule can be biodegradable without any consequences for the environment.

And most importantly, you can eat it!

Yes, you got it right.

Ooho is a stylish, safe and edible water transfer container.

In Russian-speaking countries, where simple waste sorting is difficult to implement, such a business idea from Europe is unlikely to have a chance of success.

But it has great potential in the future.

After all, the ideas of eco-life are little by little beginning to conquer the minds of Russians.

Finally, here is a diagram of waste production by the average citizen:

4) Business idea from Europe: a few more words about garbage...

One of the significant waste items is organic waste.

As a rule, unlike paper or glass, organics are not sent for secondary production.

The business idea in question from Europe is the processing of vegetables and fruits into juices.

Not simple, but not beautiful enough to put on display.

Indeed, in Europe such a situation is impossible as in the countries of the Russian Federation, when beaten, rotten and simply ugly products are on display along with the rest.

Except that sometimes they are sold at a discount.

In the UK, one of the supermarkets (Sainsbury’s) decided that throwing away fruits and vegetables for being unsaleable is wasteful.

That's why they started making soups and juices from them.

They also created a department where products that look far from canonical are sold at a 30% discount.

5) Business idea from Europe for the confused

How often have you run out of the house and couldn't find your keys?

Of course, this situation is familiar to everyone.

And you could avoid it again if you used smart Estimote Beacons stickers.

This business idea originated in the USA.

Smart stickers are special beacons that can be attached to any surface.

They contact mobile phones and transmit the necessary information to them.

The example of losing your keys is just a small everyday situation in which this wonderful business idea can come in handy.

In Europe, such navigation is used to help blind people navigate space.

Beacons also make it easier to navigate in stores.

Estimote Beacons themselves are, of course, patented.

But Russian entrepreneurs It is worth paying attention to the operating principle.

After all, if such a business has appeared and is developing in Europe, it means that the population has a need for it.

6) A wonderful pot originally from Europe

This business idea from Europe, created by Seunbing Yeung, cannot but be considered as very promising.

He invented a special design for a pot for indoor plants.

At the bottom there is an ordinary pot in which a flower grows.

But at the top there is a nice cloud, which is a water reservoir.

The trick is that its holes allow liquid to pass through in very measured doses.

Now you can eliminate the problem of irregular watering of plants - the process will happen automatically.

An excellent solution for those who often travel on business or simply forget to keep an eye on their green “pets”.

Russian housewives have a whole range of ways to regulate watering.

But no one will refuse something so simple and stylish!

7) A godsend for parents from Europe

In search of a successful business idea from Europe, entrepreneurs should pay attention to products for children.

After all, every parent wants their child to have the best.

A Swedish business idea that is now gaining popularity in Europe is Tinitell.

The most basic of all mobile phones, made in the form of a bracelet.

It is designed so that young children can contact their parents if they are not yet ready to use a smartphone for this purpose.

Perhaps in Russia such a business idea has a greater future than in Europe.

After all, in addition to the inconvenience for the child, we have two more arguments against buying a smartphone: carrying a regular phone is dangerous, and besides, a child can quickly break it.

And the video below talks about another business idea from Europe,

which will make life easier for many car enthusiasts:

8) Please, a package of wine!

Wine is one of those alcoholic drinks that even doctors recommend taking in minimal doses.

Although few people actually follow this recommendation to improve digestion or sleep quality.

Be that as it may, busy people will appreciate a business idea from Europe - wine in doy bags.

They hold exactly a glass of wine - just as the doctor ordered.

Down with unnecessary snobbery!

Consumers get the opportunity to forget about the corkscrew and sip wine from the bag on the go.

Whether a business idea has the right to be implemented in the Russian Federation is a controversial question.

Perhaps we should consider such packaging for another alcoholic drink?

Just because an idea took root abroad and brought fame and fortune to its creator, doesn’t mean it will work for you too.

Many factors have to be taken into account: different advertising campaign, demand for goods on the market, consumer readiness for innovation, mentality.

But if you are ready to make up detailed business plans and analysis of the market situation, business ideas from Europe can become a treasure trove for you great ideas!

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When looking for business ideas that work, aspiring entrepreneurs often turn to the experiences of others. One of the most popular ways to find a business idea is to look at what is happening abroad.

It’s just worth considering that markets different countries are still very different from each other. It’s one thing to have developed economies like the USA and Singapore, which are head and shoulders above other countries in terms of development, and quite another to have Iran and Bangladesh, which are developing at a rapid pace, but only follow global trends, and do not set them.

Already today on Russian market you can find a lot of ideas peeped abroad. They differ only in the degree of borrowing. You can simply copy someone else’s idea and expect it to “take off” due to the lack of competitors. “Success abroad does not always mean success in Russia. Couponers and some sharing services were so unlucky,” says the founder of the management service courier delivery Bringo Mark Kapchits.

This once again demonstrates that even the most fashionable and creative foreign idea may not be in demand in Russia. But the whole point is that it is simply not interesting to the local population. In addition, you need to understand that a Western startup and a Russian startup are two different things, and take into account the specifics of your country: a different level of bureaucracy, state support, legislation and even the mentality of the population.

There is no point in blindly copying a foreign idea. But it still makes sense to be inspired by examples from other countries, and then adapt them to the Russian market. We invite you to familiarize yourself with business ideas from abroad that promise to become especially popular in 2016.

Booking Platforms

We are all somehow familiar with the Airbnb service, which allows you to rent an apartment in another city or country while sitting at your computer at home. However, when it first appeared in 2008, the service itself was new. Now this market is actively developing, and analogues of Airbnb are appearing in other industries.

Services like Airbnb, aimed at vacationers and travelers, are already successfully developing the market, but services aimed at business owners and allowing them to rent work space for a short time are just beginning to appear.

At the same time, the workspace refers not only to the usual offices and conference rooms, but also, for example, places for yoga classes.

At the same time, there are many other areas where online booking platforms could be created. Currently, the most attractive and unoccupied niche in terms of profit is platforms for booking venues for events (birthdays, corporate events, weddings). Such a service can generate good income if you manage to attract a sufficiently large number of site owners and potential clients to cooperate.

This is proven by the example of the Russian service for booking venues for parties BASH!Today, which in just 7 months of operation carried out transactions worth more than 11 million rubles.

It is worth mentioning right away that the service was not copied from abroad.

Mikael Sahakyants

Founder of BASH!Today

The idea for the business was born after deciding to hold a party one Sunday evening. The desire to gather guests and have a lot of fun ran into one obstacle: the lack of a suitable venue. In the end, we managed to find it, but during the search process I realized that I was far from the only one who was faced with the problem of lack of a suitable place for holding events.

I didn’t search for similar services in Russia or abroad until last fall. But in our country, until recently, there were no such services.

I can say that the world does not yet have a strong player in this area, such as Airbnb. The niche has not yet been occupied, especially in Russia.

Today the BASH!Today service works only in Moscow, but it is planned to expand it throughout the country in the near future.

However, you still have time to open something similar in your city. Or master a slightly narrower niche, for example, selecting venues for weddings. Projects with a broad focus only partially cover the theme of wedding events, but a service aimed strictly at places where you can have a wedding can become very popular.

"Smart" technology

For decades, people have dreamed of a future in which refrigerators would automatically order food that was about to run out. But for now, most of us, in the old fashioned way, take a piece of paper with a list of groceries with us to the store. Moreover, today most devices can be monitored in one way or another using a smartphone.

But for now we are only skimming the surface: most of us do not go beyond using Fitbit. This is why creating smart products is a great business opportunity.

To make a device “smart,” you often just need to add a sensor and the ability to transmit data via Bluetooth. And the example of various fitness accessories that allow you to monitor your heartbeat, breathing, and the number of steps taken per day proves that making almost every accessory “smart” is beneficial.

Many people today track their activity and performance using watches, headphones, clothes and shoes

A quick look at the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, which can be used to determine which startups are generating the most interest, shows that many new “smart” devices are about to conquer the market. Among them, for example, a luggage bag Neit with tracking capability via GPS and device WiFithing, which remotely monitors the heating and lighting in your apartment.

In the near future, there will be an increase in the number of devices that will allow buyers to improve their kitchen without spending money on it. big money. Among such inventions Smarter Mat- a rubberized mat that can be placed in a refrigerator or cabinet, and with its help you can find out which products placed on it are about to run out. With your permission, this device can even order these products from an online store.

Another similar device - The Fridge Cam- can be built into any refrigerator. It takes a photo of what's in the refrigerator, along with the date, and sends it to a special app on your smartphone. And finally, Smarter Detect- a device that responds to signals from your oven, microwave or dishwasher and sends a notification to your smartphone.

Natural and organic cosmetics

Buyers increasingly prefer natural and organic cosmetics. According to British marketing agency Mintel Natural beauty products are used by 42% of buyers. The British believe that organic products are better for the environment.

And besides, today it is more important than ever for customers what exactly is included in their cosmetics. To see this, just visit the exhibition, where natural, organic, ethical (not tested on animals) beauty products from all over the world are presented. In February 2016, it attracted 33 thousand visitors.

It is obvious that natural and organic products are a key trend in the development of the beauty industry in the coming years. At the same time, there is a growing number of products that look like they were just made right in the kitchen, but at the same time reflect the latest cosmetic trends.

The easiest way is to start your own home production natural cosmetics

Many do this, for example, making soap with their own hands and selling it in various markets and in specialized stores. But the competition among soap makers is great, and you can’t earn much for one product.

Another interesting and much less expensive way to build an organic business is to create a subscription service for organic cosmetics. A visitor comes to your website, signs up for a subscription for a certain period of time for a certain fee, and you send him a set of ingredients from which he can make his own cosmetics.

You can work according to this scheme not only with components for homemade masks, but with already finished products foreign and Russian brands that cannot be bought in every store. For example, this is what the Russian service does Live Organic Box, whose subscribers receive six boxes per year with organic creams, oils, “household chemicals,” products and even clothes.

The service began operating shortly before 2016, although its creator Tatyana Mikhailenko had the idea much earlier. Tatyana herself says that the idea was born from a long-time passion for “organic”, and was not spied on by foreign colleagues. This is probably true, but in the West, similar subscription services for organic cosmetics, for example, Vegan Cuts Beauty Box, have been operating for more than a year. One way or another, in Russia this niche can be said to be empty.

Business withInstagram

Unusual bars

Conventional bars and restaurants no longer satisfy millennials. Audiences aged 25 to 34 are looking for more original ways to spend free time. Today, young people, who most often spend money on entertainment, try to constantly gain some new experience.

You can play on this penchant for novelty by opening an unusual establishment. For example, a bar in which everything from the bar counter to the glasses is made of ice. Such establishments first appeared in Finland back in the late 80s, and then spread throughout the world. In Russia, however, ice bars did not take root: several of them opened in Moscow, but were closed.

But the cafes where they eat in complete darkness are to the taste of the Russians. The first such establishment called DansleNoir? opened in Paris in 2004. And in 2006, a similar restaurant opened in Moscow. Over time, similar establishments began to open in other Russian cities.

If such extremely unusual establishments do not seem like a good idea to you, you can do it easier and open a cafe with team sports games, for example, ping pong or darts. Or use modern technologies like the coffee chain did ITBar, where instead of ordinary tables there are interactive ones. With the help of such tables, you can familiarize yourself with the menu, check your social network account, and even watch a movie. A total of four such coffee shops have opened in Russia.

If you are thinking about opening your own unusual bar, keep in mind that Russian catering today is going through a rather difficult situation.

Due to the crisis, many establishments had to close. This, on the one hand, is a big disadvantage, because it is quite difficult to develop in a falling market. On the other hand, the fewer players in the market, the fewer competitors you have. If you offer your customers an interesting way to spend their leisure time and affordable prices, then you have every chance to successfully implement the idea of ​​your unusual cafe.

Some of the identified trends will be relevant throughout the world, others may remain unclear. In the Russian market you can find many examples of business stories that were successful abroad or, on the contrary, failed.

One way or another, before starting to implement a foreign business idea, you need to check its potential in your region. Find out whether it will be in demand, whether it will encounter legislative restrictions, and then decide how exactly to adapt it to Russian reality and whether it is worth doing it at all.

New startups, not finding sufficient response from consumers, crumble into dust without bringing any profit.

Unexpectedly for everyone, they are developing quite well, bringing multimillion-dollar profits to the organizer. Having learned about those projects that turned out to be successful and too bold, we can only regret that they did not come to our minds. We will see further whether these ideas can be brought to life in our country.

This idea enriched the Colombian, who founded the company PetButler in his country . The company's employees clean up dog excrement for a fee, which their clients pay weekly.

Once upon a time, this proposal seemed ridiculous to Matt Boswell, the founder of the company. However, the economic mindset and entrepreneurial acumen helped to quickly analyze all the pros and cons of the proposal. And here is the result - now PetButler - largest company to perform such unpleasant work as cleaning up animal feces. This work is one of those that they do not like, even disdain, and tend to avoid doing on their own.

The calculation was as follows: if we take a district with a radius of 30 km, then this is more than 100,000 dogs, even if 1% of the owners of these animals pay weekly for the services of his company, this is already a decent amount.

Currently, PetButler has more than 5,000 dog breeders as clients, and has already sold more than a hundred franchises to various states.

For Russia, this would not be a bad idea, but there is no strict enough legislation to force people to clean up dog excrement on lawns.

In our country there are conscientious citizens who clean up themselves while walking their dogs, but there are only a few of them. If we consider the breeders different breeds dogs, then these services may likely be in demand. But it should be noted that the concentration of breeders in any region is not so great, so a large scale is hardly possible.

Grandma's jam

Entrepreneur Fraser Doherty dropped out of school at age 16 and opened his own company, Super Jam. At the age of 14, he began selling jars of his own jam, which has made him famous now not only in his native Scotland.

The company's annual turnover is currently estimated at more than 500,000 cans, which is 1/5 of the entire jam market in England. In addition to the jam business, Doherty decided to start writing a book, two of which are now on sale, both dedicated to his business. The Scottish entrepreneur organizes a number of parties for pensioners as part of his charity SuperJamTeaParties, which Doherty also organized.

The company's products have a stand at the National Museum of Scotland exhibition, being a recognized example of an exemplary food brand.

The Russian version already has similar company, which does more than just supply jams and preserves High Quality to all regions of the country, but also produces export products - these are jams under the Makheev brand (Essen Production company, located in the Republic of Tatarstan).

Pillows with grain filling

This business was opened quite spontaneously by housewife Kim Levin, who sewed grains into fabric to create a pillow with a pleasant aroma, she heated it in the microwave, and the result was a relaxation pillow. She gave her first products to children and relatives. Then friends and acquaintances began asking her to sew the same pillows; there were quite a lot of calls for Kim to think about wholesale relaxation pillows with grain inside. The potential of the idea with relaxation pillows was immediately appreciated, and Kim began looking for partners and visiting retailers.

The housewife's persistence was rewarded, large chain store agreed to include her pillows in his assortment. The result is a multi-million dollar business that started with a sweet gift from a mother to her children.

Kim Levine constantly updates her blog, and she also wrote a book about how moms can turn into successful businesswomen and become millionaires.

In Russia, such a trend is also already noticeable, and for quite some time now you can find buckwheat pillows for sleeping, with lavender filling, and others on sale. The assortment is quite wide and the prices are affordable, so not only Americans can discover successful business for health benefits.

Mobile wedding

The idea of ​​a mobile wedding was again embodied in America.

Wedding Wagon is the name of a company that offers wedding services in any chosen location (the available options are posted on the website of the above-mentioned company - this could be a hotel room, a park, Las Vegas Square and others).

All accessories necessary for the wedding ritual and worship service are located in the trunk of the van. The services of a photographer, witness and other options are also offered by the company’s service. The event will cost, on average, $130, and at the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds will receive the necessary juristic documents and a certificate indicating this oath.

Pet jellyfish

This startup, which brought popularity to the author, is a clear example of the fact that education will never be superfluous, you just need to know how to use it. Alex Endon, a former student at Duke University, graduated from Marine Biology and started JellyfishArt. The founder now lives in San Francisco.

This startup is notable for its uniqueness - the pets it offers are sea jellyfish. Alex first conducted research on the pet market and discovered that he was the first and only one to have such an idea.

Start-up capital JellyfishArt was 50 thousand dollars, and the cost of one jellyfish was 39 dollars. The company has opened its online store and, in addition to the pets themselves, there you can get an aquarium for jellyfish, special food for them, various accessories and necessary elements to ensure the life of pets and care for them.

Since jellyfish are a rather exotic idea for a pet, it may well be sold on the Russian market. The question is the price and availability of this offer. If you do not focus on the middle class, but sell it as an exclusive product, you can also make a serious profit.

Knitted sweater

Where to get money to start own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

John Kaplar founded his jumper business after one failed greeting. He really wanted to give one of his close friends a sweater for Christmas, and this disappointment helped spark the idea of ​​opening a company selling knitted sweaters.

The Skedouche assortment is designed in such a way that you can find a sweater as a gift for different holidays, and the size range is large, you can find knitted items for children, men and women, there are also sweaters for pets. The starting capital that John Kaplar invested in his idea was 40 thousand dollars.

Despite the fact that Russian girls and grandmothers have not yet forgotten how to knit, there is no such tradition of giving warm knitted sweaters for the holiday, but handmade in itself is a trend, so knitted items that have their own flavor are quite popular and many housewives support their budget such a break-in. By putting production on stream, you can lose uniqueness.

Cheese sculptures

Sarah Kauffman creates edible masterpieces, and the start of this amazing business was an order for creative advertising Wisconsin Dairy cheese company.

TheCheeseLady is now Sarah's nickname. She discovered her talent and makes cheese sculptures for exhibitions, which can be bought as souvenirs.

Such a business will be unique for Russia, since they also have a sense of beauty and know how to appreciate it. This type of work is exclusive, but even in Russia there are connoisseurs of carved cheese.

African coffins

There were some enterprising artisans in Ghana who came up with the idea of ​​creatively decorating coffins. An unusual approach to the mourning craft allowed him to earn substantial money.

Attitude is important here - only individual orders, there are no restrictions on shape and material, if you are willing to pay for it - artisans will realize any wildest idea.

Now Africans are mass-producing a number of models and supplying them to European countries and America. For end consumer burial in a shoe or Coca-Cola bottle would cost about $1,000.

And in Russia you can find consumers for such unusual product. Nothing human is alien, which means that if the described offer is available and the consumer has sufficient funds, artistic coffins will also find their buyer.

Adopting a bow

A wonderful, and even absurd, startup that lived for almost a whole year was to provide the opportunity to adopt a pickled onion. A resident of Kent County in the UK tried to enrich herself with this idea.

The 47-year-old woman created the website, where a variety of pickled onions were put on display for everyone to see. The future “Parent” could choose a “baby” who would be given care and happy life. For 8 euros, the lucky owner of a pickled onion received a beautiful certificate of adoption of a smiling onion and a photograph of it.

Help for suicides

There is an agency called LastTour, which offers quite specific excursions. They are based on statistical data - the places where the most suicides occur.

The target audience of this company is people contemplating suicide. For $50, accompanied by a guide, you can choose the most picturesque or interesting place to settle accounts with life. Business is thriving, although from the outside this idea seems illegal.

Japanese friend

If the services of an elite escort have existed for quite a long time, then renting a friend or relative is a fairly fresh idea. HagemashiTai company opened in Japan , where can you come to the anniversary , funeral, any other event with a rented companion - wife, husband. Professional actors will perfectly play the desired role for affordable money.

As such, the escort service in Russia has been thriving for quite some time. In large cities, it was always possible to invite a suitable woman as an escort, and you could also find a man who would be an excellent companion for a respectable woman. So it is not yet known where the Japanese came up with the idea of ​​a friend for rent.

Crime scene cleaning

MurderSceneMopUp has opened a company in Atlanta that does the work that no one wants to do. And indeed, it is very difficult mentally to clean up a crime scene, where the air itself is saturated with pain, fear and the smell of death itself. The company's turnover is more than $2,000,000, because they want to entrust this honor to anyone, just not do it themselves.

Cleaning companies in our country clean not only the crime scene, but also the site of the past holiday, and sometimes it is not known which is worse. For this reason narrow specialization A separate newly formed company will not be able to compete with universal cleaners, for whom it does not matter where they clean, especially if the price issue is resolved in their favor.


Very current idea for city dwellers living in a busy rhythm. A club has been opened in San Diego that organizes leisure activities for people that relieve stress in the best way. In Sarah’sSmashShack you can break dishes, break TVs, throw chairs, break bottles, throw darts at the boss’s photo. You can bring a flash drive with music, to the accompaniment of which you will smash the dishes. For the pleasure of breaking 15 plates you will have to pay 45 dollars, and for three vases only 15.

Surely, more practical Russians will prefer to break dishes for more affordable means, and so - a snowball fight in winter, or a nice home party with a portrait of the boss on a dart wheel will completely replace the anti-stress room. Although, it depends on the form in which this idea is taught. Team building, as a direction, is already working in Russia and is quite effective.

Business in foreign countries ah has slightly different specifics due to differences in culture and legislation. For this reason, some simply will not take root, not finding a response among consumers of the broad Russian soul, and some, a large part, have long been developed in the country, and these foreign ideas have Russian roots.

Quite often new business ideas come from abroad. That's why it makes sense to periodically monitor new business trends abroad. Of course, not everything can be accomplished on native soil. But some can be adopted directly, and some can be creatively reworked. This is what this review will be devoted to. But first, let’s outline some differences in the approaches in the West, East and here. This will help you better navigate when implementing a foreign business idea in your “native land”.

Business is an invention of the Western type of thinking. What is the difference between business and, more or less associated with our term, entrepreneurship? ...This requires a separate discussion. Here we will briefly outline the difference in approaches. Based on this, it will become clear that not all ideas of foreign countries can be implemented, or even implemented to a limited extent in our country.

Let us dwell on these, in our opinion, the most important features when considering new business ideas from abroad.

First of all, we will focus on foreign ideas for small businesses. This is due to the fact that medium business has its own infrastructure, which is designed to monitor development trends. Big business Moreover, and besides this, it is largely built into the global economic system, so that it itself largely creates economic meanings and trends. Small business in this regard is in a separate information space. At the moment there is no general, clear structure supervising its development.

For convenience, we will group business ideas according to some criteria. The structuring given below is largely arbitrary.

This ideas related to new discoveries, technology, reducing the cost of existing technologies. Traditionally, most innovations are implemented in the West or East. A periodic review of innovations can spark a business idea. And since the West is initially aimed at extracting material benefits, the development of technologies themselves is closely interconnected with profitability, financial benefits from investments. Examples of innovative business ideas:

  • Photo printing for your phone. A special case for your phone that allows you to instantly print a photo;
  • Solar tent. The energy generated by the tent is enough to charge an electronic gadget or connect any not particularly energy-intensive device;
  • Electric bike in a backpack. A good solution for those who love to travel;
  • Reusable nappies;
  • A stylus-brush that allows you to draw on touch screens;
  • Printer for printing clothes.

It is difficult to say how well they will take root with us. Europe is famous for its significant savings in resources; in the United States, significant emphasis is placed on the service sector and catering. Nutrition receives a lot of attention in Western countries. To some extent, business related to savings will be in demand here too. The situation with the food business is somewhat more complicated. And foreign environmental business ideas need to be treated with even more caution. With food, the situation is somewhat simpler for us - our economic wives are not averse to doing the kitchen themselves, and this limits some of the business proposals. Ecology worries our compatriots much less due to the smaller problems associated with it. Examples of business ideas:

Business ideas on savings

  • "Smart shower" System for optimizing the water supply to the shower: heating, flow, taking into account the condition of the person being washed, time, etc.;
  • Clock that monitors medication intake;
  • Airbag for fall protection;
  • Luggage storage facilities on motorways;
  • Source of alternative energy from the soil.

Food business ideas

  • Vending machines for selling salads;
  • Meal subscription. Supply of certain food by subscription, like newspapers or magazines;
  • Subscription for vegetables and fruits;
  • Topless coffee shops;

Eco business ideas

  • Growing and selling organic food;
  • Ecotourism. Traveling and living close to nature in an ecological area, both with a load of various agricultural work, and just relaxing;
  • Growing plants, vegetables, fruits, berries to order;
  • Biodegradable disposable cups;
  • Edible tableware. In particular for storing drinking water.

Let's look at a few more in our opinion. original ideas born abroad
. So far, these ideas have not received proper distribution and an analysis of the possibility of their implementation is required. Examples of business ideas:

  • Advertising on windows. We draw advertising directly on the glass;
  • Production of reinforcement for concreting from composite materials;
  • Creation of unusual buildings: crooked houses, upside down houses, “dog holes”, etc.;
  • Renting out special equipment;
  • Temporary surroundings (giving appearance) any premises on order for organizing certain events.

As already mentioned, not all foreign business ideas can be adapted to us. However, in most cases, the idea can be used, if not directly, then through creative processing. Part of the business idea requires high-quality development of the client base, i.e., in essence, the creation of demand. Typically, creating demand involves either a large outlay of money, a long period of time, or both. There are many examples of such ideas: Coca-Cola, hits of the season, fast food, etc.

Need it? Do you want to open your own business, but don't know where to start?
So let's turn to foreign business ideas and find out which ones are sustainable and most relevant.

Foreign ideas for own production business

Food trucks

There's a reason why this gourmet idea takes the lead. According to statistics, income from vans Catering reaching $2.7 billion by 2017. It is much better to invest in a van like this rather than building a brick and mortar restaurant. People are less likely to refuse to dine at a food truck (10% to 20% refusal rate) than at a brick-and-mortar restaurant (60% to 90% refusal rate). You just need to install the equipment and acquire a few signature recipes, and you will open your own bistro, which will pay for itself in no time.

Overseas bacon business

J&D's Foods makes a huge variety food products- mayonnaise, popcorn, crackers - and all these products have one common feature: They are bacon flavored. The company was formed by two friends who shared a love for bacon. This led them to the logical conclusion that everything in life should taste like this delicious meat product. They started by creating bacon-flavored salt that could be added to almost any food to add flavor. jerky. Since then, J&D's Foods has expanded its offerings to create much weirder products, like bacon-flavored lip balm. So you can use a similar move and create something special.

Vending machines

Increasingly, people began to pay attention to their health and, as a result, what they eat. They want a quick, healthy snack that's not like soda and chips. This has given rise to a whole new healthcare industry focused on unique and specialized trading companies, which offer franchisees to own machines. you can purchase and place “healthy” vending machines in schools, offices, public buildings.

Soap confectionery

Do you want to feel the aroma of freshly baked cookies on your skin? Want your hair to smell like a slice of lemon cake? Then you can safely open a business producing “tasty” and natural cosmetics in form and scent confectionery! Understanding and catering to these unusual olfactory preferences will make you a popular breeder. you can create an entire line of soaps, scrubs, toothpastes, hairsprays and other products that look like real baked goods.

Furniture for lazy people

Does your cat jump onto the sofa with dirty paws? You Small child who stains the furniture he touches with food? Many people have such problems. So it's time to stop all that and start producing chairs, sofas and daybeds with specially engineered fabrics that resist spills, stains and other messes without dyeing.

Foreign ideas for starting your own service business


No one denies that the global market is growing. In this regard, intercultural communication is also growing, and therefore the need for translators is increasing. But most enterprises cannot afford to keep a specialist on staff, although one may be required from time to time. If you speak foreign language, educated and can come up with a good one marketing plan, then rest assured: you have more work than you can imagine.

Errand service

Nowadays people are very busy. They work late and simply do not have time to complete their household responsibilities. Therefore, a service that runs errands (cooking, dry cleaning, paying bills, etc.) will be in great demand. All you need is a car and a cell phone. Start small: help someone do the work for them, and word of mouth will quickly do its job - spread positive reviews about you.

Traveling salon

As people live longer, there is a growing need for services of all kinds for older adults. And not all of them are related to healthcare. One such service is a mobile beauty salon that goes to clients' homes to perform beauty treatments. You can also provide this service to women who have recently become mothers. you'll help everyone look good without requiring them to visit the salon themselves.

Organization of events

Do you enjoy planning birthdays, reunions and other events? Work with suppliers, plan agendas, control the situation? Do you love hosting small parties or planning large events such as weddings? You can use your talent for organization and ability to see even the smallest details to start your own business.


Are you an expert on the survival of all things green? Then help others make their lives more environmentally friendly, starting with eco-consulting services. These consultants evaluate homes and offices and propose solutions that would make them more environmentally friendly (switching to energy-efficient appliances, implementing a recycling program). Get certified as an eco-consultant to increase your credibility with potential clients.

How to choose an idea for your own business?

Choosing where to start a business can be a difficult task, especially if you have a lot of ideas but just can't decide on anything specific. But even if you have no idea where to start a business, you should consider a number of factors in the decision-making process. Check out the following list of steps to help you start a business and decide on an idea:

  • Choose a business based on what you love to do. Businesses driven by passion tend to be more successful because it allows you to do what you love. You will also be more enthusiastic about the business, making sure it comes close to your standards, and will be motivated to grow it. Your attitude will leave a positive impression on both your employees and your clients.
  • Choose a business idea that fits into your current life. For example, you may have been thinking about starting your own real estate business, but the demands of this type of business may not be favorable for close relatives because a real estate agent works all day. If you have a family, then such a schedule will obviously not please them. Consider all the ideas that attract you and analyze your lifestyle, then compare the results with each other and make sure that they work together successfully.
  • Build a business on what you already know and have the ability to do. If you have worked in sales and succeeded, then choose a business that allows you to sell. If you have built relationships with people in a specific industry, then you should consider a business that will allow you to take advantage of these contacts.
  • Consider your financial position and compare opportunities for starting a business. If you don't have initial capital to bring your business idea to life, you may want to opt for a business that doesn't rely excessively on start-up costs.
  • Think about the product or user in great demand service, but is currently difficult for you to access. Explore your surroundings for wants or needs: Perhaps people in your area need a product or service that they cannot easily obtain. Then choose a business that offers unique service or a product that ensures your status in the market, provided there is no competition. Make sure there is a big enough need for the service or product to make your business profitable.
  • Choose franchises as business ideas. These businesses often require investment, but they have already established contact with consumers. In addition, the franchisor will provide you with promotional materials and ideas for attracting clients. Remember, however, that when you commit to becoming a franchisee, you will have to meet certain requirements and expectations according to all the standards adopted by the franchisor's company.


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