What work must do the janitor. Janitor: job description. The duties of the janitor. Sample of typical janitor's job instruction

1.1. The main task of the janitor is the cleaning of sites and areas (territories) of the service facility.

1.2. The janitor directly submits the manager of the production department, or the object manager of the department for working with major and regional objects, or a supervisor responsible for the work of the facility.

1.3. The janitor is appointed and exempt from office in the manner prescribed by the company, the order of the Director-General.

1.4. The janitor should know the sanitary rules on the content of the streets, security rules when performing cleaning work.

1.5. In his work, the janitor is guided by the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the company's charter, the rules of the internal labor regulation, orders (instructions) of the Director-General, quality policy and internal regulatory documents.

2. Functional duties

The janitor performs the following functional responsibilities:

2.1. Cleaning of streets, sidewalks, sites and areas (territories) of the facility: timely cleaning of snow and a vaccine of sidewalks along the facades of buildings and buildings, yard areas, including entry into the courtyard, housekeeping sites in the installation places for collecting containers household waste, road coatings, exterior stairs to the basement of the object, processing their sand or sand mixture with salt, cracking and folding snow (in winter from October 15 to April 15);

2.2. Cleaning of sewer, fire and gas wells (from snow, ice and garbage) for free access to them at any time (constantly);

2.3. Cleaning from the snow roofing, canopies and lanterns (architectural), as well as chip icicles (in winter);

2.4. Loading snow into special cars for subsequent export from the territory of the facility (in winter);

2.5. Cleaning the entire territory of the object (including lawns and flower) from garbage and leaves (constantly);

2.6. Haircut grass and decorative shrubs on the lawns of the object manually or with the help of machines and devices (in the summer from April 15 to October 15);

2.7. Digging and cleaning grooves and trays for flowing water to hatches and receiving wells (in summer);

2.8. Watering with water of all street territories of the serviceable object, incl. lawns, flower and green plantings;

2.9. Cleaning and sanitary processing of urns, garbage collectors (containers), install them in places, cleaning the places of their installation (constantly);

2.10 Observation of the timely cleaning of yard garbagers (containers), for the correctness of all the external equipment, property (fences, stairs, cornices, waterproof pipes, urns, signs, pointers, etc.), for the safety of green plantings and their fences;

2.11. Removing contaminants with lanterns (architectural and street), signage and pointers (constantly as needed).

2.12. Cleaning the garage and parking on the territory of the object:

    floor cleaning and removal of stable contaminants (including oil spots) from the floor (constantly as needed);

    removal of dust and stable pollution from moisture-resistant walls (constantly as needed);

    removing local contaminants from the inside of windows (constantly as needed);

    removal of dust from switches, fire sensors, electrical outlet, fire extinguishers and communication pipes (constantly as needed).

3. Rights

3.1. The janitor does not have the right to represent on behalf of the company.

3.2. The janitor has the right:

    timely receiving from the economic part of the required consumables, equipment, inventory, other means of labor related to the sphere of its activities;

    make proposals to the immediate leader of rational use supplies et al.

    require the provision of providing normal working conditions (placement, workstation);

    use approved CEO Instructions, orders, orders, rules, etc. Documents regulating the work of the janitor;

inform the management of the firm on the available disadvantages in the service of objects.

4. Responsibility Janitor is responsible:

4.1. For poor-quality and late fulfillment of tasks and responsibilities provided for by this Instruction.

4.2. For non-use and / or unlawful use of rights provided by this Instruction.

4.3. For non-compliance with instructions, orders, orders, rules, etc. documents regulating the work of the janitor.

4.4. For non-compliance with safety and counter fire safety.

4.5. For damage or negligent attitude to storage and use, theft of property of the company and the facilities served.

4.6. For rude relation (behavior) when communicating with personnel and visitors of the service facility and firm.

4.7. For untidy appearance, no shaped clothing and icon when performing your duties.

4.8. For issuing confidential information About the company and clients or collecting information by penetrating the service network or viewing its documentation to the computer network.

5. Interaction with divisions (departments), officials

The janitor interacts with all the functional units (departments) and officials of the company within its competence.

for labor protection


Yailo O.T.

protocol No. ____ from "__" ___ 201__.

N.V. Andreychuk

Order No.__ from "_" ._. 20__g.

Journal of janitor

1. General provisions job description janitor

1.1. Present job description of the school janitor Developed on the basis of tariff qualification characteristics in general-industry workers' professions approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor Russian Federation from 10.11.92 №31 (as amended from 11/24/2008), in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and others regulatory actsregulating labor Relations between the employee and the employer.

1.2. The janitor is hired and dismissed from the work director of the school on the submission of the Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Work (AHR) without the presentation of the requirements for the formation and experience of work.

1.3. The Ukrainian janitor is subordinate directly to the Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Work.

1.4. For the period of vacant and temporary disability of the janitor, his duties can be assigned to other employees of the younger service personnel. Temporary execution of obligations in these cases is carried out on the basis of the order of the School Director, published in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

1.5. In his immediate work, the janitor is guided by the decisions of local authorities on sanitation, improvement, external content of buildings and structures, public relations; cleaning rules; rules of safe use of detergents and disinfectants; rules of exploitation of sanitary equipment; common rules and labor protection and safety, sanitation and fire protection equipment, also by charter educational organization, The rules of the internal labor regulation of the school, local legal acts of the school, orders and orders of the director.

1.6. The janitor is also guided by the employment contract and this janitor's job description in school, complies with the instructions for the protection of the warehouse in school.

1.7. The janitor should know:

  • sanitary and hygienic standards for the content of the territory of the educational institution.
  • layout and borders of cleaning of the assigned territory;
  • protection standards ambient;
  • the order of cleaning the territory;
  • instructions and technological recommendations for cleaning work;
  • devices and rules of operation of tools, inventory, devices used in operation;
  • rules for the use of antifungal materials;
  • safety rules when performing cleaning work;
  • rules for the use of detergents and norms of treatment with them;
  • norma business communication, etiquette;
  • the rules of the internal labor regulation;
  • rules and norms of labor protection, safety, fire safety, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;
  • rules for using fire protection funds;
  • the procedure for noting the Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Work on all the shortcomings detected during operation;
  • the procedure for action in the extreme situation, threatening the life and health of children and adults.
  • addresses and phone numbers: School Directors, Deputy Director for AHR (Zagokhoz), Police Department, Local Police Inspector Militia, Ambulance, Fire Party, Nearest Medical Aid Institution, Pharmacies, etc.

1.8. The janitor must comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, have first aid skills.

2.1. The main purpose of the post of office is the maintenance of a proper sanitary condition and order at the level of the requirements of the SES on the fixed area of \u200b\u200bthe school area and the adjacent territory during the working day.

3. Official duties of the janitor

3.1. Cleaning the territory of the educational institution enshrined behind it, removes the sidewalks and a plot adjacent to school.

3.2. Checks the condition of the territory and is convinced that all wells are closed with covers, there are no sharp objects on the site (wire, reinforcement, broken glass, etc.).

3.3. Makes the necessary materials and equipment necessary for cleaning (harvesting inventory, sand, watering hoses, etc.).

3.4. It produces on the fixed area to irrigate green spaces.

3.5. Conducts activities to prepare inventory and cleaning equipment to work in the winter.

3.6. It is timely cleaning from snow and ice sidewalks, tracks, driveways, sprinkles them with sand.

3.7. Cleans fire wells for free access to them at any time.

3.8. Root and clean the grooves and trays for water drain.

3.9. Daily cleans urns from garbage and periodically rinsing and disinfects them.

3.10. Carries out the transportation of garbage into containers.

3.11. The janitor watches:

  • for the timely cleaning of garbage containers;
  • behind the health and safety of the entire exterior equipment of the school building and property (fences, stairs, cornices, drainage pipes, urns, signs, etc.);
  • for the preservation of green plantings and fences.

3.12. It carries out timely, but not less than two-time shelter in the summer on the fixed area.

3.13. Posts flags on the facade of the school building in general holidaysAnd also removes and keeps them.

3.14. Fencing dangerous sites and reports this to the Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Work (Reluchno).

3.15. Participates in the collaboration of a school territory.

3.16. When determining the damage or theft of the property of the school, public relations immediately reports the school administration, and in emergency cases directly into the police.

3.17. The employee in the process of work strictly complies with the official instructions of the school janitor, labor protection instructions and fire safety.

3.18. When the smell of gas or a breakthrough of pipelines (water supply, sewage, heating, etc.) calls the corresponding specialized emergency brigade.

3.19. When a fire is detected, immediately informs fire protection By phone 101 and the school administration.

3.20. Help persons affected by accidents with immediate report on the incident to the medical institution and the administration of a general education institution.

The janitor has the right:

4.1. To receive the inventory and the selection of the room for its storage.

4.2. To receive overalls on established standards.

4.3. Prevent obvious violations by schoolchildren safety regulations, labor protection, sanitation and fire safety in school.

4.4. Submit to disciplinary responsibility to the Deputy Director for educational work Pupils for misconduct, resulting in harm to school property.

4.5. Make proposals for improving the work of the janitor and maintenance Schools.

4.6. Receive from Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Work (Zagokhoz) and use information materials and regulatory documentswho are needed to execute their official duties.

4.7. On protecting professional honor and own dignity.

4.8. For familiarization with complaints, reports and other documents, which contain the assessment of the work of the janitor, give explanations on them.

4.9. For a confidential service investigation, except for the cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.10. The Ukrainian Janitor also has the rights stipulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter, Collective contract and the rules of the internal labor regulation.

5. Responsibility of the janitor of the school

5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper performance without valid reasons for the Charter of the School, the Labor Contract, the requirements of the Journal's Journal, the Rules of Internal Labor Regulations, Lawless Orders and Organization of the Administration of School and other local regulations, the janitor carries disciplinary responsibility in the manner defined by labor legislation.

5.2. For violation of the rules of fire safety, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing an educational process, the janitor is involved in administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by administrative law.

5.3. For the guilty causing school or participants in the educational process of damage due to the execution or non-performance of their duties, the janitor bears material responsibility in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil law.

5.4. For use, including one-time, methods of education associated with physical and (or) mental violence on the identity of the child, the janitor is exempt from his position in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Relationship. Communication by position

6.1. Works in the normalized working day on schedule compiled, based on the 40-hour working weekapproved by the Director of the School on the School of Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Works;

6.2. Receives information of the regulatory and organizational and methodological information from the school principal and its deputies, meets the relevant documents on receipt.

6.3. Instructing according to the rules of sanitation and hygiene, the rules of cleaning, safe use of disinfectants, as well as on labor protection and fire safety under the leadership of the Deputy Director of the School on Administrative and Economic Work.

6.4. Systematically communicates with information on issues related to its competence, with employees of a general education institution.

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Journal of a janitor in kindergarten

The MBDOU Kistan is guided in his work by the job description, which agrees the work for daily fulfillment and responsibility for violations of disciplinary and other order. The instruction for the janitor is developed on the basis of regulatory documents governing tariff qualification characteristics for workers by profession. The list approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in 1992 and has undergone some changes in 2008.

See also: Article for the terrorism of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Sample typical job description janitor in kindergarten

The job description is a legal document for each employee, guided by it, it is possible to outline a clear range of responsibilities accounted for in the main functions of the employee, to determine the rights and responsibility for improper performance. labor discipline. It also indicates what documents should be guided by the wrench, working in the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution. That is why the employee must be familiar with the job description before the start of its activities. Familiarization is approved by the Signature on the document.

General provisions

Like many regulationsThe job instruction contains general provisions describing a profession and general qualification knowledge required when receiving work. The janitor refers to the category of workers. To work is taken without requirements for the experience and education. But the person applying to the wizard in the Dow must have a certain amount of knowledge that are formed on the basis of the study of regulatory documents on sanitary and hygienic specifications, improvement, labor protection and jet safety of the Russian Federation. The working work is subordinate to the direct brigadier, master and garden leader.

Official duties

The janitor in kindergarten has the following job responsibilities according to the instructions:

  • All the courtyard and the court territory should be in a timely manner in summer from garbage and leaves, in winter from snow and ice.
  • Urns, in the yard and behind the courtyard, but related to kindergarten should be clean and lean.
  • Consider clean and manner work inventory.
  • The worker monitors visitors belonging to the territory kindergarten, and leaving it.
  • In a timely manner, the direct supervisor, director of the kindergarten, and in need and to the police.
  • With a committed crime, the employee is obliged to fulfill the function of the guard and protect their traces before the arrival of the police.

The employee requires strict compliance with labor discipline, and follow the prescribed schedule of the day, as well as the job instruction. In addition, it leads the technical documentation necessary in its work.


The janitor in kindergarten has the right to a respectful attitude towards his work by personnel and visitors. And it can alarm the violations on their part, thereby demanding to attract them to material or disciplinary responsibility. It can receive unlimited access to documents in which his rights and obligations are described. And also make constructive proposals for improving workflows or reflecting the territory.

A responsibility

The janitor in kindergarten is responsible for non-compliance with the points of official instructions and poor-quality performance of their direct duties. The inventory issued by the employee is listed for it throughout labor activity. The worker carries material responsibility for its safety and appropriate appearance. Unacceptable offense associated with non-compliance with labor discipline or other offenses qualified under the articles of the administrative, civil or criminal code.

Working conditions

Director of Children preschool institution, educators and other employees in their work are guided by the regulations of GEF. Work is organized in accordance with the provisions of the labor and culture of the behavior of pedagogical workers in force on the legislation.

The working conditions of the cleaner of the territories do not have official regulatory indicators, so the number of territory cleaning workers is solved individually for each institution, usually this is one person. The working day of the territory cleaner coincides with the daytime work of the kindergarten, and its weekend fall on Saturday and Sunday. In special cases caused by weather or other conditions, an abnormal working day is possible.


Are you here

Journal of janitor

name of the organization, enterprise]

[Position, signature, F. I. O. Head or other

officer authorized to assert

[day month Year]

[Name of the organization, enterprises, etc.]

This job description is developed and approved in accordance with the provisions. Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulatory acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The janitor refers to the category of workers.

1.2. The janitor is appointed to the position and exempt from it by the head of the enterprise and submits directly [enter the desired].

1.3. The janitor should know:

- norms and requirements for the state of external improvement of the territory adjacent to the home ownership and environmental protection;

- requirements for sanitary content of the territories;

- planning and borders of cleaning the fixed area;

- order of cleaning the territory;

- properties of detergents and rules of safe use by them;

- devices and rules of operation of servicing equipment and devices used in operation;

- rules for the use of antifungal materials;

- addresses and phone numbers: services of operational organizations, the nearest police station, a local police inspector, ambulance, a fire department, the nearest agencies for the provision of medical care, pharmacy, children's room, etc.;

- safety rules when performing cleaning work;

- the procedure for notifying its direct supervisor about all the shortcomings discovered during operation;

- rules of the internal labor regulation;

- rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;

- Rules for the use of fire protection funds;

2. Official duties

The janitor performs the following duties:

2.1. Passes in the prescribed manner periodic medical inspections.

2.2. It examines the working area and is convinced that all the wells are closed with covers, pits and trenches are fenced, and in the territory there are no sharp objects on the territory (wire, reinforcement, broken large glass, etc.).

2.3. Checks the presence of portable fences.

2.4. Brings (browing) for cleaning materials and inventory (sand, watering hoses, etc.).

2.5. Before the start of cleaning in the transport zone, alarm vest is put on.

2.6. Instructed manifest instruction on labor protection and industrial sanitation.

2.7. Puts on the retractable areas in the transport area of \u200b\u200btransport from a possible departure at the prescribed distance from the workplace portable fences, painted in bright colors.

2.8. Produces cleaning the territory assigned to it;

2.9. Fencing dangerous sites and reports this to his direct supervisor.

2.10. When the smell of gas or a breakthrough of pipelines (water supply, sewage, heating and other) is detected by the corresponding specialized emergency brigade.

2.11. Provides first (prefigured) assistance to victims during injury, poisoning and sudden disease and, if necessary, organizes their delivery to the health care institution.

2.12. Takes measures to prevent crimes and violations of the order at the serviced area, the offenses report reports to the police station.

2.13. Notifies his direct supervisor about any situation, threatening life and health of people, about every accident that occurred in the service area.

2.14. Cleanss installed on the territory of the urn as they are filled (but at least twice a day) and the locations of their installation.

2.15. Carries out washing and disinfection of urns as they are contaminated.

2.16. It produces urn painting as needed (but at least once a year).

2.17. Cleans the caps of sewer, gas and fire wells.

2.18. Carries out a preventive inspection, removing garbage from garbage proof cameras and their cleaning.

2.19. Includes and turns off the lighting at the service area.

2.20. Cleans the territory, passages and sidewalks from snow, dust and fine domestic garbage with preliminary moisture of the territory.

2.21. Root and clean the grooves and trays for water drain.

2.22. It produces preventive inspection of rainy wells on established graphics (but at least once a quarter).

2.23. Provides safety equipment and operation of watering cranes for washing and watering from hoses.

2.24. Produces water plant and their fences on the fixed area.

2.25. Conducts activities to prepare inventory and cleaning equipment to work in the winter.

2.26. Swells the territory, cleans it from snow and ice.

2.27. Ice ice and removes snow-icy formations.

2.28. Sprinkle with sand.

2.29. Removes and stores snow in places that do not hinder the free passage of vehicles and movement of pedestrians.

2.30. Cleaning from snow and ice fire wells for free access to them.

2.31. Cleans the ditches for drainwater drain to the hatches and receiving wells of the storm network.

2.32. Processes the antifungal materials of the sidewalks and stairways of bridge structures, clears the passages for the movement of pedestrians during the period of intense snowfall (more than 1 cm / hour).

2.33. Performs sanitary processing of tanks and buckets for food waste and garbage after their purification, observing the established concentration of disinfecting solutions.

2.34. Performs other cleaning work.

2.35. [Enter the desired].

3. Rights

The janitor has the right:

3.1. Receive from the enterprise management the information necessary for its work.

3.2. Submit proposals aimed at improving the organization and quality of their work.

3.3. Require from the leadership of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties.

3.4. [Enter the desired].

4. Responsibility

The janitor is responsible:

4.1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of their official duties, provided for in this official instruction, within the limits defined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

See also: Help for calculating the hospital leaf from the previous job

4.2. For causing material damage - within certain current legislation Russian Federation.

4.3. For committing offenses in the process of its activities, depending on the nature and consequences, within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

4.4. [Enter the desired].

The job instruction is designed in accordance with [Name, number and document date].



Sample janitor's instructions

1. General Provisions

1.1. The janitor is a worker and subordinate directly ......... (Name of position / profession of the head)

1.2. For work, the janitor is accepted by the age of 18 years:

1) having a basic general education;

2) past short-term training or instruction.

1.3. The work indicated in paragraph 1.2 of this Instruction is allowed:

1) who passed in accordance with the procedure for training on labor protection and verification of knowledge of labor protection of employees of employees of organizations (Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29) Training to safe methods and techniques for the performance of work, instructing on labor protection (introductory and in the workplace), internship in the workplace and verification of knowledge of labor protection claims;

2) the past preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic medical examinations (surveys), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (surveys) in the manner established by law Russian Federation;

3) Last instructions on labor protection and fire safety in the workplace.

1.4. The janitor should know:

1) norms and rules for servicing external improvement elements outdoor territory;

2) norms and rules for servicing solid coatings of the local area in summer and winter conditions;

3) layout and border of cleaning of the attached area;

4) requirements for the sanitary condition of the local territory in summer and winter conditions;

5) Standard set of inventory, means of mechanization, individual protection and consumables for the production of work;

6) properties of detergents and rules for use;

7) the principle of operation of the storm sewage;

8) technology for the production of work on the cleaning of the local territory in summer and winter conditions;

9) the rules for the use of antifungal coatings;

10) the fill technology of rinks;

11) Rules for cleaning from snow, land and icicles of elements of the enclosing building structures;

12) requirements for the sanitary maintenance of the technical premises of the residential building;

13) Requirements for the illumination of the local area;

14) the requirements of environmental and industrial safety in the work of work;

15) Addresses and telephone number of emergency dispatch service;

16) the requirements for the quality of the work performed;

17) types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate;

18) the procedure for notifying the head of all the shortcomings found during operation;

19) the rules for the first (prefiguration) assistance to victims during injury, poisoning and sudden disease;

20) the rules of the internal labor regulation;

21) rules for labor protection, production sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

22) ......... (other requirements for necessary knowledge)

1.5. The janitor should be able to:

1) determine the volumes and types of forthcoming work on the maintenance of the elements of the external improvement of the local area;

2) to determine the volumes and types of forthcoming maintenance of solid coatings of the local area in summer and winter conditions;

3) determine the timing and intensity of watering sidewalks, flower, lawns and green plantings;

4) apply the means of small mechanization in the work when servicing the elements of the external improvement of the local area in summer and winter conditions;

5) Select detergent for flushing and disinfection installed at the local urn territory;

6) prepare cleaning equipment, inventory and means of small mechanization for work in summer and winter conditions;

7) determine the performance of rainy trays and wells;

8) use the receptions of the cleaning of sidewalks, the roasolines of intravenor's entrances, the scene, household and container sites, parking from dust, small household garbage and leaves, from snow and land in the winter period;

9) determine the location of the sewer, fire and gas wells;

10) determine the volumes and types of upcoming related work in the technical premises of the residential building;

11) identify the nomenclature of the inventory used and the number of consumables;

12) use the receptions of cleaning from snow, toes and icicles of the enclosing structures of the building;

13) assess the quality of the work performed;

14) determine the locations of damage to intra-level pipelines (heat supply, water supply, sewage);

15) comply with the requirements of technical documentation that determines the frequency and quality of the work performed;

16) comply with the requirements of labor protection, fire safety and electrical safety in professional activities;

17) ......... (other requirements for necessary skills)

1.6. ......... (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Labor functions of the janitor are:

2.1.1. Cleaning the local area of \u200b\u200ba residential building:

1) work on servicing the elements of the external improvement of the local area;

2) work on the cleaning of solid coatings of the local territory in summer conditions;

3) work on harvesting solid coatings of the local area in winter conditions;

4) Related work in the technical premises of a residential building.

2.2. ......... (other functions)

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Before the start of the day (shift), the janitor:

1) is in the prescribed manner prey (prophylactic) medical examination;

2) gets a production task;

3) passes if necessary for labor protection;

4) takes a shift;

5) checks the condition of fixtures, tools, inventory, etc., personal protective equipment;

6) ......... (other duties)

3.2. In the process of work, the janitor:

1) performs work that is instructed and allowed to work;

2) uses overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment;

3) receives instructions from the direct supervisor to perform the task, safe receptions and methods of work production;

4) complies with the rules of use technological equipment, fixtures and tools, ways and techniques for safe work;

5) immediately puts the direct supervisor about all the shortcomings discovered during operation;

6) complies with personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

7) ......... (other duties)

3.3. During the working day (shift), the janitor performs the following duties within the framework of labor functions:

3.3.1. Within labor functionspecified in PP. 1 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) carries out the preparation of the workplace for the production of work;

2) collects and remove small household waste and leaves from lawns, flower and playgrounds, including with the use of small mechanization, in the local area;

3) watering water sidewalks, flowerbeds, lawns and green areas of the local area;

4) produces a lawn haircut manually or using small mechanization;

5) cuts trees and decorative shrubs manually or using mechanized tools and devices;

6) removes pollution from small architectural forms and elements of playgrounds;

7) produces cleaning of urns and garbage installed at the local area as they fill;

8) carries out washing and disinfection of urns and garbagers installed at the local territory as they are contaminated;

9) monitors the timeliness of the export of garbage containers with the local area.

3.3.2. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2 p. 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) carries out the preparation of the workplace for the production of work in summer conditions;

2) will perform a wet cleaning of sidewalks, the closures of intra-door entrances, the scene, household and container sites, parking from dust, small household garbage and leaves, including with the use of small mechanization;

3) produces collecting, transporting and loading garbage into garbage containers;

4) carries out inspection and cleaning of raid lattices to ensure their performance;

5) produces cleaning of channels and trays for water drain in hatches and receiving wells.

3.3.3. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 3 p. 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) carries out the preparation of the workplace for the production of work in winter conditions;

2) Clears the passages for the movement of pedestrians during the period of intensive snowfall;

3) performs to the rolling of a haul with sidewalks, the clocks of intrastore entrances, the scene, economic and container sites, parking;

4) removes and storing snow and slotted ice in a specially reserved place;

5) produces the sprinkling of sidewalks, the trummiffs of intravenor's entrances, gentlemen, economic and container sites, parking with antifungal compositions;

6) Cleans from snow and none of the sewer, fire and gas wells;

7) produces loading of snow and shred ice into cars for removal from the local area;

8) carries out the fill skating rink in a specially reserved place.

3.3.4. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 4 p. 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) prepares a workplace for the production of related work;

2) performs the cleaning of basements and attic rooms;

3) Cleans from snow and overt the external stages of entry into the basement;

4) sprinkles the stages of entry into the basement with antifungal compositions;

5) produces snow removal, land and icicles from the roof, canopies and lanterns of a residential building;

6) includes and turns off the lighting at the service area;

7) informs information about the presence of gas smell or damage to intra-door pipelines (heat supply, water supply, sewage) in the emergency dispatch service.

3.4. At the end of the working day (shift), the janitor:

1) leads to the proper state of the device, the tool, transfers them to storage;

2) removes dirt from overalls and special bows, if necessary, places drying and storage;

We offer you a typical example of the janitor's job description, Sample 2017 - 2018. A person can be appointed to this position without the presentation of education requirements and experience. The job instruction should contain a detailed, deployed description of the whole thing that should be done at its workplace Wistrik Housing and communal services.

The structure of official duties of the janitor housing and communal services is:

  • general provisions;
  • duties;
  • rights;
  • a responsibility.

It is important for the employer to know that the applicant for this workplace The requirements for the degree of education, the experiment is presented to be. What is included in the duties of the janitor housing and communal services? The main job responsibilities are as follows:

  • cleaning assigned territory;
  • cleaning the sidewalks and tracks from snow, ice, as well as sprinkling them with sand;
  • content in the working (cleaned) state of drainage trays, canals, as well as fire pitches;
  • liberation from garbage urn, with periodic washing;
  • in the fall, dig and remove the leaves;
  • care of green plantings - watering, loosening, cutting, etc.;
  • in the spring and summer watering water sidewalks, paths, bridges;
  • support in the purity of the entrances, stairs, as well as the observance of the integrity and irrevocability of the whole common property.

The janitor is subordinate to the Master Housing and communal services and the manager, from them can receive tasks directly, and if it is necessary to urgently eliminate the consequences of the fire, the bay of water or other accident, it will be redirected to the place where it needs to be assisted.

It is this employee who is obliged to report to the leadership of the disorder seen, and have the right to offer ways to eliminate the problem.

The janitor should also comply with the norms and rules adopted for all housing and utilities workers - do not allow absenteeism, non-fulfillment of management orders, comply with the requirements of TB and labor protection, fire and sanitary standards.

Journal of janitor. Sample number 1


(establishment name)

00.00.201_ №00

  1. General provisions

1.1. Indeed official instruction determines the duties, rights and responsibilities. janitor _____________________ (hereinafter - "Enterprise").

Name of the institution

1.2. The janitor is accepted and dismissed from her by order of the head of the enterprise and is subordinate to __________________________.

1.3. The janitor is obliged to know:

- requirements and norms of the state of external improvement of the territory adjacent to home ownership;

Environmental protection requirements;

- requirements for sanitary content of the territories;

- planning and borders of cleaning the fixed area;

- rules for cleaning the territory;

- properties of detergents and rules for safe use;

- rules of operation of servicing devices and equipment used in operation and their device;

- rules for the use of antifungal materials;

- phone numbers and addresses of the nearest police station, operational organizations, local police officers, fire, emergency, the nearest medical care facilities, children's room, pharmacies, etc.;

- safety rules when performing cleaning work;

- the procedure for noting his head about all the shortcomings found during operation;

- rules of the internal labor regulation;

- norms and rules for labor protection, personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

- Rules for using fire protection products.

  1. Official duties

The janitor is obliged:

2.1. Inspect the working area and make sure that all the wells are closed with covers, the trenches of the pits are fenced, and there are no sharp objects on the territory of the ground (reinforcement, wire, broken large glass, etc.).

2.2. Parish periodic medical examinations in the prescribed manner.

2.3. Check the presence of portable fences.

2.4. Turning out the signal vest before starting cleaning in the transport zone.

2.5. Bridge (drive) necessary for cleaning equipment and materials (watering hoses, sand, etc.).

2.6. Going instructing on labor protection and industrial sanitation.

2.7. Produce cleaning the territory assigned to it.

2.8. Installing portable fences painted in bright colors on the transport area of \u200b\u200btransport.

2.9. Fencing dangerous sites and report it to his leader.

2.10. Proponial assistance to victims during injury, sudden disease or poisoning and, if necessary, arrange their delivery to the health care institution.

2.11. It causes a specialized emergency brigade when the smell of gas or a breakthrough of pipelines (sewage, water supply, heating and other) is discovered.

2.12. Report offenses to the police department.

2.13. Notify your head about any situation that threatens the health and life of people, about every accident that happened in the service area.

2.14. Clean installed on the territory of the urn as they are filled (but at least twice a day) and the locations of their installation.

2.15. Take measures to prevent violations of the procedure and crimes on the serviced area.

2.16. Welcoating and disinfection of urns as they are contaminated.

2.17. Preventive inspection, removal of garbage from waste cameras and their cleaning.

2.18. Produce painting urns as needed (but at least once a year).

2.19. Clean the caps of sewer, fire and gas wells.

2.20. Enable and disable lighting at the service area.

2.21. Dig and clean the grooves and trays for water drain.

2.22. Cleaning the territory, sidewalks and drips from dust, snow and small household garbage with preliminary moistening of the territory.

2.23. Make a prophylactic inspection of rainy wells on established graphics (but at least once a quarter).

2.24. Produce on the enshrined territory, watering green plantings and their fences.

2.25. Ensure the safety of the equipment and the operation of watering cranes for watering and washing from hoses.

2.26. Conduct activities to prepare cleaning equipment and inventory to work in the winter.

2.27. Rock ice and remove snow-ice education.

2.28. Sprinkle with sand.

2.29. Board the territory, clean it from ice and snow.

2.30. Purify from ice and snow fire wells for free access to them.

2.31. Canceling the ditches for drainwater drain on the receiving wells and the hatch of the storm network.

2.32. Delete and fold snow in places that are not preventing the free movement of pedestrians and driving vehicles.

2.33. Processing with antifungal materials staircases of bridge structures and sidewalks.

2.34. Sanitary processing of buckets and tanks for food waste and garbage after their purification by compliance with the established concentration of disinfecting solutions.

2.35. Passages to move pedestrians during the period of intensive snowfall (more than 1 cm / hour).

2.36. Perform other work on cleaning the territory.

  1. Rights

The janitor has the right:

3.1. Submit their proposals aimed at improving the organization and quality of their work.

3.2. Receive information from the management of the enterprise that is necessary for its work.

3.3. Require from the management of the enterprise to help fulfill their official duties.

  1. A responsibility

The janitor is responsible:

4.1. For non-fulfillment or short-term execution of their official duties, which are provided for by this official instruction in the framework of the framework specified by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For legal violations, which are committed in the process of carrying out their activities in a framework defined criminal, administrative and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material harm to the employer in the framework of the framework-specific civil and labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head structural unit: _____________ __________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

The instruction is familiar with the instruction

one instance received: _____________ __________________

(signature), (surname, initials)

Journal of janitor. Sample number 2.


Director ______________________________________ / _______________ /


  1. General provisions

1.1. The main task of the janitor is the cleaning of sites and areas (territories) of the service facility.

1.2. The janitor directly submits the manager of the production department, or the object manager of the department for working with major and regional objects, or a supervisor responsible for the work of the facility.

1.3. The janitor is appointed and exempt from office in the manner prescribed by the company, the order of the Director-General.

1.4. The janitor should know the sanitary rules on the content of the streets, security rules when performing cleaning work.

1.5. In his work, the janitor is guided by the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the company's charter, the rules of the internal labor regulation, orders (instructions) of the Director-General, quality policy and internal regulatory documents.

  1. Functional responsibilities

The janitor performs the following functional duties:

2.1. Cleaning streets, sidewalks, sites and areas (territories) of the facility: timely cleaning of snow and a vacuum of ice sidewalks along the facades of buildings and buildings, yard areas, including entry into the courtyard, household platforms in places of installation of containers for collecting household waste, road coatings, external stairs to basements of the object, processing them with sand or sand mixture with salt, cracking and folding snow (in winter from October 15 to April 15);

2.2. Cleaning of sewer, fire and gas wells (from snow, ice and garbage) for free access to them at any time (constantly);

2.3. Cleaning from the snow roofing, canopies and lanterns (architectural), as well as chip icicles (in winter);

2.4. Loading snow into special cars for subsequent export from the territory of the facility (in winter);

2.5. Cleaning the entire territory of the object (including lawns and flower) from garbage and leaves (constantly);

2.6. Haircut grass and decorative shrubs on the lawns of the object manually or with the help of machines and devices (in the summer from April 15 to October 15);

2.7. Digging and cleaning grooves and trays for flowing water to hatches and receiving wells (in summer);

2.8. Watering with water of all street territories of the serviceable object, incl. lawns, flower and green plantings;

2.9. Cleaning and sanitary processing of urns, garbage collectors (containers), install them in places, cleaning the places of their installation (constantly);

2.10 Observation of the timely cleaning of yard garbagers (containers), for the correctness of all the external equipment, property (fences, stairs, cornices, waterproof pipes, urns, signs, pointers, etc.), for the safety of green plantings and their fences;

2.11. Removing contaminants with lanterns (architectural and street), signage and pointers (constantly as needed).

2.12. Cleaning the garage and parking on the territory of the object:

  • floor cleaning and removal of stable contaminants (including oil spots) from the floor (constantly as needed);
  • removal of dust and stable pollution from moisture-resistant walls (constantly as needed);
  • removing local contaminants from the inside of windows (constantly as needed);
  • removal of dust from switches, fire sensors, electrical outlet, fire extinguishers and communication pipes (constantly as needed).
  1. Rights

3.1. The janitor does not have the right to represent on behalf of the company.

3.2. The janitor has the right:

  • timely receiving from the economic part of the required consumables, equipment, inventory, other means of labor related to the sphere of its activities;
  • to make proposals to the direct supervisor about the rational use of consumables, etc.
  • require the provision of providing normal working conditions (placement, workstation);
  • use approved by the Director General, instructions, orders, orders, rules, etc. Documents regulating the work of the janitor;

inform the management of the firm on the available disadvantages in the service of objects.

  1. A responsibility

The janitor is responsible:

4.1. For poor-quality and late fulfillment of tasks and responsibilities provided for by this Instruction.

4.2. For non-use and / or unlawful use of rights provided by this Instruction.

4.3. For non-compliance with instructions, orders, orders, rules, etc. documents regulating the work of the janitor.

4.4. For non-compliance with safety and fire safety.

4.5. For damage or negligent attitude to storage and use, theft of property of the company and the facilities served.

4.6. For rude relation (behavior) when communicating with personnel and visitors of the service facility and firm.

4.7. For an untidy appearance, the absence of uniform clothes and badges when performing their duties.

4.8. For the issuance of confidential information about the company and clients or collecting information by penetrating the object to the computer network or view its documentation.

  1. Interaction with divisions (departments), officials

The janitor interacts with all the functional units (departments) and officials of the company within its competence.

With the instruction acquainted _______________________________

Journal of janitor. Sample number 3.

_______________________________ (initials, surname)
______________________________________________ (name of company)
»» ______________ 20__g. N_________
This job description has been developed and approved on
Base labor contract from __________________________________________
(The name of the position of the person on which this Job Description is compiled) and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory acts regulating labor legal relations in the Russian Federation.

  1. General provisions
    1.1. The janitor refers to the category of workers.
    1.2. The janitor is appointed to the post and exempt from her by the head of the enterprise and submits directly
    1.3. The janitor should know:
    - norms and requirements for the state of external improvement of the territory adjacent to the home ownership and environmental protection;
    - requirements for sanitary content of the territories;
    - planning and borders of cleaning the fixed area;
    - order of cleaning the territory;
    - Instructions and technological recommendations for cleaning work;
    - properties of detergents and rules of safe use by them;
    - devices and rules of operation of servicing equipment and devices used in operation;
    - rules for the use of antifungal materials;
    - addresses and phone numbers: services of operational organizations, the nearest police station, a local police inspector, ambulance, a fire department, the nearest agency for the provision of medical care, pharmacies, children's room, etc.;
    - safety rules when performing cleaning work;
    - the procedure for notifying its direct supervisor about all the shortcomings discovered during operation;
    - rules of the internal labor regulation;
    - rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;
    - Rules for using fire protection products.

    2. Official duties
    The janitor performs the following duties:
    2.1. Periodic medical examinations are held in the prescribed manner.
    2.2. It examines the working area and is convinced that all the wells are closed with covers, pits and trenches are fenced, and in the territory there are no sharp objects on the territory (wire, reinforcement, broken large glass, etc.).
    2.3. Checks the presence of portable fences.
    2.4. Brings (browing) necessary for cleaning materials and inventory (sand, watering hoses, etc.).
    2.5. Before the start of cleaning in the transport zone, alarm vest is put on.
    2.6. Instructed manifest instruction on labor protection and industrial sanitation.
    2.7. Puts on the retractable areas in the transport area of \u200b\u200btransport from a possible departure at the prescribed distance from the workplace portable fences, painted in bright colors.
    2.8. Produces cleaning the territory assigned to it;
    2.9. Fencing dangerous sites and reports this to his direct supervisor.
    2.10. When the smell of gas or a breakthrough of pipelines (water supply, sewage, heating and other) is detected by the corresponding specialized emergency brigade.
    2.11. Provides first (prefigured) assistance to victims during injury, poisoning and sudden disease and, if necessary, organizes their delivery to the health care institution.
    2.12. Takes measures to prevent crimes and violations of the order at the serviced area, the offenses report reports to the police station.
    2.13. Notifies his direct supervisor about any situation, threatening life and health of people, about every accident that occurred in the service area.
    2.14. Cleanss installed on the territory of the urn as they are filled (but at least twice a day) and the locations of their installation.
    2.15. Carries out washing and disinfection of urns as they are contaminated.
    2.16. It produces urn painting as needed (but at least once a year).
    2.17. Cleans the caps of sewer, gas and fire wells.
    2.18. Carries out a preventive inspection, removing garbage from garbage proof cameras and their cleaning.
    2.19. Includes and turns off the lighting at the service area.
    2.20. Cleans the territory, passages and sidewalks from snow, dust and fine domestic garbage with preliminary moisture of the territory.
    2.21. Root and clean the grooves and trays for water drain.
    2.22. It produces preventive inspection of rainy wells on established graphics (but at least once a quarter).
    2.23. Ensures the safety of equipment and operation of watering cranes for washing and watering from hoses.
    2.24. Produces water plant and their fences on the fixed area.
    2.25. Conducts activities to prepare inventory and cleaning equipment to work in the winter.
    2.26. Swells the territory, cleans it from snow and ice.
    2.27. Ice ice and removes snow-icy formations.
    2.28. Sprinkle with sand.
    2.29. Removes and stores snow in places that do not hinder the free passage of vehicles and movement of pedestrians.
    2.30. Cleaning from snow and ice fire wells for free access to them.
    2.31. Cleans the ditches for drainwater drain to the hatches and receiving wells of the storm network.
    2.32. Processes the antifungal materials of the sidewalks and stairways of bridge structures, clears the passages for the movement of pedestrians during the period of intense snowfall (more than 1 cm / hour).
    2.33. Performs sanitary processing of tanks and buckets for food waste and garbage after their purification, observing the established concentration of disinfecting solutions.
    2.34. Performs other cleaning work.

    3. Rights
    The janitor has the right:
    3.1. Receive from the enterprise management the information necessary for its work.
    3.2. Submit proposals aimed at improving the organization and quality of their work.
    3.3. Require from the leadership of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties.

    4. Responsibility
    The janitor is responsible:
    4.1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of their official duties, provided for in this official instruction, within the limits defined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4.2. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4.3. For committing offenses in the process of its activities, depending on the nature and consequences, within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

    The job instruction is designed in accordance with ________________ (name, number and date of the document)
    Head of the Structural Division (initials, surname)
    »» _____________ 20__g.


Head of the legal department
(initials, surname)
»» ________________ 20__.

Instructions are familiar with: (initials, surname)
»» _____________20__

Journal of janitor. Sample number 4.

Position: Janitor
1. General Provisions:


  • The janitor is directly subordinate ........................
  • The janitor performs instructions ....................................................

(Indications of these workers you are executed only if they do not contradict the directions of the direct supervisor).


  • The janitor replaces .................................................................................
  • The janitor replaces ..............................................................................

Reception and exemption from office:
The janitor is appointed and dismissed by the head of the department as a coordination with the head of the division.

  1. Requirements for qualifications:
    Must know:
  • resolution of the Council of People's Deputies of Workers on Sanitation, Improvement, External Content of Buildings and Protection of Public Order
  • addresses and phone numbers: police departments, local district police inspector, ambulance, fire department, the nearest agency for the provision of medical care, pharmacies, children's room, etc.
  1. Official duties:
  • Cleaning streets, sidewalks, sites and squares adjacent to the serviced home ownership.
  • Timely cleaning from snow and ice sidewalks, bridge and tracks, sprinkling them with sand.
  • Cleaning fire wells for free access to them at any time.
  • Digging and cleaning grooves and trays for water drain.
  • Flushing of street urns and periodic cleaning them from garbage.
  • Watering water yard, bridge and sidewalks.
  • Observation of the timely cleaning of courtyard garbage boxes, public toilets and their sanitary condition, maintaining cleanliness on stairwells and other common areas outside the apartment for the health and safety of all outdoor household equipment and property (fences, stairs, eaves, drain pipes, urns, signage and t.
  • e), for the preservation of green plantings and their fences; For preservation of cellars, sheds, warehouses, and in the absence of tenants and their apartments.
  • Watching flags on house facades, as well as removal and storage of them.
  • Timely ignition and extinguishing lanterns on the service area.
  • Control over the departure and entry of residents.
  • Message about violations by the management home, district inspector or in the police station.
  • Participation in bypassing the territories of households held by the police.
  • Adoption of measures to prevent crimes and proceedings; Immediate message about a committed crime into the police station; Protection of the crime before the arrival of representatives of the police? Assisting persons affected by accidents, elderly, sick, children, etc.
  1. Rights
  • The janitor has the right to give subordinate to him to employees of the instructions, tasks in a circle of issues included in its functional duties.
  • The janitor has the right to control the performance of production tasks, timely execution of individual instructions subordinate to him by employees.
  • Janitor has the right to request and receive necessary materials and documents relating to the issues of their activities and the activities of the staff subordinates.
  • The janitor has the right to interact with other enterprise services for manufacturing and other issues included in its functional duties.
  • The janitor has the right to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the division.
  • The janitor has the right to offer a proposal for the head of improving work related to the obligations provided for by this official instruction.
  • The janitor has the right to make a proposal for consideration of the head of the promotion of distinguished workers, imposing the impositions of violators of industrial and labor discipline.
  • The janitor has the right to report to the head of all identified disorders and disadvantages due to the work performed.
  1. A responsibility
  • The janitor is responsible for improper performance or non-fulfillment of its official duties stipulated by this official instruction - within the limits defined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The janitor is responsible for violating the rules and provisions regulating the activities of the enterprise.
  • When moving to another job or liberation, the janitor is responsible for the proper and timely passage of affairs, entering into a real position, and in the absence of such, his face replacing it or directly to his leader.
  • The janitor is responsible for the offenses committed in the process of carrying out its activities - within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.
  • The janitor is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.
  • The janitor is responsible for complying with the existing instructions, orders and conservation orders commercial mystery and confidential information.
  • The janitor is responsible for the execution of rules internal regulations, TB Rules and Fire Safety.

This job description is developed in accordance with (name, number and document date)

Structural leader

(signature) surname, initials


Head of the legal department:

(signature) surname, initials

The instructions are familiar with:

(signature) surname, initials

Norms of cleaning of the territory

Heavy physical exertion when performing official duties, the housing and communal services should be limited to an area that this worker can alter.

Terms of cleaning of the territory for the janitor with housing and communal services are governed by such legislation:

  1. Order of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of 09.12.1999 N 139.
  2. Resolution of the Gosstroita of the Russian Federation №170 dated 09/27/2003.
  3. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 24.06.1996 N 38.

It turned out that the work standards for the workshop of housing and communal services is a whole science.

For example, sidewalks are divided into classes, depending on the road workload:

  • 1st class, if no more than 50 people passes in both sides for 1 hour;
  • 2nd class, when the intensity of pedestrian movement is in the range from 50 to 100 people. at one o'clock;
  • 3rd grade - for 1 hour more than 100 people will pass.

The sidewalks damaged by the people are difficult to clean, not interfering with pedestrians, sweeping and watering them more conveniently in the morning or late in the evening, while the area of \u200b\u200bdifferent class intensity needs different frequency of cleaning.

Since the work of the janitor remained still manual, so far the rate of the cleaned area is taken equal to 500 m2 - precisely to be cleaned, and not common.

Salary level

Despite the fact that the work of the cleaner is heavy, passing publicly, that is, in sight and regardless of weather conditions, the level of salaries of this category of service housing and communal services leaves much to be desired.

Thus, in 2016, in Moscow, earnings of the janitor amounted to no more than 15-16 thousand rubles, and the periphery did not exceed 8 thousand rubles. per month.

It is the level of salaries and holds back people from the desire to go to the wipers. In addition, short-sighted leaders often require the cleaner to be on the territory enshrined after it from 8-00 to 17-00.

I wonder the employers who allow the janitor to share their working time On the morning and evening hours.

In this case, before the mass yield of tenants to work, the leaves can be removed from sidewalks and tracks, which is more pleasant to people and does not give the snow to compact, making it difficult to clean. To those employees of the communal sphere that our yards do cleaner, and our common property More well-groomed and unharmed, it should be treated with great respect than we are accustomed, and appreciate their difficult and ungrateful work in dignity.

The rights of the janitor are as follows:

  • get the necessary tools and materials necessary for work;
  • require the provision of premises for storing materials and tools, as well as creating normal working conditions;
  • submitting proposals regarding best Organization labor, improve their work;
  • require familiarization with the Public Utilities Documents regarding his duties and rights, as well as the terms of payment and bonuses.

As for responsibility, the janitor must be responsible for non-fulfillment of its official duties, as well as in case of the offense of any sense. There will be a cleaner to answer according to the law and in the event that the enterprise causes material harm to its actions.

We offer you a typical example of the janitor's job description, Sample 2017 - 2018. A person can be appointed to this position without the presentation of education requirements and experience. The job instruction should contain a detailed, deployed description of the whole thing that should be done at its workplace Wistrik Housing and communal services.

The structure of official duties of the janitor housing and communal services is:

  • general provisions;
  • duties;
  • rights;
  • a responsibility.

It is important for the employer to know that the applicant for this working position of claims for the degree of education, the experiment is presented to be. What is included in the duties of the janitor housing and communal services? The main job responsibilities are as follows:

  • cleaning assigned territory;
  • cleaning the sidewalks and tracks from snow, ice, as well as sprinkling them with sand;
  • content in the working (cleaned) state of drainage trays, canals, as well as fire pitches;
  • liberation from garbage urn, with periodic washing;
  • in the fall, dig and remove the leaves;
  • care of green plantings - watering, loosening, cutting, etc.;
  • in the spring and summer watering water sidewalks, paths, bridges;
  • support in the purity of the entrances, stairs, as well as the observance of the integrity and irrevocability of the whole common property.

The janitor is subordinate to the Master Housing and communal services and the manager, from them can receive tasks directly, and if it is necessary to urgently eliminate the consequences of the fire, the bay of water or other accident, it will be redirected to the place where it needs to be assisted.

It is this employee who is obliged to report to the leadership of the disorder seen, and have the right to offer ways to eliminate the problem.

The janitor should also comply with the norms and rules adopted for all housing and utilities workers - do not allow absenteeism, non-fulfillment of management orders, comply with the requirements of TB and labor protection, fire and sanitary standards.

Journal of janitor. Sample number 1


(establishment name)

00.00.201_ №00

  1. General provisions

1.1. Indeed official instruction determines the duties, rights and responsibilities. janitor _____________________ (hereinafter - "Enterprise").

Name of the institution

1.2. The janitor is accepted and dismissed from her by order of the head of the enterprise and is subordinate to __________________________.

1.3. The janitor is obliged to know:

- requirements and norms of the state of external improvement of the territory adjacent to home ownership;

Environmental protection requirements;

- requirements for sanitary content of the territories;

- planning and borders of cleaning the fixed area;

- rules for cleaning the territory;

- properties of detergents and rules for safe use;

- rules of operation of servicing devices and equipment used in operation and their device;

- rules for the use of antifungal materials;

- phone numbers and addresses of the nearest police station, operational organizations, local police officers, fire, emergency, the nearest medical care facilities, children's room, pharmacies, etc.;

- safety rules when performing cleaning work;

- the procedure for noting his head about all the shortcomings found during operation;

- rules of the internal labor regulation;

- norms and rules for labor protection, personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

- Rules for using fire protection products.

  1. Official duties

The janitor is obliged:

2.1. Inspect the working area and make sure that all the wells are closed with covers, the trenches of the pits are fenced, and there are no sharp objects on the territory of the ground (reinforcement, wire, broken large glass, etc.).

2.2. Parish periodic medical examinations in the prescribed manner.

2.3. Check the presence of portable fences.

2.4. Turning out the signal vest before starting cleaning in the transport zone.

2.5. Bridge (drive) necessary for cleaning equipment and materials (watering hoses, sand, etc.).

2.6. Going instructing on labor protection and industrial sanitation.

2.7. Produce cleaning the territory assigned to it.

2.8. Installing portable fences painted in bright colors on the transport area of \u200b\u200btransport.

2.9. Fencing dangerous sites and report it to his leader.

2.10. Proponial assistance to victims during injury, sudden disease or poisoning and, if necessary, arrange their delivery to the health care institution.

2.11. It causes a specialized emergency brigade when the smell of gas or a breakthrough of pipelines (sewage, water supply, heating and other) is discovered.

2.12. Report offenses to the police department.

2.13. Notify your head about any situation that threatens the health and life of people, about every accident that happened in the service area.

2.14. Clean installed on the territory of the urn as they are filled (but at least twice a day) and the locations of their installation.

2.15. Take measures to prevent violations of the procedure and crimes on the serviced area.

2.16. Welcoating and disinfection of urns as they are contaminated.

2.17. Preventive inspection, removal of garbage from waste cameras and their cleaning.

2.18. Produce painting urns as needed (but at least once a year).

2.19. Clean the caps of sewer, fire and gas wells.

2.20. Enable and disable lighting at the service area.

2.21. Dig and clean the grooves and trays for water drain.

2.22. Cleaning the territory, sidewalks and drips from dust, snow and small household garbage with preliminary moistening of the territory.

2.23. Make a prophylactic inspection of rainy wells on established graphics (but at least once a quarter).

2.24. Produce on the enshrined territory, watering green plantings and their fences.

2.25. Ensure the safety of the equipment and the operation of watering cranes for watering and washing from hoses.

2.26. Conduct activities to prepare cleaning equipment and inventory to work in the winter.

2.27. Rock ice and remove snow-ice education.

2.28. Sprinkle with sand.

2.29. Board the territory, clean it from ice and snow.

2.30. Purify from ice and snow fire wells for free access to them.

2.31. Canceling the ditches for drainwater drain on the receiving wells and the hatch of the storm network.

2.32. Delete and fold snow in places that are not preventing the free movement of pedestrians and driving vehicles.

2.33. Processing with antifungal materials staircases of bridge structures and sidewalks.

2.34. Sanitary processing of buckets and tanks for food waste and garbage after their purification by compliance with the established concentration of disinfecting solutions.

2.35. Passages to move pedestrians during the period of intensive snowfall (more than 1 cm / hour).

2.36. Perform other work on cleaning the territory.

  1. Rights

The janitor has the right:

3.1. Submit their proposals aimed at improving the organization and quality of their work.

3.2. Receive information from the management of the enterprise that is necessary for its work.

3.3. Require from the management of the enterprise to help fulfill their official duties.

  1. A responsibility

The janitor is responsible:

4.1. For non-fulfillment or short-term execution of their official duties, which are provided for by this official instruction in the framework of the framework specified by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For legal violations, which are committed in the process of carrying out their activities in a framework defined criminal, administrative and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material harm to the employer in the framework of the framework-specific civil and labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of the Structural Unit: _____________ __________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

The instruction is familiar with the instruction

one instance received: _____________ __________________

(signature), (surname, initials)

Journal of janitor. Sample number 2.


Director ______________________________________ / _______________ /


  1. General provisions

1.1. The main task of the janitor is the cleaning of sites and areas (territories) of the service facility.

1.2. The janitor directly submits the manager of the production department, or the object manager of the department for working with major and regional objects, or a supervisor responsible for the work of the facility.

1.3. The janitor is appointed and exempt from office in the manner prescribed by the company, the order of the Director-General.

1.4. The janitor should know the sanitary rules on the content of the streets, security rules when performing cleaning work.

1.5. In his work, the janitor is guided by the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the company's charter, the rules of the internal labor regulation, orders (instructions) of the Director-General, quality policy and internal regulatory documents.

  1. Functional responsibilities

The janitor performs the following functional duties:

2.1. Cleaning streets, sidewalks, sites and areas (territories) of the facility: timely cleaning of snow and a vacuum of ice sidewalks along the facades of buildings and buildings, yard areas, including entry into the courtyard, household platforms in places of installation of containers for collecting household waste, road coatings, external stairs to basements of the object, processing them with sand or sand mixture with salt, cracking and folding snow (in winter from October 15 to April 15);

2.2. Cleaning of sewer, fire and gas wells (from snow, ice and garbage) for free access to them at any time (constantly);

2.3. Cleaning from the snow roofing, canopies and lanterns (architectural), as well as chip icicles (in winter);

2.4. Loading snow into special cars for subsequent export from the territory of the facility (in winter);

2.5. Cleaning the entire territory of the object (including lawns and flower) from garbage and leaves (constantly);

2.6. Haircut grass and decorative shrubs on the lawns of the object manually or with the help of machines and devices (in the summer from April 15 to October 15);

2.7. Digging and cleaning grooves and trays for flowing water to hatches and receiving wells (in summer);

2.8. Watering with water of all street territories of the serviceable object, incl. lawns, flower and green plantings;

2.9. Cleaning and sanitary processing of urns, garbage collectors (containers), install them in places, cleaning the places of their installation (constantly);

2.10 Observation of the timely cleaning of yard garbagers (containers), for the correctness of all the external equipment, property (fences, stairs, cornices, waterproof pipes, urns, signs, pointers, etc.), for the safety of green plantings and their fences;

2.11. Removing contaminants with lanterns (architectural and street), signage and pointers (constantly as needed).

2.12. Cleaning the garage and parking on the territory of the object:

  • floor cleaning and removal of stable contaminants (including oil spots) from the floor (constantly as needed);
  • removal of dust and stable pollution from moisture-resistant walls (constantly as needed);
  • removing local contaminants from the inside of windows (constantly as needed);
  • removal of dust from switches, fire sensors, electrical outlet, fire extinguishers and communication pipes (constantly as needed).
  1. Rights

3.1. The janitor does not have the right to represent on behalf of the company.

3.2. The janitor has the right:

  • timely receiving from the economic part of the required consumables, equipment, inventory, other means of labor related to the sphere of its activities;
  • to make proposals to the direct supervisor about the rational use of consumables, etc.
  • require the provision of providing normal working conditions (placement, workstation);
  • use approved by the Director General, instructions, orders, orders, rules, etc. Documents regulating the work of the janitor;

inform the management of the firm on the available disadvantages in the service of objects.

  1. A responsibility

The janitor is responsible:

4.1. For poor-quality and late fulfillment of tasks and responsibilities provided for by this Instruction.

4.2. For non-use and / or unlawful use of rights provided by this Instruction.

4.3. For non-compliance with instructions, orders, orders, rules, etc. documents regulating the work of the janitor.

4.4. For non-compliance with safety and fire safety.

4.5. For damage or negligent attitude to storage and use, theft of property of the company and the facilities served.

4.6. For rude relation (behavior) when communicating with personnel and visitors of the service facility and firm.

4.7. For an untidy appearance, the absence of uniform clothes and badges when performing their duties.

4.8. For the issuance of confidential information about the company and clients or collecting information by penetrating the object to the computer network or view its documentation.

  1. Interaction with divisions (departments), officials

The janitor interacts with all the functional units (departments) and officials of the company within its competence.

With the instruction acquainted _______________________________

Journal of janitor. Sample number 3.

_______________________________ (initials, surname)
______________________________________________ (name of company)
»» ______________ 20__g. N_________
This job description has been developed and approved on
The basis of an employment contract with __________________________________________
(The name of the position of the person on which this Job Description is compiled) and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory acts regulating labor legal relations in the Russian Federation.

  1. General provisions
    1.1. The janitor refers to the category of workers.
    1.2. The janitor is appointed to the post and exempt from her by the head of the enterprise and submits directly
    1.3. The janitor should know:
    - norms and requirements for the state of external improvement of the territory adjacent to the home ownership and environmental protection;
    - requirements for sanitary content of the territories;
    - planning and borders of cleaning the fixed area;
    - order of cleaning the territory;
    - Instructions and technological recommendations for cleaning work;
    - properties of detergents and rules of safe use by them;
    - devices and rules of operation of servicing equipment and devices used in operation;
    - rules for the use of antifungal materials;
    - addresses and phone numbers: services of operational organizations, the nearest police station, a local police inspector, ambulance, a fire department, the nearest agency for the provision of medical care, pharmacies, children's room, etc.;
    - safety rules when performing cleaning work;
    - the procedure for notifying its direct supervisor about all the shortcomings discovered during operation;
    - rules of the internal labor regulation;
    - rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;
    - Rules for using fire protection products.

    2. Official duties
    The janitor performs the following duties:
    2.1. Periodic medical examinations are held in the prescribed manner.
    2.2. It examines the working area and is convinced that all the wells are closed with covers, pits and trenches are fenced, and in the territory there are no sharp objects on the territory (wire, reinforcement, broken large glass, etc.).
    2.3. Checks the presence of portable fences.
    2.4. Brings (browing) necessary for cleaning materials and inventory (sand, watering hoses, etc.).
    2.5. Before the start of cleaning in the transport zone, alarm vest is put on.
    2.6. Instructed manifest instruction on labor protection and industrial sanitation.
    2.7. Puts on the retractable areas in the transport area of \u200b\u200btransport from a possible departure at the prescribed distance from the workplace portable fences, painted in bright colors.
    2.8. Produces cleaning the territory assigned to it;
    2.9. Fencing dangerous sites and reports this to his direct supervisor.
    2.10. When the smell of gas or a breakthrough of pipelines (water supply, sewage, heating and other) is detected by the corresponding specialized emergency brigade.
    2.11. Provides first (prefigured) assistance to victims during injury, poisoning and sudden disease and, if necessary, organizes their delivery to the health care institution.
    2.12. Takes measures to prevent crimes and violations of the order at the serviced area, the offenses report reports to the police station.
    2.13. Notifies his direct supervisor about any situation, threatening life and health of people, about every accident that occurred in the service area.
    2.14. Cleanss installed on the territory of the urn as they are filled (but at least twice a day) and the locations of their installation.
    2.15. Carries out washing and disinfection of urns as they are contaminated.
    2.16. It produces urn painting as needed (but at least once a year).
    2.17. Cleans the caps of sewer, gas and fire wells.
    2.18. Carries out a preventive inspection, removing garbage from garbage proof cameras and their cleaning.
    2.19. Includes and turns off the lighting at the service area.
    2.20. Cleans the territory, passages and sidewalks from snow, dust and fine domestic garbage with preliminary moisture of the territory.
    2.21. Root and clean the grooves and trays for water drain.
    2.22. It produces preventive inspection of rainy wells on established graphics (but at least once a quarter).
    2.23. Ensures the safety of equipment and operation of watering cranes for washing and watering from hoses.
    2.24. Produces water plant and their fences on the fixed area.
    2.25. Conducts activities to prepare inventory and cleaning equipment to work in the winter.
    2.26. Swells the territory, cleans it from snow and ice.
    2.27. Ice ice and removes snow-icy formations.
    2.28. Sprinkle with sand.
    2.29. Removes and stores snow in places that do not hinder the free passage of vehicles and movement of pedestrians.
    2.30. Cleaning from snow and ice fire wells for free access to them.
    2.31. Cleans the ditches for drainwater drain to the hatches and receiving wells of the storm network.
    2.32. Processes the antifungal materials of the sidewalks and stairways of bridge structures, clears the passages for the movement of pedestrians during the period of intense snowfall (more than 1 cm / hour).
    2.33. Performs sanitary processing of tanks and buckets for food waste and garbage after their purification, observing the established concentration of disinfecting solutions.
    2.34. Performs other cleaning work.

    3. Rights
    The janitor has the right:
    3.1. Receive from the enterprise management the information necessary for its work.
    3.2. Submit proposals aimed at improving the organization and quality of their work.
    3.3. Require from the leadership of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties.

    4. Responsibility
    The janitor is responsible:
    4.1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of their official duties, provided for in this official instruction, within the limits defined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4.2. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4.3. For committing offenses in the process of its activities, depending on the nature and consequences, within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

    The job instruction is designed in accordance with ________________ (name, number and date of the document)
    Head of the Structural Division (initials, surname)
    »» _____________ 20__g.


Head of the legal department
(initials, surname)
»» ________________ 20__.

Instructions are familiar with: (initials, surname)
»» _____________20__

Journal of janitor. Sample number 4.

Position: Janitor
1. General Provisions:


  • The janitor is directly subordinate ........................
  • The janitor performs instructions ....................................................

(Indications of these workers you are executed only if they do not contradict the directions of the direct supervisor).


  • The janitor replaces .................................................................................
  • The janitor replaces ..............................................................................

Reception and exemption from office:
The janitor is appointed and dismissed by the head of the department as a coordination with the head of the division.

  1. Requirements for qualifications:
    Must know:
  • resolution of the Council of People's Deputies of Workers on Sanitation, Improvement, External Content of Buildings and Protection of Public Order
  • addresses and phone numbers: police departments, local district police inspector, ambulance, fire department, the nearest agency for the provision of medical care, pharmacies, children's room, etc.
  1. Official duties:
  • Cleaning streets, sidewalks, sites and squares adjacent to the serviced home ownership.
  • Timely cleaning from snow and ice sidewalks, bridge and tracks, sprinkling them with sand.
  • Cleaning fire wells for free access to them at any time.
  • Digging and cleaning grooves and trays for water drain.
  • Flushing of street urns and periodic cleaning them from garbage.
  • Watering water yard, bridge and sidewalks.
  • Observation of the timely cleaning of courtyard garbage boxes, public toilets and their sanitary condition, maintaining cleanliness on stairwells and other common areas outside the apartment for the health and safety of all outdoor household equipment and property (fences, stairs, eaves, drain pipes, urns, signage and t.
  • e), for the preservation of green plantings and their fences; For preservation of cellars, sheds, warehouses, and in the absence of tenants and their apartments.
  • Watching flags on house facades, as well as removal and storage of them.
  • Timely ignition and extinguishing lanterns on the service area.
  • Control over the departure and entry of residents.
  • Message about violations by the management home, district inspector or in the police station.
  • Participation in bypassing the territories of households held by the police.
  • Adoption of measures to prevent crimes and proceedings; Immediate message about a committed crime into the police station; Protection of the crime before the arrival of representatives of the police? Assisting persons affected by accidents, elderly, sick, children, etc.
  1. Rights
  • The janitor has the right to give subordinate to him to employees of the instructions, tasks in a circle of issues included in its functional duties.
  • The janitor has the right to control the performance of production tasks, timely execution of individual instructions subordinate to him by employees.
  • The janitor has the right to request and receive the necessary materials and documents relating to the issues of its activities and the activities of the staff subordinates.
  • The janitor has the right to interact with other enterprise services for manufacturing and other issues included in its functional duties.
  • The janitor has the right to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the division.
  • The janitor has the right to offer a proposal for the head of improving work related to the obligations provided for by this official instruction.
  • The janitor has the right to make a proposal for consideration of the head of the promotion of distinguished workers, imposing the impositions of violators of industrial and labor discipline.
  • The janitor has the right to report to the head of all identified disorders and disadvantages due to the work performed.
  1. A responsibility
  • The janitor is responsible for improper performance or non-fulfillment of its official duties stipulated by this official instruction - within the limits defined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The janitor is responsible for violating the rules and provisions regulating the activities of the enterprise.
  • When moving to another job or liberation, the janitor is responsible for the proper and timely passage of affairs, entering into a real position, and in the absence of such, his face replacing it or directly to his leader.
  • The janitor is responsible for the offenses committed in the process of carrying out its activities - within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.
  • The janitor is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.
  • The janitor is responsible for complying with the existing instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
  • The janitor is responsible for the implementation of the rules of the internal regulations, TB rules and fire safety.

This job description is developed in accordance with (name, number and document date)

Structural leader

(signature) surname, initials


Head of the legal department:

(signature) surname, initials

The instructions are familiar with:

(signature) surname, initials

Norms of cleaning of the territory

Heavy physical exertion when performing official duties, the housing and communal services should be limited to an area that this worker can alter.

Terms of cleaning of the territory for the janitor with housing and communal services are governed by such legislation:

  1. Order of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of 09.12.1999 N 139.
  2. Resolution of the Gosstroita of the Russian Federation №170 dated 09/27/2003.
  3. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 24.06.1996 N 38.

It turned out that the work standards for the workshop of housing and communal services is a whole science.

For example, sidewalks are divided into classes, depending on the road workload:

  • 1st class, if no more than 50 people passes in both sides for 1 hour;
  • 2nd class, when the intensity of pedestrian movement is in the range from 50 to 100 people. at one o'clock;
  • 3rd grade - for 1 hour more than 100 people will pass.

The sidewalks damaged by the people are difficult to clean, not interfering with pedestrians, sweeping and watering them more conveniently in the morning or late in the evening, while the area of \u200b\u200bdifferent class intensity needs different frequency of cleaning.

Since the work of the janitor remained still manual, so far the rate of the cleaned area is taken equal to 500 m2 - precisely to be cleaned, and not common.

Salary level

Despite the fact that the work of the cleaner is heavy, passing publicly, that is, in sight and regardless of weather conditions, the level of salaries of this category of service housing and communal services leaves much to be desired.

Thus, in 2016, in Moscow, earnings of the janitor amounted to no more than 15-16 thousand rubles, and the periphery did not exceed 8 thousand rubles. per month.

It is the level of salaries and holds back people from the desire to go to the wipers. In addition, short-sighted leaders often require the cleaner to be on the territory enshrined after it from 8-00 to 17-00.

It is wiser to receive those employers who allow the janitor to share their working hours on the morning and evening hours.

In this case, before the mass yield of tenants to work, the leaves can be removed from sidewalks and tracks, which is more pleasant to people and does not give the snow to compact, making it difficult to clean. To those employees of the municipal sphere that our courtyards do cleaner, and our common property is more well-groomed and unharmed, it should be treated with great respect than we are accustomed, and appreciate their difficult and ungrateful work to dignity.

The rights of the janitor are as follows:

  • get the necessary tools and materials necessary for work;
  • require the provision of premises for storing materials and tools, as well as creating normal working conditions;
  • submit to the leadership of proposals regarding the best organization of labor, improving their work;
  • require familiarization with the Public Utilities Documents regarding his duties and rights, as well as the terms of payment and bonuses.

As for responsibility, the janitor must be responsible for non-fulfillment of its official duties, as well as in case of the offense of any sense. There will be a cleaner to answer according to the law and in the event that the enterprise causes material harm to its actions.

1.1. This instruction is drawn up in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 10.10.1992. №31 "On approval of the tariff qualification characteristics for general-industry workers' professions".

1.2. The janitor refers to the category of workers.

1.3. This official instruction determines the duties, rights and responsibility of the janitor.

1.4. The janitor is appointed and exempt from office by order director of the technical school on the submission of the head of the economic department.

1.5. The janitor is subordinate directly to the head of the economy.

1.6. The janitor should know:

Guidelines and regulatory documents of higher bodies relating to the economic maintenance of the territory and improvement of the technical school;

Sanpin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general education institutions;

Means of mechanization of labor service staff.

1.7. The janitor in its activities is guided by:

Charter and local legal acts of the technical school;

Orders and orders of the director of the technical school;

Rules and norms of labor protection;

Safety and fire protection;

The rules of the internal labor regulation;

This official instruction.

1.8. The janitor complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

1.9. For the period of vacant and temporary disability of the janitor, his duties can be assigned to other employees of the younger service personnel. Temporary execution of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of the order of the Director of the Technical School, published in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

2. Functions

2.1. Maintaining the sanitary condition of the enshrined territory at the level of SES requirements.

  1. 3. Official duties

3.1. Cleaning streets, sidewalks, sites and areas (territories) of the facility: timely cleaning of snow and a vacuum of ice sidewalks along the facades of buildings and buildings, yard areas, including entry into the courtyard, household platforms in places of installation of containers for collecting household waste, road coatings, external stairs to basements of the object, processing them with sand or sand mixture with salt, cracking and folding snow (in winter from October 15 to April 15);

3.2. Cleaning of sewer, fire and gas wells (from snow, ice and garbage) for free access to them at any time (constantly);

3.3. Cleaning from the snow roofing, canopies and lanterns (architectural), as well as chip icicles (in winter);

3.4. Cleaning the entire territory of the object (including lawns and flower) from garbage and leaves (constantly);

3.5. Haircut grass and decorative shrubs on the lawns of the object manually or with the help of machines and devices (in the summer from April 15 to October 15);

3.6. Digging and cleaning grooves and trays for flowing water to hatches and receiving wells (in summer);

3.7. Watering with water of all street territories of the serviceable object, incl. lawns, flower and green plantings;

3.8. Cleaning and sanitary processing of urns, garbage collectors (containers), install them in places, cleaning the places of their installation (constantly);

3.9. Monitoring the timely cleaning of yard garbagers (containers), for the correctness of all the external equipment, property (fences, stairs, eaves, drain pipes, urns, signs, pointers, etc.), for the safety of green plantings and their fences;

3.8. Removing contaminants with lanterns (architectural and street), signage and pointers (constantly as needed).

3.9. Cleaning garbage on the fixed area.

3.10. Transportation of garbage into containers.

3.11. Maintaining fixed area clean during the working day.

3.12. Performing requirements in accordance with the official instruction on labor protection.

3.13. Hanging flags on the facades of buildings, as well as removal of them and storage;

3.14. Material liability for the safety of its inventory.

3.15. The fulfillment of other assignments of the technical school leadership, which have not included in this Official Instruction, but arising from the production necessity.

  1. 4. Rights

The janitor has the right :

4.1. To submit to disciplinary responsibility to the Deputy Director for OSM students for misconduct, disorganizing educational and educational process, in the manner prescribed by the Rules on Promotions and Research.

4.2. Make proposals for improving the work of the MOS and technical service of the technical school.

4.3. Improve your qualifications.

  1. 5. A responsibility

The janitor is responsible:

5.1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of their official duties stipulated by this official instruction, within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities, within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.

5.4. For violation of the requirement federal Law "On personal data" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as internal regulatory acts of the technical school, regulating the protection of the interests of the interests of personal data, the procedure for processing and protecting personal data - within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. For non-fulfillment or improper performance of its functions and responsibilities provided for in this official instruction, orders, orders, orders of the leadership of the Technical School, which have not included in this Official instructions, but arising in connection with the production necessity and other offenses - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation: Comment, reprimand, dismissal.

6. Interactions

6.1. Works on schedule compiled based on the 40-hour working week and approved by the director of the technical school.

6.2. Gets from the head of the economic department of the technical school information of a regulatory and legal and organizational nature, meets a receipt with the relevant documents.

6.3. Interacts on issues included in its competence, with employees of the economic department.


Perhaps it will be useful to read: