Fresh fish trade rules on the street. Business plan for selling fish. What equipment needs to be purchased

Sale of fish as a business is rarely considered seriously, and in vain: It is in this area that the competition is not so high - this is not the tenth in the microdistrict to open. Reconomica. He took an interview with the shallow shop, which opened her tent with fish 3 years ago, and now earn good.

All people are different, our heroine did not really wanted to reveal the secrets and figures in their business, but we have been extruded for a long time, so the first person's history was partially turned out, and partly - the interview in the format format.

Hello, my name is Anastasia, I am 32 years old, I live in the city of Yekaterinburg. I want to tell about my experience in the fish trading.

This idea of \u200b\u200bthe opening of your business came to mind thanks to my parents. They offered to give money to opening. In time I went enough. So far, the design of documents, the preparation of equipment, appeals to the SES, was held months 5.

The opening costs were large. We expected not everything will initially be perfect, and people will not go the mountain, so it was. A maximum of 5 people came in the day, and planned to sell 10 and more kilograms on the day, according to estimates, it went out at least 25 thousand rubles, and sold for 4 thousand things. But, a week later, two people began to go more often and the result, soon, surpassed the initial expectations.

Not today our business trading fish has been working for 3 years and further plan to advance. And now I will tell you what difficulties were what happened, and what should not be done, as well as how to avoid a particular problem that may arise.

Main problems - find a normal supplier and fight off competitors

This problem has always been, there is and will be relevant in the fish business. So, it was for me that I had problems when opening a store and start work. supplier and competition .

Competition in retail business

Oh, how many can you hear from people trying to keep your business ...

It was like this: my husband and I decided to open our business, thinking a little, decided to do fish. Well, we think now things will go to the mountain, but it was not there. A month later, a man came from the date of our discovery, and began to threaten and demand moral compensation. On the logical question about what was sudden, the most interesting answer was followed:

You have become customers from me, which means or money, or worse!

Fought this "problem" for a short time. Immediately I say that it's unfortunately, unfortunately, could not be designed to try to attack this person on our own. Found a brilliant way !!! With the next conversation, I wrote everything to the voice recorder and blackmail began: if you do not get back from us, I will go to the police with this record.

It seems like everything was calm, but after this conversation did not pass the month, as we started on trading platform Draw everything with an abnormative vocabulary. There was a clear case who was the culprit of this celebration, but not to prove it. And as it was called, went to the loss. We can say leased. Thought that this man was set up and decided to get rid of competition with us. But he himself had problems and was on the verge of bankruptcy. People have ceased to go to him at all because of poor quality goods.

Selection of supplier and maintaining the range of fish products

Second problem - low-quality suppliers. In total, their essence is as follows: more of you pull money. Many are overestimated prices, bring the fucked fish and prove that we have spoiled with us, then not the products that were ordered, and most importantly - cannot be delivered exactly to the date and time to which we agreed.

We were looking for initially suppliers via the Internet. In terms of time, the first supplier managed, always brought when it was necessary, the price was average, but, on the other hand, he at least did not overestimate it. And recently began to notice that the party is not fresh on the batch of brilliance.

Talked with a guy - he gives out:

It spoiled you, and I brought it fresh. We have all products only first freshness!

Well, I think, okay. Found another supplier, but there did not like it with the price. A man has highlighted the price for delivery so that it overlap almost purchasing cost.

We looked on the Internet from other areas - and about the miracle, found a good supplier with an adequate price, a large range of assortment, and most importantly, all fresh !!! We decided to try, an attempt was not torture, signed an agreement with him. For all the time that our business works, there were no low-quality products, everything was always shipped on time and the price, most interestingly, did not take off until the transcendental prices, also made a discount for long-standing joint work.

  1. Try to find directly, with the owners of private ponds, lead negotiations.
  2. Most often, entrepreneurs ordered goods with delivery from the bases.
  3. Look through acquaintances in other areas of your city.
  4. An important factor will be an assortment. W. good suppliers There should be many goods for every taste and color, because the main "thought" of the fish stall is to please the client.

The more product choice is only better! Must be on the counter fish, in all kinds (fresh, frozen, dried, smoked). Do not forget about seafood (mussels, shrimps, crayfish, etc.).

It is with these two problems that we encountered in business. Experience comes with time and in this time Our lark brings profit and does not cause such problems that were originally. If you all decided to go fishing, then I immediately say, take patience. One choice of supplier is worth. Everywhere there are difficulties and problems, but overcome them, and you will begin a white and profitable band.

FAQ fishing business. All key points and real figures for a business plan

Question: What is the average purchasing price kilogram of fish? Average sales price?

Answer: Procurement price - 140 rubles per kg, we sell 250 rubles.

Question: What varieties of fish are the most running?

Answer: Salmon: trout, salmon, still take a carp.

Question: What is the average profit little Store per month?

Answer: Over the past month [before the interview - October 2017] earned 112,000 rubles.

Question: How many fish do you implement a day? What is the maximum day revenue for all the time of the store?

Answer: Differently. The maximum revenue for 3 years was before the New Year in 2016, the amount was about 15,000 rubles.

Question: What are the total costs of opening a point in fish trade?

Answer: The full amount of the cost of opening my fish shop was 800,000 rubles, including the purchase and installation of equipment - more than 250000, the design of all the necessary documentation is 7,000 rubles.

Question: What is the turnover of frozen fish?

Answer: A month on the update commodity reserves We spend from 10 to 20 thousand about.

Question: How much is paying for rent?

Answer: Rental premises and communal payments - 23500 rubles in the amount.

Question: What requires SES and Rospotrebnadzor from the entrepreneur?

Answer: In the premises of the store should be sewn and water supply, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, layout, equipment. It is necessary to ensure storage of products, verification in terms of suitability, timely implementation of products, hygienic requirements (There must be caps and gloves) for a long time and meaninglessly telling. Here is a link in which everything you need to know beginners is written in detail.

Question: Do bribes extort officials and inspection bodies?

Answer: There were attempts to extortion bribes, but did not work, because in my store everything was in GOST.

Question: When is the peak clock? Is there a seasonality in this business?

Answer: Peak hours of work from 5 to 7 pm, people go home and capture fish to make a dinner immediately. There is no special seasonality, but there is a so-called crisis.

Question: Did you hire sellers, or go to work every day?

Answer: I go to work itself, so more earnings.

Question: Which average check on the buyer? How many kilograms of fish takes the middle buyer?

Answer: On average, the buyer leaves 1000 rubles, but there are both more and less. Very often take 3-4 kg.

Question: How many goods deteriorates and is thrown over the month after the choice of a normal supplier?

Answer: Again, depends on customers, but from 2 kg throwing out every month for sure.

Memo for beginners

Let's say the main points on which the success of your future enterprise depends.

  1. You do not need to put or rent a place for sale next to another stall (there may be unnecessary problems - why do you need war on the early stage of development of your business?)
  2. If still not at the far distance, fish stalls are standing, I advise not to threaten, but try to find out the relationship in a lighter tone, but best not to get involved in the war.
  3. The owner of the "Neighbor" stall is not affectionate and is not tacty in his statements with you? Well, in my opinion, here without mutual threats can not do.
  4. Do not rent a place on your business closely next to the supermarket, can also cause not a good relationship with the protection that the administrator / owner of the supermarket will be sent.
  5. Put the surveillance cameras, it can extremely facilitate the search for rags.

What is needed for successful and profitable fishing business?

  1. Location away from supermarkets, shops, stalls, etc.
  2. Find good, competent and high-quality suppliers (we were not lucky from the first time)
  3. Rent a room is at a high point of people's passability.
  4. Only fresh, high-quality, delicious and unusual products should lie after the welcome.


so , In order to open your business, you need to work much, and in order for further all the processes to work, like a clock, you need to try to abide by these items, and it is then that you will have to avoid such problems that I have at the development of small Business.

Interview with the founder of the company "Tsarist Fish" by Hermann Smirnov

Sale and recycling of fish is a complex business in which there are often losses. Before opening your work, you should calculate all risk factors and make up detailed business plan. It is extremely difficult to compete with large companies, exit - stand out on their background or attract customers low price.


The Tsarist Fish company actively leads its activities for more than eight years. During this time, the products are firmly settled in the premium segment and found regular customers. We met with the owner of the German company Smirnov and talked with him on the topic of doing business.

The main abstracts interviews

  • Kind of activity: Trade and recycling of fish products
  • Business location: Russia, Bryansk
  • Rod classes before the start of entrepreneurship: Sales Manager
  • the date of the beginning business activities: 2008 year
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: individual entrepreneur
  • The size of the initial investment: 5 million rubles (for the opening of production)
  • The source of the initial capital: Own accumulations
  • Payback period of investments: two years
  • Success formula: Carefully examine the industry, its competitors, identify potential buyers, suppliers and sales market.

Hello, Herman. Tell me when and why did you decide to become a businessman?

As a child, my family moved to Bryansk from Kazakhstan. Naturally, the question of finding a job immediately. My father got a large company in the construction sphere, and after some time began to develop his own business and quite successfully. Of course, I have acquired certain experience and character from my father, because the example of parents is the most significant for the child. In general, in my family everyone is engaged in business, and everyone chose a different activity.

At the age of 18, I began to work in construction company Father, but I did not like this activity. Still, every person must select the direction given its interests and talents, most of all I liked to sell. Therefore, initially I got a job as a sales manager in close-up company. There I have acquired a fairly good experience, a lot of trainings passed and soon took the position of the head of the sales department. Expanded in sales, I was weak in management, but thanks to the study of the profile literature, this gap replenished. After that, the moment came when I decided to invest earned money and do business.

The first time had to work in multitasking mode, all entrepreneurs on initial stage - Accountant, movers, managers and cutters in one person. Of course, a lot depends on the site, which is more, the more tasks. I now mean businessmen who do not use credit funds as we. Perhaps the growth rate of the company because of this was not so high, but we did not take loans, but gradually invested earned funds into development.

For several years I only traded a red caviar, then this niche was practically free in Bryansk, and I managed to go to the leaders. Right choice The industry influenced my further formation, then we decided to engage in the production of fish. This company's activities are not limited to, and reselligents - we have contracts for the supply of chicken, pork, beef, that is, we are representatives of the factories. But this is secondary, profile direction - fish.

What motivated you to become an entrepreneur - financial independence or something else?

First of all, I wanted more freedom, did not want to fulfill someone's whims and instructions, coming to eight o'clock at work and always experienced a light hostility to the superiors. I wanted to be a boss himself, and my dream since childhood is to create a large corporation.

And what predominantly fish do you trade?

Fish mainly biological breeds - herring, mackerel, hums, washing, trout, salmon and much more. We offer almost the whole range of popular fish, which is in demand from mass buyer. Rare and little-known varieties are not selling, focusing on what people like. For example, Omul Smoked is sometimes found in stores, but these are completely meager volumes. There is a certain cost of the product, which is determined not only by the value of raw materials, but also the production technology, requires the documentation necessary technical conditions, certification, you need to develop labels, because of which the cost of the product increases. But the main thing is to demand, and if it is not, it makes no sense to produce a product.

Your company is an incomplete cycle enterprise, that is, you buy fish and process. And where are the purchase of products?

Most of the products come with Murmansk, it is also Greenland, Faroe Islands, Kaliningrad, Salga and Trout purchased in Karelia.

Where do you distribute your products?

We have distributors in Moscow, Kaluga, Tula, Orel, Smolensk and Zheleznogorsk. In Bryansk, our fish is presented to a lesser extent, since we cannot compete with large plants in volumes. We are more for quality, so in networks are minimal.

How much time did the self-sufficiency of the business come?

About two years later.

A few years ago, you opened your own fish processing shop. What was the reason for this decision?

For about six years, we only engaged in the sale of red caviar, but gradually came to the conclusion that it is necessary to expand and increase volumes. And as soon as there were free funds, they decided to open a small shop.

Benefits own production obvious - this is your personal trademarkWe can control the quality and properties of the product.

What do you stand out against the background of our competitors?

Now we launched the project network Marketing ( when sales are carried out using a fish catalog. We have consultants who offer people products from the catalog, after which the order is delivered at the accomplice address. Products in the catalog are presented at the same price as in stores, free shipping. Naturally, consultants receive a percentage of sales.

The minimum order from the catalog starts from 500 rubles, you can also become a client of our club and get a discount of 20%. Of course, the sale of fish according to the catalog is not so profitable, such as cosmetics, you have to invest additional means for delivery and ensure the safety of the fish.

Such an idea arose with me before the new year, a lot of people appealed to me with a request to sell high-quality caviar and salmon, since the shopping products did not suit them. Shops are usually not interested in quality, they need low price. And we offer to get fresh products from production at a market price. And every day our promising project of network marketing is gaining momentum.

Your products are presented far from all stores. What is it connected with?

Network stores are now popular, which to attract the buyer must put an attractive price tag. But each product has a certain cost, and often the price reduction is not possible without prejudice to quality. For example, we produce caviar only a premium segment, since after a long study of the psychology of sales, I came to the conclusion that it simply does not make sense to sell cheap caviar. A person buys caviar for a holiday, some significant event and he wants to put together and enjoy the real taste, and not get a doubtful product of unbearable quality.

And what advantages and cons can be allocated in the fish industry?

Fish is a popular product, everything is eating it, which means that the demand will always be.

Minus is raw materials, as the fish is a perishable goods. In addition to improper storage, the fish is often amazed by Kalyanus - a small plankton who eats the fish carcass and makes it soft. This wrapping is safe for a person, but after lesion, the products deteriorates as and unsuitable for use. Therefore, the main thing is high-quality raw materials, and good raw materials cost a lot of money.

Is seasonality allocated in the fish industry?

Yes, in the summer, the sale of salt and smoked fish is very much decreasing, but the ridiculous fish goes well. Naeson lasts from May to August.

What obstacles arose at the beginning of entrepreneurship?

Underwater stones are enough. Gradually began to clearly felt the lack of valuable personnel, you kind of explain to workers how to make a task, but they make it in their own way. Make exactly how the entrepreneur wants this is an extremely small number of people, since wage-earners Do not delve into other people's thoughts and ideas. Therefore, it is important to clearly designate the task and ways to solve it.

Certainly, a consumer basket of the average buyer has changed a little bit with an emphasis on cheaper products. In the domestic market now there is a decline in all sectors, just the companies that work for export. If we talk about expensive fish - salmon and trout, then the volumes dropped about 50 percent. For example, before people regularly included trout or salmon on the everyday menu, now it is replaced with hunchback. Buyers do not reduce their baskets, but simply replace them with other products from the same line. In the conditions of a changing economy, it is beneficial to produce cheaper products. It is important to be able to adapt to the interests of the buyer.

For example, the mackerel smoked is always in demand, and usually it is sold without a head. We tried to sell it with your head, but by 30-40% cheaper, and she began to disperse much faster, although it's just a trick and a psychological moment, because the head is still cut at home, but the impression that this fish is cheaper, will remain.

All buyers are divided into three categories. The first includes people who come to the store and say, give me the highest quality, the price is unimportant. The second choose a quality product, but at a reasonable price. And third is interested in the cheapest product, the quality is in the last place. If you believe the statistics, the first group is 20% of the total mass of the population, and 2 and 3 groups are 40%.

Is there a chance to build a novice entrepreneur successful business Now, in the conditions of the uneasy economic situation?

Here a lot depends on the brand and price segment. Of course, enter the market is better with low prices. It is enough to offer the goods 10-20% below the average cost, and you will take a certain niche, but the cost of goods will in this case will be lower. The only question is whether such a strategy is beneficial to the novice entrepreneur?

Does everyone can do business or require certain skills for this?

I think not everyone, for this it is necessary a certain worldview, the right environment and experience. It is also important to calculate everything correctly, especially now, every detail is important in the conditions of the changed economy.

The relevance of the fish is practically not falling over time. Therefore, business on her sell can potentially become profitable idea. To determine the prospects and profitability of investments, a business plan for selling fish is necessary. We will give an example of such a business plan, on the basis of which the prospect of the development of this type of business and the estimated return on the project will be visible.

Summary of the project

Highlights of the Justification of the business plan of the fishing store are a selection of locations, selection of suppliers and equipment for the proper storage of goods.

Our fish store will be opened in big city. The store will be located on the 1st floor of an apartment building, next to other grocery stores, in a large peal area of \u200b\u200bthe city.

The assortment in the store will consist of fresh, smoked, dried and dried fish.

Major competitors:

  • Similar fish stores in the area.
  • Points of private fishermen on the market.
  • Supermarkets (fishing).

Basic business risks:

A lot of risks in any business, so you need to foresee and calculate them in advance. In a business plan for selling fish with calculations, it is necessary to include the costs of advertising budget and additional costs.

Registration of activities

Open a fish store can only be registered in the tax authority. The application must select the form of entrepreneurial activity, indicating the OKVED code 52.23.1 "Retail sale of fish and seafood", pay a state fee in the amount of 800 rubles.

Because the store will sell perishable food, it is necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor. Also, to start the store will require permission from fire inspection for compliance with the requirements and standards of fire safety indoors.

Fish from the supplier should be taken with a quality certificate, otherwise you will have to pay large penalties or generally close the store.

Registration of permits will cost 10 thousand rubles.

Search for premises

Our store is actively passionate place In a major district of the city near stop public transport And, preferably, next door to the product market. It is important that there is no similar store nearby, otherwise the struggle for the buyer will be serious, takes a lot of time, forces and money.

We will rent a room with a total area of \u200b\u200b40 square meters. m, the cost of which will be about 30,000 rubles per month. The room will consist of trade 30 square meters. m and 10 square meters. M warehouse with refrigeration equipment. We subscribe a lease agreement for a year with the possibility of redemption of the room in the event of its sale by the owner. We pay 2 months ahead

When choosing a room, we fundamentally see the presence of good sewage and water supply. It will also be important to be good ventilation.

In the room it is necessary to make a small cosmetic repairs: paint the walls, repair the floors. On the cosmetic repair of the premises allocate another 20,000 rubles for materials.

Initially, the room must be spent 80,000 rubles. Starting from the 3rd month payment will be only for 1 month of rent and utility bills (10 thousand rubles), only 40,000 rubles.

Assortment of goods

The range of products implemented will be relatively stable, but changes are possible depending on the season and demand for specific positions. For example, in the cold months there will be more offers of smoked and salted fish, seafood salads, sea cabbage. In the summer, the purchase of dried and dried fish, fish chips, etc. will be increased. As statistics shows, in summer, demand for fish is reduced at least 15%. For this reason, the procurement option will be considered an additional weight olives and pickles.

The most common breeds of fish: fresh mackerel, herring, heck and other fish, which buyers will be able to prepare at home on their own. Salted fish also leaves pretty quickly.

Main assortment of store:

  • Fresh fish.
  • Smoked fish.
  • Drier and dried fish.
  • Crayfish
  • Mussels.
  • Other.

Representatives of each category must be present on the counter store.

We will be purchased from local fishermen farmers, with whom we conclude an agreement on cooperation.

The first purchase of goods is scheduled for the amount of 300,000 rubles.

Search for shopping equipment

The store must acquire reliable refrigeration equipment, which will ensure safe storage of fresh and finished fish. After all, it is important that the fish is stored at the right temperature, which depends on its type and readiness.

Expenses to evaluate on the table

Name price, rub.
Refrigerated showcase (2 pcs.) 14 000
Refrigerator with ice generators (used) 7 000
Cold Wardrobe for Salt and Dry Fish (Used) 7 000
Fish cutting table 5 000
Counter 3 000
Rack for concomitant goods 4 000
electronic scales 5 000
Consumables (packaging, containers, knives, gloves, apron) 5 000
Chair for the seller 2 000
TOTAL 52 000

Equipment and room as a whole must be kept in perfect condition, make cleaning daily.

In addition, the fish store requires a car. We have a personal car on which you can deliver fish.


For the work of a small fishing store, many workers will not need. The owner itself will be able to sell in a pair with one employee. When choosing a seller, you should pay attention to the experience of selling fish products and the availability of a relevant sanitary book. It is important that the seller is honest and attentive, the loyalty of the target audience depends on it.

In addition, the store will require a cleaner at the end of the working day.

Estimation on the cost of workers in the table:

Worker S / p.
Seller 20 000
Cleaner for 2 hours a day 8 000
Watchman night 12 000
TOTAL 30 000

The accounting department, of course, will lead the entrepreneur himself, choose and buying goods it will also be independently. The seller will not only sell, but also to cut fish, so work experience is required.

Advertising and marketing

You need to attract customers immediately from the date of discovery, because Fish is a fast-deep product, long to lie and wait for it. Therefore, we immediately launch all possible store advertising options. Concentrate on residents of the area in which fish trade is carried out. Estimation on the advertising budget:

Costs and income

At this point of business plan, we will be summary tables of starting and monthly expenses, Calculate the approximate profits from the 3rd month of work and determine the profitability and profitability of the business.

Starting expenses

On the launch of the business it is planned to allocate 482,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses


From the first month, clients will be engaged, but the normal flow and stable sales are expected from the 3rd month, when the store will begin to be popular, pleased buyers will come again and again, recommend the store to their acquaintances.

We plan to sell:

Name Price per kg Number of kg Sum
Mackerel x / k and g / k 450 50 22 500
Herring Salt. 400 50 20 000
Fresh herring 300 20 6 000
Bream sushi. 400 10 4 000
Hake 300 50 15 000
Perch smoked 900 10 9 000
Trank 300 15 4 500
Salaka smoked 350 10 3 500
Moisa fresh 300 50 15 000
Moya smoked 350 30 10 500
Tuna Sol. 1 200 5 6 000
Tuna fresh 1000 5 5 000
Salmon Sol. 1 300 10 13 000
Mussels are fresh 1000 5 5 000
Other fish 50 000
Sea cabbage 250 30 7 500
Raki. 500 20 10 000
TOTAL 206 500

Revenue per month will be 148,000. In addition, the service will be provided with fish cleaning at a price of 300 rubles / kg. This can earn another 9,000. Total, 215,500 rubles. We take away from the purchase price from the purchase price and get 107,750 rubles.

Revenues minus costs:

107750 – 80000 = 27 750.

Calculate tax payments:

27 750 x 0.15 \u003d 4,162 rubles.

Net profit will be:

27 750 - 4 162 \u003d 23,588 rubles per month.

Calculate profitability:

(23 588/80,000) x 100 \u003d 35.74%.

This profitability to start the fishing store can be considered normal. In the plans to increase it up to 100% by the 8th month of work due to an increase in the range of fish, growth in sales of sales.

We calculate the recoupment period of the project:

28 588 / 288,000 \u003d 9 months. After 9 months, the plans can be filled with attachments. The payback period is quite large in these sales indicators, but provided an increase in the range, store promotion, attracting more purchasing payback period is planned to be reduced.


Fish sale store can be made profitable, but for this it is necessary time, the formation of a competent design and a strategic approach to business. The main difficulties are that the fish is a perishable goods, and every buyer wants to buy precisely fresh fish. To provide a quality product, we will use good refrigeration cabinets and showcases and will not purchase a fish that has a very small demand.

If the store costs pay off, the plans to realize the delivery to the house of the fish and the opening of another similar trading point In the city of S. additional services, multiple sellers and aquarium with live fish.

  • Recommendations for the definition of freshness of fish
  • How much can earn money
  • Retail technology
        • Related business ideas:

Analytical reference: Starting in 2011, the consumption of fish and seafood in Russia is growing on average by 1.5% per year. According to experts by 2015, the sales volume of fish will be about 4 million tons. An increase in the turnover of the wholesale and retail trade of analytics is associated with an increase in consumer demand, which grows against the background of the growth of the catch and the transition to the consumption of cheaper and useful fish than expensive meat. This is partly due to the popularization of healthy nutrition among the population of the country. In the near future, the demand for chilled fish is expected, especially in the regions where Japanese cuisine is actively developing.

The opening of the business in the field of trade in fish and seafood in Russia is quite promising. What, in any format, be it a fish shop or fish kiosk. In confirmation of this forecast, these figures can be given: each resident of Russia consumes up to 22 kg of fish annually, while Europe is 30 kg, and the Japanese is more than 60 kg of fish a year.

Of course, the opening of a trading point selling fish cannot look spontaneously. Before you need to spend careful marketing research territory, identify the availability of competition, determine the capacity of the market. But not only the definition of demand is the first major step. The presence of stable suppliers and favorable contracts for the supply of fish - also key moment When opening a "fish" business. The selection of this or that supplier depends on the remoteness of the wholesale bases, time and delivery speed of products (fish - the product pervious), the company's pricing policy.

Hotel Moment - delivery of products to your point. How will fish come? Your forces, supplier or transport company? If the supplier does not offer its own fish delivery services, you may have to purchase a refrigerator vehicle.

The next step is the selection of the location of the Fish Department. The most preferred places of high passability of people, such as markets, stopping complexes. However, not only permeability the most important indicator When choosing a fishing location. It is important and availability of free space, the size of rental rates. In this regard, the opening of the fish kiosk in the residential area of \u200b\u200bthe city seems to be a good solution. The location in a residential area is usually aimed at attraction permanent customers This territory.

What documents are needed to open the Fish Department

  • Certificate of registration of IP (LLC);
  • Expanding documents for non-residential premises (sales contract, lease agreement, etc.);
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion with the application of the list of products implemented (must be in the trading hall);
  • Conclusion on the compliance of the object by the established fire safety requirements (issues the Office of the State Fire Service of the City);
  • Certificate of jobs Sanitary rules SP, laws of the Russian Federation "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" and "On the quality and safety of food products";
  • Treaty on the implementation of systematic cleaning and disinfection of air conditioning and air ventilation systems;
  • Contract for the implementation of disinsection, deratization and disinfection of the room;
  • Contract for the disposal of luminescent lamps;
  • The text of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (in the Commercial Hall);
  • Phones of the GO and EFS, GUVD, FSB (in the trading floor);
  • Agreements on the removal of large garbage, food waste and MBO;
  • Personal medical records on sellers with marks on the results of inspections and hygienic certification.

Next, you should consider the range of the outlet. Its list includes about 20 types of frozen fish (Mintai, Putassu, Heck, Tilapia), 10-12 types of fresh fish, about 10 kinds of smoked fish, as well as preserves, canned food, dried fish, squid, sea cocktails, caviar and other fish Delicates. The most running types of fresh fish: carp, pike perch, pink salmon, bream, terpug, sprat. Such a fish can be purchased by large parties.

Chilled fish is usually supplied in special foam boxes and laid ice - such a design allows you to keep cold for a long time. For storage of chilled fish, a minus temperature is required 5-7 gr. Such goods are trying to take minimal parties, as the implementation period is only 72 hours. At the same temperature, salted and smoked fish are stored. But the very complex goods - Chilled fish, which must be implemented within 12 hours after catch.

The receipt of the next party of fish should be carefully checked for veterinary certificates, which must be attached to the supplier of products. Veterinary certificate confirms the quality and nutritional of products. Without this accompanying document, retail fish is prohibited.

  1. Thoroughly inspect the eyes of the fish - they must be convex, with a transparent cornea and black, brilliant pupil;
  2. Scales should be brilliant and firmly fit to the body of the fish;
  3. Fish gills should be rigid and painted in bright red, without mucus.

Fish - product perishable, so without refrigeration equipment not enough. These include: freezing lari, refrigeration showcases, special chambers.

What equipment to choose for this business

Freezers should be at least two: low and medium-temperature. The optimal storage mode of ice cream fish is minus 18 grams. - at such a temperature, the fish will fly up to 6 months. Before implementation, the goods must undergo defrostation (defrosting) within 11 hours. In principle, this time can be reduced - the main thing is that the fish can be cut. In addition to refrigeration equipment, specialized showcases will be required (1.8-2.5 m) for the calculation of products, wall racks, aquarium for live fish (as needed).

Do not do without a ice generator - refrigeration equipment designed to obtain food ice. Special scales and granulated ice generators are used in trade enterprises. The ice produced using the ice generator is used to lay out fresh fish and seafood. It retains the freshness of the product and attracts the attention of the buyer.

How much money is needed for starting business

Common cost of equipment small shopping department Make up at least 200 thousand rubles. As for the total cost of opening a business, taking into account the repair of the premises (buying a kiosk / pavilion) and the purchase of the first batch of goods will amount to at least 500 thousand rubles.

It is impossible not to say about the rules of calculating the goods in the fishing department. From the point of view of sanitation under each private view Fish (smoked and salted, ice cream, chilled) is given to its refrigerator. Separately, it is necessary to place a delicacious group: squid, octopuses, sea cocktails, caviar, etc. Representatives of the fish business recommend adhere to several simple rules for the calculation of goods. For example, the most expensive types of fish should be placed in the middle of the counter - that is, in the most prominent place. More cheap varieties can be decomposed along the edges of the counter. You should not mix seafood with fish, and fresh fish should not be together with ready-to-eat products - for example, salt or smoked fish.

Trade in fish, with all its benefits - a rather troublesome business. In their work, entrepreneurs have to deal with the markdown of goods and losses of profits, problems with the timely delivery of goods, seasonal fall in demand and other force majeure situations. Risks in this business are perhaps one of the highest in the trade sector. However, with a competent approach, knowledge of the seafood market and compliance with the quality of goods make business profitably quite real. Successful Success Experts consider a wide range of outlet, adequate prices and a colorful presentation of goods.

Step-by-step plan for opening business on retail fish

To start your business by retail Fish will need to go through the following steps:

  • register as individual entrepreneur. To do this, it is necessary to apply, pay the state duty on his submission and consideration, to provide a photocopy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • rental room. The best commerce point in the grocery hall is best. It will save us from additional spending on advertising. You can use your own room, for example, buy or build a fish strap.
  • acquisition necessary equipment (Refrigerators and special showcases, aquariums for live fish and cash register, ice berged and scales).
  • supplier search.

Here you can use two options:

  • the supplier independently brings the goods;
  • personally buy fish on the trading database;

How much can earn money

With initial investments in 450,000 rubles, that is, the opening of one trading point, the payback period is year. After this time, the entrepreneur comes to net profit.

Which OKVED indicate when registering retail fish

When registering a business in the form of retail fish, as of 2017, it is necessary to specify the code 47.23, which corresponds to retail fish, crustaceans and Malyusi.

What taxation system to choose

When choosing a tax system when opening a retail business in fish, the best Warranta will become a simplified taxation system. Here the entrepreneur has the ability to independently choose one of 2 tax deductions:

  1. 6% of profits;
  2. 15% of the difference between income and expenses.

Do I need permissions for opening a business retail fish

To open your business on retail fish, the following documents will be required:

  • resolution of the SanEpidemstation on compliance with the requirements;
  • resolution of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission of the fire inspection on compliance with the requirements of fire safety.

Every year, each citizen of Russia accounts for 22 kg of consumed fish, while Europe is eating 30 kg, and the Japanese is more than 60 kilograms. This suggests that the domestic market is still not saturated fish products. Hence, the opening of new stalls and shops selling fish and seafood can be a profitable business.

Basic preparation - market research, search suppliers and good location

It should be noted that without the preparation and research of the market in the region of the alleged trading here can not do. It is necessary to determine the container of the fish market, how large will be competition. Stable demand will most likely be guaranteed. But not only this is a decisive factor that allows you to make a final decision on the opening of the fish trading point.

Reliable suppliers are the second major condition in this branch of commerce.Good wholesale bases, commercial enterprises offering favorable prices- Search for such objects is the most important starting point to start training business. At the same time, not only the rates should be affected by the decision on the choice of one or another supplier, but also the remoteness of it from the place of trade and the ways to deliver the product. Some wholesale companies Capable to deliver independently. Otherwise, you will have to acquire your own car with a refrigerator or enter into an agreement with a transport company capable of ensuring the delivery of fish products.

To implement products, you can install a fish strap or open a department in grocery store.

Fish is a perishable product, so it is necessary to implement it quickly, therefore, points should be located in places with high patency. Stopping complexes are one of the successful options. The opening of the fish stall in a residential area will also benefit, as in this case the trading point will always be a circle of constant clientele.

Necessary documentation

To open and work, you will need a whole package of documents:

  • Registration certificate (this may be LLC or IP).
  • Documents confirming the rights to this non-residential premises are owned or used under the lease agreement.
  • Conclusion of the SES, which contains a list of all products being implemented. This document must be directly in the trading room.
  • Conclusion from municipal Department Fire-fighting service on compliance with fire safety standards.
  • Contract for maintenance and disinfection of premises and ventilation systems.
  • Contract for the removal of MBO and food waste.
  • Sanitary books from store employees.


Buyers can offer the following range:

  • Frozen fish. It is desirable that the list includes at least 15 species, and among them that are in great demand: Heck, mackerel, herring, Minttai, Gorbow, Tilapia, Putassu, Topug, Kilka, Moja.
  • Freshly dried fish. Well, if it is no less than 10 species, and among them carp, pike perch, crucian, bream. Depending on the region, and the species composition of the fish, caught in the vicinity of water bodies, the range will be different.
  • Smoked and dried fish and squid.
  • Canned food and preserves, including caviar.

You can add a list by other seafood: mussels, squid, shrimp, octopus, represented in both frozen and canned form. By ordering one or another type of fish, you should focus on the period of implementation and sales.

Freshly dried fish according to the rules must be implemented in 12 hours, so you can only order with minimal parties. Chilled fish, supplied in foam containers lined with ice, must be implemented in a mandatory order for 7 to 9 days (small) or 10-12 days (gutter and large), while compliance with the storage temperature -1⁰С -5⁰.

Taking into account the transport time, as a rule, about 3 days remain on the implementation of this type of product. Frozen batch products at -18⁰s can be saved up to 6 months.

Preservation of freshness of the product

You should always check the documentation for each new batch of products, since without a certificate issued by the State Veterinary Service retail Fish is prohibited. It should also be visually controlled by the shelf life of the received product. There are several signs that testify about freshness of fish:

  • Transparent convex eyes.
  • Smooth, not expanded scales.
  • Tight bright red gills.

Trade in such a perishable product as a fish requires the mandatory presence of a freezer, refrigerators and refrigeration showcases. If you plan to sell cooled and freshly detected fish, then you need to purchase an iceman for the production of edible ice. The ice is laid on racks with fresh fish, so that the acceptable temperature is supported, allowing you to save the fish. In addition, the stove of ice and beautifully laid out on it, trouts and other types of products look much more attractive for buyers than, say, just a fresh fish fell into a bunch.

Flow rules

When trading the fish, the rules of the calculation of goods should be observed in the same way as they do in large network stores. For example, more expensive fish and delicacies should be placed in the middle of the showcase (and at the eye level, if it is a multi-level counter), where it primarily attracts attention. There must be a fish that uses the greatest demand. Cheap varieties shift to the edge of the counter.

Each type of product should be fenced off from the other: it is impossible to place smoked meals and fresh fish, separately you also need to put seafood. Lighting is important. In practice, it is not customary to choose the lamp for food products for windows with a blue spectrum, the most winning fish will look in the light of lamps with a light yellow or pink spectrum.

Some stores use aquariums with live fish. The most resistant to the transportation and maintenance of large groups in the aquariums such species as a crucian, river perch, bream, Nalim, Sudak, Trout.

Costs and risks

Only on equipment of a small area of \u200b\u200bthe department at the grocery store will have to spend at least 300 thousand rubles. On the opening of the same business, taking into account the spending for the repair of the premises, or buying a kiosk or pavilion, and about 600 thousand rubles will go to the starting batch of products.

At the same time, it is necessary to know in advance about the risks that trade is accompanied by a perishable product. For example, in case of insufficient demand for freshly dried fish, it is likely to be needed to make a markdown to have time to sell the product until it has expired. Sometimes even have to throw out a spoiled product. To minimize such risks, you should seriously approach the logistics and take into account seasonal peaks and decals in demand. Despite the fact that the risks are one of the most serious in this field of business, with a competent organization you can succeed. To maintain good demand, it is recommended to offer a wide range of buyers, to be able to beautifully present every position and the whole store as a whole, to offer the most consumer prices.


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