I will provide marketing services. How to increase sales of an online store or product description matters. Creativity is a way to get attention

Any businessman knows that the correct assessment and understanding of his products by customers leads to an increase in sales revenue. The task of a communicative marketing policy is to promote the goods of a manufacturer or entrepreneur. How is the distribution of products on the market and through whom? What are the ways to successfully sell a product?

Promotion- an action that is focused on increasing the effectiveness of sales through a certain communicative stimulation of customers, contractors, partners and employees. It pursues the following goals: increasing consumer demand and maintaining positive attitude to the company. Product promotion carries out such important functions, how:

  • creation of an attractive image of the enterprise: prestige, innovations, low prices;
  • bringing information about products, including their characteristics, to end users;
  • maintaining the relevance of the product (service);
  • motivation of all participants in the product distribution chain;
  • transformation of the usual perception of products;
  • dissemination of information about the reliability of the company;
  • promotion of expensive goods.

The totality of all these functions can be called a complex. That is, a complex for promoting trade items is a kind of generalization of marketing tools and techniques that guarantee bringing information about the entrepreneur's products to end consumers. This set of actions consists of different methods of product promotion.

Promotion Methods- These are certain marketing techniques, means and tools that are used in order to achieve the goal of increasing sales. They are considered an integral part of a well-formed and competent strategy for advertising products or a company's communication policy. There are a sufficient number of methods for promoting a product in marketing, among them there are some that are especially popular.

The main methods of product promotion - 4 components of a marketing campaign

Promotion method 1. Advertising

Advertising is a specific type of communication achieved through the commercial dissemination of information with a clear indication of the source of funding. You need to understand that advertising in general and it as a marketing tool are two different techniques.

An important function of advertising in the second case is to bring to potential consumers information about new products manufacturer. An entrepreneur can spend a lot Money for various campaigns to promote a product, but if it is not popular among buyers, then it is quite difficult to implement it.

  • validity;
  • analysis of the proposed subject of trade.

When a person does not find these provisions in the information about the product, then the benefit from advertising is likely to come to naught. The arguments by which an entrepreneur can interest consumers in his product are divided into the following types.

  • subjective- this is the emotional mood that appears from viewing advertising (for example, after a video about juice "Orchard").
  • objective- this is the specificity of the product (for example, advertising tablets "Mezim").

Communication with buyers through advertising should be exclusive and different from the presentation of information about competitive goods. Uniqueness can be associated with the product, with the scenario of the communication unit or the target audience using this product. The consumer must be provided with a special product, otherwise you should not count on successful sales.

If a potential buyer remembered your advertisement, then it conveyed certain information to him, which expresses the value and effectiveness of the campaign undertaken. According to the level of perception, three types of information used in the promotion of goods can be distinguished .

  • Demanded information that is accessible, understandable and quickly remembered. For such dissemination of data, you can not spend big money. Advertising will work even if you submit an ad in a newspaper with several lines. So, information about writing essays and term papers the target audience in the form of students will find without much difficulty.
  • Random information that is not remembered or stored in memory with great difficulty. This type of information is associated by consumers with the advertising medium. That is, the future buyer must understand that even if he needs this or that product or service, he can find it there. For example, most customers who decide to replace old windows with new ones realize that they will find many offers in free advertising publications. Accordingly, the task of the window seller is to regularly submit advertisements to newspapers that are freely distributed among consumers.
  • Unnecessary information that the consumer ignores or annoys him. There are products designed for narrow target audience, an overabundance of advertising of such items can unnerve other people. Sometimes the seller does not know which buyer needs his product, and which one will be dissatisfied with the often found information about him.

When a person consciously comes to understand that he needs the advertised product, he makes a decision and buys it. The purpose of marketing is to correctly identify the target audience and create a tool for communicating information about a particular product.

You do not need to make every effort and force them to buy your product, you need to correctly approach the formation of a communication campaign that leads the consumer to a conscious purchase. Advertising methods product promotions are quite effective if the provisions of marketing are correctly applied.

Promotion method 2. Direct sales

Conducting a dialogue between the seller and the buyer, the purpose of which is to assist in the acquisition of products, is called direct sales. This method of promoting a product does not require any financial investment and is considered to be the highest level of business formation, rather than the provision of any services or ordinary retail.

Even if all marketing conditions are met, but with a careless attitude to direct sales, the manufacturer will not be able to effectively promote his product. The secret of this type of implementation is that an ordinary seller not only accepts orders, but becomes an initiative earner of transactions.

We do not recommend ignoring direct sales, as this can significantly reduce profits. For example, an entrepreneur has chosen a good location for a point of sale, has taken a demanded high-quality product for sale, but the sellers are rude to customers, not interested in revenue, and, as a rule, the level of trading operations will be extremely low.

The primary function of personal selling is to transform the sales agent into a deal maker. The formation of this type of sales of goods consists of two main aspects.

  • Customer orientation. This method is aimed at determining the needs of buyers and the recommended ways to implement them.
  • Sales orientation. The method is considered offensive, as it is aimed at aggressively obtaining deals by any means.

Pros of personal selling:

  • personal attitude to the consumer and the ability to give out all the information about the product;
  • minimum expenses that do not bring financial effect;
  • feedback with the consumer, allowing to make changes and additions to promotional activities.

The disadvantage of this method of promoting goods is the high level of turnover costs. The more exclusive the product being sold, the more effective personal selling.

This method of implementation brings good results in solving the following marketing tasks: searching for potential consumers and information about the market, etc. Relying on competent sales personnel for goods, an entrepreneur is able to communicate effectively with customers and quickly respond to changes in the market situation.

Promotion method 3. Propaganda

Propaganda- this is a procedure for the formation of reliable relationships with society by free use of space and time in the media. The purpose of this tool is to create a favorable attitude towards the company in order to make the most effective communication actions in the future. Propaganda concerns the entire enterprise, and in order to conduct public advertising, it is necessary to have a large amount of information about the company, including confidential information.

The most important propaganda mechanisms:

  • speeches: representatives of the company should be active at the opening of various event events, delivering welcome speeches at them;
  • Events: holding and participating in seminars, round tables, online meetings, press conferences, competitions, exhibitions, competitions .;
  • news: bringing good news about the company, its products, personnel to the media;
  • publications: newsletters, brochures, reports, articles in newspapers and magazines and other materials that can be used as a means of influencing markets to promote goods;
  • sponsorship: provision of material and financial assistance to accompany various events: sports, charitable and other significant for the public;
  • means of identification: use of the company logo, business cards, staff uniforms, a uniform style of office interiors, promotion of advertising materials about the enterprise, development of letterheads with its logo, etc.

The direction of propaganda is addressed to the following subjects:

  • consumers: to create trustworthy business card products (including the environmental friendliness of the product) and the reputation of the company, using the method of holding public events, promotions, advertising in the media, etc.;
  • counterparties: to grow the trading network, attract new customers and partners through the organization of presentations, exhibitions, advertising, etc. Through activities such as product presentation and contact with customers, you can get a double benefit for the company;
  • key journalists(radio, TV, internet, press): for free promotion of information data about new products, important events in the life of the company, using the method of holding press conferences, as well as distributing press releases, etc.;
  • state and municipal authorities power and control: to participate in public and social projects and sponsor cultural events, etc.

Propaganda activities are developed and implemented in several stages.

  1. Definition of tasks.
  2. Selection of means of appeal.
  3. Organization of appeals.
  4. Implementation of events.
  5. Analysis of results.

One pattern can be identified: propaganda prevails over advertising with a high level of market monopolization. Otherwise, according to the commercial results, the activities of the first campaign will be less effective than those of the second campaign. In any case, propaganda loses to advertising in promoting goods.

Promotion method 4. Sales promotion

The use of certain tools that are designed to stir up the interest of the target audience in response to various activities within the boundaries of marketing and communication strategies is called sales promotion. This is another tactic for revitalizing the business process.

Sales promotion is a tool for short-term market stimulation, which is not able to guarantee either a stable demand for products or attracting new regular customers. But an entrepreneur can get a result much faster from such a maneuver than from other methods of promoting a product.

Incentive tools include: brochures, diagrams, presentations, posters, souvenirs, advertising inside product packaging, calendars, exhibitions, catalogs, stickers, tables, etc.

The focus of this tactic of activating sales is addressed to the following subjects.

  • How to attract the attention of the buyer: statistics on the main channels





To purchase more items

promotions aimed at promoting new products;

various competitions;

distribution of free samples (probes);

games, lotteries;

demonstration of products by the promoter;

loyalty programs (discount card, repeat purchase discount, etc.).


To influence the number of transactions in the direction of their increase

proper staff training;

provision of campaign materials and related equipment for trade;

provision of information, legal and other services;

competition based on sales results.

sales staff

to motivate employees to attract more customers, as well as to improve the quality of service

material motivation in the form of accrual of bonuses, payment of bonuses;

moral encouragement in the form of rewarding with diplomas, thanks;

holding competitions among sales managers;

payment for travel vouchers for employees who have no comments from the company administration;

carrying out studies, retraining, advanced training, treatment of employees at the expense of the enterprise.

12 promotion techniques that will raise even “dead” sales

Are you already using additional and cross-selling, regularly holding promotions, offering “locomotive” goods, but the average check is not growing? Try to implement non-banal methods that will attract the attention of even indifferent customers and motivate them to buy. You will learn them from the article electronic journal"Commercial Director".

What determines the methods used to promote the company's product

  1. Promotion Campaign Objectives

The impact of promotional goals on the methods chosen can be summarized as follows. If the enterprise is faced with the task of generating information about new products, then priority should be given to advertising, and not to other types of marketing.

If the goal is to bring out the detailed characteristics of a durable product, then it is preferable to use personal selling and the sales promotion method to additionally attract customers to retail outlets, while advertising should be used in moderation.

  1. Target Market Characteristics

The choice of methods for promoting goods is influenced by the prevalence of economic relations of the enterprise, as well as their geographical and socio-economic characteristics. If the market is small, then it is better to choose personal sales as a sales method. If products are sold within a limited region, then your method of promoting the product is local media. If on a national scale - national mass media.

  1. Product characteristics

The promotion method is also influenced by product characteristics. To promote technical products, it is better to use personal selling; products intended for the mass buyer - advertising campaigns; seasonal products - enhanced sales and sales promotion techniques.

It is sometimes impractical to have a full staff of sales managers throughout the calendar year, since it is not always necessary to apply the method of personal selling.

  1. Stage life cycle goods

The choice of methods for promoting a product depends on what stage of the life cycle this or that product is at. It is good to accompany the stage of introducing a new technical product to the market with personal sales and sales promotion, and for everyday items - with advertising campaigns.

At the stage of stagnation, marketers tend to reduce the promotion of the old product. Communicative information blocks are no longer so effective tool as they were when the product was introduced. In this case, it is better to use the method of direct sales and sales promotion.

  1. Price

The cost of goods has a significant impact on the choice of the method of their promotion. Reinforcements personal sales products with a high price will be required, and for inexpensive products, the tactics of using advertising is perfect.

  1. Possibility of applying the method

The choice in applying one or another method of promoting a product depends on bringing it to the target audience. So, for example, on state level there may be a ban on advertising a particular product (alcohol, tobacco). The aggravation of the problem is observed when the goods are promoted for export.

Effective modern methods of promoting goods and services

Promotion method 1. BTL events

Concept below the line (with of English language- “below the line”) carries a full range of practical activities. The term arose by chance: the director of an American company had to approve the budget for advertising campaign, which included classic information in the media.

The manager considered that such events would not be enough and, under the line of existing costs, added by hand additional costs for the distribution of free product samples, promotional coupons for participating in contests and receiving gifts.

In modern reality, the buyer enjoys the presence of a wide range when purchasing the things he needs, as he has unlimited access to a large range of goods and services. For a person, the possibility of choice, the satisfaction of needs, personal positioning, the need to participate in the creation of new public goods are important.

If the target audience of the manufacturer consists of such buyers, then each time it becomes more and more difficult to develop an effectively selling product. That is why new methods play a big role in promoting a product to ensure customer loyalty. After all, they guarantee bringing a unique product to a specific buyer. BTL services have all of the above qualities, and therefore, they are actively developing in the Russian Federation.

The main tools used in the field of BTL:

  • competition - a procedure for promoting a product, as a result of which buyers perform a specific task, show their knowledge and skills in order to take the prize of the competition;
  • presentation - presenting a product with a demonstration of its characteristics and specifics;
  • tasting - providing an opportunity for future consumers to taste the product;
  • distribution of advertising and information materials (leaflets, discount coupons) - the offer of special tools to stimulate sales or the design of advertising at retail outlets, which would allow the active sale of the promoted product directly in the store.
  • sampling - distribution of samples (probes) of the advertised product;
  • lottery - an event during which a winner is randomly determined;
  • premium (present for the purchase of goods) - promotion of products through the introduction of a special offer.

Promotion method 2. Telemarketing

One of the new methods of product promotion, used in addition to advertising or direct sales, can be used both as programs for finding information and for its distribution. This method performs the following tasks:

  • networking with regular customers ;
  • highlighting real "leads" from public mailing lists;
  • direct sales future buyers by phone;
  • relationship use for the production of a new product;
  • hosting an event after the implementation of direct sales programs;
  • further work with "tips" for sales who were attracted through advertisements, direct selling events or through intermediaries;
  • establishing contacts with buyers within the boundaries of the relationship marketing program;
  • attract reluctant consumers by offering them new products that arouse their interest;
  • conducting marketing research, and the use of various surveys and surveys to further evaluate customer response to new products.

Based on this method of product promotion, it is possible to obtain a variety of information from participants, analyze it, and use information bases to develop and implement further marketing programs.

Promotion method 3. Event marketing

This is a set of ongoing activities to support the image of the enterprise and manufactured goods, to promote the brand through unforgettable and exciting events. That is, with the help certain actions the company is in contact with its customers, which, in turn, creates a favorable image of the company and consumer interest. Event types event marketing are presented below.

  • Special Events(special events): advertising tours, festivals, sports competitions, organization of city holidays, awards, promotions for the media. Such events are favorable for creating the image of the company, as well as for the formation of the reliability of the brand. As a rule, after a successful event, a positive response from the target audience follows in the form of increased loyalty to the company and a pronounced interest in the product from regular and potential buyers.
  • Events for partners, dealers and distributors(trade events). Such events are both business and entertainment in nature, for example: presentation, round table, reception, seminar, congress, conference, forum. The purpose of these activities is to demonstrate positive traits products, convey the latest goods or services to consumers, exchange experiences, find new partners, etc.
  • Corporate events(corporate events): celebrating state, professional holidays, anniversaries of the company, birthdays of employees, joint holidays with the team. Such events allow the director of the enterprise to become a more authoritative and respected leader for his subordinates, effectively convey the ideas of the company's administration to each employee, and show the care and attention of the authorities to the staff.

Promotion method 4. Children's marketing

Children have long been recognized as full-fledged and special consumers, and, as a result, such a method of product promotion as children's marketing has appeared. To develop such strategies aimed at the audience of the younger generation, it is necessary to deeply study its specifics.

A manufacturer of children's goods should focus on the needs of schoolchildren and younger children, as well as on the perception of the world through the eyes little man. For such marketing, not only quality and appearance products, but also the packaging, as well as the methods used to promote and distribute the product.

Children's needs change as the child grows psychologically and physiologically. This category of the population gives an instant reaction to any social and social changes, this feature is successfully used by marketers in the development and promotion of children's products. Consider why the younger generation is an extremely attractive target audience for marketing:

  • children are very emotional when buying goods that are interesting to them, they easily say goodbye to money;
  • often the guys manage their pocket money on their own;
  • children have influence over parents who buy many items for them;
  • the child, as a rule, retains interest in a particular brand of a particular product for a long time;
  • Children spend a lot of time watching TV and, accordingly, advertising.

The children's audience is more often represented not by buyers, but by users. The product for the child is purchased by the elders, but the role of the baby in making a purchase decision is significant. Parents listen to the desires of the child, assist in choosing a particular brand. As a result, when the final purchase decision children's goods voiced by the child, it is taken under the influence of the opinions of adults. Manufacturers and retailers who rely on children's marketing need to understand this.

Promotion method 5. Promotions

In order to become more famous, companies arrange various show programs and presentations, sponsor socially useful events, city holidays, competitions, festivals, where advertising campaigns are widely carried out and free samples of goods are distributed.

The manufacturer is interested in the quick response of the consumer to the actions to promote the sale of a new product. To date, promotions are the most effective method of promoting a product, it is not surprising that the number of promotional activities has increased.

It is important not just to show the buyer a new product, you need to do it brightly, boldly, with high quality. Such promotions should be approached responsibly, it is necessary to purchase materials, arrange transport support, order souvenirs, invite the media to review events, arrange in advance price lists, catalogs, brochures, leaflets, business cards, invitation cards, etc.

Decide which of the staff will actively offer your product to customers. Promoters are specialists who advertise products, who must have the skills of cultural communication with potential consumers. The activity of product promotion directly depends on their professionalism.

Promotion method 6. Merchandising

Merchandising refers to new methods of promoting products. Receptions of this kind can completely replace the usual seller. This technique attracts the buyer to the product right at the point of sale.

The main goal of merchandising is to make products easily accessible and attractive, as well as to simplify the procedure for purchasing them. The functions of the method are:

  • control over the presence of goods on the shelves outlets, taking into account the popularity of certain items;
  • organization of sales points and their supply with all necessary materials;
  • ensuring the layout and location of products, i.e. presentation of specific products.

First, it is necessary to create a commensurate stock of goods, and then they are placed in retail outlets in a certain assortment and volume. In merchandising, it is extremely important to choose and position promotional materials correctly, such as:

  • price tags,
  • stands,
  • booklets,
  • coin boxes,
  • posters,
  • hanging and floor model products.

Display of goods (exposition) is considered one of the most important methods of merchandising.

Exposition - the procedure for placing products on a specialized commercial equipment. If the display of goods is made in places that catch the eye of a potential buyer, and the packaging of the items itself has a presentable appearance, then sales of such products grow quite quickly.

Promotion method 7. Packing

The appearance of products should not be underestimated, as it plays a large communicative role in marketing.

Packaging (package) - a kind of product shell, which is a progressive and independent form of promotion. It can be used as a tool for presenting and communicating information sent through marketing communication. In today's reality, packaging is a significant means of influence through which the manufacturer communicates with customers.

Due to the fact that most of the outlets are focused on self-service, the role of the outer shell is great and has a significant impact on the degree of product promotion on the market. Packaging should attract the buyer to the product, convey its features and characteristics, assure the consumer of the quality of the product, create good impression etc.

An important role is played by increasing the income of buyers. As consumers become more affluent, so does their willingness to pay for quality, reliability, brand, convenience, and even better packaging.

The manufacturer himself understands that good packaging helps in advertising the product, in recognizing the brand. A creative and innovative approach to the development of packaging also brings benefits to the manufacturer in the promotion of goods, and allows the designer of the company to realize his creative ideas.

Promotion method 8. Film merchandising

When designing and developing packaging, the manufacturer often focuses on one or another movie or cartoon character, as well as on any items that are widely used by them. It is extremely effective to use film brands in the product market.

Against the background of a certain figure of a character from a movie, promotion of goods gives a certain advantage to the manufacturer. This reduces the cost of launching new products and significantly reduces the time to market for new products.

Due to the fact that on-screen characters are widely known and recognizable, consumers quickly remember trade marks using movie brands to promote their product.

An example of cinema merchandising (the figure of the Hulk in mall, Bangkok)

Expert opinion

Features of promotion through event marketing

Sergey Knyazev,

general producer of the Knyazev group of companies, Moscow

When there is a need to increase sales everywhere throughout Russia, then you need to hold a mega-event in the capital of the country, which would cause a resonance in the federal media, or organize a series of actions in the largest cities of Russia. The budget for measures to stimulate the sale of products in the country will amount to 25-100 million rubles, to promote goods in the territory of a particular region - 2-20 million rubles.

The main items of expenditure: coordination of events with the city administration, finding a site for their implementation, development of a scenario, technical support(light, sound, monitors, special effects, etc.), preparing props, costumes, scenery, inviting the media, artists, famous public people, etc. We should not forget about secondary expenses that depend on the specific theme of the action.

The result is not at all difficult to determine and fix: set the level of sales before and after the event. The results can be calculated both as a percentage and in units. goods sold. Applications are a good indicator, evaluate the number of orders for a product (service) before and after the event.

Do a survey of your company's sales representatives and dealers, they will see changes in the increase in demand for your product like no one else. For example, our company organized a fireworks festival to establish the Sharp brand in the market.

The festival gathered half a million people, various media covered the event in their publications. After the holiday, held on a grand scale, many retail chains selling goods from this manufacturer saw a sharp rise in sales of Sharp products. The result of this event was preserved for quite a long time.

The main methods of promoting goods on the Internet

  1. Create your own website

Almost any company has its own web resource, the address of which it actively distributes on the Internet. On the site you can find the full amount of information about the work of the enterprise, prices for products or services, contact information, etc. Often a web resource is made in the form of an online store. Within its framework, a potential client is invited to choose a particular product, look at the characteristics declared for it, consumer reviews, and buy products with home delivery. Modern sites are equipped with a callback service.

  1. SEO optimization

SEO optimization is a set of actions that are used to increase the rating of a company's website when indexing its content by known search engines, such as Google, Yandex, Rambler and others. The purpose of this technique is to increase the number of visits to the company's website and, accordingly, the number of future buyers.

  1. banner advertising

Banner and contextual advertising is a fairly effective method of promoting goods on the Internet. An ad in the form of a banner, i.e. a graphic drawing with a link to the company's web page, placed on resources with a large number of visitors, is extremely effective for product promotion.

Such popular and active sites, in addition to bringing useful content to people, are large advertising platforms used by various companies to promote their products. Such information attracts potential consumers, arouses interest in a new unique product, thereby provoking a purchase.

  1. contextual advertising

This type of advertising is also widely used to promote a product. It works effectively and quite simply: information about your company or a new product is displayed on specialized sites whose target audience matches the theme of the advertised product.

  1. Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is the active dissemination of the information you need through the Internet. In a couple of hours, a huge number of users can learn about your product or about a planned company event. This method of product promotion is widely used by entrepreneurs.

The effectiveness of this technique does not need to be proven. The main advantages of the method: no financial costs, since information goes to the people without the involvement of specialized advertising agencies. The person who received such an advertisement is already favorably disposed towards it due to the fact that it came from the same user.

  1. Social networks

SMM promotion is an excellent method of popularizing a product in in social networks. These Internet platforms contain a huge number of users, therefore, by advertising themselves and their products using SMM, the company will definitely find a target audience that will increase sales of a particular product. You can engage in marketing in social networks for a long time and completely free of charge.

  1. E-mail newsletter

Email marketing is also popular and effective method product promotion. Messages with advertisements about the product are sent to the e-mail addresses of Internet users. Such emails contain information about planned events, competitions, discounts, promotions, bonuses, etc.

Not worth it for companies using this method promotion of goods, forget that users must first agree to receive such mailings.

  • How not to fall into spam: 10 secrets of competent e-mail marketing

Expert opinion

Free advertising can be better than paid advertising

Kirill Redin,

General Director of the trade and production company "Octopus-DV", Khabarovsk

In 2011, our company developed high-quality selling texts and distributed them on such free advertising platforms as "From Hand to Hand", "Pulse Price", "Goods and Services", etc. Sales increased 3-4 times, which amounted to about thirty doors per month. During this experimental period, we did not serve other advertising than in free publications.

Previously, we searched for buyers in construction site chats, where users shared with each other successes and failures in repairs, choice of materials, brand evaluation, etc. The manager of our company started a correspondence and talked about high-quality inexpensive doors that he installed at home . Entering into such dialogues on 25-30 specialized sites, we were able to sell 4-8 doors per week.

Flaws. Time costs. At least one supervisor is required.

What are the methods of promoting a product to the market with minimal costs

Method 1. Exhibitions

A great way to advertise your company among competitors and consumers is to participate in an exhibition. To do this, you do not need to rent an expensive site, install a stand. Think about how you can creatively and effectively participate in the exhibition, while getting the maximum amount of data on potential partners and customers, as well as expressing yourself.

Carefully review the invitation of the exhibition organizers and the venue, look for a low-budget way to demonstrate your activities. It is enough just to place the name of the company in the event catalog or on the website. You can rent a couple of square meters at the entrance to the exhibition, hire a teenager who will distribute tasty or healthy little things, accompanying them with business cards with your company's contact details.

Method 2. Press Releases

A good way to promote your product is to issue weekly press releases about the work of your company. You should not make them very voluminous, enough text on half an A4 sheet, accompanying it with a few key phrases about the company.

Informative occasions for press releases about the company must be sought throughout the week. Organize the data collection and processing scheme. Post articles about the company in all sorts of ways: websites, a corporate publication for regular consumers, newsletters, ads in trading floor etc.

You can register your message for free in the press release directories. Be active in sending company news to various publications in your area, both print (newspapers, magazines) and online media.

Method 3. Cases

Cases are called success-story or case-study, they differ from each other in nature, but the essence is the same - to demonstrate to people of your target audience on a specific example how to solve their difficulties. It is better to write the narrative according to the schemes: “problems solutions effectiveness”, “unsatisfactory DO great AFTER." Such stories are interesting to users.

Plots should not be presented automatically and dryly, they should be humanized. You need to write stories in simple language, imagine that you are addressing a story to your friend. The main thing in such narratives is not to set the goal of increasing sales, you simply report some events and show how you got out of this or that situation, while the other person is suffering. In this case, you do not impose information, you share it.

Method 4. Reviews

It is imperative to collect feedback from your customers from the moment you first started doing business. If your client is a well-known enterprise, then include it as an example in your advertising campaigns.

Many online stores lose customers just because they did not get enough information about the product.

Among the visitors there are not so many who like to call and chat with the seller about the quality of the product, its characteristics, etc. Therefore, it is important to give buyers as much information as possible, and in this article we propose to consider 6 points that should be considered when compiling a product description.

1. Name

First of all, it is important to correctly name the product and make high quality photos, because this is the first thing the visitor sees on the selection page. If they like the name and the picture, then at least they will be interested in the product item, want to learn more and, as a result, buy it.

How to properly name the product - read below.

A few words are enough in the title - brevity and clarity are important here, the characteristics are indicated in another section, and for SEO promotion, write meta tags.

List only the most important characteristics- imagining yourself in the place of the buyer, you will understand what properties you want to know about first of all, for example, the quality of the fabric, its composition, manufacturer and other features that the photo does not convey, many characteristics are allowed if the assortment is large or wholesale sales are supposed

2. Creativity is a way to get attention

If quality is not at the forefront when selling emotions, then the originality of the name is welcome.

For example, when selling goodies, flowers, wedding dresses, unique names will attract attention and add a touch of unusualness. But remember that you will have to maintain the image and come up with original names in the future - can you handle it?

3. Headers in the same style

The same template in the title will make it easier to compare products and allow the buyer to quickly navigate the assortment. So, as a scheme, you can choose the following combination:

  • title
  • model (if any)
  • material or color
  • the most important characteristics not visible in the photo
  • options
  • quantity etc. .

4. Description of characteristics

It is necessary to give as much information about the product as possible, so we talk in detail about the characteristics - the description should be as complete as possible. So, the description of a cup will be more modest than a baby stroller or a laptop.

For each product, you need to develop a description structure. For example, the following list is suitable for things: appearance, dimensions, how to take measurements, colors, design features, etc.

5. Sell emotions and problem solving, not the product itself.

It is important to indicate what problems this or that product solves, what advantages it has, for example: nice picture will not only close the notorious hole in the wall, but will bring comfort to the house - "admiring the landscape, you will rest your soul."

If we are talking about clothes, then you need to describe what material it is made of, for example, in a sports jacket you can play sports in the rain. Emotions should be added to the description, showing what a person will receive in addition to things, how much more comfortable his life will become.

6. Bonuses in the description

This is not about additional benefits and discounts, but about enriching the product description with unique notes, showing concern for the buyer. So, you can contact customers by telling them why this particular product is present in your online store, what idea it carries, etc. When compiling a description, remember that it should inspire confidence, have a purchase, and you should not get carried away and write “novels”.

Apart from detailed description photos and videos, as well as video reviews, will help persuade the visitor to buy. Such materials should show how to use the product, how it works, what is good, you can show production, focusing on the features and uniqueness of technologies.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the main methods of promoting a product to the market
  • What marketing methods are right for you?
  • How to apply the method of promoting a product to the market

The modern market is oversaturated with goods and services - both domestic and imported. The task of bringing trading platforms new product is not easy and very costly, besides, it takes a lot of time. However, marketers and marketing agencies there are reliable technologies and methods for promoting goods to the market.

The main methods of promoting goods on the market

The main tool that comes to mind when it comes to finding ways to promote products on the market is advertising. But you need to keep in mind that it is not an independent activity, but one of the marketing tools and should be used in combination with other technologies in order to mutually reinforce each other's action.

Marketing campaigns aimed at bringing a product to market may take various forms, but they will definitely use basic promotion methods, without which it is impossible to implement an integrated marketing strategy. These include:

  • advertising;
  • direct marketing;
  • telemarketing;
  • press information;
  • relationship marketing;
  • sales support;
  • printed materials.

An integrated approach to the promotion of goods and services implies that all elements of the campaign act in concert, reinforcing the effect of each other. For example, promotion with the issuance of a return coupon (which confirms the payment of postage and encourages the consumer to send their answer) is usually combined with direct mail, and then a telemarketing program is launched.

In principle, each of these methods separately is mailing, printable advertisement, telemarketing are also effective, but not to the same extent as their complex application.

More about methods of promoting goods and services on the market


If you have at your disposal a sufficient budget and a well-designed media plan (chosen channels that provide the greatest effectiveness of the advertising campaign), then you can use advertising as the only method of promoting the product to the market.

In this case, it will perform several tasks, namely:

  • inform the consumer about the new product;
  • clearly show the advantages that distinguish this product from analogues offered by the market;
  • stimulate curiosity, fuel initial interest and motivate the consumer to learn more about this product.

The success of an advertising-only new product launch program will be determined by the amount of financial investment and the prudent use of these funds.

But if you add to advertising other marketing practices and methods of promoting a product to the market, then it will be possible to apply it more narrowly: to achieve specific goals set by the strategic program. This will significantly increase the effectiveness of the campaign and allow more economical and rational spending of the budget.

  1. Make it a means of direct contact with the target audience (for example, provide consumers with the ability to quickly respond by sending a return coupon with an order, calling, requesting Additional information etc.). This is usually carried out nationwide and is the stage preceding direct or telemarketing campaigns (for this, “tips” must be received - a client base has been formed).
  2. The same thing, but on a narrower - regional - scale. The information obtained about consumers is then used in activities carried out by local counterparties to stimulate the sale of goods.
  3. Apply as part of a campaign to promote the product in selected regions. In this case, potential buyers are not only asked to leave their data, but also financially stimulated.

One of the popular marketing tools is direct marketing. It is resorted to in cases where it is necessary to increase the effect of using other promotion methods, but it can also perform other functions and be used in a very diverse way.

Thus, direct mail often becomes an excellent substitute for traditional advertising in the press or other media, since it is targeted and makes it possible to cover only the desired market segments. In addition, it can be used as a channel for subsequent contacts with the target audience, namely the part that became interested in the product and requested detailed information about him.

Direct marketing, by the way, is an excellent method of building and maintaining long-term relationships with customers. As part of an integrated marketing campaign, it also increases its effectiveness.

At the first stage of a campaign to promote a service or product in the market, direct marketing can be combined with consumer advertising to achieve the following goals:

  • Continue your direct response campaign by collecting key data of interested potential customers who can become a customer base for future direct marketing campaigns.
  • Develop differentiated offerings for different groups potential buyers who participated in the first promotion.
  • Reach other markets or target market segments in your current marketing campaign.
  • Attract those segments and niches of the market that cannot be contacted in other ways, and influence them more often or aggressively.
  • Strengthen the advertising campaign through special marketing activities in the future.


This method of promoting a product to the market, such as telemarketing, is used along with traditional advertising or direct marketing. The goal may also be to collect data. potential clients and informing them. More specific tasks solved by telemarketing are varied:

  • conclusion of transactions by phone (in fact, these are the same direct sales);
  • formation good relations with existing clients;
  • development and release of new products based on the needs of customers (for this, relationships must be established with them);
  • selection of the most promising "leads" from the total client base for which the mailing is done;
  • conducting promotional activities following the direct marketing program;
  • return of lost customers (usually by offering them other products that may be of interest to them);
  • processing the database of "cold" contacts received through advertisements, through direct marketing, from intermediaries;
  • market research, studying the response of the target audience (through surveys, reviews) to the product or the measures that the company takes to implement it;
  • maintaining contacts with potential customers (relationship marketing).

Telemarketing is also a convenient way to get any information of interest from consumers in order to analyze it and use it to plan and implement further marketing programs.

Press information

This set of actions is one of the classic public relations methods used in large PR campaigns. For example, this could be sponsoring entertainment or sports events. It raises awareness of the target audience about the activities of the company, strengthens its reputation. Parallel to this work, direct marketing campaigns and Advertising activity focused on promoting the brand as a whole and getting a direct response from consumers.

Sales support

Through advertising and direct marketing as part of an integrated marketing program, the firm gathers "leads" to potential customers. In the future, this information will be needed by sales personnel.

Many companies are implementing such a method of promoting goods to the market as telemarketing for convenient and modern management ongoing interaction with potential customers, and this significantly increases sales efficiency.

It is very important to provide managers with information about the product or service being promoted on the market and about the current market situation in a timely manner. This will make their work more productive.

The sales support program includes the following measures:

  • direct support of trade workers (wholesalers and retailers);
  • informing sellers about specific products (creating instructions, manuals);
  • preparation of standard and individualized presentations for each market segment;
  • informing about advertising and marketing activities to promote the product, which are currently being carried out;
  • providing information about competitors.

Relationship Marketing

This method works with a database of "cold" contacts of potential buyers, which was collected using advertisements or direct marketing.

In addition, relationship marketing is a great way to maintain and strengthen relationships between sellers and customers, increasing consumer loyalty.

Relationship marketing as part of a comprehensive marketing campaign to promote a product or service on the market performs a whole set of functions:

  • strengthens control over regular customers;
  • maintains a database of existing customers;
  • forms a constant, clearly planned information flow;
  • strengthens consumer loyalty.

Printed materials

As a rule, the publication of information and image materials in print media is not included in the integrated marketing campaign to promote the product on the market. However, it is the most important method of the communication policy of the enterprise, which cannot be ignored.

Publications in the media are necessary to solve such problems as:

  • strengthening the brand image;
  • informing the target audience about the points of sale of the product, its characteristics and benefits;
  • maintenance of trading events (as an auxiliary method).

How to write off the cost of promoting goods, taking into account letters from officials


Can expenses be taken into account?


The supplier pays the retailer a fee for the priority display of goods

These expenses officials in general case considered unreasonable. Only if the costs are properly justified can they be taken into account as part of the normalized advertising costs. More on this later in the article.

The wholesale company undertook to provide suppliers with services to promote their products. To do this, she acquires advertising services retailers

The cost of services provided by retailers, officials allow you to write off as material costs. Read more about this later in the article.

The company pays a commission to a commissioner for achieving a certain sales volume

Bonuses can be taken into account in non-operating expenses if they are economically justified (see later in the article)

The supplier of food products, under the terms of the supply agreement, pays the retailer a premium for timely or early payment, regularity of purchases, expansion of the commodity market (opening of new stores), achievement of a certain level of turnover, maintenance of the assortment

For the purpose of taxation of profits, only those premiums that do not contradict the law can be taken into account. And under the contract for the supply of food products, you can pay the buyer only a premium for the purchase of a certain volume of goods in the amount of not more than 10 percent of their value. Only this premium the supplier has the right to reflect in tax accounting

The organization has expired the term of the contract giving the right to use the advertising structure on municipal building. However, the company did not receive requests to remove the advertisement and continued to pay the fee. local authorities

Because no current contract, expenses in the form of a fee for the right to install and operate an advertising structure cannot be taken into account. Moreover, regardless of whether the company concludes a contract for a new term

The company holds events with distributors of its products, at which it gives them samples of new products

The costs of such events can be attributed to advertising

Payment for services on the goods tab

wholesale trading companies and manufacturers often pay for so-called merchandising services. Most often this is a priority display of goods. The essence of this service is simple. The retailer undertakes to place the supplier's goods on the shelves in such a way as to draw the attention of customers to them. But here with tax accounting in this situation, problems usually arise.

Supervisors prohibit writing off the cost of merchandising

Ministry of Finance officials are currently expressing this point of view. Services for the display of goods do not belong to the subject of the supply contract. Indeed, according to the law, a retail organization must exhibit goods on the shelves, showcases, thus offering them to the buyer. This is provided for by Article 494 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. This means that the supplier has no reason to take into account the payment for such services by the retailer.

Note that earlier the main argument of the inspectors against accounting for the costs of laying out goods was different. Tax officials rested on the fact that the ownership of goods passes when they are shipped. Therefore, the supplier pays for the placement in stores of goods that already belong to the retailer, which is unreasonable.

However, officials admit that in some cases the costs of promoting goods and displaying goods can still be taken into account. This is if the retailer "purposefully takes actions that provide additional attention to the name and assortment of the supplier's goods for buyers." That is, in addition to the supply, the parties entered into a service agreement. In this case, the auditors are ready to agree with the reasonableness of the costs of displaying goods, but only as advertising. And this means that they will have to be normalized. This is stated in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 13, 2011 No. 03-03-06 / 1/818.

The judges believe that the cost of displaying goods is reasonable

But the judges believe that the cost of merchandising is absolutely justified. It is clear that the supplier is interested in the growth of sales of goods end users. This provides him with a stable sales of products in Retail Stores(Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District of January 27, 2010 in case No. А56-60357/2008). Moreover, most often, judges allow to take into account the costs of laying out goods in full as other expenses (subparagraph 49, paragraph 1, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). An example of this is the resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated June 10, 2011 No. KA-A40 / 4733-11.

The fact is that the display of goods is not, in fact, advertising. After all, advertising is information aimed at drawing attention to goods and promoting them on the market. This definition is given in article 3 federal law dated March 13, 2006 No. 38-FZ. Thus, advertising must contain information about the product. At the same time, the display simply involves placing the product itself at the points of sale. None additional information while the buyer does not receive. Some information is only on the product packaging, but this data cannot be recognized as advertising either.

If the retailer additionally places advertising materials about the supplier's goods in the store, the judges also allow to take into account the payment for such services in full. After all, although these costs are advertising, they are not standardized.

Rules for processing documents when accounting for services for merchandising

You can, of course, not reflect the cost of laying out goods in tax accounting. In this case, claims from the inspectors certainly will not arise. However, if the company is forced to constantly pay its customers for merchandising considerable amounts, it is worth trying to justify them. Then, even if the tax inspectors do not agree with the accounting of expenses, they will be able to defend in arbitration.

To do this, the supplier first of all needs to carefully draw up an agreement with the counterparty (for more details, see below). It is better to describe in detail the retailer's responsibilities for placing goods in the store.

Further. The supplier will definitely need acts confirming the provision of services for the display of goods. It is desirable that they contain the most specific data: the name of the supplier's products, the addresses of outlets where the goods were sold, in what places they were placed, the cost and period of services. It is not uncommon for the retailer to control whether the goods are properly located in the stores as part of the contract. Then it is desirable to indicate in the act or other documents at which points the employees of the retailer carried out such control. To show the effect of paying for merchandising services, you can make a calculation that shows the growth in product shipments. For example, if a supplier has recently started working with these retailers, you can compare sales in the current quarter and the previous quarter. Another option is to compare revenue from working with companies that provide priority display of goods and sales through other counterparties.

Contract for goods promotion services

1. When selling non-food items companies can choose one of the following options:

  • conclude a separate service agreement, which will detail the retailer's obligations to promote goods (Article 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • include the retailer's promotional obligations in the supply contract, which will be mixed.

2. When selling food products for goods promotion services, it is necessary to conclude a separate contract. This is established by paragraphs 11 and 12 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2009 No. 381-FZ.

Services of a wholesale company for the promotion of goods

The costs of promoting goods must be recognized in the prescribed manner. Let's take another similar situation. A wholesaler buys goods from manufacturers and other suppliers. At the same time, it additionally provides suppliers with a range of services for advertising and merchandising of products purchased from them. To do this, the wholesale organization, in turn, attracts retailers to participate in the promotion of goods. Can the wholesaler take into account the costs of paying for these services of retailers?

Maybe. Officials came to this conclusion in a letter from the Russian Ministry of Finance dated October 25, 2011 No. 03-03-06/1/688. These costs are not considered promotional. After all, the company pays for the services of third parties in order to fulfill its obligations to promote goods to its counterparties. Therefore, the cost of services of retailers can be taken into account as part of material costs. As the cost of purchasing works and services of an industrial nature performed by third parties. This is provided for by subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Note that here again it is important to correctly draw up contracts for the promotion of products between wholesale company and suppliers. As well as with all retailers. Of course, you will also need to draw up separate acts for the services provided.

Commission bonus payment

The company sells goods through a commission agent. Under the terms of the contract, she pays the intermediary a bonus for achieving certain sales volumes. This is in addition to the commission. The question arises: is it possible to reflect these expenses in tax accounting?

In general, the Tax Code gives sellers the right to take into account bonuses that are transferred to buyers for the fulfillment of certain terms of the contract. This is indicated in subparagraph 19.1 of paragraph 1 of Article 265 of the Code. True, controllers are confident that this rule can only be applied to sales contracts, and not to commissions.

Nevertheless, officials do not object to accounting for bonuses paid to the commission agent. After all, the list of non-operating expenses is open (subclause 20, clause 1, article 265 of the Code). Only controllers emphasize that such expenses must be economically justified. This is stated in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated September 16, 2011 No. 03-03-06 / 1/556.

We believe that these costs can be justified. After all, bonuses stimulate the commission agent to increase sales of goods, owned by the company. Therefore, the contract itself will help confirm the costs. It should list the conditions under which the intermediary is entitled to receive the premium. And the agent's report. Additionally, you can draw up a reference-calculation showing how much the volume of sales has increased, for example, in comparison with the previous month or quarter.


  1. Officials often do not consider expenses for the priority display of goods to be justified. But you don't have to agree with the controllers. If there are supporting documents, the company can defend these costs in court.
  2. For food promotion services, a separate contract must be drawn up.
  3. Commissioner bonuses for achieving sales volumes can be expensed.

1.1. Promo code activation- entering the Promo Code in the Order form on the Service or other action provided for by the terms of use of the Promo Code.

1.2. Stock– an event held by Yandex.Market aimed at promoting the Service and increasing the number of active Service Users. Terms and conditions of the Promotion, its dates are determined by Yandex.Market at its own discretion.

1.3. Yandex.Market database- is an information and reference system containing information about goods and services intended for potential buyers (consumers) of goods (services).

1.4. Client web interface- a software interface for the interaction of the Seller (the Seller's representative ordering Yandex.Market services related to the placement of product offers of the Seller's store on the Service) with the Yandex.Market system, which contains information about the Seller, statistics data and other information, and also provides the possibility of remote interaction parties under the Agreement, available to the Seller (the Seller's representative) after Yandex.Market, through application programs (including programs for mobile devices) or API.

1.5. Agreement for the Provision of Services for the Promotion of the Yandex.Market Service, Agreement- this agreement between the Seller and Yandex.Market for the provision of Services to promote the Yandex.Market Service, which is concluded in the manner specified in clause 2.5 of the Agreement.

1.6. Order- an order of goods/services placed by the Buyer on the Service in the Seller's store using the "Order on the Market" functionality.

1.7. Reporting period: calendar month.

1.8. User- a person who is a visitor/user information resources(websites, applications, computer programs, etc.) Yandex.Market on the Internet.

1.9. Buyer– A user placing an order for goods/services in the Seller's store on the Yandex.Market Service.

1.10. Salesman- a person who sent an offer to Yandex.Market to conclude this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) in the manner provided for in clause 2.9 of the Agreement.

1.11. promo code- a certain sequence of characters, subject to activation of which and compliance with other conditions for using the Promo Code (), the User is provided with a Discount.

1.12. Yandex.Market Service (Service)- means all websites (including, but not limited to, hosted on the Internet at: ; http://market.yandex.ua), applications (including programs for mobile devices) of Yandex.Market or its affiliates , providing access to the Yandex.Market Database;

1.13. Discount- a discount on the goods/services of the Seller, provided to the User in the amount established by the terms of the Promotion, when the User places an Order in the Seller's store using the "Order on the Market" functionality. The discount can be provided in an amount not exceeding the cost of the product / service, when placing an Order for which / which the User activated the Promo Code (or without activating the Promo Code in the cases provided for in clause 2.1.2 of the Agreement).

1.14. Parties– Yandex.Market and Seller. Individually, Yandex.Market and the Seller are referred to as the Party.

1.15. Goods/services- goods / services offered in the Seller's store to Users in the current period, information about which (including information about the assortment, prices, characteristics, availability of goods (services) for sale), information about the location of the Seller's stationary points of sale, images, descriptions and other information about product offers) is available to Users on the Service.

1.16. Services to promote the Yandex.Market Service (Services)- the services of the Seller specified in clause 1.1 of this Agreement.

1.17. Functionality "Order on the Market"- the functionality of the Service, which provides the User with the opportunity to place and pay for the order of goods/services (to conclude a contract for the sale of goods/ paid provision services) with the Seller on the Service.

2. Subject of the Agreement and procedure for its conclusion

2.1. For the purpose of carrying out the Promotion by Yandex.Market, the Seller undertakes to provide Yandex.Market with the following Services to promote the Service:

    2.1.1. provide a Discount on the cost of the Seller's goods/services to Users who have activated Promo Codes when placing an Order on the Service, in the manner and on the terms agreed by the Parties in the Agreement;

    2.1.2. provide a Discount on the cost of the Seller's goods/services to Users when placing an Order on the Service, in the manner and on the terms stipulated by the document “Promotions on Yandex.Market. General Conditions”, posted on the Internet at the link , and which are an integral part of this Agreement.

2.2. Yandex.Market undertakes to pay for the Services rendered by the Seller in the manner and on the terms agreed by the Parties in the Agreement.

2.3. The procedure and conditions for placing an Order in the Seller's store are regulated by the document “Placing an Order on Yandex.Market. Conditions for Stores”, posted on the Internet at the link , and which are an integral part of this Agreement.

2.4. The execution of the Agreement, as well as the interaction of the parties under this Agreement, is carried out with the obligatory observance by the parties of the requirements and provisions defined by the following documents and conditions (including documents referred to by the documents listed below):

    2.4.1. the document "Offer for the provision of Yandex.Market services" posted on the Internet at: ;

    2.4.2. document “Place an order on Yandex.Market. Conditions for shops”, posted on the Internet at: ;

    2.4.3. the document "User Agreement for the Yandex.Market API for Partners Service" posted on the Internet at: .

2.5. The procedure for concluding the Agreement

The Seller initiates the conclusion of the Agreement by filling in and sending in the Client's Web interface a scanned copy of the Seller's application for the conclusion of the Agreement in the form provided in Appendix No. 1 to the Agency Agreement for the performance of Yandex.Market LLC on its own behalf, on behalf of the Seller, of actions to accept non-cash payments buyers on orders placed on the Yandex.Market service in favor of the Seller published by the link (hereinafter referred to as the Agency Agreement).

Sending by the Seller to Yandex.Market a scanned copy of the completed, signed by an authorized person and sealed by the Seller (if any) application-offer using the Client's Web interface in the form, Appendix No. 1 to the Agency Agreement, is recognized as the sending by the Seller to Yandex.Market of an irrevocable offer to conclude an Agreement on the terms specified in the Agreement and the application-offer.

Yandex.Market notifies the Seller of the acceptance of the application-offer or of the refusal to accept the application-offer in the manner and within the time specified in clause 2.9 of the Agency Agreement.

The Agreement is considered concluded by the Parties from the date Yandex.Market sends the Seller a notice of acceptance of the application-offer to the e-mail address specified in the Client's Web interface (or in the above-mentioned Seller's application for the conclusion of the Agreement) and publication of the relevant information in the Client's Web interface. The specified notification is recognized as acceptance of the offer by Yandex.Market.

To provide the Services provided for in clause 2.1.2, the Merchant must activate the “Participate in Market promotions” functionality in the Client's Web interface.

Upon deactivation of the above functionality, the provision of Services by the Seller to Yandex.Market is terminated until its reactivation.

The moment of the beginning and end of the provision of the Services provided for in clause 2.1.2 is determined in the manner prescribed by the document “Promotions on Yandex.Market. General Conditions "", posted on the Internet at the link .

2.6. The conclusion of this Agreement does not obligate Yandex.Market to conduct Promotions and issue Promotional Codes, but governs the relationship between the Parties arising in the event that Yandex.Market conducts such Promotions as part of an Order on the Service in the Seller's store.

2.7. When concluding this Agreement, it is automatically assigned a number, which is indicated in the Client's Web interface.

3. Obligations of the Parties

    3.1.1. Inform the Seller that the User must be provided with a Discount on the Seller's goods/services under an Order placed on the Yandex.Market service, and report the size of the Discount in the manner specified in clause 3.3 of the document “Placing an Order on Yandex.Market. Conditions for shops”, posted on the Internet at: .

    3.1.2. Ensure that the Seller (the Seller's representative who is the customer of Yandex.Market services) has access to statistics data on Orders executed using the Discount via the Client's Web interface. At the same time, Yandex.Market is not liable if it is impossible for the Seller to get acquainted with the statistical data for reasons beyond the control of Yandex.Market.

    3.1.3. Accept and pay for the Services of the Seller within the terms and in the manner specified in paragraphs. 4.4 - 4.5 of the Agreement.

3.2. The seller undertakes:

    3.2.1. Provide the User with a Discount on the cost of the Seller's goods/services within the framework of the Promotion when placing an Order on the Yandex.Market service using the "Order on the Market" functionality without charging any additional fees, during the term of the Agreement.

    3.2.2. Provide Yandex.Market with an Act of rendered services in 2 (two) copies and an invoice (if applicable) in the manner and within the time specified in section 4 of the Agreement.

    3.2.3. Independently be responsible for the safety and confidentiality of registration data (login and password). All actions performed using the login and password of the Seller (the Seller's representative - the customer of Yandex.Market services) in the Client's Web interface are considered to be performed by the Seller. The Seller is solely responsible to third parties for all actions performed using the login and password of the Seller. Yandex.Market is not responsible for the unauthorized use of the Merchant's registration data by third parties.

4. Cost of services and payment procedure

4.1. The cost of the Services rendered by the seller is calculated in rubles according to the formula:

R \u003d A - B + R -1, where

R is the cost of the Services for the Reporting Period (in rubles);

A - the amount of Discounts provided by the Seller for the Reporting period;

B - the amount of Discounts for the reporting period, for which the calculation is made, as well as in previous Reporting periods Orders for which funds were returned to Users in the specified Reporting period (in the cases and in the manner provided for in the Document Placing an order on Yandex.Market. Terms for stores "().

R -1 - the negative value of the calculated value R, obtained at the end of the previous Reporting period.

The cost of the Services calculated in this way includes all applicable taxes.

If the indicator R calculated in the above order is equal to zero or is negative, then no remuneration is accrued or paid in the relevant Reporting period.

4.2. The Parties have agreed that the procedure for calculating the cost of the Services given in clause 4.1 of the Agreement may be changed by Yandex.Market by sending the relevant notice to the Seller at least 3 (Three) calendar days prior to the entry into force of the changes. Such a notification may be sent by Yandex.Market via the client's Web interface and/or e-mail to the address specified in the Client Web Interface. In case of disagreement with the changes made by Yandex.Market to the specified document, the Seller has the right to refuse to execute the Agreement unilaterally by notifying Yandex.Market no later than 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of receipt of the notification specified in this clause of the Agreement. The Agreement shall be deemed terminated from the moment Yandex receives the Seller's notification. Termination of the Agreement in the above manner does not entail termination of the Agency Agreement.

4.3. Within 5 (five) working days after the end of the Reporting Period, Yandex.Market generates an Act of Services Rendered indicating the cost of the Seller's Services, taking into account Yandex.Market statistics data, and sends a copy of the text of the Act to the Seller by e-mail.

4.4. The Seller, within 5 (five) business days from the date of receipt of a copy of the text of the Act from Yandex.Market, must familiarize himself with the Act and send two original copies of the Act signed by the Seller, as well as the invoice (if applicable), by mail (or courier) to Yandex.Market ), or send a written reasoned refusal to approve the Act within the same period to Yandex.Market. Yandex.Market signs the Certificate received from the Seller and sends one copy to the Seller by mail (or courier).

4.5. In the absence of motivated objections to the Act, the Seller undertakes to ensure the transfer of the original copies of the Act and the invoice (if applicable) in such a way that they are received by Yandex.Market no later than the 15th (fifteenth) day of the month following the Reporting Period.

4.6. Payment for the Services for the Reporting Period shall be made by Yandex.Market on a prepaid basis within 7 (seven) working days from the date of payment by the User of the Order under which the Discount was provided, subject to receipt of the original Acts and Invoices (as well as invoices, if applicable) for previous Reporting periods, as well as withholding the amounts of previously provided Discounts on Orders for which a refund was made to Users. When transferring funds to the Seller, Yandex.Market has the right to withhold the overpayment amounts resulting from the previous Reporting Periods.

In addition, when transferring funds to the Seller under the Agency Agreement, Yandex.Market has the right to withhold the amount of the Seller's debt arising under this Agreement.

4.7. If the Seller violates the obligations set forth in clause 4.4 and/or 4.5 of the Agreement, Yandex.Market has the right to suspend payment for the Services until the original documents are provided.

4.8. The Parties acknowledge that in order to calculate the cost of the Seller's Services for the Services rendered, only statistical data reflected in the Client's Web interface is used.

4.9. Yandex.Market is considered to have fulfilled its obligations to pay for the Services from the moment the corresponding amount of money is debited from Yandex's current account.

4.10. If during the Reporting Period the Seller did not fulfill Orders using the Discount, the Certificate of Services Rendered is not generated by Yandex and is not signed by the Parties.

4.11. The Parties have agreed that when calculating the cost of the Services in the manner prescribed by clause 4.1 of the Agreement, the amount of Discounts provided by the Seller when fulfilling Orders formed in bad faith, including Orders independently formed by the Seller fulfilling the Order, or his representative, is not taken into account, as well as all other Orders executed by such Seller in the Reporting Period.

Yandex.Market has the right, at its discretion, to determine whether an Order is formed in bad faith and not to disclose to the Seller the algorithm for detecting orders formed in bad faith.

5. Responsibility of the Parties

5.1. For violation of the terms of the Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. When improper performance Party of its obligations under the Agreement, the other Party has the right to unilaterally refuse to perform the Agreement by sending the other Party the appropriate written notice.

5.3. If the Seller violates the terms of the Agreement, the Seller undertakes to pay Yandex.Market a penalty in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles for each violation.

5.4. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under the Agreement, if it was the result of force majeure circumstances. The occurrence of force majeure circumstances is confirmed by documents issued by the competent authorities of the Russian Federation. The Party, which has become unable to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement, is obliged to immediately notify the other Party of the occurrence and termination of the above circumstances.

5.5. In the event that the Seller's breach of its obligations under the Agreement was the basis for filing claims, lawsuits and/or instructions for the payment of penalties against Yandex.Market by government agencies and/or third parties (including Users/Buyers), the Seller undertakes to promptly, at the request of Yandex.Market, provide it with all the requested information regarding the transaction concluded by the Seller with the Buyer, assist Yandex.Market in settling such claims and suits, and also reimburse Documented losses to Yandex.Market (including legal costs, expenses for paying fines) caused to Yandex.Market as a result of such claims, lawsuits, orders against it in connection with violation of the rights of third parties and / or the current legislation of the Russian Federation as a result of the provision of Services by the Seller.

6. The term of the Agreement and the conditions for its amendment

6.1. The Agreement comes into force from the date of its conclusion, determined in accordance with the procedure provided for in clause 2.5 of the Agreement (but not earlier than July 1, 2017), and is valid until its termination.

6.2. Yandex.Market reserves the right to amend the terms of the Agreement, which are published on the Internet at the address at any time at its discretion. If Yandex makes changes to the Agreement, such changes shall enter into force from the moment the amended text of the Agreement is posted on the Internet at , unless a different date for the entry into force of the changes is specified additionally upon such placement.

Yandex shall notify the Merchant of the above changes in any of the following ways: through the Client's Web Interface and/or by e-mail to the address specified in the Client's Web Interface.

In case of disagreement with the amended terms of the Agreement, the Seller has the right to terminate this Agreement by notifying Yandex.Market within 3 (three) business days from the date of sending the notification by Yandex.Market, by sending this notification to the e-mail address [email protected].

6.3. Any of the Parties has the right to terminate this Agreement unilaterally by sending a notice to the other Party at least 3 (three) business days before the date of its termination. The notification shall be sent by Yandex.Market to the Seller in any of the following ways: through the Client's Web interface and/or by e-mail to the address specified in the Client's Web interface. The notification is sent by the Seller to Yandex.Market to the e-mail address [email protected].

6.4. The Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the Parties at any time.

6.5. The Agreement may be terminated unilaterally at the initiative of Yandex.Market immediately by sending a corresponding notice to the Seller at the e-mail address specified in the offer statement or the Client's Web interface in the event that the Seller (the Seller's representative - the customer of Yandex.Market services) violates the terms of this Agreement , any other agreements related to the placement of offers of the Seller's store on the Yandex.Market service, as well as the terms of the documents specified in clause 2.4 of this Agreement.

6.6. At the same time, all obligations of the Parties under the Agreement, which by their nature must continue to operate (including obligations regarding confidentiality, mutual settlements, but not limited to the above), remain in force after the expiration of the Agreement.

6.7. The refusal of any of the Parties from this Agreement or its termination does not entail the automatic termination of the Agency Agreement. Termination of the Agency Agreement entails automatic termination of this Agreement.

6.8. Termination of the agreement for the provision of Yandex.Market services (termination of placement of the Seller's store offers on the Yandex.Market service), regardless of the grounds for its termination (termination), shall entail automatic simultaneous termination of this Agreement.

7. Representations and warranties

7.1. Each Party represents and warrants to the other Party that, in order to fulfill the terms of this Agreement:

    (i) it has full rights and authority to enter into and perform the terms of this Agreement;

    (ii) it has made a corporate decision necessary to authorize the performance of this Agreement.

7.2. The Seller undertakes to immediately notify Yandex.Market of any changes in the data specified in the application-offer by e-mail (at the address specified in this Agreement), with the original of such notification sent by mail (or by courier) to the address specified in this Agreement.

8. Other terms

8.1. The contract and its execution is regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. If one or more provisions of the Agreement are declared invalid, such invalidity does not affect the validity of any other provision of the Agreement and the Agreement as a whole.


Yandex.Market details

Yandex.Market LLC

Russian Federation, 119021, Moscow, st. Leo Tolstoy, 16

TIN/KPP 7704357909 / 770401001


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